Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família · direção do Amado. O maravilhoso encontro de...

Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

Transcript of Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família · direção do Amado. O maravilhoso encontro de...

Holy Family Parish

Paróquia Sagrada Família


Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852

Main Phone: (978) 453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978) 934-0622

Fax: (978) 453-0933 Email: [email protected]

Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella

Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI

Padre Elcio Antonio dos Santos Silva Sr. Joan Gregoire, SND Deacon Alvaro Soares

Business Manager David McLean

Director of Religious Education Claire Couillard

Immaculate Conception

High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett


Parish Secretaries Luana Arese (Brazilian) Cathy Martel (English)

Custodians John Perry

Immaculate Conception

SATURDAY , March 24th

3:00 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Albert J Dreven 7:30 PM Brazilian Mass PALM SUNDAY , March 25th 8:00 AM Parishioners & Benefactors 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Henry Coughlin 11:30 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Music 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

MONDAY, March 26th 8:00 AM McArdle Estate

TUESDAY, March 27th 8:00 AM Royal Estate

WEDNESDAY, March 28th 8:00 AM Theresa Giguere



7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Bilingual 9:30 PM Adoration

GOOD FRIDAY, March 30th 3:00 Stations of the Cross 5:30 English Service 7:30 Brazilian Service


7:00 PM Bi-lingual Mass

EASTER SUNDAY, April 1st 8:00 AM Parishioners & Benefactors

10:00 AM Frank & Jennie Silveria William Bentencourt 11:30 AM Brazilian Mass 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

Immaculate Conception ChurchImmaculate Conception ChurchImmaculate Conception ChurchImmaculate Conception Church

Religious Education CalendarReligious Education CalendarReligious Education CalendarReligious Education Calendar


Sunday Mornings 10:00—12:00 Noon

March 25th Class #15


We pray…..We pray…..We pray…..We pray…..

For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…

Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Lucy Balkus, Doris Belley, Josselin Boucher, Cressie Braganza, Cyril Braganza, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, James Campbell, Bernadette Chartrand, Roger Chartrand, Bernie Chartrand, Helena Ciaravolo, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Br. Augustin “Gus” Cote, Anne Marie Countie, Jean Cull, Jane Daly, Davidson Family, Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Jerry Dockett, Mary Dockett, Cathy Durand, Cynthia Evans, Jean Gagne, Roger Geoffroy, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Andrew Gosselin, Susan Goyette,, Donna Gravelle, Sr. Joan Gregoire, Ilene Hallisey, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Fank Holden, Rev. Patrick Hollywood OMI, Pauline Jankowski, Marge Keefe, Annette Knust, Jim Knust, Kozowyk Family, Fran & Jerry Labadini, Maryann Lanzara, Anthony Lavina, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Raymond LeLacheur, Pauline Letourneau, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Steven Marks, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Chris McHardy, Margaret Mello, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca, Caryn Misquita, Sr, Shirley Letourneau Morrison, John Mullen, Aparecida Nascimento, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Rev. Norman Parent OMI, Kim Peirce, Jeanne Pinard, Mary Richardson, Mary Agnes Rivanis, Mary Rivas, Robert Rivas, Joel Rivera, Elaine Robinson, Ed Rotondi, Sr. Jeanne Rouillard, Freeman Shepherd, Donna Sherman, Ann Sousa, Bea Stamp, Marilyn Sullivan, Rose Sweeney, Lorraine Trahan, Barbara Vayo, Steven Vayo, Diane Wingfield, Collette Wooldridge, Rita Wrenn.

May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and comfort.comfort.comfort.comfort.

