Inglés Unidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso - Agrega -...

Unidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso Inglés Unidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso 1 de 23

Transcript of Inglés Unidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso - Agrega -...

Unidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso

InglésUnidad 3 y 4: Tema de repaso

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1. Leading a healthy life

En el tema 1 de la unidad 3 trabajamos las oraciones condicionales de tipo I, II y II y elvocabulario relacionado con la salud y la nutrición . En este punto te ofrecemos un texto queresume estos aspectos para que practiques. También tienes enlaces para que repases los puntos degramática y vocabulario fundamentales.

¿Es la comida rápida un sinónimo de comida no sana? Lee este artículo para averiguarsi es posible comer sano sin tener que pasar horas cocinando.

Fotografía en Flickr de brunobucc i bajo CC

Fast Food

When people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal to grab on the go,fast food is the common solution. In fact, over 25 percent of Americans consume fastfood every day.

Fast food does not have to be unhealthy, but most of the time it is; consumers oftenorder foods with more fat, calories, sugar and sodium, and less nutrition and vitaminsthan is necessary. Keep reading to find out some more about what makes fast food socommon in America and how to pick healthier options.

There are close to 50,000fast food chains across theUnited States, withMcDonalds being thelargest restaurant chain. Inthe world, there are morethan 500,000 fast foodplaces. Kids between theages of 6 and 14 eat fastfood 157,000,000 timesevery month. Ninety-sixpercent of kids in schoolcould recognize an imageof Ronald McDonald, theface of McDonalds. Theonly recognizable figurethat ranked higher wasSanta Claus.

Most people don't consider fast food as their healthiest option. While there are someways to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal at a fast food restaurant, the unhealthyoptions are more common and more appealing. Often, someone can consume all of thecalories they need for the entire day in one sitting at a fast food restaurant.

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more nutritional.

Many foods are considered unhealthy if you eat too much of them—even healthy foods.Keep this in mind when ordering fast food.

¿Te has fijado que el texto aparecen dos oraciones condicionales ? ¿Podríasidentificar de qué tipo son?

Revisa estos enlaces para recordar cuál era la forma y el uso de los tres tipos quehemos estudiado?

Ty pe I Type II Type III

También estudiamos las oraciones condicionales relacionadas con la expresión deldeseo . ¿Te acuerdas?

wish + past simple

wish + past

perfect wish + would

Y para acabar con el repaso, aquí tienes una lista de las palabras con las quepodemos expresar las condiciones y sus diferencias.

En cuanto al vocabulario que hemos visto, está todo relacionado con la salud y lanutrición. Aquí tienes de nuevo los tres enlaces que te ofrecimos en el tema sobre lasiguiente temática:

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Fotografía en Flickr de john cowper bajo CC

Salud y enfermedades

La cocina

Los alimentos

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2. Money and consummerism

En la unidad 3, en el tema 2, tratamos sobre el dinero y el consumo , el vocabulario relacionadocon estos temas y con la formación y traducción de las oraciones en voz pasiva con todos lostiempos verbales incluyendo los verbos modales. Aquí tienes varias lecturas que te ayudarán arecordar las estructuras básicas sobre este tema.

Lee el siguiente texto y tradúcelo.

Imagen en Flickr de The.Comedian con licencia CC


Shopaholism, alsocommonly referred to ascompulsive shopping orshopping addiction isbasically characterized byan uncontrollable desire tomake purchases whenthere is really no need forthe same. Oniomania isthe technical term used todescribe shopaholism.While some health expertsbelieve that compulsiveshopping is an impulsecontrol disorder, othersclaim that it is anindication of obsessivecompulsive disorder orbipolar disorder. Of late, ithas also been accepted asa type of addiction,because like in the case ofany other addiction, theindividual lacks controlover his impulses.

Plastic money or the creditcard is the main cause for

worsening this mental condition. Shopaholics run their credits up to the maximum limitwithout thinking whether they will be able to pay off for such huge expenses. Initially,they feel happy; but later, just like any other addictive behavior such as alcoholism,tobacco smoking, drug abuse, gambling, or binge eating, they begin to experience asense of guilt as they feel that they have just done something wrong. Many people,especially women and teenagers, shop for pleasure when they are in low spirits.

