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Transcript of Herkul


Herkul Zevsa INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.mitovi.beotel.yu/graphics/heracles1sg.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET

(Gr. Herakles, lat. Hercules - sin najvieg boga i tirintske kraljice Alkmene, najvei junak grkih mitova)S njegovim imenom se susreemo kao sa atributom oveka gorostasnog rasta i divovske snage. Ali Herkul nije bio samo ovek divovske snage. On je imao i sve ljudske slabosti i vrline. Svojom snagom se sluio ne samo da bi stekao slavu nego da bi i doprineo boljitku oveanstva. Uinio je vie od drugih ljudi ali je vie i trpeo. Upravo zbog toga je i postao junak. Dobio je nagradu za kojom je uzalud eznuo njegov vavilonski prethodnik Gilgame ili feniki Melkart. Ispunila mu se nedostina ovekova tenja - postao je besmrtan.

Rodio se u Tebi, gde se bila sklonila njegova majka Alkmena sa svojim muem Amfitrionom. Amfitrion je ubio svog tasta Elektriona i sklonio se u Tebu bojei se osvete njegovog brata Stenela. Zevs je znao za Herkulovo skoro roenje, i to ne samo kao sveznajui bog, nego upravo zbog toga to je i sam u tome imao udela. Alkmena mu se, naime, veoma sviala pa je uzeo lik Amfitriona i bez tekoa uao u njenu sobu. Kad je doao dan Herkulvog roenja, Zevs nije propustio priliku da u savetu bogova prorekne da e toga dana doi na svet najvei junak. Hera je odmah naslutila da je tu opet re o posledicama jedne od njegovih ljubavnih avantura i odluila da mu se osveti. Pretvarala se kako ne veruje u Zevsovo proroanstvo i zatraila da se zakune da e onaj ko se na taj dan rodi vladati svim ljudima, bili oni i Zevsovog roda. Zevs se uhvatio u zamku i zakleo se da e se tako dogoditi. Hera se na to odmah pobrinula da Stenelova ena Nikipa isti dan rodi sina, iako je bila tek u sedmom mesecu trudnoe, a Alkmenin poroaj je zadrala. Tu se nita nije moglo izmeniti: snani Herkul, sin najvieg boga, morao je da slui slabom Euristeju, sinu smrtnog Stenela - alosna sudbina koju moe da pobedi samo pravi junak.

Kad se Herkul rodio, dobio je po svom tobonjem dedi ime Alkid. Ime Herkul su mu dali kasnije, zbog toga to je "kroz Heru stekao slavu" (to je tradicionalno, iako ne i do kraja istraeno poreklo njegovog imena). Hera je bila uzrok te slave, svakako protiv svoje volje, i to preprekama koje mu je postavljala na njegovom ivotnom putu, svetei se zbog nevere svog mua. Te Herine prepreke i zamke Herkul je jednu za drugom uporno savladavao. im se rodio, Hera mu je u kolevku poslala dve zmije da ga ubiju. Herkul ih je zadavio. Amfitrion se uasnuo nad snagom i spretnou deteta. Shvatio je da e onaj ko ve kao dete moe da uini takav podvig zaista daleko dospeti. Zato se pobrinuo da Herkul bude primereno odgajan, ak i bolje nego njegov sin Ifiklo. Herkulov uitelj u borbi orujem bio je Zevsov sin Kastor, a u gaanju lukom ehalijski kralj Eurit. Mudrosti ga je uio Zevsov sin Radamant, uven zbog svoje pravednosti, a muziku i pevanje uio je od Lina, brata samog Orfeja. Herkul je bio dobar uenik. Jedino to mu bas nije ilo od ruke bilo je sviranje na liri. Kada ga je Lin jednom prilikom za vreme poduavanja izgrdio, Herkul ga je udario lirom tako jako da ga je na mestu usmrtio. Amfitrion je zato odluio da ga ukloni daleko od ljudi. Poslao ga je na goru Kiteron da tamo napasa stoku. Herkul je to smatrao dolinim zanimanjem i posluao je svog tobonjeg oca.

Na Kiteronu se Herkulu svidelo. Uznemiravalo ga je jedino to to je tamo besnio straan lav koji je prodirao i ljude i stoku. Krenuo je zato na njega, savladao ga i za uspomenu poneo njegovu kou. Otada je spokojno iveo sve do svoje osamnaeste godine, kad mu je na um pala misao da bi bilo dobro ogledati se malo po svetu i pronai sebi enu. Istesao je batinu od stabla ogromnog jasena, prebacio preko ramena kou kiteronskog lava i krenuo u rodnu Tebu.

Putem je sreo neke ljude koji su mu rekli da su skupljai poreza orhomenskog kralja Ergina i da idu u Tebu po sto volova, koje je tebanski kralj Kreont morao godinje davati kao danak jer ga je Ergin napao i porazio. Herkulu se to nije inilo pravednim, a kad skupljai nisu hteli da ga posluaju i uvredama pokuali da ga oteraju, odrezao im je ui, noseve i usne i vezanih ruku poslao kui. Tebanci su svog zemljaka oduevljeno primili, ali njihova radost nije dugo potrajala. Pred vratima grada pojavio se Ergin s velikom vojskom. Herkul je odbranu grada uzeo u svoje ruke, porazio Ergina i mirovnim ugovorom ga prisilio da Tebancima vrati dvostruko od onoga to je od njih oteo. Kralj Kreont je zato dao Herkulu za enu svoju ker Megaru i pola svoje palate. Herkul je ostao u Tebi i postao otac triju sinova, smatrajui se najsrenijim ovekom na svetu.

Junakova srea se, meutim, ne sastoji u mirnom ivotu. Herkul se u to ubrzo uverio. Dok je bio pastir, boginja Hera je mirno posmatrala dogaaje u njegovom ivotu, ali kad se bio tako munjevito uzdigao, odluila je da se umea. Snagu nije mogla da mu oduzme, ali ima li ieg goreg od snage kojom ne vlada pamet? Poslala je na njega ludilo i Herkul je u pomraenju uma ubio sva tri svoja deteta i dvoje dece svog polubrata Ifikla. Ali to nije bilo sve. Hera mu je zatim vratila zdrav razum. Skrhan bolom, Herkul se uputio u Delfe da u tamonjem proroitu zamoli boga Apolona za savet kako da se oisti od nedela koje je poinio. Bog mu je ustima Pitije odgovorio da mora da stupi u slubu mikenskom kralju Euristeju i kad izvri dvanaest zadataka koje mu Euristej zada, oprae sa sebe sramotu i krivicu i postati besmrtan.

Herkul je posluao, otisao u Arg, smestio se u gradu Tirintu nedaleko od Mikene (bilo je to sedite zaista dostojno Herkula: sa svojim deset do petnaest metara debelim bedemima Tirint je do danas najbolje utvreni grad na svetu) i stupio u Euristejevu sluzbu. Kad ga je kralj Euristej prvi put ugledao, Herkul, gora od oveka, miiava junaina, ulio mu je takav strah da nije smogao hrabrosti za bilo kakvu zapovest. Prepustio je to svome glasniku Kopreju, ali s vremenom je poeo za Herkula da izmilja sve tee i tee zadatke.

Na prvi zadatak Herkul nije morao dugo da eka. Trebalo je da ubije lava koji je iveo u nedalekim Nemejskim gorama. Pred lavom je drhtao itav kraj jer je bio dva puta vei od drugih, a pored toga i neranjiv jer je imao neprobojnu kou. Herkul je pronaao njegov brlog (peina se i danas pokazuje turistima), nasrnuo na njega i snanim udarcima batine oamutio, a zatim jednostavno zadavio. Kada je posao bio zavren, prebacio je lava preko ramena i odneo ga u Mikenu. Euristej se od groze gotovo skamenio, ne samo od stranog lava nego jo vie od strahovite snage svog sluge. Umesto priznanja ili nagrade naredio mu je da ubudue ne dolazi u mikenski grad. Dovoljno je da dokaze o izvrenim zadacima donese pred bedeme, a on e odozgo proveriti. Sad neka se spremi za izvrenje drugog zadatka: da ubije Hidru.

Hidra je bila neman sa zmijskim telom i sa devet zmajskih glava, od kojih je jedna bila besmrtna. ivela je u movarama u blizini grada Lerne u Argolidi i pustoila okolinu. Ljudi su protiv nje bili nemoni. Herkul je doznao da Hidra ima pomonika, velikog raka otrih tipaljki. Zato je i sam poveo pomonika, najmlaeg sina svog brata Ifikla, hrabrog Jolaja. Iza lernejskih movara zapalio je umu da Hidri onemogui beg. Uario je u plamenu svoje strele i zapoeo borbu. Ognjene strele samo su razdraile Hidru. Bacila se na Herkula, ali ju je to stajalo jedne glave. U tren oka izrasle su joj na tom mestu dve glave. U pomo Hidri priskoio je i rak, ali kad je tipaljkom utinuo Herkula za nogu, Jolaj ga je ubio dobro odmerenim udarcem. U trenutku kad se iznenaena Hidra obazrela za svojim pratiocem i pomonikom, Herkul je iupao iz zemlje gorue stablo i Hidri spalio glavu. Nova se nije pojavila. Tada je Herkul shvatio kako treba da nastavi borbu. Postupno joj je odsecao glave, a Jolaj je goruim cepanicama palio klice glava koje su rasle. Napokon je poodsecao i spalio sve glave, iako se Hidra oajnicki branila i onom jednom, besmrtnom. Na kraju pala je i ta poslednja glava, a Hidrine nagorele ostatke Herkul je odmah zakopao u zemlju i na to mesto stavio ogroman kamen da glava ne moe izai. Kad je Hidra bila mrtva, kao dokaz da ju je ubio rasekao je njeno telo na komadie i u njenoj ui natopio vrhove svojih strela. Rane od njih bile su neizleive. U pratnji stanovnika osloboenog kraja Herkul se s Jolajem pobedniki vratio u Mikenu. Meutim, pred Lavljim vratima stajao je ve glasnik Koprej s novim zadatkom: osloboditi zemlju od stimfalskih ptica - Stimfalida.

Te ptice su dobile ime po Stimfalskom jezeru u Arkadiji, u ijoj okolini su ivele i pustoile je gore nego skakavci. Imale su kande i perje od vrstog metala, a mogle su da izbacuju ubojita pera u letu. Borba protiv njih bila je takorei bezizlazna. Naime, onaj ko bi ih gaao naao se u kii njihovih strela od kojih se nije moglo pobei. Herkul se zbog toga popeo na visoko stablo, prestraio ih egrtaljkom, a kad su poele da krue oko njega, pogodio je veliki broj njih svojim tano usmerenim strelama. Uzalud su strane ptice izbacivale metalne strele na zemlju. Napokon su prestraene odletele preko mora i nikad se vie nisu vratile.

Nakon toga Herkul je dobio novi zadatak: da uhvati koutu zlatnih rogova i gvozdenih nogu, koja je ivela u Kerineji (na granici Ahaje i Arkadije), a pripadala je boginji Artemidi. Euristej se nadao da e se mona boginja razljutiti na Herkula i ukrotiti njegovu samouverenost. Uhvatiti tu koutu svakako nije bilo lako jer je bila vrlo plaljiva i brza. Herkul ju je progonio godinu dana dok joj se nije dovoljno pribliio. Ranjenu koutu uhvatio je i doneo u Mikenu. Nije zaboravio ni izvinjenje Artemidi zbog svog bezbonog ina, a ni to da umiri njenu srdbu bogatom rtvom, pa mu je oprostila.

