INTELLIGENCE ONLINE REPORTING AND ARCHIVING SYSTEM...The graduate school, Silpakorn University...

INTELLIGENCE ONLINE REPORTING AND ARCHIVING SYSTEM By Lieutenant Junior Grade Somruetai Kongdith A Master’s Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Computing Graduate School SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY 2006 หอ

Transcript of INTELLIGENCE ONLINE REPORTING AND ARCHIVING SYSTEM...The graduate school, Silpakorn University...

Page 1: INTELLIGENCE ONLINE REPORTING AND ARCHIVING SYSTEM...The graduate school, Silpakorn University accepted A Master’s Report entitled “Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving


By Lieutenant Junior Grade Somruetai Kongdith

A Master’s Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE

Department of Computing Graduate School




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โดย เรือโทหญิง สมฤทัย คงดิษฐ

สารนิพนธนี้เปนสวนหนึง่ของการศึกษาตามหลักสูตรปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ

ภาควชิาคอมพิวเตอร บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร

ปการศึกษา 2549 ลิขสิทธ์ิของบณัฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร



Page 3: INTELLIGENCE ONLINE REPORTING AND ARCHIVING SYSTEM...The graduate school, Silpakorn University accepted A Master’s Report entitled “Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving

The graduate school, Silpakorn University accepted A Master’s Report entitled “Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System” Present by Lt.JG.Somruetai Kongdith in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of Science, program of information technology.


(Assoc.Prof. Sirichai Chinatankul, Ph.D.) Dean of graduate school

………..……/………………/……….…… A Master’s Report Advisor Asst.Prof. Panjai Tantatsanaworng, Ph.D. Individual Research Committee

…………………………............ Chairman (Sunee Prongpinipinyo, Ph.D.)


…………………………............ Member (Asst.Prof. Panjai Tantatsanaworng, Ph.D.)


…………………………............ Member (Assoc.Prof. Colonel Surat Lertlum, Ph.D.)




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The purpose of this research is to design and develop online Intelligence reporting and archiving system using web application technology. The system also provides powerful tools to users to report valid information effectively to make the best possible decision. The principle of this system bases on web application for online reporting and archiving intelligence. The system also uses authorization, authentication, encryption, integrity and audit for advanced effectiveness security in different secret level of information. The information is protected to not allow any person who is not authorized to access the system.

The result of this research development shows that the system is developed to provide more effectiveness and capability to operate. The intelligence report system of Naval Intelligence Department can be more effective, more accurate, up-to-date and on high safety level. The system will provide intelligences to assist commanding officers to make best decisions in the future. This system has been put to test at Naval Intelligence Department and found that the test result is satisfactory and able to meet user’s requirements. Hopefully this system will be beneficial to any person who is interested in using it as a guideline to advanced intelligent reporting and archiving development.

______________________________________________________________________________ Department of Computing Graduate School, Silpakorn University Academic Year 2006 Student’s signature .................................................................................................... Master’s Report Advisor’s signature .........................................................................



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47309316 : สาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ คําสําคัญ : การรายงานขาว/การรายงานขาว/การจัดเก็บขอมูลขาว/การเขารหัส เรือโทหญิง สมฤทัย คงดิษฐ : ระบบรายงานและจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาว.อาจารย ผูควบคุมสารนิพนธ : ผศ.ดร.ปานใจ ธารทัศนวงศ. 101 หนา. จุดประสงคของการพัฒนาโปรแกรมระบบรายงาน และจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาวแบบออนไลนโดยใชเว็บแอพพลิเคชั่น และระบบรายงานหัวขอขาวอัตโนมัติในการจัดการนี้ เพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพในการรายงานขอมูลขาวประจําวัน รวมถึงการรายงานขาวอ่ืนๆ ใหแกผูบังคับบัญชา และหนวยงานภายในกองทัพเรือไดทราบดังนั้นระบบรายงานและจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาว จึงเปนระบบสําคัญที่พัฒนาขึ้นมาเพื่อตอบสนองความตองการของผูบังคับบัญชาไดตรงตามความตองการ เพื่อนําขอมูลขาวสารที่ไป เพื่อพิจารณาประกอบการตัดสินใจในอนาคตโดยหลักการทํางานของระบบ จะอยูบนเทคนิคพื้นฐานของเว็บแอพพลิเคชั่น ในการรายงานและจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาวแบบออนไลน รวมถึงภาพเหตุการณขาวที่เกิดขึ้นโดยใชระบบการพิสูจนตัวตน การกําหนดสิทธิ์ในการเขาถึงขอมูล การเขารหัสขอมูล การรักษาความถูกตองของขอมูล และการตรวจสอบบุคคล เพื่อเพิ่มศักยภาพใหกับระบบดวยการรักษาความปลอดภัยของระบบ เนื่องจากงานดานการขาว ขาวสารแตละขาวลวนแลวแตมีช้ันความลับที่แตกตางกันจึงมีความจําเปนที่จะตองมีการรักษาความปลอดภัยที่รัดกุมเพื่อไมใหขาวสารนั้นมีโอกาสรั่วไหลออกไปยังบุคคลซึ่งไมมีหนาที่ได สําหรับผลของการพัฒนาระบบรายงาน และจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาวในแบบออนไลนนี้ พัฒนาขึ้นเพื่อใหการรายงานขาวของกรมขาวทหารเรือมีศักยภาพ คุณภาพ และความรวมเร็ว ทันสมัย และมีความปลอดภัยสูงสุดในการรายงาน และการจัดเก็บขอมูลดานการขาว เพื่อเปนขอมูลสนับสนุนการตัดสินใจของผูบังคับบัญชาในอนาคต ขณะนี้ไดนําระบบงานนี้ไปทดลองใชแลวที่กรมขาวทหารเรือแลวพบวา สามารถใชงานไดจริง และตอบสนองความตองการของผูบังคับบัญชาได และหวังวาระบบงานนี้ จะเปนประโยชนสําหรับผูที่สนใจใชเปนแนวทางในการพัฒนางานดานการนําเสนอขอมูลดานการขาวตอไป ภาควิชาคอมพิวเตอร บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร ปการศึกษา 2549 ลายมือช่ือนักศึกษา ..................................................................................................... ลายมือช่ืออาจารยผูควบคุมสารนิพนธ .......................................................................



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Acknowledgement In the completion of this individual research, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and deep appreciation to Dr. Panjai Tantatsanawong, my major –advisor, for his invaluable guidance, constructive comments and encouragement. He always provides full supports and availability throughout the research. I am also wish to express my sincere gratitude to my individual research supervisory committee members, Dr. Surat and Dr.Sunee Prongpinitpinyo, for their valuable constructive guidance. Many thanks to all my Information technology friends especially Wanpen Shoomueng and all staffs at Silpakorn University Computer Centre for their cheerfulness, help, companionship and warm encouragement during two years of studying here Most importantly, my greatest debts of gratitude are reserved for my beloved parents, sister and brothers for their support, encouragement and understanding throughout my study at Silpakorn University



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Table of Content

Page Abstract in English................................................................................................................... D Abstract in Thai........................................................................................................................ E Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................... F Table of content ....................................................................................................................... G List of tables............................................................................................................................. I List of figures ........................................................................................................................... J Chapter

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 Statement and significance of the problems........................................................ 1 Objectives of the study ........................................................................................ 2

Scope of the study ............................................................................................... 2 Process of the study ............................................................................................. 2 Contribution utilization ....................................................................................... 3 Tools and equipment ........................................................................................... 3 Data definition ..................................................................................................... 4 2 Literature Review....................................................................................................... 7 Introduction to Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving Web-Base........... 7 Web Application.................................................................................................. 9 Web Application Architecture............................................................................. 10 Web Application Technologies ........................................................................... 15 Web Application Architecture Views.................................................................. 16 Local Storage of Search Information................................................................... 18 Cryptography....................................................................................................... 18 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm ................................................................. 19 Base64 Encoding ................................................................................................. 20 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm ................................................................. 20



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Chapter Page News Search..................................................................................................... 21 General Purpose Search Engines ..................................................................... 22 Related Work ................................................................................................... 23 Newspaper online web application on the internet ................................... 23

3 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 28 Overall system framework .................................................................................. 29 System Structure and workflow process ............................................................. 29 4 Analysis of the data .................................................................................................... 41 Web Application of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System........ 41 Tools used for system test and evaluation ........................................................... 62 System specification measurements .................................................................... 63 Testing of System ................................................................................................ 67 5 Discussion and Conclusion ........................................................................................ 68 Executive summary ............................................................................................ 68 Problem and obstacles ......................................................................................... 69 Suggestions.......................................................................................................... 69

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 70 Appendix A User Manual ........................................................................................................ 72 Appendix B Data Structure ...................................................................................................... 90 Appendix C Questionnaire ...................................................................................................... 96 Biography ................................................................................................................................. 101



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List of Table

Table Page

1 Process and Timing .................................................................................................... 28 2 Evaluation scoring and its descriptions ...................................................................... 60 3 System specification measurements of Reader .......................................................... 61 4 System specification measurements of Member ........................................................ 62 5 System specification measurements of User staff...................................................... 64 6 Table Structure Member............................................................................................. 90 7 Table Structure Member Group ................................................................................. 91 8 Table Structure Member Subgroup ............................................................................ 91 9 Table Structure Member Rank ................................................................................... 91 10 Table Structure User................................................................................................... 92 11 Table Structure News ................................................................................................. 92 12 Table Structure News Category ................................................................................. 93 13 Table Structure News Level ....................................................................................... 93 14 Table Structure News Archive ................................................................................... 94 15 Table FileLog ............................................................................................................. 94 16 Questionnaire for reader............................................................................................. 91 17 Questionnaire for user staff on Naval Intelligence Department................................. 98



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List of Figure

Figure Page 1 The Web Applications Behavior Model ................................................................ 12 2 Traditional application in which the browser issues a request to the web server ... 14 3 Thairath Newspaper Online .................................................................................... 24 4 Dailynews Newspaper Online................................................................................. 24 5 Directorate of Intelligence web site ........................................................................ 25 6 Directorate of Intelligence from Royal Thai Air Force web site ............................ 26 7 Use Case Diagram: Read Intelligence .................................................................... 29 8 Member Login ........................................................................................................ 30 9 Search Intelligence.................................................................................................. 31 10 Member check for priority ...................................................................................... 32 11 General reader search.............................................................................................. 33 12 General reader read ................................................................................................. 34 13 Use Case Diagrams: Back office system ................................................................ 35 14 User staff search...................................................................................................... 35 15 Member approve ..................................................................................................... 36 16 User staff create Intelligence/Image ....................................................................... 37 17 Encryption intelligence data ................................................................................... 37 18 Encryption intelligence image ................................................................................ 38 19 User staff modify Intelligence/Image ..................................................................... 39 20 User staff delete Intelligence/Image ....................................................................... 40 21 Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System web page............................ 42 22 Personal Information Registration Form ................................................................ 43 23 Read Domestic Intelligence .................................................................................... 45 24 Read archive detail of Intelligence ......................................................................... 45 25 Intelligence Search with keyword........................................................................... 46 26 Search Result by keyword ...................................................................................... 47 27 Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System .................... 48