This addiction ultimately leads to financial losses, which not only affect the personconcerned but also his or her near and dear ones. The strained relationships causedby this mental disorder can even break homes. The exact cause of such addictivebehavior is not known ; but according to some psychiatrists, such actions can betriggered by a need to feel special. Shopaholics try to fill in a void in their lives withobjects. The act of shopping gives the compulsive shopper a high due to the release ofcertain ‘feel good’ hormones.

There is no customary or foolproof treatment option that can help to get rid of thisproblem immediately. The individual should first of all accept that he has a problem andshould therefore take the help of his family and friends, without feeling ashamed. If thecondition gets worse, Medical help must be sought. Undergoing professional

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Texto adaptado de

Si te fijas, en el texto hay subrayados una serie de verbos. ¿sabrías decir en que vozestán? Exacto, en la pasiva.

Mira esta presentación para revisar lo que hemos estudiado en este tema sobre estepunto gramatical que tanto se usa en inglés.

Passive voice from Nedjelka

Bridges2 unit03-cw-passiv

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Otra de las cosas que hemos estudiado en este tema es la pasiva impersonal. Mira estapresentación para recordarla.

Finalmente hemos estudiado una construcción que no tienen equivalencia en castellanoy que puede resultar un poco compleja al principio, pero que una vez estudiado, seguroque te ha resultado fácil. Se trata de la construcción have/get something done. Pinchaaquí para recordarla.

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Aquí te añadimos algunos enlaces para repasar el vocabulario relacionado con el dineroy las compras.

- Money

- Expressions related with money

- How to talk about shopping

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3. Work, training and education

Vamos a revisar en este punto el estilo indirecto. Recuerda que hay que tener en cuenta si es unaoración afirmativa, si es negativa, una pregunta, una sugerencia o una orden. Además hay queestar atentos a los pronombres personales y a las referencias temporales. Empecemos leyendo elsiguiente texto.

Lee el siguiente texto, fíjate que tiene dos partes, la primera en una conversacion entreMark y Peter, donde hablan de que Peter ha dejado su trabajo. En la segunda, Mark lecuenta a Susan su conversación con Peter.

Fotografía en Flickr de aha42|tehaha bajo CC

Having a Hard Time Finding a Job

Mark: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?

Peter: Oh, Hi Mark. I'm not doing very well, actually.

Mark: I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?

Peter: ... you know I've been looking for work. I can't seem to find a job.

Mark: That's too bad. Why did you leave your last job?

Peter: Well, my boss treated me badly, and I didn't like my chances of advancing in thecompany.

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to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, I've only had two interviews so far.

Mark: Have you tried looking online for a job?

Peter: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I don't want to dothat.

Mark: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?

Peter: I haven't tried those. What are they?

Mark: They're groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each otherdiscover new opportunities.

Peter: That sounds great. I'll definitely try some of those.

Mark: I'm glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?

Peter: Oh, I'm shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible atmy job interviews!

Mark: There you go. That's the spirit. I'm sure things will look up for you soon.

Peter: Yes, you're probably right. I hope so!

Later on, Mark meets Susan and they have the following conversation:

Mark: I saw Peter today.

Susan: How's he doing?

Mark: Not too well, I'm afraid.

Susan: Why's that?

Mark: He told me he had been looking for work, but hadn't found a job.

Susan: That surprises me. Was he fired or did he quit his last job?

Mark: He told me his boss had treated him badly. He also said he didn't like his chancesof advancing in the company.

Susan: Quitting doesn't sound like a very wise decision to me.

Mark: That's true. But he's been working hard at finding a new job.

Susan: What's he done?

Mark: He said he had sent out his resumes to more than twenty companies.Unfortunately, he told me that only two had called him for an interview.

Susan: That's tough.

Mark: Tell me about it. However, I gave him some advice and I hope it helps.

Susan: What did you suggest?

Mark: I suggested joining a networking group.

Susan: That's a great idea.

Mark: Yes, well, he told me he would try a few groups.

Susan: Where did you see him?

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Susan: What?! Buying new clothes and no work!

