mwjt m i o p - NYS Historic...

It lli Sik M r . di— tiki m i o p WhdteM lc Anon 204 C«CfflAv» ■■X fM aP i ml MM i MM aiH l iv <■* AwJM IM Ih.Sift Nat WaiaU. earn w d iA l.M n.M r wurib 9 iM . •f • • • • • S a fM y R a z o f f o r 10 c ivm ' 9 . t<m WIN mwjt ^ The price •ecma »heariH3 r •null do«in*l u? NererthcleiM it U n rrll«l4e 1Uanr,su«r> anicMl to riiAve Ml well ell any oilier mur# The bhule if <if fine ShelBeW rieel, the Mfme quality af bladee in high-priced |aaorf. The holder ie piaio and mexpenrire; bat practical. Follow Ihe rirnple diinctkiiu,and if you cannot nbare amoothly with thia Dime Safety Raaur. aeml it hack and pet yoor money. It if a little wonder— an* umal illuftratian of modem inTcBtirc giHdtit and manttfacturera’ pfocenH. For aale at the Oen't*» Fumifbinc Department. Tlie price of the razor, complete, in neat tin coee l(le. £xtra biadea 3 for 10c. * Laaiok In 0 |ir Clothing Dept Window aad Biora Mtisfactoir tfi m if ^ at«p iaaidc and eximiac the n u a f ead yowag M«a’« ds«M paaU iofinfa price l.M ,, t.3f aad !«• icdnced ta ........................................... ............................... 98C a yifd eonct coteriagt tad fioundaft the higitat mm tm aold.rifalar 4fc qaallty,middle iale table ffc. lineM dreff tklfta. blafk aad white, Mae aad white, hfwwa aad white, Caa, white aad btae fw- aur price 1.6f hut worth 1.00 and 1.60 redaoed to fie.« White liiirt waixta, we fold thonaanda of them at 1.00 and I.ft, lawa aad loagerie, haadaoaMljr Ombtoldcrcd. aH aixee. ledueed now to Ote. boy ’• knee ptoti madt oot of fiat remaanta of cloth,ttete I to ll.aoat m good at*60c aeUlag here at 86c. tl^E SAFE STORE, 309-311 I^NTitAL AVBNUB. NBwrowu IMHftMihtllDUOl iU d llK 145310. law dte e« M n e r sitis tim iB ^ PMMtoa amtM That AetlMi la Ttkm U Ffoveat Nil Property t it e t Dio alpeaaf la U ttpatlae Ommr CtalMC rnmy of WMeh Ne leye Are Uw J—t FljMraa Show Me Weteea ti ‘ Ltwyoia aai Dotteri. PlUatewa. Ae«. roiaatary pett' tioa la beahreptry waa filed laatalgh la Iha UaMae Ptaue eoart hy Attaei ■oy Chartef MorwhaaBer. New Tert r9>rN>9atlMa Berry K. Thaw mi thh dry. who D tow caafiaed la the M iei eee eeaiMy. N. T.. JaB. la the pfOnoo Thaw aiatee that th aaeata era $111,018. aad hia HahfMttei ftlAlta. Roper O^llara. a wed<kaowB Pitts harp aateenre aad ai resaal Mead « the Thaw teadly. wsa appotelad re aateM. Hie hoMi waa pbeed it $911 000 aad ieha Newell aad faaPM W. Ptatt. ewe proBlaeat beelaete % e el Ihif cliy, beraMe aecarlty (dr Mr i O^ara. The aaeel laterastlag wee net la seeh .4 -OeeeeeaeeUy,- ha eaye la the ■nai ----^— “ao preceedlage ter a' racotrerehlp ware ppaalbla. e e i a pro- tramad eVart haa been aude Ie tttri- m u Ru eoamaay trom tie dUkaltlae I lo m hr teearla# new capllal eaahl r iht ewiapaea of the writiap ot i •Comommi to r the < airmm rapardlag the ha foaad la the petitloo aahlat pr eppotataaeet e( a reeelrer. Ih wileh M If aDepa the aetlea Is tahea ter thf. . _ a parpoae eC preeeodaf U f i reperti pffportloe of thfi m ek edriee the d» hWew dlMlpalad la Uttpatlea avat partmeat ef their axpactaftoa that flalBM, maay of which art eajeot threegh aaferiftlna fr terther a ^ The apatM U the baekrwpCcy poti el law la eaoordaece with tto dede- tSoe shew thet tide refere te the law lee a( the appellaU dtrleUe. ^ eeae» yara aad doeters. pHeetleae te tee eeeipeey^ hedeme Thaw ataUf that he D ffhfieed li ■AMfoadst HB fifOOdBy ho to m ^ t i l to Oateheoe eeaaty. N. T , aad la eUd. aw Bkely te ho there ter nm e ttaoA He haada ef •aye aewa ef ble cradHera hara ooah' leterai lla ■eeeed aeHa upeleei him aed ethers pebUe cool lU ^ tha iMaraaft difartmoat Wf esp. aace withte tta peter tewerd loomr ^ the aad the eodpty plated te the j la aeaMr, ha aays. so gfro the aOpa tloe hie atuetloe. ewtef Ie tee l> e popors were reeeteed hy D. M. eeafhleeee.'