La Vie Uitgawe 4

1 Living Life Loud UITGAWE: 4 Oppad na my Pa se 60ste verjaarsdag, in Februarie, kon ek my verkyk aan die natuurskoon om my. Met elke draai van die bus se wiele het my hart vol geraak van dankbaarheid en lofsange. Om my was groot majestieuse berge, bossies, bome, stroompies en voëls in die lug. Alles so perfek en asemrowend dat daar 'n knop in my keel was en ek weereens stomgeslaan was oor my God. Die Grootheid en Heerlikheid oor wie Hy is en dat Hy alles so perfek geskape het. Genesis 2: 1 – So is dan voltooi die hemel en die aarde met hulle ganse leermag. Dieselfde Almagtige Heer wat die pragtige natuur en die wonder van die mens geskape het, soveel duisend jare terug, is nog steeds dieselfde. Hy het ons geskape om die pragskoon om ons te beleef, te geniet en te beskerm. Gen. 1:28 – En God het hulle geseën, en God het vir hulle gesê: Wees vrugbaar en vermeerder en vul die aarde, onderwerp dit en heers oor die visse van die see en die voëls van die hemel en oor al die diere wat op die aarde kruip. Hy het al die mooi spesiaal vir ons gemaak omdat Hy ons liefhet en vir ons Sy beste wil gee. God het vir ons Sy ALLES gegee. Sy Seun se lewe was die prys wat Hy vir ons betaal het. Die beste nuus ooit is dat dit nie die einde is nie - Jesus het opgestaan en lewe sodat ons kan lewe en dit in oorvloed kan hê. Die graf is leeg en die oorwinning is ons s'n in Jesus Naam. Hoe wonderlik en bo ons menslike verstand is die opoffering wat Christus gemaak het vir ons. Wie van ons sal ons lewe vir ons broer of suster gee. 1 Kor. 15: 4 – en dat Hy begrawe is, en dat Hy op die derde dag opgewek is volgens die skrifte. Laat ons nooit vergeet wat Christus gedoen het nie, laat ons dit nie net in hierdie tyd vier nie maar laat ons altyd onthou hoe lief Hy ons het. Jesus Christus het 'n lewende offer geword vir ons sondes en Hy't opgestaan en lewe tot in ewigheid! Ek besef weer dat die lewe 'n geskenk is wat ons moet aangryp met albei hande en die beste van elke oomblik moet maak. Lewe voluit met oorgawe, wees lief vir almal, dra mekaar se laste en dien mekaar. Daarby moet ons ook ons kruis opneem en Hom volg, lewe soos wat Jesus ons voorbeeld was. Dis nie altyd maklik nie maar saam met Hom is dit moontlik. Ons moet ons beste vir Hom gee want Hy verdien dit en soveel meer. Hy verdien ons lof en prys en aanbidding, ons totale oorgawe aan Hom. Psalm 65: 2 – Aan U kom 'n lofsang toe, o God, in Sion, en aan U moet die gelofte betaal word. Die beste van alles is dat God, die Skepper van alles, van jou en my, ons nie alleen laat nie. In ons goeie tye is Hy daar want Hy wil elke oomblik van ons lewens deel. Selfs in die slegte tye is Hy daar om ons te dra en by te staan wanneer ons voel daar is niks en niemand naby wat omgee nie. Hy wil ons laste neem sodat ons vry kan wees van die wêreld. En my hart sing weer: HOE GROOT IS ONS GOD! • Get to know... Soul Surfer Maandprogram Laminin - Jesus’ Fame Raai Wie Algemene Kerkinligting IN HIERDIE UITGAWE Bestuur Proefleser Grafiese Oorsig Anthony, Quintin, Kristen Denmarié Gavin Young INHOUD BYDRAES Voorwoord: Get to know: Laminin: Digging Deeper: Hester Bredenhand Ano Niem Triveno Smith Aubrey Cloete WYSHEID VAN DIE GRYSHEID Mei 2011 R2.00 Tel: 021 872 3437 Fax: 086 524 6011 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Facebook/La Vie Mag Man’s way leads to a hopeless end. God’s way leads to an endless hope. -unknown- Die Grootheid van God deur Hester Bredenhand


Mei Maand UItgawe

Transcript of La Vie Uitgawe 4

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L i v i n g L i f e L o u d


Oppad na my Pa se 60ste verjaarsdag, in Februarie, kon ek my verkyk aan die natuurskoon

om my. Met elke draai van die bus se wiele het my hart vol geraak van dankbaarheid en

lofsange. Om my was groot majestieuse berge, bossies, bome, stroompies en voëls in die

lug. Alles so perfek en asemrowend dat daar 'n knop in my keel was en ek weereens

stomgeslaan was oor my God. Die Grootheid en Heerlikheid oor wie Hy is en dat Hy alles so

perfek geskape het.

Genesis 2: 1 – So is dan voltooi die hemel en die aarde met hulle ganse leermag.

Dieselfde Almagtige Heer wat die pragtige natuur en die wonder van die mens geskape het, soveel duisend jare terug, is

nog steeds dieselfde. Hy het ons geskape om die pragskoon om ons te beleef, te geniet en te beskerm.

