LITTERATUR SOM BEHANDLAR SKOGENS OCH ......Antiken - Grekland och Rom Frankrike Schweiz...

LITTERATUR SOM BEHANDLAR SKOGENS OCH SKOGSBRUKETS HISTORIA - Europa utom Norden samt Nordamerika - i KSLA:s bibliotek Förteckning sammanställd av bibliotekarie Eva Tullgren INNEHÅLL Förteckningen - urval och målsättning Tidskrifter Arkivförteckningar, bibliografier och uppslagsverk Litteratur - allmänt och ländervis Allmänt och övergripande Antiken - Grekland och Rom Frankrike Schweiz Storbritannien Tyskland och Österrike Övriga länder i Europa Canada Förenta staterna FÖRTECKNINGEN - URVAL OCH MÅLSÄTTNING Upp Denna förteckning omfattar i huvudsak skogshistorisk litteratur som behandlar de senaste 300 åren samt ett fåtal böcker om t.ex. antiken och medeltiden. Böcker om svensk och annan nordisk skogshistoria är, som rubriken anger, inte medtagna här, utan det är KSLAB:s bestånd av övrig europeisk samt nordamerikansk skogshistorisk litteratur som förtecknas. Till största delen gäller urvalet sekundärlitteratur, alltså tillbakablickande arbeten, även om enstaka samtida arbeten, källskrifter, har tagits med. KSLAB äger en stor samling källskrifter - även i den s.k. Äldre samlingen med litteratur tryckt före 1851 - men dessa återfinns alltså i allmänhet inte här. Förteckningens största avdelning tar upp monografier, i huvudsak ordnade ländervis. Under rubriken "Allmänt" står litteratur av övergripande slag eller med bidrag från många geografiska områden. Huvudprincipen har varit att så långt möjligt placera verken under respektive land. Litteratur om länder utan egen rubrik har samlats under "Övriga länder i Europa" med landet angivet efter uppgifterna om respektive bok. Böcker som distinkt

Transcript of LITTERATUR SOM BEHANDLAR SKOGENS OCH ......Antiken - Grekland och Rom Frankrike Schweiz...

Page 1: LITTERATUR SOM BEHANDLAR SKOGENS OCH ......Antiken - Grekland och Rom Frankrike Schweiz Storbritannien Tyskland och Österrike Övriga länder i Europa Canada Förenta staterna FÖRTECKNINGEN


Förteckning sammanställd av bibliotekarie Eva Tullgren


Förteckningen - urval och målsättning Tidskrifter Arkivförteckningar, bibliografier och uppslagsverk Litteratur - allmänt och ländervis

Allmänt och övergripande

Antiken - Grekland och Rom




Tyskland och Österrike

Övriga länder i Europa


Förenta staterna



Denna förteckning omfattar i huvudsak skogshistorisk litteratur som behandlar de

senaste 300 åren samt ett fåtal böcker om t.ex. antiken och medeltiden. Böcker om

svensk och annan nordisk skogshistoria är, som rubriken anger, inte medtagna här, utan

det är KSLAB:s bestånd av övrig europeisk samt nordamerikansk skogshistorisk litteratur

som förtecknas. Till största delen gäller urvalet sekundärlitteratur, alltså tillbakablickande

arbeten, även om enstaka samtida arbeten, källskrifter, har tagits med. KSLAB äger en

stor samling källskrifter - även i den s.k. Äldre samlingen med litteratur tryckt före 1851

- men dessa återfinns alltså i allmänhet inte här.

Förteckningens största avdelning tar upp monografier, i huvudsak ordnade ländervis.

Under rubriken "Allmänt" står litteratur av övergripande slag eller med bidrag från många

geografiska områden. Huvudprincipen har varit att så långt möjligt placera verken under

respektive land. Litteratur om länder utan egen rubrik har samlats under "Övriga länder i

Europa" med landet angivet efter uppgifterna om respektive bok. Böcker som distinkt

Page 2: LITTERATUR SOM BEHANDLAR SKOGENS OCH ......Antiken - Grekland och Rom Frankrike Schweiz Storbritannien Tyskland och Österrike Övriga länder i Europa Canada Förenta staterna FÖRTECKNINGEN

behandlar två länder tas upp under rubrikerna för båda länderna. Arbeten om enskilda

personer, institutioner, företag, skogar m.m. har placerats på dessas namn med

hänvisningar från författare, medförfattare och redaktörer. Kursivstil har använts till

författare etc, fetstil till titlar; understrykning anger arbeten som behandlar enskilda

personer, institutioner etc. Vid alfabetiseringen har bortsetts från bestämd och obestämd

artikel. Alla hänvisningar från författare m.m. återfinns inom den avdelning där boken har placerats.

Före monografiavdelningen har förtecknats tidskrifter, som helt eller delvis innehåller

skogshistoriska artiklar, samt ett antal arkivförteckningar, bibliografier och

uppslagsböcker som kan vara till nytta för den som söker uppgifter om skog,

trädplantering, avverkning, skogsbotanik, jakt, personer som verkat inom dessa områden

m.m. Avsnitt om skogshistoria i översiktliga skogs- och lantbrukshistoriska verk har däremot inte tagits med.

Litteraturförteckningens målsättning är att stimulera till komparativa studier och ett

vidgat angreppssätt inom svensk skogshistorisk forskning genom att presentera

utomnordisk forskning inom ett stort antal olika områden. Tanken är också att i

förteckningen visa litteratur som kan vara av intresse och till nytta för många - den

professionelle skogs(bruks)historikern, tjänstemannen/handläggaren inom eller utom

skogsnäringen och den allmänt skogs(bruks)historiskt intresserade.


Bulletin d'information. Groupe d'Histoire des Forêts Françaises. Paris. No 10-15(1990-1996). Upphört.

The Cruiser. Newsletter of the Forest History Society. Durham, NC. Fall 1994-

Environment and history. Cambridge. 1(1995)-

Enstaka skogshistoriska artiklar

Environmental history. American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society. Durham, NC. Vol. 1(1996)-

Environmental history review. American Society for Environmental History. Newark,

NJ. Vol. 19(1995). Uppgått i: Environmental history.

Enstaka skogshistoriska artiklar.

Forest & conservation history. Forest History Society. Durham, NC. Vol. 34(1990)-


Uppgått i: Environmental history.

Forest history today. Forest History Society. Durham, NC. 1995-

Forum Forstgeschichte. Ergebnisse des Arbeitskreises Forstgeschichte in Bayern. München, 1994-

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Utkommer årligen,

Journal of forest history. Forest History Society. Durham, NC. 1981-1989.

Uppgått i : Forest and conservation history.

News of forest history. IUFRO-Fachgruppe "Forstgeschichte" S 6.07. Wien. 1(1984)-


2: [Forstgeschichte in Ungarn]. 1985.

3: Die Forstgeschichte in der Tschechoslowakei. 1986.

4: Forstgeschichte in Österreich. 1986.

5/6: Forstgeschichte in Freiburg im Breisgau. 1987.

7/8: Forstgeschichte in Slowenien. 1988.

9/10: Forest history in Spain. 1989.

11/12: Forstgeschichte in der Schweiz. 1990.

13/14: Forest history in Italy. 1990.

16/17: Forstgeschichte in Tharandt und Eberswalde. 1992.

18/19: Zur Geschichte der Nachhaltigkeit. Besondere Probleme in Europa und den Tropen. 1993.

20/21: Josef Ressel, Forstmann und Erfinder und dessen Einfluss auf die Wiederbewaldung des Karstes in Istrien. Internationales Symposium. 1994.

23/24: Stages and trends in the interaction between economic development,

forestry and environmental protection from the past to present times. IUFRO XX

World Congress 1995. 1996.

25/26: Multiple use forestry from the past to present times. 1997.

