IGOBA BOYAL ::3H['l:tf · 2020-07-21 · ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn,...

::3H['l:tf - Two identical numbers after the dash - (izgiden sonrakiikincinumara, hafif renk indicate an intense colour. tonunu gtisterir. - The third number after the dash shows - (izgiden sonra birbirinin aynr olan iki an additional minor tone. numara, yogun renk tonunu gtisterir. - (izgiden sonraki i.igi.inc(i numara boya igindeki en hafif renk tonunu giisterir. IGORA ROYAT }IUMARAI.AIIDIR}IA sisrrmi Renk kodu sistemi, 4 haneye kadarki ra kamlann birlegiminden olu;ur. (izgiden iinceki numara (8-140): - Renk tonunun derinligini belirtir. - Katalogdaki renk sonucuna ulalabilmek igin boyanrn uygulanmasr gereken ideal zemini (baz rengini) gtisterir. (izgiden sonraki numara (8-140): - (izgiden sonraki ilk numara; gtiglii renk tonunu gtisterir. e.ri- iJl ellij Jb-g lrli+! -iJljn +:S; .-J. rLLill lia .S,, .rliJi-4; :(&'1,10) arLli.rl eLoi ei:Jl ..uUl L.,.r J+ JJ ,+ - pl'r":"'J JI].JI J,-l-Yl Jl r++ - ii>I,-oi i;JEJ L.AJI ,5lll L. .1.r .-.t -tJI :(8-1a0) arb[i.,] .r! g.rJl $rJl a+Lall ,.! g.rlt J;Yl JrJll ,r.q - ..r/,.t-Yl ;JXl "ij^Jl JJ (l.tLa,l -! gjjl ;ll,l .iJlri.4 - -.r5-riEll ,-;rlll .ij.Jl Jl LJ.lill .nr rl4rlr.:^ ,Li, :.:c - .qr, j, L..r, JJ l,.tlill ,'J: grJt eJEll riJl ,1,i, - - .,i-96;J -y}i. Jl JL-gJ l$S{l .fu|.tS o;Lo.i uiJ.l orl^.).4 EJ.- i.r.Ll f -ist.rl .cr-.,1 o.r*i aSJliS cal+ :(8-140) o.;i -Lri jl J+e osLori .-....t &r 6-" -s]til - ii--l .,.l:.:ll &_., !l+ Fl-.t; - IGORA ROYAT SYSTTME DE (ODITIOTION La codification est basde sur une combinaison de 4 chiffres maximum, [e chiffre devant le tiret (8-140): - indique la hauteur de ton de la nuance. - indique la base d'application iddale pour obtenir un rdsultat conforme au nuancier. [e chffire apris le tiret (8-140): - le premier chiffre aprts le tiret indique le reflet principal. - le deuxitme chiffre aprts le tiret indique le reflet secondaire. - deux chiffres identiques indiquent un reflet intense. - le troisiime chiffre aprts le tiret indique le troisidme reflet. (]{(TEMA HyMEPAqHH |G0RA RoYAI (ucren,ta HyMepaqilu BKnnqaeT s ce6n HoMepa go 4 qu$p. Homep nepeg geQrcom (8-1 40): - Yxaluaaer rnylnuy ToHa KpaclTenR. - Yxalursaer r4Aeanbuyro, Mfl Aocrrxexxfl oTTeHKa yKa3aHH0r0 B narlTpe, r4cxoAHyro rny6nxy ToHa Bo,roc. Homep nocne geQrca (8-140): - flepaan qr$pa nocne ge$uca yxaruaaer Ha ocHoeHol4 tox. - Bropan rl,lQpa nocregeQmca onpegenner BTOpofieneHHUrr,r roH. - flae quQpu nocne 4eQrca onpeAennnT lHTeHcHBHocTu (xacuulerxocru) roxa. - Tperun qr$pa nocne rfipe noKa3uBaeT AononHITenbHul}t xerxaqurenuxuru rox. a 1 MlxlNG . KARISIM .oJs(Jy .s..'+.'.td€s UtJe .MELANGE .CMEUI14BAH14E Royat H{nKHt Eil HUil.E AppnopRtt. BUEoplo(boHA-ot0totxrE tt t60m noyAt IGORA ROYAT NAIURAL BASE SHADES / Dolal tonlar / v.+lL J.r-i ..,r_ii / ,,+t" ;," &, ;r- / Sdfie deS bases couwantes / Harypaaunue IASHlOil 5HADES / ttloda tonlar / i: r-:r ;r rli /,;;ti .;'r,l; ;- / |lUanCgS i reflets / Mogrue 3% / l0 Uol. Ione on tone coloration, White coverage, 'l-2 levels of lift .Ton (istline ton renklendirmede, Beyaz kapamalarda, 1-2 tona kadar renk aEmalarda . ,,.i1lrl a:-t.1 1+,r:+ixl ,-q*!l .!,jJr ,i'-:1 .t,.i,;jlt .+-p-dt i+-.JrX.r-Lr<rr2Eltr':. ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn, couverture des cheveux blancs, 1 i 2 tons dtclaircissement . 0rpaunaaHle ToH-B-ToH, floxpurrue ceAuHbt, 0csernexr4e xa 1-2 ypoexn 6% I 20Vol. 2-3 levelsoflift'2-3tonakadarrenkaEmalarda..+,,3-2F=i;'JSJijs"-ir:err3s2.2i3tonsdtclaircissement.0caernext4ena2-3ypoBHf 9%/ 30 Vol. IGORA ROYAI. ABSOTUIES & AES()I.UTES AGE BTEilD J r*:JJ*,lJtJr lJ+J ,! e:i ,-sl.r+iJbJ lrJ+J J eiJJ"-iJt-tr l-rAl +J+ r.:l dJJ,*,j Jb; l-rAl WhitecOverage+Fashiontone.Beyazkapamalafda+Modatonlafda'.;r-IJ1$rr"i;-Jorir.+,;--Jt.-rrLLn.6ixurrLrsir-cL-+.r+-*i.r*.CouveftufedeS cheveux blana + Nuances i reflets.floxpurrue ceAr,tHbt I npuAaH]4e MoAHoro orTeHKa 9%/30 Uol. White coverage + Fashion tone 0n 9070 to 100%o white.Beyaz kapamalarda + %90-Y0100 beyaz kapama gerektiren moda tonlarda. -+l -*:%lm-90%J.:-rl,islr.i.i-Jsljjp+,;-_]rr r-rri.Ln'dJj!-%lmtg0L3trr.s.r:r.rlu.rtr&rfL+.r+.-#ri.[OUVgftUfedeSCheVeUXblanCS+NUanCeS i reflets pour cheveux de 90% i 100% blancs .florpunue ceArHbr + ruoAxulr oTTeHoK Ha Borocax c ceAuxor,r or 90% Ao 100Y0 6% / 20 Vol. IGORA R()YAI. ABS()IUITS SITVERWHIIT o. lr/r- ";rls-i Jt-l-r l-r.f:J 5 lsxJ+-,-,,]JJ",+ I JtJ, lrA I Fornaturalwhiteandsalt&pepper.hair.'DogalbeyazvektrgrlhsaElarigin.,,ri+t€rL_.,r."+*i JdJ.,r#t6Ji."Sl--3.r,,i-csbJ.crl-p. Pour cheveux naturels blancs ou poivre et sel. 'flnn HarypanbHbtx cegurx aofoc. 3% / 10 Vol. I+l 6O ml 60 ml .!" oo J" oo ,,J.. oo .# oo 60 mn 60 rvrn IGORA ROYAL IGORA ROYAL COLOR CREME OIL DEVELOPER APPLICATION ' UYGULAMA .Jt*-! I i.i.