Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u...

FORD HERALu Stt^tcfipHon $t»sb Per Tew, in Advance "i »«. \u »f . ^oiiy w^rn . tti <m .f >ii u^^n n iwt ' All Kinds Job Printing Neatly Exfcu- 17th TBAR. mNE POWERS mii TO flft»OOOj'Jll CtHM 4it«frt^ tr Htr Dooihi Aiur* e«;JipM AtoMMtkM nSCAL ODVRT IN ADJOURNBD HEHHION HABTTORP, KY., WEP^ESDAY. NO VEMBER 23, U>21 ^ O O O « n - NO. ONEISBORO leiSE LEIF i idlOlf tNRT TO mm OPENS siRoptl gokiiene mm o -o- liOfUiL DASHES LMf ReachctlHjII Att«nw]r$aiitli;WiH Clofe Ttrai in Cowitjr of WMkiaitM, NOV. ll.^M4t the MnatioM o< *>• Mtiou partMHtlat ta dfMOMloa ol Far Easun «««rtoM at the Dai^ittte CommlttM iMiion today esprMMd themselves as adhering to the pri»Y:l- plea of th* op«a door, equal oppor- tunity a*i torriMHftI ^Mgrit^ «t JiatM, tbroash Its delesatlon. •White vllUBf to dtiouo t|i« Chlneie rprognmmo m4 throw u'macli Ugtt as poMtble oil tb« gOBonI qntitlon, It was said, would refrtt in oodve protraction of the dlMUiaiOB by a detailed examination of minor points. Baron KUuro Shidehara was not «t the conference, and the Japanese ttotomont was read by Admiral ToiMMlNiro Kato. V. a views Mot 8t*ted gM^Ury Oluu-tM BTane Hoghet preelded at tie meetteg but aid not express American rlewi, ono Of the delegates exrlaliiing that the Ameri- can views were expressed by Mr. Hughes prior to the presentation of China's ten points several days ago. Statements were read by the heads of the Belgiata. British, Italian, PortngUeM Md the Netherlands' «ol«gatloaa rabocribing to the ptla- «tplo of tho oi» door k»4 t*o In- tegrity of Chlao. Minister SM later iMBOd ft itete- ment of appreciation of tho >Ylew8 expressed by the delegations and | said that China wished to reierre j the right to comment In detail at, •-•o&or time. The Ohio County FIsral Court, by order of adjournment entered at the « \ . ^;'Safi8f«iSi"iX.'''* snM9muh Aftme |l6At;|jfllft8tack^c:iMoawealih jadgo Mftok Oook wM ftaaMlag. wnk tho foHowla» iMttooa frooont: M ahowh. w. 0. Itaott, q. b. ! Brown, O. B. Scott, W. C. Danghorty, J. T. Whltehouse, B. F. Rice and B. j C. Rhoads W. C. Blankenship was' doing the clerical worli with County Attorney A. D. Kiric on hand In an advisory capacity. I Th« attention of tho court waa prtaotpony. takaii up with tho allow- lat ot aates and othor roatine bnMaOiB ta proparation for uralng oVer the fltcal ftfatn ot thO eonaty to the newly elected eonrt on Jan. 2. Mrs. Vltula Smith, wife of the present Incumbent, was elected Alms . With all floors crowd'-d to rapaci- ty by the greatest flood of tobaci^n that eyer came into Owensboro for in the an opening day's salo, ostimated at Robert Till' Ohio Circuit Court will con- vene hfrt ncx: Monday, the 28th., last term in which Judge _„ . , , W, Slack win preside as S.000.00* ponads, and witk' tho Jjty-' Jadgo of this diotrtct. erage tor tho norhfag^i oaloo _ftt , Qaito nnmbor at now aoits haro Mr. O. W.. Boom. Hartford. Route 5, paid M *a ftpyfoeiatod call yesterday. Mr. Berry Taylor, McHunry, Route I, was « pleasant oatlar at' tbls offlco Saturday. ^ m sau CIUII6E NWmjtTIO P Six Powers Accept Arm tiun Idea; Continiit: eration Chinese Po tl7.ll, moro than thro* ttmoa Be ^ boon Slo4 aineo tho last term ot price receired on tho Unt day of l^st Court, anooc whleh aro tho toUow- . .... . 1 ti 1 »_ year's sales, the local looseleaf to batco market got under way to a most auspii ions start Monday. Last year on (ipeniUK iluy. I lie en- We wUh to thank kha good citi- zens of Hartford tor their co-opera- tloa in tho roeoat tea day mooting. Tho hokse wao crowded vrmj sor- Tleo and tho good wfll a84. follow- ship was very manifest. prices- ottered. Thoy throatonod^to haul their cropa back to their barls. A mass meeting was held anil there was talk of holding the crop iuJef- Inltely. The contrast iMouduy was great. The followers of Jesus Christ are ^^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^ coming to see the folly of sectarian J^^^ ow.nsboro and tho F,r animosity and are desirous of find- ing In equity : Margaret A AdklBSi vs. Eskil Kitchens; C. C. Raymer vs.' W. T. Keown et al.; Conimonwealtli relation of S. A. , which tell below $t ajsratcher vs. Tom Hines; Felix Dera- hoadrod. It waa tho worst outlook ^ mlngs^Ts. Willie Dommlngs; Ous Aua- for tobOeoo growers ta years a«d itin vs. Lola Austin; Mrs. Mary Oor- almost to a mha. thooo who ^odjdon vs. P. T. Oordoa; W. H. Wat- crops On tho floors rojoetod no son vs. Thonws aad Bra Hamilton I * tire break of tobacco offered brought of Kentucky on House Kooper for a period ot two'^^ aTorago years. I - . . TO THE I'KOFl*: OK H.4KTFOHU Ing a common platform upon which to unite their spiritual forces and thus extend Christ's kingdom on earth. "A hottso divided against itself oaAaot staadv aad oar LoM's pray- er was tor tho unity ot His children "That they all 'might bo one" "Come, let us mako ft ^oytal nioso unto the Lord." REV. and .MRS. WM. SAVAGE. uiers' tho every face when the buyers. boghn bidding tor the weed on tho floors. When 65 baskets had been sold atr the Bessie Patterson vs. Clorine Patter- son, ?t al.; W. P. Taylor admr., Lj -y H.Tynoi ct al Li'.luh and D. | Haync<; Myrtle Graham vs. Ernest S (;i:ili i>n: \* T. Hoiiirook and \V. H. I'arks vs. Pettus Davi- a:;d L.. P. jSisk etc.; Daisy L. .M.l!"r <•( al. vs.' I Katie Dawson et al.; E. W. Jsck- . Home warohousos W wltnoss mu vs. Bverett L. Hudson; Mary first sales, aad smiles ware on Bell Lee vs. Moaroo Loo; Mrs. Isa- w«-i._ i^j,^ Hugbea vs. Riloy Hughes. Ordinary actions: L. T. Riley vs. Peter Fox Sons Co.; S. W. Anderson Owensboro house early in the ^. c, vs. Barker Hrothers; J. W. morning, the average price was Dicker vs. John Decker; Horse Shoe $14.50. aliout $7 a iiundrod more piubber Co. vs. Dtlio Dexter; J. than was ottered at the same house Decker vs. Willie Minton; Sallie |t>n opening day last year. At the Warden vs. Cumberland Tele. Washington, Nov. Conferoaeo hao reached a miliar te everybody who h ed the eoano ot Internnti gresses. Bvorything Ik in and being kept there with to c,iMi promise lati r nn II does not nie.Mi i L M eva linn will not 111' 111 fact lied, or that confn: inn has "!! the coiiforencn. rii.. varl gallons know their nay thr or 'apparent maae. The In i viscous stete of the vari 'tlons is simply like the d' Black, jntant daaghtor ot tn the baking becomes firm Mrs. C. B. Tgleheart, whO| This little explanation on the sick list for several 'lest a recital of t!ie conipl thnt developed today .diouldi Mr. Ony Raaaoy, County Court Olork-BIoet. of MoRomr. was a welcoao vkiltor at this ofleo Satur- day. Messrs. J. Edward Clark and A. I,(M King, of Henderson, were the guests of friends here over the wsok oM. I Mm. Howard Ellis and son, M.i > ter Joha Hill Ellis, went to Owens- boro, yostorday, to opoad two I throo days with roiativoa. I Helen I Mr. and hai* been days, is Improviap; rapidly. Mrs. U. 8. Carson, who has lieen n failing health tor a nuniin r of montha, is in a critical condition at her homis da llulborry itreet. \\u- p..! Idea that everything had .Inpnn N> 'a '-.ys "SIO Our p,miii.iala. w "a(rcepted in iiriuciple" t day, are fairly in the mi We stend by our rniiltal sh pcrtion ot "flve-flvo-three^' after spending sev- I where along the American leral days with Mr. Black's daughter. |i,,,,.o any I Mrs. Alvin Porter, and Mr. Porter. Mr. Praak Bla^ aad nephew. John Berry Lihooa have Unturned from Herrln, 111 -«•»<""« -ev- ! sp'ii' son-. Mrs. Mary Ellis, wlio ha the past three weelis willi In Steve, Bmest and Howard Ellis, .tnd ^•itamlllOO, Ot this city, has returned to her home, in the Alexander com- suggesi Ensiland is wilii live" Koes, lull I- Ihree." In Dili CI Ills the plan of n of weaken 1 :is far as silent about' words, she ultimate eqna G. ft Farmors House, the first 57 baskets . Teleg. co.; W. M. WardOn vs. Cum- . A- MM A... . . _^ «... m a>..-— .m- . mm VOUNG PBOPUE iugnn'oiu) boy making GOOD IN UNIVERSITY Lszington, Ky., .Alloa Wllaoa, the Nov son l-).—John of> John B Mr. Hollaed Gray and Miss Flos- sie ShowB and Mr. Armel Gray and Miss Mavil Travis surprised their many triends, on Saturday, the lath. inst. laveragod flS.Sl. Tho top price at tbU time was 140 a ha^roA and trash was going at It. |, ^ AH of the local t ^g^» »>induPrtoa were represented. Ttrnfi were also a luiinher of buyers here from Hen- berlaad Tola. * Tolas. Co.; Praak Williams vs. Will Wall; Lawolloa Francis vs * - "' Mr. Walton Potty. Of Harrisburg, ,Ark.. has arrived here to spend the Broadway Coal Mining jjianksgiving season with his molh- Co.; Robert Francis vs. Broadway Coal Mining Co.; Guenther Hard- ware Co. vs. C. W. Hoover; Sidney __ _ - deraon Hopkinsville, Bowling Ojoen j wiliiams vs. Foster Bennett; Lemon ^t1WI>^'' . tlill " jphurris V. I i'. R. R. Co.; Butler getUag mifrrM- HtlilltwSltJ ^- Brothers vs. Otho Dexter , are brotbert. aad aso ooai atli^- Tke- highest price paid for dark Wilaoa, of Hartford, is a sophumore j ^ ^ aoor Taty, loaf waa 4t. t^-TarBers; House ... ... i «—rtn. at the ^i^y^ ^^i^^g daughters of when J. Davto roeotm Trash Mr. and Mrs. "Isaac Shown and Mr. on this load brought tlftt^^^l^b a la tho collogi 9t Baglnoaring at the University of Kontuoky. Ho gradu- ated from the Hartford High School in the class of 1920 and entered thO "University the following Septombor, ^ tueae are splendid young people where ^e has been making an ^^^^^j ^^^^ ^^^^^ wishes of a host trea*^.^' good record Mr. Wilson trlwA*. tor the utmoat haftpiness has, t«<cently been Initiated into the ^ ^^^^ Tsiangie Fraternity and he is also a mamkor ot thi. Sophomore En- ginaoiM Society Wad of the Amerl- <an Aaaociatloia'ot Baglnoors. whloh xh* marrtago ot Mrs. Mary Stalo* yaar, has one ot ulo largoat atamhorohipa I ,orth, ot asar towa, and Mr. Harvey "«t4iny stii4bnt aeUTity oa tho tTat-jn^, Powell, of Do Koven, Ky.. took erslty ^iampus. He Is pbnaias to pji^Q^ Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock graduate from the CoUegO ,ot Bn-'^j home of Mr and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Nade Travis, of Hartford, Route 3. , These are splendid young and have the best wishes of of ft _ throttshout thotr' woddoA Itta. Harbison- Oathwrigbt Co., vs. Otho Dexter; C. D. Balla vs. Loo HiU; B. L. Cal- bert vs. L. * N. R. Co. -s:-.-^ The following namod citisens final average oC AtthOjiu^y, ordor^ upoa tho Oraad piiree West 8tre«, Boss Bell, Ot Whites- ' b. Bq|i4 Ooorgs T. Tins-, viUe, was paid $64 for a baakot of i^jr, Frank Cooper,~^Jo|in B. Brown leaf, the top price at this house. I jjarion Shultz, R. C. Tlchenor, W Trash on this load sold for $3.70. w. Dangherty, J. P. (Jambron. E. F. .Taylor, C. A. Crowe. John Qulsen- ! berry, O. R. Tlnsley, J. W. Allen, H. L. Taylor, Walden Haynes. Clayton Bosarth, J. Tomerlin, B. O. in our navy and hers, sajra about the interruption ot naval holiday, and will fight mnalty. 'with us in eommlttee about rines and cruisers, but aj|^ to express an opinion ns to''th. of our proposal fn' i pan's navy. Jn|)an has lirai '! ii|i and tonight id it 111' know.i Mini iMe will nnvOC.; never a^M e lo li il^l lier capita! shia to 60 per ci iii 111 I lie number all J fid to the United States' aaa 'to''ttf Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Holbrook ' conveying the intention that, apoat Friday in Owensboro. They I ^gardless of what happens, iko were accompanied to that city by ^^^^^ ^^^^ 70 cent and thiaka their son. Mr. MeHoary Hoibrook, l.^e (o |,Qve 76 per cent. niinnM* Phase Stll! Snarled er. Mrs. R. R. Wedding, and Jud^e Wedding. He will probably remain several days. and wito, who roauilao* for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hwdoraoa Mur It was conceded by both tolmcco growers and warehousemen, in well, tho markot Is much stronger for the typo ot weed offered than la4t ^rKUUa^^ ....... cti .M^ gineoring with the claas ot 1M4. Henahaw HUg EMMA .lOHNSON MAK> ING EXt^LliKNT RBOORD LOUiavlUe, Ky., Nov. 21.— Among tto Oakars of the public school aiagle elate of the Louisville Con- j^,^^^, ,^ ^^^^ ^ soroatory of Masic who are now oW Rev. R i elating. Only the 'Immediate family were present. I Mr. and Mrs. Powell left Wed- nesday mpraiag tor Morganfield, whoro thoy will ,make thoir home. The Horatd Joins thOiC' many Avotaao U f 1T.1S On a salo ot lM.T«t poaads. at both houses, tho flnal avorago was $17.19. Many high averages were E. Fuqua offl- ! ^ade, but as neither of the sales it members of the either of the two houses was coin- pl^ted at the noon hour, the average on the total sales were not tabulated. ~OwoaahoM> lasalror. talning practleal agportaaco in taach- )in« >ntt»l« * tho sakllo aohoola ot Louisville is Miaa Bpaa Johaaoa. slaughter of Mrs. B. J. Johason. Fordsvllle. This Ohio County girl U one of the thirty-three who are leamtag the most advanced methods •( uachiOf mualc in schools and ot loa4la8 ooamaaHy slaglag under -tho galdaaoa of tho faculty ot the coaiarvatory. Reports from hor twtehfip aio to tho ofoct that Miss Johaaoa la maktag an excolloat record la kar work and that she te oaa of tho moat popaUr students of tho >nkooI amoas kor olaasmates. KBNTUCKr OIRL HONORED uus aad happy tuturo. pROTRAcntD MBBmro aumm HOW OPBUniNa DAY PRICEH (^MPARE WITH THOHE OV FOKMEK YEAR.4 Ohio County Group Bvangellst, Wm. SavBge, closed a ten-day meet- ing at this place, last Wednesday night. Large audiencee were pres- ent at all aorrloaa aad many com- plimoata waio paaaod on the able and laatruottTO aotatoBS ot Bro. 8a v- ago ao wall aa tho boautitnl aiagiag of Mra. Savago. While thero were only two addltiona to tho ehureh the meeting was by no means unauccaas tul, and it is the opinion Of ail that '9^*-*''^ mush and lastinc gooH was aoaom tor tor tor to Hales Moariay Owoaabwo sold S0t,7«l Ihs.. $60.«4I.U. avr., llt.TS Panao#a sold lt«,««« Iho., /47,860, avr., IK.SO. ' Tot»l sales— 592,705 Iba., $98,4b5.BS. Aver.ige $18.«1. lOaO Opening Halaa £7U,iai 4bs„ tor |l»,«, arr.. $7.23. 1019 Opening Mnim t08.1t0 Iba., tor $»«,430.62, avr . O. M. Biahop, J. B. Bahbltt, M. V. 1 Roatrow, R. H. Oillaopla, L. C. Mor- ton, Stonewall Cook. List of Petit Jurora to bo sum- moned for the first day of the •erni : R. Y. Daveuport. Will Cliii k, N (J Hunley, R. E. Gentry. Julin W. Thomas, C. D. Bean_ E. P Barnard. M. D. King, James Gray. William Gkriotlan. J. C. Ralph. R. P. Mc- Dowell, L. D. Pulkorson, J. J gia. W. L. MeKsraoa, W. B. Bakor, A. R. Caraoa, V. S. Ooadit. J. A. Duke, Sam P. Bonnett, Joka R. Daniel. J. E. Bean, Warren Hoppo^ Richard Shields, C. H. I^'armer, A. E Pate, .\ S Chinn. Mack Daniel, C. W. Raniiey. M. F, Faught J. D. Mr. J. Rnsseli I'irtle, who liaK l:een in the employ of Ihe Stude- t>«ker Corporation at Deiroit. Mich , for the paiit- several years, arrived here Friday to bo 1^ g!>ext of his paroate. Or. and Mra. J. PirUe Barrass, tor aboat throo wooks. Among our approeiatod viaitors Tuesday were Measra. L. M. Askins, Narrows; T. P Fentress, Barrett's Ferry; Ciuyiiian Westerfleld, Nar- rows; F. (). Coffman, Point Pleas- ant; Mra. O. C. Westerfleld. Nar- rows, aad Marria Parks, eity. Till' Ciilnese i\n -lions are as well I snarled .is ever. Tliey did^ It la true .olnpi a resointhi embracing four general prlnci|i' - tor the discuSSton ol Ciilnese alf iM < the msotthg Of tlie (uuiniittce u i Fur Eastarik aad Paclllc questions but tonl|[h)t dilegntion and It"^ :Mits reling over what Elihu jtnoduced the rcsolttt ' meant. Ev.'iy co-ivcu that liave lii- ii ha'.i cirri "! ing I'lliM and 111" mil' : themselves Jn.^i -^11 of the myriads a .th» Far But >.M ion tor yespect- •r. iKniy—and Jtapwii^ Towers have halpod iiie camo«, "Rm aoo< Helton. Fred Boone, |l. W. Maddox, E. W. Jackson, Herbert Wester- Sold. W. 0. Mr. Joha Plenor, of Cromwell, Jama, was tho Tictiai ot a painful accident last Wodaoaday wkllo kaatiak on Taylor'a Lako la Butlor Oouaty. A stray shot struck him In tho eye aad lodged back of the ball. He was taken to Louisville for examination and tre.itmeni, wliiili, it was hoped, would result lu savinB liis sight. load devlaratiuu. might^«|||aa ' that i verybody was pledgeA^Mpt agt of China; otherwiM>, liow Vvis BOiag to be left uniniii.irrassed to work out a stable noM inmentT The llin.l paraphrase ol i which is no old I of the princip' ' i< —By Oharlos \fi I' is simply a 1 1 pen door" policy. I hau tllO v; iiiuuciatod, . -ison. Wi CLERK I elrtun4- number of nelghW' THAXKS I lake this method of publicly ex- Largeet coUectioa pre<>iing my deepest tlianks to the Sunday 8cS!Wpl negt Buaday ...till many loyal friends who aided in my Preaching .11:00 a. m. aad T p. D. 'n'lVll tha opoaiag day avoraga olection to the high office of county .. very imu n regrot j The local Methodist Sunday School recently been forced 1^' elrtm^T makoB tko lolUnrtBS ro»oat lor last gUMa (• amit a number of nelghW- jkood ooaannlcMiious. Wa trust «n^': .Jt ^M- eorroapoadonis will pardon %a aaA" Mr. Leo Klac Hoadoraon. favor us with m ir reguiMi^-^^^ Collection |t.S9 tatters, tor wo appreciato t%|)||!. and are oliN too gla4 ^ Totol pi visitor 111111 111 To ill pitabsd. I was $14.10. In 1*17 the Uo lish their poMible. pearanco we ui»;> not later than .m .1. iiions >' their Ilia I tbap. .eonrt clerk at the recent general The Board of Directors ot . _^ opadlBg day amaio olaotioa. I tsoi tho great roapoaai- Hartford National Farm Lioan As- day or Saturday, n pusstb ' - liiittv naw dav^lviac uDOa BO aad aoeiattoa. eomposod of .Messrs. H. B. SPBClALTHANKHtaviNUHERVlc-B wa. $ ... t^JSoJlTi^^ SSJaa H. W. Haya... Hart, . -V T77 ... ' . ! «2 sarnoat oAirto to tho aad that I ford. Rouato •: W. H. RhMia. Boa- '^-••^'-•ir' Hart;::rr.Z t^. o^in, a^a.. ^.r adm....ter the busmea. Of tho v.r Dam. Ro.te ,; ( fxarmiru o.v ,4,3 county ia sacfc a manner that you Hartford. Route 4, aad W. W. Plr- ' NO Burlsy waa sol* Moaiay.-Ow- ! will havo aa «0M0 to fosrol pour LouUvllle, Ky.. Nov. 19.—That Miaa Sarah H. Vance, director of the ^ ftato Board ot Health's Bureau of ^ |i|,se o'elpck toatorro* Taro roods aad Drugs, was elected g,oralac. Tkls U to bo a aaloa Wi <"» ou"., w— - -vleo proaidaat of tko Aasociallon ot ovvyoao iaritsd aad arg-laaskoro Mpsesgor Amoriaan Wr. »00d and Drug ^ to preaent tor tko purpoas et | 1 ' ^' uniting In offsrtng thank* for tho Rev. Ooorgo M. HamnoM. no- many blesaings our Creator has bo- tional speakor tor the Aftl4aiooa «ame known here today upon the rood and Drug Oflclala at that orgaaisatioa's re- cant mooting at Maimi, Pla., be- Wturn of Miss Vanco lo Louisville. In addition to having this honor conferred upon her. Miss Vance was ' aolaotod by the association to respond to tho addraas ot wolooms delivered oa hohalt ol tho MaMU oflteials stowed upoa us as individuals and League Ot America, ad«(Oaoad a choice, thanking you. I rmnain Respectfully yours, OUT RAMNBT. as a people during the past year. large audiaaeo at tho lo«al Mathad- lat church. Suaday morniag at Mr. Ford Bryson accompanied by ^^ ii:UO o'clock. He clearlr and Mrs. Bryson, ot Qallatla, Tann., (oarleesly praseuted tacts concerning with the L. A N. R. R, Company, de- ^^^^ disregard fur the llquur Uws and i hohalt ol the MaMU oaoiais. pgrtmoat ot real estate valuation and ^^g,^ ^i^oaa who believe in law en- ....... The association oonetdered the pppraiaeauat, arrived la HarUord (^^gieat W awake from their they had charg MirabtUty of holding Ite nest i.m «Mk. aad wUl be here tea days laumrgy. staad bohlad the oSeers of good crowd ati IVKS tie. city, met at the oSleo ol Secretary-Treasurer, McDowell Fogle, Saturday aflernoou for transaction of routine buslneBB. the A. the METHODIST BAZAAR 4ies of the Hartford Ckareh wil); give a Junior church , haoeao#t, aet(t -The la- Methodist ia tko Taopday, <|MirabtUty of holding meeting la Loutsvll^ Ntsa Vance uald today, aad she ^redtcta that witkOit d«tk( It ym dome to Kea- Last Sunday aight Leasuers of Beaver Dam Methodist Nov, 19th. Both dlaaor 0*4 sap- chiiri h rendered a splendid {trogram. per will bo served aad there wlB be A Junior choir was organized aud ou display a wide range of useful [e of the musk. A article* suitable for gifts or your ast week, aad wUl be here tea days ilmargy. ataad bohlad tke oSeers of good crowd attended the servicea- own use Ti,...^i» .n atieudancu i>i in the lnte.-»st of thr Company. the law. eaopurage tbaai aad SM that The Jijalor choir will have charge court as well as ot the song lOfviee on the trst Sun- have the opportunity imbor. Bvoryoae is ia- of I Tho Women's Missionary ol tko Hartford Methodl^;^ met with Mrs. J . 9. afternoon. A siecial program wat> nnde vociil 1 olo liy Mi •• 'icat- InHlruiiicntuI n. by ,Rhea Oarti' u. i:v> ry fea I program was biKhiy en ladlao. At the clone a del eoa ^aa aorrod by tho u- i Mrs. BeUie Taylor from a visit with her Lida Miller of near U they do their duty. Mrs. Praak 'ptock was a pleasant . .. da; caller at t^p ^((ee. Monday. Tk« RanfoO l«"ratd, It.H tka yoai vl dtlxeus will of partaking a saais|aoi$a ropaot and at tke - •* -*• a' arbrthy caaao. Mrs. Josle Uuki the bedside of bei' B. Carsuu. of duug This sjirtt M ^11 i(i/i/?:' WW?

