HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술

HTML5 Web Components SOSCON 2015 / Web

Transcript of HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술

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HTML5Web Components

SOSCON 2015 / Web

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▪ / ▪


▪ TNF/ Needlworks▪ Automotive security▪

▪ /

▪ ….

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Web Components

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▪ Netscape 4 versus Internet Explorer 3/4

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Firefox▪ XHTML 1 / CSS 2

▪ “ ” – ?

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▪ Webkit + V8 (by Google Inc.)

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▪ iPhone OS 1.0:

▪ “.” –

… 2.0 .

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▪ Dojo

▪ Prototype.js

▪ jQuery

▪ Angular.js

▪ Flux

▪ ( ) !

▪ Active X!


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▪ ?

▪ Mozilla

▪ Google

▪ Apple

▪ Facebook

▪ WHATWG (web hypertext application technology working group)

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: ▪ W3C

▪ Next HTML specification

▪ WHATWG (web Hypertext application technology working group)

▪ Web application 1.0 ( 2004. 7)

▪ 2007 ~ 2012▪ HTML5

▪ HTML5 “ (definition)”

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More recently, the goals of the W3C and the WHATWG on the HTML front have diverged a bit as well. The WHATWG effort is focused on developing the canonical description of HTML and related technologies, meaning fixing bugs as we find them adding new features as they become necessary and viable, and generally tracking implementations. The W3C effort, meanwhile, is now focused on creating a snapshot developed according to the venerable W3C process. This led to the chairs of the W3C HTML working group and myself deciding to split the work into two, with a different person responsible for editing the W3C HTML5, canvas, and microdataspecifications than is editing the WHATWG specification.

Ian Hickson (WHATWG editor)

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( )▪ (W3C)

▪ ,

▪ ?


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▪ ( / 1)▪ Chrome / Edge▪

▪ ( / 1)▪ Firefox▪


▪▪ Safari▪▪ W3C ?+ (--webkit-)

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Web ComponentsHTML5

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▪ HTML Import▪ HTML

▪ Shadow DOM▪ HTML DOM

▪ Custom Elements▪ DOM leaf object /class

▪ Templates▪

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HTML Import▪ HTML CSS import

▪ ,custom element .

<link rel="import" href="name-card.html">

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Shadow DOM▪ DOM Tree leaf DOM


▪ Root DOM ( DOM)Shadow DOM

▪ ) Root DOM Shadow DOM id


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Custom Element▪ DOM HTML5 object type

▪ ) <div>, <a> <name-card> custom element .

document.registerElement('name-card', {prototype: prototype

});var ncElement = document.createElement('name-card');

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▪ Template

<style>.card {

width : 200px;height: 35px; border-radius: 3px;

}</style><template id="namecard-root"><div class="card">

<h2>Name : <span>{{ name }}</span></h2></div>


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HTML imports!

Reusable web components!

Shadow DOM!


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▪ ?

…CodeOn ( ) …

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Webcomponents.js▪ “Polyfill”

▪ HTML5 webcomponents

▪ Webcomponents.js

▪ Custom elements / HTML imports / Shadow DOM

▪ Mutation observers

▪ DOM mutation

▪ ES6 Weakmap type

▪ Key k-v Map

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▪ Webcomponents.js : polyfill

▪ 115kbytes

▪ Webcomponents-lite.js : Shadow DOM

▪ 38kbytes

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▪ !

▪ <script src=“webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>

▪ ?

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Polymer library▪ HTML5

▪ HTML imports / Custom elements / Shadow DOM

▪ Web components

▪ “Polyfill” :

▪ ‘DOMelements’

▪ (PolymerElement)

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Polymer : ▪ Polyfill library + MORE

▪ .

▪ Template + style + code

▪ Two-way binding ( ..)

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▪ .

▪ , , ,

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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html"><link rel="import" href="../lablup-piechart/lablup-piechart.html"><dom-module id="lablup-course-item">

<style>paper-card {

width: 280px;margin: 15px 20px;--paper-card-header-image-text: {

width: 100%;color: #eee;padding-left: 10px;padding-right: 0;text-shadow: 0 0 4px #444, 0 0 8px #000;font-weight: 400;overflow-x: hidden;


.card-actions-item {padding-right: 15px;


.card-actions-item span {display: block;height: 25px;line-height: 25px;



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<template><a href="{{ url }}">

<paper-card heading="{{ title }}"image="{{ coverUrl }}">

<div class="card-content">{{ summary }}</div><div class="card-actions horizontal left layout">

<section class="vertical center layout card-actions-item"><lablup-piechart url="" number="{{ lectureCount }}"

maxnumber="20” chartcolor="#29B6F6" unit="" size="40"></lablup-piechart><span>{{ messageLectures }}</span>

</section><section class="vertical center layout card-actions-item">

<lablup-piechart url="" number="{{ memberCount }}"maxnumber="100” chartcolor="#cddc39" unit="" size="40">

