India Flowers and Plant

Tell a friend about this flower! ative Photo: Thingnam Girija Common name: Satawari, Wild Asparagus • Hindi: सतावर satawari, bojhidan, शतवीर shatavir • Manipuri: Nunggarei Marathi: सतावर मलू Satavari-mul, आसवेल Asvel •Tamil: ஸதாவ Sadavari, Tannir-muttan-kizhangu, கிலவ Kilavari Malayalam: Chatavali, Satavali • Telugu: challa-gaddalu, challagadda, ettavaludutige • Kannada: aheruballi, ashadhi, halarru-makkal • Bengali: Satamuli, Satamul • Oriya: Vari • Urdu: ســــتاورSatawar, اقل شــــق یمسـرShaqaqul misri •Assamese: Satomul • Sanskrit: Abhiru, शतावर Shatavari, हरयंगी Hiranyasringi • Mizo: Arkebawk Botanical name: Asparagus racemosus Family: Asparagaceae (Asparagus family) Synonyms: Asparagus volubilis


india reference

Transcript of India Flowers and Plant

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    Photo: Thingnam Girija

    Common name: Satawari, Wild Asparagus Hindi:

    satawari, bojhidan, shatavir Manipuri: Nunggarei

    Marathi: Satavari-mul, Asvel Tamil:

    Sadavari, Tannir-muttan-kizhangu, Kilavari Malayalam: Chatavali, Satavali Telugu:

    challa-gaddalu, challagadda, ettavaludutige Kannada:

    aheruballi, ashadhi, halarru-makkal Bengali: Satamuli,

    Satamul Oriya: Vari Urdu: Satawar, Shaqaqul misri Assamese:

    Satomul Sanskrit:

    Abhiru, Shatavari, Hiranyasringi Mizo: Arkebawk Botanical name: Asparagus racemosus Family: Asparagaceae (Asparagus family) Synonyms: Asparagus volubilis

  • Satawari is a woody climber growing to 1-2 m in height, with leaves like pine needles, small and uniform and the flowers white, in small spikes. It contains adventitious root system with tuberous roots. Stems are climbing, branched, up to 2 m; branches usually distinctly striate-ridged. Leaves are just

    modified stems, called cladodes. Branches contain spines on them. Inflorescences develope after cladodes, axillary, each a

    many-flowered raceme or panicle 1-4 cm. Pedicel 1.5-3 mm, slender, articulate at middle. Flowers are white with a pink tinge, 2-3 mm, bell-shaped with 6 petals. Stamens equal, ca. 0.7 mm; anthers yellow, minute. Within India, it is found growing wild in tropical and sub-tropical parts of India including the Andamans; and ascending in the Himalayas up to an altitude of 1500 m. Flowering: October-November. Medicinal uses: In Ayurvedic medicine, the root of Satavari is used in the form of juice, paste, decoction and powder to treat

    intrinsic haemorrhage, diarrhoea, piles, hoarseness of voice, cough, arthritis, poisoning, diseases of female genital tract, erysipelas, fever, as aphrodisiac and as rejuvinative.

    Identification credit: Nandan Kalbag Photographed in Delhi.

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    Photo: Dinesh Valke

    Common name: Sita Ashok, Sorrowless tree Hindi:

    Sita Ashok, Ashok Gujarati: Ashopalava

    Kannada: Achenge Malayalam: Hemapushpam Marathi:

    Jasundi Tamil: uni0BAE_uni0BCD Asogam Telugu: Asokamu

    Botanical name: Saraca indica/Jonesia asoka Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family)

    Ashoka is one of the most legendary and sacred trees of India, and one of the most fascinating flowers in the Indian range of

    flower essences. Ashok is a Sanskrit word meaning without grief or that which gives no grief. Indigenous to India, Burma and Malaya, it is an erect tree, small and evergreen, with a

    smooth, grey-brown bark. The crown is compact and shapely. Flowers are usually to be seen throughout the year, but it is in January and February that the profusion of orange and scarlet clusters turns the tree into an object of startling beauty. Pinned closely on to every branch and twig, these clusters

  • consist of numerous, small, long-tubed flowers which open out into four oval lobes. Yellow when young, they become orange then crimson with age and from the effect of the sun's rays. From a ring at the top of each tube spread several long, half-white, half-crimson, stamens which give an hairy appearance

    to the flower clusters. In strong contrast to these fiery blooms is the deep-green, shiny foliage. The foot-long leaves each

    have four, five or six pairs of long, wavy-edged, leaflets. Young leaves are soft, red and limp and remain pendent even after attaining full size. Medicinal uses: As one would expect from a tree of the country it has many useful medicinal properties. The juice obtained from boiling the bark is a cure for some ailments of women, and a pulp of the blossoms is one of the remedies used for dysentery. Identification credit: Neelima


    Photographs from Maharashtra & Bangalore.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Suryavarti, Rottler's Chrozophora Hindi:

    shadevi Marathi: suryavarti Tamil: Purapirakkai Telugu: erra miriyamu, guruguchettu,

    linga mirapa Kannada: lingamenasu

    Konkani: survarli Urdu: chotaki

    hunkatath, suryawarta Sanskrit: suryavarta Botanical name: Chrozophora rottleri Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family) Synonyms: Croton rottleri

    Suryavarti is an erect herb with silvery hairs. Lower part of stem is naked, upper part hairy. It has slender tap-root. Leaves are stalked, 3.5-9.5 cm long, 2.3-8 cm wide, ovate to

    circular, with wavy margin. The leaves are densely hairy on both sides. Flowers are small, yellowish. Male flowers petals ovate. Female flowers sepals triangular, acute. Fruit is a capsule. Flowering: February-August.

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    Photo: Satish Phadke

    Common name: Indian Olibanum, Indian frankincense

    Gujarati: saaledi, salaai gugul Hindi:

    shallaki, kundur, luban Kannada: guggula

    mara Malayalam: kungilyam Marathi: dhupali, dhupasali, kurunda, salaphali,

    salai, sali Oriya: salai Sanskrit: bhishan,

    guggula, hastinashana, palank,

    parvati, hradini, ! kurunda, sallaki,

    shallaki, " sruva Tamil: uni0B95_uni0BC1uni0B9E_uni0BCDuni0BAE_uni0BCD kumancam, uni0B95_uni0BC1uni0B99_uni0BCDuni0BAE_uni0BCD kunkiliyam, uni0BA4_uni0BCDuni0BA4_uni0BC1uni0BB3_uni0BCD marattu-vellai, uni0B99_uni0BCDuni0B9A_uni0BCDuni0BAE_uni0BCD paranki-c-campi-rani, uni0BB3_uni0BCDuni0B95_uni0BCD vellai-k-kirai Telugu: guggilamu,

    parangi-sambrani-chettu, sallaki Urdu: kundur, lobana

    Botanical name: Boswellia

  • serrata Family: Burseraceae (Torchwood family) Synonyms: Boswellia glabra, Boswellia thurifera, Bursera thurifera

    Indian Olibanum is a deciduous tree endemic to India and has

    been recorded on dry hills and slopes, on gravelly soils between an altitude range of 275-900 m. It is a medium sized

    tree, 3-5 m tall, with ash coloured papery bark. Alternately arranged leaves are pinnate, crowded at the end of branches, 20-40 cm long. There are 8-15 pairs of leaflets, 3-6 cm long, with an odd one at the tip. Leaflets are ovate, with toothed margin. Flowers are tiny, creamy, about 8 mm across, borne in 10-15 cm long racemes in leaf axils. There are 10 stamens with a short style and a 3-lobed stigma. Fruits are 2 cm long, 3-cornered. Indian Olibanum tree, on injury, exudates an oleo-gum-resin known as Salai, Guggal or Indian Frankincense.

    Flowering: January. Medicinal uses: Extracts of Indian Olibanum have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint function,

    particularly for osteoarthritis of the knee. A Boswellia extract marketed under the name Wokvel has undergone human efficacy, comparative, pharmacokinetic studies. Indian

    Olibanum is used in the manufacture of the supposed anti-wrinkle agent "Boswelox", which has been criticised as being ineffective. Identification credit: Satish Phadke Photographed in Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Wild Indigo,

    Fish Poison, Tephrosia, {Sarphonk , Sharpunkha } (Hindi), Unhali (Marathi) Botanical name: Tephrosia purpurea Family: Fabaceae (pea family)

    Native to East India, Wild Indigo grows as common wasteland weed. In many parts it is under cultivation as green manure crop. Its is a plant of the genus Tephrosia having pinnate

    leaves and white or purplish flowers and flat hairy pods. This plant contains a mild toxin called tephrosin which chemically

    stuns fish but does not effect mammals. The extract is obtained by crushing the whole plant by mortar and pestle, or rocks, and then scattering it in tide pools. In a few minutes, small fish would float up to the surface and could be caught by hand. The flesh from the fish is safe to eat. This system of fishing, good for older people and children, was called hola.

    Medicinal uses: According to Ayurveda, plant is digestible, anthelmintic, alexiteric, antipyretic, alternative, cures diseases of liver, spleen, heart, blood, tumours, ulcers, leprosy, asthma,

    poisoning etc. According to Unani system of medicine, root is

  • diuretic, allays thirst, enriches blood, cures diarrhea, useful in bronchitis, asthma, liver, spleen diseases, inflammations, boils and pimples; Leaves are tonic to intestines and a promising appetizer. Good in piles, syphilis and gonorrhoea.

    Identification credit: Nandan Kalbag

    Photographed in J.N.U., Delhi.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Tailed Pepper, java pepper, cubeb Hindi:

    Kabab-chini, kabachini, Sheetal-chini

    Kannada: Balmenasu, Gandha menasu Malayalam: Val-milaku Marathi: Mothi, Pimpli Oriya: Sugandhamaricha Sanskrit: Renuka, cinatiksna, Chinorana, Kakkola Tamil:

    valmilaku, kanakamilaku, takkolam Telugu: halava-miriyalu, toka-miriyalu Urdu: Kabab-chini, Shital-chini Botanical name: Piper cubeba Family: Piperaceae (Pepper


    Tailed pepper is a plant cultivated for its fruit and essential oil. It is mostly grown in Java and Sumatra, hence sometimes called Java pepper. It is a perennial plant, with a climbing stem, round branches, about as thick as a goose-quill, ash-colored, and rooting at the joints. The leaves are from 4-6.5 inches long, 1.5-2 inches broad, ovate-oblong, long pointed,

    and very smooth. Flowers are arranged in narrow spikes at the end of the branches. Fruit, a berry rather longer than that of black pepper. Tailed pepper is native to SE Asia, introduced in

    India by Arabian traders.

