it's great taste like no · 2015-AUG...

2015-AUG We started Japan's first specialty store delivery puffer fish dishes. ふく太郎本部はフグ料理の宅配を日本で初めて開発・商品化した会社です。 I’m really glad to see you. We are the first official HACCP factory of puffer fish in Japan. We also systemized the process of delivering puffer fish directly from production sites for the first time in Japanese history in 1983. For the purpose of delivering safe and tasty puffer fish products to our customers, we use a wing-to-wing process from farming and processing to the sale of the products. We also have introduced a tracing system using QR codes. We have puffer fish restaurants in Tokyo and Kita-Kyushu. We are proud of being able to provide every service involving puffer fish from cooking to menu development. Thank you. President YUKIHIRO FURUKAWA 1958 We founded Japanese restaurant in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture 山口県下関市に日本料理店として創業 1983 Started Japan's first specialty store delivery puffer fish dishes 日本初のふく料理宅配専門店を開始 1993 Started a consignment contract with tiger puffer fish farms. トラフグ養殖場と委託契約開始 2007 Construction of a new plant in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan's first acquisition puffer fish HACCP 福岡県北九州市に新工場建設,日本初ふぐ HACCP 取得 2010 Opened puffer fish restaurant in Kitakyushu City フグ専門レストランを北九州市小倉に開業 2012 Opened puffer fish restaurant in Ginza in Tokyo フグ専門レストランを東京都銀座に開業 2013 recognized by the Kitakyushu only one company. 北九州市よりオンリーワン企業に認定 FUKUTAROU HONBU Co., Ltd. 1-21-24, Shiranoe, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu-City, Fukuoka,801-0802,JAPAN TEL:(+81)93-341-2951 FAX:(+81)93-341-1333 URL: E-mail:[email protected] FUKUTAROU HONBU Co., Ltd. Why puffer fish food is expensive? Because it has poison. Why is the Japanese attracted by such a dangerous food? Because it's great taste like no other. Fukutarouhonbu is the first official puffer fish HACCP factory in Japan. Tiger puffer fish トラフグ Purple puffer fish マフグ Culture 養殖 Natural 天然 We culture puffer fish at Nagasaki, Kumamoto and Yamaguchi prefecture. For Sashimi, Nabe, puffer fin Sake and Milt. 長崎県熊本県山口県で養殖されています。 刺身、ちり、白子、ヒレ酒用 landing puffer fish in Japan sea.Some puffer fish what caught longline in Yamaguchi use for raw. For sushi and chiri. 日本海で水揚げ。延縄量で山口県で取れたものは生食用として使用します。すし、ちり用 Puffer fish HIRESAKE This tiger puffer fin’s sake have puffer smell and strong mild taste. We have three type of tiger puffer fin’s Sake. ①Dried tiger puffer fin →Put fins in hot sake after roasted it. ②Broiled tiger puffer fin→Just put fins into hot sake. ③Tiger puffer fin’s sake→Just by heating it up ヒレ酒はフグの香りがして旨味が強いお酒です。商品は3種類用意しています。 ①トラフグ干しヒレ→焼いて熱燗に入れる。 ②トラフグ炙りヒレ→そのまま熱燗に入れる Puffer fish FRY Puffer fish fry is very popular because it’s healthy. Purple puffer fish is larger, tough compared with other puffer fish, but the taste is plain, so it’s good for fry. We have 2 types of puffer fish for fry. Purple puffer fish dress→It’s up to you to cut and flavored fry flour. ②Purple puffer fish dress→You can make not only fry but also Fish&Chips and Tempura. It’s also popular. ふくから揚げ 日本でも大人気のヘルシーなフグのから揚げ。ゴマフグは大型で食感が固めですが、味がよりたんぱくなため、揚げ物向きです。商品は二種類ご用意します。 ①ゴマフグドレス→ぶつ切りにしてお好みのから揚げに味付けしてください。 ②ゴマフグフィレ→から揚げ以外にもフィッシュ&チップス、天ぷらなども人気です。 Puffer fish NABE&GRILL The most popular puffer fish food “Fugu Nabe” is boil puffer fish with soup stock made from kelp and vegetables and eat with ponzu sauce and condiments.We have 3 types of puffer fish for Nabe&Grill. Tiger puffer fish migaki→You can make exquisite tiger puffer fish Nabe&Grill. Please boil puffer skin and cut body and Ara. Please waving lightly salt if you grill. ②Tiger puffer fish Ara(mouth, bones, head, collar )→It is cut already. Taste comes out of this part. ③Purple puffer fish dress→This don’t have Ara part, so please chopped puffer fish body. This Nabe has a light, simple taste. It is hard to come out taste only for using purple puffer fish dress so please into tiger puffer fish Ara or prepare for the Nabe sauce anything you like. ふぐちり フグの定番「フグ鍋」は昆布 だしをフグと一緒に野菜を煮 込んでポン酢などの薬味と食 べます。商品は3種類ご用意 します。 ①トラフグミガキ→最高級ト ラフグの絶品フグ鍋ができま す。皮はボイルして身やアラ をカットします。 ②トラフグアラ→トラフグの アラカット済みなのでこの部 分からフグの旨味が出ます。 ③マフグドレス→あらがない のでぶつ切りにします。あっ さりとした上品な味です。こ れだけでは味が出にくいの で、トラフグのアラを入れた り、お好みの鍋だしをご用意 したりしてください。 Puffer fish SUSHI We have 6 type of puffer fish sushi item. ①Tiger puffer fish sushi item→cut greatest tiger puffer fish to 5g after aged for 24 hours. ②purple puffer fish sushi item→cut purple puffer fish fillet to 5g. ③Roast purple puffer fish sushi item→cut roast purple puffer fish fillet to 5g. ④Purple puffer fish fillet→slice fresh puffer fish for fillet. It’s up to you to cut size. ⑤broil purple puffer fish fillet→roasted the surface of purple puffer fish ⑥Tiger puffer fish marinated→It is popular gunkan-sushi item. ふく寿司 商品は6種類ご用意しています。 ①トラフグ寿司ネタ→トラフグ身 を24時間熟成させて5gにカット ②マフグ寿司ネタ→活マフグフィレ を5gにカット ③マフグ炙り寿司ネタ→マフグ炙り フィレを5gにカット ④マフグフィレ→活マフグをフィレ にしたもの ⑤マフグ炙りフィレ→マフグフィレ の表面を炙ったもの ⑥トラフグ漬け→巻物の具材として 人気 Puffer fish SASHIMI This is the top class of Japanese food. Sashimi entertain your five senses. Please use sashimi in gorgeous scenes which a craftsman made and aged tiger puffer fish for at least 24 hours. We have about 4 types of Sashimi. ①15 slices of tiger puffer fish sashimi with gold seet.(15cm/for one person) ②24 slices of tiger puffer fish sashimi with clear seet.(18cm/for one or two person) Please replaces it dish while it frozen. ③Crane arrangement(designed the national bird of Japan)(18cm/for one or two person) ④Melion, flower arrangement(We can receive order cuts)(100g:for 4 or 5 person/30cm~) ふく刺身 五感で味わう日本料理の最高峰 トラフグ身を24時間以上熟成させて 職人が作った刺身を華やかなシーン でお使いください。 商品は主に4つあります。 (オーダーカットも可能です) ①金シートに盛り付けた1人前用(15切.15cm) ②透明シートに盛り付けた1~2人前用(24切.18cm) 冷凍の状態でお皿に盛り替えてご利用ください。 ③日本の国鳥をデフォルメしたつる盛り1~2人前用 (18cm) ④パーティ用にマーライオン・花盛り等ができます。 100g4~5人前(30cm~) 15cm 18cm 18cm 30cm Type of puffer fish we handle 使用するフグの種類 Tiger puffer fish MILT It's compared to Xi Shi's breast who was one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China. It is said that when eat tiger puffer fish milt, We recommend to eat roasting with salt, put in Nabe and fry Tempura. トラフグ白子 中国の絶世の美女西施の乳に例えられるトラフグの雄の精巣です。 塩を振って焼いたり、お鍋に入れたり、天ぷらもお勧めです。