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Figure Page 28 Show all Intelligence Subject.................................................................................. 49 29 Show Intelligence in group and prepair to add new intelligence............................ 49 30 Add new daily intelligence ..................................................................................... 50 31 Show intelligence in group and prepair to modify intelligence.............................. 51 32 System retrieve and display all detail of intelligence ............................................. 51 33 System show content detail and prepair to delete ................................................... 52 34 Member of Intelligence Onlne Reporting and Archiving System .......................... 53 35 Member detail ......................................................................................................... 54 36 Modify member detail............................................................................................. 54 37 Delete Member detail.............................................................................................. 55 38 Popup message to re-confirm to delete member..................................................... 55 39 Detail of member that waiting for approve............................................................. 56 40 Archive Image......................................................................................................... 56 41 Image detail............................................................................................................. 57 42 Modify Image.......................................................................................................... 57 43 Delete Image ........................................................................................................... 58 44 Popup warining to re confirm to delete image........................................................ 58 45 Administration Logout............................................................................................ 59 46 Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System web page............................ 72 47 Personal Information Registration Form ................................................................ 73 48 Read Domestic Intelligence .................................................................................... 74 49 Read Intelligence Archives ..................................................................................... 75 50 Intelligence Search with keyword........................................................................... 76 51 OutSearch result by keyword.................................................................................. 76 52 Logout System ........................................................................................................ 77 53 Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System .................... 78 54 Show all Intelligence subject .................................................................................. 78 55 Show intelligence in group and prepair to add new intelligence ............................ 79 56 Add new daily intelligence ..................................................................................... 79



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Figure Page 57 Show intelligence in group and prepair to modify intelligence.............................. 80 58 System retrieve and display all detail of intelligence ............................................. 81 59 System show content detail and page ready for data removal ................................ 82 60 Intelligence report ................................................................................................... 82 61 Member of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System ......................... 83 62 Member detail ......................................................................................................... 83 63 Modify member detail............................................................................................. 84 64 Delete member detail .............................................................................................. 84 65 Popup message to re-confirm to delete member..................................................... 85 66 Detail of members pending approval ...................................................................... 85 67 Archive image......................................................................................................... 86 68 Image detail............................................................................................................. 86 69 Modify image.......................................................................................................... 87 70 Delete image ........................................................................................................... 88 71 Popup warining to re-confirm to delete image...... ................................................. 88 72 Administration logout ............................................................................................. 88



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Chapter 1

Introduction Statement and significance of the Problems The World Wide Web is relatively simple technologies with sufficient scalability, efficiency and utility have resulted in a remarkable information space of interrelated resources, growing across languages, cultures, and media. In an effort to preserve these properties of the information space as the technologies evolve, in this document discusses the core design components of the web. They are identification of resources, representation of resource state, and the protocols that support the interaction between agents and resources in the space. The World Wide Web is a global, read-write information space. Text documents, images, multimedia and many other items of information, referred to resources, are identified by short, unique, global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers each can be found, accessed and cross referenced in the simplest possible way. Today the internet is becoming more and more important as a source of information. Therefore, the interest into websites that providing information is growing too. Many of these information websites can be take into consideration as newspapers since they publish their information like articles in paper-based newspapers. Today such online newspapers can be found in almost every area of the web covering almost any existing topics.

Nowadays the way to update daily news from Naval Intelligence Department of Royal Thai Navy is print all of them on the paper and share them to all departments in Royal Thai Navy Headquarter. Paper base newspaper can only be published in a small area because printing and publishing costs can increase fast with many print runs. Instead the internet was chosen for publication. By this means interested people can access Intelligence online reporting and archiving system informational contents from anywhere in the world without additional expense Intelligence online web site is use WWW technology which is simply to access read newspaper on hand and the number of news on the Internet is increasing dramatically. today, many newspapers online provide news and search engines with its capabilities to searching news more effectively.



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Development of Intelligence online reporting and archiving system: is a good channel to provide the intelligence content. This project deals with the conception and implementation for Intelligence online reporting and archiving system develop for officer of Royal Thai Navy using intelligece online service: This project, will try to help the Naval Intelligence Department to report and arvhive the daily intelligence details and photo images of situations for Royal Thai Navy with. User are divided into groups which has a certain structuring for accessing its intelligence systems by pirority level control.

Objectives of the study The main objectives of this research are follows

1. To design and develop Intelligence online reporting and archiving system for Naval Intelligence Department of Royal Thai Navy

2. To evaluate the developed system

Scope of the Study To analyses and to propose the architecture and framework for Web Application that work appropriately with online reporting and archiving system. The propose model includes:

1. Major concentration is online reporting and archiving intelligence 2. Authorization and Priority of intelligence’s reader

Process of the Study 1. Study the web application technology process and the PHP programming

language 2. Design the database for the Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving system 3. Develop the Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving system using encode

technology to work more effective 4. Test and Improve the system 5. Conclusion



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Contribution Utilization 1. Online Reporting and Archiveing system for Naval Intelligence Department 2. Prototype of Reporting and Archiving process

Tools and Equipment Server 1. Hardware

1.1 CPU XEON 3.0 GHz / 800 / 2 MB 1.2 RAM 1 GB 1.3 Hard disk 120 GB 1.4 LAN Card 1.5 CD-ROM

2. Software 1.1 OS : Window 2003 1.2 DBMS :My SQL 1.3 Apache HTTP Server 1.4 Developing Tools : PHP/Java Script/XML 1.5 PHPmyAdmin

Client 1. Hardware

1.1 CPU Intel Pentium 4 1.8 GHZ 1.2 Hard disk 40 GB 1.3 LAN Card 1.4 CD-ROM

2. Software 1.1 OS : Window XP 1.2 Internet Explore v.6



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Data Definition 1. Web Application: “The term “Web Application” In earlier types of client-server

computing, each application had its own client program which served as its user interface and had to be separately installed on each user's personal computer. An upgrade to the server part of the application would typically require an upgrade to the clients installed on each user workstation, adding to the support cost and decreasing productivity. In contrast, web applications dynamically generate a series of web pages in a standard format supported by common browsers such as HTML Client-side scripting in a standard language such as JavaScript is commonly included to add dynamic elements to the user interface. Generally, each individual web page is delivered to the client as a static document, but the sequence of pages can provide an interactive experience, as user input is returned through web form elements embedded in the page markup. During the session, the web browser interprets and displays the pages, and acts as the universal client for any web application. The web has been applied as a medium that an increasingly importing role in the job search process in year. There is many career resources available on the web. User can search occupations and find out about industry growth and declination. They can still reach deeper into their local area as well as take their job search far beyond geographical boundaries. Although the amount of information on the www can be overwhelming, executing an effective web job search can be very straightforward. Web applications are stored on a server and delivered to users over the Internet. A Web application is usually a three-tier structure, comprising a User Service tier (allowing user access to the application), a Business Service tier (allowing the user to carry out complex activities) and a Data Service tier (which allows data storage and retrieval).

2. WWW (World Wide Web): “The World Wide Web or simply Web is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol only one of the languages spoken over the Internet to transmit data and use the the Web to share information. The Web also utilizes browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape, to access Web documents called Web pages that are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.



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3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the standard technology used to format the styling of the web. It provides designers with more powerful styling options while separating the content of web pages from their design. This article will explore how the need for CSS emerged and what benefits it provides to web designers. Using CSS makes it possible to centralize the styling of a whole website by making all the pages of a given website link to a single CSS file. This file that could then be updated to affect the whole look of the website without the need to edit and update each and every page and that guarantees that the look of the website will be consistent throughout. This code centralization is also beneficial for individual pages as well since the developer does not have to search within the page to alter the look of a certain element in it and saves time and reduces the developer's workload as there is less code to type. When using CSS you style an element once only and all the instances of that element will correspond to the style sheet no matter how many times they occur. It is also possible to style multiple elements at the same time as well. CSS also makes it possible to control the way the website looks depending on the device that accesses the website. It is possible to use one style sheet to control the way the website looks when displayed on a normal browser, on a mobile phone, or even when printed. This removes the necessity to create multiple versions of a certain web page when serving different media types.

4. Apache HTTP Server is a free software/open source web server for Unix-like systems, Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare and other platforms. Apache is notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web, and continues to be the most popular web server in use, serving as the de facto reference platform against which other web servers are designed and judged. Apache features configurable error messages, DBMS-based authentication databases, and content negotiation. It is also supported by several graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which permit easier, more intuitive configuration of the server. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation. Apache is primarily used to serve static and dynamic content on the World Wide Web. Many web applications are designed expecting the environment and features that Apache provides.



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5. PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source, reflective programming language. Originally designed as a high level scripting language for producing dynamic Web pages, PHP is used mainly in server-side application software. PHP was originally designed as a small set of Perl scripts, followed by a rewritten set of CGI binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 to display his résumé and to collect certain data, such as how much traffic his page was receiving. "Personal Home Page Tools" was publicly released on June 8, 1995 after Lerdorf combined it with his own Form Interpreter to create PHP/FI. PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating Web pages as output, but command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications are part of the three primary uses of PHP as well. PHP is a very powerful, flexible, and productive general purpose language that is commonly embedded within HTML pages to provide dynamic user interfaces. PHP has an exceptionally short learning curve, and support for Linux, Unix, Windows, and other major platforms. It is free, lightweight, and able to resolve complex Web programming problems because it contains a myriad of built-in functions. There is also a large active community of developers available and ready to address any critical bugs or problems as they arise. These, and other, numerous advantages have led to its rapid worldwide adoption for use on the Web.



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Chapter 2

Literature Review Introduction to Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving Web-Base Application 1Approach to the end of the twentieth century, two powerful forces have emerged to change the mass communication model. The first is the use of computers as a means of processing, analyzing and disseminating information. The second is the constantly accelerating capacity of that technology to enhance communication so it is almost unbounded by time and space. Because older communication technology required a huge investment of capital, a one-to-many model dominated, with those owning the broadcasting equipment or newspaper presses disseminating information to the masses. Current technology, specifically the digital transmission of text, audio, and video, has altered the traditional one-to-many communication model; instead, audiences are becoming producers as well as consumers of information and a new many-to-many communication model has emerged. Today anyone with a modem, personal computer and a telephone line can become a publisher, as we now know the term. But it is a mistake to eliminate totally the old model in favor of the news. By posing the best of the new model computerized access, delivery, and packaging of information with the best of the old model insightful reporting in archiving content a better hybrid model that combines the best of both is created. In addition, to improving the delivery of news, computer and telecommunications technology can improve the research and news gathering processes of newspapers. Unlike the one-to-many model where information came from the top, news on the internet bubbles up from the bottom and meanders its way upward. The daily reality of the many-to-many model means that the journalist now has a chance to really know and interact with his or her audience that goes way beyond traditional letters to the editor. This closer interaction should ideally lead to a better knowledge of the audience and writing and reporting that more closely reflects readers' values and

1 Chris Lapham, “The Evolution of the Newspaper of the Future,” University of Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia 50,1 (July 1995): 30-31.



