Holy Cross Kościół Świętego Krzyża

2 5 t h S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e S e p t e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 2 1 Saint Mary Nativity 706 North Broadway Street Joliet, IL 60435 Holy Cross Kościól Świętego Krzyża 830 Elizabeth Street Joliet, IL 60435 Mailing Address: 901 Elizabeth Street Joliet, IL 60435 Parochial Vicar: Father Tomasz Sielicki Polish Organist: Mr. Mariusz Madej Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Nemanich Polish School Principal: Barbara Szuba Pastor: Father Jerome Kish Weekend Associate: Father Gerald Nicholas, O.S.A. School Principal: Mrs. Gina Pestrak Music Director: Mr. Donald Legerski Office Manager/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Taylor Lofdahl Maintenance Supervisor: Mr. Mick Joutras Maintenance Manager: Mr. Larry Tomasic Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Nemanich St. Mary Nativity Weekend Masses Saturdays: 4pm Sundays: 7am, 11am, 12:30pm & 5:30pm Weekday Masses 8:30am: Tuesday & Thursday at St. Mary Nativity Confessions Saturdays 3:15pm-3:45pm Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Fridays 8:30am – 3pm Rectory Office (815) 726-4031 Rectory Fax (815) 727-4393 School Phone Number (815)-722-8518 www.stmarynativityholycross.com MASKS Required Holy Cross Weekend Masses Saturdays: 4pm & 7pm in Polish Sundays: 9am & 10:30am in Polish Weekday Masses 8:30am: Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Holy Cross 7:00pm: MondayFriday in Polish at Holy Cross Confessions Saturdays 3:15pm-3:45pm “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, “Whoever received one child such as this in my name, receive s me.” Mk 9:35b-37a

Transcript of Holy Cross Kościół Świętego Krzyża

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021

Saint Mary Nativity 706 North Broadway Street

Joliet, IL 60435

Holy Cross Kościół Świętego Krzyża 830 El i z a b et h S t r eet J o l i et , I L 6043 5

Ma i l i n g A dd r e ss: 901 El i z a b et h S t r eet Jo l i et , I L 60435

Parochial Vicar: Father Tomasz Sielicki

Polish Organist: Mr. Mariusz Madej

Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Nemanich

Polish School Principal: Barbara Szuba

Pastor: Father Jerome Kish Weekend Associate: Father Gerald Nicholas, O.S.A. School Principal: Mrs. Gina Pestrak Music Director: Mr. Donald Legerski Office Manager/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Taylor Lofdahl Maintenance Supervisor: Mr. Mick Joutras Maintenance Manager: Mr. Larry Tomasic Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Nemanich

St. Mary Nativity Weekend Masses Saturdays: 4pm

Sundays: 7am, 11am, 12:30pm & 5:30pm

Weekday Masses 8:30am: Tuesday & Thursday

at St. Mary Nativity

Confessions Saturdays 3:15pm-3:45pm

Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Fridays 8:30am – 3pm

Rectory Office (815) 726-4031 Rectory Fax (815) 727-4393 School Phone Number (815)-722-8518 www.stmarynativityholycross.com

MASKS Required

Holy Cross Weekend Masses Saturdays: 4pm & 7pm in Polish

Sundays: 9am & 10:30am in Polish

Weekday Masses 8:30am: Monday, Wednesday,

Friday at Holy Cross 7:00pm: Monday—Friday in

Polish at Holy Cross

Confessions Saturdays 3:15pm-3:45pm

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, “Whoever received one child such as this in my name, receive s me.” Mk 9:35b-37a

Followers of the Way

One foggy morning, outside the tiny farm village of Ars in France, a young boy named Anthony Givre was herding his sheep. He saw a priest walking towards him, pushing a cart full of household items including a simple, wooden bed. The priest was trying to find the village in the midst of the fog. So he called out, “Excuse me, young man. Could you show me the way to the village of Ars?”

“Oui, mon Père, yes Father,” said the boy. “It’s my home village. It’s down that way.”

“I am the new Curé, the pastor of the parish there,” replied the priest. “Thank you, young man. You have shown me the way to Ars. I will show you the way to heaven.”

The priest was St. John Vianney. He spent his whole life in that little town, preaching the beauty of our Catholic faith. He brought those people the mercy of Jesus in Confession. He fed them with the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Every Catholic parish has the same mission, entrusted to it by Jesus Christ himself, to walk the paths of earth all the way to heaven. It is a mission—and a responsibility—shared by every parishioner along with their pastor. It this mission that unites us to our Bishop Ronald Hicks in our Joliet Diocese. It is a mission coming to us from our Lord himself under our universal shepherd Pope Francis in our Catholic Church. How well are we following this way to heaven?

