L 10 dialogue

Lesson 10 Dialogue 2

Transcript of L 10 dialogue

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Lesson 10 Dialogue 2

Page 2: L 10 dialogue

今年的感恩節 , 我們去了外祖母家。她家離紐約很近。感恩節那天早上 , 吃過早飯以後 ,我們就動身了。外祖父兩年前去世了 , 所以外祖母現在一個人住。外祖母很希望我們常去她那兒。她說家裏越熱鬧她越高興。因為一共有十個大人五個小孩兒 , 外祖母烤了三隻火雞 , 也做了很多菜。除了火雞以外我也吃了很多點心 ,比方說蘋果派,南瓜派,冰淇淋,汽水,瓜子什麼的,好吃極了。感恩節是美國最特別的節日,很像中國人過春節,全家人聚在一起。吃過飯以後,大人們聊天,打麻將,小孩子們玩撲克牌,打電動玩具。我們到半夜才回家。

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连 + Noun + 也 / 都(不) + Adjective/Verb1. 他連名字都不會寫。 He can’t even write his name.

2. 我連簡單的英語也不會說。 I can’t speak even simple English.

1.She studies math every day. I even study on Sundays.2.She likes eating fruits . She even likes durian .3. He's so poor. He doesn't even have enough money to eat.4. Aren’t you a computer expert, how come you don’t even know how to use Word?

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A 不像(沒有) B 那麼(這麼) +adj

“ 中國坐飛機不像在美國那麼方便”1. 做中國飯不像學中文那麼難。 Cooking Chinese food is not as difficult as studying Chinese.2. 美國的人不像中國那麼多。 There are not as many people in the U.S. as it is in China.

2. He is not as tall as I am.3. Amy’s Chinese is not as good as Mary’s4. John is not as interested in movies as Jane is.5. Mom’s cooked dinner is not as tasty as dads.

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(5) 要 ... 得 ...

1. 在美國 , 要去飯館吃飯常常得開車。 In the U.S., you often have to drive to eat in a restaurant.

2. 要學中文 , 得跟中國人練習。 If you want to study Chinese, you have to practice with a Chinese person.

Talk with your partner about 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals and what you need to do to achieve it

(use 要。。。得。。。)

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