* Uaderweod, reeetrar tm beebreptcy of fho Ueltod autoo eoart far Oiwraeee acpaty, Pe, wlip hsfpaesd te ‘ thio dty. the local recotet Blair, botac abooet for a few days. The papora wftl he pfeaaated te Mr. Blair whea he reteraa. Laaao aaaeeetlaf to l l f l j e f f»om iio Bsothor. Mrs. WUHaai Thaw, ore Anty' DradfoPk W esMnS Test. e « ^ beakti wee wtibhd the muae Bomber of tkfin t h p w i y , and tfieiwiinota broak in t l m —fa M aa atMiig apimrwntly aa when it caina off tha loom.” D ocf M oiuU y m om inerfind your kitch- en like a Tiirkiih bath and steam (ilterins: into every room ? If you enjoy the odor of boiling clothesy well and good. If "you d o n ’ ti then use Fcls-Naptha soap. Fcls-Naptha w ill cleanse your clothes in. cold or^ lukewarm water—no boiling—in half the time it takes by the old-fashioned way. Hard-rubbing and all the other disagreeable features of waih-*day done away with. Use it according tO directions on the red and green wrapper. FtWaUNABIOIIMIT LCADINQ NOTRLa. __ nnWiii U amam. OttmmitmO mm BroOfwoy, oppoMto Modlooo Bailor*, la mch e compute treaafonBftkNi of (ho OM BoWMoo. that It U hard U ho- FHUS 900 ^ _ Ito I _ It U prshohiy I Ahasaaoiite notics . Dunklrtc. N. T., July IT. ItSf. > |Teko Kotloa: Tho oooMwmoot roU of tbo City of T ip a iie w iiif | a ! 5 ? ^ S i n » ^ s p o n s ib l e :, ----- --------------------- Fra fi Itelw MM (ra lUffibfim if BiHBHra nl' U tb# 4U m*tor* ran;’* leUd IW MBwNIgV m Uli Jamoo B. Bnlllrea. tbo Amorlcaa eem _ A mUoloBor to tbo Olympie geaiap rh IkpiMlm. ioBiRHiKnBIIHI I . - -- - - - - - - - - i eulUe or oay boUl U Mow T«ch a * la aadar tho auaegemeat of Mr. J. lads h T m -8raclB M k I Amoat (ho iteimtod tdalmf era ^ w«tBif i fWlowmg: John B. OMoogw, (few Torh. I tt$.te$: fUrtrilte k Betiody. Hm I Torh. f f t ASS; J. J. OrmhoM. Nmr harsh..N. T , VMil D[. Iteraaoti. ------------ I SZ teI.Tr temSTuteldrlte ^ N«1 To* A* A--1. -T *«,!B ,;s ^ r .r .«• • • • 1 • i-’ii5"j. mSii : i T C l s lors coMwotlo^ ^tfi w toar ep^ JuSuIu .... # fflflfi$ - l ' Torh. tA tei; Dr. HaaaBtoa. Wbw Torh., S l ! * * ! ? ? 1L!T ^ fMcb the 1 nrror tow aaytbtas t i raw ee the Hlto-^Brooklya. ClaclaaaU. A; $iij$f: Dr. Diuu. How Tort. $t.SM.| ^ ^ ------- — la which Corpwtor wee dte Knon — BraoUym. f: Ctecteaatl. f i P p - -------------- -------- ' awmtod hor bM mo load-1 wmeh Nf^Ual Uaghdo Dunkiflc. la tb* County of 3 j oua for tho yoar.,l*ei hda boon flaelly 2 ! oomploUd and wU fil«d te tho oSlco p of tb* d ty CUorh, wbor* th* ouao will Caddo aaa. on oM Ovahlrk bop. d wumm Uo open lor public Inapeetloa for slalter to tho Motropolla will meba h o ' ltft*oa ddra. ■Mahe hf atopptes at tee^ltew BoC ; ,gj, aormth day of F. CULUNAN, duUnain, A. M. MANN. n*cr*tory. . HKNRT WKIUBR. Mr. .. Baturtoo Ruebor ond B*rpoa; Bwlof aadfidhlat t aoy Morp I oa^ wite I to fillv tho pdpire Attor^l ibaaear bold a U ^ oodter- : ^ " imao AfitoaRfhawhtedM th* puo was >*co|»l—. r^ e LMtahroat hob booo a rvportor lafervfew ef Oeaere CorWW'BNio dhM Thot No CtedH^ itly bold la Loadoa. Whoa he ar rlred from Urorpool oa tho otomBdi Codrld. Mr. SalllTaa's erttlelsai of tho oow duet of the Otyiapic saimh w u ttena- od by Mattbow