27: Forstgeschichte in Deutschland: Forschung und Lehre. 1998.

Noticiario de historia agraria. Murcia. 1994:4,7-

Enstaka skogshistoriska artiklar

Revue forestière française. Forêts, bois, nature. Nancy. 13(1961)-

Enstaka skogshistoriska artiklar

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Allgemeine Encyklopädie der gesammten Forst- und Jagdwissenschaften.

Herausg. von R.R. von Dombrowski. Bd 1-8. 8 vol. à 600-650 pp. Wien & Leipzig, 1886-1894.

Billen, C., se: Les sources de l’histoire forestière de la Belgique.

Biographien bedeutender hessischer Forstleute. Georg-Ludwig-Hartig-Stiftung. 809 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 1990.

Brouwer, W.D., Bibliografie van de Nederlandse bosbouwgeschiedenis. 88 pp. Wageningen, 1967.

Campestri, E., Dictionnaire forestier, ou Répertoire alphabétique des dispositions des

lois anciennes et nouvelles, relatives au régime forestier, avec les noms, qualités et

propriétés de différens bois, et tous les termes usités dans les forêts: ouvrage utile à

tous les employés de l'administration, et à tous les propriétaires de bois. T. 1-2. 262 & 287 pp. Paris, 1802.

Davis, R.C., North American forest history. A guide to archives and manuscripts in

the United States and Canada. 376 pp. Santa Barbara, CA, 1977.

Davis, R.C., se även: Encyclopedia of American forest and conservation history.

Deutsche forstliche Bibliographie 1560-1965. Herausg. von Kurt Mantel. T. 1-3.

578, 639 & 327 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1967-1972.

Dombrowski, R.R. von, se: Allgemeine Encyklopädie der gesammten Forst- und Jagdwissenschaften.

Du marteau au brandon, ou La forêt, le bois et l’arbre en Seine-Maritime du XVe siècle

à nos jours. Par A. Roquelet. [1]: Catalogue de l’exposition. [2]: Recueil des textes. 138 & 344 pp. U.o., 1979.

Du Roi, J.Ph., Harbkesche wilde Baumzucht, theils nordamerikanischer und anderer

fremder, theils einheimischer Bäume, Sträucher und Strauchartiger Pflanzen, nach den

Kennzeichen, der Anzucht, den Eigenschaften und der Benutzung beschrieben. Herausg.

mit Vermehrungen und Veränderungen von J.F. Pott. Bd 1-3. 659, 606 & 276 pp. Braunschweig, 1795-1800.

Encyclopedia of American forest and conservation history. Ed. R.C. Davis. Vol. 1-

2. 871 pp. New York, 1983.

Ett antal större artiklar.

Fahl, K.A., Forest history museums of the World. 75 pp. Santa Cruz, CA, 1983.

Fahl, R.J., North American forest and conservation history. A bibliography. 408 pp. Santa Barbara, CA, 1977.

Forestry abstracts. Prep. by Commonwealth Forestry Bureau. Vol. 15(1954)-52(1991).

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Forests and forestry in the American states. A reference anthology compiled by The

National Association of State Foresters. Ed. R.R. Widner. 594 pp. Washington, DC, 1968.

Fritz, E., California coast redwood [Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.] An

annotated bibliography to and including 1955. Compiled. 267 pp. San Francisco, CA, 1957.

Guide to oral history interviews, published by Forest History Society.

[Förteckning hämtad från en länk till Forest History Societys startsida på Internet.] 85 bl.

KSLAB, 1999.

Hartig, G.L. & T., Forstliches und forstnaturwissenschaftliches Conversations-

Lexikon. Ein Handbuch für Jeden, der sich für das Forstwesen und die dazu gehörigen Naturwissenschaften interessirt. 2. Aufl. 1013 pp. Stuttgart & Tübingen, 1836.

Hasel, K., se: Wald-, Forst- und Jägerey-Lexicon.

Hausrath, H., Geschichte des deutschen Waldbaus. Von seinen Anfängen bis 1850. 416 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1982.

Histoire des forêts françaises. Guide de recherche. Groupe d'Histoire des Forêts

Françaises. 193 pp. Paris, 1982.

James, N.D.G., An historical dictionary of forestry and woodland terms. 235 pp. Oxford, 1991.

Killian, H., Bibliographie zur Geschichte von Kloster, Forstlehranstalt und Forstlicher Versuchsanstalt Mariabrunn - Schönbrunn. 162 pp. Wien, 1990.

Krünitz, J.G., Oeconomische Encyclopädie, oder allgemeines system der Land-, Haus- und Staats-Wirtschaft … Theil 1-242. Berlin, 1773-1858.

Th. 148-152 och 210-242 saknas i KSLAB:s exemplar, dvs artiklarna mellan "Schönkube" och "Seil", efter "Verjährung" (209) till slutet av alfabetet samt registret.

Encyklopedin, som under åren har fortsatt att utges av flera andra författare, innehåller

många utförliga artiklar om skogsskötsel, binäringar etc.

Mantel, K. & Pacher, J., Forstliche Biographie vom 14. Jahrhundert bis zur

Gegenwart. Zugleich eine Einführung in die Forstliche Literaturgeschichte. Bd 1:

Forstliche Persönlichkeiten und ihre Schriften vom Mittelalter bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. 441 pp. Hannover, 1976.

Innehåller 96 personhistoriska artiklar, däribland ca 10 sidor om vardera J.H. Cotta, G.L.

Hartig, J.C. Hundeshagen, F.W.L. Pfeil och C.G. Heyer.

Mantel, K., se även: Deutsche forstliche Bibliographie 1560-1965.

Mouillefert, P., Traité des arbres & arbrisseaux forestiers, industriels et

d’ornement cultivés ou exploités en Europe et plus particulièrement en France,

donnant la description et l’utilisation de plus de 2400 espèces et 2000 variétés. Bd 1-2, Atlas. 1403 pp. Paris, 1892-1898.

National leaders of American conservation. Ed. by R.H. Stroud. 432 pp. Washington,

DC. 1985.

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Ogden, G.R., The United States Forest Service. A historical bibliography, 1876-1972.

Ca 250 pp. Santa Cruz, CA, 1973.

Pacher, J., se: Mantel, K. & Pacher, J.

Pott, J.F., se: Du Roi, J.Ph.

Roquelet, A., se: Du marteau au brandon …

Schrifttumsverzeichnis zur Wald- und Forstgeschichte von Baden-Württemberg.

T. 1-2. 782 & 282 pp. Stuttgart, 1984.

Smith, D.C., Lumbering and the Maine woods. A bibliographical guide. 34 pp. Portland, ME, 1971.

Les sources de l'histoire forestière de la Belgique. Éd. C. Billen & A. Vanrie. 426 pp. Bruxelles, 1994.

Stroud, R.H., se: National leaders of American conservation.

Tallier, P.-A., Guide des sources de l'histoire forestière en Belgique (1830-1945). 230 pp. Bryssel, 1994.

Wald-, Forst- und Jägerey-Lexicon, Prag 1764. Mit einer Einführung von K. Hasel.

Faksimil. 500 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1988.

Wald und Holz. Ein Nachschlagebuch für die Praxis der Forstwirte, Holzhändler und

Holzindustriellen. Herausg. von L. Wappes. Bd 1-2. 1529 pp. Neudamm, Berlin & Wien, 1932-1936.

Vanrie, A., se: Les sources de l’histoire forestière de la Belgique.

Wappes, L., se: Wald und Holz.

Waquet, J.-C., Les grands maîtres des eaux et forêsts de France de 1689 à la révolution. Suivi d’un dictionnaire des grands maîtres. 439 pp. Genève, 1978.

Widner, R.R., se: Forests and forestry in the American states.



Allmänt och övergripande

Amann, G., Die forstliche Maschinenfrage. 54 pp. München, 1927.

