Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement...

Neo4j - Reloaded !

Transcript of Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement...

Page 1: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

Neo4j - Reloaded !

Page 2: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

Qui suis-je ?


[email protected]

Page 3: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)


● Présentation générale

● Le graphe


● Se connecter à Neo4j (Java & REST)

● Extensions

● Ecosystème

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Présentation générale

Page 5: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

Présentation Générale

● Version stable : 2.3.1

● Dernière version : 3.0.0.M01

● Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe

● Modèle de cohérence ACID

● HA

● Console WEB ou Shell

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Présentation Générale● [NEO4J_HOME]/bin/neo4j start

● http://localhost:7474

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Neo4j n'est pas...

● Un outil de visualisation

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Mais Neo4j permet aussi de...

● Visualiser les données

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Le graphe

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Le graphe

● Graphe, nœuds, relations, propriétés

● Les relations organisent les nœuds dans le graphe

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Le graphe

Graphe orienté (digraphe) ou non orienté :

Page 12: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

Le graphe

Complet, connexe ou à composantes connexes :

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Le graphe

Cyclique ou acyclique :

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Le graphe

● Cela induit...

...pas de notion de clés étrangères

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Le graphe

● Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe

● Ce graphe est orienté

● Les relations sont typées

● Permet d'accéder à la donnée locale (voisinage)

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Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j

● MATCH (je retrouve)

● RETURN (et je retourne pour résultat...)


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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j

● MATCH (je retrouve)

● RETURN (et je retourne pour résultat...)

MATCH modele_de_chemin RETURN elements_de_résultats

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH ()--()

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH (A)--(B)

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH (A)-->(B)

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH (A)<--(B)-->(C)

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH (A)-->(B)<--(C) , (D)-->(B)

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CYPHER – Pattern Matching


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CYPHER – Pattern Matching

MATCH (A)-[:*1..3]->(E)

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CYPHER – Where

● MATCH (je retrouve)

● WHERE (prédicat)

● RETURN (et je retourne pour résultat...)

MATCH modele_de_cheminWHERE prédicat RETURN elements_de_résultats

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CYPHER – Where

MATCH (n)WHERE n.nom = 'Sylvain'RETURN n

MATCH (n {nom :'Sylvain'})RETURN n

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CYPHER – Labels

MATCH (n:Personne)RETURN n

MATCH (n:Personne:Developpeur)RETURN n

MATCH (n:Personne:Developpeur {nom :'Sylvain'})RETURN n

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CYPHER – Exemple : Movie db

MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN DISTINCT labels (n), type (r), labels (m)

Retrouver les relations entre les différents types de nœuds :

MATCH (n:Person)-[r:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie) RETURN m.title as Film, m.released as sortie, collect ( ORDER BY sortie DESC

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Se connecter à Neo4j

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Se connecter à neo4j

– Embedded


– (et bientôt BOLT)


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● Java

● Mémoire JVM partagée

Votre application


Api Neo4j

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● Exemple : <dependency><groupId>org.neo4j</groupId> <artifactId>neo4j</artifactId><version>2.3.0</version></dependency>


final GraphDatabaseFactory factory = new GraphDatabaseFactory();final File dbPath = new File("./neograph.graphdb");

GraphDatabaseService graphe = factory.newEmbeddedDatabase(dbPath);

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GraphDatabaseService graph = factory.newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(dbPath) .loadPropertiesFromFile("") .newGraphDatabase();

Runtime.getRuntime() .addShutdownHook(new Thread(){ public void run(){ graph.shutdown(); } } );

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Java API

try ( Transaction tx = graph.beginTx() ){ final Node n1 = graph.createNode(); n1.setProperty("name", "Sylvain");


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Java API

try ( Transaction tx = graph.beginTx() ){ final Node n1 = graph.createNode(); n1.setProperty("name", "Sylvain");

final Node n2 = graph.createNode();n2.setProperty("name", "Philippe");

RelationshipType relType = DynamicRelationshipType.withName("KNOWS");



