ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije...

ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV 'Yncnr'le; 61Q 6lacpC.nioTOU 86Aou tAEU8tpou avoiYJ,laTOe; 11.20 J,I. 'YI16 1: . .4. n'KOU,,"'l 6pot; XTU.lLKOU MrJxaVLKOU, 'EnlIH.Al)lOU E,M. n . 'N TOV K(!Orijeo<; 'i1<; ' /apot l"i}c lb}'r* twv 1l0VtQwv ' YnarTK dneTiA£t (JofjOflov llQofjJ.1JPO tni ;IO,Ud: ltrJ. Adycp 1(;:'" {uafjl)WTl xwv ci ... aOv,l.uciC1£W)t tfit; oiTtvc<; 6,1:{3!}woOV Kat ;.cor io rqetpov ei{ TO JlaetAOoJ' -r 00'01l ro" ie wilA ,OpevOV 0)(11- (!o6iJ-l oro<; 06..1011, DaOIt Kol nl" jl£TayeV€OT£ew<; uOellTo Ix xoAv{Mlvov O'xcAnov )tol bu)(oAtXpI}tvra olCi evMv"K xOTO(J)(etliX . •H ir:poepooOeiqo xOreo T '1/ 6w wi) v) .,xoii «(Glass - i n ) ), 1'A .1toAv €O'Tfl?otWv fU}TIVWV am),u1pt."WI' 0:,' lvwv voAov, lWV et]Tlvtiw i;ult(,E'(Jwv xaro leonov wO'u dIP' JJ.EV vO: dvrcxotll' £i, ro:, 6WfJUWTtxd<; civaOvIHdO't/!; TOti xgoT1}eO<;, dtp' /r/QotJ {jf va lxovv U1J1!T£At(JrirJl (j/UOMcrt;wr; ToV qiWtOr; luol' pi TOI' UVT{O'TOllOJ' TWI' lvwl' njr; vdAOV, nea r; hrlTvl.lfJJI nil; PBY{aTT]r; <5wne!?O TOT T]TOr; ip(.(lT(k wr.airT]UtV l).OipeOT"T}; TOU Oo),ov, otaopbov on 6 WpIOTclJ.ttJ'or; nt!?ttpt(}IxO,; oxdndr; cfmAto/JEl'o1) eOOEporor, tlXt xal Oto{Jew(Jfj )tol (Juvurwe; i(JewetiTO jJtIW/JSl'T/' ovt"ox1 je; . nt()IO()6U)J(wt; dn ni).ovv d(j" ivot; piv ptyd).T] Oulj.Ureot; lOU (J6Aov (11,20 j.I..) ciq/ trieov di oi aioO'lTlxoi anOlV]Utlt; oi. TI(JiJi-tvu, anD n)v oArp melOxftV. ' H &,(Jtiuo Avul, t}TO Karouxw1) rov OoAov ei, 16 neoxoro- U}(pVQuJi-tva TEJi-UXI.U, '1 atirwl' naed tOI' "'/}atr}eo r;;c; 1 uly/it; .:SId ol.lyxoAMutWo; aui TeW avroii vAtxoii njt; xOtaUXE1.Ilj" oloa<poAd;oJi-ivT]t; Old: xoxAlwl! xclJ.l.I{JOr;, xai. 1} cil/denIUlt;, j.l.trOipOea xui rono(Jb1]UI; toti o),ouw/Jov (J6Aoll htl Tij; xogwJI{oo; roV XTi eIOV. To dnoTi..ttUJi-O {,TO a..""10 JtaoT/1) cln61ptwt; i;col'oJtol7]nxcW, Jl-E j,Wf}<pi)v (JdAov n}1' X{JJl-T]A1/v JttvXwn1V nveoj.l.lOa, ovvo)./xov PdfJout; 1200 lye·, Ciont;, )'6yCf.' rov d,atpwTiurov, 7r.()Ooipleet ,uno;v TWI' u'uWI' xa; TOI' nAtol' fj l;.WV07101T]TIX'OV rpwnaj.l.ol' rijt; nT/y,jt;, TOaOl! ",oTd n)v ot(i TOU rpvao(ov <pwTlu,uoii oaov Xat xord VVX'TO, EX TWI' boov, Old tEXJI"T}T"OV <pWTI- a Jl-ov . L'1Jl-EtWTiol' Otl 6 b MyCf.' OoAol) Elva, <) JteWtO; Bunt; "OTt- UXWQU01] 6X 1 p dvov eit; 1p> ' EUdoa d.Ud )toi elt; 0).OX.(1](:IOV Ti]V MEUOytWV, £1"0' 6E. 6 T(:Ii-rO I). BoWl! y vw· tit; p iytOot; OA-'lV rr/v I. kal OkOHOI) 'YTOO ' EUllVIJCOO (E.O .T.) ht9T) ci><; avtIK€lll-EVOV nKOtQO"KtOr" KOl nbtl TOO [00- ydoo , cupioo toO n£pLPUllovtoe; TOV JCpu t f'lpa tile; n'1yf'le; TO- n09tTT)oU;, 96;"00 dOIKf'le; dDXlT"tKtOVIKi'lC; IJOP<Pi'lc; Kat tl;, KOO (JUvn8tJ.1i:voo tK 'to;"06(J"T£PIK(i)V PT)"flvGlv oonAto/l£VCilV 01' IvG)v OCt;"ou, 01.":01I:OV Tt'\V npootUO"lav Tf'lt; n'1Yi'!<; 0.110 tillv KalplKG)v bnop60"twv Kat Olatr,pT)O"IV 8tp- TTlt; 'UnTle;, tv (JUvouoO"Il4lnp¢e; t¢v toO ICTlpiou aOti1<;. 6.),).« Ka( 1n:ptOXf'\e;. 'Eni TOO npolC£q..ltvou np£1Itl va. 6voyvwplo900v olnpOOO£lm- Kat 6:VTlt..iJlV£lt; TOO E.O.T., oui Tti)V TtXVIK6)V 'Yn'1ptoliilv 0.0- TOO Kat Etc; T¢V T£;(VO}..OYIK¢V toj.J£O, oitl vtt; t1ltTpt'l'OV TiJV 1IpaYJ.lOtOnOL11 0"IV ti1e; tv A¢),t:p lCatClO"ICt;vn,e;, Un ' 61VlV, KOt TOOtO Stov v6. TOVI08tl, 6 t l ¢ tv M}"o<; unonA£\" TTjV n:POOTT"IV 010 1IMzOTtl((.UV VWv ol'lvt'ilv MMU (G lass Reinf orced Plastics, G.RP.) OX I J.lovov de; "TT)V 'EA;"UOO 0.)..)..6. Kai £i.<; Oi..OKAT)POV Tt\V 'AvaTo}..l- ICT)V M£oo),ELov . • An¢ cinOlVtW<; ot 96A.oo, aftOT€.Ad, liv otv o.noTooJ.l£9a, "TOV Tpitov tl<; Q6}..ov eft; 6AT)V t,;V EUP6m11V . 2, " OTOp'kOY 'H {OIJOnJCTJ 1IT)1'; tflt; ' YnCt"TT)<; OVtj3AT)Ot ntpt TO 427 n,X. KOta. TT)V OUiPKEtQV O"EIO/lOO tfie; boXt'\<; h:elv11C;, 0 onofo<;.• roC; 6va<pt:pEt 6 ETpaBwv, tnCIpEpt /lE)'oAac; Ete; 0)..0- JC/.T)POv Tilv ETEPEdv 'Ei..Acilia Kat EOj30lav. 'Arr.6 btOXTlC; b:tlvllt;, T) 'Yrt6.T'1e; anotEui IJlav Tti)v 1I).£ov -yvroa t t'ilv rtT))'itlv, "TO oe £AA.11vIKOV t..l1/lOal o v ,ono TOI} 1842 fi011, 01 ' VO/lwv )(ai J.IEPI/lVQ. 51a ."v o.l;,lortoi11otv T11e; . 6.t(i 1IprotJ)v (popav KaTd t6 1861 il rtTJ),I1, 0110 Ilopcpflv "T11t; Tf'je; trtOxf'\<; £)(E1v11; , tOTEylicre11 01' tAa.Oj.lutrov eK 'l'EOOOp- )'upou, T41 se 1882 1') OEI;,a./l£vit Kat t"T01l09E"T11911 EV"TO; aoti); O"CEp£ci toXdpo. npoe; aorpciAnav titlv ).000- /l£vwv. T6 1960, IJE TI)V €.oKalpiov KatOOlCEui'le; vtOl) npoT&rtou 'Yopo- 8EpartEUTT)p!OU, n lalJatlKI) rt11),'; £JCa.}.orp9T) 01 0: 90;...ou ro- n/..IOj.l £VOU OKupoot O<;, o-rl1PtCO/l£vOU trtL Ti'le; O"TtlV£c,oc; rtt- P1<pEPlKOO OKel.Et OO tl;, tilnAuJ"J.I£VOI) trttOllC; oKupolit/lQTOt;, /lET6 • ' Eytvv'10'l ,0 1911. X'II'",:6t MIlX(lVIIl: Oc;. toi) E.M.n . to 1 940. 19-40, 194 1 X'II',,,O, nO pOywytK tit · .EU'I V," oiOV oOllo"lov -.: u. i KCll.ooioll lmlov. 194 3 - 1945 411:. v6oV1"fK 'fit «'A- ·H}_U:1POll:XVIII:I't.: BIOI' I\1.... vo.O.:;" A. E. 19047 - 1962 10 ·Y J:lI,/' 'A"OlI{000l'l\oOO)-; I{O' tv d, ... 0 41\1' . 'E u (CI)v 011"6 6 f1 0 ", II"Up'l'o'jO" 11) 1 962. UIPOi) t il! jJlo" al)vo:xl') 1 I nlov 11:0- P'lIcll'tl'tix; NO"OJJ'11 ... vl.:0 ' h ' lq:o IlaOI'@ flOpa 16 yqovOI; 611 J(aO' O).'1V lilv Il tll "V JtpC.o. "poaywy"v oiO" (,r:O}.U10V t,,).o),'Iv . 19047_ 1 950 Til e;. ·EUT I",II: I')c;. K",h:pv'lo cw.:; de;. tllv ' E'IIlPo"I'\v ::'u- ).s!Q, ' 11 .. O! l<o vojJ . -.;l')o:; ' EIIlT PonfK TOi) O.H .E. 1947 - Mt).oo;, 100 ·A VCLI1{UOU !1J1oI"OU).'OV 'AvuouYl<pouiotw; . Eh'I\Y'I,,'K tOO npo1/. 16 j.1)1'.no C; B'OJJ'1:(I,,,I ...<;. ·Avult).'lPfi)IiI<; E10'lyl\tfl<; tOo) nPOypOJJI'O- ...oe;. OII<,oJloi)"ui npOIO"fOI'CvO", ·Y"'1Ptoio<; npOIl'l ot".G)v 'Avnovy",po- fl'\O t:WI; toi) ·Avo,,;oOo l''I OUuC;. I94R. 19 50 npoa",cJ().,, - Ilt"O<; toj) BptfUV... ,COi) 1:0JJ\101J).IOII u n roiv l p!uv. 1ft OilYOpo"tI tof. · Ynuujltdov 6"11,)01(.0)" ·F.p)"IjlV <1'1<; Mqnl..,<; Bpt tu"vlue;.. va tVl\l'tpc080 b l 'I\e;. opaOt'lPI61'1"f 0, O),anl t&v 'Epl'aatllplwv 'fit<: ' Y- ,UIPtolo, ·E,uot'1JJovllI:/bv I<al Bl OI'T\lOV II<G)v 'Epcuv&v I<al t"c;. Bptfuv- 1,1.'1<1\<; B101''I10vioe;.. lit 100 TOIlta.c;. 6.01l11tGW ·Yl.lJ(CLlv . 1950 ' EIl"'IPOYWolj.lQ)\1 11'tc;. O\J(OVOIl.II:'K ·ElnlPOIlf'!c; 100 O.H.E. - \964 T OO 'Yn oupy£ l ou 4 1\\.IOOtmv 'Sp""f(DV f'l fa\) T . E.E.. , '1<; OlO; oldvl') tovt6p.0 ' Epcov'110 6. 0 )l 1,,(I)v ' Y).lItG)V. 1952 'OpyavCtl- TI'lt; Tf'I' 'Yn:llP£aio, 11\, Omniu m Lyo nna ls et Colec l. 19. 3)- 'Avolf).T\pal1l')t; npotoToJJiVo u TI'Jt; · YIt'lptolot; 'AIIOC0100T6:0Ull>; !UO\.lOIlf)..I'\"(TWV 'IQ"{OOv Hila",v. 1951- aflJJllpov 'Elt ljltl.l1 ...iI, 11\<; -Ei)pn, T£lv.II:Qv ·Yl.. I<(I)v 100 E.M.n. 1960 - 1961 npOtopo<; n a"&l.)..q,,lou .... ).- ).6y0 .... Xfll'l l< CLlv MqXQv\ltl1l". 1 962 - 1 964 ·Y Il&VS....... O, rCVII<f'lt h660t..Q)c; uTtx.vl l<G1v XPO"'\ oiGl Vrt tOO T. E.E. 1962 t vJJllo .... i.ot X'1I'.II:OC; M"XClVlII:6c;.. 1967· al)JJtpOI' JJt).o<; 11\, 4101r;oUaI\, 'ElItlpo ltt\c;. TOt) T .E.E, 1967· oft- JJ CPOv )1 4).0<; toil 6 . t. ,,,<; A. E. '/\(CIIlOU1(l)V 1'\I"001l 6t(l)" n",o)'nrlio<; (A£BAA) . 1 967 _ o it)l'POV "t;"'Ot; tou A. t. 100 'Atp.o.."Wl O<; ·A8I\viZlv.

Transcript of ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije...

Page 1: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

ITtyaole TOU KpaTijpOe Tile laJlaTIKile nrlyije AOUTPWV Yncnrle 61Q 6lacpCnioTOU 86Aou tAEU8tpou avoiYJlaTOe 1120 JI

YI16 1 4 nKOUl


N (dAvtp~ TOV K(Orijeolt i1lt apot lic lbr twv 1l0VtQwv YnarTK dneTiApoundt (JofjOflov llQofjJ1JPO tni IOUd ltrJ Adycp 1( uafjl)WTlxwv ci aOvluciC1poundW)t tfit nTyij~ oiTtvclt 613woOV Kat corio rqetpov ei TO JlaetAOoJ -r 0001l ro ie wilA OpevOV 0)(11shy(o6iJ-lorolt 061011 DaOIt Kol nl jlpoundTayeVeuroOTpoundewlt ~QroO)(poundtlashyuOellTo Ix xoAvMlvov OxcAnov )tol bu)(oAtXpItvra olCi evMvK xOTO(J)(etliX

bullH irpoepooOeiqo AV(J~ xOreoT1 6vvat~ 6w wi) v)xoii laquo(Glass shyi n )) 1A 1toAv euroOTflotWv fUTIVWV am)u1ptWI 0 lvwv voAov lWV et]Tlvtiw iult(E(Jwv xaro leonov wOu dIP ev~ JJEV vO dvrcxotll poundi ro 6WfJUWTtxdlt civaOvIHdOt TOti xgoT1eOlt dtp rQotJ jf va lxovv U1J1TpoundAt(JrirJl (jUOMcrtwr ToV qiWtOr luol pi TOI UVTOTOllOJ TWI lvwl njr vdAOV near hrlTvllfJJI nil PBYaTT]r alJVaT~r lt5wneOTOT T]TOr ip((lT(k

Boulxmiddot~1 wrairT]UtV cimTt~Atl ~ l)OipeOTT TOU Oo)ov otaopbov on 6 WpIOTclJttJor ntttpt(IxO oxdndr t~ cfmAtoJElo1) OXI)~ eOOEporor tlXt xal OVT~ OtoJew(Jfj )tol (Juvurwe i(JewetiTO jJtIWJSlT ovtox1je

nIJOU(J~TOVt nt()IO()6U)J(wt dnni)ovv d(j ivot piv ~ ptyd)T] OuljUreot lOU (J6Aov (1120 jI) ciq trieov di oi aioOlTlxoi anOlV]Utlt oi TI(JiJi-tvu anD n)v oArp melOxftV

H amp(Jtiuo Avul tTO ~ Karouxw1) rov OoAov ei 16 neoxoroshyU(pVQuJi-tva TEJi-UXIU 1 uVvfJEo~ atirwl naed tOI atreo rc 1ulyit SId ollyxoAMutWo aui TeW avroii vAtxoii njt xOtaUXE1Ilj oloaltpoAdoJi-ivT]t Old xoxAlwl i~ dVQ~rIOW TOlJ xclJlIJOr xai 1 cildenIUlt jltrOipOea xui rono(Jb1]UI toti o)ouwJov (J6Aoll htl Tij xogwJIoo roV XTieIOV