Baker, R. St.Barbe, My life, my trees. 167 pp. The Park, Scotl., 1985.

Bech, M.W., Træerne i de illuminerede manuskripter gennem 1000 aar. 129 pp.

København 1971.

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Bergier, J.-Fr., se: Montagnes, fleuves, forêts dans l'histoire.

Brandl, H., se: Geschichte der Kleinprivatwaldwirtschaft.

Brzezinski, W., se: International symposium on wood tar and pitch.

Cavaciocchi, S., se: L’uomo e la foresta secc. XIII-XVIII.

Dieterich, V., Forstwirtschaftspolitik. Eine Einführung. 398 pp. Hamburg & Berlin, 1953.

Drushka, K., se: Konttinen, H. & Drushka, K

Ecological effects of afforestation. Studies in the history and ecology of afforestation

in Western Europe. Ed. by Ch. Watkins. 224 pp. Wallingford, 1993.

The ecological history of European forests. Ed. by K.J. Kirby & Ch. Watkins. 373 pp. Wallingford, 1998.

European woods and forests. Studies in cultural history. Ed. by Ch. Watkins. Selected

papers presented at an international conference held at the University of Nottingham 1996. 248 pp. Wallingford, 1998.

Feistmantel, R., Die politische Oekonomie mit Rücksicht auf das forstliche

Bedürfnis. Für Forstwirthe, angehende Forstmänner und Freunde des Forstwesens. 293 pp. Wien, 1856.

Firbas, F., Spät- und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nördlich der Alpen. Vol. 1: Allgemenine Waldgeschichte. 480 pp. Jena, 1949.

Les forêts. Renseignements statistiques concernant différents pays. 425 pp. Rome, 1924.

Forst- und Jagdgeschichte Mitteleuropas. Referate. IUFRO, Fachgruppe S6.07-00,

Wien 1982. 134 pp. Wien, 1983.

Gayer, K., Der Waldbau. 3., neubearb. Aufl. 619 pp. Berlin, 1889.

Geschichte der Kleinprivatwaldwirtschaft. Geschichte des Bauernvaldes. Tagung der

IUFRO-Gruppe S 6.07 "Forest History", Freiburg 1991. Proceedings. Ed. by H. Brandl. 338 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1993.

Harrison, R.P., Forests. The shadow of civilization. 287 pp. Chicago & London, 1992.

Hartig, G.L., Kort undervisning om skogens behandling och kultur. Öfversättning af H.F. Segerdahl. 194 pp. Stockholm, 1860.

Hasbrouck, J., se: Mirov, N.T. & Hasbrouck, J.

International symposium on wood tar and pitch. Proceedings of the first

international symposium on Wood tar and pitch. Held by the Biskupin Museum (Warsaw)

and the Museumsdorf Düppel (Berlin) at Biskupin Museum, Poland, 1993. Ed. by W. Brzezinski & W. Piotrowski. 341 pp. Warszawa, 1997.

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Kalaora, B. & Savoye, A., La forêt pacifiée. Les forestiers de l'Ecole de Le Play [1806-

82], experts des sociétés pastorales. [Sylviculture et sociologie au XIXe siècle.] 132 pp. Paris, 1986.

Kalaora, B., se även: Le Play, F., 1806-1882.

Kirby, K., se: The ecological history of European forests.

Konttinen, H. & Drushka, K., Skogsmaskinernas historia. 250 pp. Helsingfors, 1998.

Kossarz, W., Forstpolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Die historische Entwicklung der

Forstpolitik in den Systemen der Markt- und der Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft und nach dem Ende des Kommunismus. 132 pp. Wien, 1997.

Küster. H., Geschichte des Waldes. Von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart. 266 pp.

München, 1998.

Latham, B., Timber. Its development and distribution. A historical survey. 330 pp.

London, 1957.

Leibundgut, H., Europäische Urwälder. Wegweiser zur naturnahen Waldwirtschaft. 260 pp. Bern & Stuttgart 1993.

Leibundgut, H., Lebensgemeinschaft Wald. Erfahrungen eines Waldbauers für Förster, Waldbesitzer und Waldfreunde. 95 pp. Bern, Stuttgart & Wien, 1992.

Le Play, F., 1806-1882. Des forêts, considérées dans leurs rapports avec la

constitution physique du globe et l’économie des sociétés. Texte établi et présenté

par A. Savoye et B. Kalaora. 233 pp. Fontenay-aux-Roses, 1996.

Le Play, F., 1806-1882, se även: Kalaora, B. & Savoye, A.

Mayer, H., se: Urwald-Symposium, Wien 1982.

Metailie, J.-P., se: Protoindustries et histoire des forêts.

Mirov, N.T. & Hasbrouck, J., The story of pines. 148 pp. Bloomington, IN, & London,


Montagnes, fleuves, forêts dans l'histoire. Barrières ou lignes de convergence?

Travaux présentés au XVIe Congrès international des sciences historiques, Stuttgart 1985. Ed. J.-Fr. Bergier. 239 pp. St. Katharinen, 1989.

Multiple use forestry from the past to present times. (News of forest history. 25/26.) 159 pp. Wien, 1997.

Oelschlaeger, M., The idea of wilderness. From prehistory to the age of ecology. 477

pp. New Haven, CT, 1991.

Perlin, J., A forest journey. The role of wood in the development of civilization. 445 pp. New York, 1989. Cambridge, MA, 1991.

Piotrowski, W., se: International symposium on wood tar and pitch.

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Protoindustries et histoire des forêts. Actes du Colloque tenu à la Maison de la Forêt

(Loubières, Ariège) 1990. Textes réunis et présentés par J.-P. Metailie. 343 pp. Toulouse, 1992.

Pyne, Stephen J., World fire. The culture of fire on earth. 379 pp. New York, 1995.

The saw in history. A comprehensive description of the development of this most useful

of tools from the earliest times to the present day. Publ. by Henry Disston & Sons. 63 pp. Philadelphia, 1915.

Schama, S., Skog. Landskap och minne. En civilisationshistoria. 370 pp. Stockholm,


Stages and trends in the interaction between economic development, forestry

and environmental protection from the past to present times. (News of forest history. 23/24.) Ca 150 pp. Wien, 1996.

Streyffert, Th., World timber. Trends and prospects. 246 pp. Stockholm, 1958.

Streyffert, Th., Världens barrskogstillgångar. 780 pp. Stockholm, 1931.

Thirgood, J. V., Man and the Mediterranean forest. A history of resource depletion. 194 pp. London, 1981.

Tillhagen, C.-H., Skogarna och träden. Naturvård i gångna tider. 256 pp. Stockholm, 1995.

L'uomo e la foresta secc. XIII-XVIII. Atti della "Ventisettesima Settimana di Studi",

8-13 maggio 1995. A cura di S. Cavaciocchi. 1237 pp. Prato, 1996.

Urwald-Symposium, Wien 1982. IUFRO-Gruppe Urwald. [Ed.] H. Mayer. 190 pp.Wien, 1982.

Watkins, Ch., se: Ecological effects of afforestation.

Watkins, Ch., se: The ecological history of European forests.

Watkins, Ch., se: European woods and forests.

Wood tar and pitch, se: International symposium on Wood tar and pitch.

Zur Geschichte der Nachhaltigkeit. Besondere Probleme in Europa und den Tropen. (News of forest history. 18/19.) 131 pp. Wien, 1993.

100 years of IUFRO: 1892-1992. 35 pp. Wien, 1992.

Antiken – Grekland och Rom


L'arbre et la forêt, le bois dans l'Antiquité. Textes réunis par J.-Cl. Beal. 104 pp.

Paris, 1995.

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Beal, J.-Cl., se: L’arbre et la forêt, le bois dans l’Antiquité.