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OGM (Object Graph Mapper) – v1.1.3

@NodeEntitypublic class Person {

@GraphId private Long id;

private String name; @Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = "OUTGOING") private Set<Movie> movies = new HashSet<>();

public Person() { }

public void actsIn(Movie movie) { movies.add(movie); movie.getActors().add(this); }

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OGM (Object Graph Mapper)

@NodeEntitypublic class Movie {

@GraphId private Long id;

private String title; private int released;

@Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = "INCOMING") Set<Person> actors = new HashSet<>();

public Movie() { }

public Movie(String title, int year) { this.title = title; this.released = year; }

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OGM (Object Graph Mapper)

SessionFactory sessionFactory = new SessionFactory("org.gomsource.meetup.embedded.ogm");

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession("http://localhost:7474","neo4j","root");

Movie movie = new Movie("The Matrix", 1999);

Person keanu = new Person();keanu.setName("Keanu Reeves");keanu.actsIn(movie);

Person carrie = new Person();carrie.setName("Carrie-Ann Moss");carrie.actsIn(movie);;

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public interface MovieRepository extends GraphRepository<Movie>{

Movie findByTitle (String title);}

public interface PersonRepository extends GraphRepository<Person>{

@Query ( "MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie{title:{0}}) RETURN p") Set<Person> getActorsByMovie (String movieTitle);}

Spring Data (SDN)

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Spring Data (SDN)@Servicepublic class MovieService {

@Resource MovieRepository movieRepository;

@Resource PersonRepository personRepository;

public MovieService() { }

public Set<Person> getActorsFromFilm (String title) { Movie m = movieRepository.findByTitle(title); return m.getActors(); }

public Set<Person> getMatrixActors () { Set<Person> p = personRepository.getActorsByMovie("The Matrix"); return p; }}

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Spring Data (SDN)


public class PersistenceContext extends Neo4jConfiguration { @Override public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return new SessionFactory("org.gomsource.meetup"); } @Bean public Neo4jServer neo4jServer() { return new RemoteServer("http://neo4j:root@localhost:7474"); }}

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Spring Data (SDN)

ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(PersistenceContext.class);

MovieService movieService = ctx.getBean(MovieService.class);

System.out.println(movieService.getActorsFromFilm("The Matrix"));System.out.println(movieService.getMatrixActors());

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public static void main (String args[]){try { // Make sure Neo4j Driver is registered Class.forName("org.neo4j.jdbc.Driver");

// Connect Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474/","neo4j","root");

// Querying Statement stmt = con.createStatement() ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN"); while( { System.out.println(rs.getString("")); }


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Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687");

try (Session session = driver.session()) {

Result rs = "MATCH (:Person {name:{nameP}})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)" + " RETURN m", Values.parameters("nameP","Keanu Reeves"));

while ( { System.out.println(rs.get("m").get("title").javaString()); }}

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REST (Transactional Endpoint)

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● Accéder au service racine

curl -X GET --user neo4j:root http://localhost:7474/db/data/

{ "extensions" : { }, "node" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node", "node_index" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node", "relationship_index" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/relationship", "extensions_info" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext", "relationship_types" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/types", "batch" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/batch", "cypher" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher", "indexes" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/schema/index", "constraints" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/schema/constraint", "transaction" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction", "node_labels" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/labels", "neo4j_version" : "3.0.0-M01"}

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REST – service transactionnel

● Envoyer une requête CYPHER

curl -X POST --user neo4j:root -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"statements" : [{"statement" : "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN DISTINCT labels (n), type (r), labels (m)"}]}' http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit

{"results":[{ "columns":["labels (n)","type (r)","labels (m)"], "data":[ {"row":[["Person"],"ACTED_IN",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"PRODUCED",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"WROTE",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"DIRECTED",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"FOLLOWS",["Person"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"REVIEWED",["Movie"]]}]}], "errors":[]}

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REST – service transactionnel

Ouvrir et terminer une transaction :POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit

Ouvrir une transaction :POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction

Envoyer des transactions dans une transaction connue :POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/{id_de_transaction}