To dnoTittUJi-O TO a10 JtaoT1) cln61ptwt icoloJtol7]nxcW Jl-E jWfltpi)v (JdAov n1 XJJl-T]A1v JttvXwn1V nveojllOa ovvo)xov PdfJout 1200 lyemiddot Ciont )6yCf rov datpwTiurov 7r()Ooipleet unov TWI uuWI xa TOI nAtol fj lWV07101T]TIXOV rpwnajlol rijt nTyjt TOaOl oTd n)v llJl-i~av ot(i TOU rpvao(ov ltpwTluuoii oaov Xat xord T~V VVXTO EX TWI boov Old tEXJITTOV ltpWTIshyaJl-ov

L1Jl-EtWTiol Otl 6 b MyCf OoAol) Elva lt) JteWtO Bunt OTtshyUXWQU01] 6X 1 p dvov eit Tmiddot1pgt EUdoa dUd )toi elt 0)OX(1](IOV Ti]V AtmiddotarOA-LK~V MEUOytWV pound10 6E 6 T(Ii-rO I) i~ BoWl yvwmiddot ()i~OpEV tit p iytOot El~ OA-lV rrv EVpW~TJV


Yncent TOO EUllVIJCOO Opyavlo~oO Touplo~oO (EOT) ht9T) cigtlt avtIKeurolll-EVOV nKOtQOKtOr KOl nbtl TOO l)fpLatCl~tvou [00shyydoo cupioo toO npoundpLPUllovtoe TOV JCpu t flpa tile n1yfle TOshyn09tTT)oU 9600 dOIKfle dDXlTtKtOVIKilC IJOPltPilc Kat tl O)I~ KOO (Glass- In)~ (JUvn8tJ1ivoo tK to06(JTpoundPIK(i)V PT)flvGlv oonAtolpoundVCilV 01 IvG)v OCtou ~t 0101IOV TtV npootUOlav Tflt n1Yilt 0110 tillv KalplKG)v bnop60twv Kat OlatrpT)OIV t~C 8tpshy~OKpaOiae TTlt UnTle tv (JUvouoOIl4lnpcente tcentv t~wpalajJcentv toO ICTlpiou aOti1lt 6))laquo Ka( T~e 1nptOXfe

Eni TOO npolCpoundqltvou nppound1Itl va 6voyvwplo900v olnpOOOpoundlmshyKat 6VTltiJlVpoundlt TOO EOT oui Tti)V TtXVIK6)V Yn1ptoliilv 00shyTOO Kat Etc TcentV Tpound(VOOYIKcentV tojJpoundO oitl vtt t1ltTptlOV TiJV 1IpaYJlOtOnOL11 0IV ti1e tv Acent)tp lCatClOICtvne AO~PUVOltvoo Un 61VlV KOt TOOtO Stov v6 TOVI08tl 6 t l cent tv )JJ)~ Molt unonApound TTjV nPOOTTIV ~16oyov KOTOoKW middot~V 010 1IMzOTtl((UV omAlojltshyVWv ollvtilv MMU (Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP) OX I Jlovov de TT)V EAUOO 0))6 Kai poundilt OiOKAT)POV TtV AvaTolshyICT)V Mpoundoo)ELov bull Ancent cinOlVtWlt ot O IO~tTPOl) 96Aoo aftOTeuroAd liv otv onoTooJlpound9a TOV Tpitov tllt ~tyt80lt Q6ov eft 6AT)V tV EUP6m11V


H OIJOnJCTJ 1IT)1 tflt YnCtTT)lt OVtj3AT)Ot ntpt TO 427 nX KOta TT)V OUiPKEtQV OEIOlOO tfie boXtlt helv11C 0 onofolt bull roC 6valtptpEt 6 ETpaBwv tnCIpEpt lE)oAac KOTaOt~CgtqI~ Ete 0)0shyJCT)POv Tilv ETEPEdv EiAcilia Kat EOj30lav

Arr6 t~e btOXTlC btlvllt T) 8EP~0nTl)1) Yrt6T1e anotEui IJlav Tti)v 1I)poundov -yvroat tilv lo~atn6)v rtT))itlv TO oe poundAA11vIKOV tl1lOalo v ono TOI 1842 fi011 01 aUtnaiA~Arov VOlwv )(ai 0 I OtCl1~OTWV JIEPIlVQ 51a v ollortoi11otv T11e

6t(i 1IprotJ)v (popav KaTd t6 ~TOt 1861 il rtTJ)I1 0110 t~v Ilopcpflv T11t Tfje trtOxflt pound)(E1v11 tOTEylicre11 01 tAaOjlutrov eK lEOOOpshy)upou T41 se 1882 OLpoundppl)e~icreT) 1) OEIalpoundvit Kat tT01l09ET11911 EVTO aoti) OCEppoundci ~l)AtV1 toXdpo npoe aorpciAnav titlv )000shylpoundvwv

T6 1960 IJE TI)V eurooKalpiov KatOOlCEuile vtOl) npoTamprtou Yoposhy8EpartEUTT)pOU n lalJatlKI) rt11) poundJCaorp9T) 010 90ou t~ roshynIOjlpoundVOU OKupootJlatOlt o-rl1PtCOlpoundvOU trtL Tile OTtlVpoundcoc rttshyP1ltpEPlKOO OKelEt OO tl tilnAuJJIpoundVOI) trttOllC oKupolitlQTOt lET6

bull Eytvv10l 0 1911 XII6t MIlX(lVIIl Oc toi) EM n to 1940 19-40 194 1 XIIO M1XlI dJ~ nO pOywytK no~hl~ tit middot EUIVoiOV n O~II oOllolov - u i KCllooiolllmlov 194 3 - 1945 TtXvoi~ 411v6oV1fK fit laquoAshyl)Ivo~ middotH_U1POllXVIIIIt BIOI I1 voO A E 19047 - 1962 EI~ 10 middotY JlI 1I00~Y(0~ AOlI000lloOO)- IO tv olJ~lldO d 0 middot Yfloo~yciov 411 Eu (CI)v 0116 6 f1 0 IIUplojO 11) 1962 UIPOi) t il jJlo al)voxl) 1 Inlov 110shyPlIclltltix NOOJJ11 vl0 h lqo IlaOI flOpa 16 yqovOI 611 J(aO O)1V lilv Il tllV ~lIfpOTfjVttO JtpCo poaywyv oiO (rOU10V t)o)Iv 19047_ 1950 poundII~Oo(j)IIfOC Til e middot EUTIII I)c Khpvlocw de tllv EIIlPoIv ushy)sQ 11 ElJp(jl1l(oi1l~ O lltovojJ -l)o EIIlT PonfK TOi) O H E 1947 - 19~0 Mt)oo 100 middotA VCLI1UOU 1J1oIOU)OV AvuouYlltpouiotw EhIYIK tOO npo116 j1)1no C BOJJ1(II lt middotAvult)lPfi)IiIlt E10lyltfllt tOo) nPOypOJJIOshyoe OIIltoJloi)ui npOIOfOICvO [i) ~ middotY1Ptoiolt npOIllotG)v AvnovyposhyflO tWI toi) YQlOOOPI~loo middotAvooOolI OUuC I94R 19 50 npoacJ() shyIltOlt toj) BptfUV COi) 10JJ101J)IOII u n ~uTOv clx~ roiv tiro-o lpuv 1ft OilYOpotI tof middotYnuujltdov 611)01(0) middotFp)IjlV lt11lt Mqnllt Bpt tuvlue

va tVlltpc080 b l Ie opaOtlPI611f0 O)anl tampv Eplaatllplwv fitlt YshyUIPtolo middotEuot1JJovllIbv Iltal Bl OITlOV IIltG)v Epcuvampv Iltal tc Bptfuvshy111lt1lt B101I10vioe (OlOlft~ lit 100 TOIltac 601l11tGW middotYllJ(CLlv 1950 EIlIPOYWoljlQ)1 11tc Eil~mllOh1t OJ(OVOIlIIK middotElnlPOIlfc 100 OHE 1 9~t - 964 E(Il~6altDIlOlt TOO Ynoupypoundlou 4 1IOOtmv Spf(DV fl fa) T EE 1lt OlO ~6 oldvl) tovt6p0 Epcov110 60 )l1(I)v Y)lItG)V 1952 OpyavCtlshyTIlt TfI YnllPpoundaio middotY)~)v 11 Omniu m Lyonna ls et Colecl 193)shy19~4 Avolf)Tpal1l)t npotoToJJiVou TIJt middotYItlptolot AIIOC0100T60Ullgt UOlOIlf)I(TWV IQOOv Hilav 1951- aflJJllpov Elt ljltll1 iI 11lt -Ei)pn TpoundlvIIQv middotYl Ilt(I)v 100 E Mn 1960 - 1961 npOtopolt n aampl)qlou ~ )shy)6y0 Xflll llt CLlv MqXQvltl1l 1962 - 1964 middotY IlampVS O rCVIIltflt h660tQ)c uTtxvl lltG1v XPO oiGl Vrt tOO T EE 1962 t vJJllo iot X1IIIOC MXClVlII6c 1967middot al)JJtpOI JJt)olt 11 4101roUaI ElItlpolttc TOt) T EE 1967middot oftshyJJ CPOv )1 4)0lt toil 6 t lt A E (CIIlOU1(l)V 1I001l6t(l) no)clnrliolt (ApoundBAA) 1967 _ o it)lPOV tOt tou A t 100 AtpoWlOlt middotA8IviZlv

1 1Qlouaplot r 970

Iltyttlwv ovorYl-uif6)v - 1Tapa9upoov JtC)U1ttollampY(J)1 0 o~()aooshyIl IJ)Y P~CtaUOTtlV(UWV a cOy olltapagepuJ(Q of I-OUO JlEVOl

Kal at thu a lli6Jrtul OUVClVtul a 9aullacro ov t6 rpU v61lfvOV TOO 6vaJ)lUCoVlOt BspJ1O) GOa tOf O( ~v M)yql ICpuOtuAorrlvQl(ct dWI tj)Jl ll tLkG)lt J(AallJtol dC tTl v 1u~pilltTPOV

0 b i t lj c O-rtlvcmt tou jJq)lOtUlltvou rreplIpeplicoi) cr~c]pound toU ~ tb1tlur~vou cnwpofitltafot luraITIcampuucrileit lt1M1 96or til toO autoO OAIKOO J1rtu nv l5 uj Pprocn l lea i KClTaa t poltjgtllv rou UTt6 tQv 6va9ul-micrewv ti 1tT11ii QvtttmiddotaTECfroOll oui mhlPd-t KataaKEuti~ KeKUAUlllltVlt a ui ~O)VI1t ~rtEVO lx1Cu~

AtuX~ Ked tS~amplrraia al1r1 ICcnaoun KUttltrrplCP I) t nilv UJtoov attirov -al OUYKEICP[jJVO~ tK t (i)v olaOjXIJn KWv 0 amp1(1shy

OGlV uvct9WllQotoov tft~ It rW

l bull AnQITfloEU

BaOlIcn (JUVC~ 6nu(tf]a~ 00 npo~ t O LlCOV lof1 rOOKampui vtou 9oAoU h to l1 pound1( 1 6)1 1tpaYJlurwv f UVtO(Tl roD UALJ(o6 ~I tillt oLajpulrlKolt ~1ttap6cnI( t oW Or ~O~X(J)v QVUOU l- ltlatwv

wA)J ll d~(1 [t ll O~ llto 1( U a cppov t ~( KlTacrKsufj Se6opcvou atl O UCPLcrt6~~Vot mPl ~ampP L I(~ uxe)ttOl ~ IDn-tIO~levoo OJUJo-6~arOC fx n il nocrr~ f1BT) Kui aln~ ta~ CJve1D1ia~ t ~~ I(POO PO shy)1 6Kf) tmv 9EtOOx(IlV ova9u~tluOpoov Ka i amp0 1 va 9EWPfl TUL ~t1 0ljJtV ll QVToxiir


H JtI1 Ytl1te~H06JJc1QI imo S lajJopqKU~iV(l)V 1tXlrrui)V Kni Kn1t(l)V ribv onoiwv flit l VU unoltpEUX9rt lCaru TO OUVQTOV nKoTacrtpoqlll ttC toinou at n 7tp6(JaaCl~ COptW(6)v al)tOKLVtWV Kal ~apamprov 6xn)uitoov eIVnl ou~t plilaquo

To bltplcrtalleVOV KT lPlOV eIv en tv KClt6 Jo1 EL KtlVOVIKOV 161ooVOV Otw(t ltot tlt puagt oporfl~ )lteOOO~ P ~ opoundto t~ ampJJlaJ1t VOU crKUP05(IJOToc 6jJo(W KcrtOWUOC 01100 220 J1 Ka i UOTCIOUIlEVoc poundK KIlTIDCPiiou -- nOBt~ 16 Op900TCltl)V JtE PIPIKOU oltf p9upou lCai KOPU)voo~ nI6rou~ 1 70 J1

Ttl jJua1u tl)v crtu(IlV ICEva 7tACtTOUlt 210 J1 KfJl UIIo ult 160 J1 Ipepouv JaAo(JTacrlu 1ci) v cumuv omcrTaOEwv J1amptu KpuOtalio-1tLVOKWV olocpav(Uv )J rolp raw 61fo[wv t lval OpOTO t~wOEV 6 KPClTTlP Kat TO oVCl3)i(OV fiSwp Tit nT)lfJ~

flpoo9ho v- OUVe1IGM rrap loplcrjJOO UItOts)OUv nISI ~v6r IJtv to bqHm uJtSvov ICtip lOv (E IIC cI)V 1) lCul o f OtUOt6cIHr t o Kat dIP t tApou tl t~ U6TOn 1tPOKlmtouoa apXlreKTovltnl Il0pqio 1oC 66AOU np6 d noqluYTl V al)J(Oupyi~ t)1to3iwv d~ tTlV amppuiav etav ltpOc t~v 1tEB100U toO LltEPXCLOO Kal tnv 6voo6Ev taushyr11 t EUpIQKO)Jtvnv OitTlv

H 1l6vrt KQt oPXTtv t Jt tTPCltTtl jJopcplj t oCi OteyoOTPOU tfl~ 1ll1Y ii~ ll to 100 90Aou tOO )IlICPOliipou at OUVQfOO ilVoult

S EdoYtl uA llaquooO

~A7tUcrQL ai livcutirxo )[ poli)[o9tOt l~ Kal nrploplOjJOl 1iyl1fOV tllv TqVI lCll v YJT] pEOiav t oO EOT d r tilv KUt apx1lv mtshy1411 xpnOlJ10ltOL i1OC(j)~ t6)v cruOctt Kl)V PT)Tt amp1 WltAlcrjJEVWV

BL ivwv )U)ou rltIlt KIXt lCuT6nw crxenKoov OV~ TltnOEOlV t9eroshy11]011 TEi~LKWlt n jJulo10V hlit tKVUO)ltvT1 Iui npocrcpEp0jJpoundVT] IUP~Clvolltvou im iV 1V Kat t OU crn)lUVtLIo()O nEOEKT1U1ClTOlt on )leTO tv i-O(P lJ1Kcl tnenJ)XUVETO Kai () a1tAEtOlt qlUcrl lCOJ cpwnoJu)~ tijr 11 11 YfI OU1 lJlcro u toO 9ofou

Eni TQ ~atl t(l)v ovrodpw liul )ujJ~avojJtvrov un 6VLV u Tf1r al(utoUjJEVT1lt 6VTOXl~ ell -fO USP08 E100XOUlt ova9ushyjJl (amp(Jfl U tTl lt 1tT1yf1 ~ Toll tbn8uJ-lllToC olultpwTiowu 1middot Ti~ U7taITOUJ1eVlllt ampV(OIil~ d C tl OtJ-lOOCP01PtKW o uv8ftshy

KOI t v OUVOUUOjJq rePO t6 omcpOOTlcrTov TOC UAlKOC TOC 8OAou XU

O Td)v mUlToullevwv ~ll1XUVllC(J)V ovnJX~v

bGUrr tf)UWlt 6 J(atMAllA~ rOAUtOTllP Eilt DV npoOETE8n UAtK6 v 61t0PPoltP1lltnwlt tcUV iJlTS-P 1WO(i)V cI KTivwv tv cruVOUQshy0)l4l lIfjOc oa )on[ )l1j1lmiddot AjJcpott pwv t G)v UIKGlV ol cruVTEtshyaTCll () (tOMz(fampW~ mD ltpwT6~ f1tEtYTjOav o OUVClrOV lt AT1m~shy

(J1lpOI ilf a norEAEOJlo TTlV ~Ti t)1qJOVlOIV toov lVClv Tillt U6ou tVlOI r ~ pT)tIVll~ Kat Ouvmt~ TTlV Qn6KTnOlV t1)lt )le--y [lt1TrIr bUVClTflt 8 1aTtEpar6Tnrolt m o tou qlwt6~