-rt.orre:...1 .rirJ. APPLICATION . HAHECEH14E Jdiieri+cjr.JiJriLiirJLUJa,rrrdr&r.cilrsduydr,+6.Ju,rir&lls$rlJsjr&qriLiy;.rr..pROIfGtRLtpOUnTOUnDUV|SAGEAVt(l,ACRtM'tfROffCfnlif tCOnlpOUnU VIRGIN HAIR. Do6Ar sA(. ,*++ul -'!-tJl ' o.r.ii .(i_r .Sjo . PREMITRE COI.ORATION. HAIYPMbHbIE 80,t0(b!. Fint apply to mid lengths and ends. After 10 - 15 minutes, apply to the roots. 0nce saE boylarrna ve uqlanna uygulayrn. 10 - 15 dakika sonra saE diplerine uygulayrn. ._,r-i.Jl *illi .J:= l.*Jl ;: ,,{l }y:iii.,,-Jl I;} l"+J I ,Jr. : :, . t I .:;s. G*r" 15 - I0 .u1 .+Jt *r. <-i.rqr,i3i.r 15 tl 10 ll J+ .+JL: t s. <iJdL-{. lj.l (ommencer l'application par les longueurs et les pointes. Apris 10 - 15 m,jnirtts, appllquer sur les raci-nes. Haqaru HaHeceHue KpaclTens no gcer4 M[He Bono(, orcrynuB oT xopxer. lepe: 1 0 - 1 5 rvruxyr HaHecru Ha KopHr4 Bonoc. RE.GROuIIH. DiP BOYAMA. u-liJl Jr*f.ll . o.j ur3. <;1.r r$ 5:r. O[ORAIIOII DEs RTPOUssEs. NP[MEHEHl{E HA oTPoflt]{x t(oPHflx. Fint apply to the root area. After 15 - 30 minutes, dual application to the mid lengths and ends. 0nce sag diplerine uygulayrn. 15 - 30 dakika sonra, saE boylarrna ve sag uqlarrna ikili uygulama yaprn. .,-J. .f Hl f th.i,l ,J*\ ei*i.r 30 - 15 "+ .-rr"+Jl .rt ysi aifJl 6.oj illYlr E..ull .r.5*i: o.rlil.l3r <i_-1 6j.2 <, l-ri"l ..r.r.,f ,51.-i .S,.1o183.r=,=S;;.er.!+ LAJ-cb E<.il-<i.i.r 30 E 15 jl .r.i Appliquer d'abord sur les repousses. Aprds I5 - 30 minutes, appliquer Ia technique Dual System sur les longueurs et les pointes. Hattaru HaHeceHue c orpocrur4x xopxer.t. 9eper 15 - 30 mnxyr HaHecr}4 Ha nonoTHo B0n0c I KoHq[K]t. .sy uEr qu f eu ir,Jl i"Js gil+J LjlJl ,LJl its :rJl: :J-< sj;l .iJill J{S s- l+ sitLl J J! ,. ,Srurr et pointes en parfaite condition. Pour une bdllance optimale et un toudersoyeux. 3, DEVELOPMENT TIME . BEKLEME SURES| . r+.=:l | .:.iJ . lrql,Fsr "ll !"'<l ri .sl* l-rY .-lLJ d].t . TEMPS DE POSE . BPEMf BO3!EllCTB14fl *IGORA ROYAL ABSOLUTES SILVERWHITE /.-!llrilJ- .-*:J,|.*,i JU-e.,; l-rr*:J* / .-sl3JL- .*lJJ".{l JUrJ lrlsil* RINSING ' DURULAMA -1r*il I J|.j :r&i.,'.'-i. RINqAGE .CMbtBAHl4E Emulsify and rinse thoroughly. Shampoo and condition the hair with B( Excellium or FIBREPLEX. t Recommend B( Excellium or FIBREPLEX for home maintenance. Emiilsiyon yaprn ve giizelce durulayrn. 5agr BC Excellium veya FIBREPLEX ile Sampuanlayrn ve kremleyin. Evde bakrm igin B( Excellium veya FIBREPLEX iinerin. a.;l .u'.<+t+l+Li gl tSXIr,S!-rSSgg+ e )ts g p..lJ+ ,J+rLdiir Jt itll AJLG, ..-l-;ll *j ..[.rJJ -*El+-_*,G _ol ^oJ.*Sl :-oSL:+ r:)t .lJii.-U HWH, Natureller Demettent une ex(ellente (ouverture der deveux blan$. . HaryodbHue o[eHKx o6eoew8aE] HenDe8ioitrexHoe nooffixe (erlHu 4l-001-11-4 IGOBA BOYAL INSTRUCTTONS FOR USE. KULLANIM KILAVUZU. pI 'r.:"'J l oLorlr].5;li': ..1 -isr. MODE D'EMPLOI. t4HCTPyKUl4f, nO 1PIMEHEHI4IO IGORA ROYAT NUITIBERIiIG SYSTEIT The system is based on a combination of up to 4 numbers. Ihe number in front of the dash (8-140): - lndicates the colour depth ofthe shade. - lndicates the ideal base to use the shade on in order to achieve true to tuft results. The numbers after the dash (8-140): - Ihe first number after the dash shows the major tone. - The second number after the dash shows the minor tone. O l,9,Titu,, . Q ?,%;ld,[i: A ie^,lfflil ..g.Al 9,iL.."t,_*.<l++*Li l+ J f#JgS, $*ShJ oli.S t.l. J g+.Li l+ ..r.l*ii.r 4i.-$ cli;.r o.rlit*l 61,.,-*sL-,,*,li ! s rsJjlr3.sln Emulsionner et rin(er soigneusement. Effectuer un shampooing et un soin des gammes B( Excellium ou FIBREPLEX. En suivi beautd i domicile, recommander une de ces gammes. llporrynrnpBarb x otbnb 6onurunm roulscrBor BoADt c [cnonb3oBaxueM ulaMnyHfl u roxgnquoxepa 5( )xcennuym, Aanee lcnonb3yrre uacxy 6( )xcennryrrr nnu 0an6epnnefic MacKy-yxoA Mr AoMauHero [cnonb3oaaH]4n. -111 -12b1t t-16t.11 t.l0t pouravoir un risultat resplendi5sant..MoArbre ofieflM AapflT Bono(aM 6punrhaHToBbri 6necx u HaorqeflHui qBeT 4l -51 -551 -Sl l.5l -6r* I A850LUTES, in(redible farhion Shades with 100% coverage on whit€ hair, ABS0[UTE5 reriri, moda tonlarda %]00 beyaz kapama sa0lar. rL-]rJdr +%100 i]j+dLuviLli,.tsrLr. -101 .$ I -501 -601 -70t-80 t-n r.qE EH Ha (ellbtx Bon0(ax. :$fl#-,8"[,ffiJ;flf&-q,f*,F#".:*S*#"9?#P"5_,,SS##i,,#r,"-$C U-;],#."Ssf,,miiffigi.#ff',H,'#j *:IJ}S'.:;$fl""frt';iu""lf,'tf,,fu5[*,*,".1*f-S#,"alnt:f:.fff1, .#q,..I"#*tlj'*i,.iffik,tfleflJ"#Jf,J npouefl Tofl (e4[ru [nu Ha 60ree Gsnbrx 6a]ax 6y4er AaBarb fl pMi MoAfl brfi omHoh. S|wER (UGHT)/ 51Lygp7 u;i7 6I ^,JJ / ARGENI (CIAIR) / CEPE6PRHbI},I D0VE GREY (liEDlufil) & GREY tltA( (MTDIUM) / CEL|K VE CITiK TEYLAK / .5t J ,i.Lr r'€.rLr/ .,jlC.rl dJL-Sti, J (5JL,SU. / GRI5 ACIER (MOYEN) ET GRIS t|tAs (MoYEN)/oMb 14 Xo'loAHM (lrPEHb STATE GREY (DARK) / ANIRASIT / 6.-t--) lJtai i 6Rl5 ANTHRAoTE ' (r0N(E) / AHTPAUT4T o o -1 1 renk sonuglarr iqin, Pastel renk sonu6larr .J$-l+ ,lJi , J^ii J,Jfi .(rjt- ' u ri) "li-! 6;*3i S.,1 I coro*ins 'ffi

