Module 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 One Million Pound Bank Note.

Module 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 One Million Pound Bank Note

Transcript of Module 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 One Million Pound Bank Note.

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Module 3

Unit 3

Unit 3 One Million Pound Bank Note

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Reading Reading

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Warming up

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Mark Twain’s House

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The holy passion of Friendship is of so

sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a

nature that it will last through a whole

lifetime, if not asked to lend money.

友谊是如此圣洁的一种激情 ,是如此甜蜜、牢固和忠诚 , —这样的特质可使友谊维系终身 只要不向对方借钱。

—Mark Twain

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Mark twain

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Mark Twain was a great American

writer, and he was also a famous


He liked to tell funny stories to make

people laugh. He also liked to play jokes

on his friends. Once Mark Twain was

traveling with a friend of his.

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His friend lost his money, so he asked

Mark Twain to buy a train ticket for him.

“But I don't have enough money to buy

two tickets,” said Mark Twain.

His friend didn't know what to do.

“You can hide under my seat when the

conductor comes to check the tickets,”

Mark Twain said to him.

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When the conductor came to check

the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two

tickets, one for himself and one for his


He said to the conductor, “My

friend is a strange man. When he

travels on a train, he does not like to

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sit on the seat. He likes to lie on the

floor under the seat.”

Everyone in the train looked at his

friend under the seat and laughed.

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Reading: About Mark Twain (P23)

1. Read the passage and answer the


2. Do you know more about Mark

Twain? Try to fill in the chart about

Mark Twain.

3. Underline some language points.

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1. Mark Twain has a meaning, which

means _______ feet deep or ______

meters deep.

2. How old was Twain when he began

writing stories?

twelve 3.66

About 32 years old.

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5. Which universities honored him for

his writing?

Yale and Oxford.

3. What is his first story?

It is about a jumping frog contest.

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Real name of MT

Date of birth

Places where he lived

Samuel Langhorne Clemens

1835(died 1910)

Raised in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, but travelled much of the US, and also lived for a time in Europe.

Fill in the blanks.

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printer, a riverboat pilot,

a soldier, a gold miner, a

businessman and a

newspaper reporter, a


description of common

people and the way they

talked humorous

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Can you list three of his famous stories?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆 ·索亚历险记》

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利 ·弗恩历险记》

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Life on the Mississippi

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The Million Pound Bank-Note

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the bet

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英格兰银行出于特殊的需要发行了两张面值一百万的钞票,其中一张收回并作废,但还有一张却留在银行,两兄弟打赌,一个身无分文的人带着这张钞票会发生什么,兄弟 A说会死去,兄弟 B说他肯定能活一个月。他们物色了一个年轻人做试验,带着这张毫无使用价值的百万英镑钞票。

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年轻人走进商店买东西,拿出钞票要求找钱,店老板都震惊了并立刻改变态度,极力讨好这个年轻人,年轻人得到了他想得到的,包括爱情和受人尊敬。他爱上的女孩正是兄弟 B的女儿。最后,百万英磅被银行收回并作废,年轻人过上了幸福的生活。

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Act one scene 3


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If a rich person gives you a large amount

of money to use as you like, for example,

one million pound, what will you do?

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Some new words

incredible: difficult to believe

难以置信的stare at: look at sb./sth. for a long

time 凝视nightfall: the time in the evening when

it becomes dark 傍晚

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survive: continue to live or exist

生存 ; 存活spot: see or notice a person or thing 发现

account for: to be the explanation or

cause of sth. 是 ....的原因charity: 施舍

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Characters in the play:

Henry Adams: An American businessman,

lost in London without

money, friends or a job.

Roderick and Oliver:Roderick and Oliver:

Two rich brothers, who made a bet. Two rich brothers, who made a bet.

Roderick believed that a man couldn’t survive Roderick believed that a man couldn’t survive

in the city for a month with only a million in the city for a month with only a million

pound bank-note. But Oliver believed he pound bank-note. But Oliver believed he


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1. Who was Henry?

An American

businessman, who

arrived in London by

accident, penniless,

hungry and lonely.

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2. How did Henry Adams come to


It was the ship that brought him to


3. Where did Henry work before? How

much did he have?

He worked for a mining company

before and he had no money at all.

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4. What did the two gentlemen give


They give him a letter.

5. When can Henry open the letter?

He can’t open it until two o’clock.

6. Why did they chose Henry?

Because Henry was honest, hard-

working and poor.

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7. Please find out all the stage directions

(the Italics斜体字 ), and guess their

functions in the play.

Functions: 1) tone of voice

2) behaviour

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A. Henry wandered in London streets.B. About a month ago, Henry Adams was

sailing out of the bay.C. The next morning he was spotted by a ship.D. Towards nightfall he found himself carried

out to sea by a strong wind.E. On the ship he earned his passage by

working as an unpaid hand.

