July 2017 - Creative City FujairahCreative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │...

يل دللشركات في تسجيل ا مدينة الفجيرة لبداع الحرةميةع المنطقة ا الفجيرةJuly 2017

Transcript of July 2017 - Creative City FujairahCreative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │...

Page 1: July 2017 - Creative City FujairahCreative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017 1 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S شرهفا 1.0 What is Creative City 2 عالثلإا

تسجيل الشركات في دليل إلبداع الفجيرة ل مدينة

الفجيرة –المنطقة اإلعالمية الحرة

July 2017

Page 2: July 2017 - Creative City FujairahCreative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017 1 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S شرهفا 1.0 What is Creative City 2 عالثلإا

Creative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017


T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S انفهرش

1.0 What is Creative City 2 1.0 ػ ل٣خ اإلثلاع

2.0 New Licence Application 2 2.0 رسغ٤ هفظخ عل٣لح

3.0 Types of Licences 8 3.0 أاع اوفض ازبؽخ

4.0 Business Activities provided 10 4.0 اشبطبد اولخ

5.0 Mode of Payment 16 5.0 طو٣وخ الكغ

6.0 Documents provided after Company set-up 16 6.0 سزلاد اولخ شوخ ثؼل ازسغ٤ ا

7.0 Opening a Company Bank Account 17 7.0 كزؼ ؽسبة ظوك٢ ثئس اشوخ

8.0 Amendments in the Company / Licence: 18 8.0 طت رؼل٣ ك٢ هفظخ اشوخ

8.1 Company Name 19 8.1 رؼل٣ ك٢ إس اشوخ

8.2 Business Activity 20 8.2 رؼل٣ ك٢ شبط اشوخ

8.3 Transfer / Sell Shares 21 8.3 اؾظض و ا ث٤غ

8.4 Person In-charge / Authorized Signatory / Manager 42 8.4 رـ٤٤و ال٣و أ اشقض اسؤ

9.0 Licence Upgrade 42 9.0 افز٤به سز اػ٠ ازوف٤ض

10.0 Licence Renewal 42 10.0 رغل٣ل هفظخ ٤ل٤خ

11.0 Licence Cancellation Procedure 42 11.0 ٤ل٤خ إـبء هفظخ

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Creative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017


1.0 What is Creative City Fujairah?

Following the Emiri Decree No. (4) for the year 2007, of His Highness Hamad Bin Mohammed Al-Sharqi, Ruler of the Emirate of Fujairah, and under the administration of Fujairah Culture and Media Authority, whose Chairman is His Highness Rashid Bin Hamad Al-Sharqi, a new media free zone was launched in the Emirate of Fujairah called Creative City Fujairah.

يذيح انفجيرج نإلتذاعػ 1.0

كوب – ل٣خ الغ٤وح إلثلاع –شبطبد اطوخ اإلػال٤خ اؾوح ثبلغ٤وح ذاطو

ؾل ث ؽل اشوه٢ اش٤ـ ظبؽت اس، 2007( سخ 4وس األ٤و١ هه )

٤ئخ الغ٤وح ضوبكخ اإلػال ، از٢ ٣وأسب إشوافؽب إبهح الغ٤وح، رؾذ -

٤خ ؽوح عل٣لح ك٢ إبهح ؽل ث هاشل اشوه٢ ، ر إطالم طوخ إػال اش٤ـس

. الغ٤وح

2.0 How to apply for New Licence at Creative City Requirements for New Licence Application:

Duly filled Licence Application Form

Clear, colour passport copy of owner(s) and person in-charge:

o first page and/or page containing valid passport information, such as extension page, etc.

o residence page or valid UAE entry permit stamped in passport: not mandatory for Commercial Licence: FZE and FZ LLC

o Clear, colour copy of last page for Indian nationals only / 2nd page for Pakistani nationals

o If owner / person in-charge is a UAE national, colour copy of Family book and Emirates ID card.

Brief Activity Description

Power of Attorney (2 sets) if there is more than one owner and the person in-charge is only one among them, or if the person in-charge is different from the owner(s). The power of attorney should describe in detail the rights of the person in-charge, especially with regard to applying for company visas, opening or operating bank account, employee issues, etc.

Terms and Conditions & Specimen Signature Forms

تطجيم رخظح جذيذج 2.0

جذيذج:انطتذاخ انالزيح نتطجيم شركح

.اسزبهح طت هفظخ

طهح خ عاى اسلو بي أ اشقض اسؤ:

o اظلؾخ األ٠ اظلؾخ از٢ رؾز١ ػ٠ ؼبد طبؾخ ، ض طلؾخ


o قزخ الؼ طهح فز اإلهبخ ك٢ اغاى أ رأش٤وح كف سبه٣خ

ا ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح شوخ - ٤وش)ؿ٤و طة وفظخ اغاىاد

(ؤسسخ ماد سؤ٤خ كوك٣خ

o طهح خ اظلؾخ األف٤وح غس٤خ ال٣خ

o طهح خ اظلؾخ اضب٤خ غس٤خ اجبسزب٤خ

o إما ابي / اشقض اسؤ اط إبهار٢ ، سقخ خ فالطخ او٤ل

٣خ اإلبهار٤خثطبهخ ا/ ككزو اؼبئخ

ػ شبط اشوخ طق

ر٤ ػب )سقز٤( ك٢ ؽبخ عك أضو بي اؽل اشقض اسؤ اؽل

ث٤، أ إما ب اشقض اسؤ ؿ٤و ػ ابي . از٤ ٣غت ا ٣ؾز١

ض ك٤ب ٣زؼن ثطت فػ٠ ث٤ببد لظخ ػ ؽوم اشقض اسؤ، ثبأل

.ظوك٢ ثبس اشوخ هضب٣ب اظل٤رأش٤واد شوخ، كزؼ رشـ٤ ؽسبة

اسزبهح اشوط ازه٤غ

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Creative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017



All legal documents more than one page have to be sealed securely.

Power of Attorney need to be accompanied with a valid colour passport copy of Attorney.

The Free zone Authority reserves the right to call for any extra documents it may deem necessary, as and when required.

The Authority reserves the right to ask for extra attestation by the UAE Embassy or other Embassies, as may be necessary.

The legal documents must be in English and / or Arabic. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by a certified English or Arabic translation.

A person may apply for more than one Licence.


ثئؽب ضجزخ رأضو طلؾخ ٣غت أ خ اع٤غ اصبئن اوب٤خ.

العطهح خ عاى اسلو شقض.

أ١ صبئن إضبك٤خاطت ازله٤ن ك٢ اؾوح اؾن ك٢ اإلػال٤خ رؾزلع اطوخ.

ا ا١ عخ ك٢ االبهاد ظلهخ ا١ سلبهح أ١ صبئنطت اؾن ك٢ طوخ


زوعخااهكبم ٣غت ث٤خ اصبئن اوب٤خ ثبـخ اإلغ٤ي٣خ أ اؼور٣غت أ

.ك٢ أ١ ـخ أفواما ب إلغ٤ي٣خ أ اؼوث٤خ اوب٤خ

شقض أ ٣ول طت ألضو هفظخ اؽلح.٣

Additional Documents required for setting up a branch / subsidiary office if parent company is based within UAE:

Official documents of the parent company – originals and 1 set copy (Licence, Share Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation, MOA, etc.). The originals are required only for verification by Creative City management, and shall be returned soon after. All the original legal documents must be attested from issuing authority of parent company.

