NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

동북아시대를 선도하는 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia 2011년 1월~2월 / 제37호 동북아시아지역자치단체연합 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 특별기고 평화와 번영의 한해가 되길.... 이달의 동정 NEAR 활동사무국 소식회원자치단체 소식 기획취재 사무국 러시아 파견공무원 안나 자하로바 인터뷰 NEAR 회원탐방 광주, 대한민국 서남권 중심도시 Special Contribution Wish You a Year of Peace and Prosperity NEAR This Month NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News Feature Report Interview with Anna Zakharova NEAR Member Tour Gwangju, the Core of Southwest Korea 37 진분홍빛으로 타오르는 서석대, 광주광역시 Mt. Mudeongsan, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea



Transcript of NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

Page 1: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

동북아시대를 선도하는 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia

2011년 1월~2월 / 제37호

동북아시아지역자치단체연합The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

특별기고평화와 번 의 한해가 되길....

이달의 동정NEAR 활동│사무국 소식│회원자치단체 소식

기획취재사무국 러시아 파견공무원 안나 자하로바 인터뷰

NEAR 회원탐방광주, 대한민국 서남권 중심도시

Special Contribution

Wish You a Year of Peace and Prosperity

NEAR This Month

NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News

Feature Report

Interview with Anna Zakharova

NEAR Member Tour

Gwangju, the Core of Southwest Korea

37진분홍빛으로 타오르는 서석대, 광주광역시

Mt. Mudeongsan, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea

Page 2: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)



「NEAR News」는 회원단체 서로간 소식을 전하고 정보를 공유하는 NEAR의 공식메신저로 창간되었습니다.

NEAR의 활동상황, 회원 단체 동정, 관련 국제동향, 각종 기고, 공지사항 등의 주요내용을 정기적으로 발간

되어 회원단체 및 관련기관에 무료 배포되며 NEAR홈페이지에도 게시됩니다. NEAR News는 회원단체가

함께만들어가는소식지이며, NEAR와동북아시아지역에관심있는분은누구나참여할수있습니다.

NEAR News에수록하고싶은좋은원고와참신한아이디어가있으시면NEAR사무국으로연락바랍니다.

“NEAR News”aims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share informationamong members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news,international issues, contributions, notification, etc. NEAR News is translated into 5 languages (Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian) and distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free ofcharge. It is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage.

NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles orcreative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat.

경북 경주시 문무왕릉 일출

Sunrise at the Royal Tomb of KingMunmu, Gyeongju City,

Gyeongsangbukpdo Province

Page 3: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)



NEAR동북아시아지역자치단체연합은’96년 9월 한국, 중국, 일본, 러시아 등 동북아 4개국 29개 광역자치단체장들이대한민국 경주에서 모여 창설한 국제기구입니다.동북아의 공동번 을 기본이념으로 하는 연합헌장을 채택하고경제통상, 교육·문화교류, 환경, 방재, 변경협력, 과학기술, 해양·어업, 관광 등다양한 분야에서 폭넓은 교류협력 프로젝트를 실천해오고 있습니다.이와 함께 북한과 몽골의 참여, 신규 자치단체의 회원가입으로

현재 6개국 70개 광역자치단체로 구성된 동북아의 대표적인 지방외교협력체로 성장하고 있습니다.

NEAR의 문호는 개방되어 있습니다.동북아시아지역에 위치하고 연합의 설립취지에 뜻을 같이하는 광역자치단체는연합총회를 거쳐 언제나 참여할 수 있습니다.

NEAR is...

an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries,

including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea.

NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried

out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade,

education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science &

technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism.

With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments,

NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast

Asia with 70 member governments from six countries.

NEAR is open to all.

Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR

can join us through the NEAR General Assembly.

Page 4: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


특별기고 - Special Contribution

평화와 번 의 한해가 되길.... Wish You a Year of Peace and Prosperity

안녕하십니까? 벌써 한 해가 지나고 새해가 되었습니다. 올해는 동양의 12간지에 의하면 토끼의 해가

됩니다. 토끼는예로부터지혜와다산(多産), 풍요와화목을상징해주는것으로알려지고있습니다. 올해는 NEAR회원단체 여러분들이 슬기롭게 위기를 극복하고 더욱 풍요로운발전을 이룩하여 동북아의 평화와 번 의 기틀을 굳건히 놓을 수 있는 한 해가 되기를 기원합니다. 지난해에는 연합의 제8차 총회와“2010 NEAR 국제경제포럼”을 비롯한 연합의 모든

행사를성공적으로마칠수있었습니다. 이것은오로지사무국에보내주신회원단체여러분들의 적극적인 지지와 협조의 덕분으로 깊이 감사를 드립니다. 올해에도“NEAR 실무자 워크숍”(5월)을 시작으로중국 닝샤후이족자치구에서실무위원회(7월)가 열리고, 별도로 11개 분과위원회의행사들이일년내내연이어개최될예정으로있습니다. 사무국에선2007년부터 매년 개최해온“NEAR 국제경제포럼”을 올해에는 오는 9월 'NEAR-AER세계포럼'으로 확대하여 개최할 예정입니다. 유럽자치단체회의(AER, Assembly ofEuropean Regions)는 유럽 33개국 270개 지방정부가 가입되어 있는 유럽을 대표하는국제기구입니다. 이의 준비를 위해 작년 11월 터키 이스탄불에서 개최된 AER 25주년 기념총회에참석, 미셸샤방 (Michele Sabban) 의장과클라우스클립 (Klaus Klipp) 사무총장을 만나 회의의 의제도 이미 확정하 습니다. “NEAR-AER 공동 세계포럼”은 새롭게 유럽과 아시아를 잇는 지구상의 New Millenium Silkroad로서의 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.이제 연합은 동북아지역에서가장 향력 있는 국제기구로 성장하 으며, 다양한 국제

기구들과 협력 네트워크를 구축할 수 있게 되었습니다. UN 아시아 태평양 경제사회위원회(UNESCAP), 유엔개발기구(UNDP-GTI), 아시아 태평양 관광협의체 (PATA), 아시아· 태평양 네트워크 (APN), 유럽자치단체회의(AER) 등 아시아 태평양 지역의 국제기구뿐만아니라유럽에있는국제기구와도협력네트워크를구축하게되었습니다.연합의 회원단체들도 설립 당시 4개국 29개 회원단체에서 6개국 70개 회원단체로 확

대되었으며, 5개옵저버단체를포함하면모두 75개단체가됩니다. 앞으로준회원제도가적극적으로 실시되게 되면 NEAR의 범위는 중앙아시아지역까지 넓혀져 나갈 것입니다.또한 연합의 산하에는 경제통상에서 여성 아동에 이르기까지 11개 분과위원회가 설치되어 있으며, 앞으로 보건 위생과 식품·식량분과위원회가 추가로 신설되면 회원단체들이관심을갖는분야를거의망라할수있게됩니다.무엇보다지난해에는연합설립이후연합의산역사가되는『NEAR 백서』를 6개국어

(중국어, 일본어, 한국어, 몽골어, 러시아어, 어)로 발간하여 회원단체뿐만 아니라 국제기구를비롯국내외관련기관들에배부할수있었던것은사무국개설이후가장큰보람이아닐수없습니다. 종전과마찬가지로연합의뉴스지인“NEAR News Letter”역시 2개월에 한번씩 6개 국어로 발간하고, 아울러 각종의 다양한 형태의 홍보자료들을 새로이제작, 각계에배포할것입니다.한편 지난 2006년부터 소속 회원단체 국가 단위 별 - 중국, 일본, 몽골, 러시아로부터

매년 1명씩의 직원을 파견 받아 함께 1년씩 순환 근무를 실시, 벌써 5기째가 되었습니다.앞으로점차적으로파견직원수를확대하여사무국의기능과역할을증강해갈것입니다.끝으로 사무국은 동북아에서의 중심적인 국제기구의 위상에 걸맞은「NEAR 메인 센

터」건립을 위해 다방면으로 노력할 것이며, 아울러 동북아번 을 위한 다양한 어젠다의개발및국제협력프로젝트를추진해갈것입니다. 비록 연합의상설사무국이개설된지역사가짧지만이제 국제기구로서의위상을충분

히 갖추게 되었습니다. 다만 이에 걸맞은 최소한의 자율성과 독립성의 확보는 재정의 어려움만큼 큰 숙제로 남아 있습니다. 이제 모든 짐을 내려 놓고 옛 제자리로 돌아 갈까 합니다. 그동안보내주신따뜻한성원과적극적인협력에대해다시한번감사드립니다.