6 Mop Toli eoAou

nlt (EWlJ el f) IKI )lOPCD D roC 00101) hampJJYT1 UI LK6) 16yOlvolt JttuX(Il [Jl 1l 11j)a~ic OX 1 coo J) toO nJ1rOU aXFOiOII (KnoVnshy



iX 3

KAToli l lshy

11( I

1 Iayouaplolt 1970

pound1)( 2

9tytO~ U1tO toO Ap)yrElCtOYX tOO EOT IC r NlICOMtO-1tOUA-ou

j6y~ ot t~y olClltnaOE(J)Y autoO Kal tOOY ucplamlJpoundvwv 1tEPlOshyPLO itIV EtaltPOpt1lt (l1wpaa[O81) 61twlt 0 960lt QnonpoundO9lj TpoundllKUllt ano 16 OrolXEia hovta ~KaaTov oPCPrlv OVE(TtpOshy~VI1lt ftOKacpl)lt (EtKwv 2) Kar61j1Erolt tcrOOKEAODlt TptjciJvou j3oaErolt 218 Kai GIjIOOr 550 Kal allVQ atolXeurofa OOVoVtal va ~TQIpEp800v 601l(Gllt EK roC tpyoataOlou ~EXPl rfllt lo~ashyTIIcfl r 1rI1Yitlt EKEt ampE ltopan9E)JEVO Ka auvoE61lEVO KOta ralt IIEyltlWlt 1tASOP6lt rwv lrriKoolt 560 11 Keli 1lE KOLV)V KOPOCPri V va QTDTpoundA~rOUV tOV 00lt livw 1tIplyparptVTo 86AOV oxfOTolt 16ywvoo 1tTOXWT1jlt 1tOPOIlLSOlt OIOIlErpOU mplYEYPOIlIlEVOO KUKI)O paatWlt 112011 Kal uljIOoe 125 Jl

An6TIlT1OIlt Tijlt KOPUipflt t(i)v (J1OlXElwv Kara 035 010 KO tOOKEUo(J1lKOUlt )oyO~ O vonATlPoihol Olel ruwnavoo- KAEI 06lt OlallETpOU 0 7011 t cp fllt KUUlIlla OI0JlClpOU 130 IJ 1l0p cpftlt XaIlTlAWIJEVOU KOVOU (Ix 6 Koi 7)

7 ITQTlKi) Mdhl

Y1t6 Tolt OVWTCpW 1tpolnto9taEllt lCat to XOPTl Y1l9EVTa (J1OlXEio ltEpt TGlV IlnXOVLI(ooV fOtOrftwv tou OAlKOO laquoGlass - Inraquo t~Eshy1tovr8Tl fl aratlK Iltl ~tl Kai auvnaylOov to aVT[arotXo lCotQOKEUoOHKa OXtola 1J0pCPcixrpoundwlt Koi AErtrOlleppoundleurolv rou 1ttUXWtOO OOAOU 01t6 toO JtOIItIICOO IlTlxavlKou K BiKrwpolt r AllrraKoollKl v

6la Tllv (nOtlKrv tni)UOlV TOO 9poundllaT0lt 6 IlEETlrT)e npotpl d Talt oKoioo8oult pacrtKaC 1taparnptlOEllt Kal napaooXcic

a At nEpICpEplKai taOpoundII at ouvclllEVOI YallETaplpoO900v on6 CJroIXE(Ou ii ilt OTOIXpoundIOV A6yltgt ttOv 1ttUxoom-oov (aXpoundlIKoolt acnillavtltgtlt oKolJwia tooV Kt )lIlEVWV tnl1ttampov toov nTUshyXciJCJpoundwv tv o-(EOe~ 1tpolt lliv aKa ljli uv 6)01()lipou tfl~ ttTUshy

XWI1EWC Katel 1 lv QKTva) Elvul clOlillavrol tv OXpoundCJEt repOI t~ ih tlVlKo TOtaUtalt

~ Etlt tele ntplntcixrEIlt Ka90IKUlV OUJlEtPIKooV ltPOrriOEWv 16-(Ql t1jlt EllfQOVlOIlpoundvillt aullllerpialt CPOptiCJEWC KOl KatoshyOKEUiilt OOI np6c rei KaraK6pucpa OlallpoundtplKa Eninton ro 6shypl~Ojlpoundva (m6 t(J)v aYrlOtalJETplKCUV [ EUYtOv UKtivwy E1tOshyrpi)lt JltTU~U troy Otolxeiwv tOu qlOPwlt al tv KotaKOpushyQgtlt9 bn1tEocl OuvlCJtGlcral rrov otaptl3a0IJEvWV tUCJEWV IlEshyto~U t(i)v OtOLxciwy Elvat JlllotvlKoi

y At CtVWtpoundpW napUtT)p1)OEll ltMiIloal dlt tnV CJKEWlV 6t1 haCJtov rtOv CJt 01XELWV tl ltbv ouvioratal f) ao~wrn retushytrorn KUtaO ICW r QreoTpoundMl jJc t a TOi) tvruSaIJErpIKol) rou rplop9pO)tOv qgtoptu Ileuro Iip6PCOOlV ~ I I tnv KopuqlTlv (llEa41 rol) oulCtuiou KMlo6lt) Kat EopaCJtV bri t i)lt ltepillCTpOU hi t ~ f W1tlO~tt vO) CJKupoampElJato~ cr t poundljIfwlt tfjlt CPEPOU-011e KatacrlCpoundu ~~

O Yno t~V Qvwtt pw 6va~uOlv Koi 9cWPilOIV tOD cpoptooc al 1ttPlQraquoPlICOi l UOEU Ovt)iJcp81)0av CJuy~rVtPliCilli Uip tv6lt lEV OlO tOC oOKTI)Xim) 0PUIPilt ( X 6 Kai 7) acp ttEPOU



I gt 1 --fmiddot- r~ ~


EX 7 I


reg E 4- 7

ot OlCt tOu OOKTu(ou tOpOOE~ 0 SaICTuAIOr OUtolt rEAlshyt((i~lt ouvpoundTt9T) tK TroV nEplqlEplKGlv tu nuvwv reurolv OrolXEiwv Kai teurolv OovoEtlPlwv aorampv YWVIOKooV (EX 4 I(ot 5) T6 6pl(6vrlov rttlla TUlV oltoiwv hplOtllonolf9Tl Kal 010 tl)v OTeptWOlV TOO nTUXWtoO 96100 btl rfje t~ Ol1tAlOIlEVOU Oj(UpoStlluro~ qlEPOUOTllt KaTacrKEUTllt

E pound1tl t6 OUOIl EVeuroCJTtpOV 1(0t 1tpOe nlv 1ttEupav Tlie QOipashyApoundiCU Ult6 TnV iSiav 00lt QVW Ell(6va Q)OPpoundrolt f)X1n6lOav ta OUVlCJt~Vta aotOv OTOIXEtO Kat pound1lt 1l0V6nAEUpOv (Jln OUJlIJErplKT)v) cp6prtOIV

ltno At Kata ralt OKtivalt tnarpfe reurolv CJTolXElwv OuvOtOElo aushytUlv oU1 lCo Xl-1ocp6poov fl Awv anOrEAOOV rrpoqlavux npoOshy6poundtout t~oOipO)ioEI~ Koi OUVUAOCV poundflt trv a~lalv rGlv qlEPOOO(i)v [l(avorfJtwv tillt KUtoOKpoundOilt

~Alt 0I1PElW9fl 6tl tEAIKtOC Enpora9l )(al EVEKpI6l fl KOTashyOKEun t(i)v oaKruAiwv KopuCPiilt Koi topaOEoolt h toO aut00 Dlnceu np6e anoqluYn v tlUv OLoPpOOOEWV EnlCJT1lt- ltpo lt anoshytpuynv tampv OIOPprocrEUlv tYEVETO 1 ampul toO autoO ill-llCo) tnl shyKUUljIV Q1tavrwv teurolv KOXAI0rp6pwv ilAwv auvaPIlOloyfOEWlt Kai OUV8poundOEUllt r(i)v OtOlXE[WV tflt KaTaOKEOlic

8 Mt9ol)oC KOoTOoOKtUilC TQV npoKOTOoKtuQoivwv UTOIXEiWV

dEOOIlEVWV t(J)v olaOtcIOEwV EKaOtOO OroqEiou (218)J x 55011) Kal tou JlIICPOo ap18110) autwv flll6vTl tnLtpETttn OlKOVOJl1ICn 11pound80amp0lt 1tapaywyi1~ TjtO iJ )Jt80So~ t1tacpil1 (Co ntac t Presmiddot sure) iitllt Kal tcpllPlJo091) TIpo lt roCto KOtEcrKEuacrloov 4 1tp6nl1ta firol ilv np6ru1tov TOU PocrtKOO OtOlxEiou rou 160u tOU 86)ou EV tOu tlJllntivou 1(0PUqlflt gv t eurolv nto ilwv arEpEoo OEw roO 96Aou bd t1jlt KOP(I)V(OOlt Kat euro v tOC KOAUllllatOr (OPlJqli)~

H I(Oraa KEOrj t(J)v XPOTtJltWV Orr~tllOE AE1tTlV KOl t1tireo vov tp(aoiov Kui ant Pp6ltP1l0E CJlIlOVttKOV 1toOoCJt6v tf~ 6Al1 amparraYI)C roO 9610u

11IlEWOtUI Oll CliO t6 1tp6tunov l3aOIK6v O1OIXELOV TOO 116

4 hlVou6plot 1970

Eix J

toV 9Mout AOylttl Tij UhotUnou ~opqril~ 1OU KaL tQO ~tY(Oout TOt) U1tllt1O1 tio lot cilcaJJ1ttoc J1Ela]Au6~ crt(poundAEt6t

bull [au tv A6y~ rpOlunou KOtEOXEUacr911oQv tv C1)vEx~iQ at itVtiCrtOlXOl lJtPUI tt t~Ellh1rov Pllllvlgtv W1tAtO)JpoundVtll V 61 hoWv MAoll Kui TOCtO 1106lt Qltocpuyilv O1l(JlOUUV Ilui auvEnampC Otucnaolo)O(l lIaW IJEla~olWv

H K UtuoKCUfl t tilv J1llpGlv MOlTlCn v tltlOl1lt )pound1(1 tnLltoJJov lcui Oltrnavlw Qv ipYQotav WOtE tEAucGl napf]x9loQV -rei 16 JWJIIU cno LXpoundIu tou OMQu nl 16 1tEOIa Onpeoolt1EOOc tOO 06)ou Ka t o tv~uU1VOV ai to 1(6)UJ1J1C1 KOPUCPIIC altVa -LETtshy~pOl1aQ 1(01 u itt tt 9lOQV tapa tilv 1tllYftV Etc tOY TtP6C 1OUtO tml-poundIEVtCl )Ggtpov lOI to TrAlOlEOlEPOV OtQupo5p6)110V np6c tilv tU)1011Ktiv 1tTl f v

9 Tp6Tflla ouy9iotw~ TOO 96ou

H 6TCatlOU~Il tPYQoa btn rn v OUV9EOIV roi) (0)00 tnpoundDushytlO t tIC t oO rporrou ouvoPlJooYilopoundwlt vo tlCuc09tj tK TG)VIntigt 0 t il ToutOU fl crUv9c(JIe tytVElO DuXf hi toO t80shycpooc cUJ tnt 1[CPlqlEPtl(flt (U)Vlle (pU1t~I1e ow-oue 090 )1

Kai lajlttpoo 1150 J1 (E( KIDV 3) 6XPlouuOiollC jlCtU tfl V o uvamptcrav I(at r07tOOt tTOlV toO 90ou poundttt tl)e KopwvlbOe toO tpiou

10 Iu9tou TOU 96Aou

6lQ fllV OOlOOO IV (00 96Jou Ti OtEppoundUXHe hQcrtou otOtXElOU )It ra nupuothrUptm UlJtOO C)tvElO alP hoc )Itv oui OUYKO)shy~i0 F(~ oul TOO ail100 Lill(oO laquo(C lass - In)) e~ OllICQtEOlCElaishy09Tl 6 96)0 ucp t ttrou be llul tfCTOoproVbull ot6 JlfiKoc l(i)V VEUshyptOQt() I - 6ltlKCiIV ox)(I)v 12 ct 6vowS(j)TOU x6uDoe ltIJc ~~

KatOltY (jKP I PO~ ~nou tciJv bloorocrerov lCai xwpootQ9)lishyOLUA t~ OrfjIrcoo ttl E1 )livl~ tparrEsT]C ttolt09EtIl911 tn aUti1 TO lIIpliilOV (JUHxstOV roD 96AOU ICUI Kala 9t alv Wlt il I nt U-UTOO Olali tv ni) e6Aq1 [OlfPIWeuroll1Kaci)( bd l ~ lposhyJtttI1~ rUt lItCCJTTlPiX911 KUta TO etfpov ihcpov lOU Et~ to KeVshyt po t v 6Uvuypoundia at ~lo1t09poundtI19Tl tid r~ C lPanttllC t o 20v o OIXriov ai uJrlOtnpix911toOWlViil~ EI~ onOltTtUOW 050 jl shy060 JI nupurrAsuptbc l OC) 1tpcirtoo atOlxdou

ElJ t~ f vavn oUllhCilV rrpoe (JUYIC6)JrlClv vEUpOOE Ie - Soshy-ou t wv Ol1lW napUKt l)JpoundVWV atOlxELWV poundycveto JlelO npopoundshy(ol~a(Jiuv rGlv npoc cruYK6i)naw tntOVEHUv hiOlalc ~AI KOO (lOIas~ - r11raquo ai Q)JEOWC tv 6UVlXtiq JlElEKtV1Wn 10 6cushytcpOV OtOlXctov Kat OUlEKoUIiOn Jlt n) f(pWrOV H crUOlttlI Y~lC tybtto ilK t OOv ICIltW Sui KatClJJtXOO Jleyt60uc lUo0PY1KWV oqHT11PWV

Mcni nlv notAEUOlV rOO Xp6vou ni~cu)C tOO O1)YKOA)l1tIKOO j~ uoC b1nvo[r9naav pound1ti tfle O1)v9tlOU VEUPWOfuJl - 60(10 t soaoPpoundt 61tUl 61 ~ )C fCfI)IKOU tpunltlvou ELc lie al clonoOe-shytn9no uv KOXAI0q6pOI fI)Ol J2 t1 oVO ~poundIOri)tOU XMuJl(l OJt pbOfTl1UI clgtI 1i(L TO lIAII(()V laquo nllls~ - Jrw lm6 tOO uopcr eColo Kui nov 9ctOlgtXWV ova9UfJlUOEWV It)e 7tllYfjc

H CJuvOrOI 100 96AOU (JI )VEX10f)11 Kalil tOV autov tP01tUV )l~ Uli lUKOWV ihfXoV looV npouocullKiilC aulaVOJlEvWV lllOatlimiddot ocrov ain nu

H OAll tpya(1 ia t~poundtamplt(J9l ~ICtU o xo)aorl fae 1tpOOOXt)~ hlOlE 6lov t lOrtOOtr Oll 16 tt)wuTaiov 16()v (JtOlXciov lmf)pav avoshyxui I XI A iKOLPWc ui rinuITOUIlEVol 51 Aa5ti till lrV nupeJlposhyAtl toO cruttOJ)I1UKOU 17100 ((GlaSI middot IfI) (ElK6vec 456)


tJgt4 6

5 lQvou6ploC 17Q TIXyltca Xpovllc6

Jm 7

H t1tltEux9poundtoo oun) UKOij3EIQ Oqlti)tTUI nqgt poundv6e )JEv t ie tilv apiolTIV tnIO rl V t(bv vi tKWV Koi el~ n lv noooxTiv -01 Sntshy)JEfE10V JIE9 ti c nopfx011 cruv ni otOl x~io oqgt iTiJou ot ErC tliv OXpiptLOv Kat crtoeEponlTO TOiV OLUClTrro flJ)v O)oov TWV aTQl shyXEioov

METa t b K~Eio ll10V lOU 06AOU t TonoOni]011 to rUJInClVOV -0shyPUltPitc OUY O)AIlOtv 010 laquoGlass ~ I nraquo 1(01 OtEptooOtv tClUTOshyxp6vwe OUl 16 - t vbe 01 bacrtov crto txtiov - ~oXAtoql6p(l)V flAWV I t~ UV~fLoonou XclAuPoe Ioj tql au t)~ n 6vou tpound)o~ t tOn09nf91l t6 KQAUJI~O Kopuqgt i1c (EiKWV 7)

ne tK Ti)C Qvontpw TtEplypOqgtile OlgtJIrtEpoivEtOI Ii OA11 KOTOshyOKW1l lOU 96 tou poundlvut n)i)pwc aEpocrttrrle Kai oootoat Cli)e KOtO TOUe 6P)JOlx ouvetaE~ twv OT01XEiwv Tile

