Gerbiamas Kolega, Nuoširdžiai sveikiname Jus su Šv. Kalėdomis ir Naujaisiais 2004 metais. Linkime asmeninės laimės ir sėkmės. Maloniai kviečiame Jus ir Jūsų kolegas į tarptautinę konferenciją. Konferenciją organizuoti Kauno technologijos universiteto Telekomunikacijų ir elektronikos fakultetui padeda Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Rygos technikos universitetas, Talino technikos universitetas, IEEE Lietuvos atstovai. Planuojami konferencijos posėdžiai: 1. Vaizdų technologija; 2. Medicinos technologija; 3. Signalų technologija; 4. Automatizavimas, robototechnika, valdymo inžinerija; 5. Lazerinė technologija; 6. Elektronika; 7. Mikroelektronika; 8. Telekomunikacijų inžinerija; 9. Elektros inžinerija; 10. Aukštųjų dažnių technologija, mikrobangos. Taip pat laukiame pranešimų ir kitomis temomis, susijusiomis su elektronikos teorija ir technika. Jūs galite asmeniškai kviestis sveèius. Tuo atveju kviečiamų svečių konferencijos išlaidas apmoka kvietėjas. Jūsų paraiškų laukiame iki 2004 m. vasario 1 d. Publikuotų darbų rinkiniai mokami. Vieno rinkinio kaina 700 Lt, o vieno numerio - 100 Lt. Pinigus pervesti ne vėliau 2004 metų kovo 31 d. į KTU adresu: LT-3006 Kaunas, sąskaita Nr. 60003104481 AB Vilniaus bankas, kodas 70440, vidinė sąskaita S006 12. Dalyvavimas konferencijos darbe nemokamas. Mokslinius pranešimus numatoma išspausdinti mokslo žurnale ISSN 1392-1215 “Elektronika ir elektrotechnika”. Oficialios konferencijos ir pranešimų medžiagos kalbos: lietuvių, anglų, rusų. Informacija konferencijos dalyviams teikiama: Kaune - tel./ faks.: 8 37 351389, mobil. tel. 8-686 96598; el. paštas: danielius.e[email protected] arba konf.e@cr.ktu.lt. Vilniuje - tel.: 8 5 2744772 (VGTU). el. paštas: a.marcinkevicius@el.vtu.lt Su pagarba konferencijos organizacinio komiteto pirmininkas D.Eidukas Chairman – Academician, Prof. Danielius Eidukas, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, KTU, Lithuania ELECTRONICS 2004 STEERING COMMITTEE ELECTRONICS 2004 PROGRAM COMMITTEE Prof. Tatevos Agachanian, PhEI, Moscow, Russia Prof. Ivar Bilinskis, IECS, Latvia Prof. Juozas Blužas, KMU, Lithuania Prof. Anatolij Dostanko, Minsk University of Radioengineering and Electronics, Belarus Prof. Vadim Engelson, Linköping University, Sweden Prof. Remigijus Gaška, University of Sensor Technology, USA Prof. Steponas Gečys, Kaunas University of Technology Prof. Johann Günther, Donube University, Austria Prof. Seiji Hirai, Tokyo Institute of Technologists, Japan Prof. Evalds Hermanis, SC “Vide”Latvia Prof. Zoi Kapoula, College de France, National Centre of Scientific Research of France Prof. Vincas Laurutis, Šiauliai University, Ltihuania Prof. Erik Lindberg, Technical University of Denmark Prof. Albinas Marcinkevičius, VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Ants Meister, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Prof. Osvaldas Meilus, Birmingham University, Great Britain Prof. Vladimir Osadčiuk, Vinitsa Technical University, Ukraine Prof. Zoran H. Peric, Nis University, Serbia Prof. Juryij Riabinin, JSC „Kvartz”, Nyznyj Novgorog, Russia Prof. Stasys Rupkus, IEEE, Lithuania Prof. Laimutis Telksnys, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Prof. Rimas Vaišnys, Yale University, USA Prof. Boris Velichkovskyi, Drezden University of Technology, Germany Prof. Juris Ziemelis, Riga Technical University, Latvia Prof. Radu Ursulean, Iasi Technical University, Romania ELECTRONICS 2004 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Prof. Pranciškus Balaišis, KTU, Lithuania Prof. Andrius Bielskis, Klaipėda University, Lithuania Prof. Romanas Krivickas, KTU, Lithuania Prof. Stanislovas Štaras, VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Algimantas Valinevičius, KTU, Lithuania Philologist Romualda Polzunova, KTU, Lithuania IMPORTANT DATES: 1 February, 2004 – Registration of participants, Title of paper. 1 March, 2004 – Submission of manuscrips (ready for publishing). 31 March, 2004 – Transfer of payment for paper publication. 15 April, 2004 – Selection of papers for publication by independent reviewers. 18, 19, 20 May, 2004 – Conference (Kaunas). 19,20 May, 2004 – Conference (Vilnius). KVIETIMAS, INVITATION, ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ 8-oji tarptautinė konferencija ELEKTRONIKA, 2004 m. gegužės 18-20 d. The 8 th International Conference ELECTRONICS, May 18-20, 2004 8-ая международная конференция ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА, 18-20 мая 2004 г. Address: Prof. D.Eidukas, KTU, Studentų st. 50 - 419 r., LT-3031 Kaunas, Lithuania; Phone / fax : + 370 37 351389; phone: +370 37 300525; mob. phone: +370 686 96598; e-mail : konf.e@cr.ktu.lt Prof. Vytautas Ostaševičius, Vice Rector of KTU, Lithuania Prof. Brunonas Dekeris, Dean of Telecommunications and Prof. Raimundas Kirvaitis, Vice Rector of VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Mart Min, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Prof. Liudvikas Pranevičius, Vice Rector of VDU, Lithuania Prof. Ivars Rankis, Riga Technical University, Latvia Electronics Faculty KTU, Lithuania