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interests. In today's more competitive information delivery environment, better research, better reporting and better analysis are critical. When discussing the newspaper online, people often concentrate on technological issues such as the method of delivery, hardware and security and how they're going to integrate the advertising. What is rarely talked about is how it will look and how readers will interact with it. Among all the attention given to the data web base application methodology to present informations of newspaper online over the internet of Thailand’s daily newspaper is the way to present details in newspaper via internet technology including text, picture, text and picture, animation and hyperlink. By using computer technology to produce and deliver a new product, newspapers have welded both the old (literacy print) with the new (computers digital delivery) and created a better model. According to sample of two online Newspapers, it can be divided from thier presentation as follows

1. Thairath Newspaper ( is a daily newspaper that report all of Thailand’s news as rapidly. Thairat produce and distribute by Watcharaphon Company Limited to form by Mr.Kamphon Watcharaphon and the first print is on 9 January 1950, in the next time when internet technology come and popular thus Thairath have new target on customer who surfing the internet by create a homepage for news online service concurrently with the paper base newspaper. The Thairath news daily online reports including news, public relations, advertisement, and static of customer click to website and contact webmaster. Thairath also have News Data Center Service for keeping all films and pictures for service to another newspapers and people that interested to them.

2. Daily News Newspaper ( is a daily newspaper that report daily news about politics, economics, sports, entertainments, foreign news, information technology and other service. Daily News was formed by Mr. Sang Hetrakul on the date of 27 March 1964 and procuce by Sripraya Printing Company Limited. Now Daily News use a new technology to help about improve the production process such as computer and internet that which make create more efficiency and quickly. Mweb Company limited is in charge for process and support the daily news homepage.



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Web Applications 2The original purpose of the World Wide Web was merely presenting information. Today modern Web applications have grown into complex distributed applications. Web applications are applications that use the Internet’s infrastructure to deliver their functionality. Web Applications do not use the more traditional client/server technologies, but are using web technologies such as web browsers and web servers. Recent reportsindicate that web applications represent more than thirty persent of software applications across all industry sectors. Web applications are preferred over traditional applications for two reasons:

1. Web applications are more accessible. The HTTP protocal used in web appli-cations is a standard protocol that can travel across corporate firewalls. The only client software a user need is a web browser. Also web applications are available on many platforms. Web browser is packaged with most operating systems these days.

2. Web applications have a lower maintenace and deployment costs. Since web applications are running in web browser, they do not depend on installing client software on each user’s computer. Web applications can be maintained by modifying code that resides on a server. This reduces the time and the cost of upgrade and deployment of web applications compared to tradinal client/server applications. Web applications are not limeted to one type of application. They can range from simple static web pages to sophisticated applications. Different categories of web applications are grouped togehter according to their data and control complexity.

1. Brochure web applications: This is the first generation of web applications. They are composed of static web pages and tend not to have much programming logic in them. When developing them the focus is on content development and the layout of graphics and text.

2. Service oriented applications: These sites are offering a service to web users. Service oriented applications contains the programming logic needed to implement the service. The layout of the data is often a secondary concern. During maintenance the developers need a

2 Rosenfeld Lennel, Information architecture for the World Wide Web : Theses Reports, Term Papers, 5th ed. (Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002), 39.



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good understanding of the control logic. Examples are webmail services or online word processing systems.

3. Data intensive applications: These is sites that provide an interface to browse and query large amount of data. The main emphasis in these applications is on the data, with minimal amount of programming logic involved. During maintenance the developers need a good understanding of the data flow.

4. Informations system applications: These applications combine the service ori-ented applications and the data intensive applications. Developers of Information system applications are concerned with the data flow (for browsing and retrieving data) and control flow (for the different phases invovled in the manipulation of the data). Developers need a good understanding of the data and control flow in their ap-plications as needed in traditional applications. In addition, web applications have more dependencies and interesting relations such as the navigation links between the different pages of web application.

Web Application Architecture

The nature of web systems is very different from the conventional software systems which the above frameworks are intended to support. At a technical level web systems typically have tighter link age between the business model and the technical architecture; have more pronounced open and modularised architectures; use technologies that change rapidly; demand effective information design and content management; place more emphasis on user interface; and place increased importance on quality attributes in mission critical applications that are directly accessed by external users The web application architecture framework proposed here classifies concerns related to the development of web systems along two dimensions. The perspectives are those of business owners, web system users, information architects, system architects, developers and testers. The vertical dimension (columns) classifies the architectures into four categories, namely structure (what), behaviour(how), location (where) and pattern. The first three categories (What, How, Where) mirror those in the framework. The fourth category (Patterns) has been added based on the growing recognition of the the importance of patterns in software systems generally,



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web systems inparticular. Each cell in the framework is a model, a description or an architecture as appropriate. The web application constitutes the single most important component of the network content delivery system we know as "The Web". The first web servers started to appear in 1994 on UNIX® systems on the internet. The design of those early systems reflects their UNIX heritage. URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are equivalent to UNIX file names. Each URL, when requested by a client program, typically a "Web Browser" is mapped to the UNIX file of the same name, wrapped in HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol), and delivered to the client. In those cases where content cannot be represented as a static file and needs to be dynamically generated, the URL names the program that is run to generate the content. This capability, known as CGI (Common Gateway Interface), stems from the traditional UNIX practice of making everything look like a file. Thus each URL represents a file that either contains the content, or contains the program that is used to generate the content. Only the URL and its corresponding HTTP envelope information is made available to the CGI program, which can only return content the ability to pass meta information back to the server is almost non-existent. The next state in the evolution of web servers focused on eliminating the CGI bottleneck, specifically the program creation and execution step required for each URL requested. Generally, three different approaches have been taken keeping the basic CGI interface, only making it faster; building web server specific APIs, often by requiring the dynamic code generating portions to be bound into the same process as the web server or defining language specific APIs whose implementations don't require the overhead implied by the CGI model. The fastCgi interface tries to improve the performance of the CGI specification by eliminating the process creation and execution step at every request, yet maintaining backward compatibility wherever possible. The Fast Cgi interface, re-presented by the file that maps from the URL, is created and started once when the web server starts. Multiple requests for the same URL are sent to the same fast Cgi process by defining a request packet protocol than can accommodate multiple requests and responses for each fast Cgi process. Fast Cgi has the advantage of preserving a separate execution context for dynamic content generation, while eliminating the bulk of the process creation overhead of different web servers with the close coupling of server specific extensions.



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Over the next five years the WEB saw explosive growth, and the architecture of the original web servers, though simple and elegant, was beginning to strain. Static content was still deliver effectively by mapping URLs into files, but dynamic content was becoming problematic. The notion of programs as files, as well as the mechanisms for identifying, launching, managing, and communicating with CGI programs is very specific to the UNIX operating system, which makes porting web servers and their corresponding content to non UNIX systems difficult. In addition, as content management techniques required more of the content to be generated dynamically, even if simply to paste together several staticfiles in response to a single URL, the CGI programs rapidly became the bottleneck. Each dynamic page requires a separate program to be launched and executed by the operating system, only to be terminated each time a request is completed. In addition, the communication between the web server and the CGI program is very limited. Behavioral Characteristics of web applications introduces a client side engine between the browser’s user interface and the web or XML server. Downloaded at the start of a session, the engine handles display changes and communicates with the server asynchronously. A web application has special behavioral characteristics listed as follows

1. Browser/Server Interaction - In the model, black arrows trace the flow of a traditional synchronous web page download, in which the user clicks a link, the browser sends requests to one or more servers, and the servers respond. When enough of the content arrives in the browser cache, the browser displays it and the user can view it. The user's experience of response time is the elapsed time from click to view as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Web Applications Behavior Model



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In a traditional synchronous application, this process repeats several times. Also, one of the requests the browser sends to a server may be an HTTP POST (in addition to the more common HTTP GET) to upload data a user has entered into a form.

2. Server-Side Elements - Servers must field requests concurrently from many users, and every user consumes a share of the server's memory, processor and database resources. Web servers can respond rapidly to stateless requests for information from many concurrent users, making catalog browsing, for example, fast and efficient. But a user's action that requires the server to update something (such as adding an item to a shopping cart) consumes more server resources. Consequently, the number of concurrent update transactions plays a critical role in server performance.

In the model, the grey arrows and the boxes labeled Users and Transactions indicate that server performance is strongly influenced by these concurrency factors. Servers typically perform well up to a certain concurrency level, but beyond that level transaction performance degrades rapidly as one of the underlying resources becomes a bottleneck: small changes in application behavior or in the infrastructure can have a significant effect on the user's experience of response time.

People who design and test back-end systems already know that user behavioral variables such as user think time distributions and abandonment rates per page have a significant impact on the capacity and responsiveness of servers under load. The asynchronous capabilities of RIAs indicated by the dotted lines as show in Figure 1 give application designers the flexibility to account for these behavioral variables by allowing them to manage browser/server communications. As we’ll discuss in the next section, designers can off-load to the client some of the processing formerly assigned to a server, while prefetching and caching data locally and spacing server requests (including update transactions) to optimize server capacity.

3. The Client Side Engine - The client side engine mediates the interaction between the user and the web server, enabling several useful behaviors. These are the behaviors that allow to mimic traditional desktop applications.



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Figure 2 Traditional application in which the browser issues a request to the web server.

That show in Figure 2 is application in which the browser issues a request to the web server. In theory, designers can exploit web application architecture to make applications more responsive. When everything works as intended, users should spend less time waiting for servers to respond as some processing is off-loaded to the clients. The challenge is that RIAs are also more complex than traditional web applications, and with the complexity comes greater difficulty in managing performance and ensuring a good user experience. In practice, RIA responsiveness depends on several factors covered later in this series, such as communications overhead, the effects of off-loaded processing, and the extent of content prefetching.

The Importance of Context – Ultimately, a user’s satisfaction with an application depends on the usage context, that is, how well the application design matches the user’s needs at the time, the user’s way of thinking, and the user’s behavior in manipulating the web application. The user's perception of responsiveness depends on the combined behaviors of the client and server components, which in turn depend on the application design, the server infrastructure design and the user's Internet connection speed. Developing an effective web application requires that you take into account all of these factors, and that you implement rigorous processes for measuring and managing performance and availability in the production setting.



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Web Application Technologies3

Choosing a technology for the web application, one typically chooses a whole stack. The following is a more detailed explanation of eachof these technology stacks

1. CGI/Perl. CGI is the granddaddy of interfaces for passing data from a submitted web page to a web server. Perl is an open-source language optimized for writing server side applications. Together, CGI and Perl make it easy to connect to a variety of databases. Apache tends to be the web server used because it runs on all major operating systems and is highly reliable. Other open source languages such as C and Python can also be used. For highend applications, especially e-commerce sites this technology is used because it is so powerful. However other technology stacks canbe implemented more easily and quickly.

2. Macromedia sells a collection of products that make it easy to build small and medium-sized web applications. The primary tools provided by Macromedia are ColdFusion, which is an engine that lets one program in CFML (Cold FusionMarkup Language) and Dreamweaver, which is a development tool for making web applications. Because Macromedia is a smaller player, they have focused on trying to make their products compatible with components from other technology stacks. Macromedia also sells Flash and has tools for using this in web applications.

3. Java/J2EE is a robust, well-developed method for creating medium to large web applications. It has support from a number of large industry players. Sun Microsystems provides the Java. IBM(Websphere) and BEA Systems (Weblogic) are two major suppliers of web application servers and associated software to make it easy to create and manage these applications. There is a large body of Java programmers available to write the code. This technology stack works with a variety of databases and is particularly well-tuned to mainstream commercial databases like Oracle and DB2. IBM has developed a development environment called Eclipse that is making it easier to write applications, but in general, Java is associated with powerful applications built by capable programmers.

4. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP) is a latively new technology stack for building web applications that has been adopted for many small and medium size web tasks

3 Bert Vermeulen, “Web application technologies,” Prentice Hall (January 2001) : 133.



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because: (a) the entire technology stack is available through open source; (b) it works well; (c) it is easy to learn; (d) it allows one to build a web application quickly; and (e) there are many open source code samples that canbe bolted together to make a full solution. LAMP relies on CGI for data exchange between the server and browser, but the CGI commands are hidden from the developer. LAMP doesn't have all of the capabilities of J2EE, but it gains ground every year. Sites that use PHP can be seen by the ".php"as part of the page name in the URL. LAMP has become especially popular with ISVs (Independent software vendors) because they can create an application and sell it without having to pay for the underlying (open source) software.

5. Microsoft .NET. Microsoft is using their .NET strategy to take over the server market the way in which Windows, Office and Internet Explorer have taken over the desktop. The stack comprises a web server (ASP.NET) and two programming languages (VisualBasic.NET and C#.NET) that compete against PHP and Java respectively. They also have a database (SQL Server). Microsoft has done an excellent job making their products easy to use so a business analyst can create a web application without needing a programmer. Web Application Architecture Views 4A Web Application Architecture view can build upon the four views proposed by Kruchten: Logical, Process, Physical, and Development view. Each view captures specific decisions and all views must be examined togheter to gain a good understanding of the whole applications. To account additional requirements such as security and requirement, additional views can be added to the web application architecture view.

1. The Logical View The Logical view provides a high level abstraction of the sys-tem based on the domain of the problem. The application is represented by different components and the interaction between them. At the architectural level, web applications can be organized as 2 tiers or as 3 tiers. The presentation logic tier shows the interaction between the components re-sponsible for the generation of the user interface. Components in this tier only interacts with components in the business logic tier. The components in the business logic tier contains all the

4 Sven Zoer and Peter M., “An Architecture for Web Applications,” Distributed

Information Systems 50,1 (January 2003) : 54-55.



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knowledge required to modify the data components are contained in the database tier. The database tier contains all the data components that are used to provide persistent storage for the application data. The 3 tired architecture provides a good separation of concerns. In a 2 tires architecture both business logic and data acess code are mixed. The advantage of the 3 tired architecture is the encapsulation of concerns. The database system used for the implementation can easily be changed without affecting the BusinessLogic (as would be the case for a 2 tier architecture).

2. The Development view focuses on the mapping of the logical view conceptual components to the actual implementation artifacts. It presents that actual software module organization in the development environment.

3. Many web pages are linked together to form a web application. To avoid deathlinks all links have to be checked regularly. Web applications use the HTTP protocal as their communication medium. Since the HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol, the web application have to use techniques such as cookies or hidden fields in a web page to store the state for a particular session. Application pages are a mixture of HTML tags and control code. The control code is used to personalize web pages and the HTML tags are used to format the output of the page. When an application page is requested, a web server is preprocessing all data from various resources and generates the final HTML page. The developer has two opptions for developing application pages: First, they can use code based application pages. With this technique HTML pages are generated fully by executable programs.

4. The Physical view presents the mappings of the components in the development view to the components in the environment. Web applications have a rich environment, which contains the following components. The user of a web application uses the web browser as the interface to get access to the web applications functionality. The browser transmits the user’s action to the web server, sending the requests using the HTTP protocol. The web server determines if the request can be fullfiled directly. Otherwise the applications server must be invoked. As can be seen if the user wants to retrieve some data from the database, the application server must be invoked. Finally, the web server with the possible returns from the application server generates the HTML pages that returned to the user.



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5. The Process view presents the concurrency and distribution of process in the application. Local Storage of Search Information It is useful if the data in a static web page is extracted and its contents and format converted to a local form. The advantages are that the engine designer can decide on the local data format and its search capabilities. The outcome is that the engine can quickly examine the local database rather than carry out network communication with many web pages, each with their own format and search requirements. A significant drawback is how to devise a data format that can encompass disparate web pages. It must be succinct, but also easy to maintain. This latter point is required to handle the inevitable changes to the data, the addition of new sources, and the disappearance of others. A local database may also be useful for simplifying the search of dynamic web pages. For example, the database may contain the URLs of the pages together with the regular expressions for searching them. In effect, the database stores meta-level information about the pages, which is likely to change more slowly than the data itself.

Cryptography The origin of the word cryptology lies in ancient Greek. The word cryptology is made up of two components: "kryptos", which means hidden and "logos" which means word. Cryptology is as old as writing itself, and has been used for thousands of years to safeguard military and diplomatic communications. The cryptographer seeks methods to ensure the safety and security of conversations while the cryptanalyst tries to undo the former's work by breaking his systems. The main goals of modern cryptography can be seen as user authentication, data authentication (data integrity and data origin authentication), non-repudiation of origin, and data confidentiality. In the following section we will elaborate more on these services. Subsequently will explain how these services can be realized using cryptographic primitives. A cryptographic protocol is an interaction between one or more entities to achieve a certain goal. In fact, encryption and digital signatures can be seen as a special case of cryptographic protocols. While a huge number of protocols have been developed, we will restrict this section to two types of protocols for user authentication and protocols for key management.



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A cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, is a mathematical function used in the encryption and decryption process. A cryptographic algorithm works in combination with a key a word, number, or phrase to encrypt the plaintext. The same plaintext encrypts to different ciphertext with different keys. The security of encrypted data is entirely dependent on two things the strength of the cryptographic algorithm and the secrecy of the key. A cryptographic algorithm, plus all possible keys and all the protocols that make it work comprise a cryptosystem. 5The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm This document describes the MD5 message-digest algorithm. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any message having a given pre- specified target message digest. The MD5 algorithm is intended for digital signature applications, where a large file must be "compressed" in a secure manner before being encrypted with a private (secret) key under a public-key cryptosystem such as RSA. The MD5 algorithm is designed to be quite fast on 32-bit machines. In addition, the MD5 algorithm does not require any large substitution tables; the algorithm can be coded quite compactly. The MD5 algorithm is an extension of the MD4 message-digest algorithm. MD5 is slightly slower than MD4, but is more "conservative" in design. MD5 was designed because it was felt that MD4 was perhaps being adopted for use more quickly than justified by the existing critical review; because MD4 was designed to be exceptionally fast, it is "at the edge" in terms of risking successful cryptanalytic attack. MD5 backs off a bit, giving up a little in speed for a much greater likelihood of ultimate security. It incorporates some suggestions made by various reviewers, and contains additional optimizations. The MD5 algorithm is being placed in the public domain for review and possible adoption as a standard. Now when have to authenticate the user then you can simply convert user given password to the respective message digest and compare with the one stored in database.

5 Michel N. Loren, “MD5 Devlopment,” Research of Educational, 4th ed., edited by Ben

M. Pollis (2002) : 302.



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Although this is not the end. Many other different algorithms are still there but if you are prepared only for one sided conversion, MD5 they are the best securing passwords in database. Calculates the MD5 hash of string using the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-digest algorithm, and returns that hash. The hash is a 32-character hexadecimal number. If the optional raw output is set to TRUE, then the MD5 digest is instead returned in raw binary format with a length of 16. Message Digest is a series of message digest algorithms designed by Professor Ronald Rivest of MIT when analytic work indicated that predecessor MD4 was likely to be insecure, it was designed in 1991 to be a secure replacement. Den Boer and Bosselaers gave an early, although limited, result of finding a "pseudo-collision" of the compression function. Dobbertin announced a collision of the compression function of while this was not an attack on the full hash function, it was close enough for cryptographers to recommend switching to a replacement. MD5 processes a variable-length message into a fixed-length output of 128 bits. The input message is broken up into chunks of 512-bit blocks the message is padded so that its length is divisible by 512. The padding works as follows: first a single bit, 1, is appended to the end of the message. This is followed by as many zeros as are required to bring the length of the message up to 64 bits fewer than a multiple of 512. The remaining bits are filled up with a 64-bit integer representing the length of the original message. The main MD5 algorithm operates on a 128-bit state, divided into four 32-bit words, denoted A, B, C and D. These are initialized to certain fixed constants. The main algorithm then operates on each 512-bit message block in turn, each block modifying the state.

Base64 Encoding6 Base encoding of data is used in many situations to store or transfer data in environments that perhaps for legacy reasons, are restricted to US-ASCII data. Base encoding can also be used in new applications that do not have legacy restrictions, simply because it makes it possible to manipulate objects with text editors. In the past, different applications have had different requirements and thus sometimes implemented base encodings in slightly different

6 Arundel Fecuson, “Evolution of encoding,” Journal of studies 32 (July 2000): 55.



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ways. Today, protocol specifications sometimes use base encodings in general, and "base64" in particular, without a precise description or reference. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is often used as a reference for base64 without considering the consequences for line-wrapping or non-alphabet characters. The purpose of this specification is to establish common alphabet and encoding considerations. This will hopefully reduce ambiguity in other documents, leading to better interoperability. Base encodings use a specific, reduced alphabet to encode binary data. Non-alphabet characters could exist within base-encoded data, caused by data corruption or by design. Non-alphabet characters may be exploited as a "covert channel", where non-protocol data can be sent for nefarious purposes. Non-alphabet characters might also be sent in order to exploit implementation errors leading to, buffer overflow attacks. Implementations MUST reject the encoded data if it contains characters outside the base alphabet when interpreting base-encoded data, unless the specification referring to this document explicitly states otherwise. Such specifications may instead state, as MIME does, that characters outside the base encoding alphabet should simply be ignored when interpreting data. Note that this means that any adjacent carriage return/ line feed (CRLF) characters constitute "non-alphabet characters" and are ignored. Furthermore, such specifications may ignore the pad character, "=", treating it as non-alphabet data, if it is present before the end of the encoded data. If more than the allowed number of pad characters is found at the end of the string, the excess pad characters may also be ignored. The Base 64 encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that allows the use of both upper- and lowercase letters but that need not be human readable.

News Search N-Sums (Niche-Search Using Multiple Strategies) is a framework for creating effective Web search engines for specialized domains (e.g. finding comic books, finding the latest soccer scores), by effective, mean that the engine will return matches containing a high percentage of URLs pointing to the requested information and a low percentage of links to poorly related or unrelated data, At the heart of N-Sums is the recognition that a variety of different search mechanisms must be combined in order to obtain good search results. This differs from the present trend in search engine design which hopes that 'more of the same' will lead to improved answers. In the following sections, we describe our framework, and a particular example of its



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use, the ComicSearch search engine. We compare ComicSearch with one of the leading 'super-search' engines, Copernic [3], and see that ComicSearch performs significantly better within its chosen domain. N-Sums identifies four categories of web search, each with their own advantages and disadvantages:

- General purpose search engines - Specialized domain search engines - Direct search of static/dynamic Web pages - Local databases of search information.