Muo tliv KOta 0 Qvwttpw 6AoKAtiP(ool v 100 9O)ou OUVEICOAshyAiJ9n de EICOOtllV t ampv 16 KOPUqKOV tfic ltEPlqlEPII(flC VEUPOOEroc tOU ntilouc 001 JI EV nt6 tAoV tK TOU OUt~O VA-IICOu laquoGlass shyIn)) noxoOl 001 )J t YWVIQl(ijc )J opqlie oVlonoKplvo)JeuroVllC ow tv6c ~tv ci t tllv E~u)TEpIKilv ywviov toO 16-rwvou TOU 90AOO 6qgt htpoo BE (Ott nv Kiotmiddot tfie KOpWV[Ooe TOO Kttpioo -EKUOtOV nEOtOv tOUpf(llampTJ Kutci tilv ICOTClKOPOqgtOV nftlJpOV tOu btl tl)e VEUPOXYEW euroKQOtoU tmV napoKEI)JEWW Ot01XEiwv TOC 96AOO Bla tecroo pwv KOX)IQipOPWV iAwv t 1 ~ 41voIE IshyOOHOU XOAUPOC Tij t 6pICor[at 1t~EUpd~ t o) nfoi)ou TrPOOPlshyltOJlEVnt Sla tnV otCPpoundWOlV toO 96)00 bt l ti)t Kopwviooe TOO Ktlpiou (EiKOVEt S Ko i 9)

pound1lt 9

II nponoc aoia TfC Ko pwvl6o c TOO KTiplo u

I6yoo Tijlt YEVlKillt O t Q~PlOcrfWt toO tl wnA la~tvoo (JKtJ~tshyJIOToc K lI piou h TGgtV avaeo~ l6crEwv tltt ltTWtl t tKpl9TJ tiTr Ushypaitl1toc l) np6 t ij e wn09ft iloEWlt t oO 96AOO f~I~yiavolC tgtoi en tOKEOrl tile Kopwvioolt OOTOO ICo l tPe npocrtooiw TOU dr() nCPQltEpW OIOPpWOL V

n pOC tOCTO 6WTJPtel1aav anOVTO Ttl XOAOPX OAIKG Kat ltAI1 shypw911crav o t 61tOT~tiaE t lt pwy~oi KOt 6nat lilt Kopwvicot oui OUVOEtlKOO KOVHl~Otoe ovyyevot)( np6c to laquoO la-~ - hI )) 1poundgt0lt ot KalEltrJCfouaOT[ crovEXl)lt Qrtpoo13AI1TOt on6 ro~ civoOOIllUshyOEte t ie nlyi)t a t qovJi ~EJIPPQVI1 (Olass -IIl )) In Si tu)J c tEAIKflV tnlnaa tv UUICft )Jop~apoWI1qgtiOot 3 X1A 1tpolt turbshyKTTJO IV 6v Tl oAla911 POt pound1nqlOVEiac M)JPOVOlJtvnC un 6lv t ijt npOc to l~w KAiaEw~ tijt Kopwviooc

12AvitpT11OIC TooShl0IC aTCpt W(W TOO 96)ou

n Epotw9Eione Tite epyoaiae ovv9toEwt (EIKOW 10) 0 OOAOC 41VTJPTJi9TJ SIC TGgtV l Eocrapwv nKpwv ouo atOUposloampv OIO)JtshytpWV tOO Kal 6voww9n TI ~on9piQ autOKIVnTOo )poundpavoO EshyxOVTOe afAOVTJV TOO ananOU)JtVQO IJnlCouc Kal AoP6vTOe 9tOLV ele Tilv t ntKtoaIV ti)e Eugeiae nno KpoundVtpOO Ktlpiou nnyl)lt np6t dvtpov 8Mou (TPOnpoundltl0 (E lKOVpoundC 11 - J2)

Ev OVVEXE iq oLEiu9n 1l lJAlvn t panfCo OovetaE~ 0 YEpavo )J EtfKlv it9n rrp6e t 6 ICpoundVtpOV TOO lI pioo ltnyfl~ EIfl OU Koi anEshy

pound1bull ]0

6 fovouapl0C 1970

Fl 11

ttOll 6 e6~o Ei~ n)v ~Jt( tlj l(Oprovio~ Ottweroc 1tpoPktcpElEishyM

auv OEOl

H KOio u9TlOEV 1l CftEPSOOOU TOO euroI0A-CU reVOjlSVT) 6ui ICOX)~lWshyCJEAnC rUlv 16 1tESiJwv tou t -l f tl KoproviSDI Sui 64 (4 ova neuroshylhlov) KoxiLOcpOrOOV ll)rov 0 58 tVTOlt p)cr~a[rov runo) Hilti (EKwv 13)

flpix a UJI1tTL10W tGlv 61CGl v taO cint~lUIJtVOU aKupoM~aolt Kal tGlv 6nillv rti)v 7tE5IAwv 1l OHttHlCfllt tytvEfO tVLClio Kal Sin ta SUo U)ltili lEta Ttll f01to8hlloV toO 66-ou Ele tllv IlK pIll Btenv t ov Mem t il l 5uiTPT)OlV tVfO)T) I (hOCfUV to P60jlCltU

J-liUi uo~ 7 h tVt~ tGlv ontov tv cruV(xel~ ot hOx)LWshy9110) 1 o [ KOX) lOcp6pOL ~iOL clgt 58 t) rcupe)lpoAfI XUAupoishyvow 1tU P(ll(UI()OlV

OUtCll 6 96]0lt clltOKOvIOU)1fvoltouvatat EUXEpilc va U1tOI1CtshyKpuv9ft TOO K(1piOI )Jpoundrcl oi Tae tvoEXOJ1tvac Qvuyaiac tpYClshyOi((~ (w[6e toO Kpatfjpoe tie nnYfie va ~7rava[ono9E[T]9t1

13 AapKflo tKTfUcrfWIIi TOO tpyou

6ul Tt)e CXEtlKie OlljlaUOEle 6 EOT fOcoe tpijl11Ov npogemiddot olJiuv linonepa1rooEWC 100 OAOU EPY OU TlV 1i oVUOOXOC balrEiu ~ ~ I c io(nv etc 18 lI)ltpac

OUt() 6 xpbvoC otapd~ [00 lpyOU llVO)(i)ampr me t~ije

1 l~vtolllt CftUtl11 )lC ~tt) e TOU 80tou iwtrm 6 2 KUTaol(ruf npnttmUJv ()lpound na poAnAov JlEMTT]V

Kui O1JVm lV tOU npoYPOJllluto tJyuOtwV ai TWV crX~oi(llV tfje pa7rEtT]t aUVUPLJOAOY110Effi toG 80)ou) raquo) 18

3 KaTpoundzo n u1) JlT)tp6)v ttOv OtOlXEfltilv ) 26 4 KuWcncpoundUll tl1oV ~ui Vcw otOIXdrov tfit tpantt T]e

OUvOtmCllt ~o opa tCilV dlt AoutpCt Yn(zTTlr Kat OUvapj1o~6YT)O~ TTt~ tpant~ne ut nap6Jlmiddot

bt~ 13

)ov KutacrKcutv tG) v C1OlXEiffiV toO 96)ou tv tp~ YOO1flCJiqgt raquo 16

5 MetoQlopa tampv CtOtXdruv Tofl 9M~ou de Aoutpa Ynutnt crUvgecnc tofl 9610u tn i tlle paltt~T]e IlE napU)) T1Aov CttynvonniT)CTlv 1ije KOPffiVi oot toO Kupiou tfie nnyije raquo 7

6 A vuyenoom jlEQ(fIOpa ICOi [onoOtT11 o llt toi) 90AOU Ol aUToKlvTrrou YEpavoD 15 T apuia c jltlKOUe 9 j1 tni TUn KrIpiou t nll1I)r raquo 1

7 tEplillCILc toG 96ou raquo 4

tuvo~ov ~tpal 78 14 IulntpaalJo

0 90~at ID nAIKO)I w)QKl1P(1)911 ltlto cti )lEta TOO tt PIOL) t~ OU h 01togetTj911 n)ttpf1 Kui axe) nOOll t OnOyenrUlI havonol~ lltlKOV aUv~AOV j1pound nl a6)ouOu paC1 P xapalCfT) pIOlI K6

a Evap~ovl~(tUI jlOPIpOtOyIKeuro II IItp6 to nEpl36)) ov 00shypaiov 6 too~ tfle neptOxit1 Tflc lCPJ-101tll1fttmiddot

p H Oout6 Op~~ 00 06~u S~MtS~ ~~ xa1 ~~lt ~ XCOtf)e 1tupa)lioOI dlllo-nArT tva tAKOOtIK j)V a lo1hlt lll6v (HOllErOV

y To a QqMhtIOfOV Kai 10 anu]ov IpUOlKOV x1U jla toO OlIcoO tOO 061ou btlCpbolJ V tov ltiVfl tOY CPU(JtKov Cfwt ICJJlOV t oll t OWtepuoO tf~ nnyit KaTa tn 0 14lj~t lU V d e flJt~a~ n apaA)11Mor oui oO qKJ)tlaIlO) TOC 06iou be 1amp1 tam lCu1li ar V1)TeuroplV~ ropat 0l11-ltOUPyEiTal Eva 1I608poundtov t A JCOOtIl(OV XapCtKtllPIOTtlCOV tfle Mllt nep1oxtt(middot

o 0 96Ao( AOYltl tfic XllJl1 Kf)c OTOXf~ to) UAI1IOO laquo0 lass shyIJraquo) Ele lac gelWOClC clvulhlj1LOaEll til t gepll()nll yfj li tv

cruvoUOOjl$ np~ TO alt pOatATJ t OY toC (linoD O)lKoO 6AO TOO i)()aTo~ Kal t~ c lrtPua[u( t~OalPo)ftEl to t pyov t nt jlClKpa hn ano fll btlo paOc~ t (jv I((U pK6)V 0lV9r)tGlv

E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 2: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

1 1Qlouaplot r 970

Iltyttlwv ovorYl-uif6)v - 1Tapa9upoov JtC)U1ttollampY(J)1 0 o~()aooshyIl IJ)Y P~CtaUOTtlV(UWV a cOy olltapagepuJ(Q of I-OUO JlEVOl

Kal at thu a lli6Jrtul OUVClVtul a 9aullacro ov t6 rpU v61lfvOV TOO 6vaJ)lUCoVlOt BspJ1O) GOa tOf O( ~v M)yql ICpuOtuAorrlvQl(ct dWI tj)Jl ll tLkG)lt J(AallJtol dC tTl v 1u~pilltTPOV

0 b i t lj c O-rtlvcmt tou jJq)lOtUlltvou rreplIpeplicoi) cr~c]pound toU ~ tb1tlur~vou cnwpofitltafot luraITIcampuucrileit lt1M1 96or til toO autoO OAIKOO J1rtu nv l5 uj Pprocn l lea i KClTaa t poltjgtllv rou UTt6 tQv 6va9ul-micrewv ti 1tT11ii QvtttmiddotaTECfroOll oui mhlPd-t KataaKEuti~ KeKUAUlllltVlt a ui ~O)VI1t ~rtEVO lx1Cu~

AtuX~ Ked tS~amplrraia al1r1 ICcnaoun KUttltrrplCP I) t nilv UJtoov attirov -al OUYKEICP[jJVO~ tK t (i)v olaOjXIJn KWv 0 amp1(1shy

OGlV uvct9WllQotoov tft~ It rW

l bull AnQITfloEU

BaOlIcn (JUVC~ 6nu(tf]a~ 00 npo~ t O LlCOV lof1 rOOKampui vtou 9oAoU h to l1 pound1( 1 6)1 1tpaYJlurwv f UVtO(Tl roD UALJ(o6 ~I tillt oLajpulrlKolt ~1ttap6cnI( t oW Or ~O~X(J)v QVUOU l- ltlatwv

wA)J ll d~(1 [t ll O~ llto 1( U a cppov t ~( KlTacrKsufj Se6opcvou atl O UCPLcrt6~~Vot mPl ~ampP L I(~ uxe)ttOl ~ IDn-tIO~levoo OJUJo-6~arOC fx n il nocrr~ f1BT) Kui aln~ ta~ CJve1D1ia~ t ~~ I(POO PO shy)1 6Kf) tmv 9EtOOx(IlV ova9u~tluOpoov Ka i amp0 1 va 9EWPfl TUL ~t1 0ljJtV ll QVToxiir


H JtI1 Ytl1te~H06JJc1QI imo S lajJopqKU~iV(l)V 1tXlrrui)V Kni Kn1t(l)V ribv onoiwv flit l VU unoltpEUX9rt lCaru TO OUVQTOV nKoTacrtpoqlll ttC toinou at n 7tp6(JaaCl~ COptW(6)v al)tOKLVtWV Kal ~apamprov 6xn)uitoov eIVnl ou~t plilaquo

To bltplcrtalleVOV KT lPlOV eIv en tv KClt6 Jo1 EL KtlVOVIKOV 161ooVOV Otw(t ltot tlt puagt oporfl~ )lteOOO~ P ~ opoundto t~ ampJJlaJ1t VOU crKUP05(IJOToc 6jJo(W KcrtOWUOC 01100 220 J1 Ka i UOTCIOUIlEVoc poundK KIlTIDCPiiou -- nOBt~ 16 Op900TCltl)V JtE PIPIKOU oltf p9upou lCai KOPU)voo~ nI6rou~ 1 70 J1

Ttl jJua1u tl)v crtu(IlV ICEva 7tACtTOUlt 210 J1 KfJl UIIo ult 160 J1 Ipepouv JaAo(JTacrlu 1ci) v cumuv omcrTaOEwv J1amptu KpuOtalio-1tLVOKWV olocpav(Uv )J rolp raw 61fo[wv t lval OpOTO t~wOEV 6 KPClTTlP Kat TO oVCl3)i(OV fiSwp Tit nT)lfJ~

flpoo9ho v- OUVe1IGM rrap loplcrjJOO UItOts)OUv nISI ~v6r IJtv to bqHm uJtSvov ICtip lOv (E IIC cI)V 1) lCul o f OtUOt6cIHr t o Kat dIP t tApou tl t~ U6TOn 1tPOKlmtouoa apXlreKTovltnl Il0pqio 1oC 66AOU np6 d noqluYTl V al)J(Oupyi~ t)1to3iwv d~ tTlV amppuiav etav ltpOc t~v 1tEB100U toO LltEPXCLOO Kal tnv 6voo6Ev taushyr11 t EUpIQKO)Jtvnv OitTlv

H 1l6vrt KQt oPXTtv t Jt tTPCltTtl jJopcplj t oCi OteyoOTPOU tfl~ 1ll1Y ii~ ll to 100 90Aou tOO )IlICPOliipou at OUVQfOO ilVoult

S EdoYtl uA llaquooO

~A7tUcrQL ai livcutirxo )[ poli)[o9tOt l~ Kal nrploplOjJOl 1iyl1fOV tllv TqVI lCll v YJT] pEOiav t oO EOT d r tilv KUt apx1lv mtshy1411 xpnOlJ10ltOL i1OC(j)~ t6)v cruOctt Kl)V PT)Tt amp1 WltAlcrjJEVWV

BL ivwv )U)ou rltIlt KIXt lCuT6nw crxenKoov OV~ TltnOEOlV t9eroshy11]011 TEi~LKWlt n jJulo10V hlit tKVUO)ltvT1 Iui npocrcpEp0jJpoundVT] IUP~Clvolltvou im iV 1V Kat t OU crn)lUVtLIo()O nEOEKT1U1ClTOlt on )leTO tv i-O(P lJ1Kcl tnenJ)XUVETO Kai () a1tAEtOlt qlUcrl lCOJ cpwnoJu)~ tijr 11 11 YfI OU1 lJlcro u toO 9ofou

Eni TQ ~atl t(l)v ovrodpw liul )ujJ~avojJtvrov un 6VLV u Tf1r al(utoUjJEVT1lt 6VTOXl~ ell -fO USP08 E100XOUlt ova9ushyjJl (amp(Jfl U tTl lt 1tT1yf1 ~ Toll tbn8uJ-lllToC olultpwTiowu 1middot Ti~ U7taITOUJ1eVlllt ampV(OIil~ d C tl OtJ-lOOCP01PtKW o uv8ftshy

KOI t v OUVOUUOjJq rePO t6 omcpOOTlcrTov TOC UAlKOC TOC 8OAou XU

O Td)v mUlToullevwv ~ll1XUVllC(J)V ovnJX~v

bGUrr tf)UWlt 6 J(atMAllA~ rOAUtOTllP Eilt DV npoOETE8n UAtK6 v 61t0PPoltP1lltnwlt tcUV iJlTS-P 1WO(i)V cI KTivwv tv cruVOUQshy0)l4l lIfjOc oa )on[ )l1j1lmiddot AjJcpott pwv t G)v UIKGlV ol cruVTEtshyaTCll () (tOMz(fampW~ mD ltpwT6~ f1tEtYTjOav o OUVClrOV lt AT1m~shy

(J1lpOI ilf a norEAEOJlo TTlV ~Ti t)1qJOVlOIV toov lVClv Tillt U6ou tVlOI r ~ pT)tIVll~ Kat Ouvmt~ TTlV Qn6KTnOlV t1)lt )le--y [lt1TrIr bUVClTflt 8 1aTtEpar6Tnrolt m o tou qlwt6~

