M5U2The environment

M5U2The environment Language focus (2)


M5U2The environment. Language focus (2). Grammar. 1. Shock vt. 使 … 震惊;使 … 激怒 当我听到你出事后我很震惊。 I was shocked when I heard about your accident. 我的父亲极为震怒。 My father was shocked. 这情景使我大为震惊。 I was very much shocked at the sight. Tip : culture shock 文化冲击 future shock 未来冲击 ; 未来震憾. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of M5U2The environment

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M5U2The environment

Language focus (2)

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1. Shock vt. 使…震惊;使…激怒• 当我听到你出事后我很震惊。 I was shocked when I heard about your acc

ident.• 我的父亲极为震怒。 My father was shocked.• 这情景使我大为震惊。 I was very much shocked at the sight.Tip: culture shock 文化冲击 future shock 未来冲击 ; 未来震憾

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2. disappoint vt. 使失望;使扫兴• disappointed adj.• disappointing adj• disappointedly adv.• disappointment n• be disappointed in /with• be disappointed about / at• be disappointed by• be disappointed that

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• The book disappointed me. 这本书令我失望。• "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't a

gree with you there after all." " 使你失望我心里很不安 , 不过我实在是不能

同意你的意见。 " Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this

but he did as his daughter asked. " 杰弗里因此感到有点扫兴 , 但他还是按照他女

儿的要求做了。 "

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• My parents will be disappointed in / with me if I fail to get the master degree.

• " 如果我得不到硕士文凭 , 我的父母将为我感到失望。 "

• Are you very disappointed about / at losing the game?

• 你是不是因为比赛输了而感到很失望 ?Tip: to one’s disappointment

3. Arrival n. 到达;抵达 ; 到达的人或物 The arrival of the train was delayed. 那列火车晚点到达。

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• arrival at port 入港• arrival notice 抵港通知书 ( 声明已具备装卸货条件 )• arrival of goods (AOG) 货到 , 到货• We waited for his arrival. 我们等候他的到来。• The new arrival is a boy. 新出生的是个男孩。• His arrival at this conclusion was the re

sult of much thought. 他得出这一结论是深思熟虑的结果。

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1.______ at the hotel, please wait for further instructions.

A.On arrive B. On arrival C. On arrived D. On the arriving

2. Cheers greeted the _______ of the Queen.

A.arrive B. arrival C. arrived D. to arrive



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5. apparently adv. 显然;似乎• Apparently, you have done a lot of work. 很明显你们已经做了很多工作。• Apparently she was trying her best to sav

e her child from severe illness.• 很明显 , 她在尽力设法挽救她那重病的孩子。• Apparently the company is losing a lot of

money.• I wasn't there, but apparently it went wel

l.• She turned to face him, her anger appare

ntly gone.

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Apparent adj.-- easy to notice [= obvious] 明显的 , 显而易见的 , 明白的it is apparent (that)

• It soon became apparent that we had a major problem.

it is apparent from something that• It is apparent from scientific studies that the dru

g has some fairly nasty side effects. it is apparent to somebody that• It was apparent to everyone that he was seriousl

y ill.• The difference in quality was immediately app


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•He left suddenly, for no apparent reason.

• He did well in his exams, despite his apparent lack of interest in his work.

• It was apparent to all of us. 这对我们大家都是显而易见的。6. Limited adj. not very great in amount, number, ability etc 有限的 , 狭窄的 , 缺乏

创见的• limited number/amount/time etc• There are only a limited number of tickets

available.• My knowledge of the business is limited.

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• The organization has very limited resources.

• So far, the education reforms have had only limited success.

• (be of) limited use/value• Unfortunately, the drug is of limited value

in treating cancer.• has only limited experience. 只有有限的经验• a popular but limited actor. 一位受欢迎但能力有限的演员• Limit n. 界限 , 界线 , 边界 ; 限度 ; 限制

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• beyond the danger limit 超过危险线• the limit of one's powers 某人权力限度• reach the limit of one's patience 达到了忍无可忍的地步• reach the limit of one's resource 山穷水尽• the city limits 市区范围• There is a limit to everything. 凡事都有限度。

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• There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.

我能付得起的钱数是有限的。• The speed limit is the fastest speed you

are allowed to drive a car at. 限速是允许驾车的最快速度。• Limit vt. (与 to 连用)限制;限定• My mother limits the amount of food th

at I eat. 我母亲限制我的饭量。

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7.be associated with 使发生联系 , 使联合 ,把… ( 某物与其他事物 )联想在一起

I am associated with the law firm.我和那家法律事物所有联系 .

