^J£ YY/ - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · *t St....

» Y •*•• ' l :;' t- t * V> l he © c w; * i Bfc fey, ts. «. &' ;KY •h« if* M are i*e» gpSE «4 i ° ?,• ««fi|«p*^ap™wwf^: ^J£ ffi *»**N **#*«** U^tk*^^. ' i'.'-7 ^ YY/ •#}# SssM ••?•" ; v©r;^ffi§;f "•i"*.'.j' tf H^^iC»e • • ; '' '•' - • • V:l*Y : * ; <^wS3 mm''' •3ta mm mwm&&JEWS. g^Owg»w^O»rrei»wi.<wiw. "'Antra*. " . ; * ' 1*8© Ifc*. ,?, j . Bicke^of the Holy ***%«a«reh«ondi»ci^ Wea.tsday taat at the jjrittttt Sunday awning and dftlffcet, "Eternal Fo«isht»#t l t ,t was listened to wlifc rW |jt *tteatioft by all •pA^e«:- Rfek^y £onp)lat*>»M tie ptiacft ^ choir «»d «»i$ it would! •'-^©p&f8 fiHsovabiy with . jcaatiy Yvho.ii* iiYtbe cb.Wvks.ti t'te --H»i£»JttttU'ii of tboState. '•"' •• Y- Jlt&H Atin$, &nrtw m*t ngre<*iVH."-y frfed*- At b><r j.k-w/ftut k<rk*, "fe •ijfitlpy .fit, FiidHj ' x-vi>&ip£. 'for <-• . 'Weeoapeit.' J, I%ott* of Attburo, spent Sunday in lawn. --,•* . - - • ; .11*. IV &*Coe»ett»o*thi* *»U«ge, spent Tuesday of tfcte week at Auburn. < . * Mister Alice |*reea and Ajiee Hears, Rochester, N. Y. Saturday, Noven.i^r 28, .895. itt town mltinf «Jati*es» Sli»s May l^wery, «>.tf Jordan, Is spending tf&fe day* ifl lama TWtinf irimdfc c Mr. Barnes»»4Mr, f'eirersoti, olA-u^xim, spent Sunday Iwtliart^wawitlsfrifads, :< j*»e« Kxadejf, of Jor^w^fjpeijj; Weda*6- Ctms, Kacely susd H. Hunter oil *iufc «t- Tfc*AVeea.>pp>* f e a t felt team * i l i i»l*y i j^"Vi8e"wwi[" MX l&tim S*|ur4*y next' fUMMTUj ftm war ww J4ond«f--Aujtiltary « • . i. Thw»d«f •» ** 4. 'A.«xilli*jy No. 5 D of K. W H in* •Utnfed by County f»t«Uleat M«». Powell *t tbe iiut meeti^f of Di*i- sba N» 1. T1M> *axUltM7 $UrU df witb * oa*mbef«btp of 54.TK«to!* fowiag ufficen b*ve been elected; Pres,. .c,,.,, , Mis» A. %*»» Isi^^ic^ fitB. ,. MUNI C?eH» <5orrfg*a, Mies Aunift If eSnfcw, TE£ GOSPEL* **'l F*ii And; aiUKntjg, •* " •".*••.- / - - • I Bet*. «-cy, •-, . ,\Mi*r^Ai>»» OHQODWS*}, JJPin. «eey .... Mi»« lt»i«rp J|<<5»1Hon, fttm.,.. ,^«.,,,,. ,M«*<« B Dowy, fill* J,»»„ o . . , . ^ .. Hfiw Uefleriumu, - ittf I;» JJOttbiWii-'-s^'pojwliiirlty^Wy cr%#. Hi^itll W4» hancUtomaty'dec- o m*fa& «iutJt tie «rowii» w^ro-«ttthy»i- ' ft«tio In tbetr pr»I««>». t l i e Con USlM *^^ b*ff«8 witi m«ch ^fgop, <>0w %'ejRfcole* tbe fair pr9#f«*i to b* » - «. great stiQceie, '*. ; . u«-el*t. The fanvral *«• bel>i *t tbe HuW yr*..-*Cb'UKTt SVviWfe&y, " ^ Rouitilus.-^fvttcvl fritud* her* Sunrf*./, aijfAigCa; *tte&eire ta^ttfad th«Juner#J id T?w tiurmge >jf MistAJifte Stiford aeS Pwk IkKiout tj«k pfew WA3c«*J*y.. Tiosembbr t.$\h<. *t 3 u'cJoclt *t th« Htrfy- CriM«-Cht^ct^ ^fu> Rpe t*tt*erf Kt«J #i Widemwid. *rttt TftOfiu B^e fiera«*i*- «»n. After the meifding «. fecq>)^n Mlsi lk>»e LamUft, of D*a*vill«. i» visii- i .v. MWK P»«Hoe K*ih%«r^ of N«w ¥wk t fatmtrlj of QWIMSV*,. b«t for * Miwtwr r€ ji»»jf»',|p«it hwr l i w d Pfafc)lp« t will -»w m»ke ber residmoi' ia B^dfeiwrt, tte«> jih© bw Uu<n *n^ge4 for th# pt^i#»t yew %Q ntv>% fa ^xi*Tt«tto <1» Oliof«b of ite •Be§«em*r # »n^ of the i*rgt»fc Con- i r w | f * t i o n * l <5>w*ictiff» in the St*te. Wl»»* Phetp* lowetift Kltw Jf«*ltft^V a ft, <fc& A i n VT^MiE I»«1V^.A1I •TcckdE?* fifty ; cent*. , ^ . o f tUes««,-»*•-«» w i l l b»» Uu» rcteptfftt/ • ««id bsli of SwufieW B]?mfct> A. 0 ; c;oH'icr, 0***tl«v ftsu4-Exobi.tt»;« t t r e t ' H -iho Hjb.orwiwe^ first hh\l %oA mcep- 0 tlou, BO p * i o r * i U btit~*p%r«d to tnnJt© it CJO<* <s-f the "ojort *occeenfut and ?m'oj-»blo A p«rtte«; of tho »ea*0ift- JPwf, J)o««ek»i( o r e M t t i w i l l f u r n l i b totti^foir thft oco»»Jon < , .. , 1") ' ' c> *t$jMsk of » » l i r l * kmt, fhamM Wtltk of Mt tforri*; *pettiStao4ikyliereiritIifri«ndi., . H. 0«ul*>y <«f F«o>in|ton, t u the f «•«« of f«tnO» her* oyerSnadsy; Jf*)ho By*a wad «w*f« viaitod felp tir#» imret tbie week. Bo»oli6o ?