Iffoc Iah Ppt

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  • 8/13/2019 Iffoc Iah Ppt


    Comprehensive AccidentalHospitalization Cover Policy


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    Salient features of the Product

    There are 2 Sections under the Policy.

    Section 1(family floater cover)Covers Hospitalization Expensesdue to Accidental injury which includes the following:

    Room, Boarding and Nursing Expense as provided in the Hospital/NursingHome.

    Medical Practitioner/ Anesthetist, Consultant fees.

    Expenses on Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre, Surgical

    Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray, Artificial

    Limbs, Cost of Organs and reconstructive surgery and similar expenses.

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    Scope of Benefits under Section 1:

    Accidental Hospitalization benefit- The cover pays theactual cost incurred as a result of hospitalization due to an accidentOn

    Cashless basis.

    Outpatient Managed Fracture benefit-Coversthe actualcost of treatment of confirmed Fractures which do not result inHospitalization,

    subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 10,000 per episode.-On cash basis Supplementary benefits-reimbursement basis

    (i) Hospital Cash

    (ii) Post Hospitalization medical benefit

    Ancillary service-Ambulance charges upto max of Rs 1000 perevent , max 3 events in a year

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    Scope of Benefits under Section 2:

    Education Fund: In the event of death, Permanent Total Disablement of theProposer only triggering a claim under Item 1 to 4 of Table of Benefits above

    compensation towards Education Fund for dependent children as below:

    For one child upto the age of 21 yrs. -10% of the CSI of proposer subject to

    max Rs 5000

    For 2 children upto the age of 21 yrs-. 10% of the CSI of proposer subject to Rs

    5000 each child and a max of Rs 10,000

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    Scale of Benefit

    Plan Gold : INR 300,000 per annum

    Plan A: INR 300,000 per annum

    Plan B: INR 200,000 per annum

    Plan C: INR 100,000 per annum

    Plan D: INR 50,000 per annum

    Plan E: INR 50,000 per annum

    Family Cover:


    Self + spouse Self + spouse + two dependent children up to age of 21 years.

    Age Limit :

    3 months to 60 years.

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    Exclusions under Section 1:

    Pre-existing Condition including congenital defects and anamolies.

    Dental treatment or surgery of any kind.

    Fractures arising from pathological conditions of bone like pagets Disease /Osteogenesis imperfectia.

    Any expense on treatment of any disease or medical condition unless thesame is directly caused by an accident.

    Expenses on treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy, childbirth,Miscarriage, abortion or complications of any of these.

    Any expense on treatment of Insured Person as outpatient in a Hospitalexcept as covered under Outpatient Managed Fracture benefit.

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    provides a value added Emergency Medical Assistance and Emergency


    by Assist America Emergency Medical Services (India) Private Ltd. (AAEMSIL).

    Emergency Services are available under all Plans except Plan E.

    Specific Exclusions applicable to Emergency Assistance Services Benefit

    Travel by Insureds spouse when it is for the benefit of the spouses employer

    (spouse business travel)

    Trips exceeding 90 days from declared residence without prior notification to

    AAEMSIL. Students at home/school campus address (as they are not considered to be in

    travel status)

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    Services provided by Assist AmericaService Provider

    Medical Consultation, Evaluation and Referral

    Emergency Medical Evacuation

    Medical Repatriation

    Transportation to Join Patient

    Care and/or Transportation of Minor Children Emergency Message Transmission

    Return of Mortal Remains

    Emergency Cash Coordination

  • 8/13/2019 Iffoc Iah Ppt


    Target Market

    This product is targeted at the budget buyers.

    Budget buyers means the younger customers who are constrained byaffordability and driven by the cost.

    Who do not see a probability of falling sick and hospitalised but areconcerned of accidents

    Target distribution channel Agency force


    other partners and cooperative sector partners Bima kendras and bancassurance partners.

    Among the distribution partners franchisees, partners like Bajaj capital,Mahindra Finance will cater to A and B category locations.

    Cooperative sector partners and partners like Peerless will cater to customersin C and D category locations

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    The Product is segmented for urban and rural segment and isbeing designed with Six Plans Gold ,A,B,C , D and E variants.

    Plans Gold A,B and C can be sold in Urban location

    Plan C , D and E can be sold in Rural locations due to itssimplicity and affordability.

    D&E can also be explored as a Value add on to products andwith tieups

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    Target Sales Channel

    Direct sales

    Agency selling

    OTC selling.

    Five locations are to designed where A&B variants and C&Dvariants are to be sold exclusively. So the product designed forthe C&D category locations should ideally not be sold in A&Bcategory locations.

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    Premium chart Gold and Plan A

    Gold Plan

    Age Bracket Single Band

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    and children

    0-29 1675 2125 2625

    30-54 1175 1600 2125

    55-59 1300 1900 2500

    60-65 1400 2050 2600

    Note: Gold Plan is similar to Plan A in all aspects except for the Gold Plan offers double Death benefit

    under the Section 2 -Personal Accident Cover for the Proposer only

    Plan A

    Age Bracket Single Band

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    and children

    0-29 1500 2000 2450

    30-54 1025 1450 1975

    55-59 1150 1750 2350

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    Plan B &C

    Plan B

    Age Bracket Single Band

    Principal Life and


    Principal Life and

    Spouse and children

    0-29 1200 1525 1925

    30-54 800 1100 1500

    55-59 900 1350 1800

    60-69 975 1500 1900

    Plan C

    Age Bracket Single Band

    Principal Life and


    Principal Life and

    Spouse and children

    0-29 950 1200 1500

    30-54 600 825 1125

    55-59 700 1025 1400

    60-69 775 1150 1475

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    Plan d&ePlan D

    Age Bracket Single Band

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    and children

    0-29 600 750 925

    30-54 375 525 700

    55-59 425 625 850

    60-69 475 700 900

    Plan E

    Age Single Band

    Principal Life

    and Spouse

    Principal Lifeand Spouse

    and children

    0-29 500 575 675

    30-54 260 350 460

    55-59 325 450 600

    60-69 350 550 650

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