Issue 18 - February 1 2007


Transcript of Issue 18 - February 1 2007

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Page 5: Issue 18 - February 1 2007

On Monday, January 29th

Kevin Devine and the Goddam

Band came to Lee’s Palace to

perform. Having released Put Your

Ghost to Rest at the end of last year

he is currently in tour mode and I

was lucky enough to see him when

he came to Toronto. I had seen him

previously last summer when he

opened up for Corinne Bailey Rae

and Gran Bel Fisher. However, he

played solo during that tour with

only one or two members of the

Goddam Band onstage with him.

This time around the tour is his and

the full band was assembled in all

its glory.

He started of the set by

asking members of the audience

to crowd the stage. “You can stay

back there if you want but your

faces are only going to melt from


EXPLOSION!” Not a big man

by any means, Mr. Devine is in

complete control of the stage every

second he’s on it. His energy,

passion, and vocal dynamics set him

apart from any John Mayer or Jack

Johnson; finally, a guy with a guitar

can have a pair.

The set lasted an hour and

a half and towards the end the band

left the stage and Kevin put down

his electric guitar to grace us with

a smaller acoustic set. While Lee’s

Palace may not have been sold out

everyone in there sang along to the

majority of his songs.

You know how good the

show was? I bought a shirt and let

me tell you this: I’m fucking cheap.

I have never bought a band’s t-shirt

in my entire life, but on Monday,

January 29th, Kevin Devine deserved

my $20.

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