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  • Hong Kong

    Monthly Digest of Statistics

    August 2004

    Feature Article

    Port Transhipment Cargo Statistics, 1998-2003

  • FA1 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    Port Transhipment Cargo Statistics, 1998-2003

    18% 44%

    Port transhipment cargo movements have contributed significantly to the port cargo growth of Hong Kong in recent years. With an average annual growth rate of 18% in the period 1998-2003, port transhipment cargo took up 44% of port cargo throughput in 2003. Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China, particularly the Pearl River Delta region, account for an increasing share of Hong Kongs port transhipment cargo. This article analyses the port transhipment cargo statistics of Hong Kong during the period 1998-2003.

    (2582 4889) If you have any enquiries on this article, please call Shipping and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2582 4889)

  • FA2 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    Port Transhipment Cargo Statistics, 1998-2003

    1. 1. Introduction 1.1

    18% 44%

    1.1 Port transhipment cargo movements have contributed significantly to the port cargo growth of Hong Kong in recent years. With an average annual growth rate of 18% in the period 1998-2003, port transhipment cargo took up 44% of port cargo throughput in 2003. Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China, particularly the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, account for an increasing share of Hong Kongs port transhipment cargo. This article analyses the port transhipment cargo statistics of Hong Kong during the period 1998-2003.


    2. Sources for Compiling Port Cargo Statistics


    2.1 Hong Kong's port cargo statistics are compiled based on a sample of consignments listed on cargo manifests submitted by shipping companies. For details of the methodology, please refer to the quarterly report Hong Kong Shipping Statistics published by the Census and Statistics Department.

    3. 3. Direct Shipment and Transhipment 3.1 /


    3.1 Goods imported into Hong Kong or exported/re-exported from Hong Kong are classified as direct shipment, whereas goods transhipped in Hong Kong under a through bill of lading (as distinguished from those imported into Hong Kong for subsequent re-exportation) are classified as transhipment. Goods in transit1 through Hong Kong are not included in the statistics.


    Transit cargo refers to cargo purely passing through Hong Kong without undergoing any activities in Hong Kong. It remains on board the same vessel without being removed or loaded to another vessel.

  • FA3 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    4. 4. Port Transhipment Cargo Overview 4.1 3 9 9 1


    4.1 The port transhipment cargo of Hong Kong increased from 39 million tonnes in 1998 to 91 million tonnes in 2003, representing an average annual growth rate of 18% in the period 1998-2003.

    4.2 18% 2%

    4% ()

    4.2 Between 1998 and 2003, transhipment cargo tonnage increased at an annual rate of 18%, while that of direct shipment cargo declined at an annual rate of 2%. Taken together, direct shipment and transhipment cargo tonnage increased at an average annual growth rate of 4% in the period. (Table 1)

    Table 1 Port cargo throughput by shipment type, 1998 - 2003

    ()'000 Tonnes, unless otherwise specified

    Average annual growth rate

    Shipment type 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1998 - 2003

    127 703 118 108 113 317 109 870 113 502 116 907 -1.8% Direct shipment cargo

    (76%) (70%) (65%) (62%) (59%) (56%)

    39 467 50 730 61 325 68 340 79 009 90 705 18.1% Transhipment cargo

    (24%) (30%) (35%) (38%) (41%) (44%)

    167 170 168 838 174 642 178 210 192 510 207 612 4.4% Total

    (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

    Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of port cargo throughput by shipment type.

  • FA4 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    4.3 24%44%


    4.3 Port transhipment cargo as a percentage of port cargo throughput increased from 24% in 1998 to 44% in 2003. Transhipment cargo accounted for a significant share of the port cargo movements between Hong Kong and major countries/territories, e.g. the mainland of China (52%), Taiwan (48%), and the USA (40%) in 2003. (Chart 1)

    Chart 1 Port cargo movements between Hong Kong and major countries/territories by

    shipment type, 2003












    The mainland of China




    Republicof Korea



    Direct shipment cargo (in terms of tonnage)

    Transhipment cargo (in terms of tonnage)