Gen. 1:28 – En God het hulle geseën, en God het vir hulle gesê: Wees vrugbaar en vermeerder en vul die aarde,

onderwerp dit en heers oor die visse van die see en die voëls van die hemel en oor al die diere wat op die aarde kruip.

Hy het al die mooi spesiaal vir ons gemaak omdat Hy ons liefhet en vir ons Sy beste wil gee. God het vir ons Sy ALLES

gegee. Sy Seun se lewe was die prys wat Hy vir ons betaal het.

Die beste nuus ooit is dat dit nie die einde is nie - Jesus het opgestaan en lewe sodat ons kan lewe en dit in oorvloed kan

hê. Die graf is leeg en die oorwinning is ons s'n in Jesus Naam. Hoe wonderlik en bo ons menslike verstand is die

opoffering wat Christus gemaak het vir ons. Wie van ons sal ons lewe vir ons broer of suster gee.

1 Kor. 15: 4 – en dat Hy begrawe is, en dat Hy op die derde dag opgewek is volgens die skrifte.

Laat ons nooit vergeet wat Christus gedoen het nie, laat ons dit nie net in hierdie tyd vier nie maar laat ons altyd onthou hoe

lief Hy ons het. Jesus Christus het 'n lewende offer geword vir ons sondes en Hy't opgestaan en lewe tot in ewigheid!

Ek besef weer dat die lewe 'n geskenk is wat ons moet aangryp met albei hande en die beste van elke oomblik moet maak.

Lewe voluit met oorgawe, wees lief vir almal, dra mekaar se laste en dien mekaar. Daarby moet ons ook ons kruis opneem

en Hom volg, lewe soos wat Jesus ons voorbeeld was. Dis nie altyd maklik nie maar saam met Hom is dit moontlik. Ons

moet ons beste vir Hom gee want Hy verdien dit en soveel meer. Hy verdien ons lof en prys en aanbidding, ons totale

oorgawe aan Hom.

Psalm 65: 2 – Aan U kom 'n lofsang toe, o God, in Sion, en aan U moet die gelofte betaal word.

Die beste van alles is dat God, die Skepper van alles, van jou en my, ons nie alleen laat nie. In ons goeie tye is Hy daar

want Hy wil elke oomblik van ons lewens deel. Selfs in die slegte tye is Hy daar om ons te dra en by te staan wanneer ons

voel daar is niks en niemand naby wat omgee nie. Hy wil ons laste neem sodat ons vry kan wees van die wêreld. En my

hart sing weer: HOE GROOT IS ONS GOD!

• Get to know...

• Soul Surfer

• Maandprogram

• Laminin - Jesus’ Fame

• Raai Wie

• Algemene Kerkinligting




Grafiese Oorsig

Anthony, Quintin, Kristen


Gavin Young


Get to know:


Digging Deeper:

Hester Bredenhand

Ano Niem

Triveno Smith

Aubrey Cloete


Mei 2011R2.00

Tel: 021 872 3437Fax: 086 524 6011

E-mail: [email protected]: Vie Mag

Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.God’s way leads to an endless hope.


Die Grootheid van God deur Hester Bredenhand

Page 2: La Vie Uitgawe 4




Col 3:23

We live in a world where most people live for their goals. They want to have more money and want to live the good life. They are driven by

success, and success in the world's eyes means having lots of money, a great job, a very big house and a smart car to go with that. You can

add to the list. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being rich. God bless you if you are rich. The thing is we don't live by the

same standards of the world. We are to do all things not for ourselves or to show our friends and family how wonderful we are, but for God.

Have a look at your life and ask yourself: “how am I making Jesus famous at my workplace or at school?” Do my fellow workers or students

even know that I am a born again child of God? House wives, can the neighbours see Jesus in your lives?

During this week make an active attempt to glorify God in all you do. Testify to someone about what Jesus means to you. Matt 5:16

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to

God the Father through him. whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

A few years ago I worked for an Electrical company. The owner was a Christian but when I wanted to speak about the things of God he told

me that he sees his work life different from his church life. He did not want to mix the two. I was very disappointed to hear someone in effect

say that he is only a Christian at Church.

Shocking? Oh yes, but this is what most of us do. In church we worship God and during the week we talk, walk and do as the world. (Rom


Even so

let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

LamininK E E P I N G U S O G E T H E R

INTRODUCTION:What does it mean to make someone famous? What makes an actor famous? What makes singers or bands famous? Think

about a sport star. What or who makes these people famous? The Fans!

Definition of fan: A enthusiastic devotee, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity.

So you would agree with me to say that a person would not become famous without people who are fans.

According to Wikipedia the characteristics of a fan is as follows

- Fans usually have a strong enough interest that some changes in their lifestyles are made to accommodate devotion

to a focal object.

Fans are also very expressive about their hero or star whom they dearly follow. They are not shy to talk about the latest news

they heard on the TV or read on the internet about their superstar. They also know everything about their heroes, what their

favourites are, they read up about them and know things about that person as if they know the person personally. When we

look to our relationship with Christ we are more than fans, we are His followers.

