IELTS Speaking - · PDF fileTurn (Cue Card Question) Examiner ... The advantages and...

IELTS Speaking 1 普特英语网校 1口试程序 雅思口语考试的形式是一对一的考官面试,时间为 11-14 分钟。考试分为三个部分(见下 表) 雅思口语考试的程序结构 Part Nature of Interaction Time Part 1 Introduction Examiner introduces himself/herself and confirms candidate’s identity by asking questions about familiar topics. 4-5 minutes Part 2 Individual Long Turn (Cue Card Question) Examiner asks candidate to speak for 1-2 minutes on particular topic based on written input in the form of a general instruction and content-focused prompts. Examiner asks one or two questions after candidate’s presentation. 3-4 minutes Part 3 Two-way Discussion Examiner invites candidate to participate in a discussion of a more abstract topic, based on verbal questions thematically linked to Part 2. 4-5 minutes 2评分标准 雅思口试的评分标准有四项内容: 1) 流利度与连贯性(Fluency and Coherence2) 词汇掌握程度(Lexical Resource3) 语法掌握范围和准确度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy4) 发音(Pronunciation3口试成绩 Band 9 Expert user Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 9 能完全自如地操纵语言,语言使用得体,表达准确流利。 Band 8 Very good user

Transcript of IELTS Speaking - · PDF fileTurn (Cue Card Question) Examiner ... The advantages and...

IELTS Speaking



1、 口试程序

雅思口语考试的形式是一对一的考官面试,时间为 11-14 分钟。考试分为三个部分(见下



Part Nature of Interaction Time

Part 1


Examiner introduces himself/herself and confirms candidate’s

identity by asking questions about familiar topics.



Part 2

Individual Long

Turn (Cue Card


Examiner asks candidate to speak for 1-2 minutes on particular

topic based on written input in the form of a general instruction

and content-focused prompts. Examiner asks one or two

questions after candidate’s presentation.



Part 3

Two-way Discussion

Examiner invites candidate to participate in a discussion of a more abstract

topic, based on verbal questions thematically linked to Part 2.



2、 评分标准


1) 流利度与连贯性(Fluency and Coherence)

2) 词汇掌握程度(Lexical Resource)

3) 语法掌握范围和准确度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)

4) 发音(Pronunciation)

3、 口试成绩

Band 9 —Expert user

Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with

complete understanding.

9 分 能完全自如地操纵语言,语言使用得体,表达准确流利。

Band 8 —Very good user

IELTS Speaking



Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic

inaccuracies and inappropriateness. Misunderstanding may occur in unfamiliar situations.

Handles complex detailed argumentation well.

8分 能完全熟练地操纵语言,能用复杂的语言详尽、充分地表达己见,只在谈论不熟悉的


Band 7 — good user

Has operational command of the language,though with occasional inaccuracies,

inappropriateness and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex

language well and understands details reasoning.

7 分 能把握语言的运用,操纵复杂语言的能力较强,但有失误和不够准确的情况出现。

Band 6 — Competent user

Has generally effective command of the language despite some occasional

inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly

complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

6分 能有效地运用语言。虽时而有失误和不准确的情况发生,但能操纵复杂语言,特别是


Band 5 — Modest user

Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations,

Generally handles complex language well and understands details reasoning.

5 分 基本上能控制语言。虽然错误较多,在大多数情况下整体意义清楚,在自己熟悉的


Band 4 — Limited user

Basic competence in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and

understands details reasoning.

4分 只是在谈论熟悉话题时能基本交流,无能力使用复杂语言,听、说过程中问题出现频

IELTS Speaking




Band 3 — Extremely user

Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent

breakdowns in communication occur.

3 分 仅能在谈论非常熟悉的话题时基本表达大意,但交流经常中断。

Band 2 — Intermittent user

No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using

isolated words or short formula in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has

great difficulty in understanding spoken and written English.

2分 无法真正交流,仅能在熟悉的领域内使用一些互不连贯的词或短套语传达最基本的意


Band 1 — Non user

Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

1 分 除了能说几个互不相干的单词外,无法使用语言进行表达。

Band 0 — Did not attempt the test.

0 分 没有参加考试。

IELTS Speaking



Unit 1 (People)

1/A Person(A Person Who Speaks Foreign Language)

The differences between Chinese people and foreigners

2/A (Foreign) Famous Person (You Want to Meet)

Who is he/she? What does he/she do? Why do you think he/she is famous?

The way for famous people to help others

Whether should kids learn arts?

