Humanoid robotics

Presented by: SM

Transcript of Humanoid robotics

Presented by:



■ Introduction

■ History

■ Composition

■ Simulation Environment and Configuration

■ Types of Humanoid Robots

■ Formation of Control System

■ PID Control

■ Fuzzy Control

■ Advantages & Disadvantages

■ Applications

■ Conclusion


Robotics deals with robots

Recent enhancement in robotics - Humanoid robots

Humanoid robots - having human characteristics orform

Resemble human both in appearance and behavior

“Elektro” is the first Humanoid Robot


Integration of scientific and engineering fields, has a social dimension

WASEDA University- leading research sites

First usable robot by HONDA in 1996

HONDA Humanoid robots-brief history

First high profile humanoid robot-Honda’s ASIMO-2000

Human Evolution vs. Humanoid Evolution

Why Develop Humanoids?

More rational reasons

• Can work in human environment

• Environment and tools are adapted for us

• Easier for interaction

• Eases the work of humans

• Because it is a dream of generations


Main components

Actuators – motion motors

Sensors – measure some attribute(sensing)-proprioceptive




Power source

Simulation Tools

■ 3D CAD model of the humanoid robot created using Solid Works 2003

■ Robotics Software Development Environment, Robotics Lab TM v.1.5

■ Addition of characteristics (weights)

■ Connection of each part

■ Surface Contact conditioner to walk


■ Degrees of Freedom

6 for each leg

4 for each arm

1 for each hand

2 for waist

1 for neck

Total 25 degrees of freedom

Types of Humanoid Robots


--pronounced ”curio”-”quest for curiosity”


ASIMO- Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility

AIBO-Artificial Intelligence Robot



Few humanoid robots

Formation of Control System

Simulation System Configuration

-Robotics lab

-9.8N gravitational force

-flat dry concrete floor

PID controller

Fuzzy control

PID Control

Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control

Is control loop feedback mechanism

Controller minimizes the error

three-term control: P I D

PID equation

Kp – Proportional Gain

Ki – Integral Gain

Kd- Derivative Gain

Block Diagram

Fuzzy Control

Definition-Fuzzy logic

Consists input stage, processing stage, output stage

Input stage maps sensor or other inputs

Processing stage generates & combines the results

Output stage – conversion of results

Block diagram

Formation of control system (contd…)

Chest of the robot was basis

Error and speed of object maintained by PID

Reason for using PID

Better efficiency than other controller

Fuzzy controller -robot’s position parallel to object

Why fuzzy control along with PID?

Advantages and disadvantages


Safe load carrying

Good efficiency

High accuracy

Less time consuming


High cost

Requires specialized people for maintenance

Humanoid Robot Applications


Safely move the objects co-operatively

Corrects position and speed of two robots

Smooth co-ordination

Carry objects safely on various surfaces

Scope for improvement

Design user friendly humanoids for Layman

Cost effectiveness