Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access...

Integrated Door Security Systems – Egress Control – Access Control Reliable, Trouble-Free Systems in Easy-to-Order Configurable EasyKits

Transcript of Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access...

Page 1: Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access · 2012. 8. 28. · Order an EasyKit with everything you need

IInntteeggrraatteedd DDoooorr SSeeccuurriittyy SSyysstteemmss

–Egress Control –Access Control

RReelliiaabbllee,, TTrroouubbllee--FFrreeee SSyysstteemmss iinn EEaassyy--ttoo--OOrrddeerrCCoonnffiigguurraabbllee EEaassyyKKiittss

Page 2: Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access · 2012. 8. 28. · Order an EasyKit with everything you need

With our new EasyKits, you can order configurable egress and/or access control doorsecurity systems more easily than ever before. From delayed egress to automaticallyoperated doors, your door security needs can now be ordered with a single number thatspecifies exactly what you’ll require to get the job done.

EEaassyy rreeaallllyy mmeeaannss eeaassyy..You get five easy “pieces” that are part of the whole EasyKit concept ofproviding you with a hassle-free way to set up an integrated door securitysystem that has the reliability you’ve always counted on in Detex products.

EEaassyy ttoo ssppeecciiffyy• Packaged so that everything you need (hardware, documentation,

wiring, etc.) is specified by one easy and intuitive catalog number• Kitted to accommodate virtually every door security application for egress

and access control• Plug-and-play capability with other manufacturers’ hardware and access

control systems

EEaassyy ttoo oorrddeerr• You don’t have to remember the details because EasyKits come with

everything you need• Simple, configurable catalog numbers make ordering and

re-ordering easy

EEaassyy ttoo iinnssttaallll• Detex panic hardware is the easiest to install in the industry.

Patented strike locator; easy, template-free installation• Wide variety of electric options further simplifies installation by

eliminating components required by other manufacturers• Easy, clear documentation covers all aspects of the systems from

installation, integration, use and maintenance standpoints• Supported by Detex-trained and certified installation experts worldwide

EEaassyy ttoo uussee• Components and systems are designed and integrated with the

customer in mind• Conforms to all life safety requirements• No special knowledge required for easy operation

EEaassyy ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn• Designed for long life and low maintenance in high-use,

high-abuse environments• Outstanding manufacturer’s warranty and Detex support

SSttaarrtt wwiitthh tthhee EEaassyyKKiitt tthhaatt mmaattcchheess yyoouurr nneeeeddss aanndd ccoonnffiigguurree iitt ffoorr yyoouurr aapppplliiccaattiioonn..There are EasyKit systems for the most requested needs, and each can be configuredwith one order number to include everything necessary for a particular application. A restaurant rear entrance? An airport emergency exit? Outside gates at a gardencenter? Dormitory entrances? Auditorium doors? Whatever your security system needs to cover, including both egress and access control, there’s an EasyKit solution for you. The EasyKit possibilities are virtually endless, so just create the single order number thatincludes exactly the equipment you need and let an EasyKit do the rest.


Delayed Egress

Page 3: Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access · 2012. 8. 28. · Order an EasyKit with everything you need

DDeellaayyeedd EEggrreessss oorr DDeellaayyeedd EEggrreessss wwiitthh AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll

Order an EasyKit with everything you need to set up delayed egress.Exit is delayed 15 seconds unlessauthorized by key or valid accesscontrol credentials. Entrance iscontrolled by valid key or accesscontrol credentials (proximity card,biometric reader, keypad orcombination). For high securityapplications, anti-tailgating can beadded to the system, ensuringauthorized entry for only one person.

Sample applications:

• Any door that requires a controlledaccess and a delayed egressfunction

• Retail, restaurant and commercialback-door high security lossprevention applications

• Airport emergency exit to secured area

• Jetway doors

• Airport baggage area entrances

• Assisted living secured exits

• Special care facilities secured exits

• Government secured exits

• Courthouse secured exits

• Museum secured exits

WWeeaatthheerriizzeedd DDeellaayyeedd EEggrreessss

Doors or gates exposed to theelements call for a weather-protectedsystem. With our WeatherizedDelayed Egress equipment, exit is delayed 15 seconds unlessauthorized by key or valid accesscontrol credentials. Entry is eitherrestricted or allowed by a valid key.