General Purpose Search Engines General purpose search engines, such as Google and AltaVista, possess many advantages: they have simple query interfaces (usually phrase-based, with boolean operators), results are presented in a structured format, typically including the match's title, a text summary, and a score, and their internal indexes are relatively current. Also grouped into this category are 'super-search' engines, such as Copernic. Copernic passes a user's query onto 15 other search engines (e.g. Google, Hotbot), and collects their results. The main advantages of Copernic-like applications are their increased coverage of the Web by utilizing multiple engines. Despite their utility, general purpose search engines have some problems. A common one is the weakness of their query languages (e.g. they almost never allow regular expressions). A consequence of poor query expressiveness is the increased chance of obtaining bad hits (URLs pointing to unrelated information). This is especially true if the queries contain common words (e.g. mad, action, battle) or words with different meanings in different contexts (e.g. wolverine, superman). Applications like Copernic make this problem worse by requiring users to formulate queries in a lowest common denominator notation that is understandable to all of their component engines. 'Super-search' engines also increase the possibility of duplicate hits even though they make some attempt to filter them out. Another problem with general purpose search engines is the slow update frequency of their internal indexes, caused by the need to re-examine large parts of the Web. This update rate can be inadequate for some kinds of search, such as sports scores or cinema movie



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listings, which are highly transient. General purpose search engines make a strong selling point of their Web coverage – Google currently advertises an index of over 1.3 billion pages (early March 2001). However, current estimates place the number of pages at between 3 and 4 billion, and growing rapidly. General purpose search engines will never be able to index every page, and this will only become more apparent as the Web continues to grow. The extensive coverage and weak query power of these engines means that numerous matches are returned (often in the 1000's). The engines attempt to score the matches, and supply summaries of the pages, to alleviate the user's feeling of being swamped by data. Even so, the user usually has to perform a manual, second search by scrolling through the returned matches, trying to select links which are really useful. At best this will require a reading of the summaries, at worst it involves downloading the full page for a result to examine it in detail; this is time-consuming and wasteful of resources. Related Work Newspaper online web application on the Internet Reporting News informations of daily newspaper on internet is the way to present details of newspaper via internet technology including text, picture, animation and hyperlink according to sample of two online Newspapers as mentioned above, it can be divided from thier presentation as follows

1. Thairath Newspaper ( is a daily newspaper that reports all of Thailand’s news as rapidly. Thairat newspaper produce and distribute by Watcharaphon Company Limited to form by Mr.Kamphon Watcharaphon. The first print is on 9 January 1950, as time past by, when internet technology come and popular therefore, Thairath focus to the new customer target, who surfing the internet. They create homepage for online news service concurrently with the printed newspaper. Thairath news online report headline news and public relations advertise. Thairath also have the News Data Center Service for keeping all film and picture to serve other newspapers and to the public who interested. As Show in the Figure 3 below.



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Figure 3 Thairath Newspaper Online Reference:Thairath, news [online],Accessed 1 May 2005.Available from

2. Daily News Newspaper ( is daily newspaper that report daily news about politics, economic, sport, entertainment, news of foreign countries, information technology and other service that form by Mr. Sang Hetrakul on the date of 27 March 1964 and procuce by Sripraya Printing Company Limited. Now Daily News use new technology to help about production process such computer and internet that make efficiency and quickly for that process and support homepage by Mweb company limited that show in figure 4 below.

Figure 4 Dailynews Newspaper Online Reference: Daily News, news[online], Accessed 20 December 2004. Available from



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3. Directorate of Intelligence of Royal Thai Army web site ( is the web of Royal Thai Army that reporting report intelligence and news as the same as Royal Thai Navy, but the intelligence does not appear in the first page that show in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5 Directorate of Intelligence web site Reference: Royal Thai Army, news [online], Accessed 1 December 2004. Available from

4. Directorate of Intelligence from Royal thai Air Force web site ( is the web of Royal Thai Air Force that reporting report intelligence and news as the same as Royal Thai Navy, they also have news report too, but domestic news and international news are come from general newspaper day by day that show in Figure 6 below.



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Figure 6 Directorate of Intelligence from Royal thai Air Force web site Reference: Royal Thai Airforce, news [online], Accessed 1 October 2004. Available from 7 Studies the reader’s behavior who reading newspaper on printed and internet: compare the amount of collecting information, memorizing and reader’s satisfaction. Found that readers who read newspaper from The Internet get the higher level than from printed newspaper. While reading from the printed newspaper gets the lower than from the Internet. There are not different in the amount of information reader can collect from both medias. Reader satisfied from reading newspaper on the Internet since it has colorful graphic and picture as well as animation graphic which encourage them to consume news.

7 Montira Inkotchasan, “Behavior of newspaper on internet” (The Degree of Bachelor of Science. University of Thammasat, 2005), 78.



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8 Studies the publishing behavior of Thai journalists: compare the usage of publishing via the Internet; The patterns and trends of using the Internet media. From the study, found that Thai journalists emphasized on the up-to-date contents more than graphical interface. However, they try to develop their websites to be more attractive and provide an ease of use for reader especially providing the search engine.

8 Sujika Dungmanee, “Publishing behavior of Thai journalists compare the usage of

publishing via the internet ” (The Degree of Bachelor of Science. University of Thammasat, 2001), 90.



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Chapter 3

Methodology Intelligence online reporting and archiving system using web application technology: A case study of Naval Intelligence Department to report daily intelligence for reader on intranet of Royal Thai Navy, will have analytical and strategy news that useful for military operations and back office channel to manage all of the intelligence reporting and archiving system up to date by Intelligence online reporting and archiving system via Intelligence Division officer such news information, photo, sound and video clip.

Table 1 Process and Timing

Id Process Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 Start 2 Select Topic 3 Settle Project Scope 4 Create Proposal 5 Present Proposal 6 Study Dot Net

Technology and Web Service

7 Analysis 8 Design and Implement 9 Testing and Report



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Overall system framework The Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving systems for Naval Intelligence Department using web application technology consists of the following components

1. Client can update news via Intelligence online reporting and archiving system all the time

2. Server with LAMP installed This Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving systems for Naval Intelligence Department using web application technology to report daily intelligence and another importing analyst intelligence involves 3 key portions

1. Reader staff of Royal Thai Navy 2. User staff the staff of Naval Intelligence Department that post the intelligence

System Structure and workflow process The main web acts as intermediary to report intelligence information and also image of situation through web application server to retrieve and display intelligence to reader as shown in Figure 7. Reader Figure 7 Use Case Diagram: Reader


















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1. Member Reader Login the system (Login) system will run an automatic check whether login username is already existing in the database or not. If yes, the system will then check that password given is matched with the registered one or not in the login process. User will have priority to read intelligence by later approval of commander as shown in Figure 8

Figure 8 Member login


Input Username


Invalid User Input Password






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2. Intelligence and image search (Search) System will retrieve intelligence or image of situation data That Match with criteria specified by user. Only search image user have to log in into the system to use this feature as shown in Figure 9

Figure 9 Search Intelligence


Set Condition


Not Found Display Intell.


NO YES สำนกัหอ


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3. Member check for priority system will check priority of user before logon to the system to first approve level of user as shown in Figure 10

Figure 10 Member check for priority



Invalid User Input Password



Display Intell.

Check level of user ส


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4. General Reader Search System will retrieve intelligence or image of situation data That Match with criteria specified by user. Only search image user have to log in into the system to use this feature as shown in Figure 11

Figure 11 General reader searches


Set Condition


Not Found Display Intell.





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5. General Reader Read This can be done by User staff – by pressing display button then system will retrieve data about intelligence / image and all detail which have been stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page as shown in Figure 12

Figure 12 General reader read

Back Office The back office web acts as intermediary to manage intelligence information, image and all about member through web application as shown in Figure 13.



Display Intell.

Check level of user



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Figure 13 Use Case Diagrams: Back office System

6. User staff search system will retrieve intelligence or image of situation data That Match with criteria specified by user staff keyword as shown in Figure 14

Figure 14 User staff search


Set Condition


Not Found Display Intell.



User Staff
















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7. Member Approval This can be done by only commander to approve all user that register via system, they have to wait for commander to approve their registration and authorization to read the intelligence as shown in Figure 15

Figure 15 User staff manage member

8. Create intelligence (Create intelligence / Image): This can be done by User staff – by filling all information in required forms. When all field is complete then press confirm button so the system will automatically store all data in database as shown in Figure 16


Set Priority





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Figure 16 User staff creates Intelligence / Image

9. Encryption intelligence data This can be done automatic when insert new intelligence content to database. The system will encode all detail of intelligence with base64 and key to encryption all detail of intelligence as shown in Figure 17

Figure 17 Encryption intelligence data




Invalid User Input



Create Intell. / Image


Input Data


Encode base64

Encode data+Key



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10. Encryption intelligence image This can be done automatic when insert new situation image to database. The system will encode all image of intelligence with base64 and key to encryption all image of intelligence as shown in Figure 18

Figure 18 Encryption intelligence Image


Input Image


Encode base64

Encode Image+Key ส


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11. User staff modify Intelligence / Image this can be done by User staff – by pressing button to display intelligence / image and all detail which is stored in database. If users want to edit, press edit button then start editing data. Users do not have to rewrite but can choose to edit specifically as system will also retrieve and display all data which was previously input. When users are done with editing process, press confirm button then system will automatically save and store edited data in database as shown in Figure 19

Figure 19 User staff modify Intelligence / Image


View intell. / image Description

Display intell. / image

Edit intell./ image






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12. User staff Delete intelligence ( Delete intelligence / Image ) : Administration This can be done by User staff – system will display pop-up question to ask users to confirm whether they want to delete resume from database or not. When confirm button is pressed then data is erased. Should users wish to login again they will have to register as a new member into the system as shown in Figure 20

Figure 20 User staff delete Intelligence / Image


View intell. / image

Display intell. / image

Delete itell./ image






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Chapter 4

Analysis of the data From the Development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System which consists of web application that include intelligence content, image situation and administration functions. The result of simulated system will show system capabilities when using web online reporting and archiving. Details of operating process are as follow:

1. Development of web application of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System 1.1. Reader 1.2. User Staff 1.3. Administration

2. Development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System Web Application of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System is program that report daily news and another important news to the interested readers. The homepage is designed for all general readers using web application technology as shown in Figure 21 and also provide user staff with powerful tools to report and archive effective intelligence and continuous access to the significantly relevant intelligence to make the best decisions possible.



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Figure 21 Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System web page

1. New member registration Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving

System Figure 22 shows registration form. Which by clicking member sign up button appeared under SUBMIT tab on home page users will be linked to member registration form? Users must member offered to members carefully. As Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System member, you are entitled to all of these free and totally confidential services:

1) Office hours Monday to Friday 8.30AM to 4.30PM. Closed on Saturday and Sunday

2) Search and read intelligence/image online by user condition. By submission of personal information in this registration form users give their consents to Naval Intelligence Department and its affiliates to collect and use their personal information as database. Users will receive an e-mail notification that by their registration they are giving permission to administrative to archive and assess their personal information.



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Figure 22 Personal Information Registration Form Users are required to fill in all information then click “Submit”. The system will run availability check on username, password, navy id, rank, first name, last name, gender, service department, division, e-mail and telephone number consecutively. Once users completed a successful registration there will be a Thank You pop up on the page and within 2-3 days prior to their registration users will receive a notification by email confirm their user status and activation of their accounts.

Test case of new member registration display 1. Input Username that already been recorded in the system database 2. Input Username that has not been recorded in the system database but fill in data

is not complete 3. Input Username that has not been recorded in the system database, all data is

completed but Password and Re-Password is not matched 4. Input Username that has not been recorded in system database, all data is

completed, Password and Re-Password is matched



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2. Login the system to enter Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving system. Users are required to enter their registered username and password then click “Submit”. In such case which system can not log users in, users must read notication message i.e. incorrect password, No username found, then they must recheck their keyboard is set to ENGLISH and Caps Lock is off. Test case of login system

1. Input username that already been recorded in the system database 2. Input username that has not been recorded in the system database but fill in data

is not complete 3. Input username that has not been recorded in the system database, all data is

completed but Password and Re-Password is not matched 4. Input username that has not been recorded in system database, all data is

completed, Password and Re-Password is matched 3. Read Domestic Intelligence on Naval Intelligence Department home page there

will be displays of up-to-date daily intelligence with briefly detailed images of situations as show in Figure 23. Should users wish to read more intelligence they can click-by pressing More News button which will link to fully detailed daily intelligence stored in database. Readers are not allowed to edit or amend any of displayed intelligence that stored in database but authorized users can read and search intelligence with limited access.