Which are more popular, films or songs? Why?

The differences between the famous people whom young people like and those whom old people


The differences between famous people’s behaviors and normal people’s

The effect of a famous person

How to become a star

3/A TV Star

Describe a people whom you know from the TV.

Whom do you want to see from the TV?

4/A Neighbor

Describe your neighbor.

The advantages and disadvantages of your apartment

When did you become neighbor? How often do you see each other? What do you do together?

5/A Child/Person You Know

How did you know him or her? What is he/she like?

What is his/her life style? What is his/her personality?

6/An Artist

Describe a famous artist

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7/A Friend (You Admire)/Friendship/Old Friends

How did you get to know each other? The feeling of the first meeting

How do you keep in touch with your friends? /How do you keep the relationship with your friends?

What kind of people can be your friends?

What kind of people do young people admire? What kind of people do old people admire?

What quality of a friend is the most important? What is a true friend to you?

Do you often spend time with friends? Do you meet most of the friends through school / work ?

Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?

Do you spend more of your free time with friends or with family?

Do you have any friends live / work far away from you ?

How do friends communicate?

Which technology do you prefer: E-mail, QQ and so on.

What is the benefit?

Whether is it good to have more friends or not?

Will the friendship change?

Where do you like to meet your friends?

8/ Friends with Leadership / A Person with Leadership

Do you have any friends that are leaders?

If they are the leader, what benefit do you get?

Describe a person who has leading ability

9/A Person/Friend You Helped

How did you help him/her?

Do you think it’s necessary to help people?

How did you feel when you helped the person?

What kind of people do you usually help?

How do people help each other?

What kind of help is popular in China?

How many charity organizations are there in China?

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How do they work?

If you have the money, will you donate it to the charity?

10/An Old (Interesting) Person

How did you know him/her?

Do you prefer to live alone or live with parents?

Do you think you have spent less time with your parents?

Do you prefer to study in the university in your hometown or in another city?

Who is he/she?

What sort of person is he/she?

How did you meet him/her?

And explain why you find him/her interesting?

11/A Teacher

Describe a teacher in your childhood

Where did you meet him/her? What subject did he/she teach?

What was so special about him/her?

Why did this teacher influence you so much?

How long/often do you connect the teacher?

Why do Chinese people like to be teachers?

What do you think of the Chinese education?

The differences between Chinese education and western education

The effect of a good/bad teacher on students

Do governments have any policies to attract people to be teachers?

Describe a teacher you want to see again

How does the government train teachers?

Is it popular to be a teacher?

How does Chinese government encourage people who get good grades to be teachers?

Who is more important to you, teachers or classmates?

12/A TV Presenter

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Describe your favorite TV or news presenter

What kinds of people are suitable to be a presenter?

Do you think a news presenter should be strict or humorous?

13/Family Members

Describe a person in your family whom you spend most of the time with

What does he/she look like?

What kind of personality does he/she have?

Describe someone you have lived with

Describe someone who gave you important help

What is your father? Describe his personality and character

What is your mother? Describe her personality

Who do you like better, your father or your mother? Why?

What family activities are popular in your city?

Are you satisfied with your family life? Would you ever want it to be changed?

Is family education important?

Parents are the best teachers, do you agree or disagree? Why?

What is the best way to raise a child?

What kinds of activities are common among elderly people in your city?

When the parents get old, do most of them live in nursing homes or rest homes, as they have

difficulty living together with their children? Do you think that it is reasonable? Is it common in your


Should children live independently after they have become adults?

What kind of social welfare is available for elderly citizens in your city/country?

Should parents punish children physically?

What is the best way to take care of the elderly people?

What is your opinion on the concept of divorce? Does it affect the children?

14/A Person/Friend You Want to Meet or Visit

Describe a person you want to meet

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Who is he/she? What does he/she do? And explain why you want to meet him/her

15/A Person in Your Childhood

Describe a person in your childhood

Who is he/she?

What is he/she like?

16/A Lawyer

Why do the people look for a lawyer?

Do you want to become a lawyer in the future?

Do lawyers have good income\salary?


Is being a policeman a good job?

Does your country have female police?

Is it dangerous to be a policeman?

Should policemen take gun with them?

Should policemen and policewomen work together?

18/An Adventurous Person

After experiencing some adventurous things, are you braver than before?

Why do you admire people who love the adventurous sports?

Why does he/she like adventures? Give some examples.

What things do you need to prepare when you are doing the adventurous activities?