  • Medicinal uses: Sanskrit texts included cubeb in various remedies. Charaka and Sushruta prescribed a cubeb paste as a mouthwash, and the use of dried cubebs internally for oral and dental diseases, loss of voice, halitosis, fevers, and cough. Unani physicians use a paste of the cubeb berries externally on

    male and female genitals to intensify sexual pleasure during coitus. Due to this attributed property, cubeb was called

    "Habb-ul-Uruus". Identification credit: Vijayadas D.

    Photographed in Sohra Forest, Meghalaya.

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    Common name: Willow-Leaved Water Croton Hindi:

    Sherni Marathi: raan kaner, sherni Tamil:

    uni0B9F_uni0BCD kattalari Malayalam: neervanchi, puzhavanchi Telugu: Adavi ganneru Kannada: hole

    nage, Niru kanigalu Oriya: thotthori Assamese:

    Hil-kadam, Tuipui-sulhla Khasi: Jalangmynrei Sanskrit:

    Jalavetasa, Kshudrapashanabheda Botanical name: Homonoia riparia Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family) Synonyms: Adelia neriifolia

    Willow-Leaved Water Croton is a plant commonly found

    growing along small streams at low and medium altitudes, on banks, and in streambeds. It is a shrub growing to 1-3 m tall. The leaves are linear-lanceshaped, 12-20 cm long, and 1.5-2

    cm wide. Upper surface of the leaves is green and shining, and the lower surface brown and hairy. Reddish flowers are born in

  • spikes 5-10 cm long, with obovate bracts, 1.5-2 mm long. Male flowers have 0.2 mm long stalks, 3 velvety sepals, 3-4 mm long. Female flowers have 5 oblong sepals, with tapering tips, about 1-2 mm long. The capsules are about 8 mm in diameter, hairy, and borne on solitary, hairy spikes, 5-12 cm

    long, in leaf axils. Medicinal uses: A decoction of the root is a laxative and

    diuretic and is used in piles, stone in the bladder, gonorrhea, syphilis and thirst. Identification

    credit: Dinesh Valke

    Photographed at banks of river Koyna near Shirgaon, Maharashtra.

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    Common name: Shikakai, Soap-pod Hindi: Kochi,

    Reetha, Shikakai Marathi: Reetha Tamil: Shika, Sheekay, Chikaikkai Malayalam: Cheeyakayi, Chinik-kaya, Shikai, Cheenikka Telugu: Cheekaya, Chikaya, Gogu Kannada: Sheegae, Shige kayi, Sigeballi Oriya: Vimala Urdu: Shikakai Assamese: Amsikira, Kachuai, Pasoi tenga,

    Suse lewa Sanskrit: Bahuphenarasa, Bhuriphena, Charmakansa, Charmakasa, Phenila Botanical name: Acacia

    concinna Family: Mimosaceae (Touch-me-not family) Synonyms: Acacia hooperiana, Acacia sinuata, Mimosa


    Shikakai is a climbing, most well-known for the natural shampoo derived from its fruit. Thorny branches have brown smooth stripes - thorns are short, broad-based, flattened. Leaves with caducous stipules not thorn-like. Leaf stalks are 1-

    1.5 cm long with a prominent gland about the middle. Leaves are double-pinnate, with 5-7 pairs of pinnae, the primary rachis being thorny, velvety. Each pinnae has 12-18 pairs of

  • leaflets, which are oblong-lanceshaped, 3-10 mm long, pointed, obliquely rounded at base. Inflorescences is a cluster of 2 or 3 stalked rounded flower-heads in axils of upper reduced leaves, appearing paniculate. Stalk carrying the cluster is 1-2.5 cm long, velvety. Flower-heads about 1 cm in

    diameter when mature. Flowers are pink, without or with reduced subtending bracts. Pods are thick, somewhat

    flattened, stalked, 8 cm long, 1.5-1.8 cm wide. Medicinal uses: Shikakai is a commonly used herb that has many remedial qualities. It is popularly referred as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils. Shikakai is used to control dandruff, promoting hair growth and strengthening hair roots. Its leaves are used in malarial fever, decoction of the pods are used to relieve biliousness and acts as a purgative. An ointment, prepared from the ground pods, is good for skin

    diseases. Identification credit: Pravin Kawale Photographed in Alibag, Maharashtra.

  • ative

    Photo: Tabish

    Common name: Indian rosewood, Shisham (Hindi),

    Sissu (Manipuri), Sitral (Bengali)

    Botanical name: Dalbergia sissoo Family: Fabaceae (pea family)

  • Shisham is a medium to large deciduous tree, native to India, with a light crown which reproduces by seeds and suckers. It can grow up to a maximum of 25 m in height and 2 to 3 m in diameter, but is usually smaller. Trunks are often crooked

    when grown in the open. Leaves are leathery, alternate, pinnately compound and about 15 cm long. Flowers are whitish

    to pink, fragrant, nearly sessile, up to 1.5 cm long and in dense clusters 5-10 cm in length. Pods are oblong, flat, thin, strap-like 4-8 cm long, 1 cm wide, and light brown. They contain 1-5 flat bean-shaped seeds 8-10 mm long. They have a long taproot and numerous surface roots which produce suckers. It is primarily found growing along river banks below 900 m elevation, but can range naturally up to 1300 m. Shisham is best known internationally as a premier timber species of the rosewood genus. However, Shisham is also an

    important fuel wood, shade, and shelter. With its multiple products, tolerance of light frosts and long dry seasons, this species deserves greater consideration for tree farming,

    reforestation and agro forestry applications. After teak, it is the most important cultivated timber tree in India, planted on roadsides, and as a shade tree for tea plantations.

    Medicinal uses: Decoction of leaves is useful in gonorrhoea. Root is astringent. Wood is alterative, useful in leprosy, boils, eruptions and to allay vomiting. Photographed in Delhi

  • ative

    Photo: Thingnam Girija

    Common name: Milk and Wine Lily, Ceylon swamplily, Pink

    striped trumpet lily Hindi: Sudarshan Marathi: Gandani-kanda, Gadambhikanda, Golkamdo Tamil: Vishamungil Kannada: Vish mungli Bengali: Sukhdarshan

    Konkani: Golkando Sanskrit: Madhuparnika, Vrishakarni Botanical name: Crinum latifolium Family: Amaryllidaceae (Nargis family)

    Synonyms: Crinum zeylanicum

    This old fashioned crinum lily is a low maintence plant that

    produces lovely, large, striped, lily-like flowers. The stripes are alternately wine pink and white. The flowers also have a wonderful faintly sweet fragrance. The tall bloom stalk stands about 18-24 inches above the abundant foilage and hold 5+ blooms at a time! These will produce several flower stalks during the warmer months with the majority of blooms coming

    in the spring and fall. These lilies will multiply by producing

  • bulbs underground as well as from the seeds that form after the blooms. You'll have a lovely large group of these in no time. Milk and Wine Lily is native to India. Flowering: June-August. Medicinal uses: Bulbs are extremely acrid. When roasted,

    they are used as a rubefacient in rheumatism. Crushed and toasted bulb is applied to piles and abscesses to cause

    suppuration. The juice of the leaf is used in earache.

    Photographed in Delhi

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    Photo: Gurcharan Singh

    Common name: Mexican Tea, Epazote, Wormseed, Jesuit's

    Tea, Herba Sancti Mari Hindi: Sugandha-vastooka Kannada: guddada voma, huli voma, kaadu voma,

    Manipuri: bn_ekaar Monshaobi-manbi Marathi:

    Chandanbatva Mizo: Buarchhimtir Botanical name: Dysphania

    ambrosioides Family: Chenopodiaceae (Cat tail family) Synonyms: Chenopodium ambrosioides

    Mexican Tea is an annual or short-lived perennial herb, growing up to 1.2 m tall. The plant is irregularly branched, with oblong-lanceshaped leaves up to 12 cm long. Flowers are small and green, produced in a branched panicle at the tip of the stem. It is grown in warm temperate to subtropical areas world over, sometimes becoming an invasive weed.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Fragrant Swamp Mallow, Pavonia, Fragrant

    Pavonia Hindi: Sugandhabala Marathi: Sugandhabala, Kalavala Tamil: Peramutti, Avibattam Malayalam: Iruveli, Kuruntotti Telugu: Chittibenda, Ettakuti Kannada: Balarakshi gida Gujarati: Kalowalo Sanskrit:

    Udichya, Varinamaka, Hribera, Valaka Botanical name: Pavonia odorata Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family)

    Fragrant Swamp Mallow is an erect perennial herb,covered with sticky hairs. Leaves are heart-shaped-ovate, 3-5 angled

    or 3-5 lobed, 4-6 cm long, 5-7 cm broad. Flowers arise singly in leaf axils, or fascicled at the end of branches. Bracts are 10-12 in number, linear, and sepals are 5. Flowers are pink, twice longer than the sepal cup. Fruit is spherical and mericarps smooth, wingless. Fragrant Swamp Mallow is found in India, Pakistan, Burma, Srilanka and East Tropical Africa.

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    Common name: Takoli Hindi: Takoli Telugu:

    Nagulapachari Assamese: Meda-luwa Malayalam: Mannavitti Tamil: Erigai Marathi: Dandus Oriya: Dodilo Rajasthani: parbati Urdu: Dandous Botanical name: Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp. lanceolaria Family: Fabaceae (pea family)

    Takoli is a very conspicuous and handsome tree when flowering, which appear very protusely during the months of

    May and June. Large tree with smooth bark, branches glabrous. Leaf compound 7.0-15.0 cm long; leaflets 11-17, 2.5-5.0 cm long, ovate or obovate or elliptic, often

    emarginate, glabrous, glaucous. Inflorescence large axillary or terminal panicles flowers unilaterally arranged. Calyx silky pubescent, upper teeth obtuse, lower 3 longer and acute. Flower tube dull white or pinkish. Vexillum c. 5-10 mm long. Stamens 10, in 2 groups of 5 stamens each. Fruit c. 5-8 cm long, narrowed at both ends, glabrous, usually 1-seeded.

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    Common name: Coffee Plum, Indian cherry, Indian plum,

    rukam, runeala plum Hindi: Talispatri, Paniala,

    Pani amla Manipuri: bn_aikaar Heitroi Marathi:

    Champeran Tamil: Vaiyyankarai Malayalam: Vayyamkaitha Telugu: Kuragayi Kannada: Chankali, Goraji Bengali:

    Paniala Oriya: Baincha Konkani: Jagam Assamese:

    Ponial Gujarati: Talispatra Sanskrit: Sruvavrkash, Vikankatah Botanical name: Flacourtia

    jangomas Family: Flacourtiaceae (Coffee Plum family) Synonyms: Stigmarota jangomas, Flacourtia cataphrata

    Coffee Plum is small, deciduous tree, growing to 6-10 m tall. Trunk and branches are commonly thornless in old trees, but densely beset with simple or branched, woody thorns when

    younger. Bark is light-brown to copper-red or pinkish-buff, flaky. Young branches white-dotted by numerous circular lenticels. Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate-oblong, rarely ovate-lancelike, long-obtuse-acuminate, base broadly wedge-shped

  • to rounded. Leaves are smooth, shining above, mostly dull beneath, somewhat toothed, 7-10 X 3-4 cm. Leaf stalk is 6-8 mm long. Flowers arise in few flowered clusters in leaf axils. Flowers smell of honey, and looks like small yellowish-white balls of stamens. Male and female flowers are different and are

    on different trees. Coffee plum is a rounded red to dark purple fruit, that is about an inch wide. It is edible, and is relatively

    juicy. It can be eaten raw, or transformed into juice or marmalades. Flowering: April-May. Medicinal uses: The fruits and leaves are used against diarrhea. Dried leaves are used for bronchitis. Roots against toothache. Identification credit: Thingnam Sophia

    Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.

