LN18 Arithmetic

1 NTUEE C.M. Li Logic Design Switc hing Circuits & Logic Design  電路與邏輯設計 Professor Chien-Mo James Li 李建模 Graduate Institute of Electronics Engin eerin g National Taiwan University Circuits for Arith metic Operations 2 NTUEE C.M. Li Logic Design Obj ect iv e of t hi s Chapter  Lea rn how to design a sequential cir cuit for arithmetic c alculation
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Transcript of LN18 Arithmetic

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1NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Switching Circuits & Logic Design  電路與邏輯設計

Professor Chien-Mo James Li 李建模Graduate Insti tute of Electronics Engineering

National Taiwan University

Circuits for Arithmetic Operations

2NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Objective of this Chapter 

• Learn how to design a sequential circuit for arithmetic calculation

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3NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• Serial Adder with Accumulator 

• Multiplier 

• Divider 

4NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Review: Serial Adder 

• What is serial adder?

♦  Add two numbers one bit by one bit

♦ Fig 13-12

Fig. 13-12

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5NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Review: State Table of SA

• Fig 13-12 (b)x i y i c i c i+1 s i

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 1 1

6NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Review: Timing Chart of SA

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7NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Review: State Graph of SA

• x i y i / si

No carry in with carry in

8NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Review Question 2

• What is accumulator?

♦ Hint Fig 12-5

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9NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


•  Accumulator is a special register that

♦ Stores one number 

♦ a second number can be added to it, leaving the result stored in

the same register • Fig 12-5: N-bit Parallel Adder with Accumulator 

♦ X(t+1) = X(t) + Y Fig. 12-5

10NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

New: Serial Adder with Acc.

• Fig 18-1: block diagram for a serial adder wi th Acc.

♦  Add 4-bit X and 4-bit Y, one bit at a clock

♦ Result stored in X (accumulator)



Fig. 18-1

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Four Blocks

• X is serial accumulator 

• Y is cyclic shifter (Q: what is cycl ic shif ter?)

• serial adder 

• Control Circuit

Serial adder 

Cyclic Shifter 



12NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Serial Accumulator

• Control signal

♦ Sh: Shift signal

• Data input

♦ SI: serial input

• Data output

♦ SO: serial output

• Function

♦ Store X

♦ Store Sum

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13NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Cyclic Shifter 

• Control signal

♦ Sh: Shift signal

• Data input

♦ SI: serial input• Data output

♦ SO: serial output

• Function

♦ Store Y

• Why cyclic?

♦ Y is not lost after adding

14NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Operation of Serial Adder 

Fig. 18-2

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15NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Operation of Serial Adder (cont’d)

• Final result

♦  Accumulator : X = Sum

♦ Shifter : Y = Y

16NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Operation of SA (cont’d)

• TABLE 18-1

X Y Ci Si Ci+

t0 0101 0111 0 0 1

t1 0010 1011 1 0 1

t2 0001 1101 1 1 1

t3 1000 1110 1 1 0

t4 1100 0111 0 (1) (0)

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17NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Control Circuit

• Function

♦ Control the adder and shifter and accumulator 

• State graph

♦ S0 is initial state♦ If st = 0, stay in S0

♦ if st=1, start

∗ Sh=1 for four clocks

∗ then return to S0

• Fig 18-3 Next State Sh

St=0 1 0 1

S0 S0 S1 0 1S1 S2 S2 1 1

S2 S3 S3 1 1

S3 S0 S0 1 1

18NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Design of Control Circuit

• State graph

• State table (Fig 18-4)

 AB A+B+

0 1

S0 00 00 01

S1 01 10 10

S2 10 11 11

S3 11 00 00

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19NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Design of Control Circuit

• K map

Fig. 18-4

20NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

FFT: Which is better?

• Serial

• parallel

Fig. 18-1

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21NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Typical Serial Processing Unit

• Fig 18-5

Fig. 18-5

22NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

State Graph of Control

• Left: Start signal = 1 for only one clock

• Right : start signal = 1 1 1 1 … 1 ->0

♦  An extra stop state is added

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23NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• Serial Adder with Accumulator 

• Multiplier 

• Divider 

24NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Binary Multiplication

• How do you perform binary multiplication?

♦ p. 542

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25NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Block Diagram for Parallel Mult ipl ier 

• Fig 18-7

Fig. 18-7

26NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

How is Multiplication done?

• P. 600

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27NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Controller State Graph

• Fig 18-8

• Problems:

♦ Too many states

♦ not flexible

Fig. 18-8

28NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Solution: Use Counter 

• Fig 18-9

• Only 4 state needed, even for very many bits

♦ K=1 means the last bit

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29NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Operation of Multipl ier Using Counter 

• Table 18-2

Time State Cou




St M K Load Ad Sh Done

t0 S0 00 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

t1 S0 00 000000000 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

t2 S1 00 000001011 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

t3 S2 00 011011011 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

t4 S1 01 001101101 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

t5 S2 01 100111101 0 1 0 0 0 1 0



10 010011110 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

t7 S1 11 001001111 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

t8 S2 11 100011111 0 1 1 0 0 1 0

t9 S3 00 010001111 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Tab 18.2

30NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• Why output ‘Done’ is needed for multiplier?

♦ But no ‘Done’ for adder / accumulator?

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31NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• Serial Adder with Accumulator 

• Multiplier 

• Divider 

32NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Parallel Binary Divider 

• Fig 18-10

♦ 9-bit dividend

♦ 4-bit divisor 

♦ 4-bit quotient

♦ 4-bit remainder Fig. 18-10

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33NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Operation of Divider 

• P. 603

34NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• If quotient is larger than 15

♦ More than 5 bits needed overflow occurs

• How to detect overflow before division?

♦ If first 5 bits of X is larger than Y, overflow wi ll occur 

♦ WHY?

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35NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Design of Controller 

• Fig 18-11

♦ C=1 means subtract

♦ C=0 means no subtraction

♦ C=1 in MSB indicates overflow V=1

36NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Design of Subtracter 

• Using full subtracers

Fig. 18-12

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37NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Bus Notation

• Fig 18-3

Fig. 18-3

38NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

Bus Splitter and Bus Merger 

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39NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design


• Compare Fig 18-3 with 18-10. Should we tie Load and Su together?

40NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

What’s Next After Logic Design?

• NTU undergrad.

♦ Digital circuit Lab

♦ Introduct ion to VLSI

♦  Algorithm

♦ Data structure

♦ Introduct ion to EDA

♦ Computer Architecture


♦  Advanced VLSI Design

♦ Computer Aided VLSI System Design

♦ VLSI Testing

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41NTUEE C.M. LiLogic Design

End of Logic Design

• Good luck on Final