p. Helpla. teo aoaapm of tho Amortaoa toaaa. who hoo oUe rotafood. Mr. Holpin o ^ tbot on httempt was madt to eattow the ______ _______ ____ AomHeant tad that It iiabtblT me- « BI^M ta «M S W .MU. „VMrt.Ud*y»ta*fc.ta. »*• Mr. Tors WeepowelblUSy Woe Orl«: Loadoa to wUnooo tho §------- that Inal Ortir and Far Doollklas to All ^ asoromoei was oa4oot te procihlai low No •MepawoUa W ar tea Freel! J. C. Cerpoater of CoraaB ealrmflly wlaaor of tbo 4fe notoro anoe notwlih- •toadlac tho doeMoa of tho OlympN offleteU glTlag the race te RaeiMlle. the .Baiittahnida. oa allofad (Ml by Carghoter. OhoMaUleoaor aaOtema was la tea dritMleai of tee coaiaet of the gam#o nod tho aiqtndo of tho Ba| ** * mom toward the Aamrlcaaa. Ha that tbo Bnclloh pooplo woold i ‘^atblotic dofowaratioa.** ■ItTIEWTWOrUCEt. •Dim. 9f4mt ta •• ■* ta A. at. Mmmrnrnm. teb BaDoiB aad Oyatar Boy. Aag. A — Praaldoa’ Roosarait fa a aUtomoat tawMd 4aM last B lfh A ^ o H ftear that tha ea tlra roapoaraaity wBa hte (ok tea la •aaaoo of tha orlglaal mdor dimhorp las tho battolkm of aofro aoldtors (ot allogPi partlctpatSoa te tho Browao n ilr Tox.. riottac end tho tefaaol St foraaM a aaapaaaUa of that ordm*. Tha prooldaat wao ahown tho intor ▼tow which woo bod ta Wasblnstoe with Opabral Haary a Corbin. IT. 8 Am rpttrod te which Oaaaral CorMa ________ ___ aaiaaaoaa— li Waahteftoa ..••MItMfi-l IBSa darolood. i; Woahteptor V Bi opyo Olooolaad. f; WaMwatoo. 1. BaRdrtei— Jfiaa aai CtefBa; Smite aad Btroat At o o ^ s — a.; * • • • 11 • 1 »= »i S S I 1 Hite - Detroit. 4; fhBadelphla. 1# rnemmem _ fkowoH. 0: phteiaiUbU. A Bolotao Htlai aa Vaaiim il Battorloa — Doaoraa and Behaddi: m. Mnadoy So ho oxnaUM Ploti ati lyroro. ^ ladaltodawa te Dr. J ./. ~ ^ S 1 $ 1 1 • S • s - 1; ZSZTowTacter hf^M^ T n ytoT ^ a a f ° Marolhoa Ote. ate teo foatiro of tea oatar tho tight opword la whoa almaal LiM Two Load Booko Cloao Mfiiaoapolta. Aag. I. •uletdo of John O. aad oao-ttaao Toto oowrotory. Rudolph Borttor. a«^« aai teo tonawlag: | "OfUaral CorMa*a otatoaMot to ab*o tbo First Natloaal Plalao. It Wat of Bail lately corroct aad R waa oatlrrlhj tbat**lba*elmiaf i^ T m T a m propto that ho tested Btoko H Th*! « ■ahatehca At tha meaaago from th*| pi **ld*at, which ho tpmtod. woo mi.d* | pabMo loag ago. to tho Brjwaivilk wottor tbo ostlro raapoatelUlty fell tepelag tho orifiaalcOfdoa aM. far a» ellaldR to allow ita aarpSaakto was the freefdenfa." tetonrtew OahariU Certea Btetad In anbatane* that >Cr. TnR te B i way raapoaatble tor the order ileoherglnt tho bottoHon of th* T ae^ j fifth tafaatry and teat to da tag ae Arag ^pobltohod SMIowtng Ittteatisa Aatiima guFeraraJ FoUar*s iftawy aM Tar win giro !■»- modW reliof te asthma mffmrs and ho* eiWMS. Muuy CM* thot hod rofoaed to ylM to thbor treowomt. Potoy*i Hooop aad Tar to tbo boot rriaody fo ^ oouahia cold* and all throat and htaa ^ V 'DnrC^^ ^ t i n t e l dmgn. i Oovor Saye M« H«a Nof Now Torfc.vAof. A — BtaMT D a m OM>larad that .tWra -mmm m tratg Sa the nport tkfitki h ir r fii^ ifiiti rmtmrr m* tha RapahMqpn iit e io a l eoMBlttea. Mr. Deaw wm laSS city So ana Mtn. DoUor cM. f v Ho said bo bad haaa te with Cbairmoa HltchoooB taa him agate hefoaa ho MR tew telil Mr. DoTor aolg |t ---- tatogtlaa to retoi teafed to •ay. ^ Floot wm Rooob Anoklani Tomm Aaeklaad. N. Bm Aag. B .-A Vaa totograph dispatch rioofrod at 9 o'elo$h thlg gmaateg feaoi tho UaUdd atatoa Atteario fioat aays*. -fh o m * Maw ttealf ogt laat alght aad ten woothor Wow promilo.. TWodioot vW arrtft at Aarhlaad al ahflR I gritedfi lomurffnw (gnnday> BMcntia.