Mar&marina cabellpo

PAELLA Created by Mar and Mari

Transcript of Mar&marina cabellpo

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Created by Mar and Marina

Page 2: Mar&marina cabellpo

Rice, chicken , rabbit, green beans and broad beans , tomato , paprika , saffron , snails , olive oil, salt and water


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It is added olive oil and some salt. You have to level the paella oil is well dispersed throughout the paella, heat the oil, and add the chicken and rabbit, salted until it is, then you add chopped tomato and leave fry with a little meat, now will add vegetable batxoqueta (green beans) and Lima Bean (BIG BEANS), and added paprika, this condiment is crucial, give you a good taste and flavor, all at once fry a little, then add for water will add until you reach rivets tote paella is added salt to taste and boil a high fire. Within a half hour le add water again if necessary to completing again, boil and immediately added the rice (two small glasses per person) now intensity low heat to simmer, try The soup again to see HOW FAR IN SALT ... AND IF NECESSARY ADD YOU MISSING, ALSO ADD food coloring or saffron, and if you want you can add a sprig of rosemary, and snails (PREVIOUSLY BOILED). SIMMER left until all the water evaporates and was COMPACT RICE (NI HARD OR SOFT), and that's it, let it rest a few minutes (can be plugged MINUTES COOKING WITH PAPER OVER TO FINISH RICE AND BE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR HEAT) AND EAT, Uhmmm THAT GOOD! , TAKE ADVANTAGE.