Terminer une transaction connue :POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/{id_de_transaction}/commit

Annuler une transaction connue :DELETE http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/{id_de_transaction}

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REST – service transactionnel

{ "commit":"http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/236/commit", "results":[{"columns":["labels (n)","type (r)","labels (m)"],"data":[ {"row":[["Person"],"ACTED_IN",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"PRODUCED",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"WROTE",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"DIRECTED",["Movie"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"FOLLOWS",["Person"]]}, {"row":[["Person"],"REVIEWED",["Movie"]]}]}], "transaction":{"expires":"Sun, 06 Dec 2015 17:01:51 +0000"},"errors":[]}

curl -X POST --user neo4j:root -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"statements" : [{"statement" : "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN DISTINCT labels (n), type (r), labels (m)"}]}' http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction

Rollback au bout de 60 Secondes

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Drivers et langages

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Server Plugins (REST)

Unmanaged extensions (REST)

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Extensions – Server Plugin

@Description ("My custom server plugin")public class MyServerPlugin extends ServerPlugin{

public MyServerPlugin() {}

@Name ("get_labels") @PluginTarget (GraphDatabaseService.class) public Representation getLabels (@Source GraphDatabaseService graphDb) {

final Iterable<Label> labels =; final List<String> slabels = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Label label : labels) { slabels.add(; } Representation r = ListRepresentation.string(slabels); return r; }...

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Extensions – Server Plugin


> { "extensions" : { "MyServerPlugin" : { "get_labels" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/MyServerPlugin/graphdb/get_labels" } }, ...

>curl --user neo4j:root http://localhost:7474/db/data

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Extensions – Server Plugin

> curl -X POST --user neo4j:root http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/MyServerPlugin/graphdb/get_labels

>[ "Movie", "Person" ]

>curl -X GET --user neo4j:root http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/MyServerPlugin/graphdb/get_labels

>{ "extends" : "graphdb", "description" : "", "name" : "get_labels", "parameters" : [ ]}

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Extensions disponibles

Neo4j - Spatial

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Extensions disponibles


• Reco => Recommandation• TimeTree => Arbre de temps• UUID : générateur d'ID•

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• Twitter :•

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• Twitter :•

Amazon’s Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Chaque instance : 1/4th of a CPU core and 768MB

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// Utilisateurs que j'ai mentionnéMATCH (u:User {screen_name:'SylvainRoussy'})-[p:POSTS]->(t:Tweet) -[:MENTIONS]->(m:User)WITH u,p,t,m, COUNT(m.screen_name) AS countORDER BY count DESCRETURN u,p,t,mLIMIT 10

// On se suit mutuellementMATCH(u:User {screen_name:'SylvainRoussy'})-[p:FOLLOWS]->(m:User)-[:FOLLOWS]->(u) RETURN collect(m), count (m)

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(u:User {screen_name:'SylvainRoussy'})-[p:POSTS]->(m:Tweet)-[:TAGS]->(h:Hashtag)

WITH h, collect(m) as tweets WITH h, tweets,length (tweets) as number ORDER BY number DESC


h,tweets, number

Page 64: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

La Viz' JS

Problématiques :• Layout !• Nombre de noeuds affichables simultanément• Navigation (interactions)• Filtres

API Javascript :

• Sigma JS :• Linkurious.js :I• D3 JS :• Alchemy JS :• Ngraph (Vivagraph) :• CytoScape JS :•

Page 65: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

La Viz' Produits

• GEPHI :• Linkurious :• Cytoscape :• Tom Sawyer :• Graph Commons :•

Page 66: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

On Cloud & On Docker

• GrapheneDb :• GraphStory :• Heroku :

docker run \

--detach \

--publish=7474:7474 \ --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \


Page 67: Neo4j - Reloaded · Base de données NoSQL orientée Graphe ... Le graphe Neo4j stocke nativement les données dans un graphe ... Langage d'interrogation natif Neo4j MATCH (je retrouve)

Des questions ?

Merci !