** -^ h o n io o W 'iio bkiBRVBB. wero oorrod by Fcad Mom ! foot la tho air owwag amwfw mom ? 5 .‘5 .! 2 £ .“ The erewd eaeetebled belew wee * herrmed Sa ao* tho yoang woama 'JJJ* ^ eheet downward Ihremte teo air. Tbo " naas m tha paraehate had fBipped. ! Md t e e w h tbo Wtod partSoBy nOod I ted Site hag. R waa am aafletoaf te df thoaoraa- oa tb* Wv'anloc I Mr. (Apea to am JSSTllJa** Monjr^ A fraiaau cf^ and stood high i How to Avoid AppcadtortloT Moat tictlms of appfiidlctUf are tbOM who ar* baWtuatty yterfs Orfno Lantlra ot rsaotipallsti by otlroulatlag tho llv< aad howtos and raotorao tho a action of tbo bowoto. Foloy*a tbo a ^ ^ Inxstivo do*o ntot won*nat* or pHp* and to mild aad pleasant to toko. Ito* wo* la AlMon. wiwr* bl* par- ! fuss sobstltutoa.—B. M Darto. Itot. Ho wao a fradaau of AI- ___•?— la —^ ho OB8BRVBR macbid tbo i ling to ho r df FIdhkiU Uhd- hoartag la laMmoro 177 .ffibSlShtl— 4;lng hao aijiara il teo 'orowlo .......... i l f f t t e i l — I; Thawto saN la fix Iho ralao if Dr. i fflSs^Boltlaoro. T; Torealo. A We] WBaea'e eerrk 4; Torcata, A Baa 4*vt*f g.«. ^mA liamrmm Ffrec •Mm-Baltimire. A Y. A Ma Oepkey. Tommies L A A Badolph. mama ffifttiffB—d Ighemrna . . t e i e f f t i e — t Hlto-fyfaoaeo. f; BUMUmtnn, T tea top i bgtoee*. 1: Btatia * ^ . *• |lR$mra I liMtee aad Clilh; W antot ____________ aS L .- «. taMta** A*UT .... Troy ............ leeiaiafti— 4 HNa Alhiiay. U ; Ttow, lA Bi —Ateoay, 1: Troy. A Battoto Kaiiht aad MeOtetoy; Deaaally The pmnssdtogi hefepe Mr. Ttido-; welsr are to ha m tee aaparriaere'; ream at FseibbinMi. whito t e a a a i^ T ^ Itmoaaaway. ^eartea.! saTb hady. Tha srawd hald Ita breath aad tere- 4tef to aa Bm teirty feet from tho g»sadi tea teOlim haOooalat waa M ght te tea brmshse Waa ate traa white ateppad tea teB graiaaBf. Wm (ram tha traa te aa eaeaa- iailtoa teawsi thad Mra. 'WIioa ahaai Utlto CiMiifa la B. F. R. Bfrlhi. TweaiA Ow Im 4ag A -‘ tJa nhaage te Uotoa CempUsaBea at a FdkaraL • t$$f$e$*-t aaaaasasf—• , •; Bcraama, a -WHheaRarre. •: fioraaSoa. A ------ MOlteM OOd Mlltor; BygaoT. If. te Wm Aete - 1 hsarywstgte tim tiite ^ fitil twemt Tateay mno. the I marts Md Bm Beeirse. tee Aaatratem. has Qtoee WNsto Base sa Aoetesr; WN mA MtlmmC KeatM Agg. CearkOod ef rtstifteg tha aatepaas tow. te ft Wfitto w$« fiaed isee end Odrtfe W ti lama Slid m the dsderal eeart hordi watts, whd Is a Oreat Nartedra temhm ■aa. sarertol a pma tor hto wts* swd mmBRte.lfete.WB|pilte_ . .-Tha OBbBRTMR matesa th* 3Z n tetttelSliM tataU ta «TU# m ! •*»« ■Mkt U th kH* * “ ta •aO **o*o**r* wOSb* b*M tes iltBfiiate T W - it e i^ piste g feids. Wsd WrtteA aa ha Mrt O rm lT lti at 4pi m.sald that ha had aa sutommt uaiaha rigirlteg tha festolsa iRpte- od te hto isaisrmsi wite tho paml- IhalRp IteiDSB Bite ter Udyfif BfirredL How Tectu Aag A—M «a w o t of LIfFii id W * MBcIte or agtkmf iteBtoS drati m w tr tte S{5*gMn By aB(^PMssmmr tor g rteltetoB gf tea Wkat Women soiM telEteSigteni iMdlwittoiifHiiifBiddliBptni gSMtetar so soMdSo Biroiiii lytoiw >te*a R to d*plot*d Tinaaa*n*tbtog fa SSeecAaaa &Ui4 ■ Bm fiver, i a e r n m ______ •a Bw InnelkitiofBM aevecal A oonraa of thoso pills wUlteUeve act mildly oe tho bowels,. tee Wood, M < Ihe red cwffgprlm In The Right Riiiinefiy I! ntetBIfe ew a I to tho fausw fmasT, ilirfr i »==i I or m m k sra MnitoT w^nsete 1 (IjojjSm j^Sy^ . t U momisMt laamwTiiiii i jmlUTmmg'TiUtT mimm tT EtJKSy Now toZ , O . E S » *1 F ew * Sew iCeefiitos, / m