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    Photo: Thomas Kornack

    Common name: Dwarf Rhododendron, Talis (Hindi), Talisri (Hindi)

    Botanical name: Rhododendron anthopogon Family: Ericaceae (Rhododendron family)

    This is probably one of the smallest of rhododendrons. Grows to no more that 2-3 ft high. The white or yellow flowers, tinged

    with pink, grow in small compact clusters of 4-6 and each flower is 2 cm across. The dark green oval leaves are strongly aromatic and densely scaly underneath. The leaves are mixed

    with Juniper and used as incense in Buddhist monastries as well as in Hindu religious ceremonies. Medicinal uses: In Nepal, Dwarf Rhododendron is used in

    making an essential oil. Anthopogon oil, as it is usually referred to in Nepal, is obtained by steam distillation of the aerial part of this shrub. It is a fluid liquid of pale yellow colour

    and sweet-herbal, faintly balsamic aroma. Rhododendron can be used in gouty rheumatic conditions.

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    Photo: Pravin Kawale

    Common name: Tanner's Cassia Hindi: Tarwar

    Marathi: Tarwad Kannada: Tangedi Telugu: Tagedu

    Tamil: Avaram Gujarati: Awala Malayalam: Avaram Botanical name: Senna

    auriculata Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family) Synonyms: Cassia auriculata

    Tanner's Cassia is a branched shrub, growing upto 1-1.5 m high. It has a smooth reddish brown bark. It has many ascending branches and 8-10 cm long pinnate leaves. There

    are 8-12 pairs of leaflets, each 2-3 cm long. Bright yellow flowers appear in recemes at the end of branches. The flowers are 4-5 cm across. Upper three stamens are reduced to stamenoides. Fruit is a 7-12 cm long, flat brown pod. Medicinal uses: In Ayurveda, the root of this plant is used in

    a decoction for fevers, diabetes, diseases of the urinary system and constipation. The leaves have laxative properties. The dried flower and flower buds are used as substitute

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    Photo: Dinesh Valke

    Common name: Siam Weed, Bitter bush, Devilweed,

    Hagonoy, Jack in the bush, Triffid weed Hindi: Tivra

    gandha, Bagh dhoka Malayalam: Communist Pacha, Venapacha Botanical name: Chromolaena odorata Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

    Synonyms: Eupatorium odoratum

    Siam Weed is a big bushy herb or subshrub with long rambling

    (but not twining branches. In open areas it spreads into tangled, dense thickets up to 2 m tall, and higher when climbing up vegetation. Many paired branches grow off the

    main stem. The base of the plant becomes hard and woody while the branch tips are soft and green. The leaves are arrowhead-shaped, 512 cm long and 37 cm wide, with three characteristic veins in a pitchfork pattern. They grow in opposite pairs along the stems and branches. As the species

  • name odorata suggests, the leaves emit a pungent odour when crushed. Clusters of 1035 pale pinkmauve or white tubular flowers, 10 mm long, are found at the ends of branches. The seeds are dark coloured, 45 mm long, narrow and oblong, with a parachute of white hairs which turn brown

    as the seed dries. Siam weed is native to Tropical America, but is now naturalized throughout the tropics.

    Medicinal uses: It is used as a traditional medicine in Indonesia. The young leaves are crushed, and the resulting liquid can be used to treat skin wounds. Identification credit: S. Basu & Eby Abraham

    Photographed in Maharashtra & Delhi.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Winged Prickly Ash, Prickly ash, Tumbru, Toothache Tree, Tejbal, Yellow wood, Suterberry Hindi:

    Tejphal, Darmar, Tumru, Timroo, Trimal Manipuri:

    Mukthrubi Tamil: Timur Telugu: Konda-Kasimi Kannada: Jimmi Botanical name: Zanthoxylum armatum Family: Rutaceae (Citrus family) Synonyms: Zanthoxylum alatum

    Winged Prickly Ash is a small tree or large spiny shrub. Leaves are distinctlively trifoliolate, with the leaf-stalk winged. Leaflets

    are stalkless, 2-7.5 x 1-1.7 cm, elliptic to ovate-lancelike, entire to slightly toothed, sharp-tipped, base sometimes

    oblique. Minute yellow flowers arise in leaf axils. Flowers have 6-8 acute sepals. Petals are absent. Male flowers have 6-8 stamens, and large anthers because of which the flowers look

    yellow. Female flowers have 1-3 celled ovary, 3 mm in diameter, pale red, splitting into two when ripe. Seed are rounded, 3 mm in diameter, shining black. Flowering: March-

  • April. Medicinal uses: Prickly Ash is used in many chronic problems such a rheumatism and skin diseases; chilblains, cramp in the leg, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. It is also used for low blood pressure, fever, and inflammation. Externally it may be

    used as a stimulation liniment for rheumatism and fibrositis. It has a stimulating effect upon the lymphatic system, circulation

    and mucous membranes. Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.

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    Photo: Sobhapati Samom

    Common name: East Indian Arrowroot, Bombay arrowroot

    Hindi: Tikhur Bengali: Keturi halodhi Manipuri: Yaipan Marathi: Tavakeera, Tavakhira, Tavakila Malayalam:

    Koova, Kuva-kizhanna Tamil: Ararutkilangu, Kua, Ararut-kizhangu Kannadai: Koove-hittu Telugu: Ararut-gaddalu Sanskrit: Tavakshira

    Botanical name: Curcuma angustifolia Family: Zingiberaceae (Ginger family)

    East Indian Arrowroot is an attractive ginger with stout underground rhizomes which lie dormant in winters. In early

    spring the flowers are produced before the leaves. Very colourful bracts make this a showy species. The shape and colour of the bracts are very variable. The inflorescence lasts

    in full bloom on the plants for about three weeks and more. Good for cut flower use with a vase life of 10 days and more for fresh cut blooms. Leaves grow to about 2ft tall and die

    down in autumn. This species is found in the Eastern Himalays and inhabits bright open hillsides and woods. In

  • Manipur, pakodasmade using these flowers, are considered a delicacy. Medicinal uses: East Indian Arrowroot is recognized as a medical herb. It is nutritive, and is used as an agreeable, non-irritating diet in certain chronic diseases, during convalescence

    from fevers, in irritations of the alimentary canal, pulmonary organs, or of the urinary apparatus, and is well suited for

    infants to supply the place of breast-milk, or for a short time after having weaned them. It may be given in the form of jelly, variously seasoned with sugar, lemon-juice, fruit jellies, essences, or aromatics. Its jelly has no peculiar taste, and is less liable to become acid in the stomach, and is generally preferred by young infants to all others, except tapioca. Identification credit: Basantarani Photographed in Manipur

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Triangular Spurge, Square Spurge, Square

    milk hedge, Fleshy spurge Hindi: Tridhara, Vajrakantaka Manipuri: Tengnou Marathi: Narasya

    Tamil: uni0BA4_uni0BC1uni0B95_uni0BCDuni0BB3_uni0BCD chaturakalli, uni0BB3_uni0BCD kalli, uni0BA3_uni0BCDuni0B9F_uni0BC0uni0BAE_uni0BCD Kantiravam, Kodiravam, Tiruvargalli Malayalam:

    Chaturakkalli Telugu: bommajemudu,

    bontha jemudu, bontha kl Kannada: Kontekalli, Jadekalli,

    Mundukalli Bengali: Tiktasij Konkani: Tirikon Sanskrit:

    snuhu, Vajrakantaka Botanical name: Euphorbia

    antiquorum Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family)

    Triangular Spurge is a small succulent tree, usually shrub-like,

    with plentiful white sap. Wide spread throughout peninsular India, it can be found growing up to an altitude of 800 m. One

    of the largest armed tree Euphorbias with an average height of 5-7 m, it has been known to attain gigantic proportions if left undisturbed. Older stems cylindrical, with brownish bark;

  • younger branches smooth, green, distinctly 3(-4)-angled, distinctly articulate with the segments 6-30 by 2-5 cm, drying greenish, with shallow to hardly narrowed sinuses between the spine-shields. Spine-shields in rows, shallow, 1.5-2 cm apart, spines in pairs, (3-)4-6 mm long, blackish, persistent. The

    flower structures are called cyathia. Cyathium is an inflorescence consisting of a cuplike cluster of modified leaves

    enclosing a female flower and several male flowers. Yellow cyathia can be in triads or 3-4 individual together. They are full of honey that attract bees. Seed capsules turn deep red on maturity. The odour of its latex is pungent and lingering. Easily propagated from seed or vegetatively, this Euphorbia is common in collections and easy to grow. Medicinal uses: Juice of the plant is useful in chest pain and constipation. Latex is applied to boils for early suppuration and healing. Root bark is purgative. Latex is useful in killing

    maggots of wounds. Saline extract of the plant is antibiotic. Identification credit: Hemanth Tripathi

    Photographed in Malavali, Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Red Clover, Purple clover, Broad-leaved

    clover Hindi: Tripatra

    Botanical name: Trifolium pratense Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)

    Red Clover is a species of clover, native to Europe, western Asia and northwest Africa. It can be easily distinguished from its close cousin White Clover by its much larger plant, with

    distinctly pink blooms. It is a herbaceous perennial plant, very variable in size, growing to more than 2 feet tall. The leaves

    are trifoliate (with three leaflets), each leaflet 15-30 mm long and 8-15 mm broad, green with a characteristic pale crescent in the outer half of the leaf; the petiole is 1-4 cm long, with two basal stipules. The flowers are dark pink with a paler base, 12-15 mm long, produced in a dense inflorescence 2-3 cm diameter. The plant was named Trifolium pratense by Carolus

    Linnaeus in 1753. The botanical name pratense is Latin for "found in meadows", which is very much true. It is the national flower of Denmark.

    Medicinal uses: A tea from the flower has long been

  • considered an antispasmodic and mild sedative and has been used for various lung and throat problem such as sore throats, coughs and asthma. The flowers were once smoked as an asthma treatment. Externally it is used as a salve for burns and sores. There seems to be no scientific evidence to support

    medical uses of Clover, but, being edible it probably can't hurt unless it is used instead of more

    effective treatments.

