Kumpulan Perintah Run Dan CMD Windows !!


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CMD Command

Transcript of Kumpulan Perintah Run Dan CMD Windows !!

Kumpulan Perintah Run Dan CMD Windows !!Kumpulan perintah run berikut adalah perintah sederhana yang dapat langsung di eksekusi melalui command run maupun cmd. Perintah-perintah run ini dapat memudahkan sobat untuk menjalankan suatu aplikasi tanpa harus menjelajahi windows sobat. Ada berbagai macam perintah run tersembunyi yang mungkin belum kita ketahui semua. penasaran dengan perintah-perintah tersebut? Yuk kita bahas satu persatu

Perintah-perintah run yang umum digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:1. Accessibility Controls ==> Perintah ==> access.cpl2. Add Hardware Wizard ==> Perintah ==> hdwwiz.cpl3. Add/Remove Programs => Perintah ==> appwiz.cpl4. Administrative Tools => Perintah=> control admintools5. Automatic Updates ==> Perintah ==> wuaucpl.cpl6. Bluetooth Transfer Wizard ==> Perintah ==> fsquirt7. Calculator ==> Perintah ==> calc8. Certificate Manager ==> Perintah ==> certmgr.msc9. Character Map ==> Perintah ==> charmap10. Check Disk Utility ==> Perintah ==> chkdsk11. Clipboard Viewer ==> Perintah ==> clipbrd12. Command Prompt ==> Perintah ==> cmd13. Component Services ==> Perintah ==> dcomcnfg14. Computer Management ==> Perintah ==> compmgmt.msc15. Date/Time Properties ==> Perintah ==> timedate.cpl16. DDE Share ==> Perintah ==> ddeshare17. Device Manager ==> Perintah ==> devmgmt.msc18. Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* ==> Perintah ==> directx.cpl19. Direct X Troubleshooter ==> Perintah ==> dxdiag20. Disk Cleanup Utility ==> Perintah ==> cleanmgr21. Disk Defragment ==> Perintah ==> dfrg.msc22. Disk Management ==> Perintah ==> diskmgmt.msc23. Disk Partition Manager ==> Perintah ==> diskpart24. Display Properties ==> Perintah ==> control desktop25. Display Properties ==> Perintah ==> desk.cpl26. Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) ==> Perintah ==> control color27. Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility ==> Perintah ==> drwtsn3228. Driver Verifier Utility ==> Perintah ==> verifier29. Event Viewer ==> Perintah ==> eventvwr.msc30. File Signature Verification Tool ==> Perintah ==> sigverif31. Findfast ==> Perintah ==> findfast.cpl32. Folders Properties ==> Perintah ==> control folders33. Fonts ==> Perintah ==> control fonts34. Fonts Folder ==> Perintah ==> fonts35. Free Cell Card Game ==> Perintah ==> freecell36. Game Controllers ==> Perintah ==> joy.cpl37. Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) ==> Perintah ==> gpedit.msc38. Hearts Card Game ==> Perintah ==> mshearts39. Iexpress Wizard ==> Perintah ==> iexpress40. Indexing Service ==> Perintah ==> ciadv.msc41. Internet Properties ==> Perintah ==> inetcpl.cpl42. IP Configuration (Menampilkan konfigurask koneksi) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /all43. IP Configuration (Menampilkan kontens DNS Cache) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /displaydns44. IP Configuration (Mendelete DNS konten Cache) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /flushdns45. IP Configuration (Pelepasan Semua Koneksi) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /release46. IP Configuration (Memperbaharui Semua Koneksi) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /renew47. IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /registerdns48. IP Configuration (Menampilkan DHCP Class ID) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /showclassid49. IP Configuration (Memodifikasi DHCP Class