  • FA5 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    Country/Territory 4.4


    4.4 The port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China continued to take up the largest share (45%) of Hong Kongs port transhipment cargo in 2003, followed by Taiwan (9%) and the USA (8%). (Table 2 and Chart 2)

    Table 2 Hong Kongs port cargo throughput by country/territory, 1998 - 2003 () '000 Tonnes, unless otherwise specified

    Direct shipment cargo Transhipment cargo Total

    Average annual

    growth rate

    Average annual

    growth rate

    Average annual

    growth rateCountry/territory 1998 2003 1998 - 2003 1998 2003 1998 - 2003 1998 2003 1998 - 2003

    38 575 38 091 -0.3% 16 650 41 269 19.9% 55 225 79 359 7.5% The mainland of China (30%) (33%) (42%) (45%) (33%) (38%)

    9 883 8 833 -2.2% 3 898 8 136 15.9% 13 781 16 969 4.3% Taiwan (8%) (8%) (10%) (9%) (8%) (8%)

    10 534 10 104 -0.8% 4 467 6 845 8.9% 15 001 16 949 2.5% USA (8%) (9%) (11%) (8%) (9%) (8%)

    10 249 8 791 -3.0% 1 443 4 113 23.3% 11 692 12 904 2.0% Japan (8%) (8%) (4%) (5%) (7%) (6%)

    5 270 8 609 10.3% 629 2 141 27.8% 5 899 10 750 12.8% Indonesia (4%) (7%) (2%) (2%) (4%) (5%)

    13 086 8 780 -7.7% 1 118 1 886 11.0% 14 205 10 666 -5.6% Singapore (10%) (8%) (3%) (2%) (8%) (5%)

    10 806 7 070 -8.1% 790 2 720 28.0% 11 596 9 790 -3.3% Republic of Korea (8%) (6%) (2%) (3%) (7%) (5%)

    29 300 26 629 -1.9% 10 471 23 596 17.6% 39 772 50 225 4.8% Others (23%) (23%) (27%) (26%) (24%) (24%) 127 703 116 907 -1.8% 39 467 90 705 18.1% 167 170 207 612 4.4% Total (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

    Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of Hong Kongs port cargo throughput by country/territory.

  • FA6 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004


    52% 75% ()

    4.5 The port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and PRD accounted for an increasing share of the port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China. Rising from 52% in 1998 to 75% in 2003, it reflected the intensified economic relations between Hong Kong and PRD. (Table 3)

    Table 3 Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and PRD

    () '000 Tonnes, unless otherwise specified

    1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

    Average annual growth rate 1998 - 2003

    Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and all countries/territories

    39 467 50 730 61 325 68 340 79 009 90 705 18.1%

    Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China

    16 650 21 761 26 460 29 734 35 192 41 269 19.9%

    () (As a % of port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and all countries/territories)

    (42%) (43%) (43%) (44%) (45%) (45%)

    Port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and PRD

    8 635 13 334 17 083 20 374 25 554 30 968 29.1%

    () (As a % of port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and all countries/territories)

    (22%) (26%) (28%) (30%) (32%) (34%)

    () (As a % of port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China)

    [52%] [61%] [65%] [69%] [73%] [75%]

  • FA7 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004

    4.6 (22%)(20%)(13%) ()

    4.6 In 2003, the largest share of the port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China was taken up by Guangzhou (22%), followed by Shenzhen (20%) and Foshan/Nanhai/Shunde (13%), all within PRD. (Chart 2)

    Chart 2 Hong Kongs port transhipment cargo in terms of tonnage by country/territory, 2003




    Other PRD places (6%)

    Jiangmen/ Xinhui(3%)


    (5%) Dongguan




    Others (18%)

    Tianjin Xingang(3%)

    Pearl River Delta


    The mainlandof China


    Others 26%





    Republic of Korea


    Japan 5%

    USA 8%



    : Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of the port transhipment cargo movements between Hong

    Kong and the mainland of China by place.

  • FA8 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 2004


    22% 34%

    4.7 The port transhipment cargo movementsbetween Hong Ko