Japanese Industries (1)

Kazuhide Ohta Japanese Industries (1) 日本産業論/日本産業特論 1.History of Japanese industries and current status 1.1 Development of manufacturing industries 1.2 Example of the heavy industry 1.日本工業の歴史と現状 1.1 モノづくり産業の発展の歴史 1.2 重工業メーカーの例 References /1/Harvard Business School , Japan (D-1): A Strategy for Economic Growth, 9-378-106 /2/ 1/Harvard Business School Japan :”Free, Fair, and Global?” N9-798-083 /3/ H12 fiscal economic survey http://www5.cao.go.jp/j-j/wp/wp-je00/wp-je00-000i1.html /4/ History of Industrial Policy Yoshiki Mikami http://kjs.nagaokaut.ac.jp/mikami/slide/postwarIP.files/frame.htm

Transcript of Japanese Industries (1)

Page 1: Japanese Industries (1)

Kazuhide Ohta

Japanese Industries (1) 日本産業論/日本産業特論

1.History of Japanese industries and current status 1.1 Development of manufacturing industries 1.2 Example of the heavy industry 1.日本工業の歴史と現状 1.1 モノづくり産業の発展の歴史 1.2 重工業メーカーの例 < References > /1/Harvard Business School , Japan (D-1): A Strategy for Economic Growth, 9-378-106 /2/ 1/Harvard Business School ,Japan :”Free, Fair, and Global?” N9-798-083 /3/ H12 fiscal economic survey http://www5.cao.go.jp/j-j/wp/wp-je00/wp-je00-000i1.html /4/ History of Industrial Policy , Yoshiki Mikami ,


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1. History of Japanese industries 1.1日本産業の歴史と現状

1.1 History of industries and their growth strategy (0) Overview (1) State-led industrial development since Meiji era (2) WW2, reform and rapid economic growth (3) Best production country in the world and the harvest of the miracle economic growth (4) Collapse of the economic bubble and the subsequent lost ten years (5) Strategy of Japanese industries as the front-runner in the 21th century

Meiji era:1986~1912, Taisho era :1912~1926, Showa era :1926~1989, Heisei era:1989~

1.1 モノづくり産業の歴史と発展戦略 (0)概要 (1)明治以来の国策としての産業育成 (2)敗戦と復興そして高度成長 (3)奇跡の経済成長の収穫と世界一の製造国へ (4)バブル崩壊と失われた10年 (5)21世紀のフロントランナーの時代への対応

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1.1 History and growth strategy モノづくり産業の歴史と発展戦略

(0) History of Japanese manufacturing industries(1/3) ■ Edo period (The foundation of economic growth were prepared)1603~1867 -Forward operation market of rice, development of road and sea traffic - Elementary school (Terakoya)≒ 10,000. Clan school (Hankou) >200 - Raw silk production(Home industry under the wholesaler's control) ■ The Meiji era (Catch-up with western countries) 1867~1912 - Industrialization to be wealthy country - Promotion of technology transfer and expansion of engineering education ■ Before WW2 - Taisho and early Showa era (Development of industries) 1912~1926 - Economic stagnation by great depression and big earthquake 1926~1945- Development of heavy industries. Formation of Zaibatsu(financial clique)

(0)モノづくり産業の歴史の概要 ・江戸時代(経済発展の素地はできていた) 1603~1867 -街道や海路の発達と米の先物市場 -寺子屋1万,藩校2百以上 -生糸生産(問屋制家内工業) ・明治時代(欧米諸国へのキャッチアップ) 1867~1912 -殖産興業政策 -技術移転促進と工学教育充実 ・戦前:大正から昭和初期(工業化の進展) 1912~1926 -大震災や恐慌による経済停滞 1926~1945 -重工業の発展,財閥の形成

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1.1Development of manufacturing industries 製造業の発展

(0) History of Japanese manufacturing industries (2/3) ・ Recovery from WW21945-1955 - Dissolution of Zaibatsu / Antitrust & Decentralization law, Land reform, Labor reforms - Restored to prewar level by emergency demand of Korean War ・ High economic growth (1955-1972): Restart of the catch-up - Technology transfer from U.S. & Europe, Improvement of Japanese QCD(Quality, Cost, Delivery) - Progress of higher education and supply of excellent human resources - Japan’s unique economic system ➥Group of enterprises, Seniority-based wage, Lifetime employment, Enterprise union

(0)モノづくり産業の歴史の概要(2/3) ・戦後の復興期(1945-1955) -財閥解体/独禁法/集中排除法,農地改革,労働改革などの構造改革 -朝鮮戦争特需でようやく戦前のレベルまで回復 ・高度成長期(1955-1972):再びキャッチアップの時代へ -欧米からの技術移転と日本独自のQCD改良 -高学歴化の進展と優秀な人材供給 -日本独自の経済システム └→系列/企業グループ,年功賃金/終身雇用,企業内労働組合

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(0) History of Japanese manufacturing industries (3/3) ・Harvest of the miracle economic growth(1972-1990) - Pollution problems, Oil shock, Overcome of strong yen -Japan as No.1, Trade friction ・Bursting of economic bubble and lost ten years (1991-2000) - Policy change from industrial development to deregulation - Lack of competitive ability in the global market ・Front-runner of manufacturing industries in the 21st century - High value added manufacturing ➥From process innovation to product innovation

