MongoDB and Hadoop: Driving Business Insights

MongoDB and Hadoop Driving Business Insights Software Engineer, MongoDB Justin Lee #MongoDB DC


MongoDB and Hadoop can work together to solve big data problems facing today's enterprises. We will take an in-depth look at how the two technologies complement and enrich each other with complex analyses and greater intelligence. We will take a deep dive into the MongoDB Connector for Hadoop and how it can be applied to enable new business insights with MapReduce, Pig, and Hive, and demo a Spark application to drive product recommendations.

Transcript of MongoDB and Hadoop: Driving Business Insights

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MongoDB and Hadoop Driving Business Insights

Software Engineer, MongoDB

Justin Lee

#MongoDB DC

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•  Evolving Data Landscape

•  MongoDB & Hadoop Use Cases

•  MongoDB Connector Features

•  Demo

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Evolving Data Landscape

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The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models.

•  Terabyte and Petabtye datasets

•  Data warehousing

•  Advanced analytics

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Enterprise IT Stack




ent &



g Security &



CRM, ERP, Collaboration, Mobile, BI

OS & Virtualization, Compute, Storage, Network




Data Management

Operational Analytical

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Operational vs. Analytical: Enrichment

Applications, Interactions Warehouse, Analytics

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Operational: MongoDB

First-­‐level  Analy/cs  

Product/Asset  Catalogs  

Security  &  Fraud  

Internet  of  Things  

Mobile  Apps   Customer  Data  Mgmt  

Single  View   Social  

Churn  Analysis   Recommender  

Warehouse  &  ETL   Risk  Modeling  

Trade  Surveillance  

Predic/ve  Analy/cs  

Ad  Targe/ng   Sen/ment  Analysis  

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Analytical: Hadoop

First-­‐level  Analy/cs  

Product/Asset  Catalogs  

Security  &  Fraud  

Internet  of  Things  

Mobile  Apps   Customer  Data  Mgmt  

Single  View   Social  

Churn  Analysis   Recommender  

Warehouse  &  ETL   Risk  Modeling  

Trade  Surveillance  

Predic/ve  Analy/cs  

Ad  Targe/ng   Sen/ment  Analysis  

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Operational vs. Analytical: Lifecycle

First-­‐level  Analy/cs  

Product/Asset  Catalogs  

Security  &  Fraud  

Internet  of  Things  

Mobile  Apps   Customer  Data  Mgmt  

Single  View   Social  

Churn  Analysis   Recommender  

Warehouse  &  ETL   Risk  Modeling  

Trade  Surveillance  

Predic/ve  Analy/cs  

Ad  Targe/ng   Sen/ment  Analysis  

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MongoDB & Hadoop Use Cases

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Applications powered by

Analysis powered by

•  Products & Inventory •  Recommended products •  Customer profile •  Session management

•  Elastic pricing •  Recommendation models •  Predictive analytics •  Clickstream history

MongoDB Connector for


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Applications powered by

Analysis powered by

•  Customer profiles •  Insurance policies •  Session data •  Call center data

•  Customer action analysis •  Churn analysis •  Churn prediction •  Policy rates

MongoDB Connector for


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Fraud Detection


Fraud modeling

Nightly Analysis

MongoDB Connector for Hadoop

Results Cache

Online payments processing

3rd Party Data


Fraud Detection

query only

query only

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MongoDB Connector for Hadoop

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Read/Write  MongoDB  

Read/Write  BSON  







Apache  Hadoop  

Cloudera  CDH  

Hortonworks  HDP  

Amazon  EMR  

Connector Overview

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Connector Features and Functionality

•  Computes splits to read data –  Single Node, Replica Sets, Sharded Clusters

•  Mappings for Pig and Hive –  MongoDB as a standard data source/destination

•  Support for –  Filtering data with MongoDB queries –  Authentication –  Reading from Replica Set tags –  Appending to existing collections

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MapReduce Configuration

•  MongoDB input –  mongo.job.input.format  =  com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoInputFormat  –  mongo.input.uri  =  mongodb://mydb:27017/db1.collection1  

•  MongoDB output –  mongo.job.output.format  =  com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoOutputFormat  –  mongo.output.uri  =  mongodb://mydb:27017/db1.collection2  

•  BSON input/output –  mongo.job.input.format  =  com.hadoop.BSONFileInputFormat  –  mapred.input.dir  =  hdfs:///tmp/database.bson  –  mongo.job.output.format  =  com.hadoop.BSONFileOutputFormat  –  mapred.output.dir  =  hdfs:///tmp/output.bson  

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Pig Mappings

•  Input: BSONLoader and MongoLoader          data  =  LOAD  ‘mongodb://mydb:27017/db.collection’    

               using  com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.MongoLoader  


•  Output: BSONStorage and MongoInsertStorage          STORE  records  INTO  ‘hdfs:///output.bson’  

               using  com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.BSONStorage  

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Hive Support

CREATE  TABLE  mongo_users  (id  int,  name  string,  age  int)  

STORED  BY  "com.mongodb.hadoop.hive.MongoStorageHandler"  

WITH  SERDEPROPERTIES("mongo.columns.mapping”  =  "_id,name,age”)  

TBLPROPERTIES("mongo.uri"  =  "mongodb://host:27017/test.users”)  

•  Access collections as Hive tables

•  Use with MongoStorageHandler or BSONStorageHandler  

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Spark Usage

•  Use with MapReduce input/output formats

•  Create Configuration objects with input/output formats and data URI

•  Load/save data using SparkContext Hadoop file API

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Data Movement

Dynamic queries with most recent data

Puts load on operational database

Snapshots move load to Hadoop

Snapshots add predictable load to MongoDB

Dynamic queries to MongoDB vs. BSON snapshots in HDFS

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MovieWeb Components

•  MovieLens dataset –  10M ratings, 10K movies, 70K users

•  Python web app to browse movies, recommendations –  Flask, PyMongo

•  Spark app computes recommendations –  MLLib collaborative filter

•  Predicted ratings are exposed in web app –  New predictions collection

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MovieWeb Web Application

•  Browse –  Top movies by ratings count –  Top genres by movie count

•  Log in to –  See My Ratings –  Rate movies

•  What’s missing? –  Movies You May Like –  Recommendations

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Spark Recommender

•  Apache Hadoop 2.3.0 –  HDFS and YARN

•  Spark 1.0 –  Execute within YARN –  Assign executor


•  Data –  From HDFS, MongoDB –  To MongoDB

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Snapshot database as BSON

Store BSON in HDFS

Read BSON into Spark app

Train model from existing ratings

Create user-movie pairings

Predict ratings for all pairings

Write predictions to MongoDB


Web application exposes


Repeat the process weekly

MovieWeb Workflow

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$ export SPARK_JAR=spark-assembly-1.0.0-hadoop2.4.0.jar

$ export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop

$ bin/spark-submit

--master yarn-cluster

--class com.mongodb.hadoop.demo.Recommender demo-1.0.jar

--jars mongo-java-2.12.3.jar,mongo-hadoop-1.3.0.jar

--driver-memory 1G

--executor-memory 2G

--num-executors 4


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•  MongoDB Connector for Hadoop –

•  Getting Started with MongoDB and Hadoop –


•  MongoDB-Spark Demo –