Colour passport copies of parent company’s owners & person in-charge

Certificate of Good Standing for parent company

Board Resolution stating that all shareholders have agreed to set-up a branch in Creative City (2 originals)

Power of Attorney (2 originals), if the owner(s) appoints another person to function in a managerial capacity on their behalf. The power of attorney should describe in detail the rights of the person in-charge, especially with regard to applying for company visas, opening or operating bank account, employee issues, etc.

NOC from the licence-issuing authority of the parent company

داخم اإلياراخ انؼرتيح تؼم شركح ناو يكتة تثيهي نتأضيص فرع إضافيح وثائق


وفظخا٤ئخ اظلهح ظلهخ ط٤خ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خاألسزلاد ا –

)اوفظخ ازغبه٣خ، شبكح األس، شبكح ازأس٤س، ػول ثبإلضبكخ ا٠ اسقخ

طثخ زؾون كوظ هج اوب٤خ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خ . اسزلاد ازأس٤س ؿ٤وب(

إكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع، رؼبك ثؼل كزوح ع٤يح.

الى اشوخ اوئ٤س٤خ شقض اسؤهح خ عاى اسلو ط

اوئ٤س٤خ خإلسزواه٣خ اشو شبكح

ش٤وا إ٠ أ ع٤غ اسب٤ اكوا ػ٠ اشبء كوع ك٢ (2) اإلكاهحهواه غس

ل٣خ اإلثلاع

( 2ر٤ ػب )ل٣و ػب أ لة شوخ اغل٣لح. شقض ى ٣ؼ٤إما اال

ػ٠ ث٤ببد لظخ ػ ؽوم اشقض اسؤ، ٣ؾز١ از٤ ٣غت ا

ؽسبة ظوك٢ ثبس رشـ٤ رأش٤واد شوخ ، كزؼك٤ب ٣زؼن ثطت ض فثبأل

.اشوخ هضب٣ب اظل٤

اوئ٤س٤خ.شوخ وفظخ ا اظلهح شبكح ػل بؼخ ا٤ئخ

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Board Resolution and / or Power of Attorney is required from the Authorized signatory stating the full name, nationality and passport number.

All legal documents should be attested from the issuing authority of the parent company.


االس –ثبب ث٤ببد اشقض الع غ هواه غس االكاهح ا ر٤ ػب

اغس٤خ هه عاى اسلو.

وفظخا٤ئخ اظلهح ظلهخ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خ ر سزلاد اوب٤خ ا.

Additional Documents required for branch / subsidiary office if parent company is overseas:

Official documents of the parent company – originals and 1 set copy (Licence, Share Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation, MOA, etc.). The originals are required only for verification by Creative City management, and shall be returned soon after. All the original legal documents must be attested from country of origin and from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UAE.

Colour passport copies of parent company’s owners & person in-charge

Certificate of Good Standing for parent company

Board Resolution stating that all shareholders have agreed to set-up a branch in Creative City (2 sets)

Power of Attorney, if the owner(s) appoints another person to function in a managerial capacity on their behalf. The power of attorney should describe in detail the rights of the person in-charge, especially with regard to applying for company visas, opening or operating bank account, employee issues, etc.

نشركح تؼم خارج انذونح:او يكتة تثيهي وثائق إضافيح نتأضيص فرع

ثل اشأ ىاهح اقبهع٤خ ثلخ ظلهخ سزلاد أط٤خ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خ

طثخ اوب٤خ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خ خ ا٠ اسقخ. اسزلاد ثبإلضبك – االبهاد

زؾون كوظ هج إكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع، رؼبك ثؼل كزوح ع٤يح.

الى اشوخ اوئ٤س٤خ شقض اسؤهح خ عاى اسلو ط

شبكح إلسزواه٣خ اشوخ اوئ٤س٤خ

اسب٤ اكوا ػ٠ اشبء كوع ك٢ ش٤وا إ٠ أ ع٤غ ( 2)هواه غس اإلكاهح

ل٣خ اإلثلاع

إما االى ٣ؼ٤ شقض ل٣و ػب أ لة شوخ اغل٣لح. از٤ ر٤ ػب

ض ك٤ب فػ٠ ث٤ببد لظخ ػ ؽوم اشقض اسؤ، ثبأل٣ؾز١ ٣غت ا

ؽسبة ظوك٢ ثبس اشوخ رشـ٤ ٣زؼن ثطت رأش٤واد شوخ ، كزؼ

.٣ب اظل٤هضب


Board Resolution and / or Power of Attorney is required from the Authorized signatory stating the full name, nationality and passport number.

All legal documents should be attested from the country of origin and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UAE.


االس –هواه غس االكاهح ا ر٤ ػب غ ث٤ببد اشقض الع ثبب

اغس٤خ هه عاى اسلو.

ىاهح ثل اشأسزلاد اوب٤خ شوخ اوئ٤س٤خ ر ظلهخ ا

اقبهع٤خ ثلخ االبهاد.

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Additional Documents / Requirements for the following activities:

إرا تى تقذيى طهة نألشطح انتانيح:ضافيح وانتطهثاخ اإلىثائق ان


Undertaking letter

Copy of owner’s educational qualification pertaining to requested activity

:اضتشاراخ قاىيح

هسبخ رؼل

اؼ٤خ بي اقبطخ ثبشبط اطةسقخ اشبكاد


Not applicable for Commercial Licence.

Copy of owner’s educational qualification pertaining to requested activity

:تؼهيى وتذرية

وفظخ ٤وش )ثل ركو رأش٤وح(ؿ٤و زبؽخ

اؼ٤خ بي اقبطخ ثبشبط اطةسقخ اشبكاد


Not applicable for Commercial licence

Detailed description about the contents of the magazine / publication.

A Dummy of the publication.

Approval for publication from National Media Council, Abu Dhabi.


وفظخ ٤وش )ثل ركو رأش٤وح(ؿ٤و زبؽخ

خطجػا اغخ أ ؾز٣بدطق لظ ػ.

خطجػاغخ أ امط.

.اكوخ شو غس اط٢ إلػال

Pre-requisites for New Publication Approval from National Media Council:

1. Request letter from Creative City to National Media Council

2. Company Trade Licence copy

3. NMC form duly filled and signed by each owner

4. NMC application duly filled and signed

5. Colored passport copy of each owner

6. 2 Passport size photo of each owner

:شو -اط٢ إلػال، أثظج٢ ازطجبد ؾظ ػ٠ اكوخ اغس

اغس اط٢ إلػال ل٣خ اإلثلاع ا٠ هسبخ طت .1

سقخ اوفظخ ازغبه٣خ .2

هؼخ هج االى اسزبهح اغس اط٢ إلػال .3

هؼخ هج االى اسزبهح اطت اغس اط٢ إلػال .4

ىخ عاى اسلو ال سقخ .5

(2)ى الشقظ٤خ طهح .6

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7. Profile of publication, including the following details: o Brief Description of Publication / Magazine o Editor’s Message Column o Editorial’s Column Name o Intended target group o Language of publication o Frequency of issue o Main theme of publication o Any other information deemed important by applicant

8. 3 Dummy Magazine (all magazines should contain information that the publication is part of Creative City, by including the CC logo within the magazine)

9. Soft copy of dummy publication

10. Declaration from Publication Activity Form duly filled and signed by the owner

11. Website address for the magazine.

12. Contact numbers of all owners and person incharge of Company.

13. Contact number of person incharge of the magazine

14. Licencing requirements and licencee obligations should be signed and stamped by the persons incharge.

B. (Note: please refer to the concerned department)

:طق لظ ػ اشهح، ثب ك٢ مي ازلبط٤ ازب٤خ .7

اشهح اغخ أ ػ طق

خ هئ٤س ازؾو٣و

رؾل٣ل الئخ اسزلكخ


)ع اطجػخ )زبة أ ك٤ أ ز٤ت

طج٤ؼخ ضع اطجػخ

رواه اشو

أ٣خ ؼخ أفو ماد أ٤خ.