Transcript of it's great taste like no · 2015-AUG...

Page 1: it's great taste like no · 2015-AUG Fukutarouhonbu is the first official puffer fish HA We started Japan's first specialty


We started Japan's first specialty store delivery puffer fish dishes.


I’m really glad to see you. We are the first official HACCP factory of puffer fish in Japan. We also systemized the process of delivering puffer fish directly from production sites for the first time in Japanese history in 1983. For the purpose of delivering safe and tasty puffer fish products to our customers, we use a wing-to-wing process from farming and processing to the sale of the products. We also have introduced a tracing system using QR codes. We have puffer fish restaurants in Tokyo and Kita-Kyushu. We are proud of being able to provide every service involving puffer fish from cooking to menu development. Thank you. President YUKIHIRO FURUKAWA

1958 We founded Japanese restaurant in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture


1983 Started Japan's first specialty store delivery puffer fish dishes


1993 Started a consignment contract with tiger puffer fish farms.


2007 Construction of a new plant in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture,

Japan's first acquisition puffer fish HACCP

福岡県北九州市に新工場建設,日本初ふぐ HACCP 取得

2010 Opened puffer fish restaurant in Kitakyushu City


2012 Opened puffer fish restaurant in Ginza in Tokyo


2013 recognized by the Kitakyushu only one company.