Nov zadatak koji je ekao Herkula bio je slian prethodnom. Trebalo je da uhvati erimantskog vepra koji je pustoio okolinu grada Psofide i ogromnim onjacima klao stoku i ljude. Kad ga je naterao u dubok sneg, Herkul mu je svezao noge i ivog doneo u Mikenu. U strahu pred gorostasnom ivotinjom kralj Euristej se sakrio u bure i odatle sav izvan sebe molio Herkula da to pre ode s veprom i da e mu za to dati manje opasan zadatak: da oisti staje elidskog kralja Augije.

Taj posao nije bio opasan. Augija je imao golemo stado goveda, a u stajama toliko ubreta i prljavtine da poslovica to spominje i danas. Oistiti te staje, ili bolje rei kravlji izmet, bio je nadljudski zadatak. Herkul je kralju predloio da e ga obaviti za jedan dan ako za to dobije desetinu stada. Augija je pristao i Herkul se upustio u posao, razume se, ne samo snagom nego i pameu. Isterao je stado na pau, prokopao kanal do oblinjih reka Alfeja i Peneja, naterao vodu iz njih u staje da odnese neistou, uvee je kanal zagradio, vratio stado u staje i otiao po obeanu nagradu. Kralj je, meutim, doznao da je ienje staja bila zapravo Herkulova dunost i uzeo je to kao izgovor da mu uskrati nagradu. Osim toga uvredio ga je napomenom da kao Zevsov sin ne mora da zarauje ienjem staja. Herkul je to, naravno, zapamtio, a kad mu se posle pruila prilika, vratio je to Augiji s kamatom: sa svojim drugovima opustoio je njegovu zemlju a njega ubio.

Da bi izvrio sledei zadatak, morao je da poe na Krit. Euristej mu je naredio da odande dovede divljeg bika kojeg je kritskom kralju Minosu darovao bog mora Posejdon, pod uslovom da mu ga prinese kao rtvu. Minosu se bik jako dopao pa je umesto njega rtvovao drugog. Posejdon se time nije zadovoljio i na bika je, za kaznu, poslao besnilo, tako da je besomuno jurio s kraja na kraj ostrva i unitavao sve to mu se nalo na putu. Herkul je po Euristejevoj naredbi uhvatio bika, ukrotio ga i sasvim mirnog preneo na leima preko mora, s Krita u Arg. Posto je ukrotio kritskog bika, Herkul je laom otplovio u Trakiju, gde je vladao Diomed, kralj Bistonaca, da mu, po Euristejevoj zapovesti, otme izuzetno plahovite konje koji su se hranili ljudskim mesom. Uz pomo nekolicine drugova Herkul je uspeno zauzdao konje i doveo ih do lae. Tamo ga je s vojskom stigao kralj Diomed, u nameri da vrati konje koji su mu pripadali. U ljutoj borbi protiv brojno nadmonije vojske, Herkul je uspeo da sauva svoj plen, ali su konji u meuvremenu rastrgli njegovog najboljeg prijatelja Abdera, koji ih je kod lae uvao. Duboko oaloen, Herkul je doveo konje u Mikenu. Euristej ih je pustio na slobodu, kao to je pre uinio i sa kritskim bikom.

Ni duboka tuga ni prezir s kojim su doekana njegova junaka dela, nisu slomili Herkula. Odluno je poao na ostrvo Eritiju, odakle je Euristeju pomogao da dotera veliko stado stoke koja je pripadala divu Gerionu. To ostrvo se nalazilo daleko na zapadu, gde je kopno zavravalo uskom prevlakom. Herkul ju je probio svojom batinom i u tako nastali morski tesnac postavio dva stuba (u starom veku Gibraltar se zvao "Herkulovi stubovi"). Na zapadni kraj sveta stigao je upravo u trenutku kada je bog Helios siao za zlatnim kolima u Okean. Da se odbrani od njegovih plamenih zraka Herkul je nameravao da ga strelom obori s kola. ud i vladanje bogova se ne mogu predvideti, pa se Herkulova hrabrost dopala Heliosu i ak mu je pozajmio svoju zlatnu barku da na njoj otplovi preko mora do ostrva Eritije. Kad je stigao tamo, Herkula je napao Gerionov dvoglavi pas Ort, a i div Eurition, koji su uvali stada. Herkul ih je obojicu ubio, a nakon njih i Geriona. Posle mnogih tekoa i nedaa polo mu je za rukom da natera stado do obala Peloponeza. Putem je savladao snaznog Erika, koji mu je ukrao jednu kravu, a zatim i diva Kaka, koji mu je ukrao nekoliko. Kad se ve nadao da e se sreno vratiti u Mikenu, Hera je poslala besnilo na njegovo blago. Stado se razbealo na sve strane pa je morao da uloi svu snagu i spretnost da ga ponovo okupi. Euristej je zatim rtvovao celo stado Heri.

