MINISTRSTVO ZA PROMET · Web viewLetalska terminologija je dokument, ki je nastal v želji izdelati...

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA GRADIVO ZA DOPOLNJEVANJE LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanje DEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc (OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi) 1 MINISTRSTVO ZA PROMET DIREKTORAT ZA CIVILNO LETALSTVO , e: [email protected] Langusova 4, 1535 Ljubljana, t: 01 478 82 01, f: 01 478 81 47

Transcript of MINISTRSTVO ZA PROMET · Web viewLetalska terminologija je dokument, ki je nastal v želji izdelati...



Verzija: 04.0Stanje na dan 22. oktobra 2009

Številka: 900-8/2009/30

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



DIREKTORAT ZA CIVILNO, e: [email protected] Langusova 4, 1535 Ljubljana, t: 01 478 82 01, f: 01 478 81 47

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



Cilji, namen in vsebina

Letalska terminologija je dokument, ki je nastal v želji izdelati delovni pripomoček, ki bo olajšal delo in razumevanje letalskih predpisov in drugih aktov s področja letalstva, in tako kar najbolje služil strokovni javnosti, pa tudi ljubiteljem letalstva.

Gradivo je pripravil Direktorat za civilno letalstvo (DCL). Upoštevani so pojmi iz dokumentov EU, Prilog ICAO in iz drugih gradiv, ki so jih posredovali sektorji Direktorata za civilno letalstvo. V legendi na koncu preglednice je naveden seznam dokumentov, ki so upoštevani.

Sestava, organiziranost in uporaba

Dokument sestavljajo:- pregled verzij dokumenta – z navebo oznake verzije, datuma, vsebine in opomb, iz katerih je

okvirno razvidna stopnja dodelave posamezne verzije gradiva;

- preglednica s pojmi in opredelitvijo pomena pojmov – Pojmi so vneseni v gradivo po posameznih dokumentih. V prvem stolpcu je pri vsakem pojmu navedena kratica dokumenta, iz katerega pojem izhaja; nato sledijo posamezni pojmi z opredelitvijo njihovega pomena - v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku (če DCL razpolaga s prevodom glede konkretnega dokumenta). Pojmi so umeščeni v preglednico, kar omogoča izdelavo različnih pregledov (po pojmih, po abecedi, v angleškem ali v slovenskem jeziku, ipd.).Izdelan je pregled po dokumentih.Če potrebujete določen pojem, ga lahko poiščete s funkcijami »Urejanje« in nato »Najdi«.Odvisno od potreb si lahko s funkcijami (»Tabela« in nato »Razvrsti po«) izdelate tudi razvrstitev po abecedi za vse pojme (npr. po angleških izrazih in drugo).

- legenda – spisek zajetih dokumentov - zajema navedbo dokumentov, iz katerih so zaenkrat zajeti posamezni pojmi ter kratico dokumenta, ki je navedena tudi v prvem stolpcu preglednice (npr. za Prilogo 1 ICAO je kratica »A1« – kot kratica za: »Annex 1 ICAO«). Upoštevani dokumenti so v legendi navedeni po vsebinskih področjih.

Letalska terminologija je »živ« dokument, zato so dobrodošli vsi vaši predlogi - glede opredelitve pomena posameznih pojmov, glede dokumentov, ki bi jih bilo še smiselno vključiti, pa tudi drugi predlogi za izboljšave in podobno.

Ministrstvo za promet si bo prizadevalo dokument stalno dopolnjevati in obnavljati, kar bo razvidno iz zaporedne številke objavljene (novelirane) verzije Letalske terminologije in datuma izdaje.


LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



VERZIJA DATUM VSEBINA OPOMBE01 25. 09. 2009 Letalska terminologija – delovno gradivo -

INTERNO-Gradivo za dopolnjevanje – še z opombami;-poslano naslovnikom v DCL v vednost in morebitne pripombe.

Dokument: DEFIN_zdruzeno DCL_2009.doc02 30. 09. 2009 Letalska terminologija – delovno gradivo -

INTERNO-Gradivo za dopolnjevanje – še z opombami; -vneseni popravki po uskladitvah s SLV in SLVO; -še z opombami in predlogi za spremembe v več Uredbah ES;-poslano naslovnikom v DCL v vednost in morebitne pripombe.

Dokument: DEFIN_02 kor_zdruzeno DCL_2009.doc03 15. 10. 2009 Letalska terminologija – delovno gradivo –

INTERNO-Gradivo za dopolnjevanje - še z opombami in obdelanimi predlogi za popravke; -vneseni popravki po pripombah SNSZP (legenda);-vključene dodatne dopolnitve s predlogi za popravke ob naslednjih spremembah Uredbe (ES) 3922/91;-vključene dodatne definicije po predlogu SNSZP z dne 13.10.2009 iz več aktov ES (Uredbe (ES) 730/2006, 1330/2007, 482/2008, 29/2009, Odločba EK, 7.4.2008, Direktiva (ES) 23/2006).

Dokument: DEFIN_03 kor_zdruzeno DCL_200903.01 22. 10. 2009 Pojmi za popravke –

Letalska terminologija – gradivo za dopolnjevanje

-izdelan dodaten poseben dokument s pojmi, glede katerih se predlaga nadaljnje popravke - npr. ob naslednjih spremembah aktov (ES);-vneseni dodatni popravki po zbranih pripombah DCL in drugi popravki;

Dokument: DEFIN_izverzije03_za popr_22100904.0 22. 10. 2009 Letalska terminologija – gradivo za

dopolnjevanje-delovno gradivo - verzija 03 z dne 15. 10. 2009, ki je še dodelano in popravljeno ter brez opomb in predlogov za popravke pri posameznih pojmih-posamezni pojmi so delno podčrtani ali prečrtani in delno v rdečem ali modrem tisku – gre za oznako pojmov, glede katerih bodo predlagani popravki ob naslednji spremembi dokumenta, v katerem so uporabljeni.

Dokument: DEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009

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LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



1008/2008/ES operativna licenca pomeni dovoljenje, ki ga organ, pristojen za izdajo licenc, izda podjetju in mu dovoljuje opravljanje zračnih prevozov, kot je navedeno v operativni licenci.

operating licence means an authorisation granted by the competent licensing authority to an undertaking, permitting it to provide air services as stated in the operating licence.

1008/2008/ES organ, pristojen za izdajo licenc

pomeni organ države članice, ki je pristojen za izdajo, zavrnitev, preklic ali začasni odvzem operativne licence v skladu s poglavjem II.

competent licensing authority

means an authority of a Member State entitled to grant, refuse, revoke or suspend an operating licence in accordance with Chapter II.

1008/2008/ES podjetje pomeni vsako fizično ali pravno osebo, ne glede na to, ali ustvarja dobiček ali ne, ali vsako uradno telo, ne glede na to, ali ima pravno osebnost ali ne.

undertaking means any natural or legal person, whether profit-making or not, or any official body whether having its own legal personality or not.

1008/2008/ES zračni prevoz pomeni let ali serijo letov za prevoz potnikov, tovora in/ali poštnih pošiljk proti plačilu in/ali najemnini.

air service means a flight or a series of flights carrying passengers, cargo and/or mail for remuneration and/or hire.

1008/2008/ES let pomeni odhod z določenega letališča proti določenemu letališču.

flight means a departure from a specified airport towards a specified destination airport.

1008/2008/ES lokalni let pomeni let, ki ne vključuje prevoza potnikov, pošte in/ali tovora med različnimi letališči ali ostalimi dovoljenimi točkami pristanka.

local flight means a flight not involving carriage of passengers, mail and/or cargo between different airports or other authorised landing points.

1008/2008/ES letališče pomeni vsako območje v državi članici, ki je posebej prilagojeno za zračne prevoze.

airport means any area in a Member State especially adapted for air services.

1008/2008/ES spričevalo letalskega prevoznika (AOC)

pomeni spričevalo, izdano podjetju, s katerim se potrjuje, da je prevoznik strokovno usposobljen in organiziran, da lahko zagotovi varnost dejavnosti, ki so

air operator certificate (AOC)

means a certificate delivered to an undertaking confirming that the operator has the professional ability and organisation to ensure the safety of operations specified in the

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



navedene v spričevalu, kot določajo zadevne določbe zakonodaje Skupnosti ali nacionalne zakonodaje.

certificate, as provided in the relevant provisions of Community or national law, as applicable.

1008/2008/ES dejanski nadzor pomeni odnos, vzpostavljen s pravicami, pogodbami ali drugimi sredstvi, ki posamezno ali skupaj ob upoštevanju dejstev ali zakonov dajejo možnost za izvajanje neposrednega ali posrednega odločilnega vpliva na podjetje, zlasti s:

a) pravico do uporabe celotnega premoženja ali dela premoženja podjetja.

b) pravicami ali pogodbami, ki zagotavljajo odločilen vpliv na sestavo, glasovanje ali odločitve organov podjetja ali kako drugače zagotavljajo odločilen vpliv na vodenje poslovanja podjetja.

effective control means a relationship constituted by rights, contracts or any other means which, either separately or jointly and having regard to the considerations of fact or law involved, confer the possibility of directly or indirectly exercising a decisive influence on an undertaking, in particular by:

(a) the right to use all or part of the assets of an undertaking.

(b) rights or contracts which confer a decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the bodies of an undertaking or otherwise confer a decisive influence on the running of the business of the undertaking.

1008/2008/ES letalski prevoznik pomeni podjetje za opravljanje zračnega prevoza z veljavno operativno licenco ali enakovrednim dovoljenjem.

air carrier means an undertaking with a valid operating licence or equivalent.

1008/2008/ES letalski prevoznik Skupnosti

pomeni letalskega prevoznika z veljavno operativno licenco, ki jo je izdal organ, pristojen za izdajo licenc, v skladu s poglavjem II.

(glede sklicevanja na »poglavje II« glej Uredbo (ES) 1008/2008)

Community air carrier

means an air carrier with a valid operating licence granted by a competent licensing authority in accordance with Chapter II.

(see Regulation 1008/2008/ES, Chapter II)

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



1008/2008/ES poslovni načrt pomeni podroben opis načrtovanih poslovnih dejavnosti letalskega prevoznika za zadevno obdobje, zlasti v zvezi s pričakovanim razvojem trga in načrtovanimi investicijami, skupaj s finančnimi in ekonomskimi posledicami teh dejavnosti.

business plan means a detailed description of the air carrier's intended commercial activities for the period in question, in particular in relation to the expected market development and the investments to be carried out, including the financial and economic implications of these activities.

1008/2008/ES zračni prevoz v Skupnosti

pomeni zračni prevoz, opravljen znotraj Skupnosti.

intra-Community air service

means an air service operated within the Community.

1008/2008/ES prometna pravica pomeni pravico opravljanja zračnega prevoza med dvema letališčema v Skupnosti.

traffic right means the right to operate an air service between two Community airports.

1008/2008/ES prodaja sedežev pomeni prodajo sedežev brez vezane prodaje drugih storitev, kot je na primer nastanitev, ki jih letalski prevoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik ali zakupnik letala prodaja neposredno javnosti.

seat-only sales means the sale of seats, without any other service bundled, such as accommodation, directly to the public by the air carrier or its authorised agent or a charterer.

1008/2008/ES redni zračni prevoz pomeni serijo letov z naslednjimi značilnostmi:

(a) na vsakem letu so širši javnosti na voljo sedeži in/ali zmogljivosti za prevoz tovora in/ali pošte za individualni nakup (neposredno od letalskega prevoznika ali njegovih pooblaščenih zastopnikov).

(b) se opravlja tako, da zagotavlja prevoz med dvema istima letališčema ali med več istimi letališči bodisi:- v skladu z objavljenim voznim redom ali- s toliko rednimi ali pogostimi leti, da so

scheduled air service means a series of flights possessing all the following characteristics:

(a) on each flight seats and/or capacity to transport cargo and/or mail are available for individual purchase by the public (either directly from the air carrier or from its authorised agents).

(b) it is operated so as to serve traffic between the same two or more airports, either:- according to a published timetable, or- with flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognisably systematic series.

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prepoznavni kot sistematična serija letov.

1008/2008/ES zmogljivost pomeni število sedežev ali tovor, ki je na voljo širši javnosti za redne zračne prevoze v danem obdobju.

capacity means the number of seats or the payload offered to the general public on a scheduled air service over a given period.

1008/2008/ES letalske prevoznine pomenijo cene, izražene v eurih ali lokalni valuti, ki jih morajo plačati potniki letalskim prevoznikom ali njihovim zastopnikom ali drugim prodajalcem kart za zračni prevoz zadevnih potnikov, in kakršne koli pogoje, pod katerimi te cene veljajo, vključno s plačili in pogoji, ki so ponujeni agenciji in drugim pomožnim službam.

air fares means the prices expressed in euro or in local currency to be paid to air carriers or their agents or other ticket sellers for the carriage of passengers on air services and any conditions under which those prices apply, including remuneration and conditions offered to agency and other auxiliary services.

1008/2008/ES tarife zračnega prevoza

pomenijo cene, izražene v eurih ali v lokalni valuti, ki jih je treba plačati za prevoz tovora, in pogoje, pod katerimi takšne cene veljajo, vključno s plačili in pogoji, ki so ponujeni agenciji in drugim pomožnim službam.

air rates means the prices expressed in euro or in local currency to be paid for the carriage of cargo and the conditions under which those prices apply, including remuneration and conditions offered to agency and other auxiliary services.

1008/2008/ES zadevna(-e) država(-e) članica(-e)

pomeni državo članico ali članice, v katerih ali med katerimi se opravlja zračni prevoz.

Member State(s) concerned

means the Member State(s) between or within which an air service is operated.

1008/2008/ES vpletena(-e) država(-e) članica(-e)

pomeni zadevno državo članico ali članice, v katerih je letalskemu prevozniku, ki opravlja zračni prevoz, izdana licenca.

Member State(s) involved

means the Member State(s) concerned and the Member State(s) where the air carrier(s) operating the air service is (are) licensed.

1008/2008/ES somestje pomeni urbano področje, ki ga sestavlja več velemest in mest, ki so se zaradi povečanja in širjenja prebivalstva fizično združila in oblikujejo eno neprekinjeno poseljeno območje.

conurbation means an urban area comprising a number of cities or towns which, through population growth and expansion, have physically merged to form one continuous built up area.

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



1008/2008/ES finančno poročilo pomeni podrobno poročilo o prihodkih in odhodkih letalskega prevoznika za zadevno obdobje, skupaj z razčlenitvijo na dejavnosti, ki so povezane z zračnimi prevozi, in druge dejavnosti, ter na denarne in nedenarne elemente.

management account means a detailed statement of income and costs of an air carrier for the period in question including a breakdown between air-transport-related and other activities as well as between pecuniary and non-pecuniary elements.

1008/2008/ES zakupna pogodba brez posadke

pomeni dogovor med podjetji, v skladu s katerim zrakoplov opravlja prevoze s spričevalom letalskega prevoznika najemnika.

dry lease agreement means an agreement between undertakings pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the AOC of the lessee.

1008/2008/ES zakupna pogodba s posadko

pomeni dogovor med letalskimi prevozniki, v skladu s katerim zrakoplov opravlja prevoze s spričevalom letalskega prevoznika najemodajalca.

wet lease agreement means an agreement between air carriers pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the AOC of the lessor.

1008/2008/ES sedež podjetja pomeni glavno upravo ali registrirani sedež letalskega prevoznika Skupnosti v državi članici, v kateri se izvaja glavne finančne naloge in operativni nadzor letalskega prevoznika Skupnosti, vključno z upravljanjem stalne plovnosti.

principal place of business

means the head office or registered office of a Community air carrier in the Member State within which the principal financial functions and operational control, including continued airworthiness management, of the Community air carrier are exercised.

3922/91/EGS letalski prevoznik pomeni fizično osebo s prebivališčem v državi članici ali pravno osebo s sedežem v državi članici, ki uporablja en zrakoplov ali več zrakoplovov skladno s predpisi, ki se uporabljajo v tisti državi članici, ali letalskega prevoznika Skupnosti, kot ga opredeljuje zakonodaja Skupnosti.

operator means a natural person residing in a Member State or a legal person established in a Member State using one or more aircraft in accordance with the regulations applicable in that Member State, or a Community air carrier as defined in Community legislation.

3922/91/EGS proizvod pomeni civilni zrakoplov, motor, propeler ali napravo.

product means a civil aircraft, engine, propeller or appliance.

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



3922/91/EGS naprava pomeni vsak instrument, opremo, mehanizem, aparat ali dodatek, ki se uporablja ali je namenjen uporabi pri delovanju zrakoplova med letom, ne glede na to, ali je vgrajen v civilni zrakoplov, namenjen vgradnji ali pritrjen na civilni zrakoplov, vendar ni del strukture zrakoplova, motorja ali propelerja.

appliance means any instrument, equipment, mechanism, apparatus or accessory used or intended to be used in operating an aircraft in flight, whether installed in, intended to be installed in, or attached to, a civil aircraft, but not forming part of an airframe, engine or propeller.

3922/91/EGS komponenta pomeni material, del ali podsklop, ki je opredelitve v točkah (b) ali (c) ne zajemajo in se uporabljajo na civilnih zrakoplovih, motorjih, propelerjih ali napravah.

component means a material, part or sub-assembly not covered by the definitions in (b) or (c) for use on civil aircraft, engines, propellers or appliances.

3922/91/EGS certifikacija (proizvoda, storitve, organizacije ali osebe) pomeni vsako obliko pravnega priznanja, da tak proizvod, storitev, organ ali oseba izpolnjujejo veljavne predpise. Takšna certifikacija zajema dva postopka:

(i) postopek preverjanja, da proizvod, storitev, organizacija ali oseba tehnično izpolnjujejo veljavne predpise; ta postopek se omenja kot "ugotavljanje tehničnih dejstev".

(ii) postopek uradnega priznanja skladnosti z veljavnimi predpisi z izdajo certifikata, licence, odobritve ali drugega dokumenta na način, kot ga zahtevajo državne zakonodaje in postopki; ta postopek se omenja kot "ugotavljanje pravnih dejstev".

certification of a product, service, organization or person) means any form of legal recognition that such a product, service, body or person complies with the applicable requirements. Such certification comprises two acts:

(i) the act of checking that technically the product, service, organization or person complies with the applicable requirements; this act is referred to as 'making the technical findings`.

(ii) the act of formal recognition of such compliance with the applicable requirements by the issue of a certificate, licence, approval or other document in the manner required by national laws and procedures; this act is referred to as 'making the legal findings`.

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3922/91/EGS vzdrževanje zrakoplovov

pomeni vse inšpekcijske preglede, servisiranje, spremembe in popravila v življenjski dobi zrakoplova, ki zagotavljajo, da zrakoplov ostane skladen s certifikacijo tipa, in da omogoča visoko stopnjo varnosti v vsakršnih razmerah; to zajema zlasti spremembe, ki jih določijo organi, ki so pogodbenice dogovorov, kot so navedeni v točki (h), skladno s koncepti preverjanja plovnosti zrakoplovov.

maintenance means all inspections, servicing, modification and repair throughout the life of an aircraft needed to ensure that the aircraft remains in compliance with the type certification and offers a high level of safety in all circumstances; this shall include in particular modifications imposed by the authorities party to the arrangements referred to in (h) in accordance with airworthiness checking concepts.

3922/91/EGS državna različica pomeni državno zahtevo ali predpis, ki ga država določi poleg ali namesto skupnih letalskih predpisov (JAR).

national variant means a national requirement or regulation imposed by a country in addition to or instead of a JAR.

3922/91/EGS dogovori pomeni dogovore, ki se pod pokroviteljstvom Evropske konference civilnega letalstva (ECAC) oblikujejo za sodelovanju pri razvoju in izvajanju skupnih predpisov na vseh področjih, ki so povezana z varnostjo zrakoplovov in njihovega letenja. Ti dogovori so opredeljeni v Prilogi I.

arrangements means arrangements developed under the auspices of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) for cooperation in the development and implementation of joint requirements in all fields relating to the safety and safe operation of aircraft. These arrangements are specified in Annex I.

3922/91/EGS Organ v prilogi III pomeni pristojni organ, ki je izdal spričevalo letalskega prevoznika (AOC).

The Authority In annex III means the competent autority that has granted the air operators certificate (AOC).

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III- Poddel A OPS 1.003

Sprejet/sprejemljiv Pomeni, da organ ne nasprotuje njegovi primernosti za predviden namen.

accepted/acceptable means not objected to by the Authority as suitable for the purpose intended.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III- Poddel A

Odobren (s strani organa)

Pomeni, da je organ dokumentiral njegovo primernost za predvideni namen.

approved (by the Authority)

means documented (by the Authority) as suitable for the purpose intended.

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OPS 1.003 3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III- Poddel A OPS 1.003

Glavni seznam minimalne opreme (MMEL)

Pomeni glavni seznam (vključno z uvodom), ki ustreza tipu zrakoplova, v katerem so določeni instrumenti, deli opreme ali funkcije, ki lahko med zagotavljanjem predvidene varnostne ravni iz veljavnih specifikacij za certificiranje plovnosti začasno ne delujejo bodisi, zato ker niso več potrebni glede na njihovo notranjo zasnovo in/ali zaradi določenih operativnih in vzdrževalnih postopkov, pogojev in omejitev, in je v skladu z veljavnimi postopki za stalno plovnost.

Master minimum equipment list (MMEL)

means a master list (including a preamble) appropriate to an aircraft type which determines those instruments, items of equipment or functions that, while maintaining the level of safety intended in the applicable airworthiness certification specifications, may temporarily be inoperative either due to the inherent redundancy of the design, and/or due to specified operational and maintenance procedures, conditions and limitations, and in accordance with the applicable procedures for Continued Airworthiness.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III- Poddel A OPS 1.003

Seznam minimalne opreme(MEL)

Pomeni seznam (vključno z uvodom), v katerem so za uporabo zrakoplova v določenih okoliščinah predvideni posebni instrumenti, deli opreme ali funkcije, ki na začetku leta ne delujejo. Seznam pripravi operator za svoj določeni zrakoplov, pri čemer upošteva svojo opredelitev zrakoplova ter ustrezne operativne pogoje in pogoje vzdrževanja v skladu s postopkom, odobrenim s strani Organa.

Minimum equipment list (MEL)

means a list (including a preamble) which provides for the operation of aircraft, under specified conditions, with particular instruments, items of equipment or functions inoperative at the commencement of flight. This list is prepared by the operator for his own particular aircraft taking account of their aircraft definition and the relevant operational and maintenance conditions in accordance with a procedure approved by the Authority.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(a)

Ustrezno letališče. Letališče, ki je po mnenju operatorja zadovoljivo, pri čemer upošteva veljavne zahteve glede zmogljivosti in značilnosti vzletnopristajalne steze; ob predvidenem času uporabe bo letališče na voljo in opremljeno s potrebnimi pomožnimi storitvami, kot so ATS, zadostna razsvetljava, komunikacijske naprave, vremenska služba, sistemi za pomoč pri

Adequate Aerodrome.

An aerodrome which the operator considers to be satisfactory, taking account of the applicable performance requirements and runway characteristics; at the expected time of use, the aerodrome will be available and equipped with necessary ancillary services such as ATS, sufficient lighting, communications, weather reporting, navaids and emergency services.

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navigaciji in službe za ukrepanje v sili.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(b)

ETOPS (operacije povečanega doleta z dvomotornimi letali). Operacije ETOPS so operacije z dvomotornimi letali, ki jih je odobril Organ (odobritev ETOPS) za izvajanje operacij prek mejne razdalje, določene v skladu z OPS 1.245(a), z ustreznega letališča.

ETOPS (Extended range operations for two engine aeroplanes). ETOPS operations are those with two engine aeroplanes approved by the Authority (ETOPS approval), to operate beyond the threshold distance determined in accordance with OPS 1.245 (a) from an Adequate Aerodrome.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(c)

Ustrezno nadomestno rutno ETOPS letališče.

Ustrezno letališče, ki ima ob predvidenem času uporabe dodatno na voljo napravo ATS in najmanj en postopek instrumentalnega prileta.

Adequate ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome.

An adequate aerodrome, which additionally, at the expected time of use, has an ATS facility and at least one instrument approach procedure.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(d)

Nadomestno rutno letališče (ERA).

Ustrezno letališče na zračni poti, ki se lahko zahteva v postopku načrtovanja.

En-route alternate (ERA) aerodrome.

An adequate aerodrome along the route, which may be required at the planning stage.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(e)

ERA 3 %. Nadomestno rutno letališče, ki je bilo izbrano za zmanjšanje goriva za izredne razmere na 3 %.

3 % ERA. An en-route alternate aerodrome selected for the purposes of reducing contingency fuel to 3 %.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(f)

Izolirano letališče. Če je sprejemljivo za Organ, se lahko namembno letališče šteje za izolirano letališče, če količina potrebnega goriva (gorivo za preusmeritev in končno gorivo) do najbližjega ustreznega nadomestnega namembnega letališča presega:

za letala z batnimi motorji gorivo za 45-minutni let plus 15 % časa letenja, ki naj bi se po načrtih porabil za let, ali za dve uri, kar koli je manj,

Isolated aerodrome. If acceptable to the Authority, the destination aerodrome can be considered as an isolated aerodrome, if the fuel required (diversion plus final) to the nearest adequate destination alternate aerodrome is more than:

For aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, fuel to fly for 45 minutes plus 15 % of the flight time planned to be spent at cruising level or two hours, whichever is less; or

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ali za letala s turbinskimi motorji gorivo za dvourni let pri običajni porabi pri letenju nad namembnim letališčem, vključno s končno rezervo goriva.

For aeroplanes with turbine engines, fuel to fly for two hours at normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome, including final reserve fuel.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(g)

Enakovredni položaj. Položaj, ki se lahko vzpostavi z razdaljo DME, ustrezno postavljenim NDB ali točko VOR, SRE ali PAR ali kakršno koli drugo ustrezno točko med 3 in 5 miljami od praga, ki neodvisno določa položaj letala.

Equivalent position. A position that can be established by means of a DME distance, a suitably located NDB or VOR, SRE or PAR fix or any other suitable fix between three and five miles from threshold that independently establishes the position of the aeroplane.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(h)

Kritične faze leta. Kritične faze leta so vzletni zalet, vzletna pot leta, končni prilet, pristanek, vključno z ustavljanjem, in vse druge faze leta, o katerih odloča vodja zrakoplova.

Critical phases of flight.

Critical phases of flight are the take-off run, the take-off flight path, the final approach, the landing, including the landing roll, and any other phases of flight at the discretion of the commander.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(i)

Gorivo za izredne razmere.

Gorivo, ki ga je treba nadomestiti v primeru nepredvidenih dejavnikov, ki bi lahko vplivali na porabo goriva do namembnega letališča, kot so odstopanja posameznega letala od podatkov o pričakovani porabi goriva, odstopanja od napovedanih meteoroloških pogojev in odstopanja od načrtovanih rut in/ali nivoja/višine letenja.

Contingency fuel. The fuel required to compensate for unforeseen factors which could have an influence on the fuel consumption to the destination aerodrome such as deviations of an individual aeroplane from the expected fuel consumption data, deviations from forecast meteorological conditions and deviations from planned routings and/or cruising levels/altitudes.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(j)

Ločene vzletno-pristajalne steze.

Vzletno-pristajalne steze na letališču, ki imajo na voljo ločene površine za pristajanje. Te vzletno-pristajalne steze se lahko prekrivajo ali križajo na tak način, da blokada ene vzletno-pristajalne steze ne ovira načrtovane vrste operacij na drugi vzletno-pristajalni stezi. Vsaka vzletno-

Separate runways. Runways at the same aerodrome that are separate landing surfaces. These runways may overlay or cross in such a way that if one of the runways is blocked, it will not prevent the planned type of operations on the other runway. Each runway shall have a separate approach procedure based on a separate

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pristajalna steza ima ločen postopek prileta na podlagi ločenega navigacijskega pripomočka.

navigation aid.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(k)

Odobrena potovalna hitrost z enim nedelujočim motorjem.

Za ETOPS je odobrena potovalna hitrost z enim nedelujočim motorjem za načrtovano področje operacije hitrost znotraj certificiranih omejitev letala, ki jih je izbral operator in odobril regulativni organ.

Approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed.

For ETOPS, the approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed for the intended area of operation shall be a speed, within the certified limits of the aeroplane, selected by the operator and approved by the regulatory authority.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(l)

Območje ETOPS. Območje ETOPS je območje, ki zajema zračni prostor, znotraj katerega letalo, ki ga je odobril ETOPS, presega določeni čas letenja v brezvetrju (pri standardnih pogojih) pri odobreni potovalni hitrosti z enim nedelujočim motorjem od ustreznega nadomestnega rutnega ETOPS letališča.

ETOPS area. An ETOPS area is an area containing airspace within which an ETOPS approved aeroplane remains in excess of the specified flying time in still air (in standard conditions) at the approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed from an adequate ETOPS route alternate aerodrome.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel D – OPS 1.192(m)

Odprema. Minimumi za načrtovanje – ETOPS se uporabljajo do odpreme. Odprema je trenutek, ko se letalo prvič premakne s svojo močjo, da bi vzletelo.

Dispatch. ETOPS planning minima applies until dispatch. Dispatch is when the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.1

Kroženje. Vizualna faza instrumentalnega prileta, ki privede zrakoplov v položaj za pristanek na vzletno-pristajalni stezi, ki ni ustrezno postavljena za neposredni prilet.

Circling. The visual phase of an instrument approach to bring an aircraft into position for landing on a runway which is not suitably located for a straight-in approach.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.2

Postopki pri zmanjšani vidljivosti (LVP).

Postopki, ki se uporabijo na letališču, da se zagotovijo varne operacije med prileti kategorije, ki je nižja od standardne kategorije I, kategorije, ki ni standardna kategorija II, kategorij II in III ter vzleti pri zmanjšani vidljivosti.

Low visibility procedures (LVP).

Procedures applied at an aerodrome for the purpose of ensuring safe operations during Lower than Standard Category I, Other than Standard Category II, Category II and III approaches and low visibility take-offs.

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3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.3

Vzlet pri zmanjšani vidljivosti (LVTO).

Vzlet, pri katerem znaša vidljivost vzdolž vzletno-pristajalne steze (RVR) manj kot 400 m.

Low visibility take-off (LVTO).

A take-off where the runway visual range (RVR) is less than 400 m.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.4

Sistem za krmiljenje letala.

Sistem, ki vključuje avtomatski in/ali hibridni sistem za pristajanje.

Flight control system. A system which includes an automatic landing system and/or a hybrid landing system.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.5

Pri-okvari-pasivni sistem za krmiljenje letala.

Sistem za krmiljenje letala je pri-okvari-pasiven, če okvara ne povzroči večjih težav z uravnoteženjem komand ali odmikov od poti leta ali položaja letala, vendar se pristajanje ne zaključi samodejno. Če se uporablja pri-okvari-pasivni avtomatski sistem za krmiljenje letala, po okvari pilot prevzame krmiljenje letala.

Fail-Passive flight control system.

A flight control system is fail-passive if, in the event of a failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but the landing is not completed automatically. For a fail-passive automatic flight control system the pilot assumes control of the aeroplane after a failure.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.6

Pri-okvari-operativni sistem za krmiljenje letala.

Sistem za krmiljenje letala je pri-okvari-operativen, če se v primeru okvare pod opozorilno višino prilet, ravnanje in pristanek zaključijo samodejno. Avtomatski sistem za pristajanje deluje v primeru okvare kot pri-okvari- pasivni sistem.

Fail-Operational flight control system.

A flight control system is fail-operational if, in the event of a failure below alert height, the approach, flare and landing, can be completed automatically. In the event of a failure, the automatic landing system will operate as a fail-passive system.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.7

Pri-okvari-operativni hibridni sistem za pristajanje.

Sistem, ki ga sestavljata primarni, pri-okvari-pasivni avtomatski sistem za pristajanje, in sekundarni, neodvisni sistem za vodenje, ki pri okvari primarnega sistema omogoči pilotu ročni zaključek pristanka.

Fail-operational hybrid landing system.

A system which consists of a primary fail-passive automatic landing system and a secondary independent guidance system enabling the pilot to complete a landing manually after failure of the primary system.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E –

Vizualni prilet. Prilet, pri katerem se bodisi del postopka ali celoten postopek instrumentalnega prileta ne zaključi, temveč se prilet izvede na podlagi

Visual approach. An approach when either part or all of an instrument approach procedure is not completed and the approach is executed with

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



OPS 1.435, tč.8 vizualne reference glede na teren. visual reference to the terrain.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.9

Končni prilet s stalnim spuščanjem (CDFA).

Posebna tehnika letenja, pri kateri se končni prilet postopka nenatančnega instrumentalnega prileta izvede s stalnim spuščanjem brez izravnave z višine, ki je enaka ali večja od višine točke končnega prileta do točke približno 15 m (50 ft) nad pragom vzletnopristajalne steze ali točko, kjer bi se za posamezno vrsto letala moralo začeti ravnanje letala pred pristankom.

Continuous descent final approach (CDFA).

A specific technique for flying the final-approach segment of a non-precision instrument approach procedure as a continuous descent, without level-off, from an altitude/height at or above the Final Approach Fix altitude / height to a point approximately 15 m (50 feet) above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aeroplane flown.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.10

Stabiliziran prilet (SAp).

Prilet, ki se izvede na nadzorovan in primeren način v smislu konfiguracije, energije in nadzora poti leta od vnaprej določene točke ali višine na točko 50 čevljev nad pragom ali točko, kjer se začne ravnanje letala pred pristankom, če je ta višja.

Stabilised approach (SAp).

An approach which is flown in a controlled and appropriate manner in terms of configuration, energy and control of the flight path from a pre-determined point or altitude/height down to a point 50 feet above the threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre is initiated if higher.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.11

Elektronsko-optični polprosojni prikazovalnik (HUD).

Sistem za prikaz, ki prikaže informacije o letu v sprednjem zunanjem vidnem polju pilota in ki ne zmanjša znatno pogleda navzven.

Head-up display (HUD).

A display system which presents flight information into the pilot’s forward external field of view and which does not significantly restrict the external view.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.12

Elektronsko-optično vodeni sistem za pristajanje (HUDLS).

Celotni sistem na krovu, ki nudi pilotu elektronsko-optično vodenje med priletom in pristankom in/ali neuspelim priletom. Vključuje vse senzorje, računalnike, preskrbo z električno energijo, prikaze in komande. HUDLS se navadno uporablja za vodenje pri prvem priletu na višini odločitve 50 ft.

Head-up guidance landing system (HUDLS).

The total airborne system which provides head-up guidance to the pilot during the approach and landing and/or go-around. It includes all sensors, computers, power supplies, indications and controls. A HUDLS is typically used for primary approach guidance to decision heights of 50 ft.

3922/91/EGS – Hibridni sistem za Sistem, ki ga sestavljata primarni, pri-okvari- Hybrid head-up A system which consists of a primary fail-

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.13

pristajanje z elektronsko-optičnim polprosojnimpikazovalnikom (hibridni HUDLS).

pasivni avtomatski sistem za pristajanje, in sekundarni, neodvisni HUD/HUDLS, ki pri okvari primarnega sistema omogoči pilotu ročni zaključek pristanka.

Opomba: Praviloma sekundarni, neodvisni HUD/HUDLS zagotavlja vodenje, ki je običajno v obliki ukaza, lahko pa je tudi v obliki informacije o položaju (ali deviaciji).

display landing system (hybrid HUDLS).

passive automatic landing system and a secondary independent HUD/HUDLS enabling the pilot to complete a landing manually after failure of the primary system.

Note: Typically, the secondary independent HUD/HUDLS provides guidance which normally takes the form of command information, but it may alternatively be situation (or deviation) information.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.14

Sistem za izboljšanje vidnosti (EVS).

Elektronski sistem za prikaz slike zunanjega stanja v realnem času s pomočjo uporabe slikovnih senzorjev.

Enhanced vision system (EVS).

An electronic means of displaying a realtime image of the external scene through the use of imaging sensors.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.15

Pretvorjena meteorološka vidljivost (CMV).

Vrednost (ustreznica RVR), pridobljena na podlagi javljene meteorološke vidljivosti, pretvorjene v skladu z zahtevami v tem poddelu.

Converted meteorological visibility (CMV’.

A value (equivalent to an RVR) which is derived from the reported meteorological visibility, as converted in accordance with the requirements in this subpart.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.16

Operacija kategorije, ki je nižja od standardne kategorije I.

Operacija instrumentalnega prileta in pristanka kategorije I, ki uporablja DH kategorije I z RVR, ki je nižji od tistega, ki se običajno uporablja z DH.

Lower than Standard Category I Operation.

A Category I Instrument Approach and Landing Operation using Category I DH, with an RVR lower than would normally be associated with the applicable DH.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.17

Operacija kategorije, ki ni standardna kategorija II.

Operacija instrumentalnega prileta in pristanka kategorije II do vzletno-pristajalne steze, kjer ni na voljo nekaterih ali vseh elementov sistema razsvetljave za natančni prilet kategorije II iz Priloge 14 ICAO.

Other than Standard Category II Operation.

A Category II Instrument Approach and Landing Operation to a runway where some or all of the elements of the ICAO Annex 14 Precision Approach Category II lighting system are not available.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel E – OPS 1.435, tč.18

Sistem za pristajanje GNSS (GLS).

Operacija prileta, ki uporablja razširjene informacije GNSS za vodenje letala na podlagi njegovega lateralnega in vertikalnega položaja GNSS. (Za strmino

GNSS landing system (GLS).

An approach operation using augmented GNSS information to provide guidance to the aircraft based on its lateral and vertical GNSS position. (It uses geometric altitude reference

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končnega pristopa sistem uporablja referenco geometrične višine.)

for its final approach slope).

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.1

Razpoložljiva razdalja pospeševanja in zaustavljanja (ASDA).

Dolžina razpoložljive steze za vzletni zalet in dolžina podaljška zaustavljanja, če je pristojni Organ objavil, da je takšen podaljšek zaustavljanja na voljo in da lahko nosi maso letala pri prevladujočih operativnih pogojih.

Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA).

The length of the take-off run available plus the length of stop way, if such stop way is declared available by the appropriate Authority and is capable of bearing the mass of the aeroplane under the prevailing operating conditions;

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.2

Kontaminirana vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Vzletno-pristajalna steza se šteje za kontaminirano, če je več kot 25 % njene površine (bodisi na osamljenih predelih ali ne) v okviru zahtevane dolžine in širine za uporabo, prekrito s:

(i) površinsko vodo, ki po globini presega 3 mm (0,125 inče), ali snežno brozgo ali nesprijetim snegom, ki ustrezata več kot 3 mm (0,125 inče) vode;

(ii) snegom, stisnjenim v trdo maso, ki se upira nadaljnjemu stiskanju in ki, če se ga dvigne, ostane skupaj ali pa razpade na kose (steptan sneg), ali (iii) ledom, vključno z mokrim ledom.

Contaminated runway.

A runway is considered to be contaminated when more than 25 % of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length and width being used is covered by the following:

(i) surface water more than 3 mm (0,125 in) deep, or by slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more than 3 mm (0,125 in) of water;

(ii) snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow); or (iii) ice, including wet ice.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.3

Vlažna vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Vzletno-pristajalna steza se šteje za vlažno, če površina ni suha, vendar pa vlaga na njej ne daje svetlečega videza.

Damp runway. A runway is considered damp when the surface is not dry, but when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J

Suha vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Suha vzletno-pristajalna steza, je steza ki ni niti mokra niti kontaminirana in vključuje tiste tlakovane vzletnopristajalne steze,

Dry runway. A dry runway is one which is neither wet nor contaminated, and includes those paved runways which have been specially prepared

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–OPS 1.480, tč.4 posebej pripravljene z žlebovi ali poroznim tlakom in vzdrževane tako, da ohranijo „v bistvu suh“ zaviralni učinek tudi pri prisotni vlagi.

with grooves or porous pavement and maintained to retain ‘effectively dry’ braking action even when moisture is present.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.5

Razpoložljiva pristajalna razdalja (LDA).

Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, za katero pristojni Organ objavi, da je na voljo in primerna za vožnjo po tleh letala pri pristajanju.

Landing distance available (LDA).

The length of the runway which is declared available by the appropriate Authority and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.6

Največja dovoljena razporeditev potniških sedežev.

Največja kapaciteta potniških sedežev na posameznem letalu, brez sedežev za pilote ali sedežev v pilotski kabini in sedežev za kabinsko osebje, kot je ustrezno, ki jih uporablja operator, odobri Organ in so navedeni v operativnem priročniku.

Maximum approved passenger seating configuration.

The maximum passenger seating capacity of an individual aeroplane, excluding pilot seats or flight deck seats and cabin crew seats as applicable, used by the operator, approved by the Authority and specified in the Operations Manual.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.7

Razpoložljiva vzletna razdalja (TODA).

Dolžina razpoložljive vzletnopristajalne steze za vzletni zalet in dolžina razpoložljive čistine.

Take-off distance available (TODA).

The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway available.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.8

Vzletna masa. Za vzletno maso letala se šteje njegova masa, vključno z vsem in vsemi, ki so na njem na začetku vzletnega zaleta.

Take-off mass. The take-off mass of the aeroplane shall be taken to be its mass, including everything and everyone carried at the commencement of the take-off run.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.9

Razpoložljiva razdalja vzletnega zaleta (TORA).

Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, za katero pristojni Organ objavi, da je na voljo in primerna za vožnjo letala po tleh pri vzletu.

Take-off run available (TORA).

The length of runway which is declared available by the appropriate Authority and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel F, G, H, I, J –OPS 1.480, tč.10

Mokra vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Vzletno-pristajalna steza se šteje za mokro, če je njena površina prekrita z vodo ali enakovredno snovjo v manjšem obsegu, kot je naveden v predhodnem pododstavku (a)(2) ali če je na njeni površini toliko vlage, da

Wet runway. A runway is considered wet when the runway surface is covered with water, or equivalent, less than specified in subparagraph (a) 2. above or when there is sufficient moisture on the runway surface to cause it to appear

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odseva, vendar pa na njej ni večjih območij stoječe vode.

reflective, but without significant areas of standing water.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.a

Suha operativna masa. Skupna masa letala, pripravljenega za določeno vrsto operacije, brez uporabnega goriva in prometnega tovora. Ta masa vključuje na primer naslednje:

1. posadko in prtljago posadke;2. oskrbo potnikov s hrano in pijačo in snemljivo opremo za oskrbo potnikov in3. pitno vodo in kemikalije za stranišča.

Dry operating mass. The total mass of the aeroplane ready for a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel and traffic load. This mass includes items such as:

1. crew and crew baggage;2. catering and removable passenger service equipment; and3. potable water and lavatory chemicals.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.b

Največja masa letala brez goriva.

Največja dovoljena masa letala brez uporabnega goriva. Maso goriva v določenih rezervoarjih je treba vključiti v maso brez goriva, če je to izrecno navedeno v omejitvah iz letalskega priročnika letala.

Maximum zero fuel mass.

The maximum permissible mass of an aeroplane with no usable fuel. The mass of the fuel contained in particular tanks must be included in the zero fuel mass when it is explicitly mentioned in the Aeroplane Flight Manual limitations.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.c

Največja konstrukcijska pristajalna masa.

Največja dovoljena skupna masa letala pri pristajanju v običajnih okoliščinah.

Maximum structural landing mass

The maximum permissible total aeroplane mass upon landing under normal circumstances.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.d

Največja konstrukcijska vzletna masa.

Največja dovoljena skupna masa letala na začetku vzletnega zaleta.

Maximum structural take off mass.

The maximum permissible total aeroplane mass at the start of the take-off run.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.e

Razvrstitev potnikov. 1. Odrasli, moški in ženske, so opredeljeni kot osebe, stare 12 let in več.

2. Otroci so opredeljeni kot osebe, stare dve leti ali več, vendar manj kot 12 let.

3. Dojenčki so opredeljeni kot osebe, stare

Passenger classification.

1. Adults, male and female, are defined as persons of an age of 12 years and above.

2. Children are defined as persons who are of an age of two years and above but who are less than 12 years of age.

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manj kot dve leti. 3. Infants are defined as persons who are les than two years of age.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel J – OPS 1.607, tč.f

Prometni tovor. Skupna masa potnikov, prtljage in tovora, vključno z vsem neplačanim tovorom.

Traffic load. The total mass of passengers, baggage and cargo, including any non-revenue load.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.1

Povečana letalska posadka.

Letalska posadka, ki obsega več kot najmanjše število članov, zahtevano za operacijo letala, in v kateri vsak član letalske posadke lahko zapusti svoje delovno mesto in ga nadomesti drug, ustrezno usposobljen članletalske posadke.

Augmented flight crew.

A flight crew which comprises more than the minimum number required for the operation of the aeroplane and in which each flight crew member can leave his/her post and be replaced by another appropriately qualified flight crew member.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.2

Čas letenja. Čas od prvega premika letala z njegovega parkirnega prostora zaradi vzleta do njegove zaustavitve na označenem parkirnem prostoru in zaustavitve vseh motorjev in propelerjev.

Block time. The time between an aeroplane first moving from its parking place for the purpose of taking off until it comes to rest on the designated parking position and all engines or propellers are stopped.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.3

Odmor. Čas brez vseh službenih dolžnosti, ki se šteje za delovni čas in je krajši od časa počitka.

Break. A period free of all duties, which counts as duty, being less than a rest period.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.4

Dolžnost. Katera koli naloga, ki jo mora opraviti član posadke in je povezana s poslovanjem imetnika AOC. Razen če ta uredba ne vsebuje posebnih določb, določi Organ, ali in v kakšnem obsegu se stanje pripravljenosti šteje za dolžnost.

Duty. Any task that a crew member is required to carry out associated with the business of an AOC holder. Unless where specific rules are provided for by this Regulation, the Authority shall define whether and to what extent standby is to be accounted for as duty.

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Delovni čas. Obdobje, ki se začne, ko začne član posadke na zahtevo operatorja izvajati svoje dolžnosti, in ustavi, ko je član posadke brez vseh dolžnosti.

Duty period. A period which starts when a crew member is required by an operator to commence a duty and ends when the crew member is free from all duties.

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3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.6

Letalski delovni čas posadke.

Letalski delovni čas posadke (FDP) je čas, ko določena oseba dela na zrakoplovu kot član njegove posadke. FDP se začne, ko se mora član posadke na zahtevo operatorja prijaviti na let ali vrsto letov, konča pa po opravljenem zadnjem letu, na katerem je bil operativni član posadke.

Flight duty period. A flight duty period (FDP) is any time during which a person operates in an aircraft as a member of its crew. The FDP starts when the crew member is required by an operator to report for a flight or a series of flights; it finishes at the end of the last flight on which he/she is an operating crew member.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.7

Domača baza. Kraj, ki ga za člana posadke določi operator, na katerem član posadke ponavadi začne in konča delovni čas ali vrsto delovnih časov in na katerem operator v običajnih okoliščinah ni odgovoren za nastanitev zadevnega člana posadke.

Home base. The location nominated by the operator to the crew member from where the crew member normally starts and ends a duty period or a series of duty periods and where, under normal conditions, the operator is not responsible for the accommodation of the crew member concerned.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.8

Krajevni dan. Časovno obdobje, ki traja 24 ur in se začne ob 00:00 po krajevnem času.

Local day. A 24 hour period commencing at 00.00 local time.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.9

Krajevna noč. Časovno obdobje, ki traja osem ur med 22:00 in 8:00 po krajevnem času.

Local night. A period of eight hours falling between 22.00 and 08.00 local time.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.10

En dan brez dolžnosti. En dan brez dolžnosti vključuje dve krajevni noči. Čas počitka je lahko sestavni del prostega dne.

A single day free of duty.

A single day free of duty shall include two local nights. A rest period may be included as part of the day off.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.11

Operativni član posadke.

Član posadke, ki izvaja svoje dolžnosti na letalu med letom ali med katerim koli njegovim delom.

