Managing Livestock: Identification Adv Animal Science Sources: Oklahoma State University Extension...

Managing Livestock: Identification Adv Animal Science Sources: Oklahoma State University Extension Duncan Emrich

Transcript of Managing Livestock: Identification Adv Animal Science Sources: Oklahoma State University Extension...

Managing Livestock:Identification

Adv Animal Science

Sources:Oklahoma State University Extension

Duncan Emrich

Types of Marking

Permanent• Brands• Tattoos• Microchips• Ear Notching

Types of Marking

Temporary• Wax crayon/chalk• Ear tag• Leg band• Paint

Ear Tags

• Identification Systems• Bangs Vaccinated Tags– Verification of vaccination for brucellosis


Many types of branding• Hot iron branding– Fire/iron– Electrical

• Freeze branding• Paint branding


Why branding?• Permanent marking system to identify

ownership• Allowed cattle to be

sorted out if they became mixed up (open range, etc)


History• 4,000 year old art shows Egyptians branding• Brought to US by Spaniards in 1600’s• Brand registration

began in 1870’s• Mavericks


• Which type is better?– Freeze causes least damage and is permanent, but

doesn’t work on white cattle– Hot iron is permanent but can damage hide, hurt

animal– Paint is not permanent


How do you read a brand?1) Left-to-right2) Top-to-bottom3) Outside-in


• Placement - Cattle– Shoulder– Rib– Hip– Left or Right

• Other species– Horses: jaw and above– Sheep: jaw or nose


• Key to Brand Design– Easy to read– Simple has best results– Connection to ranch/business/etc