Idui Herkulov junaki podvig bio je pohod u zemlju ljutih ratnica Amazonki, odakle je Euristejevoj keri Admeti trebalo da donese pojas njihove kraljice Hipolite. Poao je tamo s nevelikim odredom drugova i na putu se zaustavio u Miziji, gde je vladao kralj Lik, poznat po svom gostoprimstvu. Kralj mu je priredio velianstvenu gozbu. Dok su se gostili, u grad su provalili divlji Bebriani i poeli da ga pljakaju. Herkul je ustao sa stola i sa svojim drugovima udario na uljeze. Ubio je njihovog kralja i njegovu zemlju poklonio Liku, koji ju je u njegovu ast prozvao Heraklejom. Svojom pobedom je stekao takvu slavu da mu je sama kraljica Hipolita izala u susret i poklonila mu dobrovoljno svoj pojas. Meutim, boginja Hera proirila je glasinu da Herkul namerava da Hipolitu odvede u ropstvo i Amazonke su joj poverovale. Napale su Herkulove drugove i njima nije ostalo nita drugo nego da se bore. Na kraju, Amazonke su bile poraene, mnoge su pale u zarobljenitvo a meu njima i dve zapovednice, Melanipa i Antiopa. Hipolita je Melanipi otkupila slobodu svojim pojasom. Antiopu je Herkul poklonio svom prijatelju Tezeju da mu se tako odui za njegovu hrabrost, a i zato sto se Tezeju svidela pa se njome i oenio.Tako je Herkul u svemu izvrio deset zadataka, iako Euristej nije hteo da u poetku prizna da je lernejska Hidra ubijena (uz izgovor da je Herkul imao pomonika), a ni ienje Augijevih staja (jer to, navodno, nije hteo da uradi bez nadoknade). Da bi izvrio jedanaesti zadatak Herkul je morao da ode u podzemni svet i odande dovede samog Kerbera. Bio je to zaista pakleni pas. Imao je tri glave, oko vrata zmije, a na kraju repa zmajsku glavu s odvratnim drelom. Iako se iz podzemnog sveta do tada niko iv nije vratio, Herkul se nije kolebao. Bogovima je njegova hrabrost imponovala i odluili su da mu priteknu u pomo. Bog Hermes, vodi dua umrlih, doveo ga je do ponora Tenara (na dananjem rtu Matapanu, na najjunijem delu Peloponeza i evropske obale), gde je bio tajni ulaz u Hadovo podzemno carstvo. Tamo ga je prihvatila boginja Atena. Po sablasnom putu, na kojem je sretao due mrtvih prijatelja i ubijenih neprijatelja, dovela ga je Atena pred presto vladara podzemnog sveta, Hada, koji ga je kao Zevsova sina ljubazno primio. Dozvolio mu je da uhvati i odvede Kerbera, ali pritom nije smeo da upotrebi oruje. Kerber se branio zubima i kandama, udarao repom sa zmajskom glavom i tako grozno zavijao da su due mrtvih letele podzemnim svetom u sablasnoj pometnji. Posle kratke borbe Herkul ga je tako jako stegnuo da je Kerber mogao da se oslobodi samo obeanjem da e biti posluan i da e krenuti za Mikenu sa njim. Videvi uvara podzemnog sveta, Euristej je pao na kolena (prema drugoj verziji sakrio se u bavu) i, krei ruke, molio Herkula da paklenu nakazu odvede tamo odakle ju je i doveo.Ostao je poslednji zadatak. Euristej mu je zapovedio da mu donese tri zlatne jabuke iz vrtova Hesperida, keri monog titana Atlasa, koji je zbog pobune protiv bogova bio osuen da na ramenima dri nebeski svod. Gde su bili ti vrtovi, niko nije znao, ali se znalo da put do njih uva Ladon, zmaj koji nikada ne spava, zatim div Antej koji svakoga nadjaa i ubije a i sam titan Atlas. Herkul se uputio u Egipat, proao Libiju i sve zemlje koje je ve znao s puta za Gerionovim stadom, ali traene vrtove nije naao. Tek kad je stigao daleko na sever, do beskonanih voda Eridana, savetovale su ga tamonje nimfe da za njih upita morskog boga Nereja. Posle teke borbe, u kojoj je Nerej neprekidno menjao oblik, Herkul ga je svezao i nije ga pustio dok nije saznao sve to je eleo. Vrtovi Hesperida su negde na dalekom zapadu, izmeu dananjeg Maroka i Francuske.Herkul je ponovo morao u Libiju, u zemlju gde je iveo div Antej, sin boginje zemlje Geje. Antej ga je, po svom obiaju, izazvao na dvoboj, ali Herkul ga je u tekoj borbi pobedio. Uspeo je u toku borbe da uvidi otkud div crpe svoju snagu. Kad bi Antej osetio da malaksava, priljubio bi se uz svoju majku zemlju i skupio snage za novu borbu. Herkul ga je otrgnuo od zemlje i podigao uvis. U tom poloaju div je bio bespomoan i Herkul ga je zadavio. Na putu do vrtova Hesperida, Herkul je morao da savlada i izbegne mnoge prepreke koje putnicima postavljaju razbojnici i vladari. Meu ostalim, umakao je egipatskom kralju Busirisu, koji je hvatao strance i rtvovao ih bogovima. Na kraju je Herkul doao do Atlasa. Kad mu je objasnio zato je doao, Atlas mu je sa sumnjivom susretljivou predloio da on sam donese jabuke ako mu za to vreme Herkul pridri nebeski svod. Herkul je pristao. Atlas je svoje obeanje ispunio, ali zatim predloio da e sam odneti jabuke u Mikenu, a zatim se vratiti. S lukavstvom je mogue izai na kraj samo lukavstvom. Herkul navodno pristane i zamoli Atlasa da na trenutak pridri teret, dok on napravi podlogu za rame jer ga svod ulja. im je Atlas zauzeo svoje staro mesto, Herkul uzme jabuke, utivo zahvali divu, krenu natrag i zaustavi se tek u Mikeni. Euristej nije verovao svojim oima i toliko se iznenadio da mu je vratio jabuke. Herkul ih je prineo kao rtvu boginji Ateni, a ona ih je vratila Hesperidama. Time je bio ispunjen i dvanaesti zadatak i Herkul je bio slobodan.Nedugo zatim bio je slobodan i u drugom smislu rei. Svoju enu Megaru Herkul je velikoduno prepustio Jolaju, koji ju je za vreme njegovog odsustva teio kao veran pratilac i tako se navikao na nju da nije vie mogao da ivi bez nje. Herkul je zatim napustio Tebu za koju ga vie nita nije vezivalo i vratio se u Tirint. Ali ne zadugo, jer su ga tamo ekale nove zamke boginje Here, a s njima i nove patnje i nova junatva.Ne zna se tano da li je Hera na njega poslala enju za novom enom, ili se u njemu probudilo astoljublje u elji da pobedi najveeg strelca lukom u Heladi, ehalijskog kralja Eurita. To dvoje je bilo u tesnoj vezi jer je Eurit proglasio da e svoju prelepu rusokosu ker Jolu dati onome ko ga pobedi u gaanju lukom. Zbog toga se Herkul zaputio u Ehaliju, najavio se u palati svog nekadanjeg uitelja, zaljubio se u njegovu ker na prvi pogled i drugog dana pobedio. Kralj Eurit, meutim, nije mogao da preboli to ga je pobedio njegov uenik i izjavio je da svoju ker nee dati oveku koji je sluio kod kukavikog Euristeja. Herkul se uvredio i poao da trai enu drugde. Naao ju je tek u Kalidonu. Bila je to lepa Dejanira, ki kralja Eneja. Nije je dobio lako. Morao je da se bori za nju u dvoboju sa drugim proscem, renim bogom Ahelojem, koji je po elji mogao da se pretvori u zmiju ili bika. Posle svadbe mladenci su ostali u Enejevoj palati, ali Hera nije zaboravila na Herkula. Oduzela mu je razum i on je na gozbi ubio sina svog prijatelja Arhitela: hteo je samo da ga udari zato to mu je na ruke nalio vodu pripremljenu za pranje nogu, ali mladi se od udarca nije vie osvestio. Arhitel mu je oprostio, ali Herkul je ipak napustio Kalidon i s Dejanirom krenuo u Tirint.Putujui, doli su do reke Euena, preko koje nije bilo mosta. Putnike je, uz umerenu naplatu, na drugu obalu prevozio kentaur Nes. Herkul mu je poverio enu, a sam je preplivao reku. Ali Dejanirina lepota toliko je oarala kentaura da je pokuao da je otme. Herkul ga je zaustavio smrtonosnom strelom. Hidrina u otrovala je kentaurovu krv tako da je ubrzo umro, ali je jo pre smrti smislio osvetu. Savetovao je Dejaniri da uzme njegovu krv i ako Herkul ikada prestane da je voli, da mu tom krvlju natrlja odeu i njegova ljubav e joj se vratiti. Doavi u Tirint, Dejaniri se inilo da joj arobna krv nikada nee trebati. iveli su kako dolikuje suprunicima, zajedniki su odgajali svog sina Hila i drugu decu - dok se u Herkulovu sudbinu nije ponovo uplela Hera.Do toga je dolo udnom igrom sluaja. Kad je, naime, Herkul otiao u Ehaliju, nestalo je kralju Euritu stado. Ukrao ga je Autolik, inae poznati lopov, a da istragu zavede na pogrean trag, kradljivcem je proglasio Herkula kako bi se osvetio kralju za smrtnu uvredu. Cela Ehalija je u to poverovala - osim Ifita, najstarijeg Euritovog sina. Da dokae Herkulovu nevinost, Ifit je poao da trai ukradenu stoku. Put ga je naneo u Argolidu, a kad je ve bio tamo, posetio je i Tirint. Herkul ga je srdano primio, ali kad je za vreme gozbe saznao zbog ega ga Eurit sumnjii, strano se razljutio, a Hera je u njemu raspirila takav bes da se nije savladao i sunovratio je Ifita sa bedema. Nije to bilo samo ubistvo nego i krenje najsvetlijeg zakona gostoprimstva. Zevs se na svog sina razgnevio i poslao na njega bolest.Kad bolest nije prolazila, Herkul se uputio, napreui sve svoje snage, u Delfe da pita za savet Apolona kako da okaje svoj greh. Ali Pitija mu nije dala odgovor. Razjareni Herkul oduzeo joj je tronoac s kojeg je objavljivala svoja proroanstva. Kad nee da vraa, ne treba joj ni tronoac. Odmah zatim se pojavio Apolon i zatraio tronoac. Herkul nije hteo da mu ga vrati, a Apolon je svakako hteo da mu ga oduzme, pa su veliki Zevsovi sinovi poeli da se svaaju i nateu kao deca. Kako nisu prestajali, Zevs je zagrmeo i rastavio ih munjom. Nakon toga su se umirili i Apolon je naredio Pitiji da posavetuje Herkula. Morao je tri godine da slui kao rob, a dobijeni novac da daje Euritu kao naknadu za ubijenog Ifita.Herkul je ponovo morao da se rastane sa slobodom. Postao je rob lidijske kraljice Omfale, uobraene i okrutne ene koja ga je neprekidno poniavala. ak je morao i da tka sa slukinjama i nosi ensku odeu, dok je ona sama hodala pred njim u koi njegovog kiteronskog lava. Povremeno ga je putala na slobodu, ali ne iz susretljivosti i ljubaznosti, nego da bi po povratku jo tee podnosio sudbinu roba.Za vreme jednog takvog izlaska Herkul se prikljuio Argonautima koji su ili u Kolhidu. Za vreme drugog, pao je u Aulidi u zarobljenitvo kralja Sileja, koji je prisiljavao svakog stranca da radi u njegovom vinogradu, ali je Herkul brzo pobegao. U Efesu su ga, dok je spavao, napali patuljci kerkopi (ili daktili) i ukrali mu oruje. Hteo je da ih kazni, ali kako su bili mali i smeni, pustio ih je na slobodu. Uvek bi se sam vraao u robovsku slubu, dok se nije potpuno oistio od poinjenih zlodela.Doao je najzad i poslednji dan tree godine. Herkul je dobio oruje od kraljice Omfale i sad je bio slobodan. Bez srdbe oprostio se od nje, tavie, udovoljio je njenoj elji da joj za uspomenu ostavi potomka (dala mu je ime Atis), koji je posle nje stupio na lidijski presto. Kad se vratio u otadbinu, Herkul je skupio svoje verne prijatelje i pripremio se za veliki obraun.Prvi mu je za davnu uvredu platio kralj Augija, a zatim je doao na red i trojanski kralj Laomedont. Bio je to nepodmiren raun jo iz vremena kada je Herkul sluio kod Euristeja i nije bio svoj gospodar. Nakon povratka iz pohoda protiv Amazonki uinio je Laomedontu veliku uslugu: oslobodio je Troju morske nemani kojoj je trebalo da bude rtvovana Laomedontova ki Hesiona. Laomedont mu je obeao konje koje je njegov deda Tros dobio od Zevsa kao otkupninu za sina Ganimeda odnesenog na Olimp. Meutim, Laomedont nije imao obiaj da ispunjava svoja obeanja. Kada je Herkul doao po nagradu, oterao ga je uz uvredu. Sad je to Herkul naplatio: doplovio je pod Troju sa est laa, zauzeo ju je i ubio Laomedonta. Nakon tolikih junakih dela Herkulova slava dosegla je visine snenog Olimpa. A to ni iz daleka nisu bila sva koja je izvrio. Oslobodio je, na primer, titana Prometeja, kojeg je Zevs prikovao na vrh Kavkaza, gde mu je orao svakog dana jeo jetru a ona mu je neprestano iznova rasla. Dobro odmerenim udarcem usmrtio je orla i oslobodio Prometeja patnji i sramotne kazne. Izborio je od boga smrti Tanatosa duu Alkestide, koja je odluila da dobrovoljno umre umesto svog mua Admeta i vratio je u ivot. Savladao je i ubio mnoge neprijatelje i nemani, meu njima i Kikna, sina boga rata Aresa. Osnovao je vie gradova od kojih je najpoznatija Herakleja (Herkulanum) u podnoju Vezuva. Usreio je mnoge ene (samo u jednoj jedinoj noi, koju je s Argonautima proveo na ostrvu Lemnosu, pedeset Lemnjanki je usreio potomstvom). Herkul je stekao potovanje kao nijedan ovek tog vremena, ak ga je i sam Zevs molio za pomo.Naime, protiv olimpskih bogova pobunili su se giganti, sinovi Urana, svrgnutog boga neba, i boginje zemlje Geje. Imali su gotovo osiguranu obedu jer su bili vrlo snani, a osim toga su od svoje majke dobili biljku koja ih je titila od oruja bogova. Bogovi su se nali u bezizlaznoj situaciji pa su se setili ubogih smrtnika, jer od ovekovog oruja gigante nije titila nikakva arolija. Zbog toga je Zevs poslao Atenu po Herkula. Nije morala posebno da ga nagovara, spremno je posluao poziv svog oca, pourio na bojite, ubio najpre Alkioneja, najsnanijeg giganta, zatim i druge pobunjenike, i zajedno s bogovima najzad slomio njihov otpor. Time je stekao ne samo zahvalnost bogova nego i ljudi jer je Zevs bio svakako bolji vladar nego njegovi prethodnici, Kron i Uran ili prvobitni Haos.Vrativi se iz borbe sa gigantima, Herkul je odluio da izmiri svoj poslednji raun. Krenuo je na Ehaliju, osvojio i ubio kralja Eurita zbog davne uvrede koju mu je naneo. Meu zarobljenicima spazio je rusokosu Jolu, koju mu Eurit nekada nije hteo da da za enu. U njemu je opet planula nekadanja ljubav. im je za to doznala Dejanira, setila se udotvorne krvi kentaura Nesa, natopila je njome Herkulov ogrta i poslala ga po Lihi u Ehaliju. Hidrin otrov s Herkulove strele, koji je otrovao Nesovu krv, prodro je u Herkulovo telo i izazvao strahovit bol. Herkul je taj bol hrabro podnosio, a kad je od svog sina Hile saznao za njegov uzrok, shvatio je da mu je doao kraj. Naredio je da ga odnesu u njegov dvor, ali Dejanira je ve bila mrtva. U oajanju to je iz ljubavi prouzrokovala smrt svog mua probola se maem. Nepodnoljive muke naterale su Herkula na odluku da se oslobodi strahovitog tereta ivota. Zamolio je svoje drugova da mu na gori Eti podignu pogrebnu lomau. Posluali su ga i po njegovoj elji poloili ga na nju. Ali niko nije hteo da zapali lomau, iako ih je za to usrdno molio. Na kraju se na to odvaio mladi Filoktet. Za nagradu Herkul mu je dao svoj luk i strele. Vatra iz Filoktetove baklje planula je, ali su jo jasnije sevnule Zevsove munje. S njima je sa Olimpa sletela Atena, zajedno s glasnikom bogova Hermesom, i dovela Herkula na zlatnim kolima na Olimp. itav Olimp je pozdravio najveeg junaka, ak je i Hera savladala staru mrnju i dala mu za enu svoju lepu ker Hebu, boginju vene mladosti. Zevs ga je postavio za sto bogova, pogostio ga nektarom i ambrozijom, a kao nadoknadu za njegova junaka dela i njegove patnje proglasio ga besmrtnim.Herkules - dvd . Mocno se uzdizuci izmedjuTesalije I Makedonije u drevnoj ...Crtani film je SINHRONIZOVAN na srpski jezik, ali postoje i prevodi na ...[Central][basilisk][centaur][chimera][cyclop][dragon][griffin][hydra][medusa][minotaur][pegasus][satyr][sphinx][siren][unicorn] PRIA

Diznijeva verzija HERKULESA poinje na Olimpu, boravitu bogova, u trenutku kada Zevs i njegova ena Hera sa svojim zvanicama proslavljaju dolazak na svet svog novoroenog sina, Herkulesa. Ponosni otac poklanja sinu krilatog konja - Pegaza. I dok svi slave jedino je Had duboko neraspoloen jer, nezadovoljan svojim poslom u Podzemnom svetu, planira da preuzme vlast na Olimpu.