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Figure 23 Read Domestic Intelligence

4. Intelligence Archives the intelligence archives will be shown when users wish to read intelligence in the past period. This can be done by click – by pressing News Archives button as shown in Figure 24 and select date from the drop box to read fully detailed daily intelligence stored in database.

Figure 24 Read archive detail of Intelligence



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5. Intelligence Search system will retrieve intelligence details that match the keyword entered and prioritized by readers as shown in Figure 25. Search result is as shown in Figure 26. There are 5 categories of intelligence as follow 1) Domestic intelligence 2) International Intelligence 3) Special coverage 4) Maritime news and pirate report 5) Intelligence analysis

Figure 25 Intelligence and Image Search with keyword



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Figure 26 Search Result by keyword

Test case intelligence search with condition 1. Intelligence at just along keyword condition of reader up to priority. 2. No intelligence at just along keyword condition of reader up to priority.

Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System

6. Login the system to login to Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System Back office users are required to enter their username and password designated to them by click “Login”. In such case which system can not log users in, users must read notication message i.e. incorrect password, No username found, then they must recheck their keyboard is set to ENGLISH and Caps Lock is off as shown in Figure 27. The second web page of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System is Naval Back Office, it’s backend office that support all management intelligence such as create, edit and delete they’re work with administrator. About member function they will use only by especially login by commander who have right to approve priority all member for level to access. System back office, you are entitled to all of these free and totally confidential services:



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1) Create intelligence and another analytical intelligence 2) Edit intelligence and another analytical intelligence 3) Delete intelligence and another analytical intelligence 4) Approve member for level to access.

Test case Login 1. Input username that already been recorded in the system database 2. Input username that has not been recorded in the system database but fill in data

is not complete 3. Input username that has not been recorded in the system database, all data is

completed but password and re-password is not matched 4. Input username that has not been recorded in system database, all data is

completed, password and re-password is matched

Figure 27 Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System

7. Create new daily Intelligence daily Intelligence can be created by select News

on menu bar then the system will show all categories of intelligence which each intelligence in categories are sorted by date will be displayed on the monitor. The system is set up ready to support ‘View’ or ‘Create’ function by click the link menu on the right as shown in Figure 28.



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Figure 28 Show all Intelligence subject

Then user must click select menu to choose the categories of intelligence they wish to

create as shown in Figure 29. The system will display each intelligence in that selected category sorted by date and then click add more news menu on the right to create new intelligence as shown in Figure 30 below.

Figure 29 Show intelligence in group and prepair to add new intelligence



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Figure 30 Add new daily intelligence

Users are required to in all information then click “Add new intelligence”. The system will run the test on subject, content of intelligence and level of secret. Once the test is complete the intelligence will be sent to store on database. But if no information is filled in the form there will be a warning pop up to force users to complete the blanks in the form.

Test case of new member registration display 1. Input subject, content detail and level of secret in form 2. Not input subject, content detail and level of secret in form 8. Modify content detail of intelligence contents of Intelligence can be modified

by select News on menu bar. Then the system will show all categories of intelligence sorted by date on the monitor as shown in Figure 31. The system is set to be ready to support modify or edit function by click the link menu on the right. This modification can also be done by pressing the modify menu on the right to show detail of intelligence stored in database. Should users wish to modify intelligence details, then press modify link and start data modification. The system will also retrieve and display all detail which was previously input. When users are done with editing process users are required to press



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confirm button thus system will automatically save and store modified data in database as shown in Figure 32

Figure 31 Show intelligence in group and prepair to modify intelligence

Figure 32 System retrieve and display all detail of intelligence



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Test case edit system detail 1. Input data don't along at assigns 2. Input data along at assigns 9. Remove intelligence published intelligence can be removed by select News on

menu bar which the system will show all categorized intelligence which sort by date on the monitor. The system is set to be ready to support modify or delete function by click the link menu on the right. This removal can also be done by pressing the delete menu on the right to show detail of intelligence that stored in database. Should users wish to remove intelligence details they can press delete link then read the content subject and detail displayed on the monitor and prove that this intelligence is to be removed from database by user . The System will also retrieve and display all detail which was previously input. When the removal process is complete users are required to press confirm button thus system will automatically remove data stored in database as shown in Figure 33

Figure 33 System show contenet detail and prepair to delete



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Test case edit system detail 1. Input data don't along at assigns. 2. Input data along at assigns.

10. Member function display is as shown in Figure 34. The page will display list of registered member in Naval Online Reporting and Archiving System. Users can view member information, modify information and delete member.

Figure 34 Member of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System In member function management users can view, modify and delete members by click on detail link of which the information will be displayed. Once users finish managing members process they can click back to home page as shown in Figure 35.



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Figure 35 Member detail To modify or edit member details by click the modify link and the system will retrieve all of member detail. After all details are modified users can click the button modify member to save the new details on the database as show in Figure 36

Figure 36 Modify member detail

Should users wish to delete member from the system they can click on the delete link and the system will retrieve all of member detail as shown in Figure 37. Users can delete member by click ‘Delete This Member’ button below to confirm delete. The system will show pop up confirmation message to question whether users wish to delete such member of which users can confirm delete such member by click yes, but if not click no to cancel as shown in Figure 38



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Figure 37 Delete Member detail

Figure 38 Popup message to re-confirm to delete member Test case edit system detail 1. Manage member don't along at assigns. 2. Manage member along at assigns.

11. Approve Member this function will show all of newly registered member pending approval to the Naval Online Reporting and Archiving System as a level of member priority. This approval can only be made by commander by click allow or not and then click submit as shown in Figure 39



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Figure 39 Detail of member that waiting for approve

12. Image Archive should users which to view images of situation they can click the

link on the menu bar of which the system will retrieve all of images in archive stored on database, sorted by date as shown in Figure 40. This function can be used to view the image details, modify images and also delete the images as well.

Figure 40 Archive Image

To view image, users can press detail image link the system will retrieve all of images in each category of intelligence, subject of images (using keyword) including date as shown in Figure 41.



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Figure 41 Image detail To modify image link users can press modify image link, of which the system will retrieve all of image details in each category of intelligence, subject of images (using keyword) including date of images. This function can be chosen by browse for new image and modify detail if image details are incorrect then click on the edit image of situation button below. Edited image will be stored in the database as shown in Figure 42

Figure 42 Modify Image



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To delete images, users can press delete image link of which the system will retrieve all of image detail in each category of intelligences, subject of images (using keyword), image ready for browsing including date of image. Images can be deleted by click on the delete this image of situation button as shown in Figure 43. The system will show warning popup to confirm delete of this image. Should users wish to delete such images by click ok the system will delete such image. But if users do not wish to delete image, by click cancel the image will still be in database as shown in Figure 44.

Figure 43 Delete Image

Figure 44 Popup warning to re confirm to delete image Test Case Company search with condition 1. Manage member don't along at assigns. 2. Manage member along at assigns.



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13. Logout this Logout can be done by both types of user – Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System. Once users logged out the system they are required to enter username and password to login again should they wish to enter and use the system as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45 Administration Logout

Tools used for system test and evaluation The implementation of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving system will be tested and evaluated in order to verify its functionality and efficiency. The acceptance test will be applied to find out the user acceptability. Three tests will be made through out this state namely:

1. Functional requirement test will be set in order to answer two important questions. What the system does and moreover, how does it work. This test is conducted using an evaluation form. The evaluation form focuses on four criteria as show in Table 3 and Table 4 part 1.

2. Functional test is to be conducted to evaluate the proposed system to verify system integrity and its performance. The functions evaluation form is conducted as show in Table 3 and Table 4 part 2.



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3. Usability test is to be conducted to evaluate the proposed system on its ease of use. This test is to examine six following criteria; contents alignment, program ease of use, processed information integrity as shown in Table 3 and Table 4 part 3. To evaluation of the system is consisted of two measurement methods applied - qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement. These measurements are described by giving a score as show in Table 2.

Table 2 Evaluation scoring and its descriptions

Measurements Qualitative Quantitative


Excellence 5 The implementation of program is excellence. Good 4 The implementation of program is good. Fair 3 The implementation of program is acceptable.

Revise 2 The implementation of program should be revised. Fail 1 The implementation of program is fail to the requirements.

System specification measurements This test is to be conducted to examine the system for its functionalities by simulate two of sampling naval user groups which are bangkok based users and regional corp. users by set up a sampling group of 10. The first sampling group is user within bangkok and the second is user outside bangkok to compare effectiveness of connection speed. The author defines some data, called “Test Case”. This data will be entered to system to evaluate the expected response. For example, the system is expected to return correct information when appropriate input is entered. Developed system must return with acknowledgement to user should the non-preferable input is entered to the system. A conducted test refers to a system test with nonsensical but potently valid data, which is taken from system specification. The author conducted eight test cases as following.



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Table3 System specification measurements of Reader

User in bangkok User outside Bangkok Concerned criteria Average

score Qualitative

measure Average

score Qualitative

measure Part 1. Functional requirement test 4.50 Good 4.35 Good

1. View Intelligence/Image on the first will show Domestic and International Intelligence

4.78 Good 4.50 Good

2. Intelligence Archives by pressing the news archives button to read intelligence of interest on the selected day

4.53 Good 4.66 Good

3. Search Intelligence/Image by pressing display button then system will retrieve intelligence detail of data which have been stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page

4.20 Good 3.90 Fair

Part 2. Function Test evaluation form

3.80 Fair 4.17 Good

1. Information storing integrity 4.00 Good 4.00 Good 2. Keyword-matching

performance 3.66 Fair 4.70 Good

3. Information editing integrity 3.33 Fair 4.10 Good 4. Report generating integrity 4.21 Good 3.89 Fair

Part 3. Usability evaluation form 3.77 Fair 3.82 Fair 1. Contents alignment 3.00 Fair 3.66 Fair 2. Ease of use 4.00 Good 3.78 Fair



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Table3 (Cont.)

Member in Bangkok Member outside Bangkok Concerned criteria

Average score

Qualitative measure

Average score

Qualitative measure

3. Processed information integrity 4.12 Good 4.15 Good 4. Processing time 4.20 Good 3.33 Fair 5. Appropriate coloring 3.66 Fair 4.12 Good 6. Help function 3.66 Fair 3.89 Fair

Summary 4.02 Good 4.11 Good Table4 System specification measurements of Member

Member in bangkok Member outside bangkok Concerned criteria

Average score

Qualitative measure

Average score

Qualitative measure

Part 1. Functional requirement test

4.31 Good 4.12 Good

1. Registration to register as a new member, users are required to read all terms and conditions and service offered to members carefully

4.78 Good 4.50 Good

2. Login the system will automatically check whether login username is already exists in the database.

4.53 Good 4.66 Good



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Table4 (Cont.)