Transcript of Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u...

Page 1: Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u »f.^oiiyw^rn. ttiii u^^nniwt ' AllKindsJobPrintingNeatlyExfcu-17thTBAR. mNEPOWERSmiiTO

FORD HERALuStt^tcfipHon $t»sb Per Tew, in Advance "i »«. \u »f

.^oiiy w^rn

.tti <m .f >ii u^^n n iwt

' All Kinds Job Printing Neatly Exfcu-

17th TBAR.


flft»OOOj'Jll CtHM

4it«frt^ tr Htr Dooihi Aiur*

e«;JipM AtoMMtkM



^ O O O » O « n-



mm OPENS siRoptl gokiiene mmo



LMf ReachctlHjII Att«nw]r$aiitli;WiH Clofe

Ttrai in Cowitjr

ofWMkiaitM, NOV. ll.^M4tthe MnatioM o< *>• MtioupartMHtlat ta dfMOMloa ol Far

Easun «««rtoM at the Dai^ittte

CommlttM iMiion today esprMMd

themselves as adhering to the pri»Y:l-

plea of th* op«a door, equal oppor-

tunity a*i torriMHftI ^Mgrit^ «t

JiatM, tbroash Its delesatlon.

•White vllUBf to dtiouo t|i« Chlneie

rprognmmo m4 throw u'macli Ugtt

as poMtble oil tb« gOBonI qntitlon,

It was said, would refrtt in oodve

protraction of the dlMUiaiOB by a

• detailed examination of minor


Baron KUuro Shidehara was not

«t the conference, and the Japanese

ttotomont was read by Admiral

ToiMMlNiro Kato.

V. a views Mot 8t*ted

gM^Ury Oluu-tM BTane Hoghet

preelded at tie meetteg but aid not

express American rlewi, ono Of the

delegates exrlaliiing that the Ameri-

can views were expressed by Mr.

Hughes prior to the presentation of

China's ten points several days ago.

Statements were read by the heads

of the Belgiata. British, Italian,

PortngUeM Md the Netherlands'

«ol«gatloaa rabocribing to the ptla-

«tplo of tho oi» door k»4 t*o In-

tegrity of Chlao.

Minister SM later iMBOd ft itete-

ment of appreciation of tho >Ylew8

expressed by the delegations and|

said that China wished to reierrej

the right to comment In detail at,

•-•o&or time.

The Ohio County FIsral Court, by

order of adjournment entered at the' « \ .

^;'Safi8f«iSi"iX.'''* snM9muh Aftme |l6At;|jfllft8tack^c:iMoawealih

jadgo Mftok Oook wM ftaaMlag.

wnk tho foHowla» iMttooa frooont:

M ahowh. w. 0. Itaott, q. b.

! Brown, O. B. Scott, W. C. Danghorty,

J. T. Whltehouse, B. F. Rice and B.j

C. Rhoads W. C. Blankenship was'

doing the clerical worli with County

Attorney A. D. Kiric on hand In an

advisory capacity. I

Th« attention of tho court waa

prtaotpony. takaii up with tho allow-

lat ot aates and othor roatine

bnMaOiB ta proparation for uralng

oVer the fltcal ftfatn ot thO eonaty

to the newly elected eonrt on Jan.

2. Mrs. Vltula Smith, wife of the

present Incumbent, was elected Alms

. With all floors crowd'-d to rapaci-

ty by the greatest flood of tobaci^n

that eyer came into Owensboro for in the

an opening day's salo, ostimated at Robert

Till' Ohio Circuit Court will con-

vene hfrt ncx: Monday, the 28th.,

last term in which Judge

_„ . , , — W, Slack win preside as

S.000.00* ponads, and witk' tho Jjty-' Jadgo of this diotrtct.

erage tor tho norhfag^i oaloo _ftt,

Qaito • nnmbor at now aoits haro

Mr. O. W.. Boom. Hartford.

Route 5, paid M *a ftpyfoeiatod call


Mr. Berry Taylor, McHunry,

Route I, was « pleasant oatlar at'

tbls offlco Saturday. ^\

m sau CIUII6E


Six Powers Accept Arm

tiun Idea; Continiit:

eration Chinese Po

tl7.ll, moro than thro* ttmoa Be ^ boon Slo4 aineo tho last term ot

price receired on tho Unt day of l^st Court, anooc whleh aro tho toUow-. .... . 1 ti 1 • »_

year's sales, the local looseleaf to

batco market got under way to a

most auspii ions start Monday.

Last year on (ipeniUK iluy. I lie en-

We wUh to thank kha good citi-

zens of Hartford tor their co-opera-

tloa in tho roeoat tea day mooting.

Tho hokse wao crowded vrmj sor-

Tleo and tho good wfll a84. follow-

ship was very manifest.

prices- ottered. Thoy throatonod^to

haul their cropa back to their barls.

A mass meeting was held anil there

was talk of holding the crop iuJef-


The contrast iMouduy was great.The followers of Jesus Christ are

^^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^coming to see the folly of sectarian J^^^ ow.nsboro and tho F,ranimosity and are desirous of find-


In equity : Margaret A AdklBSi

vs. Eskil Kitchens; C. C. Raymer vs.'

W. T. Keown et al.; Conimonwealtli

relation of S. A.

, which tell below $t ajsratcher vs. Tom Hines; Felix Dera-

hoadrod. It waa tho worst outlook^mlngs^Ts. Willie Dommlngs; Ous Aua-

for tobOeoo growers ta years a«d itin vs. Lola Austin; Mrs. Mary Oor-

almost to a mha. thooo who ^odjdon vs. P. T. Oordoa; W. H. Wat-

crops On tho floors rojoetod no son vs. Thonws aad Bra HamiltonI

* •

tire break of tobacco offered brought of Kentucky onHouse Kooper for a period ot two'^^ aToragoyears. I - . .


Ing a common platform upon which

to unite their spiritual forces and

thus extend Christ's kingdom on


"A hottso divided against itself

oaAaot staadv aad oar LoM's pray-

er was tor tho unity ot His children

"That they all 'might bo one"

"Come, let us mako ft ^oytal nioso

unto the Lord."




every face when the buyers. boghn

bidding tor the weed on tho floors.

When 65 baskets had been sold atr


Bessie Patterson vs. Clorine Patter-

son, ?t al.; W. P. Taylor admr.,


Lj -y H.Tynoi ct al Li'.luh and D.|

Haync<; Myrtle Graham vs. Ernest

S (;i:ili i>n: \* T. Hoiiirook and \V.

H. I'arks vs. Pettus Davi- a:;d L.. P.

jSisk etc.; Daisy L. .M.l!"r <•( al. vs.'


Katie Dawson et al.; E. W. Jsck-

. Home warohousos W wltnoss mu vs. Bverett L. Hudson; Maryfirst sales, aad smiles ware on

. Bell Lee vs. Moaroo Loo; Mrs. Isa-w«-i._

i^j,^ Hugbea vs. Riloy Hughes.

Ordinary actions: L. T. Riley vs.

Peter Fox Sons Co.; S. W. Anderson

Owensboro house early in the ^. c, vs. Barker Hrothers; J. W.morning, the average price was Dicker vs. John Decker; Horse Shoe

$14.50. aliout $7 a iiundrod more piubber Co. vs. Dtlio Dexter; J.

than was ottered at the same house Decker vs. Willie Minton; Sallie

|t>n opening day last year. At the Warden vs. Cumberland Tele.

Washington, Nov.

Conferoaeo hao reached a

miliar te everybody who h

ed the eoano ot Internnti

gresses. Bvorything Ik in

and being kept there with

to c,iMi promise lati r nn

II does not nie.Mi i L M eva

linn will not 111' 111 fact

lied, or that confn: inn has

"!! the coiiforencn. rii.. varl

gallons know their nay thr

or 'apparent maae. The In


viscous stete of the vari

'tlons is simply like the d'

Black, jntant daaghtor ot tn the baking becomes firm

Mrs. C. B. Tgleheart, whO| This little explanation l«

on the sick list for several 'lest a recital of t!ie conipl

thnt developed today .diouldi

Mr. Ony Raaaoy, County Court

Olork-BIoet. of MoRomr. was a

welcoao vkiltor at this ofleo Satur-


Messrs. J. Edward Clark and A.

I,(M King, of Henderson, were the

guests of friends here over the

wsok oM.


Mm. Howard Ellis and son, M.i >

ter Joha Hill Ellis, went to Owens-

boro, yostorday, to opoad two

Ithroo days with roiativoa.


I Mr. and1 hai* been

days, is Improviap; rapidly.

Mrs. U. 8. Carson, who has lieen

n failing health tor a nuniin r of

montha, is in a critical condition at

her homis da llulborry itreet.



Idea that everything had

.Inpnn N> 'a '-.ys "SIO

Our p,miii.iala. w"a(rcepted in iiriuciple" t

day, are fairly in the miWe stend by our rniiltal sh

pcrtion ot "flve-flvo-three^'

after spending sev-I where along the American

leral days with Mr. Black's daughter. '

|i,,,,.o any

I Mrs. Alvin Porter, and Mr. Porter.

Mr. Praak Bla^ aad nephew.

John Berry Lihooa have Unturned

from Herrln, 111 -«•»<""« -ev- !


son-.Mrs. Mary Ellis, wlio ha

the past three weelis willi In

Steve, Bmest and Howard Ellis, .tnd

^•itamlllOO, Ot this city, has returned

to her home, in the Alexander com-


Ensiland is wilii

live" Koes, lull I-

Ihree." In Dili

CI Ills the plan of

n of weaken1 :is far as

silent about'

words, she

ultimate eqna



Farmors House, the first 57 baskets. Teleg. co.; W. M. WardOn vs. Cum-

. A- • MM A... . . _^ «... m a>..-— .m- . mm


iugnn'oiu) boy makingGOOD IN UNIVERSITY

Lszington, Ky.,

.Alloa Wllaoa, the


l-).—Johnof> John B

Mr. Hollaed Gray and Miss Flos-

sie ShowB and Mr. Armel Gray and

Miss Mavil Travis surprised their

many triends, on Saturday, the lath.


laveragod flS.Sl. Tho top price at

tbU time was 140 a ha^roA and

trash was going at It.|, ^

AH of the local t^g^»»>induPrtoawere represented. Ttrnfi were also

a luiinher of buyers here from Hen-

berlaad Tola. * Tolas. Co.; PraakWilliams vs. Will Wall; Lawolloa

Francis vs *— - "—• —


Mr. Walton Potty. Of Harrisburg,

,Ark.. has arrived here to spend the

Broadway Coal Mining jjianksgiving season with his molh-

Co.; Robert Francis vs. BroadwayCoal Mining Co.; Guenther Hard-

ware Co. vs. C. W. Hoover; Sidney

__ _ - deraon Hopkinsville, Bowling Ojoenjwiliiams vs. Foster Bennett; Lemon

^t1WI>^'' . tlill " jphurris V. I i'. R. R. Co.; Butler

getUag mifrrM- HtlilltwSltJ ^- Brothers vs. Otho Dexter

, are brotbert. aad aso ooai atli^- Tke- highest price paid for dark

Wilaoa, of Hartford, is a sophumorej ^ ^ aoor Taty, loaf waa 4t. t^-TarBers; House

... ... i «—rtn. at the^i^y^ ^^i^^g daughters of when J. Davto roeotm Trash

Mr. and Mrs. "Isaac Shown and Mr. on this load brought tlftt^^^l^b ala tho collogi 9t Baglnoaring at the

University of Kontuoky. Ho gradu-

ated from the Hartford High School

in the class of 1920 and entered thO

"University the following Septombor,^

tueae are splendid young people

where ^e has been making an^^^^^j ^^^^ ^^^^^ wishes of a host

trea*^.^' good record Mr. WilsontrlwA*. tor the utmoat haftpiness

has, t«<cently been Initiated into the ^ —^^^^

Tsiangie Fraternity and he is also

a mamkor ot thi. Sophomore En-

ginaoiM Society Wad of the Amerl-:

<an Aaaociatloia'ot Baglnoors. whloh xh* marrtago ot Mrs. Mary Stalo* yaar,

has one ot ulo largoat atamhorohipa I ,orth, ot asar towa, and Mr. Harvey

"«t4iny stii4bnt aeUTity oa tho tTat-jn^, Powell, of Do Koven, Ky.. took

erslty ^iampus. He Is pbnaias to pji^Q^ Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock

graduate from the CoUegO ,ot Bn-'^j home of Mr and Mrs. Henry

and Mrs. Nade Travis, of Hartford,

Route 3.

,These are splendid young

and have the best wishes of

of ft _throttshout thotr' woddoA Itta.


Oathwrigbt Co., vs. Otho Dexter;

C. D. Balla vs. Loo HiU; B. L. Cal-

bert vs. L. * N. R. Co.

-s:-.-^ The following namod citisens

final average oC AtthOjiu^y, ordor^ upoa tho Oraad piiree

West 8tre«, Boss Bell, Ot Whites-


b. Bq|i4 Ooorgs T. Tins-,

viUe, was paid $64 for a baakot of i^jr, Frank Cooper,~^Jo|in B. Brownleaf, the top price at this house. I jjarion Shultz, R. C. Tlchenor, WTrash on this load sold for $3.70.

j w. Dangherty, J. P. (Jambron. E. F.

.Taylor, C. A. Crowe. John Qulsen-

! berry, O. R. Tlnsley, J. W. Allen, H.

L. Taylor, Walden Haynes. Clayton

Bosarth, J. Tomerlin, B. O.

in our navy and hers, sajra

about the interruption ot

naval holiday, and will fight

mnalty. 'with us in eommlttee aboutrines and cruisers, but aj|^

to express an opinion ns to''th.

of our proposal fn' i pan's navy.

Jn|)an has lirai '! ii|i and tonight

id it 111' know.i Mini iMe will nnvOC.;

never a^M e lo li il^l lier capita! shia

to 60 per ci iii 111 I lie number all

J fid to the United States' aaa 'to''ttf

Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Holbrook' conveying the intention that,

apoat Friday in Owensboro. They I ^gardless of what happens, ikowere accompanied to that city by ^^^^^ ^^^^ 70 cent and thiaka

their son. Mr. MeHoary Hoibrook, l.^e (o |,Qve 76 per cent.

niinnM* Phase Stll! Snarled

er. Mrs. R. R. Wedding, and Jud^e


Wedding. He will probably remain


several days.

and wito, who roauilao* for a visit

with Mr. and Mrs. Hwdoraoa Mur

It was conceded by both tolmcco

growers and warehousemen, in well,

tho markot Is much stronger for the

typo ot weed offered than la4t

^rKUUa^^ ....... cti .M^

gineoring with the claas ot 1M4. Henahaw


LOUiavlUe, Ky., Nov. 21.—Among

tto Oakars of the public school

aiagle elate of the Louisville Con-1

j^,^^^, ,^ ^^^^ ^soroatory of Masic who are now oW

Rev. R


elating. Only the

'Immediate family were present.


Mr. and Mrs. Powell left Wed-

nesday mpraiag tor Morganfield,

whoro thoy will ,make thoir home.

The Horatd Joins thOiC' many

Avotaao U f1T.1S

On a salo ot lM.T«t poaads. at

both houses, tho flnal avorago was

$17.19. Many high averages were

E. Fuqua offl- ! ^ade, but as neither of the sales it

members of the either of the two houses was coin-

pl^ted at the noon hour, the average

on the total sales were not tabulated.

• ~OwoaahoM> lasalror.

talning practleal agportaaco in taach-

)in« >ntt»l« * tho sakllo aohoola ot

Louisville is Miaa Bpaa Johaaoa.

slaughter of Mrs. B. J. Johason.