    Photographed in Kufri, Himachal Pradesh.

  • ative

    Photo: Lalita Khobarekar

    Common name: Blue Fox Tail, Blue Justicia Bengali: Neel Kantha Hindi: udajati Kannada: kappubobbuli, kappukuruni Malayalam: karinkurinni, kuranta Marathi: dhakta adulsa,

    Ranaboli. Ekboli Sanskrit: nila-sahacharah Tamil: Nilambari Telugu: chikatiquratappa, nakkatoka Botanical name: Ecbolium

    linneanum Family: Acanthaceae (Ruellia family) Synonyms: Justicia ecbolia

    Blue Fox Tail is a shrubby plant, with 4-sided flower-spikes at the end of branches. Bracts are oval, entire, mucronate.

    Leaves are elliptic-oblong, narrowed at both ends, velvety. Flowers are large, greenish blue. Upper lip of the flower is linear, reflexed. Blue Fox Tail is found in Mumbai and Konkan

    region. Medicinal uses: Plant is used in gout and dysuria; decoction of leaves for stricture. Roots are given in jaundice,

    menorrhagia and rheumatism. Photographed in Vile Parle, Mumbai.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Tabish

    Common name: Pergularia Hindi: Utaran, Sagovani,

    Aakasan, Gadaria Ki bel, Jutak Marathi: Utarn Tamil: Uttamani, Seendhal kodi Malayalam: Veliparatti Telugu:

    Dustapuchettu, Jittupaku Kannada: Halokoratige, Juttuve, Talavaranaballi, Bileehatthi balli Bengali: Chagalbati, Ajashringi Oriya: Utrali Sanskrit: Uttamarani, Kurutakah, Visanika, Kakajangha Botanical name: Pergularia daemia Family: Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family) Synonyms: Asclepias daemia, Daemia extensa, Cynanchum extensum

    Pergularia is a perennial twining herb, foul-smelling when bruised and with much milky juice, stem hairy. Leaves are thin, broadly ovate, heart-shaped or nearly circular, hairless

    above, velvety beneath. Greenish yellow or dull white, and sweet-scented flowers are borne in lateral cymes which are at first corymb-like, afterwards raceme-like. The five petals are

  • hairy and spreading outwards. Corona outer and inner, outer truncate, inner curved high over the staminal column, spur acute. Fruit is a follicle, with soft spines all over and a long beak. Seeds are densely velvety on both sides. Flowering: August-February.

    Medicinal uses: Pergularia has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of liver disorders.


    credit: Nandan Kalbag

    Photographed in Lodhi Garden & Garden of Five Senses, Delhi.

  • ative

    Photo: Shaista Ahmad

    Common name: Porcupine flower, Barleria Hindi:

    Vajradanti Tamil: uni0B95_uni0BC1uni0BA8_uni0BCDuni0BA9_uni0BCD Kundan Kannada: Mullu goranti Malayalam: Kuttivetila Gujarati: Pilikantashelio Botanical name: Barleria prionitis Family: Acanthaceae (ruellia family)

    Porcupine flower is an erect, prickly shrub, usually single-stemmed, growing to about 1.5 m tall. The stems and

    branches are stiff and smooth and light brown to light grey in colour. The leaves are up to 100 mm long and 40 mm wide, and oval-shaped though narrow at both ends (ellipsoid) The

    base of the leaves is protected by three to five sharp, pale coloured spines, 10-20 mm long. The yellow-orange tubular flowers are found bunched tightly together at the top of the plant, but they also occur singly at the base of leaves. The flowers are 40 mm long and tubular, with several long

    protruding stamens. The seed capsule is oval-shaped and 13-20 mm long, with a sharp pointed beak. It contains two fairly

  • large, flat seeds, typically 8 mm long by 5 mm wide, covered with matted hairs. Barleria has a central tap root, with lateral roots branching off in all directions. Medicinal uses: It has numerous medicinal properties including treating fever, respiratory diseases, toothache, joint

    pains and a variety of other ailments; and it has several cosmetic uses. A mouthwash made from root tissue is used to

    relieve toothache and treat bleeding gums. The whole plant, leaves, and roots are used for a variety of purposes in traditional Indian medicine. For example, the leaves are used to promote healing of wounds and to relieve joint pains and toothache. Because of its antiseptic properties, extracts of the plant are incorporated into herbal cosmetics and hair products to promote skin and scalp health.

    Identification credit: Thingnam Sophia Photographed in Delhi

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Tabish

    Common name: Garlic pear tree, Caper tree, Three-leaf

    caper, Obtuse Leaf Crateva Hindi: Barna, Barni ,

    Manipuri: bn_ekaar bn_aikaar Loiyumba lei Tamil: Marvilinga Bengali:

    Barun Sanskrit: Varuna Malayalam: Nir mathalam

    Kannada: Nirvala Telugu: Voolemara Botanical name: Crataeva adansonii subsp. odora Family: Capparaceae (caper family)

    A moderate sized deciduous tree found throughout India, especially along the river banks. Bark grey,

    smooth horizontally wrinkled. Leaves trifoliate. Flowers white, or cream in many flowered terminal corymbs. The bark is grey, and the wood is yellowish-white, turning light-brown when old. The leaves are clustered at the ends of branchlets, with a common petiole 5 to 10 centimeters long, at the summit of which are tree leaflets. The leaflets are ovate-lanceolate or ovate, 7.5 to

  • 12 centimeters long, 4 to 6 centimeters wide, and pointed at the base, with a rather slender point at the tip. The flowers occur in terminal corymbs, are about 5 centimeters in diameter, greenish-yellow, and the stamens are purplish. The petals are ovate or oblong, with the claw half as long as limb.

    The fruit is ovoid or rounded, and 3 to 5 centimeters in diameters, with hard and rough rind. The seeds are about 10

    centimeters in length, numerous, kidney-shaped, and embedded in a yellow pulp. Medicinal uses: It is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithontriptic, demulcent and tonic properties. Bark yields ceryl alcohol, friedelin, lupeol, betulinic acid and diosgenin. It is useful in disorders of urinary organs, urinary tract infections, pain and burning micturition, renal and vesical calculi. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to commemorate this

    tree. Identification credit: Rita Singh

    Photographed in Delhi.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Indian kudzu, Nepalese kudzu Hindi: Sural, Bilaikand, Bharda, Tirra, Bankumra Bengali: Shimia batraji

    Marathi: Ghorbel Gujarati: Vidarikand Telugu: Darigummadi Kannada: Gumadigida Malayalam: Mutukku

    Sanskrit: Bhukushmandi Botanical name: Pueraria tuberosa Family: Fabaceae (pea family)

    Synonyms: Hedysarum tuberosum

    Indian kudzu is a large perennial climber with very large

    tuberous roots, distributed nearly throughout India, except in very humid or very arid regions, and ascending up to l,200 m. Woody stems grow up to 12 cm in diameter. Leaves are

    divided into 3 leaflets. The leaflets are egg-shaped, with round base and unequal sides. They are 18 cm long and 16 cm wide and are hairless above. Flowers blue or purplish blue, in 15-30 cm long racemes. Pods are flat and 5-7 cm long, densely clothed with long, silky, bristly brown hairs; seeds 3-6. Medicinal uses: In Ayurveda, this herb is used as a general

  • tonic, for headaches, and as a aphrodisiac. The roots are said to be used in medicine as a demulcent and refrigent in fevers, as cataplasm for swelling of joints, and as lactagogue. It is also emetic, galactogogue and tonic. Now a days it is used in preparing sexual potency enhancement pills.

    Identification credit: Pravin Kawale

    Photographed in Alibag, Maharashtra

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: West Indian Indigo, anil, small-leaved

    indigo, Guatemalan indigo, wild indigo Hindi:

    vilayati nil Marathi: nilambi Tamil: chimai-

    nili Sanskrit: nilika, nilini,

    vishashodhani Botanical name: Indigofera

    suffruticosa Family: Fabaceae (Pea family) Synonyms: Indigofera anil

    West Indian Indigo is an erect, branched, half-woody shrub, growing to 1 m tall. The stems are sparsely covered with short hairs. The leaves are 5-8 cm long. The leaflets are 9-11,

    oblong to oblong-elliptic, 1-2 cm long, pale, and hairy beneath. The flowers are red, about 5 mm long, and borne on axillary and solitary racemes 2-3 cm long. The pods are numerous,

    crowded, reflexed, strongly curved, and 1-1.5 cm long, and contain 6-8 seeds. This species is one of the sources of natural

    indigo, and along with Indigifolera tinctoria, represents the

  • chief commercial indigo. It is cultivated as green manure in Malaya and Java. It is used as a perennial cover crop for coffee. West Indian Indigo is a native of Tropical America, but widely naturalized in India. Medicinal uses: In Brazil, West Indian Indigo is one of the

    reputed remedies for snake bites, and in the United States it is often applied to the stings of bees and other insects. In

    Mexico, the leaves as a cataplasm or in decoction are applied to the forehead of children with fever and to any painful area. The seeds in powder form are a cure for ulcers. Identification credit: Dinesh Valke

    Photographed at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Glory Bower, Indian privet, Seaside clerodendrum, Wild Jasmine, Sorcerers Bush Hindi: chhoti-

    ari, sankuppi, sangan-kuppi, vilayati mehendi, batraj

    Marathi: sangam, vanajai, sirit-mari Tamil: uni0B99_uni0BCDuni0BAE_uni0BCD

    Sangam, Peechangu, uni0BA8_uni0BCD Anjali Malayalam: nirnochi, shangam-kuppi Telugu: erup-pichha, pisangi, pishinika, takkolapu-chettu Kannada: naitakkilay, itteru, kundali gida,

    naayi tekkake, thakkalika Bengali: Banajai Oriya:

    v Vanajai Urdu: Guldamdam Sanskrit: Kundali

    Botanical name: Clerodendrum inerme Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family) Synonyms: Volkameria inermis

    Glory bower is a much branched, straggling shrub, 1-2 m tall. Terminal branches very often twining slender, twigy, dark green and form dense bush on the river banks and river slopes. Leaves ovate to elliptical, 5-10 cm long, acute to acuminate tip, green, smooth, slightly shiny upper surface,

  • margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cymes or umbels usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point. White flowers with a 3.5-5.5 cm long narrow tube ending in 5 petals. Four purple stamens, 1.5-3 cm long, protrude out of the flower. The plant is tough - akes trimming well, and hence,

    is commonly used as a hedge plant in India. It also grows well on the beach, tolerating all the salty water sprays. Within

    India, it is found throughout particularly near coastal regions. Flowering: November-January. Identification credit: Radhika Vathsan Photographed in Delhi.