Part 2 Object

1/A Piece of Electronic Equipment (except for computers)= A gift you gave or


IELTS Speaking



How do you use it?

When did you first use it?

Describe the fast development of science and technology by the facts

2/Cell Phones

Do you think whether it will invade others’ privacy or not, when you play others' cell phones?

Describe a pleasant conversation on the cell phone

Do people usually use cell phones?

How do old people use cell phones? What about the young people?

3/Expensive Things

Describe an expensive item you bought

What is it? Why did you buy it? Where did you buy it? When did you buy it?

4/Something Broken or Not Work/A Thing You Broke or You Never Use

How is the product quality in China?

List something that is broken easily.

The different qualities of the things today and in the past

5/Something You Want to Buy

Describe a thing that you want to save money to buy

6/A Handicraft = An Art

Describe a painting you drew when you were young

7/A Car /A Vehicle

Describe a car.

What kind of cars do you like?

What do you use it for?

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What style you want to buy?

What kind of vehicle do you want to buy?

Describe a vehicle you want to buy

What is it like?

Why do you want to buy it?

How do you choose it?

8/A Toy = A Handicraft

Describe a toy you once played with

What is it made of/from?

How did you get it?

What do you do with it?

9/An Old Thing in Your Family = A Photo

Why do you think it is important?

What kind of things will be left for the next generation?

What’s the meaning of it?

10/Gifts/ A Gift You Gave/Received

Why do you like it?

Which is more important, giving or receiving a gift?

Which is more important, giving a gift or money?

The meaning of giving a gift

Have you bought any gifts? For whom?

Why did you buy this gift for that person?

Do you think he/she would like it? Do you think it is easy to choose a gift?

Do you always choose gifts on the Internet?

11/An Item of Clothing Bought for You

What do you think of the expensive things?

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The changes in the style of dressing

What is your opinion about the brand clothes?

The differences between famous brand clothes and the normal ones.

Where do you like to buy clothes?

12/A Piece of Clothing

Describe a piece of clothing

What is it? What is it like? What meaning does it express?


Do you like flowers?

What are the meanings of flowers?

On what occasion do people send flowers?

Do people give flowers as gifts?

Why do people like flowers?

14/A Book/Newspaper/Magazine

Describe your favorite book in your childhood.

Who bought the book for you?

Describe its content.

Why do you like it?

When is the best time for a kid to learn to read?

Why does a kid learn to read?

Do you think public libraries should be opened for free?

The comparison of the way of young people to read and that of old people to read

The effect of Internet on books

Which is better, reading traditionally or reading by computer?

Will e-books replace traditional books?

What kind of books do children like to read?

The effects of traditional stories today and in the past

What kind of news do people want to read?

IELTS Speaking




Describe a toy you played in your childhood?

Why do parents like to buy toys for their kids?

16/The Foreign Food

Have you ever had any foreign food?

What do you think of it? The differences between Chinese food and foreign food.

Unit 3 Place

1/Outside Environment

How is the outside environment like now?

How do the city people enjoy the outside environment?

2/A Garden/Park

Where is it?

What does it look like?

When did you first visit it?

How you enjoyed the visit?

What will people do in the garden?

Will any activity be held in the garden?

Do you have your own garden?

3/Your School/College Building

Describe a building in your school or university

What kind of building is it?

What is it like?

What facilities are there?

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Why do you like it?

The educational differences between the city and the countryside.

4/A Place You Live in

Describe a place you lived in

Where was it?

How was it like?

Whom did you live with?

Which do you like better, a flat or a villa? Why?


Talk about your neighborhood

How does the place you live in need to be improved?

6/A Place You Used to Visit/Want to Visit

Describe a place you used to visit.

Why did you go there?

Describe a place you want to travel

Where is it?

Why do you want to go there?

In what way do you like to make a trip?

Do you plan to make a trip by yourself or with someone else? Why?

What transportation would you like to use?

7/A Historic Site = A Museum

Describe a historical building you like

What kind of building is it?

What is it like?

What facilities are there?

Why do you like it?

What do you think of the rubbish thrown by the visitors?

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How can we protect the historic sites?

Which historic site have you even been to?

How should the government manage museums?

8/A Place with a Lot of Water =A Swimming Pool/A Place near the Water

Describe a place you like near water.

Where is it?

What is it like? Why do you like there?


Would you prefer to live in a city or in a village? Why?

What is the best thing/point when you go back to your hometown?

Where is your hometown?

Do you like your hometown? Why?

What is famous for your hometown?

