Light In Darkness



A story of how a play born.

Transcript of Light In Darkness

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獻給 台大戲劇系的朋友們


ToFriends of the Department of Drama and

Theatre of NTU

in memory of those annoying Days with camera shots

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「清晨聽著花與愛麗絲原聲帶。我後來聽傻了,不是那麼想出門。那些清晨,午後陽光和夜裡車水馬龍的都市,草原,山坡或是長長的公路。」 「泡咖啡,聽音樂,燙衣服。多麼愜意的清晨。」
















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在拿起相機的那年之前,他背負著自己的慾望,見證與參與自己尋找的過程,那條道路處處洋溢著熱情,不論是辦報、打球、寫作,任何人一看都能輕易地發現他多麼熱愛人群:辦報紙的過程裡與大家耳鬢廝磨(確實是這樣的工作景象),寫的許多人的故事,打球也挑必需一群人一起打的球。有人說施昀佑是個很娘的男人,常口誤自己從小男孩長成大女人云云,施昀佑並且每每說自己是陰陽交錯在一身,我說,他對男對女都很誠懇欣賞與讚嘆,從每個人類身上都能切中要旨地深愛、或者痛恨。在「Light in Darkness‧後台」裡,我們見到裡面處處塞滿了人,不管是字面意義還是抽象概念的「人」。











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A Preface, Writing Before Those Photos

There is an open space at the intersection of Roosevelt Rd. and Xinsheng S. Rd. In shiny days, different people bustle in and out here. Many youthful students and friends meet here, gathering tens of motorcycles and waiting for an excursion. In starry nights, bicycles carry friends back and forth to dormitories. Affectionate kisses and farewells overflow throughout the entrance.

This is the main entrance of National Taiwan University.Less than twenty meters away, there is a short slope, connecting

a reddish brown building access, which seems silent and unmanned.

In the setting of the sun, pointers of the watch gradually turn back to the top, and the building gradually revives. Rooms at the first floor, the lamplight gleams and radiates in yellow, in white, and the green wall's light reflection illuminate and pervade the entire hallway gradually. Move closer, the hall resounds with running machines' mumble and people's frolic. Walk closer, the footsteps of people moving with the sound of drawing pens picturing on the sketch paper is heard. If luckily enough, a performance conducted by gorgeous metal sparkle takes place in the corridor.

This is the Department of Drama and Theatre, the first building you would see after entering the National Taiwan University's main gate.

At the moment the night screen hangs down, this silent building comes to life. Here comes people squatting, sitting, or standing on the short slope, with cigarettes in their hands. The various voices of people who are rehearsing a play flow from the classrooms, penetrating the dark night, and reverberating outside. The cartographic room's ceaseless lamplight in the night-time is the lighthouse of people who search for food in the darkness, shuttling between the often chilly night and refuge of warm buildings.

The people here have their own endless dark nights and bitterness, as well as the ceaseless resentment and exultation. They wear dark suits, passing through crowds of young people at the gate, who wear fashionable dress with strong alcoholic smells. They sincerely but untruthfully osculate each other on the stage to have their kisses beyond the rehearsal more affectionate and natural,. Their hearts and spleens decline earlier, but their spirits and minds are much more sensitive than ordinary. These are the people in this building.

Because of them, and because of what they do, this building then be called the Department of Drama and Theatre.

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Photograph/Edit/Book Design/Cover Design: Shih Yun-yuTranslate: Chen Pei-Shuan

施昀佑,1985年出生於彰化,臺灣大學歷史系四年級學生。Shih Yun-yu, born in Chung-Hua on 1985, student of the Department of History of National Taiwan University.

E-Mail:[email protected]

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排練場.日記片段.2006. Sep. 20* * *





大家都說林家全是燈光技術高手,但到那天我才懂這個稱讚的意思。他在跨間綁了一個攀岩腰帶,跟我比了一個“YA!” 的手勢之後,一溜煙就爬到了鷹架頂端,然後熟練的拆、裝、修正所有厚重燈具的位置。那時他身在TRUSS上,身上只有一條帶子繫住自己與鐵架,雙手雙腳夾住TRUSS往前匍匐前進,那是個將近十公尺高的屋頂,下面沒有任何防護措施哪!就只見家全快速的處理完TRUSS上所有的問題,一溜煙地從鷹架上爬了下來。然後跟已經目瞪口呆說不出話來的我又比了一個“YA!”的手勢,然後繼續去其他地方工作了。


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Load In.日記片段.2006. Nov. 11* * *











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A Postscript, Writing after The Image

“I think it’s a pity that people only watch the performance, but they don’t understand how we did this. It would be great if someone records how “Chance” was produced”

Lucy, the actress of the graduation production, “Chance,” graduated from Department of Drama and Theatre in 2001

“I remembered that no one believed that Xiao-bao (the director) could have done it because it was a script composed by everyone. What we could do was try our best. We drank in Lane86 if we confronted difficulties in rehearsal.”