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    Photo: Kiran Srivastava

    Common name: Dwarf Morning Glory, Slender Dwarf Morning

    Glory Hindi: Visnukrantha, Shyamakrantha Marathi: Vishnukranta Tamil: Vishnukranthi Malayalam:

    Vishnukranthi Telugu: Vishnukrantha Kannada: Vishnykranti Sanskrit: Vishnugandhi Botanical name: Evolvulus alsinoides Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family) Synonyms: Convolvulus alsinoides

    This is a very slender, more or less branched, spreading or ascending, usually extremely hairy herb. The stems are 20 to 70 centimeters long, and not twining. The leaves, which are

    densely clothed with appressed, white, and silky hairs, are variable clothed, lanceolate to ovate, and usually 0.5 to 1 centimeter in length (but may be larger); the apex is blunt

    with a little point and the base is pointed. The flowers are pale blue and 6-8 mm in diameter. The fruit (capsule) is rounded, and usually contains 4 seeds. Dwarf Morning Glory is native to

  • the South America, and is widely naturalized all over the world, including India. Medicinal uses: The whole plant is used in the Goa territory. It is used extensively as a febrifuge and tonic. With cumin and milk it is used for fevers nervous debility, and loss of memory;

    also for syphilis, scrofula, etc. it is said to be a sovereign remedy for bowel complaints, especially dysentery.

    Identification credit: Pravin Kawale

    Photographed in Maharashtra & Delhi.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Pravir Deshmukh

    Common name: Coltsfoot Garo: Kothamari, Kulamari Hindi: Watpan

    Botanical name: Tussilago farfara Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

    Coltsfoot is a perennial herb propagating by seeds and rhizomes. It is often found in colonies of dozens of plants. The

    flowers, which superficially resemble dandelions, appear in early spring before dandelions appear. The leaves, which resemble a colt's foot in cross section, do not appear usually

    until after the seeds are set. Thus, the flowers appear on stems with no apparent leaves, and the later appearing leaves then wither and die during the season without seeming to set

    flowers. The plant is typically 10-30 cm tall. Coltsfoot is found in the Himalayas at altitudes of 2800-3800 m. Medicinal uses: Coltsfoot has been used medicinally as a

    cough suppressant. The name tussilago itself means "cough suppressant." The plant has been used historically to treat lung ailments such as asthma as well as various coughs by way of

  • smoking. Crushed flowers supposedly cured skin conditions, and the plant has been consumed as a food product. Identification credit: Pravir Deshmukh

    Photographed in Lahul Valley, Himachal Pradesh.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Kumarika Hindi: Kumarika, Jangli

    aushbah, Bhitura Mizo: Kaitha Marathi: Ghotvel Tamil: ayadi, malaittamarai, tirunamappalai, kal tamarai Malayalam: kaltamara, karivilanti Telugu: Kondadantena Kannada: kaadu hambu, kaadu hambu thaavare Bengali:

    Kumarika Oriya: mootrilata Sanskrit: Vanamadhusnahi Botanical name: Smilax ovalifolia Family: Liliaceae (Lily family)

    Synonyms: Smilax macrophylla, Smilax zeylanica

    Kumarika is an armed or unarmed climber. Leaves leathery,

    shining, 7-15 x 4-11 cm, broadly ovate to elliptic, base rounded or shortly wedge-shaped; 3-5-nerved. Leaf stalk 1.5 cm long, base sheathing, with tendrils at the end. Flowers

    white, in dense umbels in leaf axils, 1-3 on a common peduncle. Bracts ovate. Perianth recurved in mature flowers, outer 3 segments, 4 mm long, oblong, inner narrower. Stamens about as long as the perianth. It is found from the

  • Himalayan region in the north to Peninsular India. Flowering: January-April. Medicinal uses: The roots of Kumarika are used for veneral diseases. Also applied in rheumatic swellings and given in urinary complaints and dysentery.

    Identification credit: Prashant Awale

    Photographed at Tungi, Lonavala, Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Wild Guava, Ceylon Oak, Patana Oak

    Hindi: Kumbhi Marathi: Kumbha Tamil: Aima, Karekku, Puta-tanni-maram Malayalam: Alam, Paer, Peelam,

    Pela Telugu: araya, budatadadimma, budatanevadi, buddaburija Kannada: alagavvele, daddal Bengali: Vakamba, Kumhi, Kumbhi Oriya: Kumbh Khasi: Ka Mahir,

    Soh Kundur Assamese: Godhajam, Kum, kumari,

    kumbhi Sanskrit: Bhadrendrani, Girikarnika,

    Kaidarya, Kalindi Botanical name: Careya

    arborea Family: Lecythidaceae (Brazilnut Family)

    Wild Guava is a medium sized deciduous tree, up to 20 m tall, the leaves of which turn red in the cold season. It is the Kumbhi of Sanskrit writers, and appear to have been so named on account of the hollow on the top of the fruit giving it somewhat the appearance of a water-pot. Wild pigs are very fond of the bark, and that it is used by hunters to attract

  • them. An astringent gum exudes from the fruit and stem, and the bark is made into coarse cordage. The Tamil name Puta-tanni-maram signifies water- bark-tree, in allusion to the exudation trickling down the bark in dry weather. Bark surface flaking in thin strips, fissured, dark grey; crown spreading.

    Leaves arranged spirally, often clustered at the apices of twigs, simple, broadly obovate, tapering at base, margin toothed,

    stipules small, caducous. Flowers in an erect raceme at the end of branches. Flowers are large, white. Sepals are 4, petals 4, free. Stamens are many, connate at base; disk annular; ovary inferior, 4-5-locular with many ovules in 2 rows per cell, style 1. Fruit a large, many-seeded drupe, globose to depressed globose, crowned by the persistent sepals. Seedling with hypogeal germination; cotyledons absent (seed containing a swollen hypocotyl); shoot with scales at the first few nodes. Medicinal uses: The bark of the tree and the sepals of the

    flowers are well-known Indian remedies, and are valued on account of their astringent and mucilaginous properties, being administered internally in coughs and colds and applied

    externally as an embrocation. Identification credit: Nandan Kalbag Photographed in Goa.

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    Photo: Sobhapati Samom

    Common name: Safflower, Dyers' saffron, False saffron

    Hindi: Kusum Manipuri: Kusumlei Tamil:

    uni0B95_uni0BC1uni0BAE_uni0BCD Kusumba Urdu: Gul rang Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius

    Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

    Safflower is an annual plant native to the Mediterranean

    countries and cultivated in Europe and the U.S. Its glabrous, branching stem grows from 1 to 3 feet high and bears alternate, sessile, oblong, or ovate-lanceolate leaves armed with small, spiny teeth. The orange-yellow flowers grow in flower heads about 1 to 11/2 inches across. This thistle is valued for its orange-yellow flowers in summer and for the oil contained in its seeds. The orange-red flowers of safflower sometimes serve as a substitute for saffron, since they give a

    (rather pale) colour to the food. They are frequently sold as saffron to tourists in Hungary or Northern Africa (and probably many other parts of the world) Their value as spice is

  • nearly nil, but their staining capability justifies usage in the kitchen. Medicinal uses: Taken hot, safflower tea produces strong perspiration and has thus been used for colds and related ailments. It has also been used at times for its soothing effect

    in cases of hysteria, such as that associated with chlorosis. Powdered seeds made into a poultice used to ally inflammation

    of the womb after child birth. Flowers of this herb is useful for jaundice. Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.

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    Photo: Prashant Awale

    Common name: Arctic Snow, Winter Cherry Tree, Milky way, Snowflake, Pudpitchaya, Sweet Indrajao, Hyamaraca

    Sanskrit: Kutajah Botanical name: Wrightia antidysenterica Family: Apocynaceae (Oleander family)

    Synonyms: Nerium antidysentericum, Nerium zeylanicum, Wrightia zeylanica

    Arctic Snow is a small compact and bushy shrub growing up to 1.5 m tall. It blooms non stop all year-round. At full bloom,

    plant is covered with 1 inch white flowers that look like little stars, or with some imagination, snowflakes from a distance. Leaves are elliptic, glossy, evergreen. Native to Sri Lanka, it

    has become a sought after garden plant. Medicinal uses: The bark possesses anti-microbial and anti-infammatory properties and therefore the juice extracted from

    it is administered for mouth sores. The leaves are used in treating several skin disorders, psoriasis.

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    Photo: Thingnam Girija

    Common name: Costus Hindi: Kuth

    Botanical name: Saussurea

    costus Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Synonyms: Aucklandia costus, Aplotaxis lappa, Saussurea


    Costus is a tall perennial herb, well known as a medicinal plant. Stems up to 2 m tall, or more. Lower leaves are long-stalked, pinnate, 30-40 cm long, with a trianglular terminal leaflet, up to 30 cm long. Upper leaves are smaller, up to 30 cm long, stem-clasping. All leaves are irregularly toothed. There is a rounded cluster of a few purple flower-heads at the top of the stem. The flower-heads look like balls covered with

    purple bracts. Costus is frequently cultivated in the Himalayas as a medicinal plant. It is found in the Himalayas, from pakistan to Himachal Pradesh, at altitudes of 2000-3300 m.

    Flowering: July-August. Medicinal uses: Costus is widely used in several indigenous

  • systems of medicine for the treatment of various ailments, like asthma, inflammatory diseases, ulcer and stomach problems. Identification

    credit: Nongthombam Ulysses

    Photographed in Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Plumbago, Scarlet leadwort, Rose-colored

    Leadwort Hindi: Lal chitrak Manipuri:

    Mukaklei, bn_ekaar Telhidak Oriya: Ogni Bengali:

    Rakt-chitrak Tamil: uni0B95_uni0BCD Akkini Gujarati:

    Kalochitrak Kannada: Chitramulika Malayalam:

    Kotuveli Konkani: Tambdi chitrak

    Botanical name: Plumbago indica Family: Plumbaginaceae (Plumbago family) Synonyms: Plumbago rosea, Thela coccinea

    Lal Chitrak is a plant commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India. This winter flowering plant begins to show off its soft red, festive colors in time for winters. A nice change from the traditional poinsettia, this Indian native continues to flower for months to come. Lal Chitrak makes an outstanding container plant for a sunny window. Watch with fascination how the flowers keep emerging on the same flower spike from

    winter until spring. This is an erect or spreading, more or less

  • branched, herbaceous or half-woody plant 1.5 meters or less in height. The leaves are ovate to oblong-ovate, 8 to 13 centimeters long, slightly drooping, and smooth, with entire, undulate or wavy margins, pointed or blunt tip, and pointed base. The spikes are 15 to 30 centimeters long. The calyx is

    tubular, 8 to 10 millimeters long, and covered with stalked, sticky glands. The corolla is bright red, the tube is slender and

    about 2.5 centimeters long, and the limb, which spreads, is about 3 cm in diameter. Medicinal uses: The root is acrid, vesicant, abortifacient and a stimulant. Applied in bland oil, it is used externally or internally in rheumatism and paralytic afflictions. The root is powerful sialogogue and a remedy for secondary syphilis, leprosy and leucoderma. The milky juice of the plant is used in ophthalmia and in scabies. Photographed in Alibag, Maharashtra.