Mark: No, no. He said he wanted to make the best impression possible at his jobinterviews.

Susan: Oh, that makes sense.

Text from

Mira esta presentación para recordar los aspectos más importantes que hemosestudiado en el estilo indirecto en inglés

Reported Speech from José Antonio Romero Tena

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4. The show must go on

Aquí te ofrecemos un resumen de los puntos más importantes que hemos visto en el primer tema dela unidad 4. A continuación tienes un texto para practicar la traducción.

Fotografía en Flikr de Alejandro Peters bajo CC


A soundtrack can berecorded musicaccompanying andsynchronized to theimages of a motionpicture, book,television program orvideo game; acommercially releasedsoundtrack album ofmusic as featured inthe soundtrack of afilm or TV show; or thephysical area of a filmthat contains thesynchronized recordedsound.

In movie industry terminology usage, a sound track is an audio recording created orused in film production or post-production. Initially the dialogue, sound effects, andmusic in a film each has its own separate track (dialogue track, sound effects track, andmusic track), and these are mixed together to make what is called the composite track,which is heard in the film. A dubbing track is often later created when films are dubbedinto another language. This is also known as a M & E track (music and effects)containing all sound elements minus dialogue which is then supplied by the foreigndistributor in the native language of its territory.

The contraction soundtrack came into public consciousness with the advent of so-called"soundtrack albums" in the late 1940s. First conceived by movie companies as apromotional gimmick for new films, these commercially available recordings werelabeled and advertised as "music from the original motion picture soundtrack." Thisphrase was soon shortened to just "original motion picture soundtrack." Moreaccurately, such recordings are made from a film's music track, because they usuallyconsist of the isolated music from a film, not the composite (sound) track with dialogueand sound effects.

Based on

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Los "phrasal verbs"

Hemos visto que los verbos preposicionales y los verbos adverbiales se forman con unverbo principal más una preposición ( get on-llevarse bien ), un adverbio ( getup-levantarse ) o con adverbio y preposición ( look forward to-esperar con ilusión ).Como en todo, se trata de averiguar el sentido a través del contexto, pero se puedecomentar algunos significados generales de algunos partículas.

partícula significado ejemplo

up completar una acción

drink up-terminar una bebida

cut up-cortar en trozos

use up-gastar todo

off separación de algo/alguiencut off-amputar/cortar por




2)encender/abrir (grifo)

Aquí el contrario entonces

con off

1)go on-adelantar,

carry on-continuar

2) turn/switch/put on-encender

turn off the light-apagar


1) movimiento hacia


2) mejorar

go up-aumentar/subir

liven up -dar más vida a

out separación o terminación

out a cigarette-apagar un


set out on a journey-embarcar

en un viaje

Una lista (corta) de phrasal verbs (no intentes aprendertelos todos)

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Los Adjetivos Preposicionales

Se expresa una variedad de sentidos, igual que en español, y a veces se puedeexpresar con un verbo ( Los Sevillanos se enorgullecen de/son orgullos de su SemanaSanta ).

proud of orgulloso de

happy with contento con

sad about triste por

married tocasado con

angry with someone about

somethingenfadado con alguien por algo

sure of seguro de

interested in interesado en

fond of le gusta/tiene una debilidad


keen on le entusiasma

Una lista de adjetivos preposicionales

Los adjetivos que terminan en -ED y -ING

Los que termina en -ED expresan el efecto de algo sobre alguien/algo: excited-emocionado.

Los que termina en -ING describen la causa del efecto: exciting-emocionante.

Aquí hay más ejemplos:

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surprised-sorprendido surprising-sorprendente

frustrated-frustrado frustrating-frustrante

disappointed-decepcioando disappointing-decepcionante

Las oraciones subordinadas de tiempo, causa, efecto y tiempo

Igual que en español, sirven para añadir matices a una oración principal.

Diferente al español, en inglés no se puede cambiar el orden normal de la frase: elsujeto va siempre antes del verbo en la frase subordinada, nunca después.

Diferente al español , no se usa el subjuntivo (apenas existe en inglés) para hablar deeventos de futuro en subordinadas:

Cuando llegue John, iremos a la playa- When John arrives, we will go to the beach

Tan pronto como veas a Peter, llámanos- As soon as you see Peter, call us .