«ow«». *&d Miu U«ri» A. M«|tlM»ri w#ro united io airriftfe *t St. Jl*r^»» ohBtcb mx ?;30 ^oltxjk, Mondty wowilos**itJiSroptf*fWglt W*8* # B«T, J, A* fikite^ffiolitiiif. 'Dhrfetoii.K* 4 , L O v i . ii*t© lew ea the room ore* tW 8ep©Mio*tt«f- &<$% Mdj*itt'--ta]Ett (xxsseseioi 0e& 1, Tiiw n»tn » JigWdd witi» electrto light* *nd tb« ft»e*t roc» of it# *i«e in *h# «o«nty. Mivv Minnie Powelt •pent 8nnd»y witiifritDdnUthUTilUf*. -^ ? Mfw M»ry Ormagb only dftagriiter of Mr, *|ia Ifn. 3ii.h»«I0r*Bgb, di«d ^ in tb* Tlll*g« on Nor»B»h^ 18th, •ged 51 jrwa. Tb« d*«eu»d b*4 m»uy fri«ndJ wbo»«rfc berewly d«»th, >na «TMp«thiiw vith Of af- flicted family. H«rd»*th hucuti gloom over th« outamaity hi wiiioh sh* wis to well-knowa »ed:, highly esteemed. The fnaei^a! W M held from St* Michael'*Ohnrch on Friday morning at 9 o'olook. Tb« flowtrs were »ome of tn« moct oeaaKfol ever seen in this plac«;tostifyioy to the eateem Is" which,. the d»oea«ed was held. The childwR of Mary, of whioh the deo«s««d Wsa » member^ attended Uie iaaerai in a body. Hiss Margaret D«wan iras tbt fortunate lady who aecored tbe h»Bd- some placqoe given at the Fatrre- oently. Anttnaber ^ tt* ; . ladies of 8t Michael'a Ohureh bare ors^nieeda literary 6t«bw Th* dob will read ShakesD«are thia wists* Hwiruia*' Taafirstdsaat of tie >e«*oii was gwn Coropmy. It wtrts:.kuee«»as tuwat. Staeca FaBi. -. Among thQ«fe from out of town itho Attended tbe lauemi <>F Mn. Joto C«*«*f»it, _.wet#. |i>hjit Corcown of Bath, Mr, *nd MM. Auouw, Mfs. McCiftiiit ot $**aBmh" Ml*% U«ie McCnir* aa4 Miu Maggi* Harry McGiJJ h qniu tick at kk boate ««t "C«Bt«r|u*et. Ml« Hanoah Wood* *i«(ed frieudi ia Owd *i« weak, . . 0 . -.^ •„, .MJi*Jea«i*K)r*»»»? fhelfw, h -rhWitf aw aaat*. b*m*t Kyaa, o« t»wtet*r««<. WaterlbQ.. Ojie of tbe molt .'Ufse*4ul public enter- Jiiinaiaots Jttld^itt Wtiter.cKr f«»r asme Uaic w*i tb» itUwaf«d kcturt- deliveied t.jf Ktv- 'fConw r'« HtcUtv, ct J\otlie*t«r, 1* St. M«rj » halt, ^iumnpibci is. Tfce lecture *'*s helii under ttc a<mj>k-<r* p( lae'St. jjl*ry"^' CatboUt Clulr, »ftt i>rgM»i«»Uoa>. alitioiigli bio mmHit U4," aa* m#mbftsj My ---I tbe Jft-unjf mtft of the vill^e, IM»T iM-y^lcj^ant qu«iu»>» ut tie Gmy buii4fev'. The <iub Js Oct «f t i t *nx»g*»i aocial <3i^ai»i2*tions in i>.t»ft* County, *B»| Jm* j«?<?t aatf billiard iftlAe* a«3 all tb* other acJeasOtte* of a fifit cl«*«cori,*ni*«iion. fttber H i d « y lhad (ettured in Waterioo b,«(c>ie «ad tbe ticket* for the avent were eagerly aotifht after. Before th*,dr»r« openedJ»v»reth»n 500 had aaca litapoted of by lEe^tnembert i>1 the 'cltih «a<i there *»« also * largfe ntioibw of paid adrata- lioos- Fin wciaUy tbe event was • succeav , The merit* of tiw illottrated lecture pa' Ireland has only to be ubderatood when Father Hickey willtoein denaad by erery clwirchsoeietf In the dioceae. «sd !t Hi to be hooad U»* DM Ke¥W#a4J*ei«f*c wH» fad opponaour from hit labor* dawaaai of the Statt ^induHrial aebeol to »Wt ether rillagea and aaord the people « fate*. Itctnal treat a* well ca fs^Hiliag patriotic WattattBta. A pJt»aiDf »axll»ary/e«tBre ofd^««T«w ing*t eiitertainroent »a* the otoskaT Mlee- tiona rendered «t, iaMrmiiaioas b«faajr&ted yo««£ nawbers offtiecbarch. Mka JUaa Darkta «*»t a solo eatitbaf ^The Eat- fraat's Lamant" «rhk& was wall reaelred. The young lady has a toprano rolca of •nch pToaoW. IfiaaSira HopMni aaa| a number of Irish ballads and the enthaaiatttc applaa** which greeted erery tekctioa jbetokanad that she it a prime favorite with the a»ast« toehtf people of Waterloo., A qwtatU ewspoaed of Mewr*. John Neary. Eufsoe Twoioey, Joseph Fanrell