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    Photo: Thingnam Sophia

    Common name: Lavang Lata, Indian lavanga Hindi:

    Lavang Lata Manipuri: Lavang Lata Kannada:

    jeeanthi balli, jeevani, kakkola, lavangalathe Bengali:

    Lavang Lata Assamese: Lavang Lata Sanskrit:

    Lavanga lata, dhankshika, dhira, dhmanksholi,

    gandhakokila, vayastha, lavali, kakoli, kayasthika Botanical name: Luvunga scandens Family: Rutaceae (Citrus family)

    Synonyms: Limonia scandens

    Lavang Lata is a strong woody climber with recurved spines,

    native to North-East India. It belongs to the family of lemon and orange. Unfortunately, it has now become a rare and endangered species. Leaves are compound, with 3 leaflets

    which are lancelike and leathery. Leaf stalks are chanelled. Peduncles carrying 4-12 pretty large, white, fragrant flowers, arise from leaf axils. Flowers are shaped like the flowers of most citrus plants. Fruit is oblong, 2.5 x 2 cm in size,

  • yellowish, with smooth aromatic peel and resinous, fragrant pulp. The fruit has 1-3 ovoid seeds. This evergreen plant is sometimes grown for ornamental purposes. Flowering: March-April. Medicinal uses: Dried fruits are used in making medicinal oil.

    Roots and fruits are employed for treating scorpion-stings. Identification credit: Thingnam


    Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Shaista Ahmad

    Common name: St Paul's Wort, Indian weed Hindi: Lechkuri, Gobariya, Liskura, Lichakura Marathi: Katampu

    Tamil: Karuntumpai Nepali: Dudhe Jhaar Botanical name: Sigesbeckia orientalis Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Synonyms: Siegesbeckia orientalis, Minyranthes heterophylla

    St Paul's Wort is a small annual herb, growing up to 2-4 ft tall. Stem and branches are velvety, purple. Oppositely arranged leaves, 5-10 cm long, are triangular-ovate, sharp tipped, with toothed margin. The flowers heads are small with five bracts just below them, which are covered with very sticky glandular hairs. The secretion continues till after the fruit is ripe and aids in its distribution - the whole flower-head breaks off and attaches itself to some passing animal. The flowering heads are yellow, small, somewhat rounded, and 5-6 mm in diameter. The ray flowers are red beneath, very short, curved back, and 3-toothed. The achenes are each enclosed in a boat-shaped bractlet which is hairless but slightly rough. St Paul's

  • Wort is found in India at altitudes of 400-2700 m. Flowering: October-November. Medicinal uses: The juice of the fresh herb is used as a dressing for wounds, over which, as it dries, it leaves a varnishing coating. A decoction of the leaves and young shoots is used as a lotion for ulcers and parasitic skin diseases. Identification credit: Navendu Pg

    Photographed in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Hiptage, Helicopter Flower Hindi: Madhavi

    lata Manipuri: Madhabi Kannada: Madhvi

    Bengali: Madhabilata Tamil: uni0BA8_uni0BCD

    uni0BB2_uni0BCD Vasantakaala malligai Botanical name: Hiptage benghalensis

    Family: Malpighiaceae (Barbados cherry family)

    Madhavi lata, native from India to the Philippines, is a vine like

    plant that is often cultivated in the tropics for its attractive and fragrant flowers. A woody climbing shrub with clusters of pink to white and yellow fragrant flowers and 3-winged, helicopter-like fruits. Flowers have very interesting shape and look like a decorative accessory, with fluffy-toothed edges. The fragrance is very strong and pleasant, resembles fruity perfume. Leaves

    are narrow and drooping. This plant can be trimmed as a bush, and can be crown in container, too. Used medicinally in India. Make sure to provide lots of light for profuse blooming. The

    genus name, Hiptage, is derived from the Greek hiptamai,

  • which means "to fly" and refers its unique three-winged fruit known as "samara". The fruit is carried by wind because of its papery wings. Medicinal uses: The bark, leaves and flowers are aromatic, bitter, acrid, astringent, refrigerant, vulnerary, expectorant,

    cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal. They are useful in burning sensation, wounds, ulcers,

    cough, asthma.

    Photographed in Lodhi Garden, Delhi

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Gamhar Hindi: Gamhar Manipuri:

    Wang Marathi: Sivan Tamil: Kumalaamaram

    Malayalam: Kumbil Telugu: Peddagumudutekku Kannada: Shivani Konkani: Sirni Sanskrit: Madhumati Botanical name: Gmelina arborea Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family)

    Gamhar is a beautiful fast growing deciduous tree occurring naturally throughout greater part of India up to 1500 m. It is a fast growing tree, which though grows on different localities

    and prefers moist fertile valleys with 750-4500 mm rainfall. It does not thrive on ill drained soils and remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor soils; drought also reduces it to a shrubby form.

    The tree attains moderate to large height up to 30 m with girth of 1.2 to 4.5 m with a clear bole of 9-15 m. It is a treat to see the gamhar tree standing straight with clear bole having branches on top and thick foliage forming a conical crown on the top of the tall stem. Bark light grey coloured exfoliating in light coloured patches when old, blaze thick, a chlorophyll

  • layer just under the outer bark, pale yellow white inside. Flowering takes place during February to April when the tree is more or less leafless whereas fruiting starts from May onwards up to June. Flowers occur in narrow branching clusters at the end of branches. The yellow flower, tinged with brown, is

    trumpet shaped, 3-4 cm long. The trumpets flare open into a gaping mouth with 5 distinct lobes.

    Medicinal uses: The root and bark of Gmelina arborea are stomachic, galactagogue laxative and anthelmintic; improve appetite, useful in hallucination, piles, abdominal pains, burning sensations, fevers, tridosha and urinary discharge. Leaf paste is applied to relieve headache and juice is used as wash for ulcers. Flowers are sweet, cooling, bitter, acrid and astringent. They are useful in leprosy and blood diseases. In Ayurveda it has been observed that Gamhar fruit is acrid, sour, bitter, sweet, cooling, diuretic tonic, aphrodisiac, alternative

    astringent to the bowels, promote growth of hairs, useful in vata, thirst, anaemia, leprosy, ulcers and vaginal discharge. The plant is recommended in combination with other drugs for

    the treatment of snake bite and scorpion- sting. In snake bite a decoction of the root and bark is given internally. Identification credit: Pravin


    Photographed in Delhi & Imphal, Manipur.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Malabar Catmint Hindi: Gopoli, Codhara

    Marathi: Gojibha Tamil: Peyimarutti Malayalam: Perumtumpa, Karintumpa Telugu: Moga-biran, Mogabheri

    Kannada: Karitumbi, Gandubirana gida Oriya:

    v Vaikuntha Konkani: Kaktumbo Sanskrit:

    Mahadronah, Vaikunthah Botanical name: Anisomeles malabarica Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family) Synonyms: Anisomeles salviifolia, Nepeta malabarica

    Malabar Catmint is a shrubby herb, 0.5-1.5 m tall. Stems are tetragonous, densely villous or woolly. Leaves are ovate to

    oblong, 3-8 cm x 1.5-3 cm, densely woolly beneath, sparsely hirsute above, hairs 4-celled, petiole 0.5-2.5 cm long, softly woolly. Inflorescence is a single terminal spike, calyx 8.5 mm x 6 mm, longest teeth 3-4 mm long, in fruit 8-10 mm long, teeth hairy inside. Flower up to 1.8 cm long, lower lip about 12 mm x 4 mm, lilac or pale blue, filaments almost at same level, about 8 mm long, style about 1.3 cm long. Nutlets are

  • cylindrical, 1.3 mm x 0.9 mm. Medicinal uses: The whole plant, especially the leaves and the roots are used as astringent, carminative, febrifuge and tonic. Identification credit: Prashant Awale Photographed in Nagpur.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Indian Tree of Heaven, Coramandel ailanto

    Hindi: Mahanimb, Maharukh Marathi:

    Marukh, Mahrukh, mahanimb Tamil: Agal,

    uni0BB0_uni0BC1uni0BAE_uni0BCD Perumaram, perumaruntu Malayalam: Mattipongilyam, Peru, Perumaram Telugu: pedda, peddamandu, peddamanu Kannada: Bende, dodabevu, dodda Oriya: mundayigatch Sanskrit: aralu, araluka, araluvrksa

    Botanical name: Ailanthus excelsa Family: Simaroubaceae (Quassia family)

    Indian Tree of Heaven is a large deciduous tree, 18-25 m tall; trunk straight, 60-80 cm in diameter; bark light grey and smooth, becoming grey-brown and rough on large trees, aromatic, slightly bitter. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, large, 30-60 cm or more in length; leaflets 8-14 or

    more pairs, long stalked, ovate or broadly lance shaped from very unequal base, 6-10 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, often curved,

  • long pointed, hairy gland; edges coarsely toothed and often lobed. Flower clusters droop at leaf bases, shorter than leaves, much branched; flowers many, mostly male and female on different trees, short stalked, greenish-yellow. Five sepals, 5 narrow petals spreading 6 mm across. Fruit a 1-seeded

    samara, lance shaped, flat, pointed at ends, 5 cm long, 1 cm wide, copper red, strongly veined, twisted at the base The

    genus name Ailanthus comes from ailanthos(tree of heaven), the Indonesian name for Ailanthus moluccana. Flowering: January-March. Medicinal uses: Bark used in India as a powerful fever-cure and tonic. Leaves and bark in good repute as a tonic after labor, and the juice of the leaves and fresh bark employed by the Konkans as a remedy for after-pains.

    Photographed at Nehru Park, Delhi.

  • ative

    Photo: Dinesh Valke

    Common name: Karvy Hindi: Maruadana Manipuri:

    Khum Marathi: Karvy

    Botanical name: Strobilanthes

    callosus Family: Acanthaceae (Ruellia family) Synonyms: Carvia callosa

    Karvy is a purplish-blue wild flower, which blooms once every seven years. The plant was first discovered by Nees, a resident Britisher of Mumbai in the last century. The Karvy plant grows

    wild around Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh, Parts of Gujarat and in large areas of Konkan and North Kannara Ghats. It is a shrub growing 2-6 m tall. Oppositely arranged, elliptic-lancelike toothed leaves are 10-20 cm long. Each year the plant comes alive with the advent of Monsoon,and once the rains are over,

    what is left behind is dry and dead-looking stems.This pattern repeats itself for seven years. In the seventh year, the plant explodes into mass flowering. The Karvy plant has many uses

    as well.

