Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namah Sanghaya Om siddhi ...

1 功德宝山陀罗尼 Guna ratna parvata dharani Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namah Sanghaya Om siddhi huluhulu sid-hulu krpa krpa siddhani puruni svaha Adoration to the Buddha! adoration to the Buddhist teaching! adoration to the Buddhist community! Attainments, rejoice, rejoice, perfect rejoicing, favour me, favour me, Lead me to Saint-hood. Lead me to paradise / abundane. Blessings fulfilled. 南无佛驮耶。南无达摩耶。南无僧伽耶。唵 悉帝护噜噜。悉都噜。只利波。 吉利婆。悉达哩。布噜哩。娑婆诃。 七佛灭罪真言 SAPTA ATITABUDDHA KARASANIYA DHĀRAĪ Ripa Ripati, Kuha kuhati, Dala-niti, Harati Vimimite Svaha. 离婆离婆帝。求诃求诃帝。陀罗尼帝。尼诃啰帝。毗黎你帝. 莎婆诃 Ripa Ripati (killing or killer) Kuha kuhati (cheater or rogue) Dala-niti (broken moral / behaviour) harati (rob/stealing) Vimimite (repair) Svaha Tathāgata Vipaśyin namo buddhāya | namo dharmāya | namaḥ saṅghāya | tadyathā | ohala hala | hili hilāya | namo jaga | namaśca nāya | namo namasvāhā |

Transcript of Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namah Sanghaya Om siddhi ...

Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namah Sanghaya
Om siddhi huluhulu sid-hulu krpa krpa siddhani puruni svaha
Adoration to the Buddha! adoration to the Buddhist teaching! adoration to the
Buddhist community!
Attainments, rejoice, rejoice, perfect rejoicing, favour me, favour me, Lead me to
Saint-hood. Lead me to paradise / abundane. Blessings fulfilled.

Ripa Ripati, Kuha kuhati, Dala-niti, Harati Vimimite Svaha.
Ripa Ripati (killing or killer) Kuha kuhati (cheater or rogue) Dala-niti (broken moral
/ behaviour) harati (rob/stealing) Vimimite (repair) Svaha
Tathgata Vipayin
namo buddhya | namo dharmya | nama saghya | tadyath | o hala hala | hili hilya | namo jaga | namaca nya | namo nama svh |
Tathgata ikhin
namo buddhya | namo dharmya | nama saghya | o paca paca pcaya pcaya sarvabhtnm | chindaya klaya paravidyn svh
Tathgata Vivabh
namo buddhya | namo dharmya | nama saghya | o kala kala | kili kili | kulu kulu | kulotsdana kuru | sarva grah svh
Tathgata Krakucchanda
namo buddhya | namo dharmya | nama saghya | nama krakucchandya |tathgatya | arhate samyaksabuddhya | o kaa kaa | kaha kaha | kii kii | kihi kihi | kipaya nama svh
Tathgata Kanakamuni
kanakamunaye | tathgatya | arhate samyak sambuddhya |
tadyath | o sara sara sara sara | siri siri siri siri | sirya | dhama
dhama dhama dhama | dhuma dhuma dhuma dhuma | dhumya |
namo nama | kanakamunaye | tathgatya arhate
samyaksambuddhya svh
Tathgata Kyapa
samyaksambuddhya | sidhyantu mantrapada svh
ghume ghume mahghume | tale tale mahtale | cale cale mahcale |
dhure dhure mahdhure | tiri tiri mahtiri | kili kili mahkili | curu curu
mahcuru | mili mili mahmili | tili tili mahtili | dhume dhume
mahdhume | cale cale mahcale | khiri Khiri mahakhiri | cili cili
mahcili svh |
Jvala Maha Ugra Dharani
namah samanta buddhanam apratihata sasananam.
Tadyatha: om kha kha khahi khahi hum hum, jvala jvala prajvala prajvala drsta drsta, stiri stiri sphota sphota santika sriye svaha

Adoration to the universal Buddhas (and their) unimpeded religions (sana) Thus:
om! in the sky (ka ), in emptiness, destroy, destroy (all obstacles), the
holy mind! the holy mind! Flame, light, brilliant light, brilliant light, experienced, experienced. Shatter, shatter, burst, burst, disperses calamities (and brings) fortune/opulence (r) So be it!
Mahacundi Dharani
Adoration to 'seven billions perfect status, perfect enlightened beings', like this: om cha'le chu'le Chundi (the Extreme purity), All hail!
Om mani padme hum
Maha nirvana cittot pada citta ksana vitarka sarvartha bhuri siddha karma purna bhuri dyotot-panna namah lokesvaraya svaha

leave greatly (the passions and delusions) Constant thought of
reflection All truths are greatly accomplished (siddha) with full (pra) satisfaction (kmam) Manifestation (utpann) of great (bhri) luminosity (dyota) Adoration to the Lord (ivar) of the world. All hail!
Cintamani Avalokiteshvara

namo ratna trayaya nama arya avalokitesvaraya bodhisattvaya mahasattvaya mahakarunikaya tadyatha om cakravarti cintamani mahapadme ru ru tistha jvala akarsaya hum phat svaha
Adoration to the three gems. Adoration to the noble (rya) Lord (var) who gazes down (avalokite) the world (loka), the enlightened sentient being, the great sentient being, the great compassionate one! Like this: O! Turn the wheel, the wish-fulfilling jewel, the great lotus, (quick, quick), Flame stays firm! Calling for the holy mind to destroy obstacles, So be it!
Heart Mantra
Om! Lotus, wish-fulfilling jewel, flame, hum!
Om varada padme hum

Give Praise to Honorable Medicine-teacher lipis-light-king, the Exalted One, The perfected disciple, Perfectly Self-Awakened One! Like this: "Auspicious one! on medicine, on medicine, the medicine appears, so be it!"
Aparimityur-jñna-suvinicita-tejo-rjya Dhran

Lifespan, King of Determined Radiance) (RYA
Adoration to the Honourable, Highest(pari)-Infinite(amita)-life(ayus)- insight(jnna) - decisive-light(tejo)-king(raja), Exalted-one(Tathagata, thus come), perfect disciple(Arahat), completely, perfectly enlightened one(Samyak-sambuddha). Like this: Om! all(sarva) rightous behaviour are in highest purity, reality of phenomena enters into emptiness, intrinsic nature are completely purified. Family of Great School have auspiciously completed.

namo amitabhaya tathagataya tadyatha Om amrtod bhave amrta siddham bhave amrta vikranti amrta vikranta gamine gagana kirti kare svaha
Adoration to the Perfect One of Infinite Light, namely: Nectar-producing one! Nectar-creation-perfecting one! Nectar-miracle one! (One) performs miracle with nectar, he makes (nectar) to pervade as widely as sky, All Hail!