Red is usually associated with danger.红色常使人联想到危险 .

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8. V+ing

a. 作定语The rising sun looks very beautiful.The people smoking are not welcome here

.Those standing were asked to sit at the ba


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The manager, ____ his factory’s products were poor in quality, decided to give his workers further training.A. knowing B. knownC. to know D. being known

She will tell us she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live.A. to have B. to playC. to be played D. to be playing



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There was an _____ look on his face when the actress appeared.

A. excited B. exciteC. exciting D. excitement

Mr. Smith, _____ of the ____ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired; bring B. tring; boredC. tired; bored D. tiring; boring



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b. 作宾补在动词 hear, see, notice, watch, keep, get, have, fell, look at, listen to, catch, send 后

I saw them forcing the door open with a hammer.We noticed a bus coming to us.

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A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ____ in the kitchen.

A.Smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

I turned around and saw everybody _____ at the man who _____ loudly in foreign language.

A. staring; was shoutingB. was staring; shoutingC. staring; shoutingD. stared;shouting



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c. 作状语表示主语正在进行的另一动作 , 对谓语表示的动作加以修饰或作为陪衬用来表示原因 ,时间 ,方式 ,伴随情况 , 结果和条件等 .

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_____ in Paris since children, they knew the place very well.

A. Having lived B. LivedC. Being lived D. Living

Finding her car stolen, _____.A. a policeman was asked to helpB. the area was searched thoroughlyC. it was looked for everywhereD. she hurried to a policeman for




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Though _____ money, his parents managed to send him to the university.

A. lacked B. lacking ofC. lacking D. lacked in

She asked me to help her, ____ that she couldn’t move the heavy suitcase alone.

A. only to find B. realizingC. having been realized D. realized



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1. establish -- found 建立 , 设立 , 安置 , 使定居 ,

使人民接受 , 确定 establishable adj. establisher n.• The company was established in 1860.• 这家公司创办于一八六零年。• The club has established a new rule allowi

ng women to join.• "俱乐部制定了一条新规章 , 允许妇女入会。

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Tip: establish oneself in 定居于 , 在 ...落户 establish sb. as 任命 [派 ] 某人担任• He established his son in business.• 他安排儿子立足商界。• Brasilia has quickly established itself as t

he capital of the country.•巴西利亚很快被人们承认为国家首都。--to find out facts that will prove that some

thing is true: 证实 , 认可使承认 establish that The autopsy established that he had been


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establish whether/if I was never able to establish whether she

was telling the truth.

2.stock v.---if a shop stocks a particular product, it kee

ps a supply of it to sell:• We stock a wide range 区域 of kitchen equi

pment.• stock the land 在土地上种植牧草

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--- to fill something with a supply of something

stock something with something Our refrigerator at college was always stocke

d with beer.• stock a lake with fish 放鱼在湖中---to buy a lot of something in order to keep it f

or when you need to use it later• stock up (on /with sth)( for sth) ( 为某种需要或目的 )储备 ( 某物 )• I have to stock up on snacks for the party.

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• stock up on canned goods. 贮藏罐头食品• His head is well stocked with ideas. 他的头脑里主意很多。3.technical adj. 技术的 ,技术上的 ,技巧方面

的 technique n. 技术 , 方法 , 表演法 , 手法 technology n. 工艺 , 科技 , 技术• To build this machine, you must have te

chnical ability.• 要造这台机器,你们必须有技术能力。• a technical job 技术性的工作

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• technical adviser 技术顾问 technical expert 技术专家 technical institute 工学院• the new technology of microprocessor 微型处理器的新工艺 Writing poems requires great technique.

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4. measure n.尺寸 ,量度标准 , 方法 , 测 量 , 措施 vt. 测量 , 测度 , 估量 , 分派 , 权衡 , 调 vi. 量Tip:take measures/steps to do sth采取措施做某事take measures against sth.采取措施反对做某

事take [get] sb.'s measure (=take the measure

of sb.) 量某人的尺寸 ; 衡量某人 ; 判断某人的为人

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make sth. to measure定做衣服 你定做西装吗 ? Do you make suits to measure?

be measured in + 单位名词的复数The room is measured in meters.The rest of time should be measured in min


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1. concern vt. 涉及 , 关系到 n. (利害 )关系 , 关心 , 关注 , 关注 , 所关心的