Operating crew member:

A crew member who carries out his/her duties in an aircraft during a flight or during any part of a flight.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III

Razporeditev. Premestitev neoperativnih članov posadke iz kraja v kraj na zahtevo operatorja, ki ne

Positioning. The transferring of a non-operating crew member from place to place, at

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- Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.12

vključuje časa potovanja. Čas potovanja se določi kot:

— čas od doma do določenega kraja prijave in nazaj,

— čas krajevnega prevoza iz kraja počitka v kraj nastopa službe in nazaj.

the behest of the operator, excluding travelling time. Travelling time isdefined as:

— time from home to a designated reporting place and vice versa,

— time for local transfer from a place of rest to the commencement of duty and vice versa.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.13

Čas počitka. Določeno neprekinjeno časovno obdobje, ko je član posadke brez vseh službenih dolžnosti in ni v pripravljenosti na letališču.

Rest period. An uninterrupted and defined period of time during which a crew member is free from all duties and airport standby.

tč.1.133922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.14

Pripravljenost. Določeno časovno obdobje, ko mora biti član posadke na zahtevo operatorja na voljo, da se ga brez vmesnega počitka določi za let ali razporedi ali da prevzame katero koli drugo dolžnost.

Standby. A defined period of time during which a crew member is required by the operator to be available to receive an assignment for a flight, positioning or other duty without an intervening rest period.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel Q – OPS 1.1095, tč.1.15

Spodnja faza cirkadianega ritma (WOCL).

Spodnja faza cirkadianega (dnevnega) ritma je čas med 2:00 in 5:59. V obsegu treh časovnih pasov se WOCL nanaša na čas domače baze. Pri razliki več kot treh časovnih pasov se WOCL v prvih 48 urah po zapustitvi časovnega pasu domače baze nanaša na čas domače baze, potem pa na krajevni čas.

Window of Circadian Low (WOCL).

The Window of Circadian Low (WOCL) is the period between 02.00 and 05.59. Within a band of three time zones the WOCL refers to home base time. Beyond these three time zones the WOCL refers to home base time for the first 48 hours after departure from home base time zone, and to local time thereafter.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.1

Sprejemni kontrolni seznam.

Dokument, ki se uporablja kot pomoč pri preverjanju zunanjega videza tovorkov z nevarnim blagom in dokumentov zanje, da se ugotovi, ali so bile izpolnjene vse ustrezne zahteve.

Acceptance check list. A document used to assist in carrying out a check on the external appearance of packages of dangerous goods and their associated documents to determine that all appropriate requirements have been met.

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3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.2

Dovoljenje. Izključno zaradi skladnosti z OPS 1.1165(b)(2) je dovoljenje iz Tehničnih navodil, ki ga izda Organ, za prevoz nevarnega blaga, ki se ga običajno ne sme prevažati, ali iz drugih razlogov, kot določajo Tehnična navodila.

Approval. For the purposes only of compliance with OPS 1.1165(b)2., an authorisation referred to in the Technical Instructions and issued by an Authority, for the transport of dangerous goods which are normally forbidden for transport or for other reasons, as specified in the Technical Instructions;

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.3

Tovorni zrakoplov. Vsak zrakoplov, ki prevaža blago ali imetje, ne pa potnikov. V tem okviru se za potnike ne štejejo:

(i) član posadke;

(ii) oseba, zaposlena pri operatorju, katere prevoz se dovoli v skladu z navodili iz operativnega priročnika;

(iii) pooblaščeni predstavnik Organa ali

(iv) oseba, ki ima dolžnosti v zvezi z določeno pošiljko na letalu.

Cargo aircraft. Any aircraft which is carrying goods or property but not passengers. In this context the following are not considered to be passengers:

(i) a crew member;

(ii) an operator’s employee permitted by, and carried in accordance with, the instructions contained in the Operations Manual;

(iii) an authorised representative of an Authority; or

(iv) a person with duties in respect of a particular shipment on board.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.4

Nevarno blago. Predmeti in snovi, ki lahko ogrožajo zdravje, varnost, imetje ali okolje in so v Tehničnih navodilih na seznamu nevarnih snovi ali so razvrščeni v skladu s temi navodili.

Dangerous goods. Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.5

Nesreča, ki vključuje nevarno blago.

Dogodek, povezan s prevozom nevarnega blaga, ki ima za posledico smrt ali hudo poškodbo osebe ali veliko materialno škodo.

Dangerous goods accident.

An occurrence associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods which results in fatal or serious injury to a person or major property damage.

3922/91/EGS – Incident, ki vključuje Dogodek, ki ni nesreča, ki vključuje nevarne Dangerous goods An occurrence, other than a dangerous goods

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859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.6

nevarno blago. snovi, povezan s prevozom nevarnega blaga, za katerega ni nujno, da se zgodi na krovu letala in ima za posledico poškodbo osebe, materialno škodo, požar, prelom tovora, njegovo razlitje, iztekanje tekočin ali sevanje ali kak drug dokaz, da embalaža ni ostala neoporečna.Za incidente, ki vključujejo nevarno blago, se štejejo tudi vsi dogodki, povezani s prevozom nevarnega blaga, ki resno ogrozijo letalo ali osebe na njem.

incident. accident, associated with and related to the transport of dangerous goods, not necessarily occurring on board an aircraft, which results in injury to a person, property damage, fire, breakage, spillage, leakage of fluid or radiation or other evidence that the integrity of the packaging has not been maintained. Any occurrence relating to the transport of dangerous goods which seriously jeopardises the aircraft or its occupants is also deemed to constitute a dangerous goods incident.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.7

Listina o prevozu nevarnega blaga.

Listina, ki je navedena v Tehničnih navodilih. Izpolni jo oseba, ki da nevarno blago v zračni prevoz, vsebuje pa podatke o tem nevarnem blagu.

Dangerous goods transport document.

A document which is specified by the Technical Instructions. It is completed by the person who offers dangerous goods for air transport and contains information about those dangerous goods.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.8

Izjema. Izključno zaradi skladnosti s tem poddelom, dovoljenje iz tehničnih navodil, ki ga izdajo vsi pristojni organi in ki omogoča odstopanje od zahtev Tehničnih navodil.

Exemption. For the purposes only of compliance with this Subpart, an authorisation referred to in the Technical Instructions and issued by all the authorities concerned, providing relief from the requirements of the Technical Instructions.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.9

Tovorni zabojnik. Tovorni zabojnik je kos transportne opreme, ki omogoča prevoz radioaktivnih snovi, zapakiranih ali nezapakiranih, z enim ali več prevoznimi sredstvi. (Opomba: glej zabojnik, pri katerem nevarno blago ni radioaktivno.)

Freight container. A freight container is an article of transport equipment for radioactive materials, designed to facilitate the transport of such materials, either packaged or unpackaged, by one or more modes of transport.

(Note: see unit load device where the dangerous goods are not radioactive materials.)

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R –

Odpravnik letov. Agencija, ki v imenu operatorja opravlja nekatere ali vse njegove naloge, vključno s prevzemanjem, natovarjanjem,

Handling agent. An agency which performs on behalf of the operator some or all of the latter’s functions including receiving, loading, unloading,

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)



OPS 1.1150, tč.10 iztovarjanjem, pretovarjanjem ali drugimi obdelavami tovora ali potnikov.

transferring or other processing of passengers or cargo.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.11

Ovojna embalaža. Ograjen prostor, ki ga uporabi en vkrcevalec, da vanj postavi enega ali več tovorkov, in tvori eno enoto za pretovarjanje in zlaganje. (Opomba: zabojnik v to definicijo ni zajet.)

Overpack. An enclosure used by a single shipper to contain one or more packages and to form one handling unit for convenience of handling and stowage.

(Note: a unit load device is not included in this definition.)

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.12

Tovorek. Končni izdelek pakiranja, ki ga sestavljata embalaža in njena vsebina, pripravljena za prevoz.

Package. The complete product of the packing operation consisting of the packaging and its contents prepared for transport.

3922/91/EGS – 859/2008-Priloga III - Poddel R – OPS 1.1150, tč.13

Embalaža. Posode in vsi drugi elementi ali materiali, ki jih potrebuje posoda za uresničevanje svoje namembnosti zadrževanja.

Packaging. Receptacles and any other components or materials necessary for the receptacle to perform its containment function.

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Huda poškodba. Poškodba, ki jo oseba dobi v nesreči in ki:

(i) zahteva bolnišnično zdravljenje, ki traja več kot 48 ur in se začne v sedmih dneh po datumu nastanka poškodbe, ali

(ii) ima za posledico zlom katere koli kosti (razen enostavnih zlomov prstov na roki, nogi ali nosu) ali

(iii) vključuje raztrganine, ki povzročajo hude krvavitve, poškodbe živcev, mišic ali kit, ali

(iv) vključuje poškodbo katerega koli notranjega organa ali

Serious injury. An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:

(i) requires hospitalisation for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days from the date the injury was received; or

(ii) results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose); or

(iii) involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon damage; or

(iv) involves injury to any internal organ; or

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(v) vključuje opekline druge ali tretje stopnje ali opekline, ki prizadenejo več kot 5 odstotkov telesne površine, ali

(vi) vključuje dokazano izpostavljenost kužnim snovem ali škodljivemu sevanju.

(v) involves second or third degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5 % of the body surface; or

(vi) involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation.

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Tehnična navodila. Najnovejša veljavna izdaja Tehničnih navodil za varen zračni prevoz nevarnega blaga, vključno z dodatkom in vsemi dopolnitvami, ki se odobrijo in objavijo na podlagi odločitve Sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva (Dokument ICAO 9284–AN/905).

Technical Instructions.

The latest effective edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, including the Supplement and any addenda, approved and published by decision of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO Doc 9284–AN/905).

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Zabojnik. Kakršen koli letalski zabojnik, letalska paleta z mrežo ali letalska paleta z mrežo prek igluja.

(Opomba: v to opredelitev ovojna embalaža ni zajeta; za zabojnik, ki vsebuje radioaktivne snovi, glej opredelitev za tovorni zabojnik.)

Unit load device. Any type of aircraft container, aircraft pallet with a net, or aircraft pallet with a net over an igloo.

(Note: an overpack is not included in this definition; for a container containing radioactive materials see the definition for freight container.)

736/2006/ES inšpekcijski pregled je inšpekcijski pregled standardiziranja iz členov 16(1) in 45 Uredbe (ES) št. 1592/2002, ki ga izvaja Agencija z namenom spremljati uporabo navedene uredbe in njenih izvedbenih določb s strani nacionalnih letalskih organov.

inspection shall mean the standardisation inspection referred to in Articles 16(1) and 45 of Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 carried out by the Agency for the purpose of monitoring the application of that Regulation and of its implementing rules by the national aviation authorities.

736/2006/ES nacionalni letalski organi

so pristojni organi držav članic iz člena 45 Uredbe (ES) št. 1592/2002.

national aviation authorities

shall mean the competent authorities of Member States referred to in Article 45 of Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002.

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736/2006/ES pooblaščeno osebje Agencije

so osebe, ki jih Agencija zakonsko pooblasti za izvajanje inšpekcijskih pregledov pristojnih organov držav članic in inšpekcijskih pregledov podjetij ali podjetniškega združenja, ki so namenjeni preverjanju uporabe Uredbe (ES) št. 1592/2002 s strani teh organov.

authorised personnel of the Agency

shall mean the persons who are legally authorised by the Agency to carry out inspections of Member States competent authorities and inspections of undertakings or association of undertakings for the purpose of verifying the application of Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 by these authorities.

736/2006/ES pooblaščeno osebje držav članic

so osebe, ki jih pristojni organi držav članic zakonsko pooblastijo za pomoč Agenciji pri izvajanju inšpekcijskih pregledov.

authorised personnel of Member States

shall mean the persons legally authorised by the competent authorities of the Member States to assist the Agency in carrying out inspections.

216/2008/ES stalni nadzor pomeni naloge, ki se jih opravlja zaradi preverjanja, ali se izpolnjujejo pogoji, pod katerimi je bil certifikat izdan, kadar koli v obdobju veljavnosti certifikata, ter prav tako sprejetje zaščitnih ukrepov;

continuing oversight MANJKA- DOPOLNJENOshall mean the tasks to be conducted to verify that the conditions under which a certificate has been granted continue to be fulfilled at any time during its period of validity, as well as the taking of any safeguard measure;

216/2008/ES Čikaška konvencija pomeni Konvencijo o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu in njene priloge, podpisano v Čikagu, dne 7. decembra 1944;

Chicago Convention MANJKA- DOPOLNJENOshall mean the Convention on International Civil Aviation and its Annexes, signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944;

216/2008/ES Proizvod pomeni zrakoplov, motor ali propeler. product shall mean an aircraft, engine or propeller.

216/2008/ES deli in naprave pomenijo vse instrumente, opremo, mehanizme, dele, aparature, pribor ali dodatno opremo, vključno s komunikacijsko opremo, ki se uporabljajo ali so namenjeni za delovanje ali krmiljenje zrakoplova med letom in so vgrajeni ali nanj pritrjeni. Sem sodijo tudi deli strukture zrakoplova, motorja ali propelerja.

parts and appliances mean any instrument, equipment, mechanism, part, apparatus, appurtenance or accessory, including communications equipment, that is used or intended to be used in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight and is installed in or attached to the aircraft. It shall include parts of an airframe, engine or propeller.

216/2008/ES certifikacija pomeni vse oblike priznavanja skladnosti certification shall mean any form of recognition that a

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proizvoda, dela ali naprave, organizacije ali osebe z veljavnimi zahtevami, vključno z določbami te uredbe in njenimi izvedbenimi predpisi, pa tudi izdajo ustreznih certifikatov, ki potrjujejo takšno skladnost.

product, part or appliance, organisation or person complies with the applicable requirements including the provisions of this Regulation and its implementing rules, as well as the issuance of the relevant certificate attesting such compliance.

216/2008/ES usposobljen subjekt pomeni organ, kateremu je lahko dodeljena posebna naloga certificiranja s strani in pod nadzorom ter pristojnostjo Agencije ali nacionalnega letalskega organa.

fqualified entity shall mean a body which may be allocated a specific certification task by, and under the control and the responsibility of, the Agency or a national aviation authority.

216/2008/ES certifikat pomeni kakršno koli potrdilo, licenco ali drug dokument, ki se izda kot rezultat certifikacije.

certificate shall mean any approval, licence or other document issued as the result of certification.

216/2008/ES operator pomeni vsako pravno ali fizično osebo, ki upravlja ali namerava upravljati enega ali več zrakoplovov.

operator shall mean any legal or natural person, operating or proposing to operate one or more aircraft.

216/2008/ES komercialna dejavnost pomeni katero koli letalsko operacijo proti plačilu ali drugi protivrednosti, ki je na voljo javnosti ali ki se, ko ni na voljo javnosti, opravlja po pogodbi med operatorjem in odjemalcem, pri tem pa odjemalec ne nadzira operatorja.

commercial operation shall mean any operation of an aircraft, in return for remuneration or other valuable consideration, which is available to the public or, when not made available to the public, which is performed under a contract between an operator and a customer, where thelatter has no control over the operator.

216/2008/ES kompleksni zrakoplov na motorni pogon

pomeni:(i) letalo:— z največjo certificirano vzletno maso, ki presega 5 700 kg, ali

— certificirano za najvišje število potniških sedežev, ki presega število devetnajst, ali

complex motor-powered aircraft

shall mean: (i) an aeroplane:— with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg, or

— certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, or

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— certificirano za delovanje z minimalno posadko, ki zajema vsaj dva pilota, ali

— opremljeno s turboreaktivnim motorjem oziroma motorji ali z več kot enim turbopropelerskim motorjem; ali

(ii) helikopter, certificiran:— za največjo vzletno maso, ki presega 3 175 kg,

ali— za največje število potniških sedežev, ki presega število devet, ali— za delovanje z minimalno posadko, ki obsega vsaj dva pilota, ali

(iii) zrakoplov z nagibnim rotorjem;

— certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or

— equipped with (a) turbojet engine(s) or more than one turboprop engine, or

(ii) a helicopter certificated:— for a maximum take-off mass exceeding3 175 kg,

or— for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nine, or— for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or

(iii) a tilt rotor aircraft;

216/2008/ES simulacijska naprava za usposabljanje

pomeni katero koli vrsto naprave, ki na tleh simulira pogoje letenja; sem sodijo simulatorji letenja, naprave za usposabljanje za letenje ter za postopke pri letenju in navigaciji ter osnovne naprave za usposabljanje za instrumentalno letenje;

flight simulation training device

shall mean any type of device in which flight conditions are simulated on the ground; they include flight simulators, flight training devices, flight and navigation procedures trainers and basic instrument training devices;

216/2008/ES rating pomeni vpis v licenci, ki določa privilegije, posebne pogoje ali omejitve, ki se nanašajo na njo.

rating shall mean a statement entered on a licence, setting forth privileges, special conditions or limitations pertaining thereto.

2042/2003/ES Zrakoplov Je vsaka naprava, ki se lahko obdrži v atmosferi zaradi rakcije zraka, razen reakcije zraka na zemeljsko površino.

Aircrafr Means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than reactions of the air against the

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earths surface. 2042/2003/ES Potrditveno osebje Pomeni osebje, odgovorno za sprostitev

zrakoplova ali komponente po vzdrževanju. Certifying staff Means personnel responsible for the release of

an aircraft or a component after maintenance.2042/2003/ES Komponenta Pomeni kateri koli motor, propeler, del ali

napravo.Component Means any engine, propeller, part or appliance.

2042/2003/ES Stalna plovnost Pomeni vse procese, ki zagotavljajo, da zrakoplov kadar koli med svojo obratovalno življenjsko dobo izpolnjuje veljavne zahteve plovnosti in je v stanju za varno obratovanje.

Continuing airworthiness

Means all of the processes ensuring that, at any time is its operating life, the aircraft compliers with the airworthiness requirements in force and is in a condition for safe operation.

2042/2003/ES JAA Pomeni »Skupne letalske oblasti«. JAA Means »Joint Aviation Authorities«.

2042/2003/ES JAR Pomeni »Skupne letalske predpise«. JAR Means »Joint Aviation Authorities«.

2042/2003/ES Velik zrakoplov Pomeni zrakoplov, razvrščen kot letalo z največjo vzletno maso več kot 5700 kg, ali večmotorni helikopter.

Large aircraft Means an aircraft, classified as an aeroplane with a maximum take-off mass of more than 5700 kg, or a multi-engined helicopter.

2042/2003/ES Vzdrževanje Pomeni eno od naslednjega obnovo, popravilo, pregled, nadomestitev, modifikacijo ali odpravo okvare zrakoplova ali komponente, ali njihove kombinacije, z izjemo predpoletnega pregleda.

Maintenance NAPAKE – POPRAVLJENO!Means any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacment, modification or defect rectifacrton of an aircraft or component, with the exception of pre-flight inspection.

2042/2003/ES Organizacija Pomeni fizično osebo, pravno osebo ali del pravne osebe. Taka organizacija ima sedež na več kot eni lokaciji na ozemlju držav članic ali ne.

Organisation Means a natural person, a legal person or part of a legal person. Such an organisation may be established at more than one location whether or not within the territory of the Member States.

2042/2003/ES Predpoletni pregled Pomeni pregled, opravljen pred poletom za zagotovitev, da je zrakoplov ustrezen za nameravni let.

Pre-flight inspection Means the inspection carried out before flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for the intended flight.

2042/2003/ES Zrakoplov ELA1 pomeni naslednji evropski lahki zrakoplov: ELA1 aircraft means the following European Light Aircraft:

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(i) letalo, jadralno letalo ali motorno jadralno letalo z največjo vzletno maso (MTOM) manj kot 1 000 kg, ki ni razvrščeno kot kompleksni zrakoplov na motorni pogon;

(ii) balon z največjo deklarirano prostornino vzgonskega plina ali prostornino toplega zraka, ki ne presega 3 400 m3 za toplozračne balone, 1 050 m3 za prostoleteče plinske balone, 300 m3 za vezane plinske balone;

(iii) zračno ladjo, namenjeno največ dvema potnikoma in z največjo deklarirano prostornino vzgonskega plina ali prostornino toplega zraka, ki ne presega 2 500 m3 za toplozračne zračne ladje in 1 000 m3 za plinske zračne ladje;

(i) an aeroplane, sailplane or powered sailplane with a Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) less than 1 000 kg that is not classified as complex motor-powered aircraft;

(ii) a balloon with a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 3 400 m3 for hot air balloons, 1 050 m3 for gas balloons, 300 m3 for tethered gas balloons;

(iii) an airship designed for not more than two occupants and a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 2 500 m3 for hot air airships and 1 000 m3 for gas airships;

2042/2003/ES Zrakoplov LSA pomeni lahko športno letalo, ki ima vse naslednje značilnosti:

(i) največjo vzletno maso (MTOM), ki ne presega 600 kg;

(ii) najvišjo prevlečno hitrost v konfiguraciji za pristanek (VS0), ki ne presega 45 vozlov kalibrirane hitrosti (CAS) pri najvišji certificirani vzletni masi zrakoplova in najbolj kritičnem centru gravitacije;

(iii) sedeže za največ dve osebi, vključno s pilotom;

LSA aircraft means a light sport aeroplane which has all of the following characteristics:

(i) a Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) of not more than 600 kg;

(ii) a maximum stalling speed in the landing configuration (VS0) of not more than 45 knots Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) at the aircraft’s maximum certificated take-off mass and most critical centre of gravity;

(iii) a maximum seating capacity of no more than two persons, including the pilot;

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(iv) enojni, neturbinski motor s propelerjem;

(v) kabina, ki ni pod pritiskom.

(iv) a single, non-turbine engine fitted with a propeller;

(v) a non-pressurised cabin.1702/2003/ES JAA Pomeni »Joint Aviation Authorities« JAA Means the »Joint Aviation Authorities«.

1702/2003/ES JAR Pomeni »Joint Aviation Requirements« JAR Means »Joint Aviation Requirements«.

1702/2003/ES del 21 pomeni zahteve in postopke za certificiranje zrakoplovov in sorodnih proizvodov, delov in naprav ter potrjevanje projektivnih in proizvodnih organizacij, priloženih k tej uredbi.

Part 21 means the requirements and procedures for the certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, and of design and production organisations annexed to this Regulation.

1702/2003/ES del M pomeni ustrezne zahteve za stalno plovnost, sprejete v skladu z osnovno uredbo.

Part M means the applicable continuing airworthiness requirements adopted in pursuance to the basic Regulation.

(NPA) 2009-02B 3% En-Route Alternate (ERA) aerodrome

means an ERA aerodrome selected for the purpose of reducing contingency fuel to 3%.

(NPA) 2009-02B Acceptance Check List

means a document used to assist in carrying out a check on the external appearance of packages of dangerous goods and their associated documents to determine that all appropriate requirements have been met.

(NPA) 2009-02B Adequate aerodrome means an aerodrome on which the aircraft can be operated, taking account of the applicable performance requirements and runway characteristics.

(NPA) 2009-02B Adult means a person of an age of 12 years and over. (NPA) 2009-02B Aerodrome means any area on land, water or man made

structure or vessel, especially adapted for the landing, taking-off and manoeuvring of aircraft.

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(NPA) 2009-02B Aeroplane means an engine-driven fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.

(NPA) 2009-02B Aircraft means a machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

(NPA) 2009-02B Anti-icing means the procedure that provides protection against the formation of frost or ice and accumulation of snow on treated surfaces of the aircraft for a limited period of time (hold-over time).

(NPA) 2009-02B Category A with respect to helicopters

means multi-engine helicopters designed with engine and system isolation features specified in CS-27/29 or equivalent and Helicopter Flight Manual performance information based on a critical engine failure concept which assures adequate designated surface area and adequate performance capability for continued safe flight in the event of an engine failure.

(NPA) 2009-02B Category B with respect to helicopters

means single-engine or multiengine helicopters which do not fully meet all Category A standards. Category B helicopters have no guaranteed stay-up ability in the event of engine failure and unscheduled landing is assumed.

(NPA) 2009-02B Cloud base means the height of the base of the lowest observed or forecast cloud element in the vicinity of an aerodrome or operating site or within a specified area of operations, normally measured above aerodrome elevation or, in the case of offshore operations, above mean sea level.

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(NPA) 2009-02B Congested area means in relation to a city, town or settlement, any area which is substantially used for residential, commercial or recreational purposes.

(NPA) 2009-02B Contaminated runway

means a runway of which more than 25% of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length and width being used is covered by the following: (i) Surface water more than 3 mm (0.125 in) deep, or by slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more than 3 mm (0.125 in) of water; (ii) Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow); or (iii) Ice, including wet ice.

(NPA) 2009-02B Controlled flight means any flight which is subject to an air traffic control clearance.

(NPA) 2009-02B Critical phases of flight

means the take-off run, the take-off flight path, the final approach, the landing including the landing roll, the go-around and any other phases of flight as determined by the pilot-in-command. For helicopters, ‘critical phases of flight’ includes in addition taxiing. (16) ‘D’ means the largest dimension of the helicopter when the rotors are turning.

(NPA) 2009-02B Dangerous goods means articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions.

(NPA) 2009-02B Dangerous Goods Transport Document

means a document which is specified by the Technical Instructions. It is completed by the

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person who offers dangerous goods for air transport and contains information about those dangerous goods.

(NPA) 2009-02B Defined point after take-off (DPATO)

means the point, within the take-off and initial climb phase, before which the helicopter’s ability to continue the flight safely, with the critical power unit inoperative, is not assured and a forced landing may be required.

(NPA) 2009-02B De-icing means the procedure by which frost, ice, snow or slush is removed from an aircraft in order to provide uncontaminated surfaces.

(NPA) 2009-02B Disruptive passenger means a passenger who fails to respect the rules of conduct on board an aircraft or to comply with the instructions of crew members.

(NPA) 2009-02B DR means the horizontal distance that the helicopter has travelled from the end of the take-off distance available.

(NPA) 2009-02B Dry operating mass means the total mass of the aircraft ready for a specific type of operation, excluding usable fuel and traffic load. The dry operating mass includes: (i) crew and crew baggage; (ii) catering and removable passenger service equipment; and (iii) tank water and lavatory chemicals.

(NPA) 2009-02B Dry runway means a runway which is neither wet nor contaminated, and includes those paved runways which have been specially prepared with grooves or porous pavement and maintained to retain ‘effectively dry’ braking action even when moisture is present.

(NPA) 2009-02B Elevated FATO means a FATO which is at least 3 metres above the surrounding surface.

(NPA) 2009-02B Enhanced Vision System (EVS)

shall mean an electronic means of displaying a real-time image of the external scene through

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the use of imaging sensors;(NPA) 2009-02B En-Route Alternate

(ERA)Aerodrome’ means an adequate aerodrome along the route, which may be required at the planning stage.

(NPA) 2009-02B Final Approach and Take-Off Area (FATO)

means a defined area for helicopter operations, over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or land is completed, and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. In the case of helicopters operating in performance Class 1, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available.

(NPA) 2009-02B Ground emergency service personnel

shall mean any ground emergency service personnel (such as policemen, firemen, etc.) involved with Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) and whose tasks are to any extent pertinent to helicopter operations.

(NPA) 2009-02B Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) flight

shall mean a flight by a helicopter operating under a HEMS approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate emergency medical assistance, where immediate and rapid transportation is essential, by carrying: (i) medical personnel; or (ii) medical supplies (equipment, blood, organs, drugs); or (iii) ill or injured persons and other persons directly involved.

(NPA) 2009-02B Helicopter Hoist Operations (HHO) Flight

shall mean a flight by a helicopter operating under an HHO approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate the transfer of persons and/or cargo by means of a helicopter hoist.

(NPA) 2009-02B Helideck means a FATO located on a floating or fixed offshore structure.

(NPA) 2009-02B HEMS dispatch centre’

shall mean a place where, if established, the coordination or control of the HEMS flight takes place. It may be located in a HEMS

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operating base.(NPA) 2009-02B HEMS operating

baseshall mean an aerodrome at which the HEMS crew members and the HEMS helicopter may be on stand-by for HEMS operations.

(NPA) 2009-02B HEMS operating site mean a site selected by the pilot-in-command during a HEMS flight for Helicopter Hoist Operations, landing and take off.

(NPA) 2009-02B HHO Offshore shall mean a flight by a helicopter operating under a HHO approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate the transfer of persons and/or cargo by means of a helicopter hoist from or to a vessel or structure in a sea area or to the sea itself.

(NPA) 2009-02B HHO Passenger shall mean a person who is to be transferred by means of a helicopter hoist.

(NPA) 2009-02B HHO Site shall mean a specified area at which a helicopter performs a hoist transfer.

(NPA) 2009-02B Hold-over Time (HoT)

means the estimated period of time for which an anti-icing fluid is expected to prevent the formation of frost or ice and the accumulation of snow on the treated surfaces of an aircraft on the ground in the prevailing ambient conditions.

(NPA) 2009-02B Hoist Cycle shall mean one down-and-up cycle of the hoist hook for the purpose of the setting of crew qualifications.

(NPA) 2009-02B Hostile environment: An environment in which:

(A) A safe forced landing cannot be accomplished because the surface is inadequate; or

(B) The helicopter occupants cannot be adequately protected from the elements; or

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(C) Search and rescue response/capability is not provided consistent with anticipated exposure; or

(D) There is an unacceptable risk of endangering persons or property on the ground.

(ii) In any case, the following areas shall be considered hostile:

(A) For overwater operations, the open sea areas North of 45N and South of 45S designated by the Authority of the State concerned; and

(B) those parts of a congested area without adequate safe forced landing areas.

(NPA) 2009-02B Infant means a person under the age of 24 months.(NPA) 2009-02B Landing distance

available (LDA)means the length of the runway which is declared available by the competent authority of the aerodrome and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

(NPA) 2009-02B Landplane means a fixed wing aircraft which is designed for taking off and landing on land and includes amphibians operated as landplanes.

(NPA) 2009-02B Local operations means flights operations conducted within a local and defined geographical area which: (i) start and end on the same day; (ii) are conducted by day under VFR; and (iii) are navigated over routes by reference to visual landmarks.

(NPA) 2009-02B Low Visibility shall mean procedures applied at an aerodrome

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Procedures (LVP) for the purpose of ensuring safe operations during low visibility conditions, for which a specific approval is required.

(NPA) 2009-02B Low Visibility Take-Off (LVTO)

shall mean a take-off where the Runway Visual Range (RVR) is less than 400 m.

(NPA) 2009-02B Maximum passenger seating configuration

means the maximum passenger seating capacity of an individual aircraft established for operational purposes, excluding crew seats. This may be lower than the maximum certificated passenger seating configuration of the aircraft.

(NPA) 2009-02B Night means the period between 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise, determined at surface level.

(NPA) 2009-02B Night Vision Goggles (NVG)

shall mean a head-mounted, binocular, light intensification appliance that enhances the ability to maintain visual surface references at night;

(NPA) 2009-02B Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS)

shall mean the integration of all elements required to successfully and safely use NVGs while operating a helicopter. The system includes as a minimum: NVGs, NVIS lighting, helicopter components (such as radio altimeter, visual warning system and audio warning system), training and continuing airworthiness.

(NPA) 2009-02B Non-hostile environment

means an environment in which: (i) A safe forced landing can be accomplished; (ii) The helicopter occupants can be protected from the elements; (iii) Search and rescue response/capability is provided consistent with the anticipated exposure; and (iv) those parts of a congested area with adequate safe forced landing areas shall be considered non-hostile.

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(NPA) 2009-02B NVIS Flight’ shall mean a flight under night VMC with the flight crew using NVGs in a helicopter operating under an NVIS approval.

(NPA) 2009-02B Offshore operations means operations which routinely have a substantial proportion of the flight conducted over sea areas to or from offshore locations. Such operations include, but are not limited to, support of offshore oil, gas and mineral exploitation and sea-pilot transfer.

(NPA) 2009-02B Operating site means a site selected by the operator or pilot-in-command for landing, take-off and/or hoist operations.

(NPA) 2009-02B Performance Class 1 means that, in the event of failure of the critical power unit, the helicopter is able to land within the rejected take-off distance available or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area, depending on when the failure occurs.

(NPA) 2009-02B Performance Class 2 means that, in the event of failure of the critical power unit, performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight, except when the failure occurs early during the take-off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre, in which cases a forced landing may be required.

(NPA) 2009-02B Performance Class 3 means that, in the event of a power unit failure at any time during the flight, a forced landing may be required in a multi-engined helicopter and will be required in a single-engined helicopter.

(NPA) 2009-02B Powered sailplane means an aircraft, equipped with one or more engines having, with engine(s) inoperative, the characteristics of a sailplane.

(NPA) 2009-02B Principal place of means the head office or registered office of a

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business Community operator in the Member State within which the principal financial functions and operational control, including continued airworthiness management, of the Community operator are exercised.

(NPA) 2009-02B Public Interest Site means a site, used exclusively for operations in the public interest;

(NPA) 2009-02B Runway visual range (RVR)

means the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.

(NPA) 2009-02B Safe forced landing means an unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable expectancy of no injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.

(NPA) 2009-02B Seaplane means a fixed wing aircraft which is designed for taking off and landing on water and includes amphibians operated as seaplanes.

(NPA) 2009-02B Series of flights means consecutive flights, which begin and end:

(i) within a 24 hours period;

(ii) at the same aerodrome/operating site; and

(iii) with the same pilot-in-command of the aircraft.

(NPA) 2009-02B Sailplane means a heavier-than-air aircraft that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its fixed lifting surfaces, the free flight of which does not depend on an engine.

(NPA) 2009-02B Screen height means a height selected by the (Supplemental) Type certificate holder at 50 ft, or another value from 35 to 50 ft.

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(NPA) 2009-02B Special VFR flight means a VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below VMC.

(NPA) 2009-02B Standard Category I means a precision instrument approach and landing using ILS, MLS or PAR with a decision height not lower than 200 ft and with a runway visual range (RVR) not less than 550 m for aeroplanes and 500 m for helicopters.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off alternate means an alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off distance available (TODA)

means the length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway available.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off run available (TORA)

means the length of runway which is declared available by the competent authority and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off distance required helicopters (TODRH)

means the horizontal distance required from the start of the take-off to the point at which Take-off safety speed (VTOSS), a selected height and a positive climb gradient are achieved, following failure of the critical power unit being recognised at TDP, the remaining power units within approved operating limits.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off mass means the mass, including everything and everyone carried at the commencement of the take-off for helicopters and take-off run for aeroplanes.

(NPA) 2009-02B Take-off flight path means the vertical and horizontal path, with the critical power-unit inoperative, from a specified point in the take-off to 1000 ft above the surface.

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(NPA) 2009-02B Traffic load means the total mass of passengers, persons other than crew members, baggage, cargo and carry-on specialist equipment, including any ballast.

(NPA) 2009-02B V1 means the maximum speed in the take-off at which the pilot must take the first action (e.g. apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes) to stop the aeroplane within the accelerate-stop distance. V1 also means the minimum speed in the take-off, following a failure of the critical engine at VEF, at which the pilot can continue the take-off and achieve the required height above the take-off surface within the take-off distance.

(NPA) 2009-02B VEF means the speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff.

(NPA) 2009-02B Wet runway means a runway of which the surface is covered with water, or equivalent, less than specified by the ‘contaminated runway’ definition or when there is sufficient moisture on the runway surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water.

(NPA) 2008-17B Aerobatic flight means an intentional manoeuvre involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’sattitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight.

(NPA) 2008-17B Aeroplane means an enginedrivenfixedwing aircraft heavier than air, that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.

(NPA) 2008-17B Aeroplane required to be operated with a copilot

means a type of aeroplane that is required to be operated with a copilot as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate.

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(NPA) 2008-17B Airship means a powerdriven lighterthanair aircraft, with the exception of hotair airships, which, for the purposes of this Part, are included in the definition of balloon.

(NPA) 2008-17B Balloon means a lighter than air aircraft that is not engine driven and sustains flight through the use of either gas or an airborne heater. For the purposes of this part, a hotair airship, although engine driven, is also considered a balloon.

(NPA) 2008-17B Basic Instrument Training Device (BITD)

means a ground based training device which represents the student pilot‘s station of a class of aeroplanes. It may use screen based instrument panels and springloaded flight controls, providing a training platform for at least the procedural aspects of instrument flight. Each BITD shall comply with a specific BITD model and be a serial numbered unit.

(NPA) 2008-17B Category of aircraft means a categorisation of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, for example aeroplane, poweredlift, helicopter, airships, sailplane, free balloon.

(NPA) 2008-17B Class of aeroplane means a categorisation of singlepilot aeroplanes not requiring a type rating, in accordance with the operational suitability certificate issued in accordance with Part 21.

(NPA) 2008-17B Class of balloon means a categorisation of balloons taking into account the lifting means used to sustain flight.

(NPA) 2008-17B Competency means a combination of skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform a task to the prescribed standard.

(NPA) 2008-17B Copilot means a pilot operating other than as pilotincommand, an aircraft for which more than one pilot is required, but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole

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purpose of receiving flight instruction for a licence or rating.

(NPA) 2008-17B CrossCountry means a flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a pre–planned route using standard navigation procedures.

(NPA) 2008-17B Dual instruction time means flight time or instrument ground time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a properly authorised instructor.

(NPA) 2008-17B Full Flight Simulator (FFS)

means a full size replica of a specific type or make, model and series aircraft flight deck, including the assemblage of all equipment and computer programmes necessary to represent the aircraft in ground and flight operations, a visual system providing an out of the flight deck view, and a force cueing motion system.

(NPA) 2008-17B Flight time time’ means: for aeroplanes, touring motor gliders and poweredlift, the total time from the moment an aircraft first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.

For helicopters, the total time from the moment a helicopter’s rotor blades start turning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped.

For airships, the total time from the moment an airship is released from the mast for the purpose of taking off until the moment the airship finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and is secured on the mast.

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For sailplanes, the total time from the moment the sailplane commences the ground run in the process of taking off until the moment the sailplane finally comes to a rest at the end of flight;

For balloons, the total time from the moment the basket leaves the ground for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to a rest at the end of the flight.

(NPA) 2008-17B Flight time under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

means all flight time during which the aircraft is being operated under the Instrument Flight Rules.

(NPA) 2008-17B Flight Training Device (FTD)

means a full size replica of a specific aircraft type’s instruments, equipment, panels and controls in an open flight deck area or an enclosed aircraft flight deck, including the assemblage of equipment and computer software programmes necessary to represent the aircraft in ground and flight conditions to the extent of the systems installed in the device. It does not require a force cueing motion or visual system.

(NPA) 2008-17B Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer (FNPT)

means a training device which represents the flight deck or cockpit environment including the assemblage of equipment and computer programmes necessary to represent an aircraft type or class in flight operations to the extent that the systems appear to function as in an aircraft.

(NPA) 2008-17B Group of balloon means a categorisation of balloons taking into account the size or capacity of the envelope.

(NPA) 2008-17B Helicopter means a heavierthanair aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one

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or more powerdriven rotors on substantially vertical axes.

(NPA) 2008-17B Instrument flight time

means the time during which a pilot is controlling an aircraft in flight solely by reference to instruments.

(NPA) 2008-17B Instrument ground time

means the time during which a pilot is receiving instruction in simulated instrument flight in flight simulation training devices (FSTD). Multicrew cooperation

(NPA) 2008-17B MCC means the functioning of the flight crew as a team of cooperating members led by the pilotincommand.

(NPA) 2008-17B Multipilotaircraft’Inthe case of aeroplanes

means aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots. In the case of helicopters, airships and poweredlift aircraft, means a type of aircraft that is required to be operated with a copilot as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate or equivalent document.

(NPA) 2008-17B Night means the period between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority, as defined by the Member State.

(NPA) 2008-17B(NPA) 2008-17B

Pilotincommandunder supervision (PICUS)

means a copilot performing, under the supervision of the pilotincommand, the duties and functions of a pilotincommand.

(NPA) 2008-17B Poweredliftaircraft

means any aircraft deriving vertical lift and in flight propulsion/lift from variable geometry rotors or engines/propulsive devices attached to or contained within the fuselage or wings.

(NPA) 2008-17B Powered sailplane means an aircraft equipped with one or more engines having, with engines inoperative, the

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characteristics of a sailplane.(NPA) 2008-17B Route sector means a flight comprising takeoff, departure,

cruise of not less than 15 minutes, arrival, approach and landing phases.

(NPA) 2008-17B Sailplane means a heavierthanair aircraft that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its fixed lifting surfaces, the free flight of which does not depend on an engine.

(NPA) 2008-17B Singlepilotaircraf

means an aircraft certificated for operation by one pilot.

(NPA) 2008-17B Solo flight time means flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of an aircraft.

(NPA) 2008-17B Touring Motor Glider (TMG)

means a specific class of powered sailplane having an integrally mounted, nonretractable engine and a nonretractable propeller. It shall be capable of taking off and climbing under its own power according to its flight manual.

(NPA) 2008-17B Type of aircraft means all aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications thereto except those which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics.

(NPA) 2008-17C Colour safe means the ability of an applicant to readily distinguish the colours used in air navigation and correctly identify aviation coloured lights.

(NPA) 2008-17C Eye specialist means an ophthalmologist or a vision care specialist qualified in optometry and trained to recognise pathological conditions.

(NPA) 2008-17C Investigation means the assessment of a suspected pathological condition of an applicant by means of examinations and tests in order to verify the presence or absence of a medical condition.

(NPA) 2008-17C Limitation means a condition placed on the medical certificate or licence that shall be complied

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with whilst exercising the privileges of the licence.

(NPA) 2008-17C Refractive error means the deviation from emmetropia measured in dioptres in the most ametropic meridian, measured by standard methods.

(NPA) 2008-17C Licensing authority means the competent authority of the Member State that issued the pilot licence, or where the pilot has applied for the issue of a licence in accordance with PartFCL, or when the pilot has not yet applied for the issue of a licence, the competent authority in accordance with this Part.

A1 Accredited medical conclusion.

The conclusion reached by one or more medical experts acceptable to the Licensing Authority for the purposes of the case concerned, in consultation with flight operations or other experts as necessary.

A1 Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

A1 Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

A1 Aircraft avionics. A term designating any electronic device — including its electrical part — for use in an aircraft, including radio, automatic flight control and instrument systems.

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A1 Aircraft — category. Classification of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, e.g. aeroplane, helicopter, glider, free balloon.

A1 Aircraft certificated for single-pilot operation.

A type of aircraft which the State of Registry has determined, during the certification process, can be operated safely with a minimum crew of one pilot.

A1 Aircraft required to be operated with a co-pilot.

A type of aircraft that is required to be operated with a co-pilot, as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate.

A1 Aircraft — type of. All aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications thereto except those modifications which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics.

A1 Airmanship. The consistent use of good judgement and welldeveloped knowledge, skills and attitudes to accomplish flight objectives.

A1 Airship. A power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

A1 Approved maintenance organization.

An organization approved by a Contracting State, in accordance with the requirements of Annex 6, Part I, Chapter 8 — Aeroplane Maintenance, to perform maintenance of aircraft or parts thereof and operating under supervision approved by that State.

Note.— Nothing in this definition is intended to preclude that the organization and its supervision be approved by more than one

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A1 Approved training. Training conducted under special curricula and supervision approved by a Contracting State that, in the case of flight crew members, is conducted within an approved training organization.

A1 Approved training organization.

An organization approved by a Contracting State in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1, and Appendix 2 to perform flight crew training and operating under the supervision of that State.

A1 ATS surveillance service.

A term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of an ATS surveillance system. ATS surveillance system. A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any comparable ground-based system that enables the identification of aircraft.

Note.— A comparable ground-based system is one that has been demonstrated, by comparative assessment or other methodology, to have a level of safety and performance equal to or better than monopulse SSR.

A1 Balloon. A non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

Note.— For the purposes of this Annex, this definition applies to free balloons.

A1 Certify as airworthy (to).

To certify that an aircraft or parts thereof comply with current airworthiness

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requirements after maintenance has been performed on the aircraft or parts thereof.

A1 Commercial air transport operation.

An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.

A1 Competency. A combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform a task to the prescribed standard.

A1 Competency element. An action that constitutes a task that has a triggering event and a terminating event that clearly defines its limits, and an observable outcome.

A1 Competency unit. A discrete function consisting of a number of competency elements.

A1 Co-pilot. A licensed pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than as pilot-in-command but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction.

A1 Credit. Recognition of alternative means or prior qualifications.

A1 Cross-country. A flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a pre-planned route using standard navigation procedures.

A1 Dual instruction time.

Flight time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a properly authorized

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pilot on board the aircraft.

A1 Error. An action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from organizational or the operational person’s intentions or expectations.

Note — See Attachment E of Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation for a description of operational personnel.

A1 Error. An action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from organizational or the operational person’s intentions or expectations.

Note — See Attachment E of Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation for a description of operational personnel.

A1 Error management. The process of detecting and responding to errors with countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of errors and mitigate the probability of further errors or undesired states.

Note.— See Attachment C to Chapter 3 of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868) and Circular 314 — Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air Traffic Control* for a description of undesired states.________________* In preparation.

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A1 Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period.

A1 Flight plan. Specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft.

A1 Flight procedures trainer.

See Flight simulation training device.

A1 Flight simulation training device.

Any one of the following three types of apparatus in which flight conditions are simulated on the ground:

A flight simulator, which provides an accurate representation of the flight deck of a particular aircraft type tothe extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. aircraft systems control functions, the normal environment of flight crew members, and the performance and flight characteristics of that type of aircraft are realistically simulated;

A flight procedures trainer, which provides a realistic flight deck environment, and which simulates instrument responses, simple control functions of mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. aircraft systems, and the performance and flight characteristics of aircraft of a particular class;

A basic instrument flight trainer, which is

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equipped with appropriate instruments, and which simulates the flight deck environment of an aircraft in flight in instrument flight conditions.

A1 Flight simulator. See Flight simulation training device.

A1 Flight time — aeroplanes.

The total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.

Note. — Flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term “block to block” time or “chock to chock” time in general usage which is measured from the time an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the end of the flight.

A1 Flight time — helicopters.

The total time from the moment a helicopter’s rotor blades start turning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped.

A1 Glider. A non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

A1 Glider flight time. The total time occupied in flight, whether being towed or not, from the moment the glider first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight.

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A1 Helicopter. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more powerdriven rotors on substantially vertical axes.

A1 Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

A1 Instrument flight time.

Time during which a pilot is piloting an aircraft solely by reference to instruments and without external reference points.

A1 Instrument ground time.

Time during which a pilot is practising, on the ground, simulated instrument flight in a flight simulation training device approved by the Licensing Authority.

A1 Instrument time. Instrument flight time or instrument ground time.

A1 Licensing Authority. The Authority designated by a Contracting State as responsible for the licensing of personnel.

Note.— In the provisions of this Annex, the Licensing Authority is deemed to have been given the following responsibilities by the Contracting State:a) assessment of an applicant’s qualifications to hold a licence or rating;b) issue and endorsement of licences and ratings;

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c) designation and authorization of approved persons;d) approval of training courses;e) approval of the use of flight simulation training devices and authorization for their use in gaining the experience or in demonstrating the skill required for the issue of a licence or rating; andf) validation of licences issued by other Contracting States.

A1 Likely. In the context of the medical provisions in Chapter 6, likely means with a probability of occurring that is unacceptable to the medical assessor.

A1 Maintenance. The performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft, including any one or combination of overhaul, inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.

A1 Medical Assessment. The evidence issued by a Contracting State that the licence holder meets specific requirements of medical fitness.

A1 Medical assessor. A physician qualified and experienced in the practice of aviation medicine who evaluates medical reports submitted to the Licensing Authority by medical examiners.

A1 Medical examiner. A physician with training in aviation medicine and practical knowledge and experience of the

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aviation environment, who is designated by the Licensing Authority to conduct medical examinations of fitness of applicants for licences or ratings for which medical requirements are prescribed.

A1 Night. The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise, as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority.

Note.— Civil twilight ends in the evening when the centre of the sun’s disc is 6 degrees below the horizon and begins inthe morning when the centre of the sun’s disc is 6 degrees below the horizon.

A1 Performance criteria. Simple, evaluative statements on the required outcome of the competency element and a description of the criteria used to judge whether the required level of performance has been achieved.

A1 Pilot (to). To manipulate the flight controls of an aircraft during flight time.

A1 Pilot-in-command. The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case of general aviation, the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight.

A1 Pilot-in-command under supervision.

Co-pilot performing, under the supervision of the pilot-in-command, the duties and functions

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of a pilot-in-command, in accordance with a method of supervision acceptable to the Licensing Authority.