Transcript of IGOBA BOYAL ::3H['l:tf · 2020-07-21 · ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn,...

Page 1: IGOBA BOYAL ::3H['l:tf · 2020-07-21 · ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn, couverture des cheveux blancs, 1 i 2 tons dtclaircissement . 0rpaunaaHle ToH-B-ToH, floxpurrue






- Two identical numbers after the dash - (izgiden sonrakiikincinumara, hafif renk

indicate an intense colour. tonunu gtisterir.

- The third number after the dash shows - (izgiden sonra birbirinin aynr olan ikian additional minor tone. numara, yogun renk tonunu gtisterir.

- (izgiden sonraki i.igi.inc(i numara boya

igindeki en hafif renk tonunu giisterir.

IGORA ROYAT }IUMARAI.AIIDIR}IAsisrrmiRenk kodu sistemi, 4 haneye kadarkira kamlann birlegiminden olu;ur.(izgiden iinceki numara (8-140):

- Renk tonunun derinligini belirtir.

- Katalogdaki renk sonucuna ulalabilmek

igin boyanrn uygulanmasr gereken ideal

zemini (baz rengini) gtisterir.

(izgiden sonraki numara (8-140):

- (izgiden sonraki ilk numara; gtiglii renk

tonunu gtisterir.

e.ri- iJl ellij Jb-g lrli+!-iJljn +:S; .-J. rLLill lia .S,,

.rliJi-4;:(&'1,10) arLli.rl eLoi ei:Jl

..uUl L.,.r J+ JJ ,+ -pl'r":"'J JI].JI J,-l-Yl Jl r++ -ii>I,-oi i;JEJ L.AJI ,5lll L. .1.r

.-.t -tJI:(8-1a0) arb[i.,] .r! g.rJl $rJla+Lall ,.! g.rlt J;Yl JrJll ,r.q -

..r/,.t-Yl ;JXl "ij^Jl JJ(l.tLa,l -! gjjl ;ll,l .iJlri.4 --.r5-riEll

,-;rlll .ij.Jl JlLJ.lill .nr rl4rlr.:^ ,Li, :.:c -.qr, j, L..r, JJl,.tlill ,'J: grJt eJEll riJl ,1,i, -- .,i-96;J -y}i. Jl

JL-gJ l$S{l .fu|.tS o;Lo.i uiJ.lorl^.).4 EJ.- i.r.Ll f -ist.rl

.cr-.,1 o.r*i aSJliS cal+

:(8-140) o.;i -Lri jl J+e osLori.-....t &r 6-" -s]til -

ii--l .,.l:.:ll &_., !l+ Fl-.t; -


La codification est basde sur une

combinaison de 4 chiffres maximum,

[e chiffre devant le tiret (8-140):

- indique la hauteur de ton de la nuance.

- indique la base d'application iddale pour

obtenir un rdsultat conforme au nuancier.

[e chffire apris le tiret (8-140):

- le premier chiffre aprts le tiret indique le

reflet principal.

- le deuxitme chiffre aprts le tiret indiquele reflet secondaire.

- deux chiffres identiques indiquent un

reflet intense.

- le troisiime chiffre aprts le tiret indique le

troisidme reflet.

(]{(TEMA HyMEPAqHH |G0RA RoYAI(ucren,ta HyMepaqilu BKnnqaeT s ce6n

HoMepa go 4 qu$p.

Homep nepeg geQrcom (8-1 40):

- Yxaluaaer rnylnuy ToHa KpaclTenR.

- Yxalursaer r4Aeanbuyro, Mfl AocrrxexxfloTTeHKa yKa3aHH0r0 B narlTpe,r4cxoAHyro rny6nxy ToHa Bo,roc.

Homep nocne geQrca (8-140):

- flepaan qr$pa nocne ge$uca yxaruaaerHa ocHoeHol4 tox.

- Bropan rl,lQpa nocregeQmca onpegenner

BTOpofieneHHUrr,r roH.