Had od Suaja dobija poruku da e kroz 18 godina planete biti u takvom poretku da Titani, koje je Zevs pre mnogo godina zatvorio, mogu da budu osloboeni. Meutim , da sve ne bi ilo ba tako glatko tu su i rei upozorenja: ukoliko se Herkules bude borio, Had e doiveti neuspeh. Da bi osujetio rei Suaja Had alje svoje verne, ali trapave sluge da se ree Herkulesa. Ova dva stvorenja (Bole i Panika) grekom ostavljaju Herkulesa na Zemlji smrtnog ali sa boanskom snagom. Ostavljaju ga kod Alkmene i Amfitriona, koji ga odgajaju kao roenog sina.

Odrastajui, Herkules osea da ne pripada tom okruenju, pa odluuje da ode i pronae mesto gde bise zaista uklopio. Po savet odlazi u Zevsov hram. Tu velika statu a oivljava i otac obajnjava sinu da samo bogovi ive na Olimpu i da je jedini nain da se on vrati kui da se dokae kao pravi junak na Zemlji. Pegaz i herkules su od tog trenutka ponovo zajedno i kreu u potragu za Filoktetom, velikim uiteljem svih junaka.

Fil je niko drugi do cinini satir koji je puno puta bio razoaran pokuavajui da pronae najveeg junaka svih vremena. Uz malo ubeivanje prihvata se posla. Posle tekog rada ovaj duo odlazi u Tebu, bespomonu metropolu kojoj je oajniki potreban junak.

Na putu do Tebe Herkules sree Megaru, koju je uhvaio Kentaur. Posle otrog poetka na junak je samo mogao da shvati da Meg uopte i nije bila u opasnosti. U pitanju je jedna jaka, snalaljiva i duhovita ena kakvu on do sada nikada nije sreo. Kada Herkules ode dalje Meg se prikljuuje njen "gazda" Had, koji na komian nain saznaje da je njegov nepriajtelj jo uvek iv.

Po dolasku u Tebu Herk veoma brzo ubeuje stanovnike da je on zaista pravi junak. Uspeva da pobedi vieglavu Hidru, da pobedi udovita raznih veliina i oblika. Svaka nova pobeda irila je glas o ovom superjunaku, tako da on postaje prava senzacija, te se itav niz predmta pravi sa njeogvim imenom i likom. Pa ipak, ni to nije dovoljno da bi se Herkules nastanio na Olimpu. Zevs mu obajnjava da to to je poznat nije isto to i biti pravi junak, pa ga savetuje da zaviri u svoje srce i potrai pravi odgovor.

Kako vreme istie Had postaje oajan i odluuje da iskoristi Meg da prevari Herkulesa i otkrije njegovu slabost. I dok ona otkriva koliko joj je ustavrio stalo do Herkulesa, Had otkriva da je upravo ona njegova slabost. Koristei njenu slobodu i sigurnost za pogaanje, Had uspeva da nagovori Herkulesa da se bar 24 sata odrekne svoje snage. Da bi ga dotukao, Had otkriva da je Meg bila deo njegovog tima od samog poetka i da su njena oseanja bila samo deo te arade. Herkules ostaje oajan i razoaran.

Hada tako uspeva da oslobodi Titane koji kreu u svoj pohod na Olimp. Uspevaju da uhvate sve bogove na elu sa Zevsom. Za kraj Had alje Kiklopa koji treba da zavri sa Herkulesom. I pored svih nevolja Herkules se hrabro bori pokazujui da pravo junatvo ne lei u njegovoj snazi, ve u njegovom srcu.

Rad na animaciji poeo je 1995.g. uz pomo 906 umetnika, animatora i tehniara. U ovu brojku ukljueno je i oko 100 animatora u Diznijevom studiju u Parizu, gde jenastalo skoro 10 minu filma. U Burbanku je 41 umetnik oslikao 1601 pozadinu za ovaj film. Tim od 108 animatora bio zaduen da vizuelnim efektima bogovima doda potreban sjaj, da Hadovu kosu naini vatrenom itd.

Ron Klements objanjava zato su se odluili ba za mit o Herkulesu: "Mitologija nam se uinila interesantnom zato to se do sada niko od animatora zaista nije njome bavio. U FANTAZIJI je mit obraen na neki nain, ali ne do kraja. Sama ideja o Herkulesu koji je pola bog, a pola ovek donela je pred nas niz interesantnih i zanimljivih mogunosti. Otkrili smo da ne postoji konna verzija mita o Herkulesu. Bio je toliko popularan da se i niz drugih pria upleo kazivanja o njemu samom "

Don Masker dodaje: "Pria o Herkulesu je sjajno zvuala za nas animatore jer je u sebi sadrala elemente fantastinog, kao i injenicu da je re o liku koji prevazilazi sve obine. Ovakvu priu nismo mogli da zaobiemo. Jo neto nam je bilo vrlo zanimljivo: Herkules je junak obinih ljudi. Bogovi mogu da izgledaju kao neto nedostino, pa su se ljudi okretali Herkulesu jer im je bio blizak. Zato je i postao najei lik na vazama i drugim objektima iz tog perioda. "

Masker i Klements su odluili da grko drutvo iz vremena mitova oslikaju kao paralelu savremenog drutva.Tako je teba nazvana Velika maslina. Takoesu pokuali da unesu duh komedija iz tridestih i etrdestih godina. Zato Meg pomalo lii na Barbaru Stenvik, a Herkules ima odlike Dejmsa Stjuarta ili Hernrija Fonde u telu Arnolda varcenegera


Grci su ga zvali Herkale. Pa ipak, Diznijevi animatori su uzeli slobodu da svom junaku daju ime koje se mnogo vie koristi, a potie od Rimljana, Herkules. Zato, a i iz drugih razloga za Diznijevog Herkulesa ne moe da se kae da je doslovno transponovanje mita o Herkalu. Pa ipak, orginalni mit je osnova za nastanak ove filmske prie.

Herkalov zaviaj je Argolida, ali je on roen u beotiji, jer je Amfitrion bio prinuen da napusti Mikenu i da se sa suprugom skloni u Tebu. Dok je Amfitrion ratovao sa Tafljanima, Zevs je u njegovom liku priao Alkmeni i u toku noi, koju je utrostruio ili udevetostruio, zaet je najvei i najsnaniji grki junak Herkale. Iste ili slede noi Amfitrion se vratio u Tebu i Alkmena je sa svojim suprougom zaela Ifikla, Heraklovog brata blizanca. Kada je doAo as Herkalovog roenja, Zevs je sveano izjvaio da e svetlost dana ugledati dete njegove krvi, koje e kasnije zavladati Argivcima. Muena ljubmorom Hera je zatraila od svog suprouga da joj se zakune da e se njegove rei obistiniti. im je Zevs poloio zakletvu, ona je naredila Ejlejtiji, boginji poroaja, da odloi Herkalovo roenje, a sama je pohitala u Arg i ubrzala poroaj Stenelove supruge. Tako je Stenelov sin Euristej roen u sedmom mesecu, a Alkemna je tek u desteom mesecu donela na svet Herkala i Ifikla.

Herakle je roen etvtog dana u mesecu; plaei se Herine ljubomore, Alkmena je ostavila svog sina na poljani izvan tebanskih zidina, a Zevs, koji je eleo da deak bude besmrtan, naloio je Ateni da njegovog sina podmetne Heri koja ga je podojila. Atena je odvla boginju do mesta gde je Alkmena ostavila maliana, podigla je dete sa zemlja i stavila ga Heri na grudi. Herkle je tako snano povukao melko iz boginjine dojke da je Hera od bola vrisnula i grubo ga odbacila. Atena je ratila deaka Alkmeni i naredila joj da ga neguje. drugi pripovedaju da je Hermes odneo malog Herkla na Olimp i da ga je stavio na grudi usnule Here; boginja se ubrzo probudila, ali je malian u meuvremenu ve podojio boansko mleko i stekao besmrtnost. Iz mleka koje je tada poteklo iz Herine dojke nastao je Mleni Put.

Alkmena je brino uvala sinove, ali je Hera i dalje smiljala kako da uniti Herkala. Jedne veeri kad je deacima bilo osam ili deste meseci, Alkmena ih je povila u grimizne pelene i stavila u veliki Amfitrionov tit. Dok su roditelji spokojno spavali, Hera je u Amfitrionov dom poslala dve ogromne zmije, koje su napale decu. Na vrisku preplaenog Ifikla roditelji su dotrali, ali Herkale svojim ruicama uspeo da udavi obe nemani.

Amfitrion se trudio da pribavi najbolje uitelje svojoj deci, te je maldi Herakle bio veoma vet na vie polja: trke dvokolica, rvanje, muzika...S obzirom na svoju snagu poslali su ga u planinu, gde je sa 18 godina uspeo da ubije velikog lava. Kou lava je iskoristio ka ogrta, a glavu kao neku vrstu kapuljae. Upravo ova slika je i najee raena na mnogim umetnikim predmetima.

Herakle se oenio Megaorm sa kojom je imao osam sinova. Zbog Herine ljubomore, koja je uinila da poludi, Herkale ih trojicu ubio. Da bi se oistio od greha odlazi kralju Tespiju, a zatim stie u Delfe i pita proroite gde da se nastani. Pitija mu nalae da ode u Tirint i da 12 godina slui kralja Euristeja. Istovremeno mu je prorekla da e stei besmrtnost ako izvri deset junakih dela. Ona ga je prvi put nazvala imenom Herkale (Herina slava) jer se on do tada zvao Alkid, po svom dedi Alkeju. Najee se meutim pripoveda da je Eristej naredio Herkalu da izvri 12 tekih zadataka (dodekatlos); prvih est je blo vezano za okolnu Arga i Peloponez, a ostali za najudaljenije krajeve sveta i Pdzemlje.

TEJT DONOVAN (HERKULES) - Radio je na filmovima kao to su "Murder at 1600", "Memphis Belle", "Ethan Frome", "Love Potion #9" i "Inside Monkey Zetterland" i TV ostvarenjima HIDRA

I ovoga puta kompjuter je morao da umeao svoje prste u animaciju. Tim strunjaka na sebe je preuzeo teak zadatak da pred publiku iznese tridesetoglavu mitsku neman koju su stari Grci zvali Hidra. Da bi se napravila koreografija pokreta bile su potrebne itave dve godine rad tima od 15 umetnika i tehniara, a scena taje samo 5 minuta. Da bi se postigao pravi efekat trebalo je napraviti poseban program.

Guld objanjava: "Kompjuter je sjajna sprava pomou koje moe da prati svako kretanje objekta. Pa, ipak, izazov je bio da se Hidra oivi tako da se vrlo dinamino kree i da pritom pratimo pokret svake njene glave, a da ona sam se u potpunosti uklapa u ostale likove koji su rukom crtani."