A1 Powered-lift. A heavier-than-air aircraft capable of vertical take-off, vertical landing, and low-speed flight, which depends principally on engine-driven lift devices or engine thrust for the lift during these flight regimes and on nonrotating aerofoil(s) for lift during horizontal flight.

A1 Problematic use of substances.

The use of one or more psychoactive substances by aviation personnel in a way that:a) constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the lives, health or welfare of others; and/orb) causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder.

A1 Psychoactive substances.

Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee and tobacco are excluded.

A1 Quality system. Documented organizational procedures and policies; internal audit of those policies and procedures; management review and recommendation for quality improvement.

A1 Rated air traffic controller.

An air traffic controller holding a licence and valid ratings appropriate to the privileges to be exercised.

A1 Rating. An authorization entered on or associated with

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a licence and forming part thereof, stating special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence.

A1 Rendering (a licence) valid.

The action taken by a Contracting State, as an alternative to issuing its own licence, in accepting a licence issued by any other Contracting State as the equivalent of its own licence.

A1 Sign a maintenance release (to).

To certify that maintenance work has been completed satisfactorily in accordance with the applicable Standards of airworthiness, by issuing the maintenance release referred to in Annex 6.

A1 Significant. In the context of the medical provisions in Chapter 6, significant means to a degree or of a nature that is likely to jeopardize flight safety.

A1 Solo flight time. Flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of an aircraft.

A1 Threat. Events or errors that occur beyond the influence of an operational person, increase operational complexity and must be managed to maintain the margin of safety.

Note.— See Attachment E of Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation for a description of operational personnel.

A1 Threat management. The process of detecting and responding to

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threats with countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of threats and mitigate the probability of errors or undesired states.

Note.— See Attachment C to Chapter 3 of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868) and Circular 314 — Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air Traffic Control* for a description of undesired states.

________________* In preparation.


Aerial work. An aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc.


Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.


Aerodrome operating minima.

The limits of usability of an aerodrome for:

a) take-off, expressed in terms of runway visual range and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud conditions;

b) landing in precision approach and landing

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operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to the category of the operation;

c) landing in approach and landing operations with vertical guidance, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H); and

d) landing in non-precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H) and, if necessary, cloud conditions.


Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.


Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.


Aircraft operating manual.

A manual, acceptable to the State of the Operator, containing normal, abnormal and emergency procedures, checklists, limitations, performance information, details of the aircraft systems and other material relevant to the operation of the aircraft.

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Note.— The aircraft operating manual is part of the operations manual.


Air operator certificate (AOC).

A certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations.


Alternate aerodrome. An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing. Alternate aerodromes include the following:

Take-off alternate. An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.

En-route alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route.

ETOPS en-route alternate. A suitable and appropriate alternate aerodrome at which an aeroplane would be able to land after experiencing an engine shutdown or other abnormal or emergency condition while en route in an ETOPS operation.

Destination alternate. An alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.

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Note.— The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be an en-route or a destination alternate aerodrome for that flight.


Altimetry system error (ASE).

The difference between the altitude indicated by the altimeter display, assuming a correct altimeter barometric setting, and the pressure altitude corresponding to the undisturbed ambient pressure.


Approach and landing operations using instrument approach procedures.

Instrument approach and landing operations are classified as follows:

Non-precision approach and landing operations. An instrument approach and landing which utilizes lateralguidance but does not utilize vertical guidance.

Approach and landing operations with vertical guidance. An instrument approach and landing which utilizeslateral and vertical guidance but does not meet the requirements established for precision approach andlanding operations.

Precision approach and landing operations. An instrument approach and landing using precision lateral and vertical guidance with minima as determined by the category of operation.

Note.— Lateral and vertical guidance refers to

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the guidance provided either by:a) a ground-based navigation aid; orb) computer generated navigation data.

Categories of precision approach and landing operations:

Category I (CAT I) operation. A precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height not lowerthan 60 m (200 ft) and with either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.

Category II (CAT II) operation. A precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft), but not lower than 30 m (100 ft), and a runway visual range not less than 350 m.

Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation. A precision instrument approach and landing with:a) a decision height lower than 30 m (100 ft) or no decision height; andb) a runway visual range not less than 200 m.

Category IIIB (CAT IIIB) operation. A precision instrument approach and landing with:a) a decision height lower than 15 m (50 ft) or no decision height; andb) a runway visual range less than 200 m but

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not less than 50 m.

Category IIIC (CAT IIIC) operation. A precision instrument approach and landing with no decision height and no runway visual range limitations.

Note.— Where decision height (DH) and runway visual range (RVR) fall into different categories of operation, the instrument approach and landing operation would be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the most demanding category (e.g. an operation with a DH in the range of CAT IIIA but with an RVR in the range of CAT IIIB would be considered a CAT IIIB operation or an operation with a DH in the range of CAT II but with an RVR in the range of CAT I would be considered a CAT II operation).


Area navigation (RNAV).

A method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- or space-based navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.

Note.— Area navigation includes performance-based navigation as well as other operations that do not meet the definition of performance-based navigation.


Cabin crew member. A crew member who performs, in the interest of safety of passengers, duties assigned by the operator or the pilot-in-command of the

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aircraft, but who shall not act as a flight crew member.


Commercial air transport operation.

An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.


Configuration deviation list (CDL).

A list established by the organization responsible for the type design with the approval of the State of Design which identifies any external parts of an aircraft type which may be missing at the commencement of a flight, and which contains, where necessary, any information on associated operating limitations and performance correction.


Crew member. A person assigned by an operator to duty on an aircraft during a flight duty period.

A6-I Cruise relief pilot. A flight crew member who is assigned to perform pilot tasks during cruise flight, to allow the pilotin-command or a co-pilot to obtain planned rest.

A6-I Cruising level. A level maintained during a significant portion of a flight.


Dangerous goods. Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions.

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Note.— Dangerous goods are classified in Annex 18, Chapter 3.


Decision altitude (DA) or decision height (DH).

A specified altitude or height in the precision approach or approach with vertical guidance at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established.

Note 1.— Decision altitude (DA) is referenced to mean sea level and decision height (DH) is referenced to the threshold elevation.

Note 2.— The required visual reference means that section of the visual aids or of the approach area which should have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have made an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change of position, in relation to the desired flight path. In Category III operations with a decision height the required visual reference is that specified for the particular procedure and operation.

Note 3.— For convenience where both expressions are used they may be written in the form “decision altitude/ height” and abbreviated “DA/H”.


Emergency locator transmitter (ELT).

A generic term describing equipment which broadcast distinctive signals on designated frequencies and, depending on application, may be automatically activated by impact or be

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manually activated. An ELT may be any of the following:

Automatic fixed ELT (ELT(AF)). An automatically activated ELT which is permanently attached to an aircraft.

Automatic portable ELT (ELT(AP)). An automatically activated ELT which is rigidly attached to an aircraft but readily removable from the aircraft.

Automatic deployable ELT (ELT(AD)). An ELT which is rigidly attached to an aircraft and which is automatically deployed and activated by impact, and, in some cases, also by hydrostatic sensors. Manual deployment is also provided.

Survival ELT (ELT(S)). An ELT which is removable from an aircraft, stowed so as to facilitate its ready use in an emergency, and manually activated by survivors.


Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period.

A6-I Flight data analysis. A process of analysing recorded flight data in order to improve the safety of flight operations.


Flight duty period. The total time from the moment a flight crew member commences duty, immediately

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subsequent to a rest period and prior to making a flight or a series of flights, to the moment the flight crew member is relieved of all duties having completed such flight or series of flights.


Flight manual. A manual, associated with the certificate of airworthiness, containing limitations within which the aircraft is to be considered airworthy, and instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members for the safe operation of the aircraft.

A6-I Flight operations officer/flight dispatcher.

A person designated by the operator to engage in the control and supervision of flight operations, whether licensed or not, suitably qualified in accordance with Annex 1, who supports, briefs and/or assists the pilot-in-command in the safe conduct of the flight.


Flight plan. Specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft.


Flight recorder. Any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of complementing accident/incident investigation.


Flight safety documents system.

A set of interrelated documentation established by the operator, compiling and organizing information necessary for flight and ground operations, and comprising, as a minimum, the operations manual and the operator’s

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maintenance control manual.


Flight simulation training device.

Flight simulator.

Flight procedures trainer.

Basic instrument flight trainer.

Any one of the following three types of apparatus in which flight conditions are simulated on the ground:

A flight simulator, which provides an accurate representation of the flight deck of a particular aircraft type to the extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. aircraft systems control functions, the normal environment of flight crew members, and the performance and flight characteristics of that type of aircraft are realistically simulated;

A flight procedures trainer, which provides a realistic flight deck environment, and which simulates instrument responses, simple control functions of mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. aircraft systems, and the performance and flight characteristics of aircraft of a particular class;

A basic instrument flight trainer, which is equipped with appropriate instruments, and which simulates the flight deck environment of an aircraft in flight in instrument flight conditions.


Flight time — aeroplanes.

The total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.

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Note.— Flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term “block to block” time or “chock to chock” time in general usage which is measured from the time an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the end of the flight.


General aviation operation.

An aircraft operation other than a commercial air transport operation or an aerial work operation.


Ground handling. Services necessary for an aircraft’s arrival at, and departure from, an airport, other than air traffic services.


Human Factors principles.

Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system components by proper consideration to human performance.


Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.


Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).

Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling*, less than the minima specified for visual meteorological conditions.

Note.— The specified minima for visual meteorological conditions are contained in Chapter 4 of Annex 2.

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______________________*As defined in Annex 2.


Large aeroplane. An aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg.


Maintenance. The performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft, including any one or combination of overhaul, inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.


Maintenance organization’s procedures manual.

A document endorsed by the head of the maintenance organization which details the maintenance organization’s structure and management responsibilities, scope of work, description of facilities, maintenance procedures and quality assurance or inspection systems.


Maintenance programme.

A document which describes the specific scheduled maintenance tasks and their frequency of completion and related procedures, such as a reliability programme, necessary for the safe operation of those aircraft to which it applies.


Maintenance release. A document which contains a certification confirming that the maintenance work to which it relates has been completed in a satisfactory manner, either in accordance with the approved data and the procedures described in the maintenance organization’s procedures manual or under an equivalent system.

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Master minimum equipment list (MMEL).

A list established for a particular aircraft type by the organization responsible for the type design with the approval of the State of Design containing items, one or more of which is permitted to be unserviceable at the commencement of a flight. The MMEL may be associated with special operating conditions, limitations or procedures.


Maximum mass. Maximum certificated take-off mass.


Minimum descent altitude (MDA) or minimum descent height (MDH).

A specified altitude or height in a non-precision approach or circling approach below which descent must not be made without the required visual reference.

Note 1.— Minimum descent altitude (MDA) is referenced to mean sea level and minimum descent height (MDH) is referenced to the aerodrome elevation or to the threshold elevation if that is more than 2 m (7 ft) below the aerodrome elevation. A minimum descent height for a circling approach is referenced to the aerodrome elevation.

Note 2.— The required visual reference means that section of the visual aids or of the approach area which should have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have made an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change of position, in relation to the desired flight path. In the case of a circling approach the required visual reference is the runway

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Note 3.— For convenience when both expressions are used they may be written in the form “minimum descent altitude/ height” and abbreviated “MDA/H”.


Minimum equipment list (MEL).

A list which provides for the operation of aircraft, subject to specified conditions, with particular equipment inoperative, prepared by an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the MMEL established for the aircraft type.


Navigation specification.

A set of aircraft and flight crew requirements needed to support performance-based navigation operations within a defined airspace. There are two kinds of navigation specifications:

RNP specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.

RNAV specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.

Note.— The Performance-based Navigation

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Manual (Doc 9613), Volume II, contains detailed guidance on navigation specifications.


Night. The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise, as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority.

Note.— Civil twilight ends in the evening when the centre of the sun’s disc is 6 degrees below the horizon and begins in the morning when the centre of the sun’s disc is 6 degrees below the horizon.


Obstacle clearance altitude (OCA) or obstacle clearance height (OCH).

The lowest altitude or the lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the aerodrome elevation as applicable, used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.

Note 1.— Obstacle clearance altitude is referenced to mean sea level and obstacle clearance height is referenced to the threshold elevation or in the case of non-precision approaches to the aerodrome elevation or the threshold elevation if that is more than 2 m (7 ft) below the aerodrome elevation. An obstacle clearance height for a circling approach is referenced to the aerodrome elevation.

Note 2.— For convenience when both expressions are used they may be written in the form “obstacle clearance altitude/ height” and

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abbreviated “OCA/H”.


Operational control. The exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.


Operational flight plan.

The operator’s plan for the safe conduct of the flight based on considerations of aeroplane performance, other operating limitations and relevant expected conditions on the route to be followed and at the aerodromes concerned.


Operations manual. A manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by operational personnel in theexecution of their duties.

A6-I Operations specifications.

The authorizations, conditions and limitations associated with the air operator certificate and subject to the conditions in the operations manual.


Operator. A person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation.


Operator’s maintenance control manual.

A document which describes the operator’s procedures necessary to ensure that all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance is performed on the operator’s aircraft on time and in a controlled and satisfactory manner.


Performance-based navigation (PBN).

Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an

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ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace.

Note.— Performance requirements are expressed in navigation specifications (RNAV specification, RNP specification) in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity, availability and functionality needed for the proposed operation in the context of a particular airspace concept.


Pilot-in-command. The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case of general aviation, the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight.


Pressure-altitude. An atmospheric pressure expressed in terms of altitude which corresponds to that pressure in the Standard Atmosphere*.___________________*As defined in Annex 8.


Psychoactive substances.

Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee and tobacco are excluded.


Repair. The restoration of an aeronautical product to an airworthy condition to ensure that the aircraft continues to comply with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness requirements used for the issuance of the type certificate for the respective aircraft type, after it has been damaged or subjected to wear.

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Required communication performance (RCP).

A statement of the performance requirements for operational communication in support of specific ATM functions.


Required communication performance type (RCP type).

A label (e.g. RCP 240) that represents the values assigned to RCP parameters for communication transaction time, continuity, availability and integrity.


Runway visual range (RVR).

The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.


Safe forced landing. Unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable expectancy of no injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.


Safety management system.

A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.


Safety programme. An integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety.

A6-I Small aeroplane. An aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less.


State of Registry. The State on whose register the aircraft is entered.

Note.— In the case of the registration of

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A8 aircraft of an international operating agency on other than a national basis, the States constituting the agency are jointly and severally bound to assume the obligations which, under the Chicago Convention, attach to a State of Registry. See, in this regard, the Council Resolution of 14 December 1967 on Nationality and Registration of Aircraft Operated by International Operating Agencies which can be found in Policy and Guidance Material on the Economic Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9587).


State of the Operator.

The State in which the operator’s principal place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operator’s permanent residence.


Target level of safety (TLS).

A generic term representing the level of risk which is considered acceptable in particular circumstances.


Total vertical error (TVE).

The vertical geometric difference between the actual pressure altitude flown by an aircraft and its assigned pressure altitude (flight level).


Visual meteorological conditions (VMC).

Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling*, equal to or better than specified minima.

Note.— The specified minima are contained in Chapter 4 of Annex 2._____________________* As defined in Annex 2.

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A6-II Acts of unlawful interference.

These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport, i.e.:— unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight,— unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground,— hostage-taking on board an aircraft or on aerodromes,— forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility,— introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for criminal purposes,— communication of false information as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility.

A6-II Alternate aerodrome. An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing. Alternate aerodromes include the following:

Take-off alternate. An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.

En-route alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route.

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Destination alternate. An alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.

Note.— The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be an en-route or a destination alternate aerodrome for that flight.

A6-II Corporate aviation operation.

The non-commercial operation or use of aircraft by a company for the carriage of passengers or goods as an aid to the conduct of company business, flown by a professional pilot(s) employed to fly the aircraft.

A6-II Extended flight over water.

A flight operated over water at a distance of more than 93 km (50 NM), or 30 minutes at normal cruising speed, whichever is the lesser, away from land suitable for making an emergency landing.

A6-II Industry codes of practice.

Guidance material developed by an industry body, for a particular sector of the aviation industry to comply with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Standards and Recommended Practices, other aviation safety requirements and the best practices deemed appropriate.

Note.— Some States accept and reference industry codes of practice in the development of regulations to meet the requirements of Annex 6, Part II, and make available, for the

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industry codes of practice, their sources and how they may be obtained.

A6-II Meteorological information.

Meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any other statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions.

A6-II Operating base. The location from which operational control is exercised.

Note.— An operating base is normally the location where personnel involved in the operation of the aeroplane work and the records associated with the operation are located. An operating base has a degree of permanency beyond that of a regular point of call.


Psychoactive substances.

Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee and tobacco are excluded.

A6-II RCP type. A label (e.g. RCP 240) that represents the values assigned to RCP parameters for communication transaction time, continuity, availability and integrity.

A6-III Alternate heliport. A heliport to which a helicopter may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the heliport of intended landing. Alternate heliports include the following:

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Take-off alternate. An alternate heliport at which a helicopter can land should this become necessary shortly after takeoff and it is not possible to use the heliport of departure.

En-route alternate. A heliport at which a helicopter would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route.

Destination alternate. An alternate heliport to which a helicopter may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the heliport of intended landing.

Note.— The heliport from which a flight departs may be an en-route or a destination alternate heliport for that flight.

A6-III Approach and landing phase — helicopters.

That part of the flight from 300 m (1 000 ft) above the elevation of the FATO, if the flight is planned to exceed this height, or from the commencement of the descent in the other cases, to landing or to the balked landing point.

A6-III Congested area. In relation to a city, town or settlement, any area which is substantially used for residential, commercial or recreational purposes.

A6-III Congested hostile environment.

A hostile environment within a congested area.

A6-III Defined point after take-off (DPATO).

The point, within the take-off and initial climb phase, before which the helicopter’s ability to continue the flight safely, with one engine

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inoperative, is not assured and a forced landing may be required.

Note.— Defined points apply to helicopters operating in performance Class 2 only.

A6-III Defined point before landing (DPBL).

The point, within the approach and landing phase, after which the helicopter’s ability to continue the flight safely, with one engine inoperative, is not assured and a forced landing may be required.

Note.— Defined points apply to helicopters operating in performance Class 2 only.

A6-III Elevated heliport. A heliport located on a raised structure on land.

A6-III En-route phase. That part of the flight from the end of the take-off and initial climb phase to the commencement of the approach and landing phase.

Note.— Where adequate obstacle clearance cannot be guaranteed visually, flights must be planned to ensure that obstacles can be cleared by an appropriate margin. In the event of failure of the critical power-unit, operators may need to adopt alternative procedures.


Final approach and take-off area (FATO).

A defined area over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. Where the FATO is

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to be used by helicopters operating in performance Class 1, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available.

A6-III Flight time — helicopters.

The total time from the moment a helicopter’s rotor blades start turning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped.

Note 1.— The State may provide guidance in those cases where the definition of flight time does not describe or permit normal practices. Examples are: crew change without stopping the rotors; and rotors running engine wash procedure following a flight. In any case, the time when rotors are running between sectors of a flight is included within the calculation of flight time.

Note 2.— This definition is intended only for the purpose of flight and duty time regulations.


Helicopter. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes.

Note.— Some States use the term “rotorcraft” as an alternative to “helicopter”.

A6-III Helideck. A heliport located on a floating or fixed offshore structure.

A6-III Heliport. An aerodrome or a defined area on a structure

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intended to be used wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters.

Note 1.— Throughout this Part, when the term “heliport” is used, it is intended that the term also applies to aerodromes primarily meant for the use of aeroplanes.

Note 2.— Helicopters may be operated to and from areas other than heliports.

A6-III Heliport operating minima.

The limits of usability of a heliport for:a) take-off, expressed in terms of runway visual range and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud conditions;b) landing in precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to the category of the operation;c) landing in approach and landing operations with vertical guidance, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H); andd) landing in non-precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H) and, if necessary, cloud conditions.

A6-III Hostile environment. An environment in which:

a) a safe forced landing cannot be

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accomplished because the surface and surrounding environment are inadequate; or

b) the helicopter occupants cannot be adequately protected from the elements; or

c) search and rescue response/capability is not provided consistent with anticipated exposure; or

d) there is an unacceptable risk of endangering persons or property on the ground.

A6-III Integrated survival suit.

A survival suit which meets the combined requirements of the survival suit and life jacket.

A6-III Landing decision point (LDP).

The point used in determining landing performance from which, a power-unit failure occurring at this point, the landing may be safely continued or a balked landing initiated.

Note.— LDP applies only to helicopters operating in performance Class 1.

A6-III Non-congested hostile environment.

A hostile environment outside a congested area.

A6-III Non-hostile environment.

An environment in which:

a) a safe forced landing can be accomplished because the surface and surrounding environment are adequate;

b) the helicopter occupants can be adequately

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protected from the elements;

c) search and rescue response/capability is provided consistent with anticipated exposure; and d) the assessed risk of endangering persons or property on the ground is acceptable.

Note.— Those parts of a congested area satisfying the above requirements are considered non-hostile.

A6-III Offshore operations. Operations which routinely have a substantial proportion of the flight conducted over sea areas to or from offshore locations. Such operations include, but are not limited to, support of offshore oil, gas and mineral exploitation and sea-pilot transfer.

A6-III Operation. An activity or group of activities which are subject to the same or similar hazards and which require a set of equipment to be specified, or the achievement and maintenance of a set of pilot competencies, to eliminate or mitigate the risk of such hazards.

Note.— Such activities could include, but would not be limited to, offshore operations, heli-hoist operations or emergency medical service.

A6-III Operational control. The exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.

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A6-III Operations in performance Class 1.

Operations with performance such that, in the event of a critical power-unit failure, performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area, unless the failure occurs prior to reaching the take-off decision point (TDP) or after passing the landing decision point (LDP), in which cases the helicopter must be able to land within the rejected take-off or landing area.

A6-III Operations in performance Class 2.

Operations with performance such that, in the event of critical power-unit failure, performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area, except when the failure occurs early during the take-off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre, in which cases a forced landing may be required.

A6-III Operations in performance Class 3.

Operations with performance such that, in the event of a power-unit failure at any time during the flight, a forced landing will be required.

A6-III Required navigation performance (RNP).

A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace.

Note.— Navigation performance and requirements are defined for a particular RNP type and/or application.

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A6-III Rest period. Any period of time on the ground during which a flight crew member is relieved of all duties by the operator.

A6-III RNP type. A containment value expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended position within which flights would be for at least 95 per cent of the total flying time.Example.— RNP 4 represents a navigation accuracy of plus or minus 7.4 km (4 NM) on a 95 per cent containment basis.

A6-III Take-off and initial climb phase.

That part of the flight from the start of take-off to 300 m (1 000 ft) above the elevation of the FATO, if the flight is planned to exceed this height, or to the end of the climb in the other cases.

A6-III Take-off decision point (TDP).

The point used in determining take-off performance from which, a power-unit failure occurring at this point, either a rejected take-off may be made or a take-off safely continued.

Note.— TDP applies only to helicopters operating in performance Class 1.

A6-III VTOSS . The minimum speed at which climb shall be achieved with the critical power-unit inoperative, the remaining powerunitsoperating within approved operating limits.

Note.— The speed referred to above may be measured by instrument indications or

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achieved by a procedure specified in the flight manual.


Airship. A power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.


Balloon. A non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

A7 Common mark. A mark assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization to the common mark registering authority registering aircraft of an international operating agency on other than a national basis.

Note.— All aircraft of an international operating agency which are registered on other than a national basis will bear the same common mark.

A7 Common mark registering authority.

The authority maintaining the non-national register or, where appropriate, the part thereof, in which aircraft of an international operating agency are registered.

A7 Fireproof material. A material capable of withstanding heat as well as or better than steel when the dimensions in both cases are appropriate for the specific purpose.


Glider. A non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

A7 Gyroplane. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight

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by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors which rotate freely on substantially vertical axes.

A7 Heavier-than-air aircraft.

Any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic forces.

A7 International operating agency.

An agency of the kind contemplated in Article 77 of the Convention.

A7 Lighter-than-air aircraft.

Any aircraft supported chiefly by its buoyancy in the air.

A7 Ornithopter. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on planes to which a flapping motion is imparted.

A7 Rotorcraft. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors.

A8 Anticipated operating conditions.

Those conditions which are known from experience or which can be reasonably envisaged to occur during the operational life of the aircraft taking into account the operations for which the aircraft is made eligible, the conditions so considered being relative to the meteorological state of the atmosphere, to the configuration of terrain, to the functioning of the aircraft, to the efficiency of personnel and to all the factors affecting safety in flight. Anticipated operating conditions do notinclude:

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a) those extremes which can be effectively avoided by means of operating procedures; and

b) those extremes which occur so infrequently that to require the Standards to be met in such extremes wouldgive a higher level of airworthiness than experience has shown to be necessary and practical.

A8 Appropriate airworthiness requirements.

The comprehensive and detailed airworthiness codes established, adopted or accepted by a Contracting State for the class of aircraft, engine or propeller under consideration (see 3.2.2 of Part II of this Annex).

A8 Approved. Accepted by a Contracting State as suitable for a particular purpose.

A8 Category A. With respect to helicopters, means a multi-engine helicopter designed with engine and system isolation features specified in Part IVB and capable of operations using take-off and landing data scheduled under a critical engine failure concept which assures adequate designated surface area and adequate performance capability for continued safe flight or safe rejected take-off.

A8 Category B. With respect to helicopters, means a single-engine or multi-engine helicopter which does not meet Category A standards. Category B helicopters have no guaranteed capability to

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continue safe flight in the event of an engine failure, and a forced landing is assumed.

A8 Configuration (as applied to the aeroplane).

A particular combination of the positions of the moveable elements, such as wing flaps and landing gear, etc., that affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the aeroplane.

A8 Critical power-unit(s).

The power-unit(s) failure of which gives the most adverse effect on the aircraft characteristics relative to the case under consideration.

Note.— On some aircraft there may be more than one equally critical power-unit. In this case, the expression “the critical power-unit” means one of those critical power-units.

A8 Design landing mass. The maximum mass of the aircraft at which, for structural design purposes, it is assumed that it will be planned to land.

A8 Design take-off mass. The maximum mass at which the aircraft, for structural design purposes, is assumed to be planned to be at the start of the take-off run.

A8 Design taxiing mass. The maximum mass of the aircraft at which structural provision is made for load liable to occur during use of the aircraft on the ground prior to the start of take-off.

A8 Discrete source damage.

Structural damage of the aeroplane that is likely to result from: impact with a bird, uncontained fan blade failure, uncontained engine failure, uncontained high-energy

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rotating machinery failure or similar causes. A8 Engine. A unit used or intended to be used for aircraft

propulsion. It consists of at least those components and equipment necessary for functioning and control, but excludes the propeller (if applicable).

A8 Factor of safety. A design factor used to provide for the possibility of loads greater than those assumed, and for uncertainties in design and fabrication.

LVPRS Bombna grožnja Anonimno ali drugače sporočena grožnja, ki daje slutiti ali opozarja – bodisi pravilno ali napačno – da je lahko zaradi razstreliva ali kakega drugega predmeta ali naprave ogrožena varnost zrakoplova med letom ali na tleh, katere koli letališke zmogljivosti ali druge zmogljivosti (naprav oziroma storitev) civilnega letalstva ali neke osebe.

Bomb threat

LVPRS Bombni alarm Stanje pripravljenosti, ki ga vzpostavijo pristojni organi zaradi aktiviranja intervencijskih načrtov za odvračanje mogočih posledic anonimne ali drugače sporočene grožnje, odkrivanje sumljivih naprav ali sumljivih predmetov v zrakoplovu, na letališču ali kateri koli drugi zmogljivosti (napravi oziroma storitvi) civilnega letalstva.

Bomb alert

LVPRS Služben material Kratica za službeni material letalskega prevoznika, ki ga ta razpošilja znotraj svoje mreže postaj.

Co-Mat Abbreviation of air carrier company materials, shipped within its network of stations.

LVPRS Službena pošta Kratica za službeno pošto letalskega prevoznika, ki jo ta razpošilja znotraj svoje

Co-Mail Abbreviation of air carrier company mail, shipped within its network of stations.

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mreže postaj.

LVPRS Čakalni del na nadzorovanem delu letališča

Prostor med stekališčem in izhodi iz potniškega terminala na nadzorovani del letališča.

Airside waiting area

LVPRS Član posadke Oseba, ki ji je operater poveril službo na zrakoplovu med letom.

Crew member

LVPRS Človeški dejavniki Načela, ki veljajo za načrtovanje, certificiranje, usposabljanje, delovanje in vzdrževanje ter s katerimi se poskuša doseči varen medsebojni vpliv med človeškimi in drugimi sestavinami sistema s pravilnim upoštevanjem človekovega ravnanja.

Human factors principles

LVPRS Človekovo ravnanje Zmožnosti in omejitve človeka, ki vplivajo na varnost, varovanje in učinkovitost letalskih operacij.

Human performance

LVPRS Dejanja nezakonitega vmešavanja

Dejanja:1. nasilja proti osebi v zrakoplovu med

letom, če to dejanje lahko ogrozi varnost tega zrakoplova;

2. uničenja zrakoplova med obratovanjem ali povzročitve škode takemu zrakoplovu, zaradi česar postane nesposoben za let ali pa je lahko ogrožena njegova varnost med letom;

3. namestitve ali povzročitve namestitve v zrakoplov med obratovanjem – na kakršenkoli način – naprave ali snovi, ki lahko zrakoplov uniči ali povzroči škodo, zaradi česar ne more leteti, ali na njem

Acts of unlawful interference

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povzroči škodo, ki bo najverjetneje ogrozila njegovo varnost med letom;

4. uničenja ali poškodovanja infrastrukturnih objektov, naprav in sistemov navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa ali vplivanja na njihovo delovanje, če tako dejanje lahko ogrozi varnost zrakoplova med letom;

5. sporočanja informacij, za katere se ve, da so napačne, in s tem ogrožanje varnosti zrakoplova med letom ali

6. nezakonite in namerne uporabe kakšne naprave, snovi ali orožja: za nasilno dejanje proti osebi na letališču, ki obratuje v mednarodnem in domačem civilnem zračnem prometu, in ki povzroča ali bi lahko povzročilo resno poškodbo ali smrt;

za uničenje ali resno poškodovanje zmogljivosti na letališču (infrastrukturnih objektov, naprav in sredstev ipd.), ki obratuje v mednarodnem in domačem civilnem zračnem prometu, ali zrakoplova, ki je na njem in ne obratuje, ali za prekinitev letaliških storitev, če katero od teh dejanj ogroža ali bi lahko ogrozilo varnost na tem letališču.

LVPRS Diverzija Dejanje, s katerim se poruši, zažge, uniči ali poškoduje prometno sredstvo ali infrastrukturni objekt, naprava in sistem, ki je namenjen sistemu zvez, prenosu energije ali navigacijskim službam zračnega prometa in je pomemben za varnost ljudi in


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LVPRS Dovoljenja Izkaznice ali drugi dokumenti, izdani posameznikom, zaposlenim na letališčih, ali drugim osebam, ki potrebujejo dovoljenje za dostop do letališč, letališke strani ali varnostnega območja omejenega gibanja zaradi identifikacije posameznika in olajšanja dostopa. Dovoljenja za vozila so izdana in se uporabljajo s podobnimi nameni za dovolitev dostopa vozil. Namesto izraza dovoljenje se včasih uporablja tudi izraz identifikacijska oznaka oziroma prepustnica.


LVPRS Drugo varnostno pomembno območje

Je območje, ki ni javni del letališča, varnostno območje omejenega gibanja ali kritični del varnostno območje omejenega gibanja, vendar ga je zaradi celovitosti ukrepov varovanja potrebno določiti.

Other airside area

LVPRS Država registracije Država, v kateri je zrakoplov registriran (vpisan v register zrakoplovov).

State of registry

LVPRS Identifikacijska oznaka

Izkaznice ali drugi dokumenti, izdani posameznikom, zaposlenim na letališčih, ali drugim osebam, ki potrebujejo dovoljenje za dostop do letališč, letališke strani ali varnostnega območja omejenega gibanja zaradi identifikacije posameznika in olajšanja dostopa. Dovoljenja za vozila so izdana in se uporabljajo s podobnimi nameni za dovolitev dostopa vozil. Namesto izraza dovoljenje se včasih uporablja tudi izraz identifikacijska oznaka oziroma prepustnica.

Identifications cards

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LVPRS Kritična točka Vsaka zmogljivost (naprava oziroma storitev) na letališču ali povezana z njim, ki bi, če bi bila poškodovana ali uničena, resno ogrozila obratovanje letališča.

Vulnerable point

LVPRS Kritični del varnostnega območja omejenega gibanja

Je tisti del varnostnega območja omejenega gibanja v katerem morajo biti zrakoplovi, osebe, letalski tovor in stvari varnostno pregledane.

Critical part of security restricted area

LVPRS Kurirska služba Postopek, pri katerem se z zrakoplovom prevažajo pošiljke, s katerimi ravna en ali več špediterjev, kot prtljaga kurirja z rednim zračnim prevozom na podlagi običajne dokumentacije za oddano prtljago (pogodbe z letalskim prevoznikom oziroma njegovim pogodbenim izvajalcem).

Courier services

LVPRS Medlinijska prtljaga Prtljaga potnikov, ki jo je treba med potnikovim potovanjem preložiti iz zrakoplova enega letalskega prevoznika (oziroma njegovega pogodbenega izvajalca) v zrakoplov drugega letalskega prevoznika (oziroma njegovega pogodbenega izvajalca).

Interline baggage

LVPRS Mednarodno letališče Vsako letališče, ki ga je država pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju leži, določila kot namembno in odhodno letališče za opravljanje mednarodnega zračnega prometa, kjer se opravljajo formalnosti glede policijske mejne kontrole, carine, javnega zdravstva, živalske in rastlinske karantene in drugih podobnih postopkov.

International airport

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LVPRS Nadzorovanje mamil Ukrepi za nadzor nad prepovedanim prometom z mamili in psihoaktivnimi snovmi po zraku.

Narcotics control

LVPRS Napačno obravnavana prtljaga

Prtljaga, nenamerno ali zaradi nepazljivosti ločena od potnikov ali posadke.

Mishandled baggage

LVPRS Neidentificirana prtljaga

Prtljaga na letališču, s prtljažnim listkom ali brez, ki je potnik ni pobral ali identificiral.

Unidentified baggage

LVPRS Nespremljana oddana prtljaga

Prtljaga, sprejeta za prevoz v prtljažnem prostoru zrakoplova, s katerim potnik, ki jo je oddal, ne potuje.

Unaccompanied hold baggage

Baggage accepted for carriage in the hold of an aircraft, on which the passenger who checked it in is not onboard.

LVPRS Nevarno blago Predmeti ali snovi, ki lahko pomenijo nevarnost za zdravje, varnost, imetje ali okolje in so na seznamu nevarnih snovi v tehničnih navodilih ali so razvrščene v skladu s tehničnimi navodili.

Dangerous goods

LVPRS Nezahtevana prtljaga Prtljaga, ki prispe na letališče in je potnik ne dobi ali zahteva.

Unclaimed baggage

LVPRS Nezaželena oseba Oseba, ki ji pristojni organi države ne dovolijo ali ne bodo dovolili vstopiti v državo.

Inadmissible person

LVPRS Območje gibanja zrakoplovov

Del letališča (manevrsko območje in ploščad), ki se uporablja za vzletanje, pristajanje in vožnjo zrakoplovov po letaliških manevrskih površinah.

Movement area

LVPRS Območje prostega Območje letališča, do katerega ima javnost Non-restricted area

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gibanja prost dostop ali do katerega je dostop tudi drugače neomejen.

LVPRS Območje za hranjenje prtljage

Prostor, v katerem se hrani pregledana oddana prtljaga pred prevozom do zrakoplova, in prostor, kjer se lahko zadrži napačno obravnavana prtljaga, dokler ni odpremljena, zahtevana ali kako drugače odstranjena.

Baggage storage area

LVPRS Območje za razvrščanje prtljage

Prostor, v katerem se odhajajoča prtljaga razvrsti v tovor zrakoplova.

Baggage sorting area

LVPRS Območje za tovor Ves prostor in zmogljivosti na zemlji, predvidene za ravnanje s tovorom. Vključuje ploščadi, zgradbe, namenjene tovoru, ter skladišča, parkirišča in ceste, povezane z njimi.

Cargo area

LVPRS Območje za vzdrževanje zrakoplovov

Ves prostor in zmogljivosti, namenjene vzdrževanju zrakoplovov. Vključuje ploščadi, hangarje, zgradbe in delavnice, parkirišča in ceste, povezane z njimi.

Aircraft maintenance area

LVPRS Oddana prtljaga Prtljaga, namenjena za prevoz v prtljažnem prostoru zrakoplova.

Hold baggage Baggage intended for carriage in thehold of an aircraft.

LVPRS Odhodno stekališče Prostor med prijavnimi mesti in čakalnim delom na letališki strani.

Departures concourse

LVPRS Olajšave v zračnem prevozu

Učinkovito izvajanje predpisanih ukrepov in postopkov ter ravnanje z dokumenti zaradi pospeševanja pretoka potnikov in blaga ter preprečevanja nepotrebnih operativnih


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zamud oziroma zastojev.

LVPRS Oskrba potnikov s hrano in pijačo

Vsi predmeti, povezani s strežbo potnikov med letom, kot npr. časopisi, revije, slušalke, avdio- in videotrakovi, blazine, odeje, oprema za udobje ipd., razen preskrbe za oskrbo potnikov.


LVPRS PEDS Primarni sistem za odkrivanje eksploziva. To je sistem ali kombinacija različnih tehnologij, s katerimi je mogoče odkriti in nato z vključitvijo alarma nakazati eksplozivno snov v prtljagi ne glede na material, iz katerega je ta narejena.

Primary explosive detection system

A system or combination of different technologies which has the ability to detect, and so to indicate by means of an alarm, explosive material contained in baggage, irrespective of the material from which the bag is made.

LVPRS Ploščad Določeno območje na letališču na kopnem, namenjeno za oskrbo zrakoplovov, vkrcavanje in izkrcavanje potnikov, natovarjanje in raztovarjanje pošte ali tovora, oskrbo z gorivom, parkiranje ali vzdrževanje.


LVPRS Pomol Nadzemni ali podzemni hodnik, ki povezuje položaj zrakoplova s potniško stavbo.


LVPRS Potniški prehod Mehaničen, prilagodljiv prehod za neposreden dostop potnikov med zrakoplovom in stavbami ali vozili.

Passanger gangway

LVPRS Potniško območje Ves prostor in zmogljivosti (naprave oziroma storitve) za ravnanje s potniki. Vključuje ploščadi, potniške stavbe, parkirišča in ceste.

Passenger area

LVPRS Pozicija zrakoplova Označeno mesto na ploščadi, namenjeno za parkiranje zrakoplova.


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LVPRS Preskrba za oskrbo potnikov

Hrana, pijača, druge suhe zaloge in z njimi povezana oprema, ki se uporabljajo v zrakoplovu.

Catering supplies

LVPRS Prijava za polet Postopek prijave letalskemu prevozniku (tudi njegovemu pogodbenemu izvajalcu) za sprejem na določen let.


LVPRS Prijavno mesto Mesto zmogljivosti (naprav oziroma storitev), kjer se opravlja prijava za polet.

Check-in position

LVPRS Pristojni organ za varovanje

Organ, ki ga je država v okviru svoje uprave določila kot odgovornega za razvoj, uresničevanje in vzdrževanje nacionalnega programa in z njim povezanih načrtov.

Appropriate authority for civil aviation security

LVPRS Prtljaga Osebna lastnina potnikov ali posadke, ki se prevaža z zrakoplovom na podlagi pogodbe z letalskim prevoznikom (tudi njegovim pogodbenim izvajalcem).


LVPRS Nespremljana oddana prtljaga

Prtljaga, sprejeta za prevoz v prtljažnem prostoru zrakoplova, s katerim potnik, ki jo je oddal, ne potuje.

Unaccompained hold baggage

Baggage accepted for carriage in the hold of an aircraft, on which the passenger who checked it in is not onboard.

LVPRS Ročno orožje Splošen opis, ki se uporablja za vse ročno strelno orožje.

Small arms

LVPRS Ročna prtljaga Prtljaga, namenjena za prevoz v potniški kabini zrakoplova.

Cabin baggage Baggage intended for carriage in thecabin of an aircraft.

LVPRS Sabotaža Dejanje, ki je namenjeno povzročitvi zlonamernega in brezobzirnega uničenja


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lastnine in s katerim se povzroča nezakonito vmešavanje v mednarodno civilno letalstvo in njegove zmogljivosti (naprave oziroma storitve), ali opustitev tega dejanja.

LVPRS Stalna naključna preverjanja

Preverjanja, ki potekajo ves čas dejavnosti, vendar na podlagi naključno izbranih vzorcev.

Continuos random checks

Checks conducted during the entire period of activity, whilst those checks are to be conducted on a random basis.

LVPRS Stekališče Odhodni del na letališču, na katerem se stekajo poti potnikov.


LVPRS Prikazovanje podobe nevarnosti (TIP)

Računalniški program, ki ga je mogoče vgraditi v nekatere rentgenske aparate. Program projicira virtualne slike nevarnih predmetov (npr. pištole, noža, improvizirane elektronske naprave) v rentgensko sliko resnično preiskovane prtljage ter uslužbencu, ki upravlja rentgenski aparat, daje takojšnje povratne informacije in neposredno pripomore k njegovi večji sposobnosti za odkrivanje takih predmetov.

Threat Image Projection

A software programme, which can be installed on certain x-ray machines. The programme projects virtual images of threat articles (e.g. a gun, knife, improvised explosive device) within the x-ray image of a real bag under examination, and provides immediate feedback to the x-ray machine operator on the operator's ability to detect such images.

LVPRS Terminal Glavno poslopje ali skupina poslopij, v katerih potekajo postopki za sprejem in odpravo komercialnih potnikov in tovora ter vkrcanje v zrakoplov.

Terminal The main building or group of buildings where the processing of commercial passengers and freight and the boarding of aircraft occurs.

LVPRS Varnostna oprema Posebne naprave, ki se lahko uporabljajo samostojno ali kot del sistema za preprečevanje ali odkrivanje dejanj nezakonitega vmešavanja v civilno letalstvo in njegovih zmogljivostih (napravah oziroma storitvah).

Security equipment

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LVPRS Varnostni program Sprejeti ukrepi zaradi varovanja civilnega letalstva pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja.

Security programme

LVPRS Vozilo za prevoz potnikov po ploščadi

Vsako vozilo, namenjeno za prevažanje potnikov med zrakoplovom in potniškimi stavbami.

Apron pasenger vehicle

LVPRS Zabojnik za prtljago Priprava, v katero se nalaga prtljaga za prevoz z zrakoplovom.

Baggage container

LVPRS Zaloge Blago, namenjeno za takojšnjo porabo, uporabo ali prodajo v zrakoplovu med letom, vključno z intendantsko oskrbo.


LVPRS Zbirni (integralni) tovor

Pošiljka, sestavljena iz več tovorkov, odpremljenih pri več osebah, vsaka od teh pa je z neko drugo osebo, razen z rednim letalskim prevoznikom, sklenila prevozno pogodbo o zračnem prevozu.

Integrated/ consoliated cargo

LVPRS Zgradba za tovor Zgradba, skozi katero gre tovor med zračnim in kopenskim prevozom in v kateri so nameščene zmogljivosti (naprave oziroma storitve) za ravnanje s tovorom ali v kateri se tovor skladišči pred začetkom zračnega ali kopenskega prevoza.

Cargo building

LVPRS Zrakoplov Vsaka naprava, ki se lahko obdrži v ozračju zaradi reakcije zraka na zemeljsko površino.


LVPRS Zunaj letališke zmogljivosti

Vezni terminal za prevoz potnikov ali tovora v mestnem središču, v katerem so

Off-airport processing facilities

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zagotovljene zmogljivosti (naprave oziroma storitve).

2320/2002/ES EDS Sistem za odkrivanje razstreliva. To je sistem ali kombinacija različnih tehnologij, s katerimi je mogoče odkriti in nato z vključitvijo alarma nakazati razstrelivo v prtljagi ne glede na material, iz katerega je ta narejena.

Explosive detection system

A system or combination of different technologies wich has the ability to detect, and so indicate by means of an alarm, an explosive device by detecting one or more components of such a device contained in baggage, irrespective of the material from wich the bag is made.

2320/2002/ES EDDS Sistem za odkrivanje eksplozivnih naprav. To je sistem ali kombinacija različnih tehnologij, s katerimi je mogoče odkriti in nato z vključitvijo alarma nakazati eksplozivno napravo z zaznavanjem enega ali več sestavnih delov take naprave v prtljagi ne glede na material, iz katerega je ta narejena.

Explosive device detection system

A system or combination of different technologies which has the ability to detect, and so to indicate by means of an alarm, an explosive device by detecting one or more components of such a device contained in baggage, irrespective of the material from which the bag is made.

2320/2002/ES Komercialni let Redni ali izredni let ali letalska dejavnost, na voljo javnosti ali zasebnim skupinam za najem za denarno nadomestilo.

Commercial flight A scheduled or non-scheduled flight or flight activity rendered for hire to the general public or private groups for valuable consideration.

2320/2002/ES Naprava za zaznavanje sledi

Tehnološki sistem ali kombinacija različnih tehnologij, s katerim je mogoče odkriti in nato z vključitvijo alarma nakazati zelo majhne količine (1/milijardinko grama) eksplozivnih snovi v prtljagi ali nekem drugem predmetu, ki je predmet preiskave.

Trace detection equipment

Technology system or combination of different technologies which has the ability to detect very small amounts (1/billion of a gram), and so to indicate by means of an alarm, explosive materials contained in baggage, or other articles subjected for analysis.

2320/2002/ES Splošno letalstvo Kakršna koli redna ali izredna letalska dejavnost, ki ni na voljo širši javnosti.

General aviation Any scheduled or unscheduled flight activity not offered or available to the general public.

300/2008/ES Javni del letališča Pomeni tiste dele letališča, bližnje zemljišče in stavbe ali njihove dele, ki niso

Landside Means those parts of an airport, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof that

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nadzorovani del letališča. are not airside.

300/2008/ES Nadzorovani del letališča

Območje gibanja zrakoplovov na letališču, bližnje zemljišče in stavbe ali njihove dele, do katerih je dostop omejen.

Air side The movement area of an airport, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof, access to which is restricted.

300/2008/ES Operator Pomeni osebo, organizacijo ali podjetje, ki opravlja ali želi opravljati operacijo zračnega prevoza.

Operator Means a person, organisation or enterprise engaged, or offering to engage, in an air transport operation.

300/2008/ES Pošta Pomeni pisemske pošiljke in druge predmete, razen pošte letalskega prevoznika, ki jih poštne službe oddajo za prevoz ali so namenjene za dostavo tem službam v skladu s pravili Svetovne poštne zveze.

Mail Means dispatches of correspondence and other items, other than air carrier mail, tendered by and intended for delivery to postal services in accordance with the rules of the Universal Postal Union.

300/2008/ES Prepovedani predmeti Pomenijo orožje, razstreliva ali druge nevarne naprave, predmete ali snovi, ki se lahko uporabijo za izvedbo dejanja nezakonitega vmešavanja, ki ogroža varovanje civilnega letalstva.

Prohibited articles Means weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices, articles or substances that may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference that jeopardises the security of civil aviation.

300/2008/ES Preverjanje preteklosti Pomeni zabeleženo preverjanje identitete osebe, vključno z njeno morebitno kriminalno preteklostjo, ki je del ocene, ali se osebi lahko dovoli dostop do varnostnih območij omejenega gibanja brez spremstva.

Background check Means a recorded check of a person’s identity, including any criminal history, as part of the assessment of an individual’s suitability for unescorted access to security restricted areas.

300/2008/ES Spremljana oddana prtljaga

Pomeni prtljago, namenjeno za prevoz v prtljažnem prostoru istega zrakoplova, s katerim potnik, ki jo je oddal, potuje.

Accompanied hold baggage

Means baggage, carried in the hold of an aircraft, which has been checked in for a flight by a passenger travelling on that same flight.