是• as concerns 关于• as far as. sb. be concerned 就 ... 而言• so far as. sb. be concerned• be concerned about 关心• be concerned over sth. 为某事忧虑• be concerned at sth. 为某事忧虑• be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连• be concerned with 牵涉到, 与 ... 有关, 参与• show concern for sb. 关心某人

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• It's no concern of mine.• 这事与我无关。• She showed great concern about you.• 她很为你担心。• That doesn't concern me.• 那与我无关。• This concerns them deeply.• 这事对他们关系很大。• Please don't let my illness concern you.•请你不要担心我的疾病。• We are all concerned for [about] her safet

y.• 我们大家都担心着她的安全。

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2. deposit vt. 堆积 ,存放When the river rises ,it deposits a layer of mud on the land.

deposit money in a bankHe deposit the book on the table.他把书放在桌上 .

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3. rely vi. (与 on, upon 连用) 依靠;依赖 信任;信赖 rely on [upon]= depend on 依靠 ; 信任 , 信赖 rely on [upon] sb. to do sth.指望某人做某事 rely on [upon] sb. doing sth相信某人会做 sth rely upon it 放心rely on it that….相信……事情 ,指望……事情 rely on one's own efforts依靠自己的努力• You may rely on me. 你可以信赖我。• relies on her parents for tuition. 她的学费依赖于父母• relied on them to tell him the truth. 他指望他们来告诉他真相

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4. result n. 结果 , 成效 , 计算结果 vi. 起因 , 由于 , 以 ... 为结果 , 导致Tip: as a result 因此 ; 结果 as a result of 作为 ... 的结果 ; 由于 ... in the result 后果 , 结果 meet with good results 取得好结果 with the result that 结果是 , 因此 , without result 毫无结果地 result from 起于 , 由于 result in 导致

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• We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.

• How would you cope with unemployment and the resulting loss of income?

• an accident that resulted in the death of two passengers

• Nothing has resulted from his efforts. 他的努力终成泡影。• Acting before thinking always results in f

ailure. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。

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• The accident resulted in the death of two people.

这场意外事故造成两人死亡。• The attempt was made without result. 那尝试白费心机。• His limp is the result of a fall. 他的跛腿是摔伤的。

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5. under way adv. 进行中 , 在行进 under attack 遭受攻击 under control 在控制之中 under discussion 在讨论中 under study 在研究中 under repair 在修理中 under examination 在检查中 under construction 在建设中

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6. focus vt., vi. -s- 或 -ss-• to focus one's mind on work 集中精力于工作• You must try to focus your mind on work and

study. ( 喻 ) 你应该努力把思想集中在工作的学习上。• All eyes were focused on the speaker. ( 喻 ) 大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。• This photograph looks funny; I think you forg

ot to focus the camera. " 这张照片看上去有些滑稽 , 我想你是忘了给照相


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• to be a focus of attention 成为注意力的中心

7. assess vt. 估定 , 评定 assessable adj. 可估定的 , 可估价的 ; 可征税的 , 应抽税的 assessment n. 估价 ,评价的能力Tip: assess the value of sth. at 把某物估价为… assess sb.’ s ability 评估某人能力 assess sb.‘s efforts 评价某人的工作• Assess a tax on sb.'s property 对某人的财产征税

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• The annual income of school teachers in this place was assessed at $ 900. 这地方的学校教师的收入为 900 美元。• Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB. 损失估计达一千元人民币。

8. range n. 山脉 , 行列 , 范围 , 射程• within the range of possibilities. 在可能的最大范围内• a wide price range. 极大的价格变化范围

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vt. 排列 ,归类于 , 使…并列She ranged the books on the shelves.

vi. ( 在一定范围内 )变化 ,变动 ;( 范围 )涉及The prices of the dolls rang from 5 to 100 dollars.The discussion ranged over various problems.

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The show has a large audience,____ from children to grandparents.A. ranged B. rangingC. changed D. changing

The houses are sold out within this price _____.A. range B. arrangeC. ranged D. ranging



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9. conservation n. 保存 , 保持 , 守恒 conservational adj.• There is a need for the conservation of tre

es, or there will soon be no forests. 有必要保护树木,否则不久将会没有森林了。• conservation plant 废料再生工厂; 废料利用工厂• Valuable manuscripts were saved from de

terioration under the program of library conservation.