and Joha Carroll, sang a national aft 1 , sustaining each part in a pleasing manner. , Tb* entsrtaininaot netted tha handaoaw sum of |<«5-sf *x As secUty, and was a source of asoch gratlfic*tl*a «o St Msrr'a worthy pastor, R«v, Was. atHarriag^on. Stephen rayoedMat Staakr oa Thnrs- dat, Nor. I4.all*r aHafsria* Hlaess. Tae fnaerat wsa a«ht a^s?S*«*!'llataraay free*' St. Theresa's Owfdu 'la»e«se«tet Can* asigaa. Ha » aeairleed by two eWtdiM, Mr». MeCenakk of MotrtajB* t*<t Kr* WiOUoa Bgrae-'of Charlotte, fanaettyof lepafri-.oa' PeKrFti&niS Uia<HueOoialhToawaT«aae, MrssAaMHegartyisatteadiag school at KeukaCoUeg* Joaaoal^oowortBiptotlisWacatawlfh shopvaeatedhyStephaaMalaweyOa Kahvi Q street--' -~^Ei' . „ • . Miss Ansa Shee&aa nsmaedaer dotieiat Brigh-m halt, CasaadaigBa, lastwgsav Mr. aad law. Ftraak Heah/ warefastown Sunday. ' '" Ufa. Dr. Waewenhasparchased the€os- WftrHoSJW us Idalc, street. ^ , Macedoo. Min Carrie Mmy Is qoite sick with the typhoid fever* Miss Mary L. C N c i i l k te*_hing ia the HeUfgaa^strJct c Mre..l/'C> ; SerTO«,wto'haa beta at 9k Mary'a AoepHal, Rod»e*t«, f ? r the - t s t » weeks, a»s retarned ^^^^aTP**t. acstoeed to * ' t« Ib«« stijiuHsry w^ill tjir«-t 'u C*t ball m S. St 0 P»ul 8tt~>t»veiy second aud * Awxiliaiy No. 3 held a very inter- *«linK i»*«tiiig U»ie «e*ke '^woca'P plicatifiis »o»e (tN^ivrd. Tbe ati* »mal flfi'titur''of tflioera will Ukg, pUSre at w»r JMJJ| meetlof, Deoe^beir 4tb. All member* ar«o«affaestl; M-qiifffedlobS-prci^t ... ° t Auxiliauy <Ko S be!d a very e«i»- oaaaftil card party at their room in daUbedral halt Fr.d-y evealag. ^Ite folio win f prngTsro waa TrDdered 1 Piiw S«lo ..... Jlu» hliaai. Taawaaaa t Solo* »»,.. . . M b * J. Corhett $ H*»Sok,................Mr. Rhodrt 4 SopraooSolo,..,».. .Mrs. Far^ubarsoei 5 Redta^on;...„.,^»,..»abyIfaiosf 6 Qsanette Meast*. PreJmoxs, Kane, Kearaeyead Oilk ? Rrtiiat k».,..,,.,..,.. CWT^aoawaoo %' CMII Sow*»*»«»,.„,, ,,'. JMT, OWNS 6 Vlslio Solo. ........ Mha.Be*te 10 Soeg ................. M i i s M.Oarrey OOSPKL: gt Malt, rxiv la-»6^-At t*at time, le*« 8 „od to Hi.diaflJpkW: aho»iBattea of fe«it^p^a5 waa spoken offeyD* c »l taeprop^at, •taodieg ia tha holy plaoe. he that readeth hat Mas aodsretaad. Taac they that a*e ia Jwdea, let them flee to the Btoeatatea ' Attd ht that is <»n the hSaictop, let hia not tsotno down to take 0 anything oat of his hosee. And he that ia to the fieUi, iat hh» uot go b*ok to take hia ooat And w«e to th#ni that *«> witVehAdi ahd that gtva auck ia thoee da*a. Bat ^.ray that yoor flight b« m>t ;a the wii'tpr, oroe taeSahbath. Totfflhere,^ *^~^i^tf^^&jmjtf-wm ^haH be then great U t b a l a i ^ sa«h |tW * W | i t f i P 3 «« b»th uv\ hjer;t» from the U-gmniag Si ^.-tif- pf tbe world oatil BOW, aettWr ahaU JJJ..f*^** 5 ** b». And oi^»aH« tttoee days had b**n w attorteued, no deeh ahaeild hnaavede «a4llinl| IliWlMlllMl "Mai , .1irfS'*t*« ABiixriBM ThatoUowtafla a tramhtlsa M to -•-' flswt'asi ^iaihann a^BiaUajia) 1 ---i n^pwiaw^awwnpi^^wawe^v^^^^awa^ '-a^^^^^a.g^^K^w^w^^aw,^* tsat^bH kaia«N<il *l^gft^>\j* h*#«^ , ^*'V : &> •» »..<_ w. jsa. dhl IB. oausnaa von aa» Mood.;- «|, js, Tatadey ,. a?, is. Frida* s*, 40. _, Ia aa ataeh ae-the editor of tha 0. E«6 A ootee ia tha Vatieaa of Albaay, doaa aotwiah teasawtroar qanation but continually^ beats ahoot tbe Lnsb in rejrerd U> anawtviug the •»BJ«WS will let biaa tiff for this tiate. £ ich aad every m«B»tmr of the or- der is cordial!) inviud to atifud tie ree-ptj(»B of (Jonncil 28, thank»giv- ittg trf, at ^^rvle dancijrig sctdeat) cor. State and Church eta. o C7. JMC, Jh»i Jkm. Monday—Branch** 58-81. ' 1'aeaday Braaches is, H, tjg. Wednesday 34, W, ity, 1S1, Touraday 80, Witiard A. M.r.kleof Braaob 180 has been elected president of As Cleveland Legion in cnoceed Joseph f. Heimbach, who has beeb adranoed to the preaidancy. ThaaarWHs of ef* 6m will both aspire January 1st 18M. Jaaee L' Wbalea nf Branch W, and Sapraaw Eepreaeetadva of tea N?ff TcyLQrand OooncD, has bees elaeted pasaMeni nf aha Flower Oity Dentocraoy. No better swfc6t|»» oonld have'beeb toade. . .1 4 ,«f«. - _,-.'