300/2008/ES Regulirani agent Pomeni letalskega prevoznika, agenta, odpravnika tovora ali drug subjekt, ki

Regulated agent Means an air carrier, agent, freight forwarderor any other entity who ensures security

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zagotavlja varnostni nadzor nad tovorom ali pošto.

controls in respect of cargo or mail.

300/2008/ES Tovor Vsako premoženje, namenjeno za prevoz z zrakoplovom, razen prtljage, pošte letalskega prevoznika, materiala prevoznika in zalog za oskrbo med letom.

Cargo Any property intended for carriage on an aircraft, other than baggage, mail, air carrier mail, air carrier materials and in-flight supplies.

300/2008/ES Transferni potniki, prtljaga, tovor ali pošta

Potniki, prtljaga, tovor ali pošta, ki odhajajo na zrakoplovu, ki ni isti kot tisti, na katerem so prispeli.

Transfer passangers, baggage, cargo or mail

Passengers, baggage, cargo or mail departing on an aircraft other than that on which they arrived.

300/2008/ES Tranzitni potniki, prtljaga, tovor ali pošta

Potniki, prtljaga, tovor ali pošta, ki odhajajo na istem zrakoplovu, na katerem so prispeli.

Tranzit passangers, baggage, cargo or mail

Passengers, baggage, cargo or mail departing on the same aircraft as that on which they arrived.

300/2008/ES Varnostno območje omejenega gibanja

Pomeni tisto območje nadzorovanega dela letališča, kjer se poleg tega, da je dostop omejen, uporabljajo standardi s področja varovanja v civilnem letalstvu.

Security restricted area

Means that area of airside where, in addition to access being restricted, other aviation security standards are applied.

300/2008/ES Varnostni nadzor Uporaba sredstev, s katerimi se lahko prepreči vnos prepovedanih predmetov.

Security control The application of means by which the introduction of prohibited articles may be prevented.

300/2008/ES Varnostni pregled Uporaba tehničnih ali drugih sredstev za odkrivanje in/ali zaznavanje prepovedanih predmetov.

Screening The application of technical or other means which are intended to identify and/or detect prohibited articles.

300/2008/ES Varnostna preiskava zrakoplova

Pregled notranjosti in dostopne zunanjosti zrakoplova z namenom odkriti prepovedane predmete in dejanja nezakonitega vmešavanja, ki ogrožajo varovanje zrakoplova.

Aircraft security search

An inspection of the interior and accessible exterior of the aircraft in order to detect prohibited articles and unlawful interferences that jeopardise the security of the aircraft.

300/2008/ES Varnostno preverjanje Pregled tistih delov notranjosti zrakoplova, Aircraft security An inspection of those parts of the interior of

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zrakoplova do katerih so potniki morebiti imeli dostop, skupaj s pregledom prtljažnih prostorov zrakoplova, z namenom odkriti prepovedane predmete in nezakonita vmešavanja v zrakoplov.

check the aircraft to which passengers may have had access, together with an inspection of the hold of the aircraft in order to detect prohibited articles and unlawful interferences with the aircraft.

300/2008/ES Varnostni ukrepi Uporaba sredstev, s katerimi se lahko prepreči vnos prepovedanih predmetov.

Security controls The application of means by which the introduction of prohibited articles may be prevented.

300/2008/ES Varovanje v letalstvu Kombinacija ukrepov, osebja in materialnih virov, namenjenih varovanju v civilnem letalstvu pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja, ki ogrožajo varovanje civilnega letalstva.

Aviation security The combination of measures and human and material resources intended to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference that jeopardise the security of civil aviation.

300/2008/ES Znani pošiljatelj Pošiljatelj, ki pošilja tovor ali pošto za lasten račun in čigar postopki izpolnjujejo skupna pravila in standarde varovanja v zadostni meri, da omogočajo prevoz ali pošte na katerem koli zrakoplovu.

Know consignor A consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures meet common security rules and standards sufficient to allow carriage of cargo or mail on any aircraft.

300/2008/ES Civilno letalstvo Kakršno koli operacijo, ki jo opravi civilni zrakoplov, vendar pa izključuje operacije, ki jih opravljajo državni zrakoplovi iz člena 3 Čikaške konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu.

Civil aviation Any air operation carried out by civil aircraft, excluding operations carried out by State aircraft referred to in Article 3 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.

300/2008/ES Letalski prevoznik Podjetje za zračni prevoz z veljavno operativno licenco ali enakovrednim dokumentom.

Air carrier An air transport undertaking holding a valid operating licence or equivalent;

300/2008/ES Letalski prevoznik Skupnosti

Letalski prevoznik z veljavno operativno licenco, ki jo je dodelila država članica v skladu z Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 2407/92 z

Community air carrier

An air carrier holding a valid operating licence granted by a Member State in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 of 23

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dne 23. julija1992 o licenciranju letalskih prevoznikov (1).

July 1992 on licensing of air carriers (1).

300/2008/ES Subjekt Oseba, organizacija ali podjetje, ki ni operator.

Entity A pearson, organisation or enterprise, other that an operator.

300/2008/ES Nadzor dostopa Uporaba sredstev, s katerimi se prepreči vstop nepooblaščenih vozil ali obojih.

Accesa control The application of means by which the entry of unauthorised persons or unauthorised vehicles, or both, may be prevented.

300/2008/ES Razmejeno območje Območje, ki je ločeno s pomočjo nadzora dostopa bodisi od varnostnega območja omejenega gibanja bodisi, če je razmejeno območje samo varnostno območje omejenega gibanja, od drugih varnostnih območij omejenega gibanja na letališču.

Demarcated area An area that is separated by means of access control either from security restricted areas, or, if the demarcated area itself is a security restricted area, from other security restricted areas of an airport.

300/2008/ES Potencialno težaven potnik

Potnik, ki je deportiranec, oseba, za katero šteje, da nima vstopa iz razlogov priseljevanja, ali oseba, ki ji je bila zakonito odvzeta prostost.

Potentially disruptive passenger

A passenger who is either a deportee, a person deemed to be inadmissible for immigration reasons or a person in lawful custody.

300/2008/ES Material letalskega prevoznika

Material, ki izvira in je hkrati namenjen letalskemu prevozniku, ali material, ki ga uporablja letalski prevoznik.

Air carrier materials Materials either whose origin and destination are both an air carrier or that are used by an air carrier.

300/2008/ES Stalni pošiljatelj Pošiljatelj, ki pošilja tovor ali pošto za lasten račun in čigar postopki izpolnjujejo skupna pravila in standarde varovanja v zadostni meri, da omogočajo prevoz tega tovora na zrakoplovu, ki prevaža le tovor, ali pošte na zrakoplovu, ki prevaža le pošto.

Account consignor A consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures meet common security rules and standards sufficient to allow carriage of that cargo on all-cargo aircraft or mail on all-mail aircraft.

300/2008/ES Častnik za varovanje Oseba, ki jo zaposli država, da potuje na In-flight security A person who is employed by a state to travel

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med letom zrakoplovu letalskega prevoznika, ki mu je podelila licenco, z namenom zaščite tega zrakoplova in oseb, ki so na njem, pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja, ki ogrožajo varovanje leta.

officer on an aircraft of an air carrier licensed by it with the purpose of protecting that aircraft and its occupants against acts of unlawful interference that jeopardise the security of the flight.

820/2008/ES ACAMS Sistem za nadzor dostopa in alarmiranje, ki elektronsko nadzoruje dostop do vrat, vhodov in drugih vstopnih točk, ki vodijo neposredno ali posredno do varnostnih območij omejenega gibanja in ki v primeru nedovoljenega vstopa z alarmom opozori pristojni organ.

A.C.A.M.S An Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System which shall electronically control access to doors, gates and other entry points leading directly or indirectly to security restricted areas, and which shall alarm relevant authority when an unauthorised entry has taken place.

820/2008/ES Uporabnik letališča Katera koli fizična ali pravna oseba, ki je odgovorna za prevoz potnikov, pošte in/ali tovora po zraku od ali do zadevnega letališča, kakor je opredeljeno v členu 2 Direktive Sveta 96/67/ES (2).

Airport user Any natural or legal person responsible for the carriage of passengers, mail and/or freight by air from, or to the airport in question, as defined in Article 2 of Council Directive 96/67/EC (2).

820/2008/ES Zemeljska oskrba Storitve, ki se opravljajo za uporabnike letališč na, kot je opisano v Prilogi k Direktivi 96/67/ES.

Ground handling The services provided to airport users at airports as described in the Annex to Directive96/67/EC.

820/2008/ES Oskrbovalna plošča Zunanja dostopna točka zrakoplova za oskrbovanje zrakoplova; take plošče vključujejo priključke za vodo, toaletne prostore, zemeljske električne priključke in druge oskrbovalne oddelke, ki imajo zunanje oskrbovalne odprtine, katerih pokrovi se odpirajo navzdol.

Servis panel An aircraft external access point used for providing aircraft services; such panels include water, lavatory, ground electrical outlets and other service compartments that have external clip-down panels.

820/2008/ES Zrakoplov, ki ni v uporabi

Zrakoplov, ki je bodisi parkiran za obdobje več kot 12 ur ali ni pod nadzorom, ki

Aircraft not in service

An aircraft that is either parked for a period of more than 12 hours or is not under surveillance

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zadostuje za odkritje nedovoljenega dostopa. sufficient to detect unauthorised access.

1217/2003/ES Presoja Kakršen koli postopek ali način, ki se uporablja za spremljanje usklajenosti na nacionalni ravni. Zajema presoje varnosti, inšpekcijske preglede, študije, preskuse in preiskave.

Audit Any procedure or process used for compliance monitoring undertaken at national level. It covers security audits, inspections, surveys, tests and investigations.

1217/2003/ES Presojevalec Katera koli oseba, ki izvaja presoje na nacionalni ravni.

Auditor Any person conducting audits at national level.

1217/2003/ES Pomanjkljivost Neizpolnjevanje zahtev v zvezi z varnostjo letalstva.

Dificiency Failure to comply with aviation security requirements.

1217/2003/ES Inšpekcijski pregled Preverjanje izvajanja enega vidika ali več vidikov varnostnih ukrepov in postopkov zaradi določitve učinkovitosti njihovega izvajanja.

Inspection An examination of the implementation of one or more aspects of security measures and procedures in order to determine how effectively they are being carried out.

1217/2003/ES Preiskava Preučitev incidenta na področju varnosti in pojasnitev vzrokov zanj zaradi preprečitve ponovitve in upoštevanja možnosti pravnih ukrepov.

Investigation An examination of a security incident and an explanation of its cause in order to avoid recurrence and to consider legal action.

1217/2003/ES Program obvladovanja kakovosti

Nacionalni program obvladovanja kakovosti na področju varnosti civilnega letalstva.

Quality control programme

The national civil aviation security quality control programme.

1217/2003/ES Presoja varnosti Poglobljeno preučitev vseh vidikov varnostnih ukrepov in postopkov zaradi ugotovitve, ali se izvajajo kontinuirano in po stalnih standardih.

Security audit An in-depth examination of all aspects of security measures and procedures in order to determine if they are being implemented on a continual basis and to a constant standard.

1217/2003/ES Incident na področju varnosti

Dogodek, ki negativno vpliva na varnost ter varnost oseb in lastnine

Security incident An occurrence with negative implications for the security and safety of persons and property.

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1217/2003/ES Študija Ocena operacij zaradi določitve potreb glede varnosti. Vključuje ugotavljanje šibkih točk, ki bi jih bilo mogoče izrabiti za dejanje nezakonitega vmešavanja kljub izvajanju varnostnih ukrepov in postopkov, in priporočanje primernih nadomestnih ukrepov, namenjenih za zaščito proti morebitni ugotovljeni nevarnosti.

Survey An evaluation of operations in order to determine security needs. This includes the identification of vulnerabilities which could be exploited to carry out an act ofunlawful interference, despite the implementation of security measures and procedures, and the recommendation of compensatory protective measures commensurate with the threat to address any identified risk.

1217/2003/ES Preskus Preskus ukrepov na področju varnosti letalstva, pri čemer pristojni organ uvede ali simulira naklep storiti nezakonito dejanje z namenom, da preveri učinkovitost in izvajanje obstoječih varnostnih ukrepov.

Test A trial of aviation security measures, where the appropriate authority introduces or simulates intent to commit an unlawful act for the purpose of examining the efficiency and implementation of existing security measures.

1265/2007/ES razmik med kanali 8,33 kHz

frekvenčni razmik 8,33 kHz med sosednjimi kanali

8,33 kHz channel spacing

a separation of 8,33 kHz between adjacent channels;

1032/2006/ES sprejemna enota enota kontrole letenja, ki naslednja prevzame kontrolo nad zrakoplovom

accepting unit* the air traffic control unit next to take control of an aircraft;

2096/2005/ES delo v zraku dejavnost zrakoplova, v kateri se zrakoplov uporablja za specializirane storitve, na primer za kmetijstvo, gradbeništvo, fotografiranje, geodetske storitve, opazovanje in patruljiranje, iskanje in reševanje ali oglaševanje v zraku

aerial work an aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialised services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue or aerial advertisement;

1033/2006/ES identifikacija zrakoplova

skupina črk, številk ali kombinacija obeh, enaka ali po oznaki enaka klicnemu znaku zrakoplova, ki se uporablja za identifikacijo zrakoplova pri komunikaciji zemlja–zemlja služb zračnega prometa

aircraft identification a group of letters, figures or a combination thereof which is either identical to, or the coded equivalent of, the aircraft call sign to be used in air-ground communications, and which is used to identify the aircraft in ground-

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ground air traffic services communications;549/2004/ES letališka nadzorna

službaslužba ATC za letališki promet aerodrome control

service*an ATC service for aerodrome traffic;

549/2004/ES letalska informacijska služba

služba, ki je ustanovljena za posredovanje letalskih informacij in podatkov, potrebnih za varno, redno in učinkovito zračno navigacijo na določenem območju;

aeronautical information service*

a service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information and data necessary for the safety, regularity, and efficiency of air navigation;

549/2004/ES navigacijske službe zračnega prometa

službe zračnega prometa, komunikacijske službe, navigacijske in nadzorovalne službe, meteorološke službe za navigacijo v zračnem prometu in letalske informacijske službe

air navigation services

air traffic services; communication,navigation and surveillance services; meteorological services for air navigation; and aeronautical information services;

549/2004/ES izvajalci navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

vsaka javna ali zasebna entiteta, ki zagotavlja navigacijske službe za splošni zračni promet

air navigation service providers

any public or private entity providing air navigation services for general air traffic;

549/2004/ES blok zračnega prostora zračni prostor določenih dimenzij v prostoru in času, znotraj katerega so zagotovljene navigacijske službe

airspace block airspace of defined dimensions, in space and time, within which air navigation services are provided;

549/2004/ES upravljanje zračnega prostora

načrtovanje, katerega glavni cilj je najboljša možna izkoriščenost razpoložljivega zračnega prostora s pomočjo dinamične časovne delitve tega prostora in občasno, njegove razdelitve med različne kategorije uporabnikov na osnovi kratkoročnih potreb

airspace management a planning function with the primary objective of maximising the utilisation of available airspace by dynamic time-sharing and, at times, the segregation of airspace among various categories of airspace users on the basis of short-term needs;

2150/2005/ES celica upravljanja zračnega prostora (AMC)

celica, odgovorna za dnevno upravljanje zračnega prostora v pristojnosti ene ali več držav članic

airspace management cell (AMC)

a cell responsible for the day-to-day management of the airspace under the responsibility of one or more Member States;

2150/2005/ES rezervacija zračnega prostora

določen obseg zračnega prostora, ki je začasno rezerviran za izključno ali posebno uporabo po kategorijah uporabnikov

airspace reservation a defined volume of airspace temporarily reserved for exclusive or specific use by categories of users;

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2150/2005/ES omejitev zračnega prostora

območje nevarnosti

omejeno območje

prepovedano območje

določen obseg zračnega prostora, v katerem se lahko v določenih terminih opravljajo dejavnosti, ki so nevarne za let zrakoplova („območje nevarnosti“); ali zračni prostor nad zemljo ali teritorialnimi vodami države, kjer je let zrakoplova omejen v skladu z nekaterimi posebnimi pogoji („omejeno območje“); ali zračni prostor nad zemljo al teritorialnimi vodami države, kjer je let zrakoplovov prepovedan („prepovedano območje“)

airspace restriction

danger area

restricted area

prohibited area

a defined volume of airspace within which, variously, activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may be conducted at specified times (a ‘danger area’); or such airspace situated above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions (a ‘restricted area’); or airspace situated above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited (a ‘prohibited area’);

2150/2005/ES struktura zračnega prostora

določen obseg zračnega prostora, namenjen zagotavljanju varnega in optimalnega delovanja zrakoplova

airspace structure a specific volume of airspace designed to ensure the safe and optimal operation of aircraft;

549/2004/ES uporabniki zračnega prostora

vsi zrakoplovi, ki letijo v splošnem zračnem prometu

airspace users all aircraft operated as general air traffic;

1794/2006/ES predstavnik uporabnikov zračnega prostora

vsaka pravno oseba ali oseba, ki zastopa interese ene ali več kategorij uporabnikov navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

airspace users representative

any legal person or entity representing the interests of one or several categories of users of air navigation services;

1033/2006/ES dovoljenje kontrole zračnega prometa (dovoljenje „ATC“)

dovoljenje za zrakoplov, da nadaljuje pot pod pogoji, ki jih podrobno opredeli enota kontrole letenja

air traffic control clearance*

(hereinafter ATC clearance) means an authorisation for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit;

549/2004/ES služba za kontrolo zračnega prometa (ATC)

služba, ki se zagotavlja za:

(a) preprečevanje trčenja:— med zrakoplovi in— med zrakoplovi in ovirami na področju

manevriranja in

air traffic control (ATC) service*

a service provided for the purpose of:

(a) preventing collisions:— between aircraft, and— in the manoeuvring area between

aircraft and obstructions; and

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(b) pospeševanje in vzdrževanje urejenega pretoka zračnega prometa

(b) expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic;

1032/2006/ES enota kontrole letenja (enota ATC)

center območne kontrole letenja, priletna kontrolna enota ali letališki kontrolni stolp

air traffic control unit*

(hereinafter ATC unit) means variously area control centre, approach control unit or aerodrome control tower;

549/2004/ES upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa

funkcija, vzpostavljena z namenom, da prispeva k varnemu, urejenemu in hitremu pretoku zračnega prometa, ki omogoča, da se zmogljivosti ATC uporabijo v največjem možnem obsegu, in da je obseg prometa združljiv z zmogljivostmi, ki so jih ustrezni izvajalci služb zračnega prometa prijavili

air traffic flow management

a function established with the objective of contributing to a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic by ensuring that ATC capacity is utilised to the maximum extent possible, and that the traffic volume is compatible with the capacities declared by the appropriate air traffic service providers

549/2004/ES upravljanje zračnega prometa

združitev funkcij, ki se izvajajo v zraku in na zemlji (službe zračnega prometa, upravljanje zračnega prostora in upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa), ki so potrebne za varno in učinkovito premikanje zrakoplovov v vseh fazah delovanja

air traffic management

the aggregation of the airborne and ground-based functions (air traffic services, airspace management and air traffic flow management) required to ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft during all phases of operations;

549/2004/ES službe zračnega prometa

različne letalske informacijske službe, alarmne službe, letalske svetovalne službe in službe ATC (službe območne, priletne in letališke kontrole)

air traffic services* the various flight information services, alerting services, air traffic advisory services and ATC services (area, approach and aerodrome control services);

1032/2006/ES enota služb zračnega prometa“ (ATS)

civilna ali vojaška enota, ki je odgovorna za zagotavljanje služb zračnega prometa

air traffic services unit*

(hereinafter ATS unit) means a unit, civil or military, responsible for providing air traffic services;

549/2004/ES služba priletne kontrole

služba ATC za vodenje zrakoplovov pri njihovem prihodu in odhodu

approach control service*

an ATC service for arriving or departing controlled flights;

1032/2006/ES center območne enota, ki zagotavlja storitve kontrole letenja area control centre* a unit established to provide air traffic control

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kontrole letenja“ (ACC)

kontroliranim letom na kontrolnih območjih v njeni pristojnosti

service to controlled flights in control areas under its responsibility;

549/2004/ES služba območne kontrole

služba ATC za vodenje zrakoplovov v bloku zračnega prostora

area control service* an ATC service for controlled flights in a block of airspace;

1032/2006/ES razpoložljivost stopnja, do katere je sistem ali del sistema delujoč in dostopen za uporabo

availability the degree to which a system or component is operational and accessible when required for use;

1032/2006/ES meja vodoravna ali navpična ravnina, ki razmejuje zračni prostor, v katerem enota ATC zagotavlja storitve zračnega prometa

boundary a lateral or vertical plane delineating the airspace in which an ATC unit provides air traffic services;

549/2004/ES sveženj storitev dve ali več storitev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

bundle of services two or more air navigation services;

549/2004/ES dovoljenje dokument, ki ga država članica izda v kakršni koli obliki skladno z nacionalnim zakonom in potrjuje, da izvajalec navigacijske službe zračnega prometa izpolnjuje zahteve za izvajanje določene službe

certificate a document issued by a Member State in any form complying with national law, which confirms that an air navigation service provider meets the requirements for providing a specific service;

1265/2007/ES kanal številčna oznaka, ki se uporablja v povezavi z usklajevanjem opreme za zvočno komunikacijo, ki omogoča enotno določanje uporabljene frekvence radijske komunikacije in razmika med kanali

channel a numerical designator used in conjunction with voice communication equipment tuning, which allows unique identification of the applicable radio communication frequency and channel spacing;

1032/2006/ES civilno-vojaška koordinacija

koordinacija med civilnimi in vojaškimi stranmi, pooblaščenimi za odločanje in dogovor o ukrepanju

civil-military coordination

the coordination between civil and military parties authorised to make decisions and agree a course of action;

2096/2005/ES komercialni zračni prevoz

vsak zračni prevoz, ki vključuje prevoz potnikov, tovora ali pošte za plačilo ali

commercial air transport

any aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration

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najemnino or hire;

549/2004/ES komunikacijske službe letalske fiksne in mobilne službe, namenjene za zagotavljanje komunikacij zemlja-zemlja, zrak-zemlja in zrak-zrak za namene ATC

communication services

aeronautical fixed and mobile services to enable ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air communications for ATC purposes;

549/2004/ES koncept delovanja merila za operativno uporabo EATMN ali dela te mreže

concept of operation the criteria for the operational use of the EATMN or of part thereof;

549/2004/ES sestavine materialni predmeti, kot je strojna oprema, in nematerialni predmeti, kot je programska oprema, od katerih je odvisna interoperabilnost EATMN

constituents tangible objects such as hardware and intangible objects such as software upon which the interoperability of the EATMN depends;

1032/2006/ES vojaška enota za nadzor zračnega prostora

vsaka stalna ali mobilna vojaška enota, ki upravlja vojaški zračni promet in/ali izvaja druge dejavnosti, ki lahko zaradi svoje narave zahtevajo rezervacijo ali omejitev zračnega prostora

controlling military unit

any fixed or mobile military unit handling military air traffic and/or pursuing other activities that due to their specific nature may require airspace reservation or restriction;

1032/2006/ES koordinacija koordinacija med enotami kontrole letenja pri načrtovanih preletih skupne meje za zagotovitev varnosti letenja

coordination the coordination between air traffic control units of the planned passage of flights across the common boundary, in order to ensure flight safety;

1032/2006/ES koordinacijski podatki podatki pomembni za delovno osebje v povezavi s postopkom obveščanja, koordinacije in predaje letov ter s postopkom civilno-vojaške koordinacije

coordination data data of interest to operational staff in connection with the process of notification, coordination and transfer of flights and with the process of civil-military coordination;

1032/2006/ES koordinacijska točka“ (COP)

točka na ali ob meji, ki jo uporabljajo enote ATC pri postopkih koordinacije ter se nanjo sklicujejo

coordination point (hereinafter COP) means a point on or adjacent to the boundary used by the ATC units and referred to in coordination processes;

1315/2007/ES korektivni ukrep“ ukrep za odpravo vzroka odkrite neskladnosti corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a detected non-

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conformity;1032/2006/ES korelacija postopek povezovanja podatkov o načrtu leta

in radarske sledi istega letacorrelation the process of linking the flight plan data and

the radar track of the same flight;

2150/2005/ES čezmejni zračni prostor

struktura zračnega prostora, ki sega prek državnih meja in/ali meja letalskih informativnih območij

cross-border airspace an airspace structure extending across national borders and/or the boundaries of flight information regions;

1265/2007/ES določena pokritost delovanja

prostornina zračnega prostora, v kateri je zagotovljena določena storitev in v kateri je za to storitev zagotovljena zaščita frekvence

designated operational coverage*

the volume of airspace in which a particular service is provided and in which the service is afforded frequency protection;

1794/2006/ES območje preletnega zaračunavanja

obseg zračnega prostora, za katerega sta uvedeni enotna stroškovna osnova in enotna cena za enoto

en route charging zone

a volume of airspace for which a single cost base and a single unit rate are established;

1032/2006/ES podatki o predvidenem času in položaju

koordinacijska točka, predvideni čas zrakoplova in pričakovani nivo letenja zrakoplova na koordinacijski točki

estimate data the coordination point, the estimated time of an aircraft and the expected flight level of the aircraft at the coordination point;

1033/2006/ES predvideni datum začetka gibanja zrakoplova

predvideni datum, ko bo zrakoplov začel gibanje, povezano z odletom

estimated off-block date

estimated date on which the aircraft will commence movement associated with departure

1033/2006/ES predvideni čas začetka gibanja zrakoplova

predvideni čas, ko bo zrakoplov začel gibanje, povezano z odletom

estimated off-block time*

the estimated time at which the aircraft will commence movement associated with departure;

549/2004/ES Eurocontrol Evropska organizacija za varnost zračnega prometa, ustanovljena z Mednarodno konvencijo o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe dne 13. decembra 1960

Eurocontrol European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation set up by the International Convention of 13 December 1960 relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation (1)

549/2004/ES Eurocontrolova načela uvedbe pristojbin za uporabo objektov in

načela, določena v dokumentu št. 99.60.01/01 z dne 1. avgusta 1999, ki ga je izdal Eurocontrol

Eurocontrol’s principles for establishing the cost-

the principles as specified in document No 99.60.01/01 of 1 August 1999, issued by Eurocontrol

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naprav na zračni ruti po stroškovnem načelu in izračunu enotnih tarif

base for route facility charges and the calculation of unit rates

549/2004/ES Evropska mreža za upravljanje zračnega prometa“ (EATMN)

komplet sistemov iz Priloge I Uredbe (ES) št. 552/2004 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 10. marca 2004 o interoperabilnosti evropske mreže za upravljanje zračnega prometa (Uredba o interoperabilnosti), ki omogočajo, da se navigacijske službe zračnega prometa v Skupnosti lahko izvajajo vključno z medsebojnimi povezavami na mejah s tretjimi državami.

European air traffic management network

The collection of systems listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 on the interoperability of the European air traffic management network (the interoperability Regulation) (1) enabling air navigation services in the Community to be provided, including the interfaces at boundaries with third countries

549/2004/ES prilagodljiva uporaba zračnega prostora

koncept upravljanja zračnega prostora, ki se uporablja na območju Evropske konference civilnega letalstva, kakor je opredeljen v prvi izdaji priročnika z dne 5. februarja 1996 z naslovom „Airspace Management Handbook for the Application of the Concept of the Flexible Use of Airspace“, ki ga je izdal Eurocontrol

flexible use of airspace

an airspace management concept applied in the European Civil Aviation Conference area, as specified in the first edition of 5 February 1996 of the ‘Airspace Management Handbook for the application of the Concept of the Flexible Use of Airspace’ issued by Eurocontrol;

1032/2006/ES sistem za obdelavo podatkov o letih

del sistema služb zračnega prometa, ki sprejema, samodejno obdela in razpošlje podatke o načrtu leta in z njim povezana sporočila delovnim mestom v enotah kontrole letenja

flight data processing system

the part of an air traffic services system which receives, automatically processes and distributes to air traffic control units working positions, flight plan data and associated messages;

549/2004/ES letalsko informacijsko področje

zračni prostor določenega obsega, v katerem so zagotavljene letalske informacijske službe in alarmne službe

flight information region*

an airspace of defined dimensions within which flight information services and alerting services are provided;

2150/2005/ES namen leta pot leta in povezani podatki o letu, ki flight intention the flight path and associated flight data

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opisujejo načrtovano tirnico leta do njegove destinacije, kot se posodablja vsak trenutek

describing the planned trajectory of a flight to its destination, as updated at any moment;

549/2004/ES nivo letenja površina konstantnega atmosferskega tlaka, določena z referenčnim tlakom 1 013,2 hektopaskala, ki ga od drugih takšnih površin ločujejo specifični intervali tlaka

flight level* a surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to the specific pressure datum of 1 013,2 hectopascals and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals;

633/2007/ES protokol prenosa sporočila o letu

protokol za elektronske komunikacije, ki zajema formate sporočil, njihovo kodiranje za izmenjavo in pravila o zaporedju, ki se uporabljajo za izmenjave informacij med sistemi za obdelavo podatkov o letih

flight message transfer protocol

a protocol for electronic communication comprising message formats, their encoding for interchange and sequence rules used for the information exchanges between flight data processing systems;

1265/2007/ES leti, opravljani v skladu s pravili vizualnega letenja“ (VFR)

vsak let, opravljan v skladu s pravili vizualnega letenja, kot je opredeljen v Prilogi 2 (1) k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu

flights operated under visual flight rules

(VFR flights) means any flights operated under visual flight rules as defined in Annex 2 (1) to the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;

2150/2005/ES pot leta pot zrakoplova po zraku, opredeljena v treh dimenzijah

flight path the path of an aircraft through the air, defined in three dimensions;

1032/2006/ES načrt leta podrobne informacije, zagotovljene enotam služb zračnega prometa v zvezi z nameravanim letom ali delom leta zrakoplova

flight plan* specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft;

549/2004/ES funkcionalni blok zračnega prostora

blok zračnega prostora, zasnovan na operativnih zahtevah in odraža potrebo po zagotavljanju bolj integriranega upravljanja zračnega prostora, ne glede na obstoječe meje

functional airspace block’

an airspace block based on operational requirements, reflecting the need to ensure more integrated management of the airspace regardless of existing boundaries;

2096/2005/ES funkcionalni sistem celota sistemov, postopkov in človeških virov functional system a combination of systems, procedures and

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za izvajanje funkcij v zvezi z vodenjem zračnega prometa

human resources organised to perform a function within the context of ATM;

549/2004/ES splošni zračni promet vsi premiki civilnih zrakoplovov kakor tudi premiki državnih zrakoplovov (vključno vojaških, carinskih in policijskih zrakoplovov), če so ti premiki v skladu s postopki ICAO

general air traffic all movements of civil aircraft, as well as all movements of State aircraft (including military, customs and police aircraft) when these movements are carried out in conformity with the procedures of the ICAO;

2096/2005/ES splošno letalstvo kakršna koli dejavnost civilnega letalstva, razen rednega zračnega prevoza in čarterskega zračnega prevoza, za najem ali plačilo

general aviation any civil aircraft operation other than commercial air transport or aerial work;

2096/2005/ES nevarnost vsako stanje, dogodek ali okoliščina, ki bi lahko povzročili nesrečo

hazard any condition, event, or circumstance which could induce an accident;

549/2004/ES ICAO Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva, ustanovljena s Čikaško konvencijo o mednarodnem civilnem letalskem prometu v iz leta 1944

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation, as established by the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;

1794/2006/ES IFR pravila instrumentnega letenja, kot je opredeljeno v Prilogi 2 k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu iz leta 1944 (Deseta izdaja – julij 2005)

IFR Instrument Flight Rules, as defined in Annex 2 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (Tenth Edition — July 2005);

1033/2006/ES začetni načrt leta načrt leta, ki ga vključno z morebitnimi spremembami, ki jih uvedejo in sprejmejo pilot, prevoznik, enota ATS ali centralizirana služba za obdelavo in razdelitev načrtov leta, prvotno predloži izdajatelj

initial flight plan the flight plan initially submitted by the originator including changes, if any, initiated and accepted by pilots, operators, an ATS unit or the centralised service for flight planning processing and distribution of flight plans during the pre-flight phase;

1033/2006/ES pravila pravila instrumentnega letenja, kakor so instrument flight instrument flight rules as defined in Annex 2

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instrumentnega letenja opredeljena v Prilogi 2 (1) k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu iz leta 1944

rules (1) to the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;

1265/2007/ES integrirani sistem za obdelavo začetnih načrtov leta (IFPS)

sistem v okviru evropske mreže za upravljanje zračnega prometa, prek katere je v zračnem prostoru, ki ga zajema ta uredba, zagotavlja centralizirana služba za obdelavo in razdelitev načrtov leta, ki opravlja sprejem, potrditev in razdelitev načrtov leta

Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System(IFPS)

(hereinafter ‘IFPS’) a system within the European Air Traffic Management Network through which a centralised flight planning processing and distribution service, dealing with the reception, validation and distribution of flight plans, is provided within the airspace covered by this Regulation;

549/2004/ES interoperabilnost niz funkcionalnih, tehničnih in operativnih lastnosti, ki jih morajo imeti sistemi in naprave EATMN, kakor tudi postopki za njegovo delovanje z namenom, da se zagotovi varno, neprekinjeno in učinkovito delovanje. Interoperabilnost je mogoče doseči tako, da se zagotovi skladnost sistemov in naprav z bistvenimi zahtevami

interoperability a set of functional, technical and operational properties required of the systems andconstituents of the EATMN and of the procedures for its operation, in order to enable its safe, seamless and efficient operation. Interoperability is achieved by making the systems and constituents compliant with the essential requirements;

1033/2006/ES ključni elementi načrta leta

so naslednji elementi načrta leta:(a) identifikacija zrakoplova;(b) odhodno letališče;(c) predvideni datum začetka gibanja

zrakoplova;(d) predvideni čas začetka gibanja

zrakoplova;(e) namembno letališče;(f) proga razen postopkov na terminalnem

območju;(g) potovalna hitrost (hitrosti) in zahtevani

nivo (nivoji letenja;(h) vrsta zrakoplova in kategorija vrtinčne


key items of a flight plan

the following items of a flight plan:(a) aircraft identification;(b) departure aerodrome;(c) estimated off-block date;(d) estimated off-block time;(e) destination aerodrome;(f) route excluding terminal area

procedures;(g) cruising speed(s) and requested flight

level(s);(h) aircraft type and category of wake

turbulence;(i) flight rules and type of flight;(j) aircraft equipment and its related

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(i) pravila letenja in vrsta leta;(j) oprema zrakoplova in ustrezne



1032/2006/ES sporazum o sodelovanju

sporazum med sosednjima enotama ATC, ki opredeljuje, kako naj se uskladijo njune pristojnosti ATC

letter of agreement an agreement between two adjacent ATC units that specifies how their respective ATC responsibilities are to be coordinated;

549/2004/ES meteorološke službe naprave in storitve, ki zrakoplovom posredujejo vremenske napovedi in razlage meteoroloških razmer in opažanj pred poletom kakor tudi vse druge vremenske informacije in podatke, ki jih posredujejo države članice za letalsko uporabo

meteorological services

means those facilities and services that provide aircraft with meteorological forecasts, briefs and observations as well as any other meteorological information and data provided by States for aeronautical use;

2096/2005/ES nacionalni nadzorni organ

organ ali organi, ki jih imenujejo ali ustanovijo države članice kot svoj nacionalni organ v skladu s členom 4 Uredbe (ES) št. 549/2004

national supervisory authority

mean the body or bodies nominated or established by Member States as their national authority pursuant to Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004;

549/2004/ES navigacijske službe naprave in storitve, ki zrakoplovu zagotavljajo informacije o položaju in časovnem razporedu

navigation services those facilities and services that provide aircraft with positioning and timing information;

1032/2006/ES obveščanje prenos podatkov iz predajne enote z namenom posodobitve podatkov sistema v prevzemni enoti pri pripravi na koordinacijo

notification the transmission by the transferring unit of data to update the system at the receiving unit in preparation for the coordination;

1032/2006/ES obveščena enota enota ATC, ki je sprejela informacije notified unit the ATC unit that has received the notification information;

1265/2007/ES sistem z odmaknjeno nosilno frekvenco

sistem, ki se uporablja, kadar kombinacija enega oddajnika in sprejemnika ne more zagotoviti pokritosti z radijskim signalom in kadar so signali zaradi zmanjšanja motenj

offset-carrier system a system used in situations where radio coverage cannot be ensured by a single transmitter and receiver combination and where, in order to minimise the interference

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odmaknjeni od glavnega nosilca frekvence problems, the signals are offset from the main carrier frequency;

2096/2005/ES izvajalska organizacija organizacija, odgovorna za izvajanje tehničnega vodenja in služb, ki podpirajo zračni promet, komunikacijo, navigacijo ali nadziranje

operating organisation

an organisation responsible for the provision of engineering and technical services supporting air traffic, communication, navigation or surveillance services;

549/2004/ES operativni letalski podatki

informacije o vseh fazah poleta, ki so potrebne, da lahko izvajalci navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, uporabniki zračnega prostora, letališke družbe in drugi vpleteni akterji sprejmejo operativne odločitve

operational data concerning all phases of flight that are required to take operational decisions by air navigation service providers, airspace users, airport operators and other actors involved;

1265/2007/ES prevoznik / upravljavec

oseba, organizacija ali podjetje, ki je vključeno ali želi biti vključeno v obratovanje zrakoplova

operator* a person, organisation or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation;

1033/2006/ES izdajatelj oseba ali organizacija, ki načrte leta in vsa s tem povezana sporočila o posodobitvi predloži IFPS in tudi pilotom, prevoznikom, zastopnikom, ki delujejo v njihovem imenu, ter enotam ATS

originator a person or organisation submitting flight plans and any associated update messages to the IFPS, including pilots, operators and agents acting on their behalf and ATS units;

1315/2007/ES organizacija pomeni izvajalca navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa ali subjekt, ki zagotavlja upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa ali upravljanje zračnega prostora

organisation either an air navigation service provider or an entity providing ATFM or ASM;

633/2007/ES mehanizem komuniciranja med enakovrednimi udeleženci

mehanizem za komuniciranje, vzpostavljen med dvema enotama ATC ali med enotami ATS in vojaškimi enotami za nadzor zračnega prostora, v katerem ima vsaka stran enake zmožnosti komunikacij za izmenjavo informacij med sistemi za obdelavo podatkov

peer-to-peer communication mechanism

a mechanism for communication established between two ATC units or between ATS units and controlling military units in which each party has the same communication capabilities for the information exchange between flight data processing systems and either party can

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o letih in lahko katera koli stran začne komunikacijo

initiate the communication.

1033/2006/ES faza pred letom obdobje od prve predložitve načrta leta do prve izdaje dovoljenja kontrole zračnega prometa

pre-flight phase the period from the first submission of a flight plan until the first delivery of an air traffic control clearance;

549/2004/ES postopek (postopek) kakor se uporablja v okviru uredbe o interoperabilnosti, pomeni standardna metoda za tehnično ali operativno uporabo sistemov v smislu dogovorjenih in potrjenih operativnih konceptov, za katere je potrebno enotno izvajanje v celotnem EATMN

procedure as used in the context of the interoperability Regulation, means a standard method for either the technical or the operational use of systems, in the context of agreed and validated concepts of operation requiring uniform implementation throughout the EATMN;

1315/2007/ES proces sklop medsebojno povezanih ali medsebojno delujočih dejavnosti, ki pretvarja vhodne veličine v izhodne

process a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs;

549/2004/ES vključitev v uporabo prva operativna uporaba po začetni vgradnji ali nadgradnji sistema

putting into service the first operational use after the initial installation or an upgrade of a system;

1265/2007/ES radiotelefonija oblika radijske komunikacije, ki je namenjena zlasti izmenjavi informacij v obliki govora

radio-telephony* a form of radio-communication primarily intended for the exchange of information in the form of speech;

2150/2005/ES realni čas dejanski čas, v katerem se izvaja proces ali dogodek

real-time the actual time during which a process or event occurs;

1032/2006/ES prevzemna enota enota kontrole letenja, ki sprejme podatke receiving unit the air traffic control unit who receives data;

1032/2006/ES sprostitev pooblastilo kontrolorja, ki predaja zrakoplov, kontrolorju v prevzemni enoti za izdajo kontrolnih navodil zrakoplovu pred preletom

release authorising by the controller transferring an aircraft of a controller at the accepting unit to issue control instructions to the aircraft prior to

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točke prenosa kontrole its passing the transfer of control point;

1032/2006/ES zanesljivost verjetnost, da mesto upravljanja in vodenja prometa deluje v okviru dovoljenih odstopanj

reliability the probability that the ground installation operates within the specified tolerances.

1033/2006/ES ponavljalni načrt leta načrt leta serije posameznih letov, ki so pogosti in se opravljajo redno z istimi osnovnimi značilnostmi; načrt predloži prevoznik, da ga enote služb zračnega prometa ohranijo in večkratno uporabijo

repetitive flight plan* a flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly operated individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive use by air traffic service units;

2096/2005/ES tveganje kombinacija skupne verjetnosti ali pogostnosti pojavljanja škodljivih učinkov, kot posledica nevarnosti, in resnosti teh učinkov

risk the combination of the overall probability, or frequency of occurrence of a harmful effect induced by a hazard and the severity of that effect;

549/2004/ES omrežje rut omrežje določenih zračnih poti za usmerjanje splošnih prometnih tokov, ki so potrebne za izvajanje služb ATC

route network a network of specified routes for channelling the flow of general air traffic as necessary for the provision of ATC services;

549/2004/ES letenje po ruti izbrani red letenja zrakoplova v času njegove uporabe

routing the chosen itinerary to be followed by an aircraft during its operation;

1315/2007/ES utemeljitev varnosti prikaz in dokaz, da se lahko predlagana sprememba funkcionalnega sistema izvede v skladu z varnostnimi predpisi v okviru ciljev ali standardov, ki jih določa obstoječi zakonodajni okvir

safety argument the demonstration and evidence that a proposed change to a functional system can be implemented within the targets or standards established through the existing regulatory framework consistentlywith the safety regulatory requirements;

2096/2005/ES zagotovitev varnosti vse načrtovane in sistematične dejavnosti, potrebne za zagotovitev ustreznega zaupanja, da izdelek, služba, organizacija ali funkcionalni sistem dosegajo zadovoljivo ali

safety assurance all planned and systematic actions necessary to afford adequate confidence that a product, a service, an organisation or a functional system achieves acceptable or tolerable safety;

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sprejemljivo varnost

1315/2007/ES varnostna direktiva dokument, ki ga izda ali sprejme nacionalni nadzorni organ in določa, da se izvedejo ukrepi za ponovno vzpostavitev varnosti funkcionalnega sistema, v primeru ko je razvidno, da bi bila v nasprotnem primeru ogrožena letalska varnost

safety directive a document issued or adopted by a national supervisory authority which mandates actions to be performed on a functional system to restore safety, when evidence shows that aviation safety may otherwise be compromised;

2096/2005/ES varnostni cilj pomeni kakovostno ali količinsko navedbo, ki opredeljuje največjo pogostnost ali verjetnost, pojava nevarnosti

safety objective a qualitative or quantitative statement that defines the maximum frequency or probability at which a hazard can be expected to occur;

1315/2007/ES presoja varnostnih predpisov

sistematičen in neodvisen pregled, ki ga izvede nacionalni nadzorni organ ali ki se izvede v njegovem imenu s katerim se ugotovi, ali je celotna ureditev v zvezi z varnostjo ali njeni elementi, povezani s procesi in njihovimi rezultati, proizvodi ali storitvami, usklajeni z zahtevanimi ureditvami v zvezi z varnostjo ter ali se učinkovito izvajajo in so ustrezni za doseganje pričakovanih rezultatov;

safety regulatory audit

a systematic and independent examination conducted by, or on behalf of, a national supervisory authority to determine whether complete safety-related arrangements or elements thereof, related to processes and their results, products or services, comply with required safety-related arrangements and whether they are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve expected results;

1315/2007/ES varnostni predpisi predpisi, ki jih določajo uredbe Skupnosti ali nacionalni predpisi za izvajanje navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, funkcij upravljanja pretoka zračnega prometa in upravljanja zračnega prostora v zvezi s tehnično in operativno usposobljenostjo in ustreznostjo za izvajanje teh služb in funkcij, njihovo upravljanje varnosti, ter sistemi, njihovimi sestavnimi deli in pripadajočimi postopki

safety regulatory requirements

the requirements established by Community or national regulations for the provision of air navigation services or ATFM and ASM functions concerning the technical and operational competence and suitability to provide these services and functions, their safety management, as well as systems, their constituents and associated procedures;

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2096/2005/ES varnostna zahteva način ublaživte tveganja, opredeljen s strategijo ublažitve tveganja z doseganjem postavljenega varnostnega cilja, vključno z organizacijskimi, operativnimi, funkcijskimi zahtevami, zahtevami za zmogljivost in medoperativnost ali okoljskimi značilnostmi

safety requirement a risk-mitigation means, defined from the risk-mitigation strategy that achieves a particular safety objective, including organisational, operational, procedural, functional, performance, and interoperability requirements or environment characteristics;

549/2004/ES celostno delovanje delovanje EATMN na tak način, da z vidika uporabnika deluje kakor en sistem

seamless operation means the operation of the EATMN in such a manner that from the user’s perspective it functions as if it were a single entity;

1032/2006/ES sekundarni nadzorni radar“ (SSR)

nadzorni radarski sistem, ki uporablja oddajnike ali sprejemnike in transponderje

secondary surveillance radar (SSR)*

a surveillance radar system which uses transmitters or receivers and transponders;

549/2004/ES sektor del kontrolnega območja in/ali letalsko informacijsko področje/zgornji zračni prostor

sector part of a control area and/or a flight information region/upper region;

2150/2005/ES ločitev razdalja med zrakoplovom, nivoji ali tirnicami

separation spacing between aircraft, levels or tracks;

2096/2005/ES službe navigacijska služba zračnega prometa ali niz navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

services either an air navigation service or a bundle of air navigation services.

1265/2007/ES državni zrakoplov vsak zrakoplov, ki ga uporablja vojska, carina in policija

state aircraft any aircraft used for military, customs and police;

549/2004/ES nadzorne službe tiste naprave in storitve, ki se uporabljajo za določitev položaja zrakoplovov zaradi zagotavljanja varne razdalje med njimi

surveillance services those facilities and services used to determine the respective positions of aircraft to allow safe separation;

549/2004/ES sistem skupina naprav v zraku in na zemlji kakor tudi vesoljska oprema, ki so podpora navigacijskim službam zračnega prometa v vseh fazah letenja

system the aggregation of airborne and groundbased constituents, as well as space-based equipment, that provides support for air navigation services for all phases of flight;

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1033/2006/ES postopki na terminalnem območju

proge standardnih instrumentnih odhodov in standardnih instrumentnih prihodov, kakor so opredeljene v dokumentu ICAO Postopki za operativne službe (Procedures for Operational Services, PANS-OPS, dok. 8168 – zvezek 1 – četrta izdaja – 1993, vključno s spremembo št. 13)

terminal area procedures

the standard instrument departures and the standard instrument arrival routes as defined in ICAO Procedures for Operational Services (PANS-OPS, Doc 8168 — Volume 1 — Fourth edition 1993, incorporating Amendment No 13).

1794/2006/ES območje zaračunavanja na terminalih

letališče ali skupino letališč, za katere sta uvedeni enotna stroškovna osnova in enotna cena za enoto

terminal charging zone

an airport or a group of airports for which a single cost base and a single unit rate are established;

1032/2006/ES predajni nivo letenja nivo letenja, dogovorjen med koordinacijo, če je v vodoravnem letu, ali dovoljeni nivo letenja, h kateremu let nadaljuje pot, če se na koordinacijski točki vzpenja ali spušča

transfer flight level the flight level agreed during the coordination if in level flight, or the cleared flight level to which the flight is proceeding if climbing or descending at the coordination point;

1032/2006/ES točka prenosa kontrole točka na poti leta zrakoplova, na kateri se odgovornost zagotavljanja služb zračnega prometa zrakoplovu prenese z ene enote ATC na naslednjo;

transfer of control point*

a point on the flight path of an aircraft, at which the responsibility for providing air traffic services to the aircraft is transferred from one ATC unit to the next;

1032/2006/ES predajna enota enota kontrole letenja v postopku prenosa odgovornosti za zagotavljanje storitve kontrole letenja zrakoplovu na naslednjo enoto ATC na ruti leta;

transferring unit* the air traffic control unit in the process of transferring the responsibility for providing an air traffic control service to an aircraft to the next ATC unit along the route of flight;

1265/2007/ES državni zrakoplov, namenjen za prevoz

državni zrakoplov z nepremičnimi krili, ki je namenjen za prevoz ljudi in/ali tovora

transport-type state aircraft’

fixed wing State aircraft that are designed for the purpose of transporting persons and/or cargo.

