
This document is the Good Practice Guide, produced by the ITAAT (Information Technology Applied to Adult Training) Grundtvig partnership.

Transcript of ITAAT GPG



Centro del Profesorado de Ronda (Spain) -

ITAAT project coordinator

Fundatia Professional (Romania)

Centro de Formaçao de Associaçao de Escolas

dos Concelhos de Albufeira (Portugal)

DHE Solutions Ltd. (United Kingdom)

UAB "Globalios idėjos" ( Lithuania)

Mazowieckie Samorządowe Centrum

Doskonalenia Nauczycieli Wydział w Siedlcach (Poland)

Integrated Services Engineering & Research (Italy)

Directorate of National Education Chairman of Primary

School Inspectors (Turkey)

ITAAT project website

ISBN 978-609-95422-0-1

Information Technolgy Applied to Adult Training

Good Practice Guide



This document is the Good Practice Guide, produced by the ITAAT

(Information Technology Applied to Adult Training) Grundtvig partnership.

It consists of several articles prepared independently by the members

of the ITAAT project.

The aim of the guide is to introduce a series of Information Technology based

learning interventions which have been of help in adult learning for the partners

involved in the project. The topics covered are presented in a way as to help

the reader to understand and try out the intervention in a straightforward and

un-technical way. Many of the interventions are using one or more pieces

of internet based software, for example ‘Glogster’ or ‘Survey Monkey’.

While this software is demonstrated in order to achieve the desired results,

we emphasise that we are not endorsing the particular software, and point out

that there are many other similar pieces of software available which may be

able to perform the same function.

The guide is a simple instruction manual explaining how to use each tool,

but also why we have chosen these particular tools, and how we have used and

benefitted from them.

We hope that you will use the ITAAT good practice guide to help you

to introduce some new ICT based interventions into your adult teaching and

learning, and while the focus of the ITAAT partnership was ICT applied

to adult training, many of the tools within this guide could equally well apply

to younger learners.

Information Technolgy Applied to Adult Training

Good Practice Guide


Table of contents

Facebook Opportunities for Adult Education Providers ........... ............................................... 5

Glogs ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Words in a Cloud .................................................................................................................... 27

Moodle Lesson ........................................................................................................................ 39

Creating Quizzes for Assessment, Evaluation and Feedback with Moodle ........................... 45

Animation Software ................................................................................................................ 53

Online Surveys ........................................................................................................................ 58

Survey with Google Docs ....................................................................................................... 64

Using Google Docs in the Training Centre of Albufeira, Lagoa, Silves ................................ 73

E-School ................................................................................................................................. 84

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Good Practice Guide

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Facebook, one of the most popular websites, came from traditional web pages and managed

to integrate social life attributes, such as hobbies and interests with news and media tools.

It led to an effective platform where people can exchange their ideas and other information.

The key feature of Facebook is its collaborative aspect – social utility allows connecting

with people as well as companies and various organizations.

The article describes the main features of using Facebook in Enterprises and focuses on its

benefits for educational institutions, especially for adult education providers. The main tools

of Facebook used by education providers are Pages and Groups, which will be described

in more detailed later in the article.

A Facebook Page is a public profile specifically created for businesses and other

organizations, brands, celebrities, etc. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain "friends,"

but "fans" - which are people who choose to "like" a page. Pages can gain an unlimited

number of fans, in contrast to personal profiles, where the limit of 5,000 friends is set.

There are several pre-defined types of Facebook Page: Local business or Place; Company,

Organization or Institution; Brand or Product; Artist, Brand or Public Figure; Entertainment

and Cause or Community.

Nowadays Facebook Pages have become increasingly popular among educational

institutions. Facebook Pages ensure more effective communication between institutions,

their learners and educators. Facebook Pages provide a place where educational institutions

can share information necessary for digital learning, attract new learners as well as increase

effectiveness of their administration and expand opportunities of their educational offers.

There are many ways to incorporate Facebook applications into adult education in order to

support educational and managerial activities and compliment regular training course


Loreta Golubevaite

Dina Janovskaja

UAB “Globalios idėjos”

Information Technolgy Applied to Adult Training

Good Practice Guide

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Facebook Group is an online space where people can interact and share information with

others. The Group has a “Wall” on which any Group member can publish pictures, videos,

links and text and where Group members can comment and “Like” posts.

If a new post appears, each participant will receive notification. This increases the number

of views of each post. This feature therefore allows an expanding number of members

via interesting and demanded content.

Facebook Group is a great tool for adult education providers and learners to work on

collaborative projects, to communicate or create a personal learning network with

colleagues. When it comes to using Facebook Groups with learners, it is worth noting that

it is unnecessary to be Facebook friends with someone in order to interact with them

in Facebook Groups.

When a user is in a group with people that are not his/her Facebook friends, they are not

allowed to see any more of the profile information that users’ privacy settings allow.

Moreover while creating a Facebook Group one completely controls the privacy

of the group. There are three different access levels: Open, Closed, and Secret.

The ‘Open Group’ can be seen by anyone who is on Facebook, it will appear in search

results and everyone will see the posts.

The ‘Closed Group’s name and members can be seen by everyone, however only Group

members can see the posts.

The ‘Secret Group’ can be seen only by people who are invited to join. This type of Group

can be used e.g. for training courses for particular groups of people. Other people will not

be aware of the existence of this Group.


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Functions Facebook




Mass messaging - sending messages directly to Facebook

members Yes No

Indexed by search engines – opportunities of search engine

optimization Yes Yes

Stream publishing - publishing posts to members’ and fans’ news

feeds Yes Yes

Targeted stream posts - stream posts targeting based on users’

location and language No Yes

Targeted updates - updates show up in fans’ messages under

a separate tab named “Updates” No Yes

Support for applications – allows including various applications No Yes

Membership restrictions – restricting access by administrator

(admin) Yes No

Event inbox messaging – sending event invitation to fan’s

messages Yes No

Engagement metrics (insights) - provide administrators (admins)

with metrics on the user performance (user growth and

demographics, viewed content etc.)

No Yes

Promotional widgets – allows website visitors to become its

Facebook fans by adding Facebook Fanbox to it. No Yes

Recommendations Box - allows website visitors to recommend

their Facebook friends posts (articles) they liked No Yes

Vanity URLs – creating unique URLs that redirect users

to Facebook No Yes

Docs – allows collaboratively creating, editing and sharing

content Yes Yes

Chat - social utility, allowing simultaneous conversation with

people who are online at a time Yes No

Questions – asking questions and offering multiple-choice

answers, allowing users to add their own answers Yes Yes

Photo Albums – uploading pictures and creating photo albums Yes Yes

Video – uploading and posting videos Yes Yes

Change date of post – opportunity to change date of post created

earlier No Yes

Attraction of new members – inviting new members/fans Yes Yes

Table 1. Comparison of functions: Facebook Groups vs. Pages.

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Good Practice Guide


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How to start

Creating a Facebook Page

There are two options to create a Facebook Page. The first is for those who already have

a Facebook profile: they should visit

The second is if a Facebook profile has not been created. First of all, you need to click

Create a Page button on for both Profile and Page creation. In this case,

the created profile will automatically become the administrator (admin) of the Page.

So the profile is an essential part, because only those who have Facebook profiles can

manage the Pages.

Picture 1. Choosing Facebook Page‘s category and name.

In the new window the user will be asked to choose one of 6 available categories for a Page.

For adult education providers the most appropriate would be to choose any option depending

on the aim and status, except Artist, Brand or Public Figure and Entertainment. The category

can be changed in the future. Once the category is chosen, the user should enter a name for

the new Page. However one should be careful, as over time the Page name will become

permanent and will be seen within the actual URL of the Facebook Page.

Finally, all Facebook Pages ‘terms’ should be read and accepted. There are different

conditions to different Page categories.

Further Page creation process includes these basic parts: adding basic information and

content, posting on the wall, customizing, adding apps, collecting and connecting with fans

and managing the Page. The Page content is formulated by adding and removing posts,

photos, videos and other news.


Picture 2. Facebook Page‘s sections.

While creating Facebook Pages it is important to understand various Facebook Page


1. Profile Picture: This picture is a permanent fixture on the upper left corner

of the Page. It also represents the user whenever he/she posts information or links

on his/her Facebook.

2. “About” Section: This small area allows users to include a very brief description

of what the Page is about and should be used as a greeting for new visitors.

3. “Likes” Showcase: An area that shows the number of Page fans.

4. Page Title: The Page is only as good as its name! Once a certain number of users

are reached, it becomes permanent.

5. Administrative Links: Only the Page’s administrator (admin) can see everything

within this section. This is where the administrator will be able to edit what and how

the Page displays.

6. The Like button is important because people can connect to the Page by clicking

the Like button. Besides, when a Facebook user does this, depending on his privacy

options, his/her friends can see what he/she likes. In this case, the Like button can

work as a tool for promoting the Page. Moreover the Like button can be integrated

in any website, which will be linked to the Facebook Page.

