Invitation 0101 2 en

14-28 Feb,2014 開幕酒會 15 2/ sat. 1930 14 28 February 2014 Huashan 1914 Creative Park Nicholas Vreeland was born in 1954 and is the grandson of legendary fashion icon Diana Vreeland. He was an assistant to the renowned photographers Rich- ard Avedon and Irving Penn,and after graduating from college,be- came a professional photographer himself. In 1977,he met Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, and began studying Tibetan Buddhism. He became a monk in 1985, and currently is the abbot of Rato Monastery in South India and the director of The Tibet Center in New York. NICHOLAS VREELAND PUBLIC TALKS BY NICHOLAS VREELAND The Traditional Art of Photography A Photographer Meets the Dalai Lama Return to the Roof of the World Saturday, 22 February 7 pm Huashan Creative Park Sunday, 16 February 2 pm Huashan Creative Park Tuesday, 18 February 7 pm CAFÉ PHILO, No. 3, Shaoxing N. St., Taipei 1F, M2, No. 1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Reception: Saturday, 15 February 7:30 pm OrganizerNicholas Vreeland s friends of Taiwan. Co-OrganizerE-Ben Company RETURN TO THE ROOF OF THE WORLD A Photographic Exhibition by Nicholas Vreeland


“透過攝影師之眼與僧侶之心的結合,尼可拉斯以他生命中簡單的事物,邀請我們進入一個靈性的空間。” ~美國攝影師亞當.馬瑞利(Adam Marelli) 尼可拉斯.佛里蘭(Nicholas Vreeland),出生於1954年的瑞士日內瓦,父母都是美國人,祖母黛安娜.佛里蘭(Diana Vreeland)曾是知名時尚雜誌Vogue的主編,是人稱“時尚教主”的新潮人物。身為外交官的兒子,尼可拉斯從小便待過德國與摩洛哥等國家,後來十三歲時才回到美國就讀麻州的一所寄宿學校。就讀寄宿學校時,他並不快樂,直到遇到了攝影。 尼可拉斯從他13歲借到一架老徠卡相機的那一刻起,就對攝影深深着迷,至今仍然熱情未褪。幾年後,他開始在暑假期間擔任世界著名攝影家厄文.潘(Irving Penn)以及理查.阿維東(Richard Avedon)的助理, 之後他常常去為這兩位偉大的攝影師工作。他在法國巴黎上了兩年的大學,之後回到美國的紐約大學讀攝影科係。他完成學業後,重拾對靜物攝影的初衷,成爲一個專業的攝影師。 1977年,理查.阿維東的兒子介紹他認識了美國西藏中心的創辦人---穹拉惹對仁波切。在仁波切的指導下,他開始探索、學習藏傳佛法。直到今日他還是仁波切忠誠的弟子。 1985年,他決定剃度出家,以一位佛教僧侶的身份,在印度的惹對寺繼續佛法上的修學。學習了13年後,于1998年,獲得藏傳佛法的格西(博士)學位。 2012年4月,尊者達賴喇嘛委任尼可拉斯為惹對寺的住持,該寺為少數在印度的重要藏傳佛教的僧伽大學之一。這是歷史性的一刻,因爲這是第一次西方人成為藏傳佛教重要寺院的住持。尊者在任命時說道:"你特殊的責任,就是成爲西藏傳統和西方世界的橋梁。" 之後尼可拉斯一半的時間在紐約西藏中心,一半的時間留在印度惹對寺。 尼可拉斯也是《開心》(An Open Heart,遠流出版社)和 2011年出版的《智慧階梯---通往幸福的密道》(A Profound Mind,高寳出版)的編輯,這兩本書都是尊者達賴喇嘛所著,《開心》曾登上紐約時報的暢銷書排行。 2011年4月22日到6月4日,紐約徠卡藝廊(Leica Gallery)為尼可拉斯舉辦他的第一個攝影個展,題為「回到世界屋脊」。在2012、2013尼可拉斯的作品也有在藝廊的聯合性攝影展中展出。 2014年2月14日到28日,一群尼可拉斯的臺

Transcript of Invitation 0101 2 en

Page 1: Invitation 0101 2 en

14-28Feb,2014 開幕酒會152/

sat. 19:30

14 28 February 2014

Huashan 1914 Creative Park

Nicholas Vreeland was born in 1954 and is the grandson of legendary fashion icon Diana Vreeland. He was an assistant to the renowned photographers Rich-ard Avedon and Irving Penn,and after graduating from college,be-came a professional photographer himself.In 1977,he met Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, and began studying Tibetan Buddhism. He became a monk in 1985, and currently isthe abbot of Rato Monastery in South India and the director of The Tibet Center in New York.



The Traditional Art ofPhotography

A Photographer Meets the Dalai Lama

Return to the Roof of theWorldSaturday, 22 February 7 pmHuashan Creative Park

Sunday, 16 February 2 pmHuashan Creative Park

Tuesday, 18 February 7 pmCAFÉ PHILO, No. 3, Shaoxing N. St., Taipei 1F, M2, No. 1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

Reception: Saturday, 15 February 7:30 pm

Organizer│Nicholas Vreeland s friends of Taiwan.Co-Organizer│E-Ben Company

RETURN TO THE ROOFOF THE WORLDA Photographic Exhibition byNicholas Vreeland

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Khyongla Rinpoche on His Mountain, Tibet 2003

Lama Dance, Tibet 2003

This series of black and white photographs documents Nicholas Vreeland s 2003 journey accom-panying his teacher, Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, as Rinpoche returned to his birthplace. The photo-graphs Nicholas took during this horseback voyage to the “Roof of the World” capture moments of longing and reunion, and record the landscape and lifestyle of Dagyab district in eastern Tibet. It is an exhibition that deeply touches the heart.

Additional Collection of PortraitsIn 1979, while a guest of the Indian Department of Tourism, Nicholas was fortunate enough to meet several important Tibetan Buddhist teachers and thus assemble an impressive collection of portraits. Dignitaries he photographed include His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the past and current Ling Rinpoche, Serkong Rinpoche, and Zoepa Rinpoche, This private collection of photographic portraits holds great historical value.

Juniper Smoke, Wato Monastery, Tibet 2003

Dancing on the Roof of the World, Tibet 2003