CGI tim je zato konstruisao kompjuterizovani model Hidre koji je omoguio animatorima da uine sve ono to bi inili kao da je re o crtanju rukom. Da bi se postigao takav nivo fleksibilnosti trebalo je postaviti 1244 konrolne take samo u jednoj glavi, gde svaka taka predstavlja jedan stepen pokreta, kao to je pozicija levo/desno u levom oku, ili ugao napred/nazad jedne od Hidrinih glava. Da bi se oivelo udovite sa 30 glava bilo je potrebno 23392 kontrolne take. Jedan lik kao to je Hidra podrazumevao je rad koji bi zahtevao rad na 30 pojedinanih karaktera. A opet sve je to trebalo ukomponovati u jedno savreno udovite


Jedan od najzanajnijih Diznijevih animatora, Andreas Deha, priznaje da je rad na likovima u HERKULESU bio veoma kompleksan. "Herkules je verovatno najsloeniji lik koji sam u svojoj karijeri morao da nacrtam. Miii i vei deo njegove anatomije stalno je vidljiv. Obino likovi imaju ili koulju ili su poptuno obueni, ali kod Herkulesa ne moete da varate. Morate da znate kako funkcionie koleno i kako izgledaju miii na ruci kada se pokrenu. ivi modeli su bili od pomoi do odreene granice, ali poto su likovi veoma stilizovani, zavrite na kraju zatvorenih oiju, zamiljajui kako su se grki bogovi kretali. Veliki deo inspiracije dolazio je i od glasova, pa mi je tako Tejt Donovan bio od velike pomoi. "

"Jo jedan od izazova bio je Had. Zlikovac kakvog do sada nismo imali", kae Ranijeri. "S jedne strane on pokuava da vam bude prijatelj, a sa druge pun je tajni koje ne eli da otkrije Predstavili smo ga priljivca koga moete da sretnete u prodavnici automobila i putujueg prodavca koji treba da vas ubedi u neto. Ovakav lik moe da vas fascinira, ali to je ujedno i najgora vrsta zloa koja se ne otkriva do samog kraja. Dejms Vuds je bio sjajan saradnik. Na probama nam je da pregrt materjala sa kojim je moglo svata da se uradi. On je zaista oiveo likove i dao nam ideje koje mi nikada ne bismo primenili na neki negativan lik."

Ken Dankan, koji je nadgledao kreiranje Meg kae da je uivao tokom rada na ovoj dinaminoj i energinoj dami. "Ono to je sjajno jeste da je Meg jak karakter koji ume da misli svojom glavom. Veoma je spretna, nezavisna i filmu daje dramsku crtu, koja potie iz injenice da joj se ne veruje. "

Moda jedan od najsmenijih likova je Fil, kome je glas pozajmio Deni De Vito. Animator, Erik Goldberg, zaduen za kreiranje Filovog lika poeo je od crta samog glumca. Priznaje da mu je improvizacija ovog vrsnog glumca pomogla da u lik unese potrebnu ivost i komini elemenat koji mu je preko potreban. The Hydra is the mythological monster who has many heads.

HYDRA begins with an auto-pedestrian accident of a pretty girl run over by a taxi. Fr. Jason, a passenger in the same taxi, jumps out to give aid to the victim while the driver has a panic attack. The scene is observed from a window by someone whom the camera does not show.

Fr. Jason, the main character of the film, is still a young man whose major vocation outside of the church would be sacred archeological research. Hes not pleased with his real sacerdotal duties to care for a neighborhood church. Fr. Jason has a childhood friend who is a psychologist with whom he engages in dialogues. In these conversations the viewer comes to know Jason intimately and, at the same time, obtains a lay point of view of the mysterious occurrences. After the initial incident, a member of his church calls upon him to help her daughter who, according to her, is being possessed by a demon or evil spirit. Fr. Jason resists, affirming that he cant do anything, and that her problem is of a medical nature. The member discusses this with Fr. Jason and defies his priestly condition, declaring that he has no faith...Fr. Jason ends up by accepting to go to the congregants house, however accompanied by his psychologist friend. The character made up by the congregants daughter presents with all of the symptoms of demonic possession that weve seen in other films of the genre; however no object flies through the air or moves by itself, finally only manifests itself in the altered behavior, sexually lustful and alteration of voice. The psychologist friend affirms it to be a psychiatric matter and that the girl should go to the hospital. Jason enters into the darkened room and tries to read a passage in the Bible.

The "possessed" girl tears her own clothes, leaving her partially naked while screaming swearwords, and offering herself to him sexually. When Fr. Jason turns on the light to better be able to read the Bible the girl weakens...At this time her mother enters the room, who hugs her and the girl ends by waking up, apparently free from the possession. After this type of exorcism other cases repeat themselves, including one with a married woman who also goes to the same church...The viewer does not have background knowledge of these domestic scenes happening to a lady and her daughter, surprisingly, and there is no explanation that the lady is played by the same actress who played the role in the [other] narrated cases of "possession". These occurrences generate a psychological conflict in Fr. Jason, which basically does not accept the traditional explanations for cases of possession. He asks his superiors to be removed of his duties at the church, and this is denied, since no church in the city has attracted so many of the faithful. His superiors desire Jasons popularity. The priest begins to have nightmares where he discovers himself to be aroused and incapable of resting the sex appeal of the possessed ones that the dreams bring to him. An ugly and deformed face takes form during the dream, repeatedly replacing the face of one of the beautiful "possessed ones". Jasons psychologist friend happens to be his escape to rationality. Principally after Fr. Jason understands that he is dealing with the same "demon" or "evil spirit" by virtue of which is spoken by the "possessed ladies". Together they try to solve the mystery and, by the psychologists deductive powers, they discover that the only points in common with the young "possessed" women were the fact that they all attended his church and all of them walked there from home. There was only one point on the route common to both, the street where Fr. Jason remembered having had the strange car/pedestrian accident where he tried to assist the victim. In their research at the police station they discovered that many pedestrian-car so-called accidents occurred at the same point in that street. New research discovered what the police had not, that all the accidents occurred on the same date. Fr. Jason discovers the existence of only one high-rise apartment complex in front of the point where the accidents occurred. He does phone research and discovers a suspicious apartment. He goes to that apartment and meets a woman, the mother of a paraplegic, albino woman, who was the same woman in the disconnected scenes.

SUMMARY: The Hydra was a paralyzed, albino woman (therefore the episodes of "possession" would disappear soon after Fr. Jason turned on the light to read the Bible, since albinos are sensitive to light), who in infancy had been run over by her father who died in the accident. That daughter was then cared for by the mother in her dark bedroom where she developed incredible telepathic powers, which allowed her to direct where people went and to control their minds. She would spend the day in front of her window capturing the faces of pretty women, and projecting those to her mother to whom she totally controlled. She fixed on Fr. Jason one day in the accident, which provoked her; in the same way as did all the others that occurred in front of her apartment building. The date of her fathers death was the same as her becoming paralyzed. The final scenes of "Hydra" show her with broadened powers by the nearness transforming her into various women in Fr. Jasons presence who struggles to control his own mind. Taking advantage of the fixation of her daughter on Fr. Jason, her mother tries to get rid of the priest who, dazed, was oblique to drive himself to the bedside where he encountered the Hydra. In the middle of the fight the candle on an altar, the only source of light in the room, falls on the ground, starting a fire. Fr. Jason manages to escape and the scene changes to the middle of the street where we see Fr. Jason in street clothes talking normally with his friend the psychologist. One of the formerly possessed women joyfully crosses the street in their direction; a car begins to weave erratically and frightens the actors and viewers. The scene changes with the viewers understanding that Jason abandoned the Church and that he is having a relationship with some young woman. In the final shot the young woman is laughing in a sarcastic manner, hiding behind dark glasses...

That screenplay would find any producer who likes the story with the proper dialogue and details necessary to produce the film. HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA (98 mins) $34.95

1962 Trimark

Region 0

Video: Full Frame (1.33.1)

