Havas Intern Deck_Citi InTouch


Transcript of Havas Intern Deck_Citi InTouch

There is little awareness and usage of its online banking tools.

Creating a brand identity for Citi’s online banking toolkit.

Consumers can simplify their lives and have more time for what matters most by using Citi bank’s online toolkit.





Citi keeps you in touch with what matters most.

A surprise stunt that launches the new name for Citi’s online banking features and simultaneously demonstrates their convenience.

,Q�D�KLJK�WUDI¿F�RXWGRRU�DUHD��ZH�ZLOO�VHW�up a stand with a large “FREE MONEY” sign. When customers approach and DVN�IRU�IUHH�PRQH\��WHDP�PHPEHUV�ZLOO�then print out a $10 check and hand it to them. The check is time-stampeed and can only be cashed within 60 seconds of printing.

By giving away money we will not RQO\�DWWUDFW�D�ORW�RI�DWWHQWLRQ��EXW�LW�will show how InTouch makes your life better and easier. (Free money!)

what it is how it works how it sells

check stunt check stunt

A video of the Check Stunt. The video will be posted to Citi’s YouTube channel. It will show both people frantically trying to deposit their checks and people with InTouch depositing them on the spot.

The video allows us to digitally UHDFK�D�ODUJHU�DXGLHQFH��DQG�LQWURGXFH�WKH�EHQH¿WV�RI�,Q7RXFK�LQ�a visually engaging way.

what it is how it works how it sells

check stunt video

IPad stations inside Citibank locations. The iPads will have the option to play short tutorials (about 30 seconds) on KRZ�WR�XWLOL]H�DOO�RI�WKH�,Q7RXFK�WRROV��or use the features in-store.

The stations make it convenient for members to familiarize themselves with InTouch and increase the likelihood of them using it.

what it is how it works how it sells

demo pads demo pads

Personalized signoff message after members conduct transactions at Citi ATMs.

$IWHU�D�FXVWRPHU�PDNHV�D�WUDQVDFWLRQ��a message will appear that calls attention to the activity the customer completed and how they can use the online features to do the same thing.

This reaches out to current customers who may not be as digitally connected as other members and informs them of the features they’re missing out on.

what it is how it works how it sells

Next time, deposit your check using Citi InTouch, our online banking tool.


ATM reach-outs

Digital banners that drive people to the InTouch website and Check Stunt video.

The banners will be strategically placed on various sites (predominately RQ�<RX7XEH��WR�JDLQ�XVHUV¶�DWWHQWLRQ��and give them the option to click through to the video or website.

The banners will increase the popularity of the Check Stunt YLGHR��DV�ZHOO�DV�JDLQ�DWWHQWLRQ�IRU�the InTouch website.

what it is how it works how it sells

web banners web banners

Digital billboards that sync with smartphones to start interactive features.

Billboards will be placed in various VWUDWHJLF�ORFDWLRQV��SURPSWLQJ�consumers to sync their phone (this FDQ�EH�GRQH�ZLWK�1)&���2QFH�V\QFHG��the smartphone becomes a track pad and the billboard becomes an interactive way to explore InTouch and watch the Check Stunt video.

%\�SODFLQJ�WKHVH�RQ�WUDLQ�SODWIRUPV��LQ�PDOOV�DQG�KRWHO�OREELHV��ZH�ZLOO�be able to interact with an expanded demographic in an innovative way.

what it is how it works how it sells

sync billboards

A partnership with credible online bloggers to help promote Citi InTouch.

Selected bloggers will write sponsored posts (including the Check Stunt video) sharing their experience with Citi InTouch.


Using bloggers who already have high readership and credibility to LQLWLDWH�FRQYHUVDWLRQ��UHDGHUV�ZLOO�EH�more likely to trust the product and gain a positive view of Citi InTouch.

what it is how it works how it sells

blog promotions

A social interaction that links Citi FXVWRPHUV�ZLWK�SURPLQHQW�¿QDQFLDO�¿JXUHV�

We will invite users to share the Check Stunt video via Facebook status. All participants will be added to a queue where they can win a chance to Google Hangout with reputable ¿QDQFLDO�H[SHUWV�

Not only does this effort increase the video’s viewership and JHQHUDWH�EX]]��LW�SHUSHWXDWHV�WKH�idea that Citi wants their customers to have the advantage of being in touch all the time.

what it is how it works how it sells

citi hangouts

People will have access to smartphone chargers and can use the provided monitors to discover the EHQH¿WV�RI�&LWL�,Q7RXFK�

Free-standing digital stations. %\�SURYLGLQJ�D�EDVLF�VHUYLFH��OLNH�FKDUJLQJ�SKRQHV��ZH�DUH�FDVWLQJ�a positive image over Citi and reaching out to more people.

what it is how it works how it sells

charging stations

In-store window posters. Engaging messages will convey a tone that shows Citibank cares about your life.

This branding will be an integral part of alerting Citi members to the new online banking system.

what it is how it works how it sells

Putting what matters most within reach

in store

Citi keeps you in touch with what matters most.