Transcript of mwjt m i o p - NYS Historic...

Page 1: mwjt m i o p - NYS Historic · A w JM IM Ih.Sift Nat WaiaU. ... A nty' DradfoPk W esM nS T est. ... OhoMaUleoaor

I t l l i S i k M r .

di— tik i

m i o pWhdteMlc Anon 204 C«CfflAv»■■X fMaPi ml MMi MMaiHl iv <■*

A w J M I M I h .S i f t Nat WaiaU. earn w di A l . M n . M r wurib9 i M .

•f • • • • •

S a f M y R a z o f f o r 10c

i v m ' 9. t<m

WIN ■mwjt ^

The price •ecma »heariH3r •n u ll do«in*l

u ?NererthcleiM it U n rrll«l4e 1Uanr,su«r>

anicMl to riiAve Ml well ell any oilier m ur# The bhule if <if fine ShelBeW rieel, the Mfme quality a f bladee in high-priced |aaorf. The holder ie piaio and mexpenrire; batpractical. Follow Ihe rirnple d iinctkiiu ,and if you cannot nbare amoothly with thia Dime Safety Raaur. aeml it hack and pet yoor money. It i f a little wonder— an* umal illuftratian of m odem inTcBtirc giHdtit and manttfacturera’ p focen H . For aale at the Oen't*» F u m ifb in c Department. Tlie price of the razor, complete, in neat tin coee l(le. £ x tra biadea 3 for 10c. *

Laaiok In 0 |ir Clothing Dept Windowaad Biora Mtisfactoir tfi m i f at«p iaaidc and ex im iac the n u a f ead yowag M«a’« ds«M

paaU iofinfa price l.M , l . t l , t .3 f aad ! « • icdnced t a ........................................... ...............................9 8 Ca y ifd eonct coteriagt ta d fiou n d aft the h ig ita t m m t m aold.rifalar 4fc qaallty,middle iale table f fc .lineM dreff tklfta. blafk aad white, Mae aad white, hfwwa aad white, Caa, white aad btae fw- au r price 1.6f hut worth 1.00 and 1.60 redaoed to fie.«White liiirt waixta, we fold thonaanda of them at 1.00 and I .ft, lawa aad loagerie, haadaoaMljr Ombtoldcrcd. aH aixee. ledueed now to Ote.boy ’• knee p to ti madt oot o f fiat remaanta o f cloth,ttete I to l l .a o a t m good at*60c aeUlag here at 86c.

tl^ E SAFE STORE, 3 0 9 - 3 1 1 I ^ N T i t A L A V B N U B .N B w r o w u

IMHftMihtllDUOl ■ i U d l l K 1 4 5 3 1 0 .

law dte e «

M n e r s i t i s t i m i B ^

PMMtoa am tM That AetlMi la T tkm U Ffoveat Nil Property t i t e t Dio alpeaaf la U ttpatlae Ommr CtalMC rnmy of WMeh Ne leye Are Uw J—t FljMraa Show Me Weteea ti ‘ Ltwyoia a a i Dotteri.PlUatewa. Ae«. roiaatary pett'

tioa la beahreptry waa filed laatalgh la Iha UaMae Ptaue eoart hy Attaei ■oy Chartef MorwhaaBer. New Tertr9>rN>9atlMa Berry K. Thaw mi thhdry. who D tow caafiaed la the M ie ieee eeaiMy. N. T.. JaB.

la the pfOnoo Thaw aiatee that th aaeata era $111,018. aad hia HahfMttei ftlA lta .

Roper O^llara. a wed<kaowB Pitts harp aateen re aad ai resaal Mead « the Thaw teadly. wsa appotelad re aateM. Hie hoMi waa pbeed i t $911 000 aad ieha Newell aad faaPM W. Ptatt. ewe proBlaeat beelaete % e el Ihif cliy, beraMe aecarlty (dr Mr

i O^ara.The aaeel laterastlag

wee net la seeh

. 4

-OeeeeeaeeUy,- ha eaye la the■ n a i----^— “ao preceedlage ter a'racotrerehlp ware ppaalbla. e e i a pro- tramad eVart haa been aude Ie tttri- m u Ru eoamaay trom tie dUkaltlae

I lo m hr teearla# new capllal eaahl r iht ewiapaea of the writiap ot i

•Comommi tor the <

airmm rapardlag the ha foaad la the petitloo aahlat p r eppotataaeet e( a reeelrer. Ih wileh MIf aDepa the aetlea Is tahea ter thf. . _ aparpoae eC preeeodaf U f i reperti pffportloe of thfi m ek edriee the d »hWew dlMlpalad la Uttpatlea avat partmeat ef their axpactaftoa thatflalBM, maay of which art eajeot threegh aaferiftlna fr terther a ^

The apatM U the baekrwpCcy poti e l law la eaoordaece with tto dede- tSoe shew thet tide refere te the law lee a( the appellaU dtrleUe. ^ eeae» yara aad doeters. pHeetleae te tee eeeipeey^ hedem e

Thaw ataUf that he D ffhfieed l i ■A M foadst H B fifOOdBy ho t o m ^ t i l to Oateheoe eeaaty. N. T , aad la eUd. awBkely te ho there ter n m e ttaoA He haada ef •aye aewa ef ble cradHera hara ooah' leterai lla ■eeeed aeHa upeleei him aed ethers pebUe cool

lU ^ tha iMaraaf t d ifartmoat W f

esp. aace withte tta p eter tewerd loomr ^ the

aad the eodpty plated te the j

la aeaMr, ha aays. so gfro the aOpa tloe hie atuetloe. ew tef Ie tee

l> e popors were reeeteed hy D. M. eeafhleeee.'*Uaderweod, reeetrar tm beebreptcy of fho Ueltod autoo eoart far Oiwraeee acpaty, P e , wlip hsfpaesd te ‘ thio dty. the local recotetBlair, botac abooet for a few days.The papora wftl he pfeaaated te Mr.Blair whea he reteraa.