By Triveno SmithMaking Jesus famous - Are you a fan or are you a follower?


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SCRIPTURE READING: MATT 25: 14 -28Have you ever heard the famous question and phrase: “What can I do for God? I am not as gifted and talented like that person”. Maybe the same words

came over your lips. Well let me tell you, we all have gifts and talents, some of us like to be in the forefront, others prefer the background. It really does not

matter what we do as long as we make Jesus famous.

Take time and ask yourself: “What am I good at?” Maybe you like to encourage people or even pray for people. Maybe you like working with kids. God has

placed great gifts and talents inside of us all. Just think about this, the God who created you is the Creator of all things visible and invisible (Col 1:16). This

very God made us in His image (Gen 1:26). You have creative “juice” flowing inside of you.

In the Scripture reading we read that the owner (God) gave talents to different servants. To one he gave five, to another he gave two and another he gave

one. The servants who received five and two talents multiplied it but the servant who received one hid his talent. What are you doing with what God gave

you? Are you using it or hiding it? Maybe you don't even know what your gifts or talents are and you may even believe the lie of the devil that says that you

can't do anything for God's kingdom.Let it be our aim this week to make Jesus famous with our gifts and talents. If you are good at baking, bless someone with a cake!



Everything we do worships something or someone. You either worship God, yourself or an object of affection (another person, sport, material things)“That which takes the most of your time, is the object of your worship” – The thing that we value the most takes our worship. Paraphrased from Wired for a

life of Worship by Louie Giglio

Exercise: Make a time list of things you do during the day (Television, friends, reading bible, Cell group meeting, visiting with friends, playing games, movies

etc. Check what takes the most of your time. Who or what is at the top of your list? Take it one step further – Check on what you spend most of your money

on. It is shocking that many people think that the only time we worship is in Church on a Sunday or at cell group when we sing. If we only worship on a Sunday

during service then we are worshipping worship (the experience) and not God. God is to be worshipped at all times. Let our lives be a love song to Jesus.

This coming week let us present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice, daily worshipping and glorifying Him through every act we do. Let us live holy lives,

lives that are pleasing to God.

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping,

eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life, and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do

for him. (The Message translation). I just love how it says it.

What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. ~ Eleanor Powell

Week 3


SCRIPTURE READING: MATT 6:10 “Let Your kingdom come, Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”Last month we celebrated Passover or Easter as most of us know it. We reflected on how Jesus, our Saviour and Hero laid down His life for you and me on

the cross. His life is the ultimate example of how we should worship God. Jesus lived for the will of God (John 4:33 – 34). This is an interesting scripture –

Jesus said that His food is to do the will of Him (God the Father) who sent Him, and to finish His work. And Jesus surely finished what He came to do on earth

(John 19:30). It was more important for Jesus to do His Father's will than to have a nice meal. Think about that for a while. Is the will of God top priority in

your life or do you put your own pleasures and treasures first?(Matt 6:21).

When we live for own goals (purpose, cause) it ends in death but when we live for the mission (purpose, cause) of Christ we live for eternity.Paul was a radical Jewish Pharisee who even killed for what he believed in. You can read his credentials in Phil 3: 4b – 6. Paul had an encounter with Jesus

and His life changed completely (Read Acts 9: 1- 20). His mission in life changed into Jesus' mission (Matt 28:19-20). Paul says in verse 7 & 8 of Philippians 3: “I count everything as a loss to the knowledge of Christ.” All his earthly achievements meant nothing to Him

compared to knowing Christ. Paul chose to make Jesus famous. He also said: “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil 1:21

Making Jesus famous means - living your life in the shadow of your Saviour. It is all about Jesus - what pleases Him, what satisfies Him, what Glorifies Him. If

we claim to be Jesus' followers, people must know it, sense it and experience it in and through our lives. Everything we do should highlight that we are

doing it for the glory of God.

Go out this week and let the kingdom of God and His will be evident in your life here on earth as it is in Heaven.

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Volle naam en van: Mark Shaun Fowler

Geboortedatum: 21 April 1992

Geboorteplek: Die mooie Paarl vallei

Beroep: Deeltydse sendeling (kom vra my as dit nie sin maak nie)

Markie soos meeste van ons hom ken. Ons weet sy hart is sending werk, maar kom ons gaan grou ‘n bietjie dieper.

Ek het vir Mark gevra om die volgende sinne te voltooi.

My visie vir die toekoms is. . . to shine God's light and proclaim His life-giving Gospel to the unreached people groups of the world. I wish to work for God all the days of my earthly existence.

Ek benodig ondersteuning deur. . .

PRAYER!!!It gets tough out there and prayer sustains me, it does amazing things with added faith. I also need financial support as I don't get paid for what I do. Normally this would be in the form of people supporting me monthly with a certain amount however

God leads.