- flae quQpu nocne 4eQrca onpeAennnT

lHTeHcHBHocTu (xacuulerxocru) roxa.

- Tperun qr$pa nocne rfipe noKa3uBaeT

AononHITenbHul}t xerxaqurenuxuru rox.t=-l==lE=ltu


la 1l=l=l3ltu


MlxlNG . KARISIM .oJs(Jy .s..'+.'.td€s UtJe .MELANGE .CMEUI14BAH14E

Royat H{nKHt Eil HUil.E AppnopRtt. BUEoplo(boHA-ot0totxrE tt t60m noyAt


NAIURAL BASE SHADES / Dolal tonlar /v.+lL J.r-i ..,r_ii / ,,+t" ;," &, ;r- / Sdfie deS

bases couwantes / Harypaaunue

IASHlOil 5HADES / ttloda tonlar /i: r-:r ;r rli /,;;ti .;'r,l; ;- / |lUanCgS ireflets / Mogrue

3% / l0 Uol.

Ione on tone coloration, White coverage, 'l-2 levels of lift .Ton (istline ton renklendirmede, Beyaz kapamalarda, 1-2 tona kadar renk aEmalarda .

,,.i1lrl a:-t.1 1+,r:+ixl ,-q*!l .!,jJr ,i'-:1 .t,.i,;jlt .+-p-dt i+-.JrX.r-Lr<rr2Eltr':. ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn,couverture des cheveux blancs, 1 i 2 tons dtclaircissement . 0rpaunaaHle ToH-B-ToH, floxpurrue ceAuHbt, 0csernexr4e xa 1-2 ypoexn

6% I 20Vol.

2-3 levelsoflift'2-3tonakadarrenkaEmalarda..+,,3-2F=i;'JSJijs"-ir:err3s2.2i3tonsdtclaircissement.0caernext4ena2-3ypoBHf 9%/ 30 Vol.



J r*:JJ*,lJtJr lJ+J,! e:i ,-sl.r+iJbJ lrJ+J

J eiJJ"-iJt-tr l-rAl+J+ r.:l dJJ,*,j Jb; l-rAl

WhitecOverage+Fashiontone.Beyazkapamalafda+Modatonlafda'.;r-IJ1$rr"i;-Jorir.+,;--Jt.-rrLLn.6ixurrLrsir-cL-+.r+-*i.r*.CouveftufedeScheveux blana + Nuances i reflets.floxpurrue ceAr,tHbt I npuAaH]4e MoAHoro orTeHKa

9%/30 Uol.

White coverage + Fashion tone 0n 9070 to 100%o white.Beyaz kapamalarda + %90-Y0100 beyaz kapama gerektiren moda tonlarda.-+l -*:%lm-90%J.:-rl,islr.i.i-Jsljjp+,;-_]rr r-rri.Ln'dJj!-%lmtg0L3trr.s.r:r.rlu.rtr&rfL+.r+.-#ri.[OUVgftUfedeSCheVeUXblanCS+NUanCeSi reflets pour cheveux de 90% i 100% blancs .florpunue ceArHbr + ruoAxulr oTTeHoK Ha Borocax c ceAuxor,r or 90% Ao 100Y0

6% / 20 Vol.


o. lr/r- ";rls-i Jt-l-r l-r.f:J

5 lsxJ+-,-,,]JJ",+ I JtJ, lrA I

Fornaturalwhiteandsalt&pepper.hair.'DogalbeyazvektrgrlhsaElarigin.,,ri+t€rL_.,r."+*i JdJ.,r#t6Ji."Sl--3.r,,i-csbJ.crl-p.Pour cheveux naturels blancs ou poivre et sel. 'flnn HarypanbHbtx cegurx aofoc.

3% / 10 Vol.

I+l6O ml 60 ml.!" oo J" oo,,J.. oo .# oo60 mn 60 rvrn



Jdiieri+cjr.JiJriLiirJLUJa,rrrdr&r.cilrsduydr,+6.Ju,rir&lls$rlJsjr&qriLiy;.rr..pROIfGtRLtpOUnTOUnDUV|SAGEAVt(l,ACRtM'tfROffCfnlif tCOnlpOUnU






Do6Ar sA(.

,*++ul -'!-tJl '

o.r.ii .(i_r .Sjo .




Fint apply to mid lengths and ends. After 10 - 15 minutes, apply tothe roots.

0nce saE boylarrna ve uqlanna uygulayrn. 10 - 15 dakika sonra saE

diplerine uygulayrn.

._,r-i.Jl *illi .J:= l.*Jl ;: ,,{l }y:iii.,,-Jl I;}l"+J I ,Jr.

: :, . t I .:;s. G*r" 15 - I0 .u1

.+Jt *r. <-i.rqr,i3i.r 15 tl 10 ll J+ .+JL: t s. <iJdL-{. lj.l(ommencer l'application par les longueurs et les pointes. Apris 10 - 15

m,jnirtts, appllquer sur les raci-nes.

Haqaru HaHeceHue KpaclTens no gcer4 M[He Bono(, orcrynuB oT

xopxer. lepe: 1 0 - 1 5 rvruxyr HaHecru Ha KopHr4 Bonoc.



u-liJl Jr*f.ll .

o.j ur3. <;1.r r$ 5:r.




oTPoflt]{x t(oPHflx.

Fint apply to the root area. After 15 - 30 minutes, dual application to the mid lengthsand ends.

0nce sag diplerine uygulayrn. 15 - 30 dakika sonra, saE boylarrna ve sag uqlarrna ikiliuygulama yaprn.

.,-J. .f Hl f th.i,l ,J*\ ei*i.r 30 - 15 "+ .-rr"+Jl .rt ysi aifJl 6.ojillYlr E..ull.r.5*i: o.rlil.l3r <i_-1 6j.2 <, l-ri"l

..r.r.,f ,51.-i .S,.1o183.r=,=S;;.er.!+ LAJ-cb E<.il-<i.i.r 30 E 15 jl .r.i

Appliquer d'abord sur les repousses. Aprds I5 - 30 minutes, appliquer Ia technique Dual

System sur les longueurs et les pointes.

Hattaru HaHeceHue c orpocrur4x xopxer.t. 9eper 15 - 30 mnxyr HaHecr}4 Ha nonoTHo

B0n0c I KoHq[K]t.

