Igor Zusman

Igor Zusman By Yusupov Vad

Transcript of Igor Zusman

Igor Zusman

By Yusupov Vadim

Zusman’s Childhood

Igor Zusman was born in Irkutsk in 1935. Four children were in his family. He was the youngest. His father thought that one child should become a doctor and other child should become an accountant. That’s why his father didn’t approve his choose to be a sportsman. Igor had to make a lot of efforts to overpersuade his father later.

Zusman’s achievementsIgor Zusman was honored trainer of Russia. He could deduce the table tennis of Irkutsk on the international level. On his initiative the International tournaments were held in Irkutsk since 2000 . Many of his students are champions and prizewinners of the International Competitions on the table tennis!!!

Friends and Colleagues

Friends and Colleagues, as well as without them? Igor was a good companion, that’s why he had a lot of friends… He could keep a conversation and always cheer up. He was a good friend!!!

Married LifeHow did we find each other? Igor said about this: ‘I found her but not we. I saw her and that’s all, there is nothing to tell. I want to show you something.’ He went to other room and he brought a photo of sixteen Raya. He said: ‘Is not clear?’

DeathIgor Zusman died of a myocardial on the first of July, 2007…The good man has left our cruel world when he was 72…

Remember, Love, Mourn

Thank you!!!

By Yusupov Vadim