Fordsvllle. This Ohio County girl

U one of the thirty-three who are

leamtag the most advanced methods

•( uachiOf mualc in schools and ot

loa4la8 ooamaaHy slaglag under

-tho galdaaoa of tho faculty ot

the coaiarvatory. Reports from

hor twtehfip aio to tho ofoct

that Miss Johaaoa la maktag

an excolloat record la kar work and

that she te oaa of tho moat popaUr

students of tho >nkooI amoas kor



uus aad happy tuturo.

pROTRAcntD MBBmro aumm


Ohio County Group Bvangellst,

Wm. SavBge, closed a ten-day meet-

ing at this place, last Wednesday

night. Large audiencee were pres-

ent at all aorrloaa aad many com-

plimoata waio paaaod on the able

and laatruottTO aotatoBS ot Bro. 8av-

ago ao wall aa tho boautitnl aiagiag

of Mra. Savago. While thero were

only two addltiona to tho ehureh the

meeting was by no means unauccaas,

tul, and it is the opinion Of ail that '9^*-*''^

mush and lastinc gooH was aoaom




to Hales Moariay

Owoaabwo sold S0t,7«l Ihs..

$60.«4I.U. avr., llt.TS

Panao#a sold lt«,««« Iho.,

/47,860, avr., IK.SO.' Tot»l sales— 592,705 Iba.,

$98,4b5.BS. Aver.ige $18.«1.

lOaO Opening Halaa

£7U,iai 4bs„ tor |l»,«, arr..


1019 Opening Mnim

t08.1t0 Iba., tor $»«,430.62, avr .

O. M. Biahop, J. B. Bahbltt, M. V. 1

Roatrow, R. H. Oillaopla, L. C. Mor-

ton, Stonewall Cook.

List of Petit Jurora to bo sum-moned for the first day of the •erni


R. Y. Daveuport. Will Cliii k, N (J

Hunley, R. E. Gentry. Julin W.

Thomas, C. D. Bean_ E. P Barnard.

M. D. King, James Gray. William

Gkriotlan. J. C. Ralph. R. P. Mc-

Dowell, L. D. Pulkorson, J. J

gia. W. L. MeKsraoa, W. B. Bakor,

A. R. Caraoa, V. S. Ooadit. J. A.

Duke, Sam P. Bonnett, Joka R.

Daniel. J. E. Bean, Warren Hoppo^Richard Shields, C. H. I^'armer, A.

E Pate, .\ S Chinn. Mack Daniel,

C. W. Raniiey. M. F, Faught J. D.

Mr. J. Rnsseli I'irtle, who liaK

l:een in the employ of Ihe Stude-

t>«ker Corporation at Deiroit. Mich ,

for the paiit- several years, arrived

here Friday to bo 1^ g!>ext of his

paroate. Or. and Mra. J. R» PirUeBarrass, tor aboat throo wooks.

Among our approeiatod viaitors

Tuesday were Measra. L. M. Askins,

Narrows; T. P Fentress, Barrett's

Ferry; Ciuyiiian Westerfleld, Nar-

rows; F. (). Coffman, Point Pleas-

ant; Mra. O. C. Westerfleld. Nar-

rows, aad Marria Parks, eity.

Till' Ciilnese i\n -lions are as well

Isnarled .is ever. Tliey did^ It la true

.olnpi a resointhi I embracing four

general prlnci|i' - tor the discuSSton

ol Ciilnese alf iM < the msotthg Of

tlie (uuiniittce u i Fur Eastarik aadPaclllc questions but tonl|[h)t

dilegntion and It"^ :Mits

reling over what Elihu

jtnoduced the rcsolttt

' meant.

Ev.'iy co-ivcu

that liave lii- ii

ha'.i cirri "! •

ing I'lliM

and 111" mil'


: themselves Jn.^i

-^11 of the myriadsa .th» Far But>.M ion tor yespect-

•r. iKniy—and Jtapwii^

Towers have halpodiiie camo«, "Rm aoo<

Helton. Fred Boone, |l. W. Maddox,

E. W. Jackson, Herbert Wester-

Sold. W. 0.

Mr. Joha Plenor, of Cromwell,

Jama, was tho Tictiai ot a painful accident

last Wodaoaday wkllo kaatiak on

Taylor'a Lako la Butlor Oouaty. A

stray shot struck him In tho eye aad

lodged back of the ball. He was

taken to Louisville for examination

and tre.itmeni, wliiili, it was hoped,

would result lu savinB liis sight.

load devlaratiuu. might^«|||aa ' thati verybody was pledgeA^Mpt agt ofChina; otherwiM>, liow Vvis BOiagto be left uniniii.irrassed to workout a stable noM inmentT

The llin.l ,

paraphrase ol i

which is no old I

of the princip' 'i<

—By Oharlos \fi

I' is simply a1

1pen door" policy.

I hau tllO v;


. -ison.



I elrtun4-

number of nelghW'


I lake this method of publicly ex- Largeet coUectioa

pre<>iing my deepest tlianks to the Sunday 8cS!Wpl negt Buaday ...till

many loyal friends who aided in my Preaching .11:00 a. m. aad T p. D.

'n'lVll tha opoaiag day avoraga olection to the high office of county

.. „ very imu n regrotj

The local Methodist Sunday School recently been forced 1^' elrtm^TmakoB tko lolUnrtBS ro»oat lor last gUMa (• amit a number of nelghW-

jkood ooaannlcMiious. Wa trust «n^':.Jt ^M- ' eorroapoadonis will pardon %a aaA"Mr. Leo Klac Hoadoraon. favor us with m ir reguiMi^-^^^

Collection |t.S9 tatters, tor wo appreciato t%|)||!.

and are oliN too gla4 ^

Totol pi


111111 111

To ill

pitabsd. I

was $14.10.

IIn 1*17 the


lish their


pearanco we ui»;>

not later than .m

.1. iiions

>' their

Ilia I tbap.

.eonrt clerk at the recent general The Board of Directors ot. _^

opadlBg day amaio olaotioa. I tsoi tho great roapoaai- Hartford National Farm Lioan As- day or Saturday, n pusstb'

— -— — liiittv naw dav^lviac uDOa BO aad aoeiattoa. eomposod of .Messrs. H. B.SPBClALTHANKHtaviNUHERVlc-B wa. $ ... t^JSoJlTi^^ SSJaa H. W. Haya... Hart,

. -V T77 ... ' . ! «2 sarnoat oAirto to tho aad that I ford. Rouato •: W. H. RhMia. Boa-

'^-••^'-•ir' Hart;::rr.Z t^. o^in, a^a.. ^.r adm....ter the busmea. Of tho v.r Dam. Ro.te ,;( fxarmiru o.v

,4,3 county ia sacfc a manner that you Hartford. Route 4, aad W. W. Plr-

'NO Burlsy waa sol* Moaiay.-Ow- !

will havo aa «0M0 to fosrol pour

LouUvllle, Ky.. Nov. 19.—That

Miaa Sarah H. Vance, director of the ^ftato Board ot Health's Bureau of ^ |i|,se o'elpck toatorro*

Taro roods aad Drugs, was electedg,oralac. Tkls U to bo a aaloaWi <"» ou"., w— -

-vleo proaidaat of tko Aasociallon ot ovvyoao (» iaritsd aad arg-laaskoro Mpsesgor

Amoriaan Wr. »00d and Drug ^ to preaent tor tko purpoas et|

1 '^'

uniting In offsrtng thank* for tho Rev. Ooorgo M. HamnoM. no-

many blesaings our Creator has bo- tional speakor tor the Aftl4aiooa

«ame known here today upon the

rood and Drug

Oflclala at that orgaaisatioa's re-

cant mooting at Maimi, Pla., be-

Wturn of Miss Vanco lo Louisville.

In addition to having this honor

conferred upon her. Miss Vance was

' aolaotod by the association to respond

to tho addraas ot wolooms delivered

oa hohalt ol tho MaMU oflteials

stowed upoa us as individuals and League Ot America, ad«(Oaoad a


thanking you. I rmnain

Respectfully yours,


as a people during the past year. large audiaaeo at tho lo«al Mathad-

lat church. Suaday morniag at

Mr. Ford Bryson accompanied by ^^ ii:UO o'clock. He clearlr and

Mrs. Bryson, ot Qallatla, Tann., (oarleesly praseuted tacts concerning

with the L. A N. R. R, Company, de-^^^^ disregard fur the llquur Uws and

i hohalt ol the MaMU oaoiais. pgrtmoat ot real estate valuation and ^^g,^ ^i^oaa who believe in law en- .......

The association oonetdered the pppraiaeauat, arrived la HarUord (^^gieat W awake from their they had charg

MirabtUty of holding Ite nest i.m «Mk. aad wUl be here tea days laumrgy. staad bohlad the oSeers of good crowd ati


tie. city, met at the oSleo ol

Secretary-Treasurer, McDowell

Fogle, Saturday aflernoou for

transaction of routine buslneBB.




METHODIST BAZAAR4ies of the Hartford

Ckareh wil); give a

Junior church , haoeao#t, aet(t

-The la-


ia tko


<|MirabtUty of holding

meeting la Loutsvll^ Ntsa Vance

uald today, aad she ^redtcta that

witkOit d«tk( It ym dome to Kea-

Last Sunday aight

Leasuers of Beaver Dam Methodist Nov, 19th. Both dlaaor 0*4 sap-

chiiri h rendered a splendid {trogram. per will bo served aad there wlB be

A Junior choir was organized aud ou display a wide range of useful

[e of the musk. A article* suitable for gifts or your

ast week, aad wUl be here tea days ilmargy. ataad bohlad tke oSeers of good crowd attended the servicea- own use Ti,...^i» .n atieudancu i>i

in the lnte.-»st of thr Company. the law. eaopurage tbaai aad SM that The Jijalor choir will have charge court as well as

ot the song lOfviee on the trst Sun- have the opportunity

imbor. Bvoryoae is ia- of


Tho Women's Missionary

ol tko Hartford Methodl^;^

,met with Mrs. J .


afternoon. A siecial

program wat> nndevociil 1 olo liy Mi •• 'icat-

InHlruiiicntuI n. 1 'by

,Rhea Oarti' u. i:v> ry fea

I program was biKhiy en

ladlao. At the clone a del

eoa ^aa aorrod by tho u-

iMrs. BeUie Taylor

from a visit with her

Lida Miller of near U

they do their duty.

Mrs. Praak 'ptock was a pleasant . .. da;

caller at t^p ^((ee. Monday. Tk« RanfoO l«"ratd, It.H tka yoai vl

dtlxeus will

of partaking

a saais|aoi$a ropaot and at tke- •* -*•— a' arbrthy caaao.

Mrs. Josle Uuki

the bedside of bei'

B. Carsuu.



This sjirtt M ^11



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\ ory For U. S. Dfplonacy;

<^My Snais to Be




'ByVotcolZtl to 173; Accepts

AMfliMMt Fliifil 5irtia

Rite at SO Perceflt.

'AMihinaftOll, Nov. 15.— Til" swrcpAmtrlcan propositi for rt'diu'-

ti in of twril »rmanu'iit became tho" '('d ltigKtMtt«Btal poller of the

iniinoiKjpMIt Of tll« flT« flWIt

s. rondUiy^^ bold lead of the

^'"^ll!^*^*arrredtted npokeii

iiK ii Of GKlpi Britain. Jnpan. Iliily

1 i Franc*'' Jo«e in ii„.i. |,i,.,ri.p ;il

I iiU-nary ucssion c r ii,,- ,

] .ni

. and one afiiM- .i? oiiicr cle-

.'iipil ilie rmtflneds i>i tinir goTr<.i::iie (8 to accept the Americanpropof ii In tplrtt and ia prinelple,

hut iri'b the raeervatiOB «t a right

tu MjlKKeM ngaiflcatlone of detail.|

Tki'ii thKilHbnn of thoar dotalUwlilcli ' ver^m^Nallzee may yrt oc-

iiipjr ilie prolonged nttpntlon of tho

AVaHhInKton, Nov. 17.— DUre-K.'irdinK the expreised wlah of Presl-

drnt Hardinc, tho bdOM TOtod to-

day, 201 to 171. to aeeopt the aen-

ate amoBdmeat to tho tax reTtoton

Mil flxiBg the mazliBam Income lur-


tax rate at 60 tier cent on tneoin>>s

of tlOO.OOO or more. i

NInety-foiir Ropiihiiffin<i. most|

of tliotii from ilif niMldlc nnd far

Joiiii-d Willi III" !ir;ic'tlc.illjr

siiliil Driiiocral ii- inr.nril.v in sup-


purtUR till' iiim iKlriH III . .\iinoiini e-


ment of tho n-sult ln(iiu:!il upplruisf

from both ades of the cbamlter with


ome of 4he Democrats breaking

into eheera.|

liOttcr From PrwMlPiit

Three hour* before the vote was|

taken, the house llnteiu'd to tiie

rfadlng of n Iftlcr fi'mi !'r-.-i(l"iit

COOPER RROS.Wiii give you some Special Prices

on tome thinfft, this' w«ik.

Hootier Sheeting, 12c par yfori,

Simpson Prints, 10c per yard.

Outing Cloth, 15g to 20c per yard* '

We have a larpr; stock of goods on hand,and we carry all the best advertised lines, suchas Hart Schaffner & Mark Clothinsr, for ourhigher ET'-ade; and C jriee Clothes for msidiumprice Flo'-sheim Shoes for oijr higher-gradeshoe; Eiiiikin Shoes, for children; Queen QualityShoes, for ladies—the very best lines that aremade.

i:if'" nro and Involve the sik i "sm llindlnc to Chairman Fnriliif.v, of

iir fi, of the wholo plan, whs r<' The H.iv^ and iiii'an': coiniiiittee.

ii.v;k" d inp. that tin' hdiisi and xt-n-

!ilt' coinproni iHc Tlie rx'cii'iv" said

be ttlll believed the original house

rate IS per cent was "nearer to a


-^fm Vcwer Mmbe 'jnit Iott, and the more promiaiag'

thir itemmittec flrat of all. one in retnmt to the public treao-J

tor prellmlnury oxainination

M > 'Mimlttee of five tii

naval idvlsorn, oae from each of

the biK Ave


With In

CV' mT ttritahi will asli f.>v .1 fiirtli "ry,!l.hl<«t Jfl. Tjew_9f_the IjegU-

I Mim tion of the limit propiisrd on ' itlve situation he , thought it

Biiliinarne tonnage^ Jajian will m- "wholly dPsiralili-" that^thtre be a

cl. no: to prove her riKlit to a mrcat- < oinpromlsc at 411 per cent.

.1 a' . of naval strength than has In-iurnrnts \ol Wonlwl

bitn Mi:;gestOd for her, and Fraiur Ii iiiK dlat-ly aft.r ,1 h^. anie

and Italy Will ' request that their known that the pr.-id. ni Ind writ-

naval iinestiona bo considered along ten Mr. Fordney, spokeHnieu for the

with thobe of the three stronger "Insurgent Republicans" said the

naval powers okbrfced in the letter would not affoet the resnlt.

Aiiicricun plan.

Thus th* diplomacy of the Amor-

I 111; >! '.egatlon has won llM flr-ft vli -

tiii.v in the conference, but still tindj;:

l! ' onfrontcd with qui slions of

Importance and dilivKV

wboae sulution Is v««nl8lte to attain-

ment of the pargniloi for which the

nstlouK were enlMd into eonsnltar

turn. •

While ^^j||i|kafl•iuUcal

They bad claimed • total of ninety-

three Republican rotes, or one less

than was cast for the amendment.AinoMK the majority members sup-

porlinit the amendment were Chatr-

ni":i il.i-ll. or till f'l' < ( i.iii-

mlttec, Repiesentative Grcfn, of

Iowa, ranking RepuMii.m on thf^

ways and means committee, ami

{chairman Hangen, of tho agrleul-

advisera ture committee.

Our Ladies' Ready-to*Wearare the latest styles, best quality,

and the price Is riffht.

<jood^aft*woel ^Vieotine Dresses,

from $20.00 to $35.00Good an*wool Tricotine Coat Suits,

from $25.00 to $75.00

Men's Suits from $15 to $45.Osfii%hilMl Him *Mai»

wrtstir wKV^HM armaments prob-

1. ir ii'd tbe^ . delegates tliemselves

<;• I iiiformAl conversaliiinn on

I'. \inericfln plan, thr oilier IjIk

twi.'i' '' of the confereiuc. the Far

Kiisleni l ituatioa, win he f,lM"n Hh

Oii«> Kr|u<>l><an Vo«<«<i "No"The roll <all iihow.-d Keprct-enta-

livi' I.;int;Ii y. Reinitilican, alone of|

the l\i nini ky 1 1 pri septal iv* s vot-

ing againHl the srnaU amendment.HeprrKentallves Onde.i and li'iljison,


Can- 1lint ruiinal consideration at an eze- Republican. Jolntd Barkley,

ratlve meetln;r tomorrow of the trill, Fields, Oilbort, Ronse anddelcgattons of alt the nine interested Thomas, Democrats, in voting for

natiof!!. Tonlsl|| o^ery oae of the the ameadmeat.* * Three Democrats Joined the 170

Republicans In voting ngainst the

amendment. Three Republteami




nnn wi|a..# a watting atti-

ward tKa Var Eastern ques-

I'll If any nation had a com-

|i:u:i'i\" plan of settlemept to pres-

ent at the oaH** It was earefnily


lIHuia MtBttM First

Tic I. , (1 In accepUag the p«"ll"«*-*

;i 1)1 I' .\merlcau., naval propoeal

w.r in to^i^ meeting of the

imlcre' ' bflBnt Britain, whose

iiint_n-.f mivar sapremaey would

'lunllj give' way tb an eiiuaiity

If iitruinth with tho United states,

11 the plan bOOMI*^ At actuality.

A.;hur I. Ilalfbl^hflfl Of the Brit- Prn'

Ish dehMr tioa. iwbliiMd tho

and I -'I'vi 11 pi iiioerata nero V^lrvd

for the aiiicndnieni wlnl- ten Re-

publlcuuB w^'rt: paired against it.

'' 'IsettiOH Wg ftrma

This vote settled tho biggeet ta-

sne betweea tho house aM seaato

on the tax revisioa bill and the

managers from tho two houses will

reyiime their SOSSlonH tomorrowwith the hope of reachiPK an acree-

inent on the hill hy Saturday night.

If this ho|ie is realized, the measurelilv will he -jeiit to the jireul-

grit- dent before the end of next week.

I<!h a.r,ptuneo'^TrSH* *—M;ri(d '.he cmo'tloaa.. at delegates CVt tO MWCRNT IN PltmoHTai.d siH. ators and saifted a discus- RATm OH PARM PRODlTrTH- "ti in viii. h diplomatle curds were

1.1 ill uii llK! table i» * manner an

piMcdinted In migfft""*!


Anything You Are in Need of in General Merchan-dise, We Haye It

Com* in and get acquainted with our stock and u;(. Vou-n- be welcoro*, and the ac-quaintance may prove helpful.^. -

, .•

Quality ITirst, X?.*Now. as It has always been, when you buy from us, we ha|^^* r#Commendation of

our store behind every purchase. Don't fairto seepur big line of

ChristmaLS Goodsthat vye will have on display for your inspection in a few days. So come early.

you nnay get choice of our stock. i




VhVim 'ko» •! I. ') «i .or

' I MiMte;maa;

dfaP''iii, .^>!lnl

Kali), i onli:i'iili.-i of tl

H e I'.i ' to rri

i«K '• 'II' lions " In

tur Card Sriiuuser

l'i"i lei' Aiui'ide Briond foi

added in itelr t«m • w'^'lK'^

Yori<, Nov. 18.— An itiinud-j

iat.' ndiiri'on of ten p^r lent in

I'urluad freight ral«8 un farm prod-

1 1 Iki' iI with ucts, for a period of siz months^ was

of the Brit- agreed upon today by esoMitives of

delogate of the railroads of tho UaHod MatM. I

Tomoaabura' Aaaoaacing the doeisioa Thomaspledge tha Dewitt Oaylar, prartdsat of the As-

mptra o( aoeiattoa of Ralliray bocutives, I

Ith "swoop- ' ntated tbat anv reduction In such I

her fleet Sena- rites rapdo 'Ir- Si -i i. r'3i). v.-er;?

for Italy, and 'n ho Included in the ten per centh'raere. .nil '''it It weri'l he ppl ImIo effect,

CO wi hoiil waiting for a re;! tlon In

operatiou in th* programme

dowa by the Ul

wages. I

The freight rate cut will apply

throughout tho entire country ex-


ecpt On traAe m^vlag wholly with-

in New Raglaad.