ؾز١ ػ٠ ؼبد اب رشو رمط اغخ أ اطجػخ )٣غت أ ب( 3) .8

ل٣خ اإلثلاع. الغ٤وح(، ثب ك٢ مي شؼبه –اطوخ اإلػال٤خ اؾوح

إزو٤خ امط.سقخ .9

اسزبهح رؼل ػ اشو شبط اشوخ هؼخ هج االى .10

اهغ اإلزو٢ غخ. .11

أههب االى اشقض اسؤ اشوخ .12

أههب االى اشقض اسؤ اغخ .13

اشقض اسؤهؼخ قزخ هج ر٣غت أ زطجبد ازوف٤ض .14

(اوس اؼ٢ اوعع إ٠)اوعبء

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Management Pre-approval required.

Actual office space is a prerequisite.

Detailed description and contents of the TV channel.

Approval for TV Broadcasting from National Media Council, Abu Dhabi.

:تهفسيىي تث

سبؽبد زت اشوط األسبس٤خ

اوبح ؾز٣بدػ طق لظ.

غس اط٢ إلػال.ا جش ازلي٢٣اكوخ

Pre-requisites for TV Broadcast Approval from National Media Council, Abu Dhabi:

1. Licence copy

2. Form for applying with National Media Council for broadcast licence.

3. Coloured passport copy of owner(s)

4. 2 Passport size photographs of owner(s)

5. Business plan

6. TV profile and logo

(Note: please refer to the concerned department)

جش –ؾظ ػ٠ ااكوخ اغس اط٢ إلػال، أثظج٢ ازطجبد


سقخ اوفظخ ازغبه٣خ .1

اسزبهح اطت جش اغس اط٢ إلػال .2

خ عاى اسلو بي سقخ .3

(2) طهح شقظ٤خ بي .4

فطخ ػ شوع ازلي٢٣ .5

طق لظ ػ اوبح شؼبه اوبح .6

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3.0 Types of Licences 3.0 انتاححانرخض أىاع:

1. COMPANY / ORGANISATION (Actual Office Space) 1. شركح تطاحاخ يكتثيح

New Licence هس هفظخ عل٣لح

One‐time Registration رلكغ وح اؽلح(هس ازسغ٤(

Office Space Lease (annual) )إ٣غبه سبؽخ ازت )س٣ب

Up to 12 Visas Available :رأش٤واد 12ػلك ازأش٤واد ازبؽخ

2. BABY BUSINESS 2. تيثي تيسصشركح

New Licence هس هفظخ عل٣لح

One‐time Registration رلكغ وح اؽلح(هس ازسغ٤(

Office Desk Facility

Services include online support, Internet access, company signboard, P.O. Box, Conference room (subject to availability and booking) and in-house PRO services

زت فلبد اؼ

فلبد هبػخ االعزبػبد )٣وع٠ الكزخ شوخ طلم ثو٣ل رش كػ إزو٢

فلبد الة إلسزقلا(واعؼخ اإلكاهح زؾل٣ل ػل

Up to 6 Visas Available

رأش٤واد 6ػلك ازأش٤واد ازبؽخ:

3. FREELANCER COMPANY 3. طر شركح فريال

New Licence هس هفظخ عل٣لح

One‐time Registration رلكغ وح اؽلح(هس ازسغ٤(

Office Desk Facility

Services include online support, Internet access, company signboard, P.O. Box, Conference room (subject to availability and booking) and in-house PRO services

زت فلبد اؼ

فلبد هبػخ االعزبػبد )٣وع٠ الكزخ شوخ طلم ثو٣ل رش كػ إزو٢

إلسزقلا(واعؼخ اإلكاهح زؾل٣ل ػل فلبد الة

3 Visas Available

رأش٤واد 3ػلك ازأش٤واد ازبؽخ:

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4. COMMERCIAL: C+1 (Single Owner, 1 Visa Package) 4. (1 -)يانك واحذ يغ تأشيرج وا تالش ضي رخظح كيرشم

New Licence (with Office Desk Facility) اؼزت فلبد غ هس هفظخ عل٣لح

1 Visa Available

رأش٤وح اؽلح

5. COMMERCIAL LICENCE – FZ LLC (Max. 50 individual shareholders) 5. (شخظا 50انحذ األقظ شركح راخ يطؤونيح يحذودج ) -رخظح كيرشم

Total Registration & Licence Fees هس هفظخ عل٣لح

Visas are NOT available with this option

رأش٤واد ؿ٤و زبؽخ ػ٠ نا اوفظخ

6. COMMERCIAL LICENCE – FZE (one owner) 6. يؤضطح راخ يطؤونيح فرديح )يانك واحذ( –رخظح كيرشم

Total Registration & Licence Fees هس هفظخ عل٣لح

Visas are NOT available with this option

اوفظخرأش٤واد ؿ٤و زبؽخ ػ٠ نا

Other Services خذياخ إضافيح

Additional Activity طت شبط إضبك٢

Visa Charges (without medical and Emirates ID fees) ثطبهخ ا٣خ الؾض اطج٢ هس هس رأش٤وح ثل

Establishment Card 2-year validity with One-year Licence Validity سخ اؽلح ربل خلح سز٤ غ طالؽ٤خ اوفظشأح اثطبهخ

Establishment Card 3-year validity with One-year Licence Validity سخ اؽلح ربل خغ طالؽ٤خ اوفظ ( سخ3)لح شأح اثطبهخ

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4.0 Business Activities Provided Note: Specific activities other than the ones mentioned can be provided as per client request, subject to management approval.

انتاححانشاطاخ 4.0

٣ اربؽخ أشطخ افو هبثخ اكوخ اطوخ االػال٤خ اؾوح.الؽظخ:



تقطيى شاط انشاط

Audio & Visual Audio and Visual Production, Broadcasting Management, TV Production, Audio Production, Radio Management

إكاهح ازبط سؼ٢، رلي٢٣، ازبط ازبط سؼ٢ وئ٢، اكاهح ثش،

هاك٣ ضؼي ويرئي

Broadcasting TV Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasting, Web Streaming

تث اجش ػجو االزوذثش رلي٢٣، ثش هاك٣،

Media & Marketing Advertising Agency, Advertising, Public Relations Agency, Direct Marketing, Outdoor Advertising, Media Representation, Specialty Communication & PR, Intellectual Property Services, International Copyright Collection Agency, Marketing Research Services, Online Marketing Services, Media Services, Marketing Services, PR Services, E-Commerce

إػال ،رس٣ن جبشوػالهبد ػبخ، بخ إػال، ،بخ إػال

،رقظض سبئ االرظب ػالهبد ػبخ رض٤ إػال٢، ،فبهع٢

، بخ عغ ؽوم اطجغ اشو ال٤خ، ا٤خ الو٣خفلبد

، فلبد رس٣ن ػ طو٣ن شجخ اؼبدفلبد ثؾس ازس٣ن،

رغبهح ، فلبد ػالهبد ػبخ، ٤خ، فلبد رس٣وفلبد اػال٤خ


إػالو وتطىيق

Publishing Newspapers, Magazines, Educational / Consumer Books, Promotional Content, Online & Electronic Content, e‐books, Directories and Guides