Evaluation of land surfaces cleared from forests in the Mediterranean region

during the time of the Roman empire. Ed. by B. Frenzel. 170 pp. Stuttgart, Jena & New York, 1994.

Frenzel, B., se: Evaluation of land surfaces cleared from forests in the Mediterranean region during the time of the Roman empire.

Makkonen, O., Ancient forestry. An historical study. Part 1-2. 1: Facts and information

on trees. 2: The procurement and trade of forest products. 84 & 46 pp. Helsinki, 1967-


Meiggs, R., Trees and timber in the ancient Mediterranean world. Orig. 1982. Special ed. 553 pp. Oxford, 1998.

Seidensticker, A., Waldgeschichte des Alterthums. Ein Handbuch für akademische

Vorlesungen etc. [Neudruck der Ausgabe Frankfurt a.O. 1886.] Bd 1-2. 1: Vor Cäsar. 2. Nach Cäsar. 403 & 460 pp. Amsterdam, 1966.

Thirgood, J. V., Man and the Mediterranean forest. A history of resource depletion.

194 pp. London, 1981.



Actes du colloque "Du pollen au cadastre", organisé par le Groupe d'Histoire des

Forêts Françaises à l'Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille-Flandre-Artois 1985. 239 pp. Lille, 1986.

Amat, J.-P., se: Forêt et guerre.

Arnould, P., se: La forêt. Perceptions …

Aufan, R. & Thierry, F., Histoire des produits résineux Landais. Goudrons, poix et brays gras depuis l'Antiquité, en Buch, Born et Marensin. 191 pp. Arachon, 1990.

Bamford, P.W., Forests and French sea power 1660-1789. 240 pp. Toronto, 1956.

Barrier, Ph., Forêt légendaire. Contes, légendes, coutumes, anecdotes sur les forêts de France. 255 pp. Évreux, 1991.

Bergier, J.-F., se: Montagnes, fleuves, forêts dans l’histoire.

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Stagg, D.J., se: New Forest.

Taylor, Ch.J., se: Anderson, M.L.

Taylor, W.L., Forests and forestry in Great Britain. 181 pp. London, 1946.

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Brandl, H., se även: Mantel, K., Wald und Forst in der Geschichte.

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Cotta, H. Heinrich Cotta. Briefwechsel, Biographie, Erinnerungen. Ausgewählt und bearb. von J. Fröhlich. 2. Aufl. 87 pp. Tharandt, 1995.

Deutsche forstliche Bibliographie 1560-1965. Herausg. von K. Mantel. T. 1-3. 578, 639 & 327 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1967-1972.

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Dombrowski, R.R. von, se: Allgemeine Encyklopädie der gesammten Forst- und Jagdwissenschaften.

Du Roi, J.Ph., Harbkesche wilde Baumzucht, theils nordamerikanischer und anderer

fremder, theils einheimischer Bäume, Sträucher und Strauchartiger Pflanzen, nach den

Kennzeichen, der Anzucht, den Eigenschaften und der Benutzung beschrieben. Herausg.

mit Vermehrungen und Veränderungen von J.F. Pott. Bd 1-3. 659, 606 & 276 pp. Braunschweig, 1795-1800.


Festschrift zur Hundert-Jahr-Feier der Forstlichen Hochschule Eberswalde / 1830-1930. 73 pp. Eberswalde, 1930.

Schwartz, E., 120 Jahre forstliches Versuchswesen in Eberswalde. 64 pp.

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Se även: Forstgeschichte in Tharandt und Eberswalde.

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Engel, A. von, Österreichs Holz-Industri und Holzhandel. Technische, wirtschaftliche

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Epperlein, S., Waldnutzung, Waldstreitigkeiten und Waldschutz in Deutschland

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Fenkner-Voigtländer, U., se: Pfälzerwald.

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Forstgeschichte in Freiburg im Breisgau. (News of forest history. 5/6.) 22 pp. Wien,


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Hartig, G.L. & T., Forstliches und forstnaturwissenschaftliches Conversations-

Lexikon. Ein Handbuch für Jeden, der sich für das Forstwesen und die dazu gehörigen Naturwissenschaften interessirt. 2. Aufl. 1013 pp. Stuttgart & Tübingen, 1836.

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Hasel, K., Kleine Beiträge zur Forstgeschichte, insbesondere in Baden. 343 pp. Stuttgart, 1989.

Hasel, K., Zur Geschichte der Forstgesetzgebung in Preussen. 120 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 1974.

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Jankowsky, J., Zur Unfallsversicherung in der Forstwirtschaft – geschichtliche

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Jäger, H., Deutsche Bäume und Wälder. Populär-ästhetische Darstellungen aus der

Natur und Naturgeschichte und Geographie der Baumwelt. Für ein allgemeines gebildetes

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Kató, F. & Brabänder, H.D., Struktur und Einkommensbeitrag des Bauernwaldes in Westfalen-Lippe. 160 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 1978.

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Killian, H., Dokumente und Materialien zur Geschichte der Wildbach- und

Lawinenverbauung in Österreich. T.1-2. 184 pp. Wien, 1990.

Killian, H., Der Kampf gegen Wildbäche und Lawinen im Spannungsfeld von

Zentralismus und Föderalismus. Eine historische Studie. T. 1-3:2. 131 pp. Wien, 1990.

Der Klosterwald von St. Blasien. Baum, Ch., Der Klosterwald von St. Blasien. Eine

forstgeschichtliche Untersuchung über die Waldverhältnisse im Stiftsbann der ehemaligen

Benediktinerabtei St. Blasien im südlichen Schwarzwald bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. 314 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1995.

Krünitz, J.G., Oeconomische Encyclopädie, oder allgemeines system der Land-, Haus- und Staats-Wirtschaft … Theil 1-242. Berlin, 1773-1858.

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och "Seil", efter "Verjährung" (209) till slutet av alfabetet samt registret. Encyklopedin,

som under åren har fortsatt att utges av flera andra författare, innehåller många utförliga artiklar om skogsskötsel, binäringar etc.

Kürschner, K., se: Reinhäuser Wald.

König, G., Die Waldpflege aus der Natur und Erfahrung neu aufgefaßt. 2. vermehrte Aufl. 354 pp. Gotha, 1859.

Köstler, J.N., Wald, Mensch, Kultur. Ausgewählte Vorträge und Aufsätze zur

Kulturgeschichte, zur Ökonomie des Forstwesens und zur Technik der Waldpflege. 346

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Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Akademie Hohenheim, se: Hohenheim.

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Langen, J.G. von. Hagemann, J., Die Entwicklung der Kulturlandschaft im Hils.

Historisch- geographische Untersuchungen über das Werk des Oberjägermeisters Johann

Georg von Langen im ehemaligen braunschweigischen Weserbezirk. 342 pp. Hannover, 1972.

Leiblein, A., Zur Forstgeschichte im Kraichgau. Der freie Markwald der ehemaligen Gemeinde Bargen. 221 pp. Sinsheim, 1992.

Lidl, M., Landwirthschaftliche Reise durch den bayerischen Wald. Orig. 1865. Neu

herausg. und eingeleitet von F. Markmiller. 139 pp. Grafenau, 1986.

Lorey's Handbuch der Forstwissenschaft. Herausg. von H. Stoetzer. 2. verb. u. verm. Aufl. Bd 1-4. 600, 556, 586 & 604 pp. Tübingen, 1903.

Mantel, K., Forstgeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts unter dem Einfluss der Forstordnungen und Noe Meurers. 1071 pp. Hamburg & Berlin, 1980.

Mantel, K. & Pacher, J., Forstliche Biographie vom 14. Jahrhundert bis zur

Gegenwart. Zugleich eine Einführung in die Forstliche Literaturgeschichte. Bd 1:

Forstliche Persönlichkeiten und ihre Schriften vom Mittelalter bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. 441 pp. Hannover, 1976.