Kos: Dit wat vol maak

Bybelvers: Acts 13:47

Sport: Dit wat fiks maak

Sê ding: "You of little faith,why do you doubt"-Jesus

Musiek: Dit wat God loof en prys

Movie: Slumdog Millionaire

So wat is volgende?

In about two weeks I will be travelling to Pretoria to re-join OM with one of their ministries caled YOUNG HOPE…

Wie is Young Hope?

Young Hope is a dynamic ministry focused on discipleship, missions exposure and youth development amongst youth and youth workers in Southern Africa

We will be involved in:

Discipleship programs, including a youth camp Called TeenStreetCoordinating discipleship programs in local churchesTeaching and exposing young people to missionsYouth workers' training

This will be what I will be doing for the next two years God sparing. I am really excited for this ministry and being the hands and feet of God wherever he places me. The two guys I will be working with, Mpumi and Ricki, has already started and recently took a group of 50 young people to the village of Matlatla in Gazankulu and had an amazing time with God over there. The three of us will be sharing a house in the township of Mamelodi in Pretoria and we will also be focused on building relationships and reaching to the young men of that area.

Financial and Prayer support

I will be working in the midst of Satan's playground and will need all the prayer I can get. Please continue to pray for me and my team as well as for the hearts of the people we will be getting in contact with. Prayer is VITAL and all your prayers will be much appreciated.

For those who do not know, I will not be getting paid for what I will be doing and will be relying on the generous financial seed of others to get by every month. This will be in the form of sponsors, individuals and groups sowing a certain amount either every month or once-off gifts. Should you wish to become a financial partner with me please feel free to contact me or sow into the account at the bottem. Please remember that this isn't for my benefit but that you will be sowing directly into the Kingdom of God and helping with it's extension. God bless your heart!!

Mark Fowler Operation Mobilization, account number- 1500 600 302, ABSA Bank, Brooklyn

Mark's banking details:Mark Shaun FowlerStandard Bank Savings AccountAcc num- 076 825 132Branch Code- 05 02 10

Contact details: [email protected] phone number- 071 725 8814Sending team Leader- Lesley Jacobs: 076 893 1731

Mark Fowler

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eeds van die vroegste tye wys God vir ons dat Hy deur Rdie natuur praat. In Genesis 3:8 lees ons hoe God in die Paradys, dit waaraan Hy vyf van die ses dae van die skepping gewerk het (en ‘n prentjie moes wees), loop en na Adam en Eva roep. Dit word beskryf dat Hy in die koelte van die aandwind met Adam ‘gekuier’ het.Genesis 7-8 vertel ons die verhaal waar God een van die magtigste elemente van die natuur: water, gebruik om ontslae te raak van ‘n volk wat geen bekering tot Hom ingehou het nie. God gebruik die hemelruim met die hemelwesens daarin om vir Josef te wys hoe groot hy in Sy oë is (Gen 37:9) en met die tien plae (Eks 7:14-12:30) wys Hy, deur om verskillende fasette van die natuur te gebruik, vir die Egiptenare dat hulle geen kans teen Hom staan nie.

Die voorbeelde wat ons kan gebruik uit die Bybel om te bewys dat die natuur vir God belangrik is, is onnoembaar baie. Almal van ons weet dat daar ‘n rustigheid oor jou kom wanneer jy weg van die gejaagdheid van die lewe, om ‘n kampvuur sit terwyl die naggeluide om jou gesels en die sterre bo jou elkeen hul eie storie vertel. Stap jy op die strand, word jy stomgeslaan deur die wete dat jy in iets vaskyk wat nagenoeg 70% van die samestelling van die aarde uitmaak. Staan jy bo-op ‘n berg en kyk af oor heuwels en klowe wat ingekleur word deur ‘n magdom veldblommetjies, bome, grasse en met die horison wat die eerste tekens van die sonsondergang toon, voel jy hoe iets in jou gebeur, né? Dit is asof jy vrygemaak word van dit wat jou so onderdruk in jou normale lewensgang en asof jy alle maskers en fronte wat jy in die alledaagse lewe voorhou, outomaties laat gaan.

Hoekom gebeur dit so maklik dat ons vergeet waarin God behae vind? Oral vind ons dat, om naby aan Sy hartklop te leef, juis dit is wat ons lewe gee. Hy vind geen behae daarin om te sien hoe ons ons lewens leef soos wat Salomo in Prediker 1:2-11 uit moedeloosheid beskryf. . .hoedat ons uiteindelik die bus mis nie. Dan staan een feit onoorwonne bo die res uit. Nooit sal ons kan sê dat ons nie die kans gegun word om die skepping te waardeer nie. Want oral waar jy beweeg sien jy iets wat nie mensgemaak is nie. ‘n Boom wat honderde jare oud is en vasgeplant staan soos’n anker in ‘n tuin; ‘n blommetjie met sy sagte geur en kunstige kleurmenging wat nooit, met al die tegniek in die wêreld, presies net so op papier sal kan vasgevang word nie; ‘n fluweelsagte grasperk wat jou uitnooi om op hom uit te span en jouself weer te vind.. .die geleenthede is altyd daar!