549/2004/ES nadgradnja vsaka sprememba, ki spremeni operativne lastnosti sistema

upgrade any modification that changes the operational characteristics of a system.

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1794/2006/ES uporabnik navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

upravljavec zrakoplova v času izvedbe leta. Če identiteta upravljavca ni znana, se šteje, da je upravljavec zrakoplova njegov lastnik, razen če dokaže, katera druga oseba ga je upravljala

user of air navigation services’

the operator of the aircraft at the time when the flight was performed or, if the identity of the operator is not known, the owner of the aircraft, unless he proves that another person was the operator at that time;

2150/2005/ES uporabniki civilni ali vojaški zrakoplovi, ki delujejo v zraku ter druge stranke, ki potrebujejo zračni prostor

users civil or military aircrafts operating in the air as well as any other parties requiring airspace

1315/2007/ES preverjanje potrditev s predložitvijo objektivnih dokazov, da so podrobno navedene zahteve izpolnjene

verification* confirmation through the provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.

1794/2006/ES VFR pravila vizualnega letenja, kot je opredeljeno v Prilogi 2 k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu iz leta 1944 (Deseta izdaja – julij 2005)

VFR Visual Flight Rules, as defined in Annex 2 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (Tenth Edition — July 2005);

1265/2007/ES dodelitev kanalov VHF dodelitev frekvence VHF letalskim storitvam z namenom uporabe opreme za zvočno komunikacijo

VHF assignments the assignment of a VHF frequency to an aeronautical service for the purpose of operating voice communication equipment;

1032/2006/ES opozorilo sporočilo, ki se prikaže na delovni postaji kontrolorja, kadar odpove postopek samodejne koordinacije

warning a message displayed at a working position when the automated coordination process has failed;

1032/2006/ES delovno mesto notranja in tehnična oprema, ki članu osebja služb zračnega prometa omogoča izvajanje nalog, povezanih z njegovim delom

working position means the furniture and technical equipment at which a member of the air traffic services staff undertakes task associated with their job;

730/2006/ES rezervacija zračnega prostora

pomeni določen obseg zračnega prostora, ki je začasno rezerviran za izključno ali posebno uporabo po kategorijah

airspace reservation means a defined volume of airspace temporarily reserved for exclusive or specific use by categories of users;

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730/2006/ES enota služb zračnega prometa

pomeni enoto, civilno ali vojaško, ki je pristojna za zagotavljanje služb zračnega prometa;

air traffic services unit’

means a unit, civil or military, responsible for providing air traffic services;

730/2006/ES let po pravilih instrumentnega letenja“ (IFR let)

pomeni vsak let po pravilih instrumentnega letenja, kot je opredeljeno v Prilogi 2 (1) k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu iz leta 1944;

instrument flight rules flights (IFR flights)

means any flights operated under instrument flight rules as defined in Annex 2 (1) to the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;

730/2006/ES leti, upravljani v skladu s pravili vizualnega letenja (VFR leti)

pomeni katere koli lete, upravljane v skladu s pravili vizualnega letenja, kot je opredeljeno v Prilogi 2 (2) k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu iz leta 1944;

flights operated under visual flight rules (VFR flights)

means any flights operated under visual flight rules as defined in Annex 2 (2) to the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;

730/2006/ES razvrstitev zračnega prostora

pomeni razvrstitev zračnega prostora v zračne prostore služb zračnega prometa določenih dimenzij, ki so abecedno poimenovani in v katerih se lahko opravljajo določene vrste poletov, in za katere so določene službe zračnega prometa ter pravila delovanja. Zračni prostori služb zračnega prometa so razvrščeni v razrede od A do G, kot je opredeljeno v poglavju 2.6.1 Priloge 11 (3) k Čikaški konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu.

airspace classification means the classification of airspace into air traffic services airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically designated, and within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services and rules of operation are specified; air traffic services airspaces are classified as Class A to G as defined by Chapter 2, paragraph 6.1. of Annex 11 (3) to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.

1330/2007/ES zainteresirana stranka pomeni katero koli fizično ali pravno osebo, bodisi profitno ali neprofitno, ali kateri koli uradni organ, ki ima pravno osebnost ali je nima in ki lahko sodeluje pri izboljšanju varnosti civilnega letalstva z dostopom do

interested party means any natural person, any legal person, whether profit-making or not, or any official body whether having its own legal personality or not that is in a position to participate in the improvement of civil aviation safety by having

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informacij o dogodkih, ki si jih države članice izmenjujejo v skladu s členom 6(1) Direktive 2003/42/ES, in je razvrščena v eno od kategorij zainteresiranih strank iz Priloge I;

access to information on occurrences exchanged by the Member States in accordance with Article 6(1) of Directive 2003/42/EC and which is included in one of the categories of interested parties listed in Annex I;

1330/2007/ES točka za stike pomeni:

(a) pristojni organ, ki ga imenuje vsaka država članica po členu 5(1) Direktive 2003/42/ES, ali točka za stike, ki jo država članica imenuje po isti določbi, če je država članica imenovala več kot en pristojni organ, če je zahtevek za pridobitev informacij vložen po členu 3(1) te uredbe;

(b) Komisija, če je zahtevek za pridobitev informacij vložen po členu 3(2).

point of contact means:

(a) where a request for information is made under Article 3(1) of this Regulation, the competent authority designated by each Member State in accordance with Article 5(1) of Directive 2003/42/EC or, if a MemberState has designated more than one competentauthority, the contact point designated by that Member State in accordance with the same provision;

(b) where a request for information is made under Article 3(2), the Commission.

482/2008/ES programska oprema pomeni računalniške programe in ustrezne konfiguracijske podatke, vključno z nerazvojno programsko opremo, vendar brez elektronskih delov, kot so integrirana vezja, programirljiva polja vrat ali polprevodniški logični krmilniki, namenjeni za specifično aplikacijo;

software means computer programmes and corresponding configuration data, including non-developmental software, but excluding electronic items, namely application specific integrated circuits, programmable gate arrays or solid-state logic controllers;

482/2008/ES konfiguracijski podatki

pomenijo podatke, s katerimi se generični sistem programske opreme konfigurira za posamezen namen uporabe;

configuration data means data that configures a genericsoftware system to a particular instance of its use;

482/2008/ES nerazvojna programska oprema

pomeni programsko opremo, ki ni bila razvita posebej za kako pogodbo;

non-developmental software

means a software not developed for the current contract;

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482/2008/ES zagotavljanje varnosti pomeni vse načrtovane in sistematične dejavnosti, ki so potrebne za vzpostavitev ustreznega zaupanja, da izdelek, služba, organizacija ali funkcionalni sistem dosega zadovoljivo ali sprejemljivo varnost;

safety assurance means all planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product, a service, an organisation or a functional system achieves acceptable or tolerable safety;

482/2008/ES organizacija pomeni izvajalca ATS, izvajalca CNS ali subjekt, ki zagotavlja ATFM ali ASM;

organisation means either an ATS provider, a CNS provider or an entity providing ATFM or ASM;

482/2008/ES funkcionalni sistem pomeni kombinacijo sistemov, postopkov in človeških virov za izvajanje funkcij v zvezi z upravljanjem zračnega prometa;

functional system means a combination of systems, procedures and human resources organised to perform a function within the context of ATM;

482/2008/ES tveganje pomeni kombinacijo skupne verjetnosti alipogostnosti pojavljanja škodljivih učinkov, ki so posledica nevarnosti, in resnosti teh učinkov;

risk means the combination of the overall probability, or frequency of occurrence of a harmful effect induced by a hazard and the severity of that effect;

482/2008/ES nevarnost pomeni vsako stanje, dogodek ali okoliščino, ki bi lahko povzročili nesrečo;

hazard means any condition, event, or circumstance which could induce an accident;

482/2008/ES nova programska oprema

pomeni programsko opremo, ki je bila naročena ali za katero so bile podpisane obvezujoče pogodbe po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe;

new software means a software that has been ordered or for which binding contracts have been signed after the entry into force of this Regulation;

482/2008/ES varnostni cilj pomeni kakovostno ali količinsko navedbo, ki opredeljuje največjo pogostnost ali verjetnost, pri kateri se lahko pričakuje nevarnost;

safety objective means a qualitative or quantitative statement that defines the maximum frequency or probability at which a hazard can be expected to occur;

482/2008/ES varnostna zahteva pomeni sredstva za ublažitev tveganja, opredeljena s strategijo ublažitve tveganja, ki

safety requirement means a risk-mitigation means, defined from the risk-mitigation strategy that achieves a

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izpolnjuje poseben varnostni cilj, vključno z organizacijskimi, operativnimi, postopkovnimi, funkcijskimi zahtevami ter zahtevami glede zmogljivosti in interoperabilnosti ali okoljskimi značilnostmi;

particular safety objective, including organisational, operational, procedural, functional, performance, and interoperability requirements or environment characteristics;

482/2008/ES prehod ali vroča menjava

pomeni način zamenjave sestavnih delov ali programske opreme sistema evropske mreže za upravljanje zračnega prometa (EATMN), medtem ko sistem deluje;

cutover or hot swapping

means the approach of replacing European air traffic management network (EATMN) system components or software while the system is operational;

482/2008/ES varnostna zahteva za programsko opremo

pomeni opis tega, kar mora programska oprema izdelati na podlagi danih vnosov in ob danih omejitvah, ob izpolnitvi te zahteve pa je zagotovljeno, da programska oprema EATMN deluje varno in v skladu z operativno potrebo;

software safety requirement

means a description of what is to be produced by the software given the inputs and constraints, and if met, ensures that EATMN software performs safely and according to operational need;

482/2008/ES programska oprema EATMN

pomeni programsko opremo, ki se uporablja v sistemih EATMN iz člena 1;

EATMN software means software used in the EATMN systems referred to in Article 1;

482/2008/ES veljavnost zahtev pomeni potrditev na podlagi pregleda in zagotovitev objektivnega dokaza, da so posebne zahteve za specifično uporabo take, kot je bilo predvideno;

requirements validity means the confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific use are as intended;

482/2008/ES doseženo z neodvisnostjo

pomeni – za dejavnosti postopka preverjanja programske opreme –, da dejavnosti postopka preverjanja izvede(-jo) oseba(-e), ki ni(-so) razvijalec(- ci) izdelka, ki ga preverja(-jo);

achieved with independence

means, for software verification process activities, that the verification process activities are performed by a person(s) other than the developer of the item being verified;

482/2008/ES napaka programske pomeni nezmožnost programa, da pravilno oftware malfunction means the inability of a rogramme to perform

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opreme izvaja zahtevano funkcijo; a required function correctly;

482/2008/ES okvara programske opreme

pomeni nezmožnost programa, da izvaja zahtevano funkcijo;

software failure means the inability of a programme to perform a required function;

482/2008/ES COTS pomeni na trgu dostopno aplikacijo, ki jo prodajajo ponudniki prek javnih kataloških seznamov in ni namenjena prilagoditvi željam kupcev ali izboljšavi;

COTS means a commercial available application sold by vendors through public catalogue listings and not intended to be customised or enhanced;

482/2008/ES sestavni deli programske opreme

pomenijo osnovno enoto, ki se lahko vgradi ali poveže z drugimi ponovno uporabljivimi enotami programske opreme z namenom združitve in izdelave programske aplikacije po meri;

software components means a building block that can be fitted or connected together with other reusable blocks of software to combine and create a custom software application;

482/2008/ES samostojni sestavni deli programske opreme

pomenijo tiste sestavne dele programske opreme, ki zaradi okvare, ki povzroči nevarnost, ne prenehajo delovati;

independent software components

means those software components which are not rendered inoperative by the same failure condition that causes the hazard;

482/2008/ES časovni učinki programske opreme

pomenijo čas, ki ga ima programska oprema za odziv na dane vnose ali periodične dogodke, in/ali zmogljivost programske opreme z vidika transakcij ali sporočil, ki jih obdela na enoto časa;

software timing performances

means the time allowed for the software to respond to given inputs or to periodic events, and/or the performance of the software in terms of transactions or messages handled per unit time;

482/2008/ES zmogljivost programske opreme

pomeni zmožnost programske opreme, da obdela določeno količino pretoka podatkov;

software capacity means the ability of the software to handle a given amount of data flow;

482/2008/ES točnost pomeni potrebno natančnost izračunanih rezultatov;

accuracy means the required precision of the computedresults;

482/2008/ES uporaba virov programske opreme

pomeni količino virov v računalniškem sistemu, ki jih lahko uporablja uporabniška

software resource usage

means the amount of resources within the computer system that can be used by the

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programska oprema; application software;

482/2008/ES robustnost programske opreme

pomeni obnašanje programske opreme v primeru nepričakovanih vnosov, napak strojne opreme in prekinitev napajanja v samem računalniškem sistemu ali priključenih napravah;

software robustness means the behaviour of the software in the event of unexpected inputs, hardware faults and power supply interruptions, either in the computer system itself or in connected devices;

482/2008/ES odpornost na preobremenitve

pomeni obnašanje sistema v primeru vnosov, ki presegajo količino podatkov, predvideno za običajno delovanje sistema, in zlasti njegovo odpornost na take vnose;

overload tolerance means the behaviour of the system in the event of, and in particular its tolerance to, inputs occurring at a greater rate than expected during normal operation of the system;

482/2008/ES pravilno in popolno preverjanje programske opreme EATMN

pomeni, da je v vseh varnostnih zahtevah za programsko opremo pravilno navedeno, kaj se zahteva za posamezen sestavni del programske opreme v postopku ocene in ublažitve tveganja, in da je izpolnjevanje teh zahtev dokazano v skladu z zahtevano ravnijo zagotovil za programsko opremo;

correct and complete EATMN software verification

means all software safety requirements which correctly state what is required of the software component by the risk assessment and mitigation process and their implementation is demonstrated to the level required by the software assurance level;

482/2008/ES podatki o življenjskem ciklu programske opreme

pomenijo podatke, pridobljene v življenjskem ciklu programske opreme z namenom načrtovanja, usmerjanja, razlaganja, določanja, evidentiranja ali zagotavljanja dokazov o dejavnostih; ti podatki omogočajo procese življenjskega cikla programske opreme, odobritev sistema ali opreme in spremembo programskega izdelka po odobritvi;

software life cycle data

means the data that is produced during the software life cycle to plan, direct, explain, define, record, or provide evidence of activities; this data enables the software life cycle processes, system or equipment approval and post-approval modification of the software product;

482/2008/ES življenjski cikel programske opreme

pomeni:(a) urejeno zbirko procesov, za katere organizacija ugotovi, da so zadostni in

software life cycle means:(a) an ordered collection of processes determined by an organisation to be sufficient

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ustrezni za izdelavo programskega izdelka;(b) obdobje, ki se začne z odločitvijo za izdelavo ali spremembo programskega izdelka in konča z umikomizdelka iz prometa;

and adequate to produce a software product;

(b) the period of the time that begins with the decision to produce or modify a software product and ends when the product is retired from service;

482/2008/ES varnostna zahteva za sistem

pomeni varnostno zahtevo, izpeljano za funkcionalni sistem.

system safety requirement

means a safety requirement derived for a functional system.

29/2009/ES storitev podatkovnih zvez

pomeni nabor povezanih transakcij upravljanja zračnega prometa, ki jih podpirajo komunikacije podatkovnih zvez zrak-zemlja, ki imajo jasno določen operativni cilj in se začnejo in končajo z operativnim dogodkom;

data link service means a set of related air traffic management transactions, supported by air-ground data link communications, which have a clearly defined operational goal and begin and end on an operational event;

29/2009/ES upravljavec pomeni osebo, organizacijo ali podjetje, ki izvaja lete z zrakoplovom ali se ponuja, da bi jih izvajalo;

operator means a person, organisation or enterprise engaged in, or offering to engage in, an aircraft operation;

29/2009/ES enota službe zračnega prometa(ATS enota)

je civilna ali vojaška enota, ki je odgovorna za opravljanje storitev zračnega prometa;

air traffic services unit’ (hereinafter ATS unit)

means a unit, civil or military, responsible for providing air traffic services;

29/2009/ES sporazum o ravni storitev

pomeni del pogodbe o izvajanju storitev med organizacijami, v katerem je dogovorjena določena raven storitve, zlasti v zvezi s kakovostjo in opravljanjem storitve podatkovne komunikacije;

service level agreement

means that part of a service contract between organisations in which a certain level of service is agreed, in particular in relation to the quality and performance of the data communications service;

29/2009/ES podatkovna komunikacija od točke do točke, zrak-zemlja

pomeni dvosmerno komunikacijo med zrakoplovom in subjektom komunikacije na zemlji, ki se opira na nabor porazdeljenih funkcij, da se doseže:

air–ground point-to-point data communication

means a two-way communication between an aircraft and a ground communication entity relying upon a set of distributed functions to achieve:

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(a) oddajanje in sprejem navzgornjih in navzdolnjih povezav bitnih okvirov prek mobilne podatkovne zveze med komunikacijskim sistemom na zemlji in komunikacijskim sistemom v zrakoplovu;

(b) oddajanje in sprejem podatkovnih enot med sistemom na zemlji in sistemom v zrakoplovu, ki gostita aplikacije zrak-zemlja, predvsem s: (i) posredovanjem podatkovnih enot po zemeljskih komunikacijskih poteh in mobilnih podatkovnih zvezah; (ii) mehanizmi sodelovanja na obeh koncih za prenos podatkovnih enot.

(a) the transmission and reception of uplink and downlink bit frames over a mobile data link between ground and aircraft communication systems;

(b) the transmission and reception of data units between ground and aircraft systems hosting the air-ground applications with: (i) the relay of data units throughout ground communication paths and mobile data links; (ii) the cooperative mechanisms of both ends for the transport of data units;

29/2009/ES državni zrakoplov“ pomeni vsak zrakoplov, ki ga uporablja vojska, carina in policija;

State aircraft means any aircraft used for military, customs and police;

29/2009/ES državni zrakoplov, namenjen za prevoz

pomeni državni zrakoplov z nepremičnimi krili, ki je namenjen za prevoz ljudi in/ali tovora;

transport type State aircraft

means fixed wing State aircraft that are designed for the purpose of transporting persons and/or cargo;

29/2009/ES aplikacija zrak-zemlja pomeni nabor sodelovalnih funkcij zrak-zemlja, ki podpirajo storitve zračnega prometa;

air-ground application

means a set of cooperative airground functions in support of air traffic services;

29/2009/ES komunikacija od konca do konca

pomeni prenos informacij med enakovrednimi aplikacijami zrak-zemlja;

end-to-end communication

means the transfer of information between peer air-ground applications;

29/2009/ES komunikacija zrak-zemlja

pomeni dvosmerno komunikacijo med komunikacijskim sistemom zrakoplova in zemeljskim komunikacijskim sistemom;

air-ground communication

means a two-way communication between aircraft and ground communication systems;

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29/2009/ES varnostna politika pomeni nabor ciljev, pravil za vedenje uporabnikov in skrbnikov, ter zahtev za konfiguracijo in upravljanje sistema, ki so skupaj namenjeni varovanju sistemov in komunikacijskih virov za opravljanje storitev podatkovnih zvez pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja;

security policy means a set of objectives, rules of behaviour for users and administrators, and requirements for system configuration and management that collectively are designed to safeguard systems and communication resources concerned with the provision of data link services against acts of unlawful interference;

29/2009/ES informacije o naslovih so informacije, ki se nanašajo na sistemski ali omrežni naslov subjekta, ki sodeluje v komunikaciji podatkovnih zvez zrak-zemlja, in omogoča nedvoumno določanje lokacije subjekta;

addressing information

means information pertaining to the system or network address of an entity participating in air-ground data link communication and enabling the location of the entity to be unambiguously determined;

29/2009/ES integrirani sistem za obdelavo začetnih načrtov leta (IFPS)

je sistem v okviru evropske mreže za upravljanje zračnega prometa (European Air Traffic Management Network), prek katerega je v zračnem prostoru, ki ga zajema ta uredba, zagotovljena centralizirana služba za obdelavo in razdelitev načrtov letov, ki opravlja sprejem, potrditev in razdelitev načrtov letov;

integrated initial flight plan processing system’ (hereinafter IFPS)

means a system within the European Air Traffic Management Network through which a centralised flight planning processing and distribution service, dealing with the reception, validation and distribution of flight plans, is provided within the airspace covered by this Regulation;

29/2009/ES ne deluje v zvezi z sestavnim delom na zrakoplovu pomeni, da sestavni del ne izpolnjuje svoje namembnosti ali ne deluje stalno v okviru svojega delovnega območja ali dovoljenih odstopanj.

inoperative in relation to an airborne constituent means that the constituent does not accomplish its intended purpose or is not consistently functioning within its operating limits or tolerances.

Odločba EK, z dne 7.4.2008 (storitve MCA)

mobilne komunikacijske storitve na letalu (storitve MCA)

so elektronske komunikacijske storitve, kot jih določa člen 2(c) Direktive 2002/21/ES, ki jih zagotavlja podjetje, ki letalskim potnikom zagotavlja uporabo javnih komunikacijskih omrežij med letom brez vzpostavitve

mobile communication services on aircraft (MCA services)

means electronic communication services, as defined inArticle 2(c) of Directive 2002/21/EC, provided by an undertaking to enable airline passengers to use public communication networks during

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neposredne zveze s prizemnimi mobilnimi omrežji;

flight without establishing direct connections with terrestrial mobile networks;

Odločba EK, z dne 7.4.2008 (storitve MCA)

brez motenj in brez zaščite

pomeni, da se nobeni drugi radiokomunikacijski storitvi (napravi) ne sme povzročati škodljivih motenj in da ni mogoče zahtevati zaščite pred škodljivimi motnjami, ki izhajajo iz radiokomunikacijskih storitev;

non-interference and non-protected basis

means that no harmful interference may be caused to any radiocommunication service and that no claim may be made for protection of these devices against harmful interference originating from radiocommunication services;

Odločba EK, z dne 7.4.2008 (storitve MCA)

letalska bazna sprejemno-oddajna postaja (letalska BTS)

je ena ali več mobilnih komunikacijskih postaj na letalu, ki podpirajo frekvenčne pasove in sisteme iz tabele 1 v Prilogi;

aircraft base transceiver station (aircraft BTS)

means one or more mobile communication stations located in the aircraft supporting the frequency bands and systems specified in Table 1 in the Annex;

Odločba EK, z dne 7.4.2008 (storitve MCA)

omrežna krmilna enota (NCU)

je oprema, nameščena na letalu, ki zagotavlja, da signalov, ki jih oddajajo talni mobilni komunikacijski sistemi iz tabele 2 v Prilogi, z dvigom šumnega praga v kabini ni mogoče zaznati v mobilnih komunikacijskih sprejemnih pasovih v kabini.

network control unit (NCU)

means equipment to be located in the aircraft that ensures that signals transmitted by ground-based mobile electronic communication systems listed in Table 2 in the Annex are not detectable within the cabin by raising the noise floor inside the cabin in mobile communication receive bands.

23/2006/ES storitev kontrole zračnega prometa

pomeni storitev, zagotovljeno z namenom preprečiti trčenja med zrakoplovi in na manevrskem prostoru med zrakoplovi ter ovirami in z namenom pospeševanja ter vzdrževanje urejenega pretoka zračnega prometa;

air traffic control service

means a service provided for the purpose of preventing collisions between aircraft,and, on the manoeuvring area, between aircraft and obstructions, and expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic;

23/2006/ES izvajalci navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa

pomeni katero koli javno ali zasebno družbo, ki zagotavlja navigacijske službe zračnega prometa za splošni zračni promet;

air navigation service providers means any public or private entity providing

air navigation services forgeneral air traffic;

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23/2006/ES splošni zračni promet pomeni premike civilnih zrakoplovov kot tudi premike državnih zrakoplovov (vključno z vojaškimi, carinskimi in policijskimi zrakoplovi), ki se izvajajo v skladu s postopki ICAO;

general air traffic means all movements of civil aircraft, as well as all movements of State aircraft (including military, customs and police aircraft) when these movements are carried out in conformity with the procedures of the ICAO;

23/2006/ES licenca pomeni certifikat, ki je ne glede na naziv, po katerem je poznan, izdan in potrjen v skladu s to direktivo ter dovoljuje zakonitemu imetniku licence zagotavljanje storitev kontrole zračnega prometa v skladu z ratingi in pooblastili, navedenimi na tem certifikatu;

licence means a certificate, by whatever name it may be known, issued and endorsed in accordance with this Directive and entitling its lawful holder to provide air traffic control services in accordance with the ratings and endorsements contained therein;

23/2006/ES rating pomeni pooblastilo, navedeno v licenci aliv povezavi z licenco in tako sestavni del le-te, ki navaja posebne pogoje, pravice ali omejitve, ki se nanašajo na takšno licenco; na licenci morajo biti navedeni vsaj naslednji ratingi:

(a) rating vizualnega letališkega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(b) rating instrumentalnega letališkega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(c) rating proceduralnega priletnega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(d) rating nadzorna priletnega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(e) rating proceduralnega območnega letališkega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

ratingmeans the authorisation entered on or associated with a licence and forming part thereof, stating specific conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence; the ratings on a licence are at least one of the following:

(a) aerodrome control visual;

(b) aerodrome control instrument;

(c) approach control procedural;

(d) approach control surveillance;

(e) area control procedural;

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(f) rating nadzornega območnega kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(f) area control surveillance;

23/2006/ES rating pooblastilo pomeni pooblastilo, navedeno v licenci in tako sestavni del le-te, ki navaja posebne pogoje, pravice ali omejitve, ki se nanašajo na ustrezen rating;

rating endorsement means the authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence, indicating the specific conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to the relevant rating;

23/2006/ES pooblastilo lokacije pomeni pooblastilo, navedeno v licenci in tako sestavni del le-te, ki navaja ICAO indikator lokacijo in sektorje in/ali delovne pozicije, na katerih lahko imetnik licence izvaja svoje delo;

unit endorsement means the authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence, indicating the ICAOlocation indicator and the sectors and/or working positions where the holder of the licence is competent to work;

23/2006/ES jezikovno pooblastilo pomeni pooblastilo, navedeno v licenci in tako sestavni del le-te, ki navaja jezikovno usposobljenost imetnika;

language endorsement

means the authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence, indicating the language proficiency of the holder;

23/2006/ES pooblastilo inštruktorja

pomeni pooblastilo, navedeno v licenci in tako sestavni del le-te, ki navaja, da lahko imetnik izvaja usposabljanje na delovnem mestu;

instructor endorsement

means the authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence, indicating the competence of the holder to give on-the-job training instruction;

23/2006/ES ICAO indikator lokacije

pomeni štirimestno kodno skupino, oblikovano v skladu s pravili, ki jih je predpisala ICAO v svojem priročniku DOC 7910 in dodeljeno lokaciji stacionarne letalske postaje;

ICAO location indicator

means the four-letter code group formulated in accordance with rules prescribed by ICAO in its manual DOC 7910 and assigned to the location of an aeronautical fixed station;

23/2006/ES sektor predstavlja del kontroliranega območja in/ali del letalskega informativnega področja/področja zgornjega zračnega prostora;

sector means a part of a control area and/or part of a flight information region/upper region;

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23/2006/ES usposabljanje je celota teoretičnih tečajev, praktičnih vaj, skupaj z usposabljanjem na simulatorjih in usposabljanjem na delovnem mestu, katerih namen je pridobiti in vzdrževati znanja in spretnosti, s pomočjo katerih bo lahko kontrolor varno in visoko kakovostno izvajal storitve kontrole zračnega prometa, in ga sestavljajo:

(a) začetno usposabljanje, ki zagotavlja temeljno usposabljanje in usposabljanje za pridobitev ratinga, s katerim bo udeleženec pridobil licenco učenca;

(b) usposabljanje v enoti, vključno s prehodnim usposabljanjem pred usposabljanjem na delovnem mestu in usposabljanjem na delovnem mestu, s katerim bo udeleženec pridobil licenco kontrolorja zračnega prometa;

(c) nadaljevalno usposabljanje, s katerim se podaljšuje veljavnost pooblastil v licenci;

(d) usposabljanje inštruktorjev za usposabljanje na delovnem mestu, s katerim udeleženci pridobijo pooblastilo za inštruktorja;

(e) usposabljanje izpraševalcev in/ali ocenjevalcev;

training is the entirety of theoretical courses, practical exercises, including simulation, and on-the-job training required in order to acquire and maintain the skills to deliver safe, high quality air traffic control services; it consists of:

(a) initial training, providing basic and rating training,leading to the grant of a student licence;

(b) unit training, including transitional training prior toon-the-job training and on-the-job training, leadingto the grant of an air traffic controller licence;

(c) continuation training, keeping the endorsements of the licence valid;

(d) training of on-the-job training instructors, leading to the grant of the instructor endorsement;

(e) training of examiners and/or assessors;

23/2006/ES izvajalec usposabljanja je organizacija, ki jo je za izvajanje ene ali training provider is an organisation which has been certified by

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več vrst usposabljanj certificiral ustrezni nacionalni nadzorni organ;

the relevant national supervisory authority to provide one or more types of training;

23/2006/ES shema usposobljenosti v enoti

je veljavna shema, ki predstavlja postopek, s katerim enote vzdržujejo usposobljenost imetnikov licenc;

Unit Competence Scheme

is an approved scheme indicating the method by which the unit maintains the competence of its licence holders;

23/2006/ES načrt usposabljanja v enoti

pomeni odobren načrt, ki natančneje opredeljuje zahtevane procese in čas, po katerem se lahko postopki organizacijske enote izvajajo na lokalnem območju pod nadzorom inštruktorja za usposabljanje na delovnem mestu.

Unit Training Plan is an approved plan detailing the processes and timing required to allow the unit procedures to be applied to the local area under the supervision of an on-the-job-training instructor.

A10 ACAS I. An ACAS which provides information as an aid to “see and avoid” action but does not include the capability for generating resolution advisories (RAs).

A10 ACAS II. An ACAS which provides vertical resolution advisories (RAs) in addition to traffic advisories (TAs).

A10 ACAS III. An ACAS which provides vertical and horizontal resolution advisories (RAs) in addition to traffic advisories (TAs).

A10 ACAS broadcast. A long Mode S air-air surveillance interrogation (UF = 16) with the broadcast address.

A11 Accepting unit. Air traffic control unit next to take control of an aircraft.

A11 Accident. An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which:

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a) a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:

- being in the aircraft, or- direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft, or- direct exposure to jet blast,except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew; or

b) the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which:

- adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and- would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component,except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas, tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin; or

c) the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.

A10 Accounting management.

An ATN systems management facility to monitor users for use of network resources and to limit the use of those resources.

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A11 Accuracy. A degree of conformance between the estimated or measured value and the true value.

A13 Accredited representative.

A person designated by a State, on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the purpose of participating in an investigation conducted by another State.

A2 Acrobatic flight. Manoeuvres intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an abnormal variation in speed.

A10 Active RAC. An RAC is active if it currently constrains the selection of the RA. RACs that have been received within the last six seconds and have not been explicitly cancelled are active.

A10 Active surveillance. The process of tracking an intruder by using the information gained from the replies to own aircraft’s interrogations.

A10 Active track. A track formed by measurements gained by active interrogation.

A10 ADS application. An ATN application that provides ADS data from the aircraft to the ATS unit(s) for surveillance purposes.

A2 ADS-C agreement. A reporting plan which establishes the conditions of ADS-C data reporting (i.e. data required by the air traffic services unit and frequency of ADS-C reports which have to be agreed to prior to using ADS-C in the provision of air traffic services).

A13 Adviser. A person appointed by a State, on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the purpose of assisting its accredited representative in an investigation.

A2 Advisory airspace. An airspace of defined dimensions, or

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designated route, within which air traffic advisory service is available.

A2 Advisory route. A designated route along which air traffic advisory service is available.

A2 Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.

A3 Aerodrome climatological summary.

Concise summary of specified meteorological elements at an aerodrome, based on statistical data.

A3 Aerodrome climatological table.

Table providing statistical data on the observed occurrence of one or more meteorological elements at an aerodrome.

A10 Aerodrome control radio station.

A station providing radiocommunication between an aerodrome control tower and aircraft or mobile aeronautical stations.

A2 Aerodrome control service.

Air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic.

A2 Aerodrome control tower.

A unit established to provide air traffic control service to aerodrome traffic.

A4 Aerodrome elevation. The elevation of the highest point of the landing area.

A3 Aerodrome meteorological office.

An office, located at an aerodrome, designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation.

A4 Aerodrome operating minima.

The limits of usability of an aerodrome for:

a) take-off, expressed in terms of runway visual range and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud conditions;

b) landing in precision approach and landing

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operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to the category of the operation; and

c) landing in approach and landing operations with vertical guidance, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H); andd) landing in non-precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H) and, if necessary, cloud conditions.

A4 Aerodrome reference point.

The designated geographical location of an aerodrome.

A2 Aerodrome traffic. All traffic on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and all aircraft flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

A2 Aerodrome traffic zone.

An airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic.

A10 Aeronautical administrative communication (AAC).

Communication used by aeronautical operating agencies related to the business aspects of operating their flights and transport services. This communication is used for a variety of purposes, such as flight and ground transportation, bookings, deployment of crew and aircraft or any other logistical purposes that maintain or enhance the efficiency of over-all flight operation.

A10 Aeronautical A broadcasting service intended for the

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broadcasting service. transmission of information relating to air navigation.

A4 Aeronautical char.t A representation of a portion of the Earth, its culture and relief, specifically designated to meet the requirements of air navigation.

A15 Aeronautical data. A representation of aeronautical facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing.

A10 Aeronautical fixed circuit.

A circuit forming part of the aeronautical fixed service (AFS).

A11 Aeronautical fixed service (AFS).

A telecommunication service between specified fixed points provided primarily for the safety of air navigation and for the regular, efficient and economical operation of air services.

A10 Aeronautical fixed station.

A station in the aeronautical fixed service.

A10 Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN).

A worldwide system of aeronautical fixed circuits provided, as part of the aeronautical fixed service, for the exchange of messages and/or digital data between aeronautical fixed stations having the same or compatible communications characteristics.

A10 Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network circuit.

A circuit forming part of the aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN).

A15 Aeronautical information.

Information resulting from the assembly, analysis and formatting of aeronautical data.

A15 Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).

A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.

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A2 Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).

A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.

A15 Aeronautical information service (AIS).

A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency

A3 Aeronautical meteorological station.

A station designated to make observations and meteorological reports for use in international air navigation.

A10 Aeronautical mobile service (RR S1.32).

A mobile service between aeronautical stations and aircraft stations, or between aircraft stations, in which survival craft stations may participate; emergency position-indicating radiobeacon stations may also participate in this service on designated distress and emergency frequencies.

A10 Aeronautical mobile (R)* service (RR S1.33).

An aeronautical mobile service reserved for communications relating to safety and regularity of flight, primarily along national or international civil air routes.

A10 Aeronautical mobile-satellite service (RR S1.35).

A mobilesatellite service in which mobile earth stations are located on board aircraft; survival craft stations and emergency position-indicating radiobeacon stations may also participate in this service.

A10 Aeronautical mobile-satellite (R)* service (RR S1.36).

An aeronautical mobile-satellite service reserved for communications relating to safety and regularity of flights, primarily along national or international civil air routes.

A10 Aeronautical operational control (AOC).

Communication required for the exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of flight for safety,

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regularity and efficiency reasons.A10 Aeronautical

passenger communication (APC).

Communication relating to the non-safety voice and data services to passengers and crew members for personal communication.

A10 Aeronautical radio navigation service (RR S1.46).

A radio navigation service intended for the benefit and for the safe operation of aircraft

A2 Aeronautical station (RR S1.81).

A land station in the aeronautical mobile service. In certain instances, an aeronautical station may be located, for example, on board ship or on a platform at sea.

A10 Aeronautical telecommunication agency.

An agency responsible for operating a station or stations in the aeronautical telecommunication service.

A10 Aeronautical telecommunication log.

A record of the activities of an aeronautical telecommunication station.

A10 Aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN).

A global internetwork architecture that allows ground, air-ground and avionic data subnetworks to exchange digital data for the safety of air navigation and for the regular, efficient and economic operation of air traffic services.

A10 Aeronautical telecommunication service.

A telecommunication service provided for any aeronautical purpose

A11 Aeronautical telecommunication station.

A station in the aeronautical telecommunication service.

A2 Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

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A10 AFTN communication centre.

An AFTN station whose primary function is the relay or retransmission of AFTN traffic from (or to) a number of other AFTN stations connected to it.

A10 AFTN destination station.

An AFTN station to which messages and/or digital data are addressed for processing for delivery to the addressee.

A10 AFTN origin station. An AFTN station where messages and/or digital data are accepted for transmission over the AFTN.

A10 AFTN station. A station forming part of the aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN) and operating as such under the authority or control of a State.

A10 AIDC application. An ATN application dedicated to exchanges between ATS units (ATSUs) of air traffic control (ATC) information in support of flight notification, flight coordination, transfer of control, transfer of communication, transfer of surveillance data and transfer of general data.

A15 AIP Amendment. Permanent changes to the information contained in the AIP.

A15 AIP Supplement. Temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP which are published by means of special pages.

A15 AIRAC . An acronym (aeronautical information regulation and control) signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices.

A2 Airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS).

An aircraft system based on secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder signals which operates independently of groundbased

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equipment to provide advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aircraft that are equipped with SSR transponders.

A2 Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

A10 Aircraft address. A unique combination of 24 bits available for assignment to an aircraft for the purpose of air-ground communications, navigation and surveillance.

A10 Aircraft-based augmentation system (ABAS).

An augmentation system that augments and/or integrates the information obtained from the other GNSS elements with information available on board the aircraft.

A10 Aircraft data circuit-terminating equipment (ADCE).

An aircraft specific data circuit-terminating equipment that is associated with an airborne data link processor (ADLP). It operates a protocol unique to Mode S data link for data transfer between air and ground.

A10 Aircraft data link processor (ADLP).

An aircraft-resident processor that is specific to a particular air-ground data link (e.g. Mode S) and which provides channel management, and segments and/or reassembles messages for transfer. It is connected to one side of aircraft elements common to all data link systems and on the other side to the air-ground link itself.

A10 Aircraft earth station (AES).

A mobile earth station in the aeronautical mobile-satellite service located on board an aircraft.

A3 Aircraft observation. The evaluation of one or more meteorological elements made from an aircraft in flight.

A10 Aircraft operating agency.

The person, organization or enterprise engaged in, or offering to engage in, an aircraft

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operation.A4 Aircraft stand. A designated area on an apron intended to be

used for parking an aircraft.A10 Aircraft station (RR

S1.83).A mobile station in the aeronautical mobile service, other than a survival craft station, located on board an aircraft.

A10 Aircraft/vehicle. May be used to describe either a machine or device capable of atmospheric flight, or a vehicle on the airport surface movement area (i.e. runways and taxiways).

A4 Air defence identification zone (ADIZ).

Special designated airspace of defined dimensions within which aircraft are required to comply with special identification and/or reporting procedures additional to those related to the provision of air traffic services (ATS).

A11 Air-ground communication.

Two-way communication between aircraft and stations or locations on the surface of the earth.

A2 Air-ground control radio station.

An aeronautical telecommunication station having primary responsibility for handling communications pertaining to the operation and control of aircraft in a given area.

A10 Air-initiated protocol.

A procedure initiated by a Mode S aircraft installation for delivering a standard length or extended length downlink message to the ground.

A11 AIRMET information.

Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-level flights in the flight information region concerned or sub-area thereof.

A10 Air-report. A report from an aircraft in flight prepared in

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conformity with requirements for position, and operational and/or meteorological reporting.

A2 Air-taxiing. Movement of a helicopter/VTOL above the surface of an aerodrome, normally in ground effect and at a ground speed normally less than 37 km/h (20 kt).

A4 Air taxiway. A defined path on the surface established for the air taxiing of helicopters.

A10 Air-to-ground communication.

One-way communication from aircraft to stations or locations on the surface of the earth.

A2 Air traffic. All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome.

A2 Air traffic advisory service.

A service provided within advisory airspace to ensure separation, in so far as practical, between aircraft which are operating on IFR flight plans.

A2 Air traffic control clearance.

Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit.

A2 Air traffic control service.

A service provided for the purpose of:

a) preventing collisions:1) between aircraft, and2) on the manoeuvring area between

aircraft and obstructions, and

b) expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic.

A2 Air traffic control unit.

A generic term meaning variously, area control centre, approach control unit or aerodrome control tower.

A11 Air traffic flow management (ATFM).

A service established with the objective of contributing to a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic by ensuring that ATC

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capacity is utilized to the maximum extent possible and that the traffic volume is compatible with the capacities declared by the appropriate ATS authority.

A2 Air traffic service. A generic term meaning variously, flight information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service, air traffic control service (area control service, approach control service or aerodrome control service).

A2 Air traffic services airspaces.

Airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically designated, within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services and rules of operation are specified.

A2 Air traffic services reporting office.

A unit established for the purpose of receiving reports concerning air traffic services and flight plans submitted before departure.

A2 Air traffic services unit.

A generic term meaning variously, air traffic control unit, flight information centre or air traffic services reporting office.

A4 Air transit route. A defined path on the surface established for the air transitting of helicopters.

A2 Airway. A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor.

A15 AIS product. Aeronautical information provided in the form of the elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (except NOTAM and PIB), including aeronautical charts, or in the form of suitable electronic media.

A11 ALERFA. The code word used to designate an alert phase.

A10 Alert. An indication provided to other aircraft systems or annunciation to the pilot to identify that an operating parameter of a navigation

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system is out of tolerance.A10 Alert limit. For a given parameter measurement, the error

tolerance not to be exceeded without issuing an alert.

A2 Alerting service. A service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required.

A11 Alert phase. A situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its occupants.

A2 Alternate aerodrome. An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing. Alternate aerodromes include the following:

Take-off alternate. An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.

En-route alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route.

ETOPS en-route alternate. A suitable and appropriate alternate aerodrome at which an aeroplane would be able to land after experiencing an engine shutdown or other abnormal or emergency condition while en route in an ETOPS operation.

Destination alternate. An alternate aerodrome

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to which an aircraft may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.

A10 Alternative means of communication.

A means of communication provided with equal status, and in addition to the primary means.

A2 Altitude. The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL).

A10 Altitude crossing RA. A resolution advisory is altitude crossing if own ACAS aircraft is currently at least 30 m (100 ft) below or above the threat aircraft for upward or downward sense advisories, respectively.

A10 Angular displacement sensitivity.

The ratio of measured DDM to the corresponding angular displacement from the appropriate reference line.

A15 Application(1). Manipulation and processing of data in support of user requirements (ISO 19104*).

A10 Application(2). The ultimate use of an information system, as distinguished from the system itself.

A10 Application entity (AE).

Part of an application process that is concerned with communication within the OSI environment. The aspects of an application process that need to be taken into account for the purposes of OSI are represented by one or more AEs.

A10 Application information.

Refers to the application names (e.g. AE qualifiers such as ADS and CPC), version numbers, and addresses (the long or short TSAP, as required) of each application.

A2 Approach control service.

Air traffic control service for arriving or departing controlled flights.

A2 Approach control A unit established to provide air traffic control

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unit. service to controlled flights arriving at, or departing from, one or more aerodromes.

A2 Appropriate ATS authority.

The relevant authority designated by the State responsible for providing air traffic services in the airspace concerned.

A2 Appropriate authority.

a) Regarding flight over the high seas: The relevant authority of the State of Registry. b) Regarding flight other than over the high seas: The relevant authority of the State having sovereignty over the territory being overflown.

A2 Apron. A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.

A11 Apron management service.

A service provided to regulate the activities and the movement of aircraft and vehicles on an apron.

A2 Area control centre. A unit established to provide air traffic control service to controlled flights in control areas under its jurisdiction.

A2 Area control service. Air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas.

A4 Area minimum altitude (AMA).

The lowest altitude to be used under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) that will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 300 m (1 000 ft) or in designated mountainous terrain 600 m (2 000 ft) above all obstacles located in the area specified, rounded up to the nearest (next higher) 30 m (100 ft).

A11 Area navigation (RNAV).

A method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.

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A11 Area navigation route.

An ATS route established for the use of aircraft capable of employing area navigation.

A11 ATS route. A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services.

A4 Arrival routes. Routes identified in an instrument approach procedure by which aircraft may proceed from the en-route phase of flight to an initial approach fix.

A15 ASHTAM. A special series NOTAM notifying by means of a specific format change in activity of a volcano, a volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations.

A15 Assemble. A process of merging data from multiple sources into a database and establishing a baseline for subsequent processing.

A10 ATIS application . A FIS application that supports the D-ATIS.A10 ATN directory

services (DIR).A service which provides the capability for an application entity or user in the ATN community to query a distributed directory data base and retrieve addressing, security and technical capabilities information relating to other users or entities within the ATN community.

A10 ATN security services.

A set of information security provisions allowing the receiving end system or intermediate system to unambiguously identify (i.e. authenticate) the source of the received information and to verify the integrity of that information.

A10 ATN systems management (SM).

A collection of facilities to control, coordinate and monitor the resources which allow communications to take place in the ATN

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environment. These facilities include fault management, accounting management, configuration management, performance management and security management.

A10 ATSC class. The ATSC class parameter enables the ATSC user to specify the quality of service expected for the offered data. The ATSC class value is specified in terms of ATN end-to-end transit delay at 95 per cent probability.

A10 ATS communications (ATSC).

Communication related to air traffic services including air traffic control, aeronautical and meteorological information, position reporting and services related to safety and regularity of flight. This communication involves one or more air traffic service administrations. This term is used for purposes of address administration.

A10 ATS direct speech circuit.

An aeronautical fixed service (AFS) telephone circuit, for direct exchange of information between air traffic services (ATS) units.

A10 ATS interfacility data communication (AIDC).

Automated data exchange between air traffic services units, particularly in regard to co-ordination and transfer of flights.

A10 ATS message handling services (ATSMHS).

Procedures used to exchange ATS messages over the ATN such that the conveyance of an ATS message is in general not correlated with the conveyance of another ATS message by the service provider.

A2 ATS route. A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services.

A15 ATS surveillance service.

Term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of an ATS surveillance system.

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A15 ATS surveillance system.

A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any comparable ground-based system that enables the identification of aircraft.

A10 ATS unit (ATSU). A generic term meaning variously, air traffic control unit, flight information centre or air traffic services reporting office.

A10 Authentication. A process used to ensure the identity of a person/user/network entity.

A10 Authorized path. A communication path that the administrator( s) of the routing domain(s) has pre-defined as suitable for a given traffic type and category.

A10 Automatic dependent surveillance (ADS).

A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via a data link, data derived from on-board navigation and positionfixing systems, including aircraft identification, fourdimensional position, and additional data as appropriate.

A10 Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B).

A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via a broadcast mode data link, data derived from on-board navigation and position-fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four-dimensional position, and additional data as appropriate.

A10 Automatic dependent surveillance — contract (ADS-C).

A means by which the terms of an ADS-C agreement will be exchanged between the ground system and the aircraft, via a data link, specifying under what conditions ADS-C reports would be initiated, and what data would be contained in the reports.

A10 Automatic relay installation.

A teletypewriter installation where automatic equipment is used to transfer messages from

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incoming to outgoing circuits.A10 Automatic

telecommunication log.

A record of the activities of an aeronautical telecommunication station recorded by electrical or mechanical means.

A11 Automatic terminal information service (ATIS).

The automatic provision of current, routine information to arriving and departing aircraft throughout 24 hours or a specified portion thereof:

Data link-automatic terminal information service (D-ATIS). The provision of ATIS via data link.