Audio: Dolby Digital Mono 2.0

Subtitles: English

Chapter Stops: 10

Packaging: Keep Case


Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragalia

This Italian peplum production was originally released in 1962 as GLI AMORI DI ERCOLE (which translates to LOVES OF HERCULES. In 1966, the film was purchased by Walter Manley Enterprises, who edited, dubbed, and renamed it HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA for TV release. With the success of Ridley Scotts GLADIATOR, sword and sandal films are hot again. Though HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA is no GLADIATOR, it still manages to generate some gladiator excitement, despite the obvious cheese.The two cheesecake/beefcake stars, Jayne (LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS) Mansfield and Mickey (BLOODY PIT OF HORROR) Hargitay were a real life couple, and their chemistry spills over onto the big screen. The big-busted Mansfield was revered as a pin up queen in the late fifties and early sixties. Sadly, her career was cut short when she passed away in 1967. Here Mansfield has a dual role as the beautiful duty-bound princess Dejanira, and the evil leader of the Amazon women. This was Hargitays first stab at Hercules. The supporting cast consists of Italian actors and actresses (like Massimo Serato, Giulio Donnini, and Arturo Bragaglia) who look embarrassed to be in this film. HERCULES VS THE HYDRA was directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragalia, who directed other films of the genre such as URSUS IN THE VALLEY OF THE LIONS and QUEEN OF BABYLON.While Hercules is away, the captain of the guard named Nico from the kingdom of Arcadia, murders Hercules wife. The blame is put upon the king of Arcadia. After Hercules mourns the death of his wife, he travels to Arcadia to face the king. But the king is already dead (thanks to the treacherous Nico). The kings daughter Dejanira is now the leader and she is unaware of her captain of the guards treachery. Dejanira and Hercules quickly develop feelings for one another, but she is promised to another, Prince Acalos. Though her heart lay with Hercules, she will do anything to keep peace in her kingdom.Nico stabs Prince Acalos with a knife lifted from Hercules. Naturally, Hercules gets the blame, and then Nico has him put on trial. Hercules demands his freedom to prove he is innocent. Hercules hunts the one man who may have proof of his innocence, but discovers the 3 headed Hydra monster. After a drawn out struggle, Hercules manages to slay the beast, but the creature mortally wounds him. The Hydra was the guardian to the realm of the Amazon women, and now they are free.The Amazon women abduct the wounded Hercules and heal them. But the Amazon women want to control Hercules, so their leader magically disguises herself as Dejanira and seduces him. Meanwhile, Nico is killing anyone who stands between him and Dejaniras throne. But he controls her troops, and he gives her an ultimatum: make him the ruler of Arcadia by marriage, or die. Hercules must find a way to fight off the Amazon women, and return to the kingdom of Arcadia, to rescue his loved one.HERCULES VS THE HYDRA is so cheesy, that it does not fail to entertain. And you have to like Hercules sensitivity. Five minutes after his wife dies, he is in love again with the next woman he meets! Equally hilarious is that Mickey Hargitay is dubbed with a British accent! The other male characters are dubbed by Shakespearean-style actors, which makes for better dialog delivery than you would imagine. Jayne Mansfield looks great as Dejanira sporting a black wig. To contrast this, as the evil leader of the Amazons who dupes Hercules, she wears a red wig. Mansfield plays her character like Liz Taylor in CLEOPATRA. Though not a great actress, she has some screen presence and makes the best of her roles.Mickey Hartigays performance as Hercules is disappointing compared to Steve Reeves (who made the Hercules franchise famous). You dont need to have acting skills to perform a role like this, especially if you know your dialog will be dubbed, but it is nice to have some charisma, at best. Though he is a big guy, Hartigay just has no presence. As Hercules, Hartigay battles the three-headed hydra (a large, unconvincing, mechanized prop that fails to depict any realism), stops a maddened bull on the loose (the animal looks drugged), fights a shaggy bigfoot-like creation (a large Greek guy with a hairy back and rotted teeth), encounters walking tree men (actors in foam tree outfits), and is captured by a plethora of Amazon women (cant say anything bad about the Amazon women; they all look great!).The production design is excellent, but much of it is lost in the pan and scan process. The Roman costuming looks colorful and highly authentic. The interior scenes were obviously shot on a soundstage somewhere, but the art direction is pretty detailed. There are some wonderful exterior panoramic sets which must have looked awesome in widescreen, but are castrated here. There is a very ancient looking Greek colonnade that looks convincing even in the full frame transfer.SIGHTThe original theatrical ratio for GLI AMORI DI ERCOLE is 2.35.1. Naturally, when it was released to TV by Walter Manley Productions, the transfer was panned and scanned to fit the TV screen. Trimark must have optioned only the TV print since thats what we get here (1.33.1). This is a crying shame, because the production team put in a lot of work to produce epic set designs. These sets (not to mention the special effects, the cast, and the large number of extras) are all compromised. Also, the full frame transfer has that washed out look from overscanning. You know, the image lacks detail and the colors are muted. On the positive side, this is a decent print for a 40 year old film; there is not as many nics, scratches, and imperfections as you would expect to see in the image. Several close ups of the characters actually dont look too bad. The black level is very deep, and the other colors are all evident (though a bit soft). Generally, the video quality is much better than VHS, but not what it should be for DVD. The action scenes do not suffer from the problems here, but they do appear truncated in the pan and scan transfer. Despite this major shortcoming, you can still appreciate the positive things in the cinematography, like the regal costuming, authentic production design, cheap monsters, and the breasts of Jayne Mansfield.SOUNDThe audio portion certainly fares better than the video; at least the soundtrack has not been altered in any way (if you dont count the dubbing). HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA is solid Dolby Digital Mono 2.0 presentation, with only a few audio flaws (some distortion and the occasional background hiss). Most of the movie is dialog driven and this mix serves that well. The dubbing is very well done; at least compared to films dubbed today (why do films dubbed back then sound better than films dubbed today?). Most of the voice actors are of the Shakespeare variety, and they manage to project some authority into their lines (especially those portraying the bad guys). The English dialog is also expertly synchronized with the foreign actors. One highlight of the soundtrack is the score by Carlo Innocenzi, (who also scored MILL OF THE STONE WOMEN, GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS, and ATLAS IN THE LAND OF THE CYCLOPS) which should please fans of soundtrack music. His compositions are full of rousing choral arrangements, complete with tenors in the background. It is a glorious score indeed. And it sounds nicely integrated on the soundtrack, and is not overpowered by the dubbing or sound effects. This score is about the only thing in the film does not come off as cheesy.FEATURESThe only extra is a custom Trimark trailer for the ADVENTURES OF HERCULES DVD Box Set. The short trailer consists of brief scenes from all seven films in the collection. The trailer is full frame and mono, naturally. Look for DVD reviews coming soon for the other entries in Hercules DVD Box Set: LION OF THEBES, THE TROJAN HORSE, MEDUSA AGAINST THE SON OF HERCULES, THE TRIUMPH OF HERCULES, HERCULES VS. THE SONS OF THE SON, and HERCULES VS. THE MOLOCH.CONCLUSIONFans of the Hercules and Xena TV shows should get a kick out of this to see where those shows draw their influences from. This DVD has its problems (mainly the pan and scan transfer), but the transfer is far superior to VHS or AMC which are the only two ways to see these gladiator classics. Yeah, HERCULES VS. THE HYDRA is cheesy, but it is cheesy in a fun way. Granted, these films are not for everyone. But people who enjoy the Sinbad films may like this, just dont expect that Ray Harryhausen magic. Getting back to the pan and scan desecration, it is hard to complain since there are 7 movies in the box set for $35. Thats $5 dollars a movie, the lowest single price of a DVD title that Ive encountered yet. Grab a couple brews or cocktails, relax, and get ready to laugh.THE ADVENTURES OF HERCULES is available at DVDEmpire

Rating (out of 5):Movie:3.0





Hercules Vs. The Hydra

The Company Line

The King of Eurito kills Hercules' wife so Hercules heads off to Eurito to get some revenge. Once he gets there, he finds out that the King is already dead. We also learn that the guy that killed the King is looking to take the throne for himself. Somehow it all means that "Hercules must battle three headed monsters and Cyclops to defeat the evil villain and save the kidnapped Dejanira."

1960, 93 minutes, VHS

The Review

Well, here's another one of these Hercules that doesn't have a beard. I understand shaving the rest of your body for these types of roles, because even us guys that are into girls would rather not have to stare at some gladiator's back hair if at all possible. The clean-shaven Hercules though remains one of my greatest pet peeves in cinema. I don't get why these beefy ancient types are portrayed like they run around in the underworld and various temples like they have a little shaving kit with them. I suppose it could be hidden under those little school-girl miniskirts they seem partial to wearing (thank god that hasn't caught on like it did with girls when Britney kickstarted that pseudo-pedophile fashion statement a few years ago with her obscene video), but wouldn't the aftershave they use attract unwanted creatures like bugs, minotaurs, and the skinny guy that always is hanging around Hercules in these movies anyway? So I was outraged to see a baby-faced Hercules would be firing up the leather fetish-wear in this particular adventure, but my outrage also turned to delight when I discovered that this particular Herc would be played by none other than Mickey Hargitay! Mickey of course brought us joy in such classic fare as Bloody Pit Of Horror and was also seen in Lady Frankenstein (though used sparingly in a decidedly "straight" role as a police detective). Mickey was some kind of bodybuilder that really had that Hercules style of acting done pat. By that, I mean he was able to stand at odd positions, with his arms jutting out from his body so that we would be able to see that he was super-jacked and ready to flex some no-good enemy monster to death. Mickey also knew that in any battle scenes, Hercules had to do a lot of exaggerated lunging and groping. This was obviously to communicate to the audience how mega-powerful Herc was, because if he was quick and sure in his attacks, we wouldn't get to see him role around with his foe, put chokeholds on him, or hold him up above his head like one of those papier mache rocks that littered the ancient lands.

I'll be up front with you on this one. Your story is not what I would call the tightest. In fact, it's about as loose as that broad that plays a lot of pool down on the east side of town in my favorite honkytonk, but just like her, this movie makes up for that by pacing the rolling around, stabbings, love potions, and farm animal attacks so that we remain in its thrall for most of the hour and a half our ten bucks buys us. In a move that defies any logic (ancient or otherwise) all of this muscle-headed adventure begins because some moron thought it would be a good idea to invade Hercules' kingdom while he's out of town (at some all-male retreat no doubt) and kill his wife. I need to lodge one complaint that seems endemic to these "hunks and punks" films. Other than Hercules (or whatever alias the main character happens to be going by - it helps to keep the numerous male companions you have stashed away in every village from finding out about each other), I can never understand, remember, or keep track of the names that all these characters use. All their names end in "pedes" or "icus" and the dubbing is usually so wanting that these names are just kind of slurred out in a hurry and I'm never sure who they're referring to or what name they actually said. Thus, as in most Godzilla movies, I am forced to give each character my own name, just to keep track of them. For instance, the dope with the strange facial hair (skinny beard with upper lip shaved) who hatched this ridiculous plot to kill Hercules' wife, will henceforth be known as Ploticus. I wasn't ever too sure what he was trying to do by killing Mrs. Hercules, but once he did it, he then doublecrossed his own king and killed him. The thinking here was that Hercules would think that the king killed his wife, but since the king was dead, there would be no vengeance to take. The people back home would just be told that the king fell honorably in battle and then this guy would be in charge. Well, except for the daughter of the king, who just became queen and is already betrothed to another guy. Ploticus is non-plussed by all this and hatches another diabolically dumb scheme wherein he'll frame Hercules for the murder of the new queen's fiancee and then move in on the queen himself. The problem I see with this is that Hercules isn't the kind of guy that's going to sit still for some murder trial. Add to that the fact that this guy gets murdered by being stabbed by Hercules' dagger in the back and everyone will tell you that's not Herc's style. He likes to get his hands all over a man when he's battling him, wrestling around on the ground, putting exotic holds on him everywhere his tan muscular hands can find purchase on his opponent's bronzed body. Herc may be looking to stick his dagger somewhere in this guy, but it surely isn't in his back, if you smell the baby oil.

Hercules gets word that his *ahem* wife has been killed by some dirty dogs from the other village and he immediately stomps off to see what the heck is going on with those guys. Hercules is a man's man (but I surely didn't need to tell you that) so he doesn't show a lot of the emotion that most of guys would probably experience when our wives turned up dead and we had an alibi. Mickey plays Hercules as a guy with a perpetually dull-witted look on his face, though sometimes he's able to move that look into "haughty" territory when the situation requires it (i.e. his face tires of holding the dull-witted expression). Hercules hauls arse over to this village to find out what in the dickens is going on. He demands to see the king so he can get started with his vengeance and is told that the king is already dead. While he is there though, he may as well participate in some trial that the queen has to go through. I was never terribly clear what precipitated this trial that the queen would have to endure (Ploticus says something about how the people would never accept her as the legitimate ruler until she went through with it) and I don't know why they asked Hercules to do it, but you know the big guy! Hand me those battle axes! The queen is tied up to some apparatus and Hercules has to throw four battle axes at her. If he nails her, she quite obviously fails the trial (some would say it was Hercules that failed, but he gets to go home for dinner that night no matter what). Hercules demonstrates some pretty funny throwing techniques and manages not hit her, which considering her Anna-Nicole Smith-sized figure is quite an accomplishment. I suppose a few words about the queen are in order right about now. She's played by Mickey's then real-life wife, Jayne Mansfield. Jayne was famous as some type of sex symbol known for her really big bazooms (that's what we called them in the sixties, right?) and is also famous for getting killed in a car wreck later on (though she apparently wasn't really decapitated, it was just her wig that the wreck knocked off, though for Jayne the difference was probably immaterial with her being dead and all). Just like in real life, Hercules takes one look at the queen and is immediately entranced by her talents. I personally think Mickey and Jayne spent a lot time comparing their breast sizes with one another, but that's just rank speculation.

Hercules and the queen get on famously (they're both big-boned foreigners in a land of skinny Italians) and they go out riding when all of a sudden there's a stampede of cows! I was riveted to my chair, biting my nails as I wondered whether Hercules had ever worked a dude ranch and would have the skills to defeat these evil cows. Well, I needn't have worried, because Herc has always had a soft spot (just don't ask where!) for farm animals (see also Hercules Vs. The Sons Of The Sun) and he sets about rounding up those little doggies. Just then, a rampaging hell-bull (looks like regular bull, but rampages) goes after the queen (I think her name was Diphtheria or something) and Hercules has to quit playing cowboy and switch to rodeo mode! He jumps off his horse and goes after this bull just like it was some Roman soldier. In a movie filled with spectacular moments (the battle with the Hydra, the fate of the tree-men, the battle with the guy in the ugly ape suit), this battle with a really big cow was probably the best. Hercules literally grabs this thing by the horns and starts rassling with it as the queen makes worried faces in reaction shots. Now, the cow wasn't really doing much in the way fighting Hercules, other than resisting being wrestled down to the ground, but eventually this farm animal had no choice but to yield to the superior strength and fighting prowess of this demi-god (Ahh, to live in olden times, when the gods would walk among men and beat up their cattle!). Hercules stabs this poor beast and then stupidly leaves his knife behind so that it could later be used to frame him up. Of course once he finds out about the big frame up, he goes running off the underworld to find some guy who was a witness to something or had information about someone. I rewound this scene to try and figure out who this guy was and why he would prove Hercules as being innocent (Why did he even care?), but the next thing I know this dude is in the jaws of this Parade of Roses Hydra float and is apparently dead. Hercules embarrasses himself early on in this battle by slapping this big three-headed fraternity float upside the head with his sword. He finally chops off one of its heads (shown mostly off-screen: we see a little blood from its neck and then we see its head laying on the ground), but just when it seems that Hercules has defeated the Hydra, he bumps into one of its other heads and gets knocked out (and yes, it involved Mickey doing some really fake-looking stumbling and flopping around moves). Don't worry about him though, because he wakes up in the land of the Amazons!