6 Mop Toli eoAou

nlt (EWlJ el f) IKI )lOPCD D roC 00101) hampJJYT1 UI LK6) 16yOlvolt JttuX(Il [Jl 1l 11j)a~ic OX 1 coo J) toO nJ1rOU aXFOiOII (KnoVnshy



iX 3

KAToli l lshy

11( I

1 Iayouaplolt 1970

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9tytO~ U1tO toO Ap)yrElCtOYX tOO EOT IC r NlICOMtO-1tOUA-ou

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E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 3: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

1 Iayouaplolt 1970

pound1)( 2

9tytO~ U1tO toO Ap)yrElCtOYX tOO EOT IC r NlICOMtO-1tOUA-ou

j6y~ ot t~y olClltnaOE(J)Y autoO Kal tOOY ucplamlJpoundvwv 1tEPlOshyPLO itIV EtaltPOpt1lt (l1wpaa[O81) 61twlt 0 960lt QnonpoundO9lj TpoundllKUllt ano 16 OrolXEia hovta ~KaaTov oPCPrlv OVE(TtpOshy~VI1lt ftOKacpl)lt (EtKwv 2) Kar61j1Erolt tcrOOKEAODlt TptjciJvou j3oaErolt 218 Kai GIjIOOr 550 Kal allVQ atolXeurofa OOVoVtal va ~TQIpEp800v 601l(Gllt EK roC tpyoataOlou ~EXPl rfllt lo~ashyTIIcfl r 1rI1Yitlt EKEt ampE ltopan9E)JEVO Ka auvoE61lEVO KOta ralt IIEyltlWlt 1tASOP6lt rwv lrriKoolt 560 11 Keli 1lE KOLV)V KOPOCPri V va QTDTpoundA~rOUV tOV 00lt livw 1tIplyparptVTo 86AOV oxfOTolt 16ywvoo 1tTOXWT1jlt 1tOPOIlLSOlt OIOIlErpOU mplYEYPOIlIlEVOO KUKI)O paatWlt 112011 Kal uljIOoe 125 Jl

An6TIlT1OIlt Tijlt KOPUipflt t(i)v (J1OlXElwv Kara 035 010 KO tOOKEUo(J1lKOUlt )oyO~ O vonATlPoihol Olel ruwnavoo- KAEI 06lt OlallETpOU 0 7011 t cp fllt KUUlIlla OI0JlClpOU 130 IJ 1l0p cpftlt XaIlTlAWIJEVOU KOVOU (Ix 6 Koi 7)

7 ITQTlKi) Mdhl

Y1t6 Tolt OVWTCpW 1tpolnto9taEllt lCat to XOPTl Y1l9EVTa (J1OlXEio ltEpt TGlV IlnXOVLI(ooV fOtOrftwv tou OAlKOO laquoGlass - Inraquo t~Eshy1tovr8Tl fl aratlK Iltl ~tl Kai auvnaylOov to aVT[arotXo lCotQOKEUoOHKa OXtola 1J0pCPcixrpoundwlt Koi AErtrOlleppoundleurolv rou 1ttUXWtOO OOAOU 01t6 toO JtOIItIICOO IlTlxavlKou K BiKrwpolt r AllrraKoollKl v

6la Tllv (nOtlKrv tni)UOlV TOO 9poundllaT0lt 6 IlEETlrT)e npotpl d Talt oKoioo8oult pacrtKaC 1taparnptlOEllt Kal napaooXcic

a At nEpICpEplKai taOpoundII at ouvclllEVOI YallETaplpoO900v on6 CJroIXE(Ou ii ilt OTOIXpoundIOV A6yltgt ttOv 1ttUxoom-oov (aXpoundlIKoolt acnillavtltgtlt oKolJwia tooV Kt )lIlEVWV tnl1ttampov toov nTUshyXciJCJpoundwv tv o-(EOe~ 1tpolt lliv aKa ljli uv 6)01()lipou tfl~ ttTUshy

XWI1EWC Katel 1 lv QKTva) Elvul clOlillavrol tv OXpoundCJEt repOI t~ ih tlVlKo TOtaUtalt

~ Etlt tele ntplntcixrEIlt Ka90IKUlV OUJlEtPIKooV ltPOrriOEWv 16-(Ql t1jlt EllfQOVlOIlpoundvillt aullllerpialt CPOptiCJEWC KOl KatoshyOKEUiilt OOI np6c rei KaraK6pucpa OlallpoundtplKa Eninton ro 6shypl~Ojlpoundva (m6 t(J)v aYrlOtalJETplKCUV [ EUYtOv UKtivwy E1tOshyrpi)lt JltTU~U troy Otolxeiwv tOu qlOPwlt al tv KotaKOpushyQgtlt9 bn1tEocl OuvlCJtGlcral rrov otaptl3a0IJEvWV tUCJEWV IlEshyto~U t(i)v OtOLxciwy Elvat JlllotvlKoi

y At CtVWtpoundpW napUtT)p1)OEll ltMiIloal dlt tnV CJKEWlV 6t1 haCJtov rtOv CJt 01XELWV tl ltbv ouvioratal f) ao~wrn retushytrorn KUtaO ICW r QreoTpoundMl jJc t a TOi) tvruSaIJErpIKol) rou rplop9pO)tOv qgtoptu Ileuro Iip6PCOOlV ~ I I tnv KopuqlTlv (llEa41 rol) oulCtuiou KMlo6lt) Kat EopaCJtV bri t i)lt ltepillCTpOU hi t ~ f W1tlO~tt vO) CJKupoampElJato~ cr t poundljIfwlt tfjlt CPEPOU-011e KatacrlCpoundu ~~

O Yno t~V Qvwtt pw 6va~uOlv Koi 9cWPilOIV tOD cpoptooc al 1ttPlQraquoPlICOi l UOEU Ovt)iJcp81)0av CJuy~rVtPliCilli Uip tv6lt lEV OlO tOC oOKTI)Xim) 0PUIPilt ( X 6 Kai 7) acp ttEPOU



I gt 1 --fmiddot- r~ ~


EX 7 I


reg E 4- 7

ot OlCt tOu OOKTu(ou tOpOOE~ 0 SaICTuAIOr OUtolt rEAlshyt((i~lt ouvpoundTt9T) tK TroV nEplqlEplKGlv tu nuvwv reurolv OrolXEiwv Kai teurolv OovoEtlPlwv aorampv YWVIOKooV (EX 4 I(ot 5) T6 6pl(6vrlov rttlla TUlV oltoiwv hplOtllonolf9Tl Kal 010 tl)v OTeptWOlV TOO nTUXWtoO 96100 btl rfje t~ Ol1tAlOIlEVOU Oj(UpoStlluro~ qlEPOUOTllt KaTacrKEUTllt

E pound1tl t6 OUOIl EVeuroCJTtpOV 1(0t 1tpOe nlv 1ttEupav Tlie QOipashyApoundiCU Ult6 TnV iSiav 00lt QVW Ell(6va Q)OPpoundrolt f)X1n6lOav ta OUVlCJt~Vta aotOv OTOIXEtO Kat pound1lt 1l0V6nAEUpOv (Jln OUJlIJErplKT)v) cp6prtOIV

ltno At Kata ralt OKtivalt tnarpfe reurolv CJTolXElwv OuvOtOElo aushytUlv oU1 lCo Xl-1ocp6poov fl Awv anOrEAOOV rrpoqlavux npoOshy6poundtout t~oOipO)ioEI~ Koi OUVUAOCV poundflt trv a~lalv rGlv qlEPOOO(i)v [l(avorfJtwv tillt KUtoOKpoundOilt

~Alt 0I1PElW9fl 6tl tEAIKtOC Enpora9l )(al EVEKpI6l fl KOTashyOKEun t(i)v oaKruAiwv KopuCPiilt Koi topaOEoolt h toO aut00 Dlnceu np6e anoqluYn v tlUv OLoPpOOOEWV EnlCJT1lt- ltpo lt anoshytpuynv tampv OIOPprocrEUlv tYEVETO 1 ampul toO autoO ill-llCo) tnl shyKUUljIV Q1tavrwv teurolv KOXAI0rp6pwv ilAwv auvaPIlOloyfOEWlt Kai OUV8poundOEUllt r(i)v OtOlXE[WV tflt KaTaOKEOlic

8 Mt9ol)oC KOoTOoOKtUilC TQV npoKOTOoKtuQoivwv UTOIXEiWV

dEOOIlEVWV t(J)v olaOtcIOEwV EKaOtOO OroqEiou (218)J x 55011) Kal tou JlIICPOo ap18110) autwv flll6vTl tnLtpETttn OlKOVOJl1ICn 11pound80amp0lt 1tapaywyi1~ TjtO iJ )Jt80So~ t1tacpil1 (Co ntac t Presmiddot sure) iitllt Kal tcpllPlJo091) TIpo lt roCto KOtEcrKEuacrloov 4 1tp6nl1ta firol ilv np6ru1tov TOU PocrtKOO OtOlxEiou rou 160u tOU 86)ou EV tOu tlJllntivou 1(0PUqlflt gv t eurolv nto ilwv arEpEoo OEw roO 96Aou bd t1jlt KOP(I)V(OOlt Kat euro v tOC KOAUllllatOr (OPlJqli)~

H I(Oraa KEOrj t(J)v XPOTtJltWV Orr~tllOE AE1tTlV KOl t1tireo vov tp(aoiov Kui ant Pp6ltP1l0E CJlIlOVttKOV 1toOoCJt6v tf~ 6Al1 amparraYI)C roO 9610u

11IlEWOtUI Oll CliO t6 1tp6tunov l3aOIK6v O1OIXELOV TOO 116

4 hlVou6plot 1970

Eix J

toV 9Mout AOylttl Tij UhotUnou ~opqril~ 1OU KaL tQO ~tY(Oout TOt) U1tllt1O1 tio lot cilcaJJ1ttoc J1Ela]Au6~ crt(poundAEt6t

bull [au tv A6y~ rpOlunou KOtEOXEUacr911oQv tv C1)vEx~iQ at itVtiCrtOlXOl lJtPUI tt t~Ellh1rov Pllllvlgtv W1tAtO)JpoundVtll V 61 hoWv MAoll Kui TOCtO 1106lt Qltocpuyilv O1l(JlOUUV Ilui auvEnampC Otucnaolo)O(l lIaW IJEla~olWv

H K UtuoKCUfl t tilv J1llpGlv MOlTlCn v tltlOl1lt )pound1(1 tnLltoJJov lcui Oltrnavlw Qv ipYQotav WOtE tEAucGl napf]x9loQV -rei 16 JWJIIU cno LXpoundIu tou OMQu nl 16 1tEOIa Onpeoolt1EOOc tOO 06)ou Ka t o tv~uU1VOV ai to 1(6)UJ1J1C1 KOPUCPIIC altVa -LETtshy~pOl1aQ 1(01 u itt tt 9lOQV tapa tilv 1tllYftV Etc tOY TtP6C 1OUtO tml-poundIEVtCl )Ggtpov lOI to TrAlOlEOlEPOV OtQupo5p6)110V np6c tilv tU)1011Ktiv 1tTl f v

9 Tp6Tflla ouy9iotw~ TOO 96ou

H 6TCatlOU~Il tPYQoa btn rn v OUV9EOIV roi) (0)00 tnpoundDushytlO t tIC t oO rporrou ouvoPlJooYilopoundwlt vo tlCuc09tj tK TG)VIntigt 0 t il ToutOU fl crUv9c(JIe tytVElO DuXf hi toO t80shycpooc cUJ tnt 1[CPlqlEPtl(flt (U)Vlle (pU1t~I1e ow-oue 090 )1

Kai lajlttpoo 1150 J1 (E( KIDV 3) 6XPlouuOiollC jlCtU tfl V o uvamptcrav I(at r07tOOt tTOlV toO 90ou poundttt tl)e KopwvlbOe toO tpiou

10 Iu9tou TOU 96Aou

6lQ fllV OOlOOO IV (00 96Jou Ti OtEppoundUXHe hQcrtou otOtXElOU )It ra nupuothrUptm UlJtOO C)tvElO alP hoc )Itv oui OUYKO)shy~i0 F(~ oul TOO ail100 Lill(oO laquo(C lass - In)) e~ OllICQtEOlCElaishy09Tl 6 96)0 ucp t ttrou be llul tfCTOoproVbull ot6 JlfiKoc l(i)V VEUshyptOQt() I - 6ltlKCiIV ox)(I)v 12 ct 6vowS(j)TOU x6uDoe ltIJc ~~

KatOltY (jKP I PO~ ~nou tciJv bloorocrerov lCai xwpootQ9)lishyOLUA t~ OrfjIrcoo ttl E1 )livl~ tparrEsT]C ttolt09EtIl911 tn aUti1 TO lIIpliilOV (JUHxstOV roD 96AOU ICUI Kala 9t alv Wlt il I nt U-UTOO Olali tv ni) e6Aq1 [OlfPIWeuroll1Kaci)( bd l ~ lposhyJtttI1~ rUt lItCCJTTlPiX911 KUta TO etfpov ihcpov lOU Et~ to KeVshyt po t v 6Uvuypoundia at ~lo1t09poundtI19Tl tid r~ C lPanttllC t o 20v o OIXriov ai uJrlOtnpix911toOWlViil~ EI~ onOltTtUOW 050 jl shy060 JI nupurrAsuptbc l OC) 1tpcirtoo atOlxdou

ElJ t~ f vavn oUllhCilV rrpoe (JUYIC6)JrlClv vEUpOOE Ie - Soshy-ou t wv Ol1lW napUKt l)JpoundVWV atOlxELWV poundycveto JlelO npopoundshy(ol~a(Jiuv rGlv npoc cruYK6i)naw tntOVEHUv hiOlalc ~AI KOO (lOIas~ - r11raquo ai Q)JEOWC tv 6UVlXtiq JlElEKtV1Wn 10 6cushytcpOV OtOlXctov Kat OUlEKoUIiOn Jlt n) f(pWrOV H crUOlttlI Y~lC tybtto ilK t OOv ICIltW Sui KatClJJtXOO Jleyt60uc lUo0PY1KWV oqHT11PWV

Mcni nlv notAEUOlV rOO Xp6vou ni~cu)C tOO O1)YKOA)l1tIKOO j~ uoC b1nvo[r9naav pound1ti tfle O1)v9tlOU VEUPWOfuJl - 60(10 t soaoPpoundt 61tUl 61 ~ )C fCfI)IKOU tpunltlvou ELc lie al clonoOe-shytn9no uv KOXAI0q6pOI fI)Ol J2 t1 oVO ~poundIOri)tOU XMuJl(l OJt pbOfTl1UI clgtI 1i(L TO lIAII(()V laquo nllls~ - Jrw lm6 tOO uopcr eColo Kui nov 9ctOlgtXWV ova9UfJlUOEWV It)e 7tllYfjc

H CJuvOrOI 100 96AOU (JI )VEX10f)11 Kalil tOV autov tP01tUV )l~ Uli lUKOWV ihfXoV looV npouocullKiilC aulaVOJlEvWV lllOatlimiddot ocrov ain nu

H OAll tpya(1 ia t~poundtamplt(J9l ~ICtU o xo)aorl fae 1tpOOOXt)~ hlOlE 6lov t lOrtOOtr Oll 16 tt)wuTaiov 16()v (JtOlXciov lmf)pav avoshyxui I XI A iKOLPWc ui rinuITOUIlEVol 51 Aa5ti till lrV nupeJlposhyAtl toO cruttOJ)I1UKOU 17100 ((GlaSI middot IfI) (ElK6vec 456)


tJgt4 6

5 lQvou6ploC 17Q TIXyltca Xpovllc6

Jm 7

H t1tltEux9poundtoo oun) UKOij3EIQ Oqlti)tTUI nqgt poundv6e )JEv t ie tilv apiolTIV tnIO rl V t(bv vi tKWV Koi el~ n lv noooxTiv -01 Sntshy)JEfE10V JIE9 ti c nopfx011 cruv ni otOl x~io oqgt iTiJou ot ErC tliv OXpiptLOv Kat crtoeEponlTO TOiV OLUClTrro flJ)v O)oov TWV aTQl shyXEioov

METa t b K~Eio ll10V lOU 06AOU t TonoOni]011 to rUJInClVOV -0shyPUltPitc OUY O)AIlOtv 010 laquoGlass ~ I nraquo 1(01 OtEptooOtv tClUTOshyxp6vwe OUl 16 - t vbe 01 bacrtov crto txtiov - ~oXAtoql6p(l)V flAWV I t~ UV~fLoonou XclAuPoe Ioj tql au t)~ n 6vou tpound)o~ t tOn09nf91l t6 KQAUJI~O Kopuqgt i1c (EiKWV 7)

ne tK Ti)C Qvontpw TtEplypOqgtile OlgtJIrtEpoivEtOI Ii OA11 KOTOshyOKW1l lOU 96 tou poundlvut n)i)pwc aEpocrttrrle Kai oootoat Cli)e KOtO TOUe 6P)JOlx ouvetaE~ twv OT01XEiwv Tile