.sy uEr qu f eu ir,Jl i"Js gil+J LjlJl ,LJl its :rJl: :J-< sj;l .iJill

J{S s- l+ sitLl J J! ,. ,Srurr

et pointes en parfaite condition. Pour une bdllance optimale et un toudersoyeux.


lrql,Fsr "ll !"'<l ri .sl* l-rY .-lLJ d].t . TEMPS DE POSE . BPEMf BO3!EllCTB14fl

*IGORA ROYAL ABSOLUTES SILVERWHITE /.-!llrilJ- .-*:J,|.*,i JU-e.,; l-rr*:J* / .-sl3JL- .*lJJ".{l JUrJ lrlsil*

RINSING ' DURULAMA -1r*il I J|.j :r&i.,'.'-i. RINqAGE .CMbtBAHl4EEmulsify and rinse thoroughly. Shampoo and condition the hair with B( Excellium or FIBREPLEX.t Recommend B( Excellium or FIBREPLEX for home maintenance.

Emiilsiyon yaprn ve giizelce durulayrn. 5agr BC Excellium veya FIBREPLEX ile Sampuanlayrn ve

kremleyin. Evde bakrm igin B( Excellium veya FIBREPLEX iinerin.

a.;l .u'.<+t+l+Li gl tSXIr,S!-rSSgg+ e )ts g p..lJ+ ,J+rLdiir Jt itll AJLG,..-l-;ll *j ..[.rJJ

-*El+-_*,G _ol ^oJ.*Sl :-oSL:+ r:)t .lJii.-U HWH,

Natureller Demettent une ex(ellente (ouverture der deveux blan$. . HaryodbHue o[eHKx o6eoew8aE] HenDe8ioitrexHoe nooffixe (erlHu 4l-001-11-4



The system is based on a combination of up

to 4 numbers.

Ihe number in front of the dash (8-140):

- lndicates the colour depth ofthe shade.

- lndicates the ideal base to use the shade

on in order to achieve true to tuft results.

The numbers after the dash (8-140):

- Ihe first number after the dash showsthe major tone.

- The second number after the dash shows

the minor tone.

O l,9,Titu,, . Q ?,%;ld,[i: A ie^,lfflil

..g.Al 9,iL.."t,_*.<l++*Li l+ J f#JgS, $*ShJ oli.S t.l. J g+.Li l+..r.l*ii.r 4i.-$ cli;.r o.rlit*l 61,.,-*sL-,,*,li ! s rsJjlr3.sln

Emulsionner et rin(er soigneusement. Effectuer un shampooing et un soin des gammes B( Excellium ou

FIBREPLEX. En suivi beautd i domicile, recommander une de ces gammes.

llporrynrnpBarb x otbnb 6onurunm roulscrBor BoADt c [cnonb3oBaxueM ulaMnyHfl u roxgnquoxepa 5()xcennuym, Aanee lcnonb3yrre uacxy 6( )xcennryrrr nnu 0an6epnnefic MacKy-yxoA Mr AoMauHero [cnonb3oaaH]4n.

-111 -12b1t t-16t.11 t.l0tpouravoir un risultat resplendi5sant..MoArbre ofieflM AapflT Bono(aM 6punrhaHToBbri 6necx u HaorqeflHui qBeT 4l -51 -551 -Sl l.5l -6r* I

A850LUTES, in(redible farhion Shades with 100% coverage on whit€ hair, ABS0[UTE5 reriri, moda tonlarda %]00 beyaz kapama sa0lar. rL-]rJdr +%100 i]j+dLuviLli,.tsrLr. -101 .$ I -501 -601

-70t-80 t-n


Ha (ellbtx Bon0(ax.

:$fl#-,8"[,ffiJ;flf&-q,f*,F#".:*S*#"9?#P"5_,,SS##i,,#r,"-$C U-;],#."Ssf,,miiffigi.#ff',H,'#j*:IJ}S'.:;$fl""frt';iu""lf,'tf,,fu5[*,*,".1*f-S#,"alnt:f:.fff1, .#q,..I"#*tlj'*i,.iffik,tfleflJ"#Jf,J

npouefl Tofl (e4[ru [nu Ha 60ree Gsnbrx 6a]ax 6y4er AaBarb fl pMi MoAfl brfi omHoh.

S|wER (UGHT)/ 51Lygp7 u;i76I ^,JJ / ARGENI (CIAIR) / CEPE6PRHbI},I


.5t J ,i.Lr r'€.rLr/.,jlC.rl dJL-Sti, J (5JL,SU. /





1renk sonuglarr iqin, Pastel renk sonu6larr .J$-l+ ,lJi , J^ii J,Jfi .(rjt- ' u ri)

"li-! 6;*3i S.,1I coro*ins



Page 2: IGOBA BOYAL ::3H['l:tf · 2020-07-21 · ,i"i+!t!lSr!r"rrjS,r.(OlOfatiOnim€mehaUteUf detOn, couverture des cheveux blancs, 1 i 2 tons dtclaircissement . 0rpaunaaHle ToH-B-ToH, floxpurrue


fiFor professional use only.

/ : \ Hair colorants can cause severe allergic reactions. Read and

follow instructions. This product is not intended for use on persons

under the age of 16. Iemporary "black henna" tattoos may increase

your risk of allergy. Do not colour your hair if:

- you have a rash on your face or sensitive, initated and damaged scalp,

- you have ever experienced any reaction after colouring your hair,

- you have experienced a reaction to a temporary"black henna"tattoo

in the past.

(ontains: see folding box

Avoid contact with eyes, Rinse immediately if product comes into

contact with them. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows. Rinse

hair well after application. Wear suitable gloves. Keep out of reach ofchildren. Keep a record ofthe product used for future reference (shade

number, batch code).


An allergy alert test should be performed 48 hours before each product

use, even by clients who have already used colouring products before.

Perform the allergy alert test on an area of skin sized approximately

1 cm x 1 cm on the inside of the elbow. Apply a small amount of the(olor (reme in a thin layer on the inside of the elbow with a cotton

bud and leave uncovered for 45 minutes. Avoid contact with clothes.(lose tube again carefully. After 45 minutes, wash off the Color [reme

thoroughly with lukewarm water. lf any reaction occurs during theprocessing time or during the following 48 hours, rinse immediately and

do not use this colorant. This test represents an important precaution.

However, be aware that even if an allergy alert test has been carried

out the client may still experience an allergic reaction when colouring

the hair. The allergy alert test is not a guarantee of avoiding future

allergic reactions. Please ask your client to consult a doctor if there

are any doubts.


- any stinging or burning and/or rash, rinse immediately and

discontinue use as this may be an indication of more serious reaction.

Do not colour their hair again and advise the client to consult a

doctor or seek medical advice.

rapidly spreading skin rash, dizziness or faintness, shortness

of breath and/or swelling of eyesiface: rinse immediately and

have client seek immediate medical attention and contact the


3. IF AFTER COLOURINC OR ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS the clientexperiences problems such as skin or scalp itching, skin or scalp rash,

swelling of eyes/face, blistering and/or skin or scalp weeping have clientseek immediate medical attention and contact the manufacturer.


