New Case Conference2



new case

Transcript of New Case Conference2

OB-GYN NEW CASE CONFERENCECASE IHISTORY Case female 56 yr Chief Complaint: 1 Present illness: 7 1 Lt>Rt N/V HISTORY OB-GYN history P2002, Menopause 7 yr Last SI 7 days ago Last PAP smear Jan,2015 normal Past illness No U/D, No allergy Personal history No alcohol drinking, No smoking Family history No history of malignancy in familyPHYSICAL EXAMINATION General appearance: A middle-aged woman with normal consciousness V/S: T 38.9 C, PR 88/min, RR 18/min, BP 99/65 mmHg HEENT: no pale conjunctivae, no icteric sclerae Lungs: clear, equal breath sound both lungs Heart: regular, normal S1S2, no murmur Abdomen: normal contour, active bowel sound, soft, marked tenderness without guarding at suprapubic & LLQ, rebound tenderness negative, no palpable massPHYSICAL EXAMINATION Extremities: no edema, CRTRt, no massCASE IImpression: Acute PIDPlan: Admit for IV antibiotic Supportive treatmentMANAGEMENTOrder for one day Admit Gyne CBC BUN,Cr,elyte H/C II specimens Cervical discharge G/S, C/SOrder for continuous Soft diet Record V/S Med Clindamycin 900 mg IV q 8hr Gentamicin 240 mg IV OD Paracetamol(500) 1 tab oral prn fever q 6 hrCASE IIHISTORY Case female 22 yr Time of Admission 6 PM Chief Complaint: 3 Present illness: Case G2P0010 GA 39+4 wk/US3 HISTORY OB-GYN history G2P0010 abort due to molar pregnancy last 2 yr, GA 39+4 wk/US First ANC at GA 12 wk/LMP At GA 26 wk/LMP size