God praat deur die natuur. Dit het Hy bewys in die Bybel en so praat Hy daagliks nog in ons lewens. Hoekom maak ons nie ‘n punt daarvan om stil te word. . .en agter te kom hoe Hy Sy teenwoordigheid so duidelik vir ons wys; hoe Hy so lief is vir ons dat ons nie verbeelding hoef te gebruik om Hom te ervaar nie, maar dat ons Hom eintlik kan sien (ons moet net ons oë oopmaak en kyk) en beleef hoe ons lewens verryk word. Ek dink dit is tyd dat die skille van gejaagdheid van ons oë afval en dat ons Sy bederf aan ons waardeer en geniet. Soos C.J. Langenhoven dit stel: “As die lang skadus toevou oor die vlakte en kloof en die weste uitvlam met gloeiende prag, streel die aandwindjie sag oor die klamkoele hoof, in ekstase gebuig oor die afskeid van die dag.” Aan die einde van jou sprokieswêreld verbeelding, is die begin van die hemelse heerlikheid!

-And God said: “You missed the sunrise this morning. . . don’t worry! I’ll give you another one tomorrow.”-

ord of Life Ministries is a writing Ministry which the Lord has layed on my heart, for quite some time to only write about that what the Holy Spirit deposited into my soul.W

With this column we are digging deeper into the Holy Scriptures to give you a vivid picture of understanding the truth and thus beginning to spread the Gospel of God's Kingdom.

My hope and trust are that by reading God's Word and hearing God's voice in the passages, you would be inspired to spread His Word and raise up a next generation for His Kingdom.

1 John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life.( Holy Bible NKJV: 1982)

Who Is God?The God described in the Bible is a good and powerful spirit being who created all things, who cares about what we do, and who offers us an eternity with his goodheartedness. The religious belief that God exists is most basic for Christians.

A solid starting point for understanding who God is and what God is doing in our lives, is to focus on the qualities of God that you might find helpful.

His existenceMany people want proof of God's existence. But it is likely better to talk in terms of evidence, rather than proof. The evidence gives us a feeling of trust that God exists and is the being the Bible describes.

God “did not leave Himself without witness...” Paul told the heathen in Lystra (Acts 14:17). Well then, what is the witness?

CreationPsalm 19:1 states that: “The heavens declare the glory of God:” Romans1:20 declares, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes(qualities) are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made...” Creation in itself tells us something about God.

It is justifiable for us to believe that something caused the earth, sun and stars to be the way they are. Scientists say the universe began with a big bang, and it is reasonable for us to believe that something caused the bang. That something, we believe, was God.

Drawing/plan/model/designCreation shows tokens of order, of laws of physics. If various properties of matter were different, then earth would not exist, or humans could exist. If the size or orbit of earth were different, then conditions on this planet would not permit human life. Justice is that the solar system was planned by the intelligent Creator, God.

HumansSelf-conscious by nature who explore the universe, who consider the meaning of life, who seek significance. Physical hunger, thirst and intellectual longing for purpose suggest that there is a meaning to be found. Many people claim to have found meaning in relationship with God.

LifeSome people believe that life had an intelligent cause; others believe that it happened by chance. But for many people, the existence of life is witness of a Creator God.

MoralityIs right or wrong, a matter of opinion, of majority rule, or is there some supernatural being authority that defines good and evil? If there is no God, then humans have no basis for proclaiming anything evil, no reason to condemn racism, mass murders, torture or any other cruelty. The existence of evil is therefore evidence that God exists.

GreatnessPaul's divine writing in 2 Timothy 1:9 connected something that God did “before time began” Time had a beginning, and God existed before that. He has timeless existence that cannot be measured by years. He is eternal, of boundless age – a boundlessness plus several billion is still boundless.

God existed before matter did, and the dimensions and properties of matter do not apply to Him. He cannot be measured in kilometers and kilowatts. Solomon acknowledged that even the highest heavens could not contain God (1 Kings 8:27). He fills heaven and earth (Jeremiah 23:24); He is everywhere, or omnipresent. There is no place in the universe where He does not exist.

By Aubrey Cloete

Digging Deeper

Adapted, Condensed, Simplified and Abridged from:

God en die Natuur

Geneem en Verwerk Uit Relevant 2007

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Teen's Tragedy Helps Youth

Find Christ urfer Bethany Hamilton says the shark attack that Scost her an arm has led others to Jesus.

Hundreds have reportedly accepted Christ through the testimony of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton who lost her arm in a shark attack.

Bethany, 15, said she prayed that God would use her and bring something good out of losing her left arm while surfing on Halloween 2003 off the north shore of Kauai, the Hawaiian island where she lives. Bethany's prayer has been answered. Her story of how her faith grew rather than wavered has turned the teen into an internationally recognized personality.

Bethany, who nearly died and lost more than half her blood from the attack by a 14-foot tiger shark, has spoken of her relationship with God on The Oprah Winfrey Show, MTV's Total Request Live, Entertainment Tonight, The Tonight Show, 20/20, and in People, Time and Glamour magazines.