Muo tliv KOta 0 Qvwttpw 6AoKAtiP(ool v 100 9O)ou OUVEICOAshyAiJ9n de EICOOtllV t ampv 16 KOPUqKOV tfic ltEPlqlEPII(flC VEUPOOEroc tOU ntilouc 001 JI EV nt6 tAoV tK TOU OUt~O VA-IICOu laquoGlass shyIn)) noxoOl 001 )J t YWVIQl(ijc )J opqlie oVlonoKplvo)JeuroVllC ow tv6c ~tv ci t tllv E~u)TEpIKilv ywviov toO 16-rwvou TOU 90AOO 6qgt htpoo BE (Ott nv Kiotmiddot tfie KOpWV[Ooe TOO Kttpioo -EKUOtOV nEOtOv tOUpf(llampTJ Kutci tilv ICOTClKOPOqgtOV nftlJpOV tOu btl tl)e VEUPOXYEW euroKQOtoU tmV napoKEI)JEWW Ot01XEiwv TOC 96AOO Bla tecroo pwv KOX)IQipOPWV iAwv t 1 ~ 41voIE IshyOOHOU XOAUPOC Tij t 6pICor[at 1t~EUpd~ t o) nfoi)ou TrPOOPlshyltOJlEVnt Sla tnV otCPpoundWOlV toO 96)00 bt l ti)t Kopwviooe TOO Ktlpiou (EiKOVEt S Ko i 9)

pound1lt 9

II nponoc aoia TfC Ko pwvl6o c TOO KTiplo u

I6yoo Tijlt YEVlKillt O t Q~PlOcrfWt toO tl wnA la~tvoo (JKtJ~tshyJIOToc K lI piou h TGgtV avaeo~ l6crEwv tltt ltTWtl t tKpl9TJ tiTr Ushypaitl1toc l) np6 t ij e wn09ft iloEWlt t oO 96AOO f~I~yiavolC tgtoi en tOKEOrl tile Kopwvioolt OOTOO ICo l tPe npocrtooiw TOU dr() nCPQltEpW OIOPpWOL V

n pOC tOCTO 6WTJPtel1aav anOVTO Ttl XOAOPX OAIKG Kat ltAI1 shypw911crav o t 61tOT~tiaE t lt pwy~oi KOt 6nat lilt Kopwvicot oui OUVOEtlKOO KOVHl~Otoe ovyyevot)( np6c to laquoO la-~ - hI )) 1poundgt0lt ot KalEltrJCfouaOT[ crovEXl)lt Qrtpoo13AI1TOt on6 ro~ civoOOIllUshyOEte t ie nlyi)t a t qovJi ~EJIPPQVI1 (Olass -IIl )) In Si tu)J c tEAIKflV tnlnaa tv UUICft )Jop~apoWI1qgtiOot 3 X1A 1tpolt turbshyKTTJO IV 6v Tl oAla911 POt pound1nqlOVEiac M)JPOVOlJtvnC un 6lv t ijt npOc to l~w KAiaEw~ tijt Kopwviooc

12AvitpT11OIC TooShl0IC aTCpt W(W TOO 96)ou

n Epotw9Eione Tite epyoaiae ovv9toEwt (EIKOW 10) 0 OOAOC 41VTJPTJi9TJ SIC TGgtV l Eocrapwv nKpwv ouo atOUposloampv OIO)JtshytpWV tOO Kal 6voww9n TI ~on9piQ autOKIVnTOo )poundpavoO EshyxOVTOe afAOVTJV TOO ananOU)JtVQO IJnlCouc Kal AoP6vTOe 9tOLV ele Tilv t ntKtoaIV ti)e Eugeiae nno KpoundVtpOO Ktlpiou nnyl)lt np6t dvtpov 8Mou (TPOnpoundltl0 (E lKOVpoundC 11 - J2)

Ev OVVEXE iq oLEiu9n 1l lJAlvn t panfCo OovetaE~ 0 YEpavo )J EtfKlv it9n rrp6e t 6 ICpoundVtpOV TOO lI pioo ltnyfl~ EIfl OU Koi anEshy

pound1bull ]0

6 fovouapl0C 1970

Fl 11

ttOll 6 e6~o Ei~ n)v ~Jt( tlj l(Oprovio~ Ottweroc 1tpoPktcpElEishyM

auv OEOl

H KOio u9TlOEV 1l CftEPSOOOU TOO euroI0A-CU reVOjlSVT) 6ui ICOX)~lWshyCJEAnC rUlv 16 1tESiJwv tou t -l f tl KoproviSDI Sui 64 (4 ova neuroshylhlov) KoxiLOcpOrOOV ll)rov 0 58 tVTOlt p)cr~a[rov runo) Hilti (EKwv 13)

flpix a UJI1tTL10W tGlv 61CGl v taO cint~lUIJtVOU aKupoM~aolt Kal tGlv 6nillv rti)v 7tE5IAwv 1l OHttHlCfllt tytvEfO tVLClio Kal Sin ta SUo U)ltili lEta Ttll f01to8hlloV toO 66-ou Ele tllv IlK pIll Btenv t ov Mem t il l 5uiTPT)OlV tVfO)T) I (hOCfUV to P60jlCltU

J-liUi uo~ 7 h tVt~ tGlv ontov tv cruV(xel~ ot hOx)LWshy9110) 1 o [ KOX) lOcp6pOL ~iOL clgt 58 t) rcupe)lpoAfI XUAupoishyvow 1tU P(ll(UI()OlV

OUtCll 6 96]0lt clltOKOvIOU)1fvoltouvatat EUXEpilc va U1tOI1CtshyKpuv9ft TOO K(1piOI )Jpoundrcl oi Tae tvoEXOJ1tvac Qvuyaiac tpYClshyOi((~ (w[6e toO Kpatfjpoe tie nnYfie va ~7rava[ono9E[T]9t1

13 AapKflo tKTfUcrfWIIi TOO tpyou

6ul Tt)e CXEtlKie OlljlaUOEle 6 EOT fOcoe tpijl11Ov npogemiddot olJiuv linonepa1rooEWC 100 OAOU EPY OU TlV 1i oVUOOXOC balrEiu ~ ~ I c io(nv etc 18 lI)ltpac

OUt() 6 xpbvoC otapd~ [00 lpyOU llVO)(i)ampr me t~ije

1 l~vtolllt CftUtl11 )lC ~tt) e TOU 80tou iwtrm 6 2 KUTaol(ruf npnttmUJv ()lpound na poAnAov JlEMTT]V

Kui O1JVm lV tOU npoYPOJllluto tJyuOtwV ai TWV crX~oi(llV tfje pa7rEtT]t aUVUPLJOAOY110Effi toG 80)ou) raquo) 18

3 KaTpoundzo n u1) JlT)tp6)v ttOv OtOlXEfltilv ) 26 4 KuWcncpoundUll tl1oV ~ui Vcw otOIXdrov tfit tpantt T]e

OUvOtmCllt ~o opa tCilV dlt AoutpCt Yn(zTTlr Kat OUvapj1o~6YT)O~ TTt~ tpant~ne ut nap6Jlmiddot

bt~ 13

)ov KutacrKcutv tG) v C1OlXEiffiV toO 96)ou tv tp~ YOO1flCJiqgt raquo 16

5 MetoQlopa tampv CtOtXdruv Tofl 9M~ou de Aoutpa Ynutnt crUvgecnc tofl 9610u tn i tlle paltt~T]e IlE napU)) T1Aov CttynvonniT)CTlv 1ije KOPffiVi oot toO Kupiou tfie nnyije raquo 7

6 A vuyenoom jlEQ(fIOpa ICOi [onoOtT11 o llt toi) 90AOU Ol aUToKlvTrrou YEpavoD 15 T apuia c jltlKOUe 9 j1 tni TUn KrIpiou t nll1I)r raquo 1

7 tEplillCILc toG 96ou raquo 4

tuvo~ov ~tpal 78 14 IulntpaalJo

0 90~at ID nAIKO)I w)QKl1P(1)911 ltlto cti )lEta TOO tt PIOL) t~ OU h 01togetTj911 n)ttpf1 Kui axe) nOOll t OnOyenrUlI havonol~ lltlKOV aUv~AOV j1pound nl a6)ouOu paC1 P xapalCfT) pIOlI K6

a Evap~ovl~(tUI jlOPIpOtOyIKeuro II IItp6 to nEpl36)) ov 00shypaiov 6 too~ tfle neptOxit1 Tflc lCPJ-101tll1fttmiddot

p H Oout6 Op~~ 00 06~u S~MtS~ ~~ xa1 ~~lt ~ XCOtf)e 1tupa)lioOI dlllo-nArT tva tAKOOtIK j)V a lo1hlt lll6v (HOllErOV

y To a QqMhtIOfOV Kai 10 anu]ov IpUOlKOV x1U jla toO OlIcoO tOO 061ou btlCpbolJ V tov ltiVfl tOY CPU(JtKov Cfwt ICJJlOV t oll t OWtepuoO tf~ nnyit KaTa tn 0 14lj~t lU V d e flJt~a~ n apaA)11Mor oui oO qKJ)tlaIlO) TOC 06iou be 1amp1 tam lCu1li ar V1)TeuroplV~ ropat 0l11-ltOUPyEiTal Eva 1I608poundtov t A JCOOtIl(OV XapCtKtllPIOTtlCOV tfle Mllt nep1oxtt(middot

o 0 96Ao( AOYltl tfic XllJl1 Kf)c OTOXf~ to) UAI1IOO laquo0 lass shyIJraquo) Ele lac gelWOClC clvulhlj1LOaEll til t gepll()nll yfj li tv

cruvoUOOjl$ np~ TO alt pOatATJ t OY toC (linoD O)lKoO 6AO TOO i)()aTo~ Kal t~ c lrtPua[u( t~OalPo)ftEl to t pyov t nt jlClKpa hn ano fll btlo paOc~ t (jv I((U pK6)V 0lV9r)tGlv

E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 4: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

4 hlVou6plot 1970

Eix J

toV 9Mout AOylttl Tij UhotUnou ~opqril~ 1OU KaL tQO ~tY(Oout TOt) U1tllt1O1 tio lot cilcaJJ1ttoc J1Ela]Au6~ crt(poundAEt6t

bull [au tv A6y~ rpOlunou KOtEOXEUacr911oQv tv C1)vEx~iQ at itVtiCrtOlXOl lJtPUI tt t~Ellh1rov Pllllvlgtv W1tAtO)JpoundVtll V 61 hoWv MAoll Kui TOCtO 1106lt Qltocpuyilv O1l(JlOUUV Ilui auvEnampC Otucnaolo)O(l lIaW IJEla~olWv

H K UtuoKCUfl t tilv J1llpGlv MOlTlCn v tltlOl1lt )pound1(1 tnLltoJJov lcui Oltrnavlw Qv ipYQotav WOtE tEAucGl napf]x9loQV -rei 16 JWJIIU cno LXpoundIu tou OMQu nl 16 1tEOIa Onpeoolt1EOOc tOO 06)ou Ka t o tv~uU1VOV ai to 1(6)UJ1J1C1 KOPUCPIIC altVa -LETtshy~pOl1aQ 1(01 u itt tt 9lOQV tapa tilv 1tllYftV Etc tOY TtP6C 1OUtO tml-poundIEVtCl )Ggtpov lOI to TrAlOlEOlEPOV OtQupo5p6)110V np6c tilv tU)1011Ktiv 1tTl f v

9 Tp6Tflla ouy9iotw~ TOO 96ou

H 6TCatlOU~Il tPYQoa btn rn v OUV9EOIV roi) (0)00 tnpoundDushytlO t tIC t oO rporrou ouvoPlJooYilopoundwlt vo tlCuc09tj tK TG)VIntigt 0 t il ToutOU fl crUv9c(JIe tytVElO DuXf hi toO t80shycpooc cUJ tnt 1[CPlqlEPtl(flt (U)Vlle (pU1t~I1e ow-oue 090 )1

Kai lajlttpoo 1150 J1 (E( KIDV 3) 6XPlouuOiollC jlCtU tfl V o uvamptcrav I(at r07tOOt tTOlV toO 90ou poundttt tl)e KopwvlbOe toO tpiou

10 Iu9tou TOU 96Aou

6lQ fllV OOlOOO IV (00 96Jou Ti OtEppoundUXHe hQcrtou otOtXElOU )It ra nupuothrUptm UlJtOO C)tvElO alP hoc )Itv oui OUYKO)shy~i0 F(~ oul TOO ail100 Lill(oO laquo(C lass - In)) e~ OllICQtEOlCElaishy09Tl 6 96)0 ucp t ttrou be llul tfCTOoproVbull ot6 JlfiKoc l(i)V VEUshyptOQt() I - 6ltlKCiIV ox)(I)v 12 ct 6vowS(j)TOU x6uDoe ltIJc ~~

KatOltY (jKP I PO~ ~nou tciJv bloorocrerov lCai xwpootQ9)lishyOLUA t~ OrfjIrcoo ttl E1 )livl~ tparrEsT]C ttolt09EtIl911 tn aUti1 TO lIIpliilOV (JUHxstOV roD 96AOU ICUI Kala 9t alv Wlt il I nt U-UTOO Olali tv ni) e6Aq1 [OlfPIWeuroll1Kaci)( bd l ~ lposhyJtttI1~ rUt lItCCJTTlPiX911 KUta TO etfpov ihcpov lOU Et~ to KeVshyt po t v 6Uvuypoundia at ~lo1t09poundtI19Tl tid r~ C lPanttllC t o 20v o OIXriov ai uJrlOtnpix911toOWlViil~ EI~ onOltTtUOW 050 jl shy060 JI nupurrAsuptbc l OC) 1tpcirtoo atOlxdou

ElJ t~ f vavn oUllhCilV rrpoe (JUYIC6)JrlClv vEUpOOE Ie - Soshy-ou t wv Ol1lW napUKt l)JpoundVWV atOlxELWV poundycveto JlelO npopoundshy(ol~a(Jiuv rGlv npoc cruYK6i)naw tntOVEHUv hiOlalc ~AI KOO (lOIas~ - r11raquo ai Q)JEOWC tv 6UVlXtiq JlElEKtV1Wn 10 6cushytcpOV OtOlXctov Kat OUlEKoUIiOn Jlt n) f(pWrOV H crUOlttlI Y~lC tybtto ilK t OOv ICIltW Sui KatClJJtXOO Jleyt60uc lUo0PY1KWV oqHT11PWV

Mcni nlv notAEUOlV rOO Xp6vou ni~cu)C tOO O1)YKOA)l1tIKOO j~ uoC b1nvo[r9naav pound1ti tfle O1)v9tlOU VEUPWOfuJl - 60(10 t soaoPpoundt 61tUl 61 ~ )C fCfI)IKOU tpunltlvou ELc lie al clonoOe-shytn9no uv KOXAI0q6pOI fI)Ol J2 t1 oVO ~poundIOri)tOU XMuJl(l OJt pbOfTl1UI clgtI 1i(L TO lIAII(()V laquo nllls~ - Jrw lm6 tOO uopcr eColo Kui nov 9ctOlgtXWV ova9UfJlUOEWV It)e 7tllYfjc

H CJuvOrOI 100 96AOU (JI )VEX10f)11 Kalil tOV autov tP01tUV )l~ Uli lUKOWV ihfXoV looV npouocullKiilC aulaVOJlEvWV lllOatlimiddot ocrov ain nu

H OAll tpya(1 ia t~poundtamplt(J9l ~ICtU o xo)aorl fae 1tpOOOXt)~ hlOlE 6lov t lOrtOOtr Oll 16 tt)wuTaiov 16()v (JtOlXciov lmf)pav avoshyxui I XI A iKOLPWc ui rinuITOUIlEVol 51 Aa5ti till lrV nupeJlposhyAtl toO cruttOJ)I1UKOU 17100 ((GlaSI middot IfI) (ElK6vec 456)


tJgt4 6

5 lQvou6ploC 17Q TIXyltca Xpovllc6

Jm 7

H t1tltEux9poundtoo oun) UKOij3EIQ Oqlti)tTUI nqgt poundv6e )JEv t ie tilv apiolTIV tnIO rl V t(bv vi tKWV Koi el~ n lv noooxTiv -01 Sntshy)JEfE10V JIE9 ti c nopfx011 cruv ni otOl x~io oqgt iTiJou ot ErC tliv OXpiptLOv Kat crtoeEponlTO TOiV OLUClTrro flJ)v O)oov TWV aTQl shyXEioov