Laaao aaaeeetlaf to l l f l j e f f»om iio Bsothor. Mrs. WUHaai Thaw, ore

A n t y ' D r a d f o P k W e s M n S T e s t .

e « ^ b e a k ti w e e w tib h d th e m uae Bom ber o f tkfin t h p w i y , and tfieiwiinota broak in t lm —fa M aa atMiig apimrwntly aa when it caina off tha loom.”

D o c f M o i u U y m o m i n e r f i n d y o u r k i t c h ­e n l i k e a T i i r k i i h b a t h a n d s t e a m ( i l t e r i n s :

i n t o e v e r y r o o m ? I f y o u e n j o y t h e o d o r o f

b o i l i n g c l o t h e s y w e l l a n d g o o d . I f " y o u

d o n ’ t i t h e n u s e F c l s - N a p t h a s o a p .

F c l s - N a p t h a w i l l c l e a n s e y o u r c l o t h e s in .

c o l d o r ^ l u k e w a r m w a t e r — n o b o i l i n g — i n

h a l f t h e t i m e i t t a k e s b y t h e o l d - f a s h i o n e d

w a y . H a r d - r u b b i n g a n d a l l t h e o t h e r

d i s a g r e e a b l e f e a t u r e s o f w a ih - * d a y d o n ea w a y w i t h .

U s e i t a c c o r d i n g tO d i r e c t i o n s o n t h e

r e d a n d g r e e n w r a p p e r .


__ n n W iii Uamam. OttmmitmO mmBroOfwoy, oppoMto Modlooo Bailor*, la mch e compute treaafonBftkNi of (ho OM BoWMoo. that It U hard U ho-FHUS 900 ^ _ Ito I _

It U prshohiy I

A hasaaoiite n o t ic s .Dunklrtc. N. T., July IT. ItSf. >

|Teko Kotloa:Tho oooMwmoot roU of tbo City of

T i p a i i e w i i i f | a ! 5 ? ^ S i n

» ^ s p o n s i b l e : , ----- ---------------------

Fra fi Itelw MM

( r a lU f f ib f im i f B iH BH ra nl' U tb# 4U m*tor* ran;’* leUdIW M Bw N IgV m Uli Jamoo B. Bnlllrea. tbo Amorlcaa eem

_ A mUoloBor to tbo Olympie geaiap rhIkpiMlm. ioB iR H iK nB IIH I

I . - - - - - - - - - - - i eu lUe or oay boUl U Mow T«ch a* la aadar tho auaegemeat of Mr. J.

l a d s h T m - 8 r a c l B M kI Amoat (ho iteimtod tdalmf era ^ w « t B i fi fWlowmg: John B. OMoogw, (few Torh.I tt$.te$: fU rtrilte k Betiody. H m I Torh. f f t ASS; J. J. OrmhoM. Nmr

harsh..N. T , V M i l D[. Iteraa o ti. ------------

I SZteI.Tr temSTuteldrlte N«1 T o * A * A - - 1 . -T * « , ! B , ; s ^ r . r . « • • • • 1 • i - ’ i i 5 " j . m S i i : i T C l slors coMwotlo^ ^ tf i w t o a r e p ^ J u S u I u . . . . # f f l f l f i $ - l ' Torh. tA tei; Dr. HaaaBtoa. Wbw Torh., S l ! * * ! ? ? 1 L ! T ^ fMcb the

1 nrror tow aaytbtas t i raw ee the Hlto-^Brooklya. ClaclaaaU. A; $ i i j$ f : Dr. Diuu. How Tort. $t.SM.| ^ ^-------— la which Corpwtor wee dte K n o n — BraoUym. f: Ctecteaatl. f i P p - — -------------- -------- ' awmtod hor bM mo load-1 wmeh

N f^U al Uaghdo

Dunkiflc. la tb* County of 3 j o u a fo r tho y o a r.,l* e i hda boon flaelly 2 ! oomploUd and w U fil«d te tho oSlco p of tb* d t y CUorh, wbor* th* o u ao will

Caddo aaa. on oM O vahlrk bop. d wummUo open lo r public Inapeetloa for sla lte r to tho Motropolla will m eba h o ' ltft*oa ddra.■M ahe hf atopptes at tee^ltew BoC ; ,g j, aormth day of

F. CULUNAN, duUnain,A. M. MANN. n*cr*tory. . HKNRT WKIUBR. Mr. ..

Baturtoo Ruebor ond B*rpoa; Bwlofaadfidhlat t aoy Morp

I o a ^ wite

I to f i l lv tho pdpire Attor l ibaaear bold a U ^ oodter- : ^ " im ao A fitoaR fhaw htedM

th* puo was >*co|»l—. r ^ eLMtahroat hob booo a rvportor

lafervfew ef Oeaere CorWW'BNio dhM Thot No CtedH

itly bold la Loadoa. Whoa he ar rlred from Urorpool oa tho otomBdi Codrld.

Mr. SalllTaa's erttlelsai of tho oowduet of the Otyiapic saimh w u ttena-od by Mattbow p. Helpla. teo aoaapm of tho Amortaoa toaaa. who hoo oUe rotafood. Mr. Holpin o ^ tbot on httempt was madt to eattow the

______ _______ ____ AomHeant tad that It iiabtblT me-

« BI^M ta «M S W .M U . „ V M r t .U d * y » t a * fc .ta . » * •Mr. Tors WeepowelblUSy Woe Orl«: Loadoa to wUnooo tho §------- thatInal Ortir and Far Doollklas to All asoromoei was oa4oot te procihlai low No •MepawoUa W ar tea Freel! J. C. Cerpoater of CoraaB ealrmflly

wlaaor of tbo 4fe notoro anoe notwlih- •toadlac tho doeMoa of tho OlympN offleteU glTlag the race te RaeiMlle. the .Baiittahnida. oa allofad (M l by Carghoter.