ID) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /setclassid50. Java Control Panel (Jika diinstall) ==> Perintah ==> jpicpl32.cpl51. Java Control Panel (Jika diinstall) ==> Perintah ==> javaws52. Keyboard Properties ==> Perintah ==> control keyboard53. Local Security Settings ==> Perintah ==> secpol.msc54. Local Users and Groups ==> Perintah ==> lusrmgr.msc55. Logs You Out Of Windows ==> Perintah ==> logoff56. Microsoft Chat ==> Perintah ==> winchat57. Minesweeper Game ==> Perintah ==> winmine58. Mouse Properties ==> Perintah ==> control mouse59. Mouse Properties ==> Perintah ==> main.cpl60. Network Connections ==> Perintah ==> control netconnections61. Network Connections ==> Perintah ==> ncpa.cpl62. Network Setup Wizard ==> Perintah ==> netsetup.cpl63. Notepad ==> Perintah ==> notepad64. Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) ==> Perintah ==> nvtuicpl.cpl65. Object Packager ==> Perintah ==> packager66. ODBC Data Source Administrator ==> Perintah ==> odbccp32.cpl67. On Screen Keyboard ==> Perintah ==> osk68. Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) ==> Perintah ==> ac3filter.cpl69. Password Properties ==> Perintah ==> password.cpl70. Performance Monitor ==> Perintah ==> perfmon71. Phone and Modem Options ==> Perintah ==> telephon.cpl72. Power Configuration ==> Perintah ==> powercfg.cpl73. Printers and Faxes ==> Perintah ==> control printers74. Printers Folder ==> Perintah ==> printers75. Private Character Editor ==> Perintah ==> eudcedit76. Quicktime (If Installed) ==> Perintah ==> QuickTime.cpl77. Regional Settings ==> Perintah ==> intl.cpl78. Registry Editor ==> Perintah ==> regedit79. Registry Editor ==> Perintah ==> regedit3280. Remote Desktop ==> Perintah ==> mstsc81. Removable Storage ==> Perintah ==> ntmsmgr.msc82. Removable Storage Operator Requests ==> Perintah ==> ntmsoprq.msc83. Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) ==> Perintah ==> rsop.msc84. Scanners and Cameras ==> Perintah ==> sticpl.cpl85. Scheduled Tasks ==> Perintah ==> control schedtasks86. Security Center ==> Perintah ==> wscui.cpl87. Services ==> Perintah ==> services.msc88. Shared Folders ==> Perintah ==> fsmgmt.msc89. Shuts Down Windows ==> Perintah ==> shutdown90. Sounds and Audio ==> Perintah ==> mmsys.cpl91. Spider Solitare Card Game ==> Perintah ==> spider92. SQL Client Configuration ==> Perintah ==> cliconfg93. System Configuration Editor ==> Perintah ==> sysedit94. System Configuration Utility ==> Perintah ==> msconfig95. System File Checker Utility (Segera scan)=>Perintah=>sfc /scannow96. System File Checker Utility (Pindai Sekali Pada Boot Berikutnya) =>Perintah=>sfc /scanonce97. System File Checker Utility (Scan seluruh Boot)=>Perintah=>sfc /scanboot98. System File Checker Utility (Kembali ke setting Default)=>Perintah=>sfc /revert99. System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /purgecache100. System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size untuk ukuran x) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /cachesize=x101. System Properties ==> Perintah ==> sysdm.cpl102. Task Manager ==> Perintah ==> taskmgr103. Telnet Client ==> Perintah ==> telnet104. User Account Management ==> Perintah ==> nusrmgr.cpl105. Utility Manager ==> Perintah ==> utilman106. Windows Firewall ==> Perintah ==> firewall.cpl107. Windows Magnifier ==> Perintah ==> magnify108. Windows Management Infrastructure ==> Perintah ==> wmimgmt.msc109. Windows System Security Tool ==> Perintah ==> syskey110. Windows Update Launches ==> Perintah ==> wupdmgr111. Windows XP Tour Wizard ==> Perintah ==> tourstart112. Wordpad ==> Perintah ==> write