Page 1: KVIETIMAS, INVITATION, ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕkonferencijos.el.vgtu.lt/doc/elek/bylos/kvietimas.pdfGerbiamas Kolega, Academy of Sciences, KTU, Lithuania Nuoširdžiai sveikiname Jus

Gerbiamas Kolega,

Nuoširdžiai sveikiname Jus su Šv. Kalėdomis ir Naujaisiais 2004 metais. Linkime asmeninės laimės ir sėkmės. Maloniai kviečiame Jus ir Jūsų kolegas į tarptautinę konferenciją. Konferenciją organizuoti Kauno technologijos universiteto Telekomunikacijų ir elektronikos fakultetui padeda Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Rygos technikos universitetas, Talino technikos universitetas, IEEE Lietuvos atstovai. Planuojami konferencijos posėdžiai:

1. Vaizdų technologija; 2. Medicinos technologija; 3. Signalų technologija; 4. Automatizavimas, robototechnika, valdymo inžinerija; 5. Lazerinė technologija; 6. Elektronika; 7. Mikroelektronika; 8. Telekomunikacijų inžinerija; 9. Elektros inžinerija; 10. Aukštųjų dažnių technologija, mikrobangos.

Taip pat laukiame pranešimų ir kitomis temomis, susijusiomis su elektronikos teorija ir technika. Jūs galite asmeniškai kviestis sveèius. Tuo atveju kviečiamų svečių konferencijos išlaidas apmoka kvietėjas. Jūsų paraiškų laukiame iki 2004 m. vasario 1 d. Publikuotų darbų rinkiniai mokami. Vieno rinkinio kaina 700 Lt, o vieno numerio - 100 Lt. Pinigus pervesti ne vėliau 2004 metų kovo 31 d. į KTU adresu: LT-3006 Kaunas, sąskaita Nr. 60003104481 AB Vilniaus bankas, kodas 70440, vidinė sąskaita S006 12. Dalyvavimas konferencijos darbe nemokamas. Mokslinius pranešimus numatoma išspausdinti mokslo žurnale ISSN 1392-1215 “Elektronika ir elektrotechnika”. Oficialios konferencijos ir pranešimų medžiagos kalbos: lietuvių, anglų, rusų. Informacija konferencijos dalyviams teikiama:

Kaune - tel./ faks.: 8 37 351389, mobil. tel. 8-686 96598; el. paštas: [email protected] arba [email protected].