What do people do for fun in your hometown?

What is your opinion on the living standards of your hometown?

What are the biggest changes in your hometown, in the past decade?

Are you satisfied with the development of your hometown? Why?

Are there any museums in your hometown? Which one is your favorite? Why?

What is the best place to enjoy and visit in your hometown?

How is the traffic condition in your hometown?

How are the people in your hometown?

Are there any parks, gardens or places of interest in your hometown?

Which one is your favorite? Why?

What is the main industry in your hometown?

What is the environmental problem in your hometown?

What is the most welcomed sport in your hometown? Why?

How is the weather of your hometown?

Which city would you prefer to go to and live in?

Which country would you like to go to and why?

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10/A Room/Bedroom

The things you used to do in your bedroom in your childhood

Should we enlarge the place of our house or our bedroom?

How big is it?

What does it look like?

How is the surrounding of it?

Why is it a perfect house/apartment to you?

11/The Place You are Living in

Do you live in a house or a flat?

How is the relationship of you and your roommates if you live in a dormitory?


Which hotel have you ever been to?

How to improve the environment of hotels

Have you ever stayed in a really nice / expensive hotel?

Do people in your country often stay in hotels?

What services and facilities are usually available in hotels in your country?

How much does a hotel room cost in your town per night?

What factors are important when selecting a hotel?

13/Restaurant=A Place for Lunch = A Place Where You Go for a Meal

Describe a restaurant you always go to

Whom do you always go with?

How does it feel?

What’s the most popular food/dish in China?

What’s healthy living style?

Which is healthier, eating at home or outside?

IELTS Speaking



Unit 4 Favorite

1/A Piece of Music/Song

What kind of music do you like?

Describe a type of music that is popular in your country

Where can you hear it?

What kind of people like this song? Why?

The differences among different types of music

What type of music is the most popular?

Different music that young people and old people like

The effect of Internet on music

How is the music industry in China?

Do you think famous singers tend to be commercial but pay less attention to music?

Do you think concerts will change with ages?

The effect of piracy on music

Can you play a musical instrument?

Do your friends and your family have different musical tastes from you?

Who is your favorite musician or singer?

Have you ever been to one of their performances or seen one on TV

What do you think of karaoke?

2/A TV Program/A Series of Educational Program

Do your friends watch these kinds of TV program?

What are the differences between TV and computer?

Which one is better?

Is the educational TV program popular in China?

Describe a TV program you often watch (but you don’t like)

What is it? When it is shown? Why do (not) you like it? And explain your feelings when you watch it.

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Do you often watch TV?

Why do children spend a long time watching TV?

The effect of TV programs on society

What TV program do you think is educational?

Compare TV, radio, Internet and newspapers

Will television be replaced in the future?

The advantages and disadvantages of TV

Do you think everyone can become a TV star?

3/A News Story (2011.2.12)/ News You are Interested in

Reading news in the newspaper or on the Internet, which one do you think is more convenient?

Have you heard about any news story?

How did you feel about the news story?

Explain why you found this news story particularly interesting


Do people like watching dance? Why do the young people like dancing?

5/Jobs (2011.4.30)(2011.5.28)

Describe a job that can make this world better

What do you do? /What is your job?

Why do you like or dislike this job?

Is your job promising or not? Why?

Your future work plans

What is the most important when it comes to a good job: money (salary), colleagues, boss or the

working environment?

Are there any jobs you would not like to do?

Are there any jobs that only men or women can do?

How do people get paid in your country: weekly, monthly or daily? Are you satisfied with this

schedule? Why?

Is working in a bank dangerous or not? Why?

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Which job is the most respectful job in your country? Why?

Did you ever do a part-time job?

Should or shouldn’t’ the students be allowed to have a part-time job?

What will be your ideal job?

What jobs are the most popular in your country?

6/Your Favorite Foreign Dish/Food

What kind of foreign food do you like?

What does it taste like? When do people eat it? How is it made? Why do you like it?

The differences between the food today and in the past

The differences between Chinese food and western food

7/A Movie

Describe a movie you have watched recently

What the name of the movie was? Where and when did you see it? What was it about?

Why did(not) you like it?

What kind of films do most people like?

What are the disadvantages of becoming a star?

The effect of a movie on kids/adults

What trends will movie bring?

The advantages of western movies

What do you think of a movie that has ads?

Do you think a director emphasizes high-technology or colors in a movie?

What type of film do you like / what kind of films do you like to see?

Are these kinds of films popular in your country?

Which was the best film you have ever seen?