شو ، ؾز رو٣غ٢، خإسزال٤ خزت رؼ٤٤طؾق، غالد،

ك٤ ،زت إزو٤خ، ؾز ازو٢ شجخ اؼبد شر

Event Management Sports Management, Conferences Organizing and Management, Event Production, Event Ticketing, Exhibition Organizing and Management, Festival Organizing and Management, Live Theatrical Shows Management and Promotion, Performing Arts Management, Choreography

،ث٤غ رناو، إزبط بسجبد، رظ٤ اؤرواد إكاهح ،إكاهح ه٣بض٤خ

رو٣ظرظ٤ ، وعببدارظ٤ إكاهح اؼبهع، رظ٤ إكاهح

ههضاكاء ك٢، إكاهح ، اوعببد ال٤خاؼوع

إدارج ياضثاخ

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Media Support Services

Media Production, Media Support Services, Media Content Production, Media Monitoring, Graphic Design, Media Archiving & Distribution, Photography, Photography Services, Press Services, Printing Services, Media Equipment Rentals

Consultancy Marketing Consultancy, Market Research Consultancy, Concept & Design Consultancy, Media and Marketing Consultancy, Media Consultancy, Lifestyle Consultancy, Accounting & Auditing Consultancy, Architecture Consultancy, Technical Consultancy, Education Consultancy, Legal Consultancy, Business Consultancy, Travel & Tourism Consultancy, Project Management Consultancy, Human Resources Consultancy, Engineering Consultancy, Management Consultancy, Beauty Consultancy, Fashion Design Consultancy, Hospitality Management Consultancy, Investment Consultancy, Membership Consultancy, Logistics Consultancy

New Media Services Animation, Animation Photography, Digital Design, Digital Media Management, Digital Media Services, Interactive Services, Multimedia Development, System Development Management, Software Development Management, Web Design, Web Hosting, Technical Services

Business Information News Agency, Information Services, Helpdesk Services, Research Services, Risk Management, Strategy Advisory Services, Translation Services, Strategy Planning Consultancy

تقطيى شاط انشاط

، ػال٢اإلؾز اإزبط ازبط اػال٢، فلبد الػ االػال٢،

أهشلخ رى٣غ سبئ ، رظ٤ عواك٢٤، واهجخ اؾز اإلػال٢

،فلبد طجبػخ، فلبد طؾبكخ، فلبد رظ٣و، رظ٣و، اإلػال

رأع٤و ؼلاد اإلػال

خذيـاخ انذػـى


لب٤ اسزشبهاد اسزشبهاد أثؾبس رس٣و٤خ،، ٤خاسزشبهاد رس٣و

اسزشبهاد ، ٤خاسزشبهاد اػال، رس٣ناسزشبهاد اػال ، رظ٤

، اسزشبهاد ؼبه٣خ، رله٤ناسزشبهاد ؾبسجخ ، اسة اؾ٤بح

اسزشبهاد إسزشبهاد هب٤خ،، ٤خاسزشبهاد رؼ٤، اسزشبهاد رو٤خ

اسزشبهاد اسزشبهاد سلو س٤بؽخ، اسزشبهاد إكاهح شبه٣غ، ، اػب

اسزشبهاد ،اكاه٣خاسزشبهاد اسزشبهاد لس٤خ، ، اهك ثشو٣خ

اسزشبهاد ، اسزشبهاد إكاهح ض٤بكخ، اسزشبهاد رظ٤ اى٣بء، رغ٤

اسزشبهاد عسز٤خ ، فلبد اؼض٣خ، اسزضبه


إكاهح اإلػال ،رظ٤ هه٢، رظ٣و هس زؾوخ، هس زؾوخ

رط٣و اسبئظ ، فلبد رلبػ٤خ، فلبد اػال هه٢، اوه٢

رظ٤ اهغ ، اجوغ٤بداكاهح رط٣و ، اظخاكاهح رط٣و ، ازؼلكح

فلبد رو٤خ، إسزضبكخ اهغ، از٤خ

وضائم اإلػالو


فلبد ، فلبد زت سبػلح ، ؼبد فلبد، بخ اجبء

، فلبد روعخ، فلبد اسزشبهاد اسزوار٤غ٤خ، اكاهح قبطو، أثؾبس

اسزشبهاد رقط٤ظ اسزوار٤غ٢

يؼهىياخ أػال

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Production Art Production & Distribution, Art Services, Film Production & Distribution, Film Production, Post Production, Program Management, Programmed Management, Video Design Services, Video Production, Videography

Music & Entertainment

Music Production & Recordings, Music Distribution, Music Promotion & Management, Music Publishing, Music Label Rights Management, Theme Parks Management, Music Training

Information Technology

IT Consultancy, IT Services, AUTOCAD, e‐Commerce, Network Management Services, IT Security Management, IT Solutions, Virtualization, IT Strategy Services, Import/Export (IT related), Media Technology,

Design Interior Design Consultancy or Services, Architecture

Services, Commercial Interior Design, Space Planning Design, Concept Design Consultancy, Design Services

Education Education Training, Business Training, Online Education,

Education Services, Performing Arts Training, Training Consultancy, Training Services

تقطيى شاط انشاط

وؽخ ، إزبط رى٣غ أكال، ازظ اكال، فلبد ك٤خ، ازبط رى٣غ ك٢

ازبط ، فلبد رظ٤ ك٤ل٣، اكاهح ثوغخ، اكاهح ثواظ، ب ثؼل االزبط

، رظ٣و ك٤ل٣ك٤ل٣


رسغ٤ إزبط س٤و٢، رى٣غ س٤و٠، إكاهح رو٣ظ س٤و٠، شو

رله٣ت ، اكاهح ل٣خ ال٢، ٤خس٤و٠ ، إكاهح ؽوم شوبد س٤و


يىضيق وترفيه

، رغبهح ، أربكفلبد رو٤خ اؼبد، اسزشبهاد رو٤خ اؼبد

، اكاهح ا رو٤خ اؼبد ، فلبد اكاهح شجخ اؼبدإزو٤خ،

فلبد ،رو٤خ اؼبد االكزواض٤خ ،ؽ رو٤خ اؼبد

، )رو٤خ اؼبد( اسز٤واكرظل٣و ، اسزوار٤غ٤خ رع٤ب اؼبد

رو٤خ اػال٤خ



رظ٤ كاف٢ ، فلبد ؼبه٣خ رظ٤ كاف٢،ا فلبد اسزشبهاد

فلبد ، اسزشبهاد لب٤ رظ٤ رظ٤ رقط٤ظ سبؽخ، رغبه١،



، رؼ٤ ػ طو٣ن شجخ اؼبد، رله٣ت اػب، ٢رله٣ت رؼ٤

فلبد رله٣ت، ٤خاسزشبهاد رله٣ج، رله٣ت اكاء ك٢، ٤خفلبد رؼ٤ تؼهيى

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5.0 Mode of Payment / Bank Account Details 5.0 تفاطيم انحطاب انظرفي/ ذفغانطريقح :

The entire licence fee amount should be paid to the following bank account. We accept bank transfers as mode of payment, in addition to cheque deposit and cash.