</lablup-piechart><span class="black">{{ messageMembers }}</span>




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is: "lablup-course-item",properties: {

title: {type: String

},summary: {

type: String},url: {

type: String}, coverUrl: {

type: String},messageMembers: {

type: String},lectureCount: {

type: Number},memberCount: {

type: Number}

},ready: function () {}



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<lablup-course-item url="/course/view/HelloWorld"title=”Hello world!”summary=”About basic grammar”cover-url=”img/helloworld.png”lecture-count=”3”member-count=”12”message-members="Members“message-lectures="Lectures">


HTML template :

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<lablup-course-item url="/course/view/{{ }}"title="{{ course.title }}”summary="{{ course.summary }}”cover-url="{{ cover.url }}”lecture-count="{{ course.entries.count }}”member-count="{{ course.users.count }}”message-members="{% trans "Members" %}“message-lectures="{% trans "Lectures" %}">


Django HTML template :

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▪ svg

▪ HTML piechart

▪ : , , , ,

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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html"><link rel="import" href="../paper-styles/paper-styles.html"><link rel="import" href="../iron-icon/iron-icon.html">

<dom-module id="lablup-piechart"><style>

#chart {cursor: pointer;


<svg id="chart"xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="

ink" version="1.1“ viewBox="0 0 1 1"><g id="piechart">

<circle cx=0.5 cy=0.5 r=0.5 /><circle cx=0.5 cy=0.5 r=0.40 fill="rgba(255,255,255,0.9)" /><path id="pievalue" stroke="none" fill=“rgba(255,255,255,0.9)" /><text id="chart-text" x="0.5" y="0.5" font-family="Roboto” font-size="

0.3" text-anchor="middle" dy="0.1">{{ number }}<tspan id="unit-text" font-size="0.2" dy="-0.07">{{ unit }}</tspan></text>




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<script> Polymer({

is: "lablup-piechart",properties: {

number: {type: Number,value: 50

},maxnumber: {

type: Number,value: 100

},unit: {

type: String,value: '%'

},....ready: function () {

this.sizeParam = this.size + "px";Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector("#chart").setAttribute("fill", this.c

hartcolor);Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector("#chart-text").setAttribute("fill", t




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!<link rel="import" href=”lablup-piechart.html">…<lablup-piechart

url="/dashboard/circle"number=”3"maxnumber="10”chartcolor="#cddc39"unit="/10" size="100">


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Polymer : ▪

▪ Webcomponents.js

▪ Component-driven

▪ customelements.js custom elements

▪ Polyfill ! ( )

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Polymer : ▪

▪ xhr

▪ Vulcanize : import

▪ Crisper : CORS Javascript HTML

▪ Iron- . Paper- .

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Polymer: ▪ Vulcanize

▪ :

▪ Minimize

▪ ( )

▪ Crisper ( )


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X-Tag( ) …

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X-Tag▪ web components

▪ web components

▪ Thin wrapper

▪ Shadow DOM template

▪ Web components

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Bosonic : ▪ X-Tag Polymer

▪ UI

▪ React.js▪ .

▪ react angular.js

▪ UI - JQuery UI

▪ Bosonic

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Bosonic -▪

▪ (IE9)

▪ webcomponents.js

▪ ,

▪ Thin wrapper

▪ …

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React :

▪ Function view .

▪ MVC V.

▪ , .

▪ Functional style library

▪ . ( flux )

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React : ▪

▪ ?

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React : ▪ JSX: HTMLvar nameCard = React.createClass({

…render: function() {

return (<div class="card">

<h2>Name : <span>{}</span></h2></div>

) }


React.render(<nameCard name={userName} />, document.querySelector('#name-section')


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React : ▪ Fake/Virtual DOM

▪ DOM element

▪ !

▪ Shadow DOM .

▪ DOM shadow DOM

▪ Virtual dom

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React : ▪

▪ DOM mutation :

▪ …

▪ Polymer dom-if two-way data binding, updateStyles() API ( )

▪ Virtual DOM diff

▪ : immutable element

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React : ▪

▪ ,

▪ React

▪ React component react

▪ javascript

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?, ? ;

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Polymer: it is too google to be true▪

▪ ( )

▪ 1.0 1.1 ?

▪ 10 (Iron element)

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▪ 7 ? ?

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▪(html import

shadow DOM)polyfill

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FOUC prevention handling▪ FOUC (Flash Of Unstyled Content)

▪ body display none(unresolved attribute)

▪ <body unresolved class=“fullbleed”>▪

▪ ;

▪▪ ) Polymer + Backbone.js

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Electron: ▪ : cross-platform webapp container

▪ Electron

▪ Github Node.js

▪ Node Chromium wrapping

▪ / /


▪ ?

▪ Apache Cordova

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▪ HTML5 Web Components

▪ Polymer ( )

▪ React

▪ ? – .

▪ ? – …

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Thank youLablup Inc.