Mi'ctive In Tea DaysIt wHM expected that the new rate

would lie I (Tec live wilhiii ten dayd,

ai the railroaiiH It it said, had ask-

ed the Interstate ("oiuPKr.e i 'ini-

nil?»i-;i)ii to I'll' lioriM the iliaiiKe on

one day's notiee. The nduitioa will

lost the railroads about t6&,000,-Pan, jijou It was estimated,reaainc

| <.^|„, railroada have already ro-

"'"'"iduced freight fatCi aabstaatially

from the level eetohUobod by the

jcommlssloB In Aagust. IIM," Mr.

Cuyler'S slateim nt said "The re-

diii'tlon. nlread> iiiadi' urn ei.t jin.iti'd

as uiriii.ii'h an raij he, to Involve a

ioHH of re\i nue at the rate of fromtl7r>.uiiu,(iiiii to $200,000,000 an-

nually. These redvetioas oa maayroadn'ropreaaat a taag mack groatar

iput who write than bay correspoading saving^ 'realised from MdaoUoas in wagesit.. humor. |alruady effvcieri The railroads are

thin Fai riflre."

KelyiDg on Tubllc

Mr. Cuyler said the railroads

were roljriac ea tha pablSa for of.

feetivo aid ia bvlMiac hboat tha

necessary redaetiM ia labor aadother traasfortatioB eeets aad that

they hoped tor labor's eo-operatlon.

He declared the rallroadu hud taken

the first step to relieve existing

businebs depresbion and had given

an earnest txample of their fixed

purpose to reduce rates and to re-

lieve, at tha earliest practlcaMo

moaaat, so far aa reaseiakly possi-

ble, tho pablto** tranjartgttao kar-


The executives passed a rosola-

tion to the effect that In the event

of didagreement between the rail-

road uWciuls and their employeen in

conference on wage reductions^ the{ butter and cheese,

necessary steps under the law would

be to apply to the railway labor

board t<tt quick aetloa.

Wm Ai^ a^iarta^It also was decided by resolution

to apply to the Interstate Com-merce commission for a rohaaring

of tha hay aad cmla aaao. A goa-

oral iaqiUry la aakad to aaeertala

whetlbr natU a aahataatial reduo-

tloa in oporatioa and labor costs

could be obtained, any further rate

reduction could lawfully be requir-

ed or with due regard to the trans-

portation industry made possible.

The new rates are applicable to

carloads of wheat, corn, oats, other

jrrain, flour aad meal, hay, straw

and alfalfa, aaaafaotarad t^peeo,cotton, flottoaaisd -agd prodaet#,

cept oottoaasod ad had evttoaioed

meal; citrua tmltei other frc'i!!

fruits, potatoes, other fresb veg •

tables; dried fruits and vegetables,

horneH and mules, cattle ar. l calves,

tibeep and go^ts, hogi> r'r.iltry, eggs,

a: d wool.

I want your

D. L.


hi es. I pay cash.

U. BANOBrUR.Boaver Dam, Ky.

The HarUord Heraid. |1.B0 the year


The Giant of tim SouthIt* Immense popularity Is due not only to the fact that every

line in it Is written for Southern farm families by men andwomen who know and appreciate Southern conditions, but to the

practically unlimited personal service wblcb Is given to subscrib-

ers without charge.

Ivefy yaar we aaawar thousaada of qaaattoas oa hundred* at

dttofaat saMoots all wttkMt afcaria. Wkaa yon haoooM a a«b-serihar tbia lavalaaMa ysraoMl seairlaa ta yam. That la oaa rea-

aa vhf «• iMia


Hair N<^t3They Fit ^

' I

. \

The finiahinf tooeb^ of eleganoe to my lady'j well-" sppe^MMe.

loviBible ia use, the ezaol

•hfdeto m»toh joothalr.

Made by hand of real human hair.

Only Sold at Our Store


Hartfordp Kentucky

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OrMii RiTcr la the boandtry lln« ^>ot Ohio Countr on th« weit and liaullni;

4Wath for about alfhtr mtlei. ThU Portahl<>

<riT*r waa Improrad and opened

UTlfsttoB abovt tk« ywr liat or

ItM. Potat FtaMMrtiL CmlTo andOwwmmU war* trallat wtMM la

<Ma Caaatf. taatk' Otmltw,<mo Ooaatr SoaOl OafrolltoB,

Jfaiadlaa aetf Roehaatar war* locat-

ed In Mnhlenburg and Butler Coun-

tiM on Oreen Rlrer and did a

iloartihing buaineia, mu^ of which

waa 4rawn from Ohio Countr.

OHrar Cromwell Porter founded

Croawall and lara it part of bis

Mtta. Aba KahB, Andila Moatacna«ad alkara w*f« tMac* and raa

.4(aaaral atavaa than. Q. 0. IhaakaJat np a large lumber mill andCooper put np a good floo^ mill

(both were run by steam.) Shankswas the flrnt man to use what waaJcnown as thn "Muley Sawa." Up to

this time la Ohio County all lum-

bar was hewn or sawed by handwith Wblp Saws or by old-fashioned

^Saak Mwa. Mr frandfatbar^Mos-

V 7amaB'-^«M< a aill oa ladtaa

"^Sraak tkal was rma br watsr powar.

I flak ramambar wbaa ka would sat

tha saw for a line la a twalra-foot

log, start the Raw. go and bar* bis

lunch before the aav cut throughthe log. While Shank's mill in

Cromwell using "Muley Saws"

to Framed

"Would run such a line In five to alx

'mlantss. Tha 'flour mill did a

floarlsbiag baalMii.

Roehattar was oaa of tha bast

«ad largast tradinf poiata on Oraea]Uyar and' had saTaral storsa. TheXlnaimoths, Evans, andwere the leading business

Skilesvlllo at the mouth of Mud , '"o"' Ceralro to Cromwell, from

River W!is anotlior flourkliiim town iTaiadise to I'inrheco. from Cro-ii-

with stores and Marble WorkH con- !Leilchtield. and from Croai-

ducted by rr.-iig Bros. Br£wer and




'well to Wilsons and Bora'.i Ferry

Cowan built large cardlnc machinss, I

^" importaut streams were bridged

• floor mill aad saw mlU, that drawtrada from Ohio and

Mablaabats eonnttao. Prior to th«

bnilding of the mills at Cromwelland Skllesvllle, the southern andwestern parts of the <ouiity hadhad to patronize the Hnrtford mills.

Jacob StoT! founded the town of

Paradise and he also gave it its

name. Captain William Wand was•doing a good business thora before

-tha rear '61.

ed log houeea all oTer the south

and of the rounty. Barns and shel-

ter tor lira stoeh war* aakiaraaa.

la or aboat 1S4S Joskaa Vtatoa,

John Haasakor, Robert Sharrod,

James Raid, William Taylor aad J.

w. o. Colemaa built each a twostory dwelling in the Hopewellneighhoiliood. Many improvementswere made on almost every farm

south of Hartford. There were

three brick dwellings built, one^ I

believe, by Richard Taylor on the

old Hartford and Morgantown read,

aad oaa in what waa kaowa as tk*

StaraM^ aai|^Wkop«. aartk ot

CroaiirMI, aa« oaa bf TaMaa Tartarnear Roekastor. There were framechtirches at Ooshea, Oreen Rirar,

Philadelphia, Beaver Dam, PoadRun_ Hopewell and Bethel.

In my boyhood days, I have seen

my father strike tire with Hint and

steel, and I have on sevorni ocra-

slOBS (oae a mile early of a morn-tng tor a lire coal to kindle a Or*

to gat br^ktaat wltk, bat that wasabOttt TO mn Mto. In IStS R. ORaid and Warner Smith raa a itora

boat on Oreen Rlrer, and I remem'bcr well tint the/ kept a stork of

fri'flon mi:''i.r«. The niatrt.!"!

hOT." 1

1 mhes, and

roara: : ng

retallaj nV


a'louf 100

25c each.

There were public roads frora

Hartford to Cromwell. Roehaatsr,

Paradise, Ceralro, Hogs Falls, Die-'

Pools ''•rrr. wniiams Ferry, 'vans


Riffle, Point Pieaaant and others

There were seven or eight votiug

precincts in the southern end ot

Ohio county, Baiietown, Cromwell,Bearer Danti Coot Springs, Brown'sTan Yard, Roekport, Centertown,

CeralTO and Point Pleasant.

In 1866 there were three lines

."urveyed for Railroads throughOhio county. One surv y cra.-.sod

Green River at I\iraili r. one at

Roekport (then known as BatonsFerry) and one at Ceralvo. The

Tka flrst staamar I erer saw waa road was knpwn as the Bllsabeth-

la lt4t—ra ya^rs ago-^it was the'towa aad Padaeah ifae. The piers

-Oeneral BreatklH. Later on the 'or tha bridge wore qoarrled la

General Warren, Oeneral Logan, ^Roekport and a loeamotlTa was

Sofia. Ev.an9viiie, Bell Quigley. Falls brought to Roekport OB a barge.

City Fulton. Bridses, Bowling ""loaded and placed on the track In

Oreen, Lyon. James White and sev-j*'^*'9 or ISTo, mail, freight and

eral tow borits all navigated Green ' I'^ssenger train were running on

River. I was at Parbdlse on the "Kular time-tables In 1871.

accasion when three steamers with I"^^^ tarmera of southern Ohio

and tflght <«nded. all Conaty were well paotad la agrlcul-

-wltkla aa konr. Scarcely a day tare. FarnUng papera were found

passed tkat we dM aot see one or on almost all canter Ubles. Tkamore steamers blow in for landing LouisTllle Farm and Home predoml-

along Oreen River. It is said that I'ofted. Religious literature waaOreen River Is the deepest river In liberally distributed amc|ag all

the world connidering its width andj

fliurch members, the Western Re-

length. So far as I know, this ;corder and the Christian Advocate

Political Journals werej

Tl;e Courier-Journal,

Timea and Commercial,

statement has never been disputed In the lead



for it is aerer uanaTlgable and eel

4om fraagas ap. • •

Sptaatag whaeU winding blades ,the New York Timea and other pa-

«ad haadlooms were' almost all laid P«n were eomaoa with us. As to

aalda fifty years ago. People were|>ocial features, tkare aras the old

wearing store clothes aid custom •tand-by, Oodey'a Lady Book, and

made shoes and the girls began to ' Peterson's Magazine. The Holy Bi-

•docorate themselves witli libhons l>le was in every home, and our

and fiiUs. When I was a small boy girls n odestly folli),ved the fashions,

the farmers cut much of their wheat perhaps with cheaper materia! aad

with siclilas but cradles soon took less trimmings, but the cutting and

the place of s|ckles. Grass was flitting was very dose to the fash-

cut with scythes and wkaat 'was ions of tbs day, especially In re-

tread Oat on tke groand by driTiag|>ard to tka anggafMad koop skirU

ozin or korsas oror. It or threshed^ of that padod. Whaa at a church

out with flails. The flrst thresher'biksket diaiier, Suaday sckool picaic

in this end of the county was 'or at a social dance our girls look-

This Is aStore of Service^IT doesn't matter whether you come^n* for a necktie or for a Society Brand

Overcoat—we serve you to the best of

our ability. If you simply want to look

around, you're free to do it* We'll help

you in your selections, but we won't try

to sell you anything you don't want.

That's our idea of service.

The Bennett Clothing Coe,THE MEN'S STORE

Central Gty, Ky.Phone 159.I!

operated In 1860. 1( was only a

cylinder with teeth In ',t. The wheat

chaff and straw all came out to-

gether and had t-t be separated by

hand. In 1861 Ji^hua B«ntoa operat.

a separator la this coiynunlty. It

aeparataf straw and wivpat, but left

tka okat mfand wttk tka grain,

ntty-fonr yaara ago tbara waa acombined reaper and mower la the

Hopewell neighborhood and a year

later there were two or three single

mowers run in tliut community. J.

R. Shull and L. T. Reld ran the first

reaper and mower In this end of

the county. The flrst, combinedthreaher and sapaiatMr \ras raa by , the

Cotambtts Raid.

The flrat Sorghnni la thia

munity was raised oa tha ReM tarai

lu about 1881 or 1887. The seed wasbrought from the Shenandoah Val-

ley ot Virginia by Rev. W. T. Reld

and was known as "Chlneae Sugar

9ane." R. 0. Reld made the flrst

(ikne mill iu the neighborhood to

ed like a flower garden and their

beauty and behavior would comparefavoral)ly with any bevy of girls la

the state or elsewhere.

Schools uau&lly were taught in

three' moaths terms. Spelling,

reading, arithmetic and wrltiag

wara' aU Ike bran^ Uagkt la tkis

aelgkborkaod ap ta abaat IIM. 4t,

that time Michael Nonrsa from tka

east came to the aeigbborhood an4|started a rrlvate school, teaching


the higher grailes. Many of this

community took advantage of the

liool to i>rep,ire themselves for

college. Mr. Nourse taught up to

year tITO. He was a noted

aharaetsr, a good taaeker, aad hoa-

est «fa. bat ha waa eertataly a

"roagh aahtor." a rery strict dla-

elpliaariaa, and administered con-

dign punishment without fear or

favor. He certainly ruled with an

Iron rod, but he seldom failed to

advance hia pupils. Mr. Frank

Orifflnn one of the most noted

lie roads and he In sight ot a farm

Iall the tfne. Bspeclally was this

a fact about Beaver Dam, Cromwell,


Paradise, Ceralvo' and Point Pleas-

ant. Many good substantial dtrall'

'lags aad eawaodloaa bama dottad

tbs BMP of soatkara Oklo Coaatyil raaaoiablp baUaa* Ifelt waa tke

'tact throughout the whole county

itifty years ago The writer whocontributed an artl('le to the Hart-

I ford Repubiicau recently surely

made a mistake in dates or else be

was sadly misinformed as to the

history of the coaaty. His auts^

Mala wo«M kararery wall wltk eoadlttoaa

flve or oaa kwidrad yaara aC».

LTOUROUi T. R«D,Raekport, Ky

griad thin crop of ctfae. It was proffssors in the state at that time,

Bade of wood, the rollers or drums coaducted the Hartford Seminary,

waia turned by haad and operatad He taught Oraak aad Latl^ and

ky korM power. Tkia crop of oaaa educated aoaia ot oar oiost dtst^-

taraed «uit ooasiderablf more thaa guUhad man and womaa In Kan-

oaa hundM gaUaas op tha blackeat tacky.

syrup that was mm mai* fc«|t H waa Fifty years ago tarns were abund-

surely sweet. ant In the Roekport, Cromwell and

Fifty yeara ago nearly N every Beaver Dam diatrlcta. Many farms


Rastus: "Feller, why for yo'all

dubl)lin wid dis here oysturopathy ?'

Sambo: " 'Cause Ah done read

ill a book dls oysteropathy dona

treat ob do maaipttUti.-i' ob bones,

and de oalaat partiality Ak'a got is

humpaia' da gallapia' deiilnoM to

paas la reriaw."

—^arlaan I^giM Weakly.

Some people wad. I kara kaan toldi

Purely from aalmoatty; •

And aume tor love, and some for gold

And some tor curiosity.

—Amerlcaa Legion Weekly.

The number of Southern Agrlcul-


Lexington, Ky.. Not. 16.—The co-


operative tobacco marketing asso- ',

elation Is a fact. It came into ex-

istence toniglit at 9:33 o'clock whenthe organiiiaticm committee adoptedthe report of a special committee of

ten, declaring that 84.8S per ceat


of the barley U^bm^ in Kantaeky.Indiana. Oklo flPfKMMaaaa kadbeea gMgad to fM Mspslattea.Oa tka'. basis of flg«Ma sahmttted

to the association by the countychairmen, the Commttee of Ten re-

ported that 111" 'ofal produclon >f

burley in tlie d i litory in 1920 waaaO>,803,482 pounds and that of ttta

amount 177,521.243 pounds hadbeen pledged to tlie aaeoclatton.

Nawa Brii^ Uig|)nMMMa(tea

Whan J«4ga RobM W. Bkwham.Chairman at the ongaalsatloa com-mittee, made this ' anaouacementthe procedure of t|a meeting wasinterrupted by flve Hilantes of pro

longed cheering ami applauM.

"Proteeeor." asked the young la

dy visitor "what la the strange odor i

In this room, la IMb tka akaalcallaboratoryT"

No, BUT «snr FaMMI ta«F. Tate

All Prepaiad

myla tka Utin

"Of ooarsal

I always kaawdead laagaagal"—^Aawrleaa

Raw at«»M af




Ugta Weakly.

• Really," gasped the

jbendlag orar bi)> victii

dida't kit yoa inteutioa

"Aw, go on," relumed tka falleaone belligerently, "whatchar gotthat bumper on >' i car for. If

doa't aim to go riiiiMi'i' into paopieT—American I Kion Weekly.

ernUI. $1.00 tiba



•I •-- — - —I

tarver la this part ot the oouaty joined each other. You could turist subscriptions we hare to OIVR


•«aad a two hdrM wagaa, many of travel •Ilea and ailaa on tha pub' AVAT ia Usltad. Bnrry.

WANTBD—Men or Womenordara asoag ^jr*T^T and

nalgkkwa tar ttw gaVN cwraa?koaiary. taU ll|| tor maa,

aad akttdreB. . niBiinataal

darning. Wa pay Tit an hour!

spare time, or fSI.OO a weak for

full time. Experlenie unnecessary. I

WriU International Stocking Mllh,|

Morrlatown. Pa. l»-lOt.i

fkaJUrtHKB^lM. tti||W9m '

jB Sleep fifteen or t-.v^enty mhiiutes longer eveiy murrang. Hovif]Tktt't «najr—no to build witb



High Ovitn Rangtt

Putin half a bucket of

rftart going to bed. It w ill

I oifht and there will^ cnouiih to cook yourour aaaoftmoit of Cole's Hiah Oven Rangaa.

latm iMialyoap'a todvy,

t. r. CUHMS « lOII.

old I



Page 4: Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u »f.^oiiyw^rn. ttiii u^^nniwt ' AllKindsJobPrintingNeatlyExfcu-17thTBAR. mNEPOWERSmiiTO


ffAMnNMID HKRAl^'l"InrorpomW


^ —ttng tliatr iliftdow* be(or«

l^ta. Organintlm «o4 «o-«p«r»-

t>M ar* bound to win rat Itf tut^M w«t> UK In other toldt 0(

MrllOWi:i I * HHil.K,

l'n-s(<l.-iii iii'l I

I.YMAN (.111':!!'"".





pl«dgM| theniMflvcs t(

th« "Open iiooi rcir


bccorclint; '

i«r«OTd. Ky.

Mcond otasB.

at tinIIS mail



A.lvefttoing, 1"' '

Ural ItuMim i""-

for each tiwtrllon tU- .uter.

thP pollry of

to !)• h(i|»il Unit thiB

acreement win h. hnuui i)y r:»ar-

aatl«9 Uiat ranaot be broken, for the

POtlatiOB of tM Mlddl» KlDt'dom b;

cWtatn^ ttnnrrupnlov* natioh* be-

Mtt« a bloi upoir the 'cutebton of

'o» »vr v»m»t«(l| oiyiUfation. "Jt i* a

fttradjr npnn Jiiatice that the nation

.1 .1./--' '^WqIi has for .enturlee '•food for

Bate, for Dlapllar A,Ivn.isinf n.dathe

known on «ppllcatioii. . • ...All poMtlcal adT«rU»ln»!. cash In ad- helplrfu ;ni,l innor, ,,! ^I.tim of the

(rapacity of lior sixtei luitliins No

Card* Of Thmk«. KosoUitiona o('m«T« aiiproprlale subject (ould m-

1 , . ,1. ohltii iiii'^ ,:iiil > Obltiiani BaRc til'. :iitontlon of the Dlsarma-

i ,„ii>. 1 cont iKi » ni Headltam ni«ni Conference tham^ lb* rigfetlBg

sipn.uuP^sJ^cents^ oafch.China's wrong., h

FaniicrH MutualCamberland


Subscription)* requiring _

be scni. boyoiid tl"' Hilrd

Kone will iioi l» ;"od

thrill One ^ a( SI."">


for MM

Xotlrci of rliiiicli ^< i\lre» Free

\VKl>.\KKi>AY. \<)\ . :::<. IMI


Mra. Arabella Brootai; icltt of Mr.

tiiltba Brook., died at the hone of

her dniiRhler, Mrs. Kliziibplli Y; l"s

^^^gg la Owensboro. Kv., at U oMixk. Nov

H I4th. aftor an illness of liiiir w'f^H^ Of BriKhtR diseast'. She was r.3 y^,lr^

of age. She hail been a rep1(l»iit of

Ohio Count/ all her life and was a

friend to all wbo kna« bar-

A Bambar of jraara ago aha became

a membor of th» Banutt'a Creak

Baptist church and since bar anion

With Mid church and until bar death

faithriiiiy tried to Hra a traa

christian life.