Greetings! The old year has gone and a new one arrived. According to the oriental zodiac, 2011 is

the year of rabbit, which from old times symbolizes wisdom, fecundity, wealth andharmony. I hope this year will serve as a stepping stone for all the NEAR members toachieve a more prosperous development by overcoming the crisis with wisdom and tolay the foundation for peace and prosperity of Northeast Asia.

Last year, all the NEAR events were successfully completed, including the 8th GeneralAssembly and the 2010 NEAR International Economic Forum. I would like to take thisopportunity to thank all the members, since it would not have been possible without yourfull support and cooperation extended to the Secretariat. This year, as usual, the “NEARWorking-Level Workshop” will be held in May, followed by the Working Committee inNingxia Hui Autonomous Region of China in July and the meetings of the 11 Sub-Committees. The NEAR International Economic Forum, an annual event organized bythe Secretariat since 2007, will be held in September in a bigger scale under the title of“NEAR-AER Joint World Forum.” The Assembly of European Region or AER is aninternational organization bringing together over 270 regions from 33 countries acrossEurope. As a preliminary step for partnership, the NEAR Secretariat delegation attendedthe AER General Assembly held last November in Istanbul, Turkey to mark its 25thanniversary, met with AER President Michèle Sabban and Secretary General KlausKlipp to discuss the forum agenda. I believe the “NEAR-AER Joint Forum” willachieve a “ New Milliennium Silk Road” which connects Europe and Asia anew.

NEAR has now grown into one of the most influential international organizations inNortheast Asia in many aspects. First, it has built networks with global institutions notonly in the Asia Pacific, but also Europe. They are:United Nations Economic and SocialCommission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations DevelopmentProgramme-Greater Tumen Initiative (UNDP-GTI), Pacific Asia Travel Association(PATA), Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research(APN) and the Assembly ofEuropean Region (AER).

Also, the membership was expanded from 29 founding members from four countriesto cover 70 member regions from six countries or 75 member regions with five observersincluded. If the associate membership system is implemented, NEAR will be able toencompass even Central Asia. Furthermore, if Sub-Committees on Health, Hygiene andFood are added to the existing 11 Sub-Committees under NEAR's umbrella which nowranges from Economy & Trade to Women & Children, NEAR will be able to coveralmost every field of the members' interest.

Meanwhile, as one of the most important achievements since its inception, theSecretariat finally put together the 1st edition of the White Paper, the record of every steptaken by NEAR. It was published in six languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean,Mongolian, Russianand English) and distributed to member regions and relevantorganizations in and out of Korea. In 2011, as previous years, the bi-monthly magazine‘NEAR News Letter’ as well as PR materials in various forms will be published in sixlanguages and distributed.

Every year since 2006, one official for each NEAR member country (China, Japan,Mongolia and Russia) has been seconded to the Secretariat to stay in Korea for a year.The Secretariat plans to increase the number of seconded staffs in order to increase itsrole and function.

Finally, the Secretariat is making every effort to construct the “NEAR Main Center”befitting NEAR’s status as an international organization. We will continue to do our bestin opening the age of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and beyond also bydeveloping new agendas and international cooperation projects.

Even if it has not been long since a standing Secretariat was established, NEAR hastransformed itself into a full-fledged international organizations. However, it still remainsto be done to secure minimum autonomy and independence in operating the Secretariatto the full extent, which is as much difficult task as securing the budget. Now, layingdown the burden, I am going back to where I used to be. Once again, please accept mysincere thanks for your all-out support and cooperation extended for a long time, evenuntil now.

이해두 NEAR 사무총장

LEE Hae Doo NEAR Secretary General

Page 5: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


오는 2011년 3월 7일(월) ∼ 3월 10일(목)까지 제9차 방재분과위

원회가 개최된다. NEAR 전 회원자치단체의 방재담당자를 대상으

로개최되는동분과위에서는사람과방재미래센터, E-디펜스, 일

본적십자사 효고현 지부 등을 시찰할 예정이며 광역방재센터에서

는 실천적인 구조훈련까지 포함된 연수도 경험하게 된다. 또한 분


■■ The 9th Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention to BeHeld in Hyogo Prefecture

■ 제9차 방재분과위원회, 효고현에서 개최!

The 9th NEAR Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention will be held on 7-10 March

2011, attended by officials overseeing disaster management efforts in 70 NEAR

member regions. During the meeting, participants are expected to visit the Disaster

Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, E-Defense (a large-scale experiment

facility for shaking and collapse tests of full-scale structures) and the Japanese Red-

Cross Society Hyogo Prefectural Chapter. Also scheduled is the practical drilling at

the Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management and Training Center as well as a

lecture on international disaster relief.

이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month

NEAR활동 NEAR Activities

지난 2011년 1월 17일~18일 구연길 NEAR사무국장은향후중앙

아시아지역의 연합 준회원 가입 유도와 NEAR홍보를 목적으로 주

한 키르키즈공화국대사관 대리대사 칭그스 에심베코프 및 주한 우

즈베키스탄대사관 박찌요르 사이도프 참사관과 양일에 거쳐 면담

을 했다. 구연길 NEAR사무국장은 각 해당 국가 내 지자체에

NEAR 홍보와 행사참여 유도를 부탁했으며, 이에 우즈베키스탄과

키르키즈공화국 대사관들도 관심을 가지고 적극적인 협조를 약속


■■ NEAR Secretariat delegation visited Embassies ofthe Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic ofUzbekistan

■ NEAR 사무국 대표단 주한 키르키즈공화국 및 우즈베키스탄 대사관 방문

On 17-18 April 2011 the NEAR Secretariat delegation headed by Gu Youn Gil,

Director General, visited Embassies of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of

Uzbekistan in Seoul in an effort to invite Central Asian regions as associate members

of NEAR. Mr. Gu asked Chyngyz Eshimbekov, Kyrgyz Acting Ambassador to Korea

and Bakhtiyor Saidov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan to encourage Kyrgyz

and Uzbek regions to participate in various NEAR events and the representatives of

the Embassies granted their consent for cooperation.

사무국 소식 Secretariat News

❶ 구연길 NEAR사무국장과 주한 키르키즈공화국 대사관 칭그스 에심베코프 대리대사Gu Youn Gil, NEAR Director General, met with Kyrgyz Acting Ambassador Chyngyz Eshimbekov

❷ 구연길 NEAR사무국장과 주한 우즈베키스탄 대사관 박찌요르 사이도프 참사관Mr. Gu with Bakhtiyor Saidov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan

❶ ❷

Page 6: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


회원자치단체 소식 NEAR Member News

■ The 27th Harbin International Ice and SnowFestival

The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival was opened on 5 January 2011

in Harbin City full of European atmosphere. People indeed from the whole world

gathered, including high-level officials from the National Tourism Administration of

China, Heilongjiang Provincial Government and Harbin Municipal Government;

delegations of the German, Japanese, US, French, the DPRK and Russian Consulates;

representatives of 10 sister cities and regions such as Niigata Prefecture (Japan),

Khabarovsk Territory (Russia) and Rovaniemi City (Finland) along with hundreds of

thousands of Harbin citizens. The opening ceremony was simultaneously held with the

1st Songhuajiang Ice & Snow Happy Valley followed by a wide range of ice-related

activities, including ice lanterns, fireworks display, hot air ballooning and etc.

The ice festival turned the whole city into a huge tourism complex filled with snow

and ice sculptures under the theme “the Ice Palace.” What made the festival more

special was Harbin’s extended influence as a platform for international cooperation

and exchange and realization of the true meaning of “internationalization.” For

example, The Ice and Snow World teamed up with Disney to construct a Disney Ice

and Snow Wonderland, a global tourism brand while the Snow Sculpture Art Expo in

Sun Island Scenic Area featuring Italian architecture, culture and art. Also held was the

27th Ice and Snow Economic Trade Negotiation Conference.