7. The Photostrip is a tool to manage uploading of pictures to the Facebook Page.

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One specific Facebook Tool is analysing fans’ profiles and activeness in the Admin Panel.

This can be done by clicking View Insights for learning about the audience of the current

page. This includes information on how people find the Page, their demographic and

geographic information, etc.

Timeline: Illustratively shows the history of the Page from its beginning to the current day.

Milestone: Allows adding new important dates between other posts.

After the Facebook Page is created, you can customize its appearance, settings and content

at any time.

Creating a Facebook Group

Anyone on Facebook can create a Group, join a Group or invite someone else into a Group.

These Groups are designed to connect people having similar interests into smaller circles.

Picture 3. Creating new Facebook Group.

Sometimes such Groups can be secret (private). Members of that Group will have

a dedicated space within Facebook to do some pretty interesting things, such as create and

edit Group documents or engage in real-time Group chat.

Assuming the user already has a personal Facebook profile, Facebook Group can be easily

created by following these very simple steps. First of all the user has to visit and click on the button Create Group. Then one must give

the Group a name and choose an icon with the dropdown arrow.

When the Group is created, its privacy can be completely controlled. There are three

different access levels: Open, Closed, and Secret.

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In order for the Group to be active, it is necessary to add members. This can easily be done

by inviting users’ (administrators’) Facebook Friends to join the Group. If Group

administrators (admins) include members who are not their Facebook friends, they need to

make sure the Group has Open Group status.

If admin chose to create a Closed Group, it is necessary to send its URL to invited people.

The URL will take them to the Group, where they’ll see an Ask to Join button (top right

corner of the page). Once they click that button, admin will see their request on the right

menu of the Group.

While creating Facebook Groups it is important to understand various Facebook Group


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1. Group title: The area that shows the main Group’s Wall.

2. About: This small area provides information about Group’s members and its privacy.

3. Events: This area contains information about recent and upcoming events.

4. Photos: This section contains pictures uploaded to the Group.

5. Docs: This section allows collaboratively creating text documents. It is easily started

by adding a title and beginning composing a collaborative text. The document can be

shared and edited with other Group members.

6. Chat: This section allows chatting between Group members, who are currently online.

7. Group’s description: By clicking What should people post in this group? and adding

descriptions, this small area allows settings rules of communication between members

on a particular topic.

8. Add friends to group: This section allows inviting more friends to the Group.

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Good Practice Guide

Picture 4. Facebook Group’s sections.

1 2 3 4 5




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UAB “Globalios idėjos” uses Facebook Pages and Groups for a number of reasons that make

our communication with learners and society much easier. Moreover, it helps us to

disseminate EC projects.

There are two main directions we use Facebook in our organization: for training and for


For the training direction, Facebook can be used either as a learning environment

or as a platform for communication with learners.

We do not use Facebook as a learning environment yet, however for communication

between learners we already have successfully applied Facebook Group tool. We have

created a Group, where senior age learners together with their trainers are sharing

information they had learned during the ICT training course and continued to discuss issues

they are interested in.

In terms of company management and administration we use Facebook in two ways.

Firstly, we use our company’s Facebook Page for advertising. We post events, updates and

other related information in order to attract new customers and increase our brand

awareness. Secondly, we use Facebook Group for corporative communication.

Facebook allows us as a company to share information about us, our activities and

achievements. Of course, we could do this by using our website. However in order to

manage websites, to update them and change content, a responsible person needs to have

specific technical skills, which means that not all of our staff can do this. On the other hand,

it is so easy to make changes in Facebook Page or Group that all of us can do it. Company

staff do not need to learn anything additional and everyone can contribute and add

something from themselves.

The number of Facebook users is increasing daily, which is why Facebook Pages and

Groups allow us to communicate with our current learners, potential users, partners and

other stakeholders more easily. Through Facebook our target group can be reached faster;

this communication is more interactive and makes us closer to the people we want to keep

in touch with. Finally, Facebook is also a good source of feedback which helps us to

improve our services, performance as well as ourselves.

Advantages of Facebook pages and groups for adult education


Both Facebook Pages and Groups have their advantages and disadvantages. Facebook Page

vs. Group can be chosen depending on what is needed, for what purpose, who is doing this

and what kind of actions are chosen to be done.

Why we use it

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If the administrator wants to promote a product, market an organization or broadcast news,

probably it is better to choose a Page. If the administrator has a predetermined target group

and wants a space to privately share photos or chat online, it might be better to choose

a Group. Essentially, Pages act as a profile for a business or institutional entity, whereas

Groups are essentially online clubs.

From the Table below the advantages of Facebook Pages or Groups for adult education

providers can be seen.

Advantages Pages Groups

Allows people connect with brand (adult education providers) Yes Yes

Allows to provide the main information about company Yes No

Can be created by anyone of the institution’s staff Yes Yes

Allows to send updates to all of company‘s fans/members Yes Yes

No limit for length of messages Yes Yes

No limit for frequency of messages Yes Yes

Allows to have unlimited number of fans/members Yes Yes

Allows to become and stay visible to the entire world Yes Yes

Allows to spread the word about event to fan’s friends Yes No

Allows to add a blog (Notes) Yes No

Allows to add videos about company and other video news Yes Yes

Allows to add review of our material, books, staff or whatever

comes to our mind

Yes No

Allows to add hundreds (thousands) of various applications Yes No

Allows users to collectively write and edit notes No Yes

Allows automatically translate content to all languages Yes No

Allows to talk with learners in real time Yes

(by messages)


(by chat)

Allows to keep fans/members informed about training courses

timetables, upcoming tests and deadlines

Yes Yes

Allows to easily and quickly share content found on the web Yes Yes

Allows to extend teaching beyond the class No Yes

Allows to attract and engage users Yes No

Allows to post new assignments No Yes

Allows to use videos related to the field of training courses Yes Yes

Allows to use questions to initiate and foster discussion be-

tween fans/members

Yes Yes

Allows to make voting Yes Yes

Is widely accessible for Facebook users Yes No

Allows for administrator to follow the tracking (insights) Yes No

Allows to reach free focus groups Yes Yes

Allows to receive feedback Yes Yes

Is visible only for Facebook users No Yes

Allows to see updates without visiting Yes No

Allows fans/members to share their content on the Wall (if ap-


Yes Yes

Table 2. Advantages of Facebook Groups vs. Pages.

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UAB “Globalios idėjos” uses both: Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups. However

Facebook Pages are used a little more frequently because of more useful features for

the company which allows expressing ideas, organizing events or just sharing actual news.

We have several Facebook Pages that are being used for managerial purposes:

UAB “Globalios idėjos” Mokymai – this page is used for advertising and attracting new

learners. By using Facebook opportunities we reach a lot of people and increase number

of fans: i.e. current learners as well as other people that may be interested in our work.

We provide them with the news related to our events and training courses.

This Facebook Page is also very useful for UAB “Globalios idėjos” while new training

groups are being collected. If one person is missing in order to complete the group, we can

announce it through Facebook Page. Among people we reach there may be someone who

would like to attend training or else, to share their information with his/her Facebook

friends. It is useful for the company, as it attracts more people as well as for learners because

they do not have to wait for postponed training courses.

How we use it

Picture 5. ‘UAB “Globalios idėjos” mokymai‘ Page.

Moreover, in our Facebook Page we have integrated a newsletter application, which allows

users to register to receive our Newsletter (Naujienlaiškis).

GLOBAL IDEAS, LdV Mobilities – this page is used for advertising educational

placements we organize in Lithuania. We post information about finished projects and

services we offer. We also post pictures from these placements. Participants can find

themselves tagged on these pictures and Like it. This way a lot of people from their friends’

lists can see what a great time they had in Lithuania and recommend it to others.

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Picture 6. ‘GLOBAL IDEAS, LdV Mobilities‘ Page.

Open (H) Art project – this page was created in order to disseminate our Grundtvig

Learning Partnership project Open (H)Art. The main idea of this partnership which started

in 2009 was to increase public awareness on the importance of art as a tool for social and

educational work. So with this Page, project partners aimed to extend learning and to tell

people more about art therapy and disseminate the project. These aims were achieved

by posting photos from project meetings, sharing good practice examples collected by

partners and discussing relevant issues. Unfortunately, because of Facebook improvements

and updates the discussions became unavailable later.

Picture 7. ‘Open (H) Art project’ Page.

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Facebook Groups are also used in our company. This is a useful tool as well as a Page:

the same open Wall discussions, video and photo sharing among members, messages

appearing in inbox, attracting new members. Facebook Group helps us to build more

personal relationships with current or potential customers and partners.

E-senior – this Group was created for another Grundtvig Learning Partnership project

eSenior that we implemented 2008 – 2010. The aim of this project was to provide senior

citizens with ICT training that can empower them to improve their communication, simplify

many everyday tasks and in general – to improve the quality of their life. The main idea

of this Facebook Group was to create a platform for project participants’ communication.