March 25, 2018 – Palm Sunday By Joan DeMerchant Introduction We open this most Holy Week continuing the theme of the cost of faithful obedience and the reality of suffering. It is easy to be enamored with the concept of love, but the truth is that love is costly. Revelation is the story of God’s great love for us. Today, we remember the cost of that love in Jesus’ passion and death, and we ask ourselves where we fit in all of this. The answer is profoundly humbling, no matter who we are. Prayer of the Faithful As we enter into this Holy Week, we pray humbly for what we need and gratefully for God’s love for us. For the church: that we may be faithful witnesses to the depth and meaning of God’s unconditional love … with humble hearts, we pray, • For those throughout the world who are suffering through no fault of their own; and for the redemption of those who cause their suffering … with humble hearts, we pray, • For all who feel abandoned or humiliated; for those suffering from abuse or bullying, physical or mental illness, or any kind of debilitating burden … with humble hearts, we pray, • For the courage and persistence to follow the way of Jesus Christ even when it leads to suffering, humiliation or death, that we may remain faithful disciples … with humble hearts, we pray, • For the courage to engage in uncomfortable, risky or costly actions on behalf of others … with humble hearts, we pray, For those in this community who need our prayers and support, especially those unable to be present with us during this Holy Week … with humble hearts, we pray,

PRAYER: Holy God, we enter into this week with deep respect and silence, conscious of the depth of Jesus’ faithfulness. Help us to follow in his footsteps — wherever that may lead. We make this prayer in the name of one who emptied himself for us. Amen.

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A Time to Follow Jesus

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies,

it bears much fruit.” -John 12:24

Holy Week begins with the festive procession with olive branches as all the people welcome Jesus. But this week continues to the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection. But what does living Holy Week mean to us? What does following Jesus on his journey to Calvary on his way to the cross and the resurrection mean? In his earthly mission Jesus walked the roads of the holy land. He called 12 regular people to stay with him, to share his journey and to continue his mission. He chose them from among the people full of faith in God’s promises. He spoke to all without distinction: the great and the lowly, the rich young man and the poor widow, the powerful and the weak. He brought God’s mercy and forgiveness. He healed, comforted, understood, gave hope, brought to all the presence of God who cares for every man and every woman, just as a good father and a good mother care for each one of their children. God does not wait for us to go to him but it is he who moves towards us, without calculation, without quantification. That is what God is like. God always take the first step, God comes toward us.

Week Ending March 11, 2018Week Ending March 11, 2018Week Ending March 11, 2018Week Ending March 11, 2018

Offertory Needed to meet Budget 3796 Offetory 1842 Utilities 826 Br. Offertory Needed to meet Budget 550 Brazilian Offertory 1284 Dizimo needed to meet budget 725 Brazilian Dizimo 1250


Ele viu, e acreditou !

Domingo da Páscoa (Ano B): At 10,34a.37-43; Sl 117; Cl 3,1-4; Jo 20,1-9 O primeiro dia da semana indica um novo tempo. Tem ligação com o início da criação do mundo. A morte de Jesus significou a passagem das trevas para a luz que nunca mais se apagará. A fé na ressurreição, porém, não se processa da mesma maneira em todas as pessoas. Algumas precisam de um tempo maior para assimilar essa verdade que tudo transforma. Maria Madalena recebe especial distinção: ainda no escuro, dirigese ousadamente ao túmulo de Jesus. Apesar de ver a pedra removida, não consegue ainda perceber a luz do sol (Jesus que ressuscitou) anunciando uma nova aurora. Perplexa, corre ao encontro de Simão Pedro e do discípulo que Jesus amava para dizer-lhes de sua preocupação com o que havia constatado. O seu anúncio provoca a movimentação dos dois discípulos na busca do verdadeiro sentido

dos últimos acontecimentos.

Maria Madalena, nesse relato de João, é representativa da comunidade que não aceita permanecer acomodada. Busca ansiosamente a explicação do que realmente aconteceu naquele “primeiro dia da semana”. É atitude muito positiva, pois “quem busca encontra e quem procura acha”. Por isso, ela é especialmente valorizada. Jesus deixa-se encontrar. Impulsionada pelo amor, caminha na direção do Amado. O maravilhoso encontro de Maria Madalena com Jesus ressuscitado se dá logo a seguir (20,11-18).