الكغ ػ طو٣ن ٣ .ل٣خ اإلثلاع إكاهح ب ا٠وفظخ ثبهس ا٣غت ككغ

ولا.الكغ ش٤ي أ ثازؾ٣الد اظوك٤خ ، أ

1) Bank Account for Licence Fee: ELITE FZ LLC

For the following transactions:

new and renewal licence fee of non-space, non-broadcasting licences

trade licence & establishment card penalty (if applicable)

"ELITE FZ LLC: by Cheque / Bank Transfer payable to "Licence Fee PaymentFor

Bank | البنك إسم ADIB Bank (Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank) اإلسالمي ظبي أبو مصرف

Current Account No. 1867 0325 الحالي الحساب رقم

IBAN Account No. AE1705 0000 00000 1867 0325 Currency : UAE Dirhams

Branch | الفرع Fujairah, UAE ،المتحدة العربیة اإلمارات الفجیرة

Swift Code ABDIAEADFUJ السرعة رمز

Visa Fee and all other transactions: Creative City Fujairahfor 2) Bank Account

Payments: by Cheque or Bank Transfer payable to Visa / NOC / Canc.


Bank | البنك إسم National Bank of Fujairah الوطني الفجیرة بنك

Account No. | 12001105149 الحساب رقم

IBAN Account No. AE480 3800000 12001105149 Currency : UAE Dirhams

Branch | الفرع Fujairah, UAE ،المتحدة العربیة اإلمارات الفجیرة

Swift Code NBFUAEAFFUJ السرعة رمز

Fees payable to this account:

Licence fee of companies with 'S' Space Package and Broadcast licence

All Visa Fees and related payments


Licence Cancellation fee

Any other fee payable.

6.0 Documents provided to client after Company set-up 6.0 تؼذ انتطجيم: نهشركح انقذيح انطتذاخ

Company Trade Licence

Certificate of Incorporation

Shares Certificate

Articles of Incorporation / MOA

Power of Attorney (1 set attested by Creative City), if any

Office Lease Agreement (for Flexi-desk package)

هفظخ رغبه٣خ

شبكح رأس٤س

شبكح أس

ػول ازأس٤س

( ظلهخ سقخر٤ ػب)إ عل ل٣خ اإلثلاع ،

(زت فلبد اؼ)وفض ث زت ٣غبهارلبه٤خ ا

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Creative City will notify you by email and phone once your company Trade Licence is issued, which will be released within 4-7 working days of application.

Copy of the Establishment Card will be sent 7-10 days after the release of Company Trade Licence, subject to Immigration approval

The owner must come in person either to Creative City or to any of our representative offices in Dubai to sign the Articles of Association. This is to ensure that a representative from Creative City or an agent witnesses the clients’ signature on the Articles and the same representative should place his/her own name with signature and date on all sets of Articles of Incorporation.

ؽب إطلاه اوفظخ، س٤ز إثالؿ ػ طو٣ن اجو٣ل اإلزو٢ ابرق ك٢

ػ كزوح رول٣ اطت. ا٣ب 7-4سزظله فال

ثؼل اكوخ أ٣ب إطلاه اوفظخ 10-7أح ثؼل شس٤ز إهسب سقخ ثطبهخ ا

.اغبد اقزظخ

أ ا٠ أ١ ل٣خ اإلثلاع٣غت ػ٠ ابي أ ٣ؾضو شقظ٤ب إب ا٠ زت

برت الءب ك٢ كث٢ زه٤غ ػ٠ ػول ازأس٤س. نا زأل طؾخ ره٤غ لة

اشوخ هج ظق أ ض ل٣خ اإلثلاع ٣جـ٢ لس ض اطوخ اإلػال٤خ

ازأس٤س. اؼول سقخاؾوح أ ٣هغ ٣ؤهؿ

7.0 Opening a Company Bank Account 7.0 فتح حطاب يظرفي تئضى انشركح:

You may open your company bank account at any bank of your preference.

Once you are in possession of all your company Documents (Trade Licence, Shares Certificates, Certificates of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation), you may directly co-ordinate with the Accounts Manager of the bank to open your company bank account.

ك٢ أ١ ثي. شوخ كزؼ ؽسبة ظوك٢ ي٣

أس، شبكح )هفظخ رغبه٣خ، شبكح رؾظ ػ٠ سزلاد اشوخ، ػلب

ػ٠ ؾسبة اؾسبثبد جي لزؼ او ٣لازس٤ن غ ٣يازأس٤س(، ػولرأس٤س،


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8.0 Amendments in the Company / Licence 8.0 طهة تؼذيم في رخظح انشركح:

At any time after your company registration, you may apply for changes in your company such as for share transfer, change of shareholders / company name / activity / person in-charge / licence upgrade, etc. The changes approved by Creative City management should be reflected in your company licence, Certificate of Incorporation and Shares Certificate.

، ضو ؽظ٣ي رول٣ طت زؼل٣ ث٤ببد اشوخ ، ك٢ أ١ هذ ثؼل رسغ٤ اشوخ

ع أػ٠ أ إفز٤به اشقض اسؤ أاشبط أاس اشوخ أرـ٤٤و اسب٤

٣غت ا أ١ رؼل٣ ك٢ ث٤ببد اشوخ ظلم هج إكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع . اوفظخ

.شبكح ازأس٤س شبكح األسازغبه٣خ ٣ظو ك٢ اوفظخ

o Normal Amendment requested during licence renewal will be free of

charge, except for adding activity.

o Board Resolution (2) signed by all shareholders approving the requested change, along with the required original documents should be submitted to Creative City.

o ٣ غبب ب ػلا اضبكخ شبط طت رؼل٣ غ رغل٣ل اوفظخ.

o إ٠ أ ع٤غ ش٤وا (2) ٣غت رول٣ إلكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع هواه غس اإلكاهح

ط٤خ سزلاد األ ـسا ٣غت رول٣، اسب٤ اكوا ػ٠ رؼل٣ اوفظخ

.اطثخ اشوخ

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8.1 To change the company name: 8.1 تؼذيم في إضى انشركح:

It may be changed if new preferred company name is available for registration. Owner / person in-charge must email the request to [email protected].

اشقض اسؤ أبي ٣غت ػ٠ ازسغ٤. زكو اما ٣ رـ٤٤و اس اشوخ

. [email protected] اطت إ٠أ ٣وس

Procedure for amending the company name: a) Publish a notice / advertisement in any leading newspaper of the UAE,

including the following details: - Old company name - Desired new company name - Licence number - Reasons for company name change - “Anyone may raise an objection regarding the change in company

name and inform Creative City on [email protected] / T: +971 9 2071333 / F: +971 9 2071334, with the reasons for objection within five days from the date of advertisement”

b) Letter of consent from the bank regarding the name-change.

:٤ل٤خ رؼل٣ اس اشوخ

i. شو إػال ك٢ أ١ طؾ٤لخ هائلح ك٢ الخ ، ٣ش ازلبط٤ ازب٤خ:

اس اشوخ اول٣خ -

اغل٣لح اطثخ اس اشوخ -

هه اوفظخ -

أسجبة زـ٤٤و اس اشوخ -

الؽظخ: ٣غى أل١ شقض ا ٣ؼزوع ػ٠ رـ٤٤و اس اشوخ ٣زظ ثئكاهح -

[email protected]/ 2071333 / +9719ل٣خ اإلثلاع ػ٠

.ه٣ـ اإلػالأسجبة االػزواع فال فسخ أ٣ب ربث / 97192071334+

ii. و اس اشوخ.٤فطبة ثباكوخ اجي ثشأ رـ٤

Documents required for company name change: 1. Duly filled licence amendment form 2. Colour passport copy of owner(s) / person in-charge 3. All original company documents to be returned to Creative City 4. If LLC (more than one owner), Board Resolution is also required (2 sets) 5. Original newspaper with the ad for name change 6. Amendment Fees The new company documents will be ready in 5 working days.