After learners attended several training courses in different countries, they have joined

a closed Facebook Group for sharing information about what they have learned as well as

for continuing discussions and posting pictures. This way, the Group allowed extending

the learning process.

Picture 8. 'E-senior' Group.

GI Inside – this Group was created for the corporate communication inside our

organization. As everyone in our company has their own field of work, this Group helps us

to know better what others do, e.g., new events, new projects, created outcomes, training

courses etc. By using questionnaires we can vote and discuss on issues related to everyone,

choose advertising tools and commonly make some decisions. Moreover, we share global

and local news that is relevant to our fields of work. And sometimes just joke together.

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Picture 9. ‘GI Inside’ Group.

To summarize, Facebook Pages and Groups are one of the most interesting and useful ways

to facilitate training and management of an adult organization. UAB “Globalios idėjos” uses

these tools and follows new changes and improvements on Facebook that allows

the company to be closer to its customers and be attractive to them.

On the whole, the main suggestion for more effective communication between educators

and adult learners on Facebook are: to identify Facebook Page’s or Group’s goals, to target

the right people and keep on improving all the time.

UAB “Globalios idėjos” is a Lithuanian private enterprise, based in Vilnius city.

Established in 2008, it has 6 permanent staff members and more than 300 freelance


UAB “Globalios idėjos” provides training services throughout all Lithuania as well as

organizes various scale events: from tailor-made seminars and small open courses to large

international conferences and long-term international placements. The company is also

active in EC project development and implementation with priority fields of adult

and vocational education. As ICT specialists, the company has created and manages several

national and international web services and databases.

Conclusion and suggestions

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Alicia Baena Cobos

Centro del Profesorado de Ronda


A brief description of the tool

GLOGSTER is an interactive visual platform in which users create a poster or web

page called a GLOG containing multimedia elements including: text, audio, video,

images, graphics, drawings, and data.

A GLOG is created using a very easy to understand, drag and drop interface that

is relevant, enjoyable, and scalable for students of all ages and learning styles.

Why you use it

To create curriculum based projects for classes, groups, teams, or individuals

The teacher can work with students in a classroom or through remote instruction

using this multimedia platform – a community system for sharing is prepared where

student‘s work is stored and available at any time. The teacher creates projects with

templates and instructional guidelines, assigns them to the students, provides feedback

throughout the assignment, and assesses their finished work.

Once projects are complete, the teacher can share students’ work in a variety

of educational settings. Glogs can be embedded in a blog, wiki, or web page or shared

with others using Glogs innovative presentation capabilities. Choose exemplar student

projects and demonstrate students’ achievements with parents, administrators,

students, and other educators.

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To create a private and safe learning environment for teachers and students

The teacher easily creates a private virtual classroom with students by registering for

a teacher administered account, generating student accounts with safe logins and

passwords, and monitoring all activities within the account throughout the learning

process. Student accounts can be created without providing email addresses or other

contact information. The Teacher’s Dashboard provides direct access to all students,

projects, and other activities.

To have a direct single multi-subject and class dashboards for teachers and students

with one login and password

All educators utilizing Glogs inventive platform have direct access to individual

students through a single portal – the Teacher Dashboard. Not only can teachers see all

student activity within their own Teacher Dashboard, each student can also easily view

and manage all of their classes and projects within their Student Dashboard.

A single login and password will provide each teacher and student with complete

access to multiple classroom activities.

How to start using it

1. Log in to Glogster and click on Create a new glog:

Picture 1. Creating a new glog.

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2. Once you have created your dashboard, you can choose graphics, texts and images.

Picture 2. Choosing graphics.

Picture 3. Selecting text.

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Picture 4. Selecting image.

Picture 5: Selecting video.

3. Choose preview, save, or publish your glog.

Picture 6. Saving your glog.

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4. Save the link:

Picture 7. Saving link.


1. Example of a glog on Glogster:

2. Example of a glog on Glogster EDU:

Advantages of the tool itself

Expand Digital Literacy

Glogster creates a digital learning environment, where teachers and students learn

technology in an easy to use and scalable format that simplifies the educational process and

produces assessable multi-modal results across the curriculum spectrum.

Enable Standards Mastery

Glogster enables public or private schools, districts, states, and education institutions of all

kinds, to meet and exceed educational technology and content area standards for creativity

and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical

thinking, problem solving and decision making, and digital citizenship.

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Promote Independent Problem Solving

Glogster creates an adaptable and innovative learning environment for all learners,

regardless of age, gender, culture or learning style. Students are encouraged to be

independent, inventive problem solving and lifelong learners.

Demonstrate Understanding of Curriculum Objectives

The Glogster format encourages students to express independent and creative thought, and

be competent and confident problem solvers. Glog-based teaching and learning strategies

facilitate such development, and open possibilities for designing new curricula to meet

education objectives.

Enhance Formative and Summative Assessments

Glogster enhances the connections among curriculum, instruction, and assessment

methods. Glogster EDU will increase the efficiency of summative assessments and expand

the scope and nature of formative assessments.

Provide Differentiated Instructional Activities

Glogster differentiated format promotes a positive balance between acquisition of factual

knowledge, the mastery of concepts and skills, and the imaginative use of multi-media and

relevant Internet resources.

Create Curriculum Based Projects for Classes, Groups, Teams, or Individuals

The teacher can work with students in a classroom or through remote instruction using this

multimedia platform – a community system for sharing is prepared where student‘s work

is stored and available at any time. The teacher creates projects with templates

and instructional guidelines, assigns them to the students, provides feedback throughout

the assignment, and assesses their finished work.

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Picture 8. CEP Ronda glog on Glogster.


The only disadvantage we see is GLOGSTER could suddenly decide to disable access

to the service or make it payable.

How is it used in my institution

To provide information about the institution and activities we organize,

such as workshops, advising, information, courses, etc. (Picture 8).

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To provide useful links within online courses in our moodle, web page or blog.

Each image links you to different web sites concerning our teachers multiple

interests: Education in Equality, Languages, Social Networks, Web 2.0 tools, Special

needs and ICT, Resources (Picture 9).

Picture 9. CEP Ronda glog on Glogster EDU.

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The selected information concerning the use of GLOGSTER description and advantages

has been summarized from the web page of GLOGSTER

and .

Centro del Profesorado de Ronda is located in a town of approximately 40,000

inhabitants, in the south of Spain in the province of Málaga. It is considered the centre of

the Serranía de Ronda. Although it is a disadvantaged area lacking infrastructures and

services, a lot of people coming from the nearby villages come to Ronda to benefit from its

services (health service, educational institutions, etc.). Centro del Profesorado de Ronda

is the only institution to retrain in-service teachers in this area (about 1.200 Primary

School, Secondary School and Vocational Studies teachers belong to the Centro del

Profesorado de Ronda working area). As Centro del Profesorado de Ronda is the reference

in-service teachers centre for re-training in our area, disabled teachers are also included.

We also have trainers in charge of the training of teachers who work with special needs

students and immigrants.

How my institution benefits from it

It is free.

It helps us to promote the use of new technologies among teachers and students

which is one of the main priorities of our government.

Make us look more attractive and updated to our target audience.

It provides feedback. You can check the number of visits.

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Iwona Moczydlowska

Mazowieckie Samorzadowe Centrum

Doskonalenia Nauczycieli Wydzial w Siedlcach


This paper aims to present word cloud generators, a Web 2.0 tool which is more and more

popular worldwide. It consists of a general tool description as well as information about

specific applications. The reader will learn where to find them, how to use, and what they

are used for. Several examples of word clouds are included to illustrate the text, make it

more comprehensible and to provide the reader with inspiration.

Word cloud generators are a relatively new tool. They emerged from tags used within Flickr

to facilitate photo search. Nowadays tag clouds are presented everywhere on the net,

especially within blogs. This tag concept was first used by Jonathan Feinberg from IBM

in 2008 to design a web based application for transforming text into an image. The words

are represented according to the frequency of their appearance: the more frequent the word,

the bigger the text. This programme is called Wordle and its product is a cloud of words

or a “wordle”. The image below is a wordle of the ITAAT project.

Picture 1. Visualisation of the ITAAT project created with Wordle.

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How to start using it

To create such a cloud you need just a couple of minutes and it takes four steps:

1. Go to the word cloud site.

2. Open the generator.

3. Insert your text into a text box.

4. Submit the content by clicking on Create/Submit/Visualise.

There are different ways of feeding the generator with text: either by typing it directly from

your computer keyboard or by copying and pasting. It is also possible to specify the address

(URL) of the website, where the text has been published. Some generators are able to upload

the words from pdf files, too.

Picture 2. Creating a word cloud in Wordle.

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Advantages of different word cloud applications

Although Wordle is the first and most famous word cloud generator, there are many other

applications for example ABCya!, ImageChef, TagCrowd, Tagul, Tagxedo, WorditOut.

Their capabilities differ in terms of capacity, word limit, file size and editorial choices.