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10. reserve n.保留 ,保护区 reserve vt.保存 ;保留 reserve adj. 预备的 ; 后备的 ; 限制的 reserve of food 食物储备• foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备• a nature reserve 自然保护区• All rights (are) reserved. 保留所有权利 (版权所有 , 不许翻印 ) 。

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• A great future is reserved for you. 远大的前程等待着你。• reserve one's strength [oneself] for the n

ext battle 养精蓄锐以利再战• a reserve price 最低价格Tip: in reserve 备用的 without reserve 无保留地;无条件地

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• I believe your story without reserve. 我毫无保留地相信你说的。

11. remain vi.保持 , 逗留 , 剩余 , 残存Tip:• it remains to be seen 还要看情况发展• Nothing remains but to 只要 ...就行了• remain in 呆在家里• remain out 呆在外面 , 留在户外• remain up 过了就寝时间还不去睡• remain with 在 ... 的权限内 , 属于

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• remain ,stay• 都指“继续停留”或“继续保持某种状态、关系

或行动。” remain 常可与 stay 互换 , 但它强调“继续停留于一处或保持原状态、情况性质而不改变” , 如 :

• This place remains cool all summer. 这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。 stay强调“某人 [ 物 ]继续留在原地而不离开” , 如 :

• He stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直呆到比赛结束。

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•继续保持某种状态时 “ remain, stay”常可互换

• The shop stays/ remains open till night.

•表 “剩下”用 remain• After the earthquake very little remain

ed Of the city Tangshan.•表 “在某处或在某处住下”用 stay My father stay at home this week.

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12.reach n. 延伸 , 区域 , 河段 , 范围 , vt. 到达 , 达到 , 伸出 , 影响 vi. 达到 , 延伸 , 伸出手 , 传开Tip:beyond [above, out of] one's [the] reach 达不到的 , 力所不及的 ; 不能理解 make a reach for (sb. [sth.]) 伸出手 ; 企图抓住 ... within sb.'s reach = within the reach of sb.在某人力所能及的范围内 , 在某人能到达的范围内reach for 伸出手去抓reach out for 伸手拿 [ 抓 ] 住

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• reached for a book. 使劲够一本书• within reach of the shops 买东西很方便的地方• The ball was out of reach. 我够不着这个球。• a subject beyond my reach. 我所不懂的课题• This ladder won't reach the roof. 这个梯子够不到屋顶。• Please reach her by telephone. 请用电话与她联系。

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13. prohibit vt.禁止 , 阻止 ,防止Tip: prohibit sb. from doing sth. (=prohibit sb.'s doing sth.)禁止某人做

某事 prohibited articles [goods]•违禁品• prohibited degrees• 同血缘而禁止通婚的• Smoking is strictly prohibited.•严禁吸烟。

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• Family finances prohibited his going to college.

他的家庭经济情况不容许他上大学。• forbid, ban ,prohibit 都含“禁止”的意思

。 forbid系常用词 , 指“命令某人不做某事” , 如 :• The doctor forbids him to smoke.• 医生禁止他吸烟。 ban 语气较重 , 指权威机关“正式禁止” , 含“严厉谴责”之意 , 只能用事物作其宾语 , 如

Ban atomic and nuclear weapons! 禁止原子武器和核武器 !

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prohibit指“通过法律或政府法令禁止” , 如 :• The soldiers were prohibited from leavin

g camp after dark. 天黑后士兵不准离开营房。

14. effort n. 努力 , 成就 without effort 毫不费力 make (an) effort 努力 , 尽力 with (an) effort 费力地 spare no effort 不遗余力地• He lifted up the rock without effort.• He made an effort to climb the wall.• 他尽力爬上墙。

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• Please put more effort into your school work.

•请你在功课上再努点力。• The directors' efforts to improve the co

mprehensive management in the company have been very effective.

•董事们为改进公司的全面管理作出的努力是卓有成效的 .

• Finishing the work in one day was a good effort.

• 一天内完成这项工作是很大的成绩。

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15. appreciate vt. 赏识 , 鉴赏 , 感激 Tip appreciate doing appreciate one/ one’s doing I would appreciate it if…. 如果…我将不胜

感激 I really appreciate your coming to the par

ty. I would appreciate it if you could help me. I appreciate your help.• 我感谢你的帮助。• I appreciate your efforts for the developm

ent of the country.

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• We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.

• 我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。• We greatly appreciate your timely help.• 我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助。• Do you appreciate good wine?• 你会鉴赏好酒吗?• I think that young children often appreci

ate modern pictures better than anyone else.

• 我认为小孩对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。

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