:اسزلاد اطثخ زـ٤٤و اس اشوخ

اوفظخاسزبهح طت زؼل٣ .1

اشقض اسؤطهح عاى اسلو بي .2

شوخ األط٤خاسزلاد ٣غت إػبكح .3

أضو بي اما اشوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح ) إما - (2) هواه غس اإلكاهح .4


اشوخ ثبإلػال ػ رـ٤٤و اس خظؾ٤لخ األط٤ا .5

زؼل٣ اهس .6

ػ. ا٣ب 5ر عبيح فال اسزلاد اغل٣لح شوخ

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8.2 To change / add the Business Activity: 8.2 انشركح: شاطفي او إضافح تؼذيم

The business activity of a company can be changed or added at any time provided that the new chosen activity is approved by the Creative City management. Owner / person in-charge must email the request to [email protected].

هج إكاهح ل٣خ رذ ااكوخ ػ٠ اشبط اغل٣لاشوخ اما شبط٣ رـ٤٤و

[email protected]اطت إ٠ أ ٣وس . ٣غت ػ٠ ابي أ اشقض اسؤ اإلثلاع

Documents required for change / addition in business activity: 1. Duly filled licence amendment form

2. All original company documents to be returned to Creative City

3. If LLC, a Board Resolution is also required (2 sets)

4. New activity description

5. Amendment Fees.

The new company documents will be ready in 5 working days.

:اشوخ شبط ا اضبكخ اسزلاد اطثخ زـ٤٤و

طت زؼل٣ اوفظخاسزبهح .1

شوخ األط٤خ اسزلاد ٣غت إػبكح .2

.اشوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح )أضو بي اؽل( إما - (2) هواه غس اإلكاهح .3

طق ػ شبط اشوخ .4

زؼل٣.اهس .5

ػ. ا٣ب 5اسزلاد اغل٣لح شوخ ر عبيح فال

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8.3 To Transfer / Sell Shares:

:قم او تيغ انحظض 8.3

The current shareholder(s) may add or remove shareholders or change the shares structure at will. Owner must email the request to [email protected].

The owner must come in person either to Creative city or to any of our representative offices in Dubai to sign the Sale of Shares. This is to ensure that a representative from Creative City or an agent witnesses the clients’ signature and the same representative should place the witness stamp with name, signature and date on all sets of signed documents.

٣غت ػ٠ . أ إعواء رؼل٣ ك٢ ا٤ اسبخ إضبكخ أ إىاخ سب ٣٤غى سب

[email protected] وس اطت أ ٣ابي أ اشقض اسؤ

أ ا٠ أ١ برت ل٣خ اإلثلاعا٠ زت ٣غت ػ٠ ابي أ ٣ؾضو شقظ٤ب إب

. نا زأل طؾخ ره٤غ لة ص٤وخ ث٤غ اؾظضالءب ك٢ كث٢ زه٤غ ػ٠

اشوخ هج ظق أ ض ل٣خ اإلثلاع ٣جـ٢ لس ض اطوخ اإلػال٤خ

.سقخاؾوح أ ٣هغ ٣ؤهؿ

Prerequisites for selling shares to an Individual: 1. Request letter stating the type of transaction requested and its details,

signed by all shareholders / the authorized signatory.

2. Licence Amendment form

3. Board Resolution (2) mentioning the changes, signed by all shareholders

4. Sale of Shares Form (2) signed by all shareholders/seller and purchaser.

5. All original company documents to be returned to Creative City

6. Coloured passport copy of the buyer and seller (of shares)

7. Amendment Fees

Processing time: 5 working days

انتطهثاخ نثيغ أضهى نهفرد:

اشقض /زؼل٣الد االىخ هؼخ هج اسب٤ ثبرول٣ طت لظ .1


اسزبهح طت زؼل٣ اوفظخ .2

اشوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح )أضو بي اؽل( إما –( 2)هواه غس اإلكاهح .3

. اسب٤ هؼخ

. اسب٤ / اجبئغ اشزو١ هؼخ سزل ج٤غ اؾظض .4

شوخ اسزلاد األط٤خ ٣غت إػبكح .5

اجبئغ اشزو١طهح خ عاى اسلو .6

هس ازؼل٣ .7

ػ. ا٣ب 5اسزلاد اغل٣لح شوخ ر عبيح فال

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Prerequisites for selling shares to a Company: A. Documents of Purchasing Company:

i. All company documents of purchasing company – originals and 1 set colour copy (Licence, Share Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation, MOA, etc.). The originals are required only for verification by Creative City management, and shall be returned soon after.

ii. Board Resolution stating that all shareholders have agreed to purchase shares of the Creative City company (2 sets)

iii. Power of Attorney specifying the authorized signatory of the company, attached by person’s passport copy (4 sets)

iv. Passport copies of the owners and person incharge of company

v. Certificate of Good Standing for parent company, or similar document that licence is still valid till date.

vi. If company is UAE-based, original company documents must be attested from licence-issuing authority. NOC from licence-issuing authority of parent company is also required

vii. If company is based overseas, all original company documents, certificate of good standing, board resolution and power of attorney must be attested from country of origin and from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UAE

:نشركحانتطهثاخ نثيغ أضهى

I. :انطتذاخ انطهىتح ي انشركح

i. ثبإلضبكخ ا٠ –اسزلاد األط٤خ شوخ ظلهخ ا٤ئخ اظلهح وفظخ

)اوفظخ ازغبه٣خ، شبكح األس، شبكح ازأس٤س، ػول خ سزلاد سقخ

اوب٤خ شوخ طثخ زؾون كوظ هج إكاهح . اسزلادازأس٤س ؿ٤وب(

ع٤يح. ل٣خ اإلثلاع، رؼبك ثؼل كزوح

ii. ( ش٤وا إ٠ أ ع٤غ اسب2هواه غس اإلكاهح )اكوا ػ٠ شواء أس ٤

اإلثلاع ل٣خ اؤسسخ ك٢اشوخ

iii. ( غ ث٤ببد اشقض الع2ر٤ ػب )– واالس اغس٤خ هه عاى اسل

iv. ثبزه٤غ اقابي اشقض طهح خ عاى سلو

v. إلسزواه٣خ اشوخ اوئ٤س٤خشبكح

vi. اسزلاد األط٤خ شوخ ر ظلهخ ا٤ئخ الخاما اشوخ روغ ك٢

شبكح ػل بؼخ ا٤ئخ اظلهح وفظخ اظلهح وفظخ ثبالضبكخ ا٠


vii. اسزلاد اوب٤خ شوخ ر ظلهخ اما اشوخ روغ فبهط كخ االبهاد

ثل اشأ ىاهح اقبهع٤خ ثلخ االبهاد

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B. Documents of Creative City Company:

i. Request letter stating the type of transaction requested and its details, signed by all shareholders / the authorized signatory.