Their products are also diverse, for instance ABCya!, which, having been designed for

children, is a perfect tool to present a definition, and offers quite a few but effective means

of expression.

Picture 3. Definition of word cloud generator made by ABCya!

If you want to put forward your idea in an attractive way, you may try “Word Mosaic”,

available from ImageChef, which will organize your text into one of a set of selected shapes.

I used the bag shape (Picture 4) in my presentation about word cloud generators to convey

my hope that my audience will ‘put the acquired knowledge into it’, take it with them,

and implement it in the future. Also I decorated the ITAAT blog with it.

Picture 4.Word cloud from ImageChef.

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Although another application, TagCrowd (designed by Daniel Steinbock from Stanford

University in 2006), does not create visually attractive clouds, it is irreplaceable for

the precise word frequency count. Such a cloud consists not only from words themselves,

but also from the numbers informing how many times a particular word is present in the text.

This feature proved useful for the analysis of articles, curriculum vitaes, student works, etc.

to reflect on vocabulary and style, and to check whether the text accurately mirrors

the planned subject matter. Dutch generator WordItOut is similar to TagCrowd; however

it does not display the numbers.

Some applications offer advanced functions, such as creating the cloud in a particular shape

selected from its database which offers over one hundred possibilities, or even delivered

by the user as a photograph, which is possible to achieve with Tagxedo. In addition, thanks

to Silverlight technology, while presented on a website, the words selected by cursor are

being enlarged.

Special functions, especially those useful in language teaching or learning, are present within

WordSift and VocabGrabber. Those two applications are connected to a Visual Thesaurus,

which results in presenting definitions of the words. Additionally, WordSift makes it

possible to view words by their frequency, alphabetical order and thematic categories.

Also, it is able to display images and videos from Google related to the 50 most frequent

Picture 5. Print Screen from WordSift.

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For a change, Tagul, designed by Russian Alex, connects the words from the cloud

to the World Wide Web resources, which makes them interactive. This way every word

becomes a link to a site selected as default by Google or purposely by the cloud author.

The same Tagul is capable of generating a cloud in which every word is a different colour,

thus highlighting the diversity. I used this function to introduce the members of the seminar

in order to enhance and facilitate memorisation of their names and surnames.

Picture 6. Cloud by Tagul embedded in the ITAAT blog.

Irrespective of their capabilities, all word cloud generators are Web 2.0 tools. Not only

because they are based on the Internet, but also because everybody can use them to create,

publish and share, and what is more, other Internet users may comment on the clouds.

Word cloud settings

Various clouds result not only from using different applications, but also from selecting

different settings within the application. They apply to the text as a whole, to the words,

and to the cloud.

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At the text level, it is possible to ignore punctuation marks and common words, such as and,

or, as, etc. Some generators are capable of omitting words consisting of 1/2/3/4 letters, and

also remove selected words manually. Good generators serve many languages, a good

example being Wordle, which can serve as many as twenty nine, and which is even able to,

more or less successfully, do stemming for words of the same family. That can be seen

on the example of the stem of the word work, where work, works, working, worked are

detected and combined altogether as variations of the same word. To present a multi word

phrase, such as ‘adult education’, use the tilde character, i.e. ~, between ‘adult’ and

‘education’, and they will be displayed together.

Settings at the word level concern how entries are placed (according to count

or alphabetically, or randomly), and the case to display, which can be either the most

common, or lowercase, or uppercase.

Cloud settings make it possible to determine:

word size (proportional to the number of times a word is found ,

background colour and word colour,


layout (horizontal, vertical, mixed or random direction; the shape of the cloud and

the cloud margin).


Although word cloud applications transform texts in any language, specific functions,

for example stemming do not always apply for less popular languages. Not all the fonts are

also applicable for them. The other drawback for people who do not know English is that

the instructions are always in English. Only ImageChef with its ten language versions stands

out among the rest.

How to use word clouds

Word clouds may be published or saved in many forms, such as:

saving as an image,

saving as a jpg,

pasting Print Screen into a Word text or PowerPoint presentation,


saving in a public or private Internet gallery,

embeding into a website,

posting to Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.

printing from the full screen print menu.

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The clouds themselves may be exploited in different fields. The creator of Tagxedo, Hardy

Leung, suggests 101 ways of using them. Here are some ideas for adult education purposes:

presenting an idea/topic,

lead-in to a discussion,

prediction ,


reflection on,

prompt to remember/reconstruct,

revision of texts,

texts comparison,

article introduction,

website analysis,

poem visualisation,

book/film review,

resume in a single glance,

topic research task,

vocabulary/grammar exercise,

styling PowerPoint presentation,

conference/workshop poster,

name tags,


In MSCDN word clouds are used in the ITAAT blog to summarize information, facilitate

learning, show connections and, simply, to decorate. They are also employed during

different forms of teacher training with PowerPoint presentations, especially

as an introduction to training, particularly to inform participants about the aims, content and

methods. We also promote it as a useful classroom tool, which might be used either

by teachers or students; therefore it is included in a workshop on creativity in language


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Case study

Picture 7. My personal bio

in a Tagxedo cloud.

This portrait was generated by Tagxedo and apart

from the picture of a particular person, it also

brings an essential professional information about

this person. Such a cloud is ideally suited for

identification at seminars or conferences, given

that quite big - even C6 format badges have been

in fashion recently. Preparing such a card

is quick and easy. The steps are explained below.

1. Go to Tagxedo website and open the word cloud generator by

clicking on Create (Picture 8).

Picture 8. Tagxedo starting page.

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2. Select Shape from the toolbar located on the left side of the screen, and then Add

Image to upload your photo (Picture 9).

Picture 9. Defining the word cloud shape.

3. Confirm your choice by clicking Accept (Picture 10). In the editor you may compare

the photo and the cloud shape by pressing Show Original button

(Picture 11). If you are not happy with the result you can replace the photo.

Picture 10. Unique shape from a photograph.

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Picture 11. The photo uploaded to Tagxedo.

4. To enter your text select Load on the toolbar. The simplest way to introduce

information is to copy and paste it into the editor from the previously prepared note

using Ctrl-C and Ctrl- V keyboard shortcuts (Picture 12). The information may be

just words or regular sentences. Some essentials, such as a name of the person and

institution should be repeated 2-5 times. To finish this step choose Submit.

Picture 12. Entering text.

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5. Set the word cloud details, such as Color, Theme, Font, Orientation so that the idea

you want to present is clear (Picture 13).

Picture 13. Defining the appearance of the cloud.

6. Your cloud is ready to be saved as an Image or printed (Print). You can also publish

it on Facebook or Twitter, or embed it into a website (Web). Just click on

Save/Share/Print and select the requested option (Picture 14).

Picture 14. Publishing the word cloud.

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The image formats are various, so the choice should match the concept of the specific

shape cloud usage. The conference card is one idea, another is a poster. There is a space

for further creative usages and only the sky is the limit.


Why should we bother to use word clouds? Because they are attractive, even beautiful and

sometimes funny. They are much more than lists of words and graphic organizers. Word

clouds convey a great deal of information, stimulate, allow creativity, expression and

imagination and enhance critical thinking. Moreover, their generators are simple and easy

tools, and they are free at the same time.

For the sake of their unique features and pedagogical values, word clouds are among those

Web 2.0 tools which might be applied in adult education successfully.

Access to the word cloud generators discussed in the paper:

Mazowieckie Samorzadowe Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli Wydzial

w Siedlcach (MSCDN Siedlce) is one of the 7 departments of an in-service teacher training

centre within the competency of the regional self-government of Mazovia province, Poland.

Its headquarters is located in Warsaw, while the department is located in the 80 thousand

inhabitants town of Siedlce, a capital of the district and the educational centre for the rural

region. MSCDN organises various forms of teacher training aimed at developing

professional skills and supporting and motivating teachers. About 100 kindergartens,

300 primary schools, 90 lower secondary and 80 upper secondary and vocational schools

belong to the MSCDN Siedlce working area.

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Stanislaw Waberski

CKU Siedlce

The “Moodle lesson” is a type of activity within the standard Moodle application which

allows presentation, practice, production and evaluation of the teaching content. Pages can

include text, photos, charts, tasks to be done, reference links and questions verifying

the acquired knowledge.

Here we present it on the basis of the experience of CKU Siedlce.

Moodle in my institution

In CKU the Moodle platform is employed within the teaching process of the post-

secondary school, where 50% of classes are e-learning classes. The most commonly used

Moodle activities are: lesson, a forum, a quiz, a dictionary and an off-line assignment.

This system is especially useful for learners who live far away from the institution,

are busy raising children or attending jobs. Before Moodle was introduced as a teaching

tool, the teachers completed a course entitled “E-learning as a solution for the problems

of lifelong learning”.

How to create a Moodle lesson

In the material to follow the key steps of creating a Moodle lesson are shown.

This particular lesson is part of Computer Studies in Hotel Management.

Having logged on, switch to editing mode by pressing the Turn editing on button.

From the drop-down menu select Add an activity, then Lesson (Picture 1).