OhoMaUleoaor aaOtema was la tea dritMleai of tee coaiaet of the gam#o nod tho aiqtndo of tho Ba| ** *

m om toward the Aamrlcaaa. Ha that tbo Bnclloh pooplo woold i ‘ atblotic dofowaratioa.**

■ I t T I E W T W O r U C E t .

•Dim. 9 f 4 m t ta • •■* ta A. at. Mmmrnrnm. teb BaDoiB aad

Oyatar Boy. Aag. A — Praaldoa’ Roosarait fa a aUtomoat tawMd 4aM last B l f h A ^ o H ftear that tha ea tlra roapoaraaity wBa hte (ok tea la •aaaoo of tha orlglaal mdor dimhorp las tho battolkm of aofro aoldtors (ot allogPi partlctpatSoa te tho Browao n i lr Tox.. riottac end tho tefaaol St foraaM a aaapaaaUa of that ordm*.

Tha prooldaat wao ahown tho intor ▼tow which woo bod ta Wasblnstoe with Opabral Haary a Corbin. IT. 8 Am rpttrod te which Oaaaral CorMa

________ ___ a a i a a a o a a — liWaahteftoa . . • • M I t M f i - l

IBSa darolood. i ; Woahteptor V Bi opyo Olooolaad. f; WaMwatoo. 1.BaRdrtei— Jfiaa a a i CtefBa; Smite aad Btroat

At o o ^ s — a.;

* • • • 1 1 • 1 » = »i S S I 1Hite - Detroit. 4; fhBadelphla. 1# rnemmem _ fkowoH. 0: phteiaiUbU. A Bolotao Htlai aa Vaaiim il Battorloa — Doaoraa and Behaddi: m. Mnadoy So ho oxnaUMP lo t i a t i lyroro. ^ ladaltoda wa te Dr. J . / .

~ ^ S 1 $ 1 1 • S • s - 1; Z S Z T o w T a c te r h f^ M ^

T n y to T ^ a a f ° MarolhoaOte. a te teo foatiro of tea oatar

tho tight opword la whoa almaal LiM

Two Load Booko Cloao Mfiiaoapolta. Aag. I.

•uletdo of John O. aad oao-ttaao

Toto oowrotory. Rudolph Borttor. a«^«aai teo tonawlag: |

"OfUaral CorMa*a otatoaMot to ab*o tbo First Natloaal Plalao. It

W at of B a il

lately corroct aad R waa oatlrrlhj tbat**lba*elmiaf i^ T m T a mpropto that ho tested Btoko H Th*! «■ahatehca At tha meaaago from th*| pi **ld*at, which ho tpmtod. woo mi.d* | pabMo loag ago. to tho Brjwaivilk wottor tbo ostlro raapoatelUlty fell tepelag tho orifiaalcOfdoa aM. far a» ellaldR to allow ita aarpSaakto was the freefdenfa."

fe .k ia tetonrtew OahariU Certea Btetad In anbatane* that >Cr. TnR te B i way raapoaatble tor the order ileoherglnt tho bottoHon of th*T a e ^ j fifth tafaatry and teat to da tag ae

Arag pobltohod SMIowtng

Ittteatisa Aatiima guFeraraJ FoUar*s iftawy aM Tar win giro !■»-

m odW reliof te asthma m ffm rs andho* eiWMS. Muuy CM* thot hod rofoaedto y lM to thbor treowomt. Potoy*i

■ Hooop aad Tar to tbo boot rriaody fo oouahia cold* and all throat and htaa

^ V 'D n r C ^ ^ ^ t i n t e l dmgn.


Oovor Saye M« H«a NofNow Torfc.vAof. A — BtaMT Dam

OM>larad that .tWra -mmm m tratg Sathe nport tkfitki h i r r f i i ^ i f i i t irmtmrr m* tha RapahMqpn iite ioa leoMBlttea. Mr. Deaw wm l a S Scity So ana Mtn. DoUor cM. f vHo said bo bad haaa tewith Cbairmoa HltchoooBtaa him agate hefoaa ho MR te w te li lMr. DoTor aolg |t ----tatogtlaa to retoiteafed to•ay. ^Floot w m Rooob Anoklani Tomm

Aaeklaad. N. Bm Aag. B .-A Vaa totograph dispatch rioofrod at 9 o'elo$h thlg gmaateg feaoi tho UaUdd atatoa Atteario fioat aays*. - fh o m * Maw ttealf ogt laat alght aad tenwoothor Wow promilo.. TWodioot vWarrtft at Aarhlaad al ahflR I gritedfilomurffnw (gnnday> BMcntia.**

-^ h o n io o W ' i i o bkiBRVBB.