"I don't pretend to have all the answers to why bad things happen to good people," Bethany wrote in her autobiography, Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. "But I do know that God knows all those answers, and sometimes He lets you know in this life, and sometimes He asks you to wait so that you can have a face-to-face talk about it.

"What I do know is that I want to use what happened to me as an opportunity to tell people that God is worthy of our trust, and to show them that you can go on and do wonderful things in spite of terrible events that happen," she continued.

As a member of the North Shore Christian Church in Kauai and the No. 1-ranked amateur female surfer in Hawaii when she was attacked, Bethany has been unshaken.

After her recovery, Bethany surfed again the day before Thanksgiving 2003. In January 2004, 10 weeks after the attack, she was fifth in her age group in the 2004 National Surfing Championships and has qualified to compete

again this year.

Bethany has garnered several honors, including the 2004 ESPY Award for Comeback Athlete of the Year and the Gene Autry Courage Award.

"Bethany's faith is absolutely real and genuine. How could it not be? The girl was back in the water within one month of her accident. It could only be her strong faith in God that made that tremendous feat possible."

Bethany pointed out that some of her friends have accepted Christ since the attack. Her Web site message board is replete with messages about her faith.

Steve Thompson, pastor of North Shore Christian Church in Kauai, a 200-member nondenominational church, said Bethany has a genuine concern for other people. "It is remarkable in a youth her age that she is even aware of other people and especially those who are hurting," Thompson, 52, told Charisma. "She has a genuine love for others. She has a strong, confident sense that what she is doing is God's will for her."

Although she doesn't have one favorite Bible verse, Bethany said Romans 8:28 "means a lot" to her regarding her shark experience. "Through it all, I just believed that God would take care of me and everything would be OK," she said.

Film ReviewSOUL SURFER is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, inspiring millions worldwide through the love of her family, her sheer determination, and her unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.

Soul Surfer is an inspirational film, based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton, a 13 year old competitive surfer with big dreams and a courageous spirit. Coming from a family of surfers, riding the waves is all Bethany can dream about. But her dreams turn into a nightmare after a sudden shark attack takes her left arm and her hopes of ever surfing again.

Soul Surfer is a well produced film, that leans heavily on it's soul-lifting story, stellar acting and a rocking soundtrack on a moderate budget. For a film based on a true story, I got caught up in the action and well paced story-telling.

I admired the way the film

presented Bethany's family

and their Christian faith, being

faithful to church and being

such positive role models.

Another refreshing bonus was

the lack of any profanity or

sexuality, making it completely

suitable and safe for viewing

in a church or youth group

setting. I highly recommend

this entertaining and uplifting

film for the entire family

By Eric Tiansay

Released in April for SA theaters

Page 7: La Vie Uitgawe 4


As u enige kort getuienis het van wat God vir u gedoen

het en u wil Sy Naam grootmaak, laat weet ons asseblief

of email dit vir ons!

1 Tim 4:12


Dr. sê:

Faith Builders - Prys die Here!!

Die Woord ‘Moeder’ Beteken Liefde

Liefde! Dis waarvoor die woord, Moeder staan;

So neem die hele wêreld dit ook aan.

Geen liefde wat ons aan ander betoon

Is soos die van ‘n moeder, so buitengewoon.

Dis Moeder! - laat ons dit besing -

Wat kinders in die wêreld bring.

Ja, dis ‘n Goddelike seën

Dat Hy “klein sieltjies” vir ons leen.

Dit verg ‘n moeder’ liefdehand,

Haar hart, haar wysheid en verstand

Om die klein lewetjie te vorm -

Om beskerming te bied in die lewensstorm.

Slegs Moederliefde het die krag

Om te volbring wat God verwag

Van dié een, wat God so vertrou

Om oor Sy lammertjies wag te hou.

Ja, God stel spesiaal hul aan

Om as Moeders in Sy plek te staan.

Moeder! - die naam wat ons noem;

Selfs Heiliges sal daarin roem.

Dit is tyd dat die kerk die Woord van God begin lief kry, elke woord en elke letter moet vir ons belangrik wees. Die Bybel is die enigste antwoord vir hierdie wêreld, en as ons nie eers weet wat daarin staan nie. . .(Hosea 4:6) Hier is ‘n paar interesante feite van Die Bybel.

Totale Hoofstukke in die Bybel - 1189

Langste Hoofstuk - Psalm 119

Kortste Hoofstuk - Psalm 117

Die Middelste Hoofstuk - 118

Hoofstukke voor Psalm 118 - 594 Hoofstukke

Hoofstukke na Psalm 118 - 594 Hoofstukke

Die langste woord in die Bybel - Mahershalalhashbaz-Jesaja 8:1

Hoeveelheid beloftes in die Bybel - 1260

Die Bybel is alreeds vertaal in 1200 tale

Die Bybel gee alle eer en heerlikheid aan die Hemelse Vader. Jesus Christus (Yashua Massiah) is versteek in die Ou Testament en is geopenbaar in die Nuwe Testament.

