Klarinet a Jazz Stílusának Képviselői

A Jazz st í lus á nak k épvisel ő i Benny Goodman Benny (Benjamin David) Goodman (1909-1986) amerikai jazzmuzsikus volt, a Sin!-korszak jeles zen"szek"nt $Sin! %ir&lya' elnevez"st zt a zenei ir&nyzatot * jutta olyan komoly an!versenytermek e, mint #l a .arne!ie /all urn"zott klasszikus zenei#roduk i2kkal is Sok trad3 i2k+vet* kritikus t&madta saj&t, $Goodman'-st3lus an r+!z3tett 4elv 5ozart dara ot vi ratoval j&tszott) %"ts"!telen, o!y az rendeltdara okat Bart2k t2l, .o#land-t*l, "s /indemit-t*l, 4ellend3tette a modern klarin"tm vek keletkez"s"t Buddy DeFranco Buddy ( Boni4a e 7erdinand eonard) De7ran o (1923-2014) szint én amerikaim ű v ész, Philadelphi ában nő tt fel, 9 évesen kezdett klarin étozni, és kevesebb, mint 5 évre r á m ár gy ő ztesk ént t ávozott egy nemzetiswing versenyr ő l. Kezdetbenbig bandekben muzsik ált. K és ő bb sok m ás zen észt árs át ó l elt ér ő en, j ó l reag ált ezen zenekarok és a swing hanyatl ás ára, majd egyike lett a kev és bebop klarin étosnak. 1966 és 1974 k ö zt a Glenn Miller Orchestra vezet ő je volt. Fantasztikus zen észekkel dolgozott egy ü tt, mint p éld ául Barney Kessel, Joe Pass, Oscar Peterson és Dizzy Gillespie. 83 évesen (!) adta ki utols ó lemez ét. Eric Dolphy Eric Dolphy (1928-1964) basszusklarin étos, altszaxofonos, valamint fuvolista volt, éh ány esetben B-klarin éton és pikol ó n is j átszott. Zen é j ét meghat ározt ák a nagy hangt ávols ágok az embert ut ánz ó és állatszer ű effektusok. Hab ár sokszor eml í tik nev ét a free jazzel kapcsolatban, szerzem ényei és sz ó l ó i gyakran Stravinsky és Bart ó k zenei hat ásait is felt ételezik.

Transcript of Klarinet a Jazz Stílusának Képviselői

A Jazz stlusnak kpviseli

Benny Goodman

Benny (Benjamin David) Goodman (1909-1986) amerikai jazzmuzsikus volt, a Swing-korszak jeles zenszeknt megkapta a Swing Kirlya elnevezst. Ezt a zenei irnyzatot juttatta elszr olyan komoly hangversenytermekbe, mint pl. a Carnegie Hall. Turnzott klasszikus zenei produkcikkal is. Sok tradcikvet kritikus tmadta sajt, Goodman-stlusban rgztett felvteleit (pl. Mozart darabot vibratoval jtszott). Ktsgtelen, hogy azzal, hogy rendelt darabokat Bartktl, Copland-tl, s Hindemith-tl, fellendtette a modern klarintmvek keletkezst.

Buddy DeFranco

Buddy (Boniface Ferdinand Leonard) DeFranco (1923-2014) szintn amerikai mvsz, Philadelphiban ntt fel, 9 vesen kezdett klarintozni, s kevesebb, mint 5 vre r mr gyztesknt tvozott egy nemzeti swing versenyrl. Kezdetben big bandekben muzsiklt. Ksbb sok ms zensztrstl eltren, jl reaglt ezen zenekarok s a swing hanyatlsra, majd egyike lett a kevs bebop klarintosnak. 1966 s 1974 kzt a Glenn Miller Orchestra vezetje volt. Fantasztikus zenszekkel dolgozott egytt, mint pldul Barney Kessel, Joe Pass, Oscar Peterson s Dizzy Gillespie. 83 vesen (!) adta ki utols lemezt.Eric Dolphy

Eric Dolphy (1928-1964) basszusklarintos, altszaxofonos, valamint fuvolista volt, nhny esetben B-klarinton s pikoln is jtszott. Zenjt meghatroztk a nagy hangtvolsgok az embert utnz s llatszer effektusok. Habr sokszor emltik nevt a free jazzel kapcsolatban, szerzemnyei s szli gyakran Stravinsky s Bartk zenei hatsait is felttelezik.Eddie Daniels