Gorge, the actor of graduation production, “Chance,” graduated from Department of Drama and Theatre in 2003

I was frequently asked about a tough question hard to be answered: “Why?”

The Spurt of Blood, which was directed by Ying-juan Wei, had its first night during last May. I was doing the image recording then. After the performance, I interviewed Xiao-bao and Lucy, who graduated from Department of Drama and Theatre in 2001. It was a random interview but lasted for 45 minutes. With extreme sincerity and earnest, they talked about their experiences in theatre, and their graduation production……

I saw an article by a friend in the Department of Drama and Theatre last summer, which says, “I saw the picture that Shih took for The Spurt of Blood. The pictures are really delicate and exquisite. But just because they are too beautiful, they lack vitality. I feel that the vivid people in the worn and messy Spurt were exactly what I’ve seen and what I’ve breathed in. That’s why I say that his pictures are like a lake of life; a life, which I’ve lived. It’s interesting that I think the pictures I took randomly, are in fact much more lively.”

What is the meaning of a performance or a theatre for the audience? And what are they for the performers? “What is it?” may be what I am looking for. For the audience, what they participate are seeing the advertisement, buying tickets, entering the theatre, and then leaving the theatre with tear or glee. At most, they might also read reviews and write their thoughts down. However, all these are merely a comma for the participants. Their beginning is the moment that they receive the scripts while the ending is the complete wistfulness when they tear down the stage they had just performed on it. The audience is always attracted by light, drawing by the director’s arrangement. Yet for a drama, the splendor under the lamplight doesn’t exist if without the preparation in the darkness. Where the audience’s eyes couldn’t reach is the darkness and the backstage part. From choosing

scripts, collecting informations, to the ceaseless workshop, the following highly concentrated rehearsals, and the preparation of factory, costume, stage lighting and administrative job; all of these are what the audience never see and are beyond their imagination.

During these days, suddenly I was conscious of where I am was just exactly the backstage part of this unperformed play. By observing the performers’ painstaking rehearsals and the toilsome stage construction, some possible directions for recording occurred gradually. Taking photos as a remembrance for their hardness and trying to present this generalized backstage part, which ordinary people couldn’t see, probably were my reason to plunge into this job.

I hope this book would provide a clearer answer.


I usually think of the contests between classes in high school, which might be basketball games or the competition. We were just seventeen, naive and without masterly skills. I remembered that we just practice ceaselessly. We rehearsed from morning to night, from Monday to Sunday, and were late to school on Monday morning. Then, we continued practicing from Monday night. At that time, no one would ask for leave because of job, tests, or a date. We didn’t have anything, unless the endless passion and time. This was our only advantage, and was also the most valuable advantage. Fame and glamour didn’t derive from the dazzlingly skills but came from the irresistible attraction of the single-minded willpower. It was just like the HBL (High School Basketball League), and was just like the Koshien tradition of Japan senior high school.

This purity of faith, which is the opposite of the fame and wealth in society, allowed us to forget the greediness and hypocrisy of reality.

In the student theatre, there exists a similar atmosphere, although not exactly the same. The Department of Drama and Theatre, more or less, forces students to cooperate with each other by credits. However, maybe because of this restriction, the theatre maintains certain stability and purity. Observing them participating all of the practices and works regularly and punctually day after day, I felt their strong concentration and passion generated from the rehearsal classrooms and the scene shop.

Attributing their success in performance to “concentration” is too arbitrary and appealing to senses, for it is hard to be measured and is lack of logical reasoning. I tried to observe from the aspect of their deliberate ability or masterly skills. Nevertheless, when I observed and got along with them, I truly felt that their energy still derived from their pure concentration.