2011년 1월 5일, 제27회중국하얼빈국제빙설제가유럽분위기가물씬풍기는빙설의왕국하얼빈에서성대한막을올렸다. 중국여유국, 헤이룽장성, 하얼빈시의간부를비롯, 일본, 독일, 미국, 프랑스, 북한, 러시아등각국 사관대표단그리고일본니가타, 러시아하바롭스크, 핀란드로바니에미등 10개의자매결연도시에서온대표단과함께수십만의하얼빈시민이참가, 전세계가한자리에모 다. 특히이번빙설제개막식은“제1회쑹화강빙설해피벨리및만인빙설체험(萬人滾氷雪)”의개막행사를비롯한열기구및불꽃놀이공연등이함께개최되고쑹화강변에서15분동안음악과함께대형불꽃놀이가진행되는등풍부한행사내용을자랑했다. 이번빙설제는‘얼음성’이라는주제로눈과얼음조각을통해도시전체

를하나의거대한빙설관광지역으로변모시켰을뿐만아니라, 무엇보다국제교류협력의장으로서도시의 향력을확대, ‘국제화’를실현한행사로서주목을받았다. 먼저빙설관광지구의국제화를위하여빙설대세계와디즈니가 협력, 세계적인 빙설관광브랜드를 만들었고, 타이양다오 눈박람회와이탈리아가합작하여이국적인분위기로가득찬눈위의낙원을조성했다.또한국제교류행사의일원으로제27회하얼빈빙설제경제무역상담회도개최되었다.

■ 전세계가 모인 제27회 중국 하얼빈 국제 빙설제

헤이룽장성 - 중국 Heilongjiang Province - China

■ The 2011 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meetingand the Wuhan-Donghu Cherry Blossom Festivalto Be Held in Wuhan

“The 2011 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meeting and the Wuhan-Donghu Cherry

Blossom Festival” will be held on 22-25 March 2011 in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The

major focus of the event is to promote economic and trade cooperation while other

collateral events will take place in the field of cultural, educational and tourism

cooperation. Investment seminars and product recommendation meetings will be

offered along with a familiarization tour to the development zone and the “Smart City

Forum” under the topic of energy preservation, environmental protection, agriculture,

automobile and components and high technology.

“2011 중국후베이-일본경제무역친목회및우한둥후벚꽃페스티발”이

오는3월22일에서25일까지후베이성우한에서개최된다. 후베이성및우


이며문화, 교육, 관광교류협력등은부대행사로진행될예정이다. 행사기

간 동안 투자설명회를 비롯한 상품추천설명회와 같은 다양한 관련행사가

준비되어있다. 뿐만아니라에너지절약및환경보호, 농림산업, 자동차및

부품, 하이테크놀로지



놀이, 개발지구 햄투어

등 풍성한 행사가 마련


■‘2011 중국 후베이-일본 경제무역친목회 및 우한둥후(東湖) 벚꽃 페스티발’우한에서 개최

후베이성 - 중국 Hubei Province - China

◀ 작년 중국후베이-일본 경제무역친목회 및 우한 둥후(東湖) 벚꽃 페스티발에 참가한 일본대표단Japanese delegation who participated in the 2010 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meeting

◀ 제27회 중국 하얼빈 국제 빙설제The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival

이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month

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■ Find the Attraction of the “Sake Kingdom”atthe “Niigata Sake Festival 2011”

The “Niigata Sake Festival 2011” is scheduled for 12-13 March, 2011. The festival

is the largest one dedicated to Japanese traditional liquors or Sake attracting up to

87,000 visitors at maximum until 2010 and established itself as the flagship event of

Niigata Prefecture. At this year’s event, the 8th of its kind, distillers from Niigata will

host tasting events and sell Niigata Sake whose quality is recognized not only

nationally but also internationally.

More foreign visitors are expected this year as the fame of the festival has spread

with the increasing export of Niigata’s traditional liquors.

2011년 3월 12일~13일, ‘니이가타사케페스티벌(酒の陣) 2011(술축제)’가개최된다. 일본국내에서개최되는일본전통주관계이벤트로서는최대규모를자랑하며 2011년여덟번째로개최되는니이가타사케페스티벌은2010년까지최대 87,000명이방문하여명실상부한니이가타의간판이벤트로정착했다.일본국내는물론세계적으로도그품질이높게평가되고있는니이가타

현산일본전통주! 니이가타현내의양조자들이모여자랑거리인일본전통주를시음·즉판한다(유료). 본행사는해외에도널리알려져올해는특히해외손님들이회장에서눈

에많이띄게되었다. 일본전통주의해외수출이해마다늘어나는가운데니이가타현산일본전통주의 로벌화가진행되고있다.

■“니이가타 사케 페스티벌 2011”서 일본의 술왕국니이가타의 매력 만끽!

니이가타현 - 일본 Niigata Prefecture - Japan

◀「니이가타 사케 페스티벌」개최를 축하하며 술독 뚜껑 깨기(鏡開き, Kagami-biraki)를 거행하는 모습 (2010년) Kagami Biraki or the sake cask breaking ceremony (2010)

■ The 25th Anniversary of the Establishment ofFriendly Relations between Toyama and SaoPaolo

Since the establishment of friendly relations with Sao Paolo City in 1985, Toyamahas carried out various exchange and cooperation projects, including studentexchange, training programs and the scholarship scheme for Sao Paolo Univ. students.As the year 2010 was not only the 25th anniversary of the friendly relations, but alsothe 100th anniversary of Toyama immigration to Brazil, a Toyama delegation headedby Governor Ishii of Toyama Prefecture visited Sao Paolo city in last July to attendcelebration ceremonies and events. The visit was reciprocated in November when therepresentative of San Paolo Government participated in the welcoming ceremony andthe 25th anniversary symposium in Toyama where both parties reaffirmed theircommitment to deepen partnership and cooperation.

토야마현은 1985년상파울로주와우호제휴를체결한이래유학생과연수원프로그램, 상파울로대학학생에대한장학금교부등의교류·협력사업을전개해왔다. 2010년은우호제휴 25주년인동시에토야마현사람이처음으로브라질에이주한지 100년이되는기념적인해 다. 이를기념하여지난2010년7월에는이시이지사를명예단장으로하는남미친선방문단이상파울로주를방문해현지에서거행된기념식및교류행사에참가한한편, 11월에는상파울로주정부대표자의답방에맞추어우호제휴25주년기념심포지엄과환 교류회가토야마현에서개최되었다. 두현과주는우호제휴25주년을계기로향후교류협력관계를심화해갈것을확인했다.

■ 토야마현-상파울로주 우호 제휴 25주년

토야마현 - 일본 Toyama Prefecture - Japan

❶ 상파울로주 교육국장관(왼쪽)과 간담하는 이시이 지사(오른쪽, 상파울로주 교육국에서) Governor Ishii (right) talks with Sao Paolo Minister of Education (left) at the Department of Education building❷ 상파울로주 대표자(왼쪽 2명)와 이시이 지사(토야마현청에서) The representatives of Sao Paolo (left) and Governor Ishii (right) at the Toyama Administration building

❶ ‘❷

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month

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■ The 2011 Daegu International Marathon Race:Run Together toward Future!

The 2011 Daegu International Marathon Race is to be held on 10 April in Daegu

Metropolitan City, Korea attended by elite athletes and masters marathon runners. We

cordially invite you to Daegu, the city of hospitality and cultural beauty.

Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011Venue: Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea Registration: Jan. 10 ~ Mar. 4, 2011Start time: 9:00 AM (full),

9:10 AM (10km), Everyone must be arrived before 8:00 AMStart & Finish: Jonggak 4-way intersectionOrganized & sponsored by: Korea Athletics Federation,

Daegu Metropolitan City

The 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture FestivalTheme : The Light of Wangin Opens up the Path of CultureWhen : 1-4 April, 2011 Where : Wangin Cultural Legacy Compound, Kurim Village, Pottery

Cultural Center

오는 4월 10일대구광역시및대한육상경기연맹주최로국내외유명엘리트선수와마스터즈가함께하는2011 대구국제마라톤대회가대구광역시에서개최된다. 문화의향기와인정이넘치는대구로마라토너여러분을초대한다. ▶ 참가접수기간 : 2011년 1월 10일부터 ~ 3월 4일까지▶ 선수집합 : 2011. 4. 10(일) 08:00까지▶ 집합장소 : 대구시청주차장(10km),

국채보상운동기념공원(풀코스)▶ 출 발 : 종각네거리▶ 출발시간 : 오전 9시 10분(10km),

오전 9시 00분(풀코스-엘리트선수, 마스터즈)

▶ 행사명 : 2011 암왕인문화축제▶ 주 제 : 왕인의 빛, 문화의 길을 열다▶ 기 간 : 2011년 4월 1일(금) ~ 4월 4일(월) / 4일간▶ 장 소 : 왕인박사유적지, 구림마을, 도기박물관 등 전라남도 암군 일원

■ 2011 대구국제마라톤대회

대구광역시 - 한국 Daegu Metropolitan City - Korea

■ 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival The 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival is scheduled for 1-4 April in Yeongam

County, Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. Dr. Wangin, a great scholar of Korea's ancientBaekje Kingdom, which existed in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula from18 B.C. to 668 A.D, was born in Yeongam, a place also famous for a panoramic viewof full-bloomed cherry blossoms. When he was eight, he studied Confucianism andConfucian scriptures and was appointed as “Ogyeongbaksa” (master of Confucianism)at the age of 18.