METa t b K~Eio ll10V lOU 06AOU t TonoOni]011 to rUJInClVOV -0shyPUltPitc OUY O)AIlOtv 010 laquoGlass ~ I nraquo 1(01 OtEptooOtv tClUTOshyxp6vwe OUl 16 - t vbe 01 bacrtov crto txtiov - ~oXAtoql6p(l)V flAWV I t~ UV~fLoonou XclAuPoe Ioj tql au t)~ n 6vou tpound)o~ t tOn09nf91l t6 KQAUJI~O Kopuqgt i1c (EiKWV 7)

ne tK Ti)C Qvontpw TtEplypOqgtile OlgtJIrtEpoivEtOI Ii OA11 KOTOshyOKW1l lOU 96 tou poundlvut n)i)pwc aEpocrttrrle Kai oootoat Cli)e KOtO TOUe 6P)JOlx ouvetaE~ twv OT01XEiwv Tile

Muo tliv KOta 0 Qvwttpw 6AoKAtiP(ool v 100 9O)ou OUVEICOAshyAiJ9n de EICOOtllV t ampv 16 KOPUqKOV tfic ltEPlqlEPII(flC VEUPOOEroc tOU ntilouc 001 JI EV nt6 tAoV tK TOU OUt~O VA-IICOu laquoGlass shyIn)) noxoOl 001 )J t YWVIQl(ijc )J opqlie oVlonoKplvo)JeuroVllC ow tv6c ~tv ci t tllv E~u)TEpIKilv ywviov toO 16-rwvou TOU 90AOO 6qgt htpoo BE (Ott nv Kiotmiddot tfie KOpWV[Ooe TOO Kttpioo -EKUOtOV nEOtOv tOUpf(llampTJ Kutci tilv ICOTClKOPOqgtOV nftlJpOV tOu btl tl)e VEUPOXYEW euroKQOtoU tmV napoKEI)JEWW Ot01XEiwv TOC 96AOO Bla tecroo pwv KOX)IQipOPWV iAwv t 1 ~ 41voIE IshyOOHOU XOAUPOC Tij t 6pICor[at 1t~EUpd~ t o) nfoi)ou TrPOOPlshyltOJlEVnt Sla tnV otCPpoundWOlV toO 96)00 bt l ti)t Kopwviooe TOO Ktlpiou (EiKOVEt S Ko i 9)

pound1lt 9

II nponoc aoia TfC Ko pwvl6o c TOO KTiplo u

I6yoo Tijlt YEVlKillt O t Q~PlOcrfWt toO tl wnA la~tvoo (JKtJ~tshyJIOToc K lI piou h TGgtV avaeo~ l6crEwv tltt ltTWtl t tKpl9TJ tiTr Ushypaitl1toc l) np6 t ij e wn09ft iloEWlt t oO 96AOO f~I~yiavolC tgtoi en tOKEOrl tile Kopwvioolt OOTOO ICo l tPe npocrtooiw TOU dr() nCPQltEpW OIOPpWOL V

n pOC tOCTO 6WTJPtel1aav anOVTO Ttl XOAOPX OAIKG Kat ltAI1 shypw911crav o t 61tOT~tiaE t lt pwy~oi KOt 6nat lilt Kopwvicot oui OUVOEtlKOO KOVHl~Otoe ovyyevot)( np6c to laquoO la-~ - hI )) 1poundgt0lt ot KalEltrJCfouaOT[ crovEXl)lt Qrtpoo13AI1TOt on6 ro~ civoOOIllUshyOEte t ie nlyi)t a t qovJi ~EJIPPQVI1 (Olass -IIl )) In Si tu)J c tEAIKflV tnlnaa tv UUICft )Jop~apoWI1qgtiOot 3 X1A 1tpolt turbshyKTTJO IV 6v Tl oAla911 POt pound1nqlOVEiac M)JPOVOlJtvnC un 6lv t ijt npOc to l~w KAiaEw~ tijt Kopwviooc

12AvitpT11OIC TooShl0IC aTCpt W(W TOO 96)ou

n Epotw9Eione Tite epyoaiae ovv9toEwt (EIKOW 10) 0 OOAOC 41VTJPTJi9TJ SIC TGgtV l Eocrapwv nKpwv ouo atOUposloampv OIO)JtshytpWV tOO Kal 6voww9n TI ~on9piQ autOKIVnTOo )poundpavoO EshyxOVTOe afAOVTJV TOO ananOU)JtVQO IJnlCouc Kal AoP6vTOe 9tOLV ele Tilv t ntKtoaIV ti)e Eugeiae nno KpoundVtpOO Ktlpiou nnyl)lt np6t dvtpov 8Mou (TPOnpoundltl0 (E lKOVpoundC 11 - J2)

Ev OVVEXE iq oLEiu9n 1l lJAlvn t panfCo OovetaE~ 0 YEpavo )J EtfKlv it9n rrp6e t 6 ICpoundVtpOV TOO lI pioo ltnyfl~ EIfl OU Koi anEshy

pound1bull ]0

6 fovouapl0C 1970

Fl 11

ttOll 6 e6~o Ei~ n)v ~Jt( tlj l(Oprovio~ Ottweroc 1tpoPktcpElEishyM

auv OEOl

H KOio u9TlOEV 1l CftEPSOOOU TOO euroI0A-CU reVOjlSVT) 6ui ICOX)~lWshyCJEAnC rUlv 16 1tESiJwv tou t -l f tl KoproviSDI Sui 64 (4 ova neuroshylhlov) KoxiLOcpOrOOV ll)rov 0 58 tVTOlt p)cr~a[rov runo) Hilti (EKwv 13)

flpix a UJI1tTL10W tGlv 61CGl v taO cint~lUIJtVOU aKupoM~aolt Kal tGlv 6nillv rti)v 7tE5IAwv 1l OHttHlCfllt tytvEfO tVLClio Kal Sin ta SUo U)ltili lEta Ttll f01to8hlloV toO 66-ou Ele tllv IlK pIll Btenv t ov Mem t il l 5uiTPT)OlV tVfO)T) I (hOCfUV to P60jlCltU

J-liUi uo~ 7 h tVt~ tGlv ontov tv cruV(xel~ ot hOx)LWshy9110) 1 o [ KOX) lOcp6pOL ~iOL clgt 58 t) rcupe)lpoAfI XUAupoishyvow 1tU P(ll(UI()OlV

OUtCll 6 96]0lt clltOKOvIOU)1fvoltouvatat EUXEpilc va U1tOI1CtshyKpuv9ft TOO K(1piOI )Jpoundrcl oi Tae tvoEXOJ1tvac Qvuyaiac tpYClshyOi((~ (w[6e toO Kpatfjpoe tie nnYfie va ~7rava[ono9E[T]9t1

13 AapKflo tKTfUcrfWIIi TOO tpyou

6ul Tt)e CXEtlKie OlljlaUOEle 6 EOT fOcoe tpijl11Ov npogemiddot olJiuv linonepa1rooEWC 100 OAOU EPY OU TlV 1i oVUOOXOC balrEiu ~ ~ I c io(nv etc 18 lI)ltpac

OUt() 6 xpbvoC otapd~ [00 lpyOU llVO)(i)ampr me t~ije

1 l~vtolllt CftUtl11 )lC ~tt) e TOU 80tou iwtrm 6 2 KUTaol(ruf npnttmUJv ()lpound na poAnAov JlEMTT]V

Kui O1JVm lV tOU npoYPOJllluto tJyuOtwV ai TWV crX~oi(llV tfje pa7rEtT]t aUVUPLJOAOY110Effi toG 80)ou) raquo) 18

3 KaTpoundzo n u1) JlT)tp6)v ttOv OtOlXEfltilv ) 26 4 KuWcncpoundUll tl1oV ~ui Vcw otOIXdrov tfit tpantt T]e

OUvOtmCllt ~o opa tCilV dlt AoutpCt Yn(zTTlr Kat OUvapj1o~6YT)O~ TTt~ tpant~ne ut nap6Jlmiddot

bt~ 13

)ov KutacrKcutv tG) v C1OlXEiffiV toO 96)ou tv tp~ YOO1flCJiqgt raquo 16

5 MetoQlopa tampv CtOtXdruv Tofl 9M~ou de Aoutpa Ynutnt crUvgecnc tofl 9610u tn i tlle paltt~T]e IlE napU)) T1Aov CttynvonniT)CTlv 1ije KOPffiVi oot toO Kupiou tfie nnyije raquo 7

6 A vuyenoom jlEQ(fIOpa ICOi [onoOtT11 o llt toi) 90AOU Ol aUToKlvTrrou YEpavoD 15 T apuia c jltlKOUe 9 j1 tni TUn KrIpiou t nll1I)r raquo 1

7 tEplillCILc toG 96ou raquo 4

tuvo~ov ~tpal 78 14 IulntpaalJo

0 90~at ID nAIKO)I w)QKl1P(1)911 ltlto cti )lEta TOO tt PIOL) t~ OU h 01togetTj911 n)ttpf1 Kui axe) nOOll t OnOyenrUlI havonol~ lltlKOV aUv~AOV j1pound nl a6)ouOu paC1 P xapalCfT) pIOlI K6

a Evap~ovl~(tUI jlOPIpOtOyIKeuro II IItp6 to nEpl36)) ov 00shypaiov 6 too~ tfle neptOxit1 Tflc lCPJ-101tll1fttmiddot

p H Oout6 Op~~ 00 06~u S~MtS~ ~~ xa1 ~~lt ~ XCOtf)e 1tupa)lioOI dlllo-nArT tva tAKOOtIK j)V a lo1hlt lll6v (HOllErOV

y To a QqMhtIOfOV Kai 10 anu]ov IpUOlKOV x1U jla toO OlIcoO tOO 061ou btlCpbolJ V tov ltiVfl tOY CPU(JtKov Cfwt ICJJlOV t oll t OWtepuoO tf~ nnyit KaTa tn 0 14lj~t lU V d e flJt~a~ n apaA)11Mor oui oO qKJ)tlaIlO) TOC 06iou be 1amp1 tam lCu1li ar V1)TeuroplV~ ropat 0l11-ltOUPyEiTal Eva 1I608poundtov t A JCOOtIl(OV XapCtKtllPIOTtlCOV tfle Mllt nep1oxtt(middot

o 0 96Ao( AOYltl tfic XllJl1 Kf)c OTOXf~ to) UAI1IOO laquo0 lass shyIJraquo) Ele lac gelWOClC clvulhlj1LOaEll til t gepll()nll yfj li tv

cruvoUOOjl$ np~ TO alt pOatATJ t OY toC (linoD O)lKoO 6AO TOO i)()aTo~ Kal t~ c lrtPua[u( t~OalPo)ftEl to t pyov t nt jlClKpa hn ano fll btlo paOc~ t (jv I((U pK6)V 0lV9r)tGlv

E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 5: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

5 lQvou6ploC 17Q TIXyltca Xpovllc6

Jm 7

H t1tltEux9poundtoo oun) UKOij3EIQ Oqlti)tTUI nqgt poundv6e )JEv t ie tilv apiolTIV tnIO rl V t(bv vi tKWV Koi el~ n lv noooxTiv -01 Sntshy)JEfE10V JIE9 ti c nopfx011 cruv ni otOl x~io oqgt iTiJou ot ErC tliv OXpiptLOv Kat crtoeEponlTO TOiV OLUClTrro flJ)v O)oov TWV aTQl shyXEioov

METa t b K~Eio ll10V lOU 06AOU t TonoOni]011 to rUJInClVOV -0shyPUltPitc OUY O)AIlOtv 010 laquoGlass ~ I nraquo 1(01 OtEptooOtv tClUTOshyxp6vwe OUl 16 - t vbe 01 bacrtov crto txtiov - ~oXAtoql6p(l)V flAWV I t~ UV~fLoonou XclAuPoe Ioj tql au t)~ n 6vou tpound)o~ t tOn09nf91l t6 KQAUJI~O Kopuqgt i1c (EiKWV 7)

ne tK Ti)C Qvontpw TtEplypOqgtile OlgtJIrtEpoivEtOI Ii OA11 KOTOshyOKW1l lOU 96 tou poundlvut n)i)pwc aEpocrttrrle Kai oootoat Cli)e KOtO TOUe 6P)JOlx ouvetaE~ twv OT01XEiwv Tile

Muo tliv KOta 0 Qvwttpw 6AoKAtiP(ool v 100 9O)ou OUVEICOAshyAiJ9n de EICOOtllV t ampv 16 KOPUqKOV tfic ltEPlqlEPII(flC VEUPOOEroc tOU ntilouc 001 JI EV nt6 tAoV tK TOU OUt~O VA-IICOu laquoGlass shyIn)) noxoOl 001 )J t YWVIQl(ijc )J opqlie oVlonoKplvo)JeuroVllC ow tv6c ~tv ci t tllv E~u)TEpIKilv ywviov toO 16-rwvou TOU 90AOO 6qgt htpoo BE (Ott nv Kiotmiddot tfie KOpWV[Ooe TOO Kttpioo -EKUOtOV nEOtOv tOUpf(llampTJ Kutci tilv ICOTClKOPOqgtOV nftlJpOV tOu btl tl)e VEUPOXYEW euroKQOtoU tmV napoKEI)JEWW Ot01XEiwv TOC 96AOO Bla tecroo pwv KOX)IQipOPWV iAwv t 1 ~ 41voIE IshyOOHOU XOAUPOC Tij t 6pICor[at 1t~EUpd~ t o) nfoi)ou TrPOOPlshyltOJlEVnt Sla tnV otCPpoundWOlV toO 96)00 bt l ti)t Kopwviooe TOO Ktlpiou (EiKOVEt S Ko i 9)

pound1lt 9

II nponoc aoia TfC Ko pwvl6o c TOO KTiplo u

I6yoo Tijlt YEVlKillt O t Q~PlOcrfWt toO tl wnA la~tvoo (JKtJ~tshyJIOToc K lI piou h TGgtV avaeo~ l6crEwv tltt ltTWtl t tKpl9TJ tiTr Ushypaitl1toc l) np6 t ij e wn09ft iloEWlt t oO 96AOO f~I~yiavolC tgtoi en tOKEOrl tile Kopwvioolt OOTOO ICo l tPe npocrtooiw TOU dr() nCPQltEpW OIOPpWOL V

n pOC tOCTO 6WTJPtel1aav anOVTO Ttl XOAOPX OAIKG Kat ltAI1 shypw911crav o t 61tOT~tiaE t lt pwy~oi KOt 6nat lilt Kopwvicot oui OUVOEtlKOO KOVHl~Otoe ovyyevot)( np6c to laquoO la-~ - hI )) 1poundgt0lt ot KalEltrJCfouaOT[ crovEXl)lt Qrtpoo13AI1TOt on6 ro~ civoOOIllUshyOEte t ie nlyi)t a t qovJi ~EJIPPQVI1 (Olass -IIl )) In Si tu)J c tEAIKflV tnlnaa tv UUICft )Jop~apoWI1qgtiOot 3 X1A 1tpolt turbshyKTTJO IV 6v Tl oAla911 POt pound1nqlOVEiac M)JPOVOlJtvnC un 6lv t ijt npOc to l~w KAiaEw~ tijt Kopwviooc

12AvitpT11OIC TooShl0IC aTCpt W(W TOO 96)ou

n Epotw9Eione Tite epyoaiae ovv9toEwt (EIKOW 10) 0 OOAOC 41VTJPTJi9TJ SIC TGgtV l Eocrapwv nKpwv ouo atOUposloampv OIO)JtshytpWV tOO Kal 6voww9n TI ~on9piQ autOKIVnTOo )poundpavoO EshyxOVTOe afAOVTJV TOO ananOU)JtVQO IJnlCouc Kal AoP6vTOe 9tOLV ele Tilv t ntKtoaIV ti)e Eugeiae nno KpoundVtpOO Ktlpiou nnyl)lt np6t dvtpov 8Mou (TPOnpoundltl0 (E lKOVpoundC 11 - J2)

Ev OVVEXE iq oLEiu9n 1l lJAlvn t panfCo OovetaE~ 0 YEpavo )J EtfKlv it9n rrp6e t 6 ICpoundVtpOV TOO lI pioo ltnyfl~ EIfl OU Koi anEshy

pound1bull ]0

6 fovouapl0C 1970

Fl 11

ttOll 6 e6~o Ei~ n)v ~Jt( tlj l(Oprovio~ Ottweroc 1tpoPktcpElEishyM

auv OEOl

H KOio u9TlOEV 1l CftEPSOOOU TOO euroI0A-CU reVOjlSVT) 6ui ICOX)~lWshyCJEAnC rUlv 16 1tESiJwv tou t -l f tl KoproviSDI Sui 64 (4 ova neuroshylhlov) KoxiLOcpOrOOV ll)rov 0 58 tVTOlt p)cr~a[rov runo) Hilti (EKwv 13)

flpix a UJI1tTL10W tGlv 61CGl v taO cint~lUIJtVOU aKupoM~aolt Kal tGlv 6nillv rti)v 7tE5IAwv 1l OHttHlCfllt tytvEfO tVLClio Kal Sin ta SUo U)ltili lEta Ttll f01to8hlloV toO 66-ou Ele tllv IlK pIll Btenv t ov Mem t il l 5uiTPT)OlV tVfO)T) I (hOCfUV to P60jlCltU