Member in Bangkok Member outside Bangkok Concerned criteria

Average score

Qualitative measure

Average score

Qualitative measure

3. Search Intelligence by pressing display button system will retrieve intelligence detail of data which have been stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page

4.20 Good 3.90 Fair

4. Intelligence Archives by pressing the news archives button to read intelligence of interest on the selected day

3.90 Fair 4.00 Good

5. Intelligence and photograph Search system will retrieve Intelligence subject and content or photograph of situation that match with criteria specified by user

4.30 Good 3.90 Fair

6. Logout by pressing logout to out of the system

4.20 Good 3.80 Fair

Part 2. Function Test evaluation form

3.84 Fair 4.05 Good

1. Intelligence storing integrity 4.00 Good 4.00 Good 2. Keyword-matching

performance 3.66 Fair 4.70 Good

3. Intelligence editing integrity 3.33 Fair 4.10 Good



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Table4 (Cont.)

Member in Bangkok Member outside Bangkok Concerned criteria

Average score

Qualitative measure

Average score

Qualitative measure

4. Report generating integrity 4.21 Good 3.89 Fair 5. Archiving performance 4.00 Good 3.59 Fair Part 3. Usability evaluation form 3.77 Fair 3.21 Fair 1. Contents alignment 3.00 Fair 3.66 Fair 2. Ease of use 4.00 Good 3.78 Fair 3. Processed information integrity 4.12 Good 4.15 Good 4. Processing time 4.20 Good 3.33 Fair 5. Appropriate coloring 3.66 Fair 4.12 Good 6. Help function 3.66 Fair 3.89 Fair

Summary 3.97 Fair 3.79 Fair Table5 System specification measurements of User staff

User staff in Bangkok Concerned criteria Average score Qualitative measure

1. Intelligence and photograph Search by system will retrieve Intelligence subject and content or photograph of situation that Match with criteria specified by user

4.00 Good

2. Login to system the system will automatically check whether login username already exists in the database

3.90 Fair



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Table5 (Cont.)

User staff in Bangkok Concerned criteria Average score Qualitative measure

3. Create Daily Intelligence by user staff to fill all information in required forms. When complete, press confirm button then system will automatically store all data in database

3.66 Fair

4. Search Intelligence by pressing display button system will retrieve intelligence detail of data stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page

4.21 Good

5. Edit Daily Intelligence by pressing button to display intelligence detail of data stored in database.

4.20 Good

6. Delete Daily Intelligence by pressing button to delete daily intelligence stored in database.

4.00 Good

7. Insert image situation archive by insert new image in each category of intelligence

8. Edit image situation by modify the detail of image stored in the database

4.00 Good



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Table5 (Cont.)

User staff in Bangkok Concerned criteria Average score Qualitative measure

9. Delete image situation by delete image situation that stored in the database

4.00 Good

10. Member to list the name and detail of member in the system

4.00 Good

11. Logout by pressing logout to out of the system

3.96 Fair

Part 2. Function Test evaluation form 3.92 Fair 1. Intelligence storing integrity 4.00 Good 2. Keyword-matching performance 3.70 Fair 3. Intelligence editing integrity 4.10 Good 4. Report generating integrity 3.89 Fair 5. Archiving performance 3.89 Fair Part 3. Usability evaluation form 3.66 Fair

1. Contents alignment 3.66 Fair 2. Ease of use 3.78 Fair 3. Processed information integrity 4.15 Good 4. Processing time 3.33 Fair 5. Appropriate coloring 4.12 Good 6. Help function 3.89 Fair

Summary 3.88 Fair

Note: Scale score number 1 to 5 is represented as the score. Score 1 is the lowest value and Score 5 is the highest value.



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Testing of system During the process of design and create Development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System using web application, developer has defined testing process listed as follow

1. Testing operating system by simulate news content data 2. Testing working system by identity check and each user’s authorization to

access data. 3. Testing operating system of web application in Intelligence Online Reporting

and Archiving by many web method i.e. search, view , add, delete etc. 4. Testing system to find fallback of program and to improve program

Since the installation of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System on Royal Thai Navy’s intranet the designed system is able to transfer large amount of data using Data set transferring technology. This data set technology can transfer larger amount of data in shorter time. In the meantime, it can help reducing unnecessary work of Administration. Below are suggestions from readers and user staff:

1. All readers and user staff can read daily intelligence content 2. Program should be able to create web blog for each user staff to report work of

themself for direct access by commander



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Chapter 5

Discussion and Conclusion Executive summary World Wide Web has been playing an important role in demonstrating information to world wide users. These days modern Web applications have grown into complex distributed applications. Web applications use the Internet infrastructure to deliver their functionality to users. They do not use those of traditional client/server technologies, but Web Applications are using advanced web technologies; web browsers and web servers for instant. All begins with the creation of web application which will be used to retrieve information by application of method and connecting to database. Users will then be eligible to a better access to articles on websites and interested information on the internet. Such websites and information pages can be bookmarked by users for re-visit and later-viewing. Over the course of time, re-visiting these bookmarks becomes a major task for users especially as the number of bookmarks grows. A better technique for users is to set for an automatical recipient service in order to receive any relevant information and updates of their favorite websites. Nowadays there is plenty of important informations which considered valuable assets as they are the unlimited sources of knowledge. Therefore it is of a high significance for all organizations to carefully report and archive their recorded confidential information in secured place. Designation of an authorized personnel to work on web application creatation and prioritization of such can facilitate this issue; thus it is a very important idea for future development.

The achievement of research objectives From the development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System, its function is too create a simulation system of intelligence reporting and intelligence archiving. This system applies web application to report contents of intelligence and image situation to interested readers. Applied content in this research is the actual daily intelligence information and image situation from Naval Intelligence Department of Royal Thai Navy.The development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System main objectives are as listed below; once the



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system development is complete and tested, it is expected to be of achievement on the following objectives as listed

1. Development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiveing System website 2. Application of encryption technique to encode intelligence and image on

database 3. Design web application with security control for Intelligence Online Reporting

and Archiving system for Naval Intelligence Division of Royal Thai Navy

Problem and obstacles During the development of system there were some problems and obstacles occurred

as of the following list 1. Information access delay as Naval Intranet system which was used on system

development encounters rush hour delay or multiple users accessing same data set at one time. Also that users will not be able to access the information center and Naval report archive when Naval LAN system crashed down.

2. There is a 1-5 days post-application period which users must wait for approval of their access to report system and intelligence archive which is resulted a thorough performance on users background checks to confirm the information provided in their application forms.Suggestions

Suggestions Development of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System is the preliminary system which required further development to the following options:

1. In the future when Government Policy on Central Data Center is complete the system could be available with better web service technology.

2. Develop base64 with key to use on smart card to logon the system



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Arundel, Fecuson. “Evolution of encoding.” Journal of studies 15 (July 2000): 55. Bert, Vermeulen. “Web application technologies.” Prentice Hall (January 2001): 133. Chris, Lapham. “The Evolution of the Newspaper of the Future.” University of Vancouver,

Vancouver, British Columbia 50, 1 (July 1995): 30-31. Fensel and C.Bussler.The Web Application Modeling Framework WSMF.Vrije Universitieit

Amsterdam (VU) and Oracle Corporation [Online]. Accessed 22 August 2005. Available from

Michel, Loren. “MD5 Development.” Research of Educational (May 2002): 302. Montira, Inkotchasan. “Behavior of newspaper on internet.” The Degree of Bachelor of Science.

University of Thammasat, 2005. Rosenfeld, Lennel. Information architecture for the World Wide Web : Theses Reports, Term

Papers. 5th ed. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002. Perfect Database.Database Introduction [Online].Accessed 25 Jan 2002.Available from WebSel.php. [] Robert, J.Hall and Andrea Zismas.Model Interchange and Integration for Devolop

WEB Proceedings/ACM.2004 [Online].Accessed 20 August 2005. Available from

Sujika, Dungmanee. “Behavior of Thai journalists compare the usage of publishing via the Internet.” The Degree of Bachelor of Science. University of Thammasat, 2001.

Sven, Ziemer.“Architecture for Web Applications.” Distributed Information Systems 12,1 (January 2003) : 54-55.



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Appendix A User Manual



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User Manual Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System: Reader Status When users log in to system via http://localhost/project_navy/index.php as general first web page, the first display will be as shown in picture below. The first web page display consists of 2 parts – Left and Right. The left part is sub system while right part is detail of domestic and international intelligence Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System is the program that provide reports on daily news and another important news to the interested readers. The home page was designed for all general readers using web application Technology which include Really Simple Syndication file format technique to update the latest intelligence of the sites being of interest and also provide users the powerful tools for reporting and archiving effective intelligence and persistent access to highly relevant intelligence to make the best decisions possible. Figure 46 below shows the home page of website.

Figure 46 Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System web page



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1. Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System New Member Registration Figure 47 shows registration form. Which by clicking member sign up button appeared under SUBMIT tab on home page users will be linked to member registration form Users must member offered to members carefully. By submission of personal information in this registration form users give their consents to Naval Intelligence Department and its affiliates to collect and use their personal information as database. Users will receive an e-mail notification that by their registration they are giving permission to administrative to archive and assess their personal information.

Figure 47 Personal Information Registration Form Users are required to fill in all information then click “Submit”. The system will run availability check on username, password, navy id, rank, first name, last name, gender, service department, division, e-mail and telephone number consecutively. Once users completed a successful registration there will be a Thank You pop up on the page and within 2-3 days prior to their registration users will receive a notification by email confirm their user status and activation of their accounts.



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2. Log in to the System to enter Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving system. Users are required to enter their registered username and password then click “Submit”. In such case which system can not log users in, users must read notication message i.e. incorrect password, No username found, then they must recheck their keyboard is set to ENGLISH and Caps Lock is off.

3. Read Domestic Intelligence on Naval Intelligence Department home page there will be displays of up-to-date daily intelligence with briefly detailed images of situations as showm in Figure 48. Should users wish to read more intelligence they can click-by pressing More News button which will link to fully detailed daily intelligence stored in database. Readers are not allow to edit or amend any of displayed intelligence that stored in databse but authorized users can read and searh intelligence with limited access.

Figure 48 Read Domestic Intelligence



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4. Intelligence Archives the intelligence archives will be shown when users wish to read intelligence in the past period. This can be done by click – by pressing News Archives button as shown in Figure 49 and select date from the dropbox to read fully detailed daily intelligence stored in database.

Figure 49 Read Intelligence Archives

5. Intelligence and Image Search by keyword System will retrieve intelligence details that match the keyword entered and prioritized by readers as shown in Figure 50. Search result is as shown in Figure 51. There are 5 categories of intelligence as follow 1) Domestic intelligence 2) International Intelligence 3) Special coverage 4) Maritime news and pirate report 5) Intelligence analysis



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Figure 50 Intelligence and Image Search with keyword

Figure 51 Search Result by keyword

6. Logout Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System. Once users log out from the system and wish to log in again they are required to enter their username and password re-login to the system as shown in Figure 52



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Figure 52 Logout System Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System

7. Login to the system Back office To login to Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System Back office users are required to enter their username and password designated to them by administrator as shown in Figure 53 then click “Login”. In such case which system can not log users in, users must read notication message i.e. incorrect password, No username found, then they must recheck their keyboard is set to ENGLISH and Caps Lock is off.



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Figure 53 Back office of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System

8. Create new daily Intelligence daily Intelligence can be created by select News on menu bar then the system will show all categories of intelligence which each intelligence in categories are sorted by date will be displayed on the monitor. The system is set up ready to support ‘View’ or ‘Create’ function by click the link menu on the right as shown in Figure 54.