1.1 Development of manufacturing industries モノづくり産業の歴史と発展戦略

(0)モノづくり産業の歴史の概要(3/3) ・奇跡の経済成長の刈入期(1972-1990) -公害問題,オイルショック,円高の克服 -Japan as No.1, 貿易摩擦 ・バブル崩壊と空白の10年間(1991-2000) -産業政策(産業育成)から通商政策(規制緩和)への転換 -世界的大競争時代への対応能力不足 ・21世紀フロントランナーの時代(2001~) -価値創造型のモノづくり産業へ └→プロセスイノベーションからプロダクトイノベーションへ

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Change of real national income from Meiji to Heisei 明治から平成までの実質国民所得の推移(H12経済白書)


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Edo Meiji(1868-1912) Taisho Showa (1926-1989) Heisei

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1.1 Development of manufacturing industries モノづくり産業の歴史と発展戦略

Industrial fundamentals in the Edo Period 1603~1867 ・Improvement of road network including five major roads and side roads by daimyo’s alternating Edo residence ・Development of the sea route to transport land tax rice to Osaka (distribution center) and Edo (consuming region) ・The world‘s first forward operation market of rice in Osaka (early18th century) ・Education(human resource development) : Elementary school (Terakoya)≒ 10,000. Clan school (Hankou) >200 ・Production volume of raw silk increased to 4 times in 17-18th century. Main export product in Meiji era ➥Grounding of the industrial development since the Meiji era

<江戸時代の産業基盤> ・参勤交代で5街道や脇街道等の道路網の整備 ・年貢米を大阪(商品集積地)や江戸(消費地)へ輸送するための海路の整備 ・大阪で世界初の米の先物市場(18世紀初頭) ・人材育成:寺子屋1万以上,藩校200以上 ・明治時代の輸出の主力であった生糸は17-18世紀に生産量4倍増 ➥明治以降の産業発展の素地はあった

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Development of manufacturing industries モノづくり産業の歴史と発展戦略

(1) Growth of industries as the national policy since Meiji era ・ From Tokugawa Shogunate to Meiji - In 1850’s, the power balance of western countries in Asia were almost settled. - Visit of U.S. black ship in 1853. Starting point of Meiji revolution. ➥Power politics of USA. Japan was changed by external pressure - Nagasaki ironworks founded by Tokugawa Shougunate in1857 ➥ Repair of iron ship(Kanrin-maru) . Round voyage to USA with no trouble. -Declaration of the Restoration of Imperial politics in 1867. (1)明治以来の国策としての産業育成 ・徳川幕府から明治へ -1850年頃になると,欧米列強のアジアでの勢力地図はほぼ固まる -1853年の黒船来航.黒船ショックで日本の変革が始まる └→米国の武力外交の歴史はここにも見られる └→外圧でしか日本は変わらない -1857年(安政4年)10月10日徳川幕府長崎鎔鉄所建設着手 └→咸臨丸の修繕.勝海舟米国往復ノートラブル -1867年12月9日 王政復古の宣言

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Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

Nagasaki ironworks in 1860 (MHI Nagasaki museum).View from Akunoura. The Japan first western style factory constructed under the guidance of Mr.Hardes from Netherland. The origin of Japanese heavy industries 1860年の長崎製鉄所の様子(三菱重工長崎造船所資料館資料集より).飽の浦付近より大波止を見る オランダ人ハルデスの協力で建設された本格的な洋式工場.わが国重工業の発祥の地

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Kazuhide Ohta Nagasaki city in the 21st century

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Kazuhide Ohta MHI in Nagasaki

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Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

・Industrial significance of the Meiji Restoration - Centralized political system: Abolition of clans and establishment of prefectures - The abolition of the status system (1873) - Land-tax reform to secure income of government ➥Pay tax by money - Liberalization of traffic and business - Establishment of monetary and financial system - Established ministry of industry(1870) and ministry of domestic affairs (1873) . ➥Start of capitalism production led by government

・明治維新の産業的な意義 -廃藩置県による中央集権化 -身分制度(士農工商)の廃止(1873) -地租改正(全国一律金納)による政府収入確保 -交通や商業の自由化 -通貨金融制度の確立 -工部省(1870),内務省設置(1873)による殖産興業政策の推進 ➥国家主導による資本主義的生産の開始

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■ Wealth and strong military policies aimed at western countries - Technology transfer strategy in the period of Meiji era Employ foreign expert➪Send students➪Establish education system ➪construct advanced factories(1869~) -Petition for industry development (1874 Toshimichi Okubo) ➥Increase national wealth by industrialization - National business managed by the ministry of industry (1870-1885) ➥ Mines, railroads, telegraph, lighthouse , ironworks, machine tools, shipbuilding, civil engineering ➥ Privatization(1885~) mine, shipbuilding, ironworks etc - Human resource development in engineering ➥ College of Engineering(1871)⇒School of engineering in Univ. of Tokyo

Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

・欧米列強を目標にした富国強兵策 -外国人雇用⇒初期留学生⇒教育機関整備(大学・高等工業卒業者) が明治初期の技術移転 戦略 ➥外人技師を雇い入れ,設備を導入して近代化するのが明治政府の基本戦略(1869~) -1874(明治7年)勧業建白書(大久保利通) ➥工業振興で国力(富)強化 -明治政府の工部省の事業(1870-1885) ➥国営事業として推進:鉱山,鉄道,電信,灯台,製鉄,機械製作,造船,土木 ➥ 1885年以降,鉱山や造船,製鉄などは民間に払い下げ(民営化) ➥工業人材育成:工部大学校(1871)⇒東大工学部

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Nagasaki ironworks managed by Tokugawa Shougunate(1861)

↓ Governmental Nagasaki ironworks

(1870) (Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry

of Industry) ↓

Lent to Mitsubishi Corp.(1884) ↓

Bought by Mitsubishi Corp.(1887) (Price 459,000 yen)

Ref) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nagasaki shipyard museum document

Example of Privatization 国営事業払下げの例

幕府直営長崎製鉄所(1861) ↓

官営長崎製鉄所(1870) (工部省所管の長崎造船局)

↓ 三菱社へ貸与(1884)

↓ 三菱社へ払い下げ(1887)


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・Industrial Revolution in Japan - Industrial revolution in Britain (18th century) ➥ Steam engine for spinning, railroad, marine transportation. Revolution of ironworks(charcoal → coke) - New technology developed in the late 19th century ➥Telegraphic communication, electric power, chemicals, automotive Introduced into Japan for short period Japan's industrial revolution was accomplished for shorter period than western countries.(Similar to China in recent years) ➥The main exports are textiles (silk) =light industry ➥Reinforcement military-related industries as a national policy

Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

・日本における産業革命 -18世紀の英国における産業革命 ➥蒸気機関が紡績,鉄道/海運,製鉄(木炭→コークス)の革命をもたらした. -19世紀後半から発達した新技術:電信,電力,化学,自動車 これらが短期間のうちに日本へ導入され,日本の産業革命が欧米より短期間で進行(近年の中国と類似) ➥紡績(生糸)などの軽工業が輸出の主体 ➥国策として軍事工業の強化

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< Progress of industrialization in Japan >1885~1910 ・Modernization of the cotton spinning industry :Domestic production by introducing large machinery ・Mechanize the raw silk production : manual ⇒mechanical filature ・Full-scale domestic production of steel -1901 Establishment of governmental Yahata ironworks and private steel mills. ・The shipbuilding technology of the world class ・ Development of machine tools -1905 The complete production of the American lathe Ironworks Ikegai Corporation ・Factory power changed to electricity(1910~1920)

Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

<日本の工業化の進展>1885~1910年 ・綿紡績業の近代化:大型機械導入で国内生産 ・生糸生産の器械化:座繰製糸⇒器械製糸 ・鉄鋼の国内生産本格化 -1901官営八幡製鉄所や民間の製鉄所設立 ・造船技術が世界水準へ ・工作機械の発達 -1905年池貝鉄工所アメリカ式旋盤の完全製作 ・工場動力が電力へ(1910~1920)

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・ Formation of conglomerates - The sale of the business managed by the ministry to the private enterprise ➪ Secure a privileged position - An organization controlled by the holding company ➥Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda (4 major conglomerates) Mitsui partnership(1909), Mitsubishi joint stock company(1893) ➥ Okura, Furukawa, Nakashima, Ayukawa (After the Russo-Japanese War) - After the financial crisis(1927), Industrial capital was concentrated to the financial combine ➥ Built a dominant position in the Japanese business ommunity

After the Great Kanto Earthquake 1923, the bank’s earthquake bill processing triggered closure and bankruptcy of banks.

Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

・財閥の形成 -工部省事業の民間事業家(政商)への払下げ →特権的地位の確保 -持ち株会社を中心とする組織形態 └→三井,三菱,住友,安田(4大財閥) 三井合名会社(1909),三菱合資会社(1893) └→大倉,古川,中島,鮎川(日露戦争以後) -金融恐慌(1927)後,産業資本が財閥へ集中 └→日本経済界に支配的な地位を築いた

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■ Inclined to the war economy - Recession after World War I ➥Great Kanto Earthquake(1923), Financial crisis(1927), Great Depression(1929) - Emerge from Showa Depression in 1930's ➥ Low interest rates, weaker yen, Government spending by Takahashi’s financial policy ➥ Development of heavy and chemical industry - Strengthen the government's economic control ➥ Sino-Japanese war(1937), National Mobilization Law(1938), Pacific War(1941), Munitions Company Law(1943)

Development of industries as the national policy 明治以来の国策としての産業育成

・戦時経済への傾斜 -第1次大戦後の不況 └→関東大震災(1923),金融恐慌(1927),世界大恐慌(1929) -1930年代に昭和恐慌脱出 └→低金利,円安,財政支出の高橋財政 └→重化学工業の発展 -政府の経済統制強化 └→日中戦争(1937),国家総動員法(1938), 太平洋戦争(1941),軍需会社法(1943)