Vilniuje - tel.: 8 5 2744772 (VGTU). el. paštas: [email protected] Su pagarba konferencijos organizacinio komiteto pirmininkas


Chairman – Academician, Prof. Danielius Eidukas, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, KTU, Lithuania


ELECTRONICS 2004 PROGRAM COMMITTEE Prof. Tatevos Agachanian, PhEI, Moscow, Russia Prof. Ivar Bilinskis, IECS, Latvia Prof. Juozas Blužas, KMU, Lithuania Prof. Anatolij Dostanko, Minsk University of Radioengineering

and Electronics, Belarus Prof. Vadim Engelson, Linköping University, Sweden Prof. Remigijus Gaška, University of Sensor Technology, USA Prof. Steponas Gečys, Kaunas University of Technology Prof. Johann Günther, Donube University, Austria Prof. Seiji Hirai, Tokyo Institute of Technologists, Japan Prof. Evalds Hermanis, SC “Vide”Latvia Prof. Zoi Kapoula, College de France, National Centre of Scientific Research of France Prof. Vincas Laurutis, Šiauliai University, Ltihuania Prof. Erik Lindberg, Technical University of Denmark Prof. Albinas Marcinkevičius, VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Ants Meister, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Prof. Osvaldas Meilus, Birmingham University, Great Britain Prof. Vladimir Osadčiuk, Vinitsa Technical University, Ukraine Prof. Zoran H. Peric, Nis University, Serbia Prof. Juryij Riabinin, JSC „Kvartz”, Nyznyj Novgorog, Russia Prof. Stasys Rupkus, IEEE, Lithuania Prof. Laimutis Telksnys, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Prof. Rimas Vaišnys, Yale University, USA Prof. Boris Velichkovskyi, Drezden University of Technology,

Germany Prof. Juris Ziemelis, Riga Technical University, Latvia Prof. Radu Ursulean, Iasi Technical University, Romania

ELECTRONICS 2004 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Prof. Pranciškus Balaišis, KTU, Lithuania Prof. Andrius Bielskis, Klaipėda University, Lithuania Prof. Romanas Krivickas, KTU, Lithuania Prof. Stanislovas Štaras, VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Algimantas Valinevičius, KTU, Lithuania Philologist Romualda Polzunova, KTU, Lithuania

IMPORTANT DATES: 1 February, 2004 – Registration of participants, Title of paper. 1 March, 2004 – Submission of manuscrips (ready for publishing). 31 March, 2004 – Transfer of payment for paper publication. 15 April, 2004 – Selection of papers for publication by independent reviewers. 18, 19, 20 May, 2004 – Conference (Kaunas). 19,20 May, 2004 – Conference (Vilnius).


8-oji tarptautinė konferencija ELEKTRONIKA, 2004 m. gegužės 18-20 d.

The 8th International Conference ELECTRONICS, May 18-20, 2004

8-ая международная конференция ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА, 18-20 мая 2004 г.

Address: Prof. D.Eidukas, KTU, Studentų st. 50 - 419 r.,

LT-3031 Kaunas, Lithuania; Phone / fax : + 370 37 351389; phone: +370 37 300525;

mob. phone: +370 686 96598; e-mail : [email protected]

Prof. Vytautas Ostaševičius, Vice Rector of KTU, Lithuania Prof. Brunonas Dekeris, Dean of Telecommunications and

Prof. Raimundas Kirvaitis, Vice Rector of VGTU, Lithuania Prof. Mart Min, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Prof. Liudvikas Pranevičius, Vice Rector of VDU, Lithuania Prof. Ivars Rankis, Riga Technical University, Latvia

Electronics Faculty KTU, Lithuania

Page 2: KVIETIMAS, INVITATION, ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕkonferencijos.el.vgtu.lt/doc/elek/bylos/kvietimas.pdfGerbiamas Kolega, Academy of Sciences, KTU, Lithuania Nuoširdžiai sveikiname Jus

Dear Colleague,

Our best wishes for coming Christmas and 2004 New Year.

We kindly invite You and/or Your colleagues to participate at the International conference. Conference is organized by Telecommunications and Electronics Faculty of Kaunas University of Technology with the help of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Riga Technical University, Tallinn Technical University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuanian Representatives of IEEE.

The following problems are planned to discuss: 1. Image Processing; 2. MedicineTechnology; 3. Signal Processing; 4. Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering; 5. Laser Technology; 6. Electronics; 7. Microelectronics; 8. Telecommunication Engineering; 9. Electrical Engineering;

10. High Frequency Technology, Microwaves. Reports on other topics, connected with electronics theory and

engineering are also expected. Please, inform Organizing Committee about Your intention to

participate at the conference by February 1, 2004. Selected papers are planned to be published in the journal ISSN 1392-1215 “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”. Oficial languages of the conference: Lithuanian, English, Russian. Participation at the conference is free of charge. Nevertheless, other expenses, as: publishing of papers, visa, travel, hotel, meal, etc., are covered by the participant himself.