Mrs. Uroolis, in 1898. waf ni:!rri-(l

,to E. L. Brooks, and to this uniou

were bain five children. Olon. M

Aa i. the time-honored cnatom,

Christian Amerlct will on tomorrow '

off«r lip ihaiiksglvinK to a benef-

icial I'lovlili nil' for manifold

Mi'.isinMs. Iiolii national and person-^^^^ boin

ol. Th. .olel.i i. .. n! tBI. nationalj^,^^ Willam' and Artls

hollilay is alwMvs in..-<t sMUly Hmt Ij^jT iii«i5^'S5~di«iiaiaa. "iHfr

fitting, but It Is especially ao tUajraar in view of the heartenns ottt-

look in the realm of Intamiittonal

affairs. To be aMo to thank Qodfui I'.ucfl hBH ai» << added weight

to our uratitudi fi'; 1 :ity. For the

two IjlossinRs liand In handwlii'tlioi Ihi" ;' lual^ the nation

or flic Will'' 1 he beneficiary,

I'oace,,— ai: I inily in are.-^means en-

iluring liltpiy. Prosperity eaanot

be founded oi> warfare, Conee^uently

tKe >iii6etlnK no<« being held in our

nafioBal capital, of the repraaentar

lives of the ipaitiiiR natlOBB of the

Ml the rai(hMtion

Can tha* gWW in Tennessee m pre-

Matorle tiaaa, poaribly bet ore jo«eph

pat away his seven years' supply In

Elgrpt. was nneartlied recently by W.

B. Meyer of tlie ll.irenii of Aiiierlcan


EtbnoloRy ainl stu; to the I'nlteO

. Staten I ii pi'i iiiient of .\;,Ticiilturo for

ldeniiii'':r n

Durint.- rei eiil exi i;viilli iii in riavici-

Mn county, TeiineM^ee, Mr. M' yi r l

upon a iiiiinlier nf stoin- sla! .;ravi-'

I'lintiiiiiinu' iii'iriri ry ves-- ."^I'liie of

]these lielil spei'IioeLs of tliilrreil maize

I in fairly <"l iinnlltion. From the

isize and sliape of tlie grains It was

possible to iiieiiiify the Tartetjr as

muny-ruwetl tropical flint, a form about

balfwair between true flint and pop-'

com. *

Xha sane tjriie of Indian com occurs

In tha West Indies, and there la no

question in the minds of scientists

hot that theri wns a very early com-

munication between the West Imlles

and North Ainerlcn. Not only cumbut beans, squnsbes, pumpkins and

tobacco are vt tropical and sobtropi-

cal orlRin.

Tliese Stniiles, now so important

tliriiiii.'liinit liiiili l!ein.-;.:ii 11 ~, fn-.Hi'l

tlieir way ili!o N..rili .Viiirr ' i nliil w. r-

lUltivateil llie liieiii Lal.e- in

Caliailii loDi; I efmi- tl;e .lisri.v. ry "f

.Vmeriea. 'i'lii-ie i> ainmilair. eviilelRi

of 1 oiiiiiiuiiii a!i' II I'etwdii tlie West

Indies and Klorida. and up the Missis-

sW and its tributarise.


Nerthern Rhodesia, Rich and Fertile,

1. Capable of the Highest De.

of DevelopmSlA

MMMtl ibtililwain

Thanksg;iving Day

, Olon and iiiWa*ifa~dio»ai*a, "tarr-

,ing died mora than thraa years ago.

I Mrs. Brook. I. BurrlTed by her

husband, K I. Brooks, three child-

ren, Mrs. Klla Hello Yates, William

and Arils llrooks and five liroihers.

C. W. Hoover. ,1. M Hoover, W. F.

HooTer, Alonzo Hoover and Lou

HooTor and a host of friends,

Pnnaral sanrlce. were conducted

hy Rot. H. R. rn«ua. altar which

tha body was laid to rest in Bamatt's

Creak Cametary.


ami V




'I 'r.i-r

v h,.

' -ion of

ii. throws a

" 1 ml ThanhsgivInK

.1 liiid since that day

tliiei y^ara ago when

and sn^gstmg of the

had ]uat aiMWd. Hope

I riKlii

Day lln:i i'

of gratitudi

the tumult

World War —. then lined the hearta M^Miaa Mr, a

speedy realization of tha draam of

the axes, the l)('»;inning of th4 reign

of the iTince of I'lace. Bat it was'

not yet to III' ^' KiwhBaaa, lndiTid-1

ual. parliajin i , K.tloaal, was still

tfio »i : find ;a(! Itaet eltort. of

Kii, and -itnti inan went Into the'

'discard. The League of Nations

was betrayed, but ciTllUatlon has

been given'anotbar cliaaea. God

grant that the PiaannagiaBt Con-

ference may succa^ ' V Mt, the

world will again l^ii* *• armed

camp :ii:ii ii ' future wnr*a black

Indoed. Ti l thought,—the ble«d-

hiR of thiiiil iiilnesri for the opjior-

tiiiiily !..i Ie and the reali/alion

of th' l.'li'liii ilestlnr whieh the

nea> f'li.ri. hoUU,—^wlU t'n«e

"Wmb 01 praise with a» nnutterable

•lilrllual exaltatlaa.^

The twi»^5^B"«»' Anicnd-

MBU inteiKied^^^ the cause of

mlucatiijii in Kf^^Hb'Yoied oil ,it twlRBMlaeMMi, went

^ iiii»;. ..v rwhelmlM #alaat. But

' III*.' i,.,ii„n by tha people does

..ot iiii M, thai the State is Inwensate

to the .Ml ol educational proRiebS.

The iiilmenta were coneelved in

a .Inccri) desir« lor Improvemi r;.

bat the method* Mkf«^^*-<^

advised, at least tha minds of the

Totors. in tiddiUMk the sponnors or

the prwiisal,

their < impaigsW^fc amailBMis"

trill tha Ttetlms of their

fri.ri . . ,>ra*lsaional educator.

wl,„ , ineeralir aaeklPK proKresB

• ill pn.ra by exparieace and reform

la edu-atlonai matbods, ir needed.

Will surely coma. 'I'"

fer advance will

The I '.ii.;' -t loi .il <i'-.i! ot th" wcli

was till Inr. lias, of tlieKintucky

Light and Power Company's plant by

Mr. W. C. Logan, of Prairie, Miss.

Tha deal waa eoaaammated by Mr.

s A. Powall. a rent aatata agaat. al

West Point, Miss.

Mr. Logan will take charge of the

plant about Dec. 1st. and announces

that he will probably supply day cur-

rent In th.' near future.

We ar.' .-ilways'il to s>e lapi-

tal anil hiiHiii.'s: ei;i it,'y added m mir

city and trust thai the additional ser-

vice proposed by the new manage-

ment may glvo naw impetus to all

linea ot local haateaaa.

Wit!; till' evi'r-'T)''i*.Mi';inc overflow Of

f'lvilize.l [..'piilaiimis. iioriliern Rhode-

sin s'Kin may be pre-eiupted by colo-

nists. Indeed, the inov«mi»'t ~0*' na-

tiraa back to reaerrea nay indicate

that such an inflow already la taking

place. Though It Ilea acroaa the

equator the Rbodeaian plataan I.

adapted to tha white men by Vaason of

a climata that has no extremes. More-

over, its boom cities of Buluwayo and

Salisbury possess hotels, dubs, busi-

ness houses and apartments, built in

the Hush of hope that It would be a

second Hand, then deserted by the for-

tune hunters, and imw waitinf! the

coniliiK of a more sober anil sustaliieil


Min li of north.TH niioilisia is suit-

able fur farmlm;; there are vast

tracts of ura'/iiiL' l:'n.l. Miiize and to-

hneiii are at |ir.'s.-nt prini-ipal crops.

WIrat, c.itti.ii ami ritnis fruits uiuy be

tri'wn successfully. Tlio timber awaits

traii.sportutlon facilities. Gold, cop-

per, sine and lead mines already are

worked.—National Geographic Maga-

Visions of Turkey and Cranberry Sauce, Plum Pud-

ding and Apple IPie—iheie are the th^gs that make

Thanksgiving a banner day for the little folks. But

to us of more maturity, this day is set aside as a tnbute

to the good fortune that has been permitted us the

past year. May D. O. Gumi^ns Store take this

opportunity sincerely to thank their new friends for

their splendid patronage during the past two months.

We are constantly trying to devek>p a service worthy

of their confidence in us.



imitnim **** » « •MMMnaaaaMMiMaMMaN


WilRon. of this city.

Ireland's Egg Industry.

Ninety million dozen egps were ex-

ported fr.iin Ireland last year. Pricoa

ranged hlcli, and the value of tha

trude was estimated at over 175.000,-

UUU, This exceed, the value of the

country', exports of any single manu-

factured>arUcle; tha cattia trade. In-

deed, ia the only ooa whieh can sbow

mora Imposing OgONa. Mnch at tha

credit for tha ImproraaMM that haa

taken place In Iralaad'a paoitry tiada

la dna to tha dapaiflat tt agrlcul-

tnra. Daring the last » yahrs its in-

Mructora have taught the farmers and

fanners' wires that, given the neces-Mlsrt

"'-I"!!,-,.!' sary care and attention, fowls areand Mr Hu«h T^"«nor, Of Center-

|^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ a. the re^

town. Mirprisi il tlit ir many friends,| ^, .„imiti«,. tr».ifm.

last we.k. hv III.- aiinounicment of

Itholr marrlag<; at Calhoun, Ky.. Oct.'

30th. It aacius that they raoiorej to

that city, and after being united re-

turned wtthant tha kaowiadga'ot av-

tn their immadlata faaaUiaa.

The brida la ana Of tha covnty's

moat proBtesaive yoanc teachara and

the Kroom an Industrious and pro-

Kressiv.' yoiinn man. Tliey hava the

best w i^ll•'• of all who know them.^

Mrc. Nannie Taylor, of Liberty,


has returned to ber bom.' alttr spend

ing soma time with ber sister, Mrs.

L'da Miller, nanr Baavhr Dam.


suit of scientific treatment, the hen

I can become a veritable .•).;. iayini; ma-

chine, ("onipared with IIHM. the nuni-

lier of birds in IreUiml imiay has iii-

.rea.s.'d by per eeiit : yet (luring the

same pi'rlir.l tli.- iiiiiiilier of et:Ks ex-

porte.l fr.iiii In-laml has in.-reased by

well .iver llHi per cent. That, wethink. Is iiiilispiiial'le proof that the

m.'.l.Tii lu ll is at least twice as valu-

able ati her aiieeMtor o( 10 year, ago.—Montreal raarily HavBld UA WaaUystar.



Washington. Nov. 17.— If Henry

Ford wishes to purchase warships

and conTort them into automobiles

and plow shares, be need not wait

for tha world to disarm it ha ta sin-

cere in his purpose.

American naval offlclals are nOVready to put Mr. Ford to the taat

on his offer to buy up the navies

of the world. He can begin right

away, as the American navy has

seven or aight battleship, which it

is ready to Ball tor Junk. They ara

replete With maUrlala that Mr. rord

may convert Into acrlevltaral tm

Ienterprise before the arms limita-

'tlon agreamant is reachad.

Maral oAaiala gara aasurances,

too, that If tha powara agraa to

scrap large parte ot thair aaval

forces any serious oBar to purehaaa

Bhips to be Junked wonld hBTB cara-

ful consideration.

Though the word used in the

Amarioin proposal Is "scrap," offl-

olala aay that thia doaa not mean to

aiak ahlpa without attempUng to

saWaga a part ot 4hi$ aatarliil.

Discussing tha Amariaaa yiopoaal

today Mr. Ford said:

"The plan will tend not only to

rastora public confidence, but will

rsisa pnbllc expectations that furth-

'•r stapa will be taken toward ulti-a««»^ •^•^mm-^.- —w -

plements and get a atgrt ia hla naw autq diaaraamaat.

POR BALB—l-room raaldaMa obs

2-acre lot, with small hara. In fttf

of HarUord. Price aad tanM fM»-

sonabla. Baa

L. O. BARRETT,4«tt Raal Batete Agt., Herald Bld»_

Row'B^ThisrWe offer One Hundred Dollars RawaWI

for any case of Catarrh that osnnat B*cur.d by Hall's ratarrh Msdldae.Hall's Catarrh Medicine ha. b«.B taksa.

by catarrh gutrerers for the pa.t thlrty-

Sve years, and has become known as th»

most reliable remedy for Catarrh Hall

Catarrh Iledldne acts thru tlie Blood on

the Mucous wrfaces, expelllns the Pol-

aoB twm the Weed •"<> heaiinc the die-

•1JfteT*T«r!laTe taken Hall's Catarrh

Medicine for a abort time you wlU sm aKteat Improvement In

health Start taklns Hall's ^teTfh Msa':cine at one. and get rid ot IMUirfor testlmonl^. ire^ -j-^





111. i„ I

lal ih'

Inti III ,



le and

(000 through u sub-

of tM eompoeitu will of

ity to that of an ollgarcbi-

,l,y ^ mattaf how weU- '"''il

the <liiii> i..i>i''ii

ikoro Monday aio

to the produ.erH

'the Oreeii Kiv.r

_ a. to alt other

^MKioa afaatad. Tha

heralds, we hope,

returnisg proeperl-

lltural ialaresiH. In

Jon, It »l.O reflects

lutMic't* of the BOW

anaa'"""" o"

It Is.

g( cum lugI

Difference in Methods.

A man punm iI tlirmitih a rural village

In Kngluml piisliiiiM a wheelbarrow full

of sniid. This saiiil lie was sellluK at

a nicki'l a luiK, i.KiiiK people that It

WUK a sure fly killer.

I'urchiiKing a ba^, a stout Old dSBMasl i^d bliii bow It should ba used.

I'lrat eatcb a ily," exclaimed tha

vendor, "Hhen tickle it andar the cbiB

with a straw, and whaa it opens iUmoBlh throw a huu.ifiii ot thia taaMvafly palaaa down its iloaat and tha r»salt wtU ba that (ba fly Instantly

chi^MB aad dies."

"What," exclaimed tha old lady,

"while I was d.dtii! that I coold have

squakhed It under my foOt Six time,


"Yes," replied the aand man uncon-

{ "that la a foad

S. W£IK£L, Presideut. ROWAN HQLBROQK, Secretary.

Thto Mad MesBa alvaya gsta a Laugh,

becWKM Everyone knows some r. i r

VBthar who Tote, the Baby round

NIghte and Moans about it Iiays.

bU Insked Jaal Uh* tkla Haby once

upon a tlm» lairt It a Wondar that

I'onr iratb«*>4MiClViV' V-UMB t^*


Tha Baaa Cbrlsttan Andersen of

the mnrie *arM dlad tha other day In

CersMUiy. Ba wag Bagalbert Hum-iierdlnck, a writer of, fairy operas that

have found a permaBeBt place in the

hearts of uiunic lorars. His optruH.

"Ilaeiisel and tlpetel" .nd "Koenlg^

kinder," pro.luied in this country for

the first time in 1900 and IBIO, respec-

tively, won the Aaiarlcan public for

the Uerinun cuiiipoaer. Although be

lived a long and active life devoted

to the cinipi V tion and teaching of

music, liaxint: n that time produced

many inusl. ul warks of orchestral, op-

eratic ami uiiscsllanaom cbatactar. It

Is for hiK two Qiiqr. Operas that ha IB

Boat widely kiMB Wt Ukaly to

ba laiasatbtfti^w-KMOa Ctty

lers Loose Leaf Tobacco



Opening Saks, Monday, were very MtMactory to the

Company ancl Farmerae

Over 300,000rpound8 sold for an average of $17.00.

Mre T. U Hickey, who cultivates the Lon Smith

poiiiida for $540.00,

an average of $27.00.5 Hia best leaf brought $42eO0e

Top Price, Ja Davis, $55aOO

Your tobacco, delivered to thkhoiiie,will receive

perM>nal attention, and we will appreciate your

patronage. ^



Page 5: Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u »f.^oiiyw^rn. ttiii u^^nniwt ' AllKindsJobPrintingNeatlyExfcu-17thTBAR. mNEPOWERSmiiTO


UdiW and CUIdfoi^t Co«tt



The cold weatbet is

it Rminder to nn

thatnGoftt or CkMit

Salt is uow itr iM-


^ .Oar stock it large

and raried in qtwll-

ty aDd prioe, iofaot,

we can fit the imall-

eat and the largest


Udies' $86.00 Plash Cloa'A $26.00

lAdlcs' $40.00 Veloar Oloaaa $27.50

Ladies' Bolivia Cloth CoatB $n0.00

Ladies' Broad Cloth Coats r>.00, »15.00, t:i5.U()

Children's Cloaks, 3 to 7 years, $3, ^8.50, $4.00, $5.00

Junior Coata $6.00, $7.60, $9.00, $13.60

Intermediate, 15 to If) years, $9.00, $13.60, $16, $20

Ladies' DrettesAn exceptionally fine line of Dresses in Silic and

Serges in the new shades. Sizes 16 to 40, 112.50 to


New BlousesA wonderfnl aseortmcut of new'Bloniet jnet reoeiTcd,

in Tricolette. Pongee, Georgette and Crepe de Chine.

Prices from $;i5U, $5,00. ^fi.OO to J8.0().

See these ready-to-wear garineuts, and you will ap-

preciate their valne.


Mr. tVM. RMfrow, vt OlatM, K.|

RMmtltefeiat and Paeot Mfftarr. D. No. 1, was t« tan fttr, Tms- mrs., 47-tf.


Mr, and Mm. C. E. Rogern, of Elk-

jton, win Hiipnd Th.inkHgivInK hrre


with Mrs. Rogert' parentt, Capt. andMrs. 8. X Cox.

MegirB. Thomas W. Barrett andW. Lloyd, of Narrows, R. Ti D.

No. t, w«n is t^ls dty. « basiaasa

last WadS(Wdsy.

rommonwpnllh's At'ornpy C E.

Smith. ncromp.TDlrd hy Mrs. Smithpicnt thp greater part of last weekin ('nlhoun In attondanoS St tfca Mo-Lean Circuit Couri.

Jfessrs. Joha W. Naborsayd* Masaa, of Narrows, It f. D.No. 1, wsre pleasant rnllera at this

oflcs, Tuesday. Mr. Nabors renew-Messrs. Rowan and MrHeary Rol< -ad kls satacrlptlon wfaHe here

brook and John Boiartk spent * tewj


ii,'i>^: r> I I ntir haatag aaar tbe moatbof .\() C'fk'fk.

riTlrence (' (i|)err(l

Mspars J: p. FwntresF, and Lon,A liins, Bnrrftt'i Ferry, luid Quyuiiiii

Westerfleld, Narrows, were amongoiir caltan, Taaaday.

I.' nr I'lttshnrg, Pa.,

I Caiili Produce Houselit t!i • '! w Knwn Tobfecce Bam,at (leaver I>am, Ky.

PRBD BAIZE. Manager.47-at

Mr. Joha fobasoa, baa rctaraed to

Decatar, Ala., vbere be la In tbe

employ of Boad Broa., after syead-Ing aeVbral days wRb bto famOyhere.

Obio Conaty frieads of Mr. andMrs. H. M. Crlder, of T.«nlsTlIle,

have recelTed iin:ioiitu'< iii' jit ot the

arrlTsI of a baby boy in their home,.Vov. 2nd. His aaaio is HarryMinor.

Miss Miiitlnc T.iy!(ir. (if Wv. R, K. Kuqiia, .•is.4i8tO(I hy Rev.Cromwell, returned to hi r home Sat- f. c. Daves, hegan a series of meet-urduy after spuading two weeks jngs at the Rockport Baptist Churchheie as tbe gttest of Mrs. Lacy Hub- Monday night. Mr. Horaee Taylor.Iiard.


of Liberty, la in charge of the sing-


eoooooooooooooooo!D LOCAL DASHii,8 Oli»0000000000 0'.,000

Mrs. W. C. Blankenship is spend-

lat a tew daya at Dawaoa.(

Mr. Baifir ' darter, of Narrows,

was la tUa elty Friday, oa basiaeea.

Mr. O. J. Cbrtstiaa. of Horse

Branch, was In Hartford Wednesday.

Mr. Cecil Martin and family, for-

merly uf Cromwell, haTO. OOSO tO

Hartford to reside.