wero oorrod by Fcad

M o m! foot la tho air owwag amwfw mom

? 5 . ‘5 . ! 2 £ . “The erewd eaeetebled belew wee

* herrmed Sa ao* tho yoang woama'J J J * ^ eheet downward Ihremte teo air. Tbo

" n aas m tha paraehate had fB ipped.! Md teew h tbo Wtod partSoBy nOod I ted Site hag. R waa am aafletoaf te

df thoaoraa-

oa tb* Wv'anloc IMr. (Apea to amJSSTllJa**M o n j r ^

■ A fra iaau c f ^ and stood high i

How to Avoid AppcadtortloTMoat tictlms of appfiidlctUf are

tbOM who ar* baWtuatty y ter fs Orfno Lantlra ot rsaotipallsti by otlroulatlag tho llv< aad howtos and raotorao tho a action of tbo bowoto. Foloy*a

tbo a ^ ^Inxstivo do*o ntot won*nat* or pHp* and to mild aad pleasant to toko. Ito*

wo* la AlMon. wiwr* bl* par- ! fuss sobstltutoa.—B. M Darto.Itot. Ho wao a fradaau of AI- ___•?—

la — ho OB8BRVBR macbid tbo

iling to ho

r df FIdhkiU Uhd- hoartag lalaMmoro 177. ffibSlShtl— 4;lng hao ai j iara i l teo

'orowlo .......... i l f f t t e i l — I; Thawto saN la fix Iho ralao i f Dr. ifflSs^Boltlaoro. T; Torealo. A We] WBaea'e eerrk

4; Torcata, A Baa 4* v t * f g .« .^mA liamrmm

Ffrec •M m -Baltim ire. A Y. A Ma Oepkey. Tommies L A A Badolph.

mama f f i f t t i f f B — d Ighemrna . . t e i e f f t i e — t

Hlto-fyfaoaeo. f; BUMUmtnn, Ttea top i bgtoee*. 1: Btat i a * ^ . *•|lR $m ra I liMtee aad Clilh; W a n to t____________

aS L . - « . t a M t a * *A *U T . . . .Troy ............l e e i a i a f t i — 4

HNa Alhiiay. U ; Ttow, lA Bi —Ateoay, 1: Troy. A Battoto Kaiiht aad MeOtetoy; Deaaally

The pmnssdtogi hefepe Mr. T tid o-; welsr are to ha m tee aaparriaere'; ream at Fseibb in M i. whito t e a a a i ^ T ^

Itm oaaaw ay. ^ e a r te a .!

saTb hady.Tha srawd hald Ita breath aad tere-

■ 4 te f to

aa Bmteirty feet from tho

g»sadi tea teOlim haOooalat waa M g h t te tea brmshse W aa ate traa white ateppad tea teB graiaaBf. Wm

(ram tha traa te aa eaeaa-

ia ilto a teaw si thad Mra.

'WIioa ahaai

Utlto CiMiifa la B. F. R. Bfrlhi. TweaiA OwIm 4 a g A - ‘

tJa nhaage te ‘Uotoa CempUsaBea at a FdkaraL

• t $ $ f $ e $ * - t a a a a a s a s f — •

, • ; Bcraama, a -WHheaRarre. •: fioraaSoa. A

------ MOlteM OOd Mlltor;

BygaoT. If. te Wm Aete - 1hsa rywstgte t i m t i i t e ^ f it i l twem t Tateay m n o . the I marts Md Bm Beeirse. tee Aaatratem. has

Qtoee WNsto Base sa Aoetesr; WNmA MtlmmC KeatM Agg. CearkOod

ef rtstifteg tha aatepaas tow. te ft Wfitto w$« fiaed isee end Odrtfe W ti lama Slid m the dsderal eeart hordi w atts, whd Is a Oreat Nartedra temhm ■aa. sarertol a pma tor hto wts* swd m m B R te.lfete .W B |p ilte_ .

.-Tha OBbBRTMR matesa th*

3 Z n t e t t t e l S l i MtataU ta «TU# m ! •*»«

■ M k t U t h k H * * “ ta•aO **o*o**r* wOSb* b*M

tes iltBfiiate T W -ite i^piste g feids .

Wsd WrtteA aa ha Mrt O r m lT lt i at 4p i m .sald that ha had aa sutom m t u a iah a rig irlteg tha festolsa iRpte- od te hto isa isrm si wite tho paml-

IhalR p

IteiDSB Bite ter Udyfif BfirredL How Tectu A ag A—M «a w o t of

LIfFii id W * MBcIte or

agtkmf iteBtoS d r a t i m w tr t te

S{5*gMn By aB( PMssmmrtor g rteltetoB gf tea

Wkat Womens o iM te lE te S ig t e n i iM dlw itto iifH iiifB iddliB ptn i gSMtetarso soMdSo Biroiiii lytoiw >te*a R to d*plot*d Tinaaa*n*tbtog fa

SSeecAaaa &Ui4■ Bm fiver, ia e r n m ______•a Bw InnelkitiofBM aevecal

A oonraa of thoso pills wUlteUeve act mildly oe tho bowels,.

‘ ‘ tee Wood, M <Ihe red cwffgprlm In

The Right Riiiinefiy


ntetBIfe e w aI to tho fausw

f m a s T , i l i r f r i

» = = iI or m m k s r a

MnitoT w^nsete

1 (I jojjSmjSy. t U momisMt laamwTiiiii i

jmlUTmmg'TiUtT m im m tT

EtJKSy Now toZ,O . E S » *1 F e w * S e w i C e e f i i t o s ,

/ m