Introduction PDMS

Introduction Introduction Introduction Plant Design Management Introduction Plant Design Management System [PDMS] System [PDMS] [PDMS] [PDMS] By : sudirman By : sudirman email : [email protected] email : [email protected]


this is introduction for pdms

Transcript of Introduction PDMS

Page 1: Introduction PDMS

IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionPlant Design Management

IntroductionPlant Design Management


By : sudirmanBy : sudirmanyemail : [email protected]

yemail : [email protected]

Page 2: Introduction PDMS


• PDMS VER 11.4• PDMS VER 11.5• PDMS VER 11.4• PDMS VER 11.5• PDMS VER 11.6• PDMS VER 12• PDMS VER 11.6• PDMS VER 12• PDMS VER 12• PDMS VER 12

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Different types of output from Different types of output from PDMSPDMS

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PDMS contributes to the quality of the design in the following

PDMS contributes to the quality of the design in the following

• Memastikan data komponen konsisten dan dapat diandalkan

• Memastikan data komponen konsisten dan dapat diandalkandapat diandalkan

• Mematuhi spesifikasi teknik yang didefinisikan• Memastikan geometri yang benar dan

dapat diandalkan• Mematuhi spesifikasi teknik yang didefinisikan• Memastikan geometri yang benar dan • Memastikan geometri yang benar dan

konektivitas• Menghindari gangguan antara komponen

• Memastikan geometri yang benar dan konektivitas

• Menghindari gangguan antara komponen• Menghindari gangguan antara komponen-By viewing the design interactivelyBy using the powerful clash checking facility

• Menghindari gangguan antara komponen-By viewing the design interactivelyBy using the powerful clash checking facility -By using the powerful clash checking facility within PDMS-By using the powerful clash checking facility within PDMS

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How PDMS is StructuredHow PDMS is Structured

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Penggunaan PDMS dalam ProsesPenggunaan PDMS dalam ProsesPlant DesignPlant Design

• Buat proyek baru dan mengatur kontrol administratif• Buat proyek baru dan mengatur kontrol administratifp y g(menggunakan ADMIN PDMS modul)

• Membuat data Katalog dan Spesifikasi Komponen desain

p y g(menggunakan ADMIN PDMS modul)

• Membuat data Katalog dan Spesifikasi Komponen desaing p pstandar dapat dipilih (menggunakan modul PARAGON)

• Merancang plant dan perencanaan, referensi dari

g p pstandar dapat dipilih (menggunakan modul PARAGON)

• Merancang plant dan perencanaan, referensi darig p pkatalog (menggunakan DESAIN modul)

• Periksa desain untuk kesalahan dan inkonsistensi (modul

g p pkatalog (menggunakan DESAIN modul)

• Periksa desain untuk kesalahan dan inkonsistensi (modul(DESAIN)

• Dokumen desain dalam bentuk gambar (pengaturan


• Dokumen desain dalam bentuk gambar (pengaturang (p gkonstruksi, umum, perakitan, dan isometrik), laporan dandaftar bahan (DRAFT dan ISODRAFT modul)

g (p gkonstruksi, umum, perakitan, dan isometrik), laporan dandaftar bahan (DRAFT dan ISODRAFT modul)

• Anda juga mungkin ingin mentransfer data ke atau daridesain sistem lain pada berbagai tahapan.

• Anda juga mungkin ingin mentransfer data ke atau daridesain sistem lain pada berbagai tahapan.

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Proses tahapan menggunakan PDMS Proses tahapan menggunakan PDMS p ggpada Plant Project baru

p ggpada Plant Project baru

• Create the project and set up administrative controls (using the PDMS ADMIN module).

• Create the Catalogue and Specification data from which

• Create the project and set up administrative controls (using the PDMS ADMIN module).

• Create the Catalogue and Specification data from which • Create the Catalogue and Specification data from which standard design Components can be selected (using the PARAGON module).

• Create the Catalogue and Specification data from which standard design Components can be selected (using the PARAGON module).

• Design the various parts of the plant, referencing items from the catalogues (using the DESIGN module).

Ch k th d i f d i i t i (DESIGN d l )

• Design the various parts of the plant, referencing items from the catalogues (using the DESIGN module).

Ch k th d i f d i i t i (DESIGN d l )• Check the design for errors and inconsistencies (DESIGN module).

• Document the design in the form of drawings (general arrangement construction assembly and isometric) reports and

• Check the design for errors and inconsistencies (DESIGN module).

• Document the design in the form of drawings (general arrangement construction assembly and isometric) reports and arrangement, construction, assembly, and isometric), reports and material lists (DRAFT and ISODRAFT modules).arrangement, construction, assembly, and isometric), reports and material lists (DRAFT and ISODRAFT modules).

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DESIGN• Created 3D modellingDESIGN• Created 3D modelling

SPOOLERSPOOLER is used for pipework SPOOLERSPOOLER is used for pipework • Created 3D modelling

• Check for interferences (clashes)

• Created 3D modelling• Check for

interferences (clashes)

SPOOLER is used for pipework spooling. It allows the designer to split the pipework design into l i l ti ( l ) d

SPOOLER is used for pipework spooling. It allows the designer to split the pipework design into l i l ti ( l ) d • Piping isomatrics can

be previewed in DESIGN

• Piping isomatrics can be previewed in DESIGN

logical sections (spools) ready for fabrication. The spool data can then be output as isometric

logical sections (spools) ready for fabrication. The spool data can then be output as isometric DESIGN DESIGN drawings using ISODRAFTdrawings using ISODRAFT

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D fiDrafing Module

Draft DiagramSchematic

model manager


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Catalogue and SpecificationSpecification Management



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Project Ad i i t tiAdministration



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How PDMS Data is StoredHow PDMS Data is StoredHow PDMS Data is StoredHow PDMS Data is Stored

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sample design equipmentsample design equipmentsample design equipmentsample design equipment

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sample design structuresample design structuresample design structuresample design structure

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sample design pipesample design pipesample design pipesample design pipe

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For review pdmsFor review pdms

• Use model review:• Use model review:

Review realityReview reality- Review reality- Review share- Review reality- Review share- other cad review product- other cad review product

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