What type of films do your friends like? How often do you see a movie?

Is it good to pay stars high salary? Do they have private life?

Who is your favorite actor/ actress?

Would you like to be a film star?

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Do you like collect things?

What do Chinese people like to collect? Why do you have such a collection?

What can people learn from their collections?


Who is your favorite designer? How do people chase fashion?

10/Favorite Holiday

What holiday is your favorite?

11/Quizzes shows/Programs

Why is it so popular in China? Do people like watching these shows?


Do you like sports?

What kind of sports can change your life?

Describe a sport. Which part of the sport is most difficult?

Describe a sport you would like to be good at

Why are some countries good at sports?

What sport do you want to learn? Why do you want to learn it?

What difficulties did you have when you were learning it?

The advantages of international sports

The relationship between countries and sports

How long do you think is reasonable for the students to do sports?

Talk about the competitions among countries

The advantages and disadvantages of competitions

Do you walk regularly? Whom do you usually walk with? What do you see when you take a walk?

Describe a sport event you watched. What was it? Where did you watch it? With whom did you

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watch? And explain why it was your favorite.

Describe a leisure sport (hobby). What is it? What are the benefits?

Are there any places for body building in China?

What sports are popular in China (for the old and the young)?

13/A Concert

Describe a concert you enjoyed. When did you watch it? What was it about? With whom did you

watch it?

Unit 5 Experience

1/A Special Family Event

When was it? Who attended the event? What did you do? And explain how you enjoyed it

2/The Leisure Time in China

Describe your favorite leisure activity. What is it? Why do you like it?

How do you spend your leisure time? What do you usually do?

Describe an unusual interesting thing

Which one do you think has more leisure time, men or women?

3/An Activity = A Leisure Activity = A Way to Relax

Describe the way to be healthier

Who do you think is healthier, modern men or ancient people? Why?

What activities do your family and friends often do?

4/Healthy Habit / Activity/Physical Health/Healthy Life Style

Describe a healthy life style. What is it? Why is it healthy? How do you develop this style?

5/A Happy Thing

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Describe a happy thing in your childhood. What do you think of happiness?

6/Something Naughty You Did in Your Childhood

Describe a naughty thing you did in your childhood.

Is it easy to be a child? Should children be independent or not?

How does the society hold responsibility for the children?

7/An Ideal Job= A Future Change

Your future work plans

Imagine if you work in the museum, what do you think of it?

8/A Journey = A Happy Experience = An Educational Trip

Where did you go on your last journey? With whom did you go there? Why did you go there?

Differences between a trip on business and that on holiday

Differences between a trip that old people take and that of young people

Have high-speed trains improved?

9/utdoor Activities

The different activities between boys and girls

Your favorite activity in your childhood

What kind of outdoor activity do people like to do?

What kind of outdoor activity do the old people like to do? What about the young people?

What kind of outdoor activities do you like best? How much time do people spend in sports now?

What is your favorite vehicle? Talk about the public transportation.


How do you connect your friends?

What is the importance of visiting family?

How do people keep connection?

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11/An Activity in Your Childhood

The event happened in your childhood or in your school.

12/An Interesting Talk/Lecture /Important Talk = A Pleasant Conversation

= A Talk with Friends

Describe a conversation you enjoy best

Describe an unforgettable conversation (on phone). When was it? What was it about? With whom

did you talk? The differences of answering phone between the old and the young.

13/A (Future) Career / Major/Job

What is your major? Is it popular in China?

What's your opinion of the career?

What do you want to do in the future?


When was it? Where did you buy things? What did you buy?

Who always buy clothes for you?

What kind of shopping style do you like?

Where do you buy your clothes?

Do you think the prices of expensive clothes are reasonable?

Compared with girls, why don’t boys like shopping? What is the trend of shopping in the future?

15/A Computer Skill = A Practical Skill

Describe a new skill (e.g. cooking, a language) you have learned recently. What is it? Who taught

you? How long have you learned it? And explain why you learned it.

Describe a skill or something you want to improve

What is it? How do you improve your skill?

How do you learn it?

Do you think it’s easy or not to learn a new skill?

The effect of computer on people’s life

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Do you think whether the government should encourage every family to have a computer?

Should the companies teach employees skills or not?

The differences between theory and the practical skills?

What are the differences of learning skills between the past and the present?

16/Something You Are Good at

What things are you good at?

17/Something Interesting You Want to Learn

18/A Traffic Jam = A Case That You Were Late =A Time When You Were


Can you think of a solution to solve the traffic congestion?