Die Bybel is geskryf deur die Heilige Gees deur 40 mense oor ‘n periode van sowat 1600 jaar te gebruik, wat strek vanaf 1500 BC to 100 jaar na Christus.

Voltaire, die Franse fielosoof wat 'n atiës was, het gedreig dat hy sal toe sien dat die Bybel vernietig word en sal verwyder word van die gesig van die aarde. Die Bybelgenootskap het toe na sy dood die huis waarin hy gebore was gekoop en vandag is die gebou een van die grootste verkoopsentrums van Bybels.

Passion: Here For You was recorded live at Passion 2011 with more than 20,000 university-aged students in Atlanta, GA January 1-4, 2011. The much-anticipated collection of new songs will feature sixstepsrecords artists Chris Tomlin, David Crowder*Band, Matt Redman, Christy Nockels and Kristian Stanfill. The album and new song offerings reflects the desire of a generation to lay down their lives to live for the renown of Christ. Available at CUM Shops everywhere. Get it NOW!!

1. Here For You - Chris Tomlin2. Symphony - Chris Tomlin3. Waiting Here For You - Christy Nockels4. All My Fountains - Chris Tomlin5. Shadows - David Crowder*Band (Feat. Lecrae)6. Lord, I Need You - Chris Tomlin7. Set Free - Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman8. Forever Reign - Kristian Stanfill9. Sometimes - David Crowder*Band10. Always - Kristian Stanfill11. Carry Your Name - Christy Nockels12. Spirit Fall - Chris Tomlin

CD Review

Die Bybel

Twee jaar terug het ek geweldige pyn in my lae rug ervaar. Dokters was bekommerd, maar die pyn het weggegaan.

‘n Maand gelede was dit weer so en baie erger. Xtrale en ‘n MRI het niks goeds voorspel nie. Daar is vir my gebid en Maandag was die dokters stomgeslaan. Geen pyn, geen

operasie, geen probleem! “GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!”Winnefred Solomons

Real men and women follow


Page 8: La Vie Uitgawe 4


EN was uit die skool geskop toe sy 14 was. Daarna, het sy nogals wild Jbegin raak: dwelms, feeste, rowwe partytjies - sy het alles moontlik gedoen om nie te voldoen aan die standaarde nie.

In 2001 toe sy 16 jaar oud was, was sy een aand by ‘n klub . Sy het toe ‘n paar jong mense ontmoet wat groot geword het in die Jesus Fellowship en hulle het toe goeie vriende geraak.

“Ek was afgesit van Christenskap,” sê Jen, “want Christene het net te vriendelik gelyk, alles mooi ‘uitgesorteer’ en ‘netjies’. Die realiteit is nie regtig so nie.

Jen het nogtans na ‘n kerkdiens saam met haar nuwe vriende gegaan. Hulle het ‘n liedie gesing met die woorde “I fall on You, because everything else is insecure”.

Jen het gestaan en luister – en toe begin sy huil.

“Ek onthou ‘n gevoel van totale vrede wat al die vuilgoed binne my verwyder het en iets binne my was so tevrede.” onthou sy, “ek het huis toe gegaan en dit maar afgeskryf – ek het gedink ek was miskien net emosioneel gewees daardie dag – maar diep binne my het ek geweet dit is iets meer, want ek het nog nooit gehuil nie.”

“Wat ek daardie aand gevoel het, het my aanhou pla – ek kon nie daardie vrede wat ek gevoel het vergeet nie, die vrede wat ek nog nooit ervaar het nie en wat ek nog altyd wou hê.”

Jen het aanhou kerk toe gaan. “Ek wou weer daardie vrede ervaar en kon dit nêrens anders vind nie. Wanneer ek nie in die kerk was nie het ek angs aanvalle gekry en dit was toe dat ek besluit het om my lewe vir God te gee.”

‘n Jaar later, toe sy 17 was, is sy gedoop. “Ek was gemotiveerd om anders te wees - so dit was vir my maklik om dit te doen.”

“Mense praat altyd van ongelooflike ervaringe wat hulle het as hulle gedoop is – maar dit was nie eintlik so vir my nie,” erken Jen. “Ek was in ‘n rivier gedoop, dit was yskoud en ek het nie eintlik enigiets spesiaal gevoel nie. Maar daar was ‘n regte verandering in my daarna. Van daardie oomblik af het ek nie meer dwelms gebruik en dronk geword nie.”

In 2007 moes Jen baie moeilike besluite neem. ‘n Langtermyn verhouding het beteken dat haar toekoms verseker was, maar sy het geweet dat God haar vir iets groters geroep het.

“Op ‘n manier het ek geweet dat die verhouding keer dit wat God met my wil doen.” sê Jen. “Ek kan nogals baie roekeloos wees en ek het besef dat God my roekeloosheid vir Hom wou gebruik.”

By ‘n Jesus Festival, het nog ‘n stuk uit ‘n liedjie vir Jen geslaan: “So let us rid ourselves of anything that slows us down”. Die realiteit van wat God vir haar op daardie oomblik gevra het, het haar getref. Sy het toe die verhouding beëindig en ‘n week later in ‘n Jesus Fellowship Christian gemeenskapshuis ingetrek wat “Living Stones”genoem word.