They revealed wholehearted concentration in many incidental moments, no matter in cutting the woods, tying the straps, or even squatting in the corner waiting for rehearsal. In the concept of skills, it’s impossible for the students to compete with the skillful professionals. Yet their expression in eyes and movements, which full of high spirits and vigor, provided them with power, value, and beauty in every single condition. I believe, if “performance” is what they were achieving, the everyday concentration was the

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foundation of the possibility in reaching their goal.These descriptions might have overvalued, and maybe they

don’t think so themselves. Yet indeed, in some moments they ignored, they revealed the concentration which surpassed everyday expression. Thus, I tried to capture these moments in the images of thirtieth or fifteenth second. In the ceaseless noises of camera shutter which break the silence, and in my photographing progress, which disturbs people, I hope this intention, which I think with good purpose, would provide redemption to the attack from my camera.


What a friend said to me is impressive, “Drama is genuine truth because it presents boldly the feeling and the desire that people dare not to express and to talk about, and presents the real stories which couldn’t be recorded.”

At the beginning, what I focused on was “What is ‘A Play’?” As the job progressed and the document files accumulated, I gradually founded out that this work led me to pass a perplexity confused me for a long time.

In my experience of learning, it seems that I was trying to know some events or abstract concepts. But think deeply, I was learning how to “understand.” I was frequently told to observe from the aspect of time or space, or to put the spirit and intention at the developing center. In my comprehension, I was usually told to notice “the first-hand text,” from which to perceive how people arrange and treat the change of the time and space they are in, or the transition of thoughts and conception. According to people’s document and research, I could reach the so-called “event”. Then, more discussions and analyses point out the transition in time and space of an event. Thus, I was like in a three-dimensional framework, exploring the context of an event and its cause and effect.

However, I still need to answer a question: does the concept of learning really helps me to truly and genuinely face the events which happen around me, and allows me to say “this event is……?”

As the work progressed, I gradually recognized the value and the emotional transition behind “documenting an event.” Facing the new information pouring in everyday and the coming routine of the future, I felt anxious as if in mist. Everything seemed so clear and simple when I looked at them separately, but they also seemed so vague if I looked at them more closely. Everyday I had to make decisions. “Where to go?” Things was happening everywhere: in the rehearsal classrooms, the costume shop, the scent shop, and the stage painting. These trivial things were the elements which weaved “this event.” Which one was more important? Which should be documented while others could be put away temporarily? Which needed to be observed in person, and which could be understood through words or text by discussion? These everyday struggles and conflicts led me to the meaning of “observing,” which I haven’t experienced. Especially during March, 2007, when all the photos were arranged and were about to be chosen, these episodes, which mixed with emotions and

memories, seemed different from what I have gone through. The feeling which doesn’t exist at the past but occurs in my memories, provided me new aspects to revalue these episodes. Whether I became more sentimental, thus lost the ability to value, or became more familiar with my friends in the theatre, thus I could observe the secrets that outsiders could not see? Maybe these troubles and contradictions could never be solved, but I did have to make choice in this struggle. This was what I have learned, which also led me to more possibilities in the future.


……Indeed, these mentioned reflections upon “recording” are additional. What I thought at the beginning, was to witness how a drama was formed, and to capture something for myself. This does need time, lots of time, but by this I could witness many things, which I have never seen and I have never imagined. It was so wonderful……

In the rehearsal classroom, Fragments of Diary, Sep 20, 2006


NTU Theatre, which is a space of two levels high, is at the second floor of Luming Hall. During the period without working, it is an empty large room, with high erected scaffolds and the piled chairs, wood boards, and the tool kits.

This is the appearance of every theatre before a performance starts.

Most of my friends have been to a play. Thus when they heard of that I take pictures for a theatre, I usually read admiring expressions on their faces, accompanied with questions like “The theatre must be an interesting place, right?” This question was simple, but was also hard for me to explain. Interesting? Maybe.

The scaffolds in the theatre were so high that they could reach the roof. Between the scaffolds, there was a horizontal iron tube called “TRUSS,” on which was full of lamps. At first I couldn’t figure out how the heavy lamps were placed on it. Did it have a hoist? Did they have any mysterious magic tool? This question couldn’t find its answer until the working week.