- - - • - * | . . , l,ff, <'• « Tiiaidsi Tftrf'*a*a- * - WwiaMday—DWaka>j." .-" Thaaq^y—Clehaoa Tt, > The trat annaal balT of Dlvlaiot No. 4 will be given at Hiberatut hall, taenisfttihg ayt. 'mm bot for the sake of «fcd ehwt theset daya shall IM» thO^tcLfd. T*«ii if •a; man ehait say % yoat l«% hare' 4a Christ, or (here, do net heaese; hfw. Far there *sh*Jl artaw iabo Cbriau ind (aUe ptophat»,.a*d $g\ ahaw giuat aigas aad wtteaWa, in §« niioh aa ta daneiva/^asaeihi ' thaeleoi, BaholdIbert'trt yna heiforehaaaa. lf T »berr&ra ahall «»y te yoet fiahoai 41a 4a la- the deaert, go re not oatt beboh! no, 1. ia tha oloaetr, believe ft hot. Tcr as ligtuoiag ooaeth e«t of tha'last. •#•» •^•^••frsjWw f WMtt* ^aw rtM^MW B *^FwMW «-> shall ahto the ormiwe ef ««'fl0W of m»n he. ' Wh^rntoevtr UM} bodj< ahaU ha, ahate^haliua* isajfltt he gatheredtogatbef.' |d|d/ tCaJf P i e P * * wwe^ w^ gp^^aaWBpa^^" da>aih*ean»haUha tie' asooa shell no4.-g)iaw aed the atara eha« fafi «« and the noeara of twavef staved. Aed late shell apejlr aigo of tbe of mm tr""" and thee ahaO a5 hsttr^ MJgfgggMj awVMMJpgps •'^^aMJsMbrwsMJMMJ* fee «#n»aa waasiae ha abe alsedaaa? hearse with »etrh poweraed a*sjeety, , =^»*MsJ W^> MgftjMjf * MMMaMI wM^Mf MMJHBMMMI ^MMMM|^ l|aV. a trampet, and a gaaat eaissi and ia*y-shall gwtber together-IHeehset frotn the fonr wtadfJturn I^NJlJJNfcPf nana of the beeraaa.ae thev boaedaef tbwaii Aa4#ee>the t^e- fferh,,*- ndfal%t;.^gr* or »acb thereof U now te^ae% N ana he leaves come forth, yow know hat snininerfa afgh. *^'ytih-w»lW ben yoa shall aU tbeah'thbga; aoe ya tbah it ie'nifei t eseB^eetha oor*. Amen, i aav ta ^ew/Htret hia generatloo shall not pass till air heae things bedaee, aeaeee,aed had las'iOsn r' w^- **-- ' hj<fwan((('Bnwv* | 9**^*H^^ i !^0«?J*^r\i*W»>r ****- ,.-f<** thai ' *"""r^')aty 'fe ''''ar^ |^|'«»'ev*)^a>yr •r*i/-v -• 4 aaaajaiaeteie'Sjf;> '*'."> i^.'*t*y>" »^°* , *-^.- -.« •• "At* * . k- • v^?»r^*js^ni r*- : 4* - -•; ahall not gaaday as vvaaaw n-T waatMBiii *. at. lehi ttle*>«r. <•!#«,?!•. aiWMWp*$<<>!W J "? >nk -' "'" , *** |eheel UawaVyMst lhesa*!^^a^#i^t | »^<^--*'i'f'V t I ii. ,! •• j , ^ *' i^Zw i &; j«t .... . - • !j vlMse^aw .•ft** -.v « c -^* ip£* 'HiW:* i- _ .ef*»; r i; : , ' , ' t- r'^»^L.r- r t',^"i ?tMMyBB^f^ MsV T «. 1tSM)Rn19T eRwSw T ai^^ eswe _JBWNsa*wwwv-awaw a^ahoffpatttntfKet if. . ••" *• • \ '.. ^,^J. htaxray eaOedoo Lyofsfiiawls ta« wsek. _. ,...' Mrs ton* rfotey. wf Sytaetraj, was the gueat-of Lyoas friead* last week. ^ dMa^fsatefaboy: ' * li *tt**d*i * a e j & i tt^SOMm 'IteairW ^ ifc W T—•**' Trirr^intljii.'-iisiii^. •-.--..-. ferae aTsiiiia n^ aft^rh3ch^cvnit .^ildnftapalaWth^^f^; Wf*: -Then ia a rmator aftoat jhat L«oni is to' • h ^ t ^ ^ i t b i ' plats ^ctoryT Tbb weld add wrtch to th* Velfwe 0/tfoa. and " an fa nasi* that seek erpsttatiou »** ~ •'" " ' "If"/ ^*a^ : H^ 0 *;.V^- ^g-^t^^P^' &-**'' •i-f'*H> J^J^Jfolanialaia^feee^JaitoeV J B'!?*l^* si .»|^ «• «g»aeted haaw •• "1»wnka|^»%vanii|oa*- fnar^paas fflSR enst ; ' ejaa vffl gw, a sates "ieaeatr~" that cfdaie a d tiwiiii BaaiaaBaehaa'.'B isgef Father .. . .-'^yfM.aMWIi;^,.. er, a *o*tolariy a>an Mtd sLig^^A^i^fa^MF^aiydn^aae DnDsau easy /i!Ua>- •AI.S 1 4aafiBlMhaK_. i *" ~ ' fiiMlaa i feiawvwi SBWjS*gh3S»|5.; cfi flnjv |pWlg|MI<e\; .PWWr^- BMhl ::^c^ *^Rjgpw»^ai* liiiaiiwwaaw»ji^;w^y^^«w^i£r^>' • - ;