At the invitation of Japan’s Emperor Ojin, Wangin departed from Sangdaepo, whichat the time was an international trading port, and crossed the Korean Straits to Japan,bringing with him texts of classical Chinese literature as well as top craftsmen to theisland country. The renowned Baekje scholar is well-known for his part in thedevelopment of Japan’s Asuka culture.

Commemorating Wangin’s spirit of sharing and co-existence, the legacy left behind1600 years ago, the 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival pursues to become aplatform of education, joy and entertainment. The event, selected as the KoreanCultural Tourism Festival for four consecutive years, will be held at the Wangincultural legacy compound and other venues including the pottery cultural center.

2011 암왕인문화축제가백리벚꽃길이흐드러진전라남도 암에서4월1일부터4일까지개최된다. 전라남도 암군에서태어나어린나이에유학과경전을수학하고18세에오경박사 에등용된왕인은백제17대아신왕때에일본응신천왕의초청을받아 암의상대포에서배를타고일본으로간것으로알려졌다. 일본의아스카문화를찬란하게꽃피우게한왕인박사를배경으로한역사인물축제인2011 암왕인문화축제는 1600년전왕인이남긴소통과상생의정신을기반으로시유도기의발상지인도기박물관,2200년고도구림마을등에서개최, 교육과즐거움의장이되는엔터테인먼트축제를지향해왔으며, 4년연속한국문화관광축제로선정되었다. ( 백제에는일찍이박사제도가있어서여러전문분야에관한박사들이

있었는데《주역(周易)》, 《시경(詩經)》, 《서경(書經)》, 《예기(禮記)》, 《춘추(春秋)》등경서(經書)에능통한사람을오경박사라하여귀히여겼다)

■ 2011 암 왕인문화축제

전라남도 - 한국 Jeollanam-do Province - Korea

◀ 2010 대구국제마라톤대회에 참가한 해외 마라토너Foreign marathoners posed at the 2010 Daegu International Marathon Race

◀ 2011 암와인문화축제Wangin Culture Festival Parade

이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month

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■ The East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster ProjectOutlined

On 20 January, participated by more than 100 officials and experts from industry,academia, and government, a final report meeting on the “East Coast Nuclear EnergyCluster Project” was held in Daegu city, where Gyeongsangbuk-do Province disclosedthe layout of various facilities to be built along the East Coast.

Recently, nuclear power has emerged as an increasingly attractive energy to solvefossil fuel depletion and greenhouse gas issues. The East Coast Nuclear EnergyCluster Project is a huge project set up by Gyeongsangbuk-do aiming to developPohang, Gyeongju, Yeongdeok and Uljin, the places along the East Coast, into aworld-class nuclear industry cluster and national export base of nuclear powercombining industry, research, education and culture. “Geongsangbuk-do is the optimalplace for a nuclear cluster offering the best infrastructure and natural environmentalong the coast area such as nuclear power plants, radioactive waste disposal facilities,a proton accelerator and the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd,” said GovernorKwan-Yong Kim of Gyeongsangbuk-do at the meeting.

Various industrial and educational facilities are scheduled to move into the cluster by2028, including the 2nd Atomic Energy Research Institute; System-integratedModular Advanced Reactor (SMART); Test-bed Complex for Hydrogen Productionby Nuclear Power; Industrial Complex for Nuclear Export; Institute of Standards andTechnology; a graduate school of nuclear science; Technical High School of NuclearScience; a radiological hospital; and a nuclear safety culture center.

Meanwhile, the GUD Bidding Committee for the International Science & BusinessBelt was launched on 25th January, under the objective to attract the national science &business belt project to Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (G), Ulsan Metropolitan City(U), and Daegu Metropolitan City (D).

경상북도는지난 1월 20일대구의한호텔에서원자력분야산·학·

연·관전문가등 100여명이참석한가운데‘동해안원자력산업클러스

터조성프로젝트’최종보고회를열고, 동해안의각종시설배치에대한


동해안원자력클러스터프로젝트는화석연료매장량감소, 온실가스

감축대안으로원자력이급부상하고있는가운데포항, 경주, 덕, 울

진등경북동해안을산업, 연구, 교육, 문화가복합된세계적원자력산

업클러스터로조성, 국가차원의원자력수출전진기지로만드는초대

형프로젝트다. 이날김관용경북도지사는“풍부한임해지역과원자력

발전소, 방폐장, 양성자가속기, 한수원 본사 등 관련 인프라와 환경이


역설하 다. 2028년까지 동해안 원자력 클러스터에는 제2원자력연구

원, SMART 원자로실증플랜트, 원자력수소실증단지, 원자력수출산

업단지, 원자력 기술표준연구원 등의 산업시설과 원자력 전문대학원,

원자력마이스터고, 양성자가속기를활용한원자력병원, 원자력안전

문화센터및체험관등인력양성시설이들어설예정이다. 한편지난25

일에는 국제과학비즈니스벨트를 경상북도(G), 울산시(U), 대구시(D)에

유치하기위한‘국제과학비즈니스벨트 남권3개시·도유치추진위원

회’가출범하 다.

■ 경북 동해안 원자력 클러스터‘윤곽’

경상북도 - 한국 Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea

▲ ❶ 동해안 원자력산업 클러스터 조성의 중요성을 역설하는 김관용 경상북도 지사Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Kwan-Yong Kim emphasizes the importance of building the East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster

❷ 국제과학비즈니스벨트 남권 유치를 위한 3개 시·도 유치추진위원회 출범The GUD Bidding Committee for the International Science & Business Belt was launched.

❶ ❷

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month

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■“Altai Tour, Altai Resort”Upcoming on 7-8April

Today, Altai is one of the regions with greatest potential for tourism within theRussian Federation. The “Altai Tour, Altai Resort” to be held in this April, will exhibitvarious types of tourism and service products of Altai tourist companies.

Also, a lot of events are planned: meetings among the representatives of the regionaland state departments on tourism development from the southwestern Siberia,seminars, round-tables, project presentations on Altai tourism, summer programs andetc.

Detail information:www.tourism.altfair.rue-mail: [email protected].: +7-3852-658844

현재알타이변경주는관광분야에있어러시아연방내가장큰잠재력을지닌지역중한곳이다. 오는 4월개최되는‘알타이관광, 알타이의휴양지’박람회에는다수의알타이관광관련회사들의다양한관광및서비스상품이전시될것이며, 서남시베리아관광발전관련기관들이모여특별회의를개최할예정이다.

더 자세한 정보는 홈페이지 참조. (문의: e-mail: [email protected], T, +7-3852-658844)

■ 4월 7~8일 관광박람회‘알타이관광, 알타이의 휴양지’개최

알타이주 - 러시아 Altai Territory - Russia

◀ 알타이에서 등반을 즐기는 여성Altai is the place for mountain lovers

◀ 독후감 시상식 직후 함께 포즈를 취한 수상자들Award winners pose right after the award-granting ceremony for the Book Review Competition“There is No Myth.”

■ Book Review Awards: “There is No Myth”The award-granting ceremony for the Book Review Competition “There is No Myth”

was held on 28 December, 2010 in Ulaanbaatar, organized by the Korea-MongoliaExchange Promotion Association and participated by award winners as well as officialsfrom both countries. Among 280 contestants who reviewed the Mongolian edition of theKorean President Myung-Bak Lee’s autobiography “There is No Myth,” a total of 35 prizeswere awarded, inclusive of 1st to 5th prizes and 30 consolation prizes. The MongolianMinister of Education’s Prize or 1st prize went to Mr. Munkhtegsh who unanimouslycaptivated the jury. He drew attention even before the ceremony when it was known thatgraduation from middle school marked the end of his last formal education. “This bookmade me born again,“ he said in his acceptance speech, demonstrating a change in mindset,apart from his talent of writing. “The book’s powerful influence on my life is proved by thefact that someone like me who used to be a discouraged, gloomy person stands here now asa renewed, inspired young man. It made me realize I am the master of my life.” His firmwill to overcome “the tests of life” with integrity and faithfulness was warmly applauded byparticipants.