Everyone said that Jia-quan Lin is a master of stage illumination. I had no idea about this praise until then. He tied the rock climbing belt on his hip. After giving me a gesture of “victory”, he swiftly crept on the scaffold, dismantling, assembling, and fixing the position of all the heavy lights. When he was on the truss, there was only a strip which linked up the iron tube and him. He crawled along the truss with both hands and feet. It was ten meters high, without any safety protection! What I saw was Jia-quan immediately arranged all the problems on the truss, climbing down from the scaffold swiftly, posting again a gesture of “victory” to me, who were staring in open-mouthed wonder, and then leaving for other works.

Jia-quan acted as an actor in two performance on May and December of 2006. He was not the crew of lamplight group, but climbing on the truss is what he used to do. Everyone in the

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theatre, no matter they were actors, directors, or even the teacher, had to wear a helmet and a black suit. Everyone participated the construction of the stage. Is this interesting? It might be interesting, but is there such an “interesting” so dangerous?

Until I witnessed how they worked on the truss, I saw the concealed “theatre.” At the periods that they climb to and fro on the high scaffolds, at the duration that they need to wear their helmets tightly, at the places that blaze and glow interlaced while cutting and welding, and at the moments that their roles conflicted with their own characters, their flesh and mind faced threats and challenges. This was the genuine and the most direct and inevitable danger of blood, fresh, and mind, which had nothing to do with the familiar terms like dream, reality, future, past, imagine, or truth. This keenly aware danger was what they regularly faced, but was usually ignored in the student theatre. Tiredness, bitterness, fatigue and helplessness were the emotions occurred frequently that they couldn’t escape from but face by themselves. Nevertheless, because of these repeated challenges, they sighted the linking between reality and ideal, and then confirmed their faith.


……just by a sudden impulse, I connected the stage manager. I couldn’t believe that two or three months passed so quickly, as if in the twinkling of an eye. Thousands of thoughts emerged from my mind when I was taking the group pictures today. I really wanted to say thanks to them, with the most sincere salute. They in no reason permitted me to intrude on them with my camera,

and allowed me to behave at will in rehearsal classrooms, the scene shop, and the costume shop. Besides, no matter they were accustomed to face the camera lens or not, they couldn’t escape from being photographed.

I am still wondering what exactly I am doing now. I forbid myself to escape from problems in a violent way. This is an arduous challenge. Do the best! For me and both for them!

Load In. Fragments of Diary. Nov. 11, 2006


I was a peculiar member in the theatre. Everyone had certain job to do, while I meandered around with my camera, as if I was a lingering ghost. I talked with them when I took pictures sometimes, but most of the time, I was quiet.

They thanked me frequently, but with smile I asked them not to say so. Their appreciation increased my nerve that I might not be able to do well. “The left memories of rehearsal are only fragments of images and words. I just don’t know how to talk about it.” This was Lucy’s words which impressed me also. I hoped to keep some remembrances for these hard-working people, and help the outsiders to catch on and understand the backstage diligence.

It is me who should say thank you, and it is the audience who need to thank the people in the darkness.

This is a backstage portfolio. This is for my friends in the Department of Drama and Theatre, and for all the people who are reaching their dreams in theatres.

The AfterwordStarting Backstage photographing was an accident, yet I’ve stayed in the theatre for an year approximately. To say

properly, working and tracking shot for one year isn’t long indeed. However, with the coming of the end of college years, perhaps it is the time of retrospection.

With my all heart I acknowledge my friends in Department of Drama and Theatre. You permitted me to intrude your life as a stranger, endured my unfamiliarity of your rendezvous and lifestyle, but still treated me as friends with cordiality. I hope the offense at past could become certain surprise in your life. I made many friends also, who brought me much stimulation and inspiration, and thus motivated me to do something for all of you from the bottom of my heart.

Besides, many of my friends who are also enthusiastic about photography helped me a lot. I always chosen to be silent, taking down your inspiring concepts, and trying to listen how you understand, criticize and analyze. I kept your words in mind for months or years, contemplating them again and again, and suddenly understood their meaning in the voice when I pressed the release bottom or in the silence in the darkroom. This imperceptible influence really has immeasurable significance to me.

Last but not least, I thank the friends who encouraged me frequently and waited for me with patience to realize my unfulfilled promises. Your support came from everywhere, at every moment. An unintended praise might brought me incomparable motive force. Without your kindness, company, and assistance, I think I couldn’t complete this work.

For you all, if possible, I would