Sample applications:

• Any doors requiring high securityloss prevention and/or life safetythat open to the outside or are in a wet environment

• Outside doors or gates requiringhigh security loss prevention suchas garden centers

• Outside product display areas

• Secured outside areas such as anassisted living facility courtyard

• Amusement and theme parkssecured outside areas

AAcccceessss CCoonnttrroolllleedd DDoooorrss

Whether it’s for a PC-managed orstand-alone application, you cantailor this EasyKit to meet your accesscontrol requirements. Unrestrictedegress is provided by the exit deviceor, optionally, egress is validated byaccess control credentials. Entry isauthorized by valid access controlcredentials. For high securityapplications, anti-tailgating can beadded to this application allowingonly one person to pass through theopening after access is granted.

Sample applications:

• Any entry door where controlled or restricted entrance or egress isrequired

• Applications that require a retrofitsolution without additional laborand cost of adding an electric strike

• Authorized employee only doors

• Dormitory entrances

• Doors to restricted areas

• Multi-family housing (condominiums,apartment complexes)

• Courthouses

EElleeccttrriicc DDooggggiinngg wwiitthh CCeennttrraall CCoonnttrrooll

Ideal for situations where manydoors need to be locked or unlockedeasily, this EasyKit system helps youcontrol door security at entry pointswith heavy traffic.

Authorization by central control key or switch allows either manual orautomatic pushpad depressions. The pushpad and the latch boltremain retracted providing push-pulloperation (free access in or out).Relocking is accomplishedautomatically by the central controlkey or switch

Sample applications:

• Any door or groups of doors where free access in or out needsto be easily controlled from acentral location

• Auditorium door function

• Convention centers

• Hotel meeting rooms

• Libraries

• Museums

• Sports complexes

• Schools and universities

• Municipal

• Government

AAuuttoommaattiiccaallllyy OOppeerraatteedd DDoooorrss

When entry is strictly limited toauthorized personnel, this EasyKitwill provide the stringent securityrequired. After authorized personnelpresent the proper access controlcredentials, the exit device unlocksand subsequently the door operatoropens the door(s) automatically toallow entry or exit. For high securityapplications, anti-tailgating can beadded to this application allowingonly one person to pass through the opening after access is granted.

Sample applications:

• Controlled entrances to restrictedareas that require automatic doors

• Medical doors with ADArequirements

• Manufacturing

• Schools and universities

• Commercial

These EasyKits are designed to solve themost common egress and access controldoor security requirements. Use them as a basis for creating your own EasyKitsolution for your particular situation.Even if you don’t see your exactapplication listed, you can still orderwhat you need— our long experience in the business has prepared us forvirtually any door security requirement.Remember as well that Detex softwareand equipment can be easily integratedwith other systems you may already haveinstalled, so there’s no need to start fromscratch if you want to keep your presentequipment.

Once you have determined your needs,see our catalog sheets for specificnumbers and options, as well asinformation on creating a complete order number for your EasyKit.

FF ii vv ee pp rr ii mm aa rr yy EE aa ss yy KK ii tt ss ,, cc oo uu nn tt ll ee ss ss aa pp pp ll ii cc aa tt ii oo nn ss

Page 4: Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access · 2012. 8. 28. · Order an EasyKit with everything you need
Page 5: Integrated Door Security Systems –Egress Control –Access · 2012. 8. 28. · Order an EasyKit with everything you need

Detex Corporation302 Detex Drive

New Braunfels, TX 78130 (800) 729-3839 (830) 629-2900

(830) 620-6711 (fax)

[email protected]

For the representative in your area,visit our website at

or call our sales department at 1-800-729-3839