한몽교류진흥협회가공모한이명박대통령의자서전‘신화는없다’몽골어판독후감시상식이양국초청인사들과수상자들이참석한가운데 12월28일몽골울랑바타르시에서개최되었다. 280여편의응모작중에1등부터5등까지각1명, 6등30명, 모두35명이수상자로선정되었으며, 몽골교육부장관상으로시상된 1등작은심사위원전원의마음을사로잡은뭉흐택쉬군이수상했다. 정규교육과정을중학교밖에마치지못한것으로알려진뭉흐택쉬군이각계각층에서응모된작품을제치고선정되어시상식전부터수상자에대한관심이모아졌다. 뭉흐택쉬군은당선소감을통해“이책은나를새롭게태어나게했다”며, 단순히 솜씨의우수함이아닌신념의변화를 드러내었다. “좌절감에 빠져있던 나를 새로운 청년의 모습으로 이렇게멋진자리에설수있게해준것이내게큰 향을끼쳤다는첫번째증거이다. 이책은인생의주인이자신임을분명하게깨우쳐주었다”고말한후,성실과노력으로‘인생의시험’을성공적으로통과해내겠다는의지를힘주어밝혀큰박수를받기도했다.

■ 한몽교류진흥협회 주최, ‘신화는 없다’독후감 공모전시상식 열려

울란바타르 - 몽골 Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia

Page 11: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month


■ The 14th Tomsk Innovation Forum (INNOVUS)The annual innovation forum INNOVUS will be held on 26th and 27th of May in

Tomsk Region, Russia. This event is expected to provide a platform for discussion

on different aspects of innovation in economy building under the theme of

“Innovation Leadership and New R&D Management Methods,” participated by

CEOs of innovation companies and renowned experts from home and abroad

including Nobel laureates. Welcome to INNOVUS! Additional information

available at (Russian and English variants).

2011년 5월 26일~27일 러시아연방 톰스크주에서 제14회 혁신포럼INNOVUS가개최된다. 이번행사는“혁신의리더: 연구개발의새로운운

모델”을주제로노벨상수상자를포함, 러시아내외저명학자들과혁신기업대표들이참가하여혁신, 경제, 건설, 등다양한분야의혁신을논하는토론의장이될것이다. 행사에관한자세한정보는어, 러시아어)에서볼수있다. 여러분들의많은참여를기다린다.

■ 14회 혁신포럼 개최안내

톰스크주 - 러시아 Tomsk Region - Russia

◀ 톰스크주 크레스 지사(좌쪽 4번째)와 드보르코비치 대통령 고문(우측 3번째) Governor Victor Kress of Tomsk Region (left fourth) and Presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich (right third)

Page 12: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month


2011년 NEAR 행사일정 2011 NEAR Events Schedule

NEAR사무국닝샤후이족자치구외사판공실T. +86-951-5044-307F. +86-951-5044-307

경기도경제정책과T. +82-31-249-2191F. +82-31-249-3218

시마네현환경생활부문화국제과T. +86-852-22-6464F. +86-852-22-6412

재단법인환일본해환경협력센터T. +81-76-445-1571F.

도르노드아이막행정국T. +86-531-86061762F. +86-531-86902739


대구광역시국제통상과T. +82-53-803-3265F. +82-53-803-3259

산둥성외사판공실T. +86-531-86061762F. +86-531-86902739

경상북도국제통상과T. +82-53-950-2919F. +82-53-950-2177

허난성외사판공실T. +86-371-65688841F. +86-371-65688841


효고현방재기획과T. +81-78-362-9870F. +81-78-362-9914

NEAR 사무국

NEAR 사무국



러시아/ 회원자치단체




























5.29(예정) /7.29∼8.3














시마네현(마츠에시) /시마네현내
















교육문화교류분과위원회(2011동북아시아 국제문화팔레트사업/ 2011동북아교류의날개in시마네)












분 류 행 사 명 장 소 대 상분 야기 간 연 락 처

Page 13: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments이달의 동정 - NEAR This Month


NEAR SecretariatForeign Affairs Office, Government of Ningxia HuiAutonomous RegionT. +86-951-5044-307F. +86-951-5044-307

Economic Policy Division, Gyeonggi-do ProvincialGovernmentT. +82-31-249-2191F. +82-31-249-3218

Culture and International Affairs Division, ShimanePrefectural GovernmentT. +86-852-22-6464F. +86-852-22-6412

Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation CenterT. +81-76-445-1571F.

Administration Bureau of Dornod ProvinceT. +86-531-86061762F. +86-531-86902739

Economic Development Department, Government ofIrkutsk Region

International Affairs and Trade Division, Gov. of DaeguMetropolitan CityT. +82-53-803-3265F. +82-53-803-3259

Foreign Affairs Office, Government of ShandongProvince T. +86-531-86061762F. +86-531-86902739

Division of Economy and Trade, Gyeongsangbuk-doProvincial Gov.T. +82-53-950-2919F. +82-53-950-2177

Foreign Affairs Office, Government of Henan ProvinceT. +86-371-65688841F. +86-371-65688841

Government of Magadan Region

Division of Disaster Prevention Policy Planning, HyogoPrefectural GovernmentT. +81-78-362-9870F. +81-78-362-9914

NEAR Secretariat

NEAR Secretariat



29 May(TBC) /29July∼3 August









March 2012



Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region(Yinchuan), China

Gyeonggi-do Province (Suwon),Korea

Shimane Pref.(Matsue) / Shimane Pref., Japan

Toyama Pref. (Toyama City), Japan

Dornod Province, Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia

Irkutsk Region (Irkutsk City), Russia

Daegu Metropolitan City (EXCO),Korea

Shandong Province, Japan


Henan Province, China

Magadan Region, Russia

Hyogo Pref., Japan

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province(Gyeongju City), Korea

NEAR WorkingCommittee



Sub-Committee on Science &Technology

Sub-Committee on Educational &Cultural Exchange(Northeast AsiaCultural Palette Project 2011 /Wings of Exchange in Shimane2011)

The 10th Sub-CommitteeonEnvironment

Sub-Committee on Women &Children

Sub-Committee on Cross-borderCooperation

Sub-Committee on Energy &Climate Change

Sub-Committee on on Ocean &Fishery

Sub-Committee on Economy &Trade

Sub-Committee on Tourism

Sub-Committee on MineralResources Development &Coordination

The 10th Sub-Committee onDisaster Prevention

NEAR Working-level Workshop

NEAR-AER World Forum

Organizer Event Venue ContactDate

Page 14: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


기획취재 - Feature Report

기획취재 Feature Report

안녕하십니까 NEAR 회원여러분들! 저는작년 3월25일 한국에 와서 거의 1년동안 사무국에서 근무한 러시아알타이변경주소속안나입니다. 너무나익숙해진이 지면을 통해 여러분에게인사를하게되어기쁩니다.

저는 여러분들과 아름다운나라한국과NEAR 사무


- 지난 한 해를 되돌아보며

지난한해는너무빠르게지나간것같습니다. 저는수많은추억, 느낌, 만남그리고새로운지식을접했던순간들을평생잊지못할것입니다. 한국은저에게새로운눈을열어주었습니다. 아시아지역에서처음으로머물 던나라, 태어나서처음으로해수욕을경험해본나라, 그리고처음으로러시아와문화, 풍습, 전통등에서차이를느껴본나라 습니다. 그런데무엇보다한국에서제일뚜렷하고특별한인상을받은것은바로 '사람'입니다. 제가느끼기에한국인들은굉장히친절하고,주의깊고, 관대하고, 손님맞이를좋아하며개방적이었습니다. 이처럼작은나라의괄목할만한잠재력은바로'한국인'인것같습니다.

- 처음 사무국 업무를 접했을 때 소감과 에피소드

많은업무가운데실속있고또배움을통해새로운경험을쌓을수있었던부분은NEAR 소식지를비롯한각종자료, 책자의번역과각지역에관한정보수집업무, 그리고다양한국제포럼이나행사에참가하는것이었습니다.

한국에 와서 제가 처음으로 참가했던 국제행사는 2010년 실무자워크숍이었습니다. 솔직히말하자면그당시무슨말을해야할지어디로가야될지몰라너무긴장했었어요. 실무자워크숍에서저는제고향인알타이변경주를홍보했습니다.저는당시불안감을덜어주고용기를주었던제동료들과사무국전관계자들에게너무나감사했습니다. 바로이행사를시작으로저는동북아의통합과세계평화에기여한다는NEAR의목적을이해하기시작했던것같습니다.