Transcript of ^J£ YY/ - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · *t St....

Page 1: ^J£ YY/ - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · *t St. Jl*r^»» ohBtcb mx ?;30 ^oltxjk, Mondty wowilos**itJiSroptf*fWglt W*8*# B«T, J,

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mwm&&JEWS. g^Owg»w^O»rrei»wi.<wiw.

"'Antra*. " . ;* ' 1*8© Ifc*. ,?, j . Bicke^of the Holy

***%«a«reh«ondi»ci^ Wea.tsday taat at the jjrittttt Sunday awning and

dftlffcet, "Eternal Fo«isht»#tlt,t was

listened to wlifc rW|jt *tteatioft by all

•pA^e«:- Rfek^y £onp)lat*>»M tie ptiacft ^ choir «»d «»i$ i t would!

•'-^©p&f8 fiHsovabiy with . jcaatiy Yvho.ii* i iYtbe cb.Wvks.t i t'te --H»i£»JttttU'ii of tboState. '•"' •• • Y -

Jlt&H Atin$, &nrtw m*t ngre<*iVH."-y

frfed*- At b><r j.k-w/ftut k<rk*, "fe •ijfitlpy .fit, FiidHj ' x-vi>&ip£. 'for

<-• . 'Weeoapeit.'

J, I%ott* of Attburo, spent Sunday in lawn. --,•* . - - • ;

.11*. IV &*Coe»ett»o*thi* *»U«ge, spent Tuesday of tfcte week at Auburn. <.*

Mister Alice |*reea and Ajiee Hears,

Rochester, N. Y. Saturday, Noven.i^r 28, .895.

itt town mlt inf «Jati*es» Sli»s May l^wery, «>.tf Jordan, Is spending

tf&fe day* ifl lama TWtinf irimdfc c

Mr. Barnes»»4Mr, f'eirersoti, olA-u^xim, spent Sunday Iwtliart^wawitlsfrifads, :<

j*»e« Kxadejf, of Jor^w^fjpeijj; Weda*6-

Ctms, Kacely susd H. Hunter oil *iufc « t -

Tfc*AVeea.>pp>* feat felt team *i l i i»l*y i j^"Vi8e"wwi[" MX l&tim S*|ur4*y next'

fUMMTUj ftm war w w J4ond«f--Aujtiltary «•. i.

Thw»d«f •» ** 4. 'A.«xilli*jy No. 5 D of K. W H in*

•Utnfed by County f»t«Uleat M«». Powell *t tbe iiut meeti^f of Di*i-s b a N» 1. T1M> *axUltM7 $UrU d f witb * oa*mbef«btp of 54.TK«to!* fowiag ufficen b*ve been elected; Pres,. . c , , . , , , Mis» A. %*»» Isi^^ic^ fitB. , . MUNI C?eH» <5orrfg*a,

Mies Aunift If eSnfcw,

TE£ GOSPEL* * * ' l


And; aiUKntjg, •* " • " . * • • . - / - - •

I Bet*. «-cy,•-,. ,\Mi*r^Ai>»» OHQODWS*}, JJPin. «eey . . . . Mi»« lt»i«rp J|<<5»1Hon,

fttm.,.. , ^ « . , , , , . ,M«*<« B D o w y , fill* J,»»„ o . . , . ^ . . Hfiw Uefleriumu,

- i t t f I;» JJOttbiWii-'-s^'pojwliiirlty^Wy

c r % # . H i ^ i t l l W4» hancUtomaty'dec-o m*fa& «iutJt t i e «rowii» w^ro-«ttthy»i-' ft«tio In tbetr pr»I««>». t l i e Con USlM

* ^ ^ b*ff«8 w i t i m«ch ^fgop, <>0w %'ejRfcole* tbe fair p r 9 # f « * i t o b* »

- «. g r e a t stiQceie, '*. ;.

u«-el*t. The fanvral *«• bel>i *t tbe HuW yr*..-*Cb'UKTt SVviWfe&y, " ^

Rouitilus.- fvttcvl fritud* her* Sunrf*./,

aijfAigCa; *tte&eire ta^ttfad th«Juner#J id

T?w tiurmge >jf MistAJifte Stiford aeS P w k IkKiout tj«k pfew WA3c«*J*y.. Tiosembbr t.$\h<. *t 3 u'cJoclt *t th« Htrfy-CriM«-Cht ct ^fu> Rpe t*tt*erf Kt«J #i Widemwid. *rttt TftOfiu B^e fiera«*i*-«»n. After the meifding «. fecq>)^n w »

Mlsi lk>»e LamUft, of D*a*vill«. i» visii-


.v. MWK P » « H o e K*ih%«r^ of N«w ¥wkt fatmtrlj o f QWIMSV*,. b«t for * Miwtwr r € ji»»jf»',|p«it hwr l i w d f » Pfafc)lp«t wil l - » w m»ke ber residmoi' i a B ^ d f e i w r t , t t e « > jih© bw Uu<n * n ^ g e 4 for th# pt^i#»t y e w %Q ntv>% fa ^xi*Tt«tto i» <1» Oliof«b o f i t e •Be§«em*r# »n^ o f t h e i*rgt»fc Con-irw|f*t ion*l <5>w*ictiff» in the St*te . Wl»»* Phetp* lowetift Kltw Jf«*ltft^V

a ft, <fc& A i n VT^MiE I»«1V^.A1I

•TcckdE?* fifty; cent*. , ^ .

of tUes««,-»*•-«» wi l l b»» Uu» rcteptfftt/ • ««id b s l i o f SwufieW B]?mfct> A . 0

; c;oH'icr, 0***tl«v ftsu4-Exobi.tt»;« t t r e t ' H

- i h o Hjb.orwiwe^ first hh\l %oA mcep-0 tlou, B O p * i o r * i U btit~*p%r«d to tnnJt©

i t CJO<* <s-f the "ojort *occeenfut and ?m'oj-»blo Ap«rtte«; o f tho »ea*0ift-JPwf, J)o««ek»i( o r e M t t i w i l l furn l ib totti^foir thft oco»»Jon < ,

.. , 1") ' ' c>

*t$jMsk of »»l ir l* kmt, fhamM Wtltk of Mt tforri*;

*pettiStao4ikyliereiritIifri«ndi., . H. 0«ul*>y <«f F«o>in|ton, t u the

f «•«« of f«tnO» her* oyerSnadsy; Jf*)ho By*a wad «w*f« viaitod felp

tir#» imret tbie week. Bo»oli6o ?«ow«». *&d Miu U«ri»

A. M«|tlM»ri w#ro united io airriftfe *t St. Jl*r^»» ohBtcb mx ?;30 ^oltxjk, Mondty wowilos**itJiSroptf*fWglt W*8*# B«T, J, A* fikite^ffiolitiiif.