With the help of a love potion that makes the queen of the amazons look like a red-headed Jayne Mansfield, Hercules plum forgets about how mad he was that he'd been framed for some murder or something back somewhere or other. However, he isn't completely out of danger here with these amazons. See, whenever their queen gets down with her lovers she takes them out to the Forest of Death or someplace and turns them into living trees. That didn't make a lot sense to me either, but maybe it's some sly comment about guys really just being big pieces of wood or something. Hercules is warned about this and he escapes (eventually, after like laying around with the queen for a few nights) and the queen is caught up in one of these trees and is killed. Hercules makes it back to his village, is told that Diphtheria is imprisoned by the bad guys back at the other village, leads an invasion force, chases after Diphtheria and Ploticus and ends up in a cave fighting a guy that looks like he's wearing a brown shag carpet. Classic strongman action all the way around in this one! There's something for everyone in this movie. Guys with big boobies, gals with big boobies, wild bulls, stabbings, monsters, amazons, and even some type of acid bath! It's clear that the filmmakers used the lack of a story that made any sense to their advantage. Unfettered by the needs of plot and continuity, they shuttled Hercules all over the map into lots of different and fairly short-lived adventures. I like a movie that distracts from its dumbness with the sheer volume of its antics. Sure the monsters are low-rent costume shop type things, but at least this movie has Hercules getting his sweaty biceps on some monsters. Some of these Hercules things only have him thumping other guys in skirts and a little of that goes a long way. I will confess that I was somewhat let down that they constrained Mickey in his Hercules role, never letting him loose to do the whacked out stuff we know he's capable of from such hits as Bloody Pit Of Horror. He played it really straight, without any of the over-the-top humor we know he's capable of, but maybe with him surrounded by all the stupid stuff happening he felt like he needed to be an anchor of realism in this ocean of rummage-sale costumes. This is pretty good as far as deranged sword and sandal happenings go. When one of my buddies found out that I had seen this, he claimed to have watched it in the movie theatre years ago. I knew he was lying, because if he really had seen it, he would've bragged about it sooner than this, instead of just hopping on the Hercules bandwagon now. This is probably stating the obvious, but he if he really wants to see it, he'll have to buy his own copy, because there's no way I'm letting this one out of my sight!

Four-Disc Box Set

This classic Hercules collection isifilled with exciting adventures, courageous rescues, duelsito theideath, big- screen battles, andiclashed with unimaginable beasts. Loaded with colorful special effects andithrilling big-screen action. It isia must-haveifor every collector!

Hercules vs. The MolochAt Mycene , theihorrible Cult of Moloch callsifor theisacrifice of theifinest young peopleiin theiregion. Entering theicity incognitio, Glauco assumes theiname of Hercules andiperforms feats of strength andidexterity which so impress theiQueen that she appoints him Captain of theiGurads at Moloch's den. Glauco leads theisuccessful rebellion against theimighty city of Mycene andiconquers theiheart of its beautiful queen!

Hercules vs. The Sons Of The SunHercules isisaved byitheicourageous warriors of Prince Maytha from death at theihands of theieivl usurper, Atahualpa, King of theiIncas. Together Hercules andiMaytha rescue beautiful Princess Yamara who isiaboutito be sacrificed byiAtahualpaito theiSun God. Then inia dramatic duel Hercules andiMaytha overcome andidestroy theidespotic king.

The Triumph of HerculesWhen theipeople of Mycene riseiin revolt, their evil Prince Milo andithis mother, Pasiphae,ia sorceress, conjured up seven superhuman beings made of bronze who spread terror among theipopulace.

Medusa vs. The Son Of HerculesBesieged byitheiarmies of Argus, theikingdon of Seriphos ision theiverge of famine. Thousands of brave soldiers tryingito reach Seriphos byitheimysterious swap bordering it have fallen victimitoia fire-breathing monster. On theifar side of theicity, theifearful Medusa terrifies anyone who looks heriin theieye. Leading them intoia spectacular battle against overwhelming odds isitheiSon of Hercules!

Lion Of ThebesAfter theidestruction of Troy, Helen andiMenalaus escape with their court. When their ship isiwrecked off theicoast of Africa, Menalaus isilost but Helen andiArion make their wayito Thebes, where Pharaoh Ramses isiovercome byiHelen's famous beauty. Ramses isiassinated byihis councilor. Helen andiArion are accused of theimurder andiimprisoned, but Arion escapes andigoesito Menophis where he finds Menalaus alive andiat theihead of theiarmy aboutito attack Thebes. Arion isijustiin timeito save Helen, whose sentence of death isibeing carried out. Menophis at last sits onitheithrone of Egypt andihis first official act isito host festivitiesiin tributeito Helen andiArion, aboutito leaveifor Sparta.

The Trojan HorseIn theitenth year of The Trojan War, Aeneas andiParis succeed theislain Hectorias commanders of theiTrojan army. Opposing them isiUlysses, who has devisedia stratagem which will get his men inside theiinsurmountable Trojan Walls.

Hercules vs. The HydraWhen theiKing of Eurito kills Hercules' wife, Hercules travelsito Euritoito settle theiscore. But Hercules arrivesito find theiKing already dead, anditheikiller plottingito steal theithrone!

Product Information


Features Not Specified


Standard 1.33:1 Color


ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo [CC]


[None]Release Date: 5-16-2000

Packaging: Keep CaseDisc: DS-SLChapters: 70

Item Code: VM7347DUPC Code: 031398734727

Film Information

Actors:John BarrymoreMark ForestMickey HargitayRichard HarrisonJayne MansfieldAnna RanalliSteve ReevesGordon ScottDan VadisPierre CressoyArturo DominiciYvonne FurneauxPietro MarescalchiAnna Maria PaceAllesandra PanaroMarilu Tolo

Directors:Carlo Ludovico BragagliaOsvaldo CiviranniAlerto De MartinoGiorgio Ferroni

Producers:Emo BistolfiAlberto ChimenzOsvaldo CiviranniGiorgio FerroniAlberto ManicaVilo PavoniBruno Turchetto

Writers:Osvaldo CiviranniAlessandro ContinenzaRemigio Del GrossoLuciano DoriaArrigo EquiniAlessandro FerrauGiorgio FerroniErnesto GastaldiRoberto GianvitiMario GuerralUgo LiberatoreUciano MartinoGiorgio SteganiFranco TannozziniFederico ZardiStudio: Lion's Gate

DVD Year: 2000

Length: 650 minsRating: NR

Category Information

Actors > ( M ) > Mansfield, JayneActors > ( R ) > Reeves, SteveGenres > Action / Adventure > CreaturesGenres > Action / Adventure > Heroes > MythologicalGenres > Box Sets > Science Fiction > Science FictionStudio Stores > Trimark > Action/Adventure

Hercules Movies

VHS and DVD LinksHercules | Conan | Sinbad | Knights | Robin Hood | 3 Musketeers

Biography: Hercules: Power Of The Gods VHS

Hercules Action Pack (Four-Disc Set) [DVD] DVDEpisodes from "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" include "The Warrior Princess," "The Gauntlet," "Unchained Heart," "The Lost Kingdom" and "Hercules and the Amazon Women"; plus, "Young Hercules" and "Hercules & Xena: The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus." 496 min. total. Standard; Soundtracks: English Dolby stereo, Spanish Dolby stereo, French Dolby stereo; Subtitles: French, Spanish; biographies; interactive menus. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys(1994) VHSKevin Sorbo stars as the legendary Greek hero, the son of Zeus who uses his mighty strength to fight for justice, in these fantasy-filled, feature-length adventures that led to the hit syndicated action series. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: Hercules And The Amazon Women VHSDoes being captured and held prisoner by a village of beautiful warrior women sound like fun? Try telling that to Hercules, who must either submit to the romantic advances of Amazon queen Hippolyta or face a torturous death. Lucy Lawless guest stars as Lysia. 91 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: Hercules And The Amazon Women/The Lost Kingdom [DVD] DVDDoes being captured and held prisoner by a village of beautiful warrior women sound like fun? Try telling that to Hercules, who must either submit to the romantic advances of Amazon queen Hippolyta or face a torturous death. Lucy Lawless guest stars as Lysia. Then, in a quest to find the lost city of Troy, Hercules must battle such menaces as a monstrous sea serpent, the assassins known as the Blue Monks, and the sinister schemes of his "stepmother" Hera. 182 min. total. Standard; Soundtrack: English Dolby stereo; Subtitles: Spanish, French; interactive menus; biographies. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: Hercules In The Underworld VHSThere'll be "Hades" to pay when Hercules ventures into the depths of the land of the dead to rescue a village from the god of the underworld's clutches. 92 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The Circle Of Fire VHSThe light's going out all over the world when a jealous Hera steals the Eternal Torch, source of all of man's fire. To restore the flame, Hercules must battle a giant and a nasty wood sprite and even risk the anger of father Zeus. 91 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The Gauntlet VHSHercules once again crosses swords with the lovely and lethal Xena, whose followers are raiding village after village. But when Darphus, her ruthless lieutenant, overthrows her and casts a beaten Xena into the wilderness, will she return to fight with Hercules or against him? 47 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The Lost Kingdom VHSIn a quest to find the lost city of Troy, Hercules must battle such menaces as a monstrous sea serpent, the assassins known as the Blue Monks, and the sinister schemes of his "stepmother" Hera. 91 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The Warrior Princess VHSLucy Lawless made her debut as the beautiful but treacherous pillager Xena in this episode, wooing Hercules' best friend Iolaus as part of her evil scheme to split them up and thus secure her conquest of the land of Arcadian. 47 min. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The Warrior Princess/The Gauntlet/Unchained Heart [DVD] DVDLucy Lawless made her debut as the beautiful but treacherous pillager Xena in this episode, wooing Hercules' best friend Iolaus as part of her evil scheme to split them up and thus secure her conquest of the land of Arcadian. Then, Hercules once again crosses swords with the lovely and lethal Xena, w se followers are raiding village after village. But when Darphus, her ruthless lieutenant, overthrows her and casts a beaten Xena into the wilderness, will she return to fight with Hercules or against him? Next, Demigod and warrior princess unite when Hercules and Xena join by war god Ares as part of his merciless plan to conquer the forces to stop the resurrected Darphus, brought back to life by war god Ares as part of his merciless plan to co Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: Unchained Heart VHSDemigod and warrior princess unite when Hercules and Xena join forces to stop the resurrected Darphus, brought back to life by war god Ares as part of his merciless plan to conquer the mortal world. 47 min. Young Hercules(1997) VHSLearn about the early years of the adventure-seeking demigod, as a 17-year-old Hercules sets out on a quest to prove his bravery with a heroic prince, a beautiful warrior woman, and a devious con artist in this feature-length saga from the producers of the "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" series. Ian Bohen, Dean O'Gorman, Johna Stewart star. 93 min. Young Hercules [DVD](1997) DVDLearn about the early years of the adventure-seeking demigod, as a 17-year-old Hercules sets out on a quest to prove his bravery with a heroic prince, a beautiful warrior woman, and a devious con artist in this feature-length saga from the producers of the "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" series. Ian Bohen, Dean O'Gorman, Johna Stewart star. 93 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English stereo; scene access. Young Hercules/ Young Pocahontas [DVD] DVDStandard; English; Subtitles: English, Spanish, French. The Amazing Feats Of Young Hercules VHSKicked out of Mt. Olympus by his father, Zeus, the young Greek muscleman and his pet ferret face a variety of trials and an array of monsters in order to prove himself worthy--learning a valuable lesson in the process--in an exciting animated tale of Herculean proportions. 60 min.