J-liUi uo~ 7 h tVt~ tGlv ontov tv cruV(xel~ ot hOx)LWshy9110) 1 o [ KOX) lOcp6pOL ~iOL clgt 58 t) rcupe)lpoAfI XUAupoishyvow 1tU P(ll(UI()OlV

OUtCll 6 96]0lt clltOKOvIOU)1fvoltouvatat EUXEpilc va U1tOI1CtshyKpuv9ft TOO K(1piOI )Jpoundrcl oi Tae tvoEXOJ1tvac Qvuyaiac tpYClshyOi((~ (w[6e toO Kpatfjpoe tie nnYfie va ~7rava[ono9E[T]9t1

13 AapKflo tKTfUcrfWIIi TOO tpyou

6ul Tt)e CXEtlKie OlljlaUOEle 6 EOT fOcoe tpijl11Ov npogemiddot olJiuv linonepa1rooEWC 100 OAOU EPY OU TlV 1i oVUOOXOC balrEiu ~ ~ I c io(nv etc 18 lI)ltpac

OUt() 6 xpbvoC otapd~ [00 lpyOU llVO)(i)ampr me t~ije

1 l~vtolllt CftUtl11 )lC ~tt) e TOU 80tou iwtrm 6 2 KUTaol(ruf npnttmUJv ()lpound na poAnAov JlEMTT]V

Kui O1JVm lV tOU npoYPOJllluto tJyuOtwV ai TWV crX~oi(llV tfje pa7rEtT]t aUVUPLJOAOY110Effi toG 80)ou) raquo) 18

3 KaTpoundzo n u1) JlT)tp6)v ttOv OtOlXEfltilv ) 26 4 KuWcncpoundUll tl1oV ~ui Vcw otOIXdrov tfit tpantt T]e

OUvOtmCllt ~o opa tCilV dlt AoutpCt Yn(zTTlr Kat OUvapj1o~6YT)O~ TTt~ tpant~ne ut nap6Jlmiddot

bt~ 13

)ov KutacrKcutv tG) v C1OlXEiffiV toO 96)ou tv tp~ YOO1flCJiqgt raquo 16

5 MetoQlopa tampv CtOtXdruv Tofl 9M~ou de Aoutpa Ynutnt crUvgecnc tofl 9610u tn i tlle paltt~T]e IlE napU)) T1Aov CttynvonniT)CTlv 1ije KOPffiVi oot toO Kupiou tfie nnyije raquo 7

6 A vuyenoom jlEQ(fIOpa ICOi [onoOtT11 o llt toi) 90AOU Ol aUToKlvTrrou YEpavoD 15 T apuia c jltlKOUe 9 j1 tni TUn KrIpiou t nll1I)r raquo 1

7 tEplillCILc toG 96ou raquo 4

tuvo~ov ~tpal 78 14 IulntpaalJo

0 90~at ID nAIKO)I w)QKl1P(1)911 ltlto cti )lEta TOO tt PIOL) t~ OU h 01togetTj911 n)ttpf1 Kui axe) nOOll t OnOyenrUlI havonol~ lltlKOV aUv~AOV j1pound nl a6)ouOu paC1 P xapalCfT) pIOlI K6

a Evap~ovl~(tUI jlOPIpOtOyIKeuro II IItp6 to nEpl36)) ov 00shypaiov 6 too~ tfle neptOxit1 Tflc lCPJ-101tll1fttmiddot

p H Oout6 Op~~ 00 06~u S~MtS~ ~~ xa1 ~~lt ~ XCOtf)e 1tupa)lioOI dlllo-nArT tva tAKOOtIK j)V a lo1hlt lll6v (HOllErOV

y To a QqMhtIOfOV Kai 10 anu]ov IpUOlKOV x1U jla toO OlIcoO tOO 061ou btlCpbolJ V tov ltiVfl tOY CPU(JtKov Cfwt ICJJlOV t oll t OWtepuoO tf~ nnyit KaTa tn 0 14lj~t lU V d e flJt~a~ n apaA)11Mor oui oO qKJ)tlaIlO) TOC 06iou be 1amp1 tam lCu1li ar V1)TeuroplV~ ropat 0l11-ltOUPyEiTal Eva 1I608poundtov t A JCOOtIl(OV XapCtKtllPIOTtlCOV tfle Mllt nep1oxtt(middot

o 0 96Ao( AOYltl tfic XllJl1 Kf)c OTOXf~ to) UAI1IOO laquo0 lass shyIJraquo) Ele lac gelWOClC clvulhlj1LOaEll til t gepll()nll yfj li tv

cruvoUOOjl$ np~ TO alt pOatATJ t OY toC (linoD O)lKoO 6AO TOO i)()aTo~ Kal t~ c lrtPua[u( t~OalPo)ftEl to t pyov t nt jlClKpa hn ano fll btlo paOc~ t (jv I((U pK6)V 0lV9r)tGlv

E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 6: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

6 fovouapl0C 1970

Fl 11

ttOll 6 e6~o Ei~ n)v ~Jt( tlj l(Oprovio~ Ottweroc 1tpoPktcpElEishyM

auv OEOl

H KOio u9TlOEV 1l CftEPSOOOU TOO euroI0A-CU reVOjlSVT) 6ui ICOX)~lWshyCJEAnC rUlv 16 1tESiJwv tou t -l f tl KoproviSDI Sui 64 (4 ova neuroshylhlov) KoxiLOcpOrOOV ll)rov 0 58 tVTOlt p)cr~a[rov runo) Hilti (EKwv 13)

flpix a UJI1tTL10W tGlv 61CGl v taO cint~lUIJtVOU aKupoM~aolt Kal tGlv 6nillv rti)v 7tE5IAwv 1l OHttHlCfllt tytvEfO tVLClio Kal Sin ta SUo U)ltili lEta Ttll f01to8hlloV toO 66-ou Ele tllv IlK pIll Btenv t ov Mem t il l 5uiTPT)OlV tVfO)T) I (hOCfUV to P60jlCltU

J-liUi uo~ 7 h tVt~ tGlv ontov tv cruV(xel~ ot hOx)LWshy9110) 1 o [ KOX) lOcp6pOL ~iOL clgt 58 t) rcupe)lpoAfI XUAupoishyvow 1tU P(ll(UI()OlV

OUtCll 6 96]0lt clltOKOvIOU)1fvoltouvatat EUXEpilc va U1tOI1CtshyKpuv9ft TOO K(1piOI )Jpoundrcl oi Tae tvoEXOJ1tvac Qvuyaiac tpYClshyOi((~ (w[6e toO Kpatfjpoe tie nnYfie va ~7rava[ono9E[T]9t1

13 AapKflo tKTfUcrfWIIi TOO tpyou

6ul Tt)e CXEtlKie OlljlaUOEle 6 EOT fOcoe tpijl11Ov npogemiddot olJiuv linonepa1rooEWC 100 OAOU EPY OU TlV 1i oVUOOXOC balrEiu ~ ~ I c io(nv etc 18 lI)ltpac

OUt() 6 xpbvoC otapd~ [00 lpyOU llVO)(i)ampr me t~ije

1 l~vtolllt CftUtl11 )lC ~tt) e TOU 80tou iwtrm 6 2 KUTaol(ruf npnttmUJv ()lpound na poAnAov JlEMTT]V

Kui O1JVm lV tOU npoYPOJllluto tJyuOtwV ai TWV crX~oi(llV tfje pa7rEtT]t aUVUPLJOAOY110Effi toG 80)ou) raquo) 18

3 KaTpoundzo n u1) JlT)tp6)v ttOv OtOlXEfltilv ) 26 4 KuWcncpoundUll tl1oV ~ui Vcw otOIXdrov tfit tpantt T]e

OUvOtmCllt ~o opa tCilV dlt AoutpCt Yn(zTTlr Kat OUvapj1o~6YT)O~ TTt~ tpant~ne ut nap6Jlmiddot

bt~ 13

)ov KutacrKcutv tG) v C1OlXEiffiV toO 96)ou tv tp~ YOO1flCJiqgt raquo 16

5 MetoQlopa tampv CtOtXdruv Tofl 9M~ou de Aoutpa Ynutnt crUvgecnc tofl 9610u tn i tlle paltt~T]e IlE napU)) T1Aov CttynvonniT)CTlv 1ije KOPffiVi oot toO Kupiou tfie nnyije raquo 7

6 A vuyenoom jlEQ(fIOpa ICOi [onoOtT11 o llt toi) 90AOU Ol aUToKlvTrrou YEpavoD 15 T apuia c jltlKOUe 9 j1 tni TUn KrIpiou t nll1I)r raquo 1

7 tEplillCILc toG 96ou raquo 4

tuvo~ov ~tpal 78 14 IulntpaalJo

0 90~at ID nAIKO)I w)QKl1P(1)911 ltlto cti )lEta TOO tt PIOL) t~ OU h 01togetTj911 n)ttpf1 Kui axe) nOOll t OnOyenrUlI havonol~ lltlKOV aUv~AOV j1pound nl a6)ouOu paC1 P xapalCfT) pIOlI K6

a Evap~ovl~(tUI jlOPIpOtOyIKeuro II IItp6 to nEpl36)) ov 00shypaiov 6 too~ tfle neptOxit1 Tflc lCPJ-101tll1fttmiddot

p H Oout6 Op~~ 00 06~u S~MtS~ ~~ xa1 ~~lt ~ XCOtf)e 1tupa)lioOI dlllo-nArT tva tAKOOtIK j)V a lo1hlt lll6v (HOllErOV

y To a QqMhtIOfOV Kai 10 anu]ov IpUOlKOV x1U jla toO OlIcoO tOO 061ou btlCpbolJ V tov ltiVfl tOY CPU(JtKov Cfwt ICJJlOV t oll t OWtepuoO tf~ nnyit KaTa tn 0 14lj~t lU V d e flJt~a~ n apaA)11Mor oui oO qKJ)tlaIlO) TOC 06iou be 1amp1 tam lCu1li ar V1)TeuroplV~ ropat 0l11-ltOUPyEiTal Eva 1I608poundtov t A JCOOtIl(OV XapCtKtllPIOTtlCOV tfle Mllt nep1oxtt(middot

o 0 96Ao( AOYltl tfic XllJl1 Kf)c OTOXf~ to) UAI1IOO laquo0 lass shyIJraquo) Ele lac gelWOClC clvulhlj1LOaEll til t gepll()nll yfj li tv

cruvoUOOjl$ np~ TO alt pOatATJ t OY toC (linoD O)lKoO 6AO TOO i)()aTo~ Kal t~ c lrtPua[u( t~OalPo)ftEl to t pyov t nt jlClKpa hn ano fll btlo paOc~ t (jv I((U pK6)V 0lV9r)tGlv

E H t)af4)p6Tn C toC 90fOU - t v cnry -picret 1~Oc 6jlo~oV t~ ofou6ipCOTf tiiJou 6IKOO- ltI)t Koi tAacrrn(6Tllt Kat flmiddot VTAr 6vtoxft QU anotEoOV ~aaTKd( fOI6TI)tUI lt1UVlOO)~ one tliv bttTuxiav tOO 1tpOJCpleiTO~ CIlOtl)lJaTOlt KOTUshy(nceufjc

Ct H OU1tUVll KaooKwf1i tot) 96ou l5iv iUtEp~uivE I tf)v ouz ltllVtOc a uou crU(irlnlUtOt KUtlO ICarljt SanavT] v tv lUt

middottOxp6vw ouStv ttpoundpov QUOlTlIJD Suvuto vO rpooQlt Pl] nic ffilt QVWtfpro e)KuonKCu Uh 6tltUl Kui t~omJIaA l aeu

TatiTI1 of 1tEpav toO lCYOVOTO ltIn uno ttie KPOOUOUl nQju tilv 1tT)Yllv ouvihKQ niicra at ll J(utOOI(EtJll l~O n popATjlOshy111(11


To olov fi pyov t ic j1poundttllC KlltooK(UfC ~ttCUrOr Ch lCoi (0shynogeniorwt t oO 960 crollnrptojlFo C utmiddotli Kai ti( Jl ovimiddot )lOU CfttyavonolilO~ TOO I(npiou t(jl 06 tto1toeenl6T) 6 eCMJ ttvcTi911 OIlEO tOO EOT I(ui t~ete~JCJOll hntlJ)m lnrO Ttjr middotfA- AT)VIKfc- Enu pEia4 fMm(()(mc gi nf()a f(l(1o~ O E~ lie tlYyx6 VeuroL texv1KOt auupou)o~ 6 ouvrd tmlc t c RliPOOaT)i

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 7: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV

lcyou6plor 1970 TLXYlkD XpOYlkD

Roof Covering of IpaWs Spa Crater

by Translucent Dome of a Free Opening of 1120 m By Styllanol Df Picou11_middot

Dr Chemical Engineer


The roof covering of Jpatis spa co nsisted a serious proshyblem for many years due to the corrosive emissions 01 the spa which in the past they had corroded and destroyed both the reinforced concretl~ dome and the dome made laler hy s teel frame covered wi lh a wooden covering The afPlied solntion in based on the material cGlassshyInt 0 glass reinforced polyes te rs The selection of the polyesters was done on the basi s of their chemical strength to the ex isting cOrros ive conditions but at the same time to their refractive index so as the glass fibers to be disshyappeared within th~ resin for the bes t possible aesthetic result

Basic reqUirement was also the light weight of the dome due to Lhe decreased strength of the cxisti ng reinforced concrete periferic building which had to support the dome and it was also corroded

Additional limita t ions we re the la rge diameter of the dome

(1120 m) and the aes hetical req uirements pul by th e surrounding gardens a rou

The solution or the p roblem was the co nstruction of the dom e in 16 prefabricated itdions their assembling close to the spa by adhtSion with tile same material of the dome and additiona l fas tening with stainless stee l seews and then hy its transportation in suspension and placement on the cornice of the exis ting builrling

The construction is excellent from every poi nt of view middotith form or the dume the low folded pyramid t of a total weigh t of 1200 kp_ The dome is alTering amoug its adshyvand ages due to It3 tranlucency a marvelous illumina tion of the crater of the s pa during the day by the natural lighting and during lhe nigh t from its interior by we ll hidden electrical lighting

The dome is the first made not on ly in Greece but also in all E astern Mediterranean Countrirs and the third as far as wo know in size in the whule Europe

bull Born 1917 Cbemlcal EngInee r or Lh l~ Nallonal Technlc-I UnIshyv ersity of AUtens 190 1 9~O -1 94 1 En~ineer or Gun Jowder at the Hellenic CMmlctl Products a nd Fertilizers Co Ltd 1943-194 Tcshychnical Director of Athenian Elektrolechnlca1 Industry S 4 196shy1947 Army 1947middot1962 Ministry or Reconstruetl () ll and Ministryof Pu blic Works 19~11950 D(IrIlte or the GrCfl Governm ent to the Tim ber Com mittee or tlJ t Economic Comm ission ror E urop e o r UNO 1941-19aO Member Of the IUg h Board for Reconstrushyctlon Reporter of the Iudustri al ProgTlIm Deputu Reporter of tb e H ousi ng Program ChIef oC the H4CQIIBJrucUon Procurement Servl ee or Ihe Min is try oC Reeonstrlct ion 19 48-19 50 Invited by the I1rlllsh Cou ncil lllri und er th e aupieci of the Minl ~try of Publlc Works of the (jrtaL Dritaln 5 month studies on tilt actishyvIty of Ih e Lahoral orh~ or th e Department or Srl entHl e and In shydus trlal R esearch tnd the British Duidin~ Indus try 1950 Exper1

of the Economll CommlsIlo n for Europe of U NO for the exploshyItati on of Timber ftourees In Europe 19 5t-today Repreaenlatlvl cr the MinI stry of luhllc Wnrk ll nd or of the Tlcnolcal Gbamber or Gr((ce to III C l U Congrt5Ifi (for BUilding Research) 1952 Organizer of Lhe Procu rement Service of OMNIUM LYONNAIS ET COTFCl (Contrador of the Publlc Power Corporation) 195 3shy19H DtlJUlY chlr f of (be Service for the Reconstruction of tbe Ionl -n sl andll 1 9 57~ Loday Con sul t ing Chem ical Engineer 195 7shytod ay Instructor of t he Tecbn lcal UnIversity of Athen s 1960-1961 President of t ile Greek Association o r Cbemical EnlJln eers 1962shy1964 Responsi ble 01 the General Edition o r Technical Chronishycleslt 19 67 - Wda y Member of tbe lJ oard of Tecbnlcal Chamber o r Greece t967 -Loday Member of tbe Board of Nitrogenous FershyIIlizers Induslr) _A 1967-loday Memher or t he Board or Athells Town Gas Company

Page 8: ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije · ITtyaole; TOU KpaTijpOe; Tile; 'laJ,laTIKile; nr'lyije; AOUTPWV