. This product contains ingredients which may cause severe eye

irritation and possible permanent eye injury. lf the developer or haircolour mixture gets into the eye, flush immediately with a largeamount of lukewarm water and seek medical advice.

. lfthe client wears (0ntact lenses during application and any product

gets into their eye, have them remove the contait lens first, thenflush immediately with a large amount of lukewarm water and seek

medical advice.

. Do not inhale or ingest the product.

. Avoid unnecessary skin contact.

. Do not use if their hair has been coloured with henna or metaldyes.

. Remove all metal objects such as clips and hair pins from hair before

colouring and keep them away during colouring. Do not use metaltools.

@Glit|Eilrir UVIRIIRI1 Yalnrz profesyonel kullanrm iEindir.

/ l\ 5ag boyalan ciddi alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabilir. Uyarrlan

4\ okuyun ve takip edin. Bu UrUn 16 ya; altrndaki kililerinkullanrmr iqin tasarlanmamrStrr. Gegici "hint krnasr" dtivmeler alerji

riskini artrrabilir. Agagrdaki durumlarda bu iiri.ini.i kullanmayrn :

- Sag deriniz gok hassas, kaSrntr ya da ba;ka sebeplerle ytpranmtt,


- Daha tince saq boyasr kullandrgrnrzda, saq derinizde uyumsuzlukgiizlemlediyseniz,

- GeEmige gegici "hint krnasr" dijvmeye kar;r cildinizde bir reaksiyon

siiz konusu olduysa.

igindekiler: Urtin kutusuna bakrnrz.

Gtizle temasrndan kaErnrn. Urtiniin gozle temas etmesi halinde gtizu

bol suyla yrkayrn. Kirpik ya da ka5larrn boyanmasrnda kullanmayrn.

Uygulamadan sonra sa(r iyice durulayrn. Uygun eldiven kullanrn.

(ocuklarrn erilemeyecegi yerlerde saklayrn. Daha sonra bakabilmeniz

iqin i.iriiniin kayrt bilgilerini saklayrn (renk numarasr, iiriin kodu).


Alerji testi, her rirtiniin kullanrmrndan 48 saat once uygulanmahdrr.

Daha iince renklendirme iiriinlerini kullanmrg m[i5terilerin de

uygulamasr gereklidir. Alerji uyarr testini dirsegin iq krsmrnda 1 cm x

1 cm alanrndaki cilt i.izerinde uygulayrn. Az miktarda krem boyayr,

dirsegin iq krsmrna ince bir tabaka halinde pamuk yardrmryla s0riin.

Uzerini kapatmadan 45 dakika bekleyin. Giysilerle temasrndan kagrnrn.

Tekrar kullandrktan sonra kapagr dikkatlice kapatrn.45 dakika sonra

krem boyayr rhk suyla yrkayrn. Bekleme esnasrnda ya da sonraki 48

saat igerisinde herhangi bir reaksiyon olu;ursa hemen durulayrn ve

bu boyayr kullanmayrn. Bu test iinemli bir tedbir niteligindedir ancak

alerji testi uygulanmr; olsa bile, miigeride yine de saE boyama i;lemi

srrasrnda alerjik reaksiyon oluSabilecegini akhnrzda bulundurun. Alerji

uyarr testi gelecekte alerjik reaksiyon olmayacagrna dair bir garanti

degildir. Mrigerinizden herhangi bir Stiphe duymasr halinde doktoruna

danrSmasrnr isteyin.


- Herhangi bir batma ya da yanma ve/veya krzarrkhk olu;ursa saEr

hemen bol suyla yrkayrn ve bu daha ciddi bir reaksiyonun gti(ergesi

olabilecegi igin uygulamayr durdurun.

- Hrzh bir gekilde yayrlan cilt krzarrkhgr, ba5 donmesi ya da baygrnhk,

nefes darltgt ve/veya gtizlerde/yiizde kabarma olu;ursa sagr derhal

bol suyla yrkayrn, mUsterinizden hemen doktora bagvurmasrnr ve

iiretici firmayla i rtibata gegmesi ni isteyin.


CUNLERDE muSterinin cilt ya da bag derisinde kaSrntr, krzarrklrk,

giizlerde/yiizde Siglik, kabarma ya da bal derisinde rahatsrzhk varsa,

mti;terinizden hemen doktora baSvurmasrnr ve uretici firmayla irtibatagegmesini isteyin.


. Bu iirrin ciddi giiz tahri5i ya da muhtemel kahcr griz hasarrna neden

olabilecek maddeler iqerir. Developer ya da saq boyasr karr;rmrnrngOzle temas etmesi durumunda gOzii derhal bol rhk suyla yrkayrn ve

doktora ba5vurun.

. MUgeri uygulama srrasrnda kontak lens kullanryorsa ve herhangi bir

Uriin gtiziiyle temas ederse, mti;teriye lensi qrkarmasrnr, derhal bol

rhk suyla gdzu yrkamasrnr ve doktora bagvurmasrnr stiyleyin.. Uri.inii solumayrn, yutmayrn.. UrtinUn ciltle gereksiz temasrndan kaqrnrn.. Saq krnayla ya da metal boyalarla boyanmrSsa iir[in(i kullanmayrn.. Klips ve saq tokasr gibi tiim metal nesneleri renklendirme iSleminden

iince saqtan qrkarrn ve kenara koyun. Metal araqlar kullanmayrn.. Developer'r rsr ve rSrktan uzak tutun. Bu boyayr diger herhangi

bir i.irUnle birlikte kullanmayrn. Yarrm kalmrS herhangi bir iiriinrisaklamayrn. KarrSrmr kapah bir Sige igerisinde brrakmayrn (5i5e

genlelebilir ya da patlayabilir).

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..r3*i: liiJ..pLo3 o.r,;L* L 3


1 Reservd aux professionnels. Les colorants capillaires peuvent

/ l\ provoquer des reactions allergiques sdvdres. Lire et suivre les

Z--S instructions. Ce produit nest pas destind i €tre utilisd sur les

personnes de moins de 16 ans. Les tatouages temporaires noirs i base

de hennd peuvent augmenter le risque d'allergie. Ne vous colorez pas

les cheveux si :

- vous prisentez une 6ruption cutanee sur le visage ou si votre cuir

chevelu est sensible, irritd ou abim6,

- vous avez deji fait une rdaction aprds avoir colord vos cheveux,

- vous avez fait par le passd une rdaction i un tatouage temporaire

noir ) base de henni.

(ontient : voir sur I etui.