Innehåller 96 personhistoriska artiklar, däribland ca 10 sidor om vardera J.H. Cotta, G.L. Hartig, J.C. Hundeshagen, F.W.L. Pfeil och C.G. Heyer.

Mantel, K., Wald und Forst in der Geschichte. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch. Mit einem Vorwort von H. Brandl. 518 pp. Alfeld, 1990.

Mantel, K., se även: Deutsche forstliche Bibliographie 1560-1965.

Mayer, H., se: Der Forstliche Versuchsgarten.

Mayer, K.-H., Die Forstgeschichte des Fichtelgebirges. 320 pp. München, 1988.

Millahn, G., se: Raben Steinfeld.

Mohr, S., Die Flösserei auf dem Rhein. [Nachdr. der Ausg. Mannheim 1897.] 95 pp. Lorch am Rhein, 1991.

Die Murgschifferschaft. Scheifele, M., Die Murgschifferschaft. Geschichte des

Floßhandels, des Waldes und der Holzindustrie im Murgtal. Mit Beiträgen von C. Katz & E. Wolf. 2. Aufl. 521 pp. Gernsbach, 1995.

Naumann, G., Forstgeschichte der ehemaligen Grafschaft Sayn-Wittgenstein-

Hohenstein bis 1900. Mit einem Überblick über die Entwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert. 251 pp. Hannover Münden, 1970.

Neumann, W., Zur Stellung des Mitglieds in agrarischen Kooperativen. Eine

holzmarktpolitische Studie am Beispiel von Forstbetriebsgemeinschaften im Schwarzwald. 234 pp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1985.

Pacher, J., se: Mantel, K. & Pacher, J.

Paukner, S., Waldarbeiter im oberbayerischen Salinengebiet. 570 pp. Bamberg, 1991.

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Paukner, S., se även: Holzknechtmuseum Ruhpolding.

Pfeil, W., Die Forstwirthschaft nach rein praktischer Ansicht. Ein Handbuch für

Privatforstbesitzer, Verwalter und insbesondere für Forstlehrlinge. 4., abermals sehr verbesserte und vermehrte Aufl. 368 pp. Leipzig, 1851.


Fenkner-Voigtländer, U., Forsteinrichtung und Waldaufbau im Elmsteiner Wald

unter deutschen und französischen Einflüssen 1780-1860. Ein Beitrag zur Forstgeschichte des Pfälzerwaldes. 339 pp. Mainz, 1992.

Seebach, H., Pfälzerwald. Waldbauern, Waldarbeiter, Waldprodukten- und

Holzwarenhandel, Waldindustrie und Holztransport. 324 pp. Mainz-Gonsenheim, 1994.

Pott, J.F., se: Du Roi, J.Ph.

Raab, Fr., Die deutsche Forstwirtschaft im Spiegel der Reichsstatistik. Auf Grund

der amtlichen Quellenwerke bearbeitet. 182 pp. Berlin, 1931.

Raben Steinfeld. Millahn, G., Raben Steinfeld. Geschichte einer Forstschule. 168 pp. Krefeld, 1997.

Reinhäuser Wald. Kürschner, K., Ein beitrag zur Geschichte des Reinhäuser Waldes. 364 pp. Göttingen, 1976.

Richter, A., Geschichte der Organisation der Sächsischen Staatsforstverwaltung. 391 pp. Dresden, 1935.

Rosenstock, H.-A., Zur Geschichte der preussischen Staatsforstverwaltung. 373

pp. Göttingen, 1975.

Rossmässler, E.A., Der Wald. Den Freunden und Pflegern des Waldes geschildert. 2. Aufl. 671 pp. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1871.

Roth, K., Geschichte des Forst- und Jagdwesens in Deutschland. 678 pp. Berlin, 1879.

Rubner, H., Deutsche Forstgeschichte 1933-1945. Forstwirtschaft, Jagd und Umwelt im NS-Staat. 2., erweiterte Aufl. 411 pp. St. Katharinen, 1997.

Rubner, H., Forstgeschichte im Zeitalter der industriellen Revolution. 235 pp.

Berlin, 1967.

Röhrig, F., se: Hilf, R.B. & Röhrig, F.

Salisch, H. von, Forstästhetik. 2. verm. Aufl. 314 pp. Berlin, 1902.

Scheifele, M. & Braun, G., Als die Wälder auf Reisen gingen. Wald, Holz, Flösserei in

der Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Enz-Nagold-Gebiets. 368 pp. Karlsruhe, 1996.

Scheifele, M., Die Flößerei auf der Ettlinger Alb. Aus der Geschichte des Albtales. 148 pp. Gernsbach, 1993.

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Scheifele, M., se även: Die Murgeschifferschaft.

Schmid, S., Die strukturelle und waldbauliche Entwicklung des Privatwaldes in

Baden-Württemberg nach 1945. Analysen, Interpretationen und Folgerungen anhand

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avec de nombreux sylviculteurs. 318 pp. Prague, 1926. - Slovakien, Tjeckien.

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Beckham, D., Swift flows the river. Log driving in Oregon. 218 pp. Coos Bay, OR, 1990.

Benson, B.E., Logs and lumber. The development of the lumber industry in Michigan's lower peninsula, 1837-1870. 309 pp. Mount Pleasant, MI, 1989.

Benson, S. Allen, A.B., Simon Benson: Northwest lumber king. 144 pp. Portland, OR, 1971.

Bergoffen, W.W., se: United States Forest Service.

Berkeley, se: University of California.

Beuter, J.H., Legacy and promise. Oregon's forests and wood products industry. Duck

Creek 56 pp. Associates, 1993.

Biltmore Forest School. Schenk, C.A., The birth of forestry in America. Biltmore Forest School 1898-1913. Ed. by O. Butler. 2. ed. 224 pp. Santa Cruz, CA, 1974.

The Black Hills. Newport, C.A., Forest Service policies in timber management and

silviculture as they affect the lumber industry. A case study of the Black Hills. 112 bl. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, 1956.

The Black Rock Forest. Tryon, H.H., The Black Rock Forest. With an introduction by

R.T. Fisher. 52 pp. Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, NY, 1930.

Boyd, R.G. & Hyde, W.F., Forestry sector intervention. The impacts of public

regulation on social welfare. 295 pp. Ames, IA, 1989.

Bradley, L.K., se: Long, R.A.

Brown, N.C., Forest products. Their manufacture and use, embracing the principal

commercial features in the production, manufacture, and utilization of the most

important forest products other than lumber, in the United States. 2. rev. ed. 447 pp. New York, 1927.

Brown, N.C., A general introduction to forestry in the United States. With special

reference to recent forest conservation policies. 293 pp. New York & London, 1935.

Brown, N.C., Logging. The principles and methods of harvesting timber in the United States and Canada. 442 pp. New York, 1949.

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Brown, N.C., The small sawmill in New York. A study of the methods pursued in

logging woodlands for small sawmills, together with the manufacturing and merchandising of the product. 126 pp. Syracuse, NY, 1937.

Brown, N.C., Timber products and industries. The harvesting, conversion, and

marketing of materials other than lumber, including the principal derivatives and extractives. Cop. 1937. 334 pp. New York & London 1949.

Buckman, R.E., se: Unites States Forest Service. Arnold, R.K., Dickerman, M.B. &

Buckman, R.E.

Budy, J.D., se: Young, J.A., & Budy, J.D.

Bunyan, P. Rogers, D.L., Paul Bunyan. How a terrible timber feller became a legend. 192 pp. Bay City, MI, 1993.

Butler, O., se: Biltmore Forest School.

Callahan, J.C., The fine hardwood veneer industry in the United States 1838-1990. 381 pp. Lake Ann, MI, 1990.