Pope Francis wants us all to answer that question together. First comes the revelation that there is only one way to heaven—Jesus Christ. Jesus revealed himself as the Way when he said, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) In fact, one of the early names of the disciples of Jesus was ‘followers of the Way’ (see the Acts of the Apostles). How well are you and I following Jesus the Way, in our lives and in our parishes and in the world?

Starting on October 9 in Rome, Pope Francis will begin helping us all to answer that question together. The following week on October 17 each Catholic diocese throughout the world will begin their own response. This will include our diocese of Joliet. The time of listening will last until April of next year. It is a chance for Catholics to discuss together how well we are following Christ and how we can follow him better in our days. How well do we listen to what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us in the Scriptures? How well are we handing on the treasure of grace, or the life of God, available to us in our Tradition? How well are we following Jesus as he teaches us through his Church (Magisterium). Jesus has revealed himself to us. How deep is our faith in him? Does my life show forth the life of Jesus? How effectively are we bringing the healing and saving love of Jesus to the world?

After each diocese has gathered together their responses, those responses will be gathered together for a larger meeting in Rome. Then, finishing in October of 2023, Pope Francis will present to us together a summary of what he has heard from all of us. It will be a kind of plan for us to follow in the years ahead.

The whole thing is called a synod. Pope Francis is reminding us that the more we follow Jesus the Way, the more we can be a sign and instrument of him to the world. The world is a foggy place—it is extremely difficult to see the way to heaven these days. But the way to heaven has been given to us, when the life of Jesus was poured into our hearts at Baptism. The life of Jesus grows within us whenever we receive him well in Holy Communion. This is not just a gift for you—it is for the whole world. We might think we don’t have the ability to share this good news. St. John Vianney knew he was short on ability—he practically flunked out of the seminary. But the most important thing this holy priest knew was that he had been filled with grace, filled with the life of Jesus the Way. May each of us take up the words of St. John Vianney with all those we meet, “I will show you the Way to heaven.”

With my prayers, Fr. Jerome PS: I want to give a big note of thanks to all those who worked so hard to make our Parish Feast Days a success! The weather was beautiful. The food was amazing. Jesus once again walked through the streets of our city, connecting our Polish and Croatian roots. Afterwards we saw some amazing Hispanic folk dancing. You reunited our parishes and our neighborhood around Christ and in him! A side blessing was your generosity that even turned a profit for the day for each parish. May God continue to bless us along our way to heaven.



** If you are having a mass inten!on said for a family member and would like to bring the gi"s up for the mass please see the Ushers the day of the mass and they will direct you. Thank you! **

Saturday September 18th4:00 PM † Margaret Kirincich & Dick Boban "20th Anniversary" by Family (SMN)

† Matthew Sellers by Betty Sellers (SMN)4:00 PM † Lorraine Jaskowiak by Steve & Marian Jaskowiak (HC)7:00 PM † † Andrzej i Maria Wilczek oraz córka + Halina Wilczek (zam. Piotr i Stella Kowalczyk) (HC)Sunday September 19th

7:00 AM † Kevin Hansen by Barb & Tom Hinz (SMN)9:00 AM † Ricardo Senisais by Family (HC)

10:30 AM † Władysław Skolarus (zam. parafianie) (HC)11:00 AM † Bill Subar "Birthday" by Chuck & Jane Corso (SMN)

† Steve & Adeline Jenco by Steve & Linda Jenco (SMN)12:30 PM For those who are ill (SMN)

5:30 PM For the People of the Parishes (SMN)

Monday September 20th8:30 AM † John & Kathryn Gudac by Gudac Family (HC)7:00 PM † Józef Klikuszowian (zam. Staszek z rodziną) (HC)

Tuesday September 21st8:30 AM † John J. Witkowski by Lauren & Jack Witkowski (SMN)7:00 PM † Władysław Skolarus (zam. Irena z rodziną) (HC)

Wednesday September 22nd8:30 AM † Lorranie Jaskowiak by Mary Jean (HC)7:00 PM † Ewa Sędacka oraz ++ Helena i Wacław Sędaccy (HC)

Thursday September 23rd8:30 AM † Benedict Kanta by Marie Kanta (SMN)7:00 PM O szczęśliwą podróż dla rodziny Klikuszowianów (HC)

Friday September 24th8:30 AM † Belem Rosas by Rosas Family (HC)7:00 PM † Andrzej Żelazny (HC)

Saturday September 25th4:00 PM † Andrew Shepich by Dan & Susan Sameck (SMN)

† Matthews Sellers by Betty Sellers (SMN)4:00 PM Juana Foneca "Birthday" (HC)7:00 PM † Czesława Wysocka (HC)