Eddie Daniels(1941- ) amerikai muzsikus, valamint zeneszerz. Annak ellenre, hogy elssorban a jazzben jeleskedik, nagyszerek a klasszikus zenei produkcii is. Alt- s Tenor-szaxofonon is sokat hallhatjuk jtszani. Manhattanben (New York) ntt fel, s mg csak tindzser volt, amikor mr olyan hres nekeseket ksrt a lemezfelvteleken, mint pldul Frank Sinatra. Az 1980-as vek ta leginkbb a klarintozsra koncentrlt,Louis Sclavis

Gabriele Mirabassi

Klezmer: Giora Feidman6 de 923/07/2014 11:18 p. m.The Clarinet - Famous Playershttp://www.the-clarinets.net/english/clarinet-players.html

Giora Feidman has his roots in the jewish Klezmer tradition. He plays an important part in the renaissance of that style, especially when he appeared in some movies as jewish klezmer clarinet player.

Oriental: Hsn Senlendirici

Hsn Senlendirici is by far the most popular Turkish clarinet player. He is definitely not a classical player but a pop or folk musician, playing music in a traditional folk style but behaving like western rock stars (imagine a Freddy Mercury on stage with a clarinet). In the orient there seems to be less of clear border between folk musik and pop than western cultures have it.Female and male fans alike go crazy in his concerts, it appears to be there is nothing wrong to burst into tears when Hsn plays.Turkish traditional clarinet players (as other Greece, Oriental and Balcan players) use a G clarinet, which is a bit longer and sounds deeper and softer than the somewhat sharp Bb clarinet.Stories to the point that he taught clarinet himself appear to be wrong, his family is one of well known musicians: Both grandfathers and his father played the clarinet. He studied Turkish Music in Istanbul. He played in several bands and performed in hundreds of festivals worldwide. The Turkish TV channel TRT that is watched by millions of Turkish people all over Europe by cable or satellite and broadcasts music shows employs him to host one of these shows. There are many videos worth watching of him on YouTube.

Vasilios Saleas

Vasilios Saleas ( ) - is not only the name of the one most famous Greek clarinet player but there are two of them: Grandfather and grandson.7 de 923/07/2014 11:18 p. m.The Clarinet - Famous Playershttp://www.the-clarinets.net/english/clarinet-players.htmlGrandpa Vasilios was born in a Roma family in Mesolonghi in Greece in 1928. He advanced his playing style and broke out of the traditional Greek folk music environment. He estabished the oriental clarinet ("alla turka") in other musical fields as well. When Vasilios emigrated to New York City in the USA like many other Greeks he took his musical style with him. Playing mostly in Greek restaurants and night clubs (belly dance) he also recorded his music, some records are still available as CD. This resulted in an immense influence on the western world's idea of Greek clarinet playing, and it made him the best known oriental clarinet player of his time.His sound set an extreme contrast to the classical sound that people in the west were used to, especially if you often heard players tought in German style, but it was also quite different from what you heard in a Dixieland or marching band.Vasilis the grandson is known as New Age clarinet player, who already performed with Mikis Theodorakis and - most prominent - with Vangelis Papathanasiou in the early 1990s. Grown up in Athens, he learned playing the clarinet from his father and uncle and recorded his first own CD at the age of 14.I find it quite notable that both Saleas' are equally admired in Greece as in Turkey. This may come as a surprise if you know how much in dispute Greece and Turkey are as states. Where it comes to music, however, they seem to live in harmony, perform together and show each other respect...

Other well known clarinet players (Links) Allen, Woody - movie director / actor, amateur player - New Orleans jazz Bilk, Acker - British Jazzer, mainly one hit (Stranger on the Shore) Bliss, Julian - young player from the USA, started aged 4 Cahuzac, Louis - French ??? Drucker, Stanley ??? Dolphy, Eric Ettlinger, Yona - Israeli / German ??? Fazola, Irving - well known jazzer from New Orleans Fountain, Pete - well known jazzer from New Orleans Helliwell, John - British pop musician (Supertramp) sax and clarinet Herman, Woody - swing musician Kovacs, Bela - Hungarian Marriner, Andrew - British professor, Son of conductor Neville de Peyer, Gervase - ??? Shaw, Artie - white Big Band innovator