- 한국어를 배우면서

제가한국에온또하나의목적은사무국업무와더불어이나라의풍습과문화를알수있는한국어공부 습니다. 약 1년전만하더라도한국어라는생소한언어로읽고쓴다는것이저에겐전혀불가능했었습니다. 그러나쓰기와읽기능력은아주빠르게습득할수있었어요. 좀더건방지게말하자면쓰기와읽기는아주쉬웠던것같아요. 말하기가좀어려울뿐인데, 가까운시일내에말하기도습득할수있을것같습니다. 저를위해이어렵고특별한언어수업을위해전력으로도움을주셨던사무총장님의부인이신이춘회(李春檜) 선생님께지면을빌어감사의인

사를드립니다. 선생님은제가한국어를배우면서어려움에부딪칠때마다항상넓은이해심으로격려하고도와주셨어요. 한국민족을저에게친근하게느끼도록만들어준한국언어, 풍습그리고문화공부를고향인러시아에돌아가서도계속하고싶어요.

- 한국 여기저기를 다니면서 참 재미있고 만족스러웠어요!

사무국외의한국생활또한즐거웠습니다. 한국은자연이너무아름답고신비로운역사를지녀매력적인관광지이자휴양지에요. 이 곳에머무르는동안원했던만큼많은곳을가보지는못한것이안타깝습니다. 하지만제가다시한국을찾을명목을만들어주네요. 경상북도에서는특히포항시, 경상북도수목원그리고“아름다운경주”라는구호가걸맞은경주시를갔었어요.

- 외국 친구들이 한국에 오면 꼭 가보라고 권하고 싶어요.

경주에서는고대한국의기상대(첨성대)와, 전통불교사원인불국사를보았어요.그곳에서저는‘고대한국’에빠져들수밖에없었습니다. 그리고벚꽃이피는계절이다가오면“100번듣는것보다한번보는것이낫다”라는러시아속담처럼그아름다움을이루말로표현할수가없습니다. 또용인에서는한국민속촌과세계최대규모의놀이동산중한곳인에버랜드를방문했는데너무재미있었습니다.

한국을방문한다면안동시와맛있는사과로유명한문경을꼭가보라고권해드리고싶어요. 또한국에살며수도인서울을가보지않는다는것은스스로용납할수없었기에서울도당연히가봤죠. 서울은그야말로거대한동시에단순하고, 과거와현재가공존하며, 형형색색의아름다움과추억을지니고있는곳이에요.

- NEAR사무국 동료직원들에게 감사하다는 말을 하고 싶어요.

지난해만난저의새로운친구들인아람, 승기, 히시게, 상현, 동커통, 마유미, 봉환, 만봉, 혜정, 희숙그리고다른분들께어려울때이해해주고, 잡아주고, 관심과더불어보여주었던따뜻한환대에감사말을전하고싶습니다. 마치 집인것처럼느낄수있게모두가저를도와주었어요. 개인적으로사무국에서동북아의통합과번 을위해근무할수있게해주고진심어린걱정과도움을아끼지않으셨던이해두사무총장님께감사하단말 을드립니다.

- 끝으로 하고 싶은 얘기는

NEAR사무국에서근무하며, 제역할의중요함그리고그에따른책임감과함께알타이변경주를대표한다는사명감을느끼게되었습니다. 끊임없는도움과지원을아끼지않은알타이변경주행정부의제동료들에게도감사를표하고, 특히보리스라린부지사님께감사를드립니다.

저희알타이지역은따뜻한전통과풍부한문화유산을소유하고있으며, 사회와경제분야에서발전하고있는지역입니다. 손님을따뜻하게맞이하는알타이의땅으로여러분들을초대하고싶습니다.

다시한번사무국동료들에게감사를드리며, 다시만날날을기다리겠습니다!

주부석사에서 NEAR사무국 단체사진NEAR Secretariat members pose at the Buseoksa Temple in Yeongju

다 브스트레치 사무국, 다 브스트레치 까레이아!사무국 러시아 파견공무원 안나 자하로바 인터뷰* 다브스트레치는러시아어로‘다시만날때까지안녕히’. 까레이아는‘한국’을뜻한다.

See you Secretariat, See you Korea!! -Interview with Anna Zakharova

Page 15: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments기획취재 - Feature Report

Dear NEAR friends! My name is Anna, and have worked at the NEARSecretariat for almost a year since being seconded from Altai Territory,Russia on the 25th of March, 2010. I’m glad to greet you through thisvery familiar journal.

On these pages, I’d like to share my life, work and momories in thebeautiful country Korea and the Secretariat of the Association of NorthEast Asia Regional Governments.

Looking Back on Last Year...

The last year has passed so quickly. There are so many impressions,emotions, meetings, acquaintances, perceptions, which will be enough forthe whole life. For me Korea - it’s the country of revelations. This is thefirst Asian country I've ever visited; the country, where I swam in the seafor the first time; the country where I was exposed to different culture,customs and traditions than Russian. And, the most impressive part is“people.” As far as I understand, Korean people are very kind, attentive,tolerant, hospitable and open-hearted. And it is the people, in my opinion,that is the most remarkable asset of this not-so-large country.

About Your Work at the Secretariat and Some Episodes

Among my work duties, I could learn many practical things andaccumulate new experiences especially through translating various booksand materials including the NEAR NEWS articles, searching variousinformation about NEAR regions and, of course, participating ininternational forums and events. The very first of international eventwhere I represented the interest of my region Altai was the NEARWorkshop 2010 in May. Frankly speaking, I was so much worried; Ididn’t know what to say, what to do and where to go. However, mycollegues and superiors gave me enouragments and inspirations whicheased my tension and anxiety. From that Workshop on, I began tounderstand the true goal of NEAR? contributing to the harmony of NorthEast Asia and creating peace in the world.

About Learning Korean Language

One of the purposes why I came to Korea was to learn Korean languageand the custom and culture of this country. Just a year ago I couldn’t evenimagine that I would speak, write and read in an unknown language.However, I learned quickly. It may sound arrogant, but I can now readand write Korean language well. I still have some problem in speaking buthope it will be overcome in time. I would like to take this opportunity tothank my teacher Mrs. Chun-Hoe Lee, the wife of NEAR SecretaryGeneral, for her compassion and efforts to encourage me whenever I wasstruggling with obstacles. I wish to continue to study Korean language,culture and custom in my homeland which brought me closer to theKorean people.

It Was So Much Fun to Visit...

The life out of the office was also very exciting. I think this country isbeautiful in its nature, mysterious in its history and have very attractivetourism and leisure spots. I'm sorry that I couldn't visit so many places as Iwished during my stay. It's fine, too, because this is another excuse tocome back to Korea. In Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, where theSecretariat is located, I managed to see Pohang city, visit the BotanicalGarden of Gyeongsangbuk-do as well as Gyeongju city, whose beautybefits its slogan(“Beautiful Gyeongju”).

The “Must-Visit-Place” You Recommend

In Gyeongju I had an opportunity to see the ancient CheomseongdaeAstronomical Observatory, visited the historical buddhish BulguksaTemple. Being there, you have no choice but to plunge in the ancientKorea times. But when the season of cherry blossom comes - it’simpossible to express the beauty of the city. As the Russian saying goes,“It is better to see once than 100 times to hear” It’s unforgettable. Also Ivisited Yong-in city of Gyeonggi-do Province, where the TraditionalKorean Folk Village and the “Everland Park,” one of the largestamusement parks in the world are located.

And you should definitely visit Andong city and Mungyeong village,which is famous for delicious apples. You can never leave out Seoul.Splendor and simplicity, history and modernity, colors and impressions ofevery sort and kind? this is Seoul.

You Want to Thank...

I’d like to tell the words of gratitude to all my new friends - Aram,Hishgee, Park Seung Gi, Sang Hyeon, Dong Ketong, Majumi, BongHwan, Park Man Bong, Hye-Jung, Hi Zook and many many others fortheir countenance, understanding, compassion and hospitability. You allhelped me to feel like at home. Special thanks go to Secretary General LeeHae Doo for this opportunity to work at the Secretariat for the harmony ofNorth East Asia, and for his sincere help and encouraging words.

Last Words

And of course, working in South Korea, I came to understand themeaning of responsibility, importance of my activities and role asrepresenting the Altai Regional Administration. I am very thankful to mycolleagues back in Altai for their help and countenance, and especially tothe Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory Boris Larin.