Conjunciones subordinantes:

Propósito: to/in order to: para John studied hard (in order) to pass his exams-Johnestudió mucho para aprobar sus examenes.

so that: para que I opened the door so that he could come in quickly- Abrí la puertapara que pudiera entrar rápidamente.

Causa: because: porque I couldn't get in because I had lost my key-No pude entrarporque había perdido mi llave.

as/since: ya que/puesto que As John hasn't come, we can't do any work today- Ya queJohn no ha venido, no podemos trabajar hoy.

Efecto: so: así que I had lost my key so I couldn't get in.Había perdido mi llave así queno pude entrar.

Tiempo: when:cuando When Joe arrived, Mike was cooking- Cuando llegó Joe, Mikeestaba cocinando.

until/till: hasta que I waited till night fell. Esperé hasta que anocheciera

before/after: antes de/después de Before/After he got up, John read a book-Antes/después de levantarse, John leyó un libro.

As soon as: tan pronto como As soon as he goes, we'll start- Tan pronto como se vaya,empezaremos.

Once: una vez que Once you've finished, call me-Una vez que hayas terminado,llámame.

the day/week/month/year (that):

el día/semana/mes/año que: The day that he called, I was tired- El día que llamó,estaba cansado.

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Los Desiderativos

Expresan los deseos.

En inglés, se expresa con el verbo de gusto ( want/would like)+ to + el infinitivo.

Si se quiere expresar un cambio de sujeto, se inserta un complemento directo antes delto

Me gustaría hacerloI would like to do it

Quiero hacerlo I want to do it

Quiero que lo haga ellaI want her to do it

Preferiría que no lo hiciéramosI'd prefer it if we didn't do it

Me gustaría que ella lo hicieraI would like her to do it.

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5. Champions!

Lee el siguiente texto sobre la natación sincronizada, un deporte que ha estado blindadopara los hombres, pero que poco a poco va cediendo a la diversidad de género.

Fotografia en Flickr de jbarcena bajo CC

Synchronized swimming

Synchronized swimming (oftenabbreviated to Synchro) is ahybrid form of swimming,dance and gymnastics,consisting of swimmers (eithersolos, duets, trios, combos, orteams) performing asynchronized routine ofelaborate moves in the water,accompanied by music.Synchronized swimmingdemands advanced water skills,and requires great strength,endurance, flexibility, grace,artistry and precise timing, aswell as exceptional breathcontrol when upside downunderwater.

Olympic and WorldChampionship competition isnot open to men, but otherinternational and nationalcompetitions allow malecompetitors. Both USA Synchroand Synchro Canada allow men

to compete with women. Most European countries allow men to compete also, Franceeven allows male only podiums, according to the number of participants. In the pastdecade more men are becoming involved in the sport and a global biannual competitioncalled Men's Cup has been steadily growing.

Competitors show off their strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance required toperform difficult routines. Swimmers perform two routines for the judges, one technicaland one free, as well as age group routines and figures.

Synchronized swimming is governed internationally by FINA (Federation Internationalede Natation).

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countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the USA.

Based on

¿Recuerdas que hemos visto que en inglés el uso del gerundio y del infinitivo es un pocodiferente al castellano?

Mira esta presentación para recordarlo.

Infinitivos y gerundios. lenny from carymarcomputer

Mira también este enlace , te puede aclarar muchas cosas.

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6. Braking News

Revisemos ahora los medios de comunicación a través de la biografía de Rupert Murdoch.

Lee este texto sobre el magnate de los medios de comunicación Rupert Murdoch eintenta traducirlo.

Fotografía en Flickr de david_shankbones bajo CC


Melbourne, Australia, Keith Rupert Murdoch was the second son of a distinguishedjournalist. He and his two sisters and a brother were raised on a farm. His mothersurrounded her children with classics in literature as well as music, with their livingroom hosting a grand piano. Rupert learned to ride horses at the age of five. Hischildhood has been described as ideal. His father, Sir Keith Murdoch, was a celebratedWorld War I (1914–18) reporter, who later became chief executive of the leadingMelbourne Herald newspaper group.