† Władysław Zapotoczny (HC)

Sunday September 26th7:00 AM † Mary & Peter Crosetto by Daugther (SMN)9:00 AM † Delores Bebej by Family (HC)

10:30 AM O Boże błog. i opiekę MB dla Anny i Roberta Sykałów w 30. rocznicę ślubu (HC)O Boże błog. dla Grażyny i Józefa z okazji 34. rocznicy ślubu (HC) O Boże błog. dla Faustyny Kielar z okazji 16. Urodzin (HC)† Władysław Dziadkowiec (13. rocznica śmierci) (HC)

11:00 AM † Victoria Hernandez by Family (SMN)† Frank & Joyce Ozella by Family (SMN)

12:30 PM † Jessica Grabowski by Mr. & Mrs. Hafner (SMN)5:30 PM For the People of the Parishes (SMN)

St. Mary Nativity & Holy Cross Mass Intentions

St. Mary Nativity & Holy Cross News


Week of September 19, 2021 Flame of Faith Candle

Saint Mary Nativity For our brothers and sisters

Holy Cross For those who are departed

Today is filled with Hope and Promise.

Sign up for flocknote today to receive emails or texts of our bulletins, parish information and upcoming

events! stmarynativity.flocknote.com

COME JOIN Our Bible Study Group

as we continue to study the Bible book by book. We meet on Tuesday

mornings from 9:30AM until 11AM in the Nativity Room. Our next

meeting date will be: Tuesday, September 21st.

Registering on FORMED is easier than ever! 1. Go to FORMED.org/signup 2. Enter your parish zip code or name to select your parish 3. Enter your name and email

St. Mary Na!vity & Holy Cross Parishioners,

I wanted to take a moment and say “Thank you!”. Thank you for over two great years as the Parish Secretary here. I wish everyone the best and hope to see you all around.

God Bless, Taylor

Thank you for your generosity with the Special collection for Haiti recovery efforts this past


Giving Warmth Coat Drive St. Mary Na!vity Coat Drive

St. Mary Na,vity School is conduc,ng our 5th Annual Coat Drive. The Coat Drive is from September 1st un,l September

30, 2021. If you have gently used coats please consider dona,on them to our coat drive.

Drop off box will be located in the Na,vity Room connected to the Church (Weekdays Monday-Friday) Accep,ng ONLY

Coats, Hats, Scarfs and Gloves, gently used or new. Ques,ons: Contact Julie at [email protected]

Monthly Food Collection “For I was hungry and you gave me

something to eat,”

Oct. 2nd – 3rd Look for the blue marked container

**No clothing is being accepted at this time**

All donations will be given to our neighbors,

the St. John’s Food Bank.

Stewardship in Faith Collection


As stewards of God’s gifts, our parishes have many opportunities to provide lasting legacies. Please prayerfully remember St. Mary Nativity and Holy Cross in your estate plans. Your gift to the Church and its ministries would be very much appreciated and will be used in accordance to your wishes. For more information, please call the rectory of!ice at 815-726-4031. Thank you for supporting the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal

Sunday - September 5, 2021

St. Mary Na,vity $ 9,382.50

Special Collec,on Hai, $ 622.00

Holy Cross $ 2,318.75

Special Collec,on Hai, $ 265.75


St. Mary Na!vity Church Employment Opportunity St. Mary Na,vity Church is now accep,ng applica,ons for a part-,me, non-benefi7ed Maintenance Custodian. The person in this posi,on is responsible for performing general maintenance tasks including janitorial, comple,ng work orders, maintaining the grounds at St. Mary Na,vity and Holy Cross parishes. This posi,on reports to the Maintenance Supervisor. This is an hourly posi,on; hourly rate is commensurate knowledge and experience. · Key responsibili,es of this posi,on include, but are not limited to the following:

Performs maintenance projects and tasks with minimal supervision under direc,on from the Maintenance Supervisor. Responsibili,es include basic custodian / janitor tasks such as cleaning, pain,ng, basic repairs, replacing light bulbs, yard work, snow removal, etc.

