Module 10 - RNAi (2)1

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  • 8/13/2019 Module 10 - RNAi (2)1


    The Belgian Blue:

    Beef-breed of cattle producing about 40% moremuscle than other cattle.

    Produced through selective-breeding.

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    McPherron and Lee. 1997. PNAS 94, 12457-12461

    Belgian Blue:A deletion in the myostatin gene eliminates the entire active regionof the molecule and it is non-functional

    Piedmontese:The coding sequence for myostatin contains a missense mutation.That is, a point in thesequence encodes for a

    Different amino acid. Thismutation likely leads to aComplete or nearlycomplete lossof myostatin function.

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    Myostatin deficiency has been reported severaltimes in humans.

    The strongest boy in the world

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    Myostatin: protein that inhibits muscle growth

    Human myostatin consists of two identical subunits, eachconsisting of 109 amino acid residues. Its total molecularweight is 25 kDa.

    The protein is made in an inactive form. For it to be activated,

    a protease cleaves the N-terminus, to produce an active C-terminal dimer.

    Myostatin receptors initiate a cell signaling cascade in themuscle, which includes the activation of transcription factorsthat induce myostatin-specific gene regulation.

    Myostatin inhibits myoblasts from differentiating into maturemuscle fibers.

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    To determine the biological function of myostatin (aka: GDF-8) in micegene function was disrupted by gene targeting (gene knockout)

    widespread increase in skeletal muscle mass.

    Individual muscles of mutant animals weighed 2-3 times more thanthose of wild-type animals

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    Myostatin gene is conserved across animals:

    A 2007 NIH study in PLOS Genetics found a significant relationship in

    whippets between a myostatin mutation and racing performance.

    Whippets heterozygous for a 2base pair deletion in the

    myostatin gene were significantlyover-represented in the topracing classes.

    The mutation resulted in a

    truncated, inactive form of themyostatin protein.

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    Mosher DS, Quignon P, Bustamante CD, Sutter NB, Mellersh CS, et al. (2007) A Mutation in the Myostatin GeneIncreases Muscle Mass and Enhances Racing Performance in Heterozygote Dogs. PLoS Genet 3(5): e79.


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    Figure 2. A 2-bp Deletion at Nucleotides 939 and 940 of the Canine MSTN Coding Sequence

    Mosher DS, Quignon P, Bustamante CD, Sutter NB, et al. (2007) A Mutation in the Myostatin Gene Increases Muscle Mass and

    Enhances Racing Performance in Heterozygote Dogs. PLoS Genet 3(5): e79. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030079
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    The role of myostatin in promoting muscle growth may beused to treat muscle disorders such as muscular dystrophy.


    introduce substances that block myostatin action

    2002, researchers at the University of Pennsylvaniashowed that monoclonal antibody specific to myostatinimproves the condition of mice with muscular dystrophy.

    2009, similar results in monkeys.

    Other ways such as RNA interference (RNAi)?

    inhibit expression of myostatin

  • 8/13/2019 Module 10 - RNAi (2)1


    What is RNA interference (RNAi)?

    RNAi is a mechanism for regulating gene expression bydegrading mRNAs.

    How was it discovered?

    How does it work?

    The production of an RNA that is complementary to themRNA can repress gene expression.

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    3) Slide show:

    Online resource and animations:

    1) General understanding of mechanism (fun)

    2) Animation (history and mechanism)

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    Many organisms mount RNA interference

    response when exposed to foreign genetic


    The RNAi response leads to degradation of

    foreign nucleic acid, thereby protecting the

    cell from invasion.

    Endogenous developmental processes may

    also utilize RNAi mechanism to control gene


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    RNA interference.

    wildtype extra copies of chalcone synthase gene

    show repression of phenotype

    First observation: Jorgensen and his colleagues (1980s)

    studying petunia.

    Added an extra copy of the chalcone synthase gene togenerate more pigment and darker flowers, but observed

    the opposite effect:

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    A similar observation was made in C. elegans.

    In 1995 Guo and Kemphues found that the injection ofantisense RNA to the gene par-1 into the worm blocked par-1 expression

    (antisense is complementary to the mRNA and can

    potentially bind to it).

    Sense strand DNA (used as a control) had the same effect!


    Unlikely to be a simple process of gene silencing by basepairing

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    In 1998, Andrew Fire and Craig Mello injected worms with senseRNA, antisense RNA and a mixture of both.

    The mixture had a greater silencing effect than either of thesingle strands alone.

    They termed this phenomenon RNA interference (RNAi).

    What is happening?

    dsRNA is cut (DICER)to produce smalldsRNA fragments(siRNAs) that act assilencers ofcomplementarygene sequences.

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    RNAi is a mechanism for regulating gene expression bydegrading mRNAs.

    RISC binds to siRNAsand to complementaryRNAs.

    Target RNAs are cut anddegraded.

    Gene expression is

    silenced post-transcriptionally throughthe elimination ofmRNAs.

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    Argonaute 2 = endonuclease of RISCcomplex that cleaves mRNA

    Chu and Rana. 2007.


    anti-sense = guide strand (target silencing)sense = passenger strand


    perfect pairing with mRNA

    cleaved mRNA cannot be translated.

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    siRNAs, miRNAs and piRNAs

    short interfering RNAs and Micro RNAs are short ~22

    nucleotide single-stranded RNAs

    Piwi-interacting RNAs are somewhat longer than siRNAs and


    miRNA inhibit translation

    siRNA degrade mRNA

    piRNAs interact with piwi proteins (related to Argonaute) and

    inhibit expression of transposons

    Human genome contains ~500 miRNAs and they may regulate

    expression of as much as one-third of all genes

    How could few miRNAs regulate so many genes?

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    miRNAs and siRNAs

    miRNA (translational inhibition) siRNA (RNA cleavage)

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    MCB, 7thed., Lodish et al., Figure 8-26

    First discovered in C. elegansin genetic screens for mutations that

    affect development

    (lin-4and let-7)

    lin-4(22 nt long) and let-7 (21 nt long)

    miRNAs hybridize to 3untranslated

    regions of targetgenes and inhibit

    protein synthesis

    STOP AA...

    l in-14

    STOP AA...

    l in-28lin-4

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    RNAi effect is not localized

    Nature 2004, 431: 338-342

    RNAi response has been found to spread to cells at distance

    that were not exposed to dsRNA

    Systemic response

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    RNAi effect requires import and

    export of silencing signals

    Channel-like proteinsfacilitate transport of

    RNA to other cells


    is specificto


    PNAS 2007, Winston et al.PNAS 2009, Jose et al.


  • 8/13/2019 Module 10 - RNAi (2)1


    Regulation of X-chromosomeinactivation in mammals

    Distinct mechanisms for Counting Choice Silencing


    Recall the earlier lecture in which we discussed the role ofXist RNA in X-chromosome inactivation

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    Regulation of X-chromosomeinactivation in mammals


    Competence factor

    Xist complex thatinactivates X-chr

    Blocking factor

    dsRNA that inhibitsXist function

    Lee & Lu, Cell, Vol. 99, 4757, 1999

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    Regulation of X-chromosomeinactivation in mammals


    Distinct mechanisms for Counting Choice Silencing

    Ogawa et al., Science 2008, vol. 320

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    Applications of short RNA-mediated gene inhibition:


    the ability to eliminate gene function and study the effects


    The ability to treat disease and genetics disorders

    Eliminate the function of an overexpressed gene that is causinga defect, e.g., overexpression of oncogenes in cancer

    Eliminate the function of inhibitors of cell development to treatdegenerative disorders e.g. muscular atrophies and neuraldegenerative diseases.