Voice-automatic terminal information service (Voice-ATIS). The provision of ATIS by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcasts.

A10 Auxiliary data. Data, transmitted in addition to basic data, that provide ground equipment siting information for use in refining airborne position calculations and other supplementary information.

A10 Back course sector. The course sector which is situated on the opposite side of the localizer from the runway

A4 Bare Earth. Surface of the Earth including bodies of water and permanent ice and snow, and excluding vegetation and man-made objects.

A11 Base turn. A turn executed by the aircraft during the initial approach between the end of the outbound track and the beginning of the intermediate or final approach track. The tracks are not reciprocal.

A10 Basic data. Data transmitted by the ground equipment that are associated directly with the operation of the

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landing guidance system.A10 BDS Comm-B Data

Selector.The 8-bit BDS code determines the register whose contents are to be transferred in the MB field of a Comm-B reply. It is expressed in two groups of 4 bits each, BDS1 (most significant 4 bits) and BDS2 (least significant 4 bits).

A10 Beam centre. The midpoint between the two minus 3-dB points on the leading and trailing edges of the scanning beam main lobe.

A10 Beamwidth. The width of the scanning beam main lobe measured at the minus 3-dB points and defined in angular units on the boresight, in the horizontal plane for the azimuth function and in the vertical plane for the elevation function.

A10 Bi-binary. Bi-binary is known as “Manchester Encoding”. It is sometimes referred to as “Differential Manchester Encoding”. Using this system, it is the transition of the edge that determines the bit.

A10 Bit error rate (BER). The number of bit errors in a sample divided by the total number of bits in the sample, generally averaged over many such samples.

A10 Blind transmission . A transmission from one station to another station in circumstances where two-way communication cannot be established but where it is believed that the called station is able to receive the transmission.

A3 Briefing. Oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions.

A10 Broadcast. A transmission of information relating to air navigation that is not addressed to a specific station or stations.

A10 Burst. A time-defined, contiguous set of one or more related signal units which may convey user

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information and protocols, signalling, and any necessary preamble.

A4 Calendar. Discrete temporal reference system that provides the basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day (ISO 19108*).

A4 Canopy. Bare Earth supplemented by vegetation height.A10 Capability report. Information identifying whether the

transponder has a data link capability as reported in the capability (CA) field of an all-call reply or squitter transmission (see “data link capability report”).

A10 Carrier-to-multipath ratio (C/M).

The ratio of the carrier power received directly, i.e. without reflection, to the multipath power, i.e. carrier power received via reflection.

A10 Carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/No).

The ratio of the total carrier power to the average noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth, usually expressed in dBHz.

A13 Causes. Actions, omissions, events, conditions, or a combination thereof, which led to the accident or incident.

A2 Ceiling. The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6 000 metres (20 000 feet) covering more than half the sky.

A2 Change-over point. The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.

A10 Channel of standard The specified level of positioning, velocity and

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accuracy (CSA). timing accuracy that is available to any GLONASS user on a continuous, worldwide basis.

A10 Channel rate. The rate at which bits are transmitted over the RF channel. These bits include those bits used for framing and error correction, as well as the information bits. For burst transmission, the channel rate refers to the instantaneous burst rate over the period of the burst.

A10 Channel rate accuracy.

This is relative accuracy of the clock to which the transmitted channel bits are synchronized. For example, at a channel rate of 1.2 kbits/s, maximum error of one part in 106 implies the maximum allowed error in the clock is ±1.2 × 10-3 Hz.

A10 Chip. A single digital bit of the output of a pseudo-random bit sequence.

A10 Circuit mode. A configuration of the communications network which gives the appearance to the application of a dedicated transmission path.

A3 Cloud of operational significance.

A cloud with the height of cloud base below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater.

A10 Clearance guidance sector.

The volume of airspace, inside the coverage sector, within which the azimuth guidance information provided is not proportional to the angular displacement of the aircraft, but is a constant left or right indication of which side the aircraft is with respect to the proportional guidance sector.

A2 Clearance limit. The point to which an aircraft is granted an air traffic control clearance.

A4 Clearway. A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate

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authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.

A10 Climb RA. A positive RA recommending a climb but not an increased climb.

A10 Close-out. A command from a Mode S interrogator that terminates a Mode S link layer communication transaction.

A10 Closest approach. The occurrence of minimum range between own ACAS aircraft and the intruder. Thus range at closest approach is the smallest range between the two aircraft and time of closest approach is the time at which this occurs.

A10 Cluster of interrogators.

Two or more interrogators with the same interrogator identifier (II) code, operating cooperatively to ensure that there is no interference to the required surveillance and data link performance of each of the interrogators, in areas of common coverage.

A10 Coded chip. A “1” or “0” output of the rate ½ or ¼ convolutional code encoder.

A10 Collision avoidance logic.

The sub-system or part of ACAS that analyses data relating to an intruder and own aircraft, decides whether or not advisories are appropriate and, if so, generates the advisories. It includes the following functions: range and altitude tracking, threat detection and RA generation. It excludes surveillance

A10 Comm-A. A 112-bit interrogation containing the 56-bit MA message field. This field is used by the uplink standard length message (SLM) and broadcast protocols.

A10 Comm-B. A 112-bit reply containing the 56-bit MB message field. This field is used by the

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downlink SLM, groundinitiated and broadcast protocols.

A10 Comm-C. A 112-bit interrogation containing the 80-bit MC message field. This field is used by the uplink extended length message (ELM) protocol.

A10 Comm-D. A 112-bit reply containing the 80-bit MD message field. This field is used by the downlink ELM protocol.

A10 Communication centre.

An aeronautical fixed station which relays or retransmits telecommunication traffic from (or to) a number of other aeronautical fixed stations directly connected to it.

A11 Conference communications.

Communication facilities whereby direct speech conversation may be conducted between three or more locations simultaneously.

A10 Configuration management.

An ATN systems management facility for managers to change the configuration of remote elements.

A10 Connection. A logical association between peer-level entities in a communication system.

A10 Connection establishment delay.

Connection establishment delay, as defined in ISO 8348, includes a component, attributable to the called subnetwork (SN) service user, which is the time between the SN-CONNECT indication and the SN-CONNECT response. This user component is due to actions outside the boundaries of the satellite subnetwork and is therefore excluded from the AMS(R)S specifications.

A3 Consultation. Discussion with a meteorologist or another qualified person of existing and/or expected meteorological conditions relating to flight

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operations; a discussion includes answers to questions.

A10 Context management (CM) application.

An ATN application that provides a log-on service allowing initial aircraft introduction into the ATN and a directory of all other data link applications on the aircraft. It also includes functionality to forward addresses between ATS units.

A10 Context management (CM) server.

An ATS facility that is capable of providing application information relating to other ATSUs to requesting aircraft or ATSUs.

A4 Contour line. A line on a map or chart connecting points of equal elevation.

A2 Control area. A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth.

A2 Controlled aerodrome.

An aerodrome at which air traffic control service is provided to aerodrome traffic.

A2 Controlled airspace. An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided in accordance with the airspace classification.

A2 Controlled flight. Any flight which is subject to an air traffic control clearance.

A10 Control motion noise (CMN).

That portion of the guidance signal error which causes control surface, wheel and column motion and could affect aircraft attitude angle during coupled flight, but does not cause aircraft displacement from the desired course and/or glide path.

A2 Controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC).

A means of communication between controller and pilot, using data link for ATC communications.

A2 Control zone. A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit.

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A10 Coordinate system — conical.

A function is said to use conical coordinates when the decoded guidance angle varies as the minimum angle between the surface of a cone containing the receiver antenna, and a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone and passing through its apex. The apex of the cone is at the antenna phase centre. For approach azimuth or back azimuth functions, the plane is the vertical plane containing the runway centre line. For elevation functions, the plane is horizontal.

A10 Coordinate system — planar.

A function is said to use planar coordinates when the decoded guidance angle varies as the angle between the plane containing the receiver antenna and a reference plane. For azimuth functions, the reference plane is the vertical plane containing the runway centre line and the plane containing the receiver antenna is a vertical plane passing through the antenna phase centre.

A10 Coordination. The process by which two ACAS-equipped aircraft select compatible resolution advisories (RAs) by the exchange of resolution advisory complements (RACs).

A10 Coordination interrogation.

A Mode S interrogation (uplink transmission) radiated by ACAS II or III and containing a resolution message.

A10 Coordination reply. A Mode S reply (downlink transmission) acknowledging the receipt of a coordination interrogation by the Mode S transponder that is part of an ACAS II or III installation.

A10 Corrective RA. A resolution advisory that advises the pilot to deviate from the current flight path.

A10 Course line. The locus of points nearest to the runway

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centre line in any horizontal plane at which the DDM is zero.

A10 Course sector. A sector in a horizontal plane containing the course line and limited by the loci of points nearest to the course line at which the DDM is 0.155.

A10 Coverage sector. A volume of airspace within which service is provided by a particular function and in which the signal power density is equal to or greater than the specified minimum.

A10 CPDLC application. An ATN application that provides a means of ATC data communication between controlling, receiving or downstream ATS units and the aircraft, using air-ground and ground-ground subnetworks, and which is consistent with the ICAO phraseology for the current ATC voice communication

A2 Cruise climb. An aeroplane cruising technique resulting in a net increase in altitude as the aeroplane mass decreases.

A2 Cruising level. A level maintained during a significant portion of a flight.

A4 Culture. All man-made features constructed on the surface of the Earth, such as cities, railways and canals.

A2 Current flight plan. The flight plan, including changes, if any, brought about by subsequent clearances.

A10 Current data authority.

The designated ground system through which a CPDLC dialogue between a pilot and a controller currently responsible for the flight is permitted to take place.

A10 Current slot. The slot in which a received transmission begins.

A10 Cycle. The term “cycle” used in this chapter refers to

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one complete pass through the sequence of functions executed by ACAS II or ACAS III, nominally once a second.

A4 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC).

A mathematical algorithm applied to the digital expression of data that provides a level of assurance against loss or alteration of data.

A2 Danger area. An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times.

A15 Database. One or more files of data so structured that appropriate applications may draw from the files and update them.

A10 Data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE).

A DCE is a network provider equipment used to facilitate communications between DTEs.

A10 Data link capability report.

Information in a Comm-B reply identifying the complete Mode S communications capabilities of the aircraft installation.

A2 Data link communications.

A form of communication intended for the exchange of messages via a data link.

A10 Data link entity (DLE).

A protocol state machine capable of setting up and managing a single data link connection.

A10 Data link flight information services (D-FIS).

The provision of FIS via data link.

A10 Data link service (DLS) sublayer.

The sublayer that resides above the MAC sublayer. For VDL Mode 4, the DLS sublayer resides above the VSS sublayer. The DLS manages the transmit queue, creates and destroys DLEs for connection-oriented communications, provides facilities for the LME to manage the DLS, and provides facilities for connectionless communications.

A10 Data integrity. The probability that data has not been altered

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or destroyed.A15 Data product. Data set or data set series that conforms to a

data product specification (ISO 19131*).A15 Data product

specification.Detailed description of a data set or data set series together with additional information that will enable it to be created, supplied to and used by another party (ISO 19131*).

A4 Data quality. A degree or level of confidence that the data provided meet the requirements of the data user in terms of accuracy, resolution and integrity.

A15 Data set. Identifiable collection of data (ISO 19101*).A15 Data set series. Collection of data sets sharing the same

product specification (ISO 19115*).A10 Data signalling rate. Data signalling rate refers to the passage of

information per unit of time, and is expressed in bits/second.

A10 Data terminal equipment (DTE).

A DTE is an endpoint of a subnetwork connection.

A10 Data transfer delay (95th percentile).

The 95th percentile of the statistical distribution of delays for which transit delay is the average.

A10 Data transit delay. In accordance with ISO 8348, the average value of the statistical distribution of data delays. This delay represents the subnetwork delay and does not include the connection establishment delay.

A4 Datum. Any quantity or set of quantities that may serve as a reference or basis for the calculation of other quantities (ISO 19104*).

A10 DDM — Difference in depth of modulation.

The percentage modulation depth of the larger signal minus the percentage modulation depth of the smaller signal, divided by 100.

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A11 Declared capacity. A measure of the ability of the ATC system or any of its subsystems or operating positions to provide service to aircraft during normal activities. It is expressed as the number of aircraft entering a specified portion of airspace in a given period of time, taking due account of weather, ATC unit configuration, staff and equipment available, and any other factors that may affect the workload of the controller responsible for the airspace.

A11 DETRESFA. The code word used to designate a distress phase.

A10 Degree of standardized test distortion.

The degree of distortion of the restitution measured during a specific period of time when the modulation is perfect and corresponds to a specific text.

A10 Descend RA. A positive RA recommending a descent but not an increased descent.

A10 Designated operational coverage (DOC) area.

The area in which a particular service is provided and in which the service is afforded frequency protection.

A15 Digital Elevation Model (DEM).

The representation of terrain surface by continuous elevation values at all intersections of a defined grid, referenced to common datum.

A15 Direct transit arrangements.

Special arrangements approved by the public authorities concerned by which traffic which is pausing briefly in its passage through the Contracting State may remain under their direct control

A4 Displaced threshold. A threshold not located at the extremity of a runway.

A10 Displacement sensitivity (localizer).

The ratio of measured DDM to the corresponding lateral displacement from the

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appropriate reference line.A11 Distress phase. A situation wherein there is reasonable

certainty that an aircraft and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance.

A10 DME dead time. A period immediately following the decoding of a valid interrogation during which a received interrogation will not cause a reply to be generated.

A10 D-METAR. The symbol used to designate data link aviation weather report service.

A10 DME/N. Distance measuring equipment, primarily serving operational needs of en-route or TMA navigation, where the “N” stands for narrow spectrum characteristics.

A10 DME/P. The distance measuring element of the MLS, where the “P” stands for precise distance measurement. The spectrum characteristics are those of DME/N.

A10 Doppler shift. The frequency shift observed at a receiver due to any relative motion between transmitter and receiver.

A10 Double channel simplex.

Simplex using two frequency channels, one in each direction.

A10 Downlink. A term referring to the transmission of data from an aircraft to the ground. Mode S air-to-ground signals are transmitted on the 1 090 MHz reply frequency channel.

A10 Downlink ELM (DELM).

A term referring to extended length downlink communication by means of 112-bit Mode S Comm-D replies, each containing the 80-bit Comm-D message field (MD).

A11 Downstream clearance.

A clearance issued to an aircraft by an air traffic control unit that is not the current

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controlling authority of that aircraft.A10 Downstream data

authority.A designated ground system, different from the current data authority, through which the pilot can contact an appropriate ATC unit for the purposes of receiving a downstream clearance.

A10 Duplex. A method in which telecommunication between two stations can take place in both directions simultaneously.

A10 Dynamic side-lobe level.

The level that is exceeded 3 per cent of the time by the scanning antenna far field radiation pattern exclusive of the main beam as measured at the function scan rate using a 26 kHz beam envelope video filter. The 3 per cent level is determined by the ratio of the side-lobe duration which exceeds the specified level to the total scan duration.

A10 Effective acceptance bandwidth.

The range of frequencies with respect to the assigned frequency for which reception is assured when all receiver tolerances have been taken into account.

A10 Effective adjacent channel rejection.

The rejection that is obtained at the appropriate adjacent channel frequency when all relevant receiver tolerances have been taken into account.

A10 Effective margin. That margin of an individual apparatus which could be measured under actual operating conditions.

A10 Effective side-lobe level.

That level of scanning beam side lobe which in a specified multipath environment results in a particular guidance angle error.

A4 Electronic aeronautical chart display.

An electronic device by which flight crews are enabled to execute, in a convenient and timely manner, route planning, route monitoring and navigation by displaying required information.

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A4 Elevation. The vertical distance of a point or a level, on or affixed to the surface of the earth, measured from mean sea level.

A4 Ellipsoid height (Geodetic height).

The height related to the reference ellipsoid, measured along the ellipsoidal outer normal through the point in question.

A11 Emergency phase. A generic term meaning, as the case may be, uncertainty phase, alert phase or distress phase.

A10 End system (ES). A system that contains the OSI seven layers and contains one or more end user application processes.

A10 End-to-end. Pertaining or relating to an entire communication path, typically from (1) the interface between the information source and the communication system at the transmitting end to (2) the interface between the communication system and the information user or processor or application at the receiving end.

A10 End-user. An ultimate source and/or consumer of information.

A10 Energy per symbol to noise density ratio (Es/No).

The ratio of the average energy transmitted per channel symbol to the average noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth, usually expressed in dB. For A-BPSK and A-QPSK, one channel symbol refers to one channel bit.

A10 Entity. An active element in any layer which can be either a software entity (such as a process) or a hardware entity (such as an intelligent I/O chip).

A10 Equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.).

The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna (absolute or isotropic gain).

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A10 Established track. A track generated by ACAS air-air surveillance that is treated as the track of an actual aircraft.

A2 Estimated off-block time.

The estimated time at which the aircraft will commence movement associated with departure.

A2 Estimated time of arrival.

For IFR flights, the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the aerodrome, the time at which the aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome. For VFR flights, the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome.

A2 Expected approach time.

The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft, following a delay, will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for a landing.

A10 Extended Golay Code.

An error correction code capable of correcting multiple bit errors.

A10 Extended length message (ELM).

A series of Comm-C interrogations (uplink ELM) transmitted without the requirement for intervening replies, or a series of Comm-D replies (downlink ELM) transmitted without intervening interrogations.

A3 Extended range operation.

Any flight by an aeroplane with two turbine power-units where the flight time at the one power-unit inoperative cruise speed (in ISA and still air conditions), from a point on the route to an adequate alternate aerodrome, is greater than the threshold time approved by the

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State of the Operator.A10 Facility availability. The ratio of actual operating time to specified

operating time.A10 Facility failure. Any unanticipated occurrence which gives rise

to an operationally significant period during which a facility does not provide service within the specified tolerances.

A10 Facility Performance Category I — ILS.

An ILS which provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the ILS to the point at which the localizer course line intersects the ILS glide path at a height of 60 m (200 ft) or less above the horizontal plane containing the threshold.

A10 Facility Performance Category II — ILS.

An ILS which provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the ILS to the point at which the localizer course line intersects the ILS glide path at a height of 15 m (50 ft) or less above the horizontal plane containing the threshold.

A10 Facility Performance Category III — ILS.

An ILS which, with the aid of ancillary equipment where necessary, provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the facility to, and along, the surface of the runway.

A10 Facility reliability. The probability that the ground installation operates within the specified tolerances.

A10 Fan marker beacon. A type of radio beacon, the emissions of which radiate in a vertical fan-shaped pattern.

A10 Fault management. An ATN systems management facility to detect, isolate and correct problems.

A4 Feature. Abstraction of real world phenomena (ISO 19101*).

A15 Feature attribute. Characteristic of a feature (ISO 19101*).

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A15 Feature operation. Operation that every instance of a feature type may perform (ISO 19110*).

A15 Feature relationship. Relationship that links instances of one feature type with instances of the same or a different feature type (ISO 19101*).

A15 Feature type. Class of real world phenomena with common properties (ISO 19110*).

A2 Filed flight plan. The flight plan as filed with an ATS unit by the pilot or a designated representative, without any subsequent changes.

A4 Final approach. That part of an instrument approach procedure which commences at the specified final approach fix or point, or where such a fix or point is not specified,

a) at the end of the last procedure turn, base turn or inbound turn of a racetrack procedure, if specified; or

b) at the point of interception of the last track specified in the approach procedure; and ends at a point in the vicinity of an aerodrome from which:

1) a landing can be made; or2) a missed approach procedure is initiated.

A4 Final approach and take-off area (FATO).

A defined area over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. Where the FATO is to be used by performance Class 1 helicopters, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available.

A4 Final approach fix or That fix or point of an instrument approach

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point. procedure where the final approach segment commences.

A10 Final approach (FA) mode.

The condition of DME/P operation which supports flight operations in the final approach and runway regions.

A4 Final approach segment.

That segment of an instrument approach procedure in which alignment and descent for landing are accomplished.

A2 Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period.

A3 Flight documentation.

Written or printed documents, including charts or forms, containing meteorological information for a flight.

A2 Flight information centre.

A unit established to provide flight information service and alerting service.

A2 Flight information region.

An airspace of defined dimensions within which flight information service and alerting service are provided.

A2 Flight information service (FIS).

A service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights.

A2 Flight level. A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, 1 013.2 hectopascals (hPa), and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.

A2 Flight plan. Specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft.

A13 Flight recorder. Any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of complementing accident/incident investigation.

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A2 Flight visibility. The visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight.

A11 Forecast. A statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time or period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace.

A10 Forward error correction (FEC).

The process of adding redundant information to the transmitted signal in a manner which allows correction, at the receiver, of errors incurred in the transmission.

A10 FIS application. An ATN application that provides to aircraft information and advice useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights.

A10 Frame(1). The link layer frame is composed of a sequence of address, control, FCS and information fields. For VDL Mode 2, these fields are bracketed by opening and closing flag sequences, and a frame may or may not include a variable-length information field.

A10 Frame(2). The basic unit of transfer at the link level. In the context of Mode S subnetwork, a frame can include from one to four Comm-A or Comm-B segments, from two to sixteen Comm-C segments, or from one to sixteen Comm- D segments.

A10 Frequency channel. A continuous portion of the frequency spectrum appropriate for a transmission utilizing a specified class of emission.

A10 Front course sector. The course sector which is situated on the same side of the localizer as the runway.

A10 Fully automatic relay installation.

A teletypewriter installation where interpretation of the relaying responsibility in respect of an incoming message and the resultant settingup of the connections required to effect the appropriate retransmissions is

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carried out automatically, as well as all other normal operations of relay, thus obviating the need for operator intervention, except for supervisory purposes.

A10 Function. A particular service provided by the MLS, e.g. approach azimuth guidance, back azimuth guidance or basic data, etc.

A10 Gain-to-noise temperature ratio.

The ratio, usually expressed in dB/K, of the antenna gain to the noise at the receiver output of the antenna subsystem. The noise is expressed as the temperature that a 1 ohm resistor must be raised to produce the same noise power density.

A3 GAMET area forecast.

An area forecast in abbreviated plain language for low-level flights for a flight information region or sub-area thereof, prepared by the meteorological office designated by the meteorological authority concerned and exchanged with meteorological offices in adjacent flight information regions, as agreed between the meteorological authorities concerned.

A10 Gaussian filtered frequency shift keying (GFSK).

A continuous-phase, frequency shift keying technique using two tones and a Gaussian pulse shape filter.

A10 GBAS/E. A ground-based augmentation system transmitting an elliptically-polarized VHF data broadcast.

A10 GBAS/H. A ground-based augmentation system transmitting a horizontally-polarized VHF data broadcast.

A10 General formatter/manager (GFM).

The aircraft function responsible for formatting messages to be inserted in the transponder registers. It is also responsible for detecting

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and handling error conditions such as the loss of input data.

A4 Geodesic distance. The shortest distance between any two points on a mathematically defined ellipsoidal surface.

A4 Geodetic datum. A minimum set of parameters required to define location and orientation of the local reference system with respect to the global reference system/frame.

A4 Geoid. The equipotential surface in the gravity field of the Earth which coincides with the undisturbed mean sea level (MSL) extended continuously through the continents.

A4 Geoid undulation. The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid

A4 Glide path. A descent profile determined for vertical guidance during a final approach.

A10 Global navigation satellite system (GNSS).

A worldwide position and time determination system that includes one or more satellite constellations, aircraft receivers and system integrity monitoring, augmented as necessary to support the required navigation performance for the intended operation.

A10 Global navigation satellite system (GLONASS).

The satellite navigation system operated by the Russian Federation.

A10 Global positioning system (GPS).

The satellite navigation system operated by the United States.

A10 Global signalling channel (GSC).

A channel available on a world-wide basis which provides for communication control.

A10 GNSS position error. The difference between the true position and the position determined by the GNSS receiver.

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A10 Gold code. A class of unique codes used by GPS, which exhibit bounded cross-correlation and off-peak auto-correlation values.

A4 Gregorian calendar. Calendar in general use; first introduced in 1582 to define a year that more closely approximates the tropical year than the Julian calendar (ISO 19108*).

A3 Grid point data in digital form.

Computer processed meteorological data for a set of regularly spaced points on a chart, for transmission from a meteorological computer to another computer in a code form suitable for automated use.

A10 Ground-based augmentation system (GBAS).

An augmentation system in which the user receives augmentation information directly from a ground-based transmitter.

A10 Ground-based regional augmentation system (GRAS).

An augmentation system in which the user receives augmentation information directly from one of a group of ground-based transmitters covering a region.

A10 Ground data circuit-terminating equipment (GDCE).

A ground specific data circuit-terminating equipment associated with a ground data link processor (GDLP). It operates a protocol unique to Mode S data link for data transfer between air and ground.

A10 Ground data link processor (GDLP).

A ground-resident processor that is specific to a particular air-ground data link (e.g. Mode S), and which provides channel management, and segments and/or reassembles messages for transfer. It is connected on one side (by means of its DCE) to ground elements common to all data link systems, and on the other side to the air-ground link itself.

A10 Ground earth station (GES).

An earth station in the fixed satellite service, or, in some cases, in the aeronautical mobile-

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satellite service, located at a specified fixed point on land to provide a feeder link for the aeronautical mobilesatellite service.

A10 Ground-initiated Comm-B (GICB).

The ground-initiated Comm-B protocol allows the interrogator to extract Comm-B replies containing data from a defined source in the MB field.

A10 Ground-initiated protocol.

A procedure initiated by a Mode S interrogator for delivering standard length or extended length messages to a Mode S aircraft installation.

A10 Ground-to-air communication.

One-way communication from stations or locations on the surface of the earth to aircraft.

A2 Ground visibility. The visibility at an aerodrome as reported by an accredited observer or by automatic systems.

A10 Half course sector. The sector, in a horizontal plane containing the course line and limited by the loci of points nearest to thecourse line at which the DDM is 0.0775.

A10 Half ILS glide path sector.

The sector in the vertical plane containing the ILS glide path and limited by the loci of points nearest to the glide path at which the DDM is 0.0875.

A2 Heading. The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic, compass or grid).

A2 Height. The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from a specified datum.

A4 Helicopter stand. An aircraft stand which provides for parking a helicopter and, where air taxiing operations are contemplated, the helicopter touchdown and

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lift-off.A4 Heliport. An aerodrome or a defined area on a structure

intended to be used wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters.

A10 High frequency network protocol data unit (HFNPDU).

User data packet.

A10 High performance receiver.

A UAT receiver with enhanced selectivity to further improve the rejection of adjacent frequency DME interference (see for further details).

A4 Holding procedure. A predetermined manoeuvre which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance.

A10 Homing. The procedure of using the direction-finding equipment of one radio station with the emission of another radio station, where at least one of the stations is mobile, and whereby the mobile station proceeds continuously towards the other station.

A4 Human Factors principles.

Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system components by proper consideration to human performance.

A11 Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

A10 Hybrid surveillance. The process of using active surveillance to validate and monitor other aircraft being tracked principally using passive surveillance in order to preserve ACAS independence.

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A4 Hypsometric tints. A succession of shades or colour gradations used to depict ranges of elevation.

A2 IFR. The symbol used to designate the instrument flight rules.

A2 IFR flight. A flight conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules.

A10 ILS continuity of service.

That quality which relates to the rarity of radiated signal interruptions. The level of continuity of service of the localizer or the glide path is expressed in terms of the probability of not losing the radiated guidance signals.

A10 ILS glide path. That locus of points in the vertical plane containing the runway centre line at which the DDM is zero, which, of all such loci, is the closest to the horizontal plane.

A10 ILS glide path angle. The angle between a straight line which represents the mean of the ILS glide path and the horizontal.

A10 ILS glide path sector. The sector in the vertical plane containing the ILS glide path and limited by the loci of points nearest to the glide path at which the DDM is 0.175.

A10 ILS integrity. That quality which relates to the trust which can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the facility. The level of integrity of the localizer or the glide path is expressed in terms of the probability of not radiating false guidance signals.

A10 ILS Point “A”. A point on the ILS glide path measured along the extended runway centre line in the approach direction a distance of 7.5 km (4 NM) from the threshold.

A10 ILS Point “B”. A point on the ILS glide path measured along

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the extended runway centre line in the approach direction a distance of 1 050 m (3 500 ft) from the threshold.

A10 ILS Point “C”. A point through which the downward extended straight portion of the nominal ILS glide path passes at a height of 30 m (100 ft) above the horizontal plane containing the threshold.

A10 ILS Point “D”. A point 4 m (12 ft) above the runway centre line and 900 m (3 000 ft) from the threshold in the direction of the localizer.

A10 ILS Point “E”. A point 4 m (12 ft) above the runway centre line and 600 m (2 000 ft) from the stop end of the runway in the direction of the threshold.

A10 ILS reference datum (Point “T”).

A point at a specified height located above the intersection of the runway centre line and the threshold and through which the downward extended straight portion of the ILS glide path passes.

A2 IMC. The symbol used to designate instrument meteorological conditions.

A11 INCERFA. The code word used to designate an uncertainty phase.

A11 Incident. An occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation.

A10 Increased rate RA. A resolution advisory with a strength that recommends increasing the altitude rate to a value exceeding that recommended by a previous climb or descend RA.

A10 Initial acquisition. The process of starting the formation of a new track upon receipt of a squitter from a Mode S aircraft for which there is no track by making an active interrogation.

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A10 Initial approach (IA) mode.

The condition of DME/P operation which supports those flight operations outside the final approach region and which is interoperable with DME/N.

A4 Initial approach segment.

That segment of an instrument approach procedure between the initial approach fix and the intermediate approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach fix or point.

A10 Initial validation. The process of verifying the relative position of a new track using passive information by comparing it to the relative position obtained by active interrogation.

A2 Instrument approach procedure.

A series of predetermined manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en-route obstacle clearance criteria apply. Instrument approach procedures are classified as follows:

Non-precision approach (NPA) procedure. An instrument approach procedure which utilizes lateral guidance but does not utilize vertical guidance.but does not meet the requirements established for precision approach and anding operations.

Approach procedure with vertical guidance (APV). An instrument approach procedure which utilizes lateral and vertical guidance

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Precision approach (PA) procedure. An instrument approach procedure using precision lateral and vertical guidance with minima as determined by the category of operation.

A2 Instrument meteorological conditions.

Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, less than the minima specified for visual meteorological conditions.

A15 Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.

A package which consists of the following elements:- AIP, including amendment service;- Supplements to the AIP;- NOTAM and PIB;- AIC; and- checklists and lists of valid NOTAM.

A11 Integrity (aeronautical data).

A degree of assurance that an aeronautical data and its value has not been lost nor altered since the data origination or authorized amendment.

A10 Integrity(2). A measure of the trust that can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the total system. Integrity includes the ability of a system to provide timely and valid warnings to the user (alerts).

A10 Inter-centre communications (ICC).

ICC is data communication between ATS units to support ATS, such as notification, coordination, transfer of control, flight planning, airspace management and air traffic flow management.

A4 Intermediate approach segment.

That segment of an instrument approach procedure between either the intermediate approach fix and the final approach fix or point, or between the end of a reversal, racetrack or dead reckoning track procedure and the final approach fix or point, as

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appropriate.A10 Intermediate system

(IS).A system which performs relaying and routing functions and comprises the lowest three layers of the OSI reference model.

A15 International airport. Any airport designated by the Contracting State in whose territory it is situated as an airport of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the formalities incident to customs, immigration, public health, animal and plant quarantine and similar procedures are carried out.

A3 International airways volcano watch (IAVW).

International arrangements for monitoring and providing warnings to aircraft of volcanic ash in the atmosphere.

A11 International NOTAM office(NOF).

An office designated by a State for the exchange of NOTAM internationally.

A10 International telecommunication service.

A telecommunication service between offices or stations of different States, or between mobile stations which are not in the same State, or are subject to different States.

A10 Internet communications service.

The internet communications service is an internetwork architecture which allows ground, air-to-ground and avionics data subnetworks to interoperate by adopting common interface services and protocols based on the ISO/OSI reference model.

A10 Interpilot air-to-air communication.

Two-way communication on the designated air-to-air channel to enable aircraft engaged in flights over remote and oceanic areas out of range of VHF ground stations to exchange necessary operational information and to facilitate the resolution of operational problems.

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A10 Intruder. An SSR transponder-equipped aircraft within the surveillance range of ACAS for which ACAS has an established track.

A13 Investigation. A process conducted for the purpose of accident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.

A13 Investigator-in-charge.

A person charged, on the basis of his or her qualifications, with the responsibility for the organization, conduct and control of an investigation.

A4 Isogonal. A line on a map or chart on which all points have the same magnetic variation for a specified epoch.

A4 Isogriv. A line on a map or chart which joins points of equal angular difference between the North of the navigation grid and Magnetic North.

A10 Key down time. The time during which a dot or dash of a Morse character is being transmitted.

A2 Landing area. That part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft.

A4 Landing direction indicator.

A device to indicate visually the direction currently designated for landing and for take-off.

A2 Level. A generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and meaning variously, height, altitude or flight level.

A10 Link. A link connects an aircraft DLE and a ground DLE and is uniquely specified by the combination of aircraft DLS address and the ground DLS address. A different subnetwork entity resides above every link endpoint.

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A10 Link layer. The layer that lies immediately above the physical layer in the Open Systems Interconnection protocol model. The link layer provides for the reliable transfer of information across the physical media. It is subdivided into the data link sublayer and the media access control sublayer.

A10 Link management entity (LME).

A protocol state machine capable of acquiring, establishing and maintaining a connection to a single peer system. An LME establishes data link and subnetwork connections, “hands-off” those connections, and manages the media access control sublayer and physical layer. An aircraft LME tracks how well it can communicate with the ground stations of a single ground system. An aircraft VME instantiates an LME for each ground station that it monitors. Similarly, the ground VME instantiates an LME for each aircraft that it monitors. An LME is deleted when communication with the peer system is no longer viable.

A10 Link protocol data unit (LPDU).

Data unit which encapsulates a segment of an HFNPDU.

A10 Location indicator. A four-letter code group formulated in accordance with rules prescribed by ICAO and assigned to the location of an aeronautical fixed station.

A15 Logon address. A specified code used for data link logon to an ATS unit.

A10 Low modulation rates.

Modulation rates up to and including 300 bauds.

A4 Magnetic variation. The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.

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A2 Manoeuvring area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons.

A10 Margin. The maximum degree of distortion of the circuit at the end of which the apparatus is situated which is compatible with the correct translation of all the signals which it may possibly receive.

A4 Marking. A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the movement area in order to convey aeronautical information.

A10 M-ary phase shift keying (M-PSK) modulation.

A digital phase modulation that causes the phase of the carrier waveform to take on one of a set of M values.

A10 M-PSK symbol. One of the M possible phase shifts of the M-PSK modulated carrier representing a group of log2 M coded chips.

A13 Maximum mass. Maximum certificated take-off mass.A10 M burst. A management channel data block of bits used

in VDL Mode 3. This burst contains signalling information needed for media access and link status monitoring.

A10 Mean course error. The mean value of the azimuth error along the runway extended centre line.

A10 Mean glide path error.

The mean value of the elevation error along the glide path of an elevation function.

A10 Mean power (of a radio transmitter).

The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during an interval of time sufficiently long compared with the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation taken under normal operating conditions.

A10 Mean time between failures (MTBF).

The actual operating time of a facility divided by the total number of failures of the facility

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during that period of time.A10 Media access control

(MAC).The sublayer that acquires the data path and controls the movement of bits over the data path.

A10 Media access protocol data unit (MPDU).

Data unit which encapsulates one or more LPDUs.

A10 Medium modulation rates.

Modulation rates above 300 and up to and including 3 000 bauds.

A10 Message field. An assigned area of a message containing specified elements of data.

A4 Metadata. Data about data (ISO 19115*).A10 METAR application. A FIS application that supports the D-

METAR.A3 Meteorological

authority.The authority providing or arranging for the provision of meteorological service for international air navigation on behalf of a Contracting State.

A3 Meteorological bulletin.

A text comprising meteorological information preceded by an appropriate heading.

A3 Meteorological information.

Meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any other statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions.

A11 Meteorological office. An office designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation.

A10 Meteorological operational channel.

A channel of the aeronautical fixed service (AFS), for the exchange of aeronautical meteorological information.

A10 Meteorological operational telecommunication network.

An integrated system of meteorological operational channels, as part of the aeronautical fixed service (AFS), for the exchange of aeronautical meteorological information between the aeronautical fixed

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stations within the network.A3 Meteorological

report.A statement of observed meteorological conditions related to a specified time and location.

A3 Meteorological satellite.

An artificial Earth satellite making meteorological observations and transmitting these observations to Earth.

A15 Minimum en-route altitude (MEA).

The altitude for an enroute segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.

A10 Minimum glide path. The lowest angle of descent along the zero degree azimuth that is consistent with published approach procedures and obstacle clearance criteria.

A15 Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA).

The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance.

A4 Minimum sector altitude.

The lowest altitude which may be used which will provide a minimum clearance of 300 m (1 000 ft) above all objects located in an area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km (25 NM) radius centred on a radio aid to navigation.

A4 Missed approach point (MAPt).

That point in an instrument approach procedure at or before which the prescribed missed approach procedure must be initiated in order to ensure that the minimum obstacle clearance is not infringed

A4 Missed approach procedure.

The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued.

A10 MLS antenna boresight.

The plane passing through the antenna phase centre perpendicular to the horizontal axis

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contained in the plane of the antenna array.A10 MLS approach

reference datum.A point on the minimum glide path at a specified height above the threshold. MLS azimuth. The locus of points in any horizontal plane where the decoded guidance angle is constant.

A10 MLS approach reference datum.

A point at a specified height above the intersection of the runway centre line and the threshold.

A10 MLS back azimuth reference datum.

A point at a specified height above the runway centre line at the runway midpoint.

A10 MLS datum point. The point on the runway centre line closest to the phase centre of the approach elevation antenna.

A10 MLS elevation. The locus of points in any vertical plane where the decoded guidance angle is constant.

A10 MLS point D. A point 2.5 m (8 ft) above the runway centre line and 900 m (3 000 ft) from the threshold in the direction of the azimuth antenna.

A10 MLS point E. A point 2.5 m (8 ft) above the runway centre line and 600 m (2 000 ft) from the stop end of the runway in the direction of the threshold.

A10 MLS zero degree azimuth.

The MLS azimuth where the decoded guidance angle is zero degrees.

A10 Mobile surface station.

A station in the aeronautical telecommunication service, other than an aircraft station, intended to be used while in motion or during halts at unspecified points.

A10 Mode 2. A data-only VDL mode that uses D8PSK modulation and a carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) control scheme.

A10 Mode 3. A voice and data VDL mode that uses D8PSK modulation and a TDMA media access control

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scheme.A10 Mode 4. A data-only VDL mode using a GFSK

modulation scheme and self-organizing time division multiple access (STDMA).

A10 Mode S air-initiated Comm-B (AICB) protocol.

A procedure initiated by a Mode S transponder for transmitting a single Comm-B segment from the aircraft installation.

A10 Mode S broadcast protocols.

Procedures allowing standard length uplink or downlink messages to be received by more than one transponder or ground interrogator respectively.

A10 Mode S ground-initiated Comm-B (GICB) protocol.

A procedure initiated by a Mode S interrogator for eliciting a single Comm-B segment from a Mode S aircraft installation, incorporating the contents of one of 255 Comm-B registers within the Mode S transponder.

A10 Mode S multisite-directed protocol.

A procedure to ensure that extraction and close-out of a downlink standard length or extended length message is affected only by the particular Mode S interrogator selected by the aircraft.

A10 Mode S packet. A packet conforming to the Mode S subnetwork standard, designed to minimize the bandwidth required from the air-ground link. ISO 8208 packets may be transformed into Mode S packets and vice-versa.

A10 Mode S specific protocol (MSP).

A protocol that provides restricted datagram service within the Mode S subnetwork.

A10 Mode S specific services.

A set of communication services provided by the Mode S system which are not available from other air-ground subnetworks, and therefore not interoperable.

A10 Mode S specific services entity (SSE).

An entity resident within an XDLP to provide access to the Mode S specific services.

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A10 Mode S subnetwork. A means of performing an interchange of digital data through the use of secondary surveillance radar (SSR) Mode S interrogators and transponders in accordance with defined protocols.

A10 Mode W, X, Y, Z. A method of coding the DME transmissions by time spacing pulses of a pulse pair, so that each frequency can be used more than once.

A10 Modulation rate. The reciprocal of the unit interval measured in seconds. This rate is expressed in bauds.

A2 Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s).

A10 Network (N). The word “network” and its abbreviation “N” in ISO 8348 are replaced by the word “subnetwork” and its abbreviation “SN”, respectively, wherever they appear in relation to the subnetwork layer packet data performance.

A10 Network station. An aeronautical station forming part of a radiotelephony network.

A10 Next data authority. The ground system so designated by the current data authority through which an onward transfer of communications and control can take place.

A10 Non-network communications.

Radiotelephony communications conducted by a station of the aeronautical mobile service, other than those conducted as part of a radiotelephony network.

A11 NOTAM. A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service,

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procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.

A3 Observation (meteorological).

The evaluation of one or more meteorological elements.

A4 Obstacle. All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight.

A4 Obstacle clearance altitude (OCA) or obstacle clearance height (OCH).

The lowest altitude or the lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the aerodrome elevation as applicable, used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.

A4 Obstacle free zone (OFZ).

The airspace above the inner approach surface, inner transitional surfaces, and balked landing surface and that portion of the strip bounded by these surfaces, which is not penetrated by any fixed obstacle other than a low-mass and frangibly mounted one required for air navigation purposes.

A15 Obstacle/terrain data collection surface.

A defined surface intended for the purpose of collecting

A10 Offset frequency simplex.

A variation of single channel simplex wherein telecommunication between two stations is effected by using in each direction frequencies that are intentionally slightly different but contained within a portion of the spectrum allotted for the operation.

A10 Open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model.

A model providing a standard approach to network design introducing modularity by dividing the complex set of functions into

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seven more manageable, self-contained, functional layers. By convention these are usually depicted as a vertical stack.

A3 Operational control. The exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.

A10 Operational control communications.

Communications required for the exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of a flight.

A3 Operational flight plan.

The operator’s plan for the safe conduct of the flight based on considerations of aeroplane performance, other operating limitations and relevant expected conditions on the route to be followed and at the aerodromes concerned.

A3 Operational planning.

The planning of flight operations by an operator.

A11 Operator. A person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation.

A10 Optimum sampling point.

The optimum sampling point of a received UAT bit stream is at the nominal centre of each bit period, when the frequency offset is either plus or minus 312.5 kHz.

A4 Orthometric height. Height of a point related to the geoid, generally presented as an MSL elevation.

A10 Out-of-coverage indication signal.

A signal radiated into areas outside the intended coverage sector where required to specifically prevent invalid removal of an airborne warning indication in the presence of misleading guidance information.

A10 Own aircraft. The aircraft fitted with the ACAS that is the

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subject of the discourse, which ACAS is to protect against possible collisions, and which may enter a manoeuvre in response to an ACAS indication.

A10 Packet. The basic unit of data transfer among communication devices within the network layer, (e.g. an ISO 8208 packet or a Mode S packet).

A10 Partial rise time. The time as measured between the 5 and 30 per cent amplitude points on the leading edge of the pulse envelope, i.e. between points h and i on Figures 3-1 and 3-2.

A10 Passive surveillance. The process of tracking another aircraft without interrogating it, by using the other aircraft’s extended squitters. ACAS uses the information contained in passive tracks to monitor the need for active surveillance, but not for any other purpose.

A10 Passive track. After initial acquisition, a track maintained without active interrogation, using information contained in extended squitters.

A10 Path following error (PFE).

That portion of the guidance signal error which could cause aircraft displacement from the desired course and/or glide path.

A10 Path following noise (PFN).

That portion of the guidance signal error which could cause aircraft displacement from the mean course line or mean glide path as appropriate.

A10 Peak envelope power (PEP).

The peak power of the modulated signal supplied by the transmitter to the antenna transmission line.

A10 Performance management.

An ATN systems management facility to monitor and evaluate the performance of the systems.

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A10 Physical layer. The lowest level layer in the Open Systems Interconnection protocol model. The physical layer is concerned with the transmission of binary information over the physical medium (e.g. VHF radio).

A10 Physical layer protocol data unit (PPDU).

Data unit passed to the physical layer for transmission, or decoded by the physical layer after reception.

A2 Pilot-in-command. The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case of general aviation, the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight.

A4 Point light. A luminous signal appearing without perceptible length.

A10 Point-to-point. Pertaining or relating to the interconnection of two devices, particularly end-user instruments. A communication path of service intended to connect two discrete end-users; as distinguished from broadcast or multipoint service.

A15 Portrayal. Presentation of information to humans (ISO 19117*).

A4 Position (geographical).

Set of coordinates (latitude and longitude) referenced to the mathematical reference ellipsoid which define the position of a point on the surface of the Earth.

A10 Positive RA. A resolution advisory that advises the pilot either to climb or to descend (applies to ACAS II).

A15 Post spacing. Angular or linear distance between two adjacent elevation points.

A10 Potential threat. An intruder deserving special attention either because of its close proximity to own aircraft or because successive range and altitude

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measurements indicate that it could be on a collision or near-collision course with own aircraft. The warning time provided against a potential threat is sufficiently small that a traffic advisory (TA) is justified but not so small that a resolution advisory (RA) would be justified.

A10 Power measurement point (PMP).

A cable connects the antenna to the UAT equipment. The PMP is the end of that cable that attaches to the antenna. All power measurements are considered as being made at the PMP unless otherwise specified. The cable connecting the UAT equipment to the antenna is assumed to have 3 dB of loss.

A15 Precision. The smallest difference that can be reliably distinguished by a measurement process.

A4 Precision approach procedure.

An instrument approach procedure utilizing azimuth and glide path information provided by ILS or PAR.

A15 Pre-flight information bulletin (PIB).

A presentation of current NOTAM information of operational significance, prepared prior to flight.

A13 Preliminary Report. The communication used for the prompt dissemination of data obtained during the early stages of the investigation.

A2 Pressure-altitude. An atmospheric pressure expressed in terms of altitude which corresponds to that pressure in the Standard Atmosphere. (* As defined in Annex 8).

A3 Prevailing visibility. The visibility value, observed in accordance with the definition of “visibility”, which is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle or within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome. These areas could

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comprise contiguous or non-contiguous sectors.

A10 Preventive RA. A resolution advisory that advises the pilot to avoid certain deviations from the current flight path but does not require any change in the current flight path.

A10 Primary frequency. The radiotelephony frequency assigned to an aircraft as a first choice for air-ground communication in a radiotelephony network.

A10 Primary means of communication.

The means of communication to be adopted normally by aircraft and ground stations as a first choice where alternative means of communication exist.

A11 Printed communications.

Communications which automatically provide a permanent printed record at each terminal of a circuit of all messages which pass over such circuit.

A2 Problematic use of substances.

The use of one or more psychoactive substances by aviation personnel in a way that:

a) constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the lives, health or welfare of others; and/or

b) causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder.

A4 Procedure altitude/height.

A specified altitude/height flown operationally at or above the minimum altitude/height and established to accommodate a stabilized descent at a prescribed descent gradient/angle in the intermediate/final approach segment.

A4 Procedure turn. A manoeuvre in which a turn is made away from a designated track followed by a turn in the opposite direction to permit the aircraft to

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intercept and proceed along the reciprocal of the designated track.

A3 Prognostic chart. A forecast of a specified meteorological element(s) for a specified time or period and a specified surface or portion of airspace, depicted graphically on a chart.

A2 Prohibited area. An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.

A10 Proportional guidance sector.

The volume of airspace within which the angular guidance information provided by a function is directly proportional to the angular displacement of the airborne antenna with respect to the zero angle reference.

A10 Protected service volume.

A part of the facility coverage where the facility provides a particular service in accordance with relevant SARPs and within which the facility is afforded frequency protection.

A10 Pseudorandom message data block.

Several UAT requirements state that performance will be tested using pseudorandom message data blocks. Pseudorandom message data blocks should have statistical properties that are nearly indistinguishable from those of a true random selection of bits. For instance, each bit should have (nearly) equal probability of being a ONE or a ZERO, independent of its neighbouring bits. There should be a large number of such pseudorandom message data blocks for each message type (Basic ADS-B, Long ADS-B or Ground Uplink) to provide sufficient independent data for statistical performance measurements. See Section 2.3 of Part I of the

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Manual on the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) (Doc 9861) for an example of how to provide suitable pseudorandom message data blocks.

