Microsoft word m&s annual report 2015 docx

The Parish of Malew and Santan The Abbey Church Ballasalla - St Lupus Kirk Malew St Mark’s St Marks - St Sanctain Santan Annual Meetings & Report 2015



Transcript of Microsoft word m&s annual report 2015 docx

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The Parish of Malew and Santan The Abbey Church Ballasalla - St Lupus Kirk Malew

St Mark’s St Marks - St Sanctain Santan                                                    

Annual  Meetings    &  Report  



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Welcome  to  the  Annual  Report  for2015.    The  purpose  of  this  document  is  to  give  details  of  all  necessary  reports  and  accounts  and  to  provide  an  overview  of  the  life  of  the  parish  in  2015  and  it  includes  the  agendas  and  various  papers  for  the  annual  meetings  held  on  the  20th  April  2016.      Contents    Introduction  &  Vicar’s  Report               3  Snapshot  of  attendance                   5  Administration,  publicity  and  website             5  Children  &  Young  People                 6  Engagement  with  schools                 7  Fabric  &  News  from  the  churches             7  Finance                       12  Hospitality                     13  Liturgy,  Worship  &  Music                 13  Parish  Magazine                   14  Study  Groups                     14  Traidcraft  &  Fairtrade                 14  Vicarage                       14  Annual  Vestry  Meeting  (Burial  Grounds)           16  Annual  Meeting  of  Parishioners               20  Annual  Parochial  Church  Meeting               21    Appendix  1  Minutes  of  Annual  Vestry  Meeting  2015       22  Appendix  2  Malew  Burial  Authority  Accounts  2014       22  

   Santon  Burial  Authority  Accounts  2014       23  Appendix  3  Minutes  of  the  General  Meeting  of  Parishioners  2015   24  Appendix  4  Minutes  of  the  Annual  Parochial  Church  Meeting  2015   25  Appendix  5  Malew  &  Santan  Church  Accounts         27                

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 Introduction  &  Vicar’s  Report  2015  has  been,  once  again,  a  busy  year  in  the  parish.  This  has  been  my  first  full  year  in  post  as  Vicar;  a  year  when  the  parish  conducted  more  weddings,  baptisms  and  funerals  than  the  previous  year.  These  moments  of  life  changing  encounter  with  families  outside  of  our  church  congregation  ought  to  act  as  a  reminder  that  we  seek  to  exist  for  those  outside  of  our  church  buildings;  a  purpose  reinforced  by  one  of  the  Church  of  England’s  ‘tag  lines’  which  simply  says  that  as  a  national  church  we  are  to  be  a  ‘Christian  Presence  in  Every  Community’.    The  bible  reminds  us  that  our  greatest  commandments  are  to  love  God  and  to  love  our  neighbour.  These  two  things  have  at  times  shaped  our  efforts  and  progress  in  2015.  All  of  our  buildings  have  seen  repair,  improvement  and  upgrade  of  some  form,  ranging  from  a  new  carpet  in  Santan  to  the  on-­‐going  repairs  and  re-­‐ordering  at  Malew;  new  lighting  in  the  Abbey  to  shower  facilities  in  The  Old  Schoolroom.  Each  of  these  projects  has  placed  the  parish  in  a  better  position  to  offer  a  more  generous  welcome  and  hospitality  to  those  who  come  to  us.  These  works  (when  complete)  will  place  the  parish  in  a  better  position  to  offer  equal  access  to  our  spaces.  Hearing  loop  systems  and  level  access  in  some  of  our  buildings  now  mean  that  more  people  are  able  to  take  part;  whilst  in  others,  order  and  comfort  mean  that  visitors  are  able  to  find  a  greater  sense  of  sanctuary  for  those  all  too  precious  brief  moments.      We  have  seen  physical  change  as  well  as  changes  in  attitudes  and  practice.  In  years  gone  by  there  was  a  standard  pattern  to  funerals  &  weddings  for  example;  we  now  seek  to  work  with  each  individual  case  to  create  a  moment  in  life’s  journey  which  reflects  the  character  of  those  involved,  this  might  include  the  greater  use  of  photographs  and  music  at  a  funeral,  or  encouraging  our  wedding  couples  and  their  guests  to  ‘dwell’  a  little  longer  with  us  as  they  share  a  drink  after  the  service.    Each  of  our  church  communities  continues  to  develop  it’s  own  personality  and  character.  Santan  offers  a  monthly  mix  of  traditional  Anglican  worship  be  it  using  ancient  or  modern  language  services,  The  Abbey  Church  has  experimented  with  different  ways  of  engaging  with  scripture  through  the  use  of  film,  story  telling,  sermon  series  and  music,  St  Marks  continues  to  provide  a  quiet  start  to  the  week  and  Malew  offers  a  sung  service  for  those  who  value  the  colour  and  character  of  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer.  Across  the  parish  average  attendance  has  grown  by  17%  and  we  are  always  pleased  when  new  faces  have  found  space  to  ‘be’  and  to  become  part  of  the  community.    

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My  work  across  the  diocese  continues  to  mean  that  despite  my  ‘terms  of  service’  stating  that  I  am  a  full  time  parish  vicar  I  continue  to  work  around  two  days  per  week  on  diocesan  work.  This  has  continued  to  include  work  co-­‐ordinating  the  Sodor  and  Man  Internship  Programme  for  those  undertaking  placements  prior  to  interview  and  training  for  ministry.  I  have  continued  to  support  the  relationship  between  Diocesan  clergy  and  schools  as  the  Diocesan  School’s  Officer  and  have  begun  to  take  a  more  active  role  in  the  life  of  St  Thomas  CofE  School  as  organisational  changes  to  parishes  in  Douglas  develop.  In  the  autumn  term  of  2015  I  began  teaching  biblical  studies  as  a  tutor  of  All  Saints  Centre  for  Mission  and  Ministry/University  of  Chester  with  a  group  of  students  on  the  Isle  of  Man  who  are  training  as  either  Readers  or  Ordained  Ministers.  In  addition,  I  continue  to  support  the  work  of  the  Island  Spirituality  Network,  the  growing  Faith  Touism  initiative  and  I  am  a  member  of  the  Diocesan  Board  of  Finance.    The  Revd  Dr  Joe  Heaton  (Rushen)  and  I  are  very  keen  that  relationships  across  the  Southern  Mission  Partnership  continue  to  grow  and  that  we  find  new  shared  ways  of  working  in  order  that  we  can  reduce  overlap  and  simplify  working  practices,  whilst  at  the  same  time  ensuring  that  all  of  our  churches  give  the  same  quality  of  experience  to  visitors  and  those  who  come  to  us  to  mark  life  events.  In  the  second  half  of  the  year  it  became  clear  that  the  Southern  Partnership  might  face  a  change  in  clergy  once  again;  this  was  realised  when  the  Revd  Dr  Jules  Gomes  (Castletown  and  Arbory)  resigned  his  living  at  the  end  of  December.  You  will  know  that  some  of  the  circumstances  of  this  change  have  been  difficult  for  the  whole  Diocese.  Our  parish  has,  as  a  result,  found  itself  needing  to  help  our  neighbouring  churches  and  villages;  we  will  continue  to  do  this  throughout  the  vacancy.  Quite  what  the  outcome  will  be,  we  do  not  yet  know,  this  matter  will  take  some  time  to  resolve.  The  generous  hospitality  demonstrated  at  our  Friday  Coffee  Drop  in,  TT  Cafes  and  other  social  events  demonstrates  a  real  desire  to  offer  the  very  best  we  can.  Of  course  these  are  often  fundraising  events  of  one  kind  or  another,  (and  without  them  our  parish  could  not  survive  financially),  they  remain  however  examples  of  generous  hospitality  and  welcome  –  may  they  long  continue,  and  I  offer  my  thanks  to  all  who  make  them  happen.    Words  in  an  annual  report  cannot  fully  demonstrate  our  thanks  and  appreciation  to  all  those  who  make  our  parish  what  it  is,  but  I  would  like  to  note  on  record  my  thanks  to  those  who  voluntarily  give  many  hours  each  month  to  not  only  keeping  things  going,  but  who  ensure  that  we  grow  and  develop.      