Hercules/ Hercules Unchained Twin Pac VHSHow much muscle can one VCR take? Find out with this bulging two-tape set that features Steve Reeves at his most heroic, and at a money-saving price. Hercules(1959) VHSThe original "swords, sandals and sweat" spectacle stars Steve Reeves as the muscular Greek superhero who asks the gods to make him mortal so he can find love and share in the adventures of humans. His mortal adventures include falling in love with beautiful princess Sylva Koscina and going on a perilous journey with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece. 105 min.Hercules Unchained(1960) VHSSteve Reeves returns as the mighty Hercules in another saga of muscles, maidens and monsters. Robbed of his memory, Herc is a prisoner of the lovely Queen of Lidia and must compete in the Contest of Giants for his freedom. 101 min. Hercules vs. The Hydra(1960) VHSHubby and wife duo Mickey Hargitay and Jayne Mansfield team up in a mighty myth-adventure, as muscular Herc (Mickey) must save a victimized queen (Jayne) from the schemes of an evil Amazon (Jayne again). Also features a cyclops, talking trees and a three-headed dragon. AKA: "The Loves of Hercules." 94 min. The Loves Of Hercules(1960) VHSMole Men Against The Son Of Hercules(1961) VHSEtruscan hero Maciste (apparently Italian for ``beefcake'') battles a race of hideous albinos in their weird underground city. Mark Forest reprises his role as the sandal-wearing muscle lad. The Fury Of Hercules(1961) VHSIt's a labor of love for the legendary strongman, as Herc (essayed here by Brad Harris) comes to the aid of a beautiful queen whose land has been conquered by a cruel tyrant. 96 min. Hercules Of The Desert(1962) VHSHercules The Avenger(1962) VHSReg Park excels as the muscular hero in this "spaghetti spectacle" that finds Hercules in the underworld, trying to save his son's soul from Gaea, the wicked Earth goddess. Meanwhile, Gaea's son travels to Earth and masquerades as a villainous Herc. Sharp-eyed viewers will spot stock footage from "Hercules and the Captive Women" and "Hercules in the Haunted World." With Gia Sandri. Sons Of Hercules vs. Venus(1962) VHSMedusa Against The Son Of Hercules(1962) VHSA strapping demi-god named Perseus trades blows with a hideous one-eyed monster and her legion of stone men. Italian-Spanish adventure from the age of legends stars Richard Harrison and Anna Ranalli. AKA: "Perseus the Invincible." Fire Monsters Against The Son Of Hercules(1962) VHSThere'll be a hot time in old Macedonia tonight, as Maxus, "the muscular son of the muscular one," squares off againt a gaggle of guargantuan, fire-breathing creatures to save the residents of a remote valley. Reg Lewis, Margaret Lee star. 80 min. Devil Of The Desert Against The Son Of Hercules(1962) VHSSwords! Sinews! Sand! Muscleman Kirk Morris dons the loincloth for this spectacle, in which the mythical hero helps a group of nomadic herdsmen battle their way through the "Valley of the Thundering Echoes" to reach a fabled oasis. AKA: "Hercules of the Desert," "The Slave Merchants." 93 min.Hercules And The Tyrants Of Babylon(1963) VHSRock Stevens (later Peter Lupus of "Mission: Impossible" fame), as Hercules, is called on to save the Queen of Helledes, a ruler desired by the evil king of Babylon and his three sleazy siblings. Hercules has his work cut out for him, but the large club he wields helps matters. Hercules Against Moloch(1963) VHSPrince Glauco of Mycene prepares to rid his father's kingdom of evildoers by wearing the name and loincloth of the hero Hercules (somehow "The Mighty Glauco" just didn't have the same ring). Gordon Scott stars. AKA: "Conquest of Mycene." 98 min. Triumph Of The Son Of Hercules(1963) VHSDad left behind quite a lionskin to fill, but the well-groomed and heavily-muscled Kirk Morris more than acquits himself in this epic adventure loaded with swordplay, strongmen, and savagery. And wait until you hear the theme song! Ulysses Against The Son Of Hercules(1963) VHSTwo of mythology's greatest heroes--Ulysses and, um, the offspring of Hercules--are pitted in a fierce struggle until both are captured by bizarre half-man, half-bird creatures. Now, they must team with each other to stop the nasties, controlled by a beautiful but evil queen. Georges Marchal and Michael Lane star. Hercules Against The Mongols(1963) VHSAfter warlord Genghis Khan dies, his three sons go on a murderous rampage, killing innocent people and jailing Princess Bianca until they decide which one will marry her and inherit her land. Her brother escapes and tells Hercules about the troubles. Then Herc gets all medieval on them. Mark Forest, Azia Maria Spim and Renato Rossini star. The Beast Of Babylon Against The Son Of Hercules(1963) VHSFormer "Tarzan" Gordon Scott takes the strongman costume to become Hercules, who goes up against an evil king causing trouble for the population of Assyria. Michael Lane, Moira Orfel also star. AKA: "Hero of Babylon." 98 min. The Terror Of Rome Against The Son Of Hercules(1963) VHSThrilling spectacle pits Poseidon, the son of Hercules, against fearsome gladiators and ferocious beasts in a struggle to free captive Christians intended for slaughter in the Roman arena. With Mark Forest and Marilu Tolo. 100 min. Hercules And The Captive Women(1963) VHSReg Park flexes his pecs as the mythological strongman, out to save his son from the thrall of the evil queen of Atlantis. He must overcome mystic hordes and a deadly dragon if he is to thwart her schemes of conquest. Fay Spain, Ettore Manni. 93 min. Hercules And The Captive Women (Letterboxed Version) VHSAlso available in a theatrical, widescreen format. Hercules vs. The Giant Warriors(1964) VHSHercules vs. The Sons Of The Sun(1964) VHSJust what is an Ancient Greek hero doing in South America, you ask? Well, we're not too sure how he got there, but once Hercules (Mark Forest) plants his sandals in the land of the Incas, he's ready to help overthrow a tyrannical king. Anna Maria Pace, Giuliano Gemma also star. 89 min. Hercules, Prisoner Of Evil(1964) VHSReg Park, the Italian master of sweaty sinews and superhuman strength, confronts a witch who has incredible, mystical powers which enable her to turn men into werewolves. Wa-eeeeww! Werewolves of Athens! Hercules Against The Barbarians(1964) VHSThe same cast of "Hercules Against the Mongols" gets together for another furious loincloth foray featuring Mark Forest as Hercules. Here he helps the Poles save their beloved Kracow from Mongols led by Genghis Khan's son, Kubali. Ken Clarke and Renato Rossini also star in this anachronistic thrill-a-thon. Hercules Against The Moon Men(1964) VHSIn grand Herculean fashion, our hero (Alan Steel) comes to the aid of the good Samarians and battles the interplanetary menace of the Moon Men (who look like giant, lumpy Gumbys) and the wizard trying to help them revive their queen. Oh, and did we mention the sandstorm scene? Hercules And The Black Pirate(1964) VHSAlan Steel is actually Captain Hercules in this rousing he-man marathon in which he fights the evil Black Pirate and Rodrigo, one of the Governor's ruthless advisors while trying to win the hand of the Governor's beautiful daughter. This is one pirate film with muscles! Hercules And The Masked Rider(1964) VHSSuave nobleman Don Juan returns home from a war to find that his beautiful cousin is about to wed a powerful, corrupt neighbor just to keep the local peace. In order to stop the marriage (and because he has the hots for his cousin as well), Don Juan dons a red mask and teams with a Gypsy woman and a strongman named Hercules. Pseudo-Herculean costume drama stars Alan Steel, Mimmo Palmara and Arturo Dominici. Hercules And The Princess Of Troy(1965) VHSMade in English as the pilot for a proposed Hercules TV series, this handsome adventure stars Gordon Scott as the heroic demigod, pitted against a giant sea serpent come to snack on its monthly sacrificial virgin. 50 min. Hercules And The Ten Avengers(1964) VHSHercules In The Haunted World(1964) VHSReg Park returns as Herc, who doesn't shirk from the task of returning with the cure for his dying beloved...even if it means a descent into the bowels of Hell! And demon lord Christopher Lee is determined to see that he never resurfaces! Mario Bava directs. 82 min. Maciste Against Hercules In The Vale Of Woe(1964) VHSAn outrageous Roman orgy of muscles and mirth abounds as two shifty 20th-century wrestling promoters mistakenly land their time machine 7,000 years in the past. After inventing the cha-cha and the wheel, the duo meets strongmen Hercules (Frank Gordon) and Maciste (Kirk Morris), Circe the sorceress, a talking pig, a minotaur, and Franco and Ciccio, a hit Italian comedy team. Messalina vs. The Son Of Hercules(1965) VHSThe Roman hordes have overrun ancient Britain, taking slaves for their perverse pleasures...and only Glaucus, son of the man-god Hercules, can halt their rampage. But can he deal with the wiles of the sensually evil Messalina? Richard Harrison, Lisa Gastoni star.

The Son Of Hercules In The Land Of Fire(1964) VHSUrsus, the son of Hercules, tries to save the world by battling five giants, surviving an earthquake, rescuing the king's princess and skipping out of prison. Ed Fury plays the strongman. The Three Stooges Meet Hercules(1962) VHSThose lovable knuckleheads, Moe, Larry and Curly Joe, journey back to ancient Greece, where they become prisoners on a galley ship, have a run-in with a pair of Cyclopean brothers and meet the famous strongman. Co-stars Vicki Trickett, Quinn Redeker. 89 min. The Tyrant Of Lydia Against The Son Of Hercules(1963) VHSHercules' bulging baby boy journeys to the valley of the Hermus river and tattoos the evil king of Lydia with his bare fists. Muscleman Gordon Scott and Massimo Serato star in this mythic Italian adventure. Triumph Of Hercules(1964) VHSThink the super-strong demigod (played by Dan Vadis) will have no trouble defeating wicked sorceress Moira Orfei and her crew of giant bronze warriors? Well, Zeus has stripped Hercules of his powers, and now it'll take a miracle for him to live up to the film's title! AKA: "Hercules and the Ten Avengers," "Hercules vs. the Giant Warriors." 90 min.

The Adventures Of Hercules (Four-Disc Set) [DVD] DVDIncludes "Hercules vs. the Hydra," "Hercules vs. the Moloch," "Hercules vs. the Sons of the Sun," "Lion of Thebes," "Medusa vs. the Son of Hercules," "The Trojan Horse" and "The Triumph of Hercules." Standard; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital.

Hercules VHSThrill to the exploits of the strongest man in all of Greece as the mi