Eviter le contact avec les yeux. Rincer immidiatement les yeux si le

produit entre en contact avec ceux-ci. Ne pas utiliser pour teindre les

cils ou les sourcils. Bien rincer les cheveux aprds application. Porter des

gants appropries. Conserver hors de portee des enfants. (onsigner

les donnees relatives au produit utilise (n'de nuan(e, n'de lot) pour

rdfdrence ulterieure.


Un test d'alerte d'allergie doit €tre effectue 48h avant toute application

d'une coloration, mdme si vos clients ont dija utilisd des produits d'une

coloration auparavant. Effectuez le test d'alerte d'allergie sur une zone

de peau du pli du coude d'environ 'lcm'.

Appliquez i l'aide d'un coton-

tige une touche de (rtme (olorante en une fine couche et laissez agir45 minutes i l'air libre. Evitez le contact avec les v€tements. Refermez

soigneusement le tube. Apris 45 minutes, enlevez la (rime (olorante

avec de leau tiide. Si une rdaction apparait au cours des 45 minutes

ou dans les 48 heures apris ce test, vous devez rincer immddiatement

et ne pas utiliser cette coloration. (e test constitue une precaution

importante. [ependant, il faut savoir que m€me si un test d'alerte

d'allergie a 6te effectue, une rdaction allergique peut toujoun survenirlors de la coloration des cheveux. Le test d'alerte d'allergie n'est pas une

garantie permettant d dviter de futures reactions allergiques. En cas de

doute, demandez ) votre client de consulter un mddecin.


- des picotements ou une sensation de br0lure et/ou des rougeurs,

rincez immediatement et cessez toute utilisation car cela peut

€tre un signe de reaction plus grave. Ne colorez pas les cheveux de

nouveau avant que le client ait consultd un mddecin ou obtenu un

avis mddical.

- une eruption cutanee qui sttend rapidement, un vertige 0u uneimpression dEvanouissement, le souffle court et/ou un gonflement

des yeux/visage : rincez immediatement et demandez a votre client

de consulter imm6diatement un medecin et contactez le fabricant.


ressent des probldmes sur la peau ou le cuir chevelu tels que des

demangeaisons, une eruption cutanie, un gonflement des yeux ou du

visage, des cloques et/ou des suintements, demandez i votre client de

consulter un mddecin et contactez le fabricant.

. 5i votre client porte des lentilles durant l'application et que du

produit entre en contact avec ses yeux, demandez lui d'abord de

retirer ses lentilles, puis de se rincer les yeux immddiatement et

abondamment i l'eau tiide et de consulter un mddecin.. Ne pas inhaler ou ingerer le produit.. fviter tout contact inutile avec la peau.

. Ne pas utiliser si les cheveux ont eti colords au henni ou avec des

sels mdtalliques.. Retirertous les objets metalliques des cheveux avant la coloration et

gardez-les ) I ecart pendant la coloration. Ne pas utiliser d'ustensiles

mdtalliques.. Garder l'imulsion rdvdlatrice i l'abri de la chaleur et de la lumidre.

Ne pas laisser le milange dans un flacon ferme (le flacon risque de

se dilater ou d?xploser).

@ ilrPu [Pr[0fi0P0]KH0o]t1 Tonrxo gnn npoQeco,roHanbHoro npuMeHeH[fl.

/l\ KpacuTenr4 AnR Bonoc MoryT Bbr3brBarb annepruqe(Kue

l--:J peaKquH. Ipouurar,tre H BHilMaTeflbH0 (neAyfiTe

14H(Tpyxqr4t4. llpo4yxr He npeAHa3HaqeH AnR ucnoflb3oBaHilR

nilqaMu, He AocT[ru[Mr,r 16 ner. Hanuque BpeMeHHbtx TaTyilp0B0x( npuMeHeHueM xHbt Mor(eT yBenuq[Tb ptlcK B03H14KHoBeHu8

annepru'lecKor,t peaxqr,tu. He oxpauraar,lre Bauu Bonocu, e(fl[:

- y Bac cHnb Ha nlqe [nu xoxa roroBbt qyBCTBuTenbHa, pa3ApaxeHa

Hnu n0BpexAeHa;

- y Bac yxe KorAa-Hu6y4u 6urna annepruqe(Kan peaKqrn nocne

0KpauHBaHuR B0n0c;

- y Bac paree ra6nrcganacb annepr[r{ecKan peaKqufl Ha BpeMeHHbre

TaTyupoBKr4 unu TaTyupoBKl, 143 xHbt.

(ocrag: cM. Ha ynaKoBKe.

lrlr6erar,lre n0naAaHufl B rna3a. Ecnr.r npo4yxr BCe xe nonan B rfla]a,HeMeAneHHo npouourre ux. He ncnonuryure Ann oKpaunBaHiln

6poaet,t il pecHuq. fiocne oxpau[BaHilR TqaTenbHo ononocHt4Te

B0rocbt. [1pu HaHeceHuI Kpac[TenR llcnonu:yt,tre nepqaTKil. XpaHure

B HeAocTynHoM or 4erer,r mecre. [oxpaxure uu$opmaqu]0 0 HalBaH!1r,1

npoAyKTa I Kaqe(TBe llxQopruaqr,tr,l (xorvrep oTTeHKa, apn,txyn).


ilpoeegure Te(T Ha qyBCTBr4TenbHocrb KoxH :a 48 qacoa AoxaxAoro oKpauIBaHuB, AaXe e(n!{ xnueHT paHee n0nb30BancflnoAo6nulau oKpauJrBaBult4Mt4 cpeACTBauu. llpoae4uTe TecT Ha

qyB(rBxTenbHocTb Ha yqacTKe xoxu 1 cvr x 1 cru xa sxyrpeuxercropoHe noKTR. Hanecru ne6onuuoe Koflt,tqecTBo KpeM-KparKNT0HK14M CnoeM Ha BHyTpeHHt0t0 cTopoHy noKTfl ( n0M0t{bto BaTHoro

TaMnoHa t4 ocTaBuTb xa 45 muxyr, He noKpbtBas. l4:6eraru KoHTaKTa

c oAexAor,t. Axxyparxo 3axpbtTb rp6ux unu Qnaxox. Tularenuxo

cmuru rennor,l aogor,t uepe: 45 rltutyr. llpr,t nponaneuru xaxor,l- nr6opeaKq[!r B TeqeH[e BpeMeHil BbtAepxKl4 r4nI B TeqeHue no(neAyrcu.l]4x

48 qacoB, HeMeAneHHo (MbtTb t4 He ucnonb30Baru 4axuurr,r npoAyxT.