A comunidade cristã primitiva reconhecia-se no jeito de ser de Maria Madalena, de Pedro e do discípulo amado. Havia pessoas que ainda permaneciam nas “trevas” da morte de Jesus; sentiam-se desamparadas e desorientadas. Havia as que não conseguiam acolher a verdade da ressurreição de Jesus. Diziam que seu corpo fora retirado por alguém e que se inventou a notícia de que ele havia ressuscitado. É o que se percebe na expressão de Maria Madalena: “Retiraram o Senhor do sepulcro e não sabemos onde o colocaram”. Essas pessoas ainda estão no emaranhado de dúvidas, porém, pouco a pouco, receberão a graça de reconhecer a ressurreição de Jesus como um acontecimento verdadeiro e não como uma lenda

(Extraído da Revista de Liturgia)


Ó Deus, nosso Pai, hoje abriste para nós o caminho da vida, com a vitória do teu filho Jesus sobre a morte.

Por teu Espírito, faze de nós, que celebramos este dia de festa e alegria, a graça de sermos homens e mulheres novos, ressuscitados.

Por Cristo, nosso Senhor. Amém. Pe. Jonas D. Christal

(http://palavra-nossa.blogspot.com )

LEITURAS DA SEMANA: 2ª-: At 2, 14.22-32; Sl 15 (16); Mt 28, 8-15 3ª-: At 2, 36-41; Sl 32 (33); Jo 20, 11-18 4ª-: At 3, 1-10; Sl 104 (105); Lc 24, 13-35 5ª-: At 3, 11-26; Sl 8 ; Lc 24, 35-48 6ª-: At 4, 1-12; Sl 117 (118); Jo 21, 1-14 SÁB.: At 4, 13-21; Sl 117 (118); Mc 16, 9-15 2º DOMINGO DA PÁSCOA: At 2,42-47; Sl 117(118); 1Pd 1, 3-9; Jo 20,19-31


Why do Catholics Distribute Palms on Palm Sunday?

To the ancient Jews, palms were a symbol of triumph often used in victory celebrations. So when Jesus made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem before his passion and death, the crowds took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, (even) the king of Israel” (John 12:13). Today we are given palms as part of Passion (Palm) Sunday liturgy to com-memorate that last trip to Jerusalem.






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Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-being of our Priests

To submit your special intentions to our senior priests at Regina Cleri to remember during Holy

Mass each week, please visit clergytrust.org/intentions.

WAYS TO GIVEText PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25

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or visit clergytrust.org

Meet Father DeVeer−A steadfast ministry built on respect for allFather Richard “Dick” DeVeer grew up in loving family that instilled the foundational values of his ministry: respect and joy.

For more than �ve decades, Father DeVeer embraced the priest’s role to carry Christ into people’s hearts. He galvanized teens to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston. As a �re chaplain, he answered the call to serve at Ground Zero after 9/11. Recognizing the needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti, he and his parishioners created the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation to provide critical healthcare to the “poorest of the poor.”

Today, Father DeVeer is very active and remains close to the families from his previous parishes. These pivotal moments and lasting friendships demonstrate how priests like Father DeVeer stand by us when we need them most.

To help ensure that they receive necessary care and support as they live out their vocation, please give to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special Easter collection.

Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-being of our Priests

To submit your special intentions to our senior priests at Regina Cleri to remember during Holy

Mass each week, please visit clergytrust.org/intentions.

WAYS TO GIVEText PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25

(Msg. and data rates may apply)

or visit clergytrust.org

Meet Father DeVeer−A steadfast ministry built on respect for allFather Richard “Dick” DeVeer grew up in loving family that instilled the foundational values of his ministry: respect and joy.

For more than �ve decades, Father DeVeer embraced the priest’s role to carry Christ into people’s hearts. He galvanized teens to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston. As a �re chaplain, he answered the call to serve at Ground Zero after 9/11. Recognizing the needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti, he and his parishioners created the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation to provide critical healthcare to the “poorest of the poor.”

Today, Father DeVeer is very active and remains close to the families from his previous parishes. These pivotal moments and lasting friendships demonstrate how priests like Father DeVeer stand by us when we need them most.

To help ensure that they receive necessary care and support as they live out their vocation, please give to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special Easter collection.

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Holy Family, Lowell, MA 4584

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