  • ative

    Photo: Thingnam Girija

    Common name: Sessile Joyweed, Dwarf copperleaf, Joyweed Hindi: Garundi, Guroo Manipuri: Phakchet Marathi: Kanchari Tamil: Ponnanganni Malayalam: Ponnankannikkira

    Telugu: Ponnagantikura Kannada: Honagonne Oriya: Madaranga Konkani: Koypa Sanskrit: Matsyaksi Botanical name: Alternanthera

    sessilis Family: Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family)

    Sessile Joyweed is a perennial herb, often found in and near ponds, canals and reservoirs. It prefers places with constant or periodically high humidity and so may be found in swamps,

    shallow ditches, and fallow rice fields. A much branched prostrate herb, branches often purplish, frequently rooting at the lower nodes; leaves simple, opposite, somewhat fleshy,

    lanceolate, oblanceolate or linear-oblong, obtuse or subacute, sometimes obscurely denticulate, glabrous, shortly petiolate; flowers small, white, in axillary clusters; fruits compressed

    obcordate utricles, seeds suborbicular.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Spanish cherry Hindi: Maulsari

    Urdu: Kirakuli Manipuri: bn_ekaar bn_aikaar Bokul lei Tamil:

    uni0BAE_uni0BCDuni0BAA_uni0BC2 Magizhamboo Malayalam: Ilanni Bengali: Bakul Marathi: Bakuli Konkani: Omval Kannada: Ranjal Gujarati: Barsoli Botanical name: Mimusops

    elengi Family: Sapotaceae (Mahua family)

    Spanish cherry is a lovely green small tree of the Indian subcontinent. With its small shiny, thick, narrow, pointed leaves, straight trunk and spreading branches, it is a prized

    oranamental specimen because it provides a dense shade and during the months from March to July fills the night air with the delicious heady aroma of its tiny cream colored flowers.

    Flowers are small, star-shaped, yellowish white in color, with a crown rising from the center. Oval leaves, wavy at margin, about 5-16 cm and 3-7 cm wide. In the morning the fragrant

    flowers which so graciously scented their surroundings with

  • their deep, rich, fragrance during the evening hours, fall to the ground. People love to collect them as they retain their odor for many days after they fall. They are offered in temples and shrines throughout the country. Appears in Indian mythology as Vakula - said to put forth blossoms when sprinkled with

    nectar from the mouth of lovely women. Fruits are eaten fresh.

    Medicinal uses: Various parts of the tree have medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment and maintenance of oral hygiene. Rinsing mouth with water solution made with bakul helps in strengthening the teeth. It also prevents bad breath and helps keep the gums healthy. Photographed in Delhi.

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    Photo: Dinesh Valke

    Common name: Sweet Broom Weed, Sweet Broom Wort

    Hindi: Mithi patti, Ghoda tulsi Tamil: Sarakkotthini Bengali: Bon dhonya

    Botanical name: Scoparia dulcis Family: Scrophulariaceae (Dog flower family)

    Sweet Broom Weed is a branched herb with wiry stems,

    growing up to 1 m tall. Narrowly elliptic, almost stalkless leaves are arranged oppositely or in whorls of 3. Leaves are 3-4 X 1-1.5 cm wide, with serrated margins. Small white, hairy flowers occur in leaf axils. The stamens are greenish and the ovary is green. The capsule is nearly round. Medicinal uses: It is traditionally used in treatment of

    diabetes, dysentery, earache, fever, gonorrhea, headaches, jaundice, snake bite, stomach problems, toothache, warts. Identification credit: Dinesh Valke Photographed in Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Prashant Awale

    Common name: Kidney Leaf Morning Glory Hindi: Musakani

    Marathi: Undirkani Tamil: Elikkadhu-keerai

    Telugu: Elikajemudu

    Botanical name: Merremia gangetica Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family) Synonyms: Merremia emarginata, Convolvulus reniformis,

    Ipomoea reniformis

    This is a slender, prostates, creeping, smooth or somewhat hairy herb. The stems root at the nodes, and are 10-80 cm in length. The leaves are small, kidney-shaped to somewhat

    heart-shaped, 6-15 mm long, often wider than long, and irregularly toothed. One to three flowers occur on short stalks in the axils of the leaves. The sepals are rounded and about 4

    mm long, with few to many white, weak hairs. The corolla is yellow, and nearly twice as long as the calyx. The capsule is rounded and about 5 mm in diameter.

    Medicinal uses: In the Philippines the decocted leaves and tops are sometimes employed as a diuretic.

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    Photo: J. M. Garg

    Common name: Madras Carpet Hindi: Mustaru, Bhediachim

    Manipuri: bn_aikaar Leibungou Marathi: Mashipatri Tamil: Masipathri Malayalam: Nilampala Telugu: Mastaru

    Kannada: Davana Bengali: Namuti Gujarati: Jhinkimudi

    Botanical name: Grangea maderaspatana Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

    Synonyms: Artemisia maderaspatana, Perdicium tomentosum

    Madras Carpet is a herb commonly seen in flat bunches in

    harvested fields, dry river and pond beds. This hairy, branched herb spreads from the roots and grows up to 70 cm in height. The buds are white and woolly. The leaves are alternate, stalkless, deeply cut, and divided into toothed lobes. Yellow flowering heads are borne opposite the leaves, and are short- stalked, rounded, and 8-10 mm across. The flowers are small, very numerous. The involucral-bracts are ovate, thick, rigid, and hairy. The achenes are cylindric, glandular, and about 2 mm long. The papus-hairs are connate, ending in a short,

  • fimbriate tube. Medicinal uses: Leaves are regarded in India as a valuable stomachic possessing deobstruent and antispasmodic properties, and are prescribed as an infusion and an electuary in cases of obstructed menses and hysteria.

    Identification credit: Neil Soares & Shrikant


    Photographed at Himmat Sagar Lake, Hyderabad.

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    Photo: Prashant Awale

    Common name: Indian Wormwood, Fleabane, Mugwort

    Hindi: Nagdona, Davana Manipuri: bn_ekaar bn_ekaar

    Leibakngou Marathi: Dhordavana, Gondhomaro

    Tamil: uni0B95_uni0BCDuni0BAA_uni0BC2 Makkippu Malayalam: Makkippuvu, Masipatri Telugu: Masipatri Kannada: Manjepatre, Urigattige Bengali: Nagadana

    Oriya: Dayona Konkani: Surpin Assamese: Nilum

    Sanskrit: Nagadaman, Damanak

    Botanical name: Artemisia

    nilagirica Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Synonyms: Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia vulgaris var. nilagirica

    Indian Wormwood is an aromatic shrub, 1-2 m high, yellow or dark red small flowers, grows throughout India in hills up to 2400 m elevation. This medicinal herb is erect, hairy, often half-woody. The stems are leafy and branched. The leaves are

  • pinnately lobed, 5-14 cm long, gray beneath. Mugwort blossoms with reddish brown or yellow flowers. The flowers are freely small and stand in long narrow clusters at the top of the stem. The fruit (achene) is minute. It is believed that Indian Wormwood drives away insects. So the leaves and flowers are

    put in boxes and cupboards. Medicinal uses: In Manipur, leaves are used to prepare a

    local hair-care lotion Chinghi. Identification credit: Prashant Awale

    Photographed at Nimgiri, Maharashtra.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!


    Photo: Tabish

    Common name: Cobra saffron, Ceylon ironwood, Indian rose

    chestnut Hindi: Nag champa, Nagkesar

    Urdu: Narmishka Tamil: Tadinangu Marathi:

    Thorlachampa Malayalam: Vainavu Assamese: Nokte

    Manipuri: Nageshor

    Botanical name: Mesua ferrea

    Family: Clusiaceae (Garcinia family)

    A handsome Indian evergreen tree often planted as an

    ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties. In olden time, the very hard timber was used for making lances. It is a

    small to medium-sized evergreen tree up to 13 m tall, often buttressed at the base with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter. It has simple, narrow, oblong, dark green leaves 7-15 cm long, with a whitish underside; the emerging young leaves are red to yellowish pink and drooping. The flowers are 4-7.5 cm

  • diameter, with four white petals and a centre of numerous yellow stamens. The flowers have many uses - they are used to make an incense and also used to stuff pillows in some countries. It is the National tree of Sri Lanka. Medicinal uses: The leaves are applied to the head in the

    form of a poultice for severe colds. Oil from the seeds is used for sores, scabies, wounds, and rheumatism. The root of this

    herb is often used as an antidote for snake poison. The dried flowers are used for bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus. Fresh flowers are also prescribed for excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough, and for indigestion.

    Photographed in Sundar Nursery, Delhi

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    Common name: Umbrella Sedge, Nutgrass, Nutsedge, Purple

    Nutsedge Hindi: Nagarmotha Marathi: lawala

    Tamil: koraikkilangu, nakamuttakkacu Malayalam: korakizhanna Telugu: kolatungamuste, tungagaddalaveru Kannada: konnarigadda, nagarmusthe Urdu: Nagarmotha, Sadkofi Sanskrit: chakranksha, charukesara,

    chudalapindamusta, kachharuha, kalapini, nadeyi, nagar-mustaka Botanical name: Cyperus

    scariosus Family: Cyperaceae (Sedge family)

    Umbrella Sedge is a perennial herb, about a meter tall, arising

    from rhizomes and tubers. The stems are 3-sided and triangular in cross section and there is an umbrella-like tuft of long narrow leaves at the top. The leaves are yellow to green in color with a distinct ridge. The plant has red-brown flower spikelets with up to 40 individual flowers. The dried tuberous roots are collected, dried and used in traditional medicine.