Carbonnier, H., Förenta staternas och Kanadas barrskogar, skogsindustri och export av trävaror, trämassa och papper. 149 pp. Uppsala, 1922.

Carroll, Fr.M. & Raiter, Fr.R., The fires of autumn. The Cloquet-Moose Lake disaster of 1918. 246 pp. St. Paul, MN, 1990.

Casamajor, P., se: University of California.

Chaney, R.W., The ancient forests of Oregon. 56 pp. Eugene, OR, 1948.

Chew, S.C., Logs for capital. The timber industry and capitalist enterprise in the

nineteenth century. 202 pp. Westport, CT, 1992.

Clapp, E.H., A national program of forest reearch. Prepared by E.H. Clapp as the

report of a Special committee on forest research of the Washington section of the Society of American foresters. 232 pp.Washington, DC, 1926.

Clar, R., California government and forestry. 1-2. 1: From Spanish days until the

creation of the Department of Natural Resources in 1927. 2: During the Young and Rolph

administrations. 623 & 319 pp. Sacramento, CA, 1959-69.

Clar, R., Out of the river mist. An autentic history of a Russian river lumber town from Indian days to about 1930. 135 pp. Santa Cruz, CA, 1974.

Clarkson, R.B., Tumult on the mountains. Lumbering in West Virginia - 1770-1920. 400 pp. Parsons, WV, 1964.

Clary, D.A., se: United States Forest Service.

Clearcut. The tragedy of industrial forestry. Ed. by B. Devall. 291 pp. San Francisco, 1993.

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Clepper, H., Professional forestry in the United States. 337 pp. Baltimore & London,


Clepper, H., se även: American forestry. Six decades of growth.

Clepper. H., se även: Forestry education in Pennsylvania.

Cleveland, T., Jr, The status of forestry in the United States. 39 pp. Washington, DC, 1909.

Cohen, M.P., se: Sierra Club.

Cohen, S.B., se: United States Forest Service. Guth, A.R. & Cohen, S.B.

Collins, R.F., se: The Daniel Boone National Forest.

Compton, W., The organization of the lumber industry. With special reference to the influences determining the prices of lumber in the United States. 153 pp. Chicago, 1916.

Connaughton, Ch.A., se: United States Forest Service.

The Connecticut Forest and Park Association. Milne, G. McLean, Connecticut

woodlands. A century’s story of the Connecticut Forest and Park Association. 165 pp. Rockall, CT, 1995.

Connor, M.R., se: Connor Forest Industries.

Connor Forest Industries. Connor, M.R., A century with Connor timber. Connor Forest Industries 1872-1972. 158 pp. Wausau, WI, 1972.

Coombs, Ch.I., High timber. The story of American forestry. 223 pp. Cleveland & New

York, 1960.

Cornford, D.A., Workers and dissent in the Redwood Empire. 276 pp. Philadelphia, 1987.

Cour, R.M., se: Fir Plywood Industry.

Cowan, Ch.C., The enemy is fire! 135 pp. Seattle, WA, 1961.

Cox, H.J., Random lengths. Forty years with "Timber Beasts" and "Sawdust Savages". 310 pp. Eugene, OR, 1949.

Cox, Th.R., Mills and markets. A history of the Pacific Coast lumber industry to 1900. 352 pp. Seattle & London, 1974.

Cox, Th.R., The park builders. A history of state parks in the Pacific Northwest. 361 pp. Seattle & London, 1988.

Cox, Th.R., se även: This well-wooded land.

Crafts, E.C., se: United States Forest Service.

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Crapo, H.H. Lewis, M.D., Lumberman from Flint. The Michigan career of Henry H.

Crapo 1855-1869. 289 pp. Detroit, 1958.

Creighton, J., Logging trucks, tractors, and crawlers. 128 pp. Osceola, WI, 1997.

Cronk, C.P., Forest industries of New Hampshire and their trend of development. 237 pp. Concord, NH, 1936.

Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Crown Zellerbach. Timber, technology, and corporate

development in the Pacific Northwest, 1920 to 1965. (Regional Oral History Office. The Bancroft Library, University of California.) 300 bl. Berkeley, CA, 1979.

Cunningham, R.N., se: Dana, S.T., Allison, J.H. & Cunningham, R.N.

Dana, S.T. & Krueger, M., California Lands. Ownership, use, and management. 308 pp.

Washington, DC, 1958.

Dana, S.T., Forest and range policy. Its development in the United States. 455 pp.

New York, Toronto & London, 1956.

Dana, S.T., Allison, J.H. & Cunningham, R.N., Minnesota Lands. Ownership, use, and management of forest and related lands. 463 pp. Washington, DC, 1960.

The Daniel Boone National Forest. Collins, R.F., A history of the Daniel Boone National Forest 1770-1970. Ed. B.B. Ellison. 349 pp. Lexington, KY, 1975.

Danielson, U., se: Ekman, S.G.

Davies, G.W., se: Klamath National Forest.

Davies, G.W., se: United States Forest Service. Memorable forest fires.

Davis, M.B., se: Eastern old-growth forests.

Davis, R.C., North American forest history. A guide to archives and manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 376 pp. Santa Barbara, CA, 1977.

Davis, R.C., se även: Encyclopedia of American forest and conservation history.

Deaton, J., Crosscut saw reflections in the Pacific Northwest. 231 pp. Fairfield, WA, 1998.

Devall, B., se: Clearcut.

Dickerman, M.B., se: United States Forest Service. Arnold, R.K., Dickerman, M.B. &

Buckman, R.E.

Disston, H., se: Henry Disston & Sons.

Dobie, J., se: Itasca State Park and Forest.

Douai Boerker, R.H., se: United States Forest Service.

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Duerr, W.A., The economic problems of forestry in the Appalachian region. 500

pp. Cambridge, MA, 1949.

Eastern old-growth forests. Prospects for rediscovery and recovery. Ed. by M.B. Davis. 383 pp. Washington, DC, & Covelo, CA, 1996.

Ekman, S.G., Skog i Nordamerika. Tre svenska jägmästares intryck och erfarenheter

från en skoglig studieresa i USA och Canada våren 1947 samordnade och utarbetade under medverkan av S. Sjöstedt och U. Danielson. 312 pp. Filipstad, 1949.

Ellison. R. Felt, M.E., Reach for the sky. Russ Ellison. He met the challenge. 161 pp.

Bend, OR, 1986.

Behandlar i första hand sporten log rolling.

The Empire Lumber Company. Twining, Ch.E., Downriver. Orrin H. Ingram and The Empire Lumber Company. 309 pp. Madison, WI, 1975.

Encyclopedia of American forest and conservation history. Ed. R.C. Davis. Vol. 1-2. 871 pp. New York, 1983.

Ett antal större artiklar.

Engle, E., Seasonal. A life outside. 173 pp. Boulder, Co, 1989.

Säsonganställd vid U.S. Forest Service.

Eyle, A., se: Pack, Ch.L.

Fahl, R.J., North American forest and conservation history. A bibliography. 408 pp. Santa Barbara, CA, 1977.

Feist, W.C., se: Forest Products Laboratory.

Felt, M.E., Gyppo logger. 315 pp. Caldwell, ID, 1965.

Felt, M.E., se även: Ellison, R.

Felt, M.E., se även: Hobi, F.D.

Fernow, B.E. Rodgers, A.D., III, Bernhard Eduard Fernow. A story of North American forestry. 623 pp. Durham, NC, 1991.

Fetters, T., Logging railroads of South Carolina. 260 pp. Forest Park, IL, 1990.

Ficken, R.E., The forested land. A history of lumbering in western Washington. 339 pp. Durham, NC, 1987.

Ficken, R.E., se även: Reed, M.E.

Fifty years of forestry in the U.S.A. Ed. by R.K. Winters. 385 pp. Washington, DC, 1995.