BDCEAPut the following events in correct order:

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Why did the narrator say

“you’re about to hear the

most incredible tale”?

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A. Because Henry Adams survived at sea.

B. Because Henry Adams earned his passage

by working as an unpaid hand.

C. Because Roderick and Oliver invited

Henry to step in and asked him questions.

D. Because Henry Adams, a tramp, was

given some money for reasons unknown

to him.


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The characteristics of Henry:

It is my first trip here.

Well, to be honest, I have none.

(no money)

Well, I can’t say that I have any


I don’t want your charity. I just

want an honest job.


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I earned my passage by

working as an unpaid


Could you offer me some

kind of work here?

I don’t want your charity, I

just want an honest job.


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Well, it may seem luck to you but

not to me. If this is your idea of

some kind of joke, I don’t think

it’s very funny. Now, if you’ll

excuse me, I think I’ll be on my



direct:I landed in Britain by accident.

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1. A large quantity of money= a large

sum of money 常用于修饰不可数名词。

Now he has a large amount of money.

He can do anything he wants with it.

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1)只用于修饰可数名词的有 :dozens ofscores of a great many a big (large/great) number ofbig (large/great) numbers of2) 只用于修饰不可数名词的有 :mucha great (good) deal ofa great (good) amount of

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3) 既可修饰可数名词 ,也可修饰不可数名词的有 :

a lot of

lots of

plenty of

a large quantity of

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2. What will you do with it?

do with 对待;处理 What shall we do with the rubbish?

比较 :do with/deal with

“两个都有 处理 , ”对付 之意 do with中的 do是及物动词 ; 而 deal

with中的 deal是不及物动词 ,所以 do

with用 what提问 , deal with用 how提问。

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How are you going to deal with the waste paper?What are you going to do with the old books?

3. make a bet make a bet on sth. with sb.= bet on sth. with sb. I bet …= I’m certain… …我肯定

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4. Now ladies and gentlemen, you’re

about to hear the most incredible tale.

女士们, 先生们, 你们将要听到一个最令人难以置信的故事。 be about to do 正要(即将)做某事e.g. Just as I was about to leave the

room, the telephone rang.

我正要离开房间, 电话铃响了。

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辨析: be about to/ be to/ be going to

1)be about to do sth. “表示 马上就”要 ,一般不和时间状语连用。

2)be to表示按计划或职责、义务要求必须做的事或即将发生的动作。

3)be going to打算将要做某事,也可表示很可能发生的事或自然现象。

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I was about to jump when the

guide stopped me.

When is the invention to be put

into use?

I’m not going to tell you the


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5. He is lost in London. 他在伦敦迷了路。be lost 迷路;倾心于某事e.g. He was lost in the forest for three

days and nights and was finally rescued

by his friends. 他迷失在树林里三天三夜 , 最后被朋友们救了出来。e.g. He was so lost in reading this book

that he forgot the time of his train.

他看书入了神 , 把上火车的时间都忘了。

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6. Permit me to lead the way, sir. 先生 , 请让我来带路吧。 permit someone to do ……准许 做某事e.g. Will you permit us to use this room for a meeting this afternoon? 你能准许我们今天下午在这个房间开个会吗? permit doing 准许做某事e.g. The rules of the club don’t permit smoking. 俱乐部的规矩是不允许吸烟。与 permit同义的词 allow,也这样使用。

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7. by accident= by chance

eg. I only found it by accident.

8. stare at

stare at angrily= glare at

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9. Find oneself carried out to sea (发现某人自己被漂流到海上 )

find oneself +介词短语 / 分词( …发现某人自己不知不觉 )

He found himself walking in the

direction of the park.

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10. I earned my passage by working as

unpaid hand, which accounts for my

appearance. 我靠做义工来顶替船费 ,

这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。earn one’s passage 挣取旅费e.g. He couldn’t afford the fare, and so

he had to earn his passage by doing jobs

on the ship. 他交不起船费 , 只得靠在船上做些零活来挣取路费。

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account for ……对 做出解释;说明原因e.g. Nobody could account for his

absence from school.


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11. to be honest (with sb.)= to tell you the

truth = honestly speaking

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Summary of the Million Pound Bank-


Henry, a San Francisco businessman

is rescued at sea by a British ship that

takes him to London where he finds

himself without money, friends or the

hope of finding a good job. Hungry

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and alone, he walks the streets of the

city when unexpectedly he is asked

to a large and grand house. Two rich

brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have

made a secret bet, Roderick believes

that a man cannot survive in the city

for a month with only a million

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Pound bank-note in his possession

but Oliver believes he can. The play

takes us along on Henry’s

misadventures with humor and

surprise to discover who will win the


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Summary and homework

What do you think of this play? Is

money so important? Some people say

that money is everything. But some

people still think that money can

bring them happiness. What do you

think of this?

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1. Review the key sentences in this part.

2. Preview the words in the second