A Pie Supper will be given at the

No Creek aihoolhouHc Saturday

night, tbe 26th. inat. Bverybody in-


DrH. Oscar McKiniiey. Boaver Dam,and Jesse Bean, Horse Branch, were

IB Oweaaboro on bvataooa last


Mr. R. B. Oaary baa retnmed to

M< Henry, where be Is employed as' I bave iaaUlled a new and up-to-speeiai peiire ofleor, after spending date RemstltriiinK .Maohinp. Amn dil.v or two Wltb bIS family near prppnred to do your Ileiiisrii,

Fordsville. a;'d I', rot Kd^inR. Bring or mailyour work to me. MRS. W. J. BEAN,

Mr. and .Mrx. Frank G Koremari, ^f-tt HarttOtd, Kyand Infant son. of Hazard, Ky., were

the Kuests last W( ( k of Mr. For-- ReT. T. T. FrasMr, Of Hartford,man's parenU, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. has goao to Horse Braaeh wbere beForeiMB, eity. ^ . ^wUl reauta some tea days, in the———— 'eoadnet of a series of meetings.

MtsB Smlly Ben, a stadeat la tbe jur. Prasier is assisting tbe pastorLivermore.Mlcb Btehool, la III of ty- ef the m. e chur.h at tbat place,phold ferer at tbe borne of ber par- Rev. \v. .s. Bucknerents, Mr. aad Mrs. Bam W. Bell.

near Buford.j Mr. J. T. Sanderfur. manaRcr of

! large wholfsale grocery house ofMr. anil Mr? V'Hh Holbrook, ot ,ue Creasey Corporation, In Hunt-

''iiiroiiion have relumed inftoB, W. Va.. was the guest Of bishome after spending several days as fatber, Jadge J. P. Saaderfur ofthe KuesU of ,Mr. aad Mrs. 3. D. this elty, from Batarday aatll Wed-Hoi brook, city. ijiesday. He favored aa with a call

'Tuesday.Rer. Raioell Walker, pastor ot tbe

local Baptist church, attoaded the Mr. L. r. i-onry has hecn theGeneral Association of Kentucky Bap- guest of his aister, Mrs. J.A.Hocker,tisls at Hopkinsvllle, from Tuesday (;f „,..,, ,i,js , ity. tlic past few days:until Thursday. m,- i.,,ii.y w,.^ i..,.:iMy elected City

Commissioner of OwenslMro, Ky.,Vir,-. I.elia (:ie„„. who is tea. Ming by the largest TOtO eTOT glTeO 8

in the Central City High s.i.ool, candidate la tbat elty. Be was awill spend the Thanksgiving boli- pi^Btwat caller at tbla oflee, Tnee-days here with her pareata. Judge

and Mm. 1. . Oloaa.

Ideal Theat'BEAVER DAM, KY,

WiU Give You For

Thanksgiving Day,"

Thursday 9 NoVe 24^pomethlng that you will eajoir far bette; i -mrl


"Ridinf With Death"

A romance of tbe most stratiing sensations, Kverybody

Jones gete better ia every pl«t«f« aad la more than loo per eoat bdftar

thaa a year ago aad tbla is fOiltlTOly Us latest picture—RIgbt oC tb»-

bat—^never beea sbowa la tfet OMae. yt-^Saturday, Nov. 26, 1921


"The DevU Within" ^This ia oae of tbe moot popaM fllara oa tbe screen, and' tbla Ig lll^

last piitiii" nut. We introdtMOd Um tO fOU iB bts flrst

and this is his second and newest.

Our patrons tell us they appreciate our giving thorn tbeo» i

turea and are eomiag miles, ao auitter tbe weather or

them. Tiny roct us much more money tbaa old ones by the i

S^tars— lull tli.y ar.' throe oi four fimos as entOrtalBing. FlU tba bOWfr

and we will give you anything you want.

.Admission 'JOc.


Mr. J. P. Viaeeat aad graadaoa,

Ray Vincent, of Ooatertowa, werewelcome calleia at tbo Herald oSeeSaturday.

Attorney Tbomaa Sandidge, ot

Oweaaboro, waa ia Hartfdrd oa b«at>

aaas laat Tkar^ay.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Kirk have re-

turned from a short pleasure trip

to New Orleans aad other poiats in

«be Boatk."

Mr. Theodore -Bayder, of Ceatral

City, waa the gaeet ot trieada bore

aeveral days last week.

Mrs. Marvin Beaa, of Akron, o.,

is expected in Hartford shortly to

spead several days wltb relatives

aad frleada.

Mrs. Herbert Sanders, of Coving-

lag, is at the bedalde ot her slster-

iBilaw. Mrs. V. 8. Caraoa.


r>oniMr. Sam Riley, ot Owensboro,

t Boveral dgys with friends and

relathree ia H^ord laat week.

A valnahle milch cow belonging

to Mr. Alviu Rous, Route 1, Center-

town, was killed bV UcbllliaB last

Thursday night.

Mr. Thomas W. Barrett, of Nar-row, claims the record for success-

ful .'iliooling this season. Out of the

first lliirly-threc shots tired twenty-

nint reai hed their mark and brought

jto eartb a squirrel, rabbit or quail.

Messrs. B. W. BtaHs aad W. D.

Russell, ot Prentiss, were welcome

visitors at tbls office Monday.

Mr. Bd Forter, of Oweaaboro, was

the gaeat ot Mra. Aawada PbiUips

aad daaghtor. MMs Bortba. a lawdays last week.

Mrs. Roy Roland Washer^ of

Omaha, Neb., is at the bedside ot

ber sister, Mrs. U. S. Carson.

Miss Lettie Marks went to Louis-

ville the first of lust week to spend

about ten daya as tbe guest of

frloada aa4 Nlattraa.

Mrs; J. I. Goodman went to Ow-

MBboro Moaday to spend several

Messrs. B. O. Barrasa aad. M. L.

Heavriu spent Ksveral daya last

week in Louisville oa baaiseaa.


,Mre. Bala Howard Blowart, of

Ooatertowa. waa tbo gaaat of ber

aMtbor, Mra. C> B. award, elty,

aaaaral days laat week.

*^Mr. B. y Bet.nett and family

{loved from near this olty to tbe

WashingtoB vicinity, latafday.

' Mr, John Bam Ford, of near towa.

lelt Thursday for Crescent City, I

Pis., where be will spend tbe winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville D. Tichenor

of Hartford. R. F. 1). No. :t, spent

Friday night with Mr. and MrH. L.

B. Tlchesor, of near this city.

Mrs. A. V. OoodU aad baby, of

CkaAaataa. Mo., are tbe gnaau of

Mrs. Ooodla'a pareala, Capt. and

Mrs. B. K. Cos, for Thanksgiving.

rs. Alvip Boss, Centertown,

1, aad.jfrask Alloa, Center-

paid ua aBBNoteted calls Moa-

WANTED— Two turnisbe«i rooms

fur light bouse-keeplai^ Mka and

wife. No children.

MBB. Wm. DBMP8EY,Boaver Dam, Ky.

E. P. Thomas and IHtle grand

bters, LucJie and

ter, left yesterday lor

wfcfre they will spend a tew' vttfc Mr. Tbomaa' daagbUr.i

W. J. I'ureler dT-Iti

Bring me your Shoeing, Wagonand Buggy repairing. Cheapest and

Suruh best . Forty years experience. Quick

Cadis, service. Plain Shoes, %1.60, Toed

Bfcaai. M>M.Ai 9. BOW,

Qalto a aamber of local yoaagpeople aro taklag a course la mus-ic under Prof. J. C. Schubert, Of

Central City, who ( onies tO Bart-

ford Friday of each week

' Mr. Barrett baa loag beea eonalderedMrs. William Savage, who had nHH warkwaaa aad baa added

been assisting her husband. Bro. j„ j„ „,„„y „ySavage, in a revival at the Chriatian parieace la tbo Weat.Chnreb bora, lataraatf io ber bomo


at Hopkiaaville Tkaraday.j

•^•p acknowledge with thanks the

receipt of the following new suIh

Mrs. A. M. Burnett and son, Rob- sriiptions: Mrs. Klizabeth .Miller,

ert, left Monday for St. ("loud, Fla.. Cromwell; Mrs. ('. B. K'l.isKern

to spend the winter. Enroute they Miami, Fla.; Rev. H. T. Harperwill visit relatives at Memphis, Route 3, HarUord; Mrs. T. E. H(in-

1 < nn.. Btattgart aad Bateovnie, Ark. ley, Aubara, Ky.; Messrs. U B. Mor'

.' Iris, OwenOboro; Roy Rains, Dalritta.

Mra. Naaaie Taylor, Liberty, Mra. Tea.; J. R..TBraer, Roate 1. HnnLiila Miller, Mre. Hiram Miller aad ford; Jaa. 9. Tbomas, Beaver Dam.little aott, John Hiram, ot near Bea- and J. D. Holbrook, city,

ver Dam, spent Sunday afternoon as _______the gueats of Judge J. B. Pogle and Messrs C. P. Williams and .1,. {Peyton, Echols; H, E. Shultz, Tren-

tlss; Cleve Stevens, Route 2, BeaverRowan, of Dam; F. !VI. Allen. Centertown; Mrs.

O. Rowan Alvin Porter, Herrin. 111.; Prof. J


Mr. and Mrs A. V.

near HeUin, and Mr. 8 _.

and son, llugh, of Colorado, bat wbo p. Braaer, Aobam. Ky.; Mra. R. C.

have beea apeadlag tbe aammar Beabam, Boato S. Hartford; Messrs

wltb tbo lonaor, loM Moaday for h. A. Baird. Boato 1. Hartford, andOreoeeat Olty, Pla., wbara tboy wBl j. A. Westerteld, city, have madespend tbe wiaAer.

|glad hearts of ye editors by renew-

— ing their allegiance to the Herald

Miss Martha Sevenson, formerly a within the last few days.

member of the local High School —

faculty, bat now a student at the I Miss Ciiffle Felix, who is teaching

Westera Koataeky State Normal la tbe Higb.Bebool at Mdtoary, was

Bowliag Oroea, Ky.. wiU taken aaddoaly lU a* bar boarding

apead tbo TkaakaglTtec bolldays boase ia tbat elty oa laat Taaadayhere with ber aialor. Miaa MBdredStevenson.

The Hurtford High School Basket

Bull team Journeyed to Clurkson, necessaiy

Qraysoa County, Saturday and tried xutli

conelaalaw wltb tbo baakot artiata deemed

night. A physician was immediate-

ly summoned and pronounced the

case ,i|pi I'lidli itis. It was ai first

tliuuKlit ihat an opeiation wi>nid be

hjlt the patient sliiiwed

iiniM-oveiiicMl it 110;

advisable. Miss Felix's


of that bvrg. Oar boya were haadi- friends will be glsd to know that

capped by the absence of Bartlott she bids taiflto be baek ! kov asuul

from the llaeap, put up a game light, bealtb wltbia a tow daya.

They ioat, bowover, by tbe score of .

4k to It. .


MUa Bliaj^beth Miller, of Central————— City, will arrive Wednesday evening

Mr. aad Mrs. Henderson Mur- to spend the Thanksgiving holidays

phrea retartod to Hartford laat witk her naotber, Mrs. Jennie Mil-

weok tram Waakiagtoa, N. 0.. wboro lor. Miss lUer will be accompan-

Mr. Marpbtee bad beea oagagod la led by Mlaa Boalab MUlar, ot Lou-

the tohaceo baplaoM, lor aoraral lavtUa. wbo yaalded la Hartford sev-

months. After vtaWag Ml*. WU- oral yoara ^ro wbea ber fatber. Rev.

phree's parents, Mr. sad Mrs. W. T. Miller, was pastor of tbe local

Rowan Holbrook they went to ()w- .Mitliodi^l Chun li .Miss Miller Is

unsburo Thursday to leuuiue bouse- |j>asaiill.t ruiuunibered by a host

keeping. Mr. Murpbree will again of old friends and neighbors who

bo eoaaeeted with oae of the large will be glad to welcome ber to HaiV

H^bgaeo varokoaaoo ot tbat ford agala.


OUR ONLY RKdRBT Is that we have iieverbeen able to eiitisfy the groiing demand of oar chs.toiiieis fiii- Hillikeii ShooH. Thrciijili many years ofexpeiiuieut and couibiued effort, Billikeii Shoes havebeen iNNMiflil to aiioh attete of perteoUou that we areable to giTB them our uiujiialified {;uarMit«B, ThcaeShoes Hre of solid ieatiier. Hexible soles and doublewelt. For boys ana girib the prieeti rauge fooM 12.75to 16.60.

If you are not fatiilliar with 09V Use of SliblB,com« in Md l«t us show you.

Carson & CoHartford, Ky.

Page 6: Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u »f.^oiiyw^rn. ttiii u^^nniwt ' AllKindsJobPrintingNeatlyExfcu-17thTBAR. mNEPOWERSmiiTO


ft MlU SIMM fh tk*' bwAtsf.

on theoB phaeei of tarmins after

which ther dlacvMlom \>j the

tamtn oa yroMwM ooaaMUd with

th«M n%fMli ia ife* «Matf.

Oreoii ffi»(l» acflli a*

aiK'-l iio**!*. alUiK*

which for Home tima

Tocatad «» iaporuat

tar Mm Mar«l If CVM

»«iiuT wM«iikt tks mim of A«-rlcalture. M ol tkli tetWrUI ac-rompli-ili"!) th« saaM tlMlta as thn(eediiiK of %T^n ttom aM did it

with lP88 nxpcDM ui trMkie, ao-

cordlnR to raa«IU •( MMk ait»d by

tba ilgnMW8^^^PP> yrop-ar coDdttloa ui MPW^ laenM*the fKK prodaetloa M the birdi. ac-

cordhiK to reawlU okUlned In fe«d-


IDK triii!- It also fvrolsIlM th« yol-'

low (M.lini.iK In th« yolk of the PRg.j

SIni'o 'li- yellow color Mjr b« sup- complete loaa although it is not

plted by yellow cora' u4 the dlgoo^'niad as tflelantljr as it might be.

tiTt tra< t benefitted tk« salts tke.Moro carotal attention to the prop-

Other crop* rsported tor Kefitaeky

ar«: sweet potatooa l.aOO.tOO baa.

BfVlM ?tl,«M kM.; PMf* It.HO

k«a.s tloTtr Mod I4.0M »M.t MdJ

Lut y«ir KMtMiri »r«4««aM ot|

tkoM erofa wm: swott yotMoooStO.OM tma.; apple* (,7<0.0«9 b«.;

pears SOS.000 bus.; clorer seed

000 bus.; nnd sorghum slnip 4,848,-

' 000 gallons'

The derrease In tobarro produc-


tion In Kentucky from 1920 in due

chiefly to dacrOMOd acreage. Quality|

'of tokMM ta KoBtucky I* reported'

and tho tatlaro of tenaors to apraod »the material at aooa as poialine re- cMt iMt Jt^'Hiills in an annual loss of kpproil- tobacco crop thll

iiiatrly three-fuurtbs of the farm

manure produced In Kentucky, ac-

I oriiinn to R. E. Stephenson, soili

ami (Tops specialist at the ColleKS

of Agrlculturo. Not mora than one-

fourth or khoit MOt.OfO tona of

the maaan protfaaad to dropped ia

stall* or otkdnria* «B?od m tkat It

caa b« kaaMdland whoro It

conllng to the

to i«


to MttaM^at 1,020.874,000 fe«k. compared to

1.508,084,000 ponnda laat year, a

decrease of about 32 per e«nt.

It is estimated approximate-

ly 8 percent of Kentuciiy'R acreair^

of corn was put into silos this sea-

aon, the arerage yield per acre he-

laf raly aboat ( tons, some fnrm-

oa the m report eora as being chaffy and

to moat needed, ao-liom alao rapm damaie due to

specialist. However. hioldli« (k the ehoek. Oalf .T4 per-

a lar^e amount Is dropped on pas-

turfs and In the opSn "eld where

cattle are fed and is therefore not a

treaMe and labor iSTOlTed la the er care

grewlag aad fMdiaC M creen feed* ' fertlltoer aClMto tkraon of the

«aa he eUaiia«pBd hy poaltrymen. [state a sptaadM opportualty tor la-

One pound tf( aatta for etich 100|

creasing their prollta, secordlag to

hens in the flock la aaflleient. .iccord- j Mr. StephOMM.InK to Mr. .Martin. This amountshoulil l>e disHoWed In one-hair the

aumuiit (it water normally (ousuiiiotl

by the iiinls. The BOlution should be

placed before the haaa before any-

thing else ia tko aionilng and the

dock confined ' la t^M, hooee aatll ! around the barnyard and

the ealu and %»tor are doaaumed. ' atack aad la other plae^.

Before going to roMt at night

cent of tfeto year** crop IrlfeMtaeky

is reported as being merehkntable.

compared to nn nrerage of 84 per-

cent usually merchantable. Farmers report 9 perc<>nl of last year's

Kentucky corn i-r»\. still on farms,

of tkto Important farm ^ The average yield per acre this year

Taste is a matter of• 'S


tobacco quality'

We IMC It H our honest belief

that the tobMoos used in Cheiter*

Md art d finer qimHtjr (endof better teste) then in eajr

'cifMette at the price.

UnM It My«fs Tobacco Co.

The greatest manure loa* results

from the fact that few farmers makesiifli i nt effort to save the material

;i! 1 s; read it on the fields wht-re

croj.s are produced. Large amounts

In Kentucky is reported by farmer*

aa 26.6 but. per acre compared to

30.S has. per acre test ysar aad a

10-year aTtrafls of lT.t N*.

Xcw In Clabll«T<:rd.<i .\nti( ipateil

rnrolliiicnt Wo-kWith rradically all persons and

concerns interested In the welfare


of Turkic and Dommtic tobacco*—bimnded


Link la ' eoadobtlni domoastratioaa

to show tho «•!«• of hOl sslsoftatof it ar.^ allowed to accumulate of Kentucky farm boys and girls en-

.potatoes haw oMalMd sach awrkedstraw- listed in co-operation »ndicatlons ^ qaallty aadSince are that close to 10.000 of theae

y,,,^ ^, ^^^^ ^^J^

bird* should bo gtrea plenty

fresh drinking watar.

oa In(irowtng Oo«te»t Is

Uraveo Ooaatjr

)n order to stimttlato the produc-

tion of bigger yls|ds , of wheat in

aU parU ot the <M|||y, Orarea couu-

ty millers. bankmrCBd local larm-


the most efflelsat pitee tqr mtc the youngsters will bs enrolled la their

of manare to on a field which i* pro- county Junior agricultural dabs

'duclng B crop beat resultn '.vll! be duiins Junior Club Enrollment

'obtained by hauling and spreading^ Week designated in a proclamation

ll as (jfli ii a« iio^sible. When ma-; by Oovemor Morrow to be held

nure citmot lie spv ad as rapidly as, from Nov. 14 to 19, according to C.

It accuniiilat(^j a specially construct-

ed manure pit or shed will be found

helpful In conserving the plant food

which it coatalas.

•rs' organteatloaa s»-eperatlng with' Leaehlag Is another one of the

County Ageat ll.-iJp> Mitchell hare channeto through which farm ma-

d'minr[e?r'^'^«o<|l^w are barrels of nurs to wastsd, much of the auttcr-

11(111 r and $,''>0 In cash to be awarded

as iiri/.( , in a wheat growing con-

test wliK ll was started this fait.

The farmer growing and deliver-

ing the largest amount of whc u will

lal becomlag Inferior in quality be-

cause of the loss of liquid matter.

This liquid constitutes one-half the

value of the manure and In order

t) properly sav.' it r:irnifr>i -lunild


receive the flTO.feerrels of flour. The prepare tisht floors of clay or con-

farmer* who pradace the most bush- crete and th-r. use large amounts of

eto of wheat ae' acre oa flvo acres or bedding. When stock are loose in

more will iiiirnj*' " A slmltor|ths sfsll soms of ths bsdding will

prize wilV^HHiiiK^ farmer; be consumed a* feed and the re-

who pTo^^KKtf ^* l*<^i'. mainder tramped iqto the manure

raeroo or more. 'to absorb the liquid portion.