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With  sincere  thanks  and  continued  prayer,  James  

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  A  snapshot  of  attendance  Parish  Electoral  Roll  =  156       Church  Roll   Average  attendance  Malew   21   17  +  0  under  16  =  17  St  Marks   13   16  +  0  under  16  =  16  Abbey   78   46  +  12  under  16  =  58  Santan   44   16  +  0  under  16  =  16     156   107    Easter  2015  Attendance  across  the  Parish  –  200  (inc  164  communicants)  2014  =  Attendance  across  the  Parish  –  196  (inc  151  communicants)  Christmas  Day  2015  Attendance  across  the  Parish  –  190  (inc  164  communicants).  Attendance  across  the  Parish  –  311*  (inc  158  communicants).  *in  2014  this  figure  also  includes  all  those  who  attended  the  Christmas  eve  Crib  service.      In  2015  10  weddings,  46*  funerals  and  12  baptisms  were  held  in  the  Parish.    *The  figure  this  year  also  includes  services  held  at  the  Crematorium  conducted  by  parish  clergy  and  internments  of  ashes.  In  2014  5  weddings,  10  funerals  and  16  baptisms  were  held  in  the  Parish.        Administration,  publicity  and  website.      Parish  administration  continues  to  be  carried  out  in  the  main  by  the  Vicar,  with  the  Treasurer,  PCC  Secretary  or  Church  Wardens  all  taking  specific  responsibility  for  certain  areas.  Our  thanks  are  noted  to  those  who  assist  with  this  onerous  task.  In  2015,  the  services  of  Mrs  Annette  Thackray  were  enlisted  by  the  Burial  Authority  to  begin  to  create  a  database  and  archive  of  the  Burial  Ground  at  Malew  and  St  Marks.  Mrs  Thackray  is  employed  a  few  hours  a  month  and  so  this  work  will  continue  into  2016.    The  Church  Log  Books  still  need  to  be  translated  into  the  recognized  format;  although  the  Churchwardens  have  continued  to  keep  detailed  archives  

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throughout  the  year.  Parish  Administration  forms  an  increasing  part  of  the  parish  workload,  and  in  2016  the  parish  will  need  to  consider  how  this  is  managed  in  order  to  free  up  the  Vicar  to  do  his  job.    A  ‘full  set’  of  new  Common  Worship  service  booklets  are  now  in  use  at  The  Abbey  Church.  Kirk  Malew  has  reintroduced  the  use  of  Prayer  Books  (as  opposed  to  booklets)  on  ‘ordinary  Sundays’  and  a  set  of  Festival  Orders  of  Service  have  been  produced  for  use  on  special  occasions.    A  new  website  was  created  in  2015.  Although  some  pages  are  still  to  complete,  this  has  become  a  regular  point  of  contact,  with  many  using  the  ‘contact  us’  page  to  make  initial  enquiries.    Our  Facebook  page  has  continued  to  be  used  well  and  serves  as  a  quick  and  easy  way  of  keeping  in-­‐touch  with  friends  and  advertising  news  and  events.    Children  and  Young  People  Report  from  The  Abbey  Sunday  Kids  –  from  Clare  Glynn  Riley  This  has  been  another  happy  and  successful  year  for  TASK.  The  number  of  children  attending  regularly  is  a  good  solid  15,  with  an  age  range  of  2-­‐13.  Clare  continues  to  lead  and  plan  the  sessions,  with  lots  of  help  'on  the  ground'  from  Sam  and  Sarah.  The  team  is  strong  and  content  and  the  children  are  a  happy,  well  bonded  group  who  get  along  together  very  well  and  are  clearly  learning  a  lot  about  our  faith.  We  are  constantly  in  awe  of  what  they  achieve  each  week!  They  are  a  remarkable  group.  Our  three  eldest  children  are  now  confirmed  and  occasionally  meet  together  socially,  organised  by  Sam,  Peter,  Sarah  and  Caroline.    This  year,  as  well  as  following  the  lectionary  through  storytelling  and  a  huge  variety  of  craft,  culinary  and  physical  activities,  the  children  have  studied  the  Book  of  Acts  and  the  development  of  the  Early  Church,  culminating  in  a  family  service  on  St  Paul's  shipwreck,  involving  real  water!!  Clare  attended  a  storytelling  course  with  Messy  Church's  Martyn  Payne,  which  was  very  good  indeed  and  has  made  a  big  difference  to  her  teaching.    The  Crib  Service  on  Christmas  Eve  was  another  wonderful  success  and  was  very  well  attended  and  well  received  by  all  who  came  and  took  part.  Our  annual  family  event  on  Good  Friday  was  quiet  but  well  received.    Going  forward,  we  hope  to  continue  to  improve  the  choir  room  and  would  very  much  like  2016  to  be  the  year  that  our  cupboard  arrives  and  our  shelves  appear!  We  are  feeling  very  positive  about  the  future  and  look  forward  to  what  will  evolve  for  TASK  in  the  coming  year.    In  the  spring  three  members  of  our  congregation  completed  a  5  day  course  in  

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order  to  run  Godly  Play  in  the  Diocese.  As  a  result,  a  new  fortnightly  afternoon  event  for  children  began  in  September  at  St  Marks.  Godly  Play  uses  a  particular  technique  of  storytelling  to  present  scripture  and  details  from  our  church  tradition  in  a  way  which  allows  individuals  to  explore  the  characters  and  customs  followed  by  a  time  of  response  and  reflection.  This  has  attracted  a  good  number  of  young  folk  in  the  early  months.  This  initiative  was  funded  by  a  grant  from  the  Malew  Education  Trust.    Engagement  with  Schools  Two  members  of  our  congregation  have  continued  to  support  Ballasalla  Primary  School  through  their  work  on  the  governing  body.  Ellen  Helliwell  (Reader)  and  James  McGowan  (Vicar)  lead  assemblies  in  school.  We  welcomed  the  whole  school  to  The  Abbey  Church  for  a  Harvest  Festival  Service  in  the  autumn.    The  Revd  Erica  Scott  continues  in  her  role  (outside  of  the  Parish)  as  Chaplain  to  King  Williams  College  and  the  Buchan.  With  Erica’s  link  to  our  Parish  we  look  forward  to  continued  relationships  with  KWC  &  the  Buchan.  The  Vicar,  when  needed,  supports  the  work  of  Chaplaincy  at  King  Williams  College.    In  the  wider  Diocese,  James  has  continued  his  role  as  Diocesan  School’s  Officer  working  with  schools  across  the  Island  and  as  a  member  of  the  Religious  Education  Advisory  Committee.  In  the  autumn  of  2015,  a  particular  focus  of  this  work  was  with  St  Thomas  CofE  school.  The  Vicar  took  the  head  teacher  and  a  member  of  the  governing  body  to  visit  schools  in  the  Diocese  of  York  in  November  to  reflect  on  school  ethos  and  development.    Members  of  our  congregation  began  to  lead  assemblies  using  Godly  Play  in  Ballasalla  Primary  School  and  at  Foxdale  Primary  School.  The  Malew  Education  Trust  provided  a  grant  to  Scripture  Union  Ministries  Trust  to  help  them  support  the  Sex  and  Relationship  Education  provision  in  Castle  Rushen  High  School.      Fabric    St  Sanctain  –  Church    St  Sanctain  continues  to  be  a  very  comfortable  church  building  with  any  minor  maintenance  issues  dealt  with  promptly.  The  quinquennial  inspection  was  carried  out  with  only  minor  works  needed,  many  of  these  were  complete  by  the  end  of  the  year.  It  would  be  good  to  see  some  upgrades  carried  out  in  future  years;  for  example  a  sound  system  would  increase  flexibility  and  make  life  easier  for  both  preacher  and  congregation.    

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 St  Sanctain  –  Parish  Centre  The  Parish  Centre  continues  to  be  used  by  a  day  nursery,  providing  a  very  attractive  setting  for  all  those  youngsters  who  are  part  of  that  early  years  care  setting.  The  Centre  is  used  by  the  Parish  on  evenings  and  weekends.  During  2015  only  minor  repairs  and  routine  maintenance  were  carried  out.  St  Marks  –  Church  –  From  Orry  Mitchell  Again  in  2015  there  have  been  a  number  of  joint  services  with  Ballagarey  Chapel,  namely  Good  Friday,  the  7am  Easter  Sunday  Sonrise  Service  with  a  bacon  roll,  Rogation  Sunday,  Harvest  Festival  and  a  Christmas  Evensong.  Again  our  thanks  to  all  those  involved.  During  February  2015,  repairs  were  carried  out  to  the  purlins  on  the  Bell  Tower  wall  behind  the  organ.  In  very  early  May  the  organ  was  uncovered  following  its  hibernation  during  the  remedial  work  to  the  Bell  Tower  in  December  2014  and  the  organ  was  re-­‐commissioned  ready  for  a  wedding  on  the  9th  May.  Some  minor  electrical  work  has  been  carried  out  but  a  full  electrical  inspection  may  take  place  in  2016.  In  December  2015  during  some  very  stormy  and  wet  weather  some  slates  had  to  be  replaced/re-­‐secured.  It  was  during  this  period  it  has  been  seen  that  further  water  penetration  has  taken  place  on  the  Bell  Tower  wall  which  has  resulted  in  a  section  of  the  ceiling  to  the  side  of  the  organ  loft  coming  down.  It  has  shown  us  that  ends  of  the  joist  are  water  laden  and  some  of  the  rear  fibre  boards  have  become  wet.  We  have  received  one  quote  for  further  remedial  work  but  we  are  seeking  other  quotes.  The  congregation  wish  to  thank  the  Clergy  who  have  helped  with  the  8.00am  Holy  Communion  Services  each  Sunday  morning,  the  first  Sunday  in  the  month  6.30pm  Evensong  Services  and  the  special  services  during  the  year  to  help  spread  the  load  from  Reverend  James  and  ensure  we  have  our  services  at  St  Marks.  We  enjoyed  a  ‘Poetry  and  Pudding’  evening  in  August  at  the  Church  and  Schoolroom  which  was  well  attended,  but  we  did  not  realise  at  the  time  it  would  be  one  of  the  last  appearances  of  John  Kennaugh  before  his  untimely  passing  away.  The  furniture  at  the  back  of  the  church  was  reorganised.  A  sofa,  basic  tea  &  coffee  making  facilities  made  avaliable  and  ‘library’  of  reflective  stories  was  added  to  encourage  visitors  to  pause  a  while  longer  before  they  go  about  their  business.  The  church  was  used  for  a  number  of  ‘quiet  days’  and  diocesan  

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meetings  during  2015,  in  part  due  to  it’s  location  away  from  distraction,  but  also  down  to  the  efforts  of  the  local  congregation  to  make  the  place  welcoming  and  flexible.          St  Marks  –  Schoolroom  –  From  Orry  Mitchell  Following  the  successful  ‘re-­‐opening’  of  the  St  Marks  Schoolroom  in  the  Autumn  of  2014,  it  was  decided  by  the  St  Marks  Local  Church  Council  that  if  the  Schoolroom  was  to  be  used  as  a  retreat  or  sleep  overs,  then  the  facilities  needed  to  be  up  graded.    During  April  2015  Ellunn  Mannan  Joinery  and  Mike  Clark  Plumbing  installed  a  gas  boiler  for  the  hot  water  system  in  the  kitchen.  They  altered  the  layout  to  the  toilet  area  so  that  a  shower  unit  could  be  installed  but  still  allowed  access  for  a  wheel  chair  user.  A  gas  cooker  was  donated  to  the  schoolroom  and  this  was  installed  in  the  kitchen.  Additional  pipework  from  the  new  gas  boiler  was  installed  so  that  at  a  later  date  a  central  heating  system  could  be  installed.  In  August  2015  repairs  were  carried  to  the  wooden  window  frames  to  extend  the  life  of  them.  Thank  you  to  others  for  re-­‐installing  the  putty  in  some  of  the  windows.  Phase  two  of  the  central  heating  system  took  place  during  September  in  the  main  room  of  the  Schoolroom.  This  involved  taking  out  4  old  electric  wall  mounted  radiators  and  installing  6  new  radiators  connected  to  the  gas  boiler  in  the  kitchen.  Early  in  2015  a  piece  of  land  belonging  to  the  Schoolroom  at  the  rear  of  the  St  Marks  School  House  was  sold  to  the  owners  of  the  School  House  so  they  could  enlarge  their  rear  garden.  We  erected  a  new  wooden  boundary  fence.  In  Spring  2015  the  wooden  floor  of  the  Schoolroom  was  skimmed  by  a  mechanical  floor  planer  to  improve  the  floor  surface.  Thank  you  to  the  volunteers  who  carried  out  this  work  and  for  wood  staining  the  floor  afterwards.  During  the  year  various  electrical  jobs  and  improvement  were  carried  out  by  G.E.M.  Electrical  Contractors  and  in  October  2015  we  asked  for  a  full  electrical  survey  which  highlighted  a  number  of  faults.  The  remedial  work  was  carried  out  in  December  2015.    We  must  mention  our  thanks  to  those  who  have  helped  to  enhance  the  Schoolroom  which  has  included  further  painting  inside  and  outside.  The  outside  painting  to  be  continued  during  the  Spring  of  2016.The  Schoolroom  has  been  well  used  for  events  and  has  created  a  community  spirit.  

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Our  thanks  to  all  involved.    The  Abbey    –  Church  –  From  Orry  Mitchell  During  the  service  to  install  Reverend  James  McGowan  as  Priest  in  Charge  for  the  Parish  of  Malew  and  Santan  in  July  2014,  Bishop  Robert  made  comment  about  improving  the  lighting  in  the  Abbey  Church.  Following  discussions  with  the  DAC  and  our  electrical  contractor,  G.E.M.  Electrical  Contractors  in  April  2015,  it  was  agreed  to  install  the  new  LED  lighting  in  three  phases.  The  first  phase  was  installing  8  no  LED  upward  facing  lights  in  the  Nave  to  enhance  the  roof  so  it  could  be  seen,  this  was  done  during  June  2015.  Phase  2  took  place  in  October  2015  which  was  for  4  no  downward  facing  LED  lights  in  the  Nave.  Then  Phase  3  was  done  in  November  2015  which  involved  installing  2  no  extra  LED  lights  pointing  down  to  the  Font  area  and  changing  the  existing  lights  in  Chancel  and  Altar  area  to  LED  lights.  This  has  greatly  improved  the  lighting  of  the  Abbey  Church  and  shows  off  the  interior  at  its  best.These  new  lights  and  the  way  they  are  switched  saved  others  having  to  install  temporary  over  head  lights  for  the  Nativity  Story  for  Christmas  Eve.  The  guttering  from  the  Vestry  door  towards  Mill  Road  on  the  side  of  the  Church  has  had  an  insert  put  in  the  existing  guttering  to  extend  the  life  of  the  guttering.  Some  minor  repairs  were  carried  out  to  the  edges  of  the  Porch  roof  where  some  timber  had  become  rotten  under  the  slates.    Thank  you  to  our  dedicated  band  of  cleaners  who  keep  our  Church  tidy.  The  Church  is  seeing  new  faces  in  the  congregation  which  is  encouraging.    The  Abbey  –  Parish  Hall  –  From  Orry  Mitchell  The  Parish  Church  Hall  continues  to  be  used  for  church  and  communities  events,  especially  the  fund  raising  events  and  thanks  to  all  those  who  are  involved  in  these  events.  The  Hall  needs  to  try  and  generate  its  own  income  towards  maintenance  of  the  Hall  and  future  replacement  of  the  oil  boiler.  There  were  some  issues  with  hiring  the  Hall  to  the  Rainbows,  Brownies  and  Guides,  but  following  a  meeting  with  these  groups  we  seem  to  be  on  a  better  footing.  Unfortunately  The  Guides  informed  us  that  they  would  not  be  using  the  Hall  after  December  2015  as  they  were  under  new  leadership  and  would  be  using  another  venue.  The  Diamond  Bridge  Club  continue  to  use  the  Hall  on  Wednesday  afternoons  and  we  thank  you  to  them  for  their  support.  

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The  fluorescent  strip  lighting  in  the  Hall  has  been  giving  us  some  problems.  When  the  8  foot  tubes  are  renewed  they  are  not  a  branded  type  and  sometime  in  the  near  future  we  will  need  to  replace  the  6  units  with  6  foot  LED  tubes.    During  April  2015  the  steps  to  the  kitchen  door  were  rebuild  with  an  additional  step  to  make  it  easier  to  use.  Following  the  storms  in  November/December  2015  it  was  found  that  water  was  coming  through  the  roof  and  into  the  cupboard  in  the  Task  room  [choir  room].  The  exact  fault  was  still  being  sourced  at  Christmas  2015  but  a  repair  was  due  in  January  2016.  Possibly  in  the  next  two  years  the  facia  boards  around  the  Hall  will  need  renewing.  The  Friday  Morning  Coffee  still  generates  a  lot  of  interest  and  from  funds  raised  a  number  of  local  charities  benefit.  Thank  you  to  those  to  help  keep  the  Hall  clean  and  tidy.  Also  thank  you  to  our  three  contractors,  Ellunn  Mannan  Joinery,  G.E.M.  Electrical  Contractors  and  Mike  Clark  Plumbing  for  their  continued  support  and  response  especially  when  they  are  called  to  help  at  very  short  notice.    Abbey  Church  Grounds  Again  our  thanks  to  Mrs  Betty  Graham  for  all  her  time  and  hard  work  in  tending  the  plants  in  the  gardens  in  the  Church  grounds.  Also  thanks  to  Mr  Phil  Burnett  and  Mr  Alan  Rushton  for  cutting  the  grass  around  the  Church.  Our  faithful  lawn  mower  has  nearly  given  up  and  in  December  2015  Tim  Mann  offered  the  Abbey  Church  a  Honda  lawn  mower  for  the  Spring  of  2016  as  he  had  no  more  need  of  it  when  he  moved  out  of  Ballasalla.  Tim  was  also  going  to  arrange  for  the  mower  to  be  serviced  before  handing  it  over.  A  thank  you  note  has  been  sent.  During  the  late  summer  we  received  two  quotations  to  renew  the  life  expired  soak-­‐a-­‐way  by  the  Governor’s  tree  at  the  main  entrance.  The  quotation  from  Groundtech  Plant  Hire  was  accepted  and  work  took  place  during  early  October  2015.  Another  requirement  from  the  2014/2015  Quinquennial  Report  was  to  install  a  new  oil  tank  for  the  joint  central  heating  system  away  from  the  side  of  the  Abbey  Church.  A  new  tank  has  been  installed  towards  the  Mill  Road  end  of  the  church  grounds.  This  work  was  carried  out  in  September  2015  by  Ellunn  Mannan  Joinery  and  Mike  Clark  Plumbing.    On  the  roadway  there  are  3  areas  that  require  resurfacing  to  stop  deterioration.    St  Lupus,  –  Church  –  From  Roy  Storrs  St  Lupus  has  seen  a  year  of  ongoing  work  and  development.  The  works  to  the  exterior  continued  with  the  cement  render  on  the  west  and  north  walls  being  removed;  the  masonry  was  repointed  and  then  lime  washed.    This  work  was  funded  by  grants  and  donations  obtained  by  the  Friends  of  Malew.  Of  particular  note  was  a  generous  donation  from  a  ‘Friend’  based  in  Switzerland  who  funded  the  repairs  to  the  bell  cote.  

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The  interior  saw  some  minor  changes  following  the  granting  of  a  temporary  reordering  licence.  By  the  end  of  the  year  the  PCC  and  Friends  had  agreed  a  plan  for  works  to  the  interior  and  necessary  permissions  were  applied  for.  (These  were  granted  in  the  first  weeks  of  January  2016).  It  is  anticipated  that  work  to  install  a  new  level  floor,  move  the  font,  replace  the  sound  system  and  re-­‐order  the  altar  area  will  begin  in  first  quarter  of  2016.  The  Friends  of  Malew  obtained  a  grant  of  £20,000  from  the  Manx  Lottery  Trust  toward  the  funding  of  this  work,  the  remaining  costs  will  be  met  by  the  parish.    With  so  few  younger  members  to  help  with  regular  cleaning,  quarterly  cleaning  ‘parties’  have  been  organized  to  help  keep  the  church  looking  it’s  best.    The  ancient  Malew  Cross  (normally  kept  in  the  bank),  was  examined  by  the  Victoria  and  Albert  Museum  in  November  2015.  Two  experts  were  of  different  minds  as  to  what  exactly  this  artifact  is.  One  was  convinced  that  it  was  clearly  mediaeval,  the  other  thought  the  body  may  be  mediaeval  with  a  later  Victorian  head.  Both  agreed  that  the  gilding  was  very  fine,  and  they  have  referred  this  artifact  (which  remains  in  our  possession),  to  a  specialist  at  the  University  of  Princeton  for  further  opinion.  This  curious  detail,  along  with  other  finds  at  Malew,  served  as  a  reminder  that  within  our  parish  we  have  arguably  one  of  the  most  ancient  and  significant  ecclesiastical  church  buildings  on  the  Isle  of  Man;  a  building  which  has  changed  and  adapted  with  each  generation.  The  congregation,  PCC  and  Friends  look  forward  to  the  discoveries  which  await  as  we  seek  to  make  this  place  more  accessible  to  the  current  and  future  generations,  whilst  allowing  it  to  reveal  a  little  more  of  it’s  story  and  place  within  the  Island’s  history.  The  relationship  between  the  Parish  and  the  Friends  of  Malew  continues  to  develop,  and  our  thanks  are  noted  to  them  for  their  great  endeavour  in  2015.  Three  events  of  particular  note  were  the  S100  Biker  service  which  proved  popular  once  again  marking  the  start  of  the  racing,  the  Baron  of  Bachiul,  The  Abbot  of  Lismore,  visited  the  church  and  helped  to  lead  our  service  to  mark  the  feast  of  St  Moluag  on  the  25  July  (Moluag  of  course  being  the  Celtic  name  for  Lupus),  and  a  well  attended  Candlelit  Carol  Service  prepared  the  way  for  Christmas.    Burial  Grounds  All  three  of  our  burial  grounds  are  in  need  of  extension,  this  has  been  known  for  some  time.    At  Santan,  a  parcel  of  land  has  been  reserved  for  some  time,  with  boundary  fences  erected  some  time  ago.  This  land  was  leveled  and  a  lawn  prepared  in  the  winter  of  2015.  The  land,  formerly  part  of  the  Santan  Glebe,  is  now  in  the  ownership  of  the  Diocesan  Board  of  Finance.  This  needs  to  be  re-­‐acquired  by  the  Burial  Authority,  planning  permission  for  change  of  use  from  agriculture  to  burial  ground  obtained  and  then  the  necessary  deeds  of  consecration  prepared  etc  

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before  burial  spaces  can  be  sold.    In  St  Marks,  a  parcel  of  land  has  been  identified  and  contact  has  been  made  with  the  owners.  It  is  hoped  that  progress  can  be  made  here  during  2016.    At  Malew,  two  possible  options  have  been  considered  and  valuations  obtained  on  the  land.  No  decision,  negotiation  with  land  owners  or  investigations  have  taken  place.    The  Burial  Authority  will  need  to  obtain  finance  (a  loan)  in  order  to  purchase  and  develop  these  sites.        

Finance    Details  can  be  found  in  the  end  of  year  statements  at  the  back  of  this  report.  Our  accounts  for  the  2015  year  end  show  a  running  deficit  for  2015.  This  is  almost  entirely  down  to  the  investment  made  in  the  fabric  of  our  many  buildings.  Works  at  St  Marks,  The  Schoolroom,  The  Abbey  and  at  Malew  were  a  very  significant  expense.  The  work  in  the  Schoolroom  ought  to  be  seen  as  an  investment;  (infact  the  parish  will  see  almost  one  half  of  this  being  ‘recovered’  in  rental  income  by  the  end  of  2016).  The  works  on  the  Abbey  and  at  St  Marks  (along  with  minor  repairs  at  Santan)  mean  that  almost  all  of  the  recommended  or  required  repairs  and  upgrades  recommended  in  the  current  Quinquennial  Inspections  have  been  carried  out  in  one  year,  rather  than  spreading  the  works  over  a  five  year  period.  This  should  mean  that  less  needs  to  be  spent  on  works  in  the  near  future.    By  the  end  of  2015,  the  process  of  finally  closing  the  remaining  St  Marks  accounts  was  underway,  with  funds  being  transferred  to  the  main  parish  account.      Hospitality  &  Fellowship  As  ever,  the  Lent  and  Advent  Lunches  continued  to  be  a  focus  for  hospitality  in  2015,  these  were  well  supported  once  again.  Particular  note  should  also  be  given  to  the  warm  welcome  given  once  again  to  familiar  faces  and  new  faces  at  the  ‘pop-­‐up’  Cafés  in  Ballasalla  and  at  Malew  during  the  racing  season  and  the  music  nights  in  the  Abbey  Hall.  These  are  great  places  of  fellowship  and  generosity  to  those  who  come.  They  are  very  demanding  in  time  and  effort,  and  so  we  note  our  thanks  all  those  who  contribute  to  a  huge  number  of  ‘volunteer  hours’  needed  to  organise  and  staff  these  events.      Malew  has  seen  drinks  (coffee  &  tea,  but  also  wine  &  canapés)  served  after  special  services  and  events,  and  St  Marks  is  becoming  known  for  it’s  post-­‐service  breakfast  bacon  butties  (Easter  &  Harvest).    The  Santan  Hollantide  Fair  did  not  take  place  in  2015.  However,  a  summer  

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barbeque  was  organized  in  Tynwald  Week.  This  featured  ‘welly  wanging’,  a  coconut  shy  as  well  as  live  music.  Over  80  people  attended,  and  with  the  weather  being  good  this  turned  out  to  be  a  great  afternoon.    In  addition,  the  Friday  morning  drop  in  ‘Coffee  &  Chat’  has  continued  almost  every  week  in  the  Abbey  Hall  providing  a  regular  meeting  point  each  week.    A  trial  ‘film  night’  was  held  in  the  Abbey  Hall  in  the  autumn.  This  demonstrated  the  possibility  of  being  able  to  have  a  ‘pop  up’  local  ‘cinema’  in  Ballasalla.    Liturgy,  Worship  &  Music  Our  liturgy  across  the  Parish  is  varied.  We  have  continued  with  our  vision  of  each  church  becoming  known  for  it’s  own  particular  style  of  worship  using  a  range  of  material  from  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer  and  Common  Worship.  Fifth  Sundays  have  provided  an  opportunity  to  begin  to  develop  our  own  ‘house  style’  of  all  age  communion  service.    Music  continues  to  be  provided  (and  developed)  in  all  churches.  Our  thanks  are  noted  to  all  those  involved,  but  of  particular  note,  our  thanks  go  to  Mrs  Hilary  Sewell  for  her  work  at  the  Abbey  and  Malew,  Mr  Ron  Faragher  at  Santan,  and  to  Mr  John  Elliot  (St  Marks),  along  with  members  of  the  choir  (and  AMMP  who  we  look  forward  to  seeing  more  often).    The  clash  of  the  two  11am  Sunday  Services  does  cause  problems  from  time  to  time.  At  best  the  Vicar  runs  between  buildings  on  a  Sunday  morning  without  time  to  speak  with  people,  at  worst  some  Sunday  services  were  cancelled  at  short  notice.  The  system  relies  on  the  generous  help  of  a  number  of  retired  clergy,  however  there  is  no  flexibility  or  ‘spare  capacity’  meaning  that  in  times  of  illness  or  holidays  there  is  an  ongoing  risk  that  some  services  will  continue  to  be  cancelled  at  short  notice  unless  congregations  are  prepared  to  proactively  make  changes  before  there  is  no  option.      Parish  Magazine  After  restarting  in  2014,  production  of  Bridges  ceased  in  mid  summer.  Very  little  information,  items,  or  comments  were  received  and  this  had  become  an  onerous  task  for  the  Vicar  taking  many  hours  to  produce.  Attention  has  been  given  to  the  use  of  social  media  as  a  way  of  sharing  news,  although  we  recognize  this  cannot  be  accessed  by  all.      Study  Groups  In  Lent  a  number  of  people  read  the  lent  book  and  then  met  to  share  thoughts  

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and  reflections.  In  the  late  summer,  over  18  copies  of  Tom  Wright’s  Revelation  for  Everyone  were  bought  by  members  of  the  congregation  to  read.  This  was  followed  by  a  sermon  series  in  the  autumn  and  a  number  of  evenings  to  study  and  share  thoughts.    During  Advent,  a  handful  of  folk  gathered  to  watch  Miracle  on  34th  Street  and  to  complete  an  advent  study  course  based  on  this  book.      Traidcraft  &  Fairtrade  ‘Fighting  poverty  through  trade’  -­‐    from  Jean  Clifton  &  Orry  Mitchell  The  Abbey  Church  has  been  involved  with  Traidcraft  by  having  a  stall  in  the  Parish  Hall  after  the  morning  service  on  the  first  Sunday  in  the  month.  The  idea  to  be  involved  with  Traidcraft  was  by  Mrs  Andrea  Roberts  at  least  15  years  ago  and  after  a  while  Orry  Mitchell  became  involved  with  the  collection  of  the  items  and  running  the  stall.  Others  have  been  involved  and  at  the  moment  Jean  and  Orry  are  running  the  stall  on  the  second  Sunday  in  the  month.    We  are  grateful  to  Mrs  Margaret  Newton  for  her  assistance  in  being  the  co-­‐ordinator  and  distributor  for  Traidcraft.    By  running  the  stall  this  is  part  of  our  outreach  to  those  less  fortunate  when  trying  to  sell  their  produce.  In  October  2006  the  Parish  of  Malew  became  a  Fairtrade  Parish.  We  would  like  more  people  to  please  buy  some  of  the  items  from  the  stall  to  help  others  who  are  less  fortunate  than  ourselves.  During  2015  the  stall  took  £1,095.85  for  the  sale  of  Traidcraft  goods  and  we  were  well  supported  during  the  T.T.  &  M.G.P.  Café.  We  have  also  bought  tea,  coffee,  sugar  and  biscuits  for  use  in  the  Parish  Hall,  and  that  amounted  to  £367.40.  If  anyone  is  interested  in  taking  over  the  Traidcraft  stall  then  please  see  Jean  or  Orry.  Thank  you  for  supporting  Traidcraft  and  others  in  need,  but  we  do  need  further  support  to  help  others.                    Vicarage  Maintenance  and  management  of  the  Vicarage  continues  to  be  the  responsibility  of  the  Diocese.    The  Vicarage  drains  were  inspected  and  continued  to  be  a  problem  in  2015.  The  Diocese  instructed  contractors  to  install  new  waste  connections  to  the  sewers  in  order  to  ‘bypass’  the  junction  with  Moorecroft  that  have  long  caused  problems.  

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The  flat  roofs  on  the  bay  windows  were  replaced.  In  the  autumn  of  2015  the  chimney  was  relined  and  stove  fitted  in  the  living  room  to  replace  the  open  fire  that  was  leaking  smoke  into  the  house.    Malew  Vicarage  continues  to  fall  short  of  the  expected  standards  in  the  Church  of  England  for  office  space  and  disabled  access.  However,  when  compared  with  other  clergy  housing  in  this  diocese,  it  remains  a  very  comfortable  and  practical  family  home.    In  2016  it  is  anticipated  that  the  guttering,  soffits,  facias  and  bargeboards  will  be  replaced.        Annual  Vestry  Meeting  

In  accordance  with  the  Churchwardens  Measure  (Isle  of  Man)  2013  a  meeting  of  the  parishioners  of  the  ecclesiastical  parish  of  Malew  and  Santan  will  be  held  for  the  purpose  of  receiving  the  audited  burial  authority  accounts  and  matters  relating  to  the  Burial  grounds.    

The  following  persons  are  entitled  to  attend  the  meeting  and  vote:    (a)    persons  whose  names  are  entered  on  the  church  electoral  roll  of  the  parish;      (b)    persons  resident  in  the  parish  whose  names  are  entered  on  a  register  of  electors  by  reason  of  such  residence;      (c)  persons  resident  in  the  ancient  parish  of  Malew  or  Santan  whose  names  are  entered  on  a  register  of  electors  by  reason  of  such  residence.    


1. Election  of  Vestry  Clerk  2. Apologies  3. Minutes  of  the  last  meeting  See  appendix  1  4. Burial  Ground  Accounts  To  note  the  change  of  practice,  with  the  year  end  

now  being  31st  March.  As  such  there  are  no  accounts  to  receive  at  this  meeting.  The  2014  accounts  are  included  in  appendix  2  for  information.    

5. Burial  rate    6. Appointment  of  Cemetery  Clerk    7. Appointment  of  Auditor  for  Burial  Accounts  To  be  noted  that  the  auditor  for  

the  burial  grounds  is  now  appointed  by  the  diocese.  8. Burial  Ground  Regulations    9. Any  Other  Business    

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Burial  Ground  Regulations  -­‐  Proposal  

Welcome  to  XXX  Churchyard  and  Burial  Ground    

Churchyards  are  important  public  spaces.  In  many  towns  they  are  treasured  as  quiet  and  restful  green  oases.  They  often  contain  details  of  our  social  history,  and  importantly  these  are  the  places  in  which  loved  ones  are  laid  to  rest  and  

where  many  come  to  remember  those  who  are  no  longer  with  us.      

We  have  a  responsibility  to  ensure  that  any  additions  or  alteration  are  in  keeping  with  the  spirit  of  the  place  and  with  what  has  gone  before,  so  that  we  

can  pass  on  that  same  beauty  and  benefit  to  future  generations.      

A  churchyard  is  not  only  a  place  for  burials,  but  also  the  ground  around  a  place  of  worship  and  thus  is  concerned  with  the  living  as  well  as  the  dead.  

 Churchyards  embrace  many  aspects  of  life  of  great  concern  to  people  today:  a  concern  for  conservation,  both  of  wildlife  and  the  natural  environment  and  of  our  national  heritage,  a  concern  for  the  landscape,  a  concern  for  high  standards  of  design  and  lettering;  a  hunger  for  places  of  quietness  and  solitude;  a  need  to  

contemplate  the  great  mysteries  of  life,  death  and  salvation.      

They  are  a  valuable  part  of  our  heritage  and  contain  the  documents  of  our  parish  history  written  in  stone.    

 To  ensure  that  high  standards  are  upheld,  that  our  churchyards  remain  places  of  

peace  and  beauty  and  that  they  can  be  appropriately  and  safely  maintained,  there  are  regulations  about  what  is  and  is  not  permitted  by  way  of  churchyard  memorials.  A  summary  of  these  regulations  can  be  found  here,  more  detailed  

notes  can  be  found  in  the  leaflet  in  church  or  by  contacting  the  Vicarage.                


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Malew  and  Santan  Burial  Authorities  Churchyard  Regulations  

 Decisions  about  what  may  or  may  not  be  done  in  a  churchyard  are  made  by  the    Vicar  General  of  the  Diocese.  To  simplify  this  process,  the  Vicar  General  allows  

the  incumbent  (Vicar)  of  the  parish  to  give  permission  for  the  erection  of  memorials  and  gravestones  providing  they  fall  within  certain  limits  and  rules;  

anything  which  falls  outside  of  these  guidelines  must  be  approved  by  Faculty  of  the  Diocese  of  Sodor  and  Man  before  it  is  installed.  The  Churchyard  is  owned,  

managed  and  maintained  by  the  Burial  Authority.    

1. The  Burial  Authority  is  the  ‘Vicar  and  Church  Wardens’  of  the  parish.  They  operate  as  a  civic  body  in  this  regard,  administering  public  funds  in  order  to  provide  burial  grounds  for  the  civic  parishes  of  Malew  and  Santan.  Churchwardens  are  elected  annually  at  an  Annual  Meeting;  these  are  open  to  members  of  the  public.  

2. Different  sections  of  the  churchyard  are  designated  as  either  ‘lawn’  or  ‘kerb’  or  ‘ancient’.  These  are  areas  have  specific  characteristics  and  there  are  different  rules  which  apply  to  each  area.  

3. ‘Ancient’  areas  typically  predate  1895  with  some  sections  being  over  400  years  old.  These  areas  are  unlikely  have  many  new  burials  except  in  existing  family  graves  and  vaults.  These  areas  are  maintained  as  a  ‘cropped  meadow’.  Flowers  are  permitted  within  existing  monuments.  New  monuments  are  unlikely  to  be  given  permission,  (save  for  additional  inscriptions  or  replacement  of  existing  monuments).  Where  monuments  become  fragile  or  unsafe  and  the  owners  cannot  be  traced  the  Burial  Authority  will  seek  to  take  the  necessary  steps  to  make  the  monument  safe;  this  may  not  always  include  a  full  repair  or  rebuild.    

4. ‘Kerb’  areas  typically  date  between  1895  and  1975.  These  areas  will  contain  monuments  of  different  sizes  and  styles,  often  with  kerb  stones  and  glass  chippings  or  gravel.  Burials  regularly  take  place  in  these  areas  and  headstones  are  often  updated  or  replaced.  Monuments  must  fall  within  the  guidelines  issued  by  the  Vicar  General,  although  careful  consideration  will  be  given  to  rules  in  force  at  the  time  the  original  monument  was  installed  before  a  decision  is  made.  Where  graves  ‘sink’  or  ‘collapse’,  and  owners  do  not  make  provision  for  repair,  the  Burial  Authority  will  repair  the  monument  to  such  a  state  that  allows  the  grave  to  ‘grass  over’.  

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Kerbstones  will  be  retained  and  the  glass  chippings  or  gravel  (if  present)  will  be  replaced  with  grass.  Flowers  and  wreaths  may  be  placed  within  existing  monuments.  New  trees,  shrubs  and  plants  must  not  be  added  to  graves  and  these  may  be  removed  without  warning  as  they  risk  disturbing  the  monument  and  making  it  unsafe.    

5. ‘Lawn’  areas  typically  date  from  the  1970s  are  identified  by  headstones  without  kerbs.  In  these  areas  no  new  work  must  be  done  to  the  surface  of  the  grave  which  must  remain  grass.  No  right  is  given  to  plant  any  plant  on  the  surface  of  the  grave  and  anything  planted  may  be  cut  or  removed  during  normal  maintenance  work.  Spring  bulbs  may  be  planted  below  the  surface  of  the  grave.  Where  these  are  planted,  they  will  be  mown  over  when  flowering  is  finished  in  the  late  spring.  Wreaths  must  be  removed  after  two  months  (i.e.  early  March  for  Christmas  wreaths  etc.).  Any  item  containing  wire  or  plastic  which  might  pose  a  risk  to  maintenance  staff  undertaking  their  normal  work  may  be  removed  without  warning,  (for  example  artificial  floral  displays  containing  wire  which  become  hidden  in  long  grass  pose  a  serious  risk  if  caught  up  in  grass  cutting  machinery).    

6. Glass  items,  beer  cans  and  bottles,  musical  chimes,  solar  powered  lights,  memorials  which  make  a  noise  are  not  permitted  in  any  part  of  the  churchyard.  These  may  be  removed  without  warning.    

7. Following  recent  interment,  larger  floral  tributes  will  be  permitted  for  a  period  of  XXX  months,  these  will  be  removed  when  dead  and  structures  will  not  be  retained.    

8. Dogs  are  permitted.  We  ask  owners  to  be  mindful  of  other  visitors  and  maintenance  staff  and  to  clear  up  afterwards.  This  will  be  periodically  reviewed.    

 For  more  information,  or  if  you  have  a  question  or  comment,  these  should  be  directed  to  the  Burial  Authority  care  of  Malew  Vicarage.    






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Annual  Meeting  of  Parishioners    

In  accordance  with  the  Churchwardens  Measure  (Isle  of  Man)  2013  a  meeting  of  the  parishioners  of  the  ecclesiastical  parish  of  Malew  and  Santan  will  be  held  for  the  purpose  of  appointing  8  churchwardens  of  the  parish.    

The  following  persons  are  entitled  to  attend  the  meeting  and  vote:    (a)    persons  whose  names  are  entered  on  the  church  electoral  roll  of  the  parish;      (b)    persons  resident  in  the  parish  whose  names  are  entered  on  a  register  of  electors  by  reason  of  such  residence;      (c)  persons  resident  in  the  ancient  parish  of  Malew  or  Santan  whose  names  are  entered  on  a  register  of  electors  by  reason  of  such  residence.    

To  be  appointed  churchwarden  a  person  must  be  —    (a)  baptised;    (b)  entered  on  the  church  electoral  roll  of  the  parish;    (c)  an  actual  communicant;    (d)  18  years  of  age  or  upwards;    (e)  not  disqualified  as  outlined  below.    

A  person  is  disqualified  for  being  a  churchwarden  if  he  or  she  ―    (a)    has  been  convicted  of  an  offence  involving  dishonesty  or  deception,  or  harm  to  children  or  young  persons,      (b)    is  an  undischarged  bankrupt,      (c)    has  been  removed  from  office  as  a  charity  trustee,  or      (d)    is  disqualified  for  being  a  company  director.      

A  person  is  also  disqualified  if  he  or  she  has  been  a  warden  for  6  successive  periods  of  office  up  to  a  date  less  than  one  year  before  appointment,  unless  a  meeting  of  the  parishioners  has  decided  that  this  rule  shall  not  apply  to  the  parish.    

Agenda  1)  Minutes  of  the  last  meeting  Appendix  3  

2)  Election  of  Churchwardens  





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Annual  Parochial  Church  Meeting  


1) Apologies  2) Minutes  of  the  last  meeting  Appendix  4  3) Matters  arising  4) Election  of  

a. Diocesan  Synod  representatives  (4  needed)  b. Members  of  the  Parochial  Church  Council  c. Southern  Mission  Partnership  Council  Members  (1  lay  person  from  

each  church)  d. Sidespeople/Welcomers  

5) Electoral  Roll  Report  6) Report  on  the  proceedings  of  the  Church  Council  this  document  to  be  taken  

as  such  a  report  7) Treasurer’s  Report  Accounts  printed  separately  

a. Examination  of  audited  accounts  b. Statement  of  funds  &  property  no  verbal  report  given.  Church  Log  

books  and  accounts  will  be  available  and  opportunity  for  question  given.  c. Position  of  Trust  &  Charities  administered  by  the  Vicar  &  Wardens  

8) Fabric  Report  A  brief  summary  will  be  given.  Further  details  to  specific  buildings  will  be  given  in  this  document.  Opportunity  for  question  will  be  given.    

9)  Chairman’s  Report    10) Any  Other  Business  –  To  be  notified  at  the  start  of  the  meeting  11) Closing  prayer  








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Appendix  1  

To  follow  

Appendix  2                                                                                            

MALEW BURIAL GROUND AUTHORITY 4 Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31 December 2014 2014

£ 2013

£ Maintenance Account Income Burial rates 32,087 35,974 Sale of plots (Malew) 700 2,100 Sale of plots (St Marks) 150 - Total income 32,937 38,074 Expenditure Maintenance of Malew Burial Ground 15,109 24,872 Maintenance of St Marks Burial Ground 2,136 4,322 Insurance 1,648 1,563 Audit Fees 1,323 1,323 Treasurers remuneration 2,000 2,000 Miscellaneous - 27 Rates 172 167 Contribution to Foxdale Burial Ground 1,400 1,400 Depreciation charge 1,816 1,816 Total expenditure 25,604 37,490 Excess/(deficit) for the year 7,333 584 Balance brought forward 130,411 129,827 Balance carried forward 137,744 130,411

MALEW BURIAL GROUND AUTHORITY 5 Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2014 Note 2014

£ 2012

£ Fixed Assets Kitchen/ WC Building 3 87,157 88,973 87,157 88,973 Current assets Debtors 4 271 2,174 Cash at Bank 53,272 41,968 53,543 44,142 Current liabilities Accruals (1,323) (1,323) Creditors (1,633) (1,380) Net Current Assets 50,587 41,439 Net Asset Totals 137,744 130,411 General Reserve 137,744 130,411 Authorised and Approved for issue: ………………..




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SANTON BURIAL GROUND AUTHORITY 4 Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31 December 2014 2014

£ 2013

£ Maintenance Account Income Burial rates 4,951 5,802 Interest on investments 32 979 Total income 4,983 6,781 Expenditure Maintenance 257 179 Grass Cutting 1,546 1,169 Audit Fees 830 1,020 Fuel 96 60 Tools - - Machine Parts/Servicing 174 - Advertisements - - Total expenditure 2,903 2,428 Excess/(deficit) for the year 2,080 4,353 Balance brought forward 21,516 17,163 Balance carried forward 23,596 21,516

SANTON BURIAL GROUND AUTHORITY 5 Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31 December 2014 2014

£ 2013

£ Trust Account Income Bank interest receivable - - Total income - - Net income/(expenditure) for the year - Balance brought forward 1,645 1,645 Balance carried forward 1,645 1,645 Sale of Plots Account Sale of Plots receivable in the year - 400 Inscriptions 746 - Balance brought forward 1,560 1,160 Balance carried forward 2,306 1,560 John Moore Reserve Account Bequest income - - Interest 191 191 Balance brought forward 7,027 6,836 Balance carried forward 7,218 7,027

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                                                 Appendix  3  Annual  General  Meeting  of  Parishioners  2015    Minutes  Election  of  Churchwardens  The  parish  of  Malew  and  Santan  has  8  church  wardens.    Four  nominations  were  received  for  Hilda  Oates,  Ian  Burrell,  Orry  Mitchell,  Roy  Storrs.  All  were  duly  elected  by  unanimous  agreement.    Thanks  were  noted  to  the  outgoing  warden,  Mr  Donald  Gelling.      NB  Mr  Donald  Gelling  was  re-­‐elected  at  an  extra-­‐ordinary  meeting  of  Parishioners  on  the  31st  May  2015            

SANTON BURIAL GROUND AUTHORITY 6 Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2014 Note 2014

£ 2013

£ Fixed Assets Investments 3 380 380 380 380 Current assets Debtors 4 773 896 Cash at Bank 5 34,442 31,111 Accrued interest - 191 35,215 32,198 Current liabilities Accruals (830) (830) Creditors - - Net Current Assets 34,385 31,368 Total Assets 34,765 31,748 Representing the following: Maintenance account 23,596 21,516 Trust Account 1,645 1,645 Sale of Plots Account 2,306 1,560 John Moore Reserve Account 7,218 7,027 34,765 31,748 Authorised and Approved for issue: ………………..




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Appendix  4      Annual  Parochial  Church  Meeting  2015  Minutes    Agenda    1)         Apologies  as  read  2)   Minutes  of  the  Last  Meeting.    Accepted.    Proposed  Mr  Roy  Storrs  Seconded     Mr  John  Ormond  3)   Matter  arising  not  elsewhere  on  agenda.    None  4)   Gill  Poole  Mission  Advisor.    ‘Green  Shoots  everywhere!’    Attached  ‘Reaching     Out  To  Grow’  5)    Election  of     a.      Diocesan  Synod  Representatives.            Mr  R.  Pilling  –  Previously  Elected  for  a  3  Year  Term        Mrs  Ellen  Halliwell  –  In  own  right  as  a  Reader  

   Mr  Donald  Whittaker  –  Proposed  Mr  James  O’Keefe  Seconded                Mr  Roy    Storrs      Mrs  Diane  Ormond  –  Proposed  Mrs  Hilda  Oates  Seconded  Mrs  Carol                  Midgely     Dates  of  future  Synod  Meetings  to  be  attached  to  these  minutes.  b.      Members  of  the  Parochial  Church  Council      8  Members  to  be  elected  by  Local  Church  Councils.    2  from  each  church      Malew  Richard  Higgins  and  Jo  Storrs  –        Santan    John  Ormond  +  1  other      Abbey  Caroline  Convery    +  1  other      St  Marks  Jenny  Corrin      Church  Wardens.  Clergy  and  Readers  for  the  Parish  of  Malew.  c.    Southern  Mission  Partnership  (1  lay  person  from  each  church)     Diane  Ormond  Santan.    Bob  Pilling  Abbey     Dates  to  be  circulated  d.  Sidespeople/Welcomers/Sacristans     Local  Church  Councils  to  organise.       Vote  of  thanks  to  Jean  Buckley,  Betty  Charnley  and  Sally  Kelly  for  their       hard  work  and  dedication  to  the  role  of  sacristan.      

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6)   Electoral  Roll  Report     As  electoral  Roll  Officer  unable  to  attend  Reverend  McGowan  reported  151  as     at    31st  December  2014.      There  are  some  amendments  to  be  made  and     Reverend    McGowan  undertook  to  check  for  accuracy.  7)   Report  on  the  proceedings  of  the  Church  Council.       Document  as  read.  Further  information  from  St  Sanctain  concerning     boundaries.    Reverend  McGowan  has  written  to  Diocese  seeking  clarification.       Also  need  to  confirm  with  Braddan  a  cemetery  agreement.    Mr  Donald  Gelling     verbally  reported  on  a  requirement  from  the  Diocesan  Surveyor  requiring  the     rail  in  the  gallery  to  be     highered  by  6”.    This  was  now  not  necessary  as  the     false  floor  had  been  removed,    the  rail  was  now  at  the  required  height.      8.   Treasurer’s  Report     a)  Brief  accounts  attached,    Full  printed  copies  available  at  the  meeting     together  with  Church  Log  Books,    There  will  be  a  slight  amendment  to  the     accounts  as  Outlined  by  Treasurer  when  further  information  is  received  from     Isle  of  Man    Government.    Accounts  adopted.    Proposed  Mrs  Ellen  Halliwell     and  seconded  Mr  Donald  Whittaker.    St  Sanctain’s  accounts  adopted     separately.    Proposed  Carole  Midgely  seconded  Mrs  Jo  Storrs.    Mr  Mitchell     stated  care  should  be  taken  over  fund  raising  events  as  they  raised  a     substantial  income  for  the  Parish.     b)  Statement  of  funds  and  property     Reverend  McGowan  report  a  change  in  the  property  at  St  Marks.    A  small       parcel  of    land  had  been  sold  in  2014  (£5,000).    Funds  not  yet  available  as     waiting  for  correct  paperwork.  There  were  no  further  changes     c)  Position  of  Trusts  and  Charities  administered  by  the  Vicar  and  Wardens     There  was  much  discussion  .    Many  trusts  and  charities  now  have  little  value       and  the  feeling  of  the  meeting  that  a  concerted  effort  should  be  made  to     regularise  the  funds  available  albeit  very  small  amounts.    DBF  to  be  consulted     and  the  legal  position  discussed  with  Mr  Howard  Connell  9.   Fabric  Report     Reverend  McGowan  reported  that  the  upkeep  of  the  vicarage  was  no  longer     the  responsibility  of  the    Parish.     Specific  buildings  were  reported  in  the  document  and  a  brief  summary  given     as  to  the  various  works.    At  this  juncture  there  was  much  discussion  around     rotas  etc  which  does  not  constitute  a  fabric  report.  10   Chairman’s  Report     As  reported  by  Reverend  McGowan.    Discussion  around  various  matters  with    

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  specific  reference  to  the  Easter  Offering.        11   No  further  business     Vote  to  thanks  by  Mrs  Jo  Storrs  to  the  Reverend  McGowan  12   Closing  Prayer    Appendix  5      


1 Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches Statement of Income and Expenditure Income 2015 2014 £ £ Collections Abbey 10,291 11,988 Malew 6,393 5,915 Sunday School 335 301 St Mark’s 2,549 2,834 Other 69 478 Donations 1,989 1,011 Fundraisers Christmas Fayre 685 598 Flower Festival 3,645 1,527 Harvest Tea 594 583 Lent Lunches 2,193 2,005 MGP Café 2,979 2,373 Southern 100 1,257 684 Spring Fayre 1,264 1,299 TT Café 7,446 8,329 Other 45 469

Funerals & Inscriptions 7,526 3,454 Interest 4 9 Planned Regular Giving 7,507 12,390 Sunday School Grants 130 Weddings 4,969 1,610 Helen Kinvig Memorial Fund 750 1,442 Magazine Adverts 103 74 Contribution from Santon for Quota

7,366 8,618

Total Income 69,959 70,231


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Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches Statement of Income and Expenditure 2015 2014 £ £ Expenditure

Donations from Church Funds 360 290 Funeral Expenses 6,043 465 Inspection of Churches 435 435 Miscellaneous 279 Organist Fees 1,820 1,914 Cook Books (476) 474 Electricity Abbey 362 235 Malew 432 433 St Marks 252 Gifts & Sundries 230 Insurance and Licences 2,552 2,120 Oil Abbey 859 1,129 Malew 856 331 St Marks 939 1,523 Organ and Piano Maintenance 1,213 1,062 Rates 11 11 Repairs & Maintenance Abbey 14,115 3,197 Malew 7,497 340 St Marks 7,906 6,419 Stationary 2,115 2,605 Website 228 228 Wine, Flowers, Candles etc 535 397 Quota 38,557 37,592 Sunday School 167 107 Administration 0 500 Treasurers Honorarium 800 800 Vicar Contribution to oil 0 500 Mileage 670 207 Stationary 286 324 Telecoms 411 140 Temporary Cover 0 43 Wedding Expenses 2,945 390 Bank Charges 156 90 Total Expenditure 92,303 64,553 Surplus/(deficit) (22,344) 5,678

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Balance Sheet

2015 2014

Note £ £ Balance Excess/(deficit) (34,260) 4,420 Brought forward balance 72,254 48,102 Brought in from St Marks 19,732 Total 37,994 72,254 Represented by Current Assets IOM Bank Current 8,605 42,353 Reserve 12,397 9,731 St Marks account 3,604 3,604 St Marks Reserve 17,857 17,857 42,463 73,545 Creditors 3 0 0 42,463 73,545 Current Liabilities Uncleared Cheques 1 (3,593) (130) Due (to)/from hall (586) (110) Non Church income- to be paid out 2 (290) (1,051) (4,469) (1,291) Total 37,994 72,254 Balance Carried forward 37,994 72,254

Treasurer…………………. Examiner……………..….. Dated…………………….... Dated……………………...


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3 Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches St Marks School Room 2015 2014 £ £ Income Hire of School Room/Donations 8,266 1,119 Covenant - Total income 8,266 1,119 Expenditure Electricity 394 98 Maintenance 19,247 36 Other 1,710 Rates 128 123 Insurance 413 410 Total Expenditure 20,182 2,377 Surplus/(deficit) (11,916) (1,258) Balance carried forward (34,260) 4,420


Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches

Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches

1. Uncleared Cheques and Payments


003629 45 003630 30 003631 20 003632 127 003640 300 BACS 226 BACS 157 BACS 1,824 BACS 645 BACS 219 ______ 3,593


2. Funds due to be paid out from Church Funds


Roman Aid 123 Christingle 167 ___ 290

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Malew, Abbey & St Marks Churches

Driscoll Abbey Church Balance b/f 1st January 2014 27,966


Income Interest 27 Balance c/f 31st December 2014 27,993

Malew Educational Trust Balance b/f 1st January 2014 35,836


Income Interest 315 Balance c/f 31st December 2014 36,151