'Dhrfetoii.K* 4 , L O v i . ii*t© l e w ea the room ore* tW 8ep©Mio*tt«f-&<$% Mdj*itt'--ta]Ett (xxsseseioi 0e& 1, Tiiw n»tn » JigWdd witi» electrto light* *nd i» tb« ft»e*t roc» of it# *i«e in *h# «o«nty.

Mivv Minnie Powelt •pent 8nnd»y witiifritDdnUthUTilUf*. -^ ?

Mfw M»ry Ormagb only dftagriiter of Mr, *|ia If n . 3ii.h»«I0r*Bgb, di«d

^ in tb* Tlll*g« on Nor»B»h^ 18th, •ged 51 jrwa. Tb« d*«eu»d b*4 m»uy fri«ndJ wbo»«rfc berewly d«»th, >na «TMp«thiiw vith Of af­flicted family. H«rd»*th h u c u t i gloom over th« outamaity hi wiiioh sh* w i s to well-knowa »ed:, highly esteemed. The fnaei a! WM held from St* Michael'*Ohnrch on Friday morning at 9 o'olook. Tb« flowtrs were »ome of tn« moct oeaaKfol ever seen in this plac«;tostifyioy to the eateem Is" which,. the d»oea«ed was held. The childwR of Mary, of whioh the deo«s««d Wsa » member^ attended Uie iaaerai in a body.

Hiss Margaret D«wan iras tbt fortunate lady who aecored tbe h»Bd-some placqoe given at the Fatrre-oently.

Anttnaber ^ tt*;. ladies of 8 t Michael'a Ohureh bare ors^nieeda literary 6t«bw Th* dob will read ShakesD«are thia wists*

Hwiruia*' Taa first dsaat of tie >e«*oii was gwn

Coropmy. It wtrts:.kuee«»as tuwat. Staeca FaBi. -.

Among thQ«fe from out of town itho Attended tbe lauemi <>F Mn. Joto C«*«*f»it, _.wet#. |i>hjit Corcown of Bath, Mr, *nd MM.

Auouw, Mfs. McCiftiiit ot $**aBmh" Ml*% U « i e McCnir* aa4 Miu Maggi*

Harry McGiJJ h qniu tick at kk boate ««t "C«Bt«r|u*et.

Ml« Hanoah Wood* *i«(ed frieudi ia Owd *i« weak, . .0. -.^ •„, .MJi*Jea«i*K)r*»»»? fhelfw, h -rhWitf

aw aaat*. b*m*t Kyaa, o« t»wtet*r««<.

• WaterlbQ..

Ojie of tbe molt .'Ufse*4ul public enter-Jiiinaiaots Jttld itt Wtiter.cKr f«»r asme Uaic w*i tb» itUwaf«d kcturt- deliveied t.jf Ktv-'fConw r'« HtcUtv, ct J\otlie*t«r, 1* St. M«rj » halt, iumnpibci is. Tfce lecture *'*s helii under ttc a<mj>k-<r* p( lae'St. jjl*ry" ' CatboUt Clulr, »ftt i>rgM»i«»Uoa>. alitioiigli bio mmHit U4," aa* m#mbftsj My ---I tbe Jft-unjf mtft of the vill^e, IM»T iM-y lcj ant qu«iu»>» ut tie Gmy buii4fev'. The <iub Js Oct «f t i t *nx»g*»i aocial <3i ai»i2*tions in i>.t»ft* County, *B»| Jm* j«?<?t aatf billiard iftlAe* a«3 all tb* other acJeasOtte* of a fifit cl«*«cori,*ni*«iion. fttber Hid«y lhad (ettured in Waterioo b,«(c>ie «ad tbe ticket* for the avent were eagerly aotifht after. Before th*,dr»r« openedJ»v»reth»n 500 had aaca litapoted of by lEe^tnembert i>1 the 'cltih «a<i there *»« also * largfe ntioibw of paid adrata-lioos- Fin wciaUy tbe event was • succeav , The merit* of tiw illottrated lecture pa' Ireland has only to be ubderatood when Father Hickey will toe in denaad by erery clwirchsoeietf In the dioceae. «sd !t Hi to be hooad U»* DM Ke¥W#a4J*ei«f*c wH» fad opponaour from hit labor* m» dawaaai of the Statt induHrial aebeol to »Wt ether rillagea and aaord the people « fate*. Itctnal treat a* well ca fs^Hiliag patriotic WattattBta.

A pJt»aiDf »axll»ary/e«tBre ofd^««T«w ing*t eiitertainroent »a* the otoskaT Mlee-tiona rendered «t, iaMrmiiaioas b«faajr&ted yo««£ nawbers offtiecbarch. Mka JUaa Darkta «*»t a solo eatitbaf ^The Eat-fraat's Lamant" «rhk& was wall reaelred. The young lady has a toprano rolca of •nch pToaoW. IfiaaSira HopMni aaa| a number of Irish ballads and the enthaaiatttc applaa** which greeted erery tekctioa jbetokanad that she it a prime favorite with the a»ast« toehtf people of Waterloo., A qwtatU ewspoaed of Mewr*. John Neary. Eufsoe Twoioey, Joseph Fanrell and Joha Carroll, sang a national aft1, sustaining each part in a pleasing manner. , Tb* entsrtaininaot netted tha handaoaw sum of |<«5-sf *x As secUty, and was a source of asoch gratlfic*tl*a «o St Msrr'a worthy pastor, R«v, Was. atHarriag^on.

