Leap from Outsourcing to Startups (Aleksey Kolupayev Product Stream)


Transcript of Leap from Outsourcing to Startups (Aleksey Kolupayev Product Stream)

Ukrainian → I moved to Germany

Developer → Lead → Scrum master → CTO → Product manager

Worked in outsourcing as consultant → now work with outsourcing as customer

Worked for big established companies → switched to startups

Built a really big and famous one!

Was young and easy going → now I have family, kids and responsibility

• Technology company

• AirBnB has no flats

• Uber has no cars

• FlixBus has no buses!

• One big brand

• One endpoint for customers


March 2012

Source: MeinFernbus.de

July 2013

Source: MeinFernbus.de

December 2014

Source: FlixBus.de, 15.08.2016

August 2016

• About 1.000 buses • 250 bus companies • 13.000 agencies • 100.000 tickets

daily • Europe’s largest

long-distance bus operator

Know why

Need many expertises

for one child

Define goals

Highly responsible

Pick profis

Know how

Have many customers

on one expertise

Achieve given goal

Highly paid

Get invitations

You can not manage what you can not measure


A != B


A+B = C


A > B > C


A = B/C

Conway’s law

Organizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

(M. Conway, 1967)

Brooks's law

...Complex programming projects cannot be perfectly partitioned into discrete tasks that can be worked on without communication between the workers and without establishing a set of complex interrelationships between tasks and the workers performing them.

(F. Brooks, 1975)

Adding people produces gaps in your organization which leads to limiting your product abilities

Cultural difference gaps

– Monochronic vs. Polychronic (high concentration or multitasking)

– Past vs. Present vs. Fututre oriented (keeping values or aiming for changes)

– Value of time (how precise are time planning and comminments?)

– Individualism vs. Collectivism – Power distance (boss is always right or only when

he is actually right?)