' Heating or flre-fanglng which re-

sults when ii:a:'.iire is piled in loose

I n., 1)3 also results in losses of the

111 fii-iliz>r. The Ifiitnl maniir'

jsivts off ammonia which (arries

«<lh it


ItajMB to ahowa by Mrty vented by allowlag the atock *o

fa sn InTestigatlonltrimp the maanre m that It will be

by the engineering con: pact and Hy keiping It moist

flljallogo ot Agriculture ' u.itil it U spread di the flelJ.

the number of homos'

1, :n;.n(V. :ii"n-. 1 1. r.( 'cr V.: :i"T fltsrta ImpOTtaat

K.'iiiiity feet

Uqalpment U fjadilag In

F«rm HoniwThiI Kentucky farm hone-

seriously in need of sanitary equlp-

meni in the form Of running water, I

in«j4rtb*rt».''Wk'«>"» *nd elec

W. Buckler, state leader of Junior

asricultural dub work from the

Colli;),"^ of Agriculture. M;iny coun-

ty and home demonstration agent*

already hare reported that the ea-

rollment la their conatles will ex-

ceed that of last year whea a totol

of 20.000 Kentucky boys and girl*

were enrolled hi Junior agricultural

c'ubs. The enrollment for this year

is expected to exceed that of last

y ar. a Burk of 30.000 harlag beea


Club work has become an import-

ant means of training the future

farmers aad homemskers ot the

State, according to oflletol* ot the

college, with the result, that last

year's enrollment of children in thi*

phase of agrlculturni extension work

was an cnornioiis iii(rpi-(> ovi"- t'.' \*

of the precreding year. Efforts to

further increase the enrollment tills


I- ins


til (Ictermlni

will' ll li.ive sui

Le.^» than three per lent of ilie farm

home* of tkS State have any "f tlie p. K. Stii-du.

aanltary aad modern equii>:>.ieiit ty farmer who i

mentipasd. aaoordlag to the reports ' County Agent D. W. Martin and the

recuived tfitU ^arloua ooaiity agrl- extension division of the College

cultural MP** Agriculturt has Just

< ondltM^e couaties of the State iizer demoastration

.:i.y, soml^KTlne « l*'** percent-

iKc of home* equipment

and other* havinK practically none.

The report* have idicaled ilial in

year are a part of the [ Ian to makelarge amounts of valuable ' junior agricultural club work even

This loss may be pre- more effective in bettering the

farms and homos of the Stats. Mr.

Buckler said.

During the week of Nor. 14 to 10

county sad home -demonstration ag-

ent* assisted by Interested persons

In their county will carry i>n in-

tensive drive to bring as many '"•.'•s

and (sirls as possliile into the junior

atsricultural ciul) work. The yuiihR-

sters will be enrolled in difureat

projects, practically all phases of

farm and Jiome work harlag been

included In the program of projects

proTided for ths Jualor farm men

;i iiendorsoa coun-

co-operatlng with


cciiiliiuie the work for another year

wbilfe several other farmers are

planning to take up similar projects

according to a report from the

county. "I* * *

Webeter connty tarmsrs are re-

ceiving sattofsctloa Ik their Uve^

stock sblpmeats by meaas ot a eo-

operatlve livestock shipplag ssso-

elation which has been organised, a


report from County Agent L. E.

Cutler state*. The association re-

cently shipped its first car load of

bogs at a cost of 33 cent* a hundred

pouada.• • •

Fifty Fnltoa eoaaty farmers bars

their pottltry flocks •aroUed la ths

winter egg laying project being eoa<

ducted over the Stoto by the estoa-

jion division of the College of Ag-riculture. By following the sug-

gestions on feeding and manage-

ment which will be given poultry-

inen enlisted in the movement the

Fulton coaaty men hope to increase

the egg prodaetloa of their birds

durlar the wiator moaths.

ROADTO mm fDUDness


etalpaiilbettor aai

live, lir.


there is need for more

which makes tiic t'arm a

I more «aniUry place to

kelley said. One county

a siagls

farm Wm^^ SWitolasd

any aaaltsry s«ttipmeat.

Plaas are being made hr tho farm

engineering section of the college to

assist farmers with the problem of,

mahlDg their farm homes more con-;

aud »auilary. accordiiiK to

Arrangements an- lie-

to give SUggeslioiis iiiiii

those intere.slcd wlio

college at Lesington re-

Inforssatloa. I


started a ferl-

on hi* farm

'which is espeeted to aaawer many! Important questloas of soli fertility

'for farmers of that community, ae-

corilinK to a report from the county.

Mr .Stiiiison will use different plots

an ' make separate and innihined

;tests of acid phosphate at the rate

of 'Zii'i to 400 pounds an aire, rock

phosphate at the rate of l.OUO to

1,000 pouads an acre, Itmestons at

the rate of one to two toas aa acre

aad fsrm swaare at the laU ot twto tea tods aa acre.

Campbell Boy Com

write to


900 1>'^''

tluiiuiiunity Ml

Utlng*'"" <<'>'n'y farmers

community uieellngs to a good

In solving th(

KsaiwHqr Oop Mepoet Ver •fe«>ber. leai

ICtntucky's 1921' total production

of tobacco of all tyres is estimated

ll jit-rcent leas than in liCo. and

the Htute'a corn crop this year 1.1

percent less thaa laat year, in the

Novoeibsr crop report issued today

at Loolorilto skd Fraakfort by H.

I r. Bryant, Keataeky ststtotlctoa for

are! the U. 8. Baroaa ot Marfcoto A Crop

Eatimate*, ia co-operatioa with

various Slate Commissioner of Agriculture

of their farm imsiness. ac- w. C. Hanna. This year's total to-

raports received from hacco i rop of all tyi >'S in Kentucky

ity On «'«ht ( OmmuMily 1^ :i 27,2r.l>.'IOO pounds ninp. r.Ml to

reoeatly held under the,487,600,000 pounds last year lioih

Coanty Agent L. C.jburlef aad dark types show a .sharp

decrease la acreage. The average

yield per acre thi* year to IMpounds sompared to a 10<yaar vt-age of III pouads per sere.

Ths SUM'S ease crop this mr to

estimated at 81,111.000 bu*., com-

yaci-d to 1 i)o .6 bus. last year,

while this year's Irish potato crop is

(estimated at :; .'jttn I'liii l.ii nr IS

percsKt less than the 6,436.uU0 bus.

Waahlngtoa. Nor. 10.—The ad-

ministration ha* made plans to re-

lieve uneniployi^ent In many States

by constructing good roads, using

tlie IT.",, IIIIII. iMiii aiiiiro|iri,il.'il i.) tiie

Federal highway act recently enact-


In 1820 the last Osmooratle Con-

grees laid ths groaad wort for a

nstlon-wlds highway programme.Ths bill, passsd tho othat day, sim-

ply carries out ths original purpose

of Congres* but with a Maallsr ap-

propriation thaa was origlaaUy con-

t( nipluted.

Seventy-five million dollars be-

came immediately available whenthe Federal aid measure was signed

by ^hs President a weak ago, andSeerotarr HSary Whilaas, underwhoss dtrsetloB It to to ba ipsot. al-

rsady has mads tha propsr allot-

msnu to tho States.

New York will roeelTe $3,096,-

444.97; Pennsylvania will have |3,-

398,953.97; MassachusetU $1.08<.-

04; New Jersey $»4a,IT0.ll; Con-necticut 1480,897.78.

In addition to the $78,000,000 ap>

rroprlsted tor road Improrementthe present fiscal ysar, fll,00l.000

the -i, proTldsd for ths rsads la aatlon-

al terssts. II.OOe.MO ot which i*

araliahlo for tho taaal paar sodlngths report st»tao. {j,,, go. llti. aad llO.OOO.Oeo forsfllg Noa mod. tfsseai gcaria reel ths following year.

Secretary Herbert Hoover an-

nounced yesterday that the present

programme for road construction

provided for the improvemeut of



A Campbell county junior .n.nrlciil-

tural dub boy has denionstrited

again tliat It is sometitnes possible

for boys to i.roduce better crops andlivestock than their fathers by fol-

lowing prescribed prsctlcee. A re-

port from pouaty Agoat H. r. Link

ststss that OAS ot tho youag comgrowers la the county produosd morethan II bushels of com ou aa acre

or a SO per cent greater yield tlwin

was oMiined by his father in the

same field. No commen lal fertlllz-

-r was used in I 't' cr case. the

difference in yield helt>g due to

application of manure, the use

ood seed and correct colttoatton,


•00 tsrmors st-


IB of

More thaa

the eight

In differsia soM«e«tos


stock »nd soils ttii'l crops sub-

sre H»« priA;ii).ii

tiy the farmer*.- H. c Miller.

MtSaslOB specialist from tlie

Agriculture aud It K

bi-l crops st;«cittl

Farm Aad Home Ni>ws

Kentuckyl.arue county farmers arc rea'iz-

iiis the advantage of piirehred ani-

n. ils over that of s. rubs. according

a r.'pi rt of County Agent J. W..Iore.4. i'uru^ than 50 purebred Jer-

seys have beea brought into ths

county during the past year. SamKslth. K. H. Mlddlstoa, Irrta

a. 26 1 miles. His plan is to speed

up work under ths original schedule

uutUnsd by Secretary Idwia T.


The sums appioprlatsd -by ths


Federal OoTeramaat must ho awtch-j

sd dolUr for dollar by fuads from•psowlss aad Barasy Waltsrs have ^Y^^ gtate trfasurlea except In Statesbees the last fataMte to purchsss

purebred animal*, the four of themhaving obtained 24 re.>;lstt'rcd Jer-

seys as additions to -their herdit

• • •

Campbtill county farmers who co-

whero more than 6 per cent ut the

area is utiapproprlated public land.

Pay your subscription a' year IN

ADVANCE and get a year's sut)-

scription to Ths Soathera Agricul-isoa. sails " •'• «""r" 'v— j

— — — — i— ' — -

r—- — —- — —


the coltsdo. gsvp (bort tslkijyredaesi la thto sUto la >IM. operatod with County Agont H. F, tnrtit, tho greet (em Be»w> fpEVS

When you're ologgred up byCONSTIPATION, jaundiced bya torpid LIVER, devitalized bypoor BLOOD or soured by DYS-PEPSIA your case calls for Dr.Thacher'sLiverand BloodSjmp—«n old physioiaa's fomoos pre-

ioriptioii, ia aoMSggfal use for68 yoats as aa dl^anmad fiamUymedicine.

"From Hia Heart"Mr. B. J. Halchcr, of Shell Blutf, Os.says: "I am goingtogive ypua testi-

moaislthatisfram mrhssit. Iwonlduot be without DR. THAOHBB'8LIVEB AND BLOOD 8TBUP in myhome and will try my very best to getit into every home in my looslity. Itake It and my wife and obildren takeIt whenever we see-even the least in-dioation ot a eoated teagMi slnis w*know that the tongue Islhs ttsimem-eter ot the stomach."





For* Sale B^r IDTl. L. B. B.HI^:£T,HABITPOBO. miWXJUt.


We have a full line of Cook Stoves,

Ranges, Coal and Wood Heaters

which we can fttrnish you al mmoney-saving price. Look our line

over before buying.

ACTON BROS.Hartford, Ky.



Hartford Hsrsld Puh. Oai, ^ -iSM-Hsrtford, Ky.


Baolosod flad t to renew my subscription to Ths

Hartloai arald year* trost data of szplrauoa.

;Vsry truly paaii.

ss* sees Sees eso ep •*•>!

• •• s«s* «»t«s%4*


Page 7: Internet Archive · 2015. 7. 14. · FORDHERALu Stt^tcfipHon$t»sbPerTew,inAdvance"i»«.\u »f.^oiiyw^rn. ttiii u^^nniwt ' AllKindsJobPrintingNeatlyExfcu-17thTBAR. mNEPOWERSmiiTO



IHOW. ocMimUi acub

[CSialnium, Dniiocnrtte

\ Commlttm

A(e, 60 xMn.Home, C»rtliii(«, Tenn.Pror«*aloB, Ikwrtr.

Membtr TennMsee L«gWatnr«,.18I3-»1

Captain Company H.



TcnnPHRfp Regiment, Spanteh-Aa« VVrf, 1898.

)<nlRr. Fifth JuMdall!)li:!.(l6.

Congresamui,, fVi|trtk

, 1907-1*21.

Author laeoma Tn lair, V^admlInharltasM- Tax law and meaiure to

lUbaiw talva of Ln>ert7 Bonds.Joint author of Ipr islativo recon-

struction program following, the defeat of which by a

Blfned ns Chairman M ths Demo- tlon of ar]namsnt8,'ltnt by legfefc-eratic National Ooftmittss at a tlrs vrolisioB in ikA ssoon^lyaiMtlag of./th* CoaniittM held at throngh Article mi of tWxo«fen-t. LonM NOT. 1, Tlilt was Ig ac- at of the Lraguf or Naflons/^rJeheordaace with his ofton expressed wa» prnims.-ii iiy .i i)pmocratlc prss-wlah fo retire from-

^the clialrman- Ident .ttkI incorporated therein M a

Ship whenever the (lommlttee roiiM rc^inlt of his efforts, anddotf a Buc. psHoi- Kili-^fac tory to all \Vli€reas_ The Democratic mlnori-ellBienU in that organization. The tl'^9 In the ".Senate and In the Houfe,[Ideal man wna fonnd in Hon, (dr- with tiie aid of Progressire RepubM-

fonrth dell Hull of Tennessee, who has as- cans, forced tht adnuilstratlon to

ICooking Satisfaction

sumed the dnties of Cbaimian. call tho forthcAiIng eoaftomce on


The ^;ai!oral ConmtttM adopted dls«i;anB«nt.the friiowiBf revolutions on Chair-; Resolved, That the Democrsticu White's raalKnatlon: ; National' Conmlttoo expresses its

RasolTod. That In ntcaptlac tlie grattflcatlon at the a»RembIing ofresignation of Honorable Ooorgo tho Disarmament Conference andWhite as Chairman of the Democra- further exprp«<^ps. th^ imp -v i

til .Va' ConiniillPt. ii is I'ml.i- lou.i.htii *u. i •»..

entlj appropriate that we should K I'iMii—li View of the l>r«ceput npon n-coril ih>' Coninilttce's ( onfercacos-^nnine aj preolatlon of Mr. White's Senator Swanson (Dem., Va.),f '"'""'"<' un«elflsh servicss to .tho correctly characterised the forth-pnhiKan ( ongre.a. resulted In bust- party .^nd our •stlmateS>t him «• a oomlng eonforone* on

n« ss depression knd iSdttstrKil Mlo- man of the highost typo and a Com-nesR and distress. ocrat x»f a rohast nature, who he-

Presided oTsr a board In the iieves in the principles of Democra-TMBsury Department In ItlT whteh cy and may always be relied on toPN»»red tho Mgalatlcwa to raako fight for the supremRcy of the partv.tho Wapt Ravenna Act more equlU- Mr. White in IiIr rftire-nent from

and efficient In Its admlnlstra- theSn; many of the regulations were

Incorporated in the War RevenueAct of 1918.

Author of "Economic Consequen-ips of 111.. Dt^ieat Bf the PeaceTreaty," published by

That is what you are getting wher. buyan Anchor Range or Cook Stove, for ourmany years of business, sellinj? this line ofstoves, enables us to confidently give thisguir3-»t«?e v/ith every one we tell:

the limitation


Of armamenta and voiced the hopesand beliefs of bis party ,-n<l a lai>; •

majority of the American rcoi'lp in

thp tcllowine extra

aiMrfss on that

on tlio floor of th -

A ui >• • Inipn

t from a rpcent

I 'Jpct il"'iiveri'd


: a '. "


•unt conferencef'lialrni.-n; hip may 1;p a.ssnro.l

that hp has 'he cordial thanks of has not nj-embl«d Since the nationsthe npniocrats of the nation, the of the world met at Versailles tonnrnip-n regards of the members of negotiate peace and deviso tho||this Committee and he always will terms for world adjustmelit. Aroundhavo tho very best wishes of us all thia eonforeneo clusters the hope of

. .V *»PPta«oo and ancceaek a disturbed and apprehensive wor/.d.


ing newspapers in tho Unlt^Iitate. UPO" th« statesmanship displayedand republlahod In tlM Oongrasalon-

„, ^y these conferees depend- the fu-al^ Hocord; a Mvioir «t oeonomlcconditions throaghont tho world ho-

foro and after tho' World War.Momber Democratic National

Committee for Tpnnessee since

1914 anil nit-niber of the BMOntlVOCommittpp since 1916.

Elected Chairman DemocraticNational Committee at St. Lonls.

ScribeNovomhor^, 1931, following tho

volnatary roaignatlon o'f ChairmanOoorgo White of Ohio.

Rogardod as an authority ontaxation, flnanelal and economicsubjects, and as a progressive co:i-

structlve political leader, non-tac-

tional and free from elasa or Sec-

onal bias.

Washington. Nov. 19.—The sweep-

ing Democratic victories on Nov-ember 8, including the capture of

numerous Republican strongholds,

add to the happy, harmonious andhopeful snsplces uoder which the

Hon. CardaU Hull assumes tho

cbaimMinBlilp of tho Dtmoent^ N»- aoenred the adoptiontlonal Commlttoo.

Virginia returns the largest Dem-ocratic majority In Its history after

a campaign in which the Republi-

cans had an exceptionally strong

candidate for Governor and after

they had waged the most aggressive

campaign ever made by them in

tho sute. Maryland in a sUte-wldo was again presented andvoto haa ovortnmod an mafroeadon^ without a roeord voto.


III liiscussnig tiic Tax Rpvision P''t» of the .vorld and its safe

bill which pasBed the Senate by a ' "i;' ! r<\ on.--1 ai lion. May its

vote of 38 to 24^ Senator Hiram tlelibt-rations be gii.ded by a WisdomJohnson (Rep., Calif.), aaM the commensurate with Its reoponsl-folttiwlng left-handdd duuractorlia- bllitles. Every effort should botion of that lni«nltona moaauro: mAdo to mako ita conclnaions wlso"A wag said tho other day, though, succoastnl. Nothing should bo

of courao, I would not dare sub- dono to add to its embarrassmentto such a thing, that the' ti- and Increase Its ilifnculties. The

tie of the pending bill ought to be nations here asseniM^'d should dis-

charged to read An act to permit '""s matters frankly and in a spirit

the dishonest to cheat the 'Govern- <>' conciliation and co-operation,

ment.' " If this conference adjourns without.Senator Johnson was recorded as a< ( omplishing the purposes for

not voting on the passage of tho '^viiidi u was called. It will be a

bill, and despita maay eritletoms of dark day in tho naa^ ot thotho moasi^ra.bjr ProgroaslTO Ropuh- world. Better that it' had neverUoaas, oaly-tkrao Ropnhllcans votod l>*«n eallod than to have It fail. If

against It—La rollette, Moses and ><> sKreomont la reached as to llmi-

Norrls Only one Democrat Brouss- 'atlon of armament, \\w nations

ard (La.), voted for it. here ass<embled will depart with In-

The most inirortant bcnpficial creased distrust ami sn?picion. to be

amendments to the bill were formu- followed by Incrca-nl armies andlated by Democrats and preHented navies, with all th- lr :itt'.'ndant bur-

by Senator Simmons (D«m., N. C), dens. But disarmament, the mainand have horetotofa koog"-pnblMod purpose of the conference, can beIr this correspondence. On the last accomplished only when national

day. Senator Walsh (Dem., Mau,), differences are settled and national

of the amend- eonildonce restored. The Just rights

^That if aufAochor stove does not give

^abdolnte Mtisfaotlon in oooklug wewill cheerfnlly refund the pnrclmBe

price or fnrnlth yen with anotherstove

free of^charge,


W£ST£RFIELD-PU80Y-SHEFFER COMPANY,I laeornorated. ) * '

Owensboro, Kyo

medt providing (or graduated tax on of «seh nation should be fully

tran.'^fprs of property by sift, rang- recognized, and all unjust demandsing from one per cent on sums be- firmly resisted. A settleinfnt to be

twtfn $20,1100 and $50 000, and IH-rmaiiCnt must bp just. We should

ranging as high as 25 per cent on first convince those here asseniblpd

amounts in excess of $10, 000,000. |that we have no selfish purpose to

Seator Smoot's Sales Tax. which serve; that wo seek only commonpreviously had mot wlth^lttlo fkvor tood tor owrsOlToa and tho rest of

art auny diffl-

tho ooaiOfonce,

By Special ArrangemenU We Are Able to Offer

'6he Hartford Herald

It is ostlmatod by Troasury ex-

perts, who have been charged withhaving drafted the bill i„ termstliat laymen not only but Senators


ed RopubUean majority and Ken-tucky hair rodeoaod her legislature

'r^MiiMVlibllcan rule.

WnBo victory In New Y irk C iv

waH assured in advaiic' ihs ;remen- themselves cannot uderBtand, thatjlouB majority there wis surprising the bill will yield $200,000,000 lessT gratifying. Particularly grati- revenue than the existing law./ing were the Democratic vie- An analysis of the Tax Revision

iortes In important cities and towns hUl will bo ol more value after it

Ttia upstate New York, long under nas oeoa dealt with ^ tho eonfer-jUOnWMaa misrule and boosiam. o|ieo commlttoo roftrosontlng both

Jrhe election </f thO trot Domo- Honaoa.