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Picture 1. Selecting lesson module.

A lesson creator will appear and in its first window you set parameters, such as time limit,

maximum number of answers, kind of the lesson, (e.g. a practice lesson), and grading

(Picture 2). If your lesson’s aim is to present new material, define it as a practice lesson,

allowing students to revise and change answers. After setting the parameters save them

by clicking Save and display.

Picture 2. Setting lesson parameters.

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A question What do you want to do first? will then appear accompanied by your lesson’s

name (Picture 3). Choose Add a Branch Table option, which allows you to build

an educational activity on a set of pages.

Picture 3. Choosing the multipage option.

In a new window type in the page title and the lesson content. Don’t forget to define

the objectives of the activity. In order to add the next content page, once again choose

the Branch Table option. Apart from text you may include links, tables, images, etc.

by selecting the appropriate icon from the HTML editor tool bar (Picture 4).

Picture 4. Entering content.

We will illustrate the content of this page with an image. In order to

insert it click this button

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A dialog window then appears, where by dicking Browse we can find and select the image

file to be uploaded. Another dialog window enables us to see the target photo by clicking

View button. After selecting a particular file type in an alternate text and clicking OK.

In a Preview window you will see the photo (Picture 5) that can be modified (e.g. changing


Content pages are linked by navigation buttons which allow you to go to the next page,

or go back to the previous page, or finish. To create branch buttons, type the content

in Description field, and choose the type from the drop down menu located below that

field (Picture 6).

Picture 6. Creating navigation buttons.

Picture 7. Selecting Question page.

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Picture 5. Inserting images.

A good idea is to help students check the freshly acquired material. Feedback is especially

important to show students some key issues necessary to continue learning. This is done

using the Question page. In order to insert a question page, from the Actions drop down

menu choose Question option, as shown in Picture 7 .

In the next window choose question type i.e. multiple choice, matching, true/false, a short

answer, essay and type in the question itself. Then suggest answers, supply the user with

some reference information, define the number of points achieved and decide what page

to direct the learner to after receiving all the answers.

The lesson is organized in such a way that if students’ answers are correct, they can

proceed to the next page, while in the case of an incorrect answer they are directed to

the previous page to re-read the material.

It is recommended to control the pages quality from the point of view of a student and

if necessary make some improvements.

Apart from feedback questions a page can also involve some open tasks, where more

instruction is necessary and where there is a possibility of sending a completed task

to the teacher. That can be achieved by another Moodle component called Send the file.

The Lesson component can be edited and tested from both teachers’ and students’ point

of view. And, although this chapter aims at presenting only the very basic possibilities

of the lesson, it clearly shows how rich and complex content can be and how much it

enhances the teaching and learning processes.

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The effectiveness of the lesson, though, depends on the quality of its preparation from

a methodological point of view, from its content, from the variety of exercises, appropriate

range of feedback questions as well as from the choice of specific language.

Distant learning applied by the Centre for Continuing Education in Siedlce is constantly

evaluated and the feedback information received from the students contributes towards its

success. Our students appreciate numerous images accompanied by clear instructions and

examples followed by exercises. Also, the quizzes following them are popular with our

learners. Finally, many students like the possibility of printing the presented material.

To sum up, good quality Moodle lessons need thorough preparation and involvement

of teacher time and effort, but we notice this in the pay-off for our institution.

Translated by Piotr Wyczolkowski

The Centre for Continuing Education (CKU) in Siedlce is cooperating with MSCDN

Siedlce within the ITAAT project. It is an institution providing learning for adults.

The school consists of a secondary school, a supplementary general secondary school

as well as vocational schools (supplementary secondary and post-secondary) offering

qualifications such as administration specialist, economy specialist, hotel industry

specialist, forwarder, computer specialist and office specialist.

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Angela Cotoara

Professional Foundation

This article aims to discuss how Moodle can be used in configuration of quizzes for

learning and evaluation, supporting rather than substituting the conventional class

activities. Moodle can be used to integrate a school course for students (young adults),

with online activities that help them to increase their foreign language proficiency and also

their competence in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Most foreign

language courses in language schools are supported by textbooks that provide plenty

of audio material like audio-cassettes, CDs and even CD ROMs, but students seem quite

reluctant to use these tools at home. The idea here is to take advantage of the Moodle

e-learning environment to enrich the learning process, through a more complete

exploitation of the teaching resources, contents and other aids connected with the textbook


How can we benefit from using blended learning

The state schools are not so flexible when comes to using ICT and the expectation

that teachers would adopt ICT and change their practices in particular ways indicates that

teachers have not changed in the ways expected and we try to understand why.

On the other hand the increasing role of educational activities outside the classroom

in the teaching and learning of foreign languages by means of hybrid learning

arrangements and the integration of e-learning with classical classroom instruction would

bring benefits for both learners and teachers. These new tools tend to satisfy the needs of

learners, improve the quality of the learning experience, decrease the time a learner needs

to achieve a learning goal, improve quality of the learning content and materials, improve

re-usability of the learning content and materials. Among the advantages these tools

also reduce cost of program delivery, allow a more effective map learning components

to objectives and reduce cost of program development. The intention is not to substitute

the textbooks, CDs or CD ROM, but to integrate them with an e-learning environment.

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Why use Moodle Quizzes

A particular section of Moodle offers the opportunity to create quizzes of different kinds.

Instructors and teachers who are familiar with ‘Macromedia Flash’ or similar programs

can also produce interactive web pages with exercises such as drag and drop or true

or false. Otherwise, each section could have some links to web sites with plenty

of exercises. The teacher has only to take care that there is a great deal of interaction and


Evaluation may be done through different kinds of tests. At the end of each test a mark

or score can be given to each student, and added to the general evaluation in the subject.

An additional mark may be given to the frequency with which students attend the platform

and the areas in which they can swap information.

Feedback on performance is a critical part of a learning environment, and assessment

is one of the most important activities in education. A well-designed test, even a multiple-

choice test, can give you valuable information about students misconceptions.

If the feedback is rapid enough, it can also be a critical tool for students to gauge their own

performance and help them become more successful.

Moodle quizzes have two major components: quiz body and question pools.

The body – is what students see when they take the assessment and also defines how

they interact with the quiz

The questions - in a quiz body can be of any type, chosen manually or randomly

and displayed in a set, on a new page, grouped on pages, and so on

How to create the Quiz Body

When creating the quiz body, you are creating a container for the questions and setting

the rules for interacting with the quiz. You have to follow these instructions:

Login to the system using an account that has rights to create a Quiz.

Turn editing on on the Settings block – which changes the appearance and

functionality of the page.

Then in the Main Menu block choose Add an activity and select Quiz. In the general

tab do the following (Pictures 1-2):

1. Name your quiz.

2. Give the instructions and the details of the quiz (text to read, hints for the

quiz, anything you think students should know).

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3. Specify if the case,

the availability of the quiz:

a) time to start,

b) time to end.

4. Time limit (days, hours,

minutes or seconds).

5. Attempts allowed

to take this quiz.

6. Grading method

(specifies what grade will

be considered as final):

a) highest grade,

b) average grade,

c) first attempt,

d) last attempt.

7. Question order – Choose As shown on the edit screen if you need a certain order

or Shuffled randomly to randomize the questions each time a quiz is taken.

8. New page – Choose Every question to display each question on a single page

or Every n pages to split the questions.

9. Shuffle within question – Choose Yes if you want to randomize parts making individual

multi-choice or matching questions.

10. Adaptive mode – If Yes students will be allowed to answer a question multiple times,

but a penalty will be applied to the score.

11. Apply penalties - If enabled, a penalty is subtracted from the final mark for a question

with a wrong response.

12. Each attempt -

This allows a quiz to be

completed over several

attempts. Each new quiz

a t t e m p t c o n t a i n s

the result of the last


Picture 2. Quiz settings.

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Picture 1. Adding a new quiz

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These options (Picture 2) control what information students can see when they review

a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports. Immediately after the attempt means within two

minutes of the attempt being finished. Later, while the quiz is still open means after this,

and before the quiz close date. After the quiz is closed means after the quiz close date has

passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.

Using this tab you can control what information is shown during or after a quiz. Settings

like Answers and Responses are set per question, but not necessarily when adding the quiz.

Picture 4. Advanced settings.

Picture 5. Setting extra restrictions

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Require password – you can use this to protect

the quiz with a password, so only students that

know it can take the quiz.

Require network address – with this option

you can restrict the quiz to particular subnets

in the LAN or INTERNET.

In this tab you can set whether to show the users

pictures from the profile when taking a quiz, decimal

places shown for the grades of a quiz or decimals show

in grades of questions.

Picture 3. Setting review options.

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Other options in this tab allows you to enforce a delay between the first and second attempt

and the later attempts.

Overall feedback

After you set all the options for the quiz, optionally you can set a feedback that is shown

depending on the grade obtained by the student.

For example grade 100% can have feedback like Congratulations you made everything

perfect or you can set for grade 50%, Please learn more and try taking the quiz again.