Figure 54 Show all Intelligence headlines



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Then user must click select menu to choose the categories of intelligence they wish to create as shown in Figure 55. The system will display each intelligence in that selected category sorted by date and then click add more news menu on the right to create new intelligence as shown in Figure 56 below.

Figure 55 Show intelligence in category and page ready to add new intelligence

Figure 56 Add new daily intelligence



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Users are required to in all information then click “Add new intelligence”. The system will run the test on subject, content of intelligence and level of secret. Once the test is complete the intelligence will be sent to store on database. But if no information is filled in the form there will be a warning pop up to force users to complete the blanks in the form.

9. Modification of contents of intelligence Contents of Intelligence can be modified by select News on menu bar. Then the system will show all categories of intelligence sorted by date on the monitor as shown in Figure 57. The system is set to be ready to support modify or edit function by click the link menu on the right. This modification can also be done by pressing the modify menu on the ritght to show detail of intelligence stored in database. Should users wish to modify intelligence details, then press modify link and start data modification. The system will also retrieve and display all detail which was previously input. When users are done with editing process users are required to press confirm button thus system will automatically save and store modified data in database as shown in Figure 58

Figure 57 Show intelligence in categories and page ready to modify intelligence



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Figure 58 System retrieve and display all detail of intelligence

10. Remove intelligence Published intelligence can be removed by select News on menu bar which the system will show all categorized intelligence which sort by date on the monitor. The system is set to be ready to support modifly or delete function by click the link menu on the right. This removal can also be done by pressing the delete menu on the ritght to show detail of intelligence that stored in database. Should users wish to remove intelligence details they can press delete link then read the content subject and detail displayed on the monitor and prove that this intelligence is to be removed from database by user . The System will also retrieve and display all detail which was previously input. When the removal process is complete users are required to press confirm button thus system will automatically remove data stored in database as shown in Figure 59



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Figure 59 System show content detail and page ready for data removal

11. Intelligence Report the report can be done by select daily report on menu bar which the system will let users select desirable date, month and year that users wish to report on the monitor as shown in Figure 60.

Figure 60 Intelligence report



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12. Member function display is as shown in Figure 61. The page will display list of regisered member in Naval Online Reporting and Archiving System. Users can view member information, modify information and delete member.

Figure 61 Member of Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System In member function management users can view, modify and delete members. Should users wish to see more information on particular member they can click on detail link of which the information will be displayed. Once users finish managing members process they can click back to home page as shown in Figure 62.

Figure 62 Member detail



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Should users wish to modify or edit member details they can on the modify link and the system will retrive all of member detail as shown in Figure 63. After all details are modified users can click the button modify member to save the new details on the database

Figure 63 Modify member detail Should users wish to delet member from the system they can click on the delete link and the system will retrive all of member detail as shown in Figure 64. Users can delete member by click ‘Delete This Member’ button below to confirm delete. The system will show pop up confirmation message to question whether users wish to delete such member of which users can confirm delete such member by click yes, but if not click no to cancel as shown in Figure 65

Figure 64 Delete Member detail



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Figure 65 Popup message to re-confirm to delete member

13. Approve Member this function will show all of newly registered member pending approval to the Naval Online Reporting and Archiving System as a level of member priority. This approval can only be made by commander by click allow or not and then click submit as shown in Figure 66

Figure 66 Detail of members pending approval

14. Image Archive Should users which to view images of situation they can click the link on the menu bar of which the system will retreive all of images in archive stored on database, sorted by date as shown in Figure 67. This function can be used to view the image details, modify images and also delete the images as well.



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Figure 67 Image Archive

To view image, users can press detail image link the system will retrieve all of images

in each category of intelligence, subject of images (using keyword) incluidng date as shown in Figure 68.

Figure 68 Image detail



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To modify image link users can press modify image link, of which the system will retrieve all of image details in each category of intelligence, subject of images (using keyword) incluidng date of images. This function can be chosen by browse for new image and modify detail if image details are incorrect then click on the edit image of situation button below. Edited image will be stored in the database as shown in Figure 69

Figure 69 Modify Image

To delete images, users can press delete image link of which the system will retrieve

all of image detail in each category of intelligences, subject of images (using keyword), image ready for browsing including date of image. Images can be deleted by click on the delete this image of situation button as shown in Figure 70. The system will show warning popup to confirm delete of this image. Should users wish to delete such images by click ok the system will delete such image. But if users do not wish to delete image, by click cancel the image will still be in database as shown in Figure 71.



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Figure 70 Delete Image

Figure 71 Popup warning to re-confirm to delete image

15. Logout This Logout can be done by both types of user – Intelligence Online Reporting and Archiving System. Once users logged out the system they are required to enter username and password to login again should they wish to enter and use the system as shown in Figure 72.

Figure 72 Administration Logout



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Appendix B Data Structure



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Data Structure Table 6 Table Structure Members: All Detail about Member

Table Name : navy_member No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 member_id Member id Int 10 PK 2 member_name Member name Varchar 30

3 member_lastname Member last name Varchar 30

4 username username Varchar 20

5 password password Varchar 20

6 member_rank Member rank Char 1 7 member_sex Member sex Char 1

8 id_card Id card Char 20

9 member_group Member group Char 1

10 member_subgroup Member subgroup Varchar 8

11 member_mail Member email Varchar 30

12 member_phone Member phone Varchar 10

13 member_status Member status Char 1

14 member_level Member level Char 1

15 member_lastvisit Last visit to system Date

16 register_date First date regis Date



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Table 7 Table Structure Member group : Division of member

Table Name : navy_member_group

No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 group_id Group of member Char 1 PK

2 group_desc Group detail Varchar 250

Table 8 Table Member subgroup: Department of member

Table Name : navy_member_subgroup

No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 subgroup_id Sub group ID Char 1

2 group_id Group ID Char 1 Member_ Group

3 subgroup_desc Detail of Subgroup Varchar 50

Table 9 Table Member rank: Rank of member

Table Name : navy_member_rank

No Column Name Description Data Type

Reference Table Comment

1 rank_id Rank ID Char 2 PK

2 rank_desc Rank detail Varchar 50



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Table 10 Table Structure User: All detail about the user when login to the system

Table Name : navy_user

No Column Name Description Data Type Reference Table Comment

1 user_id User ID Int 5 PK

2 user_name username Varchar 20

3 user_password password Varchar 20

4 user_email email Varchar 20

5 user_active priority Char 1

6 last_login Last login date

7 user_session session Varchar 50 Table 11 Table Structure News : All detail about intelligence information

Table Name : navy_news

No Column Name Description Data Type Reference Table Comment

1 news_id News id Varchar 20 PK

2 news_category News group Char 1

3 news_header News subject Varchar 20

4 news_body News detail text

5 news_img image Vachar 255

6 news_date Date of news date

7 news_level News level Char 1



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Table 11 (Cont.)

No Column Name Description Data Type Reference Table Comment

8 news_status Status to show Char 1

9 news_source Source of news Char 1 10 news_source_other Other source Varchar 255

Table 12 Table Structure News category : Category of Intelligence

Table Name : navy_news_category No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 news_category_id Group id Char 1 PK

2 news_category_desc detail Varchar 255 Table 13 Table Structure News Level : Level of secret of intelligence

Table Name : navy_news_level No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 news_level_id News level Char 1 PK

2 news_level_desc Level detail Varchar 255



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Table 14 Table Structure News archive : All detail about image situation

Table Name : navy_archive No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 archive_id Picture no. Int 10 PK

2 archive_header Picture subject Varchar 255

3 archive_img Picture Varchar 255

4 archive_category Picture group Char 1

5 archive_date Picture date Date Table 15 Table FileLog : Keep all log file detail from user that login to the system

Table Name : user_log No Column Name Description Data Type Reference

Table Comment

1 member_id Member ID Int 10

2 login_time Login time Date

3 logout_time Logout time Date

4 last_login_date Last login date Date

5 user_log_Session Login session Vachar 50



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Appendix C Questionnaire



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Table 16 Questionnaire for Reader [ ] Reader

Score Scale Name ( Scale Description) 5 4 3 2 1

Part 1. Functional requirement test 1. Register system to apply as new member, Please read all conditions and service offering to members carefully

2. Login the system will automatically check whether login username Exists in the database or not.

3. Search Intelligence by pressing display button then system will retrieve intelligence detail of data which have been stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page

4. Backward Intelligence by pressing the backward news button to read intelligence of the day that interested in especially

5. View more intelligence by pressing the view more news button to read the full option of daily intelligence

6. Logout by pressing logout to out of the system

Part 2. Function Test evaluation form 1. Intelligence storing integrity 2. Keyword-searching performance 3. Intelligence editing integrity 4. Intelligence deleting integrity 5. Report generating integrity 6. Archiving performance Part 3. Usability evaluation form 1. Contents alignment 2. Ease of use 3. Processed information integrity



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Table 16 (Cont.)

Score Scale Name ( Scale Description) 5 4 3 2 1

4. Processing time 5. Appropriate coloring 6. Help function Note: Scale score number 1 to 5 is represented as the score.

Score 1 is the lowest value and score 5 is the highest value ส


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Table 17 Questionnaire

[ ] User Staff of Naval Intelligence Department Score Scale Name ( Scale Description)

5 4 3 2 1 Part 1. Functional requirement test 1. Intelligence and photograph Search by system will retrieve Intelligence subject and content or photograph of situation That Match with criteria specified by user

2. Login to system the system will automatically check whether login username Exists in the database or not.

3. Create Daily Intelligence by user staff to filling all information in required forms. When it is done, press confirm button then system will automatically store all data in database

4. Search Intelligence by pressing display button then system will retrieve intelligence detail of data which have been stored in database. This data will be displayed on the web page

5. Edit Daily Intelligence by pressing button to display intelligence detail of data which is stored in database.

6. Delete Daily Intelligence by pressing button to delete daily intelligence which is stored in database.database.

7. Insert image situation archive by insert new image at the group of intelligence

8. Edit image situation by modify the detail of image that stored in the database

9. Delete image situation by delete image situation that stored in the database

10. Member to list the name and detail of member in the system 11. Logout by pressing logout to out of the system



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Table 17 (Cont.)

Score Scale Name ( Scale Description) 5 4 3 2 1

Part 2. Function Test evaluation form 6. Intelligence storing integrity 7. Keyword-searching performance 8. Intelligence editing integrity 9. Intelligence deleting integrity 10. Report generating integrity 6. Archiving performance Part 3. Usability evaluation form 7. Contents alignment 8. Ease of use 9. Processed information integrity 10. Processing time 11. Appropriate coloring 12. Help function

Note: Scale score number 1 to 5 is represented as the score. Score 1 is the lowest value and score 5 is the highest value



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Name Lieutenant Junior Grade Somruetai Kongdith Address 133/5 Charansanitwong 12 Rd., Wat-tapra

Bangkokyai Bangkok 10600 Office Royal Thai Navy Headquarter

Prarajawangderm, Wangderm Rd., Wat-Arun District, Bangkokyai Bangkok 106000 Telephone (02) 475-5644, 089-774-2776 Email: [email protected]

Education Background 1997 South East Asia University

Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Computer)

2001 Silpakorn University Master of Science (Information Technology)

Work History 2000-Present System analyst and developer

Naval Intelligence Division of Royal Thai Navy Headquarter