We have to inform You that our journals ”Electronics and Electrical Engineering” are paid. Price of one number, including post expenditures, is 30 EUR, for annual subscription (7 numbers in total) – 210 EUR. Payment should be transferred to the following address: Bank-correspondent CITIBANK, SWIFT CITI US 83 New York, N.Y. USA

Beneficiary’s Bank Vilniaus Bankas AB, Gedimino pr.12, LT-2600 SWIFT CBVI LT 2X, Vilnius, Lithuania

Beneficiary’s account 60003104504.

Name and Address of Beneficiary: Kaunas University of Technology K. Donelaiсio str. 73, LT-3006 Kaunas, Lithuania

The payment for paper publication and the journal „Electronics and Electrical Engineering” annual subscription must be fulfilled by March 31, 2004. Respectfully Chairman of the Conference, Editor-in-Chief

D. Eidukas

Notes for Authors The Editorial Board gives preference to the earlier not published

scientific articles of high scientific level. Papers must meet all requirements and contain all parts, characteristic for a scientific article, i.e.: form the goal of researches, clearly describe the idea being presented, orient to the importance and uniqueness of the obtained scientific results, include appropriate references.

The Journal publishes papers in the following fields: Vision Technologies; Signal Technologies; Automation, Robotics; Electronics; Microelectronics; Telecommunication Engineering; Electrical Engineering; High Frequency Technologies, Microwaves.

Authors must send to the address of the Editor the 3 1/2" floppy with a copy of a manuscript typed on one side of A4 format (210 x 297 mm) using the following margins: top - 20 mm,bottom -25 mm, right and left - 18 mm.

The recommended length of the manuscript is 4 or 6 full pages.

Arrangement of Papers The paper should be prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows.

The type for English text should be Times New Roman. You should arrange your contribution in the following order:

- paper title, author's name, address of the place at which the work was carried out; the title should be short, specific and informative;

- the main text, suitably divided under headings; the text should usually follow the standard sequence of introduction, method, results and discussion. Headings and subheadings for different sections of the paper should be clearly indicated. Do not number the sections. All figures and tables should be mentioned in the text;

- acknowledgements (if any); - references; - abstracts in Lithuanian, English and Russian should be

approximately 700-800 characters (with spaces) and should contain the important points of the contribution placed in the context of electronics and electrical engineering.

Style of the Text

The main text is prepared in two columns (width 84 mm, spacing 0,6mm between columns) with a single line spacing. Please, begin the first page at the 8th line from the top. All paragraphs begin with a 0,75 mm indentation. Illustrations and tables may be arranged in one or two columns of the journal. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals given a suitable caption and titled. All table columns should have an explanatory heading and where appropriate, units of measurement. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, e.g. in graphs.

Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the columns. The formulas should be prepared using "Microsoft Equation 2.0 or 3.0". The spacing between main text and formulas – 0,6 mm.

The example of formula:

( ) ( ) [ ]dBPPK innout ,lg10 / νν= . (1)

Requirements for the formulas are listed in Table 1.

Elements of the formulas Font size

Font style


Text 10 pt Normal Times New Roman

Functions 10 pt Normal Times New Roman

Variables 10 pt Normal Symbol, Italic

L.C.Greek 8 pt Normal Symbol, Italic

U.C.Greek 10 pt Normal Symbol, Italic

Symbols 12 pt - Symbol

Subsymbols 10 pt - Symbol

Vectors and matrices 10 pt Bold Times New Roman

Subscript/Superscript 8 pt Normal

Sub- Subscript/Superscript 7 pt Normal

Requirements for the text are the following:

Table 2. Pattern of the text Font

size Font style and type

Title 16 pt Times New Roman, Bold Author 14 pt Times New Roman, Bold

Organisation 10 pt Times New Roman, Italic

Headings of sections 10 pt Times New Roman, Bold

Main text 10 pt Times New Roman, Normal

Headings of tables and illustrations

9 pt Times New Roman, Bold

References 9 pt Times New Roman

Abstract 9 pt Times New Roman References

In the text, indicate references to the literature by superior Arabic numerals which run consecutively through the paper:

Author A.B., Else S. and More S. Title of the paper // Journal name.- Publishing House, year.- Vol. - P.111-124.

Date of paper presentation

Please, add a brief biography including description of scientific activities, science degree, current position, information about published scientific works and monographs.

The Internet address of the journal: http://www.ktu.lt/en/index3.html.

Note: Please, keep strictly to the A4 paper size (210x297 mm). Letter size is not acceptable. There is necessary the recommendation for paper publication from the Author’s institution.