After you are done click the button Save and display to be redirected to the question

submission page.

You have got a quiz body, what next? The steps are as follows:

Choose questions type.

Add questions.

Grade the question.

Set penalties.

Add answers.

Set the correct answers.

Grade the answer.

Editing quiz screen

The next step in the quiz is to add questions. Questions can be added on a single page

or can be divided into several pages. All questions in a quiz are stored in the questions

bank into categories. Here you are also allowed to set the grade for this quiz.

Picture 6. Editing quiz.

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Add a question – will take you to the screen where a new question can be added.

Add a random question – will add a random question to the quiz from a category you

choose, so each students will receive different questions.

Add a page – this button will insert a new page in the quiz allowing you to split


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Adding questions

Adding question screen allows you to choose the type of question you would like to add,

for instance:

Multiple choice questions allows you to add a question and then add as many

responses as you need, and of course grade each response or add a penalty.

Matching allows you to add questions and answer for each question. When taking

the quiz students will be shown all questions, on a page or on multiple pages

depending on your settings and will have a combo list from which to select the

correct answer..

Essay - In response to a question (that may include an image) the respondent writes

an answer in essay format.

True/False - In response to a question (that may include an image), the respondent

selects from two options: True or False.

Case study

For our example we will add a multiple choice question.

Choose a Category for this question. For your quiz you should select the default category,

with the name of the quiz. Type in the Question name, which is mandatory and should

be a name that makes sense for you or other teachers. It’s not shown to students

Picture 7. Adding the multiple choice question.

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Question text – this is the question body.

Default question grade – is the default mark for this question.

Penalty factor – this applies only when the quiz is set to be in adaptive mode

(students can answer to a question more than one time), and will subtract this portion

from the maximum grade of this question at each successive attempt.

The last step in adding your question is to set the choices. Type the Answer, select a Grade

for this question and type a Feedback. Adding feedback implies more work, but it is good

practice to tell your students why each answer is right or wrong.

Picture 8. Setting the choices.

Picture 9. Viewing quiz results.

After you finish your quiz and students attempt your quiz, all results can be viewed

in the Results page of the quiz. From there you can export all information needed into

several formats like Excel, pdf, and so on.

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The best example of the use of Moodle Quizzes in my institution is getting students

to complete reading assignments which is one of the hardest motivational tasks

in education. Reading is critical to understanding most material, and fundamental

to success in many classes. The problem for most students is there is no immediate reward

or punishment for procrastinating on a reading assignment. If you have not done

the reading for a class discussion, you can either keep quiet, or, as they used

to do occasionally, wing it by skimming in class.

Creating a little mini-test for each reading assignment solves a number of problems. First,

it encourages students to do the reading so they can do well on the quiz. Second, it gives

the students feedback on how well they understood the reading assignment. Third, it gives

you data about what aspects of the reading students found confusing, and which they have

already mastered so you can focus your class activities.

Feedback on performance is a critical part of a learning environment, and assessment

is one of the most important activities in education. It seems we as educators

have to try to make quizzes in Moodle, as a part of our learning courses for effective

practices. Moodle already has a Quiz Module which allows teachers to design and set

quizzes consisting of a large variety of Question types in the easiest way. With this

module, creating a new quiz is just a piece of cake.


Moodle Docs:

Professional Foundation (Targu Mures, Romania) is a non-governmental, non-political

and non-profit organization, established in 1998 with a view to promote high quality

in education, intercultural tolerance and appreciation, life-long learning, human rights and

social inclusion, professional development through training courses, language courses and IT

courses. It is approved and accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education

for Continuing Education. It is a member of QUEST (The Romanian Association

for Quality Language Services) which is an associate member of EAQUALS (The European

Association for Quality Language Services). Professional Foundation has organised

a lot of events being immersed in human rights activities with adults, seniors, young adults

and women offering training and assistance to over 2000 trainees, with an emphasis

on the new communication strategies as well as specialized methodology courses

for teachers, mentors and students (Pre-service and In-service) and languages.

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David Evans

DHE Solutions Ltd.


The following article briefly explains what Animation software is. It then explains how to

use ‘AnimatorDV Simple+’ software; why we at DHE Solutions Ltd. use it and what its

benefits are, particularly in relation to adult training.

What is Animation software

Animation software is downloadable software which allows you to make stop motion


Why use Animation software

Animation software is an instant creation tool which allows children, adults or families to

work as individuals or as a team, to allow them to express creativity and produce

something they can be proud of. It can have many beneficial educational effects

particularly when used in family learning.

What we use Animation software for

Picture 1. Example of Animation software - Toon Boom Animation

At DHE Solutions Ltd. we use Animation software to engage hard to reach dads in their

children’s education.

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This is done by delivering animation workshops for dads and children at the child’s school

so the dads become familiar and confident in dealing with the school, its environment and

its staff. Because it is very easy to learn and quick to use, with almost instantaneous

results, it engages children and parents very quickly and encourages creativity.

For teachers and trainers the software and hardware is very simple to master, so that you

are in a position to run an animation workshop after only a short amount of training.

We have chosen to demonstrate ‘AnimatorDV Simple+ since this is the Animation

software we use. AnimatorDV Simple+ is simple and quick to use. You can be up and

running and making your film in just a few minutes. Also you can use this basic version

for free. You can find and download it here:

When trying to run the programme depending on your computer and software you may get

a message ‘Not enough RAM’ This appears because AnimatorDV Simple+ is an obsolete

application and if you have more than 4GB of RAM you will see this message.

To get around this - right click on the icon or shortcut, go to Properties, Compatibility tab,

check Run this program in compatibility mode for, then select Windows XP

(Service Pack 2) and click OK.

AnimatorDV Simple+ - A Simple+ guide

AnimatorDV Simple+ is an example of stop motion animation. This means you create

the effect of animation by taking a photo of a scene, move an object or objects within that

scene then take a second photograph. This process is then repeated hundreds of times

1. Setting up and getting started

Make sure you have AnimatorDV Simple+ loaded onto your computer, and that your camera

is attached to your computer and switched on.

To start you need to click the logo

, then click ,

give the project a name in the dialogue box,

then select capture device (i.e. your camera).

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Set the frames per second base to 5. Then click then click Yes, then give

the sequence a name and click OK. And you are now ready to animate.

2. To animate

Set up your scene, click then move one or more objects in your scene.

It is advised that you do not move your objects more than 1 centimetre between each grab.

You will notice that there is an ‘onion skin’ which is a translucent layer which allows you

to see the position of everything in your last grab, in order to help you with positioning.

This is particularly useful, if you accidently move the camera, you can reposition

it according to the onion skin image.

Click again, and repeat this process until you have finished your film. Using

a playback speed of 5 frames per second, you will quickly appreciate how many grabs

(i.e. photos) you will need to take to make your film the desired length (300 grabs

for 1 minute of film).

3. To play back your animation

From the menu click Sequence, RAM player then LOAD to play your animation.

To make your animation slower or faster change the FPS e.g. use a lower number

for a slower film. Do not use the play button on the frame monitor, as this will play

the film at the wrong speed.

When you playback your film, if there is a hand in your animation you can remove it

by deleting the frame using Edit, Delete frame (CTRL + Delete). You can also insert

a photo anywhere in your animation or duplicate a frame using Edit, Insert frame (CTRL

+ Insert) or Edit, Duplicate frame (CTRL + Enter). Make sure that you are at the right

point in your animation by using the frame monitor.

4. Continue making your film

Make sure you exit from the RAM playback option and that you have repositioned

yourself according to the onion skin, before you start to grab further photos.

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5. Saving your animation

To save your film click - SEQUENCES - MAKE AVI - SELECT FILE - SAVE (make

sure it is on the desktop or memory stick) - SAVE AVI - OK - click CLOSE once.

The film has been fully saved (remember to change the FPS rate to the rate that you are

happy with, when saving your film).

6. Troubleshooting

If you cannot take photos, make sure your sequence shows. If the red record button isn't

there and is showing a pause or lock button you must right click on it and unlock and/or

activate the sequence in order to continue.

If the film is too fast or too slow when playing it back click (CTRL + L) change to FPS

rate, lower if you want it to go slower and click load. Change the FPS until you are happy.

If the camera has disconnected click (CTRL + D) .

To watch the film at the right speed click (CTRL + L ).

If the onion skin has disappeared, this is because you will not see the onion skin until your

next grab. Also make sure the onion skin settings are as follows:

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There is a help menu to help you solve any other issues.

If you feel that AnimatorDV Simple+ is not sufficient for your animation needs you can

upgrade to AnimatorHD. Here

We hope you enjoy making your animations.

DHE Solutions Ltd. is an education consultancy that works at local, regional, national and

international level with employers, schools, colleges, Local Authorities, other public bodies

and the community in driving policy and strategy forward and facilitating the management

of change.

We specialise in the development and management of education-related projects and

in monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness. Much of the our work concerns working

with disadvantaged groups including work in economically deprived areas, with ethnic

minorities, migrants, and with educational underachievement.