“Ek is mal oor die idee van ’n klomp verskillende mense wat saam woon en vir God lewe.”

Die toekoms? Jen se passie is om te sien dat jong meisies besef dat Jesus hulle lief het en hulle waardeer, en dat hulle, hulle sekuriteit in God moet vind.

“Ek weet hoe dit voel – ek was ook daar. ‘n Mens sien dit orals, jong meisies wat dink hulle is waardeloos. Hulle gee hulleself oor aan goed wat uiteindelik net meer pyn veroorsaak, want hulle dink hulle verdien niks beters nie.”

“Ek wil vir hulle wys dat daar iets meer is. As God my kon red, kan God definitief vir hulle red. Dit is ‘n lang reis, en ek het nog baie om te leer.”

Jeug datumsCrazy Praizy - 27 Mei

Nooi jou vriende, dit gaan bos wees!!

Jeugdiens - 29 Mei Kom neem deel as jy jonk is

Jeugkamp - 26-28 AugustusOnthou om te begin spaar vir die kamp

Bumper StickersReligion says do; Christianity says done

God answers knee-mail

Prevent truth decay. Brush up on your Bible

It’s hard to stumble when you’re on your knees

Give God what’s right, not what’s left

Kindness is difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back

Wrinkled with burdens?

Come to Jesus for a faith lift

Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it

Don’t say ‘Father’ on Sundays and spend the rest of the week acting like an orphan


My life was going to waste,

but God recycled me

If you can’t sleep

Don’t count sheep

Talk to the Shepherd

WWW W Web erwe die

Wsoektog erd Huge website Exalting

Jesus Christ


‘n Kyk na die nuutste Christelike Movies

GOD SE REBELJen Carter was ‘n opstandige tiener. Nou lewe sy vir God.

Page 9: La Vie Uitgawe 4



Past. Henry & Denmarié Young 021 872 4102Past. Rudi & Lee-Ann Young 021 870 1677

Noorder Paarl Hannes Terblanche 076 052 0544Jannie Engelbrecht 082 497 5527Wilhelm Nothnagel 082 448 6608Ronél Richard 082 952 3271

Blommedal Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299

Paarl Sentraal Past. H. Young 083 452 6942Anthony Young (Tienersel) 082 312 6132Hester Bredenhand 073 816 8793Erik Marais 074 101 2279

Denneburg John Smith 084 251 7303

Klein Parys John Solomons 071 189 3834

Groenheuwel Dawid Jooste 083 317 8328

Paarl Oos Aubrey Cloete 084 531 3656Jeremy Arendse 082 551 1497Willie October 082 385 5312Triveno Smith 082 484 2416Paul du Plessis 082 865 9511Selvyn Mekeur 073 673 0326

Jeug Quintin Venter 072 297 6144Kinderkerk Denmarié Young 073 193 2233Tabita-aksie Erica Jooné 084 515 6993Crossing Borders Gavin en Crystal Young 083 960 3590True Vine Ministries Erik en Retha Marais 074 101 2279

Geestelike Raad Past. Henry Young 083 452 6942Past. Rudi Young 083 415 7834Erik Marais 074 101 2279Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299John Smith 084 251 7303Francois v. Schalkwyk 082 577 6799

Kantoor (08:00 - 13:00) 021 872 3437


1 Mei Liza Kellerman 083 261 95473 Mei Charisse Welgemoed 082 784 13023 Mei Rynah Isaacs 082 416 28074 Mei Manley Diedericks 073 540 77217 Mei Dirkie van Schalkwyk 082 924 44058 Mei Lawrence Möller 082 419 01379 Mei Joan Collins 021 862 54369 Mei Sylvia Mekeur 073 203 245111 Mei John Solomons 071 189 383413 Mei May Carolissen 072 622 950721 Mei Devan Nicholas 073 219 586821 Mei Kayfren Wolhuter 021 862 942222 Mei Rudi Young 083 415 783423 Mei Gavin Young 071 857 088123 Mei Wesley Williams 071 170 397024 Mei Bernardine Cloete 074 649 2110

Verjaardag wense aan:



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Die Lig en Lewe Sentrum is deur God geroep om deur opleiding die Lig van

God se Woord teversprei en deur restourasie die Lewe

van Christus te leef sodat ons ‘n verskil kan maak in

die areas waar ons daagliks beweeg. Verder is ons in selle betrokke om

mekaar te bedienen om uit te reik na hulle wat nog buite

die Koninkryk van Jesus Christus staan. Ons strewe

om ‘n intieme verhouding met God te hê deurdat ons ten volle leef en optree

soos ons Hemelse vader van ons verwag.

24 Mei Martin Mostert 084 917 434724 Mei Patricia Trout 073 228 857724 Mei Zhunia Adonis 082 547 307827 Mei Lee-Ann Young 079 877 954528 Mei Neuvine Jansen 072 819 044730 Mei Wessel van Breda 082 775 596531 Mei Carmen Nicholis 078 148 5476