Stephen rayoedMat Staakr oa Thnrs-dat, Nor. I4.all*r aHafsria* Hlaess. Tae fnaerat wsa a«ht a^s?S*«*!'llataraay free*' St. Theresa's Owfdu 'la»e«se«tet Can* asigaa. Ha » aeairleed by two eWtdiM, Mr». MeCenakk of MotrtajB* t*<t Kr* WiOUoa Bgrae-'of Charlotte, fanaettyof

lepafri-.oa' PeKrFti&niS Uia<HueOoialhToawaT«aae,

MrssAaMHegartyisatteadiag school at KeukaCoUeg*

Joaaoal^oowortBiptotlisWacatawlfh „ shopvaeatedhyStephaaMalaweyOa Kahv iQ street--' • -~^Ei' . „ • .

Miss Ansa Shee&aa nsmaedaer dotieiat Brigh-m halt, CasaadaigBa, lastwgsav

Mr. aad law. Ftraak Heah/ ware fas town Sunday. ' '" Ufa. Dr. Waewenhasparchased the€os -WftrHoSJW us Idalc, street. ^

, Macedoo. Min Carrie Mmy Is qoite sick with the

typhoid fever* Miss Mary L. C N c i i l k te*_hing ia the

HeUfgaa^strJct cMre..l/'C>;SerTO«,wto'haa beta at 9k

Mary'a AoepHal, Rod»e*t«, f?r the - t s t » weeks, a»s retarned

^ ^ ^ ^ a T P * * t .

acstoeed to * ' t«

Ib«« stijiuHsry w ill tjir«-t 'u C*t ball m S. St 0 P»ul 8tt~>t»veiy second aud

* Awxiliaiy No. 3 held a very inter-

*«linK i»*«tiiig U»ie «e*ke '^woca'P plicatif i is » o » e (tN^ivrd. Tbe ati* »mal flfi'titur''of tflioera wi l l U k g , pUSre at w»r JMJJ| mee t lo f , Deoe^beir 4tb. Al l member* ar«o«affaest l ; M-qiifffedlobS-prci^t . . . ° t Auxiliauy <Ko S be!d a very e«i»-oaaaftil card party at their room in daUbedral halt Fr .d-y e v e a l a g . ^Ite folio win f prngTsro waa TrDdered 1 P i i w S«lo . . . . .J lu» hliaai. Taawaaaa t Solo* »»,. . . . M b * J. Corhett $ H*»Sok,................Mr. Rhodrt 4 SopraooSolo, . . ,» . . .Mrs. Far^ubarsoei 5 Redta^on; . . . „ . ,^» , . . »aby I fa ios f 6 Qsanette

Meast*. PreJmoxs, Kane, Kearaeyead Oilk ? Rrtiiat k » . , . . , , . , . . , . . CWT aoawaoo %' CMII Sow*»*»«»,.„,, ,,'. JMT, O W N S 6 Vlslio Solo. ........Mha.Be*te

10 Soeg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miis M.Oarrey

OOSPKL: g t Malt, rxiv la-»6^-At t*at time, le*«8 „od to Hi.diaflJpkW:

aho»iBattea of fe«it^p^a5 waa spoken of fey D* c»l taeprop^at, •taodieg ia tha holy plaoe. he that readeth hat Mas aodsretaad. Taac they that a*e ia Jwdea, let them flee to the Btoeatatea ' Attd ht that is <»n the hSaictop, let hia not tsotno down to take0 anything oat of his hosee. And he that ia to the fieUi, iat hh» uot go b*ok to take hia ooat And w«e to th#ni that *«> witVehAdi ahd that gtva auck ia thoee da*a. Bat

.ray that yoor flight b« m>t ;a the wii'tpr, oroe taeSahbath. Tot fflhere ,^ *^~^i^tf^^&jmjtf-wm ^haH be then great U t b a l a i ^ sa«h | t W * W | i t f i P 3 «« b»thuv\ hjer;t» from the U-gmniag S i ^ . - t i f -pf tbe world oatil BOW, aettWr ahaU JJJ..f*^**5** b». And oi »aH« tttoee days had b**n w attorteued, no deeh ahaeild hnaavede «a4l l in l | IliWlMlllMl


, .1irfS'*t*«


Tha toUowtaf la a tramhtlsa M

to -•-' flswt'asi ^iaihann a ^ B i a U a j i a ) 1 ---i n^pwiaw^awwnpi^^wawe^v^^^^awa^ '-a^^^^^a.g^^K^w^w^^aw,^*

tsat^bH kaia«N<il

* l ^ g f t ^ > \ j *

h*#«^,^*'V :&>

• » »..<_

w . j sa . dhl IB. • oausnaa von a a »

M o o d . ; - «| , j s , Tatadey ,. a?, is.

Frida* s*, 40. _,

Ia aa ataeh ae- the editor of tha 0. E « 6 A ootee ia tha Vatieaa of Albaay, doaa aotwiah teasawtroar qanation but continually^ beats ahoot tbe Lnsb in rejrerd U> anawtviug the •»BJ«WS will let biaa tiff for this tiate.

£ ich aad every m«B»tmr of the or­der is cordial!) inviud to atifud tie ree-ptj(»B of (Jonncil 28, thank»giv-ittg trf, at ^^rvle dancijrig sctdeat) cor. State and Church eta.


C7. JMC, Jh»i Jkm. Monday—Branch** 58-81. ' 1'aeaday Braaches i s , H , t jg. Wednesday 34, W, i t y , 1S1, Touraday 80,

Witiard A. M.r.kleof Braaob 180 has been elected president of As Cleveland Legion in cnoceed Joseph f. Heimbach, who has beeb adranoed to the preaidancy. ThaaarWHs of ef* 6m will both aspire January 1st 18M.