ii. Licence Amendment form

iii. Board Resolution mentioning the changes, signed by all shareholders (2 sets)

iv. Shares Transfer form signed by all shareholders/seller and purchasing company’s owners/authorized signatory (a set each for buyer, seller and Creative City) – signatures should be witnessed by Creative representative / agent

v. Power of Attorney (2 sets), if the owner(s) appoints another person to function in a managerial capacity on their behalf. The power of attorney should describe in detail the rights of the person in-charge, especially with regard to applying for company visas, opening or operating bank account, employee issues, etc.

vi. All original company documents to be returned to Creative City

vii. Coloured passport copy of the buyers and sellers (of shares)

viii. The signatories must come in person either to Creative City or to any of our representative offices in Dubai to sign the Sale of Shares. This is to ensure that a representative from Creative City or an agent witnesses the clients’ signature on the Sale of Shares and the same representative should place his/her own name with signature and date on all sets of Sale of Shares

Processing time: 5 working days

II. :انطتذاخ انطهىتح ي انشركح انؤضطح في يذيح اإلتذاع

i. رول٣ طت لظ ثبعواء ازؼل٣الد االىخ هؼخ هج اسب٤ ا اشقض


ii. اسزبهح طت زؼل٣ اوفظخ

iii. ( 2هواه غس اإلكاهح )

iv. سقخ –/ اجبئغ اشزو١ هؼخ اسب٤سزل ج٤غ اؾظض

اشزو، اجب٣غ إكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع

v. ر٤ ػب )سقز٤( ك٢ ؽبخ عك أضو بي اؽل اشقض اسؤ اؽل

از٤ ٣غت ا ٣ؾز١ ث٤، أ إما ب اشقض اسؤ ؿ٤و ػ ابي .

ػ٠ ث٤ببد لظخ ػ ؽوم اشقض اسؤ، ثبألفض ك٤ب ٣زؼن ثطت

رأش٤واد شوخ، كزؼ رشـ٤ ؽسبة ظوك٢ ثبس اشوخ هضب٣ب اظل٤

vi. األط٤خ شوخ٣غت إػبكح اسزلاد

vii. اجبئغ اشزو١طهح خ عاى سلو

viii. ل٣خ شقظ٤ب إب ا٠ زت اأ ٣ؾضو ثبزه٤غ ٤ص اقبشقاال٣غت ػ٠

. سزل ج٤غ اؾظضاأ ا٠ أ١ برت الءب ك٢ كث٢ زه٤غ ػ٠ اإلثلاع

هج ظق أ ض ل٣خ اإلثلاع ٣جـ٢ اؼ٤ زه٤غ انا زأل طؾخ

سزل ج٤غ ا سقخلس ض اطوخ اإلػال٤خ اؾوح أ ٣هغ ٣ؤهؿ


ا٣ب ػ. 5اسزلاد اغل٣لح شوخ ر عبيح فال

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8.4 To change the Person In-charge / Authorized Signatory / Manager: 8.4 او انفىع تانتىقيغ تغيير انذير أو انشخض انطؤول:

Owner should email the request to [email protected]

٣[email protected]غت ػ٠ ابي أ ٣وس اطت

Documents required for change in person in-charge: 1. Duly filled licence amendment form

2. Colour passport copy of new person in-charge with valid residence or valid UAE entry stamp in passport

3. All original documents to be returned to Creative City

4. Board Resolution (2 sets) confirming appointment / removal of authorized signatory / manager / person in-charge signed by all shareholders

5. Power of Attorney for the new manager.

6. Amendment fees

The new company documents will be ready in 5 working days. Owners / manager must inform his bank regarding the changes in his company.

:انذير أو انشخض انطؤولانطتذاخ انطهىتح نتغيير

اسزبهح طت زؼل٣ اوفظخ .1

طهح فز اإلهبخ ك٢ اغاى أ ل٣و اغل٣لطهح خ عاى اسلو .2

.قزخ اغاىاد الؼ سبه٣خ رأش٤وح كف

شوخ األط٤خ اسزلاد ٣غت إػبكح .3

اشقض اسؤ / ال٣و هؼخ إضبكخ أ إىاخ ثج٤ببد (2) هواه غس اإلكاهح .4

هج اسب٤

ر٤ ػب ل٣و اغل٣ل. .5

.هس ازؼل٣ .6

ػ. ا٣ب 5اسزلاد اغل٣لح شوخ ر عبيح فال

٣غت إثالؽ اجي ػ ازـ٤٤و ك٢ اشقض اسؤ .

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9.0 Licence Upgrade 9.0 اختيار يطتىي اػه ي انترخيض

1. Duly filled licence amendment form

2. Colour passport copy with UAE residency entry stamp of owner(s), PIC.

3. All original documents to be returned to Creative City

4. If LLC, a Board Resolution (2), confirming the company upgrade.

5. Licence upgrade fees

اسزبهح طت زؼل٣ اوفظخ .1

. بي اشقض اسؤطهح خ عاى اسلو .2

شوخ األط٤خ اسزلاد ٣غت إػبكح .3

ثباكوخ ػ٠ – اشوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح إما -( 2)هواه غس اإلكاهح .4

سز أػ٠ ازوف٤ض

هس ازوف٤ض اغل٣ل. .5

10.0 Licence Renewal 10.0 رخظحان تجذيذ:

Licences are subject for renewal on an annual basis. .اوفظخ رغلك س٣ب

Renewal Requirements:

Owner / person in-charge should send a request email to [email protected]

Renewal fees must be paid in advance before the renewal is processed (Please see 4.0 for how to pay the licence renewal fees)


اطت بأهس أ اشقض اسؤ ٣غت ػ٠ ابي [email protected]

(وسا٤ل٤خ ككغ 4.0 ٣وع٠ اواعؼخ إ٠) ازغل٣ل ولب ٣غت أ رلكغ هس

Note: In case of any default by the registered companies, the Creative City management may impose termination of company licence against its shareholders, in compliance with the Regulations or terms and conditions of the Articles of Incorporation.

الؽظخ: ك٢ ؽب عك أ١ روظ٤و اشوبد اسغخ، ٣سؼ إلكاهح ل٣خ اإلثلاع

س٤س.، كوب ائؼ أؽب ػول ازأاالىبد ػ٠ اوفظخ ثػوكوع

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Documents required for licence renewal:

Duly filled Licence Renewal Form

Clear, colour passport copy of owner(s) and / or person in-charge:

o first page and/or page containing valid passport information, such as extension page, etc.

o residence page or valid UAE entry permit stamped in passport: not mandatory for Commercial Licence: FZE and FZ LLC

o Clear, colour copy of last page for Indian nationals only / 2nd page for Pakistani nationals

o If owner / person in-charge is a UAE national, colour copy of Family book and Emirates ID Card

Power of Attorney if there is more than one owner and the person in-charge is only one among them, or if the person in-charge is different from the owner(s). The power of attorney should describe in detail the rights of the person in-charge, especially with regard to applying for company visas, opening or operating bank account, employee issues, etc.