In conclusion, I would like to invite all of you to Altai Krai, the regionof hospitality, tradition, abundant cultural heritage, and of rapid economicand social development. Thank you for all! Good-bye for a moment!

❶ 포항에서 이춘회(李春檜) 한국어 선생님과 일본 파견직원 마유미 With Mrs. Chun-Hoe Lee and Mayumi, a Secretariat staff from Japan ❷ 경상북도 수목원에서 At the Gyeongsangbuk-do Botanical Garden ❸ NEAR직원들의 한국전통 4군자 그리기 체험(경상북도 주 선비촌) Drawing “Four Noble Plants (plum, iris, chrysanthemum, and bamboo)” in Yeongju Seonbi Village, Gyeongsangbuk-do ❹ 눈 내린 포항의 출근길 Way to Work

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

Page 16: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


NEAR 회원탐방 NEAR Member Tour

광주는 한반도 서남권의 중심이자 역사와전통을자랑하는문화예술의고장이며대한민국의 민주화를 상징하는 민주와 인권, 평화의도시입니다.

광주는 아시아 최초로 광주비엔날레를 창설하여 현대미술의 흐름을 이끌고 있으며첨단과학의 지식기반산업을 키우고 문화산업을 육성하여 아시아문화중심도시로 자리잡고있습니다.

1980년의 5·18민주화운동은자유와민주주의를 지키기 위해 광주시민 모두가 일어섰던민중항쟁으로, 세계의자유시민들에게



광통신, 발광다이오드와광가입자망을비롯한광산업을육성해아시아최대光산업집적도시이자세계 5대光산업도시로도약하고있습니다.

광주는 전기자동차를 개발하고 클린디젤자동차 핵심부품산업과 부품소재산업을육성하여세계적자동차도시로성장하고있습니다.

로벌기업인삼성전자가전공장을기반으로지능형가전로봇과 IT산업과의융·복합화사업등을추진해디지털가전의생산거점도시로자리잡고있습니다.

녹색성장시대를열어가기위해신재생에너지, 광·나노등신소재연구개발등을육성한결과대한민국연구개발특구로지정되고, 동북아첨단과학의발전을견인하는사이언스파크를향해매진합니다.

특히 문화의 시대를 맞아 광주는 문화산업 투자진흥지구 지정을 통해

CGI와 공예문화, 3D 입체 상, 문화콘텐츠 등을 육성하며 투자를 흡입하고있습니다.

광주에는 한반도의 자랑이자 수준 높은 전통문화인 남도문화가 꽃 피울 여건이 조성되었고, 이 같은 문화의 정수들은 고부가가치를 창출하는세계적경쟁력을지니고있다고자신합니다.

빛고을 광주는 아시아문화중심도시를 이루기 위해 고유의 문화자산을계승하는동시에, 열린마음과개방된자세로세계의다양한문화를끊임없이수용하고창조적으로발전시켜나갈것입니다.

동북아시아지역자치단체가 굳게 화합하고 소통하여 인류의 행복과 공동번 을열어가는데대한민국광주가앞장서겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Gwangju Metropolitan City is a core city of the southwestern regionof the Korean Peninsula. For a long time it has been known as ahometown of culture and art and recognized as the symbol of thedemocratization movement in Korea advocating democracy, humanrights and peace.

In an effort to transform itself as a cultural hub of Asia, Gwangjufounded the Gwangju Biennale committed to an international approachto modern art among many other efforts to promote culture industry.

The May 18th Democratization Movement refers to a popularmovement in the city of Gwangju during which citizens rose up againstformer Korean President Jeon Duhwan's illegal military dictatorshipand called for democracy. This movement was recorded as a symbolicstruggle to preserve human rights setting an example for many Asiancountries who are aspiring freedom and justice.

Such cultural and historical identity of Gwangju has acted as a newdriving force for regional development in the era of culture wherecreativity blooms.

Meanwhile, by developing photonics industry, including opticalcommunication, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical accessnetwork, Gwangju has become a city with the biggest agglomeration oflight-related industries in Asia and one of the top five photonics citiesin the world.

Moreover, it is growing into the “city of automobile and digitalelectronics”by developing electric vehicles, key components of cleandiesel vehicles and promoting IT convergence and intelligence homeservice robot industry based on Samsung home appliance factories.

Also, fostering research and development of renewable energy andnew materials in photonics and nanotechnology, Gwangju is designatedas a National R&D Special Zone and committed to create a sciencepark that will lead high-tech industry in Northeast Asia.

광주, 대한민국서남권중심도시Gwangju, the core of southwest korea

NEAR 회원탐방 - NEAR Member Tour

▲ 광주의 시가지 The City of Gwangju

▲ 광주광역시 강운태 시장Mayor Un-Tae Kang of Gwangju Metropolitan City

Page 17: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


We are assured that the higher level of sophistication of its artisticculture and advanced technology will secure a global competitiveedge to create high added value.

The 'city of light' Gwangju will continue to enhance its uniquecultural assets while promoting creative acceptance and amalgamationof various cultures of the world with a flexible attitude and an open-minded heart.

Gwangju Metropolitan City is committed to promote harmony andbetter understanding among NEAR member regions contributing tohappiness and prosperity of humanity. Thank you.

■ 시민이 행복한 창조도시, 광주!

대한민국의 5대 도시 중 하나인 광주광역시는 국토 서남권의 경제·문화·교육·행정·교통의 중추적 역할을 수행하는 인구 147만명, 면적501.2㎢이며 5개의자치구와 93개의행정동으로구성되어있다.

광주라는 지명은 빛고을(빛의 도시)이란 뜻으로, 천년을 거슬러 올라가는 유구한 역사를 가지고 있으며, 예로부터 오랜 문화와 예술의 전통에 빛나는 藝鄕, 한국의 대표적인 맛을 자랑하는 味鄕, 그리고 민주·인권·평화를사랑하는義鄕으로불리어왔다.

2010. 7월민선5기강운태시장의취임에따라시정의목표를‘세계의모델이 될 수 있는 창조도시’, ‘사회적 약자도 내일의 꿈과 희망을 가질수 있는 따뜻하고 행복한 공동체’를 이루는“행복한 창조도시, 광주!”를만들어가기위해시민과전공직자가한마음으로매진하고있다.

■ The Happy, Creative City of Gwangju

With a population of 1.47 million, Gwangju Metropolitan City is thefifth largest city in South Korea. Covering an area of 501.2㎢ dividedinto five districts, it is the center of economy, culture, education,administration and transportation in Southwest Korea. The name ofGwangju means “the City of Light,”which dates back to a thousandyears. For a long time the city has been known as a hometown ofjustice, art and beauty because citizens have never turned a blind eyeto injustice and enjoy art, flavor and taste.

Gwangju, having faced its fifth election by popular vote in July2010 and as Mayor Un-Tae Kang sworn into office, holds the goal ofestablishing “The Happy, Creative City of Gwangju,”and “TheHappy, Warm Community in Which Everyone Can Have Hopes andDreams.”

■ 민주·인권·평화도시

부정과 불의에 굴하지 않고, 국가와 민족이 위기에 처할 때마다 분연히일어나국난극복에늘앞장서온지역민의올곧은삶이면면히이어져 온 고장이다. 80년 5월 군부독재에 항거한 5.18 민주화운동은 대한

민국 민주화에 초석이 되었고, 압제에 저항하는 세계 민주화에 모델이되고있다.

광주광역시는 국경을 초월하여 세계인의 인권과 평화 운동에 앞장서고 있으며, 광주 인권상을 제정하여 매년 인권과 평화를 위해 공헌한국내·외인사를발굴하여시상하고있다

또한「인권지수」개발, 민주·인권·평화도시에걸맞는제도를정비하고, 아시아 인권포럼을 창설하여 2011. 5월 개최 예정이며, UN이정한 인권도시 지정을 추진하는 등 세계적인 인권도시로 자리매김하고있다.

■ City of Democracy, Human Rights and Peace

Gwangju's other cultural heritage is of democracy, peace and humanrights, born from the 18th May (5.18) 1980 Democratic Uprising inthe city. In a time of national crisis, the spirit of Gwangju’s 5.18Democratic Uprising brought democracy into South Korea, setting anexample for many countries who are aspiring freedom and justice.

Gwangju has advocated human rights and peace across the world.The Gwangju Prize for Human Rights was established to celebrate thespirit of the May 18 Gwangju Uprising by recognizing bothindividuals, groups or institutions in Korea and abroad that havecontributed in promoting and advancing human rights, democracy andpeace through their work. Gwangju has been involved in thedevelopment of human rights index, improved legal systems andestablished the Gwangju Asian Human Rights Forum, which is to beheld in May 2011. UN designation of Gwangju as a human rights cityis also being promoted.