Qualifica!ons · High school diploma or equivalent; college and/or trade school preferred · Relevant cer,fica,on (OSHA) strongly preferred · Proficient knowledge of electrical, plumbing, and appliance repair with hands on experience · Available to be to share “on-call” emergencies and requests · Proven organiza,onal and ,me management skills · Valid driver license and automobile insurance. Personal truck is an asset for light hauling between parishes; work mileage

would be compensated · Must have good communica,on skills wri7en and verbal. Bilingual in Spanish is a plus · Must support the mission, philosophy, objec,ves and policies of the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Joliet Job Requirements PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS

· May be exposed to constant ac,vity that requires intermi7ent standing, bending, crouching, pushing/pulling, liXing/moving/carrying (light to heavy weight material/appliances/ equipment), climbing ladders/stairs, and walking on rooXops

· Requires manual dexterity sufficient to operate small-motorized equipment (i.e., repe,,ve hand/wrist, gripping and elbow mo,on)

· Must have normal range of hearing, vision, color discrimina,on and depth percep,on for proper opera,on of machines and equipment

· Requires the use of appropriate safety equipment (e.g., back belts, goggles, masks, gloves, etc.) · St. Mary Na,vity reserves the right to adjust this job descrip,on as needed.

Please send resume and references to: Mary Nemanich at [email protected]

St. Mary Nativity School is having a Caramel Apple Fundraiser! Yes, Dan’s Homemade Caramel Apples are a local favorite fall treat! These apples are dipped in homemade car-amel making every bite delicious. Please fill out the bottom of this order form and send

it along with your payment by Monday, October 18th. Please make check payable to St. Mary Nativity School. Please drop off your order form along with payment at the rectory office or in the weekend collec-tion basket. The Caramel Apples will be ready for pick-up from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Friday, October 29th in the Nativity Room. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Nemanich at (815) 726-4031.

Thank You for supporting St. Mary Nativity School!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name ____________________________________ Phone Number________________________________

Number of Caramel Apples _______ at $3.00 each Total Amount Enclosed ___________

Dan’s Homemade Caramel Apples


Mary Bellos Vietta Bews Sheri Bokholtt Christopher Borsom William Brenc Charlotte Brown Genaro Cisneros John Drnek Bob Eberhard Dosseh Houeai Elise Jim Flannery Charlette Frieh Anthony Gregory Anthony Harames Haramas Janet Horvath Harriet Kazlauskas James Kozar Janet Marilyn Lajcin Jerry Lakota Darlene Likar Frank Lozano Mark Pat Majetic Gabby Matlak Alex McKeel John Charlene Molnar

Please pray for our sick Paul Morris Phil May Ann Robert Nasenbeny Raymond John Nickel Andy Orosco Willard Perkins Nick Pervan Mildred Pruss Ronald Pruss Amy Rabb Father Pete Rossa Steve Senisais Nancy Serdar Ashley Smith Adam Speirs Scott Speirs Teresa Mary Therese Stefanech Carole Thomure Joseph Trubich Diann Cerpen-Verlare Susan Ward Bernard Zolecki Need prayers or know someone who does call Pat Weiskop (815)-723-7141

Please pray for our troops

Pfc. Paul Roder, USM Jacob Gregurich, USMC Chris McCarty, USMC LT Alex Aguilera, USMC 2ND LT Kevin A’Hearn Capt. Marcos Aguilera, USMC 1st Sgt. Christina Romero USMC , Cpl. Anthony Gutierrez, USMC Pfc. Michael McCallister, USA Joe Miller, USMC Sgt. Tommy Hanks, USMC Sgt. Christina Hanks, SMC Alexander Gregurich

Pfc. Lawrence Washington Sgt. FC Jay R. Mar,n, USA E5 Kathleen Sullivan, USN SRA Michael Wilson Arellano CPL. Christopher Wesoly, Brent Moot Justyn Moot Jeremy M. Close, USMC David Walters, USA Johnathon Schroll, USMC Special Forces Pe7y Officer 1st Class Tyler Hintzsche, USN

Communion to the Homebound The Holy Eucharist is the gift of Jesus himself at Mass. If you are confined to home and unable to receive him, we have volunteers who will bring him to you. Please

contact the parish office if you would like to receive Holy Communion at home. We could also use new volunteers to help in this outreach, so also contact the parish

office if you are able to help. Our parish office can be reached at 815-726-4031. THE NINE MONTHS OF THE CHILD


Each year on December 25th we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For centuries the Church has also celebrated his conception on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation.

Our parishes have once again begun our ‘Spiritual Adoption” program. Each month we will be keeping you up to date with the development of your baby.


Mary now feels the quickening of the Child Jesus that proclaims his presence within her womb. She sings to him and feels his response. At six months, a special covering (vernix) forms to protect the baby’s skin from the fetal waters. The baby’s eyes, closed since the seventh week, are now open to its surroundings. The infant is now 12 inches long and weighs 1 ½ pounds. This baby could survive birth. Despite the fact that a child of six months has a chance at life, women may legally abort their unborn at any time throughout the nine months of their pregnancy. Pray for all physicians, midwives and nurses that they may recognize the sanctity of life and God as the author of life.

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