What do you think the traffic will be like in the future?

19/Making New Friends

Do you often make new friends? Where can you make new friends?

20/An Experience of Helping Others

Describe a time when you helped somebody

When did you help others?

Why did you want to help him or her? What impact does him\her play on you?


What concert did you watch recently?

What are the differences between watching the concert at home or at the theatre?

IELTS Speaking



Unit 6 Society

1/Changes of Your Hometown/Changes of the Society

What were the changes?

What caused the changes?

Do you think the construction of cities should be discussed by citizens?

2/A New Law

Anti-smoking Law

Anti-plastic Bag Law

Do you think if it’s good for police to carry guns?

The improvement of the new law

Describe a law that improves the place you live in


Describe a season you like best and why?

How does the weather influence people’s life?

What do you think of the global warming?


Describe the transportation in your city

What kind of transportation do most people use?

What kind of transportation do you prefer and why?

What are the differences among transportation means, such as planes, trains and cars?

Compare the transportation in the past, now and in the future

What are the disadvantages of buying a car?

What kinds of transportation are available? What is the situation like? What effect does it have on


And explain what measures should be taken to make transportation more efficient?

IELTS Speaking




Can you see the advertisement everywhere?

Talk about the celebrity and advertisement

Do you hate advertisements?

Where can you see advertisements?

Why do products look good on ads?

Do you think celebrity endorsement will take an effect on consumption?

What is the purpose of advertising?

Why do people like to choose charming famous stars to promote the products?

What is a successful advertisement?

What is the effect of advertisements?

Do the ads influence people when they buy things?

6/Noise Pollution /A Noisy Place

Where and when have you heard the most noise?

Why is there so much noise there?

What do you think of noise?

What measures should the government take against noise?

What are the causes of noise?

Why is there more noise than in the past?


Does our government need to take some measures to protect our environment?

Do you think we need to change our life style to protect the environment?

Describe a small thing to protect the environment

What measures can we take to protect the environment?

What laws can be made to protect wild animals?

Is it necessary to make a new law to protect wild animals?

How does people's life style do harm to the environment?

How can we solve the environmental problem?

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What can you do to protect the environment?

Do you like the sea? How do you protect it from pollution?

8/Food Safety

What do you think of the food safety nowadays?

What can we do to make the food safe?


Do you think young people should pay attentions to news?

How do you get the news?

The truth and the reliability of news

What it was?

What happened?

TV and radio, which one is more important?

Describe a piece of news in your hometown.

What kind of people like reading newspapers?

Why the young prefer to use the computer?

Which is more important, the computer or TV in turns of getting news?

What is the trend?

Unit 7 Others


Describe a festival that is important in your country.

What is it? How do people celebrate it? What does your family do at this festival and explain what is

special about it?

Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture/country?

Do these festivals have special meanings?

Are there any festivals special for your city or region?

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What special things do people do during festivals?

Which is your favorite festival?

Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?

What festivals do you celebrate?

How do you celebrate it?


Do you like to take photographs?

Do Chinese people like to take photographs?

Which kind of photos do you like to take?

How do you arrange your photos?

Are there some photos on you home's wall?

Do Chinese like photos?

Do you have some photos in the past?

Which kind of photos you like best?

What kind of photos do Chinese like?

Is taking photos popular in china?

Who helped you to take the photo?

When did you take the photo?

What happened when you took the photo?

Why did you want to take the photo?

3/Email /Letter

Describe an email or letter you got

What was it about?

Who send it to you?

4/Time Management

How do you deal with your time?

Are you good at managing your time?

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What's the meaning of the numbers to Chinese people?

What numbers do you like?

How can you remember numbers efficiently ?

Which is easier to remember, numbers or names?

What numbers should we remember?

6/The Successful Business Company/A Small Company

Describe a successful small company

Which do you prefer, to be a boss or to be an employee?

What is the situation of these small companies?

What is it like? Why is it so successful?

7/Changes in Your Life

Describe the changes in your life.

What were they?

How have they influenced your life?

Do you like the changes? Why?

8/Your Personality

Describe your personality

What is your advantage/strength?

What is your shortcoming/disadvantage?

The relationship between success and personal personality

What is it like?

What the advantages and disadvantages are?

What do you think of your personality?

And explain the influence of your personality on your life

9/The Meaning of Your Name

Does your name have any special meaning?

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What is it? Do you like your name? Why or why not?


Would you be happy if you were rich?

What do you think of happiness?