After studying at Oxford University in England, Murdoch entered journalism as areporter for the Birmingham Gazette and served an apprenticeship at the London DailyExpress, where he learned the secrets of building circulation (average number of copiesof a publication sold over a given time period). Returning to Australia to begin hispublishing career, Murdoch revived the Adelaide News that he had inherited after hisfather's death in 1952.

In the process of expanding his $1.4 billion-a-year News Corporation Limited, Murdochoften heard from critics who disliked his entertaining style of journalism. He applied arecognizable formula to most of his papers. His trademark operations included rigid costcontrols, circulation gimmicks (tricks to gain sales), flashy headlines, and a steadyemphasis on sex, crime, and scandal stories. Murdoch's brand of publishing wasscorned as rude and irresponsible by his fellow publishers.

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Sunday paper News of the World, the largest English-language circulation paper in theworld. Later in 1969 he bought a worn-down liberal paper, the Sun, which hetransformed into an eye-catching tabloid featuring daily displays of a topless girl onpage three. The Sun became the most profitable paper in his empire. In 1981 Murdochbought the failing but prestigious London Times .

Mira esta presentación para repasar las "contrast clauses".

Contrast Clauses from englishatchabacier

Mira esta otra para ver las "purpose and reason clauses"

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Purpose and reason clauses from

Para repasar las "time clauses" en español, pincha en este enlace .

Para hacer ejercicios sobre las "final clauses", pincha en este enlace.

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Pruebas resueltas

En esta sección tienes algunos textos reales de traducción que han sido propuestos en convocatoriasde la Prueba de Aceso a la Universidad para mayores de 25 años. Léelos y tradúcelos.

Babies will have to pay in London 2012

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Paul Ealing 2011 bajo CC

Babies will not be allowed into this year'sOlympic Games events unless they have theirown seat. The 2012 organisers have said thatevery child, including small babies carried intheir parents' arms, must pay a full-price ticket.

The organisers admitted their decision hasattracted protests from family organisations.Parents said they are being forced to pay a fullprice for babies who have not yet been born.One woman described it as the "biggest fraud inthe history of London". Another said: "The wholething is ridiculous, there are people who boughttickets before their babies were even conceived-can they possibly buy a ticket for a baby thatdoesn't exit yet? There should be morecomplaining about this policy. It's crazy. I don'tknow what mums will do with babies they arestill breastfeeding."

A representative of MumsNet, an organisationthat defends the rights of mothers, said "this

anti-baby policy is completely unreasonable", adding that it "clearly shows that mumswere not involved in devising this policy. I attended several hockey games andopenning ceremonies at the Vancouver Games with a three-month-old and there wasno problem."

Until now the organisers' answer has been firm: In the Games webpage you canread: "Everyone attending the Olympic Games must be a ticket holder, no matter howold they are".

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Fotografía en Flickr de

cronicagastronomia bajo CC

Food lovers around the world arelamenting, after Ferran Adrià announced hisdecision to close El Bulli forever.

The Catalan chef, who has spent twodecades in the vanguard of "molecularcousine", recently announced that heplanned to close the restaurant because,despite having 3,000 people on his waitinglist for a table, it is loosing too muchmoney.

In its place, Mr Adrià will run a cookingfoundation offering scholarships to theworld's most talented chefs.

El Bulli has won the "World's 50 BestRestaurants" award a record five times andhas three Michelin stars; it has just fourdozen seats, which are allocated bylottery.

For many years the restaurant closed forhalf the year to allow Mr Adrià and his teamto develop new techniques.

The Catalan chef arrived at El Bulli, whichthen served French food, in 1983. Aftertaking control of the kitchen, by the 1990she had trasformed it into a laboratory foraudacious innovation.

Mr Adrià's business has been making losses since 2000 -half a million euros a yearbetween the restaurant and his cookery workshop in Barcelnoa. He said: "I think wewould rather see the money go to something larger, that expands the concept andspirit of what El Bulli represents."

This money, earned mainly from other divisons (consultancies and El Bulli-relatedbooks), will now be spent establishing his new academy.

The restaurant will reopen after its winter break for six months in June this year,before closing fo good in December 2011.

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