1-21-24, Shiranoe, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu-City, Fukuoka,801-0802,JAPAN

TEL:(+81)93-341-2951 FAX:(+81)93-341-1333

URL: E-mail:[email protected]


Why puffer fish food is expensive? Because it has poison. Why is the Japanese attracted by such a dangerous food?


it's great taste like no other.

Fukutarouhonbu is the first official puffer fish HACCP factory in Japan.

Tiger puffer fishトラフグ Purple puffer fishマフグ

Culture 養殖 Natural 天然

We culture puffer fish at Nagasaki, Kumamoto

and Yamaguchi prefecture.

For Sashimi, Nabe, puffer fin Sake and Milt. 長崎県熊本県山口県で養殖されています。


landing puffer fish in Japan sea.Some puffer fish what

caught longline in Yamaguchi use for raw.

For sushi and chiri. 日本海で水揚げ。延縄量で山口県で取れたものは生食用として使用します。すし、ちり用

Puffer fish HIRESAKE This tiger puffer fin’s sake have puffer smell and strong mild taste.

We have three type of tiger puffer fin’s Sake.

①Dried tiger puffer fin →Put fins in hot sake after roasted it.

②Broiled tiger puffer fin→Just put fins into hot sake.

③Tiger puffer fin’s sake→Just by heating it up ふくひれ酒 ヒレ酒はフグの香りがして旨味が強いお酒です。商品は 3種類用意しています。 ①トラフグ干しヒレ→焼いて熱燗に入れる。 ②トラフグ炙りヒレ→そのまま熱燗に入れる ③ヒレ酒→温める

Puffer fish FRY Puffer fish fry is very popular because it’s healthy. Purple puffer fish is larger, tough compared with other puffer fish, but the taste is plain, so it’s good for fry. We have 2 types of puffer fish for fry. ① Purple puffer fish dress→It’s up to you to cut and flavored fry flour. ②Purple puffer fish dress→You can make not only fry but also Fish&Chips and Tempura. It’s also popular. ふくから揚げ

日本でも大人気のヘルシーなフグのから揚げ。ゴマフグは大型で食感が固めですが、味がよりたんぱくなため、揚げ物向きです。商品は二種類ご用意します。 ①ゴマフグドレス→ぶつ切りにしてお好みのから揚げに味付けしてください。 ②ゴマフグフィレ→から揚げ以外にもフィッシュ&チップス、天ぷらなども人気です。

Puffer fish NABE&GRILL The most popular puffer fish food “Fugu Nabe” is boil puffer fish with soup stock made from kelp and vegetables and eat with ponzu sauce and condiments.We have 3 types of puffer fish for Nabe&Grill. ① Tiger puffer fish migaki→You can make exquisite tiger puffer fish Nabe&Grill.

Please boil puffer skin and cut body and Ara. Please waving lightly salt if you grill. ②Tiger puffer fish Ara(mouth, bones, head, collar )→It is cut already. Taste comes out of this part. ③Purple puffer fish dress→This don’t have Ara part, so please chopped puffer fish body. This Nabe has a

light, simple taste. It is hard to come out taste only for using purple puffer fish dress so please into tiger puffer fish Ara or prepare for the Nabe sauce anything you like.





べます。商品は 3種類ご用意
















Puffer fish SUSHI We have 6 type of puffer fish sushi item. ①Tiger puffer fish sushi item→cut greatest tiger puffer fish to 5g after aged for 24 hours. ②purple puffer fish sushi item→cut purple puffer fish fillet to 5g. ③Roast purple puffer fish sushi item→cut roast purple puffer fish fillet to 5g. ④Purple puffer fish fillet→slice fresh puffer fish for fillet. It’s up to you to cut size. ⑤broil purple puffer fish fillet→roasted the surface of purple puffer fish ⑥Tiger puffer fish marinated→It is popular gunkan-sushi item. ふく寿司














Puffer fish SASHIMI This is the top class of Japanese food.

Sashimi entertain your five senses.

Please use sashimi in gorgeous scenes which a craftsman made and

aged tiger puffer fish for at least 24 hours.

We have about 4 types of Sashimi.

①15 slices of tiger puffer fish sashimi with gold seet.(15cm/for one person)

②24 slices of tiger puffer fish sashimi with clear seet.(18cm/for one or two person)

Please replaces it dish while it frozen.

③Crane arrangement(designed the national bird of Japan)(18cm/for one or two person)

④Melion, flower arrangement(We can receive order cuts)(100g:for 4 or 5 person/30cm~)















15cm 18cm 18cm 30cm

Type of puffer fish we handle 使用するフグの種類

Tiger puffer fish MILT It's compared to Xi Shi's breast who was one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China. It is said that when eat tiger puffer fish milt, We recommend to eat roasting with salt, put in Nabe and fry Tempura. トラフグ白子 中国の絶世の美女西施の乳に例えられるトラフグの雄の精巣です。 塩を振って焼いたり、お鍋に入れたり、天ぷらもお勧めです。

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