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Fir Plywood Industry. Cour, R.M., The plywood age. A history of the Fir Plywood

Industry's first fifty years. 171 pp. Portland, OR, 1955.

Fire history workshop. Proceedings of the Fire History Workshop 1980, Tucson, Arizona. 142 pp. Fort Collins, CO, 1981.

Fisher, A.M., Slivers, knots, selects, clears. A retail lumberman's story. 231 pp. New York, 1965.

Fitzpatrick, G., se: Unites States Forest Service. Tucker, E.A. & Fitzpatrick, G..

Flader, S.L., se: The Great Lakes Forest.

Fleischer, H.O., se: Youngquist, W.G. & Fleischer, H.O.

Foehl, H.M., se: Hargreaves, I.M. & Foehl, H.M.

The forest poetic. 32 pp. Washington, DC, 1924.

Forest Products Laboratory. Gorman, Th.E. & Feist, W.C., Chronicle of 65 years of

wood finishing research at the Forest Products Laboratory. 81 pp. Washington, DC, 1989.

Forestry education at the University of California [Berkeley], se: University of California.

Forestry education in Pennsylvania. Compiled and ed. by H. Clepper. 269 pp. Mont

Alto, PA, 1957.

Forests and forestry in the American states. A reference anthology compiled by The

National Association of State Foresters. Ed. R.R. Widner. 594 pp. Washington, DC, 1968.

Forsling, C.L., se: United States Forest Service. Early Forest Service research administrators.

Fox, W.F., History of the lumber industry in the State of New York. With an appendix: The roll of pioneer lumbermen. 116 pp. Harrison, NY, 1976.

Fox, W.F. Freeman, A.S., There's a Fox in Pinchot's Forest. 249 pp. Paupack, PA, 1996.

Frank, F.M., se: Klamath National Forest.

Frank, F.M., se: United States Forest Service. Memorable forest fires.

Freeman, A.S., se: Fox, W.F.

Freeman, O.L. & Frome,M., The national forests of America. 194 pp. New York, 1968

Fries, R.F., Empire in pine. The story of lumbering in Wisconsin 1830-1900. 285 pp. Madison, WI, 1951.

Fritz, E., California coast redwood [Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.] An

annotated bibliography to and including 1955. Compiled. 267 pp. San Francisco, CA, 1957.

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Frome, M., se: Freeman, O.L. & Frome, M.

Frome, M., The Forest Service, se: United States Forest Service.

Frome, M., Whose woods these are, se: United States Forest Service.

Gorman, Th.E., se: Forest Products Laboratory.

Greeley, W.B., Forests and men. 255 pp. Garden City, NY, 1951.

Grant. J.D., Redwoods and reminiscences. "The world went very well then." A

chronicle of traffics and excursions, of work and play, of ups and downs, during more

than half a century happily spent in California and elsewhere. 216 pp. San Francisco, CA, 1973.

Gray, G.C., se: United States Forest Service.

The Great Lakes Forest. An environmental and social history. Ed. S.L. Flader. 336 pp. Minneapolis, MN, 1983.

Greeley, W.B., Forests and men. 255 pp. Garden City, NY, 1951.

Greeley, W.B. Morgan, G.T., William B. Greeley. A practical forester. 82 pp. St. Paul, MN, 1961.

Green, S.B., Forestry in Minnesota. Publ. by the Geological and Natural History Survey

of Minnesota. 400 pp. St. Paul, MN, 1902.

Grimshaw, R., Grimshaw on saws. Concerning the details of manufacture, setting,

swaging, gumming, filing, etc.; care and use of saws, tables of gauges, log

measurements, lists of saw patents, and other valuable information. 176 pp. Morristown, NJ, 1991.

Grismer, J.T. & Kendrick, C.H., Embossed American axes. A photographic guide. 177

pp. Columbia, MO, 1985.

Grover, F.W., se: United States Forest Service.

Gruenfeld, J., Purple hearts and ancient trees. A forester's life adventures in

business, wilderness and war. 352 pp. Seattle, WA, 1997.

Guide to oral history interviews, published by Forest History Society.

[Förteckning hämtad från en länk till Forest History Societys startsida på Internet.] 85 bl. KSLAB, 1999.

Gulick, L.H., American forest policy. A study of government administration and economic control. 251 pp. New York, 1951.

Guth, A.R., se: United States Forest Service.

Hall, J.M., se: Shroyer, G.

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Hand book for lumbermen 1902. [Omslagstitel: Henry Disston & Sons Hand book for

lumbermen. With a treatise on the construction of saws and how to keep them in order.] 162 pp. Mendham, NJ, 1994.

Hargreaves, I.M. & Foehl, H.M., The story of logging the white pine in the Saginaw Valley. 79 pp. Bay City, MI, 1965.

Harper, V.L., se: United States Forest Service. Early Forest Service research administrators.

Harper, V.L., se: United States Forest Service. Harper V.L.

Harris, D., The last stand. The war between Wall Street and Main Street over

California's ancient redwoods. 373 pp. New York & Toronto, 1995.

Harrison, R.P., Forests. The shadow of civilization. 287 pp. Chicago, IL, 1992.

Hartzell, H., Jr, Birth of a cooperative. Hoedads, Inc., a worker owned forest labor co-

op. 351 pp. Eugene, OR, 1987.

The Harvard Forest models. 48 pp. Petersham, MA, 1941.

Hawes, A.F., se: Hawley, R.Ch. & Hawes, A.F.

Hawley, R.Ch. & Hawes, A.F., Manual of forestry for the Northeastern United States. Being vol. I of "Forestry in new England" revised. 281 pp. New York, 1925.

Hay, I., se: The Arnold Arboretum.

Hays, F., Lies, logs and loggers. 91 pp. U.o., 1961.

Henry Disston & Sons, se: Hand book for lumbermen 1902.

Henry Disston & Sons, se: The saw in history.

Hidy, R.W., se: The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company.

Highlights in the history of forest conservation. Rev. ed. 56 pp. Washington, 1976.

Hill, F., se: The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company.

Hilton, C.M., Rough pulpwood operation in northwestern Maine 1935-1940. 197

pp. Orono, ME, 1942.

Hirt, PW., se: United States Forest Service.

The history of engineering in the Forest Service, se: United States Forest Service.

The history of the forest products industries. Proceedings. Boston, Mass., 1966. National colloquium. New Haven, CT, 1967.

History of timber taxes. 12 pp. Salem, OR, 1991.

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Hobi, F.D. Felt, M.E., The story of a logger - Frank D. Hobi. He did it the hard way.

165 pp. Bend, OR, 1984.

Holbrook, S.H., Holy old Mackinaw. A natural history of the American lumberjack. 224 pp. New York, 1941.

Holbrook, S.H., Yankee loggers. A recollection of woodsmen, cooks, and river drivers. 123 pp. New York, 1961.

Holland, A., Switchbacks. 156 pp. Seattle, WA, 1980.

Bl a tjänstgöring hos U.S. Forest Service.

Huber, D.W. & McDonald, Ph.M., California's hardwood resource. History and reasons for lack of a sustained hardwood industry. 14 pp. Albany, CA, 1992.

Hurst, J.W., Law and economic growth. The legal history of the lumber industry in Wisconsin 1836-1915. 946 pp. Cambridge, MA, 1964.

Hutchinson, W.H., California heritage. A history of Northern California lumbering. Rev.

ed. [32 pp.] Santa Cruz, CA, 1974.

Hyde, W.F., se: Boyd, R.G. & Hyde, W.F.

"I'll never fight fire with my bare hands again", se: United States Forest Service.

Ingram, O.H., se: The Empire Lumber Company.

International Woodworkers of America. Lembcke, J. & Tattam, W.A., One union in

wood. [A political history of the International Woodworkers of America.] 229 pp. New York & Madeira Park, B.C., 1984.