A10 Pseudo-range. The difference between the time of transmission by a satellite and reception by a GNSS receiver multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum, including bias due to the difference between a GNSS receiver and satellite time reference.

A2 Psychoactive substances.

Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee and tobacco are excluded.

A10 Pulse amplitude. The maximum voltage of the pulse envelope, i.e. A in Figure 3-1.

A10 Pulse decay time. The time as measured between the 90 and 10 per cent amplitude points on the trailing edge of the pulse envelope, i.e. between points e and g on Figure 3-1.

A10 Pulse code. The method of differentiating between W, X, Y and Z modes and between FA and IA modes.

A10 Pulse duration. The time interval between the 50 per cent amplitude point on leading and trailing edges of the pulse envelope, i.e. between points b and f on Figure 3-1.

A10 Pulse rise time. The time as measured between the 10 and 90 per cent amplitude points on the leading edge of the pulse envelope, i.e. between points a and c on Figure 3-1.

A15 Quality. Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (ISO 9000*).

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A15 Quality assurance. Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled (ISO 9000*).

A15 Quality control. Part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements (ISO 9000*).

A15 Quality management. Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard

A10 Quality of service. The information relating to data transfer characteristics used by various communication protocols to achieve various levels of performance for network users.

A3 Quality system. The organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality management (ISO 9000:2000*).

A10 RA sense. The sense of an ACAS II RA is “upward” if it requires climb or limitation of descent rate and “downward” if it requires descent or limitation of climb rate. It can be both upward and downward simultaneously if it requires limitation of the vertical rate to a specified range.

A4 Radar vectoring. Provision of navigational guidance to aircraft in the form of specific headings, based on the use of radar.

A10 Radio bearing. The angle between the apparent direction of a definite source of emission of electro-magnetic waves and a reference direction, as determined at a radio directionfinding station. A true radio bearing is one for which the reference direction is that of true North. A magnetic radio bearing is one for which the reference direction is that of magnetic North.

A10 Radio direction finding (RR S1.12).

Radiodetermination using the reception of radio waves for the purpose of determining the

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direction of a station or object.A10 Radio direction-

finding station (RR S1.91).

A radiodetermination station using radio direction finding.

A2 Radiotelephony. A form of radiocommunication primarily intended for the exchange of information in the form of speech.

A10 Radiotelephony network.

A group of radiotelephony aeronautical stations which operate on and guard frequencies from the same family and which support each other in a defined manner to ensure maximum dependability of air-ground communications and dissemination of air-ground traffic.

A11 RCP type. A label (e.g. RCP 240) that represents the values assigned to RCP parameters for communication transaction time, continuity, availability and integrity.

A10 Readback. A procedure whereby the receiving station repeats a received message or an appropriate part thereof back to the transmitting station so as to obtain confirmation of correct reception.

A10 Receiver. A subsystem that receives GNSS signals and includes one or more sensors.

A10 Reed-Solomon code. An error correction code capable of correcting symbol errors. Since symbol errors are collections of bits, these codes provide good burst error correction capabilities.

A3 Regional air navigation agreement.

Agreement approved by the Council of ICAO normally on the advice of a regional air navigation meeting.

A10 Regular station. A station selected from those forming an enroute air-ground radiotelephony network to communicate with or to intercept

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communications from aircraft in normal conditions

A10 Reliable link service (RLS).

A data communications service provided by the subnetwork which automatically provides for error control over its link through error detection and requested retransmission of signal units found to be in error.

A4 Relief. The inequalities in elevation of the surface of the Earth represented on aeronautical charts by contours, hypsometric tints, shading or spot elevations.

A4 Required navigation performance (RNP).

A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace.

A2 Repetitive flight plan (RPL).

A flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly operated individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive use by ATS units.

A10 Reply efficiency. The ratio of replies transmitted by the transponder to the total of received valid interrogations.

A2 Reporting point. A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported.

A11 Required communication performance (RCP).

A statement of the performance requirements for operational communication in support of specific ATM functions.

A11 Required navigation performance (RNP).

A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace.

A15 Requirement. Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory (ISO 9000*).

A11 Rescue coordination A unit responsible for promoting efficient

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centre. organization of search and rescue services and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region.

A10 Reserved (bits/words/fields).

Bits/words/fields that are not allocated, but which are reserved for a particular GNSS application.

A10 Residual error rate. The ratio of incorrect, lost and duplicate subnetwork service data units (SNSDUs) to the total number of SNSDUs that were sent.

A4 Resolution. A number of units or digits to which a measured or calculated value is expressed and used.

A10 Resolution advisory (RA).

An indication given to the flight crew recommending:

a) a manoeuvre intended to provide separation from all threats; or

b) a manoeuvre restriction intended to maintain existing separation.

A10 Resolution advisory complement (RAC).

Information provided by one ACAS to another via a Mode S interrogation in order to ensure complementary manoeuvres by restricting the choice of manoeuvres available to the ACAS receiving the RAC.

A10 Resolution advisory complements record (RAC record).

A composite of all currently active vertical RACs (VRCs) and horizontal RACs (HRCs) that have been received by ACAS. This information is provided by one ACAS to another ACAS or to a Mode S ground station via a Mode S reply.

A10 Resolution advisory strength.

The magnitude of the manoeuvre indicated by the RA. An RA may take on several successive

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strengths before being cancelled. Once a new RA strength is issued, the previous one automatically becomes void.

A10 Resolution message. The message containing the resolution advisory complement (RAC).

A2 Restricted area. An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions.

A4 Reversal procedure. A procedure designed to enable aircraft to reverse direction during the initial approach segment of an instrument approach procedure. The sequence may include procedure turns or base turns.

A10 Reversed sense RA. A resolution advisory that has had its sense reversed.

A4 RNP type. A containment value expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended position within which flights would be for at least 95 per cent of the total flying time. Example.— RNP 4 represents a navigation accuracy of plus or minus 7.4 km (4 NM) on a 95 per cent containment basis.

A10 Route segment. A route or portion of route usually flown without an intermediate stop.

A15 Route stage. A route or portion of a route flown without an intermediate landing.

A10 Routing Directory. A list in a communication centre indicating for each addressee the outgoing circuit to be used.

A2 Runway. A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.

A2 Runway-holding A designated position intended to protect a

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position. runway, an obstacle limitation surface, or an ILS / MLS critical/sensitive area at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold, unless otherwise authorized by the aerodrome control tower.

A4 Runway strip. A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended:

a) to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off arunway; and

b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations.

A4 Runway visual range (RVR).

The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.

A11 Safety management system.

A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.

A11 Safety programme. An integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety.

A13 Safety recommendation.

A proposal of the accident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation, based on information derived from the investigation, made with the intention of preventing accidents or incidents.

A2 Safety-sensitive personnel.

Persons who might endanger aviation safety if they perform their duties and functions improperly including, but not limited to, crew members, aircraft maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers.

A10 Satellite-based A wide coverage augmentation system in

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augmentation system (SBAS).

which the user receives augmentation information from a satellite-based transmitter.

A10 Search. The condition which exists when the DME interrogator is attempting to acquire and lock onto the response to its own interrogations from the selected transponder.

A3 Search and rescue services unit.

A generic term meaning, as the case may be, rescue coordination centre, rescue subcentre or alerting post.

A10 Secondary frequency. The radiotelephony frequency assigned to an aircraft as a second choice for air-ground communication in a radiotelephony network.

A10 Secondary surveillance radar (SSR).

A surveillance radar system which uses transmitters/receivers (interrogators) and transponders.

A10 Security management.

An ATN systems management facility for access control, authentication and data integrity.

A10 Segment. A portion of a message that can be accommodated within a single MA/MB field in the case of a standard length message, or MC/MD field in the case of an extended length message. This term is also applied to the Mode S transmissions containing these fields.

A10 Selective availability (SA).

A set of techniques for denying the full accuracy and selecting the level of positioning, velocity and time accuracy of GPS available to users of the standard positioning service signal.

A10 Self-organizing time division multiple access (STDMA).

A multiple access scheme based on time-shared use of a radio frequency (RF) channel employing: (1) discrete contiguous time slots as the fundamental shared resource; and (2) a set of operating protocols that allows users to mediate access to these time slots without

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reliance on a master control station.A10 Semi-automatic relay

installation.A teletypewriter installation where interpretation of the relaying responsibility in respect of an incoming message and the resultant settingup of the connections required to effect the appropriate retransmissions require the intervention of an operator but where all other normal operations of relay are carried out automatically.

A10 Sensitivity level (S). An integer defining a set of parameters used by the traffic advisory (TA) and collision avoidance algorithms to control the warning time provided by the potential threat and threat detection logic, as well as the values of parameters relevant to the RA selection logic.

A13 Serious incident. An incident involving circumstances indicating that an accident nearly occurred.

A13 Serious injury. An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:

a) requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days from the date the injury was received; or

b) results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose); or

c) involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon damage; or

d) involves injury to any internal organ; or

e) involves second or third degree burns, or

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any burns affecting more than 5 per cent of the body surface; or

f) involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation.

A3 Service area (world area forecast system).

A geographical area within which a world area forecast centre is responsible for issuing area forecasts to meteorological authorities and other users.

A10 Service volume. A part of the facility coverage where the facility provides a particular service in accordance with relevant SARPs and within which the facility is afforded frequency protection

A4 Shoulder. An area adjacent to the edge of a pavement so prepared as to provide a transition between the pavement and the adjacent surface.

A11 SIGMET information.

Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations.

A2 Signal area. An area on an aerodrome used for the display of ground signals.

A10 Signal reliability. The probability that a signal-in-space of specified characteristics is available to the aircraft.

A4 Significant point. A specified geographical location used in defining an ATS route or the flight path of an aircraft and for other navigation and ATS purposes.

A10 Simplex. A method in which telecommunication between two stations takes place in one direction at a time.

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A10 Single channel simplex.

Simplex using the same frequency channel in each direction.

A10 Slot. One of a series of consecutive time intervals of equal duration. Each burst transmission starts at the beginning of a slot.

A10 Slotted aloha. A random access strategy whereby multiple users access the same communications channel independently, but each communication must be confined to a fixed time slot. The same timing slot structure is known to all users, but there is no other coordination between the users.

A15 SNOWTAM. A special series NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice on the movement area, by means of a specific format.

A10 Spare (bits/words/fields).

Bits/words/fields that are not allocated or reserved, and which are available for future allocation

A2 Special VFR flight. A VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below VMC.

A10 Spot beam. Satellite antenna directivity whose main lobe encompasses significantly less than the earth’s surface that is within line-of-sight view of the satellite. May be designed so as to improve system resource efficiency with respect to geographical distribution of user earth stations.

A10 Squitter protocol data unit (SPDU).

Data packet which is broadcast every 32 seconds by an HFDL ground station on each of its operating frequencies, and which contains link management information.

A3 Standard isobaric An isobaric surface used on a worldwide basis

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surface. for representing and analysing the conditions in the atmosphere.

A10 Standard length message (SLM).

An exchange of digital data using selectively addressed Comm-A interrogations and/or Comm-B replies (see “Comm-A” and “Comm-B”).

A10 Standard positioning service (SPS).

The specified level of positioning, velocity and timing accuracy that is available to any global positioning system (GPS) user on a continuous, worldwide basis.

A10 Standard receiver. The airborne receiver model assumed in partitioning the MLS error budgets. The salient characteristics are: (1) signal processing based on the measurement of beam centres; (2) negligible centring error; (3) control motion noise (CMN) less than or equal to the values contained in Chapter 3,; (4) a 26 kHz bandwidth 2-pole low pass beam envelope filter; and (5) angle data output filtering by a single pole, low pass filter with a corner frequency of 10 radians per second.

A10 Standard UAT receiver.

A general purpose UAT receiver satisfying the minimum rejection requirements of interference from adjacent frequency distance measuring equipment (DME) (see for further details).

A13 State of Design. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the type design.

A13 State of Manufacture.

The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the final assembly of the aircraft.

A13 State of Occurrence. The State in the territory of which an accident or incident occurs.

A13 State of the The State in which the operator’s principal

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Operator. place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operator’s permanent residence.

A13 State of Registry. The State on whose register the aircraft is entered.

A11 Station declination. An alignment variation between the zero degree radial of a VOR and true north, determined at the time the VOR station is calibrated.

A4 Stopway. A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take-off run available prepared as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off.

A10 Subnetwork. An actual implementation of a data network that employs a homogeneous protocol and addressing plan and is under control of a single authority.

A10 Subnetwork connection.

A long-term association between an aircraft DTE and a ground DTE using successive virtual calls to maintain context across link handoff.

A10 Subnetwork dependent convergence function (SNDCF).

A function that matches the characteristics and services of a particular subnetwork to those characteristics and services required by the internetwork facility.

A10 Subnetwork entity. In this document, the phrase “ground DCE” will be used for the subnetwork entity in a ground station communicating with an aircraft; the phrase “ground DTE” will be used for the subnetwork entity in a ground routercommunicating with an aircraft station; and, the phrase “aircraft DTE” will be used for the subnetwork entity in an aircraft communicating with the station. A subnetwork

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entity is a packet layer entity as defined in ISO 8208.

A10 Subnetwork layer. The layer that establishes, manages and terminates connections across a subnetwork.

A10 Subnetwork management entity (SNME).

An entity resident within a GDLP that performs subnetwork management and communicates with peer entities in intermediate or endsystems.

A10 Subnetwork service data unit (SNSDU).

An amount of subnetwork user data, the identity of which is preserved from one end of a subnetwork connection to the other.

A10 Successful message reception (SMR).

The function within the UAT receiver for declaring a received message as valid for passing to an application that uses received UAT messages. See Section 4 of Part I of the Manual on the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) (Doc 9861) for a detailed description of the procedure to be used by the UAT receiver for declaring successful message reception.

A10 Surveillance radar. Radar equipment used to determine the position of an aircraft in range and azimuth.

A10 Synchronous operation.

Operation in which the time interval between code units is a constant.

A10 System. A VDL-capable entity. A system comprises one or more stations and the associated VDL management entity. A system may either be an aircraft system or a ground system.

A10 System efficiency. The ratio of valid replies processed by the interrogator to the total of its own interrogations.

A10 System level requirement.

The system level requirement is a high-level technical requirement that has been derived from operational requirements, technological constraints and regulatory constraints

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(administrative and institutional). The system level requirements are the basis for the functional requirements and lower-level requirements.

A2 Taxiing. Movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome under its own power, excluding take-off and landing.

A2 Taxiway. A defined path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including:

a) Aircraft stand taxilane. A portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and intended to provide access to aircraft stands only.

b) Apron taxiway. A portion of a taxiway system located on an apron and intended to provide a through taxi route across the apron.

c) Rapid exit taxiway. A taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and designed to allow landing aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exit taxiways thereby minimizing runway occupancy times.

A10 Telecommunication (RR S1.3).

Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.

A10 Teletypewriter tape. A tape on which signals are recorded in the 5-unit Start-Stop code by completely severed perforations (Chad Type) or by partially severed perforations (Chadless Type) for

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transmission over teletypewriter circuits.A4 Terminal arrival

altitude (TAA).The lowest altitude that will provide a minimum clearance of 300 m (1 000 ft) above all objects located in an arc of a circle defined by a 46-km (25 NM) radius centred on the initial approach fix (IAF), or where there is no IAF on the intermediate approach fix (IF), delimited by straight lines joining the extremity of the arc to the IF. The combined TAAs associated with an approach procedure shall account for an area of 360 degrees around the IF.

A2 Terminal control area.

A control area normally established at the confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.

A4 Terrain. The surface of the Earth containing naturally occurring features such as mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, bodies of water, permanent ice and snow, and excluding obstacles.

A10 Threat. An intruder deserving special attention either because of its close proximity to own aircraft or because successive range and altitude measurements indicate that it could be on a collision or near-collision course with own aircraft. The warning time provided against a threat is sufficiently small that an RA is justified.

A4 Threshold. The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing.

A2 Total estimated elapsed time.

For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if

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no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome.

A10 Time division multiple access (TDMA).

A multiple access scheme based on time-shared use of an RF channel employing:

(1) discrete contiguous time slots as the fundamental shared resource; and

(2) a set of operating protocols that allows users to interact with a master control station to mediate access to the channel.

A10 Time division multiplex (TDM).

A channel sharing strategy in which packets of information from the same source but with different destinations are sequenced in time on the same channel.

A10 Timeout. The cancellation of a transaction after one of the participating entities has failed to provide a required response within a pre-defined period of time.

A10 Time-to-alert. The maximum allowable time elapsed from the onset of the navigation system being out of tolerance until the equipment enunciates the alert.

A10 Torn-tape relay installation.

A teletypewriter installation where messages are received and relayed in teletypewriter tape form and where all operations of relay are performed as the result of operator intervention.

A10 Total voice transfer delay.

The elapsed time commencing at the instant that speech is presented to the AES or GES and concluding at the instant that the speech

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enters the interconnecting network of the counterpart GES or AES. This delay includes vocoder processing time, physical layer delay, RF propagation delay and any other delays within an AMS(R)S subnetwork.

A10 Touchdown. The point where the nominal glide path intercepts the runway.

A4 Touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF).

A load bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off.

A4 Touchdown zone. The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended landing aeroplanes first contact the runway.

A15 Traceability. Ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration (ISO 9000*).

A10 Track(1). A sequence of at least three measurements representing positions that could reasonably have been occupied by an aircraft.

A10 Track(2). The condition which exists when the DME interrogator has locked onto replies in response to its own interrogations, and is continuously providing a distance measurement.

A2 Track(3). The projection on the earth’s surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic or grid).

A10 Traffic advisory (TA).

An indication given to the flight crew that a certain intruder is a potential threat.

A2 Traffic avoidance advice.

Advice provided by an air traffic services unit specifying manoeuvres to assist a pilot to avoid a collision.

A2 Traffic information. Information issued by an air traffic services unit to alert a pilot to other known or observed air traffic which may be in proximity to the

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position or intended route of flight and to help the pilot avoid a collision.

A11 Transfer of control point.

A defined point located along the flight path of an aircraft, at which the responsibility for providing air traffic control service to the aircraft is transferred from one control unit or control position to the next.

A11 Transferring unit. Air traffic control unit in the process of transferring the responsibility for providing air traffic control service to an aircraft to the next air traffic control unit along the route of flight.

A10 Transit delay. In packet data systems, the elapsed time between a request to transmit an assembled data packet and an indication at the receiving end that the corresponding packet has been received and is ready to be used or forwarded.

A2 Transition altitude. The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes.

A10 Transmission rate. The average number of pulse pairs transmitted from the transponder per second.

A10 Tributary station. An aeronautical fixed station that may receive or transmit messages * route and/or digital data but which does not relay except for the purpose of serving similar stations connected through it to a communication centre.

A3 Tropical cyclone. Generic term for a non-frontal synopticscale cyclone originating over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation.

A3 Tropical cyclone advisory centre (TCAC).

A meteorological centre designated by regional air navigation agreement to provide advisory information to meteorological watch offices, world area forecast centres and international

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OPMET data banks regarding the position, forecast direction and speed of movement, central pressure and maximum surface wind of tropical cyclones.

A10 Two-frequency glide path system.

An ILS glide path in which coverage is achieved by the use of two independent radiation field patterns spaced on separate carrier frequencies within the particular glide path channel.

A10 Two-frequency localizer system.

A localizer system in which coverage is achieved by the use of two independent radiation field patterns spaced on separate carrier frequencies within the particular localizer VHF channel.

A10 UAT ADS-B message.

A message broadcasted once per second by each aircraft to convey state vector and other information. UAT ADS-B messages can be in one of two forms depending on the amount of information to be transmitted in a given second: the Basic UAT ADS-B Message or the Long UAT ADS-B Message (see for definition of each). UAT ground stations can support traffic information service-broadcast (TIS-B) through transmission of individual ADS-B messages in the ADS-B segment of the UAT frame.

A10 UAT ground uplink message.

A message broadcasted by ground stations, within the ground segment of the UAT frame, to convey flight information such as text and graphical weather data, advisories, and other aeronautical information, to aircraft that are in the service volume of the ground station (see for further details).

A11 Uncertainty phase. A situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the

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safety of an aircraft and its occupants.A10 Universal access

transceiver (UAT).A broadcast data link operating on 978 MHz, with a modulation rate of 1.041667 Mbps.

A2 Unmanned free balloon.

A non-power-driven, unmanned, lighter-than-air aircraft in free flight.

A10 Uplink. A term referring to the transmission of data from the ground to an aircraft. Mode S ground-to-air signals are transmitted on the 1 030 MHz interrogation frequency channel.

A10 Uplink ELM (UELM).

A term referring to extended length uplink communication by means of 112-bit Mode S Comm-C interrogations, each containing the 80-bit Comm-C message field (MC).

A3 Upper-air chart. A meteorological chart relating to a specified upper-air surface or layer of the atmosphere.

A10 Upper layers (UL) communications service.

A term pertaining to the session, presentation and application layers of the OSI reference model.

A10 User group. A group of ground and/or aircraft stations which share voice and/or data connectivity. For voice communications, all members of a user group can access all communications. For data, communications include point-to-point connectivity for air-to-ground messages, and point-to-point and broadcast connectivity for ground-to-air messages.

A15 Validation. Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled (ISO 9000*).

A15 Verification. Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled (ISO 9000*).

A10 VDL management A VDL-specific entity that provides the quality

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entity (VME). of service requested by the ATN-defined SN_SME. A VME uses the LMEs (that it creates and destroys) to enquire the quality of service available from peer systems.

A10 VDL Mode 4 burst. A VHF digital link (VDL) Mode 4 burst is composed of a sequence of source address, burst ID, information, slot reservation and frame check sequence (FCS) fields, bracketed by opening and closing flag sequences.

A10 VDL Mode 4 DLS system.

A VDL system that implements the VDL Mode 4 DLS and subnetwork protocols to carry ATN packets or other packets.

A10 VDL Mode 4 specific services (VSS) sublayer.

The sublayer that resides above the MAC sublayer and provides VDL Mode 4 specific access protocols including reserved, random and fixed protocols.

A10 VDL station. An aircraft-based or ground-based physical entity, capable of VDL Mode 2, 3 or 4.

A10 Vertical speed limit (VSL) RA.

A resolution advisory advising the pilot to avoid a given range of altitude rates. A VSL RA can be either corrective or preventive.

A2 VFR. The symbol used to designate the visual flight rules.

A2 VFR flight. A flight conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules.

A10 VHF digital link (VDL).

A constituent mobile subnetwork of the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN), operating in the aeronautical mobile VHF frequency band. In addition, the VDL may provide non-ATN functions such as, for instance, digitized voice.

A10 Virtual origin. The point at which the straight line through the 30 per cent and 5 per cent amplitude points on the pulse leading edge intersects the 0 per cent

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amplitude axis A2 Visibility. Visibility for aeronautical purposes is the

greater of:

a) the greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a bright background;

b) the greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1 000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background.

A4 Visual approach procedure.

A series of predetermined manoeuvres by visual reference, from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, a go-around procedure can be carried-out.

A2 Visual meteorological conditions.

Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, equal to or better than specified minima.

A2 VMC. The symbol used to designate visual meteorological conditions.

A10 Vocoder. A low bit rate voice encoder/decoder.A10 Voice unit. A device that provides a simplex audio and

signalling interface between the user and VDL.A3 Volcanic ash

advisory centre (VAAC).

A meteorological centre designated by regional air navigation agreement to provide advisory information to meteorological watch offices, area control centres, flight information centres, world area forecast centres and international OPMET data banks regarding the lateral and vertical extent and forecast movement of

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volcanic ash in the atmosphere following volcanic eruptions.

A15 VOLMET. Meteorological information for aircraft in flight.

Data link-VOLMET (D-VOLMET). Provision of current aerodrome routine meteorological reports (METAR) and (SPECI), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), SIGMET, special air-reports not aerodrome special meteorological reports covered by a SIGMET and, where available, AIRMET via data link.

VOLMET broadcast. Provision, as appropriate, of current METAR, SPECI, TAF and SIGMET by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcasts.

A10 VSS user. A user of the VDL Mode 4 specific services. The VSS user could be higher layers in the VDL Mode 4 SARPs or an external application using VDL Mode 4.

A10 XDCE. A general term referring to both the ADCE and the GDCE.

A10 XDLP. A general term referring to both the ADLP and the GDLP.

A10 Warning time. The time interval between potential threat or threat detection and closest approach when neither aircraft accelerates.

A4 Waypoint. A specified geographical location used to define an area navigation route or the flight path of an aircraft employing area navigation. Waypoints are identified as either:

Fly-by waypoint. A waypoint which requires

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turn anticipation to allow tangential interception of the next segment of a route or procedure; or

Flyover waypoint. A waypoint at which a turn is initiated in order to join the next segment of a route or procedure.

A3 World area forecast centre (WAFC).

A meteorological centre designated to prepare and issue significant weather forecasts and upper-air forecasts in digital form on a global basis direct to States by appropriate means as part of the aeronautical fixed service.

A3 World area forecast system (WAFS).

A worldwide system by which world area forecast centres provide aeronautical meteorological en-route forecasts in uniform standardized formats.

A10 Z marker beacon. A type of radio beacon, the emissions of which radiate in a vertical cone-shaped pattern.

A14-I Razpoložljiva razdalja vzletnega zaleta in pot ustavljanja (ASDA).

Seštevek dolžine za vzletni zalet in dolžine poti ustavljanja, če ta obstaja.

(Glej tudi pod Declared distances, tč. (c))

Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA).

The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided.

(See also Declared distances, item (c))


Natančnost. stopnja skladnosti med ocenjeno ali izmerjeno vrednostjo in resnično vrednostjo

Accuracy. A degree of conformance between the estimated or measured value and the true value.

Note.— For measured positional data, the accuracy is normally expressed in terms of a distance from a stated position within which there is a defined confidence of the true position falling.

A14-I Aerodrom.Letališče.

določeno območje na kopnem ali v vodi (vključno z zgradbami, napeljavami in

Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment)

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opremo), delno ali v celoti namenjeno za prihode in odhode zrakoplovov in za njihovo gibanje po tleh.

intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.

A14-I Letališki svetilnik. svetilnik, ki se uporablja za določitev lokacije letališča iz zraka

Aerodrome beacon. Aeronautical beacon used to indicate the location of an aerodrome from the air.

A14-I Certifikat aerodroma. MANJKA Aerodrome certificate.

A certificate issued by the appropriate authority under applicable regulations for the operation of an aerodrome.

A14-I Nadmorska višina aerodroma. letališča.

nadmorska višina najvišje točke pristajalnega območja

Aerodrome elevation. The elevation of the highest point of the landing area.

A14-I Identifikacijski znak aerodroma, letališča.

znak, postavljen na aerodromu letališču za lažjo identifikacijo letališča iz zraka

Aerodrome identification sign.

A sign placed on an aerodrome to aid in identifying the aerodrome from the air.

A14-I Referenčna točka aerodroma, letališča.

določena zemljepisna lokacija aerodroma. letališča. l

Aerodrome reference point.

The designated geographical location of an aerodrome.

A14-I Gostota prometa na aerodromu, letališču.


a) Majhna gostota prometa na aerodromu, letališču. Pomeni do 15 premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali manj kakor 20 skupnih letaliških premikov.

b) Srednja gostota prometa na aerodromu, letališču. Pomeni od 16 do 25 premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali od 20 do 35 skupnih letaliških premikov.

c) Velika gostota prometa na aerodromu, letališču. Pomeni 26 in več premikov zrakoplovov v

Aerodrome traffic density.


a) Light. Where the number of movements in the mean busy hour is not greater than 15 per runway or typically less than 20 total aerodrome movements.

b) Medium. Where the number of movements in the mean busy hour is of the order of 16 to 25 per runway or typically between 20 to 35 total aerodrome movements.

c) Heavy. Where the number of movements in the mean busy hour is of the order of 26 or more per runway or typically more than 35 total aerodrome movements.

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povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali več od 35 skupnih letaliških premikov.

Opomba 1. - Število premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo. Število premikov v povprečni uri pomeni letno povprečje premikov v povprečni uri.

Opomba 2. - Za premik velja vzlet ali pristanek zrakoplova.

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme:-Light.,-Medium., -Heavy.)

Note 1.— The number of movements in the mean busy hour is the arithmetic mean over the year of the number of movements in the daily busiest hour.

Note 2.— Either a take-off or a landing constitutes a movement.

(See also separate items:-Light.,-Medium., -Heavy.)

A14-I Letalski svetilnik. letalska talna luč, ki je bodisi nepretrgoma bodisi v presledkih vidna iz vseh smeri in se uporablja za oznako določene točke na zemeljski površini.

Aeronautical beacon. An aeronautical ground light visible at all azimuths, either continuously or intermittently, to designate a particular point on the surface of the earth.

A14-I Letalska talna luč. Katerakoli luč, ki se uporablja kot letalsko navigacijsko sredstvo, razen luči, nameščenih na zrakoplovu.

Aeronautical ground light.

Any light specially provided as an aid to air navigation, other than a light displayed on an aircraft.

A14-I Referenčna dolžina terena za letalo.

Najmanjša dolžina terena, ki je potrebna za vzlet pri največji dovoljeni vzletni masi, na gladini morja, v pogojih standardne atmosfere, v brezvetrju in na popolnoma ravni vzletno-pristajalni stezi, kakor je navedeno v ustreznem letalskem priročniku, ki ga je potrdil certifikacijski organ, ali kakor kažejo ekvivalentni podatki, ki jih predloži proizvajalec letala. Dolžina terena pomeni

Aeroplane reference field length.

The minimum field length required for take-off at maximum certificated take-off mass, sea level, standard atmospheric conditions, still air and zero runway slope, as shown in the appropriate aeroplane flight manual prescribed by the certificating authority or equivalent data from the aeroplane manufacturer. Field length means balanced field length for aeroplanes, if applicable, or take-off distance in other cases.

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uravnotežen teren za letala, če je to primerno, ali pa vzletno razdaljo v drugih primerih.

Opomba. – MANJKA

Note.— Attachment A, Section 2 provides information on the concept of balanced field length and the Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760) contains detailed guidance on matters related to take-off distance.

A14-I Klasifikacijska številka zrakoplova (ACN).

Številka, ki izraža relativni učinek zrakoplova na tlakovano površino za določeno standardno podkategorijo.

Opomba. – MANJKA

Aircraft classification number (ACN).

A number expressing the relative effect of an aircraft on a pavement for a specified standard subgrade category.

Note.— The aircraft classification number is calculated with respect to the center of gravity (CG) position which yields the critical loading on the critical gear. Normally the aftmost CG position appropriate to the maximum gross apron (ramp) mass is used to calculate the ACN. In exceptional cases the forwardmost CG position may result in the nose gear loading being more critical.

A14-I Postajališče za zrakoplove.

Označeno območje na ploščadi, namenjeno za parkiranje zrakoplova.

Aircraft stand. A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking an aircraft.

A14-II Vozna steza za nizko letenje.

Točno določena pot na površini, namenjena za nizko letenje helikopterjev.

Air taxiway. A defined path on the surface established for the air taxiing of helicopters.

A14-II Pot preleta. Točno določena pot na površini, namenjena za prelet helikopterjev.

Air transit route. A defined path on the surface established for the air transiting of helicopters

A14-I Vozna steza do parkirnega položaja.

Del ploščadi, ki je označen kot vozna steza in omogoča dostop samo do parkirnih položajev za zrakoplove.

Aircraft stand taxilane.

A portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and intended to provide access to aircraft stands only.

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(Glej tudi pod Taxiway, tč. (a)) (See also Taxiway, item (a))

A14-I Ploščad. Točno določeno območje kopenskega letališča, namenjeno za vkrcavanje ali izkrcavanje potnikov, za nakladanje ali razkladanje pošte ali tovora, za polnjenje z gorivom, za parkiranje ali za vzdrževanje.

Apron. A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.

A14-I Služba za upravljanje ploščadi.

Služba, ki urejuje dejavnosti na ploščadi, pa tudi gibanja zrakoplovov in drugih vozil.

Apron management service.

A service provided to regulate the activities and the movement of aircraft and vehicles on an apron.

A14-I Vozna steza na ploščadi.

Del sistema voznih stez na ploščadi, ki se uporablja kot prehod prek ploščadi.

(Glej tudi pod Taxiway, tč. (b))

Apron taxiway. A portion of a taxiway system located on an apron and intended to provide a through taxi route across the apron.

(See also Taxiway, item (b))A14-I MANJKA MANJKA Balked landing. A landing manoeuvre that is unexpectedly

discontinued at any point below the obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H).

A14-I Bareta. Tri ali več letalskih luči na zemlji, ki so razporejene v prečni vrsti blizu ena drugi, tako da so od daleč videti kakor kratka svetlobna črta.

Barrette. Three or more aeronautical ground lights closely spaced in a transverse line so that from a distance they appear as a short bar of light.


Koledar. Diskretni (točkovni) časovni referenčni sistem, ki zagotavlja temelj za določanje časovnega položaja s časovno enoto enega dne (ISO 19108*).

Calendar. Discrete temporal reference system that provides the basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day (ISO 19108*).

A14-I Kapacitivni svetlobni vir z razelektrenjem.

Svetlobni vir, ki ob porabi električnega toka visoke napetosti iz plina v cevi proizvaja izredno kratke visokonapetostne bliske (bliskavica).

Capacitor discharge light.

A lamp in which high-intensity flashes of extremely short duration are produced by the discharge of electricity at high voltage through a gas enclosed in a tube.

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A14-I Certificiran aerodrom. letališče.

Aerodrom, Letališče, za katerega je obratovalec pridobil obratovalno dovoljenje.

Certified aerodrome. An aerodrome whose operator has been granted an aerodrome certificate.

A14-I Čistina. Kontrolirano pravokotno območje nad zemljo ali vodo, izbrano ali pripravljeno kot ustrezno za izvajanje začetnega vzpenjanja letala do določene višine.

Clearway. A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.

A14-I Steptani sneg. Sneg, stisnjen v trdno maso, ki se upira nadaljnjemu stiskanju in ostane skupaj; če se dvigne od tal, razpade v kepe; specifična teža: 0,5 in več.

(Glej tudi pod Snow, tč. (c)).

Compacted snow. Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists further compression and will hold together or break up into lumps if picked up; specific gravity: 0.5 and over.

(See also Snow, item (c)).


Ciklični redundančni pregled.

Matematični algoritem, ki podatkom v digitalni obliki zagotavlja ustrezno raven zaščite glede izgube ali spremembe podatkov.

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC).

A mathematical algorithm applied to the digital expression of data that provides a level of assurance against loss or alteration of data.


Kakovost podatkov. Stopnja ali raven zaupnosti, da pridobljeni podatki izpolnjujejo zahteve glede natančnosti, resolucije in integritete.

Data quality. A degree or level of confidence that the data provided meet the requirements of the data user in terms of accuracy, resolution and integrity.

A14-I Podatek. Podatek, ki se lahko uporablja kot referenca ali podlaga pri izračunu drugih podatkov (ISO 19104*).

Datum. Any quantity or set of quantities that may serve as a reference or basis for the calculation of other quantities (ISO 19104*).

A14-I Objekt za razledenitev-protiledenitev.

Objekt, namenjen odstranjevanju zmrzali, leda ali snega (razledenitev) z zrakoplovov, da se zagotovijo ciste površine oziroma zaščita čistih površin zrakoplova (protiledenitev) proti nastanku zmrzali in

De-icing/anti-icing facility.

A facility where frost, ice or snow is removed (de-icing) from the aeroplane to provide clean surfaces, and/or where clean surfaces of the aeroplane receive protection (anti-icing) against the formation of frost or ice and

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leda ali proti kopičenju snega in plundre za omejeno časovno obdobje.

Opomba. – MANJKA

accumulation of snow or slush for a limited period of time.

Note.— Further guidance is given in the Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Anti-icing Operations (Doc 9640)..

A14-I Pozicija za razledenitev-protiledenitev.

Določena lokacija na območju gibanja zrakoplovov, namenjena izvajanju operacij razledenitve-protiledenitve zrakoplovov.

De-icing/anti-icing pad.

An area comprising an inner area for the parking of an aeroplane to receive de-icing/anti-icing treatment and an outer area for the manoeuvring of two or more mobile de-icing/anti-icing equipment.

A14-I Deklarirane razdalje.

Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za vzletni zalet (TORA).

Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za vzletanje (TODA).

Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina vzletnega zaleta in pot ustavljanja (ASDA).

Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za pristajanje (LDA).

a) Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za vzletni zalet (TORA).Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna za talni zalet letala pri vzletu.

b) Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za vzletanje (TODA).Seštevek dolžine za vzletni zalet in dolžine čistine, če ta obstaja.* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter.

c) Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina vzletnega zaleta in pot ustavljanja (ASDA).Seštevek dolžine za vzletni zalet in dolžine poti ustavljanja, če ta obstaja.

d) Razpoložljiva razdalja dolžina za pristajanje (LDA). Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna za vožnjo letala po tleh med pristajanjem.

Declared distances.

Take-off run available (TORA).

Take-off distance available (TODA).

Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA).

Landing distance available (LDA).

a) Take-off run available (TORA). The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

b) Take-off distance available (TODA). The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided.* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter.

c) Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA). The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided.

d) Landing distance available (LDA). The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

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(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme a) – d):-Take-off run available (TORA),-Take-off distance available (TODA),-Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA),- Landing distance available (LDA),ki so navedeni pod pojmom: deklarirane razdalje.

(See also separate items (a) – (d):-Take-off run available (TORA),-Take-off distance available (TODA),-Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA),- Landing distance available (LDA),under term Declared distances.)

A14-II Deklarirane razdalje - heliporti.

Razpoložljiva razdalja za vzletanje (TODAH).

Razpoložljiva razdalja za prekinjen vzlet (RTODAH).

Razpoložljiva razdalja za pristajanje (LDAH).

a) Razpoložljiva razdalja za vzletanje (TODAH).Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega področja ter dolžine čistine (če je zagotovljena), ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna da helikopter izvede vzlet.

b) Razpoložljiva razdalja za prekinjen vzlet (RTODAH).Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega področja, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna, da helikopter zmogljivosti razreda 1 izvede prekinjen vzlet.

c) Razpoložljiva razdalja za pristajanje (LDAH). Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega področja ter kateregakoli dodatnega področja, ki je deklariran kot razpoložljiv in primeren, da helikopter izvede pristanek iz različnih višin.

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme a) – c):-Take-off distance available (TODAH).

Declared distances - heliports.

Take-off distance available (TODAH).

Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAH).

Landing distance available (LDAH).

a) Take-off distance available (TODAH). The length of the final approach and take-off area plus the length of helicopter clearway (if provided) declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the take-off.

b) Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAH). The length of the final approach and take-off area declared available and suitable for performance class 1 helicopters to complete a rejected take-off.

c) Landing distance available (LDAH). The length of the final approach and take-off area plus any additional area declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.

(See also separate items a) – c):-Take-off distance available (TODAH).

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-Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAH).-Landing distance available (LDAH).)

-Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAH).-Landing distance available (LDAH).)

A14-I Odvisni vzporedni prileti.

Hkratni prileti na vzporedne ali skoraj vzporedne instrumentalne steze, kjer so predpisani radarski minimumi razdvajanja med zrakoplovi na sosednjih podaljšanih srednjih črtah vzletno-pristajalnih steza.

Dependent parallel approaches.

Simultaneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended runway centre lines are prescribed.

A14-I Prestavljeni prag. Prag steze, ki ni na skrajnem koncu vzletno-pristajalne steze.

Displaced threshold. A threshold not located at the extremity of a runway.

A14-I Suhi sneg. Sneg, ki ga lahko razpihamo, kadar je rahel, in če ga v roki stisnemo, razpade, takoj ko popustimo; specifična teža: manj kakor 0,35.

(Glej tudi Snow, tč. (a)).

Dry snow. Snow which can be blown if loose or, if compacted by hand, will fall apart again upon release; specific gravity: up to but not including 0.35.

(See also Snow, item (a)).A14-I Učinkovita jakost. Jakost utripajoče luči je enaka jakosti stalnih

luči enake barve, ki daje enak vizualni domet pod enakimi pogoji opazovanja.

Effective intensity. The effective intensity of a flashing light is equal to the intensity of a fixed light of the same colour which will produce the same visual range under identical conditions of observation.

A14-II Dvignjen heliport Heliport nad terenom lociran na primerni konstrukciji.

Elevated heliport. A heliport located on a raised structure on land.


Elipsoidna višina (geodetska višina).

Višina glede na referenčni elipsoid. Ellipsoid height (Geodetic height).

The height related to the reference ellipsoid, measured along the ellipsoidal outer normal through the point in question.

A14-II Področje končnega prileta in vzleta (FATO).

Določeno področje nad katerim se zaključi prilet z lebdenjem ali pristankom oziroma začne vzlet. Če FATO uporabljajo helikopterji zmogljivosti razreda 1 področje

Final approach and take-off area (FATO).

A defined area over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. Where the FATO is

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vključuje tudi razpoložljivo razdaljo za prekinjen vzlet.

to be used by performance Class 1 helicopters, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available.

A14-I Stalna luč. Luč, ki ima pri opazovanju z določene točke konstantno jakost.

Fixed light. A light having constant luminous intensity when observed from a fixed point.

A14-I Signal s stalnim sporočilom.

Je signal, ki predstavlja samo eno sporočilo.

(Glej tudi Sign, tč. (a)).

Fixed message sign. A sign presenting only one message.

(See also Sign, item (a)).

A14-I Lomljivi predmet. Lahek predmet, ki je konstruiran tako, da se pod pritiskom zlomi, zvije ali popusti in tako pomeni najmanjšo nevarnost za zrakoplov.

Opomba. – MANJKA

Frangible object. An object of low mass designed to break, distort or yield on impact so as to present the minimum hazard to aircraft.

Note.— Guidance on design for frangibility is contained in the Aerodrome Design Manual (Doc 9157), Part 6.


Geodetski referenčni podatek.

Minimalno število parametrov, potrebnih za opredelitev lokacije in orientacije lokalnega referenčnega sistema ob upoštevanju globalnega referenčnega sistema.

* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter with respect to the global reference system/frame.

(Glede sklicevanja na “seznam na koncu tega poglavja” - glej Prilogo 14 - Annex 14 ICAO, Vol. I in II – poglavji: Definitions).

Geodetic datum. A minimum set of parameters required to define location and orientation of the local reference system with respect to the global reference system/frame.

* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter with respect to the global reference system/frame.

(See Annex 14 ICAO, Vol. I and II – Chapters: Definitions).


Geoid. Ekvipotencialna površina v gravitacijskem polju Zemlje, ki sovpada z mirno srednjo višino morske gladine, nepretrgano razprostrte skozi celine.

Geoid. The equipotential surface in the gravity field of the Earth which coincides with the undisturbed mean sea level (MSL) extended continuously through the continents.

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Opomba. – MANJKA

Note.— The geoid is irregular in shape because of local gravitational disturbances (wind tides, salinity, current, etc.) and the direction of gravity is perpendicular to the geoid at every point.


Geoidna ondulacija. Oddaljenost geoida (pozitivna ali negativna) od matematičnega referenčnega elipsoida.

Opomba. – MANJKA

Geoid undulation. The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid.

Note.— In respect to the World Geodetic System — 1984 (WGS-84) defined ellipsoid, the difference between the WGS-84 ellipsoidal height and orthometric height represents WGS-84 geoid undulation.


Gregorijanski koledar. MANJKA

Opomba. – MANJKA

Gregorian calendar. Calendar in general use; first introduced in 1582 to define a year that more closely approximates the tropical year than the Julian calendar (ISO 19108*).

Note.— In the Gregorian calendar, common years have 365 days and leap years 366 days divided into twelve sequential months.

A14-I Svetilnik nevarnosti. Svetilnik, ki se v zračni plovbi uporablja za opozarjanje na nevarnost.

Hazard beacon. An aeronautical beacon used to designate a danger to air navigation.

A14-I Velika gostota prometa na letališču.

Pomeni 26 in več premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali več od 35 skupnih letaliških premikov.

(Glej tudi Aerodrome traffic density, item (c)).

Heavy. Aerodrome traffic density.

The number of movements in the mean busy hour is of the order of 26 or more per runway or typically more than 35 total aerodrome movements.

(See also Aerodrome traffic density, item (c)).

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A14-II Helikopterska čistina. Kontrolirano pravokotno območje nad zemljo ali vodo, izbrano ali pripravljeno kot ustrezno, da helikopter zmogljivosti razreda 1 pospeši in doseže določeno višino.

Helicopter clearway. A defined area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority, selected and/ or prepared as a suitable area over which a performance class 1 helicopter may accelerate and achieve a specific height.

A14-II Vozna steza za helikopterje.

Vozna steza ki jo uporabljajo samo helikopterji.

Helicopter ground taxiway.

A ground taxiway for use by helicopters only.

A14-II Postajališče za helikopterje.

Postajališče za zrakoplov pripravljeno za parkiranje helikopterjev.

Helicopter stand. An aircraft stand which provides for parking a helicopter and, where air taxiing operations are contemplated, the helicopter touchdown and lift-off.

A14-II Helikopterska ploščad. Heliport na plavajoči ali pritrjeni vodni ploščadi.

Helideck. A heliport located on a floating or fixed off-shore structure.


Heliport. Aerodrom ali točno določeno območje na konstrukciji, ki je v celoti ali delno namenjen za prihode, odhode in premikanje helikopterjev po površini.

Heliport. An aerodrome or a defined area on a structure intended to be used wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters.

A14-I Območje čakanja. Točno določeno območje, kjer lahko zrakoplovi počakajo ali naredijo obvoz in tako omogočijo učinkovito premikanje po površini.

Holding bay. A defined area where aircraft can be held, or bypassed, to facilitate efficient surface movement of aircraft.

A14-I Čas zaščite. Ocenjeni čas delovanja protileditvene tekočine, ki preprečuje nastanek ledu, zmrzali ali kopičenje snega na tretiranih površinah letala.

Holdover time. The estimated time the anti-icing fluid (treatment) will prevent the formation of ice and frost and the accumulation of snow on the protected (treated) surfaces of an aeroplane.

A14-I Princip človeških faktorjev.

MANJKA Human factors principles.

Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system

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components by proper consideration to human performance.

A14-I MANJKA MANJKA Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

A14-I Identifikacijski svetilnik.

Aeronavtični svetilnik, ki oddaja kodirani signal, s katerim se identificira posamezna referenčna točka.

Identification beacon. An aeronautical beacon emitting a coded signal by means of which a particular point of reference can be identified.

A14-I Neodvisni vzporedni prileti.

Hkratni prileti na vzporedne ali skoraj vzporedne instrumentalne steze, kjer niso predpisani radarski minimumi razdvajanja med zrakoplovi na sosednjih podaljšanih srednjih črtah vzletno-pristajalnih stez.

Independent parallel approaches.

Simultaneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended runway centre lines are not prescribed.

A14-I Neodvisni vzporedni vzleti.

Istočasni vzleti z vzporednih ali skoraj vzporednih instrumentalnih vzletno-pristajalnih stez.

Independent parallel departures.

Simultaneous departures from parallel or near-parallel instrument runways.

A14-I Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Steza za nenatančni prilet.

Steza za natančni prilet kategorije I.

Steza za natančni prilet kategorije II.

Steza za natančni prilet kategorije III.

Ena od naslednjih tipov vzletno-pristajalne steze, namenjene za pristajanje zrakoplovov po postopku za instrumentalni prilet.

a) Steza za nenatančni prilet. Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z vizualnimi in nevizualnimi sredstvi, ki zagotavlja vsaj usmerjeno vodenje, primerno za neposredni prilet.

b) Steza za natančni prilet kategorije I. Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z instrumentalnim pristajalnim sistemom (ILS) in/ali mikrovalovnim pristajalnim sistemom (MLS) in z vizualnimi

Instrument runway.

Non-precision approach runway.

Precision approach runway, category I.

Precision approach runway, category II.

Precision approach runway, category III.