Jaaee L ' Wbalea nf Branch W, and Sapraaw Eepreaeetadva of tea N?ff TcyLQrand OooncD, has bees elaeted pasaMeni nf aha Flower Oity Dentocraoy. No better swfc6t|»» oonld have'beeb toade. . „

. 1 • 4 , « f « . - _ , - . ' - - - • - * | . . , l,ff,

<'• «

Tiiaidsi Tftrf'*a*a- * -WwiaMday—DWaka>j."

.-" Thaaq^y—Clehaoa Tt, > The trat annaal balT of Dlvlaiot

No. 4 will be given at Hiberatut hall, taenisft t ihg ayt.


bot for the sake of «fcd ehwt theset daya shall IM» thO tcLfd. T*«ii if • a ; man ehait say % yoat l«% hare' 4a Christ, or (here, do net heaese; hfw. Far there *sh*Jl artaw iabo Cbriau ind (aUe ptophat»,.a*d $g\ ahaw giuat aigas aad wtteaWa, in §« niioh aa ta daneiva/^asaeihi ' thaeleoi, BaholdIbert'trt yna heiforehaaaa. lfT»berr&ra ahall «»y te yoet fiahoai 41a 4a la­the deaert, go re not oatt beboh! no, 1. ia tha oloaetr, believe ft hot. Tcr as ligtuoiag ooaeth e«t of tha'last.

• # • » •^•^••frsjWw f WMtt* aw—rtM^MWB* FwMW

«-> shall ahto the ormiwe ef ««'fl0W of m»n he. ' Wh^rntoevtr UM} bodj< ahaU ha, ahate^haliua* isajfltt he gatheredtogatbef.' |d|d/ t C a J f P i e P * * wwe^ w^ gp^^aaWBpa^^"

da>aih*ean»haUha tie' asooa shell no4.-g)iaw aed the atara eha« fafi « « and the noeara of twavef staved. Aed late shell apej lr aigo of tbe * « of mm tr""" and thee ahaO a5 hsttr^ MJgfgggMj awVMMJpgps •' aMJsMbrwsMJMMJ*

fee «#n»aa waasiae ha abe alsedaaa? hearse with »etrh p o w e r a e d a*sjeety, ,

=^»*MsJ W ^ > MgftjMjf * MMMaMI wM^Mf MMJHBMMMI ^MMMM|^ l|aV.

a trampet, and a gaaat eaissi and ia*y-shall gwtber together-IHeehset frotn the fonr wtadf Jturn I NJlJJNfcPf nana of the beeraaa.ae thev boaedaef tbwaii Aa4#ee>the t^e- fferh,,*- ndfa l%t; .^gr* or »acb thereof U now te^ae%Nana he leaves come forth, yow know hat snininerfa afgh. *^'ytih-w»lW ben yoa shall s « aU tbeah'thbga;

a o e ya tbah it ie'nifeiteseB^eetha oor*. Amen, i aav ta ^ew/Htret hia generatloo shall not pass till air heae things bedaee, aeaeee,aed

had las'iOsn

r' w^- **-- '

hj<fwan((('Bnwv*|9** *H^ i

!^0«?J*^r\i*W»>r ****- ,.-f<**

t h a i

' *"""r ')aty 'fe ''''ar^ | |'«»'ev*) a>yr •r*i/-v -• 4 • aaaajaiaeteie'Sjf;> '*'."> i .'*t*y>" »^°* , *- .- -.« ••

"At* * . k- •

v ?»r *js ni r*- :4* - -•;

ahall not

gaaday as vvaaaw n - T waatMBiii

* . at. lehi

ttle*>«r. <•!#«,?!•.

aiWMWp*$<<>!WJ"?>nk-' "'",***

| eheel


lhesa* !^^a^# i^ t | »^<^- -* ' i ' f 'V t I i i . , ! •• j , ^ * '

i^Zw i &; j«t .... -« . - •

! j vlMse^aw .• ft* * -.v «c- * ip£* 'HiW:* • i-

_ .ef*»;ri;:

, ' , ' t-


? t M M y B B ^ f ^

MsV T « . 1tSM)Rn19T eRwSw T • a i^^ eswe _JBWNsa*wwwv-awaw a»


i f . . ••" *• • \ •

'.. ,^J. htaxray eaOedoo Lyofsfiiawls ta« wsek. _. ,...' • Mrs ton* rfotey. wf Sytaetraj, was the

gueat-of Lyoas friead* last week. ^

dMa^fsatefaboy: ' * l i

*tt**d*i * a e j & i tt^SOMm 'IteairW ^ i f c WT—•**' Trirr^intljii.'-iisiii^. •-.--..-.

ferae aTsiiiia n ^ aft^rh3ch^cvnit . ^ i l d n f t a p a l a W t h ^ ^ f ^ ; Wf*:

-Then ia a rmator aftoat jhat L«oni is to' • h ^ t ^ ^ i t b i ' plats ^ctoryT Tbb weld add wrtch to th* Velfwe 0/tfoa. and " a n fa nasi* that seek erpsttatiou »**

~ •'" " ' "If"/

^*a^ : H^ 0 *; .V^-

^g-^t^^P^' &-**''

•i-f '*H>

J^J^Jfolanialaia^feee^JaitoeV J€

B ' ! ? * l ^ * s i . » | ^ « • «g»aeted haaw •• "1»wnka| »%vanii|oa*-


fflSR enst;'

ejaa vffl gw, a sates "ieaeatr~"


cfdaiead tiwiiii BaaiaaBaehaa'.'B

isgef Father .. . .-'^yfM.aMWIi;^,.. er, a *o*tolariy a>an Mtd sLig^^A i fa^MF^aiydn^aae

DnDsau easy

/i!Ua>- •AI .S 1

4aafiBlMhaK_. i *" ~ ' fiiMlaa i feiawvwi SBWjS*gh3S»|5.;

cfi flnjv |pWlg|MI<e\; .PWWr^-



*^Rjgpw»^ai* liiiaiiwwaaw»ji^;w^y^^«w^i£r^>' • - ; —