    Nutgrass is used in hair - and skin care products. It stimulates

  • sebaceous glands near hair roots. Also interesting is that the oil, an amber viscous liquid, extracted from this plant is used in perfumery. Medicinal uses: The tubers are credited with astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, dessicant, cordial and stomachic

    properties. A decoction of the tuber is used for washing hair, treating gonorrhea and syphilis. It is also given in diarrhea and

    for general weakness. Photographed in Lodhi Garden, Delhi.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Ranabili Hindi: Nalbila Marathi: Ranabili, Gudmai Tamil: Puilipan cheddi Malayalam: Kaipanarangi, Potti, Pulippanchedi Kannada: Narsullu, Chitunde, Karbe Urdu: Ranabili Botanical name: Cipadessa baccifera Family: Meliaceae (Neem family) Synonyms: Melia baccifera, Cipadessa fruticosa

    Ranabili is a shrub 1-4 m tall, with coarse bark. Young branches are grayish brown, ribbed, and covered with yellow velvety hairs and sparse grayish white lenticels. Leaves are compound, 8-30 cm long, with leaf-stalk and spine either hairless or yellow velvety. Leaflets are usually 9-13, opposite, ovate to ovoid-oblong, 3.5-10 1.5-5 cm. Flowers are born in clusters 8-15 cm long. Flowers are white, 3-4 mm in diameter. Flower stalks are 1-1.5 mm long. Sepal cup is short, yellow velvety outside. Sepals are broadly triangular. Petals are white or yellow, linear to oblong-elliptic, 2-3.5 mm, outside covered with sparse appressed velvety hairs. Stamens are shorter than

  • petals, with hairy filaments. Fruit is purple to black when mature, round, 4-5 mm in diameter. Flowering: April-October. Medicinal uses: Juice of the root is given in cases of indigestion. It is also used in treating cough and cold. A paste of bark is pressed against the teeth for about 15 mins to relieve bleeding and swelling of gums. Identification

    credit: Navendu Pg & Shaista Ahmad

    Photographed at Cauvery riverside, Bangalore.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Oval Leaf Pondweed, Oval Leaf Monochoria,

    Marshy betelvine Hindi: Nanka, Indivar Marathi:

    Nelat-phal Tamil: Karimkuvalam Malayalam: Karinkuvvalam Telugu: Nirakancha Kannada: Neelothpala

    Bengali: nukha Assamese: nara meteka Sanskrit:


    Botanical name: Monochoria vaginalis Family: Pontederiaceae (Pickerel weed family)

    Oval Leaf Pondweed is an attached aquatic annual or perennial herb with emersed leaves, to 50 cm tall. More widespread than

    M. hastata, it is a serious weed of rice fields. Leaves variable - 2-12.5 cm long, 0.5-10 cm wide, in very young plants without lamina; leaves of somewhat older plants with a floating linear or lanceolate blade; leaves of still older plants, ovate-oblong to broadly ovate, sharply acuminate, the base heart-shaped or rounded, shiny, deep green in color. Inflorescence spikelike,

    basally opposite the sheath of the floral leaf, with a large bract arising from a thickened bundle on leaf stalk, about two-thirds of the way up the stalk from the base. Flowers 3-25, opening

  • simultaneously or in quick succession, on pedicels 4-25 mm long. Petals six, violet or lilac blue, spreading at flowering, afterwards spirally contorted. As is typical of many aquatic annuals, plant size, leaf shape, and flower number are highly variable in relation to the amount of water. The entire plant

    (except the roots) is eaten as a vegetable in India, and the roots are used medicinally. Flowering: August-March.

    Medicinal uses: Oval Leaf Pondweed is used in Ayurvedic, Unani and folklore medicine. The root is used for toothache and the bark is eaten with sugar for asthma.

    Photographed at Rajamalai National park, Kerala.

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    Common name: Chaste Tree Hindi: Nirgundi, sindvar Manipuri: Urik shibi Tamil: Nocchi Malayalam: Vennocchi Telugu: Vavili Kannada: Nochi Bengali: Nishinda Sanskrit: Sinduvara, Indrani, Nilanirgundi Urdu: Sambhalu, Tukhm sambhalu Botanical name: Vitex

    negundo Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family)

    Chaste tree can be described as a cross between a shrub and a

    tree with a single woody stem (trunk). It can grow up to five meters tall. Chaste tree's distinctive feature are the pointed leaves with 3-5 leaflets. Small, lilac or violet flowers on new

    growth from June to September. Flowers are the smallest of the commonly grown Vitex species. The leaves are used as a mosquito repellent . leaves are burnt in a heap which proves very useful to get rid of Mosquitoes. Medicinal uses: It is an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. Chaste tree has been clinically tested to be

    effective in the treatment of colds, flu, asthma and pharyngitis.

  • Studies have shown that it can prevent the body's production of leukotrienes which are released during an asthma attack. Chaste tree contains Chrysoplenol D, a substance with anti-histamine properties and muscle relaxant. The leaves, flowers, seeds and root of Chaste tree can all be used as herbal

    medicine. A decoction is made by boiling the parts of the plant and taken orally. Today, Chaste tree is available in capsule

    form and syrup for cough. Identification credit: K. Karthigeyan

    Photographs from Manipur & Tamil Nadu.

  • ative

    Photo: Prashant Awale

    Common name: Snake Jasmine, Dainty Spurs Hindi:

    Palakjuhi, Juhipani Marathi: Gajkarni

    Tamil: Uragamalli, uni0BB2_uni0BCD Nagamalli Malayalam: Nagamulla, Puzhukkolli Telugu: Nagamalle

    Kannada: Nagamallige, Doddapatike Bengali: Juipana Konkani: Dadmari Urdu: Palakjuhi Sanskrit: Yudhikaparni, Yoodhikaparni Botanical name: Rhinacanthus nasutus Family: Acanthaceae (Ruellia family)

    Synonyms: Rhinacanthus nasuta, Justicia nasuta, Rhinacanthus communis

    Native to India, this useful plant is a slender, erect, branched, somewhat hairy shrub 1-2 m in height. The leaves are oblong,

    4-10 cm in length, and narrowed and pointed at both ends. The inflorescence is a spreading, leafy, hairy panicle with the flowers usually in clusters. The calyx is green, hairy, and about

  • 5 mm long. The corolla-tube is greenish, slender, cylindric, and about 2 cm long. The flowers is 2-lipped; the upper lip is white, erect, oblong or lancelike, 2-toothed at the apex, and about 3 mm in both length and width; and the lower lip is broadly obovate, 1.1-1.3 cm in both measurements, 3-lobed,

    and white, with a few, minute, brownish dots near the base. The fruit (capsule) is club-shaped and contains 4 seeds.

    Medicinal uses: In India the fresh root and leaves, bruised and mixed with lime juice, are a useful remedy for ringworm and other skin affections. The seeds also are efficacious in ringworm. The root-bark is a remedy for dhobies itch. In Sind it is said to possess extraordinary aphrodisiacal powers, the roots boiled in milk being much employed by Hindu practitioners. The roots are believed n some parts of India to be an antidote to the bites of poisonous snakes. Identification credit: Prashant


    Photographed in Chembur, Mumbai.

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Slender Oldenlandia Hindi: Paper-

    bhed Kannada: kaag purale Malayalam: ml_ukaar Nonnanampullu, scanganam-pulli Sanskrit:

    Chhayaparpatika Tamil: uni0BA8_uni0BCDuni0BAE_uni0BCD uni0BB2_uni0BCDuni0BB2_uni0BC2 nonnanampullu Telugu: chiriveru, thella nela vaemu, verri nelavaemu

    Botanical name: Oldenlandia herbacea Family: Rubiaceae (Coffee family) Synonyms: Hedyotis herbacea

    Slender Oldenlandia is an erect much branched hairless bushy herb. Branches are slender, wiry, widely diverging. Oppositely arranged stalkless leaves are linear- lanceshaped, usually with curled-back margins. Lower leaves are broader than the upper ones. Flowers are tiny and appear singly or in groups of few, on slender long stalks, in leaf axils. Flower tube is slender with 4 spreading petals. Flowers are up to 5 mm in diameter, white

    or mauve. Fruits are round capsules.

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    Common name: Indian tulip tree, Aden apple, Portia tree

    Hindi: Paras pipal Malayalam: Puvarasu

    Bengali: Palaspipal Tamil: uni0BAA_uni0BC2uni0B9A_uni0BC1 Puvarasu Botanical name: Thespesia populnea Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family)

    This is a good tree for small gardens or patios. Its name

    Thespesia means "divinely decreed" and was given by Daniel Solander who saw it in Tahiti as a member of Captain Cook's ship. Indian tulip tree is an evergreen bushy tree. It grows to

    40 ft or more with a spread of 1020 ft. It has heart-shaped leaves and cup-shaped yellow flowers that are produced intermittently throughout the year in warm climates. Each

    flower has a maroon eye that ages to purple. The flowers are followed by apple-shaped fruit. Medicinal uses: Ground up bark is used to treat skin diseases

    (India), dysentery and haemorrhoids (Mauritius) Leaves are applied to inflamed and swollen joints (South India)

  • Tell a friend about this flower!

    Common name: Stone Flower Hindi: Charela,

    Pattharphori Sanskrit: Shila pushp,

    Shantapushpi, Pasanbheda Nepali: Kum Botanical name: Didymocarpus pedicellatus Family: Gesneriaceae (Gloxinia family) Synonyms: Didymocarpus pedicellata

    The name Stone Flower, and various local names, probably come from the plant's believed efficacy in curing kidney stones, or probably because it occurs on rocks. It is a usually

    stemless plant of damp rocks, with 2 large basal leaves with long stalks. Leaves are roundly ovate, rounded toothed. Many reddish purple flowers, 2.5 cm long, occur in clusters, at the

    end of erect flowering stems, which are about 20 cm tall. Ovate bracts are often fused below. Colored, rounded sepals form a funnel shaped tube. The flower tube is narrow cylindric with a flaring mouth consisting of 5 rounded petals. Capsule is linear, beaked. Occurs in the Himalayas, from Himachal Pradesh to Arunachal Pradesh, at altitudes of 500-2500 m.

  • Flowering: July-September. Medicinal uses: Stone Flower is a valuable, although a lesser known medicinal plant. Traditionally Stone Flower is used in the treatment of renal diseases particularly kidney stones. According to a hypothesis the plant is supposed to regulate

    calcium absorption in the body. The plant is known for its diuretic effect and in maintaining

    healthy urinary tract. Identification credit: Pankaj Kumar

    Photographed in Dhanaulti, Uttar Pradesh.

  • Tell a friend about this flower! Common name: Cuban Oregano, Indian borage, Indian mint, Mexican mint, Mexican oregano, Spanish thyme Hindi:

    Patharchur, Patta ajwain Marathi:

    Pathurchur Tamil: uni0BAA_uni0BC2uni0BB2_uni0BCD Karpuravalli Malayalam: Panikkurkka, Kannikkurkka Telugu: Sugandhavalkam,

    Karpoora valli, karuvaeru, vamu aaku Kannada:

    karpurahalli, dodda pathre, dodda pathre soppu, karpoora valli

    Sanskrit: Karpuravalli, Sugandhavalakam Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)

    Synonyms: Coleus amboinicus, Coleus aromaticus, Plectranthus aromaticus

    Cuban Oregano is a sprawling and somewhat succulent herb, growing to 1 m tall. The plant is sometimes prostrate at base,

    with the branchlets rising up, densely hairy. Leaves have stalks 1-4.5 cm long, densely velvety, like most mint family plants. Leaf blade is fleshy, broadly ovate to circular, rhombic,

    or kidney-shaped, 4-10 cm long, 3-9 cm broad, coarsely

  • toothed at margin or entire toward base. Flowers are borne in 10-20-flowered, densely velvety spikes, 10-20 cm long. Fl