Brief Activity Description

If owner is a company, certificate of good standing of owner company

Renewal fees

:نتجذيذ رخظحانطتذاخ انالزيح

هفظخ. رغل٣لاسزبهح

طهح خ عاى اسلو بي أ اشقض اسؤ:

o اظلؾخ األ٠ اظلؾخ از٢ رؾز١ ػ٠ ؼبد طبؾخ ، ض طلؾخ


o قزخ الؼ طهح فز اإلهبخ ك٢ اغاى أ رأش٤وح كف سبه٣خ

ا شوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح - ٤وش)ؿ٤و طة وفظخ اغاىاد

(ؤسسخ ماد سؤ٤خ كوك٣خ

o طهح خ اظلؾخ األف٤وح غس٤خ ال٣خ

o طهح خ اظلؾخ اضب٤خ غس٤خ اجبسزب٤خ

o / إما ابي / اشقض اسؤ اط إبهار٢ ، سقخ خ فالطخ او٤ل

٣خ اإلبهار٤خثطبهخ اخ ككزو اؼبئ

و بي اؽل اشقض اسؤ اؽل ث٤، ضك٢ ؽبخ عك أ ر٤ ػب

ؾز١ ػ٠ ث٤ببد ٣أ إما ب اشقض اسؤ ؿ٤و ػ ابي . از٤ ٣غت ا

ض ك٤ب ٣زؼن ثطت رأش٤واد شوخ فلظخ ػ ؽوم اشقض اسؤ، ثبأل

.ؽسبة ظوك٢ ثبس اشوخ هضب٣ب اظل٤ رشـ٤ ، كزؼ

/ إما ابي / اشقض اسؤ اط إبهار٢ ، سقخ خ فالطخ او٤ل

٣خ اإلبهار٤خ.ثطبهخ اككزو اؼبئخ

طق ػ شبط اشوخ

شبكح إلسزواه٣خ شوخ ك٢ ؽب عك شوخ ض االى

هس ازغل٣ل

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In the event of non-renewal of licence:

All companies under Creative City should renew their licence, within one month after the expiry date of their licence.

AED 200 will be charged for every month after the allowed grace period (30 days after the expiry date of the company licence).

If the company establishment card is not renewed within one month after its expiry date, the client has to pay a penalty of AED 1,100/- (AED One Thousand One Hundred), and AED 100/-(One Hundred) for every subsequent month.

Penalty of AED 5,000 for each valid visa issued under the company will also be charged.

Additionally, please be informed that most banks freeze the bank accounts of companies whose licences have expired. Therefore, we highly recommend that all our clients renew their licences before the expiry date.

في حال ػذو تجذيذ انرخظح:

ربه٣ـ ازبء اوفظخ شو ٣غت ػ٠ شوخ رغل٣ل اوفظخ ازغبه٣خ فال.

كه 200 ؼبكر٤ضطو اوفض ا ٣لكغ ؿوابد غلك اوفظخ سراما

.ب ربه٣ـ إزبء اوفظخ(٣ 30ثؼل ؾست ر) سبػاثؼل كزوح شو

،٣غت إما ٣ز رغل٣ل ثطبهخ شأح اشوخ فال شو ثؼل ربه٣ـ ازبء اظالؽ٤خ

كه ػ شو الؽن . 100 كه، 1100ككغ ؿواخ هلهب ػ٠ اشوخ

الؼ ػ٠ اشوخكه رأش٤وح سبه٣خ 5000ب ٣ؼبهت.

ؾسبة اظوك٢ شوبد از٢ اثبإلضبكخ إ٠ مي، ك اثالؿ أ اجى ٣غل

ازذ طالؽ٤زب. ني، ظؼ اشوبد ثبزغل٣ل هج ربه٣ـ ازبء اظالؽ٤خ.

Creative City has the authority to take any or all of the following legal actions against the defaulting company: Cancel the licence

Report the staff under the company sponsorship to the legal authorities

Take legal action against the company owner(s).

In exceptional cases, the Creative City management has the full authority to cancel staff employment visa without the approval of the company owner / person in-charge.

رقبم أ١ اإلعواءاد اوب٤خ ازب٤خ اطوخ اؾوح اإلػال٤خ ل٣ب اسطخ ابخ ال

:اقبلخشوخ ا ضل


اشوخ ػ٠ لبخاظل٤ ػاسطبد اؼ٤خ ٣جؾ.

ارقبم اإلعواءاد اوب٤خ ضل طبؽت اشوخ.

،إلـبء رأش٤وح ل٣ب اسطخ ابخ اؾوح اطوخ اإلػال٤خ ك٢ ؽبالد اسزضبئ٤خ

اشقض اسؤ. أك اكوخ طبؽت اشوخ ػ٠ لبخ اشوخ اظل٤

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Creative City Fujairah – Manual for Company Registrations │ 2017


11.0 Licence Cancellation Procedure:

The company should submit the Cancellation Form duly filled.

Cancellation fees plus fines, if any, should be paid in advance.

All visas on the company sponsorship should be cancelled

The owner should obtain clearance for company bank account

He should also provide clearances from the telecom provider (Etisalat / du) in case the applicant has phone lines registered on the company name.

He should get a clearance from Emirates Post if the applicant has company P.O. Box.

Board Resolution regarding licence cancellation (if more than one shareholder)

All original documents in the possession of the owner(s) / person in-charge must be returned to Creative City (licence, Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Shares Certificate, Lease Agreement).

Cancellation forms for all visas on the company sponsorship.

رخظح: إنغاء كيفيح 11.0

. ٣غت ػ٠ اشوخ رول٣ إسزبهح طت إلـبء اوفظخ

٣غت ػ٠ اشوخ ككغ هس إـبء اوفظخ ثبإلضبكخ إ٠ أ١ ؿواخ

٣غت إـبء ازأش٤واد ػ٠ لبخ اشوخ.

أ ر إؿالم اؾسبة اظوك٢ شوخ.٣غت اؾظ ػ٠ رظو٣ؼ اجي

٣غت اؾظ ػ٠ ااكوبد شوخ اإلرظبالد )ارظبالد أ ك( ك٢ ؽب عك

فطط ابرق سغخ ػ٠ اشوخ.

٣غت اؾظ ػ٠ ااكوبد ثو٣ل اإلبهاد ك٢ ؽب عك طلم اجو٣ل

سغخ ػ٠ اشوخ.

اشوخ ماد سؤ٤خ ؾلكح إما -فظخ هواه غس اإلكاهح ثقظص إـبء او

.)أضو بي اؽل(

األط٤خ إلكاهح اطوخ ٣غت ػ٠ ابي أ اشقض اسؤ إػبكح اسزلاد

س(األاإلػال٤خ اؾوح )اوفظخ ػول ازأس٤س شبكح ازأس٤س شبكح

خ إسزبهح اطت إلـبء رأش٤وح رأش٤وح أ إهبخ ػ٠ لبخ اشوخ . ئرؼج

Clearance for company bank account: The company owner must request clearance letter personally from bank.

All outstanding balance of the company should be settled before the bank issues the clearance.

Once these conditions are met, we will issue a Clearance letter for the company.

كيفيح انحظىل ػه تظريح ي انثك تخظىص انحطاب انظرفي نهشركح:

٣غت ػ٠ ابي شقظ٤ب رول٣ طت إلؿالم اؾسبة اظوك٢ شوخ

إلطلاه ازظو٣ؼ هج ٣جـ٢ رس٣خ اوط٤ل ازجو٢ ك٢ اؾسبة اظوك٢


ك٢ ؽب إغبى شوط اإلـبء، سظله بي اشوخ هسبخ ازق٤ض.


These guidelines may be amended or supplemented from time to time by Creative City.

Any Violation of these Free Zone Rules is subject to penalties.

: يالحظح

زؼل٣ أ اإلضبكخ ن اواػلاطوخ اإلػال٤خ اؾوح ثبلغ٤وح ل٣ب اظالؽ٤خ ابخ.

.أ١ ازبى ن اواػل هبث ؼوثبد