Itasca State Park and Forest. Dobie, J., The Itasca story. 202 pp. Minneapolis, MN, 1959.

Jackman, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Simpson, Ch.D. & Jackman, E.R.

Jemison, G.M., se: United States Fores Service. Early Forest Service research administrators.

Johnston, H., The whistles blow no more. Railroad logging in the Sierra Nevada 1874-

1942. 160 pp. Glendale, CA, 1984.

Josephson, H.R., A history of forestry research in the southern United States. 78 pp. Washington, DC, 1989.

Judd, R. W., Aroostook. A century of logging in northern Maine. 364 pp. Orono, ME, 1988.

Karamanski, Th.J., Deep woods frontier. A history of logging in northern Michigan. 305 pp. Detroit, MI, 1989.

Kaufman, H., se: United States Forest Service.

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Kemp, J.L., Epitaph for the giants. The story of the Tillamook Burn. 110 pp. Portland,

OR, 1967.

Kendrick, C.H., se: Grismer, J.T. & Kendrick, C.H.

Kennedy, C.B. Holland, A.M., Mr. Claude. 146 pp. College Station, TX, 1984.

Kephart, G.S., Campfires rekindled. A forester recalls life in the Maine woods of the twenties. 146 pp. Marion, MA, 1977.

Kilar, J.W., Michigan's lumbertowns. Lumbermen and laborers in Saginaw, Bay City, and Muskegon, 1870-1905. 361 pp. Detroit, MI, 1990.

King, R.T., se: United States Forest Service. Murchie, A.

Kinney, J.P., The development of forest law in America. Including Forest legislation

in America prior to March 4, 1789. A historical presentation of the successive

enactments, by the legislatures of the forty-eight states of the American Union and by

the Federal Congress, directed to the conservation and administration of forest resources. Orig. 1917. 404 pp. New York, 1972.

Klamath National Forest. Davies, G.W. & Frank, F.M., Stories of the Klamath National Forest. The first 50 years. 1905-1955. 445 pp. Hat Creek, CA, 1992.

Klyza, Chr.M., Who controls public lands? Mining, forestry, and grazing policies, 1870-1990. 211 pp. Chapel Hill, NC, & London, 1996.

Klyza, Chr.M., se även: The Northern Forest.

Koch, E., se: United States Forest Service.

Kohlmeyer, F.W., se: The Laird, Norton Lumber Company.

Kranz, M.W., se: New York State’s College of Forestry.

Krueger, M., se: Dana, S.T. & Krueger, M.

The Laird, Norton Lumber Company.

Kohlmeyer, F.W., Timber roots. The Laird, Norton story, 1855-1905. 382 pp. Winona, MN, 1972.

Vogel, J.N., Great Lakes lumber on the Great Plains. The Laird, Norton Lumber

Company in South Dakota. 215 pp. Iowa City, IA, 1992.

LaLande, J.M., se: Medford Corporation.

Lance, M.B., "The fathers lived in the forests, their children live off them". Rural

New England sawmilling and the timber trade, 1730-1870. 340 pp. Ann Arbor, MI, 1993.

Langston, N., Forest dreams, forest nightmares. The paradox of old growth in the Inland West. 380 pp. Seattle & London, 1995.

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Lausmann, A.A. Webber, B., Swivel-chair logger. The life and work of Anton A. "Tony"

Lausmann. 254 pp. Fairfield, WA, 1976.

Lembcke, J., se: International Woodworkers of America.

Leopold, A. Meine, C., Aldo Leopold. His life and work. 638 pp. Madison, WI, 1988.

Lewis, M.D., se: Crapo, H.H.

Long, G.S. Twining, Ch.E., George S. Long. Timber statesman. 428 pp. Seattle, WA, &

London, 1994.

Long, R.A. Bradley L. K., Robert Alexander Long. A lumberman of the Gilded Age. 245 pp. Durham, NC, 1989.

Lucia, E., The big woods. Logging and lumbering - from bull teams to helicopters - in the Pacific Northwest. 222 pp. Garden City, NY, 1975.

Lucia, E., Head Rig. Story of the West Coast lumber industry. With introd. by A.W. Priaulx. 246 pp. Portland, OR, 1965.

Lukens, Th.P. Sargent, Sh., Theodore Parker Lukens. Father of forestry. 91 pp. Los

Angeles, CA, 1969.

McArdle, R.E., se: United States Forest Service.

MacCleery, D.W., American forests. A history of resiliency and recovery. Rev. ed. 58 pp. Durham, NC, 1994.

McCullough, R., The landscape of community. A history of communal forests in New England. 403 pp. Hanover, NH, & London. 1995.

McDonald, Ph.M., se: Huber, D.W. & McDonald, Ph.M.

McGuire, J.R., se: United States Forest Service.

Maclean, N., Young men & fire. [A true story of the Mann Gulch fire.] 301 pp. Chicago & London, 1992.

McMartin, B., Hides, hemlocks and Adirondack history. How the tanning industry influenced the region's growth. 332 pp. Utica, NY.

Malone, J.J., Pine trees and politics. The naval stores and forest policy in colonial New

England, 1691-1775. 219 pp. London, 1964.

Malone, J.J., se även: This well-wooded land.

Markham, J.H., Seventy years in the northwest forests. 176 pp. Chehalis, WA, 1977.

Martin, J.W., se: Maxwell, R.S. & Martin, J.W.

Maser, Chr., Forest primeval. The natural history of an ancient forest. [A forest in

Oregon's Cascade Mountains.] Toronto, 1991.

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Matthews, D.M., Management of American forests. 495 pp. New York & London,


Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Connaughton, Ch.A.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Early Forest Service research administrators.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Harper, V.L.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Grover, F.W.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Mc Ardle, R.E.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Stilson, H.M., Sr.

Maunder, E.R., se: United States Forest Service. Stone, J.H.

Maxwell, R.S. & Martin, J.W., A short history of forest conservation in Texas 1880-1940. 60 pp. Nacogdoches, TX, 1970.

Maxwell, R.S., se även: This well-wooded land.

Mayr, W., se: Mayr Bros. Logging.

Mayr Bros. Logging. Mayr, W., The Cenderella tree. The story of Mayr Bros. Logging. 190 pp. Sandpoint, ID, 1992.

Medford Corporation. LaLande, J.M., Medford Corporation. A history of an Oregon

logging and lumber company. With a foreword by R.J. Hogue. 167 pp. Medford, OR, 1979.

Meek, F.B., Michigan's timber battle ground. A history of Clare County: 1674-1900.

483 pp. [Clare], MI, 1976.

Meine, C., se: Leopold, A.

Memorable forest fires, se: United States Forest Service.

Men of timber. [Honoring leaders in the West Coast Logging Industry.] 88 pp. Peoria,

IL, 1955.

Meyer, B., se: American forestry. Six decades of growth.

Miles, J.C., se: National Parks and Conservation Association.

Miller. Ch., se: American forests.

Milne, G. Mclean, se: The Connecticut Forest and Park Association.

Moltke, A.W., Memoirs of a logger. 415 pp. Wenatchee, WA, 1965.

Moon, F. & Brown, N.C., Elements of forestry. 2. rev. ed. 409 pp. New York & London,


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Morgan, G.T., se: Greeley, W.B.

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The National Forests har placerats undere: United States Forest Service.

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National Parks and Conservation Association. Miles, J.C., Guardians of the parks. A

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Oates, M.E., se: Armstrong, F.H. & Oates, M.E.

Ogden, G.R., se: United States Forest Service.

Olson, S.H., The depletion myth. A history of railroad use of timber. 228 pp. Cambridge, MA, 1971.

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Petersen, K.C., se: The Potlatch Lumber Company.

Pike, R.E., Tall trees, tough men. 288 pp. New York, 1967.

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Roberts, P.H., se: National Forest Range Administration.

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