Jror recr RBnfleTCfl saxxot4 rvrepora npe4o(TopoxHocTt4. 0gxaxoxeo6xogutvto l4MeTb B Bt4Ay, t{To Aaxe nocne npoBeAeHHf TecTa Ha

t{yBCrB[TenbHocTb y KnueHTa MoxeT ta6nrc4arucn annepr[qe(KaspeaKqxn npn oKpauuBaHr4r4 Borroc. 0rcyrcraue peaKq[H Ha )ToT

Te(T He flBnfleTCfl rapaxrner.r Toro, qTo annepruqecKafl peaKquR He

BoiH14KHer B pe3yn bTaTe no(neAynqltx oxpauusaxu r,r. lloxanyr,tcra,

npeAynpeA[Te KrueHTa o ueo6xoAurvrocTu np0KoHCynbTilpoBaTbcn (

Bpaq0M, eCfl[ eCTb CoMHeHilR OTHOCUTenbHO gOltrlOXXOt,l peaKq[il Ha

0KpauIBal0ulee cpeA(T80.

2. E(I[,t B0 BPEMfl 0KPAlllrlBAHt4S HA5Iil0flAET(f :

- pasApaxeH[e un[ xxeHue: HeMeAneHHo cMbtTb npoAyKT c B0n0c

il ocTaHoBr4Tb npt4MeHeHue npoAyKTa, TaK KaK AaHHafl peaKqiln

uoxer 6urru nponBneHueM annepruu. flaaee aonocur HE CIIEAYET

0KpaujuBaTb A0 KoH(ynbTaq[u c Bpaq0M.

- 6ucrpoe noKpa(HeH[e Koxr4, ronoBoKpyxeHun unu cna6ocru,HexBaTKa Bo3Ayxa ulunu onyxaxue rnal/nNqa: HeMeAneHHo

BbrMbrTb Bon0(br u HE3AMEAI|14TEllbH0 06PAIklIb(fl 3AMEA14U14 HCK0N nOUOnlUrO.


. [axxuu npoAyKT coAepx[T KoMnoHeHTbt, xoTopue MoryTBHJBaTb (epbe3Hoe pa3ApaxeHile rna3 r Bo(nanenue. [lprnonaAaHu[ flocboHa uI[ (MeCU KpaCKU B rna3a, HeMeAneHHo

npoMbtTb 6onuuum Kont4qecTBoM rennor,l BoAbt t4 o6parurucn :amr'4tqutcxor,r noMor{b10.

. Ilpn nona4aHur npoAyKTa B rna3a Ha KoHTaxTHbte nilH3bt, npexAe11({'r0, yAanUTb fl14H3bt [3 rfla3, 3aTeM, HeMeAneHH0 npOMbtTb

rr,rla 6onuuurM KonuqecTBou rennor,t BoAbt t4 o6parnrucn tar'tr,4nqnxcxotr n0Mol{b10.

. ll{'BAUxaTb n xe npo6osarb npoAyxT Ha BKy(.

.llr'IPlMeHflTb Ha BOnO(aX, OKpaUeHHbtX xnOtt UnU

r,1',IArU0C0AepxaqHMu KpaCKaM[.. vTq,rnrTb c Bonoc BCe MeTannuqecxle npeAMeTbt A0 oxpauueaHuR.

I I r, fl Onb3OBaTbCR MeTannIqeCKr,tMu IHCTpyMeHTaMfi .

. til),rH}lTb locboH-oK[cnHTenb BAanu 0T conHeqHUx nyuer,t u orun. He, l),rHtfTb roToBbte cuecu. He ocTaBnrTb roToBbte cMecn I 3aKpblTbtx

I n,rroHax (Qnaxot n,toxer aropaarucn).

pRI(IUTIONS 3. E(Ilt4 B [P0UEC(E oKpaur4BaHun l4llil B n0(nEflylOl]il4E AHl4

. ce produit contienr des nsredients susceptibre:*.I':l:lTi* :lii:Xfl'|,,il?ffi::tffijiiffi,ffiilT,131fiffi'r'fiit'li;gravesinitationsdesveuxetdepossiblesblessuresp_erm:Tll:::rl

oii,nrurucn 3A MEAt4ul,lHiXoN ilOnrtiururo il ignrntucn cveux' 5i l'dmulsion rdvdlatrice ou le mclange colo11!q91r chev:ul

r,tiioroar,ttrnEM, 3AKA3.1t4KoM !4flt4 fiMnopTEpoM.entre en contact avec les yeux, rincez ceux-ci immidiatement etabondamment i l'eau tiide et consultez un midecin.:.rlcl+Lrl ,-rLol.riI

6J+ +--1...^ .rli:l t "l+

c*l ;S- &,-=f .rtl ql(*i* .rl.r

+.ii rJ Jl .lJ.,ri ,-l.r J+, r*i yl^:^l r 1;.1 ..:J

f,i+ J:+t? d,-Uy" ,&i f-i+ .rtlJ J. S.r J. _ ..,, !,S-,1 o.rfS

.rJ or+l-f S-i; q 3 o.rl.r l*ii,, ; e./.1 vi ,;lSlJ JIJL L lr.r,,113

"b,o-- s +6 .f o.lli:,..1 .rJ ,l s. ..,rJ S-,al(l^ ,-r Jl$+ .r* s C.,;E f*+ jl l. jJ .r-:-Jt oJ-Li! qrJ r;+.r-S tr+1.r. &ira q 3 o.rl.r3"i.l*i fJr vi ,,.lsl.1r JIJL L lr

.+lrs: J oJ-S Jl'+'i:".1 lJ J,'^..rC- _l*a.X cx3g p.,1Y J."*6h :^..; l* &,--..*t^ jl.r;lr csta 6l.r &1 ! U- l+:[i cS .lrbJ.6l] rL,,--.;,rrl jl

'.siS olli:"'l Sl o.ui:.S.,1

;l l.r 3l.:... r ,+S $L.srr.s[1.iil f G.rr-5 &., a|(re ;r .

o.rtil-l ,J,)b,!Lr jl 6J+"i &, glr 3 o.rJ li- .rs- crLar"+6

19. S ;.,,1F jl l, f .(ll ,_51-r, .,1.r l-; Sl-,1 o.rrrS .'.,..:: &-- .

,5.,ftr ft,--. ein li lJ 6jfi S-) &,.--- -1yLi .9rl'((r6Jl{Si l-,, o.ui slli:...1 3 o.rLi S, LSI-^.,,'.1^; l.rl:-odo

-,1.r 6A J.r l-,1 o.riS :.:ti: a5 s s. Si-,, -6, +t (;

.(,si L r c.^:s L.....r^ n-l ;s- ,sA ) ..r._r_y

3 lEEe=-':eE=l EEg= q=tt


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