NEAR 회원탐방 - NEAR Member Tour

▲ 5.18 민주광장의 분수대 야경 A night view of the fountain of the May 18 Democratic Square

Page 18: NEAR news vol.37 (KOR/ENG)


산업, 광기반 IT융합산업 등 첨단과학산업이 90년대 이후 급속한 발전을 이루면서 수출주도형 신생 첨단산업도시로 급성장하고 있다(2000년수출액 32USD → 2010년 116USD).

특히 18.73㎢ 규모의 국가 지정 광주연구개발(R&D)특구는 해외 연구기관과 산업체가 함께 입주할 수 있도록 국제적 개방형 특구를 지향하고 있으며, 중국, 일본의 주요 연구개발특구와 협력 방안을 모색해나갈계획이다.

첨단산업과 연구기반시설이 집적화 되어 있고, 우수한 인적 자원이풍부하며, 타 도시에 비해 청정하고 지가가 저렴한 광주는 다양한 인센티브를 통하여 투자의 최적지로 각광 받으면서, 최근 터치센서 원천기술 보유업체, 광통신모듈업체 등을 유치하는 등 국내외 기업의 투자유치가활발하게이루어지고있다.

■ City of High-tech Industry and Quality R&DInfrastructure

Gwangju has nurtured photonics industry since 2000. Its infrastructureincludes: Korea Photonics Technology Institute; Korea Associationfor Photonics Industry Development; Korea ElectronicsTelecommunications Research Institute; Advanced PhotonicsResearch Institute; and the Photonics Industry Cluster with 350companies.

Gwangju has been rapidly emerging an export-oriented, high-techindustrial city since the rapid growth of sophisticated industries suchas home appliance robot, digital electronics, key components of cleandiesel vehicles and fiber convergence technology in the 1990’s. thereis soaring demand for components and materials from companiesincluding KIA Motors, Samsung Electronics.

Also, Gwangju has promoted the Gwangju R&D Special Zone(18.73㎢) into an open special zone where foreign research institutesand companies can move in, especially in cooperation with R& Dspecial zones in China and Japan.

Gwangju has been known as an optimal place for investment basedon the advanced high-tech industry, competitive R&D infrastructure,quality human resources, clean environment, low-priced land andvarious incentives. Recently, many domestic and foreign companieshave invested in Gwangju, including a company that owns the originaltechnology of touch sensor and optical communication modulemanufacturers.

■ 로벌 도시를 지향광주는 해외 도시들과 경제, 문화예술, 스포츠 등의 교류를 확대하고

국제사회에서활발한활동을통하여 로벌도시로발전하고있다.

그동안 9개국 11개 도시와 자매·우호협력관계를 맺고, 8개의 국제기구에 가입하여 활동하고 있으며, 국제교류 확대를 위해 해외 자매·우호도시확대와우호협력관계를강화해나가고있다.

이러한 활동을 배경으로 지난해에는 현 강운태시장이 세계자치단체연합아태지부(UCLG-ASPAC) 공동의장으로피선되었으며,

■ 문화예술의 도시예로부터 음악, 미술, 문학 등 예술 활동이 활발했던 지역으로, 1994

년 창설한 광주비엔날레는 아시아를 대표하는 세계적인 현대미술 축제로발돋움하고있으며, 디자인비엔날레, 국제공연예술제, 정율성국제음악제등다양한문화예술축제를통하여국제적인문화예술도시로발전해가고있다.

뿐만 아니라 국책사업으로 2004년부터 2023년까지 48억불(US)을투자하여추진하고있는“아시아문화중심도시조성”사업을통하여국립아시아문화전당을 건립하고, 문화산업 투자진흥지구를 지정하여디자인·게임·3D 상산업등문화산업을집중육성하고있다.

광주는 아시아의 풍부하고 다양한 문화와 상호 소통하고, 아시아의문화를창조적에너지로결집해나가는역할을해나갈것이다.

■ City of Culture and Art

Gwangju has long been regarded as a city rich in music, art andliterature. The Gwangju Biennale, founded in 1994, has becomeAsia's oldest and most prestigious biennial of contemporary art. Also,Gwangju Design Biennale, Gwangju International Performing ArtsFestival, Jeong Yul-seong International Music Festival and manyothers have further enhanced Gwangju's worldwide reputation as acity of art.

Furthermore, the city has been pushing forward “The Hub City ofAsian Culture Project”at the national policy level with the investmentof USD 4.8 billion from 2004 to 2023. The project aims to fosterculture industry such as design, game and 3D movie by constructingthe Asian Culture Complex and designating an Investment PromotionZone for Culture Industry.

Gwangju will continue its role in communicating with various, richcultures of Asia and joining them into a creative energy.

■ 첨단산업, 연구기반시설이 잘 갖춰진 도시광주는 2000년부터 광산업을 집중 육성하여 한국광기술원, 한국광

산업진흥회, 광통신연구센터, 고등광기술연구소 등의 인프라와 350여개의업체가집적화된광산업클러스터가구축되어있다.

또한 삼성전자 가전 공장, 가전로봇산업 육성을 비롯한 디지털 가전산업과기아자동차광주공장, 클린디젤자동차부품산업육성등자동차

NEAR 회원탐방 - NEAR Member Tour

▲ 광주 김치문화축제 방문자들이 직접 김치를 담그고 있다. Visitors of the Gwangju Kimchi CultureFestival make their own Kimchi

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앞으로는 더욱 적극적인 국제교류협력과 함께 특히 민간부문의 교류활동을 적극 지원하여 해외 도시와 교류가 확대될 수 있도록 추진해 나갈계획이다.

■ Toward a Global City Through a wide range of international exchange programs with

foreign cities abroad in diverse field, including economy, culture, artand sports, Gwangju has been growing into a leading global city in the21st century, the era of globalization.

Gwangju has made continuous efforts to expand internationalexchanges and solidify international partnerships. As of now, it hassister city and cooperation relationship with 11 cities from 9 countriesand is a member of 8 international organizations. Against thisbackdrop, Mayor Un-Tae Kang was elected as a Co-Chair of theUnited Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC).

Gwangju is committed to further international exchange andcooperation especially in the private sector and expand partnershipwith foreign cities.

■ 동북아시아 자치단체와 협력을 통한 공동발전을 도모

21세기 세계경제의 중심축이 동북아시아로 변화하고 있다. 동북아의자치단체간우호협력이어느때보다중요한시기이다.

광주는 2015년 하계유니버시아드대회개최를준비하고있으며, 아시아문화중심도시 조성사업, 개방형 R&D특구 지정 등 국제사회와 공동번 을위해노력해나갈것이다.

동북아자치단체연합(NEAR)의 회원도시등역내자치단체와실질적인 교류협력을 확대하고 환경, 자원개발 등 공동의 관심사를 함께 논의하면서동북아시아의공동발전과번 을위해앞장서나갈것이다.

■ Cooperation with NEAR Members toward Co-development

The axis of global economy has shifted to Northeast Asia and closerpartnership among NEAR members has become ever more important.

As preparing to host the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade, wereassure our commitment to work for co-prosperity of theinternational community and of Northeast Asia. We will continue tocommunicate with NEAR members on issues of common interestsuch as environment and resource development and try our best topromote practical cooperation exchange.

The Association of North East Asia Regional GovernmentsNEAR 회원탐방 - NEAR Member Tour

❶ 2010 광주디자인비엔날레 2010 Gwangju Design Biennale ❷ 한국 판소리(이야기를 노래로 부르는 한국 전통음악의 형식 중 하나)의 대표적 명창이었던 임방울의 뜻을 기리기 위해 매년 개최되는임방울 국악제에서 열창을 하는 소리꾼 A Pansori performer sings passionately at the Im Bang Ul's Korean Traditional Music Festival, which is held every year in Gwangju tocommemorate Im Bang Ul, a very popular Pansori singer in the 1930s (Pansori is a genre of Korean traditional music; a kind of solo opera in which the singer tells a lovestory or satire through song) ❸ 빛의 향연이 벌어지는 광주세계광엑스포의 전시관 모습 The exhibition hall of the Gwangju World Photonics Expo ❹ 제8회 광주비엔날레 작품을 감상하는 시민들 Visitorslook at an artwork at the 8th Gwangju Biennale

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동북아시아지역자치단체연합The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments