Memoria Residencia Vaca v2



Memoria de cálculo estructural

Transcript of Memoria Residencia Vaca v2




    LP:17-7100 & RM:5180


    JULIO 2014

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.2






  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.3


    1.ANTECEDENTESPorrequerimientosynecesidadespersonaleselSr.WillanVacasehaproyectadolaconstruccinde un edificio para vivienda; para lo cual ha contratado los servicios de consultora paradesarrollarmencionadoproyecto;queestubicado sobreel terrenode supropiedaden lavaCayambe Km 8 y La Libertad PanamericanaNorte s/n, Conjunto Residencial VistaHermosa,Cumbay,CantnQuito,provinciadePichincha.ElSr.WillanVacadueodelproyectohadecididocontratardemaneravoluntaria los serviciosdeconsultoraparaelanlisisydiseoestructuralsismoresistentedelaedificacinantesmencionada,medianteconvenioverbal,alIng.RafaelVillaAstudillo.Elpresentedocumento tiene comopropsitodemostrar los criteriosutilizados en el anlisis ydiseoestructuralsismoresistentedelaestructuraaserusadacomovivienda.

    2.DESCRIPCINGENERALDELPROYECTODeacuerdoalrequerimientoarquitectnicosehaconcebidounaestructuradeforma irregular,de cuatro niveles; cuyas dimensiones en planta y elevacin se pueden observar tanto en losplanosarquitectnicoscomoenlosplanosestructurales.Acontinuacinsepresentanesquemasdelaestructuramencionada.


  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.4



    3.DESCRIPCINESTRUCTURALLa edificacin esuna estructuramixta de hormign armado y acero estructural. Las losas sonplacas compuestas conformadas por un deck metlico tipo novalosa con una loseta dehormignfundidasobreeste.Unamallaelectrosoldadaescolocadaenlalosetadehormign.Lospanelesde losaestnasentadossobreviguetasdeaceroestructural.Lospanelesseunena lasviguetasmedianteconectoresdecortesoldadosentreeldeckylasviguetas.Lasviguetasasuvezestnunidasalasvigasprincipalesdehormignarmado,medianteconexinsoloacortante.Lasvigas a su vez se unen a las columnas de hormign, con seccin transversal rectangular yarmaduratantolongitudinalcomotransversal.Estascolumnassecimientanenplintosaisladosdehormignarmadosobreelsuelonatural.Losprticosconformadospor launinvigacolumnaformannudos resistentesamomentoycorte,capacesde resistir losesfuerzosproductode lascargasgravitacionales,fuerzasssmicasydeviento.Delestudiodesuelosseobtuvolosdatosparaeldiseodelacimentacin,setom:

    EsfuerzoadmisibledelsueloQa=25T/mLa fundacin toma en cuenta la interaccin sueloestructura nicamente en funcin de lascaractersticaspropiasdelterrenodondeestardesplantada.Paraunaconcepcincompletayglobaldelsistemaestructuralesnecesarioreferirsealosplanosestructurales.

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.5


    HormignEstructural :fc=240kg/cm2 HormigndeContrapiso :fc=210kg/cm2 HormigndeReplantillo :fc=180kg/cm2 AcerodeRefuerzo :fy=4200kg/cm2 AceroEstructural :ASTMA36 DeckMetlico :ASTMA653 PernosdeAltaResistencia :ASTMA325Tipo1A490 PernosComunes :ASTMA307GradoAequivalente TuercasdePernosdeAnclaje :ASTMA563GradoA


    5.1CargasmuertasSe consideran cargas muertas a las acciones gravitacionales que actuarnpermanentemente sobre la estructura y no variarn con el tiempo,ms las accionesindirectasconcarcterdepermanencia;paraelpresentecasosehaconsiderado:

    Elpesopropiodelaestructura. Cargamuertaadicionalde140kg/m2paralosasdeentrepisoy100kg/m2paralosas


    Estas cargas se aplican simultneamente para el diseo de las armaduras de loselementosdelaestructura.

    5.2CargasvivasSe consideran como cargas vivas a las cargas acciones temporales que actuarn en laestructura;paraelpresentecasosehaconsiderado: Cargavivade200kg/m2paralosasdeentrepiso,400kg/m2parabalconesenvolado


    5.3CargasporsismoLa estructura ser calculadamediante procedimientos de clculos de fuerzas lateralesestticasydinmicas.

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.6


    Tipo de Edificacin: Mixta, Hormign Armado y Acero Estructural Ubicacin: Quito - Ecuador Destino de la Edificacin: Vivienda Factor en Funcin de la Zona Ssmica (Z) I 0.15

    ZONA: VI II 0.25 FACTOR: 0.4 III 0.30

    IV 0.40 Tipo de Uso, Destino e Importancia de la Estructura

    I = 1.0 Coeficiente del Suelo S y Coeficiente Cm

    a) Periodo de vibracin de la estructura (T)

    Ct = 0.09 Prticos de acero

    Ct = 0.08 Prticos espaciales de H.A.

    Ct = 0.08 Ct = 0.06 Prticos espaciales de H.A. con muros

    b) Altura mxima de la edificacin de n pisos, medida desde la base de la estructura (hn)

    hn = 16.63 m T = 0.65 seg

    c) Perfil del suelo Perfil Tipo S Cm

    S = 1.2 S1 1 2.5 Cm = 3.0 S2 1.2 3

    S3 1.5 2.8 C = 2.36 S4 2 2.5

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.7 Coeficiente de Reduccin de Respuesta Estructural ( R )

    R = 11.0 Irregularidades en Planta (P)

    a) Irregularidad torsional Si 0.9 PA= 0.9 b) Retrocesos excesivos Si 0.9

    c) Discontinuidades en el sistema piso no 1.0 d) Desplazamiento planos de accin no 1.0 PB= 1.0 e) Ejes no paralelos no 1.0

    p = 0.9 Irregularidades en Elevacin (E)

    Prtico espacial y prticos con vigas banda? No Sistemas duales o con diagonales? Si

    1. Piso blando no 1 EA= 1.0 2. Distribucin de masas Si 1 3. Irregularidad geomtrica Si 1 EB= 1.0 4. Desalineamiento en ejes verticales no 1 5. Piso dbil no 1 EC= 1.0


    Z = 0.40 I = 1.00 C = 2.36 E = 1.00 P = 0.90 R= 11.00

    V = 0.095 W

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.8



    Ca Elstico Inelstico T Ca Elstico Inelsticoseg seg0.000 3.000 1.200 0.121 2.500 0.622 0.249 0.0250.100 3.000 1.200 0.121 2.600 0.598 0.239 0.0240.200 3.000 1.200 0.121 2.700 0.576 0.230 0.0230.300 3.000 1.200 0.121 2.800 0.556 0.222 0.0220.400 3.000 1.200 0.121 2.900 0.536 0.215 0.0220.500 3.000 1.200 0.121 3.000 0.519 0.207 0.0210.519 3.000 1.200 0.121 3.100 0.502 0.201 0.0200.600 2.593 1.037 0.105 3.200 0.500 0.200 0.0200.700 2.222 0.889 0.090 3.300 0.500 0.200 0.0200.800 1.945 0.778 0.079 3.400 0.500 0.200 0.0200.900 1.729 0.691 0.070 3.500 0.500 0.200 0.0201.000 1.556 0.622 0.063 3.600 0.500 0.200 0.0201.100 1.414 0.566 0.057 3.700 0.500 0.200 0.0201.200 1.296 0.519 0.052 3.800 0.500 0.200 0.0201.300 1.197 0.479 0.048 3.900 0.500 0.200 0.0201.400 1.111 0.444 0.045 4.000 0.500 0.200 0.0201.500 1.037 0.415 0.042 4.100 0.500 0.200 0.0201.600 0.972 0.389 0.039 4.200 0.500 0.200 0.0201.700 0.915 0.366 0.037 4.300 0.500 0.200 0.0201.800 0.864 0.346 0.035 4.400 0.500 0.200 0.0201.900 0.819 0.328 0.033 4.500 0.500 0.200 0.0202.000 0.778 0.311 0.031 4.600 0.500 0.200 0.0202.100 0.741 0.296 0.030 4.700 0.500 0.200 0.0202.200 0.707 0.283 0.029 4.800 0.500 0.200 0.0202.300 0.676 0.271 0.027 4.900 0.500 0.200 0.0202.400 0.648 0.259 0.026 5.000 0.500 0.200 0.020















    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0






  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.9


    5.5CargasdesueloEnestaestructura se consideran los esfuerzosde sueloque generanpresin sobre losmurosdesubsuelo.

    5.6CargasdeaguaEn esta estructura ningn elemento estructural estar sometido a cargas de empujelateralporaccindelaspresionesdesuelo;porlotantonoselasconsidera.


    1. 1.4D2. 1.2D+1.6L+0.5(LroSoR)3. 1.2D+1.6(LrOSoR)+(Lo0.5W)4. 1.2D+1.0W+L+0.5(LroSoR)5. 1.2D+1.0E+L+0.2S6. 0.9D+1.0W7. 0.9D+1.0E

    7.ANLISISESTRUCTURALDELAEDIFICACINParaelanlisisestructuraldelaedificacinsecontemplaunanlisisriguroso,quepermitaevaluarsilacapacidaddeloselementosestructuralespropuestosenelprediseoyposteriordiseosonlosadecuadospararesistirlascondicionesmsdesfavorablesquepuedanpresentarsedurantelavidatildelaestructura.Como efectos principales se ha considerado solicitaciones debidas a cargas verticales(permanentes y sobrecargas accidentales, anlisis modal espectral). El anlisis y diseoestructuralcumplecon lasespecificacionesdelCdigoEcuatorianode laconstruccinCEC2002,ACI31808yelAISCASD01.Elempleodeprogramadeanlisisydiseoestructural(ETABSv.9.7)decarctercomputacional,permiti realizar el anlisis de diversos modelos estructurales, hasta conseguir las mejorescondiciones en lo que respecta a los esfuerzos y desplazamientos de la estructura, previo alprocesodediseoestructural.

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.10

    7.1RELACINDEMASASENLAPARTICIPACINMODALModo Perodo UX UY SumUX SumUY RX RY RZ1 0.5900507 17.23694 33.82207 17.23694 33.82207 52.6199 28.42833 11.006482 0.5515189 34.77366 24.04586 52.0106 57.86794 37.73693 54.09655 8.6448463 0.4295367 9.837293 1.293297 61.84789 59.16123 2.765369 12.05519 32.072034 0.2788411 0.9407014 11.33198 62.78859 70.49322 2.815526 0.3264416 1.150255 0.2568536 14.43028 0.3704723 77.21887 70.86369 0.01931502 2.763764 0.047911096 0.1994375 0.02717192 2.730844 77.24604 73.59453 0.06997079 0.0283263 14.666587 0.1903258 0.3257984 7.171054 77.57184 80.76559 1.630223 0.02044888 1.039668 0.1799797 14.07801 1.076092 91.64985 81.84167 0.06258893 1.320855 16.699689 0.1685623 0.003922775 10.95867 91.65377 92.80035 1.011343 0.03232614 7.58234410 0.1622484 4.73357 2.575394 96.38734 95.37575 0.1800174 0.6212336 0.704354211 0.1473381 0.4550108 0.8928159 96.84235 96.26856 0.05586737 0.07580247 1.25920612 0.1386747 2.656463 0.297844 99.49882 96.56641 0.0486216 0.03750091 1.165245


    max=0.02R= 11.00


    TA SXE 188 13.4 20.88 16.63 0.0004881 0.0053691 TA SXE 58 16.5 18.88 16.63 0.00013683 0.00150512TA SYE 950 15.88333 18.88 16.63 4.3303E05 0.00047633 TA SYE 46 12.8 20.88 16.63 0.0003383 0.00372131TA SDX 188 13.4 20.88 16.63 0.00054023 0.00594252 TA SDX 46 12.8 20.88 16.63 0.0001546 0.00170062TA SDY 188 13.4 20.88 16.63 0.00021802 0.00239827 TA SDY 46 12.8 20.88 16.63 0.00043249 0.00475734TG SXE 968 19.06 20.88 15.13 0.00125176 0.01376936 TG SXE 97 19.7 18.88 15.13 4.1203E05 0.00045323TG SYE 970 19.06 16.28 15.13 0.0001236 0.00135963 TG SYE 862 12.8 20.01333 15.13 0.00158722 0.0174594TG SDX 968 19.06 20.88 15.13 0.00128962 0.01418579

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.11

    TG SDX 862 12.8 20.01333 15.13 0.00073153 0.0080468TG SDY 970 19.06 16.28 15.13 0.00053571 0.00589282 TG SDY 862 12.8 20.01333 15.13 0.00180178 0.01981961PC SXE 2729 8.3 27.08 12.07 0.00159763 0.01757392 PC SXE 1608 28.7 23.88 12.07 6.9101E05 0.00076011PC SYE 855 20.5 14.68 12.07 0.00016218 0.00178401 PC SYE 1622 3 21.16333 12.07 0.00182085 0.02002939PC SDX 2729 8.3 27.08 12.07 0.00148526 0.01633787 PC SDX 1622 3 21.16333 12.07 0.00116595 0.01282546PC SDY 2729 8.3 27.08 12.07 0.00067051 0.00737559 PC SDY 1622 3 21.16333 12.07 0.00155852 0.0171437PA3 SXE 2729 8.3 27.08 9.01 0.0017861 0.01964708 PA3 SXE 1608 28.7 23.88 9.01 0.00052753 0.00580281PA3 SYE 2729 8.3 27.08 9.01 0.00016292 0.00179214 PA3 SYE 1608 28.7 23.88 9.01 0.00176709 0.01943797PA3 SDX 2729 8.3 27.08 9.01 0.00153869 0.01692557 PA3 SDX 2591 3 9.23 9.01 0.00097946 0.01077409PA3 SDY 2729 8.3 27.08 9.01 0.00074493 0.00819427 PA3 SDY 1608 28.7 23.88 9.01 0.00165458 0.01820036PA2 SXE 2729 8.3 27.08 5.95 0.00152814 0.0168095 PA2 SXE 88 28.7 24.48 5.95 0.00033418 0.00367602PA2 SYE 9 6.95 4.93 5.95 0.00039393 0.00433325 PA2 SYE 88 28.7 24.48 5.95 0.0017393 0.01913225PA2 SDX 2729 8.3 27.08 5.95 0.00120293 0.01323221 PA2 SDX 88 28.7 24.48 5.95 0.00080529 0.00885816PA2 SDY 2729 8.3 27.08 5.95 0.00063543 0.00698972 PA2 SDY 88 28.7 24.48 5.95 0.00150969 0.01660659PB SXE 49 24.4 20.88 2.89 0.00048375 0.00532127 PB SXE 7 0 4.93 2.89 0.00020701 0.00227706PB SYE 16 31.88 0 2.89 3.0314E05 0.00033345 PB SYE 44 31.88 16.88 2.89 0.00038564 0.00424206PB SDX 49 24.4 20.88 2.89 0.0003469 0.0038159 PB SDX 7 0 4.93 2.89 0.00036887 0.00405754PB SDY 49 24.4 20.88 2.89 0.00013671 0.00150379 PB SDY 7 0 4.93 2.89 0.00034073 0.003748



  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.12



    En la fase inicial del anlisis estructural, una vez que se ha obtenido un modelosatisfactorio;sedeterminanlosmomentos,esfuerzoscortantesyesfuerzosaxialesenloselementos estructurales para los diversos estados de carga y sus respectivascombinaciones,paraluegoconestodatospasaralafasedediseoestructural.VERANEXO2paraunresumendelosesfuerzosydesplazamientos.

    8.2DISEODELAESTRUCTURADEHORMIGNElanlisisydiseode loselementosdehormignestructural,serigea laespecificacinparaeldiseodeestructurasdehormigndelAISC31805.Eldiseoestefectuadoconlosrequisitosparaeldiseoporltimaresistenciaespecificadoporelcdigoenuso.

    ParmetrosdeDiseoparaHormignArmadoConsiderMinimumEccentricity = SiNumberofInteractionCurves = 24NumberofInteractionPoints = 11PatternLiveLoadFactor = 0.750UtilizationFactorLimit = 0.950Phi(TensionControlled) = 0.900Phi(Comp.ControlledTied) = 0.650Phi(Comp.ControlledSpiral) = 0.700Phi(Shearand/orTorsion) = 0.750Phi(ShearSeismic) = 0.600Phi(ShearJoint) = 0.850VERANEXO3paraunresumendeldiseodeelementosestructurales


  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.13

    RESUMENDEPRESIONESENELSUELOPARACIMENTACINN4890Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin

    kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 cm cm cm cm 1 UDCONN2 -0.088 -0.748 0.000 60.000 0.000 60.000 2 UDCONN2 -0.059 -0.682 260.000 493.000 260.000 493.000 3 UDCONN2 -0.417 -1.296 0.000 533.000 260.000 533.000

    20 UDCONN2 -0.039 -0.674 300.000 493.000 300.000 493.000 21 UDCONN2 -0.647 -1.281 300.000 533.000 300.000 533.000 55 UDCONN2 -0.271 -0.919 540.000 60.000 540.000 60.000 73 UDCONN2 -0.521 -1.167 580.000 60.000 580.000 60.000 74 UDCONN2 -0.796 -1.285 655.000 493.000 655.000 493.000 75 UDCONN2 -1.001 -1.486 655.000 533.000 655.000 533.000 91 UDCONN2 -0.342 -0.795 725.000 60.000 725.000 245.000 92 UDCONN2 -0.612 -1.561 725.000 285.000 695.000 493.000 93 UDCONN2 -1.285 -1.766 695.000 533.000 695.000 533.000

    109 UDCONN2 -0.247 -0.612 765.000 60.000 765.000 245.000 110 UDCONN2 -0.424 -0.699 765.000 285.000 765.000 285.000 145 UDCONN2 -0.078 -0.352 1165.000 245.000 1165.000 245.000 146 UDCONN2 -0.117 -0.390 1165.000 285.000 1165.000 285.000 163 UDCONN2 -0.285 -0.586 1205.000 60.000 1205.000 245.000 164 UDCONN2 -0.352 -0.624 1205.000 285.000 1205.000 285.000 181 UDCONN2 -0.285 -0.586 1205.000 60.000 1205.000 245.000 182 UDCONN2 -0.352 -0.624 1205.000 285.000 1205.000 285.000 191 UDCONN2 -1.939 -1.974 1225.000 1628.000 1225.000 1628.000 192 UDCONN2 -1.898 -1.951 1225.000 1683.000 1225.000 1683.000 193 UDCONN2 -1.935 -2.055 1220.000 1888.000 1220.000 1888.000 194 UDCONN2 -1.673 -2.055 1220.000 2088.000 1220.000 1948.000 195 UDCONN2 -1.673 -1.714 1220.000 2088.000 1220.000 2088.000 196 UDCONN2 -1.688 -1.717 1220.000 2148.000 1220.000 2148.000 209 UDCONN2 -1.766 -1.952 1490.000 1628.000 1280.000 1628.000 210 UDCONN2 -1.726 -1.939 1490.000 1673.000 1280.000 1683.000 211 UDCONN2 -1.812 -1.954 1280.000 1888.000 1280.000 1888.000 212 UDCONN2 -1.635 -1.954 1280.000 2088.000 1280.000 1948.000 213 UDCONN2 -1.635 -1.697 1280.000 2088.000 1280.000 2088.000 214 UDCONN2 -1.647 -1.697 1280.000 2148.000 1280.000 2148.000 237 UDCONN2 -0.747 -1.219 1555.000 558.000 1555.000 558.000 239 UDCONN2 -0.688 -1.200 1555.000 598.000 1555.000 858.000 240 UDCONN2 -0.712 -1.173 1555.000 898.000 1555.000 898.000 242 UDCONN2 -0.750 -1.207 1555.000 1158.000 1555.000 1158.000 243 UDCONN2 -0.712 -1.172 1555.000 1198.000 1555.000 1198.000 244 UDCONN2 -0.584 -0.823 1555.000 1468.000 1555.000 1468.000 245 UDCONN2 -0.548 -1.880 1555.000 1508.000 1535.000 1628.000 246 UDCONN2 -1.765 -1.842 1535.000 1673.000 1535.000 1673.000 255 UDCONN2 -0.328 -0.803 1595.000 558.000 1595.000 558.000 257 UDCONN2 -0.271 -0.768 1595.000 598.000 1595.000 858.000 258 UDCONN2 -0.279 -0.742 1595.000 898.000 1595.000 898.000 260 UDCONN2 -0.325 -0.785 1595.000 1158.000 1595.000 1158.000 261 UDCONN2 -0.289 -0.750 1595.000 1198.000 1595.000 1198.000 262 UDCONN2 -0.376 -0.617 1595.000 1468.000 1595.000 1468.000 263 UDCONN2 -0.342 -2.059 1595.000 1508.000 1595.000 1628.000 264 UDCONN2 -1.819 -1.970 1595.000 1683.000 1595.000 1683.000 266 UDCONN2 -1.667 -1.757 1580.000 2088.000 1580.000 2088.000 268 UDCONN2 -1.731 -1.785 1580.000 2158.000 1580.000 2158.000 271 UDCONN2 -0.343 -0.847 1650.000 60.000 1650.000 245.000 272 UDCONN2 -0.630 -0.936 1650.000 285.000 1650.000 285.000

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.14

    Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 cm cm cm cm

    281 UDCONN2 -1.853 -2.004 1650.000 1628.000 1650.000 1628.000 282 UDCONN2 -1.757 -1.926 1650.000 1683.000 1650.000 1683.000 284 UDCONN2 -1.665 -1.757 1650.000 2088.000 1650.000 2088.000 286 UDCONN2 -1.729 -1.785 1650.000 2158.000 1650.000 2158.000 289 UDCONN2 -0.164 -0.630 1690.000 60.000 1690.000 245.000 290 UDCONN2 -0.411 -0.719 1690.000 285.000 1690.000 285.000 298 UDCONN2 -2.074 -2.126 1925.000 1468.000 1925.000 1468.000 299 UDCONN2 -2.043 -2.105 1925.000 1513.000 1925.000 1513.000 300 UDCONN2 -1.927 -2.015 1900.000 1688.000 1900.000 1688.000 301 UDCONN2 -1.808 -1.936 1900.000 1758.000 1900.000 1758.000 302 UDCONN2 -2.058 -2.214 1900.000 2088.000 1900.000 2088.000 304 UDCONN2 -2.195 -2.304 1900.000 2158.000 1900.000 2158.000 309 UDCONN2 -1.693 -2.097 2030.000 558.000 2030.000 558.000 311 UDCONN2 -1.672 -2.089 2030.000 858.000 2030.000 598.000 312 UDCONN2 -1.663 -2.062 2030.000 898.000 2030.000 898.000 314 UDCONN2 -1.710 -2.074 2030.000 1158.000 2030.000 1158.000 315 UDCONN2 -1.667 -2.037 2030.000 1198.000 2030.000 1198.000 316 UDCONN2 -2.026 -2.088 1970.000 1468.000 1970.000 1468.000 317 UDCONN2 -2.002 -2.074 1970.000 1513.000 1970.000 1513.000 318 UDCONN2 -1.858 -1.986 1970.000 1688.000 1970.000 1688.000 319 UDCONN2 -1.760 -1.927 1970.000 1758.000 1970.000 1758.000 320 UDCONN2 -2.031 -2.214 1970.000 2088.000 1970.000 2088.000 322 UDCONN2 -2.163 -2.300 1970.000 2158.000 1970.000 2158.000 325 UDCONN2 -0.643 -1.230 2090.000 60.000 2090.000 245.000 326 UDCONN2 -1.103 -1.384 2090.000 285.000 2090.000 285.000 327 UDCONN2 -1.288 -1.697 2070.000 558.000 2070.000 558.000 329 UDCONN2 -1.273 -1.693 2070.000 858.000 2070.000 598.000 330 UDCONN2 -1.269 -1.672 2070.000 898.000 2070.000 898.000 332 UDCONN2 -1.372 -1.743 2070.000 1158.000 2070.000 1158.000 333 UDCONN2 -1.334 -1.710 2070.000 1198.000 2070.000 1198.000 343 UDCONN2 -0.568 -1.103 2130.000 60.000 2130.000 245.000 344 UDCONN2 -0.970 -1.255 2130.000 285.000 2130.000 285.000 352 UDCONN2 -1.835 -1.972 2385.000 1468.000 2385.000 1468.000 353 UDCONN2 -1.891 -2.010 2385.000 1523.000 2385.000 1523.000 354 UDCONN2 -1.824 -1.921 2370.000 1688.000 2370.000 1688.000 355 UDCONN2 -1.753 -1.890 2370.000 1758.000 2370.000 1758.000 356 UDCONN2 -2.096 -2.248 2370.000 2088.000 2370.000 2088.000 358 UDCONN2 -2.164 -2.269 2370.000 2158.000 2370.000 2158.000 361 UDCONN2 -0.542 -1.117 2670.000 70.000 2670.000 245.000 362 UDCONN2 -0.934 -1.256 2670.000 285.000 2670.000 285.000 363 UDCONN2 -1.290 -1.546 2670.000 558.000 2670.000 558.000 365 UDCONN2 -1.257 -1.541 2670.000 858.000 2670.000 598.000 366 UDCONN2 -1.246 -1.501 2670.000 898.000 2670.000 898.000 368 UDCONN2 -1.293 -1.580 2670.000 1158.000 2670.000 1158.000 369 UDCONN2 -1.258 -1.549 2670.000 1198.000 2670.000 1198.000 370 UDCONN2 -1.905 -2.025 2440.000 1468.000 2440.000 1468.000 371 UDCONN2 -1.972 -2.074 2440.000 1523.000 2440.000 1523.000 372 UDCONN2 -1.890 -1.948 2440.000 1688.000 2440.000 1688.000 373 UDCONN2 -1.800 -1.898 2440.000 1758.000 2440.000 1758.000 374 UDCONN2 -2.156 -2.261 2440.000 2088.000 2440.000 2088.000 376 UDCONN2 -2.248 -2.306 2440.000 2158.000 2440.000 2158.000 379 UDCONN2 -0.429 -0.934 2710.000 70.000 2710.000 245.000 380 UDCONN2 -0.744 -1.071 2710.000 285.000 2710.000 285.000

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.15

    Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 cm cm cm cm

    381 UDCONN2 -1.029 -1.292 2710.000 558.000 2710.000 558.000 383 UDCONN2 -1.004 -1.290 2710.000 858.000 2710.000 598.000 384 UDCONN2 -0.998 -1.257 2710.000 898.000 2710.000 898.000 386 UDCONN2 -1.026 -1.319 2710.000 1158.000 2710.000 1158.000 387 UDCONN2 -0.996 -1.293 2710.000 1198.000 2710.000 1198.000 388 UDCONN2 -1.544 -1.905 2825.000 1468.000 2825.000 1468.000 389 UDCONN2 -1.580 -1.932 2825.000 1513.000 2825.000 1513.000 390 UDCONN2 -1.735 -2.104 2825.000 1688.000 2825.000 1688.000 391 UDCONN2 -1.730 -2.103 2825.000 1733.000 2825.000 1733.000 397 UDCONN2 -0.189 -0.572 3118.000 60.000 3118.000 245.000 398 UDCONN2 -0.293 -0.643 3118.000 285.000 3118.000 285.000 399 UDCONN2 -0.398 -0.801 3118.000 558.000 3118.000 558.000 401 UDCONN2 -0.377 -0.795 3118.000 598.000 3118.000 858.000 402 UDCONN2 -0.363 -0.768 3118.000 898.000 3118.000 898.000 404 UDCONN2 -0.392 -0.792 3118.000 1158.000 3118.000 1158.000 405 UDCONN2 -0.365 -0.768 3118.000 1198.000 3118.000 1198.000 406 UDCONN2 -0.414 -1.580 3118.000 1468.000 2870.000 1468.000 407 UDCONN2 -0.412 -1.601 3118.000 1508.000 2870.000 1513.000 408 UDCONN2 -0.202 -1.740 3118.000 1688.000 2870.000 1688.000 409 UDCONN2 -0.212 -1.740 3118.000 1728.000 2870.000 1733.000

    RESUMENDEPRESIONESENELSUELOPARACIMENTACINN2000Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin

    Tonf/m2 Tonf/m2 m m m m 6 UDCONN2 -1.302 -14.293 0.00000 9.58000 2.50000 9.58000 7 UDCONN2 -0.606 -15.896 0.00000 9.98000 2.50000 9.93000 9 UDCONN2 -1.027 -12.304 0.00000 12.48000 2.60000 12.48000

    10 UDCONN2 -1.158 -12.266 0.00000 12.88000 2.60000 12.88000 14 UDCONN2 -17.262 -21.050 2.50000 20.58000 2.50000 20.58000 15 UDCONN2 -16.731 -20.611 2.50000 21.08000 2.50000 21.08000 16 UDCONN2 -16.531 -20.543 2.50000 24.08000 2.50000 24.08000 17 UDCONN2 -17.161 -21.081 2.50000 24.58000 2.50000 24.58000 24 UDCONN2 -9.382 -14.337 3.00000 8.88000 3.00000 9.58000 25 UDCONN2 -14.293 -15.963 3.00000 9.93000 3.00000 9.93000 27 UDCONN2 -11.946 -12.147 3.00000 12.48000 3.00000 12.48000 28 UDCONN2 -11.902 -12.133 3.00000 12.88000 3.00000 12.88000 32 UDCONN2 -13.762 -17.642 3.00000 20.58000 3.00000 20.58000 33 UDCONN2 -13.295 -17.262 3.00000 21.08000 3.00000 21.08000 34 UDCONN2 -13.062 -17.161 3.00000 24.08000 3.00000 24.08000 35 UDCONN2 -13.627 -17.640 3.00000 24.58000 3.00000 24.58000 36 UDCONN2 -13.554 -16.962 3.60000 27.08000 3.60000 27.08000 47 UDCONN2 -5.478 -7.365 4.75000 16.28000 4.75000 16.28000 48 UDCONN2 -6.861 -8.731 4.75000 16.68000 4.75000 16.68000 54 UDCONN2 -10.988 -14.432 4.00000 27.08000 4.00000 27.08000 65 UDCONN2 -5.967 -7.837 5.15000 16.28000 5.15000 16.28000 66 UDCONN2 -7.365 -9.217 5.15000 16.68000 5.15000 16.68000 78 UDCONN2 -14.664 -17.605 6.45000 9.58000 6.45000 9.58000 79 UDCONN2 -17.100 -19.951 6.45000 10.08000 6.45000 10.08000 81 UDCONN2 -13.742 -15.716 6.45000 12.48000 6.45000 12.48000 82 UDCONN2 -12.951 -15.001 6.45000 12.98000 6.45000 12.98000 83 UDCONN2 -8.825 -11.272 6.55000 16.28000 6.55000 16.28000 84 UDCONN2 -10.406 -12.826 6.55000 16.68000 6.55000 16.68000

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.16

    Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin Tonf/m2 Tonf/m2 m m m m

    96 UDCONN2 -15.105 -17.955 6.95000 9.58000 6.95000 9.58000 97 UDCONN2 -17.605 -20.362 6.95000 10.08000 6.95000 10.08000 99 UDCONN2 -15.001 -16.896 6.95000 12.48000 6.95000 12.48000 100 UDCONN2 -14.156 -16.130 6.95000 12.98000 6.95000 12.98000 101 UDCONN2 -9.666 -12.086 6.95000 16.28000 6.95000 16.28000 102 UDCONN2 -11.272 -13.663 6.95000 16.68000 6.95000 16.68000 119 UDCONN2 -13.419 -15.558 8.20000 16.28000 8.20000 16.28000 120 UDCONN2 -11.405 -13.578 8.20000 16.68000 8.20000 16.68000 122 UDCONN2 -18.759 -19.701 7.95000 20.58000 7.95000 20.58000 124 UDCONN2 -18.384 -19.701 7.95000 24.08000 7.95000 21.23000 125 UDCONN2 -18.567 -19.466 7.95000 24.73000 7.95000 24.73000 126 UDCONN2 -4.669 -17.801 7.60000 27.08000 8.30000 27.08000 129 UDCONN2 -12.395 -16.298 9.25000 5.68000 9.25000 5.68000 131 UDCONN2 -1.335 -12.631 9.25000 6.73000 9.25000 6.03000 132 UDCONN2 -16.538 -17.994 9.35000 9.58000 9.35000 9.58000 133 UDCONN2 -17.094 -18.504 9.35000 9.98000 9.35000 9.98000 135 UDCONN2 -16.858 -18.597 9.25000 12.48000 9.25000 12.48000 136 UDCONN2 -15.866 -17.694 9.25000 12.98000 9.25000 12.98000 137 UDCONN2 -13.578 -19.725 8.60000 16.28000 9.35000 16.28000 138 UDCONN2 -11.535 -21.571 8.60000 16.68000 9.35000 16.68000 140 UDCONN2 -19.472 -20.165 8.60000 20.58000 8.60000 20.58000 142 UDCONN2 -19.147 -20.165 8.60000 24.08000 8.60000 21.23000 143 UDCONN2 -19.403 -20.052 8.60000 24.73000 8.60000 24.73000 144 UDCONN2 -17.649 -22.946 8.60000 27.08000 8.60000 27.08000 147 UDCONN2 -12.631 -20.051 9.75000 5.68000 11.85000 5.68000 149 UDCONN2 -1.536 -17.005 9.75000 6.73000 11.85000 6.08000 150 UDCONN2 -17.400 -18.810 9.75000 9.58000 9.75000 9.58000 151 UDCONN2 -17.253 -19.357 11.75000 10.48000 9.75000 9.98000 152 UDCONN2 -17.498 -17.829 11.75000 10.98000 11.75000 10.98000 153 UDCONN2 -15.875 -17.703 9.75000 12.48000 9.75000 12.48000 154 UDCONN2 -14.944 -16.858 9.75000 12.98000 9.75000 12.98000 155 UDCONN2 -16.873 -19.272 9.75000 16.28000 9.75000 16.28000 156 UDCONN2 -18.728 -21.077 9.75000 16.68000 9.75000 16.68000 165 UDCONN2 -16.281 -20.051 11.85000 5.68000 11.85000 5.68000 167 UDCONN2 -13.192 -17.005 11.85000 6.08000 11.85000 6.08000 183 UDCONN2 -17.005 -20.730 12.25000 5.68000 12.25000 5.68000 185 UDCONN2 -13.880 -17.650 12.25000 6.08000 12.25000 6.08000 187 UDCONN2 -17.367 -17.698 12.25000 10.48000 12.25000 10.48000 188 UDCONN2 -17.676 -17.914 12.25000 10.98000 12.25000 10.98000 196 UDCONN2 -14.178 -14.866 12.15000 24.08000 12.15000 24.08000 197 UDCONN2 -14.413 -14.916 12.15000 24.73000 12.15000 24.73000 198 UDCONN2 -12.395 -14.283 12.40000 27.08000 12.40000 27.08000 201 UDCONN2 -17.865 -23.277 14.85000 5.68000 14.85000 5.68000 203 UDCONN2 -2.164 -18.061 14.85000 6.58000 14.85000 5.98000 205 UDCONN2 -15.299 -18.078 14.95000 10.48000 14.95000 10.48000 206 UDCONN2 -16.631 -19.364 14.95000 10.88000 14.95000 10.88000 207 UDCONN2 -11.454 -16.778 14.95000 12.48000 14.95000 12.48000 208 UDCONN2 -8.726 -14.085 14.95000 12.88000 14.95000 12.88000 214 UDCONN2 -14.529 -15.032 12.80000 24.08000 12.80000 24.08000 215 UDCONN2 -14.866 -15.182 12.80000 24.73000 12.80000 24.73000 216 UDCONN2 -13.973 -15.826 12.80000 27.08000 12.80000 27.08000 223 UDCONN2 -15.299 -18.078 14.95000 10.48000 14.95000 10.48000 224 UDCONN2 -16.631 -19.364 14.95000 10.88000 14.95000 10.88000

  • [RVA CONSULTORES] MemoriadeClculoEstructuralResidenciaWillanVaca

    201400330STXLS01 Pg.17

    Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin Tonf/m2 Tonf/m2 m m m m

    225 UDCONN2 -11.454 -16.778 14.95000 12.48000 14.95000 12.48000 226 UDCONN2 -8.726 -14.085 14.95000 12.88000 14.95000 12.88000 237 UDCONN2 -18.061 -23.383 15.35000 5.68000 15.35000 5.68000 239 UDCONN2 -2.316 -18.144 15.35000 6.58000 15.35000 5.98000 241 UDCONN2 -16.707 -19.440 15.35000 10.48000 15.35000 10.48000 242 UDCONN2 -18.078 -20.764 15.35000 10.88000 15.35000 10.88000 243 UDCONN2 -14.085 -19.372 15.35000 12.48000 15.35000 12.48000 244 UDCONN2 -11.326 -16.651 15.35000 12.88000 15.35000 12.88000 268 UDCONN2 -18.164 -20.299 16.10000 24.08000 16.10000 24.08000 269 UDCONN2 -19.476 -21.559 16.10000 24.48000 16.10000 24.48000 286 UDCONN2 -18.943 -21.026 16.50000 24.08000 16.50000 24.08000 287 UDCONN2 -20.299 -22.328 16.50000 24.48000 16.50000 24.48000 305 UDCONN2 -16.262 -20.691 19.30000 24.48000 19.30000 24.48000 306 UDCONN2 -18.310 -22.691 19.30000 24.88000 19.30000 24.88000 323 UDCONN2 -13.835 -18.310 19.70000 24.48000 19.70000 24.48000 324 UDCONN2 -15.843 -20.273 19.70000 24.88000 19.70000 24.88000 359 UDCONN2 -16.897 -18.761 23.90000 24.48000 23.90000 24.48000 360 UDCONN2 -18.212 -19.980 23.90000 24.98000 23.90000 24.98000 377 UDCONN2 -17.377 -19.145 24.40000 24.48000 24.40000 24.48000 378 UDCONN2 -18.761 -20.429 24.40000 24.98000 24.40000 24.98000 393 UDCONN2 -17.772 -20.138 28.20000 20.88000 28.20000 20.88000 394 UDCONN2 -17.940 -20.201 28.20000 21.38000 28.20000 21.38000 395 UDCONN2 -11.075 -15.651 28.30000 24.48000 28.30000 24.48000 396 UDCONN2 -12.346 -16.882 28.30000 24.88000 28.30000 24.88000 411 UDCONN2 -19.896 -22.157 28.70000 20.88000 28.70000 20.88000 412 UDCONN2 -20.138 -22.292 28.70000 21.38000 28.70000 21.38000 413 UDCONN2 -14.346 -18.883 28.70000 24.48000 28.70000 24.48000 414 UDCONN2 -15.651 -20.146 28.70000 24.88000 28.70000 24.88000

    Enlatablaanteriorsepuedeapreciarquenoexistetraccinenelsueloyquetodaslaspresionessobreelmismo,paralosdiferentesestadosdecargadeservicio;sonmenoresa25.0T/m2.VERANEXO 4 para un esquema grfico de las presiones en el suelo y un resumen del diseoestructuraldelacimentacin.Atentamente,_______________________IngenieroCivilRafaelVillaAstudilloLP:177100&RM:5180





  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Resumen General del Anlisis

    1|P g A 1



  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Resumen General del Anlisis

    2|P g A 1

    RELATIVE CONVERGENCE TOLERANCE = 1.00E-07 FREQUENCY SHIFT (CENTER) (CYC/TIME) = .000000 FREQUENCY CUTOFF (RADIUS) (CYC/TIME) = .000000 NUMBER OF EIGEN MODES FOUND = 12 NUMBER OF ITERATIONS PERFORMED = 6 R E S P O N S E - S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S 01:16:27 NUMBER OF SPEC ANALYSES PERFORMED = 2 J O I N T O U T P U T 01:16:27 G L O B A L F O R C E B A L A N C E R E L A T I V E E R R O R S PERCENT FORCE AND MOMENT ERROR AT THE ORIGIN, IN GLOBAL COORDINATES LOAD FX FY FZ MX MY MZ CM 1.74E-12 1.89E-13 3.72E-11 1.41E-11 4.25E-12 1.45E-12 CV 1.85E-12 7.01E-13 4.31E-11 1.64E-11 5.13E-12 1.64E-12 CMA 1.90E-12 5.25E-13 4.00E-11 1.53E-11 5.89E-12 1.05E-12 SXE 6.76E-10 5.41E-11 5.34E-10 2.44E-10 3.99E-10 6.04E-10 SYE 6.23E-12 1.35E-10 2.16E-09 1.04E-09 3.40E-10 1.18E-11 TRIBUTAR 3.00E-12 1.04E-14 3.89E-11 1.47E-11 4.27E-12 1.39E-12 SDX .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 SDY .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 MODE FX FY FZ MX MY MZ 1 5.66E-07 3.65E-09 4.49E-10 1.88E-09 2.19E-07 1.27E-07 2 2.60E-07 2.13E-09 3.30E-09 3.23E-09 1.31E-07 7.74E-08 3 5.28E-06 1.47E-08 6.55E-09 9.51E-09 2.66E-06 1.52E-06 4 9.81E-06 1.77E-05 2.18E-09 1.16E-05 6.31E-06 1.84E-05 5 9.52E-07 8.42E-07 1.30E-12 1.39E-07 5.96E-07 1.06E-06 6 8.28E-05 0.000113 1.07E-09 6.01E-05 4.03E-05 0.000106 7 3.63E-11 1.10E-10 1.14E-09 7.70E-10 1.79E-10 8.70E-11 8 6.13E-11 1.69E-12 1.72E-10 8.53E-11 1.20E-11 4.54E-11 9 1.66E-10 3.53E-11 6.38E-11 3.77E-11 5.07E-11 1.13E-10 10 9.17E-10 1.50E-10 1.21E-10 1.10E-10 2.68E-10 7.92E-10 11 4.06E-10 6.19E-10 1.76E-10 3.48E-10 1.23E-10 5.88E-10 12 2.05E-10 1.42E-10 1.29E-10 1.17E-10 7.01E-11 1.98E-10 SPEC FX FY FZ MX MY MZ SDX 1.52E-06 1.33E-06 2.09E-09 9.20E-07 8.58E-07 1.69E-06 SDY 7.38E-06 1.04E-05 2.08E-09 7.15E-06 4.68E-06 1.24E-05 E L E M E N T J O I N T - F O R C E O U T P U T 01:16:28 NUMBER OF JOINT ELEMENTS SAVED = 93 NUMBER OF FRAME ELEMENTS SAVED = 3105 NUMBER OF SHELL ELEMENTS SAVED = 832

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Resumen General del Anlisis

    3|P g A 1

    E L E M E N T O U T P U T 01:16:29 A N A L Y S I S C O M P L E T E 2014/06/11 01:16:29 Program ETABS Version File:Residencia Vaca v3 mod.LOG C E N T E R S O F R I G I D I T Y 01:16:30 Program ETABS Version File:Residencia Vaca v3 mod.LOG B E G I N A N A L Y S I S 2014/06/11 01:16:31 MAXIMUM MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (BYTES) = 64.000 MB E L E M E N T F O R M A T I O N 01:16:31 NUMBER OF JOINT ELEMENTS FORMED = 93 NUMBER OF SPRING ELEMENTS FORMED = 0 L O A D R E - S O L U T I O N 01:16:32 NUMBER OF STATIC LOAD CASES = 8 E L E M E N T J O I N T - F O R C E O U T P U T 01:16:32 NUMBER OF JOINT ELEMENTS SAVED = 93 NUMBER OF FRAME ELEMENTS SAVED = 3105 NUMBER OF SHELL ELEMENTS SAVED = 832 A N A L Y S I S C O M P L E T E 2014/06/11 01:16:33

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Corte Basal Unidades: Tonf-m

    1|P g . A 1 2

    Cortante Basal en los Pisos Y Peso Reactivo de la Estructura

    StoryShearsStory Load Loc P VX VY T MX MYTA CM Top 3.827244 4.374279E13 1.04583E13 7.199574E12 76.08561 56.06887TA CM Bottom 6.518874 4.374279E13 1.04583E13 7.199574E12 129.5952 98.3469TA CMA Top 0.74 9.656165E14 1.651457E14 1.678657E12 14.7112 10.841TA CMA Bottom 0.74 9.656165E14 1.651457E14 1.678657E12 14.7112 10.841TA SXE Top 6.27276E15 1.271536 7.147755E14 25.27814 1.119105E13 5.950795E14TA SXE Bottom 6.27276E15 1.271536 7.147755E14 25.27814 7.105427E15 1.907304TA SYE Top 8.548717E15 3.981225E13 1.271536 18.93837 1.776357E13 1.403322E13TA SYE Bottom 8.548717E15 3.981225E13 1.271536 18.93837 1.907304 7.345236E13TA SDX Top 1.842672E14 1.588166 0.5829517 30.34686 3.532726E13 2.6996E13TA SDX Bottom 1.842672E14 1.588166 0.5829517 30.34686 0.8744275 2.382249TA SDY Top 2.479107E14 0.6072043 1.647604 25.64788 4.78219E13 3.672641E13TA SDY Bottom 2.479107E14 0.6072043 1.647604 25.64788 2.471406 0.9108064TG CM Top 18.97429 1.430245E13 1.874056E13 7.633005E12 359.8775 302.191TG CM Bottom 23.09207 1.430245E13 1.874056E13 7.633005E12 436.9153 367.3696TG CMA Top 3.294 2.738261E14 1.788431E13 4.033218E12 61.35852 53.1495TG CMA Bottom 3.294 2.738261E14 1.788431E13 4.033218E12 61.35852 53.1495TG SXE Top 1.056932E13 4.914704 3.499468E12 92.9795 1.751488E12 1.907304TG SXE Bottom 1.056932E13 4.914704 3.499468E12 92.9795 1.245937E11 16.9463TG SYE Top 6.616929E14 1.508673E12 4.914704 78.26993 1.907304 1.70175E12TG SYE Bottom 6.616929E14 1.508673E12 4.914704 78.26993 16.9463 6.327383E12TG SDX Top 7.705684E14 5.983014 2.203816 106.5659 0.8744275 2.382249TG SDX Bottom 7.705684E14 5.983014 2.203816 106.5659 7.607617 20.68346TG SDY Top 7.453716E14 1.923684 6.142698 104.3444 2.471406 0.9108064TG SDY Bottom 7.453716E14 1.923684 6.142698 104.3444 21.23178 6.699795PC CM Top 95.14028 3.491735E12 3.936854E10 3.351502E09 1944.366 1555.637PC CM Bottom 111.4643 3.501116E12 3.936791E10 3.351704E09 2285.124 1823.484PC CMA Top 23.563 8.660572E13 1.244291E10 1.276858E09 487.6339 382.7158PC CMA Bottom 23.563 8.66371E13 1.244271E10 1.27685E09 487.6339 382.7158PC SXE Top 7.238654E14 22.09827 2.440419E09 452.2595 1.175948E11 16.9463PC SXE Bottom 2.704503E13 22.09827 2.440393E09 452.2595 7.465147E09 84.56699PC SYE Top 4.224399E14 5.838344E11 22.09827 360.2246 16.9463 6.020962E12PC SYE Bottom 2.814415E14 5.822273E11 22.09827 360.2246 84.56699 1.830327E10PC SDX Top 6.068618E14 19.51016 7.875973 392.6347 7.607617 20.68346PC SDX Bottom 9.295947E14 19.51016 7.875973 392.6347 30.92431 77.43386PC SDY Top 7.033527E14 8.046519 19.85211 369.0667 21.23178 6.699795PC SDY Bottom 1.244796E13 8.046519 19.85211 369.0667 78.11853 30.62673PA3 CM Top 243.6332 3.98905E11 5.247794E10 5.191913E09 4557.732 3723.187PA3 CM Bottom 272.2738 3.991535E11 5.247268E10 5.19174E09 5025.03 4107.752PA3 CMA Top 66.4773 1.341246E11 1.606629E10 1.903441E09 1257.145 1015.963PA3 CMA Bottom 66.4773 1.341206E11 1.606539E10 1.903347E09 1257.145 1015.963PA3 SXE Top 5.972722E13 47.2751 3.3623E09 893.6371 7.461829E09 84.56699

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Corte Basal Unidades: Tonf-m

    2|P g . A 1 2

    StoryShearsStory Load Loc P VX VY T MX MYPA3 SXE Bottom 3.107514E13 47.2751 3.362732E09 893.6371 1.777441E08 229.2288PA3 SYE Top 1.497824E11 1.879947E10 47.2751 725.7419 84.56699 4.187228E11PA3 SYE Bottom 1.405351E11 1.877412E10 47.2751 725.7419 229.2288 6.235674E10PA3 SDX Top 6.188492E12 34.65149 14.87468 676.3831 30.92431 77.43386PA3 SDX Bottom 5.459696E12 34.65149 14.87468 676.3831 75.60611 176.6187PA3 SDY Top 1.07332E11 14.75238 36.0472 644.6158 78.11853 30.62673PA3 SDY Bottom 1.016135E11 14.75238 36.0472 644.6158 182.5502 75.20865PA2 CM Top 410.3784 1.326095E11 5.165101E10 2.28419E09 7349.917 6021.763PA2 CM Bottom 440.7838 1.325987E11 5.164925E10 2.284154E09 7833.091 6408.093PA2 CMA Top 116.4331 9.852584E12 1.574023E10 1.200311E09 2096.967 1705.69PA2 CMA Bottom 116.4331 9.854122E12 1.573978E10 1.200313E09 2096.967 1705.69PA2 SXE Top 4.67093E12 65.77645 3.03152E09 1203.451 1.781077E08 229.2288PA2 SXE Bottom 4.931389E12 65.77645 3.031667E09 1203.451 2.70946E08 430.5048PA2 SYE Top 6.708367E11 2.642183E09 65.77645 980.0966 229.2288 1.411227E09PA2 SYE Bottom 6.688339E11 2.641921E09 65.77645 980.0966 430.5048 9.490293E09PA2 SDX Top 2.427909E11 44.10917 18.32792 837.3389 75.60611 176.6187PA2 SDX Bottom 2.45559E11 44.10917 18.32792 837.3389 131.045 304.6926PA2 SDY Top 4.538932E11 18.21108 45.08512 793.679 182.5502 75.20865PA2 SDY Bottom 4.537349E11 18.21108 45.08512 793.679 315.599 130.4224PB CM Top 317.7117 0.1693982 6.945989E02 0.3062939 4520.336 6200.354PB CM Bottom 343.2681 0.1693982 6.945989E02 0.3062939 4756.038 6695.748PB CMA Top 94.27505 3.07447E03 3.867782E02 1.232373 1308.673 1877.628PB CMA Bottom 94.27505 3.07447E03 3.867782E02 1.232373 1308.561 1877.637PB SXE Top 6.103169 17.3872 1.153215 247.443 108.587 197.5213PB SXE Bottom 6.103169 17.3872 1.153215 247.443 105.2542 247.7703PB SYE Top 14.95555 0.7356204 19.55397 408.2242 168.6998 288.1854PB SYE Bottom 14.95555 0.7356204 19.55397 408.2242 112.1889 286.0595PB SDX Top 5.818908 16.41993 5.531949 209.5439 88.63017 165.1035PB SDX Bottom 5.818908 16.41993 5.531949 209.5439 80.6948 185.327PB SDY Top 11.99553 4.338929 18.90483 390.2617 137.7656 241.4852PB SDY Bottom 11.99553 4.338929 18.90483 390.2617 116.4785 240.1751

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Corte Basal Unidades: Tonf-m

    3|P g . A 1 2

    Corte Basal Sismo Esttico en X

    Corte Basal Sismo Esttico en Y

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Corte Basal Unidades: Tonf-m

    4|P g . A 1 2

    Corte Basal Sismo Dinmico en X

    Corte Basal Sismo Esttico en Y

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Anlisis Estructural Corte Basal Unidades: Tonf-m

    5|P g . A 1 2

    Derivas Mximas Sismo Esttico en X

    Derivas Mximas Sismo Esttico en Y



  • ETABS v9.7.4 - File: Residencia Vaca v3 mod - July 6,2014 20:293-D View Moment 3-3 Diagram (DCON3) - Ton-m Units


  • ETABS v9.7.4 - File: Residencia Vaca v3 mod - July 6,2014 20:303-D View Shear Force 2-2 Diagram (DCON3) - Ton-m Units


  • ETABS v9.7.4 - File: Residencia Vaca v3 mod - July 6,2014 20:313-D View Mode 1 Period 0.5889 seconds - Ton-m Units


  • ETABS v9.7.4 - File: Residencia Vaca v3 mod - July 6,2014 20:323-D View Mode 2 Period 0.5504 seconds - Ton-m Units




  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    1|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear Design Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear Design

    Story Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PB C1 CH20X40.2 Top 0.533 16.08 0.029 0.011PB C1 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.432 16.08 0.029 0.011PB C2 CH20X40.2 Top 0.594 16.08 0.039 0.010PB C2 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.467 16.08 0.039 0.010PB C3 CH20X40.2 Top 0.254 16.08 0.022 0.011PB C3 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.245 16.08 0.022 0.011PB C4 CH20X40.2 Top 0.221 16.08 0.010 0.006PB C4 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.209 16.08 0.010 0.006PB C5 CH20X40.2 Top 0.229 16.08 0.009 0.006PB C5 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.207 16.08 0.009 0.006PB C6 CH20X40.2 Top 0.206 16.08 0.009 0.005PB C6 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.210 16.08 0.009 0.005PB C7 CH20X40.2 Top 0.375 16.08 0.008 0.007PB C7 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.314 16.08 0.008 0.007

    PA2 C8 CH20X40.2 Top 0.261 16.08 0.015 0.018PA2 C8 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.500 16.08 0.015 0.018PB C8 CH20X40.2 Top 0.586 16.08 0.013 0.000PB C8 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.443 16.08 0.013 0.000PB C10 CH20X40.2 Top 0.174 16.08 0.010 0.010PB C10 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.174 16.08 0.010 0.010PB C11 CH20X40.4 Top 0.107 25.40 0.009 0.009PB C11 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.133 25.40 0.009 0.009PB C12 CH20X40.2 Top 0.111 16.08 0.039 0.008PB C12 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.159 16.08 0.039 0.008PB C13 CH20X40.2 Top 0.242 16.08 0.010 0.007PB C13 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.224 16.08 0.010 0.007PB C14 CH20X40.2 Top 0.207 16.08 0.010 0.005PB C14 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.197 16.08 0.010 0.005PB C15 CH20X40.4 Top 0.195 16.08 0.060 0.008PB C15 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.171 25.40 0.016 0.010PB C16 CH20X40.2 Top 0.150 16.08 0.060 0.008PB C16 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.186 16.08 0.060 0.008PB C17 CH20X40.2 Top 0.343 16.08 0.014 0.006PB C17 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.287 16.08 0.014 0.006PB C18 CH20X40.2 Top 0.318 16.08 0.011 0.009PB C18 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.257 16.08 0.011 0.009PB C19 CH20X40.3 Top 0.189 20.10 0.072 0.007PB C19 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.192 20.10 0.072 0.007PB C20 CH20X40.3 Top 0.184 20.10 0.072 0.007PB C20 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.195 20.10 0.072 0.007PB C21 CH20X40.2 Top 0.354 16.08 0.013 0.007PB C21 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.292 16.08 0.013 0.007PB C22 CH20X40.2 Top 0.323 16.08 0.013 0.009PB C22 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.265 16.08 0.013 0.009PB C23 CH20X40.3 Top 0.185 20.10 0.070 0.007PB C23 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.195 20.10 0.070 0.007PB C24 CH20X40.3 Top 0.181 20.10 0.070 0.007PB C24 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.198 20.10 0.070 0.007PB C25 CH20X40.2 Top 0.351 16.08 0.013 0.010PB C25 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.289 16.08 0.013 0.010PB C26 CH20X40.2 Top 0.319 16.08 0.012 0.011PB C26 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.263 16.08 0.012 0.011

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    2|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PB C27 CH20X40.2 Top 0.204 16.08 0.067 0.008PB C27 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.225 16.08 0.067 0.008PB C28 CH20X40.2 Top 0.198 16.08 0.066 0.008PB C28 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.228 16.08 0.066 0.008PB C29 CH20X40.2 Top 0.334 16.08 0.013 0.011PB C29 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.279 16.08 0.013 0.011PB C30 CH20X40.2 Top 0.202 16.08 0.015 0.015PB C30 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.198 16.08 0.015 0.015PC C31 CH20X40.2 Top 0.372 16.08 0.016 0.024PC C31 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.394 16.08 0.016 0.024PA3 C31 CH20X40.2 Top 0.342 16.08 0.014 0.028PA3 C31 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.393 16.08 0.014 0.027PA2 C31 CH20X40.2 Top 0.256 16.08 0.013 0.016PA2 C31 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.291 16.08 0.013 0.016PB C31 CH20X40.2 Top 0.229 16.08 0.007 0.006PB C31 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.239 16.08 0.007 0.006PC C32 CH20X40.2 Top 0.313 16.08 0.023 0.018PC C32 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.317 16.08 0.023 0.018PA3 C32 CH20X40.2 Top 0.300 16.08 0.022 0.024PA3 C32 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.348 16.08 0.022 0.024PA2 C32 CH20X40.2 Top 0.251 16.08 0.021 0.021PA2 C32 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.378 16.08 0.021 0.021PB C32 CH20X40.2 Top 0.313 16.08 0.023 0.010PB C32 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.322 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C33 CH20X40.2 Top 0.216 16.08 0.013 0.014PC C33 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.297 16.08 0.013 0.014PA3 C33 CH20X40.2 Top 0.366 16.08 0.016 0.025PA3 C33 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.426 16.08 0.016 0.025PA2 C33 CH20X40.2 Top 0.271 16.08 0.014 0.022PA2 C33 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.360 16.08 0.014 0.022PB C33 CH20X40.2 Top 0.219 16.08 0.020 0.008PB C33 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.244 16.08 0.020 0.008PB C34 CH20X40.2 Top 0.211 16.08 0.014 0.015PB C34 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.207 16.08 0.014 0.015TG C35 CH20X40.2 Top 0.364 16.08 0.014 0.024TG C35 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.354 16.08 0.014 0.024PC C35 CH20X40.2 Top 0.201 16.08 0.016 0.015PC C35 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.333 16.08 0.016 0.015PA3 C35 CH20X40.2 Top 0.423 16.08 0.026 0.029PA3 C35 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.532 16.08 0.026 0.029PA2 C35 CH20X40.2 Top 0.326 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C35 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.292 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C35 CH20X40.2 Top 0.282 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C35 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.302 16.08 0.000 0.000TG C37 CH20X40.2 Top 0.535 16.08 0.031 0.029TG C37 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.485 16.08 0.031 0.029PC C37 CH20X40.2 Top 0.325 16.08 0.016 0.017PC C37 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.454 16.08 0.016 0.017PA3 C37 CH20X40.2 Top 0.430 16.08 0.026 0.019PA3 C37 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.489 16.08 0.024 0.019PA2 C37 CH20X40.2 Top 0.341 16.08 0.020 0.005PA2 C37 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.451 16.08 0.020 0.005PB C37 CH20X40.2 Top 0.333 16.08 0.014 0.000

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    3|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PB C37 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.352 16.08 0.014 0.000TG C38 CH20X40.2 Top 0.322 16.08 0.029 0.012TG C38 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.353 16.08 0.029 0.012PC C38 CH20X40.2 Top 0.458 16.08 0.022 0.026PC C38 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.529 16.08 0.018 0.026PA3 C38 CH20X40.2 Top 0.495 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C38 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.575 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C38 CH20X40.2 Top 0.434 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C38 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.589 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C38 CH20X40.2 Top 0.507 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C38 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.506 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C39 CH20X40.4 Top 0.400 25.40 0.028 0.025PC C39 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.397 25.40 0.028 0.025PA3 C39 CH20X40.4 Top 0.381 25.40 0.000 0.000PA3 C39 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.431 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C39 CH20X40.4 Top 0.399 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C39 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.480 25.40 0.000 0.000PB C39 CH20X40.4 Top 0.406 25.40 0.000 0.000PB C39 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.410 25.40 0.000 0.000PC C40 CH20X40.2 Top 0.447 16.08 0.021 0.009PC C40 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.498 16.08 0.021 0.009PA3 C40 CH20X40.2 Top 0.499 16.08 0.029 0.022PA3 C40 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.603 16.08 0.029 0.022PA2 C40 CH20X40.2 Top 0.372 16.08 0.026 0.004PA2 C40 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.380 16.08 0.026 0.004PB C40 CH20X40.2 Top 0.241 16.08 0.009 0.002PB C40 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.242 16.08 0.009 0.002PB C41 CH20X40.2 Top 0.161 16.08 0.010 0.013PB C41 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.176 16.08 0.010 0.013TA C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.206 16.08 0.038 0.011TA C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.343 16.08 0.038 0.011TG C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.456 16.08 0.017 0.033TG C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.468 16.08 0.017 0.033PC C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.291 16.08 0.017 0.022PC C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.361 16.08 0.017 0.021PA3 C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.335 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.402 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.277 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.334 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C42 CH20X40.2 Top 0.371 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C42 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.373 16.08 0.000 0.000TA C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.136 16.08 0.019 0.006TA C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.167 16.08 0.019 0.006TG C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.418 16.08 0.012 0.028TG C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.441 16.08 0.012 0.028PC C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.339 16.08 0.017 0.024PC C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.392 16.08 0.017 0.024PA3 C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.342 16.08 0.024 0.025PA3 C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.432 16.08 0.024 0.025PA2 C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.282 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.286 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C43 CH20X40.2 Top 0.285 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C43 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.308 16.08 0.000 0.000

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    4|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    TA C44 CH30X30.1 Top 0.206 12.06 0.055 0.000TA C44 CH30X30.1 Bottom 0.257 12.06 0.055 0.000TG C44 CH20X40.2 Top 0.525 16.08 0.021 0.033TG C44 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.481 16.08 0.021 0.033PC C44 CH20X40.2 Top 0.335 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C44 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.430 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C44 CH20X40.2 Top 0.458 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C44 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.532 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C44 CH20X40.2 Top 0.427 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C44 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.533 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C44 CH20X40.2 Top 0.430 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C44 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.414 16.08 0.000 0.000TG C45 CH20X40.2 Top 0.372 16.08 0.026 0.017TG C45 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.329 16.08 0.026 0.017PC C45 CH20X40.2 Top 0.419 16.08 0.016 0.026PC C45 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.500 16.08 0.016 0.026PA3 C45 CH20X40.2 Top 0.514 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C45 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.590 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C45 CH20X40.2 Top 0.475 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C45 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.604 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C45 CH20X40.2 Top 0.615 16.08 0.000 0.000PB C45 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.581 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C46 CH20X40.4 Top 0.484 25.40 0.000 0.000PC C46 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.293 25.40 0.027 0.019PA3 C46 CH20X40.4 Top 0.362 25.40 0.000 0.000PA3 C46 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.402 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C46 CH20X40.4 Top 0.433 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C46 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.515 25.40 0.000 0.000PB C46 CH20X40.4 Top 0.478 25.40 0.000 0.000PB C46 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.462 25.40 0.000 0.000

    PA2 C50 CH20X40.2 Top 0.245 16.08 0.023 0.015PA2 C50 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.379 16.08 0.023 0.015PA3 C51 CH30X20.2 Top 0.229 15.24 0.041 0.027PA3 C51 CH30X20.2 Bottom 0.196 15.24 0.041 0.018PA2 C51 CH30X20.2 Top 0.196 15.24 0.020 0.034PA2 C51 CH30X20.2 Bottom 0.491 15.24 0.020 0.010PA3 C52 CH20X40.3 Top 0.407 20.10 0.038 0.026PA3 C52 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.452 20.10 0.038 0.026PA2 C52 CH20X40.3 Top 0.311 20.10 0.000 0.000PA2 C52 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.379 20.10 0.000 0.000PA2 C55 CH20X40.2 Top 0.259 16.08 0.026 0.014PA2 C55 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.398 16.08 0.026 0.014PA3 C56 CH20X40.2 Top 0.395 16.08 0.026 0.026PA3 C56 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.381 16.08 0.026 0.026PA2 C56 CH20X40.2 Top 0.247 16.08 0.025 0.015PA2 C56 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.388 16.08 0.025 0.015PA3 C57 CH20X40.3 Top 0.410 20.10 0.037 0.035PA3 C57 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.467 20.10 0.037 0.035PA2 C57 CH20X40.3 Top 0.298 20.10 0.025 0.021PA2 C57 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.390 20.10 0.025 0.021PA3 C62 CH20X40.2 Top 0.361 16.08 0.021 0.024PA3 C62 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.364 16.08 0.021 0.024PA2 C62 CH20X40.2 Top 0.278 16.08 0.024 0.015

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    5|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar AreaPA2 C62 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.476 16.08 0.024 0.015PA3 C63 CH20X40.2 Top 0.441 16.08 0.034 0.026PA3 C63 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.465 16.08 0.034 0.026PA2 C63 CH20X40.2 Top 0.344 16.08 0.029 0.017PA2 C63 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.466 16.08 0.029 0.017PC C64 CH20X40.2 Top 0.435 16.08 0.017 0.028PC C64 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.436 16.08 0.017 0.028PA3 C64 CH20X40.2 Top 0.305 16.08 0.014 0.026PA3 C64 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.376 16.08 0.014 0.026PA2 C64 CH20X40.2 Top 0.303 16.08 0.017 0.025PA2 C64 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.347 16.08 0.017 0.025PC C66 CH20X40.2 Top 0.519 16.08 0.021 0.030PC C66 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.533 16.08 0.021 0.030PA3 C66 CH20X40.2 Top 0.394 16.08 0.023 0.016PA3 C66 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.479 16.08 0.023 0.016PA2 C66 CH20X40.2 Top 0.375 16.08 0.024 0.010PA2 C66 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.526 16.08 0.024 0.010PC C67 CH20X40.4 Top 0.246 25.40 0.037 0.024PC C67 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.306 25.40 0.037 0.024PA3 C67 CH20X40.4 Top 0.305 25.40 0.000 0.000PA3 C67 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.345 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C67 CH20X40.4 Top 0.396 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C67 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.515 25.40 0.000 0.000PC C69 CH20X40.2 Top 0.584 16.08 0.023 0.020PC C69 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.600 16.08 0.023 0.020PA3 C69 CH20X40.2 Top 0.544 16.08 0.022 0.006PA3 C69 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.625 16.08 0.022 0.006PA2 C69 CH20X40.2 Top 0.503 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C69 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.660 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C70 CH20X40.2 Top 0.611 16.08 0.029 0.031PC C70 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.587 16.08 0.029 0.031PA3 C70 CH20X40.2 Top 0.442 16.08 0.023 0.020PA3 C70 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.552 16.08 0.023 0.020PA2 C70 CH20X40.2 Top 0.403 16.08 0.023 0.011PA2 C70 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.542 16.08 0.023 0.006PC C71 CH20X40.2 Top 0.454 16.08 0.050 0.031PC C71 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.485 16.08 0.050 0.029PA3 C71 CH20X40.2 Top 0.385 16.08 0.000 0.000PA3 C71 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.455 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C71 CH20X40.2 Top 0.450 16.08 0.000 0.000PA2 C71 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.609 16.08 0.000 0.000PC C72 CH20X40.4 Top 0.343 25.40 0.025 0.029PC C72 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.373 25.40 0.025 0.029PA3 C72 CH20X40.4 Top 0.335 25.40 0.026 0.022PA3 C72 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.398 25.40 0.026 0.013PA2 C72 CH20X40.4 Top 0.325 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C72 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.429 25.40 0.000 0.000PC C73 CH20X40.2 Top 0.299 16.08 0.020 0.020PC C73 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.319 16.08 0.020 0.020PA3 C73 CH20X40.2 Top 0.272 16.08 0.017 0.020PA3 C73 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.317 16.08 0.017 0.019PA2 C73 CH20X40.2 Top 0.254 16.08 0.018 0.017PA2 C73 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.450 16.08 0.018 0.017

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    6|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PC C74 CH20X40.2 Top 0.506 16.08 0.017 0.029PC C74 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.496 16.08 0.017 0.029PA3 C74 CH20X40.2 Top 0.418 16.08 0.016 0.032PA3 C74 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.496 16.08 0.016 0.029PA2 C74 CH20X40.2 Top 0.384 16.08 0.018 0.020PA2 C74 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.468 16.08 0.018 0.020PC C75 CH20X40.2 Top 0.509 16.08 0.030 0.027PC C75 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.516 16.08 0.030 0.027PA3 C75 CH20X40.2 Top 0.484 16.08 0.024 0.030PA3 C75 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.565 16.08 0.024 0.027PA2 C75 CH20X40.2 Top 0.456 16.08 0.027 0.024PA2 C75 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.548 16.08 0.027 0.018PC C76 CH20X40.2 Top 0.421 16.08 0.016 0.024PC C76 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.411 16.08 0.016 0.024PA3 C76 CH20X40.2 Top 0.398 16.08 0.015 0.029PA3 C76 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.469 16.08 0.015 0.029PA2 C76 CH20X40.2 Top 0.385 16.08 0.023 0.029PA2 C76 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.513 16.08 0.023 0.026PC C77 CH20X40.2 Top 0.402 16.08 0.017 0.021PC C77 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.404 16.08 0.017 0.021PA3 C77 CH20X40.2 Top 0.343 16.08 0.020 0.017PA3 C77 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.419 16.08 0.020 0.017PA2 C77 CH20X40.2 Top 0.290 16.08 0.025 0.012PA2 C77 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.464 16.08 0.025 0.012PC C78 CH20X40.2 Top 0.148 16.08 0.015 0.014PC C78 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.203 16.08 0.015 0.006PA3 C78 CH20X40.2 Top 0.174 16.08 0.014 0.017PA3 C78 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.202 16.08 0.014 0.007PA2 C78 CH20X40.2 Top 0.186 16.08 0.015 0.035PA2 C78 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.587 16.08 0.016 0.015PC C79 CH20X40.2 Top 0.382 16.08 0.016 0.026PC C79 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.404 16.08 0.016 0.026PA3 C79 CH20X40.2 Top 0.338 16.08 0.014 0.028PA3 C79 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.411 16.08 0.014 0.028PA2 C79 CH20X40.2 Top 0.314 16.08 0.019 0.024PA2 C79 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.413 16.08 0.019 0.024PA3 C84 CH20X40.3 Top 0.352 20.10 0.022 0.013PA3 C84 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.391 20.10 0.022 0.013PA2 C84 CH20X40.3 Top 0.300 20.10 0.022 0.018PA2 C84 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.364 20.10 0.022 0.018PA3 C87 CH20X40.2 Top 0.369 16.08 0.015 0.032PA3 C87 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.414 16.08 0.015 0.032PA2 C87 CH20X40.2 Top 0.303 16.08 0.022 0.022PA2 C87 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.389 16.08 0.022 0.022PA3 C88 CH20X40.3 Top 0.417 20.10 0.041 0.035PA3 C88 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.458 20.10 0.041 0.035PA2 C88 CH20X40.3 Top 0.325 20.10 0.026 0.000PA2 C88 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.392 20.10 0.026 0.000PA3 C89 CH20X40.2 Top 0.419 16.08 0.025 0.028PA3 C89 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.446 16.08 0.025 0.028PA2 C89 CH20X40.2 Top 0.314 16.08 0.026 0.017PA2 C89 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.450 16.08 0.026 0.017PA3 C93 CH20X40.2 Top 0.517 16.08 0.039 0.011

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    7|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Design - P-M-M Interaction & Shear DesignStory Column Section Column PMM Ratio Flexural Shear22 Shear33Level Line Name End or Rebar % Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar AreaPA3 C93 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.543 16.08 0.039 0.011PA2 C93 CH20X40.2 Top 0.359 16.08 0.029 0.021PA2 C93 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.456 16.08 0.029 0.021PA3 C94 CH20X40.2 Top 0.324 16.08 0.039 0.025PA3 C94 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.363 16.08 0.039 0.025PA2 C94 CH20X40.2 Top 0.200 16.08 0.021 0.009PA2 C94 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.245 16.08 0.021 0.009PB C94 CH20X40.2 Top 0.216 16.08 0.008 0.005PB C94 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.240 16.08 0.008 0.005

    PA3 C95 CH20X40.3 Top 0.448 20.10 0.025 0.040PA3 C95 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.497 20.10 0.025 0.040PA2 C95 CH20X40.3 Top 0.358 20.10 0.017 0.028PA2 C95 CH20X40.3 Bottom 0.396 20.10 0.017 0.028PA3 C96 CH20X40.4 Top 0.321 25.40 0.000 0.000PA3 C96 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.272 25.40 0.026 0.026PA2 C96 CH20X40.4 Top 0.268 25.40 0.000 0.000PA2 C96 CH20X40.4 Bottom 0.387 25.40 0.000 0.000PA3 C134 CH20X40.2 Top 0.211 16.08 0.003 0.017PA3 C134 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.158 16.08 0.003 0.013PA2 C134 CH20X40.2 Top 0.173 16.08 0.017 0.025PA2 C134 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.746 16.08 0.013 0.013PA3 C135 CH20X40.2 Top 0.177 16.08 0.004 0.017PA3 C135 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.143 16.08 0.004 0.012PA2 C135 CH20X40.2 Top 0.161 16.08 0.022 0.022PA2 C135 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.735 16.08 0.014 0.012TA C146 CH30X30.1 Top 0.159 12.06 0.024 0.016TA C146 CH30X30.1 Bottom 0.308 12.06 0.024 0.016

    PA3 C157 CH20X40.2 Top 0.469 16.08 0.006 0.033PA3 C157 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.609 16.08 0.006 0.033PA2 C157 CH20X40.2 Top 0.314 16.08 0.013 0.009PA2 C157 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.266 16.08 0.013 0.009PB C157 CH20X40.2 Top 0.311 16.08 0.014 0.003PB C157 CH20X40.2 Bottom 0.275 16.08 0.014 0.003

    Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check

    Story Column Section (6/5)Beam-Column (6/5)Beam-Column Joint Shear Joint Shear Level Line Name Ratio Major Ratio Minor Ratio Major Ratio Minor

    PB C1 CH20X40.2 0.441 0.482 0.388 0.186 PB C2 CH20X40.2 0.584 0.850 0.412 0.336 PB C3 CH20X40.2 0.343 0.286 0.232 0.107 PB C4 CH20X40.2 0.148 0.323 0.124 0.121 PB C5 CH20X40.2 0.142 0.372 0.120 0.139 PB C6 CH20X40.2 PB C7 CH20X40.2 0.126 0.507 0.107 0.192

    PA2 C8 CH20X40.2 0.252 0.342 0.214 0.128 PB C8 CH20X40.2 0.195 0.525 0.238 0.366 PB C10 CH20X40.2 0.152 0.246 0.128 0.091 PB C11 CH20X40.4 0.103 0.819 0.125 0.476 PB C12 CH20X40.2 0.600 0.170 0.420 0.065 PB C13 CH20X40.2 0.149 0.313 0.125 0.117 PB C14 CH20X40.2

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    8|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check Story Column Section (6/5)Beam-Column (6/5)Beam-Column Joint Shear Joint Shear Level Line Name Ratio Major Ratio Minor Ratio Major Ratio Minor

    PB C15 CH20X40.4 0.890 0.540 0.144 0.219 PB C16 CH20X40.2 0.884 0.344 0.645 0.137 PB C17 CH20X40.2 0.212 0.569 0.144 0.219 PB C18 CH20X40.2 0.174 0.566 0.119 0.218 PB C19 CH20X40.3 0.854 0.295 0.795 0.139 PB C20 CH20X40.3 0.853 0.307 0.796 0.145 PB C21 CH20X40.2 0.197 0.564 0.135 0.218 PB C22 CH20X40.2 0.195 0.541 0.133 0.208 PB C23 CH20X40.3 0.831 0.262 0.773 0.124 PB C24 CH20X40.3 0.837 0.276 0.779 0.130 PB C25 CH20X40.2 0.197 0.563 0.134 0.217 PB C26 CH20X40.2 0.188 0.588 0.129 0.227 PB C27 CH20X40.2 0.982 0.544 0.725 0.219 PB C28 CH20X40.2 0.969 0.591 0.716 0.239 PB C29 CH20X40.2 0.194 0.596 0.133 0.230 PB C30 CH20X40.2 0.227 0.389 0.154 0.147 PC C31 CH20X40.2 0.259 0.537 0.294 0.270 PA3 C31 CH20X40.2 0.226 0.508 0.343 0.343 PA2 C31 CH20X40.2 0.218 0.469 0.332 0.316 PB C31 CH20X40.2 PC C32 CH20X40.2 0.378 0.386 0.342 0.192 PA3 C32 CH20X40.2 0.362 0.522 0.443 0.357 PA2 C32 CH20X40.2 0.339 0.472 0.420 0.327 PB C32 CH20X40.2 0.343 0.685 0.437 0.492 PC C33 CH20X40.2 0.207 0.309 0.231 0.151 PA3 C33 CH20X40.2 0.227 0.463 0.343 0.308 PA2 C33 CH20X40.2 0.227 0.481 0.343 0.320 PB C33 CH20X40.2 0.313 0.472 0.383 0.318 PB C34 CH20X40.2 0.209 0.312 0.141 0.117 TG C35 CH20X40.2 0.239 0.499 0.202 0.187 PC C35 CH20X40.2 0.215 0.279 0.358 0.260 PA3 C35 CH20X40.2 0.413 0.794 0.521 0.562 PA2 C35 CH20X40.2 0.340 0.806 0.445 0.600 PB C35 CH20X40.2 0.115 0.133 0.190 0.099 TG C37 CH20X40.2 0.506 0.986 0.352 0.388 PC C37 CH20X40.2 0.199 0.355 0.341 0.348 PA3 C37 CH20X40.2 0.360 0.497 0.461 0.361 PA2 C37 CH20X40.2 0.312 0.502 0.394 0.361 PB C37 CH20X40.2 0.217 0.460 0.272 0.331 TG C38 CH20X40.2 0.470 0.324 PC C38 CH20X40.2 0.267 0.406 0.460 0.396 PA3 C38 CH20X40.2 0.431 0.496 0.566 0.368 PA2 C38 CH20X40.2 0.383 0.441 0.525 0.343 PB C38 CH20X40.2 0.325 0.420 0.461 0.342 PC C39 CH20X40.4 0.268 0.893 0.353 0.711 PA3 C39 CH20X40.4 0.299 0.693 0.534 0.752 PA2 C39 CH20X40.4 0.281 0.641 0.511 0.722 PB C39 CH20X40.4 0.220 0.426 0.403 0.490 PC C40 CH20X40.2 0.340 0.574 0.309 0.294 PA3 C40 CH20X40.2 0.413 0.493 0.513 0.343 PA2 C40 CH20X40.2 0.408 0.479 0.519 0.343 PB C40 CH20X40.2 0.138 0.383 0.219 0.273 PB C41 CH20X40.2 0.150 0.247 0.125 0.091

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    9|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check Story Column Section (6/5)Beam-Column (6/5)Beam-Column Joint Shear Joint Shear Level Line Name Ratio Major Ratio Minor Ratio Major Ratio Minor

    TA C42 CH20X40.2 0.303 0.434 0.260 0.164 TG C42 CH20X40.2 0.200 0.422 0.294 0.272 PC C42 CH20X40.2 0.267 0.370 0.468 0.357 PA3 C42 CH20X40.2 0.382 0.440 0.505 0.322 PA2 C42 CH20X40.2 0.344 0.355 0.468 0.270 PB C42 CH20X40.2 0.183 0.183 0.319 0.142 TA C43 CH20X40.2 0.151 0.330 0.126 0.122 TG C43 CH20X40.2 0.139 0.300 0.197 0.188 PC C43 CH20X40.2 0.240 0.443 0.403 0.409 PA3 C43 CH20X40.2 0.371 0.624 0.472 0.444 PA2 C43 CH20X40.2 0.326 0.517 0.431 0.386 PB C43 CH20X40.2 0.104 0.154 0.173 0.116 TA C44 CH30X30.1 0.516 0.364 0.224 0.157 TG C44 CH20X40.2 0.303 0.403 0.294 0.328 PC C44 CH20X40.2 0.184 0.555 0.324 0.560 PA3 C44 CH20X40.2 0.314 0.740 0.421 0.566 PA2 C44 CH20X40.2 0.246 0.702 0.342 0.562 PB C44 CH20X40.2 0.150 0.392 0.209 0.324 TG C45 CH20X40.2 0.433 0.372 0.372 0.139 PC C45 CH20X40.2 0.255 0.715 0.441 0.702 PA3 C45 CH20X40.2 0.368 0.904 0.491 0.686 PA2 C45 CH20X40.2 0.349 0.809 0.489 0.653 PB C45 CH20X40.2 0.218 0.442 0.397 0.367 PC C46 CH20X40.4 0.450 0.143 0.342 0.170 PA3 C46 CH20X40.4 0.260 0.814 0.469 0.920 PA2 C46 CH20X40.4 0.254 0.768 0.472 0.919 PB C46 CH20X40.4 0.144 0.143 0.342 0.170

    PA2 C50 CH20X40.2 0.379 0.408 0.321 0.151 PA3 C51 CH30X20.2 0.737 0.891 0.448 0.401 PA2 C51 CH30X20.2 0.349 0.848 0.385 0.694 PA3 C52 CH20X40.3 0.487 0.932 0.435 0.441 PA2 C52 CH20X40.3 0.349 0.504 0.575 0.430 PA2 C55 CH20X40.2 0.431 0.324 0.367 0.119 PA3 C56 CH20X40.2 0.428 0.591 0.366 0.221 PA2 C56 CH20X40.2 0.372 0.392 0.454 0.265 PA3 C57 CH20X40.3 0.471 0.837 0.421 0.394 PA2 C57 CH20X40.3 0.308 0.542 0.496 0.460 PA3 C62 CH20X40.2 0.359 0.586 0.301 0.215 PA2 C62 CH20X40.2 0.240 0.404 0.354 0.260 PA3 C63 CH20X40.2 0.562 0.754 0.385 0.289 PA2 C63 CH20X40.2 0.430 0.498 0.530 0.343 PC C64 CH20X40.2 0.262 0.539 0.300 0.274 PA3 C64 CH20X40.2 0.231 0.434 0.357 0.292 PA2 C64 CH20X40.2 0.220 0.486 0.343 0.333 PC C66 CH20X40.2 0.343 0.515 0.399 0.262 PA3 C66 CH20X40.2 0.372 0.489 0.601 0.343 PA2 C66 CH20X40.2 0.369 0.424 0.617 0.308 PC C67 CH20X40.4 0.431 0.683 0.578 0.538 PA3 C67 CH20X40.4 0.403 0.516 0.741 0.557 PA2 C67 CH20X40.4 0.412 0.470 0.779 0.533 PC C69 CH20X40.2 0.376 0.781 0.348 0.413 PA3 C69 CH20X40.2 0.347 0.607 0.439 0.440 PA2 C69 CH20X40.2 0.389 0.541 0.513 0.408

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    10|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check Story Column Section (6/5)Beam-Column (6/5)Beam-Column Joint Shear Joint Shear Level Line Name Ratio Major Ratio Minor Ratio Major Ratio Minor

    PC C70 CH20X40.2 0.472 0.508 0.566 0.262 PA3 C70 CH20X40.2 0.369 0.386 0.601 0.271 PA2 C70 CH20X40.2 0.367 0.299 0.615 0.216 PC C71 CH20X40.2 0.795 0.710 0.783 0.377 PA3 C71 CH20X40.2 0.578 0.545 0.778 0.397 PA2 C71 CH20X40.2 0.583 0.481 0.833 0.375 PC C72 CH20X40.4 0.289 0.680 0.381 0.533 PA3 C72 CH20X40.4 0.293 0.523 0.522 0.556 PA2 C72 CH20X40.4 0.287 0.519 0.519 0.570 PC C73 CH20X40.2 0.332 0.338 0.305 0.170 PA3 C73 CH20X40.2 0.274 0.335 0.340 0.229 PA2 C73 CH20X40.2 0.273 0.321 0.346 0.225 PC C74 CH20X40.2 0.278 0.551 0.319 0.281 PA3 C74 CH20X40.2 0.240 0.496 0.373 0.343 PA2 C74 CH20X40.2 0.247 0.486 0.392 0.343 PC C75 CH20X40.2 0.480 0.511 0.446 0.264 PA3 C75 CH20X40.2 0.386 0.484 0.486 0.343 PA2 C75 CH20X40.2 0.411 0.467 0.535 0.343 PC C76 CH20X40.2 0.259 0.364 0.296 0.182 PA3 C76 CH20X40.2 0.231 0.437 0.357 0.299 PA2 C76 CH20X40.2 0.241 0.491 0.378 0.343 PC C77 CH20X40.2 0.257 0.498 0.294 0.251 PA3 C77 CH20X40.2 0.247 0.412 0.382 0.280 PA2 C77 CH20X40.2 0.268 0.336 0.420 0.230 PC C78 CH20X40.2 0.255 0.752 0.283 0.370 PA3 C78 CH20X40.2 0.229 0.643 0.343 0.428 PA2 C78 CH20X40.2 0.223 0.694 0.342 0.479 PC C79 CH20X40.2 0.259 0.583 0.294 0.294 PA3 C79 CH20X40.2 0.225 0.507 0.343 0.343 PA2 C79 CH20X40.2 0.225 0.506 0.343 0.343 PA3 C84 CH20X40.3 0.291 0.867 0.252 0.408 PA2 C84 CH20X40.3 0.259 0.498 0.407 0.422 PA3 C87 CH20X40.2 PA2 C87 CH20X40.2 PA3 C88 CH20X40.3 0.521 0.913 0.466 0.432 PA2 C88 CH20X40.3 0.324 0.554 0.526 0.473 PA3 C89 CH20X40.2 0.878 0.342 PA2 C89 CH20X40.2 0.491 0.343 PA3 C93 CH20X40.2 0.640 0.829 0.442 0.320 PA2 C93 CH20X40.2 0.441 0.494 0.549 0.343 PA3 C94 CH20X40.2 0.641 0.754 0.443 0.291 PA2 C94 CH20X40.2 0.343 0.441 0.423 0.305 PB C94 CH20X40.2

    PA3 C95 CH20X40.3 0.321 0.932 0.282 0.434 PA2 C95 CH20X40.3 0.194 0.628 0.307 0.525 PA3 C96 CH20X40.4 0.850 PA2 C96 CH20X40.4 0.248 0.817 0.442 0.890 PA3 C134 CH20X40.2 0.050 0.485 0.040 0.169 PA2 C134 CH20X40.2 0.016 0.399 0.023 0.261 PA3 C135 CH20X40.2 0.061 0.827 0.039 0.292 PA2 C135 CH20X40.2 0.023 0.568 0.028 0.382 TA C146 CH30X30.1 0.238 0.346 0.098 0.157

    PA3 C157 CH20X40.2 0.914 0.348

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    11|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Column Joint Design - Beam to Column D/C Ratios & Joint Shear Check Story Column Section (6/5)Beam-Column (6/5)Beam-Column Joint Shear Joint Shear Level Line Name Ratio Major Ratio Minor Ratio Major Ratio Minor PA2 C157 CH20X40.2 0.145 0.498 0.222 0.343 PB C157 CH20X40.2 0.212 0.266

    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas

    Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    TA B67 V20.40 End-I 0.443 0.864 0.018 TA B67 V20.40 Middle 0.443 0.735 0.020 TA B67 V20.40 End-J 1.796 0.889 0.025 TA B75 V20.40 End-I 1.660 0.823 0.021 TA B75 V20.40 Middle 0.410 0.742 0.018 TA B75 V20.40 End-J 0.410 0.860 0.015 TA B111 V20.40 End-I 0.000 0.780 0.020 TA B111 V20.40 Middle 0.489 0.422 0.024 TA B111 V20.40 End-J 1.050 0.522 0.025 TA B197 V20.40 End-I 1.259 0.625 0.035 TA B197 V20.40 Middle 0.595 0.635 0.034 TA B197 V20.40 End-J 0.000 1.150 0.030 TG B62 V20.40 End-I 2.377 1.173 0.028 TG B62 V20.40 Middle 0.657 1.435 0.027 TG B62 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.324 0.030 TG B67 V20.40 End-I 1.028 1.496 0.019 TG B67 V20.40 Middle 0.574 0.949 0.021 TG B67 V20.40 End-J 1.870 0.926 0.023 TG B68 V20.40 End-I 1.171 0.931 0.020 TG B68 V20.40 Middle 0.290 0.899 0.016 TG B68 V20.40 End-J 0.797 0.900 0.018 TG B71 V20.40 End-I 1.513 0.750 0.023 TG B71 V20.40 Middle 0.388 0.721 0.018 TG B71 V20.40 End-J 0.481 0.699 0.018 TG B73 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.270 0.000 TG B73 V20.40 Middle 0.631 2.752 0.000 TG B73 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.265 0.000 TG B75 V20.40 End-I 2.227 1.100 0.026 TG B75 V20.40 Middle 0.547 0.724 0.020 TG B75 V20.40 End-J 0.547 0.778 0.018 TG B111 V20.40 End-I 1.094 1.424 0.023 TG B111 V20.40 Middle 0.352 0.520 0.025 TG B111 V20.40 End-J 1.002 0.733 0.026 TG B112 V20.40 End-I 0.807 1.064 0.018 TG B112 V20.40 Middle 0.295 0.617 0.017 TG B112 V20.40 End-J 1.191 1.175 0.019 TG B120 V20.40 End-I 0.492 1.066 0.000 TG B120 V20.40 Middle 0.206 1.284 0.000 TG B120 V20.40 End-J 0.829 0.560 0.000 TG B145 V20.40 End-I 0.225 0.112 O/S TG B145 V20.40 Middle -10000.000 -10000.000 -100.000 TG B145 V20.40 End-J 0.000 0.319 O/S TG B195 V20.20 End-I 0.253 0.126 0.006 TG B195 V20.20 Middle 0.071 0.196 0.005 TG B195 V20.20 End-J 0.284 0.192 0.006

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

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    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    TG B196 V20.40 End-I 1.288 1.189 0.023 TG B196 V20.40 Middle 0.507 0.995 0.023 TG B196 V20.40 End-J 2.061 1.019 0.028 PC B22 V20.30 End-I 2.342 1.526 O/S PC B22 V20.30 Middle 0.755 1.875 O/S PC B22 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.047 O/S PC B23 V20.30 End-I 2.763 1.793 O/S PC B23 V20.30 Middle 0.962 2.472 O/S PC B23 V20.30 End-J 3.014 1.875 O/S PC B42 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.128 0.021 PC B42 V20.30 Middle 0.564 1.045 0.017 PC B42 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.136 0.022 PC B43 V20.30 End-I 1.440 0.852 0.014 PC B43 V20.30 Middle 0.543 0.530 0.012 PC B43 V20.30 End-J 1.474 0.941 0.014 PC B59 V20.30 End-I 1.474 0.944 0.025 PC B59 V20.30 Middle 0.728 0.523 0.023 PC B59 V20.30 End-J 1.228 0.937 0.024 PC B60 V20.30 End-I 1.589 1.418 O/S PC B60 V20.30 Middle 0.547 0.504 0.032 PC B60 V20.30 End-J 1.722 0.921 0.034 PC B62 V20.30 End-I 2.653 1.723 O/S PC B62 V20.30 Middle 0.851 1.875 O/S PC B62 V20.30 End-J 2.618 1.702 O/S PC B63 V20.30 End-I 2.023 1.322 0.000 PC B63 V20.30 Middle 0.655 1.354 0.000 PC B63 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.194 0.000 PC B64 V20.30 End-I 3.505 1.875 0.018 PC B64 V20.30 Middle 1.261 4.078 0.014 PC B64 V20.30 End-J 4.012 1.926 0.021 PC B67 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.034 O/S PC B67 V20.30 Middle 0.604 0.706 0.018 PC B67 V20.30 End-J 1.645 1.125 0.020 PC B68 V20.30 End-I 1.715 1.060 0.027 PC B68 V20.30 Middle 0.692 0.939 0.027 PC B68 V20.30 End-J 2.139 1.397 0.033 PC B71 V20.30 End-I 1.875 0.964 0.027 PC B71 V20.30 Middle 0.605 0.848 0.021 PC B71 V20.30 End-J 1.863 0.919 0.027 PC B73 V20.30 End-I 2.701 1.753 O/S PC B73 V20.30 Middle 0.866 2.227 O/S PC B73 V20.30 End-J 2.432 1.583 0.000 PC B75 V20.30 End-I 2.070 1.353 0.000 PC B75 V20.30 Middle 0.670 0.702 0.000 PC B75 V20.30 End-J 0.853 0.670 0.000 PC B91 V20.30 End-I 2.548 1.657 O/S PC B91 V20.30 Middle 0.956 2.551 O/S PC B91 V20.30 End-J 2.997 1.875 O/S PC B92 V20.30 End-I 2.494 1.622 0.007 PC B92 V20.30 Middle 0.804 1.644 0.000 PC B92 V20.30 End-J 2.499 1.626 0.007 PC B93 V20.30 End-I 3.744 1.875 0.020 PC B93 V20.30 Middle 1.181 3.435 0.013

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    13|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PC B93 V20.30 End-J 2.640 1.715 0.014 PC B94 V20.30 End-I 3.614 1.875 O/S PC B94 V20.30 Middle 1.366 3.459 O/S PC B94 V20.30 End-J 4.372 2.091 O/S PC B95 V20.30 End-I 3.013 1.875 0.016 PC B95 V20.30 Middle 0.961 1.875 0.001 PC B95 V20.30 End-J 2.354 1.534 0.011 PC B96 V20.30 End-I 1.866 0.921 0.022 PC B96 V20.30 Middle 0.457 0.633 0.017 PC B96 V20.30 End-J 1.088 0.655 0.018 PC B97 V20.30 End-I 2.039 1.333 O/S PC B97 V20.30 Middle 0.716 1.875 O/S PC B97 V20.30 End-J 2.217 1.447 O/S PC B98 V20.30 End-I 2.055 1.343 0.025 PC B98 V20.30 Middle 0.665 1.776 O/S PC B98 V20.30 End-J 1.891 1.238 O/S PC B99 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.175 0.005 PC B99 V20.30 Middle 1.085 1.154 0.010 PC B99 V20.30 End-J 2.331 0.718 0.010 PC B100 V20.30 End-I 2.198 1.435 0.026 PC B100 V20.30 Middle 0.710 1.291 0.020 PC B100 V20.30 End-J 1.875 0.988 0.024 PC B101 V20.30 End-I 1.602 0.792 O/S PC B101 V20.30 Middle 0.573 0.471 O/S PC B101 V20.30 End-J 0.714 0.394 O/S PC B102 V20.30 End-I 1.675 0.999 0.023 PC B102 V20.30 Middle 0.411 1.180 0.016 PC B102 V20.30 End-J 1.673 1.125 0.023 PC B103 V20.30 End-I 1.806 1.345 0.025 PC B103 V20.30 Middle 0.554 0.759 0.022 PC B103 V20.30 End-J 1.721 0.850 0.027 PC B104 V20.30 End-I 1.381 0.700 0.023 PC B104 V20.30 Middle 0.461 0.853 0.017 PC B104 V20.30 End-J 1.875 0.927 0.025 PC B105 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.478 0.027 PC B105 V20.30 Middle 0.581 0.978 O/S PC B105 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.156 O/S PC B107 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.162 0.033 PC B107 V20.30 Middle 0.576 0.991 0.025 PC B107 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.033 0.031 PC B108 V20.30 End-I 0.663 0.330 O/S PC B108 V20.30 Middle 0.355 0.165 O/S PC B108 V20.30 End-J 0.102 0.111 O/S PC B109 V20.30 End-I 2.119 1.384 O/S PC B109 V20.30 Middle 0.685 1.721 O/S PC B109 V20.30 End-J 1.917 1.255 0.023 PC B110 V20.30 End-I 2.103 1.374 0.036 PC B110 V20.30 Middle 0.680 1.061 O/S PC B110 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.216 O/S PC B111 V20.30 End-I 1.656 0.818 0.032 PC B111 V20.30 Middle 0.433 0.585 0.029 PC B111 V20.30 End-J 1.056 1.122 0.027 PC B112 V20.30 End-I 1.379 1.158 0.026

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

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    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area

    PC B112 V20.30 Middle 0.447 0.694 0.022 PC B112 V20.30 End-J 1.822 1.438 0.027 PC B113 V20.30 End-I 1.263 1.015 0.000 PC B113 V20.30 Middle 0.877 1.746 0.000 PC B113 V20.30 End-J 2.736 1.776 0.005 PC B115 V20.30 End-I 1.792 0.885 0.024 PC B115 V20.30 Middle 0.595 1.373 O/S PC B115 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.200 O/S PC B116 V20.30 End-I 1.686 1.025 0.000 PC B116 V20.30 Middle 0.586 1.260 0.000 PC B116 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.182 0.000 PC B117 V20.30 End-I 1.165 0.792 0.018 PC B117 V20.30 Middle 0.441 0.807 0.017 PC B117 V20.30 End-J 1.796 0.887 0.020 PC B118 V20.30 End-I 1.875 0.985 0.021 PC B118 V20.30 Middle 0.489 0.815 0.017 PC B118 V20.30 End-J 1.603 0.792 0.020 PC B119 V20.30 End-I 1.349 0.866 0.023 PC B119 V20.30 Middle 0.691 0.469 0.022 PC B119 V20.30 End-J 0.946 0.965 0.020 PC B120 V20.30 End-I 0.979 0.705 0.000 PC B120 V20.30 Middle 0.380 1.332 0.000 PC B120 V20.30 End-J 1.543 0.763 0.000 PC B144 V20.30 End-I 1.747 1.033 0.022 PC B144 V20.30 Middle 0.623 1.131 0.019 PC B144 V20.30 End-J 1.922 1.258 0.024 PC B155 V20.20 End-I 1.103 0.545 0.000 PC B155 V20.20 Middle 0.271 0.578 0.000 PC B155 V20.20 End-J 0.757 0.375 0.000 PC B160 V20.30 End-I 0.841 0.418 0.012 PC B160 V20.30 Middle 0.219 0.457 0.009 PC B160 V20.30 End-J 0.883 0.439 0.012 PC B195 V20.30 End-I 0.271 0.256 0.009 PC B195 V20.30 Middle 0.158 0.162 0.010 PC B195 V20.30 End-J 0.636 0.317 0.011 PC B196 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.067 0.026 PC B196 V20.30 Middle 0.552 0.846 0.021 PC B196 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.112 0.027 PC B805 V20.30 End-I 0.788 1.100 0.000 PC B805 V20.30 Middle 0.349 1.875 0.000 PC B805 V20.30 End-J 1.417 0.825 0.002 PC B879 V20.30 End-I 1.875 0.996 0.000 PC B879 V20.30 Middle 0.494 1.744 0.000 PC B879 V20.30 End-J 1.115 0.715 0.000 PC B1088 V20.30 End-I 1.039 0.599 0.000 PC B1088 V20.30 Middle 0.457 1.429 0.000 PC B1088 V20.30 End-J 1.863 0.919 0.000 PC B1200 V20.30 End-I 1.445 0.797 0.000 PC B1200 V20.30 Middle 0.590 1.875 0.000 PC B1200 V20.30 End-J 1.875 1.189 0.000 PC B1201 V20.30 End-I 1.875 1.047 0.000 PC B1201 V20.30 Middle 0.520 1.875 0.000 PC B1201 V20.30 End-J 1.487 0.736 0.000

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

    15|P g A 3 1

    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area PA3 B22 V20.40 End-I 3.079 2.007 O/S PA3 B22 V20.40 Middle 0.993 2.477 O/S PA3 B22 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.614 O/S PA3 B23 V20.40 End-I 2.658 1.738 O/S PA3 B23 V20.40 Middle 1.097 2.542 O/S PA3 B23 V20.40 End-J 3.414 2.219 O/S PA3 B42 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.384 0.027 PA3 B42 V20.40 Middle 0.755 1.216 0.022 PA3 B42 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.521 0.028 PA3 B43 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.371 0.029 PA3 B43 V20.40 Middle 0.743 1.264 0.024 PA3 B43 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.497 0.030 PA3 B59 V20.40 End-I 2.353 2.238 0.043 PA3 B59 V20.40 Middle 1.167 1.254 0.044 PA3 B59 V20.40 End-J 2.440 1.643 0.047 PA3 B60 V20.40 End-I 2.477 2.103 O/S PA3 B60 V20.40 Middle 0.922 0.751 O/S PA3 B60 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.599 O/S PA3 B62 V20.40 End-I 2.957 1.929 O/S PA3 B62 V20.40 Middle 0.968 2.477 O/S PA3 B62 V20.40 End-J 3.000 1.956 O/S PA3 B63 V20.40 End-I 2.685 1.755 0.037 PA3 B63 V20.40 Middle 0.869 1.490 0.029 PA3 B63 V20.40 End-J 2.581 1.689 0.037 PA3 B64 V20.40 End-I 3.456 2.246 0.020 PA3 B64 V20.40 Middle 1.320 4.424 0.016 PA3 B64 V20.40 End-J 4.146 2.477 0.023 PA3 B67 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.421 0.031 PA3 B67 V20.40 Middle 0.954 0.892 0.024 PA3 B67 V20.40 End-J 2.119 1.738 0.026 PA3 B68 V20.40 End-I 2.069 1.461 0.033 PA3 B68 V20.40 Middle 0.741 1.166 0.033 PA3 B68 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.494 0.040 PA3 B71 V20.40 End-I 1.990 1.227 0.030 PA3 B71 V20.40 Middle 0.608 1.222 0.023 PA3 B71 V20.40 End-J 1.797 0.890 0.030 PA3 B73 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.615 0.002 PA3 B73 V20.40 Middle 0.800 2.522 0.000 PA3 B73 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.597 0.000 PA3 B75 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.589 0.026 PA3 B75 V20.40 Middle 0.844 0.801 0.020 PA3 B75 V20.40 End-J 0.927 0.788 0.019 PA3 B79 V20.40 End-I 1.922 1.114 0.000 PA3 B79 V20.40 Middle 0.493 1.601 0.000 PA3 B79 V20.40 End-J 2.002 0.990 0.000 PA3 B83 V20.40 End-I 2.339 1.155 0.027 PA3 B83 V20.40 Middle 0.621 1.311 0.024 PA3 B83 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.251 0.030 PA3 B87 V20.40 End-I 1.885 1.922 0.042 PA3 B87 V20.40 Middle 0.724 0.832 0.042 PA3 B87 V20.40 End-J 1.581 1.383 0.044 PA3 B88 V20.40 End-I 1.614 1.494 O/S PA3 B88 V20.40 Middle 0.559 0.635 O/S

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

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    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area PA3 B88 V20.40 End-J 1.285 1.337 O/S PA3 B89 V20.40 End-I 0.781 0.707 O/S PA3 B89 V20.40 Middle 0.741 0.467 O/S PA3 B89 V20.40 End-J 1.850 1.037 O/S PA3 B90 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.194 O/S PA3 B90 V20.40 Middle 0.514 1.238 0.034 PA3 B90 V20.40 End-J 2.089 1.660 0.035 PA3 B91 V20.40 End-I 4.324 2.477 O/S PA3 B91 V20.40 Middle 1.445 3.630 O/S PA3 B91 V20.40 End-J 4.558 2.477 O/S PA3 B92 V20.40 End-I 3.245 2.112 0.037 PA3 B92 V20.40 Middle 1.044 1.716 0.030 PA3 B92 V20.40 End-J 2.743 1.793 0.036 PA3 B93 V20.40 End-I 3.946 2.477 0.045 PA3 B93 V20.40 Middle 1.260 3.790 0.041 PA3 B93 V20.40 End-J 3.171 2.065 0.042 PA3 B94 V20.40 End-I 4.322 2.477 O/S PA3 B94 V20.40 Middle 1.510 3.572 0.010 PA3 B94 V20.40 End-J 4.778 2.477 0.025 PA3 B95 V20.40 End-I 3.417 2.221 0.041 PA3 B95 V20.40 Middle 1.098 2.176 0.032 PA3 B95 V20.40 End-J 2.702 1.766 0.038 PA3 B96 V20.40 End-I 2.254 1.114 0.028 PA3 B96 V20.40 Middle 0.553 0.851 0.022 PA3 B96 V20.40 End-J 1.659 1.077 0.024 PA3 B97 V20.40 End-I 2.690 1.758 0.030 PA3 B97 V20.40 Middle 0.875 2.259 0.027 PA3 B97 V20.40 End-J 2.701 1.766 0.031 PA3 B98 V20.40 End-I 2.583 1.690 0.034 PA3 B98 V20.40 Middle 0.904 1.847 O/S PA3 B98 V20.40 End-J 2.580 1.688 O/S PA3 B99 V20.40 End-I 2.753 1.872 0.027 PA3 B99 V20.40 Middle 1.829 1.673 0.022 PA3 B99 V20.40 End-J 3.203 1.901 0.016 PA3 B100 V20.40 End-I 2.882 1.881 0.032 PA3 B100 V20.40 Middle 0.931 1.444 0.026 PA3 B100 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.383 0.030 PA3 B101 V20.40 End-I 2.027 1.002 O/S PA3 B101 V20.40 Middle 0.808 0.691 O/S PA3 B101 V20.40 End-J 0.688 0.499 O/S PA3 B102 V20.40 End-I 1.958 1.180 0.031 PA3 B102 V20.40 Middle 0.686 1.108 0.028 PA3 B102 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.383 0.035 PA3 B103 V20.40 End-I 2.477 2.038 0.032 PA3 B103 V20.40 Middle 0.932 1.065 0.027 PA3 B103 V20.40 End-J 2.027 1.365 0.032 PA3 B104 V20.40 End-I 1.510 0.839 0.026 PA3 B104 V20.40 Middle 0.600 0.899 0.023 PA3 B104 V20.40 End-J 2.446 1.207 0.030 PA3 B105 V20.40 End-I 2.477 2.420 0.037 PA3 B105 V20.40 Middle 0.967 1.411 0.036 PA3 B105 V20.40 End-J 2.477 2.234 0.040 PA3 B107 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.471 0.041

  • ETABS v9.7.4 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo ACI 318-08/IBC 2009 Unidades: Kgf-cm

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    Concrete Beam Design - Flexural & Shear Design Rebar Areas Story Beam Section Location Top Bottom Shear Level Bay Name Rebar Area Rebar Area Rebar Area PA3 B107 V20.40 Middle 0.883 1.238 0.031 PA3 B107 V20.40 End-J 2.355 1.163 0.039 PA3 B108 V20.40 End-I 0.609 0.304 0.024 PA3 B108 V20.40 Middle 0.316 0.152 0.023 PA3 B108 V20.40 End-J 0.077 0.090 0.022 PA3 B109 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.351 O/S PA3 B109 V20.40 Middle 0.836 1.963 O/S PA3 B109 V20.40 End-J 2.580 1.688 0.030 PA3 B110 V20.40 End-I 2.767 1.808 0.044 PA3 B110 V20.40 Middle 1.172 1.212 0.036 PA3 B110 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.453 0.045 PA3 B111 V20.40 End-I 1.470 0.729 0.032 PA3 B111 V20.40 Middle 0.363 0.727 0.029 PA3 B111 V20.40 End-J 0.832 1.236 0.026 PA3 B112 V20.40 End-I 0.841 1.503 0.030 PA3 B112 V20.40 Middle 0.713 0.713 0.035 PA3 B112 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.437 0.040 PA3 B113 V20.40 End-I 1.294 1.021 0.000 PA3 B113 V20.40 Middle 0.958 1.841 0.000 PA3 B113 V20.40 End-J 2.968 1.936 0.006 PA3 B115 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.331 0.032 PA3 B115 V20.40 Middle 0.730 1.501 0.029 PA3 B115 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.472 0.035 PA3 B116 V20.40 End-I 2.477 1.373 0.035 PA3 B116 V20.40 Middle 0.727 1.531 0.028 PA3 B116 V20.40 End-J 2.477 1.46