We have extensive experience of evaluating projects and measuring educational and social

impact, on young people and adults.

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David Evans

DHE Solutions Ltd.


The following article briefly explains what online surveys are, and gives examples

of popular surveys. It then explains how to use ‘Survey Monkey’; why we at DHE Solutions

Ltd. use Survey Monkey and what its benefits are, particularly in relation to adult training.

What are online surveys

Online surveys are web based interactive software that allows you to conduct surveys over

the internet. Examples include ‘Survey Monkey’, ‘Key Survey’, ‘Smart survey’ and ‘Snap


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Why use online surveys

What do we use online surveys for

Survey Monkey - A simple guide

In our experience online surveys are quick and easy to use. Some of them are free

(or you can try them out for free). They provide instant results and analysis, and you can

survey anyone, anywhere, at any time. Also building your own in-house surveys can take

a lot of time and can be expensive.

At DHE Solutions Ltd. we use online surveys for research (gathering information from

people), evaluation of meetings – getting remote feedback after a meeting has finished;

project evaluation – getting people’s opinions on aspects of project involvement; student

feedback – getting views from students on a variety of topics; teacher /trainer feedback

on courses, projects or programmes; staff surveys – gathering the opinions of staff. There are

lots of other ways you could use online surveys.

We have chosen to demonstrate ‘Survey Monkey’ since this is the online survey tool we use.

Survey Monkey is simple and quick to use and you can use the basic version for free.

You can find it here:

1. Creating your survey

To start click Create new survey.

Within survey Monkey there are just three simple stages: Creating your survey; sending

your survey out (to collect results) and analysis of the results. To start click on or go to

the link above and sign up; you then get this welcome screen.

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Selecting a category allows the software to offer you a selection from a bank of pre-written

questions by category. You can choose to use these or you can make your own questions up.

Creating your own questions is very simple. Insert the question text. For example ‘I think

school dinners are…’ Then choose the question type. Survey Monkey offers you a number

of different formats such as multiple choice one answer, multiple choice several answers

or text response. You need to experiment with the question formats to decide which will best

suit your question.

To create a survey, first give it a title, and then choose a category.

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2. Sending your survey out

When you have created your question, simply click Save and add next question. You can

add up to 10 questions when you are using the free version. At any time you can preview

your survey to see what it looks like in a browser window. If you have something you need

to change in any of your questions, then you can go back and make the adjustments.

When you are happy with your questions, you then need to send your survey out to collect

your responses. Before you do this you have the option to adjust the background style and

colour. When you have made all your adjustments just click Send Survey.

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When you click Send Survey, Survey Monkey generates a web link. You then have

the options to copy the web link, for example into an email or document; insert it

into a web page, or insert it into Facebook. The link which is generated is the link to your

survey on the web.

And there’s your survey!

When you have collected your responses there is a good results analysis tool.

3. Analysis of results

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It is very visual and it shows option responses in the form of percentages, and shows text

responses as text. You can copy and paste your responses into other documentation,

for example to produce a report of your survey findings.

The free basic account has the following features and restrictions:

Maximum of 10 questions per survey and 100 responses; 15 types of questions; collect

responses via web link or email; embed survey within a frame on a website; view live results

as they are recorded; survey completion progress bar; automatic numbering for

pages/questions; 15 pre-built survey themes; validate/required survey responses;

randomize/sort answer choices; limit of 3 collectors per survey; unlimited free surveys;

surveys are not deleted; limited to 1 account but can be shared.

If you feel that the functionality is restrictive, you can upgrade your account, but this will

cost money. You can find the details here:

We hope you found this presentation useful!

DHE Solutions Ltd. is an education consultancy that works at local, regional, national

and international level with employers, schools, colleges, Local Authorities, other public

bodies and the community in driving policy and strategy forward and facilitating

the management of change.

We specialise in the development and management of education-related projects and

in monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness. Much of the our work concerns working

with disadvantaged groups including work in economically deprived areas, with ethnic

minorities, migrants, and with educational underachievement.

We have extensive experience of evaluating projects and measuring educational and social

impact, on young people and adults.

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G. Francesco Zuccarini

Francesca Vinciguerra

Davide Maccarone

Integrated Services Engineering & Research


Brief description of the tool

Google is present in the Web 2.0 system with various Google Products and provides

a wide on-line system, from the most famous search engine to the latest Google +

a competitor of a most popular social network.

Google Docs is very interesting since it allows you to create and share projects online

and access them from anywhere; share online documents, presentations and spreadsheets.

It also provides you with the possibility of uploading documents with various formats;

it is possible to share by e-mail, and also when the widest accessibility is required,

is possible to embed on a web site, available to download!

Among these options, Google Form is a Web 2.0 tool useful to create and send a survey,

give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. This Form

is automatically connected to a spreadsheet with the same title and recipients’ responses

will automatically be collected in that spreadsheet.

Why you use it


To facilitate the enrolment of students: instead of a traditional form we allow people

to insert data from an ISER PC or we send them a form to complete.

To evaluate students submitting forms for an online test


To evaluate on-going training courses in the monitoring procedure and in monitoring


To share questionnaires, for example the ITAAT survey

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How to start using it

When the ITAAT partners suggested an inquiry into the use of ICT of their institutions

we decided to test the Google Form system to submit the survey to ISER network partners.

We worked on the ITAAT questionnaire to create an online form. All ISER network

partners completed the form online which we sent by e-mail then we used

the spreadsheets and graphs to export the most interesting data; finally we realized our PPT

presentation with our collective data.

1. You work on the questionnaire to create an online form (see Table 1).

I section A. ICT for institution’s management

II section B. ICT used for teaching

1. How many classrooms are

there in the institution?

regular classrooms

multimedia classrooms

computer labs

2. What are the ICT tools used

for teaching?

text editor Internet educational game



interactive test

e-mail programme blog

spreadsheet wiki

data base social network

forum virtual world

e-learning platform e-portfolio

videoconference mind/concept e-map

video production Google documents

audio production interactive whiteboard

Table 1. ITAAT questionnaire.

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2. Log in Google docs with your Google account and choose Form.

Picture 1. Choose to create a Form.

3. Create the structure of the form, starting with the title and the section header.

Picture 2. Filling the structure.

4. Start adding question section, choosing between different questions options.

Starting from Table 1 we know how many questions we need and which kind of questions

we must choose (Picture 3).

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Useful tips:

Composing the form you can also choose to make a question a “required question”,

and link a question to another.

It’s also possible to move questions already built, as pieces of a puzzle, moving one

question before another, also from one section to another.

Picture 3. Add Item.

Some useful tools are available to change, duplicate or delete questions. For example

to make 3 different questions really similar it is useful to use the “duplicate” items

function (For example our 1st question in Table 1 will consist of three different

questions on our form). These therefore only need to be duplicated and their title

changed (for example “computer labs”)

Picture 4. Change.

Picture 5. Delete.

Picture 6. Duplicate.

5. You can choose a layout to apply, and then your form is ready to be shared by sending

or embedding it onto a web site!

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When the form is ready, it is possible to:

Send it by e-mail using the tool E-mail this form (Picture 7).

Embed it on a web site using the tool More action and then Embed.

Picture 7. Menu option on a complete form.

Useful tips:

Once the questionnaire is completed the Google form returns a thanks’ message that

you can personalize. Personalize the final confirmation selecting More action and

then Edit confirmation (Picture 7). A pop up window allows you to edit your

personal thanks.

The option Publish response summary allows you to show people answering

the survey the answers already given by others (useful for party invitation,

for example).

Picture 8. Example of Form layout.

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Not only is your Form complete, but also the spreadsheet to collect the information

is ready!

Picture 9. See Response.

The option See Responses provides you with a summary of responses on the “spreadsheet”

(Picture 9). Google form allows you to check answers in the spreadsheet (Picture 10)

and in a preview on graphs. Download the spreadsheet as shown in Picture 11.

Picture 10. Answers collected on a spreadsheet.

Picture 11. Downloading the spreadsheet in common file format.

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You can make your own chart working on the spreadsheet as an Excel file (Picture 12).

Picture 12. Insert chart.

Advantages of the tool itself

Easy to create.

Easy to share.

Good for embedding on websites.

Well appreciated by students.

Useful in job contexts.

Spreadsheets ready to be exported.


Forms are easy to fill but when you are planning the structure of advanced works

it requires good experience with excel to obtain meaningful graphics.

How is it used in my institution

Google’s Forms is used at ISER in a number of important administrative tasks. This tool

is very useful for statistical feedback of our work: all the data collected provides

significant and expressive graphics. Examples of graphics from the best practice can be

seen in Pictures 13 and 14.

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Ways of disseminating info outside the






























nal for

ms (p




social networking





traditional forms


Picture 13. Graph example of survey made by using Google Form Excel Chart.

Picture 14. Graph example of survey made by using Google Form Chart.

