Nick Zurawski Jon Stensberg Some other kid. Everyone hates formal definition of a derivative, so...

Rules n’ Stuff Nick Zurawski Jon Stensberg Some other kid

Transcript of Nick Zurawski Jon Stensberg Some other kid. Everyone hates formal definition of a derivative, so...

Rules n’ StuffNick ZurawskiJon Stensberg

Some other kid

Power Rule Everyone hates

formal definition of a derivative, so use this instead

d/dx (x^n) = nx^(n-1)

Bring it down, subtract one from the power

Y=X3+X Do each piece separately 3X2

1 Y’=3X2+1


A’=2πr Should look familiar… Circumference is just the power rule

derivative of Area


Solve each part 32/3 * X5/3

21 * X5/2

¼ * X-7/8

Y’= 32/3*X5/3 - 21*X5/2 + 1/4*X-7/8

Product Rule• LITERALLY the most forgotten rule in

Calculus. If you forget about the product rule, Ms. Scarseth will incessantly mock you in front of your peers – learn it!

• RULE: First term multiplied by the derivative of the second term PLUS the second term multiplied by the derivative of the first term.

Producto Rulo Examplos Y=(x+1)(x-1) Y’=(1)(x-1) + (x+1)(1) Y’=x-1+x+1 Y’=2x Check! Y=x2-1 Power Rule Y’=2x Correctomundo!

Y=(x-1)(x3+2x-1) Y’=(1)(x3+2x-1) + (x-1)(3x2+2) Y’=x3+2x-1+3x3+2x-3x2-2 Y’=4x3-3x2+4x-3

Y=(x4+5x3)(5x2+2)(7x-1+4) Y’=a’bc+ab’c+abc’ Y’= (4x3+15x2)(5x2+2)(7x-1+4)


Smart people algebra stuff happens Y’=120x5+675x4+732x3+162x2+140


Chain Rule Kinda like the power rule, but not

really so hold onto your horses

d/dx f(g(x)) = f'(g(x))g'(x)

Derive the outside thingy and keep the inside thingy the same and then multiply by the derivative of the inside thingy.

#YoloChain Y=4tan(x2) Y’=8x*sec2(x2)


Y’=2(cot(x)+sin(x)) *(-csc2(x)+cos(x))

Y=1/6*tan(esec(x)) Move through each piece outside-in 1/6 sec2(esec(x)) esec(x)

sec(x)tan(x) Y’=1/6 *sec2(esec(x)) *esec(x)


Quotient Rule You’re going to hate this, sorry

Low D High minus High D Low over Bottom^2… but if that’s not good enough for you, mister fancy math pants, then here

f(x) = g(x)/h(x)

f’(x) = [g’(x)h(x)-g(x)h’(x)]/[h(x)]^2

Quotient Rule For Life Y=(2x+5)/(3x-2)



Y=(x2+x)/(x2-x) Y’=[(2x+1)(x2-x)-(x2+x)(2x-1)]/(x2-x)2

Y’=[2x3-x2-x-2x2-x2+x]/[x4-2x3+x2] Y’=[-2x2]/[x4-2x3+x2] Y’=-2/[x2-2x+1]