•.iVUC '^yor In Syracuse In flfteen In the meantimo. tho general

t^x% Is regarded as a personal character of the bill waa aspreased

pudlatioa of the autocratic reac- in the following extract from anary Ret ubiicanism of Oov. Mil- speech by Senator .Simmons (Dem.

tr la his I'ume town. N. C), of the Senate Finance Com-Reetat. eleotiono In Connecticut mittee:


wherVpq»« ta1nl>o«or to the Domo- "Taking all tho ro4n«tloa# youcrattl/MLJiMWtallk'' l»rf« «M bavo aado In bohaM ot all tho other

DMMoraUf taxpayors ot the country, the Indlvl-

rtant atty ot vldual tocomo taxpayers, the mlscel-the ousting ot a tTO> laaooas taxpayers, you have taken

llcan mayor. more off of the corporations than>rAs pointed out by Chslrman Hull you have taken off of all the balanceor. the Democratic National Com- put together. Can you Justify that?mittae, the .lections generally Indi- when you do that sort of thing arecats a trend awsy from the Repub- yoj not guilty of tho ehargo I nudelicHii party and a realization on the when 1 opened tho dobata that yourpart of t^ poopla^iat RopnbUca» bill ti a kill t* i allasa the great

""'""•ffii*"* **SL*' **• «*»«»«ont of the

^"SjNdllfl^^^jjlj^lynattoa fol- country at the expense of the bal-

^>^!^Jmi!MtSsSu!^)l^***kt aaeo ot tho taxpayers of the coun-

/and Mv^tli^^^^ \«" f«'"« The general opinion is that theTh«,|»ot that\»-a D«inft^|a<a car- Tax bill does not square with Ke-

rlad President Harding's iiom»Jpan publican election promises in anyof Marlon would £e«ip to IbV||*« respect.tbe vanlng of the personal pdw|. DdnucniU Iaa«i«rat«d rtramalarity of the PreHdent. To thU >» Policy. Ho|>« for Ma Bmcwwadded H. touch ot irony in ih* faa The attltttda of tho Doatocratlethat Marion voted for fhe sgits sol- ,,,,Tty past, and Hoaont on tko policydiers- bonus after Prnldent Haiw oi .>.i>|«tti|lloa o( armamonU was"» tn • •P««»« ^^-^MfMS offlclally In tho fol-rought about "*',JRWOB*mai>t lowing vsolulion adopted at a meet-a Parhapa tho '••tK^ ths ^ ig. „, ,h. ih,„o rati.' National Com-


rojoetodytho world. Tho*oiCttltloo controntlng

but I helloTO with proper forbear-

ance and eoneeaslons thoy can Im

succossfnlly settled.",*

ARfWUt «m CAUt

ThatPe<>|>l<- Hiiv<- Ftiuod

Thin is Xcd ssiiry

A cold, a strain, a suildcn wrench,

A Ilttl£ <ause may hurt the liid-


Spells of backache often follow.

Or aoMO Magvlarlty ot tho orlno.

A aplaniia wady tor sack at-

A padlalna that ka« sattaSod

thoaaanda .

Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a Kpecial

kidney remedy. Ask your neighbor.

Many Hartford people rely on it.

Here is Hartford proof.

Mrs. W. O. HImes, Madison St.,

saya: "My oiporloaoo with Doan's

Kidaoy PlUa haa bosn vary satlafac-

tory and I can raeaaMaad t^aka tor

thoy oortalalr art flno tor kldaayI complaint. My kldaeys were Ir-

I regular and annoyod me very Inueh.

I I had (Ireaiirul palaa In my ^>(1h and


over my liidneys. My bar k pained

so when I would sweep or stoop


over) and I couldn't do my house-

;work. 1 got Doan's Kidney Pills at


tho Ohl9 County Drug Co. and thoy

praaUaalla mn* 4p«> tkan.

I hava takaa a law Soaa'a and tko

resnlta won Tory aatlataotory."

Price (Oe, at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask (or a kidney remedy

get Doan's Kidney Pills— the samethat Mrs. Himes had. Foster-Mil-

burn Co., MIrs., Buffalo. N. T.— ( Advt rtlsement.


One Year, and the

Courier-Journal, Daily, except Sunday, forLouisville Timesy-Oaily,

Louisville Post, Daily, . .

Owensboro Messenger, Daily.

Owensboro Messenger, Twice-a-Week,Owensboro Inquirer, Daily,

Owensboro Inquirer, Twice-a-Week,New York World, Thrice-a-Week,

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Twice-a-week,

Tbiifoffer applies to renewals as welllions. New subscriptions may, if desired, start at a laterdate,'and renewals will datefrom expiration of presentSend or bringiyour orders to










as new subscrip-

lobe Hartford HeraldHartford, Kentucky -

!lc VictoWs, Which ^i,^

|nal Democrala M |lhe

IkrO greatly h(


assert will make for partyliy and, as Chulrmiin Hull

ospiailLS It, "will inspire Ddiaocrats

everywhiru to ruuewed effort j withInereast^y us

Pay THk«it» to Ex<1«a» WhMo

e at Si I.ouis on November 1:

i;ire««, l^e ptiople of the Unlt-

!i u'.d tliH world are burden-

enormoua tSiiM 4l»e In large

part to the preparaMM.Itv and con-seqiMn.H^ „f tvar, j||||> the gov-

eritment of the Uuilal States ex-

peaded IS |:. j • est of iU Incumufor wars p,.ii, pr-iseot aad future,




dAMtt lllie lOtt WtiLCob* W tnd lOm-

• ptcttclc wwk. 1

BMn«l»t msiifiln.

FkMtH oaiooNtists WI*SSI.

Mary had a Itttlo limb.

Well shaped, as llmblets go;

And everywhere that Mary went' That llfih waa^suro to show.

K Kyt*.al Idwt

Theatrical Manager: "I'm louli-

iug (or a play with u pumli In it."

Helpful Friend: "Why not try arevival ot -toa NiffkU. hi a Bar-room?' "


»iiN L . DuNUP & 'Coi

1 I JL H I > (I* '^D S

ill Wif .s ((> ..'I'V

THB RARTrORO HERALD has madeMemphis Waokly OoBMiorclal itiiil fey vUak «•MPtra for «M fMv IV tto iMT lilia a(

o spacuu olukbtag fata vUk Ito

will turalak


1»o C^BuiMipvy^veal is oao a<

Soutk snfl we Wn to receive maoy

$1.S5V\\ Ur.


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mix. OP vntdAtrr rAnKkt



•m Mtry, BenailMMMd of tiM wSy

DOW ninnlog

'tnffHnt mlfsmanthe niliit*ti>r nt TtiMt afternoon,

tHrr'iw iiinrrlpd

wc'v t« ""'QMPMii;^ ItBut we'll II hull iiiM iwH Daiay hadiiMirricO .\ oil—what can I m) to com-/ort .Mill, Mj-ii?"

•'Ixiij'l worry ah««t Mt. Bnw-lie sHid, exiririm • Iwwn

rhaml. It s M ha«<|i»i ir Dataf haduiil> I' M Mie ali* ipi^ tore me I

w.MiM liMM- fre«d'liMr|«.IHMbvt don't.jrcni Mild Mrs. BNwaf ||H iftoat It—It

'Will i'oi>M> out all rttfU'lt |b« end."• Vinrn- u Mu t« h« pmd of. Ban,"

.7,si<i till' older MM kaaneiy aa havriit iiuny. . ,

V.VU I'MUHWI wttii Itfi hand on the

V'<" '<' "f the llgllUaWn motorbout.'n M.ille had ttjm Vf6 there wiiii

oiil. ,

I ' Ki-lmiNMa W0lmh\M face. The' MIS ladaO' villi aapplles for the

liKi ihoiiKo, itaMb^ dean and whiteat tht' riir) of tk« kiag aboal two mile*fmiii the nialalaaA, Ban waa assistant

keeper there, aad fca and Dulsy hndI>l»iiiied an IdyllM lite in their sen-

iRtund home—4ttt It wns not to be.

Therefore, Ihd ttshthoufw looked cold-

er and loD^ter tlMO erer n<< his boat

4Mhad nrraaa tke bay. He might havelicen Jilted efary daj «t the weak for

^w«d when ha'

tk« corny \Mngaant the

• I ex^iact

glnii tt^haiwaaed**navagaly, iM He j^lahad the

4mui«| tha Ml Icnaaa.and.V Wild autumn, with rnclni;

I fMona wlnd.t thnt shook the

ViilldKg to Its foiinilallon. T'lk-;

.i-!iore areaa In the nlglit iiiul look'il

off toward BAnda Ught to see if some

Klant aaa hsM not awept It

nothing happened until



week, wties a blinding Riiowsionn held

the country la tbrall and the friendly

hoiiinit of Sattto Light oonld aearcely

be Keen.

'What% that?" bellowed the keeper

above tha DOlae of the horn.

'Sea gttlta—poor crlttara." miittared


"Souoda Ilka a ciy—" The two men

'nii^d to a window and looked out.

At drat nothInK could be wen Iml the

amotherlng cloud of 8Dowfli|kee. riiere

was BO sign of an anfortanata raaael

beaiMv toward tha aboal or tha algiial

Area aT tha 4lfa aarliic atatloB—yaa,

theiw WOTO tha flraa bOm baiow at

KItlcirt Baaei—*b« Ul» w*"oat tonight 4Mt mtlert Beach were

HHrHHyir fMU-whara aaetbar light

iR' Idi'cll B«t atin CUM that In-

•aMant crj that aaamad tlma4 to sound

twlMnaror tha foghorn famed."~ ma.vbe

telHaane from the wr«'< k off Kltlcut."

^SlMted Ben and he pulled on his oil-


. 'Tfou'll be drowned!" warned his

"But you've got to go. Benny."

For the flrBf time sinee Ills l.rok. n

engaKemc^ot lanKhed .iiiui;;lit. II.'

klHfie<l his uunt and made l'..r ilie lo« er

lioor. Miilf an hour nflerwiud he

thruttsiit lip one liy one four peoiile,

<thr<M- mtMiM-n ami "in. mnii. survivors

tf«t»» ttoe wwk of I lie Kliip lit Kill. lit.

wbo lind been put into a siiiall

Itnd hull drlfle.l I., the friendly slielter

«rf Siuid Shoiil. They were nil warmly

,dreKsed imd after ilie keei^r and his

family bad worked over them for hours

jind iiut Iheiii to lied they slept all

xbrouKh the next day and IB mora or

lesH degrees of stIBnesa, came dawn to


^ 'l'v\o of tha wonwa ware ftaward-

eneii on board the wrackad ataamer,

while the third waa a paaaaagar. a giri

^ M enty, with ayaa )lte Utm» pun-

wat with »mt lli«'»ost up-

peallK mtkt Baa had a*ar aeen. She

a avldaotlf ! aodarau circum-

IsMaa^ tm4 It davatapad that she was

^ IMT way tnm Boaton to another

city to and work. The m.i'' :"Jii

the wrecked boat wa-, m

ooald apaak Uttle BngUab. but gave a

iMty hand In halplBg BM ranch tha

' Ma aarlng station.

Tha two women and the . .lok went

; nway the followlnn day. hut the i:lrl.

<«lMi had loat all her I.eloiik'lnKs hi ihe

wwreck. atsyed .m ,.t Ilunnuh'S

^aneatlon. "l "'.-.1 a lUhi hand to

h35^ me with the w.irk," said the ae-

tata old lady

fl« Marjorle I.e.' stayed on ami

^Inad a ({ood .lertl, iin.l iliey all grew

« fond of »- '*:""!"

let her go She was an "JP^ahe had urowi. to lore ^ »^^Ler and hi> «weet wife, and for

S^he wan 1. h«ro la »»**Jf'?!.^«^on lire my «l«

%,ti-h«J the star. t«>««*5**X*

.dow oil lh« narrow talMM*. TB"

J^l 1„ .lune and «M «»«•

^ "he hrawa_uk these lavara.

^SSo. dear. 1 glra myaaif to y.w. hut

*iJ\U dUI balp u. a lot, .Jldii t It ?

2d she blew a W« out to the fain,

Iu inaowrx •*

In the Nanie of Ood Amen. The

, >nd Day of September IT.'Sl I,'

%llllt Raaney of Middletown in the|

[OouBty of Hartford A ( ilnney of

Connecticut U New England Yeo-

BSD, Betaf aiek and wa«k la Body,

It of » iMBd * ftrfliat mlBd *malnory thanka' ha ttvan unto Ood


lharafora Catltng td mind the Mor-

juiity of the Bodey * knowing that

It is appointed for .ill men once to

Dye Do make A ordain this myLast A only Will A Testament Ihut

la to say Prlaclpally A first of all

I gita ft RMaamaad ay soui into

the Hand Ol Ood that gave it. And

my Bodf X tUaommand to the Earth

to be bnrHid In Daeant Christian

Burial at tha XMMMUob of my Baa-

cutors: nothing donbUng but at tha

General Raaarraotlon I shall

celve the same again by the mighty

power of Ood. And OS Touching

such worldly estate wherewith It

has iileaeed God, to Bless me In this

lite I Olve A Demise A Dispose of

the same la. the following Manner

A Form.'

Imprlmla, I give It Beqvaath un-

to my well Beloved Wife "beborrah

Knnney aP thiil she hrought with

her when we were Merrled to be at

her own disposal: & I Rive her the

improvement of one of my OweUlnit

houaas which she shall rhoose A the

Improramant of one Third part of

my Home Lott I Itra on A tha land

Adjaceat to It, ft oiM Third of myWhltmora Lott, Oipaon tott whaRamy hooaa ataads ft my Swai^p

Meadow Lott. This 1 gira her wloiiK .'IS she rein:iiiis ::iy Widow. I Kive her two (iood Feather

I!eil.< with I'l-..;! fiirn:Iiir» Inrliid-

Ing what she hrought with her: I

give her two Cows which she sh.ill

Cbooae ft a Heifer Coming two

yeara old, ft my Ridelng Mdre Aten efaaap, aa lone as sha Is mywidow, ft my will la (hat. my two

Daughters Thankful ft Bl'lsabath

I should live m the house with their

mother as long as they or Either of

'them shall remain uumerrled. A in

iiwny, butj

case my wife should Dye before

Clirisiiiias 1 i-iiher or both my above named




;hs went by

that time was

day ni be darned

ha told himself



Blabon's Best


aiK^^o i a Wide •

thfNiteiis to .HKslilu

l« ihi'



Daughters shall merry Then they or

either of them shall have the Prive-

laga of UrlBK with djr aMi.Willet

Rannay. My will to that my wife

ihall hare wood brought tp the Door

by my son WlUat Raaney anfldant

to mantain one Are ft well prepared

for that purpose. My will Is that

the Creatures 1 have given my wife

.Hhall he kept thro the Winter upon

.the hay 1 have provided & also a

sufllcient quantity of Griin A Meal

Bhall ba given my wife out of my

moranUaa t» anpply ber ft my two

Daochtara who ara to lira with her

for tha year Coming.

ItfMii. I give & bequeath to mywell beloved son Willet Ranney all

my Lands A Buildings Kx.-pt what

shall ba hereafter DUpoaed off to my

Dangktara I glre my son Willit myNegro Man Peter, My team of tour

oxen ft all my husbandry Tools myyear old Coalt my Oun ft Sword ft

War like stores ft also all my waar-

iiiK .Xpperrll ft my will Is that after

my wife has received out of myinoveahleg sufflclent provision for

the year for herself & two .laughters

Thankful A Elizabeth Th.-n what

remains of my Moveahle .Money

Bonds Book DebU shall improv-

ed to pny my lawful Debts ft Fun-

eral Chargaa ft to mahe my two

Daughters Thnnktnl ft BUnbath

equal to what either of their atoton

have received who n»a already Maf-

ried, A what Rea^Bhu my win to

ahaii he equally Otvldad hatwaan

all my children.

Item. I giro ft Bequeath to my

wall Baiovad DaughUrs Thaaktvl

Rannay. ftan Saga Rahaoea Bnyaia,

Deborah Sage ft BUiabath Raaney

my House ft Lott that waa Rocor

Qipsons. whleh Uya adjoyning nnto

William S;ivage A Darld Edwsrds:

.My Cr.'if Sh.irl Hill I..ilt that li ^^^^^^^^^^^^bought of Kphriam Will. ox; '^J' LriUat Raaney asnether Short Hill Lott Bought of ,_

widow Doollttle, my lott north side

of mounUin Swamp Joyniiig to Mr.

Hugh White ft John Kirbey eon-

Ulntaf hhont ttleaa or alsteen ac-

res ft my Lott tke book aid* 9t Lpng

Hill which I bought of tha W|«ov

Wol. ot I mean that part I Bon't

Improve. I tuppose It to OOntnlB

about half the Lott. Thaae lAOdS

I give to be equally Divided bO.

tween all my Daughters

I do Hereby Constitute A appoint

my waU Bolovod aon WUllt Rsnney

ft Bbenetar Savage to by mr Bm-

tutora to see thto my Laat Will ft

Tentsinenl Ratlfted ft fultUed Ac-

cording to the true inteat ft Mean-

ing hereof ^ I <lo utterly DissBnul

A make void all former Wills ft

Traiimenu A Ratify A t oi.rlrm this

my Last ft only Will A Tetiment

m WJtpeaa whereof I kav

Set my Haad ft UMl »M i>«7 *jMii ,


abofO vrUtop. V »r«f5 BMOMAB NIMLOB.



Pro- For IkoAmartaan Oo-oparStm Aaao-

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Compare Prices!

Then visit our Girpet Department

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the wonderful bargains offered in

this big department, but if you will

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any article you might want. Aif

correspondence given persoBal af-

teHliob and you ^et a reply by in^

tmtmii, Tty it ; \\i


' Tapestry Bnissell Rugs

One lot of, all WortUd Tapeatrr BroMqUt B«|b txlt

am. teMitlfiil pattMMt .BoKvUir Mt.S«

Unoteuiii Rugs At

$16.50Blabou'8 Red Seal Burlap Back and All Cork Top Lino-

leum Rugs 9x12 size. Wonderful pntteras. fa a cftRegular $20.00 values at . , j < . . <.'^10iUU

Gr^t Wool Bhuik^

BargainsOne lot of &II wool Blankets CtxtOin. also.

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f 10.00 Talnes at , i.i-,t «• • i<

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i;i^ir aV:"$3.50,$3.00.$2.50.$1.98

/Home Made Comforts

Home-made Comforta In, Pure White Cotton,

Ora^ittb aoTgffa. Bntnt konay. A #9 ca 1 #ft CArocniar |4.i« and tS.OO vniaa at ^.«hI UI f4.3U

linolluiii for Every |to^"^In the House

Red Seal sis toot Linoleum. Beautiful

Cork Top and Bnrtap qh ,

fl.» the avnare yard allUC S(^. Yu.

0-Cedar MopsBstra large O-Cedar Mop, already oiled and extra Irage

size for painted and hardwood floors, goodlong handle. Regular |1.7i at .... $1.25

Ordor anything from us by mail. If it don't fuit,

, we'll tako it ba«k.

S. W. ANDERSON CO.Incorporated

pWENSeORO. Wh«r9 CourtMy R«igns.fKENTUCKY

hie L«at win ft

TestnaMat In the Presenoo o( us the

anbaerlhgn. ~(

Edwards BBlli;

Churchei Kdw^rda,

Joaeph Barns.

PUBUCiyCJIONITha hnlldtng and lok k|^wn as tke

ft. C. A. Store, at HartfoH, KT-. hyordur uf cuurt, will be sold at pubUeauctlrtn at 1 a'clock, p. w., Friday,

Dec. t, ItSl.^

Tha httlldlng and lot ii|pwn as the

A. 0. ft. Mom, At Mttrm. Ky.,

Saturday. Deo. 1. Pt 1 o'4ft«k« P. ».The above property •«! ko fold at

public auction on days aaaed.Ttiniin iif sale will be anaouacod 00

litrrwuiiti) _^r"iiilHi>H on day of vale





tocoWaiiiiiitriiiipinly(Incorporated) \,

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•mm t%* tormoro «hoald kpow nkpft UMt imif»SnpiMrTlgipIg kookCi

The Oihw Six Hoomb Sold ..


The Oweimburo House Sold ..

The) Ot^V Siix liqjiBefl Sold


TllB OwBOBboroHoiMe 8oM

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17,822,066 Iba. for il,8ir,

9.784,«80 lbs. for | H^^STS.SO; ave

1,856,700 lbB.4or i76.8«; ave.


W« ltd oa Pryor $1.41 per HuiTko other ata konsae lacked (|I44.I«1.}J

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the beneflta ot onr eBjrU. What would a 11.41 pfldred OB yonr Bnrloy oMon to yop op this eropT




[.98; ave..

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