One of the following types of runways intended for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures:

a) Non-precision approach runway. An instrument runway served by visual aids and a non-visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach.

b) Precision approach runway, category I. An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and either a visibility not less than

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sredstvi za operacije z višino odločitve do 60 m (200 čevljev) in pri vidnosti najmanj 800 m oziroma pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 550 m.

c) Steza za natančni prilet kategorije II. Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z ILS in/ali MLS in z vizualnimi sredstvi za operacije z višino odločitve, nižjo od 60 m (200 čevljev), toda ne nižjo od 30 m (100 čevljev), in pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 350 m.

d) Steza za natančni prilet kategorije III. Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z ILS in/ali MLS, do in vzdolž površine steze in je:

A - namenjena za operacije z višino odločitve manj kakor 30 m (100 čevljev) ali brez zahtevane višine odločitve in pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 200 m;

B - namenjena za operacije z višino odločitve manj kakor 15 m (50 čevljev) ali brez zahtevane višine odločitve in pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze manj kakor 200 m, vendar ne manj kakor 50 m;

C - namenjena za operacije brez zahtevane višine odločitve in brez omejitev glede vidnega območja vzletno-pristajalne steze.

800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.

c) Precision approach runway, category II. An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft) but not lower than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual range not less than 350 m.

d) Precision approach runway, category III.An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS to and along the surface of the runway and:

A — intended for operations with a decision height lower than 30 m (100 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than 200 m.

B — intended for operations with a decision height lower than 15 m (50 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 200 m but not less than 50 m.

C — intended for operations with no decision height and no runway visual range limitations.

Note 1.— See Annex 10, Volume I for related ILS and/or MLS specifications.

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Opomba 1. – MANJKA

Opomba 2. – MANJKA

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme a) – d):-Non-precision approach runway.-Precision approach runway, category I.-Precision approach runway, category II.-Precision approach runway, category III.

Note 2.— Visual aids need not necessarily be matched to the scale of non-visual aids provided. The criterion for the selection of visual aids is the conditions in which operations are intended to be conducted.

(See also separate items a) – d):-Non-precision approach runway.-Precision approach runway, category I.-Precision approach runway, category II.-Precision approach runway, category III.


Integriteta (aeronavtični podatek).

Je stopnja zagotovitve, da aeronavtični podatek in njegova vrednost nista izgubljena ali spremenjena od njegovega nastanka ali pooblaščenega popravka.

Integrity (aeronautical data).

A degree of assurance that an aeronautical data and its value has not been lost nor altered since the data origination or authorized amendment.

A14-I Vmesni položaj čakanja.

Označen položaj, namenjen za kontrolo prometa, na katerem se morajo zrakoplovi, ki vozijo po zemlji, in vozila ustaviti in čakati, dokler ne sprejmejo navodila letališke kontrole zračnega prometa, da je steza prosta in da lahko nadaljujejo vožnjo.

Intermediate holding position.

A designated position intended for traffic control at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.

A14-I Pristajalno območje. Tisti del območja za gibanje, ki je namenjen za pristajanje in vzletanje zrakoplovov.

Landing area. That part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft.

A14-I Kazalnik smeri pristajanja.

Naprava, ki vizualno kaže trenutno določeno smer pristajanja ali vzletanja.

Landing direction indicator.

A device to indicate visually the direction currently designated for landing and for take-off.

A14-I Razpoložljiva dolžina za pristajanje (LDA).

Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna za

Landing distance available (LDA).

The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an

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vožnjo letala po tleh med pristajanjem.

(Glej tudi Declared distances, tč. (d)).

aeroplane landing.

(See also Declared distances, item (d)).

A14-II Razpoložljiva dolžina za pristajanje (LDAH).

Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega področja ter kateregakoli dodatnega področja, ki je deklariran kot razpoložljiv in primeren, da helikopter izvede pristanek iz različnih višin.

(Glej tudi Declared distances – heliports, tč. (c)).

Landing distance available (LDAH).

The length of the final approach and take-off area plus any additional area declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.

(See also Declared distances – heliports, item (c)).

A14-I Cona letenja, kritična glede laserskih žarkov (LCFZ).

Zračni prostor v neposredni bližini letališča, toda čez LFFZ, kjer je sevanje omejeno do ravni, ko je malo verjetno, da bi nastopilo bliskanje.

Laser-beam critical flight zone (LCFZ).

Airspace in the proximity of an aerodrome but beyond the LFFZ where the irradiance is restricted to a level unlikely to cause glare effects.

A14-I Cona letenja brez laserskih žarkov (LFFZ).

Zračni prostor v neposredni bližini letališča, kjer je sevanje omejeno do ravni, ko je malo verjetno, da bi nastopila zaslepitev.

Laser-beam free flight zone (LFFZ).

Airspace in the immediate proximity to the aerodrome where the irradiance is restricted to a level unlikely to cause any visual disruption.

A14-I Cona letenja, občutljiva glede laserskih žarkov (LSFZ).

Zračni prostor zunaj in ne nujno blizu LFFZ in LCFZ, kjer je sevanje omejeno do ravni, ko je malo verjetno, da bi povzročilo zaslepitev od bliska ali efekta poznejše predočitve.

Laser-beam sensitive flight zone (LSFZ).

Airspace outside, and not necessarily contiguous with, the LFFZ and LCFZ where the irradiance is restricted to a level unlikely to cause flash-blindness or after-image effects.

A14-I Majhna gostota prometa na letališču.

Pomeni do 15 premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali manj kakor 20 skupnih letaliških premikov.

(Glej tudi Aerodrome traffic density,tč. a).


Aerodrome traffic density.

The number of movements in the mean busy hour is not greater than 15 per runway or typically less than 20 total aerodrome movements.

(See also Aerodrome traffic density, item a).

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A14-I Zanesljivost svetlobnega sistema.

Verjetnost, da bo celotni sistem napeljave deloval v okviru dopustnih odstopanj in da bo operativno uporaben.

Lighting system reliability.

The probability that the complete installation operates within the specified tolerances and that the system is operationally usable.

A14-I Manevrska površina. Del letališča brez ploščadi, ki se uporablja za vzletanje, za pristajanje in za vožnjo zrakoplovov po tleh.

Manoeuvring area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons.

A14-I Označevalnik. Predmet za označevanje ovir ali oris meja, postavljen nad ravnijo tal.

Marker. An object displayed above ground level in order to indicate an obstacle or delineate a boundary.

A14-I Oznaka. Znak ali skupina znakov za posredovanje letalskih sporočil, ki je na površini območja gibanja zrakoplovov.

Marking. A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the movement area in order to convey aeronautical information.

A14-I Srednja gostota prometa na letališču.

Pomeni od 16 do 25 premikov zrakoplovov v povprečni uri na vzletno-pristajalno stezo ali od 20 do 35 skupnih letaliških premikov.

(Glej tudi Aerodrome traffic density, tč. (b)).


Aerodrome traffic density.

The number of movements in the mean busy hour is of the order of 16 to 25 per runway or typically between 20 to 35 total aerodrome movements.

(See also Aerodrome traffic density, tč. (b)).A14-I Območje gibanja

zrakoplovov. Tisti del letališča, ki se uporablja za vzletanje, pristajanje in vožnjo zrakoplovov po tleh. Sestavljajo ga manevrska površina in ploščad oziroma ploščadi.

Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s).

A14-I Bližnje vzporedne steze.

Vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki se ne sekajo in katerih podaljški srednje črte imajo konvergentni oziroma divergentni kot 15° ali manj.

Near-parallel runways.

Non-intersecting runways whose extended centre lines have an angle of convergence/ divergence of 15 degrees or less.

A14-I Neinstrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna

Vzletno-pristajalna steza, namenjena za pristajanje zrakoplova po postopkih

Non-instrument runway.

A runway intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures.

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steza. vizualnega prileta.

A14-I Steza za nenatančni prilet.

Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z vizualnimi in nevizualnimi sredstvi, ki zagotavlja vsaj usmerjeno vodenje, primerno za neposredni prilet.

(Glej tudi Instrument runway, tč. (a)).

Non-precision approach runway.

An instrument runway served by visual aids and a non-visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach.

(See also Instrument runway, item (a)).A14-I Normalna cona leta

(NFZ). Zračni prostor, ki ni LFFZ, LCFZ ali LSFZ, pa mora biti zaščiten pred laserskimi sevanji, ki bi lahko povzročila biološko poškodbo oči.

Normal flight zone (NFZ).

Airspace not defined as LFFZ, LCFZ or LSFZ but which must be protected from laser radiation capable of causing biological damage to the eye.


Ovira. Vsi pritrjeni predmeti (bodisi začasno ali stalno) in premični predmeti ali njihovi deli, ki so na območju, namenjenem za gibanje zrakoplovov po površini, ali prebadajo definirane ravnine, namenjene varovanju zrakoplovov v letu.

Obstacle. All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight.

A14-I Območje brez ovir (OFZ).

Zračni prostor nad notranjo priletno ravnino, notranjo ravnino prehoda in ravnino zaustavljenega pristanka in tisti del stripa, ki ga te ravnine omejujejo, kjer ni nobenih pritrjenih ovir, razen lahkih in slabo pritrjenih objektov in naprav, potrebnih za navigacijo.

Obstacle free zone (OFZ).

The airspace above the inner approach surface, inner transitional surfaces, and balked landing surface and that portion of the strip bounded by these surfaces, which is not penetrated by any fixed obstacle other than a low-mass and frangibly mounted one required for air navigation purposes.


Ortometrična višina. Višina točke glede na geoid, večinoma navedena kot višina od srednje morske gladine.

Orthometric height. Height of a point related to the geoid, generally presented as an MSL elevation.

A14-I Klasifikacijska številka tlakovane površine

Številka, ki izraža nosilnost tlakovane površine pri neomejenih operacijah.

Pavement classification number

A number expressing the bearing strength of a pavement for unrestricted operations.

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(PCN.) (PCN). A14-I Steza za natančni

prilet-glej Instrument runway Precision approach


see Instrument runway.

-see Instrument runway

A14-I Steza za natančni prilet kategorije I.

Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z instrumentalnim pristajalnim sistemom (ILS) in/ali mikrovalovnim pristajalnim sistemom (MLS) in z vizualnimi sredstvi za operacije z višino odločitve do 60 m (200 čevljev) in pri vidnosti najmanj 800 m oziroma pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 550 m.

(Glej tudi Instrument runway, tč. (b)).

Precision approach runway, category I.

An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.

(See also Instrument runway, item (b)).

A14-I Steza za natančni prilet kategorije II.

Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z ILS in/ali MLS in z vizualnimi sredstvi za operacije z višino odločitve, nižjo od 60 m (200 čevljev), toda ne nižjo od 30 m (100 čevljev), in pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 350 m.

(Glej tudi Instrument runway, tč. (c)).

Precision approach runway, category II.

An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft) but not lower than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual range not less than 350 m.

(See also Instrument runway, item (c)).

A14-I Steza za natančni prilet kategorije III.

Instrumentalna vzletno-pristajalna steza, opremljena z ILS in/ali MLS, do in vzdolž površine steze in je:

A - namenjena za operacije z višino odločitve manj kakor 30 m (100 čevljev) ali brez zahtevane višine odločitve in pri vidnem

Precision approach runway, category III.

An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS to and along the surface of the runway and:

A — intended for operations with a decision height lower than 30 m (100 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than

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območju vzletno-pristajalne steze najmanj 200 m;

B - namenjena za operacije z višino odločitve manj kakor 15 m (50 čevljev) ali brez zahtevane višine odločitve in pri vidnem območju vzletno-pristajalne steze manj kakor 200 m, vendar ne manj kakor 50 m;

C - namenjena za operacije brez zahtevane višine odločitve in brez omejitev glede vidnega območja vzletno-pristajalne steze.

(Glej tudi Instrument runway, tč. (d)).

200 m.

B — intended for operations with a decision height lower than 15 m (50 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 200 m but not less than 50 m.

C — intended for operations with no decision height and no runway visual range limitations.

(See also Instrument runway, item (d)).

A14-I Glavna vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Vzletno-pristajalna steza, ki se v primerjavi z drugo prednostno uporablja vedno, ko razmere to dopuščajo. Na letališču je lahko več glavnih stez.

Primary runway(s).. Runway(s) used in preference to others whenever conditions permit.

A14-I Zaščitene cone leta. Posebno določen zračni prostor za zmanjšanje nevarnih učinkov laserskega sevanja.

Protected flight zones.

Airspace specifically designated to mitigate the hazardous effects of laser radiation.

A14-I Vozna steza za hitri izhod.

Vozna steza, v ostrem kotu priključena na vzletno-pristajalno stezo, ki pristajajočim letalom omogoča, da z nje zavijejo pri večjih hitrostih, kakor jih je mogoče doseči na drugih izhodnih voznih stezah, in s tem zmanjšajo čas zasedenosti pristajalne steze.

(Glej tudi Taxiway, tč. (c).

Rapid exit taxiway. A taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and designed to allow landing aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exit taxiways thereby minimizing runway occupancy times.

(See alsoTaxiway, item (c)).

A14-II Razpoložljiva razdalja Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega Rejected take-off The length of the final approach and take-off

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za prekinjen vzlet (RTODAH).

področja, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna da helikopter zmogljivosti razreda 1 izvede prekinjen vzlet.

(Glej tudi Declared distances – heliports, tč. (b)).

distance available (RTODAH).

area declared available and suitable for performance class 1 helicopters to complete a rejected take-off.

(See also Declared distances – heliports, item (b)).

A14-I Cesta. Določena cestna površina na manevrskem območju, namenjena za izključno rabo za vozila.

Road. An established surface route on the movement area meant for the exclusive use of vehicles.

A14-I Položaj čakanja na cesti.

Označen položaj, kjer se lahko od vozil zahteva, da se ustavijo in čakajo.

Road-holding position.

A designated position at which vehicles may be required to hold.

A14-I Vzletno-pristajalna steza.

Točno določeno pravokotno območje kopenskega letališča, ki je urejeno za pristajanje in vzletanje zrakoplovov.

Runway. A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.

A14-I Varnostno območje konca steze (RESA).

Simetrično območje okoli podaljšane srednje črte vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki leži tik ob koncu stripa, namenjeno za zmanjševanje nevarnosti za nastanek škode na letalu, katerega pristanek na stezi je prezgoden ali predolg.

Runway end safety area (RESA).

An area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway.

A14-I Zaščitne luči vzletno-pristajalne steze.

Svetlobni sistem, ki opozarja pilote oziroma voznike vozil, da bodo vstopili na aktivno vzletno-pristajalno stezo.

Runway guard lights. A light system intended to caution pilots or vehicle drivers that they are about to enter an active runway.

A14-I Položaj čakanja pred vzletno-pristajalno stezo.

Označen položaj, namenjen zaščiti vzletno-pristajalne steze, določene omejitvene ravnine ali ILS/MLS kritične/občutljive cone, kjer se zrakoplovi in vozila morajo ustaviti in čakati, razen če je letališka

Runway-holding position.

A designated position intended to protect a runway, an obstacle limitation surface, or an ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold, unless otherwise authorized by the

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kontrola zračnega prometa dala drugačna navodila.

Opomba. – MANJKA

aerodrome control tower.

Note.— In radiotelephony phraseologies, the expression “holding point” is used to designate the runway-holding position.

A14-I Osnova vzletno-pristajalne steze (strip).

Točno določeno območje, ki zajema vzletno-pristajalno stezo in pot ustavljanja, če ta obstaja, in je namenjeno za:

a) zmanjševanje nevarnosti za nastanek škode na zrakoplovu, ki zleti s steze;

b) varovanje zrakoplova, ki jo preleti pri vzletu ali pristanku.

Runway strip. A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended:

a) to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway; and

b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations.

A14-I Obračališče. Določena površina na kopenskem aerodromu tik ob vzletno-pristajalni stezi, namenjena lažjemu obratu zrakoplova za 180°.

Runway turn pad. A defined area on a land aerodrome adjacent to a runway for the purpose of completing a 180-degree turn on a runway.

A14-I Vidno območje vzletno-pristajalne steze (RVR).

Oddaljenost, pri kateri pilot zrakoplova na srednji črti vzletno-pristajalne steze vidi površinske oznake na stezi ali luči, ki označujejo stezo ali njeno srednjo črto.

Runway visual range (RVR).

The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.

A14-II Varno območje. Določeno območje na heliportu brez ovir okrog FATO, razen tistih ki so namenjene navigaciji. Namen območja je zmanjševanje nevarnosti za nastanek škode na helikopterju, ki zavije s FATO.

Safety area. A defined area on a heliport surrounding the FATO which is free of obstacles, other than those required for air navigation purposes, and intended to reduce the risk of damage to helicopters accidentally diverging from the FATO.

A14-I Sistem upravljana varnosti.

Sistematičen pristop upravljanja varnosti vključno z nujno organizacijsko strukturo, odgovornostjo, politiko in postopki.

Safety management system.

A systematic approach to managing safety including the necessary organizational structure, accountabilities, policies and

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procedure.A14-I Varnostni program. Skup predpisov in ukrepov namenjenih

zvišanju varnosti.Safety programme. An integrated set of regulations and activities

aimed at improving safety.

A14-I Ločene vzporedne operacije.

Hkratne operacije na vzporednih ali bližnjih vzporednih instrumentalnih vzletno-pristajalnih stezah, ko se ena steza uporablja izključno za pristajanje in druga izključno za vzletanje.

Segregated parallel operations.

Simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways in which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures.

A14-I Bankina. Območje ob robu tlakovane površine, ki je pripravljena tako, da omogoča prehod med tlakovano površino in sosednjo površino.

Shoulder. An area adjacent to the edge of a pavement so prepared as to provide a transition between the pavement and the adjacent surface.

A14-I Signal.

Signal s stalnim sporočilom.

Signal s spremenljivim sporočilom.

a) Signal s stalnim sporočilom.Je signal, ki predstavlja samo eno sporočilo.

b) Signal s spremenljivim sporočilom.Signal, zmožen predstavljati različna vnaprej določena sporočila.

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme a) in b):-Fixed message sign,-Variable message sign.)


Fixed message sign.

Variable message sign.

a) Fixed message sign. A sign presenting only one message.

b) Variable message sign. A sign capable of presenting several pre-determined messages or no message, as applicable.

(See also items separate a) and b):-Fixed message sign,-Variable message sign.)

A14-I Signalno območje. Območje na aerodromu, ki se uporablja za prikazovanje signalov.

Signal area. An area on an aerodrome used for the display of ground signals.

A14-I Plundra. Z vodo nasičen sneg, ki se s ploskimi udarci ob tla razpljuska naokrog, s specifično težo od 0,5 do 0,8.

Opomba. -

Slush. Water-saturated snow which with a heel-and-toe slapdown motion against the ground will be displaced with a splatter; specific gravity: 0.5 up to 0.8.

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MANJKA Note.— Combinations of ice, snow and/or standing water may, especially when rain, rain and snow, or snow is falling, produce substances with specific gravities in excess of 0.8.These substances, due to their high water/ice content, will have a transparent rather than a cloudy appearance and, at the higher specific gravities, will be readily distinguishable from slush.

A14-I Sneg (na tleh).

Suhi sneg.

Mokri sneg.

Steptani sneg.

a) Suhi sneg.Sneg, ki ga lahko razpihamo, kadar je rahel, in če ga v roki stisnemo, razpade, takoj ko popustimo; specifična teža: manj kakor 0,35.

b) Mokri sneg.Sneg, ki ostane skupaj, če ga v roki stisnemo, in tvori kepo; specifična teža: od 0,35 do manj kakor 0,5.

c) Steptani sneg.Sneg, stisnjen v trdno maso, ki se upira nadaljnjemu stiskanju in ostane skupaj; če se dvigne od tal, razpade v kepe; specifična teža: 0,5 in več.

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme: a) Dry snow. b) Wet snow. c) Compacted snow.)

Snow (on the ground).

Dry snow.

Wet snow.

Compacted snow.

a) Dry snow. Snow which can be blown if loose or, if compacted by hand, will fall apart again upon release; specific gravity: up to but not including 0.35.

b) Wet snow. Snow which, if compacted by hand, will stick together and tend to or form a snowball; specific gravity: 0.35 up to but not including 0.5.

c) Compacted snow. Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists further compression and will hold together or break up into lumps if picked up; specific gravity: 0.5 and over.

(See also separate items: a) Dry snow. b) Wet snow. c) Compacted snow.)

A14-I Deklinacija postaje. Razlika med nultim radianom VOR in geografskim severom, ki je bila določena v času umerjanja VOR postaje.

Station declination. An alignment variation between the zero degree radial of a VOR and true north, determined at the time the VOR station is

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Pot ustavljanja. Točno določeno pravokotno območje na tleh na koncu razpoložljive dolžine steze za vzletni zalet, pripravljeno kot primerno območje, kjer se zrakoplov lahko ustavi ob morebitni odpovedi vzleta.

Stopway. A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take-off run available prepared as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take off.

A14-II Heliport na zemlji ali vodi.

Heliport, lociran na zemlji ali na vodi. Surface level heliport.

A heliport located on the ground or on the water.

A14-I Čas preklopa (luči). Čas, potreben trenutni jakosti luči, merjeni v dani smeri, da pade za 50 odstotkov in zopet zraste do 50 odstotkov med preklopom izvira napajanja, ko so bile luči nastavljene na 25 odstotkov jakosti ali več.

Switch-over time (light).

The time required for the actual intensity of a light measured in a given direction to fall from 50 per cent and recover to 50 per cent during a power supply hangeover, when the light is being operated at intensities of 25 per cent or above.

A14-I Razpoložljiva dolžina za vzletanje (TODA).

Seštevek dolžine za vzletni zalet in dolžine čistine, če ta obstaja.

* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter.

(Glej tudi Declared distances, tč. (b)).

Take-off distance available (TODA).

The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided.

* All ISO Standards are listed at the end of this chapter.

(See also Declared distances, item (b)).

A14-II Razpoložljiva dolžina za vzletanje (TODAH).

Dolžina končnega prileta in vzletnega področja ter dolžine čistine (če je zagotovljena), ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna da helikopter izvede vzlet.

(Glej tudi Declared distances – heliports, tč. (a)).

Take-off distance available (TODAH).

The length of the final approach and take-off area plus the length of helicopter clearway (if provided) declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the take-off.

(See also Declared distances – heliports, item (a)).

A14-I Razpoložljiva dolžina za vzletni zalet

Dolžina vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki je deklarirana kot razpoložljiva in primerna za

Take-off run available (TORA).

The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane

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(TORA). talni zalet letala pri vzletu.

(Glej tudi Declared distances, tč. (a)).

taking off..

(See also Declared distances, item (a)).

A14-I Vzletna steza. Steza, namenjena samo za vzletanje. Take-off runway. A runway intended for take-off only.

A14-I Vozna steza.

Vozna steza do parkirnega položaja.

Vozna steza na ploščadi.

Vozna steza za hitri izhod.

Točno določena pot na kopenskem letališču, namenjena za vožnjo zrakoplovov po letaliških manevrskih površinah, in povezuje en del letališča z drugim, vključno z:

a) Vozna steza do parkirnega položaja.Del ploščadi, ki je označen kot vozna steza in omogoča dostop samo do parkirnih položajev za zrakoplove.

b) Vozna steza na ploščadi.Del sistema voznih stez na ploščadi, ki se uporablja kot prehod prek ploščadi.

c) Vozna steza za hitri izhod.Vozna steza, v ostrem kotu priključena na vzletno-pristajalno stezo, ki pristajajočim letalom omogoča, da z nje zavijejo pri večjih hitrostih, kakor jih je mogoče doseči na drugih izhodnih voznih stezah, in s tem zmanjšajo čas zasedenosti pristajalne steze.

(Glej tudi posebej navedene pojme pod:-Aircraft stand taxilane,-Apron taxiway,-Rapid exit taxiway)


Aircraft stand taxilane.

Apron taxiway.

Rapid exit taxiway.

A defined path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including:

a) Aircraft stand taxilane. A portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and intended to provide access to aircraft stands only.

b) Apron taxiway. A portion of a taxiway system located on an apron and intended to provide a through taxi route across the apron.

c) Rapid exit taxiway. A taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and designed to allow landing aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exit taxiways thereby minimizing runway occupancy times.

(See also separate items: -Aircraft stand taxilane,-Apron taxiway,-Rapid exit taxiway)

A14-I Križišče voznih stez. Križišče dveh ali več voznih stez. Taxiway intersection. A junction of two or more taxiways.

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A14-I Osnova vozne steze. Območje, ki zajema vozno stezo in je namenjeno varovanju zrakoplova med izvajanjem operacij na vozni stezi in zmanjševanju nevarnosti za nastanek škode na zrakoplovu, če bi po nesreči zletel z vozne steze.

Taxiway strip. An area including a taxiway intended to protect an aircraft operating on the taxiway and to reduce the risk of damage to an aircraft accidentally running off the taxiway.

A14-I Prag. Začetek tistega dela vzletno-pristajalne steze, ki se uporablja za pristajanje.

Threshold. The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing.

A14-II Območje pristanka in vzleta (TLOF).

Utrjeno območje na katerem helikopter lahko pristane ali vzleti.

Touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF).

A load bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off.

A14-I Cona dotika. Del vzletno-pristajalne steze na določeni oddaljenosti od praga, kjer naj bi se pristajajoče letalo prvič dotaknilo pristajalne steze.

Touchdown zone. The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended landing aeroplanes first contact the runway.

A14-I Faktor uporabnosti. Odstotek časa, ko uporaba vzletno-pristajalne steze ali sistem vzletno-pristajalnih stez ni omejen zaradi komponente bočnega vetra.

Opomba. - MANJKA

Usability factor. The percentage of time during which the use of a runway or system of runways is not restricted ecause of the cross-wind component.

Note.— Cross-wind component means the surface wind component at right angles to the runway centre line.

A14-I Signal s spremenljivim sporočilom.

Signal, zmožen predstavljati različna vnaprej določena sporočila.

(Glej tudi Sign, tč. (b)).

Variable message sign.

A sign capable of presenting several pre-determined messages or no message, as applicable.

(See also Sign, item (b)).

A14-I Mokri sneg. Sneg, ki ostane skupaj, če ga v roki stisnemo, Wet snow. Snow which, if compacted by hand, will stick

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in tvori kepo; specifična teža: od 0,35 do manj kakor 0,5.

(Glej tudi Snow, tč. (b).

together and tend to or form a snowball; specific gravity: 0.35 up to but not including 0.5.

(See also Snow, item (b)).

1107/2006/ES invalidna oseba ali oseba z omejeno mobilnostjo

Je katera koli oseba, katere mobilnost je pri uporabi transporta zmanjšana zaradi kakršne koli telesne invalidnosti (čutilne ali gibalne, stalne ali začasne), intelektualne nezmožnosti ali prizadetosti ali katerega koli drugega vzroka invalidnosti ali starosti in katere stanje zahteva primerno pozornost in prilagajanje storitve, ki je na voljo vsem potnikom, njenim posebnim potrebam;

disabled person or person with reduced mobility

means any person whose mobility when using transport is reduced due to any physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, or any other cause of disability, or age, and whose situation needs appropriate attention and the adaptation to his or her particular needs of the service made available to all passengers;

1107/2006/ES letalski prevoznik je podjetje za zračni prevoz z veljavno operativno licenco;

air carrier means an air transport undertaking with a valid operating licence;

1107/2006/ES izvedbeni letalski prevoznik

je letalski prevoznik, ki opravlja ali namerava opraviti let po pogodbi s potnikomali v imenu druge pravne ali fizične osebe, ki ima pogodbo s tem potnikom;

operating air carrier means an air carrier that performs or intends to perform a flight under a contract with a passenger or on behalf of another person, legal or natural, having a contract with that passenger;

1107/2006/ES letalski prevoznik Skupnosti

je letalski prevoznik z veljavno operativno licenco, ki jo je izdala država članica v skladu z Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 2407/92 z dne 23. julija 1992 o licenciranju letalskih prevoznikov (1);

(1) UL L 240, 24.8.1992, str. 1.

Community air carrier

means an air carrier with a valid operating licence granted by a Member State in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air carriers (1);

(1) OJ L 240, 24.8.1992, p. 1.

1107/2006/ES organizator potovanja je, z izjemo letalskega prevoznika, organizator ali prodajalec v smislu člena 2(2)

tour operator means, with the exception of an air carrier, an organiser or retailer within the meaning of

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in (3) Direktive 90/314/EGS; Article 2(2) and (3) of Directive 90/314/EEC;

1107/2006/ES vodstveni organ letališča ali vodstveni organ

je organ, katerega cilj je na podlagi nacionalne zakonodaje zlasti vodenje in upravljanje letališke infrastrukture ter usklajevanje in nadzor dejavnosti različnih operaterjev na zadevnem letališču ali sistemu letališč;

managing body of the airport or managing body

means a body which notably has as its objective under national legislation the administration and management of airport infrastructures, and the coordination and control of the activities of the various operators present in an airport or airport system;

1107/2006/ES uporabnik letališča je katera koli fizična ali pravna oseba, odgovorna za zračni prevoz potnikov z zadevnega letališča ali na zadevno letališče;

airport user means any natural or legal person responsible for the carriage of passengers by air from or to the airport in question;

1107/2006/ES odbor uporabnikov letališča

je odbor predstavnikov uporabnikov letališča ali organizacij, ki jih predstavljajo;

Airport Users Committee

means a committee of representatives of airport users or organisations representing them;

1107/2006/ES rezervacija je dejstvo, da ima potnik vozovnico ali drugo dokazilo, ki izkazuje, da je letalski prevoznik ali organizator potovanja sprejel in registriral rezervacijo;

reservation means the fact that the passenger has a ticket, or other proof, which indicates that the reservation has been accepted and registered by the air carrier or tour operator;

1107/2006/ES letališče je določena površina, posebej namenjena pristajanju, vzletanju in gibanju zrakoplovov, vključno s pomožnimi objekti, napravami in opremo, ki jih lahko te operacije vključujejo zaradi potreb zračnega prometa in storitev zračnega prevoza, vključno z objekti, napravami in opremo, potrebnimi za zagotavljanje podpore storitvam komercialnega zračnega prevoza;

airport means any area of land specially adapted for the landing, taking-off and manoeuvres of aircraft, including ancillary installations which these operations may involve for the requirements of aircraft traffic and services including installations needed to assist commercial air services;

1107/2006/ES parkirni prostor na letališču

je parkirišče znotraj meja letališča ali pod neposrednim nadzorom vodstvenega organa letališča, neposredno namenjen potnikom, ki

airport car park means a car park, within the airport boundaries or under the direct control of the managing body of an airport, which directly serves the

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uporabljajo to letališče; passengers using that airport;

1107/2006/ES storitev komercialnega potniškega zračnega prevoza

Je storitev potniškega zračnega transporta, ki jo opravi letalski prevoznik z rednim ali posebnim letom, ki je ponujen širši javnosti proti plačilu kot samostojni let ali kot del paketnega potovanja.

commercial passenger air service

means a passenger air transport service operated by an air carrier through a scheduled or non-scheduled flight offered to the general public for valuable consideration, whether on its own or as part of a package.

LEGENDA – Spisek zajetih dokumentov:OPOMBA 1: -glede definicij na področju navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa so z zvezdico (*) označene:

* ICAO definicije – to je definicije, ki so identične definicijam v Prilogah ICAO


1008/2008/ES – Uredba (ES) št. 1008/2008 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 24. septembra 2008 o skupnih pravilih za opravljanje zračnih prevozov v Skupnosti (prenovitev) (UL L št. 293 z dne 31. 10. 2008, str. 3)

3922/91/EGS – Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 3922/91 z dne 16. decembra 1991 o uskladitvi tehničnih predpisov in upravnih postopkov na področju civilnega letalstva (UL L št. 273 z dne 31. 12. 1991, str. 4),kot je spremenjena z:- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2176/1996 (UL L št. 291 z dne 14. 11. 1996, str. 15),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 1069/1999 (UL L št. 130 z dne 26. 5. 1999, str. 16),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2871/2000 (UL L št. 333 z dne 29. 12. 2000, str. 47),- Uredbo (ES) št. 1592/2002 (UL L št. 240 z dne 7. 9. 2002, str. 1),- Uredbo (ES) št. 1899/2006 (UL L št. 377 z dne 27. 12. 2006, str. 1),- Uredbo (ES) št. 1900/2006 (UL L št. 377 zdne 27. 12. 2006, str. 176),

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- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 8/2008 (UL L št. 10 z dne 12. 1. 2008, str. 1),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 859/2008 (UL L št. 254 z dne 20. 9. 2008, str. 1) (OP.: uveljavlja novo Prilogo III od 20. 09. 2008);

Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 859/2008 z dne 20. augusta 2008 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3922/91 glede skupnih tehničnih predpisov in upravnih postopkov, ki se uporabljajo za komercialni prevoz z letali (OP.: uveljavlja novo Prilogo III od 20. 09. 2008)

Poddel A – OPS 1.003, Poddel D – OPS 1.192, Poddel E – OPS 1.435, Poddel F, G, H, I, J – OPS 1.480, Poddel J - OPS 1.607,Poddel Q - OPS 1.1095,Poddel R - OPS 1.1150;

736/2006/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 736/2006 z dne 16. maja 2006 o načinih dela Evropske agencije za varnost v letalstvu pri opravljanju inšpekcijskih pregledov standardiziranja (UL L št. 129 z dne 17. 5. 2006, str. 10).

216/2008/ES - Uredba (ES) št. 216/2008 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 20. februarja 2008 o skupnih predpisih na področju civilnega letalstva in ustanovitvi Evropske agencije za varnost v letalstvu in razveljavitvi Direktive Sveta 91/670/EGS, Uredbe (ES) št. 1592/2002 in Direktive 2004/36/ES (UL L št. 79 z dne 19. 3. 2008, str.1), kot je bila spremenjena z:

- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 690/2009 z dne 30. julija 2009 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 216/2008 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 20. februarja 2008 o skupnih predpisih na področju civilnega letalstva in ustanovitvi Evropske agencije za varnost v letalstvu in razveljavitvi Direktive Sveta 91/670/EGS, Uredbe (ES) št. 1592/2002 in Direktive 2004/36/ES (UL L št. 199 z dne 31. 7. 2009, str. 6);

2042/2003/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2042/2003 z dne 20. november 2003 o stalni plovnosti zrakoplovov in letalskih proizvodov, delov in naprav ter o potrjevanju organizacij in osebja, ki se ukvarjajo s temi nalogami (UL L št. 315 z dne 28. 11. 2003, str. 1), kot je bila spremenjena z:

- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 707/2006 z dne 8. maja 2006 (UL L št. 122 z dne 9. 5. 2006, str. 17),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 376/2007 z dne 30. marca 2007 (UL L št. 94 z dne 4. 4. 2007, str. 18),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 1056/2008 z dne 27. oktobra 2008 (UL L št. 283 z dne 28. 10. 2008, str. 5);

1702/2003/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1702/2003 z dne 24. septembra 2003 o določitvi izvedbenih določb za certificiranje zrakoplovov in sorodnih proizvodov, delov in naprav glede plovnosti in okoljske ustreznosti ter potrjevanje projektivnih in proizvodnih organizacij (UL L št. 243 z dne 27. 9. 2003, str. 6), kot je bila spremenjena z:

- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 381/2005 (UL L št. 61 z dne 8. 3. 2005, str. 3),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 706/2006 (UL L št. 122 z dne 9. 5. 2006, str. 16),

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- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 335/2007 (UL L št. 88 z dne 29. 3. 2007, str. 40),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 375/2007 (UL L št. 94 z dne 4. 4. 2007, str. 3),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 287/2008 (UL L št. 287/2008 z dne 29. 3. 2008, str. 3),- Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 1057/2008 (UL L št. 283 z dne 28.10.2008, str. 30).

(NPA) 2009-02B - NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT (NPA) NO 2009-02B 30. 01. 2009DRAFT OPINIONS OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY, FOR A COMMISSION REGULATION establishing the implementing rules for air operations of Community operators and DRAFT DECISIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY on acceptable means of compliance, certification specifications and guidance material related to the implementing rules for air operations of Community operators “Implementing Rules for Air Operations of Community Operators” B. Draft Opinion and Decision Part-OPS

(NPA) 2008-17B - NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT (NPA) NO 2008-17B 03. 06. 2008DRAFT OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY, FOR A COMMISSION REGULATION establishing the implementing rules for the licensing and medical certification of pilots and DRAFT DECISION OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY on acceptable means of compliance and guidance material on the licensing and medical certification of pilots “Implementing Rules for Pilot Licensing” B. PartFCL

(NPA) 2008-17C - NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT (NPA) NO 2008-17C 03. 06. 2008DRAFT OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY, FOR A COMMISSION REGULATION establishing the implementing rules for the licensing and medical certification of pilots and DRAFT DECISION OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY on acceptable means of compliance and guidance material on the licensing and medical certification of pilots “Implementing Rules for Pilot Licensing” C. PartMedical

A1 - Priloga 1 ICAO – PERSONNEL LICENSING, 10. izdaja, julij 2006,

A6 - Priloga 6 ICAO – OPERATION OF AIRCRAFTPart I - International Commercial Air Transport - Aeroplanes, 8. izdaja, julij 2001,Part II - International General Aviation – Aeroplanes, 7. izdaja, julij 2008 (pazi: od 1. 7. 2008 do 18. 11. 2010 je veljavna še 6. izdaja Priloge 6, Part II) Part III – International operations – Helicopters, 6. izdaja, julij 2007


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A8 - Priloga 8 ICAO - AIRWORTHINESS OF AIRCRAFT, 10. izdaja, april 2005


LVPRS – Letalski varnostni program za Republiko Slovenijo, Verzija 1.2, št.: 37200-1/2006/16 z dne 27. 12. 2007;- National civil aviation security programme, Version 1.2, No 37200-1/2006/16 of 27 December 2007;

2320/2002/ES – Uredba Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (ES) št. 2320/2002 z dne 16. decembra 2002 o določitvi skupnih pravil na področju varnosti civilnega letalstva (Besedilo velja za EGP), UL L št. 355, z dne 30. 12. 2002, stran 1;- Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002 of the European parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation security (Text with EEA relevance);

300/2008/ES – Uredba (ES) št. 300/2008 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 11. marca 2008 o skupnih pravilih na področju varovanja civilnega letalstva in o razveljavitvi Uredbe (ES) št. 2320/2002 (Besedilo velja za EGP), UL L št. 97 z dne 09. 04. 2008, stran 72-84; - Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002 (Text with EEA relevance);

820/2008/ES – Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 820/2008 z dne 8. avgusta 2008 o določitvi ukrepov za izvajanje skupnih osnovnih standardov za varnost letalstva (Besedilo velja za EGP), UL L št. 221 z dne 19. 08. 2008;- Commission regulation (EC) No 820/2008 of 8 Avgust laying down measures for the implementation of the common basic standards on aviation security (Text with EEA relevance);

1217/2003/ES – Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1217/2003 z dne 4. julija 2003 o določitvi skupnih zahtev za nacionalne programe obvladovanja kakovosti na področju varnosti civilnega letalstva (Besedilo velja za EGP), UL L 169 z dne 08. 07. 2003, stran 44;- Commission regulation (EC) No 1217/2003 of 4 July 2003 laying down common specifications for national civil aviation security quality control programmes (Text with EEA relevance).

LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)




549/2004/ES - Uredba (ES) št. 549/2004 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 10. marca 2004 o določitvi okvira za oblikovanje enotnega evropskega neba (okvirna uredba) (UL L št. 96 z dne 31. 3. 2004, str. 1);

2096/2005/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2096/2005 z dne 20. decembra 2005 o skupnih zahtevah za izvajanje navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa (UL L št. 335 z dne 21. 12. 2005, str. 13) (uredba o certifikaciji navigacijskih služb);

1315/2007/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1315/2007 z dne 8. novembra 2007 o varnostnem nadzoru pri upravljanju zračnega prometa in spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2096/2005 (UL L št. 291 z dne 9. 11. 2007, str. 16) (ESARR 1);

1032/2006/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1032/2006 z dne 6. julija 2006 o zahtevah za avtomatske sisteme za izmenjavo podatkov o letih za namen obveščanja, koordinacije in predaje letov med enotami kontrole letenja (UL L št. 186 z dne 7. 7. 2006, str. 27);

1265/2007/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1265/2007 z dne 26. oktobra 2007 o zahtevah glede razmika med zvočnimi kanali zrak-zemlja za enotno evropsko nebo (UL L št. 283 z dne 27. 10. 2007, str. 25);

1033/2006/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1033/2006 z dne 4. julija 2006 o določitvi zahtev glede postopkov za načrte leta v fazi pred letom za enotno evropsko nebo (UL L št. 186 z dne 7. 7. 2006, str. 46);

633/2007/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 633/2007 z dne 7. junija 2007 o zahtevah za uporabo protokola prenosa sporočila o letu, ki se uporablja za namen obveščanja, koordinacije in predaje letov med enotami kontrole letenja (UL L št. 146 z dne 8. 6. 2007, str. 7); (zahteve za uporabo TCP/IP protokola prenosa sporočil o letu);

2150/2005/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2150/2005 z dne 23. decembra 2005 o določitvi skupnih pravil za prilagodljivo uporabo zračnega prostora (UL L št. 342 z dne 24. 12. 2005, str. 20); (vojaško –civilna koordinacija);

1794/2006/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1794/2006 z dne 6. decembra 2006 o določitvi skupne ureditve pristojbin za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa (UL L št. 341 z dne 7. 12. 2006, str. 3);

730/2006/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 730/2006 z dne 11. maja 2006 o razvrstitvi zračnega prostora in dostopu letov, upravljanih v skladu s pravili vizualnega letenja, nad nivo letenja 195 (UL L št. 128 z dne 16. 5. 2006, str. 3),

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1330/2007/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1330/2007 z dne 24. septembra 2007 o določitvi izvedbenih pravil za razširjanje informacij zainteresiranim strankam o dogodkih v civilnem letalstvu iz člena 7(2) Direktive 2003/42/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (UL L št. 295 z dne 14. 11. 2007, str. 7–11);

482/2008/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 482/2008 z dne 30. maja 2008 o vzpostavitvi sistema za zagotavljanje varnosti programske opreme, ki ga morajo uvesti izvajalci navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, in spremembi Priloge II k Uredbi (ES) št. 2096/2005 (UL L št. 141, z dne 31. 5. 2008, str. 5–10);

29/2009/ES - Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 29/2009 z dne 16. januarja 2009 o zahtevah glede storitev podatkovnih zvez za enotno evropsko nebo (UL L št. 13 z dne 17. 1. 2009, str. 3–19);

Odločba EK, 7.4.2008 (storitve MCA) - Odločba Komisije z dne 7. aprila 2008 o usklajenih pogojih glede uporabe spektra za izvajanje mobilnih komunikacijskih storitev na letalu (storitev MCA) v Skupnosti (UL L št. 98 z dne 10. 4. 2008, str. 19–23);

23/2006/ES - Direktiva 2006/23/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 5. aprila 2006 o licenci kontrolorja zračnega prometa Skupnosti (UL L št. 114 z dne 27. 4. 2006, str. 22–37);

A2 - Annex 2 – Priloga št. 2 ICAO – Priloga št. 2 k Čikaški konvenciji

A 3 - Annex 3 - Priloga št. 3 ICAO - Priloga št. 3 k Čikaški konvenciji

A4 - Annex 4 - Priloga št. 4 ICAO - Priloga št. 4 k Čikaški konvenciji

A10 - Annex 10 - Priloga št. 10 ICAO - Priloga št. 10 k Čikaški konvenciji

A11 - Annex 11 - (prej: rumena – nečitljiva) - Priloga št. 11 ICAO - Priloga št. 11 k Čikaški konvenciji

A13 - Annex 13 - Priloga št.13 ICAO - Priloga št. 13 k Čikaški konvenciji

A15 - Annex 15 - Priloga št. 15 ICAO - Priloga št. 15 k Čikaški konvenciji

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Področje: LETALIŠČA (ICAO A14 – I in II)

A14-I – Priloga št. 14/I ICAO - Priloga št. 14 k Čikaški konvenciji, I. del – Letališča, 4. izdaja, julij 2004 (ICAO Annex 14 – Aerodromes - Volume I: Aerodrome Design and Operations,)

A14-II – Priloga št. 14/II ICAO – Priloga št. 14 k Čikaški konvenciji, II. del – Heliporti, izdaja: …………. (ICAO Annex 14 – Heliports - Volume II)

Področje: RAZNO 1107/2006/ES – UREDBA (ES) št. 1107/2006 EVROPSKEGA PARLAMENTA IN SVETA z dne 5. julija 2006 o pravicah invalidnih oseb in

oseb z omejeno mobilnostjo v zračnem prevozu (UL L št. 204 z dne 26. 7. 2006, str. 1)

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LEGENDA: - področje ICAO - pregled naslovov Prilog ICAO** v modrem tisku so označene tiste Priloge ICAO, iz katerih so definicije že zajete v preglednici (po podatkih SNSZP, SLVO, SLV) – zv.: pregled vseh Prilog ICAO, ki je v nadaljevanju *** v rdečem tisku so označene tiste Priloge ICAO, iz katerih definicije še niso zajete v preglednici


PRILOGA 2 ICAO - PRAVILA V ZRAKUAnnex 2 Rules of the Air


Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air NavigationPart I – Core SARPsPart II – Appendices and Attachments

PRILOGA 4 ICAO - LETALSKE KARTEAnnex 4 Aeronautical Charts

PRILOGA 5 ICAO - MERSKE ENOTE ZA UPORABO PRI OPERACIJAH V ZRAKU IN NA TLEHAnnex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations

PRILOGA 6 ICAO - LETALSKE OPERACIJE – I. del - Mednarodni komercialni zračni promet-letalaII. del - Mednarodni zračni promet z zrakoplovi splošne kategorije - letalaIII. del – Mednarodne operacije - helikopterji

Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft

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Part I - International Commercial Air Transport-AeroplanesPart II - International General Aviation-AeroplanesPart III - International Operations-Helicopters


PRILOGA 8 ICAO - PLOVNOST ZRAKOPLOVOVAnnex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft

PRILOGA 9 ICAO - OLAJŠAVEAnnex 9 Facilitation

PRILOGA 10 ICAO - LETALSKE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE I. zvezek - Radio-navigacijska sredstvaII. zvezek - Postopki komunikacije, vključno s statusom PANS,III. zvezek – Sistemi komunikacij

1.del-Sistemi digitalnih komunikacij,2.del-Sistemi govornih komunikacij

IV. zvezek - Nadzorni sistemi in sistemi za preprečevanje trčenjV. zvezek - Uporaba radio frekvenčnega spektra v letalstvu

Annex 10 Aeronautical TelecommunicationsVolume I - Radio Navigation AidsVolume II - Communication Procedures including those with PANS statusVolume III – Communication Systems

Part I - Digital Data Communication SystemsPart II - Voice Communication Systems

Volume IV - Surveillance and Collision Avoidance SystemsVolume V - Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization


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PRILOGA 12 ICAO - ISKANJE IN REŠEVANJEAnnex 12 Search and Rescue

PRILOGA 13 ICAO - PREISKAVA LETALSKIH NESREČ IN INCIDENTOVAnnex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation

PRILOGA 14 ICAO - LETALIŠČAI. zvezek - Projektiranje in obratovanje letališčII. zvezek - Heliporti

Annex 14 Aerodromes Volume I - Aerodrome Design and OperationsVolume II - Heliports

PRILOGA 15 ICAO - SLUŽBE LETALSKIH INFORMACIJAnnex 15 Aeronautical Information Services

PRILOGA 16 ICAO - ZAŠČITA OKOLJAI. zvezek - Hrup zrakoplovovII. zvezek - Emisije motorjev zrakoplovov

Annex 16 Environment ProtectionVolume I - Aircraft NoiseVolume II - Aircraft Engine Emissions

PRILOGA 17 ICAO - VAROVANJEAnnex 17 Security

PRILOGA 18 ICAO - VAREN PREVOZ NEVARNIH SNOVIAnnex 18 The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air


LETALSKA TERMINOLOGIJA - gradivo za dopolnjevanjeDEFIN_04 kor_zdruzeno DCL_221009.doc(OPOMBA: razvrstitev po dokumentih, razen za definicije s področja NSZP, ki so delno po dokumentih EU in po abecedi ter po prilogah ICAO - po abecedi)