Jaimini Sutramritam. by M

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Transcript of Jaimini Sutramritam. by M

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    By Jupiter in karakamsa of 5th house, the native keeps up ancestral learning.

    "go | w% Bhagye chaivam -119

    A l l the above mentioned vidyayogas may be judged from the 2nd house of karakamsa too.

    Sada chaivamityefce - 120

    Some say that the above-mentioned vidya yogas may be judged from the 3rd house of karakamsa also.

    goi w ^ f r w{ ^ w*)ciicbj Bhagye ketau papa drishtau stabdavak - 121

    If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, the native can not talk or reply, soon or fastly.

    Swa pitrupadat bhagya rogayoh papa samye kemadrumah - 122

    go| -K