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How my institution benefits from it

It helps us to promote the use of new technologies among students.

It helps us to implement corrective actions and improve our work.

It makes it easier to share feedback.

ISER srl Integrated System Engineering Enterprise (Francavilla al Mare, Italy)

represented by Ing. Guido Francesco Zuccarini is specialized in integrated services

and projects for Training, Quality, Safety, Information Technology, ICT security,

e-government, Women and Youthful Enterprise development.

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Maria Filomena Rua

Emanuel de Jesus

Isabel Mateus

Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas de Albufeira, Lagoa e Silves

With this article, our main objective is to present how and what we use Google Docs

for as an ICT tool in our daily administrative work.

Through the use of Google docs, our Training Centre had the opportunity to experience

a large increase in the dynamics of their services. Indeed, before this use, we received

the Entry Forms for our training initiatives, both by mail and delivered by hand on paper.

And this cost us a great deal of time in loading this information onto a database!

From the day we began to use Google Docs, we recognised its potential, and everything


Picture 1. Email sent to schools with a link to the application form.

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Today, to make the application for each of our training initiatives, we began advertising

by sending the link to the Directors of each of our 13 schools / groupings, with a request

for the link to be redirected to each of the teachers in that school, providing adequate time

for implementation of such registration as well as publicizing the selection criteria.

Picture 2. Application form - top.

Picture 3. Application form - bottom.

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After each teacher fills and submits the form, their names automatically become part of our

database / spreadsheet created by Google Docs. This database, thanks to Google Docs,

can be shared with each school’s Principal and the schools’ trainer, giving them access

to the list of candidates who want to receive training.

Picture 4. Spreadsheet automatically generated from the trainees’ submissions.

Once the database with the candidates is created, with their names and identification,

the Centre simply applies the selection criteria published on the occasion of publication

of the training.

After these criteria are applied we create, in a spread sheet, lists of selected and

supplementary trainees as well.

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Picture 5. Final list of trainees.

Teachers, their school and their trainer are informed via email of these lists attached

to a message like this:

Picture 6. Email sent to the trainees with a confirmation of their application.

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By using the option Share in Google Docs, trainers, school Principals and the Training

Centre may edit information to share with each other or with the trainees. In this case, they

will only use the View option:

Picture 7. Defining users with whom to share a doc and level of access.

However, during the training, trainers and trainees can share, through Google Docs,

all the information they consider relevant. In other words, sharing with the trainees using

the option Can comment, trainer and trainees can have reciprocal feedback:

Picture 8: Defining sharing options of a doc.

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Picture 9. Interaction through comments among users who share a doc.

By the end of the training, trainees and trainer will evaluate the training undertaken. How?

Again, with Google Docs!

We send, by mail, a new link to the trainees with an indication of a deadline to register

the evaluation, and since the answers are anonymous, the link is shared with the trainer.

Thus they may have knowledge of the statistical results.

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Picture 10. Training assessment form for the trainees - top.

After filling all the fields, they click Submit and the answers are automatically sent

to the training centre.

Picture 11. Training assessment form for the trainees - bottom.

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The replies, sent by each of the trainees, automatically generates a spreadsheet which

provides an analysis of the results.

Picture 12. Spreadsheet with the responses of the trainees.

Then you choose the option Show summary of responses.

Picture 13. Choosing a summary of the responses.

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A graphical statistical summary of these results is generated.

Picture 14. Graphical representation of the statistics - top.

Picture 15. Graphical representation of the statistics – middle of the page.

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Picture 16. Graphical representation of the statistics (bottom) with a final chart

with the number of responses.

Based on the analysis of the results of this evaluation the Training Centre and trainers have

the opportunity, through this feedback, to improve their performances.

This statistical analysis allows us to know when and how many responses were completed.

When approaching the deadline, if less than 90% have responded, the Training Centre

sends a reminder in order to boost the response rate and achieve that minimum percentage

of responses.

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This data is printed and stored in the file for each training course. For the assessment

of trainees by the trainer, we send a questionnaire, also using Google Docs Forms.

The Training Centre is investigating new ways to use Google Docs to improve or replace

existing procedures. One example of such research is the assessment done

on the organization of a meeting in Portugal. One aspect the Training Centre is working

on is the support of smartphones and tablets to access the questionnaires and spreadsheets

on Google Docs.

The Training Centre of Albufeira, Lagoa & Silves is one of six training centres

for teachers in the Algarve region (Portugal). There are about one hundred centres

in the whole country. We have about 2000 teachers and 500 staff members. We depend

on the Ministry of Education of Portugal and also on the Regional Directorate of Education

of the Algarve. Our training consists of specific teaching of all disciplines of curricula

as well as in educational and technological components. We try to improve the use of ICT

in the classroom in order to improve student learning.

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Mehmet Emin Usta

Cavit Altuntaş

Refik Balay

Dırectorate of Natıonal Educatıon Chaırman of Educatıon Inspectors

The E-school project, which combines students’ information in a single data base, has been

used in our country since 2007. This project was entirely designed by employees

of the Turkish Ministry of Education. Within this project all student information

is transferred from a central citizen information system by means of citizenship

identification numbers. At first the E-school project was put into practice at primary and pre-

primary schools, later it was used at secondary and high schools. And today, all the

institutional applications, registrar's affairs, student affairs, exams and official writing

is carried out by means of the E-school system.

In the e-school system all the official works and applications such as institutional

applications, registry works, students and exam affairs are recorded into the E-school system

and the users can access this information via personal passwords whenever needed. Parents

can also access a sub-system in order to check and see their children’s school performance

such as exam results and absenteeism.

Local and central education authorities can also get continuous feedback about the schools

and student total performance.

Today all the works and applications related to schools are carried out using the E-school

system, and are carried out over the internet for free without having bureaucratic obstacles

which is quicker and more practical than the previous formal applications process.

As is be shown below, E-school is in the top 10 of most searched items on Google.

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Why you could use it

Students, parents, teachers and inspectors are target audiences of the E-school system.

While the main page of the Ministry of Education gets around 10 million visitors per year,

the number of daily users of the parents’ information system can reach 11.6 million

(Picture 2).

Picture 2. E-School visitors: parents.

Picture 1. Google Turkey websites’ ranking.

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Picture 3. The daily numbers of reports downloaded via e-school in October 2011.

Users’ steps in E-school

1. Accessing the system

Access to the system can be achieved via institutional or personal passwords which

are distributed by the Ministry of Education.

2. Choosing your module and position.

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The E-school system can serve 1.8 million reports per day (such as student's report cards,

exams results, diplomas and other certificates).

Picture 4. Choosing module and position.

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Exam applications

A large number of central, system based exams for students, adults and different professions

are organized by the Ministry of Education. The exam application system is active

in particular areas that are defined by the system. All the application processes (such as first

application, exam entry cards, results) is done via this system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Interactive document transfers are confirmed by the system.

Mail alert when the document is transferred and received by the recipient. By means

of this system employees don’t need to use other transfer means such as fax.

It allows search and archive work to be done in a more comfortable way.

It allows interactive chat and communications.

The sender of the documents and confirmation of the documents can be easily traced

as electronic signature is used.

The system does not allow any data loss from document transfer, documents can

be transferred in their original shape and size.

Picture 5. Exam applications.

Besides the advantages which are mentioned above, the results of the exams can be seen

by parents soon after the results are put onto the system by the teachers. Parents are also

informed about absenteeism, the names of books read by the students and other personal


Personal information is also used by the Ministry of Education for planning and evaluation

of the education system.

Today almost all the formal and bureaucratic applications are carried out by means of the

e-school system; reducing bureaucratic obstacles and therefore helping schools to do this

kind of work quickly and efficiently.

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How is it used in my institution

By means of personal passwords, educational inspectors can view information about

all the schools in their regions; they can also download the reports when needed.

But this system is mainly used by inspectors before going for supervision visits in order

to get information about physical conditions at a school, the number of staff, classroom,

students, school performance and exam results. By means of this system inspectors get

information about the schools and they arrange their preparations for supervision according

to this information.

As the problems of a school can also be seen on this system, it makes an important

contribution to the supervision process. The E-school system provides a lot of quick

information to inspectors without the need to visit a school and get swamped in paper.


When you need information from the internet you first go to “Google”; and when you need

information on Turkish Schools, the only thing you have to do is go to “E-school” because

it is the place where you can find almost everything about Turkish Schools.

Page 88


The Directorate of National Education Chairman of Education Inspectors in Sanliurfa

is organised to plan, programme, manage, supervise, improve and evaluate the duties

of the Ministry of National Education at cities and towns, and keeps its presence according

to the Constitution, laws and other related procedures. The Directorate of National Education

serve on management, personnel, education, budget, investment, statistics, investigation,

guidance, strategy development and culture, etc.

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July 2012

CC BY-SA 3.0

Editor: Iwona Moczydlowska

Proofreader: David Evans

Layout: Kamil Kolak

Cover designer: Monika Dabrowska

The ITAAT project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot

be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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